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Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

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Marine plastic litter detection offshore Hawai'i by Sentinel-2

Achille Carlo Ciappa
e-GEOS, via Tiburtina 965, Rome, Italy


Keywords: Marine litter patches were detected from Sentinel-2 offshore Hawaii's Big Island (Hawaii) within 10 miles from
Marine plastic litter the coast in the prevalent windward direction (NE), for a total sea surface of 3.0 km2. The patches have a
Sentinel-2 filament-like shape with different orientation, lengths of several kilometers and width from tens to hundreds of
Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP)
meters. A comparison with the typical spectra of “sargassum” and “seaweed” patches emphasized differences in
the red edge portion of the spectrum for large part of the filaments. Frequency of plastic pollution on Hawaiian
beaches and spectral characteristics of the filaments suggest these patches largely consist of plastic debris. A
detection method of plastic litter for Sentinel-2 data resampled at 20 m resolution based on the analysis of the red
edge bands is proposed.

1. Introduction their content remains unknown, “ground truth” being unavailable and
plastics most often intermingled with other materials (mostly of natural
The accumulation of plastic litter in the sea is an added stress to origin). Moreover, thinner aggregates of marine litter (less than 10 m
benthic, pelagic and littoral marine ecosystems. A significant amount of wide) are not detected at the spatial resolution of Sentinel-2. Experi­
plastic produced serves only ephemeral purposes, is rapidly converted ments have been conducted using artificial plastic targets (Themistocl­
into waste, and represents a persistent form of marine pollution. The eous et al., 2020; Topouzelis et al., 2019, 2020), marine litter
mitigation measure - reducing plastic pollution at the source - would accumulated in a port (Moshtaghi et al., 2021), mixed datasets of
require the identification of geographical sources, such as rivers, lagoons oceanic patches and washed debris after a flooding (Biermann et al.,
or specific coastal sites. It has been estimated that about 30% of marine 2020), and oceanic patches of ‘sargassum’ and plastics (Kikaki et al.,
litter floats on the surface or in the water column; the rest sinks to the 2020). A method to discriminate plastics from other types of floating
bottom floor (UNEP, 2005; 2019). Implementing frequent satellite ob­ materials is illustrated in Biermann et al. (2020).
servations of floating plastics might help trace the origins of pollution, The opportunity to analyze a consistent satellite dataset of oceanic
and recently significant efforts have been made to establish satellite plastic patches was provided by Sentinel-2 scenes acquired offshore
monitoring, as auspicated by several authors (Garaba and Dierssen, Hawaii on October 14, 2020 (Fig. 1). In these images wide and long
2018; Garaba et al., 2020; Maximenko et al., 2019; Goddijn-Murphy filaments of floating materials are visible in the prevalent windward
et al., 2018; Martínez-Vicente et al., 2019). direction (NE). ‘Ground truth’ information is missing, but the bright
Sentinel-2 satellite of the Copernicus Program of European Space signature in the visible range and the recurrence of plastic pollution
Agency (ESA) is a potential candidate for the monitoring of surface reaching Hawaiian beaches suggest that the filaments might largely
plastic debris. It provides free-of-charge multi-spectral data at spatial consist of plastic debris. In this study, the spectral signature of the
resolution of 10 and 20 m over a swath area of 290 km, while other floating material found offshore Hawaii has been compared with known
sensors have either too coarse spatial resolution, too low revisit time, or types of oceanic patches, in particular ‘sargassum’ macroalgae and
the data costs too much to be used in actual monitoring. Sentinel-2 has mixed materials of vegetal origin. Most of the material detected offshore
also the ability to distinguish “sargassum” and seaweed patches (Trag­ Hawaii showed differences in the red edge portion of the spectrum, and
anos and Reinartz, 2018; Wang and Hu, 2021). said differences have been discussed and interpreted suggesting a
Many recent studies have tested the ability of Sentinel-2 in plastic refinement of the methodology to detect plastics with Sentinel-2 data.
detection, but few used observations of actual oceanic patches. Indeed, Moreover, the area offshore Hawaii, though only occasionally crossed by
selecting satellite data relevant to marine plastic debris is no easy task. filaments, deserves accurate analysis for future research. Indeed, spatial
Patches themselves are continually drifting, and even when detected, resolution is crucial in satellite monitoring, and the filaments detected

