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Base-free Ni-catalyzed Suzuki-type cross-coupling

Published on 26 November 2019. Downloaded by University of Reading on 12/3/2019 9:29:32 AM.

reactions of epoxides with boronic acids†

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c9cc08079a
Xiao-Yu Lu, *ab Lu-Yu Yan,a Jin-Song Li,a Jia-Mei Li,a Hai-pin Zhou,a
Received 15th October 2019, Run-Chuang Jiang,a Chuang-Chuang Liu,a Ran Lua and Rong Hua
Accepted 24th November 2019

DOI: 10.1039/c9cc08079a

A Ni-catalyzed Suzuki-type cross-coupling of boronic acids with

epoxides without an exogenous base and with broad substrate
scope has been developed. The product selectivity of styrenyl
epoxides is different from that of previous work. This methodology
uses readily available starting materials to access a range of sub-
stituted alcohols, which are valuable feedstock chemicals.

Transition metal-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings of

organoboron compounds with organic electrophiles are among
the most vital C–C bond-forming reactions in organic and
medicinal synthesis. These transformations generally require
the addition of a stoichiometric amount of exogenous base.1 This
requirement restricts the functional-group compatibility of the
reaction.2 Epoxides are crucial electrophiles in organic synthesis
because they are readily available and highly useful for ring-
opening reactions with various carbon-based nucleophiles.3 The
alcohol products obtained from the ring-opening reactions of
epoxides are valuable feedstock chemicals that play vital roles in
synthetic and medicinal chemistry. Over the past few decades, Scheme 1 Suzuki-type cross-coupling reactions of epoxides.
various ring-opening reactions of epoxides with carbon-based
nucleophiles, such as strongly nucleophilic organolithium
reagents and Grignard reagents, have been investigated.4,5 Organo- strong base LiOtBu also proved to be incompatible with many
boron compounds are usually readily available and have a broad polar functional groups.
functional-group tolerance.6 In this context, Doyle reported nickel- Recently, nickel-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions have
catalyzed cross-coupling of styrenyl epoxides with arylboronic acids attracted great attention because of the low cost of nickel
and obtained rearrangement products (Scheme 1a).7 Unfortunately, catalysts, and their excellent functional-group tolerance.9
the use of the strong base K3PO4 was incompatible with many To date, nickel-catalyzed Suzuki-type cross-coupling reactions
functional groups in this reaction. Recently, Fu realized the of ubiquitous alkyl epoxides has not been reported. In this
Cu-catalyzed cross-coupling of epoxides with organoboron com- communication, we report an example of a Ni-catalyzed Suzuki-
pounds (Scheme 1b).8 The 1,2-disubstituted epoxides and alkenyl- type cross-coupling of boronic acids with epoxides (Scheme 1c).
boron are incompatible substrates. Unfortunately, using the In addition to monosubstituted and 1,1-disubstituted epoxides,
1,2-disubstituted epoxides also gave products with good reaction
School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, ChuZhou University, yields. Alkenyl boronic acids also undergo coupling to generate
Chu Zhou, 239000, China. E-mail: [email protected] homoallylic alcohols. The selectivity of aromatic epoxides is
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, AnHui University,
different from Doyle’s and Fu’s work. The selectivity of the ring-
He Fei, 230601, China
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 1967481. For ESI
opening reaction is excellent. This reaction does not use an
and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/ exogenous base and has better substrate compatibility. This
c9cc08079a methodology utilizes readily available and inexpensive epoxides,

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Chem. Commun.

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Table 1 Optimization of the reaction conditions Table 2 Scope of the base-free Suzuki-type reaction of epoxides

Entrya Catalyst Ligand Base Solvent Yield% (d.r.)

1 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy LiOtBu DMAc Trace
2 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy K3PO4 DMAc 2
3 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy K2CO3 DMAc 19(7.5 : 1)
Published on 26 November 2019. Downloaded by University of Reading on 12/3/2019 9:29:32 AM.

4 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy LiOMe DMAc 6(8 : 1)

5 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy K2CO3 THF 16(7 : 1)
6 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy — DMAc 30(8 : 1)
7 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy — HOtBu 47(9 : 1)
8 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy — PrOH 65(8.5 : 1)
9 NiBr2diglyme dtbpy — EtOH 89(9 : 1)
10 NiI2 dtbpy — EtOH 29(8 : 1)
11 NiCl2(PPh3)2 dtbpy — EtOH 20(7 : 1)
12 NiBr2diglyme Phen — EtOH 25(8 : 1)
13b — dtbpy — EtOH 0
1a (0.5 mmol), 2a (0.25 mmol), base (1.5 equiv.) in 0.8 mL solvent at
70 1C for 20 h. b No catalyst. The yield was determined by GC using Benzo-
phenone as internal standard. The d.r. ratio was determined by GC.

