PR1649ST10012024 RM

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Statement 1: Reserve Money

(₹ crore)
Outstanding as on Variations over
Financial Year so far Year-on-year
ITEM 2023 2024 Week
2022-23 2023-24 2023 2024
Mar 31 Jan 5 Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Reserve Money 4,386,759 4,470,114 24,787 0.6 136,546 3.4 83,355 1.9 445,223 11.8 264,681 6.3

Components (i+ii+iii)
i) Currency in Circulation 3,378,521 3,379,221 16,225 0.5 121,213 3.9 700 0.0 237,368 7.9 124,291 3.8

ii) Bankers' Deposits with RBI 930,477 1,012,434 11,153 1.1 11,302 1.3 81,957 8.8 195,639 28.3 124,406 14.0

iii)`Other' Deposits with RBI 77,761 78,459 -2,592 -3.2 4,031 6.9 698 0.9 12,216 24.3 15,984 25.6

Sources (i+ii+iii+iv-v)

i) Net RBI Credit to Government 1,451,126 1,069,672 90,013 -213,276 -381,454 67,853 -167,649
of which: to Centre 1,450,376 1,048,575 71,453 -228,990 -401,801 63,488 -171,407

ii) RBI Credit to Banks and Commercial Sector -94,443 119,835 -68,075 485,767 214,278 629,334 177,770
o/w : to Banks (includes NABARD) -120,992 114,604 -68,226 484,149 235,596 613,277 190,727

iii) Net Foreign Exchange Assets of RBI 4,587,355 4,984,935 -53,174 -1.1 38,190 0.9 397,580 8.7 -52,985 -1.2 504,266 11.3

iv) Govt.'s Currency Liabilities to the Public 30,285 32,596 1,588 5.7 2,311 7.6 1,936 7.0 2,996 10.1

v) Net Non-Monetary Liabilities of RBI 1,587,565 1,736,924 -56,023 -3.1 175,722 13.4 149,360 9.4 200,915 15.7 252,702 17.0

Note: Data are provisional.

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