SP 52.13330.2016 (Updated SNiP 23-05-95) - Natural and Artificial Lighting

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10/15/21, 6:32 PM SNiP 23-05-95 * Updated edition of SP 52.13330.

2016 Natural and artificial lighting / 23 05 95 * 52 13330 2016


SET OF RULES SP 52.13330.2016


Updated edition of
SNiP 23-05-95 *


About the set of rules

1 CONTRACTORS - Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences"
(NIISF RAASN) and Limited Liability Company "CERERA-EXPERT" (LLC "CERERA-EXPERT")
2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"
3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of
the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia)
4 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation No. 777 / pr dated November 7, 2016 and put into effect
on May 8, 2017.
5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and
artificial lighting"
6 REDISSION. December 2018
In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notification will be published in the prescribed manner. The relevant
information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the
1 area of ​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General
5 Natural light
6 Combined lighting
7 Artificial lighting
7.1 General
7.2 Lighting of premises of industrial and warehouse buildings
7.3 Lighting of premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings
7.4 Lighting of sites of enterprises and places of production of work outside buildings
7.5 Lighting of residential areas
7.6 Emergency lighting
7.7 Emergency lighting for road tunnels
7.8 Security and emergency lighting
Appendix A
Determination of the category of visual work when the distance from the objects of
discrimination to the eyes of the worker is more than 0.5 m
Appendix B
Determination of the category of visual work for extended objects of discrimination
Appendix B
Determination of the recognition distance of evacuation safety signs
Appendix D
Reflection and light transmission coefficients of building glass and reflection coefficients of
facade and interior finishing materials
Appendix D
Operational groups of luminaires
Appendix E
Groups of administrative districts by light climate resources
Appendix G
Brightness zones of the tunnel in daylight mode
Appendix I
Recommended light sources for industrial premises
Appendix K
Recommended light sources for general illumination of public buildings and common areas of
residential buildings
Appendix L
Standard indicators of lighting of the main premises of public, residential and auxiliary
buildings, premises and structures of general industrial facilities
Appendix M
Determination of indicators of the relative power density of the installation of utilitarian outdoor
Appendix H
Determination of directions of limiting the luminous intensity of signs in a road tunnel
Appendix P
An example of the location of signal lights in a road tunnel

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(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
This set of rules contains requirements that correspond to the objectives of the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the
Safety of Buildings and Structures" and are subject to mandatory observance, taking into account part 1 of Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002
No. 184 -FZ "On Technical Regulation", Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement and on Amending
Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation."
The set of rules establishes the norms for natural, artificial and combined lighting of buildings and structures, as well as the norms for artificial lighting of
residential areas, sites of enterprises and places of work outside buildings.
The update was carried out by a team of authors: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of
Architecture and Building Sciences" (Candidate of Engineering Sciences IA Shmarov , Candidate of Engineering Sciences VA Zemtsov , engineer V. V. Zemtsov ,
engineer L.V. Brazhnikova , candidate of technical sciences E.V. Korkina ); LLC "CERERA-EXPERT" (engineer EA Litvinskaya ) with the participation of LLC "All-
Russian Scientific Research, Design and Engineering Institute named after S.I. Vavilov "(engineer A. Sh . Chernyak , Candidate of Technical Sciences A. A.
Korobko); Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Doctor of Medical Sciences T.E. Bobkova ); Federal State
Autonomous Institution "Scientific Center of Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Candidate of Biological Sciences LM Teksheva ); United
Nations Development Program (engineer AS Shevchenko ), CJSC Svetlana-Optoelectronica (Candidate of Engineering Sciences AA Bogdanov ) JSC NIPI
Amendment No. 1 to SP 52.13330.2016 was developed by the team of authors: Federal State Institution "Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian
Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences" (NIISF RAASN) (Candidate of Engineering Sciences IA Shmarov , Candidate of Engineering Sciences VA
Zemtsov , LV Brazhnikova ), Roselectromontazh Association ( VN Korotkov ), VNIPIneft JSC ( AA Polyakova ), CERERA-EXPERT LLC ( EA Litvinskaya ) ...
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )


Daylighting and artificial lighting

Introduction date 2017-05-08

1 area of ​use
1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of buildings and structures for various purposes, places of work outside buildings, sites of industrial and agricultural
enterprises, railway tracks of sites of enterprises, outdoor lighting of cities, towns and rural settlements, road tunnels.
1.2 This set of rules also applies to the design of local lighting devices supplied complete with machines, machines and industrial furniture.
1.3 This set of rules does not apply to the lighting of underground workings, sea and river ports, airfields, railway stations and their tracks, sports facilities,
premises for storing agricultural products, placing plants, animals, birds, as well as the design of special technological and security lighting for the use of technical
means of protection.
2 Normative references
This set of rules uses normative references to the following documents:
GOST 12.4.026-2015 Occupational safety standards system. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and application rules. General technical
requirements and characteristics. Test methods
GOST 21.607-2014 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for outdoor electric lighting
GOST 21.608-2014 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for internal electric lighting
GOST 111-2014 Colorless sheet glass. Technical conditions
GOST 5406-84 Enamels NTs-25. Technical conditions
GOST 9754-76 Enamels ML-12. Technical conditions
GOST 10982-75 EP-148 white enamel for refrigerators and other household appliances. Technical conditions
GOST 14254-2015 (IEC 60529: 2013) Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
GOST 23166-99 Window blocks. General specifications
GOST 24940-2016 Buildings and structures. Illumination measurement methods
GOST 26824-2018 Buildings and structures. Brightness measurement methods
GOST 27900-88 (IEC 598-2-22) Luminaires for emergency lighting. Technical requirements
GOST 30826-2014 Multilayer glass. Technical conditions
GOST 31364-2014 Glass with low-emission soft coating. Technical conditions
GOST 32997-2014 Sheet glass, colored in the mass. General specifications
GOST 33017-2014 Glass with sunscreen or decorative hard coating. Technical conditions
GOST 33086-2014 Glass with sunscreen or decorative soft coating. Technical conditions
GOST 33392-2015 Buildings and structures. Method for determining the indicator of discomfort in artificial lighting of premises
GOST 33393-2015 Buildings and structures. Methods for measuring the coefficient of pulsation of illumination
GOST EN 410-2014 Glass and glass products. Methods for determining optical characteristics. Determination of light and solar characteristics
GOST IEC 60598-2-22-2012 Luminaires. Part 2-22. Private requirements. Luminaires for emergency lighting
GOST R 54350-2015 Lighting devices. Lighting requirements and test methods
GOST R 54815-2011 / IEC / PAS 62612: 2009 LED lamps with built-in control device for general lighting for voltages above 50 V. Operational requirements
GOST R 55708-2013 Outdoor utilitarian lighting. Methods for calculating standardized parameters
GOST R 56926-2016 Window and balcony structures for various functional purposes for residential buildings. General specifications
GOST R 57795-2017 Buildings and structures. Methods for calculating the duration of insolation
GOST R IEC 60598-1-2011 Luminaires. Part 1. General requirements and test methods
SP 89.13330.2016 SNiP II-35-76 Boiler plants
SP 98.13330.2012 SNiP 2.05.09-90 Tram and trolleybus lines
SP 131.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-01-99 * Construction climatology" (with amendment No. 2)
SP 363.1325800.2017 Translucent coatings and lamps of buildings and structures. Design rules
SP 367.1325800.2017 Residential and public buildings. Rules for the design of natural and combined lighting
SP 419.1325800.2018 Industrial buildings. Rules for the design of natural and combined lighting
SP 426.1325800.2018 Translucent facade structures of buildings and structures. Design rules
SP 439.1325800.2018 Buildings and structures. Emergency lighting design rules
SanPiN 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings and territories
SanPiN 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings
SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors at workplaces
N o t e- When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference documents in the public information system - on the official website of the federal executive body in the field
of standardization on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly
information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the referenced document to which the undated link is given is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of this document be
used, taking into account all changes made to this version. If the referenced document to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this document
with the above year of approval (acceptance). If, after the approval of this set of rules, a change is made to the referenced document to which the dated reference is given, affecting the provision to
which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without the comfort of this change. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in
which the link to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this link. It is advisable to check the information on the validity of the sets of rules in the Federal Information
Fund of Standards.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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3 Terms and definitions
In this Code of Practice, the following terms are used with appropriate definitions:
3.1 emergency lighting : Lighting provided in the event of a failure of the power supply to the working lighting.
3.2 road tunnel : Part of the road for the passage of motor vehicles, which has an overlap over the carriageway, which impedes the natural illumination of the
road surface and thereby impairs the visibility of the road situation for the driver.
Notes (edit)
1 The concept of a tunnel also extends to sun screens adjacent to the portals of the tunnel.
2 A gallery does not fall under the concept of a tunnel, which is defined as a part of a road, the overlap of which has one or both light-permeable walls along its entire length.
3.3 accent lighting : light Isolation of individual parts on the less-lit background.
3.4 anti-panic lighting : A type of evacuation lighting to prevent panic and safely approach escape routes.
3.5 lateral natural lighting : Natural lighting of a room through skylights in the outer walls.
3.6 upper natural lighting : Natural lighting of the room through lanterns, skylights in the walls in places where the height of the building changes.
3.7 inner tunnel zone : A section of the tunnel adjacent to the transition zone and ending at the beginning of the exit zone, and in its absence - at the exit portal.
3.8 tunnel exit zone : A section of the tunnel with a length equal to the safe braking distance, adjacent to the inner zone and ending at the exit portal.
3.9 exit portal of a tunnel : Part of the building structure of a tunnel framing the exit from the tunnel.
3.10 tunnel entrance zone : A section of a tunnel that includes the threshold and transition zones.
3.11 tunnel entrance portal : Part of the building structure of a tunnel framing the entrance to the tunnel.
N o t e - In the presence of a sunscreen, the entrance portal corresponds to the beginning of the carriageway blocked by such a sunscreen.
3.12 geometric coefficient of natural illumination ε ,%: The ratio of natural illumination created at a given point of a given plane inside the room by light that
passed through an unfilled skylight and emanating directly from a uniformly bright sky to the simultaneously measured value of external horizontal illumination
under a completely open sky, while the participation of direct sunlight in the creation of this or that illumination is excluded.
3.13 double-sided lateral natural lighting : Natural illumination of a room due to light openings located in different planes of two walls.
3.14 standby lighting : Lighting used outside of working hours.
3.15 tunnel length , m: The distance between the entrance and exit portals, measured along the center line of the carriageway.
3.16 long tunnel : A tunnel that either has a length of more than 125 m, or when approaching which the driver, who is at a safe braking distance in front of the
entrance portal, sees less than 20% of the area of ​the exit portal frame or does not see it at all.
3.17 road (in the city) : An automobile road that is a constituent element of the urban road and street network or connects the city with the objects functionally
connected with it, but, unlike streets, is laid through areas free from buildings.
3.18 additional artificial lighting : Artificial lighting in a combined lighting system that is used during the working day in areas with insufficient natural light.
3.19 natural lighting : Illumination of premises with sky light (direct or reflected), penetrating through light openings in external enclosing structures, as well as
through light guides.
3.20 flood lighting : General (uniform or uneven) illumination of the entire facade of a building or structure or its essential part with lighting devices.
3.20a clerestory : Lantern upper natural light with the ratio of the smallest side (or diameter) of the input base and for fiber optic adjustment shaft (fiber
optic channel) lamp (distance from the inlet to the outlet base) h :a /h ≥ 0 , 25.
pattern pattern pattern
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
3.21 safety sign : A sign that gives information about safety measures (prohibitions, prescriptions or authorization of certain actions) using a combination of
color, shape and graphic symbols or text.
3.22 externally illuminated safety sign: A safety sign illuminated from the outside.
3.23 interior illuminated safety sign: A safety sign illuminated from the inside.
N O T E A n internally illuminated safety sign is a light indicator.
3.24 color rendering index : A measure of the correspondence of the visual perception of a colored object illuminated by the test and standard light sources under
the same observation conditions.
3.25 traffic intensity, units per hour : The number of vehicles per unit of time passing through the cross-section of the roadbed during rush hours in both
3.26 combined artificial lighting : Artificial lighting in which local lighting is added to the general artificial lighting.
3.27 combined natural lightingcombination of top and side natural lighting,
3.28 natural illumination factor (KEO) e ,%: Ratio of natural illumination created at the calculated point of a given plane inside the room by the light of the sky
(direct or after reflections) to the simultaneously measured value of the external horizontal illumination created by the light of the completely open sky; in this case,
the participation of direct sunlight in the creation of this or that illumination is excluded.
3.29 contrast of the object of discrimination with the background K , relative units : It is determined by the ratio of the absolute value of the difference
between the brightness of the object and the background to the brightness of the background. The contrast of the object of discrimination with the background is
- large - at K more than 0.5 (the object and background differ sharply in brightness);
- medium - at K from 0.2 to 0.5 (the object and background differ noticeably in brightness);
- small - at K less than 0.2 (the object and background differ little in brightness).
3.30 short tunnel : A tunnel that has a length of no more than 125 m and when approaching which a driver, who is at a safe braking distance in front of the
entrance portal, can see at least 20% of the area of ​the exit portal frame.
3.31 coefficient of uneven brightness of the sky q ( γ ) : Coefficient that takes into account the uneven distribution of brightness over the sky and is determined
by the formula
q(γ)=L (γ)/L = 0.429 (1 + 4 (exp (-0.7 / sin γ ))), (3.1)
n n.av
where γ is the angle of elevation of the sun above the horizon, 0 ° ≤ γ <90 °;
L (γ) - brightness of the sky area;
L - the average brightness of the sky;
q (0 °) = 0.429 - on the horizon.
3.32 coefficient of ripple of illumination K %: Criterion for assessing the relative depth of fluctuations in illumination in a lighting installation as a result of
the change in time of the luminous flux of light sources when they are supplied with alternating current, expressed by the formula


where E and E are the maximum and minimum values ​of illumination, respectively, for the period of its fluctuation, lux;
max min
E - average illumination value for the same period, lx.
N o t e - The coefficient of pulsation of illumination takes into account the pulsation of the luminous flux up to 300 Hz. The pulsation of illumination above 300 Hz does not affect the general and
visual performance.
Compliance with the norms of the coefficient of pulsation of illumination allows you to prevent the negative influence of flicker, stroboscopic effect and reduce visual and general fatigue of a
3.33 coefficient of light climate C , relative units : Coefficient that takes into account the peculiarities of the light climate of the construction area, N is the
number of the group of administrative districts.

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3.34 coefficient of blinding glare the R , relative units : Coefficient characterizing the direct glare glare of lamps in a lighting installation in places of
the G
production work outside of buildings, calculated by the formula


where L is the total veiling brightness caused by the lighting installation and determined by the sum of the veiling brightness from each lamp
v l
(L =L +L +L ), cd / m . The veiling brightness of each luminaire is calculated by the formula
vl v1 v2 vn
L = 10 ( E ∙θ ), (3.4)
v eye
here E is the illumination at the observer's pupil in the plane perpendicular to the line of sight (2 ° below the horizontal, see Figure 3.1 ), lux;
θ is the angle between the line of sight of the observer and the direction of incidence of light on the pupil of the observer, degrees;
L - equivalent veiling brightness of the background (environment), cd / m .
Assuming that the background is mostly diffuse, the equivalent veiling brightness of the background is calculated by the formula
L = 0.035 ∙ ρ ∙ E / π, (3.5)
ve g
where E is the average horizontal illuminance of the surface;
ρ is the average reflectance of the surrounding surfaces; in cases where it is not known, it is taken equal to 0.15.

1 - line of sight; 2 - the plane of the observer's eyes

Figure 3.1
3.35 service factor (for natural light) MF , relative units : Coefficient equal to the ratio of the KEO value at a given point, created by natural light at the end of
the specified service life, to the KEO value at the same point at the beginning of operation.
The coefficient takes into account the decrease in KEO during operation due to pollution and aging of translucent fillings in skylights, as well as a decrease in the
reflective properties of the surfaces of the room:
MF = MF ∙ MF , (3.6)
s p
where MF is a coefficient that takes into account the decrease in KEO during operation due to pollution and aging of translucent fillings in skylights;
MF is a coefficient that takes into account the decrease in KEO during operation due to a decrease in the reflective properties of the surfaces of the room.
N o t e - The operating factor is the reciprocal of the previously used safety factor K s for natural lighting ( MF = 1 / K s ).

3.36 service factor (for artificial lighting) MF , relative units : Coefficient equal to the ratio of the illumination or brightness at a given point, produced by the
luminaire at the end of the specified service life, to the illumination or brightness at the same point at the beginning of operation.
The coefficient takes into account the decrease in illumination or brightness during the operation of the lighting installation due to a decrease in the luminous flux,
failure of light sources and non-recoverable changes in the reflective and transmitting properties of the optical elements of lighting devices, as well as contamination
of the surfaces of the room, the outer walls of a building or structure, the roadway or sidewalk :
MF = MF ∙ MF MF ∙ MF , (3.7)
cn vi op p
where MF is a coefficient that takes into account the decline in the luminous flux of light sources;
MF - coefficient taking into account the failure of light sources;
MF - coefficient that takes into account pollution and non-recoverable change in the reflective and transmitting properties of the optical elements of lighting
MF - coefficient taking into account the contamination of the reflective surfaces of a room or structure.
N o t e - The operating factor is inversely proportional to the safety factor K s : ( MF = 1 / K s ).

3.37 local architectural lighting : Lighting of a part of a building or structure, as well as individual architectural elements in the absence of flood lighting.
people with limited mobility ; MGN: People who have difficulty in moving independently, receiving services, the necessary information or when navigating in
space. For the purposes of this set of rules, the following are classified as low-mobility groups of the population: people with disabilities, people with disabilities
(temporarily or permanently), people with strollers, etc.
[ SP 59.13330.2016 , article 3.21]
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
3.38 media facade : A light-transmitting advertising structure placed directly on the surface of the walls of buildings, structures and structures or on a metal frame
that repeats the plasticity of the wall (in the case of placing the media facade on the existing glazing of a building, structure, structure), allowing to demonstrate
information materials. The size of the information field of the media facade is determined by the size of the displayed image.
3.39 local lighting : Lighting, additional to the general, created by luminaires that concentrate the luminous flux directly at the workplace.
3.40 cloudy sky CIE : A sky completely obscured by clouds, the brightness distribution of which is determined by the International Commission on Illumination
(CIE) standard. The ratio of the brightness of the sky at a height γ above the horizon to the brightness at the zenith is determined by the formula


L (0 °) = 1 (on the horizon).


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3.41 general uniformity of the distribution of the luminance of the road surface U : The ratio of the minimum value of the luminance of the road surface to
the average:
U =L /L .
0 min av
3.42 general uniform artificial lighting of premises : Lighting, in which the luminaires are located in the upper area of ​the room and create an even distribution
of illumination in the workplace.
3.43 general localized artificial lighting of premises : Lighting in which the luminaires are located in the upper area of ​the room directly above the equipment.
3.44 combined UGR discomfort index, relative units : Evaluation criterion discomfort glare causing discomfort when uneven distribution of brightness in the
field of view defined by the formula


where L is the brightness of the shining source, cd / m ;
ω — angular size of the brilliant source, steradian;
p - index of the position of the brilliant source relative to the line of sight;
L - brightness of adaptation, cd / m .
3.45 distinguishing object : This object, a separate part or a defect, which is required to distinguish in the process.
3.46 illumination of high-risk areas : A type of evacuation lighting for the safe completion of a potentially hazardous work process.
3.47 escape route lighting : A type of evacuation lighting for the reliable identification and safe use of escape routes.
3.48 illumination E , lx : The ratio of the luminous flux d Ф incident on a surface element containing the point under consideration to the area dA of this element:
E = d Ф / dA .
3.49 the relative area of ​light openings S / S , S / S ,%: The ratio of the area of ​lamps or windows to the illuminated area of ​the floor of the room.
f p o p
3.50 reflected glare : The characteristic of the reflection of the luminous flux from the working surface in the direction of the worker's eyes, which determines the
decrease in visibility due to an excessive increase in the brightness of the working surface and the veiling effect, which reduces the contrast between the object and
the background.
3.51 relative specific power of road lighting D , W / (m ∙ lux) : The indicator of the energy efficiency of lighting a road section, determined by the ratio of
the power of the installed lighting equipment to the area of ​the section and the average illumination.
N o t e - Methods of calculating index D is given in Appendix M .

