مساج مجمع
مساج مجمع
مساج مجمع
therapist is going to be able to perform all ne- side. In that situation wet-wipes or an astrin-
cessary techniques with the greatest ease and gent lotion should be available for use.
that the recipient is at all times warm and
Warn participant
Massage manipulations in
Skin preparation
sports massage
Many sportspeople shave their legs before com-
petition and small nicks are not unusual. The massage manipulations used in sports
Aseptic conditions should apply with absolute massage are as described in Chapter 2, plus acu-
cleanliness essential. pressure and ice massage.
results. The object is to try to get muscle relax- These six specific sports massages may have to
ation in as short a time as possible, thus making be carried out at pitch or track side and it may
this technique very useful immediately prior not always be possible to follow to the letter
to activity by removing particular spots of the manipulations, routines and methods sug-
muscle/tissue tension. The use of both acupres- gested. The therapist must be prepared to be
sure and shiatsu in sport is growing and there adaptable and use the manipulations and skills
are many varying theories on the subjects, from at his/her command in the most advantageous
basic applications to reduce muscle tensions way to aid the participant in their chosen event.
right up to the complete science of the full
holistic concept of Oriental medicine (Downer
Massage in conditioning
The conditioning time of year for any
sportsperson will depend entirely on what their
Ice massage
goals are for that particular year. The actual
The most convenient method of application of time of year will vary from sport to sport,
ice massage is to use a polystyrene cup which dependent on the competitive season and major
has been filled with water and then frozen. Cut event(s). The object involves the SAID princi-
a 1.25 cm ring from the top edge of the cup and ple: Specific Adaptation Imposed Demands
then massage the injured area with the ice until (Wallis & Logan 1964). This principle puts the
an erythema is achieved. If dealing with tendi- body through safe and intense development, to
nous or small areas an ice cube held in a tissue achieve peak condition at the time of major
is best. competition. There may have to be more than
one time of 'peaking' in each year, e.g. to
qualify for Olympic selection in June and then
Sports massage to compete in the Olympic Games in September.
Massage at the time of conditioning plays a
Sports massage can be divided into: very important part in the training regime.
to perform their cool down regimes more Stroking - to provide relaxation and aid venous
effectively. return.
(3) To prevent delayed onset muscle soreness Tapotement/shaking/vibrations - to stimulate
(DOMS). It is widely appreciated that and give a feeling of wellbeing.
intense bouts of exercise will produce Effleurage - to aid venous and lymphatic
varying degrees of muscle soreness after return, and to assess the final state of the
the event. This soreness may not be tissues.
noticed for up to 24 hours after cessation
of the activity. Many learned sources will
insist that there is no specific proof that
massage will, in any way, prevent the Start with the back, then the limbs, concentrat-
occurrence of DOMS. On the other hand ing on the muscles most used in the training
observation and anecdotal evidence lead session. Often finish with a foot massage.
those who are actively engaged in the
field of sport massage to feel DOMS
can be, and is, influenced positively by
the application of the correct massage Whole body one to one and a half hours, half
techniques. body half to three quarters of an hour. This
(4) Psychological effect. The importance of massage can be given on a daily basis through-
the psychological effect of touch has never out the conditioning period, with the first
been fully quantified. At this hard time of massage being given the day before the first day
training for the sportsperson a massage of hard training.
performed by a good knowledgeable prac-
titioner can make a vast difference to their
continued wellbeing and can enhance the
benefits of the conditioning period. As described in Chapter 3, paying particular
attention to identifying and avoiding any micro
trauma that may have been occasioned by a
Contact materials
particularly hard training session.
Oils, mild warming rubs.
Massage as treatment
Routine and manipulations used
Massage as a treatment for sports injuries can
Light effleurage - accustoms the person to be used after 48 hours if all bleeding and tissue
touch, also tests to see if there has been any swelling has ceased. In the case of haematoma,
micro trauma to soft tissue as a result of hard after four days or dependent on the patient's
training. tolerance.
Deep effleurage - to promote venous and lym-
phatic drainage.
Petrissage - to mobilise the soft tissues.
Deep effleurage - as above. (1) To stimulate circulation. Forty eight hours
Acupressure - to address any specific tension or after trauma it is important to clear away
trigger spots identified. the debris of the incident and remove the
Massage in Sport 117
excess tissue fluid. Massage can play a slight stretch on those tissues; also to reduce
useful part in reaching these goals. muscle spasm.
