Class 12 English Lit

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Prospero is now satisfied with the progress of Miranda’s romance with Ferdinand. He says that in
due course they would get married. In honour of the engagement of the young lovers, he arranges
a masque for their entertainment. The masque is performed by spirits appearing in the guise of
various goddesses. Then Prospero deals with Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban; the conspirators
who had planned to kill Prospero. Ariel lures them towards Prospero’s cell. There certain spirits
appear in the shape of dogs and hounds and they chase away the three conspirators who are also
tormented with aches and pains and cramps.

Scene 1. Before Prospero’s cell

Enter Prospero, Ferdinand and Miranda


Prospero : I have too austerely punished you

----------------------------------------------------------------- What Ariel! My industrious
servant, Ariel! (Line 1 to 17 of your book)


After giving Ferdinand harsh labour as punishment to test his love for Miranda, Prospero is now
satisfied that their love for each other is true. He now wishes to compensate for the harsh punishment
by offering his daughter Miranda’s hand to Ferdinand in marriage.

Prospero : I have harshly punished you. Your reward now compensates all the punishment I
have given you. In this reward, I have given you a very important part of my life, or all
other things for which I live. Once again I offer her to you. All the hardships that you
have suffered were only meant to test your love for her, and you have succeeded well
in the test. Here, in the presence of God and heaven, I offer you my priceless gift. O
Ferdinand, do not misunderstand me saying that I only sing her praises. You will find
that she is above all praises, and that no praise is sufficient to describe her.

Ferdinand : I believe it even if an Oracle (The word of God) were to say that Miranda’s praises
are not true.

Prospero : Take my daughter as my gift to you as you have won her by your own hard labour
and merit. Sit down and speak to her. She is now your own. Why, here is Ariel, my
hard working servant, Ariel.


Enter Ariel
Ariel : What would my potent master? Here I am
------------------------------------------------------- No tongue; all eyes; be silent.
(Line 18 to 37of your book)


Prospero now gives Ariel instructions to perform a masque as a celebration for the marriage of
Ferdinand and Miranda. He wants to show them a specimen of his supernatural art. Then begins a
Masque in honour of the marriage of both the lovers. Various spirits appear as goddesses.

Ariel : What does my powerful master wish? Her I am.

Prospero : You and your other subordinate spirits did your last duty very well. I am now going
to give you another task. Go and bring your other spirits here, those over whom I have
given you complete control. Inspire then on to quick action because I want to show this
young couple (Miranda and Ferdinand) an illusion worked out by magic. I have
promised this to them and they are expecting it from me.

Ariel : May I go at once?

Prospero : Yes, go very fast.

Ariel : Before you can say ‘come’ and ‘go’ and even before you can breathe twice or say the
words, ‘so, so’ I will be faster than that and bring all the spirits Each spirit will be
dancing on their tip- toes with various facial expressions. You love me my master,
don’t you?

Prospero : I love you very much, my Ariel. Now bring enough spirits. They should not fall less.
Let them appear quickly. Be silent; all be attentive and be quiet. (Soft music plays)

3. TEXT:

Enter Iris

Iris : Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas of wheat

--------------------------------------------- and some donation freely to estate on the
bless’d lovers. (Line 38 to 64)


Here Iris is the messenger of Juno, the queen of the sky. Iris appears in the form of a rainbow so she
is called the messenger of Juno. In the following extracts, Iris praises Ceres, Mother Earth and the
goddess of agriculture and all fruits on the earth and delivers her the message that Juno has
summoned her as she wants to be entertained by her.

Iris : Ceres, most gracious goddess of agriculture who is responsible for the rich fields of
wheat, rye, barley and other grains, the grass covered mountains where the sheep feed,
flat meadows covered with food for the cattle, rich river banks covered with
marigolds(flowers), the queen of the sky Juno to whom I in this place to am a rainbow
and her messenger, commands you to leave everything and come to this grassy lawn
to play with her. Juno herself is coming here quickly carried by her peacocks. Come
Ceres and let us prepare to entertain Juno.

Ceres : I greet you, Multi coloured Iris, who never disobeys Juno, the wife of Jupiter (King of
Gods), you who with the wings of orange drop honey on my flowers in the form of
refreshing rain, and who covers my rich green fields and bare plains with both ends of
your rainbow, like a rich scarf covering a proud mother earth, why has your queen
called me to this lawn covered with grass?

Iris : You have been invited to celebrate a true pledge of true love and to freely bestow
some gifts on the happy lovers.

4. TEXT:

Ceres : Tell me , heavenly bow, If Venus or her son as thou dost know
----------------------------------- Great Juno comes, I know her by her gait. ( Line 65
to 83)


CERES : Tell me, heavenly bow (Iris) if you know whether Venus or her son Cupid is now
serving Juno, since they plotted against me by using those means by which Pluto, the
dark God of death got my daughter. (Pluto, with the help of Venus and Cupid abducted
Prosperpina, Ceres’ daughter, from the earth to his own kingdom.) Since then Ceres has
avoided the disgraceful company of Venus and her blind son Cupid.

