Analog Simulation
Analog Simulation
Analog Simulation
Short lab report
School of engineering
The university of Jordan, Amman-Jordan
The aim of this experiment was to compare the analog computer reading with both analytical and
numerical solution representations. To achieve this, an analog computer board was employed to
solve ODEs. An electrical analog computer comprises resistors, capacitors, and operational
amplifiers connected together, and it is an active network that can simulate any set of linear
ordinary differential equations to analyze a system. In our experiment, the analog computer
received input from two sources: function generation and data acquisition (DAQ). The three
techniques used for representation - analytical, numerical, and analog computer readings - were
Experimental Setup and Procedure
In this section, the setup and the procedure of the experiment will be discussed, starting with the
-The block diagram is made and ready to be applied to the analog computer.
-To calibrate the gain the DAQ is connected by USB connection to the computer.
-Make sure the analog computer is off when connecting / disconnecting cables.
-The DAQ output is connected to the gain input on the board.
- The DAQ input is connected to the gain output .
-Turn on the analog computer.
-Open Casi lab software and make a new file.
-Set A and X as active.
-Set the input voltage, frequency, duty cycle, square input and start the analysis.
-Turn the gain knob on the board until the output on the casi lab is set to get the desired gain.
-Turn off the analog computer.
-This process is repeated for calibration of KI value.
-After calibration KP and Kd are set to zero to get the integrating function from the PID
-Turn the Analog computer off and disconnect all cables.
-Connect DAQ output to the addition in the sum junction in the PID controller section.
-Connect the PID output to the DAQ input.
-Connect the PID output to the gain input.
-Connect the gain output to the subtraction part of the sum junction in the PID section.
-Turn on the analog computer.
-Open a new page in Casi lab.
-Set the input voltage, frequency, duty cycle, square input and start the analysis.
-Collect the results and compare with other methods.
1. Analytical solution
The input signal that was implemented from the analog simulator was a step square wave with
the following governing equation:
X˙(𝑡) + 3X(𝑡) = 3.5
To solve the equation, we apply laplace to the equation:
𝑆X(𝑆) + X(0) + 3X(𝑆) = 3.5/𝑆
X(𝑆) = 3.5/ 𝑆(𝑆+3)
By taking laplace inverse we get the following:
x(𝑡) = (1 − 𝑒 −3𝑡 )
2. Numerical solution
Using Runge-Kutta 4th order numerical method and implying it in MATLAB the following was
function [x, y] = Stepf(F,h,x0,x1,y0,y1)
F= @(t,y) (3.5)*exp(-3*t);
x = x0:h:x1;
y = zeros(1,length(x));
y(y0) = y1;
for i=1:(length(x)-1)
k1 = F(x(i),y(i));
k2 = F(x(i)+0.5*h,y(i)+0.5*h*k1);
k3 = F((x(i)+0.5*h),(y(i)+0.5*h*k2));
k4 = F((x(i)+h),(y(i)+k3*h));
y(i+1) = y(i) + (1/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)*h;
figure, plot(x, y)
Figure 4:Numerical solution representation
Thes analog computer consist of : Precision resistors and capacitors, Operational amplifiers,
Potentiometers, and Fixed-function generators to get the desired output shown by the DAQ on the
computer software.
They have many uses summarized in working as voltmeters to get the potential difference between
two points on an electrical circuit, Thermometers to determine the fever level in a human body or
diagnose body temperature, Analogue Clocks, Seismometer to keep records of an earthquake,
speedometer to get speed of a running vehicle, Tide predictors through the use of mechanical
machinery to get note of the height of tides at regular intervals, and in flight simulators it helps to
demonstrate illusions that happen to the pilots in the air to make sure they are prepared for all
scenarios through the use of hydraulic pumps, image generators, sound systems, more actuators,
and other technology.
The chief advantage of analog machines is that it can be easier to simulate a physical situation via
hooking up (usually via plug board wires) various combinations of signal generators, integrating
devices than learning how to write a program. Its also flexible as seen in the ability to connect the
cables in countless configurations and with the use of DAQ and Casi lab you have the ability to
solve and see many engineering phenomena’s behavior and response with simple steps.
The primary advantage of an analog computer is it can display the output in simple and graphical
manners within a short time period. Digital computers need complex programs to be transmitted
in real-time, whereas analog computers can easily be transmitted in real-time.
Although the analog computers are very useful they have some downsides presented in the
amount of power they consume and the higher rate of signal conversion, which is shown inside.
We Conclude that The analog computer is a very useful technology and can serve many purposes
upon application of correct analysis of system. It can help to understand the behavior and
response of first order systems and as demonstrated it gives a very accurate presentation of a
solution of a First order system.
Analog Computers. Analog Computers | Selling the Computer Revolution | Computer History
Museum. (1964, January 1).
Basharat, S. (2023, February 5). Analog Computer – types, advantages, and disadvantages.
Banger, E. R. S. (2022, December 21). What is Analog Computer? examples, types, &
characteristics!! DigitalThinkerHelpز