E-mail address: [email protected].
Received 3 January 2021; Received in revised form 14 April 2021; Accepted 1 May 2021
Available online 8 May 2021
0025-326X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

offshore Hawaii, huge in length and width, provide a large number of Table 1
samples at the spatial resolution of Sentinel-2. Sentinel-2 MSI bands.
Band Central wavelength Bandwidth Resolution Descriptor
2. Data and methods (nm) (nm) (m)

1 442.7 21 60 Aerosol
The European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 mission of the Coper­ 2 492.4 66 10 Blue
3 559.8 36 10 Green
nicus Program is a constellation of two twin satellites equipped with
4 664.6 31 10 Red
Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) which acquires 12 bands in visible, NIR 5 704.1 15 20 Red Edge 1
and SWIR spectral windows, listed in Table 1. The Top of Atmosphere 6 740.5 15 20 Red Edge 2
(TOA) reflectance product (level L1C) has been processed through the 7 782.8 20 20 Red Edge 3
ACOLITE Dark Spectrum Fitting (DSF) algorithm, correcting for atmo­ 8 832.8 106 10 NIR
8◦ 864.7 21 20 Narrow NIR
spheric and sun glint (Harmel et al., 2018; Vanhellemont, 2019). Further
9 945.1 20 60 Water
improvements in Standard Sen2cor atmospheric correction for aquatic vapour
applications should be forthcoming (Pflug et al., 2020). 10 1373.5 31 60 SWIR Cirrus
The data used are Sentinel-2 scenes acquired in different seas during 11 1613.7 91 20 SWIR1
12 2202.4 175 20 SWIR2
2020. The scenes selected offshore Hawaii are three of the nine tiles
acquired on 14 October 2020 shown in Fig. 1. Other two scenes were
used, one acquired on 8 May 2020 south of Dominican Island, Caribbean was the best ranked, followed by the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Sea, with extended “sargassum” patches, the other on 1 August 2020 in Index (NDVI):
North Adriatic, Mediterranean Sea, showing aggregates of mixed vegetal
materials and plastics at the mouth of a lagoon. Images and relative NDVI = (B8 − B4)/(B8 + B4)
details are illustrated in Section 3. In this study, the patches have been extracted in NIR (band 8), as any
After atmospheric correction, the Sentinel-2 data were resampled at floating material is brighter than the background sea. The used pro­
20 m spatial resolution. The reason is that the 10 m bands in the visible cedure was to apply a mask around the patch and to select pixels
portion of the spectrum (bands 2, 3, 4) and NIR (band 8) are not suffi­ brighter than 1.5 time the seawater signal. Advantages of this method
cient to discriminate the type of material, as discussed in Section 4. with respect to the use of spectral indexes are discussed in Section 4.
The next step was the extraction of the patches of floating materials, The next step was the extraction of the spectral signatures of the
without distinguishing the types. Themistocleous et al. (2020) investi­ three different datasets: the “sargassum” patches in the Caribbean Sea,
gated the efficiency of several spectral indexes using an artificial target the mixed patches with abundance of vegetal materials in North Adriatic
of plastic bottles located near shore, finding that the Plastic Index (PI): and the unknown filaments detected around Hawaii.
PI = B8/(B8 + B4) The next step was the discrimination of the type of material in the red
edge bands (Table 1). The first difference was found between pixels with

Fig. 1. Sentinel-2 mosaic on 14 October 2020 off east Big Island of Hawaii.

