Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Reading Comprehension of the 1st year BAELS and 1st year BAPoS
typically less similar. The standard deviations, however, show that there is
3.52, which falls into the high category. This suggest that, on average,
to themselves while the overall mean score for BAELS is 2.31, which falls
into low category. This indicates that, on average, individual in the BAELS
2. The level of 1ST year BAELS and BapolS students combines score from
all three indicators. For the BapolS group, the overall reading performance
score is 6.23, corresponding to a mean percentage score of 41.55%, for
the BAELS group, the mean overall reading performance score is 5.53,
score compared to the BAELS group 2.31 mean. This result is statistically
4. The analysis suggests that the differences in the means for the various
significant. This means that the study did not find conclusive evidence to
this analysis.
5. There is a significant relationship between 1st Year BAPoS AND 1ST year
this sample.
two groups in the survey is at the average level. This indicates that the
4. Parents, being the first teachers of their children are urged to promote a