PM Template - Value Proposition Canvas

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Value Proposition


Template validated by Sergio Luna & Teesh Yalamanchili

What is included in this template

1. What is a Value Proposition Canvas (VPC)?

2. Breakdown of the Value Map and Customer Profile
3. Connecting the Value Map and Customer Profile
4. Blank Canvas. Your turn!
a. Jobs-To-Be-Done List
b. Completed Canvas
c. Prioritization
d. Value statement
5. Example: Datadog
6. Additional resources
What is a Value Proposition Canvas?
A Value Proposition Canvas (originally from Strategyzer) is a tool to achieve Product-Market fit. It helps you get to
the bottom of a customer’s pain point and build solutions that provides real value. The canvas is split into 2 parts:

Customer Understand your customer’s problem, roadblocks, and desired outcomes (Jobs-to-be-done, Pains, and
Profile Gains, respectively)

Understand what you bring to the table, in relation to the Customer Profile. How do you solve the
Value Map customer problem? How does your product help them overcome roadblocks and achieve their desired
Customer Profile

All tasks customers are trying to perform, the

Jobs-To-Be-Done problems they are trying to solve, and the needs
they want to satisfy
They are all the benefits your customer expects
Jobs-To-Be-Done Gains or wishes, whether they are functional,
emotional, social or financial.

Pains Everything that gets in the way of completing

jobs-to-be-done, such as negative experiences
and emotions, challenges, risks involved,
financial costs, mistakes, and consequences

*Want to understand your customer profile better? Try building a Customer Journey Map
Value Map

Products & All the products and services you are going to
Services deliver
Gain Creators

Products What benefits your product brings, and if your

& Gain creators
customer’s wishes and expectations are reached

Pain Relievers How your product/service relieves the

customer’s pains. Identify if you reduce their
Pain relievers
costs, negative feelings, efforts, risks, negative
consequences, mistakes
Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators

& Jobs-To-Be-Done

Pain Relievers
Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators Gains

& Jobs-To-Be-Done

Pain Relievers
Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators Gains

& Jobs-To-Be-Done

Pain Relievers
Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators Gains

& Jobs-To-Be-Done

Pain Relievers
FAQs &
Best Practices
Behind the canvas

Who needs to be involved in Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) creation?

The Product Team creates the VPC. If needed, involve stakeholders in leadership, Product
Marketing, and business strategy.

How much time should you spend building it?

A good rule of thumb is to run a week-long sprint where you compile research and do
brainstorming sessions

*Note: The Value Proposition Canvas is most helpful when combined with other tools. Try creating a
Customer Journey Map and building out a Business Model Canvas to get the full value of this tool.
How often should I revisit my VPC?

● For long-term product projects: Once a quarter or once a year depending on scope.
● For smaller projects or features: Revisit the VPC post-launch to validate your solution,
or to re-evaluate if the launch is unsuccessful. Maybe you missed something in your
Product-Market fit.

Who is in charge of the VPC long-term? How do we maintain it?

The Product Manager running the team or the Product Owner is responsible for the VPC

For a one-off project, store the VPC documentation in an easy-to-find place for future
reference. For ongoing projects, store it somewhere visible and revisit as needed with
changing strategy and market conditions.
Use the slides below for your
Description: Jobs-To-Be-Done

What kind of need is this?

Name of job Description Importance
(Emotional vs functional)
The Canvas

Gain Creators

& Jobs-To-Be-Done

Pain Relievers

Copy and drag sticky

notes to corresponding
Gain creators

Name of gain creator Gain it maps onto

Pain relievers

Name of pain reliever Pain it maps onto

Value statement

Insert your text here…

Example: Datadog
App monitoring and analytics tool
What kind of need is this?
Name of job Description
(Emotional vs functional)

Monitor the performance, reliability, scalability, The core user problem—the need for visibility Functional
and availability of high-value systems into infrastructure performance and health

Migrate service to cloud Moving infrastructure from on-premise to cloud Functional

or hybrid models

Access and understand infrastructure data Seeing infrastructure health data in a way that Functional
leads to informed decisions

Troubleshoot performance issues When things go wrong, DevOps needs a quick Functional
way to identify the problem that needs solving

Lower costs through infrastructure optimization Eliminating ineffective flows is hard to do Functional
without using data

Feeling secure in final user experience Engineers want to know the tool they’re using Emotional
works and will reliably measure issues that might
impact end-users early on
Covers on-premise,
Intuitive, no Forecast
Personalizable hybrid, or cloud Minimal
code UI backend
environments maintenance
requirements Monitor the
performance, reliability,
15-second scalability, and
Over 500 granularity Easy availability of
infrastructure Coverage of
integrations metric access to high-value systems
metrics entire IT
collection resource
Get access to Migrate
Hybrid and Gain Creators infrastructure service to
cloud Gains
data cloud
& Jobs-To-Be-Done
Lower costs through
Services infrastructure
alerts and optimization
Pain Relievers Feeling
Customer- Troubleshoot
secure in
Tag-based facing performance
final user
infrastructure search outage issues

No Dev and
Monitoring Can use Data to Limited
training Ops team
compatible for both identify failed engineering Complex Inflexible
needed to using
with cloud Dev and backend team infrastructure monitoring
deploy different
architecture Ops work components capacity
tool tools
Value statement

Datadog enables companies to easily transfer their

infrastructure to a cloud environment, then track
performance and flag problems through cloud
infrastructure monitoring and customizable
performance alerts and data dashboards.
Gain creators

Name of gain creator Gain it maps onto

Personalizable Coverage of entire IT environment

Intuitive, no code UI Easy access to resource metrics; Minimal maintenance

Over 500 integrations Broad product usage

Covers on-premise, hybrid, or cloud environments Easy access to resource metrics

Historical infrastructure metrics Forecast backend requirements

15-second granularity metric collection Forecast backend requirements

Pain relievers

Name of pain reliever Pain it maps onto

Tag-based infrastructure search Complex infrastructure

No training needed to deploy tool Limited engineering team capacity

Monitoring compatible with cloud architecture Inflexible monitoring

Can use for both Dev and Ops work Dev and Ops team using different tools

Data to identify failed backend components Customer-facing outage

More resources!

Learn How to Create a Winning Value

Proposition for Your Product by Dan

Or, dive deeper into Product Management with

our resource collection.

Share your feedback on this template here.

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