Earning Money Pathway1

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FIRST edition
Mathematics General
(Pathway 1) Preliminary Course


ISBN 978 0 17 023894 6

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sue Thomson
judy Binns
series editor robert Yen

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Financial mathematics

Earning money
Earning a living is an important part of life. In this chapter we’re going to look at some of the
ways we can earn or receive money.
By the end of this chapter, you should know how to:
• calculate wages, salaries, overtime, bonuses and allowances
• calculate annual leave loading
• calculate earnings based on commission, piecework and royalties
• calculate government allowances and pensions
• prepare a budget for managing income and expenses
How are we ever going to use this?
• Checking that pay is correct
• Checking holiday loading
• Applying for Centrelink payments

Hugo earns $17.04 per hour for a 37-hour week in his job in a wholesale plant nursery. He is
paid time-and-a-half for the first 5 hours of overtime per week and double time after that. If he
is required to work any unscheduled overtime he receives a $10.68 meal allowance per shift. In
addition, he receives a $1.60 allowance per hour when he is required to work in wet areas.
In the week ending May 29 he worked 43 hours which included one unscheduled overtime shift
and 6 hours working in a wet area.

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Employee: Hugo Mendozia Pay Period: May, 29
Pay Cycle: Weekly

Normal Pay $630.48

Overtime $153.36
Allowances $20.28
Gross Pay $804.12

Hugo thinks his pay for the week ending 29 May is wrong. Is his gross pay correct?

1-01 Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries are different ways we can be paid for work we do for an employer.


A wage is an amount paid for each hour worked. Only people who work for a wage are
paid for overtime.
A salary is a fixed amount per year that does not depend upon the
number of hours worked. Teachers and other professionals
earn a salary.

Kristine – Child care worker
When I was at school I earned money by babysitting. It was
a job and it was fun. When I left school I decided to go into

childcare. There are lots of jobs in childcare because most mums
need to go to work. I did Certificate III in Childcare at TAFE and
now I have a job I love. The best part of my job is helping children learn.

Example 1

Kristine earns $18.23 per hour working in a long day care centre. She works a 38-hour

a How much does Kristine earn per fortnight?
b Calculate the amount Kristine earns per year.

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a Amount Kristine earns per week = 38 × $18.23
= $692.74
One fortnight = 2 weeks
Each fortnight Kristine earns 2 × $692.74 = $1385.48.
b There are 52 weeks in a year.
Each year Kristine earns 52 × $692.74 = $36 022.48

Example 2

Madeleine is a social worker. Her annual salary is $59 000. Calculate:

a her monthly pay.
b her fortnightly pay

a There are 12 months in a year.
Monthly pay = Annual salary ÷ 12
= $59 000 ÷ 12
= $4916.67
b There are 26 fortnights in a year.
Fortnightly pay = Annual salary ÷ 26
= $59 000 ÷ 26
= $2269.23


1 year = 12 months Watch out! A common error is using 1 year = 48

weeks rather than 52 because some students think
1 year = 52 weeks
1 month = 4 weeks so 1 year = 12 × 4 weeks,

1 year = 26 fortnights but 1 month is not exactly 4 weeks.

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A stipend
(pronounced Paul – A n A ustralian volunteer abroad
‘sty-pend’) is I completed a building apprenticeship when I left school
similar to a
but when I finished my trade I wasn’t ready to settle down. I

salary but it is
usually for a wanted to travel and see the world. I saw a show about volunteers
relatively small helping in developing countries and I decided to do my bit to help
amount. People
in religious
others. The aid agency paid my travel costs and provides my accommodation and the
orders and equipment I need. They also pay me a modest stipend. As a volunteer I’m making a
some volunteers difference in this community.
receive a

Exercise 1-01 Wages and salaries


1 1 Scott is a qualified ambulance paramedic. He is paid $35 per hour for a 38-hour week.
a How much does Scott earn per week?
b How much is Scott paid per fortnight?
c Calculate Scott’s annual pay.

2 2 Suzanne is a solicitor. Her salary is $82 500 p.a. p.a. = per annum = per year
a How much does Suzanne earn per month?
b Calculate Suzanne’s fortnightly pay.
c How much does Suzanne earn per week?
3 Lance is paid a salary for the work he completes in an office. Each week he earns
a Calculate Lance’s annual salary.
b Explain why Lance’s monthly pay is not $1300 × 4.
c Divide Lance’s annual salary by 12 to determine his monthly pay.
d Lance’s salary is based on 7 hours work per day, 5 days per week and 52 weeks per
year. Calculate the pay rate per hour that is the basis of Lance’s salary.
e Lance worked an additional 8 hours in the last week of June. How much extra pay
will he receive for the additional 8 hours work?
4 Xian earns $9.61 per hour at the Chinese take-away.
a Last week Xian worked 16 hours. How much did he earn?
b Today Xian earned $43.25. How long did he work?
5 Ulla receives a stipend of $22 860 from the university to assist her with her postgraduate

study and research.
How much does Ulla receive per fortnight from the stipend?

b The stipend isn’t enough to cover all of Ulla’s living expenses. She also works as a
waitress for 4 hours per night, two nights per week. She earns $18.20 per hour as a
waitress. Calculate Ulla’s total fortnightly income.

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6 The minimum wage for a beginning pest inspector is $595.70 for a 38-hour week. What
is the minimum pay per hour for a beginning pest inspector?
7 Carlos earns $300 per day as a relief teacher. The table shows the number of days he
worked during May.

Dates Number of days worked in May

30 April– 4 May 2

7 May–11 May 1

14 May–18 May 5

21 May– 25 May 3

28 May–1 June 2

How much did Carlos earn in May as a relief teacher?

