NLL Adv Tnotes U04
NLL Adv Tnotes U04
NLL Adv Tnotes U04
Unit Objectives
Grammar: cohesion 1 (linkers); future forms with be
Vocabulary: health collocations; healthcare; the language of emotion
Scenario: justifying opinions; choosing and planning a publicity campaign
Study skills: analysing visual information
Writing skills: describing visual information
Multi-word verbs: pick up, get struck down 1 The pace of life has got much quicker because
by, bounce back Informal words: jamboree, of new technologies, social media and mobile
clutter, sexy Expressions: the life and soul of electronic devices. We are subjected to an
the party, grinning from ear to ear overwhelming amount of information and
Use of contractions: don’t, you’re, we’re have too much to do with not enough time.
Use of personal pronouns: we, you We’re also expected to deal with many
different things at the same time.
VOCABULARY: health collocations 2 Western countries have traditionally tended
to ignore stress and carry on without
6a Students do the activity as per Coursebook
addressing it (while eastern cultures have
individually and then check in pairs.
traditionally placed importance on dealing
• Finally, do class feedback, making sure students
with stress and promoting well-being.)
have understood the meaning of each phrase.
3 Some studies suggest that stress may
contribute to heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
1 heart surgery 2 maternity ward, tanning stroke and depression. Stress weakens your
salon 3 high salt intake, omega-3 oils immune system and may leave you more
4 infant mortality, maternity ward 5 immune susceptible to illness.
system 6 chest pain, heart attack, premature 4 simple physical activity, such as going for a
ageing 7 flu virus, high salt intake 8 blood walk, riding a bike, going for a swim
pressure, infant mortality, life expectancy 5 The key to managing stress within a
6bStudents scan the text for the words/phrases. If company is to measure the extent of stress
preparing for an exam, give them one minute to employees feel and analyse how this stress is
do this task to encourage faster reading. generated. This can be done through surveys
• Elicit from the class which words/phrases they and staff forums, by analysing absenteeism,
found in the text and where. Encourage them to staff turnover and carrying out exit
read out the whole line so they can see the context. interviews when employees leave the
company. Once the causes of stress have been
identified, action can be taken to address
immune system, flu virus, blood pressure,
these issues.
heart attack, life expectancy
If short of time, set Exercise 8, 9 or 12 for homework.
Possible lesson break: after Exercise 6a.
1 Elicit where the countries mentioned are located
(take in a map to refer to if needed) before
students discuss the questions in pairs. In a multi-
cultural class, mix nationalities up.
• During class feedback, elicit and discuss students’
ideas and encourage them to justify their opinions.
For classes preparing for IELTS, give students one
minute to prepare a two-minute talk on one of the
two questions. Remind their partner to time them
and tell them to stop after two minutes, then to ask
a follow-up question before swapping roles.