Expense Sharing Agreement

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This Expense Sharing Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into ___________________ (the “Effective

Date”) by and between Masaya Travel Agency (the “Company”) located at _________________________

and Mabuhay Studio Inc. (the “Company”) located at ___________________________, also individually

referred to as the “Party”, and collectively the “Parties”.

1. Expenses. The Masaya company agrees to reimburse the Mabuhay company for all expenses

incurred in the financials of Masaya company paid by Mabuhay company. All expenses must be

approved in writing. The Mabuhay company will not be liable to reimburse the Masaya company for

any expense(s) that was not pre-approved.

Total Cost of the Expenses: ___________________________

Amount Due at Signing: ___________________________

Amount Due at Completion: ___________________________

2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date, as stated above, and

continue for ___________ days/months/years, unless otherwise terminated per the terms of this


3. Termination.

3.1. Either Party may terminate the Agreement at any time upon __ days prior written notice to

the other Party. In the event the Customer terminates the Agreement, the Customer shall

still remain obligated to pay the Service Provider for any Services performed up to the date of

termination and any expenses approved, but not paid, prior to the date of termination. In the

event the Service Provider terminates the Agreement, the Service Provider shall reimburse

the Customer any amounts previously paid to the Service Provider for which the Service

Provider has not yet performed the Services.

3.2. This Agreement will automatically terminate when both Parties have performed all of their

obligations under the Agreement and all payments have been received.

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4. General.

4.1. Assignment. The Parties may not assign their rights and/or obligations under this


4.2. Complete Contract. This Agreement constitutes the Parties entire understanding of their

rights and obligations. This Agreement supersedes any other written or verbal

communications between the Parties. Any subsequent changes to this Agreement must be

made in writing and signed by both Parties.

4.3. Severability. If any section of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or

unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will still be enforceable.

4.4. Waiver. Neither Party can waive any provision of this Agreement, or any rights or obligations

under this Agreement, unless agreed to in writing. If any provision, right, or obligation is

waived, it is only waived to the extent agreed to in writing.

5. Notices.

All notices under this Agreement must be sent by email with read receipt requested or by certified or

registered mail with return receipt requested. Notices shall be sent as follows:

Masya Travel Agency





Mabuhay Studio Inc




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The Parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth above as demonstrated by their signatures as follows:

Masaya Travel Agency

Signed: _____________________________________

Name: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Mabuhay Studio Inc

Signed: _____________________________________

Name: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

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