A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

increasing values in bands 5, 6 and 7 and pixels with chaotic (or not August 2020 in North Adriatic, Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 4a). The area
ordered) values in these bands. The red edge (increasing values in bands offshore the coastal lagoon on the northern coast is frequently charac­
5, 6 and 7) is indicative of dense mats of floating vegetation (Gower terized by the presence of marine litter, as verified by visual inspection
et al., 2006) and these pixels were classified as ‘floating vegetal’. This of the full Sentinel-2 dataset acquired in August 2020. Marine litter in
class was further divided in ‘floating veg. 1’, with band 8 > band 7, and the area is mostly due to materials of vegetal origin, but the presence of
‘floating veg. 2’, with band 8 < band 7, but the existing literature reports plastics is also documented (Campanale et al., 2019). In this case, the
no links between these features and known properties (aging, for classification of 1441 selected pixels shown in Fig. 4b produced: 75% of
instance) of floating vegetal materials. The pixels without increasing ‘floating vegetal’, divided in class 1 (26% of total) and class 2 (50%), 2%
reflectance in bands 5, 6 and 7 were classified based on the peak, if of ‘submerged vegetal’ and 23% of ‘probably plastics’, mostly found in
occurring in band 5, 6 or 7. The peak in the range 700–710 nm is typical the ‘peak 6’ category (16%). The spectral signatures are shown in
of submerged plants or floating plankton like cyanobacteria (Gower Fig. 4c. An example of detected patch in band 8 is shown in Fig. 5a,
et al., 1999), thus the pixels with a peak in band 5 were classified as classified in Fig. 5b.
‘submerged vegetal’. The remaining pixels with peak in band 6 or band 7
were classified as ‘probably plastics’. This classification method was 3.2. Spectral signature of the filaments detected off Hawaii
applied to the three datasets of oceanic patches.
The obtained classification was finally compared to the method The third dataset consists of the filaments detected offshore Hawaii,
described in Biermann et al. (2020) to discriminate plastics from other shown in Fig. 6. The filaments have various length and orientation and
materials such as seaweed, plastic, timber, foam, pumice. The method is are located at less than 10 miles from the coast in the prevalent wind­
based on the combined use of the NDVI and the novel Floating Debris ward direction (NE). The most conspicuous filament (Fig. 6b) was about
Index (FDI), originated from the FAI index (Hu, 2009; Dogliotti et al., 20 km long from north to south and 80 m wide on average, with a
2018; Zhang et al., 2019) and expressed in terms of Sentinel-2 bands by: maximum width of 250 m. In this case, the classification of 7524
′ selected pixels shown in Fig. 7a produced: 21% of ‘floating vegetal’,
FDI = B8 − R
divided in class 1 (1% of total) and class 2 (20%), 15% of ‘submerged
′ (λB8 − λB4 ) vegetal’ and 64% of ‘probably plastics’. The spectral signatures per class
R = B6 + (B11 − B6)∙
(λB11 − λR4 )
∙10 are shown in Fig. 7b and c. The peak in band 6 was found in about 57%
of total pixels (Fig. 7a), resulting in a saw-teeth profile in the red edge
The authors indicate that NDVI provides more distinct cluttering of (Fig. 7c, in red). All the filaments have similar distributions, indicating
materials than FDI, and that FDI primarily depends on the amount of that all were composed of the same mix of materials. Fig. 8 illustrates in
material in a given pixel. detail the wider section of the longest filament in the visible bands
(Fig. 8a), in NIR (Fig. 8b) and classified (Fig. 8c).
3. Results
3.3. Comparison with previous methods
3.1. Spectral signature of “sargassum” and materials of vegetal origin
Biermann et al. (2020) attempted to classify different types of
Patches of ‘sargassum’ macroalgae were detected in a Sentinel-2 floating materials as seaweed-seagrass, timber, pumice, sea foam and
image acquired south of Hispaniola Island, Caribbean Sea, on 8 May plastic. The authors used two different datasets. The first consisted of
2020 (Fig. 2a). In this image were selected 1809 pixels. The result of the about 200 pixels selected over plastic litter washed after a flooding in
classification shown in Fig. 2b was: 89% classified as ‘floating vegetal’, Durban, seaweed-sargassum detected around Barbados, timber or
divided in class 1 (23% of total) and class 2 (66%), with no pixels dis­ woody debris, spume and seawater. The second dataset consisted of
playing a peak in band 5 (‘submerged vegetal’), and 11% of ‘probably about 100 pixels suspected to contain plastics found in different seas
plastics’, mostly found in the ‘peak 6’ category (8% of total). Fig. 2c (Ghana, Vietnam, Canada and Scotland). The authors trained a Bayesian
shows the spectral signatures of the different categories obtained by classification method with the first dataset and tested the method with
averaging the 50 brightest pixels in NIR (band 8). An example of the second, with a positive outcome in 86% of cases. Focusing on NDVI
“sargassum” patch in band 8 is shown in Fig. 3a, classified in Fig. 3b. and FDI, the authors reported that (i) plastic was distinguishable from
The second dataset was extracted from a scene detected on 1st of other materials using NDVI, while FDI primarily depended on the