8 Ashok is a casual office worker. He is paid $178 per day irrespective of the number of
hours he works. Usually he works about 12 days per month.
a How much did Ashok earn for working from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday?
b During February Ashok earned $1958. How many days did he work in February?
c The company where Ashok does casual office work offered him a permanent
38-hour-a-week job at $16 per hour. Do you think he should take the permanent
job? Why or why not?
9 Thomas is trying to decide which one of three jobs to take.

Conditions Pay

Job 1 38 hour week, 5 days per week, possibility of overtime $19/hour

Job 2 75 hours per fortnight, work 9 days per fortnight $1450 per fortnight

Job 3 Salary, based on a 35-hour week $38 800 pa

a Ignoring any overtime, which job pays the most per year?
b If you were Thomas, which job would you take? Why?


Award wages

Log onto the Fair Work website www.fairwork.gov.au then select the ‘A–Z Modern
Awards’ to complete this investigation.

• Research the annual minimum wage for three jobs that interest you. dummy text for
• Calculate the minimum weekly pay in each job.

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Wages by spreadsheet
Spreadsheets are common tools in the workplace. Use the link to open the following

<insert screen shot when available>

1 Jessica doesn’t work on Mondays or Tuesdays. Each day from Wednesday to Sunday
she works from 7 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and she has an unpaid, 30 minute lunch break.
Jessica’s wage is $11.60 per hour. Enter the information about Jessica’s job in the
spreadsheet and determine her total weekly pay.
2 a  One of the formulas used in the spreadsheet is =SUM(F10:F16). What is this
formula calculating?
b What spreadsheet formula in cell F18 could be used to determine the total
amount that Jessica is paid each week?
3 The following table shows the hours worked during the first week in February and
the corresponding pay rates for the employees in a small office.

Employee Pay rate per hour Number of hours worked Pay

Imran $12.51 20
Sofia $15.25 35
Cathy $10.70 35
Mike $11.30 40
Anita $11.30 32
Total wages bill

a The hours each employee works per week and their hourly rate of pay could
change. Construct a spreadsheet that will allow you to calculate each employee’s
wage and the total office wage bill when the number of hours worked and the
rates of pay could change.

b During the second week in February each employee received a $2 per hour wage
increase; Imran worked 32 hours and the other employees worked for the same
number of hours as in the previous week. Use the spreadsheet you constructed to

determine the total wages bill for the second week in February.

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1-02 Working overtime
Alyssa – A n aged care worker
I helped my mum look after my grandfather who has
dementia when I couldn’t get a job after I left school. When

we took Pa for a one week holiday in a respite centre the
centre manager told me that I had the right attitude and I could
consider working in the care service industry. I didn’t need any special training
because the employer provided on the job training and, with Australia’s ageing
population there’s lots of jobs to choose between if I want to change jobs. The best
thing about my job is the variety. I deal with different clients and do different things
every day.

Example 3

Alyssa’s normal rate of pay is $16.81 per hour. She is paid time-and-a-half on Saturdays
and double time on Sundays.
a How much does Alyssa earn per hour on Saturdays?
b Calculate the amount Alyssa will earn for working 4 hours on a Sunday.

a When she works on a Saturday Alyssa is paid 1 12 times her normal rate.
Pay per hour at time-and-a-half = 1 12 × $16.81
= $25.22
b When Alyssa works on Sunday she earns 2 × $16.81, or $33.62 per hour.
Pay for 4 hours on Sunday = 4 × $33.62
= $134.48.


Time-and-a-half is 1 12 times normal pay
Double time is 2 times normal pay

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Example 4

Hasid earns $18 per hour.

a How much will he earn for working a 35-hour week?
b When Hasid works for more than 7 hours per day he is paid overtime. For the first
3 hours he works overtime he is paid time-and-a-half. Any additional overtime
hours are paid at double time. How much will Hasid earn for working 12 hours in
one day?

a Pay for a 35-hour week = 35 × $18
= $630
b When Hasid works more than 7 hours in one day his time is broken into 7 hours
normal + 3 hours at time-and-a-half + the remaining hours at double time.
Hasid worked 12 hours = 7 hours normal + 3 hours at time-and-a-half + 2 hours at
double time.
Hasid’s pay = 7 × $18 + 3 × 1 12 × $18 + 2 × 2 × $18
= $279

Exercise 1-02 Working overtime


3 1 Complete the missing values in the table.

Pay per hour at Pay per hour at

Normal pay per hour time-and-a-half double time

$17.20 a b

$14.36 c d

$24.60 e f

$31.25 g h

2 Jane’s normal pay is $16.40 per hour. How much will she earn when she works 5 hours at
3 Mike’s normal pay is $15.30. How much will he earn when he works for 4 hours on a
Sunday at double-time?
How much will Sally earn when she works 3 hours at time-and-a-half and 4 hours at
double time? Her normal pay is $21.80 per hour.


4 5 Tuan is a plumber’s assistant. He works a 35-hour week at $22.80 per hour. His overtime
is paid at time-and-a-half for the first 5 hours overtime in a week and double time for any
hours after that. This week Tuan worked 42 hours.

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a How many hours did Tuan work at double time?
b Calculate Tuan’s pay for the week.
6 Mercia has a holiday job supervising children in a resort. She earns $19 per hour Monday
to Friday, time-and-a-half on Saturday and double time on Sunday.
a The table shows the times Mercia worked during one week in January. What are the
missing values in the table?