(2) To promote recovery from injury. As Effleurage - as above.
stated above, to stimulate circulation and Frictions - Counter-irritant effect as described
also to ensure the continued good state of in Chapter 2, to mobilise and break down
surrounding tissues. scar tissue.
(3) To break down adhesions. The most Tapotement - excitation effect as described in
important result after injury in sport Chapter 2, plus a feeling of wellbeing.
must be that the individual has not Effleurage - as above.
been left with a tight shortened scar in Shaking - applied both locally and to a total
any soft tissue. Adhesions and scar tissue limb aids relaxation and relief of muscle
are sources of trouble and can result in tension and cramp. Acupressure - by stimu-
further trauma producing bigger and lating trigger points it is possible to gain
thicker areas of adherent tissue. Massage muscle relaxation or increase in muscle tone,
can play a very important part in the dependent on depth and length of pressure
recovery. applied.
(4) To promote flexibility. It is essential that Connective tissue massage - to mobilise the
all participants have returned at least to deep reticular layers of the dermis.
their previous level of flexibility after Rolling - as described in Chapter 2.
injury. Massage can provide a useful Effleurage - as above and to assess the final
adjunct to the essential stretch routines state of the tissues.
performed by the patient.
(5) To improve the range of movement. Most
types of injury, both soft tissue and bony, Method
may well necessitate periods of strapping Always massage proximal and then distal areas
and/or immobilisation. A return to full of the body before concentrating on the treat-
range movement is necessary prior to ment area proper.
return to full training and competition.
Massage is used extensively to facilitate
achieving a full range of movement. Duration
Dependent on area and sensitivity of the area
Contact materials to be treated - may be ten to thirty minutes.
Oil, cream, heat rub, ice, anti-inflammatory gel The treatment can be used daily depending on
patient's level of discomfort and training/com-
or cream.
petition schedule.
Solutions are:
As requested by the competitor, may be only to • Light exercise
one specific area or may be to whole body area • Shower
and in some instances may be used in place of • Jacuzzi
active cool-down. • Massage
122 Some Uses and Modifications for Treatment
Concentrate on the area highlighted by the par-
For objects 1 and 2, as described in Chapter 2, ticipant but do not forget to clear the sur-
starting with back and neck, then each limb in rounding area.
124 Some Uses and Modifications for Treatment
relax and maintain a prolonged treatment manipulations. The object is not to work
without undue fatigue. deeply, but to spread the lather and loosen
scales of skin. As the scaly patches are loosened,
use a swab to remove them from the work area.
The treatment
If the lather dries up or disappears, re-
Using oil or lanolin or ung. eucerin moisten your palms and work them together
first. You may find the lather reforms, but if
Open the container and leave the cap off. If
not recreate lather by following the above
using oil, pour a little into the dish.
Examine the part to be treated and using
On completion of the treatment:
your finger or thumb tips apply the lubricant
to the margins, then to the centre of the area. either wipe the whole area with swabs, working
If possible, support your forearms or elbows on a whole limb from proximal to distal, or
adjacent to the treatment area and, using your on a smaller part from centre to periphery.
lubricated finger or thumb tips, work from the This will leave a thin coat of oil on the area.
periphery to the centre of the area. or wash the area by first washing your own
As you work, the lubricant may 'disappear' hands and rinsing them, then lathering them
so add more, a small amount at a time, on the so that you can apply a non-oily lather to the
area on which you are at present working. Do part to wash it.
not at any point swamp or flood the area.
Rinse, swab clean as above, then dry the part if
On completion:
either leave the residual lubricant on the skin
or gently swab most of it away, using a clean
swab for each subsection cleaned, and wiping Massage for scars, burns and
the central area first followed by the margins. plastic surgery
Fig. 11.3 Encroaching and deepening the finger Fig. 11.5 Stroking the central area. Note that the
kneading. wrinkle at the thumb tips indicates some skin
Fig. 11.4 I humb kneading to the central and more Fig. 11.6 Rocking the whole area from side to side.
mobile area of burns to the back of the knee.
until the skin is either warmer to touch or pink, Intersperse with rocking the whole scar (Fig.
or both. Start slowly and increase your speed as 11.6) along its length from side to side using
the patient's tolerance increases. either one or both hands, and then attempt
Now start to use stretching manipulations, small wringing manipulations (Figs 11. 7 and
which may be finger or thumb tip kneading 11.8). Identify the worst areas and give them
with greater depth and slightly greater range, or special attention, perform local skin wringing
stretching strokes (Fig. 11.5), working along and skin rocking, and finish with effleurage
the length of the scar and gradually using the round and to the whole area from distal to it,
side of your thumb or finger to push up against and up to the proximal lymph glands.