3.52 intersection : A transport hub in which two or more streets or roads connect or intersect at the same level.
3.53 window area S , m : The total area of ​light openings (in the light) located in the outer walls of the illuminated room.
3.54 area of ​lanterns S , m : The total area of ​light openings (in the light) of all lanterns in the cover above the illuminated room or span.
3.55 tunnel access zone : A section of road outside the tunnel with a length equal to the safe braking distance, adjacent to the entrance portal.
3.56 semi-cylindrical illumination E , lx : The ratio of the luminous flux falling on the outer surface of an infinitely small semi-cylinder centered at a given
point to the area of ​the cylindrical surface of this semi-cylinder.
Notes (edit)
1 Unless otherwise stated, the axis of the half-cylinder shall be vertical.
2 With regard to utilitarian outdoor lighting, semi-cylindrical illumination is used as a criterion for assessing the discrimination of faces of oncoming pedestrians and is defined as the average
luminous flux density on the cylindrical surface of an infinitely small semi-cylinder located vertically on the longitudinal line of the street at a height of 1.5 m and oriented by the outer normal to the
flat lateral the surface of the semi-cylinder in the direction of the predominant movement of pedestrians.
3.57 room without natural light : A room in which the coefficient of natural light is less than 0.1%.
3.58 room with insufficient natural light : A room in which the coefficient of natural light is below the standard.
3.59 premises with a permanent stay of people : A room in which people are most (more than 50%) of their working time during the day or more than 2 hours
3.60 tunnel threshold zone : A section of the tunnel with a length equal to the safe braking distance adjacent to the entrance portal.
3.61 threshold brightness increment TI ,%: Criterion regulating the glare effect of lighting fixtures in the field of vision of the vehicle driver. It characterizes an
increase in the contrast between the object and its background, at which the object's visibility in the presence of a bright light source would become the same as in its
absence. Determined by the formula


where L is the average brightness of the road surface, cd / m ;
2 2
m - coefficient equal to 1.05 at L > 5 cd / m and 0.8 at L ≤ 5 cd / m ;
cp cp
2 2
k is a multiplier equal to 950 at L > 5 cd / m and 650 at L ≤ 5 cd / m ;
cp cp
E - vertical illumination on the driver's eye from the i- th lamp, lx;
v, i
θ - angle between the direction to the i- th luminaire and the line of sight, deg;
n is the number of luminaires falling into the driver's field of vision within the angle interval θ (2 ° <θ <20 °).
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
3.62 limiting uniformity of illumination (brightness) distribution U : Ratio of minimum illumination (brightness) to maximum:
U =E /E (U =L /L ).
d min max d min max
3.63 longitudinal uniformity of the brightness distribution of the road surface U : The ratio of the minimum value of the brightness of the road
surface L to its maximum value L along the axis of the lane:
min max
U =L /L .
I min max
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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3.64 passage : An area intended for the movement of both vehicles and pedestrians.
3.65 escape route: The route for people to leave the danger zone in an emergency. It starts from where people are and ends in a safe area.
3.66 working surface : The surface on which the work is carried out, normalized and the illumination is measured.
3.67 working lighting : Lighting that provides standardized light conditions (illumination, lighting quality) in rooms and places where work is performed outside
3.68 uniformity daylight : relationship with the minimum value to the mean value within the characteristic KEO incision premises.
3.69 uniformity of illumination (brightness) distribution U : Ratio of the minimum value of illumination (brightness) to the average value of illumination
U =E /E (U =L /L ).
0 min avg 0 min av
3.70 interchange : The intersection of roads at different levels with ramps for vehicles to move from one road to another.
3.71 distance safe deceleration (RBT), m : minimum distance required for reliable actuation of the vehicle moving at a design speed, in the state of standstill.
N o t e - It is determined by the total response time of the driver to the appeared obstacle for making a decision and braking the vehicle.
3.72 calculated velocity : The maximum velocity of a single vehicle, adopted when designing the road.
3.73 calculated value of KEO e ,% : The value obtained by calculation when assessing natural or combined lighting of premises:
a) with side lighting according to the formula


b) with overhead lighting according to the formula


c) with combined (top and side) lighting according to the formula

where L is the number of sky sections visible through the light opening from the calculated point;
ε - geometric KEO at the design point with lateral illumination, taking into account direct light from the i- th area of ​the sky;
C - coefficient of light climate, taken according to table 5.1 ;
q - coefficient of unevenness of brightness of the i -th section of the cloudy sky of the MCO;
M - the number of sections of the facades of the buildings of the opposing development, visible through the light opening from the design point;
ε - geometric KEO at the design point with side illumination, taking into account the light reflected from the j -th section of the facades of the buildings of the
zd j
opposing development;
b - the average relative brightness of the j -th section of the facades of the buildings of the opposing development;
r - coefficient that takes into account the increase in KEO with side illumination due to light reflected from the surfaces of the room and the underlying layer
adjacent to the building;
k - coefficient taking into account changes in the internal reflected component of the KEO in the room in the presence of opposing buildings, determined by
zd j
the formula


here k is a coefficient that takes into account changes in the internal reflected component of the KEO in the room when the sky is completely covered by buildings
visible from the design point;
τ - the total coefficient of light transmission, determined by the formula
τ =τ τ τ τ τ , (3.15)
0 1 2 3 4 5
where τ is the coefficient of light transmission of the material;
τ - coefficient that takes into account the loss of light in the bindings of the light opening. The dimensions of the opening are taken to be equal to the dimensions
of the binding box according to the outer dimensions;
τ - coefficient taking into account the loss of light in the bearing structures (with side illumination τ = 1);
3 3
τ - coefficient taking into account the loss of light in sun protection devices;
τ - coefficient taking into account the loss of light in the protective mesh installed under the lanterns, taken equal to 0.9;
MF is the operating factor determined according to table 4.3 ;
T is the number of light openings in the coating;
ε - geometric KEO at the design point with overhead illumination from the i -th opening;
in i
ε - the average value of the geometric KEO with overhead illumination on the line of intersection of the conditional working surface and the plane of the
characteristic vertical section of the room, determined from the ratio


here N is the number of calculated points;

r is a coefficient that takes into account the increase in KEO under overhead lighting due to the light reflected from the surfaces of the room;
k - coefficient taking into account the type of lamp.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
3.74 backup lighting : Type emergency light to proceed in case of power work lights.
3.75 light climate : A set of natural lighting conditions in a particular area (illumination and amount of illumination on horizontal and variously oriented vertical
surfaces created by the diffused light of the sky and direct light of the sun, the duration of sunshine and albedo of the underlying surface) for a period of more than
ten years.
3.76 natural light fiber : A device for transmitting natural light into a building along a rectilinear and (or) non-rectilinear light guide shaft (channel) with the ratio
of the smallest side (diameter) of the entrance base a to the height of the light guide shaft h (distance from its entrance base to output base): a / h <0.1.
in s.sh in s.w

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(New edition. Amendment No. 1 )
3.77 light indicator : A safety sign with internal illumination.
3.78 LED light source based on the emission of incoherent radiation in the visible wavelength range by passing an electric current through a semiconductor diode.
3.79 residential territory : The territory intended for the placement of housing stock, public buildings and structures, as well as individual communal and
industrial facilities that do not require the device of sanitary protection zones, for the construction of intracity communication routes, streets, squares, parks, gardens,
boulevards and others common areas.
3.80 tunnel backlighting system : Tunnel lighting, in which light falls on objects predominantly opposite the traffic flow.
N o t e - For a backlighting system, luminaires are used whose luminous intensity distribution is asymmetric relative to a plane perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow, with the maximum
luminous intensity directed towards the traffic flow.
3.81 symmetrical tunnel lighting system : Tunnel lighting in which light falls on objects equally both in the direction and towards the traffic flow.
N o t e - For a symmetric lighting system, luminaires are used whose luminous intensity distribution is symmetrical about a plane perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow.
3.82 evacuation route indication system : A system of safety signs that allows people to evacuate from a location in the event of a fire or emergency along an
established escape route.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
3.83 combined lighting : Lighting in which insufficient natural light is supplemented by artificial light during a full working day.
3.84 average value of KEO e % : For top or combined illumination is determined by the formula


where e and e - KEO values ​at top or combined lighting at the first and last points of the characteristic section of the room, see formulas ( 3.12 ) and ( 3.13 );
1 N
e - values ​of KEO in the remaining points of the characteristic section of the room ( i = 2, 3,…, N - 1).
3.85 mean illumination on the road surface E , lx : Illumination on the road surface, weighted average over the area of ​a given section.
3.86 average luminance of the road surface L , cd / m : The brightness of the dry road surface in the direction of the eye of the observer, who is under
standard observation conditions on the axis of the traffic lane, weighted average over the area of ​the carriageway of a given section.
3.87 average luminance of the road surface in the transition zone of the tunnel L , cd / m : Average area carriageway brightness dry pavement in the
direction of the observer's eye located on the axis of transport lanes in the transition zone of the tunnel.
3.88 average brightness of the threshold zone of the tunnel L , cd / m : Average brightness of the road surface in the first half of the threshold zone of the
3.89 standard observation conditions in road lighting : The conditions of observation by the vehicle driver regulated when calculating the brightness of the
road surface, in which the observer's eye is located at a height of 1.5 m above the road surface and removed from the design point by the distance at which the line of
sight is directed to the design point at an angle of (1.0 ± 0.5) ° to the plane of the road.
3.90 stroboscopic effect : Visual perception of an apparent change, cessation of rotational movement or periodic oscillation of an object illuminated by light that
changes at a close, coincident or multiple frequency.
dark time of the day : The time span from late evening twilight to early morning twilight.
[ 8 , paragraph 1.2]
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
3.91 transport zone of a tunnel : Part of the construction complex of the tunnel, containing the carriageway itself, enclosed between the entrance and exit portals.
3.92 sidewalk : The pedestrian part of the street.
3.93 power density ω, W / m : Installed power of artificial lighting in the room, referred to the usable area.
3.93a exit sign: A safety sign intended to indicate an escape route .
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
3.94 street : An area completely or partially bounded by buildings on one or both sides, with a carriageway for transport, pedestrian paths, and, if necessary,
bicycle paths.
3.95 conventional working surface : A conventional horizontal surface located at a height of 0.8 m from the floor.
3.96 set speed : The maximum design speed of the vehicle.
3.97 utility outdoor lighting : Stationary lighting designed to ensure the safe and comfortable movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
3.98 road segment with standard roadway geometry : Plot of the road or street, roadway which is a flat rectangular blade length determined by standard
observation conditions.
N o t e - For sections with standard roadway geometry, both the brightness and illumination of the road surface are normalized.
3.99 section of road with non-standard geometry of the carriageway : A section of a road or street that has deviations from the standard geometry, for
example, turns, forks, entrances and exits from overpasses, curved (in plan and profile) sections, etc.
N o t e - For sections with non-standard geometry of the roadway, only the illumination of the road surface is normalized.
3.100 flicker : Subjective perception of fluctuations in the luminous flux of artificial light sources in magnitude and in time.
3.101 flicker effect (and tunnel lighting) : The effect of monotonous flickering of bright parts of lamps and their glare from the car body, causing irritation to the
driver at certain intervals of frequency and duration of flicker.
3.102 background : The surface directly adjacent to the object of discrimination on which it is viewed
The background is considered: light - with a surface reflection coefficient of more than 0.4; medium - the same, from 0; 2 to 0.4; dark - the same, less than 0.2.
3.103 characteristic section of the room : Cross section in the middle of the room, the plane of which is perpendicular to the plane of glazing of the light
openings (with side illumination) or the longitudinal axis of the spans of the room. The typical section of the room should include the areas with the greatest number
of workplaces, as well as the points of the working area farthest from the light openings.
3.104 color temperature T , K : The temperature of the Planck emitter (black body) at which its radiation has the same chromaticity as the radiation of the
object in question.
3.105 color rendering : A general concept that characterizes the influence of the spectral composition of a light source on the visual perception of colored
objects, consciously or unconsciously compared with the perception of the same objects illuminated by a standard light source.
3.106 cylindrical illumination E , lx : The ratio of the luminous flux incident on the lateral surface of an infinitely small cylinder centered at a given point to
the area of ​the lateral surface of this cylinder.
Notes (edit)
1 Unless otherwise specified, the cylinder axis shall be vertical.
2 With regard to indoor lighting, cylindrical illumination is used as a criterion for assessing the saturation of a room with light.
3.106a mine lantern : Lantern of the upper natural light with the ratio of the smallest of the sides (or diameter) of the entrance base a to the height of
the light guide shaft (light guide channel) of the lantern (distance from its entrance base to its outlet) h having a value of: 0, 1

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≤a /h <0.25.
background background
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
3.107 evacuation lightingtype of emergency lighting for evacuating people or completing a potentially hazardous process
3.108 escape route
3.109 equivalent size discrimination of object : ravnoyarkogo ravnoyarkom circle size on a background having a contrast threshold, and discriminating that the
object at a given background brightness.
energy efficiency : Characteristics reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order
to obtain such an effect, in relation to products, technological process, legal entity, individual entrepreneur.
[ 1 , article 2, paragraph 4]
energy saving: Implementation of organizational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the volume of energy
resources used while maintaining the corresponding beneficial effect from their use (including the volume of products manufactured, work performed, services
[ 1 , article 2, paragraph 3]
2 2
3.112 brightness L , cd / m : Ratio of the luminous flux d Ф, carried by an elementary beam of rays passing through a given point and propagating in a solid
angle d Ω containing a given direction, to the product of the area of ​this beam passing through a given cross-sectional point dA , cosine angle θ between the normal
to this section and the direction of the beam and the solid angle d Ω:
L = d Ф / ( dA ∙ cosθ ∙ d Ω).
3.113 brightness adaptation in the entrance area of ​the tunnel L , cd / m : Average brightness in the conical field of view, constricted by an angle of 20 °,
with the apex at the location of the eye of the driver approaching the tunnel and the axis directed to the center of the entrance portal of the tunnel.
N o t e - The brightness of the adaptation L 20 is determined in relation to the driver located on the RBT from the entrance portal of the tunnel in the middle of the corresponding carriageway.

4 General
4.1 In this set of rules for premises, the average illumination on a conditional working surface is normalized for any light sources, except for the specified cases.
The minimum illumination at workplaces should not differ from the standardized average illumination in the room by more than 10% in accordance with SanPiN .
For outdoor equipment of residential areas, this set of rules standardizes the illumination and brightness of road surfaces for any light sources.
Standardized values ​of illumination in lux, differing by one level, should be taken on a scale:
0.2; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; ten; 15; twenty; thirty; 40; 50; 75; 100; 150; 200; 300; 400; 500; 600; 750; 1000; 1250; 1500; 2000; 2500; 3000; 3500; 4000; 4500; 500
The normalized values ​of the surface brightness, cd / m , differing by one step, should be taken on a
scale; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1; 2; 3; 5; eight; ten; 12; 15; twenty; 25; thirty; 50; 75; 100; 125; 150; 200; 400; 500; 750; 1000; 1500; 2000; 2500.
For natural lighting, this set of rules gives the values ​of the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO).
4.2 Requirements for lighting the premises of industrial enterprises (KEO, standardized illumination, combined discomfort indicator and illumination pulsation
coefficient) should be taken according to Table 4.1, taking into account the requirements of 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 and according to Table L.1 of Appendix L.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
4.3 Requirements for the lighting of premises of residential, public and administrative buildings (KEO, standardized illumination, cylindrical illumination,
combined discomfort indicator and illumination pulsation coefficient) should be taken according to Table 4.2 and Table L.2 of Appendix L.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
4.4 When designing natural, artificial and combined lighting to compensate for the decline in illumination during operation, the operating factor MF should be
entered , taken according to Table 4.3 .
4.5 Requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises are fulfilled in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 / .
Methods for determining the duration of insolation are presented in GOST R 57795 .
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
4.6 Measurements of illumination, brightness, coefficient of illumination ripple of the lighting installation are carried out during acceptance into operation and
control during operation of the state of lighting in accordance with GOST 24940 , GOST 26824 , GOST 33393 . The determination of the combined indicator of
discomfort is carried out at the design stage of the lighting installation in accordance with GOST 33392 .
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
4.7 When designing artificial and combined lighting, the data on prophylactic ultraviolet radiation should be taken into account in accordance with [ 5 ].

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Table 4.1 - Requirements for lighting industrial premises
Artificial lighting Daylight Combined
Illumination, lx of KEO e n ,%
The smallest standardized
or equivalent Object values ​of the
Characteristics of visual size of the Discharge Visual contrast Background combined
work object of of visual work with characteristic discomfort
discrimination, work subdivision background with combined index UGR with with
mm lighting system with and the overhead with overhead with
general coefficient of
lighting or side or side
pulsation combined lighting combined lighting
Including UGR, K ,%, lighting lighting
Total the total no p
more no more
Highest precision Less than I a Small Dark 5000 500 - 19 ten - - 6.0 2.0
0.15 b Small Average 4000 400 1250 19 ten
Average Dark
v Small Light 2500 300 750 19 ten
Average Average
Big Dark
G Average Light 1500 200 500 19 ten
Big "
" Average
Very high precision 0.15 to 0.30 II a Small Dark 4000 400 - 22 ten - - 4.2 1.5
b Small Average 3000 300 750 22 ten
Average Dark
v Small Light 2000 200 500 22 ten
Average Average
Big Dark
G Average Light 1000 200 400 22 ten
Big "
" Average
High precision 0.30 1 to III a Small Dark 2000 200 500 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
0.50 b Small Average 1000 200 400 25 15
Average Dark
v Small Light 750 200 300 25 15
Average Average
Big Dark
G Average Light 400 200 200 25 15
Big "
" Average
Medium precision St. 0.5 to IV a Small Dark 750 200 400 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
1.0 b Small Average 500 200 300 25 twenty
Average Dark
v Small Light 400 200 200 25 twenty
Average Average
Big Dark
G Average Light - - 200 25 twenty
Big "
" Average
Low accuracy St. 1 to 5 V a Small Dark 400 200 300 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
b Small Average - - 200 25 twenty
Average Dark
v Small Light - - 200 25 twenty
Average Average
Big Dark
G Average Light - - 200 25 twenty
Big "
" Average
Rough (very low More than VI - Regardless of the - - 200 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
accuracy) 5 characteristics of
the background and
contrast of the
object with the
Working with More than Vii - Also - - 200 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
luminous materials 0.5
and products in hot
General monitoring VIII a Regardless of the - - 200 28 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
of the production characteristics of
process: the background and
continuous; periodic contrast of the
with the constant object with the
presence of people background
in the room; the
same for
periodic; general b Also - - 75 28 - 1.0 0.3 0.7 0.2
supervision of v " - - 50 - - 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.2
communications G " - - twenty - - 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1

Notes (edit)
1 Illumination should be taken taking into account 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 .
2 The smallest sizes of the object of discrimination and the corresponding categories of visual robots are set when the objects of
discrimination are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the eyes of the worker. When increasing this distance discharge
visual work to be installed in accordance with Annex A . For extended distinguish objects under certain lighting standards adopted
by the equivalent size of the application B .
3 Illumination when working with luminous objects with a size of 0.5 mm and less should be selected in accordance with the size
of the object of discrimination and refer them to the sub-category "c".
4 The ripple coefficient K p is indicated in the column " K p ,%, no more" for a general lighting system or for local lighting
fixtures with a combined lighting system. K p from the total lighting in the combined system should not exceed 20%
5 Provide a general lighting system for categories I - III, IVa, IVb, IVc, Va only if it is technically impossible to use the combined
lighting system.
6 In areas with the coldest five-day temperature according to SP 131.13330.2012 minus 28 ° C and below, the normalized values ​
of KEO with combined lighting should be taken according to Table 6.1 .
7 In premises specially designed for work or industrial training of adolescents, the standardized value of KEO is increased by one
category, but must be at least 1.0%.

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Table 4.2 - Requirements for lighting of residential and public buildings

Artificial lighting Daylight
The relative
duration of KEO e n ,%, at
The smallest or on the
visual work coefficient of
equivalent size Discharge Visual working combined
Characteristics when cylindrical pulsation of
of the object of of visual work surface indicator
of visual work directing illumination,
discrimination, work subdivision from the UGR, no illumination K p ,%,
vision to the lx upper or
mm general more no more lateral
working combined
system, lx
objects with a
fixed and non-
fixed line of
- very high 0.15 to 0.30 A 1 Not less 500 150 * 21 ten 4.0 1.5
accuracy than 70 fourteen**
2 Less than 400 100* 21 ten 3.5 1,2
70 fourteen**
- high 0.30 to 0.50 B 1 Not less 300 100* 21 15 3.0 1.0
accuracy than 70 eighteen**
2 Less than 200 75 * 24 twenty 2.5 0.7
70 eighteen** 15***
- medium More than 0.5 V 1 Not less 150 50* 24 twenty 2.0 0.5
accuracy than 70 eighteen** 15***
2 Less than 100 Not 24 twenty 2.0 0.5
70 regulated eighteen** 15***
Survey of the Regardless of Regardless Not regulated
surrounding the size of the of the
space with a object of duration of
very short- discrimination visual work
term, episodic
distinction of
- with high G - 300 100 24 3.0 1.0
saturation of
premises with
- with normal D - 200 75 25 2.5 0.7
with light
- with low E - 150 50 25 2.0 0.5
saturation in
the premises
General Also F Also
orientation in
Not regulated
the interior
- with a large 1 75
crowd of
- with a small 2 50
crowd of
General " Z "
orientation in
the areas of
- with a large 1 thirty
crowd of
- with a small 2 twenty
crowd of
* Additionally regulated in cases of special architectural and artistic requirements.
** The normalized value of the combined indicator of discomfort in rooms when the line of sight is directed upward at an
angle of 45 ° or more to the horizon and in rooms with increased requirements for the quality of lighting (sleeping rooms in
preschool educational institutions, sanatoriums, display classes in general education and professional educational organizations,
and etc.).
*** Standardized value of the pulsation coefficient K p for children's, medical rooms with increased requirements for the
quality of lighting.
Notes (edit)
1 Illumination should be taken taking into account 7.3.3 and 7.3.4 of this set of rules.
2 The smallest sizes of the object of discrimination and the corresponding categories of visual work are established when the
objects of discrimination are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the object of discrimination with the background and
a light background, working with an average contrast. step on the illumination scale in accordance with 4.1 .
3 The relationship of the combined indicator of discomfort UGR with the indicator of discomfort M , standardized by SanPiN
2.2.1 / , is shown in section 3 .

Table 4.3 - Operating factors for natural and artificial lighting

Artificial lighting Daylight
Service factor ME Service factor ME
Number of luminaire Number of cleanings of glazing of
cleanings per year skylights per year
Premises and territories Examples of premises Operational group of
The angle of inclination of the light-
luminaires according to
transmitting material to the horizon
Appendix D
16 ° - 45 46 ° - 75 76 ° - 90
fourteen 5-6 7 0 ° - 15 °
° ° °
1 Production rooms with air
containing in the working area:

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3 Sinter factories, cement 0.50 0.59 0.63 0.50 0.56 0.59 0.67
a) St. 5 mg / m dust, smoke, plants and cuts in foundries eighteen 6 4 4 4 4 4
3 of Workshops forging, foundry, 0.56 0.63 0.63 0.56 0.63 0.67 0.71
b) from 1 to 5 mg / m dust, open-hearth, precast concrete 6 4 2 3 3 3 3
smoke, soot
3 of Workshops for tooling, 0.67 0.71 0.71 0.63 0.67 0.71 0.77
c) less than 1 mg / m dust, assembly, technical, 4 2 1 2 2 2 2
smoke, soot mechanical assembly, sewing
d) significant concentrations of Workshops of chemical 0.56 0.63 0.63 0.50 0.56 0.59 0.67
vapors, acids, alkalis, gases, plants for the production of 6 4 2 3 3 3 3
capable of forming weak acids, alkalis, caustic
solutions of acids, alkalis in chemicals, pesticides,
contact with moisture, as well as fertilizers, galvanic coating
having a high corrosive capacity workshops and various
industries using electrolysis
2 Industrial premises with a
special regime for air purity
when servicing lamps:
a) from the technical floor 0.77 - - - - - -
b) from the bottom of the room 0.71 - - - - - -
3 Premises of public and
residential buildings:
a) dusty, hot and damp Hot shops of catering 0.59 0.63 0.63 0.50 0.56 0.59 0.63
establishments, refrigerated 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
chambers, rooms for
preparing solutions in
laundries, showers, etc.
b) with normal environmental Offices and work spaces, 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.67 0.71 0.77 0.83
conditions office spaces, living rooms, 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
classrooms, laboratories,
reading rooms, meeting
rooms, sales rooms, etc.
4 Areas with an air environment
a) a large amount of dust (more Territories of metallurgical, 0.67 0.67 0.67 - - - -
3 chemical, mining enterprises, 4 4 4
than 1 mg / m ) mines, mines, railway
stations and adjacent streets
and roads
b) small amount of dust (less Industrial sites other than 0.67 0.67 0.67 - - - -
3 those specified in a) and 2 2 2
than 1 mg / m ) public buildings
5 Settlements Streets, squares, roads, 0.63 0.67 0.67 - - - -
residential areas, parks, 2 2 1
boulevards, pedestrian
- 0.59 0.59 - - - -
tunnels, building facades,
2 2
monuments, transport tunnels
Notes (edit)
1 The values ​of the operating factor indicated in the column "Natural lighting" should be multiplied: by 0.91 - when using
patterned glass, fiberglass, reinforced film and frosted glass, as well as when using skylights for aeration; by 1.11 - when using
organic glass.
2 The values ​of the operating factors indicated in the column "1 - 4" should be increased in case of one-shift operation
according to items b) and d) of paragraph 1 - by 0.2; for item c) of item 1 - by 0.1; with two-shift work on transfers b) and d) of
paragraph 1 - by 0.15.
3 The values of the service factor and the number of cleanings to transport tunnels indicated in columns "5 - 6" and 4 "7" are
provided with the use of only a structurally-lighting fixtures scheme IV tables E.1 application D .
4 The operating factor when using lighting devices with LEDs should be multiplied by a factor of 1.05.
5 It is allowed to use the design operating factor.

