Puppet Show Final

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Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Content The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show
has a clear and has a clear has a somewhat lacks a clear
well-developed storyline with clear storyline but storyline and
storyline with a some creativity lacks creativity creativity, making
creative and and engagement. and engagement it difficult to
engaging plot follow.
Puppet The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers
Manipulation demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate have difficulty
excellent control good control of some control of controlling their
of their puppets, their puppets, their puppets, but puppets, resulting
with smooth and with mostly movements are in awkward and
realistic smooth often jerky or unconvincing
movements. movements. inconsistent. movements
Voice and The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers
Dialogue speak clearly and speak clearly and speak somewhat have difficulty
use appropriate use different clearly, but voices speaking clearly
voices for their voices for their are inconsistent and using
characters, characters, but or inappropriate appropriate
enhancing the some lines may be for the characters voices, impacting
overall unclear or lack the audience's
performance. emotion understanding
and engagement.
Stage Presence The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers The puppeteers
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate appear nervous or
confidence, some confidence, limited disengaged, often
maintain eye maintain eye confidence, breaking
contact, and contact but may struggle to character and
interact occasionally break maintain eye lacking interaction
effectively with character or lack contact, and have with the puppets
their puppets and interaction with minimal or audience.
the audience. the puppets or interaction with
audience the puppets or
Overall The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show The puppet show
Performance is a well-polished, is a solid is somewhat is poorly executed
cohesive, and performance with disorganized and and lacks
engaging clear effort and lacks overall cohesiveness,
performance that teamwork, but impact, with creativity, and
showcases may have some noticeable flaws teamwork.
creativity and minor flaws. in teamwork and
teamwork. execution


1.How can we, as aspiring writers and communicators, use our knowledge of literary elements and
effective communication to create a compelling presentation that addresses a real-world issue and
influences positive change within our community?

2.How can we, as both artists and puppeteers, combine the artistic aspects of prosodic features, express
precise English articulation to elevate our puppet show into a mesmerizing and artistic presentation that
deeply connects with our audience?"

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