the scar as you stroke along the margin. In some cases, you may find it better to
Massage for Conditions 147
Fig. 11.8 Wringing on the side of the hand to Painful areas may be treated by massage in an
mobilise the adherent skin. attempt to relieve the pain. Areas of disorder
often have local spasm which is protective. As
the attempt to protect against movement of
support the more distal part of a limb manually the part spreads, yet more spasm will spread to
and apply stretch with your supporting hand as the adjacent areas. Spasm prevents drainage
the tissues become warm and softer (Figs 11. 8 and thus causes local congestion. Metabolites
and 11.9). The stretch should be so gentle as to accumulate and increase the disorder and
be unobtrusive and should not make the patient discomfort.
aware of increased discomfort. Bruising or haematoma are the consequence
In the section on kneading in Chapter 2, it of injury and may both present at the site of
was stressed that the circling of the hand should the injury, and in adjacent or distal areas into
avoid sudden points and becoming pear shaped. which the extravasated blood will spread. It
In working to stretch scars by kneading, a more is important to differentiate between the local
pear shaped manipulation should be cultivated, haematoma at the site of the injury, which
the 'point' of the pear shape being the moment should not be treated for up to four days until
of greatest stretch on the tissues. damaged small blood vessels have had time to
Trigger point & Referred pain
Trigger point & Referred pain
Self Myofascial Release Tools
• Foam Roller
• Mini Roller
• Grid Roller
• Lacrosse Ball
• Tennis Ball
• Theraband Roller (Stick)
• Vibrate Roller
• Medicine Ball
• Spine Roller(Peanut ball)
• Soft Ball
• Barbell
Positioning while on the foam roller is critical for
several reasons:
• Poor alignment may stress the supporting muscles
and/or joints (e.g., if the elbow is too far away from
the shoulder, instead of being placed underneath it,
you could strain the muscle/joint).
• Improper placement can lead to excessive fatigue of
the supporting musculature.
• Improper placement can lead to excessive pressure
on the trained area, which decreases compliance. (If
it hurts too much, you won’t want to do it again!)
General Guidelines
• Spend 1-2 minutes per self myofascial release
technique and on each side (when applicable).
• When a trigger point is found (painful area) hold for
30-45 seconds.
• Keep the abdominal muscles tight which provides
stability to the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex during
• Remember to breathe slowly as this will help to
reduce any tense reflexes caused by discomfort.
• Complete the self myofascial release exercises 1-2 x
• Pain reduction
• Feeling of ease and smoothness in motion
• Increased range of motion
• Reduced inflammation
• “Smashing,”
• “Back & Front”
• “Rolling,”
• “Breaking up scar tissue”
• “Holding with compression”
Lower Body
• Plantar Fascia
• Gastrocnemius
• Soleus
• Achilles Tendon
• Peroneals
• Tibialis Anterior
• Tensor Fascia Latae
• Gluteus Minimus
• IT Band
• Quadriceps
• Gluteus Maximus
• Gluteus Medius
• Hamstrings
• Piriformis
• Adductors
*Gastrocnemius, Soleus &
*Plantar Fascia – Can be done Achilles tendon - Can be done
with : . with :
Lacrosse ball, Tennis ball, Lacrosse ball, Tennis ball,
Barbell, Barbell,
Dumbell, Mini roller , Stick Foam Roller, Mini roller , Grid
roller, Vibrator, Stick
*Peroneals, Tibialis Anterior – *TFL , Glute minimus – Can be done
Can be done with . with:
Foam roller,Grid roller, Mini Foam roller,Grid roller, Mini Roller,
Roller, Tennis ball, Lacrosse ball , Tennis ball, Lacrosse ball , Sitck,
Sitck Medicine ball
•IT Band – Can be done with : *Quadriceps – Can be done with:
loads on the tissue and exert primarily tensile (pulling) connective tissues in the area. This technique is
force on the fascia. Even when exposed to very light usually performed with minimal or no lubrication
tensile loads, these neural receptors in the fascia mod- so that the practitioner’s hands or fingers do not
ulate activity in the nervous system which then pro- easily glide across the skin but instead pulls across
duces a corresponding reduction in muscle tension. the skin creating greater effect on the fascial layers
The function of fascia is so tightly integrated with under the skin.