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5 Natural light
5.1 Premises with permanent residence of people should have natural light.
Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design premises with a temporary stay of people, premises that are determined by the relevant codes of rules and
standards of organizations for the design of buildings and structures, as well as premises, the placement of which is allowed in the basement floors of buildings and
5.2 Natural lighting is divided into side, top and combined (top and side).
Light guides of natural light may be used for natural lighting of premises only in a combined lighting system as an overhead light.
5.3 With double-sided lateral illumination of rooms for any purpose, the normalized value of KEO should be provided at the design point in the center of the room
at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section and the working surface.
In residential and public buildings with one-sided side lighting, the standardized value of KEO must be ensured:
a) in residential premises of residential buildings - at the design point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and
the floor plane at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings: in one room for 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments and in two rooms for 4 or more
In the rest of the living quarters of multi-room apartments and the kitchen, the standardized value of KEO with side lighting should be provided at the design point
located in the center of the room on the floor plane;
b) in living quarters of hostels, living rooms and hotel rooms - at the calculated point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of
the room and the plane of the floor in the center of the room;
c) in group and play rooms of preschool educational organizations, isolators and rooms for sick children - at the calculated point located at the intersection of the
vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the plane of the floor at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;
d) in educational and educational-production premises of general educational organizations, boarding schools, professional educational organizations - at the
calculated point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface at a distance of 1.2 m
from the wall farthest from the light openings;
e) in the wards and sleeping rooms of sanatoriums and rest homes and boarding houses - at the calculated point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of
the characteristic section of the room and the plane of the floor at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings;
f) in the offices of doctors who receive patients, in the examination rooms, in the receiving and examination boxes, dressing rooms - at the calculated point located
at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface in the center of the room;
g) in the rest of the premises of residential and public buildings - at the design point located in the center of the room on the working surface.
5.3а In rooms of non-rectangular shape, the position of the design point is determined taking into account the reduction of the shape of the room to a rectangle.
In rooms of shallow depth with two or more light openings, the plane of the characteristic section may be drawn along the axis of each light opening. In this case,
the normalized value of KEO should be provided at the design point on the plane of each characteristic section.
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
5.3b In the premises of public buildings, with the exception of the premises specified in 5.3 , items c) - f), it is allowed to divide the premises into zones with
sufficient and insufficient natural lighting. The depth of the zone with sufficient natural light is defined as twice the distance from the inner surface of the wall with
openings to the point with the normalized KEO value.
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
5.4 In industrial premises with a depth of up to 6.0 m with one-sided side lighting, the minimum value of KEO is normalized at the point located at the
intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface at a distance of 1.0 m from the wall or the line of
maximum depth of the zone farthest from light openings.
In large-sized industrial premises with a depth of more than 6.0 m with side illumination, the minimum value of KEO is normalized at a point on a conditional
working surface remote from the light openings:
- 1.5 heights from the floor to the top of the openings - for visual work of categories I - IV;
- 2.0 heights from the floor to the top of the openings - for visual work of categories V - VII;
- 3.0 heights from the floor to the top of the openings - for visual work of category VIII.
5.5 With overhead or combined natural lighting of premises for any purpose, the average value of KEO is normalized at the points located at the intersection of
the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from
the surface of the walls (partitions) or the axes of the columns.
5.6 It is allowed to divide the premises into zones with side lighting (zones adjacent to external walls with windows) and zones with overhead
lighting. Normalization and calculation of natural light in each zone are carried out independently of each other.
5.7 In industrial premises with visual work of categories I - III, combined lighting should be used. It is allowed to use overhead natural lighting in large-span
assembly shops, in which work is performed in a significant part of the volume of the room at different levels of the floor and on differently oriented work surfaces
in space. In this case, for categories I - III, the normalized KEO values ​of 10% are applied; 7%; 5% respectively.
5.8 When designing natural lighting, the calculated values ​of KEO e for the room are determined .
The calculated value of KEO should be not less than the standardized value of e given in Tables 4.1 , 4.2or Appendix L :
e ≥e . (5.1)
p n
The parameters included in the formula for the calculated KEO value are defined in section 3 . Calculated value KEO allows for service factor MF and light
climate coefficient C .
The operating factors are taken according to table 4.3 . The light climate coefficients are taken according to Table 5.1 , depending on the group number of the
provision of natural light in the administrative districts and the orientation of the openings. Zoning of the Russian Federation in the light of climate resources is given
in Appendix E .
5.9 Calculation of natural lighting of premises is carried out without taking into account furniture, equipment, landscaping and other shading objects, as well as
with 100% use of translucent fillings in light openings. Calculated KEO values ​should be rounded to two decimal places.
Table 5.1 - Coefficients of the light climate depending on the group of the administrative region and the orientation of the light openings on the sides of the horizon
Light climate coefficient m
Orientation of skylights to the
Light openings Group number of administrative districts
sides of the horizon
1 2 3 4 5
In the outer walls of buildings WITH 1 1.11 0.91 0.83 1.25
SV-NW 1 1.11 0.91 0.83 1.25
З-В 1 1.11 0.91 0.91 1.25
SE-SW 1 1.18 1.00 0.91 1.25
NS 1 1.18 1.00 0.91 1.33
In rectangular and trapezoidal N-S 1 1.11 0.91 0.83 1.33
lanterns NE-SW 1 1.11 0.83 0.83 1.43
B-Z 1 1.11 0.91 0.83 1.43
In lanterns of the "shed" type WITH 1 1.11 0.83 0.83 1.43
In anti-aircraft lanterns - 1 1.11 0.83 0.83 1.33
Notes (edit)
1 N - north, NE - northeast; NW - northwest, E - east, W - west; N-S - north-south; E-W - east-west; Yu - south; SE -
southeast; SW - southwest
2 groups of administrative districts of the Russian Federation by the light of climate resources are listed in Appendix E .

It is allowed to reduce the calculated value of KEO e in comparison with the standardized KEO e no more than 10%.
p n by

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5.10 The calculated value of the weighted average reflectance of the interior surfaces of the premises when calculating natural lighting should be taken equal in
residential and public premises - 0.55, and in industrial premises - 0.50.
5.11 When calculating the natural lighting of premises in building conditions, the reflection coefficient of building and facing materials ρ for the facades of
opposing buildings (without glazed facade openings) should be taken:
- for buildings under construction - according to the data given in the certificate for the finishing material of the facade, or according to measurements;
- for existing buildings - according to tables D.2 , D.3 of Appendix D.
The average reflectance glazed facade openings with the binders adopted in the calculation of 0.2 or calculated average reflectance window assembly defined by
formula (D.1) application F .
The weighted average reflection coefficient of the facade ρ , taking into account the glazed openings, should be calculated by the formula


where ρ ,ρ - the reflection coefficient of the facade finishing material and the reflection coefficient of the glazed openings of the facade, taking into account the
mi ok
bindings, respectively;
S , S - the area of ​the facade without light openings and the area of ​light openings, respectively.
mi ok
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
5.12 In general educational organizations and organizations of professional and higher education, combined lighting should be used, the norms of which are given
in Table L.1 of Appendix L.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
5.13 The uniformity of natural lighting in industrial and public buildings with overhead or combined lighting should be no more than 1: 3. The calculated value of
KEO with upper and combined natural lighting at any point on the line of intersection of the conditional working surface and the vertical plane of the characteristic
section must be no less than the normalized value of KEO with side illumination for visual work of the corresponding categories.
The uniformity of natural light is not standardized for industrial premises with side lighting; industrial premises in which visual work of categories VII and VIII is
performed with top or top and side lighting; auxiliary premises and premises of public buildings in which visual work of categories G and D is performed.
5.14 Calculation of natural lighting in premises of public buildings is carried out according to the method of SP 367.1325800 , for premises of industrial buildings
- SP 419.1325800 .
(New edition. Amendment No. 1 )
5.15 Window and balcony structures used for lateral natural lighting are designed taking into account the requirements of GOST 23166 and GOST R
56926 . Facade translucent structures are designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 426.1325800 . Translucent coverings and lanterns for upper natural
lighting are designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 363.1325800 .
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
6 Combined lighting
6.1 Combined lighting of premises of industrial buildings should include:
a) for industrial premises in which visual work of categories I - III is performed;
b) for industrial and other premises in cases when, according to the conditions of technology, organization of production or the climate at the construction site,
space-planning solutions are required that do not allow providing the standardized value of KEO (multi-storey buildings of large width, single-storey multi-span
buildings with large spans, etc. etc.), as well as in cases where the technical and economic feasibility of combined lighting in comparison with natural lighting is
confirmed by appropriate calculations;
c) in accordance with the regulatory documents for the design of buildings and structures of certain industries, approved in the prescribed manner.
Combined lighting of premises of residential, public and administrative buildings is allowed in cases where it is required according to the conditions for choosing
rational space-planning solutions, with the exception of living rooms of houses and hostels, living rooms and hotel rooms, sleeping rooms of sanatoriums and rest
homes, group and playgrounds preschool institutions, wards and dormitories of social security facilities (boarding schools, boarding houses for the elderly and
disabled, etc.).
6.2 The choice of light sources should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 7 .
The use of incandescent lamps is allowed in cases where, due to the conditions of technology, environment or interior design requirements, the use of other light
sources is impossible.
6.3 Standardized values KEO for industrial premises should be made for the combined light from table 4.1and Annex A .
It is allowed to reduce the standardized values ​of KEO and take them in accordance with table 6.1 :
a) in areas with the coldest five-day temperature according to SP 131.13330 minus 28 ° C and below;
b) in rooms with side lighting, the depth of which, according to the conditions of technology or the choice of rational space-planning solutions, does not allow
providing the standardized value of KEO indicated in Table 4.1 for combined lighting;
c) in rooms in which visual work of categories I - III is performed.
Table 6.1 - The smallest standard values ​of KEO for industrial premises with combined lighting
Normative value of KEO e n ,%, with combined lighting
The category of visual work
with overhead or combined lighting with side lighting
I 3.0 1,2
II 2.5 1.0
III 2.0 0.7
IV 1.5 0.5
V and VII 1.0 0.3
VI 0.7 0.2

6.4 In production facilities, when establishing standardized KEO values ​in accordance with 6.3 :
a) the illumination from the luminaires of the general lighting system should be at least 200 lux;
b) the illumination from general lighting fixtures in the combined lighting system must be increased by one step along the illumination scale, except for categories
Ia, Ib, IIa;
c) the coefficient of pulsation K for categories I - III of visual work should not exceed 10%.
Artificial lighting with combined lighting of premises should also be designed in accordance with section 7 .
6.5 The calculated values ​of KEO with combined lighting of residential and public buildings should be:
- not less than 87% of the values ​specified in Appendix L for educational and training and production premises of general education and professional educational
- at least 60% of the values ​specified in Appendix L for the rest of the premises.
6.6 With combined lighting for public buildings with side lighting with a calculated KEO value equal to or less than 80% of the standardized value, the
illumination from general artificial lighting should be increased by one step on the illumination scale.
6.7 Requirements to a combination of lighting, depending on the purpose of the premises for residential and public buildings should be taken from Table 4.2 and
Appendix L .
6.8 With combined lighting, the standardized illumination in educational and educational-production premises of general education and professional educational
organizations should be increased according to the illumination scale given in 4.1 .
6.9 With combined lighting of educational and training-production premises of general education and professional educational organizations, it is necessary to
provide for separate switching on or adjustment of the luminous flux according to signals from photometric sensors of rows of lamps located parallel to the light
7 Artificial lighting

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7.1 General
7.1.1 Artificial lighting is subdivided into working, emergency, security and duty.
Some of the luminaires for working or emergency lighting can be used for emergency lighting.
The standardized characteristics of indoor and outdoor lighting are provided by both working lighting fixtures and their joint action with emergency lighting
The rated illumination and the specific power that provides it are indicated on the working drawings of the premises and working areas.
The composition and rules for the design of working drawings for artificial lighting of buildings and structures are determined by GOST 21.608 , and for lighting
the territories of industrial enterprises - GOST 21.607 .
7.1.2 Artificial lighting of premises can be of two systems - general (uniform and localized) and combined.
Work lighting should be provided for all premises of buildings, as well as for areas of open spaces intended for work, the passage of people and traffic. For rooms
with zones with different natural lighting conditions and different operating modes, separate control of the lighting of such zones is necessary.
7.1.3 For general and local lighting of premises, light sources with a color temperature of 2400 to 6800 K should be used. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation in
the wavelength range of 320 - 400 nm should not exceed 0.03 W / m . The presence of wavelengths less than 320 nm in the radiation spectrum is not allowed.
For artificial lighting, energy efficient light sources and lighting devices should be used, giving preference, with equal power, to light sources with the highest
luminous efficacy and service life, taking into account the requirements for color discrimination. Light sources and lighting devices must meet the requirements [ 4 ].
The use of general-purpose incandescent lamps for lighting is limited [ 1 ]. General purpose incandescent lamps with a power of 100 W or more are not allowed.
The recommended luminous efficacy of lighting devices used for general artificial lighting of premises, lighting of production sites outside buildings and outdoor
utilitarian lighting with the minimum permissible color rendering indices is shown in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 - Recommended luminous efficacy of lighting devices for general lighting of premises, lighting of production sites outside buildings, outdoor lighting of
Luminous efficiency of lighting devices (SP), lm /
Light source type
W, not less
General lighting of public spaces
SP with LEDs:
- with a color rendering index R a > 85 100
- with color rendering index 80 ≤ R a ≤ 85 105
JV with fluorescent light sources 55
JV with metal halide light sources 65
General lighting of industrial premises
SP with LEDs:
- with a color rendering index R a > 80 100
- with color rendering index 70 ≤ R a ≤ 80 105
JV with fluorescent light sources 55
JV with metal halide light sources 65
JV with high pressure sodium lamps 75
JV with high pressure mercury lamps 60
Lighting of work places outside buildings
SP with LEDs 100
JV with metal halide light sources 60
JV with fluorescent light sources 55
JV with high pressure sodium lamps 75
JV with high pressure mercury lamps 60
Outdoor lighting of territories
SP with LEDs 110
JV with metal halide light sources 60
JV with fluorescent light sources 55
JV with high pressure sodium lamps 75
JV with high pressure mercury lamps 60
Notes (edit)
1 Luminous efficacy is calculated using the ies-file per luminaire.
2 For luminaires with a deep luminous intensity curve, the luminous efficacy can be reduced by 20% (for the types of luminous
intensity curves, see Table 2 and Figure 1 of GOST R 54350-2015 ).
3 These requirements do not apply to luminaires of local lighting.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

7.1.4 Electrical equipment used for artificial lighting must comply with the requirements [ 3 ], [ 7 ].
7.2 Lighting of premises of industrial and warehouse buildings
7.2.1 Selection of light sources for color characteristics should be made on the basis of applications for industrial premises and . For general lighting of industrial
premises, LEDs and energy efficient discharge light sources should be used.
7.2.2 The standards of illumination given in table 4.1 . should be increased by one step of the illumination scale in the following cases:
a) for visual work of categories I - IV, if visual work is performed for more than half of the working day;
b) with an increased risk of injury, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 200 lux or less;
c) with special increased sanitary requirements (at enterprises of the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries), if the illumination from the general lighting
system is 500 lux or less;
d) during work or industrial training of adolescents, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 300 lux or less;
e) in the absence of natural light in the room and the constant presence of workers, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 750 lux or less;
f) when observing parts rotating at a speed equal to or exceeding 500 min , or objects moving at a speed equal to or exceeding 1.5 m / min;
g) with a constant search for objects of discrimination on a surface with a size of 0.1 m or more;
i) in premises where more than half of the employees are over 40 years old.
In the presence of several signs at the same time, the illumination rate should be increased by no more than one step.
7.2.3 In rooms where visual work of grades IV - VI is performed, the illumination standards should be reduced by one level with a short stay of people or in the
presence of equipment that does not require constant maintenance.
7.2.4 When performing visual work in rooms of categories I - III, IVa, IVb, IVc, Va, a combined lighting system should be used. It is allowed to provide for a
general lighting system if it is technically impossible to arrange local lighting, which is specified in the standards of organizations.
If there are working and auxiliary zones in the same room, localized general lighting (with any lighting system) of the working zones and less intense illumination
of auxiliary zones should be provided, referring them to category VIIIa in terms of illumination of visual work.
7.2.5 Illumination of the working surface, created by luminaires of general lighting in the combined system, must be at least 10% of the standardized for
combined lighting. In this case, the illumination from the general lighting should be at least 200 lux. It is allowed to create illumination from general illumination in
a combined system of more than 1200 lux only if there are justifications.
In rooms without natural light, the illumination of the working surface created by general lighting fixtures in the combined system should be increased by one

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7.2.6 The limiting uniformity of the distribution of illumination U = E /E in the working area of ​the room, excluding passages, should not be less for
0 min max
visual work of categories I - III - 0.7, for visual work of categories IV - VII of categories - 0.6 ...
The maximum uniformity of illumination distribution U may be reduced to 0.3 in cases where, according to the conditions of technology, general lighting
fixtures are allowed to be installed only on sites, columns or walls of a room.
7.2.7 In industrial premises, the illumination of walkways and areas where visual work is not carried out should be no more than 25% of the standardized
illumination created by general lighting fixtures, but not less than 100 lux.
7.2.8 In workshops with a fully automated technological process, lighting should be provided to monitor the operation of the equipment, as well as additionally
switched on lamps for general and local lighting to provide the necessary (in accordance with Table 4.1 ) illumination during repair and adjustment work.
7.2.9 In order to control energy consumption, requirements are established for the maximum permissible specific installed power of general artificial lighting in
premises. Specific installed power of general artificial lighting in production and storage facilities should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​given in Table
Table 7.2 - Maximum permissible specific installed power of artificial lighting in production facilities
Illumination on the working surface, 2
Room index Specific installed power, W / m , no more
0.6 twenty
0.8 eighteen
1.25 16
2 or more fourteen
0.6 16
0.8 fourteen
1.25 12
2 or more ten
0.6 fourteen
0.8 12
1.25 ten
2 or more eight
0.6 12
0.8 ten
1.25 eight
2 or more 6
0.6 ten
0.8 eight
1.25 6
2 or more 4
0.6 eight
0.8 6
1.25 4
2 or more 3
0.6 6
0.8 4
1.25 3
2 or more 2
Notes (edit)
1 The values ​of the maximum specific powers of artificial lighting for rooms of other sizes and illumination are determined by
2 The values ​of the maximum specific power of artificial lighting may be increased by 20% in technically justified cases (the
presence of large-sized equipment, etc.).

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

7.2.10 The combined indicator of discomfort from general lighting luminaires (regardless of the lighting system) should not exceed the values ​specified in
table 4.1 .
The combined discomfort index is not limited for rooms that do not exceed double the height of the luminaire suspension above the floor, as well as for rooms
with temporary occupancy and for areas intended for passage or maintenance of equipment.
7.2.11 For local illumination of workplaces, luminaires with opaque reflectors should be used. Luminaires should be located in such a way that their luminous
elements do not fall into the field of vision of workers in the illuminated workplace and other workplaces.
Local illumination of visual work with three-dimensional objects of discrimination should be performed:
- with diffuse background reflection - by a lamp, the ratio of the largest linear size of the luminous surface of which to the height of its location above the working
surface is no more than 0.4 when the optical axis is directed to the center of the working surface at an angle of at least 30 ° to the vertical;
- with directionally diffused and mixed background reflection - by a lamp, the ratio of the smallest linear size of the luminous surface of which to the height of its
location above the working surface is at least 0.5, and its brightness is from 2500 to 4000 cd / m .
7.2.12 The brightness of the working surface should not exceed the values ​specified in Table 7.3.
7.2.13 The coefficient of pulsation of illumination on working surfaces should not exceed the values ​indicated in Table 4.1 .
Table 7.3 - The highest permissible brightness of working surfaces in terms of reflected gloss
2 2
Working surface area, m The highest permissible brightness, cd / m
Less than 0.0001 2000
0.0001 to 0.001 1500
"0.001" 0.01 1000
"0.01" 0.1 750
More than 0.1 500

The ripple factor is not limited:

- for rooms with periodic presence of people in the absence of conditions in them for the occurrence of a stroboscopic effect;
- with a pulsation of illumination with a frequency of more than 300 Hz, since at these frequencies it does not affect the general and visual performance.
In rooms where the stroboscopic effect is possible, the illumination ripple factor should be less than 10% due to the use of light sources with special power
devices (LEDs operating on direct current, fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts), as well as the inclusion of neighboring discharge light sources in three phases
of the supply voltage.
7.3 Lighting of premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings
7.3.1 Selection of light sources for color characteristics should be based on applications for public, residential and ancillary facilities to the .
In preschool educational institutions, as well as in the main functional rooms of medical institutions, fluorescent (including compact) lamps and halogen
incandescent lamps should be used. The use of LED light sources in these areas is not permitted.
In public areas, halogen general lighting incandescent lamps may only be used to meet architectural and artistic requirements.
7.3.2 In order to control energy consumption, requirements are established for the maximum permissible specific installed power of general artificial lighting of
premises of public buildings of categories A - B.
Specific installed power of general artificial lighting should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​given in Table 7.4.

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Table 7.4 - Maximum permissible specific installed power of artificial lighting in public buildings
Illumination on the working surface, 2
Room index Specific installed power, W / m , no more
0.6 eighteen
0.8 16
1.25 fourteen
2 or more 12
0.6 16
0.8 fourteen
1.25 12
2 or more ten
0.6 fourteen
0.8 12
1.25 ten
2 or more eight
0.6 12
0.8 ten
1.25 eight
2 or more 6
0.6 ten
0.8 eight
1.25 6
2 or more 4
0.6 5
0.8 4
1.25 3
2 or more 2
Notes (edit)
1 The values ​in this table are given taking into account the power consumption of ballasts and lighting control devices.
2 The values ​of the maximum specific power of artificial lighting may be increased by 20% in technically justified cases (the
presence of large-sized equipment, etc.).