Day Hours worked Pay rate per hour Pay

Weekdays 21 i iv

Saturday 4 ii v

Sunday 6 iii vi

b Calculate Mercia’s pay for the week.

7 a 
Darryl earned $72 when he worked for three hours at double time. What is Darryl’s
normal pay per hour?
b How much will Darryl earn when he works for 3 hours at time-and-a-half?
8 Elise earned $120 when she worked on Sunday for 4 hours at double-time. How much
does Elise earn for a normal 7-hour day?
9 Callum works for the council. He looks after the grass in parks and at sporting venues.
Callum doesn’t work any over time Monday to Friday. All hours he works on Saturday
are paid at time-and-a-half and Sunday work is at double-time. Complete the missing
sections of Callum’s time and pay sheet.

Time and pay calculation sheet

Callum Normal pay per hour $16.90

Day Start Finish Unpaid breaks Pay

Monday 7 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 30 minutes a

Tuesday b 5:30 p.m. 1 hour $152.10

Wednesday – –

Thursday 8 a.m. 4 p.m. c $118.30

Friday 6:30 a.m. d 1 hour $135.20

Saturday 7 a.m. 11 a.m. Nil e

Sunday 8 a.m. f Nil $101.40

1-03 Bonuses and allowances UNCORRECTED

Some jobs include allowances for doing unpleasant work, for working under difficult

conditions, or to cover expenses such as uniform and travel.
Some jobs pay bonuses (extra pay) for doing good work, meeting targets or deadlines.

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Mark – Cook in the A ustralian N avy
I joined the navy because 1 didn’t want a 9 to 5 job and I
wanted to travel. I get good pay and conditions as well as job
security. I’m a fully qualified cook and the navy provided all my
training and arranged my TAFE qualifications. I’ve got good mates
in the navy and I’ve been around the World. I was surprised at the variety of jobs in

the navy; jobs I’d never considered like being a waiter or a Chaplin. The navy even has
permanent jobs for musicians in the navy bands!

Example 5

Mark’s basic salary in the navy is $43 434 and he receives an annual $12 128 service
allowance as well as an annual $419 uniform maintenance allowance. When he’s at sea he
receives an additional $11 758 annually.
a Calculate Mark’s weekly pay when he is working on land.
b How much does Mark earn per fortnight when he’s at sea?

a Mark’s annual salary on land = basic salary + service allowance + uniform allowance
= $43 434 + $12 128 + $419
= $55 981
Mark’s weekly pay on land = $55 981 ÷ 52
= $1076.56
b Mark’s annual pay at sea = basic salary + service allowance + uniform allowance +
sea allowance
= $43 434 + $12 128 + $419 + $11 758
= $67 739
Mark’s pay per fortnight at sea = $67 739 ÷ 26
= $2605.35

Example 6

Sonia is paid $15.48 per hour for her work as a security guard. Each week she receives an
additional $61.05 for her guard dog and $6.75 for her torch. She receives $14.15 per shift

as a travel allowance.
Sonia works a 4-hour shift, six nights per week. How much is she paid per week?

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Sonia’s wages = 4 × 6 × $15.48
= $371.52
Sonia’s travel allowance = 6 × $14.15
= $84.90
Sonia’s total weekly pay = wages + allowances + dog + torch
= $371.52 + $84.90 + $61.05 + $6.75
= $524.22

Exercise 1-03 Bonuses and allowances

1 Sophie’s base salary as an air force trainee is $37 485 p.a. In addition she receives the 5
Australian Defence Force annual allowance of $12 128 and an annual $419 uniform
allowance. She also receives $9531 p.a. when she is deployed overseas.
a Calculate Sophie’s weekly pay when she is working in Australia.
b Determine Sophie’s fortnightly pay when she is deployed overseas.
2 Zoran works for a pest control company. He is paid $14.93 per hour and he receives an 6
extra $2.81 per day for handling poisons. Zoran works for 8 hours per day, 5 days per
week. Calculate his weekly pay.
3 Ryan earns $721 per week as a mobile mechanic. In addition he receives $29 per week for
work-related mobile phone calls and $0.60 per kilometre for work-related kilometres he
drives in his truck. Calculate Ryan’s pay for a week in which he drove 420 km in his truck
for work.
4 Kate is the manager of a fast food shop. She is paid $28 per hour for a 35-hour week
plus a $8.30 per week laundry allowance. In addition she receives a $30 bonus for every
accident-free week at the shop and another $95 bonus if the shop sells $100 000 or more
worth of hamburgers.
Last week the shop was accident-free and the total hamburger sales were $110 000. How
much was Kate paid last week?
5 Zack drives a furniture removal truck. He is paid $15.12 per hour Monday to Friday,
time-and-a-quarter on Saturday and double time on Sunday. In addition he receives a flat
fee of $2.59 per day for handling heavy furniture. Calculate Zack’s pay for a week when
he delivered furniture for 33 hours Monday to Friday, 6 hours on Saturday and 3 hours

on Sunday.
6 Raina has a job driving disabled children to school. She is paid $16.20 per hour plus
$3.65 per day for assisting children. In addition she receives 65 cents for every work-

related kilometre she drives in her car. Calculate Raina’s pay for a week when she worked
4 hours each day from Monday to Friday and she used her car for 360 work-related

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7 Sam is a casual junior baker at the hot bread shop. A casual junior baker earns $8.32 per
hour. From midnight Friday to midnight Saturday all bakers receive their normal pay
plus 50%. From midnight on Saturday to midnight on Sunday casual bakers receive 98%
more than their normal pay per hour.
a The table shows the times Sam worked last week. Complete the missing values in the

Number Pay
Unpaid of hours per
Shift Starting time Finishing time breaks worked hour Pay
1 Thursday 10 p.m. Friday 6:30 a.m. 30 minutes i v ix
2 Friday mid-night Saturday 8 a.m. 1 hour ii vi x
3 Saturday 8 p.m. Saturday midnight 0 iii vii xi
4 Sunday 6:30 p.m. Sunday midnight 30 minutes iv viii xii

dummy text for

Calculate Sam’s total pay.