muscle tissue that these two are most appropriately In some techniques the treating hand glides slowly
considered myofascial tissues.43,44 Therefore when a along the direction of the muscle and fascia being
relaxation is produced in the fascial tissues, there is treated (Fig. 4.20). Slow movement is recommended
tension reduction in muscular tissue as well, and thus because the lack of lubricant can produce discomfort
the palpable change felt by soft-tissue practitioners due to the excess friction. As with the longitudinal
(Fig. 4.19). stripping methods the practitioner can use a broad
The primary purpose of myofascial techniques is contact surface (palm, forearm, knuckles, etc.) for
to reduce tension in the fascial and muscular more general applications or a small contact surface
tissues. There are many different myofascial tech- (thumbs, fingers, or elbow) for a specific application.
niques, so this discussion focuses on the elements In other myofascial techniques the tangential
that are common to most of these methods. Once force applied to the fascia is performed without
an area of muscular or fascial restriction is identi- moving the treatment hand(s). This method is most
fied, a tangential or pulling force is applied to the commonly referred to as myofascial release.38 To
Figure 4.19 Feeling change in myofascial tissues. “Myofascial tissue as a school of fish. A practitioner working with
myofascial tissue may feel several of the motor units responding to touch. If the practitioner then responds supportively
to their new behavior, the working hand will soon feel other fish joining, and so forth. Figure by Twyla Weixl, Munich,
Germany.” Reprinted with permission from Schleip R. Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation. Journal of
Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2003;7(1):11–19.
array of sensory receptors including the Golgi muscular contraction (and subsequent overcon-
tendon organs and muscle spindle cells. These two traction injury) by shutting off a muscle contrac-
specialized proprioceptors are critically important in tion if the contraction stimulus was too strong.
understanding various stretching techniques. Both However, we have now learned that the GTO does
proprioceptors play different roles in helping to not function in this way and the reflex cessation of
manage tension in the muscle and also its ability overly strong muscular contraction results more
to elongate during stretching. from excessive stimulation of free nerve endings
The Golgi tendon organ (GTO) is located in the (pain receptors).55
musculotendinous junction (Fig. 4.22). Its primary Another erroneous perception about GTO
function is to relay information back to the central function that still persists suggests that passive
nervous system about the amount of contraction muscle stretching pulls on the musculotendinous
force in muscles. When muscle fibers contract, they junction and stimulates the GTO, thereby causing
pull on the tendon, which then transmits the con- a corresponding decrease in muscle tension. The
traction force to the bone. Due to its location in the GTO is activated by muscle contraction, but in
musculotendinous junction, the GTO is ideally posi- many cases not activated at all by passive stretch-
tioned to give the central nervous system informa- ing.55 Therefore stimulation of the GTO with
tion about the level of tension or pulling force that passive stretching does not occur and is not a
its muscle generates. Its predominant role is to help mechanism for increasing stretching effectiveness.
manage appropriate muscular contraction forces. The other muscle proprioceptor that is essential
Tendons can be pulled either by a muscular for understanding stretching effectiveness is the
contraction or a passive tensile force, such as a muscle spindle cell. Muscle spindle cells are located
stretching procedure. During a strong muscular throughout muscle tissue (Fig. 4.23). Their pri-
contraction the muscle pulls on the musculotendi- mary function is to help regulate levels of muscle
nous junction and the GTO is stimulated. It was tension and stretch. While the GTO is receptive
once thought that the GTO prevented excessive to the level of contraction force in a muscle, the
spindle cells primarily focus on the degree of mus-
cle stretching. Spindle cell physiology is complex
and involves both sensory cells in the spindle as
well as motor fibers to the spindle itself that help
Muscle fibers manage appropriate muscle length. The spindle
cell is primarily responsive to the muscle’s change
in length (how much a muscle lengthens) and
Capsule the rate of change (how fast it lengthens).
If a muscle elongates either too far or too fast,
Golgi tendon organ the muscle spindles report that change to the
central nervous system and an automatic reflex
muscular contraction ensues to reduce the excess
Sensory neuron to
spinal cord stretch. This reflex is called the myotatic (or
stretch) reflex. Its primary function is to prevent
muscle tearing that would result from overstretch-
ing. Practitioners should be careful with any
stretching procedure not to elicit the stretch reflex
by stretching the client too far or too fast because
the reflex contraction directly reduces the benefit
of any stretching procedure.
There is a wide variety of stretching procedures or
systems used to increase myofascial flexibility. The
most common stretching methods fall under one
Figure 4.22 Structure of the Golgi tendon organ. of three categories: static, ballistic, or active-assisted