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

7.3.3 The illumination standards given in Table 4.2 should be increased by one step of the illumination scale in the following cases:
a) for visual work of categories A - B with special increased sanitary requirements (for example, in some premises of public catering and trade);
b) in the absence of natural light in a room with a constant presence of people;
c) with increased requirements for the saturation of the room with light for visual work of categories G - E (auditoriums and concert halls, foyers of unique
buildings, etc.);
d) when using a combined lighting system for administrative buildings (offices, work rooms, library reading rooms);
e) in premises where more than half of the employees are over 40 years old.
7.3.4 In installations of decorative and artistic lighting of premises of public buildings with categories of visual work G - E, the choice of illumination is allowed
in accordance with architectural requirements, while in order to ensure the possibility of free orientation in the room, the minimum illumination of the conditional
working surface should be at least 100 lux.
7.3.5 In rooms where it is necessary to provide cylindrical illumination, the weighted average over the surface of the reflectivity of the walls must be at least 40%,
and the ceiling - at least 50%.
7.3.6 In the premises of public buildings, a general lighting system should be used. It is allowed to use the combined lighting system in the premises of
administrative buildings where visual work of categories A - B is performed (for example, offices, work rooms, reading rooms of libraries and archives, etc.). In this
case, the standardized illumination on the working surface increases according to 7.3.3 , and the illumination from the general illumination should be at least 70% of
the values ​according to Table 4.2 .
At consumer service enterprises in associated industrial premises, where visual work of categories I - IV is performed (for example, jewelry and engraving work,
watch repair, television and radio equipment, calculators, etc.), a combined lighting system should be used. Standardized illumination and quality indicators are taken
according to table 4.1 .
7.3.7 The combined indicator of discomfort, regulated to limit glare in lighting installations according to table 4.2 , should be provided at the end wall on the
central axis of the room at a height of 1.2 m from the floor. The combined discomfort score is not limited to rooms that are no more than double the height of the
luminaires above the floor.
The illumination ripple factor should be taken according to table 4.2 .
7.3.8 Lighting of lobbies, stairs, elevator halls, apartment corridors of residential buildings with a height of more than three floors must have automatic or remote
control, which ensures a decrease in the luminous flux of lamps or lamps at night so that the illumination of the above premises is not lower than the evacuation
lighting standards , and when people pass through these rooms, the illumination must comply with the standards of working lighting.
In order to save energy when designing the working lighting of the above premises, it is allowed to use devices for short-term lighting switching (VKVO) with a
time delay sufficient for people to pass through these rooms in the conditions of the above illumination, or the use of lamps with motion (presence) and illumination
The need to use VKVO or luminaires with motion sensors in working lighting networks is determined by the design assignment.
7.4 Lighting of sites of enterprises and places of production of work outside buildings
7.4.1 Illumination of working surfaces of work places located outside buildings, on stacks outside buildings and under a canopy, should be taken according to
Table 7.5.
The specific power of artificial lighting in places where work is performed outside buildings should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​given in Table
Table 7.5 - Lighting standards and the maximum permissible specific installed power of lighting in places of work outside buildings
The ratio of the minimum Specific
Average Uniformity of Gloss Illumination ripple
Discharge size of an object of
illumination in illumination U , relative factor R , coefficient K ,%, installed
visual discrimination to the 0 G p power, W /
the horizontal
work distance from this object to units, not less relative units no more 2
plane, lx m , no more
the eyes of the worker
IX Less than 0.002 300 0.5 40 ten fourteen
X 0.002 to 0.01 200 0.5 45 15 ten
XI 0.01 to 0.02 150 0,4 45 twenty eight
XII 0.02 to 0.05 100 0,4 50 twenty 5
XIII 0.05 to 0.1 50 0,4 50 twenty 3
XIV More than 0.1 thirty 0.25 55 twenty 2
Xv Continuous monitoring of twenty 0.25 55 - 1
the production process
Xvi Periodic monitoring of the ten 0.25 55 - -
production process
XVII General supervision of 5 0.25 55 - -

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Notes (edit)
1 If there is a danger of injury for visual work of categories XI - XIV, illumination should be taken at the adjacent, higher
2 The values ​of the maximum specific power of artificial lighting may be increased by 20% in technically justified cases (the
presence of large-sized equipment, etc.).

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

7.4.2 Average illumination in the horizontal plane of sites of enterprises at ground level or road surfaces should be taken according to Table 7.6.
Table 7.6 - Illumination of the territories of enterprises
The highest traffic intensity in both Average illumination in the horizontal
Illuminated objects
directions, units ∙ h plane, lx
Driveways St. 50 to 150 twenty
10 to 50 ten
Less than 10 5
Fire passages, roads for household needs - 5
Steps and landings of stairs and walkways - ten
Pre-plant sites that do not belong to the city - ten
(areas in front of buildings, entrances and
passages to buildings, parking lots)
Railways: -
- arrow necks - ten
- separate turnouts - 5
- railway track - 5
Transitions and crossings - ten
N o t e - For highways that are a continuation of city streets and have a similar covered carriageway and traffic intensity, it is
necessary to comply with the standards for the average brightness of the roadway coverings given in Table 7.10 .

7.4.3 Outdoor lighting should be controlled independently of indoor lighting controls.

The relative power density of artificial lighting of the road network should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​given in Table 7.10 .
Where streets and roads in industrial areas are used only for short periods of time (at night), for example, during shift work, to reduce the brightness or
illumination of the road surface after a decrease in traffic intensity, lighting devices with automatic dimmers should be used.
7.4.4 To limit the glare of outdoor lighting installations at work sites and industrial sites, the installation height of lighting devices above ground level should be:
a) for lighting devices with a protective angle less than 15 ° - not less than indicated in table 7.7 ;
b) for lighting devices with a protective angle of 15 ° and more - not less than 3.5 m.
It is allowed not to limit the height of the suspension of lighting devices with a protective angle of 15 ° or more (or with milk glass diffusers without reflectors) on
areas for the passage of people or maintenance of technological (or engineering) equipment, as well as at the entrance to the building.
Table 7.7 - The smallest installation height of lighting devices under the conditions of limiting glare
Light distribution of lighting The greatest luminous flux of lamps in lighting The smallest height of installation of lighting
fixtures fixtures installed on one support, lm devices, m
Less than 6000 7.0
6000 to 10000 7.5
St. 10000 "20000 8.0
"20,000" 30,000 9.0
"30,000" 40,000 10.0
"40,000 11.5
Less than 6000 7.5
6000 to 10000 8.5
St. 10000 "20000 9.5
"20,000" 30,000 10.5
"30,000" 40,000 11.5
"40,000 13.0

7.4.5 The installation height of the scattered light lighting devices must be at least 3 m with a luminous flux of the light source up to 6000 lm and at least 4 m with
a luminous flux of more than 6000 lm.
7.4.6 The ratio of the axial luminous intensity I , cd, of one floodlight or an obliquely located lighting device with a type of luminous intensity curve similar to
the luminous intensity curve of the searchlight, to the square of the installation height of these devices H , m, depending on the rated illumination, should not exceed
values specified in table 7.8.
Table 7.8 - Ratio of axial luminous intensity to square of installation height
Standardized illumination, lx 0.5 1 2 3 5 ten twenty thirty 50
I max / N 100 150 250 300 400 700 1400 2100 3500

N o t e - When the direction of the axial light forces of several lighting devices coincides, the permissible values ​of I max / H
each device are determined by dividing the tabular value by the number of these lighting devices.

7.5 Lighting of residential areas

7.5.1 Lighting of streets, roads and squares The classification of the urban road network is carried out in accordance with Table 7.9 . For the carriageway of sections of city streets and roads with standard geometry and asphalt concrete pavement, the following are normalized: the average
brightness of the road surface L , the total U and longitudinal U uniformity of the brightness of the road surface, the average illumination of the road
cp 0 i of the
surface E , the uniformity of illumination U , threshold increment of brightness TI according to table 7.10 .
cf h For the carriageway of sections of city streets and roads with non-standard geometry or with a surface other than asphalt concrete (paving stones, cement
concrete, etc.), or located in the northern building and climatic zone of the Asian part of the Russian Federation or north of 66 ° northern latitude of the European
part Of the Russian Federation, the average illumination on the road surface E and the uniformity of illumination U are normalized according to table 7.10 .
cf h
The dazzling effect of the lighting installation on the drivers is regulated by the limiting luminous intensity of the lamps in the direction of the
drivers I according to .
pre The energy efficiency of the installation of utilitarian outdoor lighting is estimated by the indicator of the relative specific power D according to
table 7.10 . Method of determination of the relative power density D is given in Appendix M .
p average brightness L coating trunk roads with fast movement outside the city on the main entrances to airports, maritime and river ports regardless of
traffic intensity should be at least 1.6 cd / m .

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2 allowed in agreement with the city administration to increase the average luminance values L at 0.20 cd / m or average illuminance E 5.0 lux for
cp cf.
streets, roads and squares in categories A (except for class A1) and B as well as outside the city at the entrances to airports, train stations, hyper and supermarkets. The average brightness L or the average illumination E road surface of roads and streets intersecting at the same level must correspond to the
cp cp of the
values ​established for the main road or street, at a distance of at least 100 m from the abutment line.
At exits and branches of roads and streets intersecting at different levels, within the boundaries of a traffic intersection, the value of the average
illumination E must be at least 20 lx.
The average brightness L or the average illumination E road surface of local streets adjacent to the main road or street must be at least 1/3 of the values ​
cp cp of the
of L or E established for the corresponding road or street, but not lower than the normalized value for the street local significance at a distance of at least 100 m
cp cf
from the abutment line. The height of the luminaire placement on streets, roads and squares with tram and trolleybus traffic should be taken taking into account the suspension
height of the contact wires in accordance with SP 98.13330.2012 .

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Table 7.9 - Classification of the urban road network
Throughput ,
Object The main purpose of the Design speed, of lanes in
Object category Transport characteristics thousand
class object km / h both
units / h
A. Trunk Outside the A1 Transport and functional All types of transport; high- 100 6-8 Over 10
roads and city center * axes of large cities. Exits speed, continuous movement:
streets of to external federal intersections at different
city-wide highways levels; the presence of a central
significance dividing strip
A2 The main transport All types of 80 - 100 6-8 7-9
channels of the city, transport; continuous or
including those with exits adjustable
to external highways and movement; intersection with
expressways highways at the same or
different levels
Downtown A3 Transport and functional All types of transport except 90 6-8 4-7
axes of the historic city for freight, not related to the
center. Central highways service of the center; adjustable
connecting streets with movement; intersection with
access to highways A1 highways at the same
and A2 level; heavy pedestrian traffic
A4 The main transport Also 80 4-6 3-5
channels of the historical
center of the city provide
internal communications
of the center. Have access
to the main streets of city
and regional significance
B. Outside the B1 The main axes of the city All types of 60 - 70 4-6 3-5
Highways city center districts. Provide transport; adjustable
and streets communications within movement; intersections in one
of regional and between residential level
significance and industrial areas
Downtown B2 The axes of the functional All types of transport except 60 3-6 2-5
planning zones of the for freight, not related to the
historic city service of the center: regulated
center. Provide his internal traffic; intersections in one
connections. Have access level
to the main streets of city
and regional significance
B. Streets Residential IN 1 Transport and pedestrian Light, special and service area 60 2-4 1.5 - 3
and local development connections within freight transport, in some cases
roads outside the residential areas and public passenger transport is
city center access to highways, with allowed; adjustable
the exception of streets movement; intersections in one
with continuous traffic level
Residential IN 2 Transport and pedestrian Passenger, special and service 60 2-4 1.5 - 3
development connections within area freight
in the city residential areas and transport; adjustable
center neighborhoods, access to movement; intersections in one
the main streets of the level
In urban AT 3 Transport links within All types of 60 2-4 0.5 - 2
industrial, production and communal transport; adjustable
utility and storage areas movement: intersections in one
storage areas level
* City center - the territory of the central part of the city, established by the city authorities

Table 7.10 - Standardized indicators of street and road lighting in urban settlements with regular traffic
Relative specific
The average The overall Longitudinal
power at
brightness of uniformity of uniformity Average
of the Threshold illumination Uniformity of Illumination ripple standardized
the road the brightness of road surface
Object brightness increment of of the road coefficient, K p ,%, illumination, D p ,
surface L cp ,
class the road
of the road brightness TI,%, surface E , illumination U h ,
2 no more -2
surface U 0 , not not more cf
not less mW × m ×
cd / m , not surface U ,
less I lx, not less -1
less than not less lx , no more
A1 2.00 ten 30.0 60
A2 1.60 ten 20.0 1) 50
0.40 0.70 0.35 Z
A3 1.40 12 20.0 45
A4 1.20 12 20.0 45
B1 1.20 12 20.0 1) 45
0.40 0.60 0.35 5
B2 1.00 15 15.0 53
IN 1 0.80 0.40 0.50 15 15.0 50
IN 2 0.60 0.40 0.50 15 10.0 0.25 5 50
AT 3 0.40 0.35 0.40 twenty 6.0 50
1) The values ​are given for lighting installations with LED light sources. For lighting installations with discharge light sources, the
norm of the illumination ripple factor is not applied.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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10/15/21, 6:32 PM SNiP 23-05-95 * Updated edition of SP 52.13330.2016 Natural and artificial lighting / 23 05 95 * 52 13330 2016 On streets, roads and in transport zones of areas for which illumination is standardized, limit the luminous intensity of the luminaires in the installation at
angles of 80 ° and 90 ° from the vertical in the direction of the drivers by the limit values ​of I , equal to 30 and 10 cd, respectively, per 1 km luminous flux of the
When illuminating large areas and traffic intersections, the luminaires installed on poles with a height of 20 m or more must ensure the direction of the maximum
luminous intensity at an angle of no more than 65 ° from the vertical. The luminous intensity of the luminaire at angles of 80 °, 85 ° and 90 ° from the vertical in the
direction of the drivers should not exceed the limit values ​of I equal to 50, 30 and 10 cd, respectively, per 1 km of its luminous flux.
The height of the luminaire above the road surface of the carriageway of the upper level of the transport intersection must be at least 10 m. Average illumination E and uniformity of illumination U tram tracks located on the carriageway of streets shall correspond to those indicated in
cf h of
Table 7.10 . Average illumination E on a separate tramway track should be at least 6 lux, on landing sites - 10 lux.
It is allowed not to illuminate isolated tram tracks on the tracks outside the urban area. The minimum installation height of lamps in the parapets of bridges and overpasses is not limited, provided that a protective angle of at least 10 ° is
ensured and the possibility of access to dumps and ballasts without the use of special tools is excluded.
2 With the normalized average brightness L more than 0.80 cd / m or average illuminance E than 15 lux for roadway city streets, roads and squares
cp cf.
permitted at night reducing these standards disconnecting part fixtures or decrease their power by 30 % and 50% when the traffic intensity decreases to 1/3 and 1/5 of
the maximum value, respectively.
Partial disconnection of the luminaires at night is not allowed when they are installed one by one on a support. For reliable orientation of drivers and pedestrians at night, the lamps in a row should be positioned so that the line they form clearly indicates the
direction of the road or street. Average illumination E and uniformity of illumination U on the road surface of streets, roads, driveways and areas of rural settlements must comply
cf h
with Table 7.11.
Table 7.11 - Standardized indicators of street and road lighting in rural settlements
Illuminated objects E , lx, not less U , not less
cf h
Main streets, squares of public and shopping centers 10.0
Residential Streets:
- the main 6.0
- minor (lanes) 4.0
Village roads, driveways on the territory of garden partnerships and dacha 2.0 0.10
cooperatives Average illumination E on the road surface at the approaches to the places of refueling of vehicles, as well as in open parking lots must comply with
Table 7.12. Lighting devices installed in the territories of gas stations and car parks must have a luminous intensity in the direction of drivers of vehicles passing
along the streets and roads adjacent to these territories, not more than 30 cd per 1 km of the luminous flux of these devices. It is not allowed to direct searchlights
installed on roofs and canopies of buildings or supports towards the carriageway of the street or road.
Table 7.12 - Lighting of gas stations and car parks
Illuminated objects E cf , lx, not less
Access roads to service facilities for streets and roads:
- categories A and B 15.0
- category B 10.0
Places for filling and unloading oil products 20.0
Driving through the rest of the territory of gas stations 10.0
Open parking lots on the streets of all categories, as well as paid off-street parking lots, open parking 6.0
lots in micro-districts, driveways between the rows of box-type garages

7.5.2 Lighting of pedestrian crossings Lighting of pedestrian crossings (at the same level with the carriageway) should provide pedestrians with the ability to see obstacles and road surface
defects, and vehicle drivers - to see pedestrians against the background of the road surface of the carriageway. In order to enhance the recognition of the crossing
zone for its illumination, it is advisable to use luminaires with light sources that have a color contrast with respect to the color of light sources used in luminaires for
illuminating the roadway.
N o t e - For example, for a road illuminated by high pressure sodium lamps, it is advisable to use metal halide lamps or LED lamps at the crossing. At ground pedestrian crossings of streets and roads of categories A and B, an increase in the average illumination E should be provided for at least 1.5
times in comparison with the norm of illumination on the crossed carriageway. The increase in illumination is achieved by reducing the pitch of the supports and
installing additional or more powerful lamps.
The light distribution of the luminaires and their location relative to the ground pedestrian crossing must ensure the visibility of the pedestrian against the
background of the road surface of the carriageway and not have a blinding effect on drivers. Luminaires should be placed in front of the crossing in relation to the
direction of traffic. On streets and roads with two-way traffic, luminaires are installed in front of the transition relative to both directions of movement.
To reduce the glare of drivers, luminaires with asymmetric light distribution (oblique lights) should be used, orienting the maximum luminous intensity towards
the transition. The values ​of the average illumination E on the surface of underground and overground pedestrian crossings are given in Table 7.13.
Table 7.13 - Values ​of the average illumination of underground and overground pedestrian crossings
Illuminated objects E cf , lx, not less
Underground pedestrian crossings and tunnels:
- passages 75
- stairs and ramps 40
Open pedestrian bridges ten
Elevated pedestrian crossings with transparent walls and ceilings or glazed wall openings:
- passages 75
- staircases, ramps and observation decks 50 The uniformity of illumination U on the coatings of underground and overground passages must be at least 0.3.
In underground and overground pedestrian crossings, lamps with a protective angle of at least 15 ° or with diffuse or prismatic diffusers are used.
7.5.3 Lighting for road tunnels Transport zones (carriageway), service and technical and auxiliary premises of the tunnel must have artificial working and emergency lighting, including
evacuation and backup lighting. Depending on the nature of traffic (one-way or two-way in one pipe) and the intensity of traffic, tunnels are divided into three lighting classes in
accordance with Table 7.14.
Table 7.14 - Classification of tunnels by lighting

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Traffic intensity per Traffic
lane, units / h Unilateral Bilateral
From 500 to 1500 From 100 to 400
Up to 500 incl. St. 1500 Up to 100 incl. St. 400
incl. incl.
Tunnel class 1 2 3 1 2 3
N o t e - In the presence of factors that worsen the safety or comfort conditions in the tunnel (for example, side entrances and
exits), the class of the tunnel can be increased by one step, with the exception of class 3. Working lighting of the transport zone of the tunnel should provide for day and night modes. For day mode in the transport zone, four brightness zones of the tunnel should be distinguished: threshold, transition, internal and exit. In addition, an
access zone is allocated in front of the entrance portal. Location zones of the tunnel is given in Appendix F . The length of the threshold zone should be taken equal to the RBT, the values ​of which, depending on the design speed of the traffic flow, should
correspond to those indicated in Table 7.15.
Table 7.15 - Safe braking distance (RBT)
Estimated travel speed, km / h 40 * 60 80 100 120
RBT, m 25 55 100 155 220
* Used at side tunnel entrances
Notes (edit)
1 When the slope of the longitudinal profile of the roadway in the access zone is 10 ‰ or more, the given RBT values ​should
be increased by 3% when descending or decreased by 2.5% when ascending for every 10 slopes to the entrance portal.
NOTE 2 For intermediate values ​of the design speed, the RBT values ​are determined by linear interpolation, rounded to an
integer. The longitudinal distribution of the luminance of the road surface L in the first half of the threshold zone of the tunnel should be constant, and in the
second half, it should decrease linearly, reaching by the end of this zone 40% of the value of the average brightness L in the first half of the threshold zone.
The ratio of the average luminance of the road surface L in the first half of the threshold zone of the tunnel to the luminance of adaptation L , determined in
th 20
accordance with Appendix G , must be not less than the values ​specified in Table 7.16.
Table 7.16 - Normalized values ​of the ratio of the average brightness of the road surface in the first half of the threshold zone of the tunnel to the
brightness of adaptation L / L
th 20
L /L ,%, at PBT, m
Tunnel class th 20
Up to 60 incl. 80 100 120 140 St. 160
1 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.7 4.0
2 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.7 5.0
3 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.0
Notes (edit)
1 For lateral entrances to the tunnel with RBT less than 55 m, the rate L /L = 1.5% is applied .
th 20
NOTE 2 For intermediate RBT values, the L /L values ​are determined by linear interpolation rounded to one decimal
th 20

In tunnels that have sections at the entrance with open openings in the walls or sun screens in front of the entrance portal, the threshold zone is counted from the
beginning of these sections. In this case, the brightness distribution in the threshold zone is determined taking into account the action of daylight and should have the
same character as in artificial lighting. The brightness of the road surface in the first half of the threshold zone of short tunnels relative to the normalized brightness of long tunnels is determined
in accordance with Table 7.17
Table 7.17 - Lighting of short tunnels in day mode
The relative level of illumination in
The radius of the curve of the entrance
Tunnel length, m comparison with the standardized
path of the site in the plan, m
according to table 7.14 ,%
Up to 25 incl. Any No lighting required
From 25 to 75 incl. St. 350
Up to 350 vpuch. 50
75 to 125 St. 350
Up to 350 incl.
St. 125 Any In the transition zone of the tunnel, the longitudinal distribution of the luminance of the road surface L when moving away from the threshold zone, shall
have a smoothly decreasing character. The ratio of luminance L at each point of the transition zone to the average luminance L in the first half of the threshold
tr th
zone should be less than the corresponding values of the standard relative luminance decay curve in the transition zone L /L annexed F .
tr th
A stepwise decline in the relative brightness L /L allowed , at which each step of the ratio L / L should not be lower than the standard decay curve of the
tr th is tr th
relative brightness of the transition zone, and the brightness difference during the transition from one step to the next should not exceed a ratio of 3: 1 ... EXAMPLE
stepwise decrease of brightness shown in Figure G.3 applications F .
The end of the transition zone is determined at the place where the brightness value of the transition zone of the tunnel L falls to three times the average
brightness of the inner zone of the tunnel L .
For additional driver comfort in the event of a stepped decrease in brightness, it is recommended to increase the length of the transition zone by the distance
traveled by the vehicle at the design speed for 1 - 2 s. In tunnels with two-way traffic in one pipe, the threshold and transition zones should be arranged on the side of each portal. It is necessary to provide for automatic regulation of the daytime illumination of the threshold and transition zones of the tunnel, depending on the
brightness of adaptation in the access area L at a given time, while ensuring the normalized value of the ratio L / L in accordance with Table 7.17 .
20 th 20 In the inner zone of the tunnel, the normalized values ​of the average brightness of the road surface L must correspond to the data in Table 7.18.
Table 7.18 - Normalized values ​of the average brightness of the road surface of the inner zone L
Tunnel class L , cd / m , not less, when RBT, m
Up to 60 incl. 80 100 120 140 St. 160
1 1.0 1,2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
2 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.5 3.2 4.0
3 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.8 5.4 6.0

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N O T E - For intermediate RBT values, the L values ​are determined by linear interpolation rounded to one decimal place.
in For class 3 tunnels, starting from the RBT, in front of the exit portal, arrange an exit zone in which the brightness of the road surface of the exit zone of
the L tunnel increases linearly, reaching 20 m before the exit portal five times the average brightness of the inner zone of the tunnel L . For tunnels of classes 1
ex in
and 2, the exit zone may not be arranged. Night lighting should be provided regardless of the length of the tunnel. In this case, the average brightness of the road surface along the entire length of
the tunnel should be constant and not less than the average brightness of the street or road sections adjacent to the entrance and exit portals. The average brightness
of the road surface of the tunnels must be at least:
- 0.80 cd / m - for class 1 tunnels;
- 1.00 cd / m - for class 2 tunnels;
- 2.00 cd / m - for class 3 tunnels.
It is allowed to increase the average brightness of the road surface by no more than 30% in the section in front of the entrance portal with a length equal to the
RBT in comparison with the corresponding average brightness of the road surface or the road leading to the tunnel, while not exceeding the average brightness of the
road surface in the tunnel.
If there is a section adjacent to the entrance portal, covered with a sunscreen, the night mode of illumination of this section should be similar to the regime
adopted for the entire tunnel. Switching lighting from night to day mode and vice versa should be carried out when natural horizontal illumination rises or falls, respectively, near the
entrance portal up to 100 lux. In all brightness zones, the ratio of the average brightness of the lower part of the tunnel walls up to 2 m above the road surface to the average brightness
of the road surface of the lane closest to the wall must be at least 0.25 for class 1 tunnels and at least 0.60 for classes 2 and 3. On sections with a constant brightness of the road surface (the first half of the threshold zone and entirely internal in the day mode, as well as the entire
tunnel in the night mode), the values ​of the indicators of the total U and longitudinal U uniformity of the brightness of the road surface should be ensured in
0 l of the
accordance with the table 7.19.
Table 7.19 - Normalized values ​are indicative of the uniformity of the brightness of the road surface
Tunnel class U 0 , not less U l , not less
1 0.35 0.40
2 0.40 0.50
3 0.40 0.60
* The target value must be provided for each lane.