and boronic acids to access a diverse array of synthetically

valuable alcohols, which are valuable feedstock chemicals in
synthetic and medicinal chemistry.
We began our study by selecting phenylboronic acid (1a) and
cyclohexene oxide (2a) as the model reaction substrates
(Table 1). On the basis of recent studies on the cross-coupling
reaction of epoxides with organoboron compounds, we first
examined analogous catalytic conditions with an exogenous
base for the ring-opening coupling. Unfortunately, only a trace
amount of the coupling product was observed (entry 1). Next,
we tested other bases, such as K3PO4, K2CO3, LiOMe, NaOAc, (3b, 3e), fluoride (3d), ester (3j), amide (3v, 3w), and ketal (3u).
and Et3N, to see whether they could accelerate the reaction. Even more reactive groups, such as aldehyde (3l), ketone (3h, 3i,
However, the reaction yield was still very low (see ESI†). We 3o), were compatible in the reaction. These functional group is
then used other solvents instead of N,N-dimethylacetamide incompatible with Fu’s method. Acyclic epoxides including mono-
(entry 5). However, the yields of the desired product remained substituted, 1,1-disubstituted and 1,2-disubstituted epoxides also
very poor. Unexpectedly, under the same reaction conditions, gave products with good reaction yields. Some functional groups,
we removed the exogenous base and obtained a moderate such as cyano (3n), ketone (3o, 3p), trifluoromethoxy (3q), are
reaction yield (entry 6 vs. entry 1). In the absence of an readily tolerated. Other cyclic epoxides (3t, 3u, 3v, 3w) can also
exogenous base, we found that alcoholic solvents gave better participate in the coupling reaction. Benzofuran (3m) group can
reaction yields. Finally, we obtained the optimal reaction con- also be present in the reaction. The position of the substituent on
ditions after screening a series of alcoholic solvents (entry 9). the boronic acid does not affect the reaction. The configuration of
Using other nickel catalysts, such as NiI2 and NiCl2(PPh3)2, the major isomer of 3g was determined by X-ray diffraction.
significantly reduced the reaction yield (entry 10 and 11) Transition metal-catalyzed Suzuki-type cross-coupling of
compared to that of entry 9. Switching the ligand to 1,10- alkenyl boron with alkyl epoxides has not been realized. The
phenanthroline also decreased the reaction yield (entries 12). reaction can also be extended to alkenyl boronic acids. Alkenyl
A control experiment indicated that the reaction completely boronic acids underwent the reaction with a diverse array of
shut down without the addition of a catalyst (entry 13). The use substituted epoxides in high yields (Table 3). Therefore, the
of phenylboronic acid ester instead of phenylboronic acid reaction can provide access to a diverse array of substituted
generated only a trace amount of the desired product (see ESI†). homoallylic alcohols, which are valuable structural motifs in
With optimized conditions in hand, we next evaluated the organic chemistry.
scope of the Suzuki-type cross-coupling of epoxides (Table 2). In the case of styrenyl epoxides, Doyle’s work obtained
Many of the substituted boronic acids coupled with epoxides in rearrangement products,7 and Fu’s work obtained a linear
moderate to good yields. Both electron-rich and electron-poor product.8 However, this work obtains the branched-chain products
boronic acids afforded the desired products. Importantly, many (Table 4). Moreover, the selectivity of this reaction is excellent;
functional groups are readily tolerated, including trifluoromethyl many of the substituted boronic acids coupled with styrenyl

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Table 3 Scope of alkenyl boron acid

Scheme 2 Example of vinyl epoxide.

Published on 26 November 2019. Downloaded by University of Reading on 12/3/2019 9:29:32 AM.

Scheme 3 A gram-scale reaction and derivatization of product.

Table 4 Scope of styrenyl epoxides

Scheme 4 Example of chiral epoxide.

product in 85% yield (Scheme 3). Product 5a was efficiently

transformed into 4-phenylisochromane through an Oxa-Pictet–
Spengler reaction.
The monoalkyl-substituted chiral epoxide reacted smoothly
at the less-substituted carbon center under the standard reac-
tion conditions and obtained the desired products with almost
no loss of enantiomeric excess (Scheme 4).
The mechanism of the reaction was investigated through
several experiments. First, we observed the product in 61%
yield when using iodohydrin instead of the epoxide and in the
absence of sodium iodide. Using an epoxide starting material
and in the absence of NaI, no production was observed.
These results indicated that the epoxy group goes through a
b-iodohydrin intermediate process.11 Then, we performed the
reaction with an epoxide carrying a pendant homoallyl group.
epoxides in good yields. Many functional groups are readily In this case, only the ring-closure isomer was isolated
tolerated, including fluoride (5c), ketone (5d), cyano (5e), amide (Scheme 5, eqn (1)).12 Furthermore, the (R)-styrene oxide was
(5f), and chloride (5h). Alkenyl boronic acids underwent the used to study the stereochemistry, which led to a racemic
reaction with styrenyl epoxides to give products in high yields. product in 75% isolated yield (Scheme 5, eqn (2)). The above
Even base-sensitive hydroxyl functional groups (5j) was compatible observations are consistent with a radical-type mechanism for
in the reaction. Therefore, this work complements the selectivity of the epoxides.13
the Suzuki-type reaction of styrenyl epoxides. The 1,1-disubstituted In summary, we report an example of a Ni-catalyzed Suzuki-
styrenyl epoxides, such as 2-methyl-2-phenyloxirane, cannot type cross-coupling of boronic acids with epoxides without an
participate in this reaction. exogenous base. A variety of substituted epoxides are suitable
Vinyl epoxide is a special type of epoxide, which is characterized
by the conjugated reactivity of the epoxide and carbon–carbon
double bond. Because of its unique structural features, vinyl epoxide
can carry out SN2 and SN20 -type ring-opening/coupling reactions.10
We performed a reaction using alkenyl boronic acid with vinyl
epoxide, which generated both the SN2 and SN2 0 -type products
(Scheme 2). Therefore, this methodology can provide access to
some special substituted homoallylic alcohols.
To demonstrate the scalability of the base-free Ni-catalyzed
Suzuki-type cross-coupling of boronic acids with epoxides, we
performed the reaction on a gram scale, which afforded the Scheme 5 Support experiments for the mechanism.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Chem. Commun.

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