My future career
Earning an income can occupy a lot of your time, so it’s important to find a job that you are
going to enjoy. In this investigation you are going to complete some online questionnaires
to help you determine the type of occupation that suits your skills and interests.
1 Use the link to open the ‘My future’ website: www.myfuture.edu.au
2 The first time you enter the ‘My Guide’ section you will need to log on as a new
user. Remember your password. You’ll need to use your password each time you
log on.
3 In the ‘identifying section’ of the website there are some online questionnaires.
Complete a questionnaire and then explore the careers that the website suggests
might interest you in the ‘career fields’ or ‘occupations’ section of the website. You
may be unfamiliar with some of the careers to which you may be suited. Take the
time to learn about these careers. It could be the best hour you ever spend!

1-04 Annual leave loading

Annual leave loading or holiday loading is an extra payment to employees
given at the start of their holidays. It is usually calculated as 17 12 % of 4 weeks’ pay.

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Briana – V et nurse
There are lots of different things for vet nurses to do
in a busy surgery. Most days I take care of hospitalised

animals and I help the vets during consultations and surgery.
Sometimes I do lab tests and sterilise equipment, but my favorite
activity is running puppy preschool classes.

Example 7

Briana earns $750 per week as a vet nurse. When she takes her 4 weeks annual holiday
she receives an extra 17 12 % of 4 weeks pay as a holiday loading in addition to her normal
4 weeks pay.
a Calculate Briana’s holiday loading.
b Determine the total value of Briana’s holiday pay before she has to pay tax.

a Briana’s pay for 1 week = $750
0.175 ×
Briana’s pay for 4 weeks = $750 × 4
$3000 is
= $3000 another way to
calculate 17 21 %
Briana’s holiday loading = 17 12 % of $3000 of $3000.
17 12
= × $3000
= $525
Briana’s holiday loading is $525.
b Briana’s holiday pay before tax = $3000 + $525
= $3525

Exercise 1-04 Annual leave loading

1 Calculate 17 12 % of each amount.
a $350 b $1264 c $3325 d $6895

2 The Edmondson Park Motel pays its employees a 17 % holiday loading on their 4 weeks
2 7
annual leave.

a Vicki, the chef, earns $695 per week. Calculate her holiday loading.
b James earns $565 per week as a barman at the hotel. How much will James be paid
for his 4-week annual holiday?

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3 Angus earns $743 per week and for his holidays he receives a loading of 17 12 % of 4 weeks
pay. Calculate the total value of his 4-week holiday pay.
4 As a result of a wage claim based on an increase in the cost of living, all workers were
granted a 4.2% increase in their pay.
a Liam works as a data processing manager on a salary of $58 200 p.a. Calculate his
new salary.
b How much will Liam be paid for 4 weeks work after the wage rise?
c Calculate Liam’s new holiday loading.
5 Phillipa‘s annual salary is $72 320. She receives a loading of 17 12 % of 4 weeks pay with
her holiday pay. Calculate the total value of Phillipa’s holiday pay.
6 Linda earns $890 per week. She receives 6 weeks holidays at the end of each year but her
holiday loading is only 17 12 % of 4 weeks pay. Calculate Linda’s holiday pay.
7 Jon’s wage increased from $620 to $700 per week. By how much will his 4-week holiday
pay, including 17 12 % loading, increase?
8 P.L. Insurance had a very successful year. In addition to the normal 17 12 % holiday
loading, they decided to pay their employees a ‘thank-you’ bonus based on the number of
years of service. They paid this bonus at the same time as the holiday loading.

Thank-you bonus as a
Completed years of service percentage of annual salary
1–5 0.4%
6–8 0.65%
Over 8 0.9%

Katrina is paid $2152 per fortnight and she has worked for the company for 7 years.
a How much is Katrina’s ‘thank-you’ bonus?
b Calculate the total amount Katrina was paid , before tax, for her 4 weeks holiday,
including the bonus.
9 Katherine earns $640 per week. At the end of the year she receives 5 weeks of holidays
with a 17 12 % loading on 4 weeks. How much more does Katherine get paid for taking
5 weeks of holidays than for working 5 weeks?
dummy text for
10 To complete this activity you will need to use the link to open the active ‘Holiday pay’
Sally earns $11.25 per hour for a 35-hour week. If the holiday leave loading increases
from 17 12 % to 22 12 % of 4 weeks pay, by how much will Sally’s 4 week holiday pay
What spreadsheet formula could be used to determine the value of the following

Normal pay for 1 week.

Normal pay for 4 weeks.
iii Leave loading for 4 weeks.

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1-05 Commission, piecework and royalties
Not all workers are paid according to the number of hours they work.


Workers who sell items are often paid by commission, which is a percentage of the
value of the items they’ve sold.
Piecework is a type of work where a worker is paid per item produced or processed.
A royalty is a payment to an author, singer or artist for each copy
of their work sold. Usually a royalty is a percentage of the total
sales amount.