For the same areas, the ratio of the minimum brightness to the average on the lower part of the wall (up to 2 m above the road surface) should be at least 0.35. Threshold increment of brightness TI due to the glare of luminaires for the threshold and inner zones of the tunnel in the daytime mode and the entire
tunnel in the nighttime mode shall not exceed 15%. To prevent the flicker effect in the inner zone in the daytime mode and along the entire length of the tunnel in the night mode, when the duration of travel
through such sections is more than 20 s at the design speed, the step of the luminaires in a row must lie outside the ranges of values ​given in Table 7.20.
Table 7.20 - Spacing intervals of the luminaires at which the flicker effect occurs in the tunnel
Design speed, km / h 60 80 100 120
Luminaire pitch range, m 1.3 - 6.7 1.7 - 8.9 2.1 - 11 2.6 - 13 When using luminaires with sodium lamps, the distance between the luminaires and yellow signal lights (traffic lights) must be at least 1 m horizontally
in a plane perpendicular to the direction of travel. For working lighting of the transport area, special tunnel luminaires with a light distribution corresponding to the selected tunnel lighting system should
be used.
For the threshold and transition zones, it is advisable to use a counter lighting system, for the inner and exit zones, as well as in the entire tunnel in the night mode
- a symmetric lighting system. Luminaires are most expediently located on the ceiling above the roadway in one or more rows, depending on its width and the normalized average
brightness of the road surface and walls. The dimensions of the luminaires in height should not exceed the limits established for this tunnel. For tunnels with no more
than two lanes, lateral placement of lamps is allowed (in the upper part of the walls or in the corners between the wall and the ceiling). When placed on walls, the
installation height of the luminaires must be at least 4 m relative to the road surface. Emergency lighting of tunnels should be designed in accordance with 7.7.1 - 7.7.7 . When designing working and emergency lighting for tunnel structures, service and technical and auxiliary rooms of the tunnel (control rooms, ventilation
chambers, etc.), general requirements for the lighting of industrial premises should be followed.
7.5.4 Lighting for pedestrian areas Lighting of pedestrian spaces should be designed based on the average horizontal illumination rate E and the uniformity of its distribution U on the
cf 0
road surface. The main objects of pedestrian spaces are classified and standardized in accordance with Table 7.21.
Table 7.21 - Classification and standardized indicators for pedestrian spaces
Object class by Normalized indicators
Illuminated objects
lighting E cf , lx, not less E 0 , not less
P1 Platforms in front of the entrances of cultural, sports, 20.0 0.30
entertainment and shopping facilities
P2 The main pedestrian streets of the historical part of the city 10.0 0.30
and the main public centers of administrative districts,
impassable and pre-factory squares, public transport
landing sites, playgrounds and recreation areas in
P3 Pedestrian streets; main and auxiliary entrances of parks, 6.0 0.20
sanatoriums, exhibitions and stadiums
P4 Sidewalks separated from the carriageway of roads and 4.0 0.20
streets; main thoroughfares of microdistricts, entrances,
approaches and central alleys of children's, educational
and health-improving institutions
P5 Secondary driveways, courtyards and utility sites on the 2.0 0.10
territories of microdistricts, side alleys and auxiliary
entrances of citywide parks and central alleys of parks of
administrative districts
P6 Side alleys and auxiliary entrances of parks of 1.0 0.10
administrative districts

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10/15/21, 6:32 PM SNiP 23-05-95 * Updated edition of SP 52.13330.2016 Natural and artificial lighting / 23 05 95 * 52 13330 2016 For pedestrian streets of the historical part of the city, the average value of the semi-cylindrical illumination must be at least 6.0 lux, and the minimum -
2.0 lux. The average illumination E on the pavement surface adjacent to the carriageway of a street, road or square should be at least half the average
illumination on the cover of the traffic lane nearest to the sidewalk.
The uniformity of illumination on the pavement surface U must be at least 0.30.
0.5 Blinding effect of luminaires for illumination of pedestrian streets, park areas, squares, boulevards, etc. determines the ratio I /A , where I is the
85 85
luminous intensity of the luminaire at an angle of 85 ° from the vertical, maximum in all azimuth angles, cd; A is the projection area of ​the luminous surface of the
luminaire onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of the luminous intensity I ,m .
The value of I /A , cd / m2, should be no more than:
- 4000 - at luminaire installation height up to 4.5 m inclusive;
- 5500 - also St. 4.5 to 6 m inclusive;
- 7000 - "" St. 6 m. Average illumination E on the road surface of sites, driveways, passages between rows of pavilions, tents, containers, etc. on the territory of open
markets and trade fairs, there must be at least 10 lux with a minimum illumination of 2.0 lux.
It is allowed to reduce the average illumination E to 4.0 lux after the closure of the market or trade fair.
cf The ratio of the vertical illumination at a height of 1.5 m in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the passage between the rows of pavilions to the
horizontal illumination at the level of the passage covering must be at least 1: 2.
7.5.5 Lighting in residential areas Inside residential quarters, the lighting standards for streets of local importance must correspond to lighting classes B1 and B2 of Table 7.10 , and
driveways and walkways - to classes P4 and P5 of Table 7.21 .
The dazzling effect of luminaires for driveways and pedestrian zones inside residential areas is regulated in accordance with and . The vertical illumination on the windows of residential buildings E from the combined action of all types of outdoor lighting, including utilitarian,
architectural, advertising and display, depending on the norms of average brightness L or average illumination E on the carriageway of adjacent streets should
cf cf
not exceed values shown in Table 7.22.
Table 7.22 - Normalized values ​of vertical illumination on the windows of residential buildings
Standardized indicator of illumination of the carriageway of the adjacent street Vertical illumination on the windows of
The average brightness L with p , cd / m Average illumination E cf , lx residential buildings E c , lx, no more

0,4 6 7
0.6 to 1.0 incl. 10 to 15 incl. ten
From 1.2 to 2.0 incl. From 20 to 30 incl. twenty On pedestrian streets outside the public center, in courtyard areas, as well as on any streets adjacent to dormitories of hospitals and health-resort
institutions, the vertical illumination on the windows of apartments in residential buildings and wards in dormitories should not exceed 5 lux. In order to limit the illumination of windows, luminaires with limited values ​of the luminous intensity in the direction of the windows or luminaires with
shielding grilles should be used. In outdoor lighting projects, it is necessary to provide for the lighting of entrances to fire-fighting water sources, if they are located on unlit parts of the
driveways. The average horizontal illumination of these entrances should be 2 lux. Above the entrance to the building or next to it, fixtures are installed that provide an average illumination on the road surface E , not less:
- 6.0 lux - at the main entrance area;
- 4.0 lux - at the site of an emergency or technical entrance, as well as on a pedestrian path within 4 m from the main entrance to the building.
7.5.6 Outdoor architectural lighting of buildings and structures Outdoor architectural lighting should provide good visibility and expressiveness of the most important objects in the evening and increase the comfort of
the lighting environment of the city. Architectural lighting installations should not produce a glaring effect on vehicle drivers and pedestrians. The brightness of the facades of buildings, structures, monuments and elements of landscape architecture, depending on their significance, location and
prevailing conditions of their visual perception in the city, should be taken according to Table 7.23.
Table 7.23 - Norms of outdoor architectural lighting of urban facilities
Flood lighting, Flood and accent Local
average lighting, the average coverage,
Urban space Location of the lighting brightness of brightness of light average
Illuminated object
category object the facade L f , accented brightness L ,
2 2 2
cd / m element L e , cd / m cd / m
Squares of the capital Monuments of architecture of
center, zones of city-wide national importance, large
ten thirty ten
dominants public buildings, monuments
and dominant objects
Trunk streets and city-wide Monuments of architecture,
squares history and culture, buildings,
eight 25 eight
structures and monuments of
urban importance
Parks, gardens, boulevards, Buildings, structures,
squares and pedestrian monuments located within the
streets of city-wide boundaries of the territory of a
5 15 5
significance landmark (cultural heritage
object) [ 2 ], monuments and
unique landscape elements
Areas of county and district Monuments and monuments,
civic centers buildings and structures of
7 twenty eight
district and regional
Trunk streets and squares
B of district and regional Also 5 15 5
Parks, gardens, squares, The same and characteristic
boulevards and pedestrian elements of the landscape
3 ten 3
streets of circle and
regional significance

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V Streets and squares, local Monuments and monuments, 5 ten 3
pedestrian roads buildings and structures located
within the boundaries of the
territory of a landmark (cultural
heritage object) [ 2 ]
Gardens, squares, The same and characteristic
boulevards of local elements of the landscape 3 eight 3
Notes (edit)
1 The brightness of dominant objects viewed from a distance of more than 300 m can be increased up to 50%.
2 When an object of illumination is located in an environment of unlit space, the brightness rate given in this table may be
reduced to 50%. When designing installations of architectural lighting, the calculated reflection coefficients of the surfaces of the facades of the illuminated objects are
taken according to the data of field measurements or according to Table 7.24.
Table 7.24 - Design characteristics of finishing materials for facades of buildings, structures and monuments used in the design of outdoor architectural lighting
Reflectance coefficient of the
Surface materials or facade color surface material ρ m
White: white weather-resistant facade paints, white porcelain stoneware, etc. 0.8 - 0.87
White marble 0.67 - 0.7
Very light: very light facade paints, white sand-lime brick, light gray concrete, marble, white stone 0.62 - 0.65
(limestone, dolomite, sandstone), concrete and decorative plasters on white cement and light
aggregates, very light porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles, shell rock, etc. .NS.
Light: light facade paints, marble, stone (tuff, sandstone, limestone), concrete, light colored 0.5 - 0.6
plasters, ceramic bricks, light porcelain stoneware, light marble species, blocks, tiles, wood
(boards), etc.
Medium-light: textured gray concrete, colored facade paints, light wood, gray sand-lime brick, 0.4 - 0.45
colored porcelain stoneware, etc.
Dark: dark facade paints, marble, granite, clay brick, sand-lime brick, dark porcelain stoneware, 0.28 - 0.33
decorative plasters and ceramic tiles, darkened wood, copper, etc.
Very dark: very dark paints, marble, granite, porcelain stoneware, etc. 0.15 - 0.2
Black: black paints, stone (marble, basalt, granite), cast iron, platinized bronze, decorative plasters, 0.12 - 0.15
N O T E The exact values ​of the light reflectance are determined by measurement.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 ) With uniform flood illumination of the facade, the ratio of maximum to minimum illumination should be no more than 3: 1, and on embossed and multi-
colored facades - up to 5: 1. In this case, the maximum illumination should be created on the main composite plastic elements. In case of uneven flood illumination of the facade, the ratio of the maximum and minimum illumination within the illuminated area is taken to be at least
10: 1 and not more than 30: 1, while the maximum illumination is created on the accentuated light element. When designing light architectural ensembles according to table 7.23 , the brightness of the main facade of the dominant object is selected. The average
brightness of the illuminated facades of subordinate objects of a single ensemble must be reduced by at least two steps on the brightness scale given in 4.1 . Volumetric monuments, monuments, small architectural forms that have a multilateral view should be illuminated from two or three sides with a clearly
defined main direction of the luminous flux, which determines the design plane, which should be compositionally related to the main direction of perception of the
object. In installations of architectural lighting, luminaires with discharge light sources and LEDs should be used. With local illumination, the use of chromatic
radiation sources is permissible. For illumination of objects with “cold” color shades of surfaces and green spaces, light sources with a color temperature higher than 4000 K should be
used. For illumination of objects painted in “warm” colors, light sources with a color temperature of up to 3500 K should be used. When lighting polychrome
objects, especially decorative and graphic elements on facades (mosaic and pictorial panels and friezes, tiles, colored reliefs and sculptures, sgraffito, etc.), white
light sources with a general color rendering index R at least 80 should be used In artistic and decorative lighting of landscape architecture objects, the use of
a of
colored light sources is allowed. Architectural lighting devices should be located in such a way that their outlets cannot be in the field of central vision of drivers and pedestrians in the
main directions of traffic or be shielded by light protection devices. The operating factor in the design of architectural lighting installations should be taken depending on the orientation of the light opening of the lighting
device and the light source used in it: MF = 0.67, if the glass of the device is oriented vertically or in the lower hemisphere (within an angle of 90 ° - 270 °)
and MF = 0.59 when the glass is oriented to the upper hemisphere.
7.5.7 Display lighting The average illumination in the vertical plane with general illumination of the showcase at a height of 1.5 m from the level of the sidewalk, as well as the
illumination of accent lighting in total with the total should not exceed the values ​given in Table 7.25.
Table 7.25
Average illumination in the vertical Total illumination in the vertical plane (general
Category of street, area
plane, lx and accent lighting), lux, no more
A 300 1000
B 200 750
V 100 500
Notes (edit)
1 The accent lighting area should be no more than 20% of the showcase area.
2 For showcases in which dark goods are displayed, the illumination should be increased by one level on the illumination scale;
for showcases with light goods, the illumination should be reduced by one level. When illuminating shop windows, lighting devices with discharge light sources and LEDs should be used. Light sources are selected taking into account
the color discrimination requirements in table 7.26. Lighting devices must be installed in such a way that their outlets or glare reflected from the displayed goods do not fall into the central field of vision of
drivers and pedestrians who are at a distance of at least 1 m from the window glass.
Table 7.26 - Recommended light sources for illuminating shop windows
Light source color characteristics
Type of goods Tc,K R
Fabrics, haberdashery, perfumery, toys, books, shoes, hats, furs 2800 - 5000 80 and more
Electrical goods, dishware, stationery, groceries, bread 2800 - 3200 70 and more
Meat, dairy, gastronomic products, vegetables, fruits, confectionery 2800 - 3500 80 and more
Fish products 4000 - 6500 80 and more

7.5.8 Advertising lighting

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10/15/21, 6:32 PM SNiP 23-05-95 * Updated edition of SP 52.13330.2016 Natural and artificial lighting / 23 05 95 * 52 13330 2016 The highest permissible average brightness and maximum permissible brightness of individual sections of advertising and information structures,
including those showing images using electronic media, depending on their area and location relative to the eyes of drivers, are given in Table 7.27.

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Table 7.27 - Norms of brightness of advertising and information structures
Installation Brightness advertising structure cd / m , at street category
Advertising panel Object height of A B V
or billboard area S , the
3 average average average
location object h*, maximum
m highest maximum ** highest maximum ** highest
m **
allowable allowable allowable
Across the axis of S ≤ 2 <2 *** 150 1000 125 750 100 500
view of the driver
of vehicles ≥ 3.5 250 1500 200 1000
outside the
carriageway with 2 < S ≤ 6 ≥ 3.5 200 1000 125 750
the area S of
2 6 < S ≤ 12 150 1000 85 750
theobject, m ,
and its height h , 12 < S ≤ 125 750 75 500
m, above the 75
including on the More than ≥ 3.5 100 300 100 300
facades of 75
buildings located
across the street
Along the axis of Any ≥ 3.5 500 2500 400 2000 300 750
view of the driver
of vehicles
outside the
carriageway, on
the facades of
buildings located
along the street,
on the roof of
buildings with
any orientation of
the advertising
* Height is measured from the level of the carriageway to the bottom edge of the advertising structure.
** Maximum brightness is defined as the overall brightness for the brightest areas of 0.2 × 0.2 m.

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10/15/21, 6:32 PM SNiP 23-05-95 * Updated edition of SP 52.13330.2016 Natural and artificial lighting / 23 05 95 * 52 13330 2016 The total illumination of windows of residential premises of residential buildings and wards of medical buildings by lighting devices of architectural,
advertising and outdoor lighting should not exceed the values ​of the average vertical illumination specified in . The operation of an advertising or information structure at night in a dynamic mode is possible if the apparent angular size of its projection onto a plane
perpendicular to the line of sight from a point located at a distance of 1 m from the geometric center of the windows of residential buildings, wards of medical
institutions, wards and dormitories of social security facilities, does not exceed 2.5 °, or the advertising structure is not visible from this point.
N o t e - For a rectangular advertising installation, an equivalent angular size is taken, equal to the size of a circle having the same area with the projection of the advertising installation on a plane
perpendicular to the line of sight.
Demonstration of advertising images on electronic media should be carried out using static image technology, without using dynamic effects containing
audiovisual works (with the exception of media facades).
Changing the image in the daytime and in the dark should be carried out no more than once every 5 s, the duration of the image change should be more than 2 s
and be carried out by gradually decreasing the brightness to zero and then gradually increasing the brightness.
Demonstration of images on media facades during daylight hours can be carried out using dynamic effects. At night, displaying images on media facades using
dynamic effects is prohibited.
The image change on media facades in the dark should be carried out no more than once every 1 minute, the duration of the image change should be more than 10
s and be carried out by gradually decreasing the brightness to zero and then gradually increasing the brightness.
7.6 Emergency lighting
7.6.1 Emergency lighting is subdivided into evacuation and backup. Types of emergency lighting are shown in Figure 7.1.
Evacuation lighting is subdivided into evacuation route lighting (including the evacuation route indication system), hazardous areas lighting and anti-panic
evacuation lighting (Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1 - Types of emergency lighting

Emergency lighting is provided in case of power failure of the working lighting. Emergency lighting should be turned on automatically when the power supply to
the working light is turned off, or manually if the automatics did not work.
Emergency lighting is supplied in accordance with the requirements [ 7 ].
The emergency lighting is connected to a power source that is independent of the power source for the work light.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.2 For emergency lighting, the following should be used:
a) LED light sources;
b) fluorescent lamps - in rooms with a minimum air temperature of at least 5 ° C and provided that the lamps are powered in all modes with a voltage of at least
90% of the nominal;
c) high-pressure discharge lamps, provided that they are instantly or quickly re-ignited both in a hot state after a short-term shutdown, and in a cold state;
d) incandescent lamps - if it is impossible to use other light sources.
The color rendering index R light sources used for emergency lighting must be at least 40.
a of the
7.6.3 Lighting of escape routes in rooms, places of work outside buildings and at technological sites of industrial enterprises should be provided along the escape
- in corridors and passages along escape routes;
- in places of change (difference) in the level of the floor or covering;
- in the zone of each change in the direction of the track;
- at the intersection of passages and corridors;
- on flights of stairs, while each step must be illuminated by direct light;
- before each evacuation exit from the premises requiring evacuation lighting;
- in front of the medical aid station;
- in the places where emergency communication facilities are located;
- in places where fire extinguishing means are located;
- in the locations of the evacuation plan;
- outside before the final exit from the building or structure.
- on technological platforms and staircases of industrial enterprises;
- in the working areas of outdoor technological units;
- on platforms and ladders for servicing external technological equipment, tanks, unloading racks and ladders;
- on technological and cable racks.
Evacuation lighting is not required on sections of escape routes with a distance of up to 7 m from the initial point of evacuation to the exit from the premises,
provided that there are no factors that create danger and difficulties during evacuation in these areas, and also provided that the exit from the premises is directly
visible from the initial point of evacuation, for example in offices, offices, utility rooms, storerooms and other premises, subject to the above conditions.
Illumination standards, limiting uniformity of illumination, the order of switching on and the duration of the illumination of escape routes are given in
Table 7.28 . Increased standards for illumination of escape routes are established for flights of stairs in buildings with a constant stay of low-mobility groups of the
population (MGN).
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.4 Anti-panic lighting is aimed at preventing panic and providing conditions for a safe approach to escape routes, and it should be provided in large rooms with
an area of ​more than 60 m with a simultaneous presence of 30 or more people in it, as well as in rooms with a constant stay of low-mobility groups population and
preschool children. Illumination standards, limiting uniformity of illumination, the order of switching on and the duration of operation of anti-panic lighting are
given in table 7.28 .
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.5 Evacuation lighting of high-risk areas should be provided for the safe completion of a potentially dangerous process or situation. Illumination standards,
limiting uniformity of illumination, the procedure for switching on and the duration of operation of evacuation lighting are shown in Table 7.28 .
7.6.6 Backup lighting should be provided if, according to the conditions of the technological process or situation, normal operation is required in the event of a
power failure of the working lighting, and also if the associated disruption of equipment and machinery maintenance may cause:
- death, injury or poisoning of people;
- explosion, fire, long-term disruption of the technological process;
- leakage of toxic and radioactive substances into the environment;

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- disruption of the operation of such facilities as power plants, radio and television transmission and communication centers, control rooms, pumping installations
for water supply, sewerage and heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning installations for industrial premises, in which the termination of work is
unacceptable, etc.
Back-up lighting should not be used for evacuation lighting purposes. If backup lighting is designed to be used for evacuation lighting purposes, then it must meet
the relevant requirements set out above for evacuation lighting.
The need to adopt higher illumination standards for backup lighting is determined by technologists, depending on the operating conditions of this facility.
Illumination standards, limiting uniformity of illumination, the procedure for switching on backup lighting are shown in Table 7.28 .
7.6.7 The glare of emergency lighting luminaires is limited by the luminous intensity limits.
For horizontal escape routes, the luminous intensity of emergency lighting luminaires is limited in the lower hemisphere within angles from 60 ° to 90 ° relative to
the vertical and at all azimuthal angles according to Figure 7.2 , at which its values ​should not exceed the limit values ​given in Table 7.29 .
For escape routes located at different levels and in places of work outside buildings, the luminous intensity of emergency lighting fixtures is limited in the lower
hemisphere, and at any vertical and azimuthal angles, its values ​should not exceed the limit values ​given in Table 7.29 .

