WameedMUCLecture 2021 92755384
WameedMUCLecture 2021 92755384
WameedMUCLecture 2021 92755384
What is a Protist?
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
What is a protist?
1- Unicellular or multicellular.
2- Microscopic or very large.
3- Heterotrophic or autotrophic.
4- Eukaryotes.
5- Animal – like protits are called protozoans.
6- Plant like protists are called Algae.
7- Fungus like protists are called Molds.
What is a protozoan?
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
I. Amoebas:
5- Most amoebas live in salt water, fresh water, and in moist soil.
A. Foraminiferan B. Radiolarian
1. Foraminiferans have hard shells 1. Radiolarians have shells made of
made of calcium carbonate silica
2. They are important part of
2. The fossil forms of these protists
marine plankton, that float in the
help geologist to determine the
Ocean's photic zone and form
ages of somes Rocks.
the base of marine food chains
3. They are aboundant on the sea 3. They are aboundant on base of
floor ocean's photic zone.
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
II. Flagellates
III. Ciliates:
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
Then they separate, and each divides asexually, passing on its new
genetic composition.
VI. Sporozoans:
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
Lecture :15 Human Biology First class
Prof. Dr. Ali H. D. Al-Khafaji
The End