Fig. 2. (a) “Sargassum” patches detected south of Hispaniola, Greater Antilles, Caribbean Sea; (b) number of pixels per class; (c) spectral signatures of the
different categories.

A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

Fig. 3. (a) “Sargassum” patch of Caribbean Sea in band 8 and (b) classified pixels (20 m spatial resolution).

Fig. 4. (a) Patches of mixed materials of vegetal origin detected in North Adriatic, Mediterranean Sea; (b) number of pixels per class; (c) spectral signatures of the
different categories.

Fig. 5. (a) Mixed patch detected in North Adriatic in band 8 and (b) classified pixels (20 m spatial resolution).

amount of material composing any given pixel; (ii) that different ma­ are higher than for ‘plastic’ pixels as in Biermann et al. (2020), but no
terials (including plastic) show distinct clustering when FDI and NDVI distinct clustering is evident and the two classes are not separable using
were examined together. NDVI or FDI alone. Also, the two classes do not show distinct clustering
These criteria have been tested using the results of this study. Pixels when FDI and NDVI are used together, as illustrated in Fig. 9b and c. All
extracted from the Hawaiian filaments and classified as ‘floating vegetal of this seems to indicate distinct differences between results acquired
1’, ‘floating vegetal 2’ and ‘submerged vegetal’ have been merged in a with the method described in this study and those produced by the
single class of ‘vegetal’, and pixels classified as ‘peak 6 - probably combined use of NDVI and FDI.
plastics’ and ‘peak 7 - probably plastics’ have been merged in the single
class of ‘plastics’; then NDVI and FDI have been calculated. The results 4. Discussion
are shown in box plots in Fig. 9a for an easy comparison with Fig. 2 in
Biermann et al. (2020). Both NDVI and FDI averages of ‘vegetal’ pixels The first aim of this study was to determine the nature of the detected

A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

Fig. 6. Filaments detected offshore Hawaii by Sentinel-2 tiles acquired on 14 October 2020; filaments (in yellow) are superimposed to the ‘true colors’ combination
(bands 4, 3, 2). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 7. Classification of the filaments detected offshore Hawaii. (a) number of pixels per class; (b) spectral signature of floating and submerged materials of ‘vegetal’
origin; (c) spectral signature of presumed plastic classes.

Fig. 8. (a) Eastern filament detected offshore Hawaii in the visible bands, (b) detail in band 8 (NIR) and (c) classified pixels (20 m spatial resolution).

patches, but the information extracted from the 10 m bands in the visible “sargassum” are more reflective than plastics and the sea signal is almost
portion of the spectrum (bands 2, 3, 4) and NIR (band 8) are not suffi­ null, a pixel moderately high in band 8 can be partially filled by seawater
cient to discriminate the type of material. The reasons are that, in the and seaweed or fully filled of plastics. Thus, the decision to focus on the
visible bands, Biermann et al. (2020) found plastic to be more reflective red edge bands was motivated by: (a) the likelihood that only dense
than seaweed-sargassum and seawater, but used samples of marine litter aggregates of plastics would be distinct (bright) in the visible bands of
released after a flooding, and Kikaki et al. (2020) reported that plastics, Sentinel-2, and (b) that in the NIR band both plastic and seaweed can be
“sargassum” and seawater were almost equally reflective in oceanic confused.
patches of the Caribbean Sea. These differences in the visible bands can The plastic detection method described in this study consists of two
be useful but are not decisive. In NIR (band 8), where both seaweed and phases: (i) the identification of marine litter patches, where plastic

A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

Fig. 9. (a) Boxplots of NDVI and FDI of the filaments detected offshore Hawaii; Plots of (b) ‘vegetal’ and (c) ‘plastic’ pixels (b) in NDVI and FDI.