Sarina – S ydney ar tist
It’s great to be able to work doing something you love, but it
hasn’t always been easy. In the beginning, as an unknown artist,

I had to work nights as a waitress because my art didn’t pay very
much. If I sold the same painting now as I did 10 years ago I’d get
a lot more money for it. My current work involves commissions where people ask me
to paint something specific. My agent negotiates a fixed price for commissions. I also
earn royalties when my artwork is used
on commercial items like placemats, ‘Commission’ has several quite different
drink coasters, plates, cups, serviettes, meanings. To an artist a ‘commission’ is
an order for an original piece of artwork.
calendars and T-shirts.
When we earn a commission we receive
Use the link to view some of Sarina’s a percentage of the value of the items that
work: www.sarina.net we sell.

Example 8

Sarina receives a 5% royalty on the wholesale price of serviettes featuring her art.
Packets of serviettes wholesale for $3.20 each and sell for $5.80. Calculate Sarina’s
royalty for the sale of 8000 packets of serviettes.

The wholesale value of the serviettes = 8000 × $3.20

Sarina’s royalty = 5% of $25 600
= $25 600
When we’re calculating a
percentage of an amount, for

= 0.05 × $25 600
example 5% of $200, we can either
= $1280 do 100
× 200 or 0.05 × 200.

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Example 9

Jordan is a used car salesman. He is paid a $170 monthly retainer plus 5% commission
on his monthly sales over $50 000. Calculate his pay for a month when his sales totalled
$80 000.

Sales over $50 000 = $80 000 – $50 000
= $30 000
Commission = 5% of $30 000
= × $30 000
= $1500
Total earnings = retainer + commission Retainer: An amount of money a
salesperson is paid that does not
= $170 + $1500 depend on his sales.
= $1670

Example 10

Judy earns commission for selling cosmetics, at the following rates:

Commission on Judy’s monthly sales

First $1000 of sales 5%
On the next $2000 4% These different rates
Remainder of sales 3.5% are sometimes called a
‘sliding scale’.

In June Judy’s sales totalled $5200. Calculate her June commission.

Judy’s sales are $1000 + $2000 + $2200 = $5200
Commission on the first $1000 = 0.05 × $1000
= $50
Commission on the next $2000 = 0.04 × $2000
= $80

Commission on the remaining $2200 = 0.035 × $2200
= $77

Judy’s total commission = $50 + $80 + $77
= $207

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Example 11

Jan enjoys craftwork and she decided to make some embroidered hand towels to sell at a
charity street stall. To embroider the towels she bought:
• 10 plain hand towels at $8.25 each
• 8 metres of embroidery ribbon at 95 cents per metre
• 2 skeins of embroidery thread at $1.95
It took her 2 12 hours to make the towels and she values her time at $15 per hour.
How much should Jan charge for her towels?

Cost of the materials = 10 × towels + 8 × ribbon + 2 × thread
Remember to change
10 × $8.25 + 8 × $0.95 + 2 × $1.95 the 95 cents into
= $94 $0.95.

The value of Jan’s labour = 2.5 × $15

= $37.50
Total cost = materials + labour
= $94 + $37.50
= $131.50
Price of each towel = total cost ÷ number of towels
= $131.50 ÷ 10
= $13.15
A sensible price for Jan to charge for her towels should be a round number to avoid the
need to give a lot of change.
Jan should charge $13.50 or $14 per towel.

Exercise 1-05 Commission, piecework and royalties

1 Calculate each percentage amount.
a 9% of $25 000 b 5% of $800
c 2% of $300 000 d 2 12 % of $500 000
e 3 43 % of $175 200 f 0.95% of $60 000
2 Marco earns 7% commission on all his sales. Find his commission on a sale of $1675.
Sarina receives a 3% royalty on the wholesale price of calendars featuring her art. How
much royalty will she receive for 15 500 calendars with a wholesale price of $9.90?

4 Andrew is a door-to-door salesperson who is paid a retainer of $120 per week to cover 9
his expenses, plus a commission of 15% of all sales he makes. Andrew’s sales for the first
week in April totalled $2896. Calculate his pay for the first week in April.

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5 In her job as a real estate agent Pauline is paid a retainer of $600 per month plus a
commission of 2% of her sales over $800 000. How much did Pauline earn for a month
when her sales totalled $1 300 000?

10 6 Tanika sells cosmetics. She earns commission at the following rates.

Commission on Tanika’s monthly sales

First $500 of sales 5%
On the next $1000 4%
Remainder of sales 3.5%

Calculate Tanika’s commission for each of the following monthly sales.

a $360 b $1400 c $4200
7 Emily earns monthly commissions when she sells perfumes. The table shows her
commission rates.

Monthly sales Commission

$800 5% of sales
$801 to $1200 $40 plus 4.5% of sales over $800
$1201 and over $58 plus 4% of sales over $1200

Calculate Emily’s commission in a month when her total sales were valued at:
a $ 360 b $998 c $5100.
8 Trevor told Monique she required 6 m of tiles for the kitchen walls, 48 m2 of slate for

the lounge room floor and 7 m2 of slate for the stairs. How much will Trevor charge
Monique to lay the tiles and slate?

Trevor’s Tiling Service

Bathrooms, K itchens

All Quality Work

* Tiles $32 per m2
* Slate $36 per m2
* 25% extra for stairs


11 9 Kelly makes crystal pendants which she sells at the markets. To make 20 pendants it
costs her:

$48 for the crystals
$55 for the chains

• $10 for the clasps
Kelly values her time at $18 per hour and it takes her 3 hours to make 20 pendants.
What price should Kelly charge for each pendant?