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Table 7.28 - Standards for emergency lighting
Standardized Duration of
Limiting uniformity of
Types and objects of illumination E on emergency
n illumination E min / E max , Emergency lighting mode
emergency lighting a horizontal lighting, h, not
not less less
surface, lx, not less
Escape routes up to 2 m wide: Should provide 50% of the rated
- on the floor along the axis 1.0 1:40 1.0 illumination in 5 s after power
of the passage failure of the working lighting,
- on the floor in a strip not 0.5 1:40 1.0 and 100% of the rated illumination
less than 50% of the width of after 10 s
the passage, symmetrically
located relative to the center
- first aid station, places with 5.0 1:40 1.0
fire-fighting equipment,
places for placing an
evacuation plan, places for
triggering an alarm, in front
of each evacuation exit,
outside in front of each final
exit from the building
- flights of stairs in buildings 5.0 1:40 1.0
with permanent residence of
MGN and preschool children
Anti-panic lighting - on the 0.5 1:40 1.0 Should provide 50% of the rated
entire free floor area, except illumination in 5 s after power
for the 0.5 m strip along the failure of the working lighting,
perimeter of the room and 100% of the rated illumination
after 10 s
Illumination of hazardous 10% of the rated 1:10 Determined by Should provide 100% of the rated
areas illumination for the time at illumination 0.5 s after power
general working which there is a failure of the working lighting
lighting, but not danger to people
less than 15.0
Back-up lighting At least 30% of the 1:40 Continuous Should provide 50% of the rated
rated illumination operation until illumination no more than 15 s
for general power is restored after the power supply of the
working lighting to the working working lighting is interrupted and
light 100% of the rated illumination -
no more than 60 s, unless
otherwise established by special
standards or appropriate

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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1 - areas where the maximum luminous intensity should not exceed the values ​of table 7.29
Figure 7.2 - Limitation of glare on escape routes
located at the same level

1 - area where the maximum luminous intensity should not exceed the values ​of table 7.29
Figure 7.3 - Limiting glare on escape routes
located at different levels
Table 7.29 - Limitation of luminous intensity of emergency lighting luminaires
Installation height of emergency lighting Luminous intensity of emergency lighting lamps, cd, no more
fixtures h , m Escape route and anti-panic lighting Illumination of hazardous areas
h <2.5 500 1000
2.5 < h <3.0 900 1800
3.0 < h <3.5 1600 3200
3.5 < h <4.0 2500 5000
4.0 < h <4.5 3500 7000
h > 4.5 5000 10000

7.6.8 Lighting devices for emergency lighting are provided for either permanent operation, turned on simultaneously with the lighting devices of the working
lighting, or intermittent action, which are automatically turned on when the power supply to the working lighting in this zone is interrupted. In the case of use for
working and emergency lighting of luminaires with the same type of housing, emergency lighting luminaires must be marked with the letter "A" in red.
7.6.9 Evacuation safety signs are installed in rooms with a simultaneous stay of more than 10 people and an area of ​more than 60 m , as well as in open
technological structures of hazardous production facilities.
Continuous evacuation safety signs are installed:
- over each evacuation exit;
- on the evacuation routes, clearly indicating the direction of evacuation;
- to designate a post of medical care;
- to designate the locations of the primary fire extinguishing equipment;
- to designate the locations of emergency communication facilities and other means intended for alerting about an emergency.
In preschool educational organizations, educational and medical institutions and buildings with a permanent residence of MGN, evacuation safety signs are
installed regardless of the number of people in them.
In rooms where smoke is possible, evacuation safety signs should be placed at a height of no more than 0.5 m from the floor. Externally illuminated safety signs
are not allowed.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.10 The brightness of evacuation safety signs within any part of the colored surface of safety signs in all directions must be at least:
- 2 cd / m in the absence of smoke;
- 10 cd / m in terms of smoke.
The ultimate uniformity of brightness distribution within the colored surface of safety signs should be at least 1: 5.
The ratio of the brightness of the signal color to the brightness of the contrasting color must be at least 1:15 and not more than 1: 5.
The height of the evacuation security mark defined according to Annex B .
Power supply of evacuation safety signs in normal mode should be carried out from a source independent of the power source of the working lighting, and in
emergency mode, switch to power supply from a third independent source (for objects belonging to the first and second categories in terms of power supply
reliability), for example, from a built-in lamp storage battery or from a second independent source (for objects belonging to the third category in terms of power
supply reliability).
The duration of the work of evacuation safety signs must be at least 1 hour.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.11 Requirements for emergency lighting fixtures must comply with GOST 27900 and GOST IEC 60598-2-22 .
Requirements for evacuation safety signs must comply with GOST 12.4.026 .
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.12 Emergency lighting of boiler rooms is provided in accordance with SP 89.13330 .
(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
7.6.13 Specific requirements for emergency lighting of premises for various purposes are given in SP 439.1325800 .
(introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )
7.7 Emergency lighting for road tunnels
7.7.1 In the transport zone of tunnels with a length of more than 125 m, illumination of areas of increased danger should be provided, designed to ensure the
necessary visibility conditions for the exit of vehicles from the tunnel in case of emergency shutdown of working lighting.
Lighting is provided by part of the working lighting fixtures, in which all or part of the lamps are connected to a source independent of the working lighting power
The average illumination from emergency lighting on the road surface of the transport zone of the tunnel should be at least 10 lux, and the minimum should be at
least 2 lux, while the standardized illumination should be provided no more than 0.5 s after turning off the working lighting.
Luminaires for illumination of hazardous areas must have a degree of protection against environmental influences of at least IP 65 in accordance with GOST
14254 and a class of protection against electric shock I or II in accordance with GOST R IEC 60598-1 .

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7.7.2 In tunnels with a length of 500 m and more, in addition to the illumination of high-risk zones, illumination and designation of escape routes should be
provided. The necessary conditions for the visibility of escape routes in the transport area, designed to exit the tunnel for people who left vehicles in an emergency,
must be implemented with the help of special evacuation lamps and light indicators.
7.7.3 To indicate escape routes, static or dynamic light indicators of the direction of movement of people to the nearest emergency exit should be used.
Light indicators are installed on the walls of the tunnel with emergency exits, at a height of up to 1 m above the level of the evacuation sidewalk (banquettes),
with a step of no more than 25 m.The indicators nearest to the emergency exit should be located on both sides of the doorway of the emergency exit at a distance of
no more than 2 m.
7.7.4 Static light indicators should be permanently on and show the direction to the nearest emergency exit. Such markers can provide additional information
about the distance to the entrance or exit portals of the tunnel.
Dynamic light indicators should show the direction to the nearest emergency exit located outside the fire or smoke zone in the tunnel. Such signs should be
installed when the length of the tunnel is over 1000 m.
To prevent glare to the driver of the vehicle intensity of the lighting direction evacuation pointers constantly operating in normal mode, should not exceed 40 kd in
directions defined according to Annex H .
7.7.5 To indicate emergency exits, use light indicators with the "Exit" safety sign. Pointers are installed above the doorways of emergency exits at a height of 2.1 -
2.2 m from the floor level. Such signs must be included at all times.
Additionally, it is advisable to install green signal lights around the escape exit door, which are turned on in an emergency and operate in a pulsating mode to
attract the attention of evacuated people. EXAMPLE arrangement of signal lights contained in annex II .
The pulsation frequency of signal lights should be in the range from 1 to 2 Hz, and the luminous intensity should be at least 150 cd in directions falling into the
field of view of the evacuees.
7.7.6 Power supply of evacuation lamps and light indicators in the transport area of ​the tunnel is carried out in normal mode from a source that does not depend on
the working lighting network, and in emergency mode - from a third independent source, for which there must be an automatic switch to power supply from batteries
or another source intended for this purpose. The duration of the emergency lighting operation must be sufficient to evacuate people from the tunnel, but not less than
1 hour.
Evacuation lamps and light indicators in the transport area of ​the tunnel must have a degree of protection against environmental influences of at least IP 66
in accordance with GOST 14254 and a class of protection against electric shock I or II in accordance with GOST R IEC 60598-1 .
7.7.7 Evacuation and back-up lighting should be provided in the shelter structures. Back-up lighting, designed to continue to work as with work lighting, should
be installed in technical rooms with equipment that ensures the life of the tunnel, such as a central control room, electrical control rooms, ventilation, pumping
stations, etc.
When designing emergency lighting for tunnel structures, service and technical and auxiliary rooms of the tunnel, one should be guided by the general
requirements for emergency lighting set out in 7.6 .
7.8 Security and emergency lighting
7.8.1 Security lighting (in the absence of special technical means of protection) should be provided along the borders of territories protected at night. Illumination
should be at least 0.5 lux at ground level in the horizontal plane or at a level of 0.5 m from the ground on one side of the vertical plane perpendicular to the border
When using special technical means for protection, the illumination should be taken according to the design assignment.
For security lighting, any light sources are used, except for cases when the security lighting is off and is automatically turned on by the action of the security alarm
or other technical means. In such cases, you should apply:
- LED light sources;
- compact fluorescent lamps operating at negative temperatures;
- high-pressure discharge lamps, provided they are instantly ignited and quickly re-ignited, both in a hot state, after a short-term shutdown, and in a cold state of a
quick start;
- incandescent lamps when it is impossible to use other light sources.
7.8.2 Scope, illumination values, uniformity and quality requirements for emergency lighting are not standardized.
Appendix A
Determination of the category of visual work when the distance from the objects of discrimination to the eyes of the worker is more than 0.5 m
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
A.1 When the distance from the object of discrimination to the eyes of the worker is more than 0.5 m, the category of visual work according to Table A.1 should
be set taking into account the angular size of the object of discrimination, determined by the ratio of the minimum size of the object of discrimination d to the
distance from this object to the eyes of the worker l .
Table A.1 - Grades of visual work at large distances from the objects of discrimination to the eyes of the worker
Discharge of visual work D / l ratio limits
I Less than 0.0003
II 0.0003 to 0.0006
III Over 0.0006 "0.001
IV "0.001" 0.002
V "0.002" 0.01
VI »0.01

Appendix B
Determination of the category of visual work for extended objects of discrimination
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
B.1 For extended objects of discrimination, having a length b > 2 a , where a is the width of the object, the category of visual work is determined by the
equivalent size of the object of discrimination. In other cases, the category of visual work is determined by the minimum size of the object of discrimination.
At distances from the eye to the object of discrimination less than 500 mm, the equivalent size is determined by the nomogram shown in Figure B.1 .
At distances from the eye to the object of discrimination greater than 500 mm, the equivalent size is determined by the nomogram shown in Figure B.2 .
B.2 Conversion of the linear dimensions of the object of discrimination (in millimeters) into angular (in angular minutes) when using the nomogram shown in
Figure B.2 is carried out according to the formula
α = 60arctg ( x / l ), (B.1)
where x is the size of the object, mm;
l - distance from eyes to object, mm.
The conversion of the equivalent size obtained from the nomogram from angular dimensions (in arc minutes) to linear dimensions (in millimeters) is carried out
according to the formula
x = l tg ( α / 60). (B.2)

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Figure B.1 - Nomogram for determining the equivalent size of

extended objects of discrimination at distances from the eye to the object up to 500 mm

Figure B.2 - Nomogram for determining the equivalent size of

extended objects of discrimination at distances from the eye to the object more than 500 mm
Appendix B
Determination of the recognition distance of evacuation safety signs
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
B.1 The vertical size of the field of the pictogram of an evacuation safety sign, depending on the distance of recognition of the sign, is determined by the formula
where l is the recognition distance;
h is the minimum sign height;
Z is a coefficient equal to 100 for signs illuminated from outside and 200 for signs illuminated from inside.

Figure B.1 - Determination of the recognition distance of the safety sign

Appendix D
Reflection and light transmission coefficients of building glass and reflection coefficients of facade and interior finishing materials
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table D.1 - Reflection and transmission coefficients of building glasses
Light transmittance, Light reflectance, relative units
Glass type, nominal thickness
relative units coated side uncoated side
Colorless sheet glass
Float glass, colorless, 4 - 12 mm 0.87 - 0.91 - 0.08
Colorless laminated glass
Float glass, 6.38 - 17.52 mm 0.84 - 0.89 - 0.08
Coated glasses

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4) 0.76 - 0.90 0.04 - 0.14 0.05 - 0.18
Glass with low-emissivity soft coatings (4 mm thick)
Glasses with solar control soft coating, for use in insulating 0.08 - 0.67 0.10 - 0.51 0.10 - 0.43
glass units (6 mm thick)
Glazing with solar control hard coating, for use in insulating 0.08 - 0.70 0.10 - 0.51 0.05 - 0.41
glass and mono-glazing (6 mm thick)
7) 0.35 - 0.73 - 0.05 - 0.07
Plate glass, colored in the mass (6 mm thick)
5) 0.16 - 0.88 0.03 - 0.37 0.05 - 0.47
Glasses with multifunctional soft coatings (6 mm thick)
1) This table shows the characteristics of single sheet glass based on a review of data from leading manufacturers of building
glass on the Russian market, Glazing characteristics (double-glazed windows, double glazing threads, etc.) are calculated
in accordance with GOST EN 410 . To obtain the characteristics of a particular glazing, it is necessary to use the manufacturer's
data or to carry out measurements in a laboratory.
2) According to GOST 111 .
3) According to GOST 30826 .
4) According to GOST 31364 .
5) According to GOST 33086 .
6) According to GOST 33017 .
7) According to GOST 32997 .

The reduced light reflectance for the window unit as a whole is determined by the formula

(D. 1)

where ρ - the reduced light reflectance of glass for the window block as a whole, fraction of a unit or%;
ρ - coefficient of reflection from the outside of the glazing (translucent part of the window block), fraction of a unit or%;
A - glazing area, m ;
ρ - the coefficient of light reflection of the material of the opaque parts of the window block (frame and binding), fraction of a unit or%;
A - opaque parts of the window block (frame and cover), m .
Reflection coefficients of painted surfaces of facade and interior materials and finishing materials are given in Tables D.2 and D.3, respectively.
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table D.2 - Reflection coefficients of painted facade and interior surfaces of premises
Colors of painted surfaces and finishing materials Reflection coefficient, rel. units
White 0.85 - 0.87
White semi-matt 0.78 - 0.82
Ivory 0.73 - 0.75
Creamy white 0.55 - 0.72
Light green (yellow-green) 0.54 - 0.70
Light pink 0.49 - 0.69
Light beige 0.55 - 0.62
Light yellow 0.55 - 0.70
Light red 0.54 - 0.56
Light gray 0.5 - 0.60
Gray 0.30 - 0.36
Black 0.12 - 0.15
N O T E The exact values ​of the light reflectance are determined by measurement.

(Table D.2 introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )

Table D.3 - Reflection coefficients of facade finishing materials
Name Integral light reflectance ρ , rel. units
Face brick
Brick front white 0.70 - 0.72
Facade brick "ivory" 0.58 - 0.60
Facade bricks light straw 0.52 - 0.54
Front straw bricks 0.43 - 0.52
Facade brick yellow 0.33 - 0.35
Facade brick red 0.30 - 0.32
Front brick brown 0.13 - 0.18
Porcelain stoneware
White porcelain stoneware 0.80 - 0.87
Ivory porcelain stoneware 0.64 - 0.67
Porcelain stoneware light gray 0.55 - 0.60
Porcelain stoneware light green 0.40 - 0.42
Porcelain stoneware light brown 0.35 - 0.39
Brown porcelain stoneware 0.18 - 0.20
Black porcelain stoneware 0.12 - 0.15
N O T E The exact values ​of the light reflectance are determined by measurement.

(Table D.3 introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1 )

Appendix D
Operational groups of luminaires
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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Table E.1 - Operating groups of lamps
Constructive and lighting
schemes of luminaires
With discharge light A
sources (CFL, NLVD
MGL) and LEDs

With fluorescent lamps B1

and LEDs


Hardness group of lighting T ST M T ST M T ST M T ST T ST T ST T

materials (coatings)
Operational group of 5 4 3 6 5 4 2 2 1 7 6 5 4 6 5 7
N o t e - Accepted abbreviations: CFL - compact fluorescent lamp; НЛВД - high pressure sodium lamp, MGL - metal halide

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Table E.2 - Hardness groups of lighting materials
Materials (or coatings) of reflectors or diffusers
Type of material or coating
reflective light translucent
T - solid Silicate enamel coating Silicate glass
ST - medium hard Epoxy Powder Coating Polycarbonate
Coating with nitro enamel NTs-25 Polymethyl methacrylate
in accordance with GOST 5406
Enamel coating ML-12 in accordance with GOST 9754 PVC Rigid Film
Alzac-aluminum, protected by a layer of liquid glass
M - soft Enamel coating ML-242 in accordance with GOST 10982 High pressure polyethylene
Enamel coating AK-11022 Polystyrene
Acrylic enamel coating
Vacuum sprayed aluminum with varnish protection

Appendix E
Groups of administrative districts by light climate resources
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table E.1
Administrative districts
Administrative region
group number N
1 Vladimirskaya, Kaluga oblasts, Kamchatka krai, Kemerovo oblast, Krasnoyarsk krai (north of 63 ° N lat.),
Kurgan, Moscow oblasts, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk oblasts, Perm krai, Ryazan oblast,
Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan),
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (north of 63 ° N), Sverdlovsk, Smolensk, Tula, Tyumen regions, Udmurt
Republic, Khabarovsk Territory (north of 55 ° N), Chelyabinsk region , Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia,
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
2 Belgorod, Bryansk, Volgograd, Voronezh regions, Jewish Autonomous Region, Trans-Baikal Territory,
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Krasnoyarsk Territory (south of 63 ° N), Irkutsk, Kursk, Lipetsk, Magadan,
Orenburg, Oryol, Penza Regions, Altai Territory , Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Ingushetia, Republic
of Komi, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (south of 63 ° N), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Republic of
Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Omsk, Samara, Saratov, Sakhalin, Tambov, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk regions,
Khabarovsk Territory (south of 55 ° N lat.), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Chechen Republic
3 Vologda, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Kirov, Kostroma, Leningrad regions, Nenets Autonomous District,
Novgorod, Pskov Regions, Republic of Karelia, St. Petersburg, Tver Region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous
District, Yaroslavl Region
4 Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions
5 Astrakhan, Amur regions, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Krasnodar Territory, Primorsky Territory,
Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Crimea, Rostov Region,
Sevastopol, Stavropol Territory
N o t e - The administrative regions of the Russian Federation are grouped according to the light climate resources according to
the criterion of the total amount of illumination entering the premises during the year.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

Appendix G
Brightness zones of the tunnel in daylight mode
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
G.1 In the daytime mode, to facilitate visual adaptation of drivers when entering the tunnel, a smooth transition from natural lighting to significantly lower
artificial lighting of the main part of the tunnel, as well as the reverse transition when leaving it, should be provided. For this purpose, four brightness zones are
distinguished in the tunnel: a threshold transitional, internal and exit, and in front of the entrance portal - an access zone in accordance with Figure G.1. The
brightness mode and the length of each zone are assigned taking into account the design speed and traffic intensity, the length of the tunnel, its curvature in plan and
profile, the orientation of the entrance portal relative to the cardinal points and the conditions of its view.

Figure G.1 - Brightness zones of the tunnel in daytime mode

N O T E T h e dotted circle marks the 20 degree adaptation field.

Figure G.2 - View of the entrance portal from a safe braking distance
G.2 The value of the adaptation brightness in the entrance area of ​the L tunnel is determined for the worst conditions from the point of view of the adaptation,
that is, for a bright sunny day. For an existing tunnel (for example, during its reconstruction), the L value can be obtained by photometrying the entrance portal

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under the specified conditions using a brightness meter with a 20-degree measurement field.
G.3 In the absence of experimental initial data to find the value of L , the formula should be used
L =K L +K L +K L , (G.1)
20 c c r r e e
where K , K and K - fractions of the area of ​the sky, the roadway and the environment of the portal, respectively, in the field of adaptation;
c r e
L , L and L - their average brightness, the approximate values ​of which are given in Table G.1, depending on the orientation of the entrance portal relative to
c r e
the cardinal points.
Table G.1 - Brightness of sections of the adaptation field
Driving direction when entering Luminance values adaptation field plots CCD / m
sky L roadway L of the portal environment L
c r e
To the north 6 3 eight
East or west 12 4 6
South 16 5 4
N o t e - For intermediate directions, the values ​of the brightness of the corresponding surfaces in the adaptation field are
determined by interpolating the table values.

G.4 The curve of the longitudinal decay of the luminance of the road surface of the transition zone L , expressed as a percentage relative to the average
luminance of the road surface of the first half of the threshold zone L , shown in Figure G.3, is described by the formula
-1 , 4
L /L = (3,6 d / v + 1.9) ∙ 100 (G.2)
tr th
where d is the distance into the tunnel from the beginning of the transition zone, m;
v - travel speed, km / h.

N O T E - The dotted line shows an example of a stepped fit to this curve.

Figure G.3 - Curve of the decay of the luminance of the road surface in the transition zone

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Appendix I
Recommended light sources for industrial premises
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table I.1 - Recommended light sources for general lighting system
Range of color
Light source
Characteristics of visual work according to temperature of
Illumination, lx color rendering Recommended light sources
the requirements for color discrimination light
index R
a sources T , K
Color control with very high color 300 and more 90 - 100 5000 - 6500 SD; LL types: LDTs, 950 *,
discrimination requirements, excellent color 965 *
rendering (control of finished products in
garment factories, fabrics in textile factories,
leather sorting, selection of inks for color
printing, etc.)
Color matching with high color 300 and more 85 - 89 3000 - 6500 SD; LL types: LTBTsTs, LDC,
discrimination requirements, excellent color 930 *, 940 *, 950 *, 965 *
quality (weaving, sewing, color printing, etc.)
Distinguishing color objects with low color 500 and more 80 - 84 4000 - 6000 SD; LL types: LETS 840 *,
discrimination requirements, good color 865 *, MGL
rendering (radio equipment assembly, 300 to 500 80 - 84 3500 - 5500 SD; LL types: LETS, 840 *,
spinning, wire winding, etc.) 865 *, MGL
200 to 300 80 - 84 2700 - 4500 SD; LL types: LTBTS, 827 *,
830 *, MGL, KLL
Less than 200 80 - 84 2700 - 3500 SD: LL types: LTBTS 827 *,
830 *, MGL, NLVD + MGL,
There are no requirements for color 500 and more 70 - 79 4000 - 6500 SD; LL types: LD, 740 *, 765
rendering, the quality of color rendering is *, MGL
standard (mechanical processing of metals, 300 to 500 70 - 79 3500 - 5000 SD; LL types: LHB, 740 *,
plastics, assembly of machines and tools, etc.) 765 *, MGL, NLVD + MGL
200 to 300 50 - 69 2600 - 4500 SD; LL types: LB, 735 *,
Less than 200 50 - 59 2400 - 3500 SD; LL types: LTB, LB, 730 *,
735 *, NLVD, KLL
* The designation is given according to GOST R 54815 , in which the first digit defines the color rendering index (in tens
of R ), and the last two - the color temperature (in hundreds of kelvin). For example, 765 means R = 70, T = 6500 K.
a a c
Notes (edit)
1 Accepted abbreviations: CFL - compact fluorescent lamps; LB - white light lamps; LD - fluorescent lamps; ЛДЦ -
fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering; LEC - lamps of natural light with improved color rendering; LL - fluorescent
lamps; LTB - warm white light bulbs; LTBTs - lamps of warm white light with improved color rendering, LTBTs - lamps of warm
white light with high quality color rendering; LHB - cold white light lamps; MGL - metal halide lamps; НЛВД - high pressure
sodium lamps; LED - LEDs.
2 Direct radiation from bright LED light sources should not enter the field of view of those in the room.

