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Integrated Basic Education Department

S.Y. 2023-2024

Subject: English
Grade Level: Grade 10 Quarter: Second

• The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other text types serve as vehicles of
Content Standard expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also, how to use strategies in critical reading,
listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous
• Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value- EN10WC-IIb13.2
Learning Competencies

• The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among
Performance Standard individuals or groups.
Specific Learning Outcome Explore Firm-up / Deepen Transfer

Claims of Fact, Value, and Policy
Specific Objectives A. PRELIMINARY A. DISCUSSION (20 mins.) A. VALUING: (6-7
ROUTINES (5 mins.) The teacher will discuss the types mins.)
1. Defining explicit and implicit of claims and the Explicitly and
statements, and claims of fact, Implicitly and their examples. “GROUP SHARING”
value, policy. B. MOTIVATION
2. Appreciating the importance of WHAT’S ON YOUR 1.1. Claims of Fact What is the importance of
MIND! (5 mins.) 1.2. Claims of Value truthfulness, good values
truthfulness, good values and
1.3. Claims of Policy and improving public
improving public policy in Try to interpret the statement.
1.4. Explicitly and policy in statement?
statement or claim; and implicitly
3. formulating claim of fact,
value and policy about current
issues. B. ACTIVITY 1:(7 mins.)
The teacher will present the B. ASSIGNMENT:
Value Integration: questions on the screen and the (3 mins.)
student will get a ¼ sheet of paper
and read the direction carefully. Compose three paragraphs
about the current issues.
a. Explain what they will do in Direction: Then write a
the picture Identify each statement below, corresponding claim of
Reference: taken from or inspired by the fact, value and Policy.
C. WARM-UP ACTIVITY previous discussion as a
https://fnhs.edu.ph/wp- CLAIM OF FACT, VALUE
content/uploads/2021/10/english10_q2 “FACTS OR BLUFF” (5 mins.)
Directions: OR POLICY.
cy_v2.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3godelAibi65 The teacher will present the
questions on the screen and the 1. National strength
5fWnfx- can only be built on
b6NNm1dq56Q4LxUFIsDFPCKULsh student will write the answer on ¼
sheet of paper if is fact or bluff. character.
ua22js7OZMk Claim of Value
(Spring board of the teacher for the
discussion proper.) 2. The Filipinos of the
pat became strong –
willed, earnest and
adventurous by
1. A cloud weighs like 100 necessity: they had to
elephants. (Fact) brave the seas, clear
2. The egg came first than the the forest and erect
chicken. (fact) towns and cities upon
3. Orange is always yellow or the wilderness in order
orange. (Bluff) to establish
4. Pangea was the name of the communities.
earths original(first) Claim of Policy
continent.(Bluff) 3. To ensure the
5. You are taller in the morning accomplishment of the
than in the evening. (Fact) task of national
reconstruction, we
shall formulate and
adopt a social code
that can be explained
in the schools,
preached from the
pulpits, and taught in
the streets and plazas,
and in the remotest
corners of our land.
Claim of Value
4. Teachers are in the
position to inculcate
this social code in the
youth because they are
in the most contact
with them during
their formative years at
Claim of Fact
5. LTFRB should be
given the public an
advance notice about
their fare hike.
Claim of Policy
6. Donald Trump is
Claim of Value
7. Hilary Clinton would
have made a better
president than Donald
Claim of Value
8. Instagram is own by
Claim of Fact
9. Bongbong Marcos is
the President of the
Claim of Fact
10. I made a sandwich.
Claim of Fact

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