Iris : Don’t be afraid of their company. I met Venus while she was sailing towards Paphos,
her birth place, with her son Cupid, in a chariot drawn by doves. They had tried to
perform some magic charm on Ferdinand and Miranda and had tried to cause them to
break their vow of having no physical union till marriage, but their charm did not work.
Venus, the darling of Mars, the god of war has gone back. Cupid, his irritable son has
broken his arrows and says he will shoot no more, but he will play with sparrows like
any other boy. (It is said that when Cupid shoots arrows at anyone, they fall in love)

Ceres : The most stately queen of heaven, Juno is coming. I recognise her by the manner of
her walk.

5. TEXT:

Enter Juno

Juno : How does my bounteous sister? Go with me to bless this twain

------------------------------------- Ceres blessing so is on you. (Line 84 to


Here Juno and Iris give their blessings to the couple Ferdinand and Miranda.

Juno : How is my generous sister? (Generous because Ceres, the goddess of earth provides
plenty) Come with me to bless this couple, so that they may be successful and fortunate
in having their children.

Juno : Honour, riches, a happy marriage, long life and much happiness and hours of joy be
ever upon you. Juno showers her blessings on you. (The couple)

Ceres : May you be blessed by the abundant crops of the earth, may your barns and stores be
never empty, may your vines have clusters of grapes and may plants bear the weight of
fruit. May spring come to you at the latest by the end of the harvest time, may scarcity
and want never come to you, may the blessings of Ceres be with you.

6. TEXT:

Ferdinand : This is a most majestic vision, and harmoniously charming

---------------------------------------- after which, to a strange hollow, and confused
noise, they heavenly vanish. (Line 99 to 122) including the italicised paragraph of
the reapers.


Ferdinand : This is the most splendid vision arranged by magic. May I be so bold as to ask if the
singers are spirits?

Prospero : They are spirits, which by my magic, I have called them from faraway places to give
shape to my fancies.

Ferdinand : Let me live here forever. My wonderful father- in- law has wonderful powers and
wisdom to make this place a paradise.

(Juno and Ceres whisper and send Iris on a task)

Prospero : Be silent now, Juno and Ceres are whispering to each other. There is something more
to be done. Be silent, or else the magic charm will be spoiled.

Iris : You nymphs, named Naiads of the flowing stream, with you garlands woven of reeds
and unfailing innocent looks, leave your rippling streams and respond to our calls and
come to this green land. Juno asks you all to be here. Come quiet nymphs, and help to
celebrate the marriage of true lovers. Do not be late. (Nymph is a minor spirit of water
and Naiads are spirits of the stream.)

Enter certain Nymphs

You sun burnt reapers, tired of August heat, come here from the ploughed fields and be
happy. Rejoice and put on your Rye- straw hats and join those young nymphs in a
country dance.

Enter certain reapers properly dressed; they join with the nymphs in a graceful
dance; towards the end of which, Prospero suddenly remembers something and
speaks. Then with a strange and confused noise, all the spirits depart and the
celebration comes to an end.


Answer the following short questions based on the above explanations in your own words:


1. Where is Prospero? Who all are present?

2. How has Prospero punished Ferdinand? Why was it severe, physically and psychologically?
3. How does Prospero compensate for the punishment borne by Ferdinand?
4. What is an Oracle? What is it that Ferdinand believes even against an oracle?
5. What was “Thine own acquisition, worthily purchased?” How was it purchased?


1. Why was Ariel summoned all of a sudden? Who are the rabble? What were the rabble asked to
2. What is the vanity of Prospero’s art? How is it presented?
3. Why does Ariel say that Prospero’s command will be carried out without any delay?
4. Why does Prospero call Ariel industrious?
5. What other task has Ariel successfully performed for Prospero earlier?


1. Who is Iris? Whom does she invoke (Call)?

2. How does Iris describe the fields, mountains and river banks?
3. Who is Juno? Who is her messenger? What does the messenger tell Ceres on behalf of Juno?
4. What does Ceres say about the messenger? What question does Ceres ask the messenger?
5. What does Iris do for Ceres, the mother Earth?
6. What reason does Iris give Ceres for being summoned?


1. Why is Ceres afraid of the company of Venus and her son? Who is her son?
2. What magic charm did Venus and her son plan against Ferdinand and Miranda? What was the
3. Who is Hymen? Why is he referred to in the extract? Who are Mars and Mars’ minion?
4. What is said about Cupid in the context?
5. How does Ceres Know that Juno is coming?


1. Where does this scene take place? Why are the spirits involved in this scene?
2. What does Juno say when giving her blessings to the couple?
3. What does Ceres sing about the bounty of nature?
4. Who arranged this majestic vision? Why was it arranged?
5. What is the meaning of “continuance” and “foison”?


1. Who are Naiads? Describe their physical appearance and other qualities.
2. What is meant by ‘A contract of true love’? Who has to enter into the contract?
3. What does Iris ask the nymphs and the reapers to do?
4. How can we say that the celebration was grand? Why were they celebrating?
5. What change comes upon Prospero at the end of the extract? What happens to the celebration?


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