Table I.2 - Recommended light sources for a combined lighting system

Light source Range of color
from general
Characteristics of visual work according color rendering temperature of light Recommended light sources
lighting with a
to the requirements for color index R sources T , K
combined a c
system, lx common local common local common local
Color control with very high color 300 and more 85 - 89 90 - 5000 - 5000 - SD; LL types: SD; LL types:
discrimination requirements, excellent 100 6500 6500 LTBTsTs LDC, LDTs, 950 *, 965
color rendering (control of finished 930 *; 940 *; 950 *
products in garment factories, fabrics in *, 965 *
textile factories, leather sorting,
selection of inks for color printing, etc.)
Color matching with high color 300 n more 70 - 79 85 - 89 3000 - 3000 - SD; LL types: SD; LL types:
discrimination requirements, excellent 6500 6500 LETS 840 *, 865 LTBTsTs, LDC,
color quality (weaving, sewing, color *, MGL 930 *, 940 *, 950
printing, etc.) *, 965 *
Distinguishing color objects with low 500 and more 50 - 69 80 - 84 2700 - 4000 - SD; LL types: LB, SD; LL types:
color discrimination requirements, good 4500 6000 730 *, MGL LETS, 840 *, 865
color rendering (radio equipment *, MGL
assembly, spinning, wire winding, etc.) 300 to 500 50 - 69 80 - 84 2600 - 3500 - SD; LL types; LB, SD; LL types:
4500 5500 730 *, MGL LETS 840 *, 865
*, MGL
200 to 300 50 - 69 80 - 84 2700 - 2700 - SD; LL types: LB, SD; LL types:
4500 4500 730 *, MGL, KLL LTBTS, 827 *,
830 *, MGL,
Less than 200 50 - 69 80 - 84 2600 - 2700 - SD; LL types: LB, SD; LL types:
4500 3500 730 *, MGL, KLL LTB, LB, 730 *,
735 *, MGL,
There are no requirements for color 500 and more 50 - 69 70 - 79 2700 4000 - SD; LL types: LB, SD; LL types:
rendering, the quality of color rendering -4500 6500 730 *, MGL KLL LD, 740 *, 765 *,
is standard (mechanical processing of MGL
metals, plastics, assembly of machines 300 to 500 50 - 69 70 - 79 2600 - 3500 - SD; LL types: LB, SD; LL
and tools, etc.) 4500 5000 730 *, MGL, KLL types; LHB, 740
*, 765 *, MGL
200 to 300 50 - 69 50 - 69 2700 - 2600 - SD; LL types: LB SD; LL types:
4500 4500 730 *, MGL KLL LB, 735 *, MGL
Less than 200 50 - 59 50 - 69 2600 - 2400 - SD; Types LL: LB SD; LL types:
4500 3500 730 *, MGL LTB, LB, 730 *,
NLVD + MGL, 735 *, CFL

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* The designation is given according to GOST R 54815 , in which the first digit defines the color rendering index (in tens
of R ), and the last two - the color temperature (in hundreds of kelvin). For example, 765 means R = 70, T = 6500 K.
a a c
Notes (edit)
1 Accepted abbreviations: CFL - compact fluorescent lamps; LB - white light lamps; LD - fluorescent lamps; ЛДЦ -
fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering; LEC - lamps of natural light with improved color rendering; LL - fluorescent
lamps; LTB - warm white light bulbs; LTBTs - lamps of warm white light with improved color rendering, LTBTS - lamps of warm
white light with high quality color rendering; LHB - cold white light lamps; MGL - metal halide lamps; НЛВД - high pressure
sodium lamps; LED - LEDs.
2 Direct radiation from bright LED light sources should not enter the field of view of those in the room.

Appendix K
Recommended light sources for general illumination of public buildings and common areas of residential buildings
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table K.1 - Recommended light sources for general lighting of public buildings and general premises of residential buildings
Range of color
Characteristics of visual work Light source
Lighting Illumination, color rendering temperature of Recommended light sources for
according to the requirements for light
requirements lx index R general lighting
color discrimination a sources T , K
Ensuring visual Color matching with very high 300 to 500 90 - 95 5000 - 6500 SD; LL types: LDTs, 950 *, 965
comfort in rooms color discrimination *
when performing requirements and color selection
visual work of (shops selling clothing and
categories A - B fabrics, cosmetics, etc.)
Color matching with high color 200 to 500 85 - 89 3000 - 6500 SD; LL types: LTBTsTs, LDC,
discrimination requirements 930 *, 940 *, 950 *, 965 *
(drawing rooms, service types of
work, tailoring departments in
ateliers, meeting rooms of
federal significance, chemical
laboratories, exhibition halls,
model rooms, etc.)
Distinguishing of colored objects 300 to 500 80 - 84 3500 - 5500 SD; LL types: LETS, 840 *, 865
with low requirements for color *, MGL
discrimination (rooms of
educational institutions, 150 to 300 80 - 84 2700 - 4500 SD; LL types: LTBTS, 827 *,
supermarkets, sales areas of 830 *, MGL, KLL
shops, dry cleaning ateliers, Less than 70 - 79 3500 - 5000 SD; LL types: LD, 740 *, 765 *,
dining rooms, indoor pools, 150 MGL, KLL
Providing There are no requirements for 300 to 500 80 - 84 2700 - 4500 SD; LL types: LTBTs, 827 *, 830
psychoemotional color rendering (offices, work *, MGL
comfort in a rooms, design and drawing 150 to 300 70 - 79 3500 - 5000 SD; LL types: LHB, 740 *, 765
room with bureaus, reader catalogs, *, MGL, KLL
categories of archives, book depositories, etc.) Less than 50 - 69 2400 - 3500 SD; LL types: LTB, LB, 730 *,
visual work of 150 735 *, NLVD, KLL
categories G - F Distinguishing color objects with 300 to 500 80 - 84 3500 - 5500 SD; LL types: LETS, 840 *, 865
low requirements for color *, MGL
discrimination (concert halls, 150 to 300 80 - 84 2700 - 4500 SD; LL types: LTBTS, 827 *,
auditoriums of theaters, clubs, 830 *, MGL, KLL
assembly halls, lobbies, etc.) Less than 70 - 79 3500 - 5000 SD; LL types: LHB, 740 *, 765
150 *, MGL, KLL
There are no requirements for Less than 50 - 59 2400 - 3500 SD; LL types: LTB, LB, 730 *,
color rendering (auditoriums of 150 735 *, CFL
cinemas, elevator halls,
corridors, aisles, passages, etc.)
* The designation is given according to GOST R 54815 , in which the first digit defines the color rendering index (in tens
of R ), and the last two - the color temperature (in hundreds of kelvin). For example, 765 means R = 70, T = 6506 K.
a a c
Notes (edit)
1 Accepted abbreviations: CFL - compact fluorescent lamps; LB - white light lamps, LD - fluorescent lamps; LDC -
fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering, LEC - natural light lamps with improved color rendering; LL - fluorescent
lamps; LTB - warm white light bulbs; LTBTSTS - lamps of warm white light with improved color rendering; LTBTs - lamps of
warm white light with high quality color rendering; LHB - white light lamps; MGL - metal halide lamps; НЛВД - high pressure
sodium lamps, LED - light-emitting diodes.
2 Direct radiation from bright LED light sources should not enter the field of view of those in the room.

Appendix L
Standard indicators of lighting of the main premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings, premises and structures of general industrial facilities
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
Table L.1 - Standard lighting indicators for the main premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings
Plane (G - Artificial lighting Daylight Combined lighting
horizontal, V - Category Illumination of working The Light KEO e n ,% KEO e n ,%
vertical) and sub- surfaces, lx combined Illumination source
Premises standardization of category indicator of ripple color with with
under illumination,
illumination and of visual with combined discomfort coefficient,%, rendering overhead or with side overhead or with
general lx side
KEO, plane height work lighting UGR, no no more index R combined lighting combined
above the floor, m lighting more a lighting
lighting lighting
Administrative buildings (ministries, departments, committees, prefectures, municipalities, departments, design and engineering
organizations, research institutions, etc.)
1 Offices and work
rooms, offices,
G-0.8 B-1 400/200 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
2 Design halls and
rooms, design, G-0.8 A-1 600/400 500 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
drawing bureaus
3 Premises for
G-0.8 B-1 400/200 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
visitors, expeditions
4 Reading rooms G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 150 21 15 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
5 Reader catalogs, B-1.0 - on B-2 - 200 - 19 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
open access fund the front of

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premises cards, on the
6 Book depositories В-1,0 - on
IN 2 - 100 - - - 80 - - - -
and archives the shelves
7 Photocopying
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
8 Bookbinding
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
9 Model, carpentry G-0.8 - on
and repair shops workbenches
IIIc 750/200 300 - 21 15 80 - - 3.0 1,2
and work
10 Computer rooms B-1,2 - on
the display B-2 - 200 - - - - - - - -
G-0.8 - on
A-2 500/300 400 - fourteen 5 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
11 Conference
rooms, meeting G-0.8 D - 200 75 24 twenty 80 - - - -
12 Recreations, Г-0,0 - on
E - 150 50 - - 80 - - - -
lobbies, foyer the floor
13 Laboratories:
organic and
inorganic chemistry,
thermal, physical,
photometric, G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
microscopic, X-ray
structural analysis,
mechanical and radio
electronic devices,
14 Analytical
G-0.8 A-1 600/400 500 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
G-0.8 B-1 400/400 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
Photo rooms,
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
distillation rooms
Sample archives,
IN 1 IN 2 - 100 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
storage of reagents
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
glassware washing
Banking and insurance institutions
15 Operating rooms,
credit groups, cash G-0.8 - on
A-2 500/300 400 - fourteen ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
rooms, money desktops
counting rooms
16 Premises of the
cash collection
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
department, cash
17 Depositories, pre-
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
storerooms of
18 Server rooms,
premises for
interbank electronic
G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 - - - -
settlements, premises
for crypto protection
19 Premises for
cable entry G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
20 Rooms for
G-0.8 - on
printing devices, A-2 500/300 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
21 Rooms for the
processing and
storage of
G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 - - 2.1 0.7
identification cards,
the premises of the
processing center for
plastic cards
22 Premises for
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
servicing individuals
23 Rooms of the safe G-0.8 IN 1 - 150 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
24 Observation
G-0.8 F - 100 - - - - - - - -
General educational organizations and organizations of professional and higher education
25 Classrooms,
auditoriums, B - in the
classrooms, middle of A-1 - 500 - - ten 80 - - - -
laboratories of the board
boarding schools, G-0.8 - on
1) 1) 1) 1)
professional desks and A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.1 1.3
educational desks

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26 Classrooms, G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
laboratories of
technical schools and
higher educational
27 Cabinets of B - on the
informatics and display - - 200 - - - 80 - - - -
computer technology screen
G-0.8 - on
desks and A-2 500/300 400 - fourteen ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
28 Offices of B - on the
A-1 - 500 - - ten 80 - - - -
technical drawing board
and drawing G-0.8 - on
desks and A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.1 1,3
29 Laboratory
assistants at G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 - fourteen ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
30 Workshops for G-0.8 - on
the processing of workbenches
IIIb 1000/200 300 - 21 15 80 - - 3.0 1,2
metals and wood and work
31 Offices of service G-0.8 - on 1) 1) 1) 1)
A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.1 1.3
types of labor desktops
32 Instrument rooms
of the master G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - 1.8 0.6
33 Sports halls Г-0,0 - on
B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
the floor
B - at a level
of 2.0 m
from the
floor on both
- - 75 ** - - - - - - - -
sides on the
axis of the
34 Shell inventory,
G-0.8 F-2 - 50 - - - - - - - -
utility pantries
35 Indoor pools G - on the
surface of G - 300 - 24 twenty 80 2.0 0.5 1,2 0.3
the water
36 Assembly halls, Г-0,0 - on
D - 200 75 25 - 80 - - - -
cinema audiences the floor
37 Variety of
B-1.5 G - 300 - - - 80 - - - -
assembly halls
38 Cabinets and
rooms of teachers, G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
medical offices
39 Recreation Г-0,0 - on
E - 200 - 25 - 80 2.0 0.5 1,2 0.3
the floor
Leisure facilities
40 Multipurpose
G-0.8 A-2 - 400 100 21 ten 80 - - - -
41 Auditoriums of
theaters, concert G-0.8 G - 300 100 24 - 80 - - - -
42 Auditoriums of
clubs, club-lounges,
rooms for leisure G-0.8 D - 200 75 25 - 80 - - - -
activities, meetings,
foyers of theaters
43 Premises for slot G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
machines, board
games B-1.5 - 150 - - - - - - - -
44 Billiard G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
45 Halls of computer Г-0.8 -
B-2 - 200 - - - 80 - - - -
games screen;
B-1.2 - 400
46 Video complexes
(video hall, video G-0.8 E - 150 - 25 - 80 - - - -
47 Showrooms G-0.8 G - 300 100 25 - 80 - - - -
48 Auditoriums of
G-0.8 F-1 - 100 - 25 - 80 - - - -
49 Foyer of cinemas, Г-0,0 - on
E - 150 50 25 - 80 - - - -
clubs the floor
50 Club rooms,
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
music classes
51 Cinema, sound
and lighting G-0.8 IN 1 - 150 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
Preschool educational organizations (ECE)
52 Dressing rooms Г-0,0 - on
B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
the floor
53 Group, playing Г-0,0 - on 1) 1)
A-2 - 400 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 -
the floor
54 Rooms for music Г-0,0 - on 1) 1)
A-2 - 400 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 - -
and gymnastics the floor
55 Canteens Г-0,0 - on 1) 1) 1) 1)
A-2 - 400 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
the floor
56 Bedrooms Г-0,0 - on
IN 1 - 150 - eighteen 15 80 2.0 0.5 - -
the floor

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57 Isolators, rooms Г-0,0 - on B-2 - 200 - eighteen 15 80 1) 1) - -
for sick children the floor 2.0 0.5
58 Medical offices G-0.8 B-1 - 500 - 21 ten 90 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
Sanatoriums, rest houses, boarding houses
59 wards, sleeping Г-0,0 - on
IN 1 - 150 - eighteen 15 80 2.0 0.5 - -
rooms the floor
60 Children's wards,
Г-0,0 - on
wards for mothers B-2 - 200 - 21 15 80 2.0 0.5 - -
the floor
and children
61 Doctor's offices G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
62 Offices of 1) 1) 1) 1)
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
63 Classrooms of G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 - -
sanatoriums B-2.5 - - 500 - - ten 80 - - - -
Physical culture and recreation facilities
64 Halls of sports Г-0,0 - on
B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
games the floor
В-2.0 - on
both sides on
- - 150 - - - - - - - -
axis of the
65 Pool halls G - water
B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 2.0 0.5 1,2 0.3
66 Halls for
aerobics, Г-0,0 - on
B-2 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
gymnastics, the floor
67 Bowling alleys Г-0,0 - on
B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty - - - - -
the floor
Catering establishments
68 Dining rooms of
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
restaurants, canteens
69 Handouts G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 19 80 - - - -
70 Hot shops, cold
and procurement G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 19 85 - - 1,2 0.3
71 Finishing shops G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
72 Sinks for kitchen
and tableware,
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
rooms for cutting
73 Confectionery
shops, premises for G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 85 - - 1.8 0.6
flour products
74 Premises for
making chocolate G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 twenty 85 - - 1.8 0.6
and sweets
75 Premises for the
production of ice G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 85 - - 1.8 0.6
cream, drinks
76 Premises for
preparation of
products, packaging G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
of finished products,
order picking
77 Loading,
G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - - - - - - -
The shops
78 Sales areas of
G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 85 - - - -
79 Sales areas of
shops without self-
service: food, books,
ready-made dresses,
linen, shoes, fabrics,
fur products, hats, G-0.8 B-1 - 300 100 21 15 85 - - - -
jewelry, electrical
and radio goods,
toys and stationery
80 Sales areas of
grocery stores with G-0.8 A-2 - 400 100 21 ten 85 - - - -
81 Sales rooms of
shops: crockery,
furniture, sporting
goods, building
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 100 21 15 85 - - - -
materials, electrical
household goods,
cars, toys and
82 Changing booths B-1.5 B-1 - 300 - - 15 80 - - - -
83 Halls of
demonstration of G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 - 80 - - - -
new products
84 Premises of order
departments, service G-0.8 B-1 - 300 24 twenty 80 - - - -
85 Premises of the
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
main ticket offices
86 Premises for

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preparing goods for
a) cutting, filling,
picking order G-0.8 B-1 - 300 100 21 15 80 - - - -
b) rooms for cutting
fabrics, ironing,
workshops of shops G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 15 80 - - - -
of radio, electrical
87 Workshop Fitting
the Ready-to-Wear G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 100 21 ten 80 - - 2.1 0.7
88 Advertising and
workshops for the G-0.8 B-1 400/200 300 - 21 15 85 - - 1.8 0.6
repair of equipment
and implements,
premises for brakers
Consumer services enterprises
89 Baths:
a) pending-cooling G-0.8 E - 150 - 25 - 80 - - - -
b) dressing rooms,
washing rooms, Г-0,0 - on
F-1 - 100 - - - 80 - - - -
showers, steam the floor
c) swimming pools Г-0,0 - on
IN 2 - 100 - - 80 - - - -
the floor
90 Hairdressing
salons: male and G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 - 21 ten 85 - - 1.8 0.6
female parlors
91 Cosmetic rooms G-0.8 A-1 600/400 500 - 21 ten 85 - - 1.8 0.6
92 Photos:
a) salons for
receiving and issuing G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
b) shooting rooms of
G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - twenty 80 - - - -
a photo studio
93 Photolaboratories G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 15 90 - - - -
B-1,2 - on
the display B-2 - 200 - - - - - - - -
94 Laundries:
a) departments of
reception and
distribution of linen:
- reception with a
label, accounting, G-0.8 B-2 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
- storage of linen B-1.0 E - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
b) washing
- washing,
Г-0,0 - on
preparation of VI - 200 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
the floor
- storage of washing
G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - - - -
c) drying and ironing
G-0.8 IVa - 300 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
d) sections for
disassembling and G-0.8 Va - 300 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
packing linen
e) sections for
repairing linen
G-0.8 IIa 2 2000/750 500 - 21 twenty 80 - - 2.1 0.7
95 Self-service Г-0,0 - on
B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
laundries the floor
96 Dry cleaning
a) salons of
reception and
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 85 - - 1.5 0,4
distribution of
b) dry cleaning
G-0.8 VI - 200 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
c) department for
G-0.8 IIIa 2000/750 500 - 21 twenty 85 - - - -
removing stains
d) chemical storage
G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - - - -
97 Atelier for the
manufacture and
repair of clothing
and knitwear:
a) sewing shops G-0.8 - on
desktops IIa 2) 2000/750 750 - 21 twenty 85 - - 4.2 1.5
b) cutting G-0.8 - on
IIb - 750 - 21 ten 85 - - 4.2 1.5
departments desktops
c) clothing repair
G-0.8 IIa 2) 2000/750 750 - 21 twenty 85 - - 4.2 1.5
d) departments for
the preparation of G-0.8 IVa - 300 - 24 twenty 85 - - 2.4 0.9
applied materials
e) departments for
hand and machine G-0.8 IIc - 500 - 21 twenty 85 - - 4.2 1.5
f) ironing, decating G-0.8 IVa - 300 - 21 twenty 85 - - 2.4 0.9

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98 Rental locations:
a) premises for
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - 1.5 0,4
b) pantries G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - - - - - - -
99 Repair shops:
a) production and
repair of hats, furrier G-0.8 IIa 2000/750 2) 750 - 21 twenty 85 - - 4.2 1.5
b) repair of footwear,
haberdashery, metal
products, plastic G-0.8 IIIa 2000/750 2) - - 24 twenty 85 - - 3.0 1,2
products, household
electrical appliances
c) watch repair,
jewelry and G-0.8 IIb 3000/300 - - 21 twenty 85 - - 4.2 1.5
engraving work
d) repair of
photographic, film,
G-0.8 IIc 2000/200 - - 21 twenty 80 - - 4.2 1.5
radio and television
100 Recording
a) rooms for
recording and G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
b) music libraries G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - - - - - - - -
101 Service Bureau G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
102 Premises for
duty and service G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - 1.5 0,4
103 Living rooms,
G-0.0 B-2 - 200 - - twenty 80 2.0 0.5 1.5 0,4
Organizations engaged in medical activities
Reception and ward departments
104 Compartments
for short-term G-0.0 IN 2 - 100 - eighteen 15 80 - - - -
105 Wards for
G-0.0 IN 2 - 100 - eighteen 15 80 2.0 0.5 - -
106 Chambers:
departments; for
newborns; intensive G-0.0 B-2 - 200 - eighteen 15 80 3.0 1.0 - -
care; postoperative,
mother and child
107 Classrooms for
children's hospitals / G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 - -
108 Play rooms 1) 1)
G-0.0 A-2 - 400 - fourteen ten 80 4.0 1.5 - -
109 Dining rooms G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
110 Procedural,
G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 twenty 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
111 Nursing posts G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - 1.5 0,4
112 Rooms (zones)
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
for daytime stay
113 Storage rooms
for portable G-0.0 VIIIb - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
114 Corridors of
G-0.8 E - 150 - 25 - 80 - - - -
medical facilities
115 Verandas G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - 15 80 - - - -
Treatment departments
116 Operating
rooms, resuscitation G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten - - - - -
room, manipulation
117 Delivery wards,
dialysis rooms, G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten - 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
dressing rooms
118 Preoperative,
preresuscitation, G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 - - - - -
119 Mounting
apparatus for
artificial blood
circulation, artificial G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten - - - - -
kidney, preparation
of infusion systems,
120 Premises for
storage and
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 21 twenty - - - - -
preparation of blood
for transfusion
121 Premises for
storage and G-0.8 VIIIb - 75 - - - - - - - -
preparation of plaster
Advisory departments, diagnostic and treatment rooms
122 Receptions,
G-0.8 A-1 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
control rooms
123 Offices of G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 85 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9

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infectious disease
dentists; lookouts
124 Reception
offices of doctors of
other specialties G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 85 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
(except for the
above), paramedics
125 Dark Rooms for
G-0.8 Z - twenty - - ten 80 - - - -
126 Rooms for
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - 1.8 0.6
127 Procedural
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
endoscopy rooms
128 Control rooms
of radiation therapy
and diagnostics G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 213) - 80 - - - -
rooms, archives,
technical rooms of
129 Procedural X-
ray therapy, X-ray
diagnostic rooms,
computed 3)
G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 - - - -
administration of
130 Balneotherapy
rooms, shower G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
131 Occupational
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
therapy rooms
132 Premises for
sleep treatment, G-0.8 F-2 - 50 - - - 80 - - - -
133 Rooms of
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
exercises, gyms
134 Premises for the
preparation of
paraffin, ozokerite,
treatment of pads,
G-0.8 VIIIb - 75 - - - - - - - -
washing and drying
of sheets, canvas,
regeneration of dirt
Laboratories of medical institutions
135 Rooms for
receiving, issuing
and registering
analyzes, weighing
rooms, rooms for the
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 21 ten 80 - - - -
preparation of
nutrient media,
rooms for staining
samples, centrifugal,
136a Laboratory
assistants for
research (general
hematological, G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 85 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
136b Boxes
laboratory assistant
G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 85 - - - -
laboratories of cell
137 Preparation
rooms, premises for
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
the preparation of
research results
138 Washing,
sterilizing laboratory
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
139 Cabinets with
sounding and gastric
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - 1.5 0,4
juice collection
140 Glassblowers G-0.8 Vii - 200 - 21 twenty 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
141 Premises for
dental technicians,
G-0.8 IIc 2000/200 500 - 21 ten 85 - 4.2 1.5
Sterilization rooms and disinfection rooms