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10 Holly enjoys cooking the scones she sells at the local Devonshire Tea shop. She buys her
ingredients in bulk and it costs her $12 to make 5 dozen scones in 2 hours. She values
her labour at $16 per hour. How much should Holly charge the Devonshire Tea shop for
10 dozen scones?
11 Basam is selling his house for $420 000. The real estate agent’s commission is 2% on the
first $200 000 and 1 12 % on the balance of the sale price. How much will Basam receive
from the sale of his house?
12 Dagma writes books with a recommended retail price of $56 each. Her royalties are 8
based on the recommended retail price of the books. Each year she receives 10% royalty
on the first 4000 copies and 12 12 % royalty on the remaining sales of books she has
written. Calculate the royalty Dagma will receive when:
a 3650 copies of books she has written are sold in one year.
b 7000 copies of books she has written are sold in one year.
13 Milan puts letters in envelopes and attaches postage stamps for a marketing company.
He is paid 24 cents per letter. Milan can process 70 letters per hour.
a How much does Milan earn per hour?
b How much will he earn for processing 260 letters?
c How many letters does Milan need to process in order to earn over $100?
14 Renuta is a self-employed antique furniture auctioneer. On every item she sells she
charges 15% commission on the first $2000 of the sale price and 12 12 % of the amount
over $2000. How much will Renuta charge for selling an antique dining room suite for
$22 600?
15 Melissa receives a copyright payment to compensate her when people photocopy pages
of books she has written. The payment rates are shown in the table.

Type of copies Payment rate

Page of text $7.86
Artistic work $30.96
Overhead transparency $87.89

The copyright statement showed that 7258 pages of text, 60 artistic works and 12
overhead transparencies were copied. Melissa receives 30% of the copyright payment.
The remainder goes to the books’ publisher. Calculate the amount Melissa and her
publisher will receive from the copyright payment.
16 The table shows the rates of royalty Sarina receives when her art is used on plates. The
wholesale price of the plates is $3.40.

Number of plates sold Royalty rate
First 2000 4% of the wholesale price
From 2001 to 10 000 $272 plus 3% of the wholesale price for the number of plates sold in

excess of 2000
10 001 or more $1088 plus 2.5% of the whole price for the number of plates sold in
excess of 10 000

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Calculate Sarina’s royalty for the sale of the following numbers of plates.
If you or
someone you a 1500 b 8600 c 25 000
know is caring
for someone,
there’s help
1-06 Government allowances
Visit the and pensions
Respite and
Carelink Centre Profile
website to Ben – S tudent
access help
for carers, or I have to look after my mum because there’s just the two
call 1800 of us and she’s got bi-polar 1 disorder. When she takes her

052-222. They
will provide
medication she’s OK but I still need to do the shopping, cook
information our food and do all our housework. It’s really hard when I’ve got
about support assignments and assessments, especially if Mum’s unwell. I can’t get a job because I have
and assistance
no spare time. Centrelink gives me a carer’s pension and a carer’s allowance. Mum
in your local
area. receives sickness benefits and rent assistance.

Example 12

Income and assets tests are applied to pensions. Joan is a single, aged pensioner who
owns her own home. She is allowed to have assets up to $186 750 and retain a full
pension of $695.30 per fortnight. For every $1000 over $186 750 that Joan has in assets
her fortnightly pension reduces by $1.50. At present Joan’s assets are valued at $145 000
and she is about to inherit $70 000. What affect will inheriting $70 000 have on her

Joan’s assets after her inheritance = $145 000 + $70 000
= $215 000.
The value of Joan’s assets over $186 750 = $215 000 – $186 750
= $28 250
The number of thousands of dollars over $186 750 = $28 250 ÷ $1000
= 28.25
Amount Joan’s pension will decrease per fortnight = 28.25 × $1.50
= $42.38

Inheriting $70 000 will decrease Joan’s pension by $42.38 per fortnight.

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Exercise 1-06 Government allowances and pensions
1 Cameron receives $194 per fortnight in Youth Allowance. He pays his mother $36 per
week for board and his fortnightly public transport costs to travel to TAFE are $40.
How much of his Youth Allowance is left each fortnight after Cameron pays his board
and transport expenses?
2 The maximum fortnightly Age pension, payable to eligible people over the age of 65 is
$695.30 for singles and $524.10 per person for couples. How much less does a couple
receive per fortnight than two single people sharing accommodation?
3 Senior Health Care Card holders and people who receive pensions are entitled to a
government telephone payment. Every 3 months they receive $25.10 towards the cost of
having a telephone. Calculate the annual value of the telephone payment.
4 Jim receives a disability pension and he lives in a government housing, rent subsidised
unit. Jim has to pay 15% of his pension in rent. His pension is $540 per fortnight. How
much rent does Jim pay per year?
5 Gail receives a disability pension because she is too sick to work. Her fortnightly pension
is $562.10.
a Calculate Gail’s annual pension.
b Gail’s pension includes $5.80 per fortnight for medications and she receives her
prescription medicines for $3 per script. Gail has a lot of prescription medications
but after she has paid for 58 prescriptions per year all further prescriptions are
provided free. How much more than her fortnightly medication allowance does Gail
have to pay for her medications each year?
6 The Government pays people who have babies a baby bonus. The baby bonus is paid in
13 installments. The first installment is $879.77 and then there are 12 installments of
a What is the total value of the baby bonus?
To be eligible for the baby bonus the family’s total income for the six months following
the child’s birth must be less than $75 000. Kate and Jon are expecting a baby. Jon earns
$1500 per week and Kate’s weekly wage is $1600.
b How many weeks does Kate have to work to earn an amount equivalent to the baby
c How much will Jon earn in the six months following the birth of the baby?
d Kate plans to return to work after the baby is born. What is the maximum number
of weeks she can work before the baby is 6 months old and still qualify for the baby
7 The Maximum Age pension payment for a single person is $562.10 but for every dollar 12
the person earns over $138 per fortnight the pension reduces by 40 cents. Agnes is a

single Age pensioner and she earns $250 per fortnight. Calculate the value of Agnes’
fortnightly Age pension.

