Kinds of talaq:
When the period of Iddat expires and the husband does not revoke the
Talaq either expressly or through consummation, the Talaq becomes
Irrevocable and final.
It may be noted that the characteristic feature of the Ahsan form of Talaq
is a single pronouncement followed by no revocation during the period of
three month’s Iddat. Therefore, where a husband makes any declaration
in anger, but realising his mistake afterwards, wants to cancel it, there is
sufficient time for him to do so. Single pronouncement of the civil words
of Talaq and sufficient opportunity to the spouses for reconciliation, are
the two reasons for calling this form as the ‘most proper’ form of Talaq.
(b) In the next Tuhr, there is another single pronouncement for the
second time.
(c) But, if no revocation is made after the first or second declaration then
lastly the husband is to make the third pronouncement in the third period
of purity (Tuhr). As soon as this third declaration is made, the Talaq
becomes irrevocable and the marriage dissolves and the wife has to
observe the required Iddat.
The Lahore High Court held that this was a Talaq Hasan. The Court
observed that the Talaqnama was merely a record of the first
pronouncement and the Talaq was revocable. The Court further
observed that for an effective and final Talaq, the three pronouncements
must actually be made in three Tuhrs-, only a mention of the third
declaration is not sufficient.
Therefore, the irrevocable Talaq was not in practice during his life. The
Talaq-ul-Bid’at has its origin in the second century of the Islamic-era.
According to Ameer Ali, this mode of Talaq was introduced by the
Omayad Kings because they found the checks in the Prophet’s formula
of Talaq inconvenient to them.18 Since then this mode of Talaq has been
in practice among the Sunni Muslims.