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142 Sterilization - G-0.8 IVd - 200 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
autoclave, reception
and storage facilities
143 Tool preparation
G-0.8 IVd - 200 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
144 Rooms for
repair and G-0.8 IIIc - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
sharpening of tools
145 Premises for
disinfection G-0.8 F-1 - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
Pathological department
146 Sectional G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
147 Pre-section,
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
Premises of catering units
148 Handouts G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
149 Hot, cold,
finishing, billet G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 85 - - - -
150 Washing dishes G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
151 Loading,
G-0.8 F-1 - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
152 Squares for
visitors in the service G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
153 Prescription
departments of G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
manual sales, optics,
finished medicines
154 Assistant,
aseptic, analytical,
filling, blank
concentrates and G-0.8 A-1 600/400 500 - 21 ten 85 - - 2.4 0.9
products, control and
155 Washing G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
156 Premises for
storing medicines
G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - - 80 - - - -
and dressings,
157 Storage room
for acids,
G-0.8 F-1 - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
flammable and
158 Storage
G-0.8 F-2 - 50 - - - 80 - - - -
Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers
159 Dispatch rooms,
storage and
distribution rooms
for ready-made baits,
packaging, G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
distribution of
disinfectants and
160 Premises for
storage of biological,
medical, diagnostic G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
products, reagents,
disinfectants, acids
161 Premises for
storage of
disinfection G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - - - 80 - - - -
inventory, linen
162 Rooms for
G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
laboratory, chemical,
serological, boxes,
163 Radiological,
spectroscopy and
polarography rooms,
laboratories of
acoustics, vibration, G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
fields, labor
physiology, medium-
cookers with boxes,
164 Washing G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
165 Sampling rooms G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
166 Boxes for G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 80 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9

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serological studies of
especially dangerous
167 Zoo
Parasitologists' G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
168 Bioassay,
culture media G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
storage rooms
169 Premises for
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 twenty 80 - - - -
chambers, sterile
170 Premises for
incineration of
G-0.8 VIIIb - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
animal carcasses and
Vivaria. Premises for G-0.8 A-2 - 400 - 21 ten 80 3.5 1,2 2.1 0.7
keeping animals
Ambulance and emergency medical stations
172 Dispatching G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
173 Radio post
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - 1.5 0,4
174 Storage rooms
for mobile crew В-1,0 - racks VIIIb - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
175 Premises of the
current stock of G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
176 mobile brigade
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
Dairy kitchens, dispensing points
177 Filtration and
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
spill facilities
178 Cooling rooms G-0.8 IN 2 - 100 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
179 Premises for
preparation and
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
packaging of
180 Rooms for
receiving and storing G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
dishes, handouts
Railway stations
181 Lounges G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
182 Operating
rooms, post offices,
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 21 15 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
operator rooms,
dispatch rooms
183 Computing
G-0.8 A-2 500/300 400 - fourteen 5 80 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
184 Cash desks,
ticket luggage G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 80 - - - -
185 Distribution 2)
Г-0,0 - on 0.4
halls, lobbies E - 150 - 25 - 80 - - -
the floor -

186 Rooms for

mothers and
G-0.8 B-2 200 - 24 twenty 80 2.5 0.7 1.5 0,4
children, long-term
stay of passengers
Residential buildings
187 Living rooms Г-0,0 - on
IN 1 - 150 - - - - 2.0 0.5 - -
the floor
188 Kitchens Г-0,0 - on
IN 1 - 150 - - - - 2.0 0.5 1,2 0.3
the floor
189 Corridors,
Г-0,0 - on
bathrooms, F-2 - 50 - - - - - - - -
the floor
190 Common
a) concierge Г-0,0 - on
IN 1 - 150 - 24 twenty 80 - - - -
premises the floor
b) lobbies Г-0,0 - on
З-1 - thirty - - - 80 - -
the floor
c) floor corridors and Г-0,0 - on
З-2 - twenty - - - 80 - - - -
elevator halls the floor
d) stairs and landings Г-0,0 - floor,
platforms, З-2 - twenty - - - 80 - - - 0.1
Ancillary buildings and premises
191 Sanitary
a) washrooms,
latrines, smoking G-0.0 F-1 - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
b) showers, dressing
rooms, rooms for
drying, dedusting
and disinfecting G-0.0 F-2 - 50 - - - 80 - - - -
clothes and shoes,
rooms for heating
192 Health centers:

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a) expected G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - - 1.5 0,4
b) receptions, rooms
G-0.8 B-2 - 200 - 24 twenty 80 - 0.7 1.5 0,4
of personnel on duty
c) doctors' offices,
G-0.8 B-1 - 300 - 21 15 90 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
dressing rooms
d) treatment rooms G-0.8 A-1 - 500 - 21 ten 90 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
193 Lobbies and
walk-in closets
a) in universities,
hostels, hotels, Г-0,0 - on 2)
E - 150 - 24 - 80 - - - 0.4
theaters, clubs, at the the floor
entrances to large
industrial enterprises
and public buildings
b) in other industrial,
Г-0,0 - on
auxiliary and public F-1 - 75 - - - 80 - - - -
the floor
c) in residential Г-0,0 - on
З-1 - thirty - - - 80 - - - -
buildings the floor
194 Ladders:
a) main stairwells of
Г-0,0 - floor,
public, industrial and 2)
platforms, IN 2 - 100 - - - 80 - - - 0.2
auxiliary buildings,
b) stairwells of Г-0,0 - on 2)
З-2 - twenty - - - 80 - - - 0.1
residential buildings the floor
c) the rest of the Г-0,0 - on 2)
F-2 - 50 - - - 80 - - - 0.1
stairwells the floor
195 Elevator halls:
a) in public,
Г-0,0 - on
industrial and F-1 - 100 - - - 80 - - - -
the floor
auxiliary buildings
b) in residential Г-0,0 - on
З-2 - twenty - - - 80 - - - -
buildings the floor
196 Corridors and
a) main corridors Г-0,0 - on 2)
F-1 - 100 - - - 80 - - - 0.1
and passages the floor
b) floor corridors of Г-0,0 - on
З-2 - twenty - - - 80 - - - -
residential buildings the floor
c) other corridors Г-0,0 - on
F-2 - 50 - - 80 - - - -
the floor
197 Machine rooms
of elevators and 2)
G-0.8 З-1 - thirty - - - - - - - 0.1
rooms for freon
198 Attics Г-0,0 - on 2)
З-2 - twenty - - - - - - - 0.1
the floor
1) The normalized values ​of KEO are increased in rooms specially designed for the stay of children and adolescents.
2) The normalized values ​are established experimentally under the industry standardization.
3) It is necessary to provide for a stepwise decrease in illumination to 50 lux during the study.

Notes (edit)
1 The presence of standardized values ​of illumination and the columns "Illumination of working surfaces, lx, with combined
lighting" and "Illumination of working surfaces, lx, with general illumination" indicates the possibility of using one of these
2 With the fractional designation of the illumination given in the column "Illumination of working surfaces, lx, with combined
lighting", the numerator indicates the illumination rate from general and local lighting at the workplace, and the denominator
indicates the illumination from the general lighting in the room.
3 Dashes in the table mean that there are no requirements.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

Table L.2 - Standard indicators of natural, artificial and combined lighting of premises and structures for general industrial purposes
Plane (G - Artificial lighting Daylight Combined lighting
horizontal, V -
vertical) Category Illumination of The KEO e n ,% KEO e n ,%
standardization and sub- working surfaces, lx combined Illumination
Premises of illumination category indicator of ripple
and KEO, of visual with under discomfort coefficient,%, with overhead with with overhead with
plane height work combined general UGR, no no more or combined side or combined side
above the lighting lighting more lighting lighting lighting lighting
floor, m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine ten eleven
Parking lots, storage areas for rolling stock, depots
1 Open parking
lots, areas for
storing rolling
stock outside the
a) without heating Г-0,0 - 1)
XVI - ten - - - - - -
b) heated Г-0,0 -
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
2 Premises for
closed storage of
rolling stock
a) transport
companies (depots, Г-0,0 - on the 2)
VIIIb - 75 28 - - - - -
closed parking lots floor
of rolling stock)
b) premises for Г-0,0 - on the VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
storing cars in floor

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garages, parking
lots and parking
lots for individual
Petrol stations, petrol stations
3 Fuel dispenser

a) indoors or under Г-0,0 - on the

VIIIb - 75 28 - - - - -
a canopy floor
B-1.5 -
speaker - 50 - - - - - -
b) outside Г-0,0 -
Xiii - 50 - - - - - -
buildings coating
B-1,5 -
speaker - thirty - - - - - -
4 Technological Г-0,0 - well
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
wells area cover
Transport service stations, transport companies
5 Inspection
a) indoors G - the
bottom of the Vb 3) - 200 - twenty - - - -
b) outside G - the
buildings bottom of the Vb - 200 - twenty - - - -
6 Sites (posts) for
washing and
cleaning of rolling
a) indoors Г-0,0 - on the
VI - 200 25 twenty - - 1.8 0.6
b) outside Г-0,0 -
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
buildings coating
7 Areas of
a) cars G-0.8 IIIc - 300 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
b) trucks, buses,
G-0.8 IVc - 200 25 twenty - - 2.4 0.9
trams, trolleybuses
8 Areas of
maintenance (TO-
1, TO-2) and
current repairs:
a) cars G-0.8 IVc - 200 25 twenty - - 2.4 0.9
b) trucks, buses,
G-0.8 Vв - 200 25 twenty - - 1.8 0.6
trams, trolleybuses
9 Lifts G - the
bottom of the Vb - 200 - twenty - - - -
10 Aggregate
a) cars G-0.8 IIIc 750 300 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
b) trucks, buses,
trams and G-0.8 IVc 500 200 25 twenty - - 2.4 0.9
11 Washing units, D - place of
assemblies, parts loading and VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
12 Tire assembly
and repair areas, G-0.8 Va - 300 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
vulcanization areas
13 Forging and
G-0.8 Vii - 200 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1,3 0.6
spring sections
14 Welding and tin
G-0.8 IVc - 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
15 Mednitsa sites G-0.8 - on
the IVb 500 - 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
16 Wallpaper areas G-0.8 IVa 750 400 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
17 Body sections G-0.8 IVc - 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
18 Painting areas:
a) cars G-0.8 IIIb - 400 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
b) trucks, buses,
trams and G-0.8 IVb - 300 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
19 Paint
G-0.8 IIIb 1000 400 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
preparation areas
20 Woodworking G-0.8; IIIc - 300 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
sites G-
IIIc 750 300 25 15 - - - -
area, marking
21 Repair areas for
G-0.8 IIIb 1000 400 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
equipment and
power supplies
22 Taximeter
G-0.8 IIc 2000 - 22 ten - - 4.2 1.5
23 Locksmith and
G-0.8 IIc - 500 22 ten - - 4.2 1.5
mechanical areas
24 Metal cutting

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a) sharpening,
gear-cutting, jig
thread rolling, D-
thread turning, processing IIc 2000 - 22 ten - - - -
thread grinding, area
turning, turning
and backing,
b) internal
grinding, circular
grinding, surface
grinding, cross-
processing Ig 1500 - 19 ten - - - -
planing, turning-
screw, turning-
boring, turning-
c) longitudinal D-
planing, lobotocar, processing IIr 1000 - 22 ten - - - -
drilling area
d) chiselling, D-
lingering, edging processing IIIc 750 - 25 15 - - - -
25 Drying rooms Г-0,0 - on the
VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
for cars and buses floor
26 Room for
G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
battery chargers
27 Battery repair G-0.8 IVb - 300 25 twenty - - - -
Electrical rooms
28 Distribution
rooms, control
rooms, operator
a) with constant 2)
G-0.8 IVd - 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
staff duty
D - operator's
IIIc 750 300 25 15 - - - -
G, V-1.5 -
control panel,
IVd - 200 25 twenty - - - -
B-1.5 - back
side of the VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
b) with periodic G-0.8 - 200 25 twenty - - - -
presence of people G, V-1.5 -
control panel,
IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
B-1,5 - back
side of the VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
29 Consoles,
control panels:
a) in the premises:
- with measuring 2)
G-0.8 IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
B-1.5 -
- without G-0.8; VI - 200 - twenty - - - -
measuring B-1.5 -
equipment levers,
b) outside B-1.5 -
buildings levers, XII - 100 - - - - - -
30 Free-standing
a) in the premises:
- with constant G-0.8; B -
supervision instrument IVd - 200 25 twenty - - - -
- with periodic Г, В -
supervision instrument IVd - 200 25 twenty - - - -
b) outside Г, В -
buildings instrument XII - 100 - - - - - -
31 Rooms and
chambers of
B-1.5 VIIIb - 75 28 - - - - -
reactors, static
32 Electrical
machine rooms:
a) with constant G-0.8; IVd - 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
staff duty B-1.5 - on
b) with periodic G-0.8; IVd - 200 25 twenty - - - -
presence of people B-1.5 - on
33 Cable Г-0,0 - on the VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
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basements, cable
34 floors of tires B - on tires VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
35 Cable shafts Г-0,0 - on the
VIIId - twenty - - - - - -
36 Switchboards in G-0.8; VIIIb - 75 28 - - - - -
residential and B-1.5 - on
public buildings shields
Utilities and other technical premises
37 Machine rooms
for pumping,
a) with constant 2)
G-0.8 VIIIа - 200 28 twenty 3.0 1.0 0.5 0.3
staff duty
B - scale of
control IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
Г-0.8 -
IIIr 400 200 25 15 - - - -
driver's table
b) without constant G-0.8 - 200 25 twenty - - - -
duty of personnel B - scale of
control IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
38 Shut-off and
control valves:
a) indoors B - on
gates, valves, VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
levers, gates,
hinges, etc.
b) outside
Also XIV - thirty - - - - - -
39 Platforms and
ladders of boilers,
Г-0,0 - on the
economizers, VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
passages behind
40 Fuel supply
G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
41 Rooms for
smoke exhausters,
G, B-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
fans, bunker
42 Condensing,
chemical water
treatment rooms, Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
boiler rooms, floor
deaerator rooms,
ash rooms
43 Generating Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - 1.0 0.3 0.5 0.2
44 Above-bunker
G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
45 Premises for air
conditioners, G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
heating points
46 Compressor
rooms (blocks,
stations, rooms,
a) with constant 2)
G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
staff duty
B - on
IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
control panel
G-0.8 - on
the driver's IIIr 400 200 - 15 - - - -
b) without constant G-0.8 - - 200 25 twenty - - - -
duty of personnel B - on
IVd - 200 - twenty - - - -
control panel
47 Ventilation
rooms and
a) fan chambers G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
b) compartments
for heaters and G-0.8 VIIId - twenty - - - - - -
48 Galleries and
tunnels of
Г-0,0 - on the
conveyors, VIIId - twenty - - - - - -
conveyors; tunnels:
cable, heating, oil,
slurry, water
49 Pumping
G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
50 Water towers Г-0,0 - on the
floor of
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
platforms and
51 Rooms for G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -

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blowers and
crushers, drum
screens and
52 Reagent
G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 28 twenty - - 1.8 0.6
preparation rooms
53 Coal, fluorine,
G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 28 twenty - - - -
54 Filtering rooms:
a) upper platforms Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIa - 200 28 twenty - - 1.8 0.6
b) lower and В-1,0 -
intermediate control
platforms cabinets, gate VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
55 Sand traps,
biofilters, pre-
aerators, aeration
tanks and other
treatment facilities:
a) in buildings Structure
VIIId - twenty - - - - - -
b) outside Structure
XVII - 5 - - - - - -
buildings surface
56 Platforms for
control cabinets,
a) in buildings G-0.8 VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
b) outside
G-0.8 Xv - twenty - - - - - -
57 Premises for
vacuum filters,
G-0.8 VI - 200 - - - - 1.8 0.6
centrifuges, filter
58 Hydrocyclone
G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
59 Sludge drying
rooms (drum G-0.8 VI - 200 - - - - 1.8 0.6
60 Switching
chambers with B-1.0 VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
61 Electrolytic G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - 1.8 0.6
62 Warehouses,
pantry oils, paints
and varnishes:
a) with bottling in Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
the warehouse floor
b) without bottling Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
in the warehouse floor
63 Warehouses,
pantries of Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
chemicals, acids, floor
alkalis, etc.
64 Warehouses,
pantries; spare
parts; repair Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
fund; finished floor
products, parts
awaiting repair,
65 Warehouses
with shelving
a) expedition of
acceptance and G-0.8 IVc 400 200 25 twenty 4.0 1.5 2.4 0.9
delivery of cargo
b) transport
Г-0,0 - on the
distribution IVc - 200 25 twenty - - - -
c) storage areas:
Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -

- on cells and
V VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -

- on the arrows V IVb - 300 25 twenty - - - -

66 Warehouses,
storerooms, open Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
areas under a floor

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67 Warehouses of Г-0,0 - on the VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
bulky items and floor
bulk materials
(sand, cement, etc.)
68 Hoisting
(girder cranes,
telphers, bridge
cranes, etc.)
a) indoors Г, В - control
VIIIc - 50 - - - - -
B - crane
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
D - sites for
receiving and
and parts
b) outside Г, В - control
Xsh - 50 - - - - - -
buildings panel
B - crane
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
D - sites for
receiving and
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
69 Loading and G - floor of
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
unloading racks the site
G - the neck
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
of the tank
70 Rooms for
sorting and picking G-0.8 IVb - 300 - - - - - -
71 Imported Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
storerooms floor
72 Ramps:
a) in the building Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
b) outside the Г-0,0 - on the
Xv - twenty - - - - - -
building floor
73 Debarkaders Г-0,0 - on the
VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
Firefighters Depot
74 Parking areas
G-0.0 VIIIb - 75 28 - 3.0 1.0 0.7 0.2
for rolling stock
75 Service stations G-0.0 Vb - 200 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
76 Hardware G-0.8 IIIc 750 300 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
77 Points of
G-0.8 IIIb 1000 400 25 15 - - 3.0 1,2
78 Rooms for
G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty 3.0 1.0 1.8 0.6
79 Drying rooms
G-0.8 VIIIc - 50 - - - - - -
for sleeves
80 Sleeves
G-0.8 VI - 200 25 twenty - - - -
washing rooms
District building management offices
81 Dispatch points G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 2.8 twenty - - 1.8 0.6
B-1.5 -
consoles, - 100 - - - - - -
Boiler rooms
82 Boiler rooms:
a) front of boilers B - on VI - 4) - - - - - -
and bunker furnaces, 100
compartment gates
b) room of smoke G-0.8 VI - 4) - - - - - -
exhausters and 100
blowing fans
c) platforms and Г-0,0 - on the - - 50 - - - - - -
ladders of boilers floor
and economizers
83 Ash room Г-0,0 - on the VIIIb - 75 - - - - - -
84 Oil pumping G-0.8 VI - 4) - - - - - -
85 Coal and peat
a) the premise of G-0.8 VI - 4) - - - - - -
the crushing 100
b) transfer nodes G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
c) car dumpers G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
d) conveyors in G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
e) conveyors in the G - on the VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
workshop (above- tape
bunker department)
86 Chemical water
a) pre-treatment G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
b) placement of B-1.5 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -

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c) the room of the G-0.8 VIIIa - 200 - - - - - -
electrodialysis unit
d) a room under Г-0,0 - on the VIIId - twenty - - - - - -
the neutralizing floor
87 Freestanding B - on IVc 750 - - - - - - -
instruments, gauge devices
and oil-indicating
glasses, requiring
88 Freestanding B - on IVd 200 - - - - - - -
instruments devices
1) The ratio of vertical to horizontal illumination at a level of 1.0 m from the pavement must be at least 1: 1.5 along the
perimeter of the parking fence.
2) Provide sockets for portable lighting.
3) The norm is given taking into account portable lighting.
4) The illumination is lowered due to the short-term stay of people in the room.

Notes (edit)
1 The presence of standardized illumination values ​in the columns "Illumination of working surfaces, lx, with combined
lighting" and "Illumination of working surfaces, lx, with general illumination" indicates the possibility of using one of these
systems. It is preferable to use a combined lighting and a combined artificial lighting system.
2 Dashes in the table mean that there are no requirements.

(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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Appendix M
Determination of indicators of the relative power density of the installation of utilitarian outdoor lighting
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
-2 -1
M.1 The relative specific power D ,W∙m lux , is determined for the calculated illumination field, selected in accordance with GOST R 55708 , and
calculated by the formula:


where P is the power of the j -th luminaire referred to the selected calculated field, W;
m is the number of luminaires referred to the selected calculated field;
- the calculated value of the average illumination on the surface of the i- th element of the calculated field, lux;
And is the area of ​the i- th element of the calculated field, m ;
n is the number of elements of the computational field taken into account in the calculation.
N o t e - When determining the value of D use the value of the average illumination, regardless of whether the value is the average brightness or the average illumination was chosen as the main
one in the design of the illumination of a given object.
For a section of a road or street with a standard geometry, the value m is equal to the total number of luminaires installed on one support (for a one-sided or central
arrangement of supports) or two supports (for a double-sided or staggered arrangement of supports).
For a section of a road network with a non-standard geometry, the value of m is equal to the total number of lamps illuminating such a section.
As an example, Figure M.1 shows a section of a street containing a two-lane carriageway and two sidewalks separated from it by lawn strips. The luminaires are
located according to a one-way scheme (to the right in the direction of traffic) and are installed two on each support: one is directed to the carriageway, the other to
the nearest sidewalk. Between two adjacent supports, a computational field is highlighted, containing three elements (roadway, left and right sidewalks) with plotted
design points, which determine the values ​of the average illumination of each element


where P and P are the power of the corresponding lamps, W;

- calculated values ​of the average illumination on the surface of the roadway, left and right sidewalks, respectively, lux;
A ,A and A are the areas of the corresponding elements of the design field, m .

A ,A and A - elements of the calculated field: carriageway, left and right sidewalks of the street,
respectively; P and P - lamps directed to the carriageway and the right sidewalk,
respectively; 1 - lawn strips; "×" - calculated points on the calculated field
Figure M.1 - Example of a street section for determining the indicator D
Appendix H
Determination of directions of limiting the luminous intensity of signs in a road tunnel
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
The directions in which the luminous intensity of the evacuation signs is limited lie inside the cone with an opening of 2 × 15 ° relative to the driver's line of sight
within the spacing of the evacuation signs. Figure H.1 shows (in plan) the luminous intensity limitation areas I of the evacuation direction indicators.

Figure H.1
Appendix P
An example of the location of signal lights in a road tunnel
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )
An example of the location of signal lights relative to the emergency exit is shown in Figure A.1.

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Figure A.1
[1] Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of
the Russian Federation"
[2] Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation"
[3] Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"
[4] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2017 No. 1356 "On approval of requirements for lighting devices and electric lamps
used in alternating current circuits for lighting purposes"
[5] MU 5046-89 Preventive ultraviolet irradiation of people (using artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation)
[6] Deleted.
[7] PUE Electrical Installation Rules (6th, 7th ed.)
[8] Traffic rules of the Russian Federation Traffic rules of the Russian Federation (approved by the decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the
Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 )
(Modified edition. Amendment No. 1 )

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