SAMPLE CHAPTER dummy text for


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Financial support through Centrelink

The Australian Government provides financial support
If you need advice or
and assistance to Australian citizens through social financial assistance contact
security. The staff at Centrelink are trained to assist Centrelink on 131 021
Australians when they are in need. to make an appointment.
Centrelink services are
In this activity you are going to find out about your provided free.
social security entitlements.
1 Go to the Centrelink website: www.humanservices.gov.au
2 Click on ‘Individuals’, then select the appropriate option to research the answers to
the following questions.
3 a What is the maximum fortnightly Youth allowance Centrelink will pay a person
who is under 18 years of age and living at home?
b What are ‘approved activities’?
c Do you have to be involved in approved activities to receive a Youth allowance?
d What other assistance can someone receiving a Youth allowance receive?
e Is there an income or an asset test for Youth allowance?
4 a If you are single with no dependent children what is the maximum amount of
rent assistance you can receive from Centrelink per week?
b If you are single and share a residence but have no dependent children, can you
get rent assistance if your fortnightly rent is $190? If so, how much?
5 a Who can receive an ABSTUDY payment?
b Jake is an 18-year-old student who is going to live away from home to study at
university. He is qualified to receive an ABSTUDY payment. How much will
his fortnightly ABSTUDY payment be?
c Can Jake get any money from Centrelink in advance of his ABSTUDY
payments? Explain your answer.
6 Melinda lives with her grandmother. When she woke up this morning she
discovered that her grandmother had died in her sleep. Use the Centrelink website
to find out what Melinda should do first.

1-07 Budgeting

Have you ever wondered what happens to your money? It’s a good idea to have a plan so
that you don’t waste it. A budget lists what you expect to be your income and expenses and
can help you to manage your money.

Income covers all the money you might earn.
There are different types of expenses.

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• Fixed expenses are costs that are essential and must be paid. Some are the same
amount each time, such as rent. Others aren’t always the same, such as food.
• Discretionary expenses are amounts that you often spend but which aren’t essential,
such as entertainment or magazines.
In a budget you need to balance your income and expenses so that you have enough money
for everything you require and have some left over to put towards special items, such as a car
or holiday.

Example 13

Jan works part-time while studying. She receives an allowance from her parents of
$100 per week and she earns $120 from her job. She pays $80 per week in rent and spends
$30 per week on food. She averages $10 per week for her mobile phone and $20 per week
on clothes. She divides the remainder equally between entertainment and savings.
a Draw up a budget for Jan for a week.
b Jan’s rent is increased by $25 per week. How would she need to adjust her budget
for this?

a Income Expenses
Allowance $100.00 Rent $80.00
Earnings $120.00 Food $30.00
Mobile phone $10.00
Clothes $20.00
Total fixed expenses $140.00
Entertainment $40.00
Savings $40.00
Total income $220.00 Total expenses $220.00

Total of fixed expenses = $140

Remainder = 220 – 140
= 80
Divided equally between entertainment and savings = 80 ÷ 2
= 40
b Jan’s fixed expenses will now total $140 + $25 = $165. This means she only has $55

to divide between entertainment and savings. She could still divide this amount
equally between the two or she could decide to spend less on entertainment so that
she can continue to save $40 per week. This would depend on what she is saving for

and how soon she needs the money. If she divides the amount equally she will have
$27.50 for each.

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Exercise 1-07 Budgeting
1 Francine owns a car and has the following expenses each year: registration $349,
greenslip insurance $795, comprehensive insurance $1110 and maintenance bills of $790.
She spends $53 per week on petrol.
a How much does Francine spend on her car each year?
b How much should Francine set aside in her weekly budget to cover her car expenses?

13 2 Michael works in an office during the week and behind the bar at the local club on
weekends. He earns $620 per week from the office job and $215 from his shifts at the
club. He pays $180 per week in rent and spends an average of $60 per week on food.
His smartphone costs him $20 per week and travel expenses are $60 per week. The
remainder of his income has to be divided between entertainment, clothes and savings.
a Draw up a budget for Michael for one week.
b Michael is considering buying a car. He would no longer have travel expenses but he
would need to allow $100 per week to pay off a loan and $75 for expenses. Draw up a
new budget for Michael.
3 Chris is an apprentice mechanic. His take-home pay is $790 per fortnight. This table
shows his fortnightly expenses.

Item Amount
Board $120
Mobile phone $21
Clothes $65
Car $112
Entertainment $72
Other expenses $88
Total $590

a How much does Chris save each fortnight?

b Calculate his net annual income.
c How much is Chris able to save each year?
4 This table shows Shania’s monthly budget.

Income Expenses
Part-time job $290 Clothes $140
Baby sitting $130 School needs $32
Entertainment $50

Mobile phone $55
Fares $23

a Calculate Shania’s monthly income and expenses.
b Calculate the amount Shania is able to save each year.

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c Shania would like to increase her savings so she can go on an end-of-year holiday.
Suggest three ways she could do this.
5 Andrew has taken a casual job in order to save up for a new car. His budget for a week is
shown below.

