Final PBA Chemistry HSSC-I-1

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Guidelines/instructions for teachers/paper setters:

i. There will be two Sections in PBA paper. In Section-A there will be

one question having parts in it. Similarly, in Section-B there will be
one question having parts in it.
ii. In Section-A, Question No. 1 will be based only on one experiment
taken from Part-I of the list of practicals.
iii. In Section-B, Question No. 2 will be based on multiple experiments
taken from Part-II of the list of practicals.
iv. Ratio of Part-I practicals is 60% while ratio of Part-II practicals is
40% in the PBA paper.
v. Draw diagram(s) if asked for.
vi. In the new pattern of practicals i.e. Practical Based Assessment
(PBA), there will be no marks for practical note books and viva voce.
However, students may record procedures, observations, apparatus
and calculation etc on any type of plain papers/work sheets / practical
folder for their future memory of all aspects of practical performance
in order to attempt the PBA Examination amicably.
vii. It may be noted that performance of all the prescribed practicals is
mandatory in the laboratories during the whole academic year and
only those students will be able to attempt the PBA who will have
performed the practicals in the laboratories as per requirement of each

List of Practicals HSSC-I
Part-I (60% of practical marks ---- 9 Marks)
1. The given solution contains 6gms of Na2CO3 dissolved per dm3. Determine the
Percentage Purity of the Sample Solution by Volumetric Method
2. Determine the Value of X by Volumetric Method in the Given Sample of 6.3g of
(COOH)2. XH2O Dissolved per dm3.
3. Standardize the Given Solution of KMnO4 and Calculate the Volume of KMnO4
Required for Preparing 1 dm3 of 0.01M KMnO4 Solution Volumetrically.
4. Determine the Percentage Composition Volumetrically of a Solution Mixture of
K2C2O4 and K2SO4.

Part-II (40% of practical marks ---- 6 Marks)

1 Separate the Given Mixture of Inks by Paper Chromatography
2 Cadmium in a mixture Separate Lead and solution by Paper Chromatography
3 Purify a Given Sample of Sodium Chloride by Passing HCl Gas. (Application of
common ion effect)
4 Determine the Heat of Neutralization of NaOH and HCl


Subject: Chemistry HSSC-I

Paper: Practical Based Assessment (PBA)
Total Marks: 15 Time: 60 minutes

Instructions for students:

1. Carefully read all the questions and then answer them at the specified
2. Use black or blue ball point.
3. Marks are mentioned against all questions in the brackets [ ].
4. Students may use the last page for rough work (if required).
5. Answer the questions as per given instructions.

Note: Attempt all questions and answer the questions within the provided spaces.


Q 1: Purpose of this experiment is to determine thepercentage purity of the sample solution by

volumetric method when the given solution contains 6 gms of Na2CO3 dissolved per dm3.

Apparatus used:
Burette, pipette, funnel, conical flask, beakers, iron stand.
Chemical used:
Methyl orange, Na2CO3, 0.1M HCl,
Distilled water, solution of 6g of Na2CO3 in 1dm3
10cm3 Na2CO3 required volume V2 of HCl in cm3
See on the figure given below and record the observations in table.

i. Observation Table: [02]

Exp No. Initial Reading Final Reading Volume of HCl used

Mean volume of HCl used= cm3

ii.) Which one of the following figure shows the end point when acid is added to Na2CO3
Solution ?

Encircle the correct option. [01]


iii. What is the purpose of using methyl orange : [01]


iv.) Chemical Equations:

Na2CO3 + HCl NaHCO3 + NaCl

NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + CO2

Write Overall Reaction: [01]


v.) Calculations:

Find n1 of Na2CO3 and n2 of HCl from chemical equation

n1= ………………. n2=……………….. [01]

 You are advised to show full working in all parts of calculations.

a. Calculate the molarity of Na2CO3 by using formula:
M1V1 M2V2
= n2

b. Calculate mass of Na2CO3 per dm3 from ‘a’ after titration [01]

mass of Na2CO3 obtained from ′b′

c. Percentage purity Na2CO3 = mass of Na2CO3 dissolved
× 100 [01]


Percentage purity of Na2CO3 =


Q 2: Encircle the correct option.

Chromatogram of a mixture of ink is shown:

Height of the solvent front is 10cm, distance covered by yellow is 4.7cm Rf value of yellow ink is:

A. 4.7cm
B. 0.47cm
C. 47cm
D. 10cm

i.) Rock salt can be purified by common ionic effect which of the following will give
precipitates. [01]
A. Rock salt solution +HNO3
B. Rock salt solution +HCl
C. Rock salt solution +H2SO4
D. Rock salt solution +KCl

iii.) Lead and Cadmium are colorless liquids. They can be separated by paper chromatography,
which one of the following coloring agent can be used to identify Lead and Cadmium? [01]

A. Ninhydrin solution
B. HCl solution
C. H2S solution
D. HBr solution

iv.) Estimate the Amount of Ba+2 in the given solution of BaCl2 gravimetrically can be
done by the addition of: [01]
A. K2Cr2O7 solution
B. K2CrO4 solution
C. K2CrO3 solution
D. K2Cr2O3 solution


v.) Ba+2 in the given solution of BaCl2 can be estimated by gravimetrically yellow
color of the solution is given by: [01]
A. BaCl2 solution
B. K2CrO4 solution
C. KCrO4 solution
D. K2Cr2O7 solution


Heat of Neutralization of NaOH and HCl can be determined by the apparatus shown, which
one of the following graph can be used to calculate heat of neutralization. [01]



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