Income Expenses
Wages $750 Rent $225
Casual wages Travel $56
Food $117
Clothes $55
Entertainment $75
Bills $157
Total $908 Total $908

a Calculate how much Andrew earns at his casual job.

b Calculate how much Andrew can save each week.
c If the car Andrew wants to buy costs $25 000, how long would it take Andrew to save
this money?
d Suggest ways Andrew could save more per week in order to buy his car sooner.
Make up a new budget for Andrew.


My budget
In this investigation you are going to prepare two budgets – one for a typical school
leaver and one for yourself based on your own choice of job when you leave school.
Part A: Typical school leaver
• You have finished school.
• After school you enrolled in a TAFE course for a year.
• You are now working and earn $24 960 p.a.
• So far you have no partner and no children. You need to move out of home.
• Your new home will be 4ckm from where you work (fast 50-minute walk).
Use the link to download the Tax tables, Budget Guidelines and the
Lifestyle Costs provided for this activity.

2 Copy and complete this budget form based on the information, or use the link to
print out the form.

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Weekly income $
Gross weekly income = yearly wage ÷ 52 weeks
Deduct tax (weekly) from table (tax-free threshold no leave loading)
Net weekly income

Regular weekly expenses $

Housing Mortgage, Rent, or Share
Transport Car, running costs, rego, CTP etc OR
train or bike or walking
Personal Spending Clothing
Hair / grooming / etc.
Food Groceries, include pets
Utilities Phone connection + landline calls, and/or mobile
Total regular expenses

Discretionary weekly expenses $

Insurance House OR House & contents
Insurance Car – Comprehensive
Insurance Health
Entertainment Pay TV, books, magazines, music, movies,
Recreation Sport, holidays
Miscellaneous Internet, Laptop
Total discretionary expenses

Net weekly income

Total weekly expenses (regular + discretionary)

Part B: Yourself in your preferred occupation

Use the above again to create a budget based on the occupation you chose in this chapter
(or choose a career now).
• The aim of a good budget is not simply to maximise savings.
• It is more to do with providing cost amounts that reflect the sort of lifestyle you want
and ensuring these are within the income you have at your disposal.

• Your budget costing needs to cover the costs of the essentials of living (for example,
regular expenses such as food, shelter).
• In addition, under discretionary expenses, weekly amounts should be provided which

will allow you to afford the extra non-essential activities you wish to pursue, whether
it is entertainment, holidays, fashion, a more expensive car, etc.

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• You need also to consider carefully within your budget, the pros and cons of taking
out insurances of various sorts and explain the decisions you make.
• Assume you are in the job you have chosen. You have left home and have bought or
are renting your accommodation. You have no partner and no children. Your new
home will be 4 km from where you work (fast 50 minute walk). dummy text for
1 Write down your preferred occupation and determine the gross wage for that
occupation as follows:
• Go to www.myfuture.edu.au
• click on the facts → occupations, then find your occupation
• select earnings, then View text version of earnings
• write the Weekly Income into your budget
2 Find the tax to be deducted from gross pay, using ATO weekly tax tables. These
can be downloaded from http://www.ato.gov.au/businesses/content.asp?doc=/
content/00241468.htm. Use the column for tax-free threshold with no leave
3 Income and Weekly Expenses (regular) must have an amount in the last column.
4 Weekly Expenses (discretionary) can be left blank as a means of saving money, but
you must explain and justify your decision.
5 For this exercise, you are not to make up your own figures; you must use the prices
listed in the Budget Guidelines and Lifestyle Costs.
6 Some of the prices/costs are per week, others are per fortnight, per month, or per
year. All amounts will need to be converted to a weekly cost.
For every cost category (both regular and discretionary), you will need to show:
• a short explanation of what choice you have made and why,
• the calculations/working you have done to arrive at the amount you have used.

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Language activity

Word match
Match each word in the first column to its correct meaning in the second column.

Word Meaning
1 Allowance A Yearly
2 Annual leave loading B Pay based on the number of hours worked
3 Bonus C Pay based on the number of items made or processed
4 Double time D 1.5 times the normal rate of pay
5 Income E A payment to authors, artists or others who create items
6 Overtime F Extra amount paid for holidays, usually 17.5% of 4 weeks’ pay
7 Per annum (pa) G Extra pay for doing good work
8 Piecework H A fixed amount paid per year
9 Royalty I Twice the normal rate of pay
10 Salary J Additional payment for work under difficult conditions or for
doing unpleasant tasks
11 Time-and-a-half K Money that is received or gained, usually regularly
12 Wage L Working more hours per day or week than normally

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Solution to

Chapter problem
Hugo earns $17.04 per hour for a 37-hour week in his job in a wholesale plant
nursery. He is paid time-and-a-half for the first 5 hours of overtime per week and
double time after that. If he is required to work any unscheduled overtime he
receives a $10.68 meal allowance per shift. In addition he receives a $1.60 allowance
per hour when he is required to work in wet areas.
Last week he worked 43 hours, which included one unscheduled overtime shift and
6 hours working in a wet area.

Employee: Hugo Mendozia Pay Period: May, 29
Pay Cycle: Weekly

Normal Pay $630.48

Overtime $153.36
Allowances $20.28
Gross Pay $804.12

Hugo thinks his pay for the week ending 29 May is wrong. Is Hugo’s gross pay

In the week ending 29 May Hugo worked 37 hours normal time and 5 hours
overtime at time-and-a-half.

Normal pay 37 × $17.04 $630.48

Overtime 5 × $25.56 $127.80
Wet area allowance 6 × $1.60 $9.60
Meal allowance $10.68
Total allowances $9.60 + $10.68 $20.28

The calculations for Hugo’s normal pay and allowances are correct but the overtime

calculation is wrong. Hugo has been overpaid by $25.56.

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