debris is possibly mixed with other materials; (ii) the discrimination of origin, while in the third dataset, i.e. the Hawaiian filaments, the per­
the type of material within the detected patches. centage was only 36%. In the Hawaiian filaments, 64% of the material
Marine litter patches have been identified by selecting pixels 1.5 appeared to be of not vegetable origin, and was largely characterized by
times brighter than the seawater in NIR (band 8), as plastic and many a peak in band 6 (57% of total).
materials of vegetal origin are characterized by high reflectance in NIR Several considerations support the conclusion that most of the Ha­
(Maximenko et al., 2019; Biermann et al., 2020). The decision to use waiian filaments consist of plastics. First, the bright signature in the
band 8 rather than spectral indexes as PI or NDVI is justified by the visible bands shown in Fig. 8a for the eastern filaments and in Fig. 10 for
results reported in Themistocleous et al. (2020), in which several spec­ the western ones. Following Biermann et al. (2020), this could be an
tral indexes were submitted to objective sensitivity analysis using an indication of dense aggregation of plastics. Second, the filaments cannot
artificial target of plastic bottles anchored in proximity to the beach. The be locally generated (Carson et al., 2013; Blickley et al., 2016; Brignac
authors found that PI ranked better than NDVI, even though the NDVI et al., 2019), as otherwise they would be more frequent. Of 44 Sentinel-2
range (0–1) is twice the PI range (0.5–1), as in sea pixels NDVI ≈ 0 and scenes acquired in the same area over a period of six months (June to
PI ≈ 0.5 (B4 ≈ B8) and over the target both indexes are close to 1 (B4 ≪ December 2020), six were cloudy and only in one (December) thin fil­
B8). The reason for this apparent inconsistency is the relevance of the aments were visible. The non-local origin makes it less likely they would
variability in the surrounding sea, as any target is detected in contrast be vegetal materials coming from the island. Finally, the filaments, only
with its background (Themistocleous et al., 2020). NDVI and PI vari­ occasionally detected offshore, could be related to the large amounts of
ability is due to the sediment and chlorophyll content, which increases plastic periodically flooding Hawaiian beaches, which seem to stem
reflectance in band 4 (Hafeez et al., 2018). Still, PI is less sensitive than from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Kubota, 1994; Brandon et al.,
NDVI to changes of band 4. In short, in sensitive analysis PI ranked 2016; Moy et al., 2018; Lebreton et al., 2018; Egger et al., 2020).
better than NDVI because it is easier to detect a target in a flat sea (in PI)
than in a rough sea (in NDVI). These considerations suggest that the use 5. Conclusions
of these indexes is not ideal in target detection, as both, though to a
varying degree, are affected by the local distribution of chlorophyll and The marine litter possibly consist of macroalgae (e.g. “sargassum”);
sediments, and target detection could produce unbalanced results from cyanobacteria, typically widespread in many ocean areas; slicks and
one area to the next. Therefore, target detection was performed using foam caused by organic processes; seagrasses, wood and terrestrial
band 8. Nevertheless, for monitoring to become routinary, sophisticated plants; or plastic. In oceanic patches these materials are aggregated in
methods would be needed, as the detection process is hindered by cloud different percentages, therefore it is crucial to distinguish them to detect
shadows, whitecaps, ships and wakes. plastics.
The method proposed here for the discrimination of plastics consists The work done in this study is mainly driven by the analysis of the
of the elimination of alternatives to plastics on the basis of the red edge data acquired by Sentinel-2 on “sargassum” patches in the Caribbean
of known materials. The method applies the rule that “other floating Sea, mixed patches with abundance of vegetal materials in North Adri­
materials such as marine debris or garbage or emulsified oil can lead to atic and unknown filaments detected around Hawaii. Their comparison
enhanced reflectance in all NIR bands, but not cause red edge reflec­ emphasized differences in the red edge, thus providing the opportunity
tance” (Hu et al., 2015). The red edge of materials of vegetal origin is for a tentative classification of filaments detected offshore Hawaii. The
largely documented (Gower et al., 1999, 2006; Dierssen et al., 2015; Hu decision to focus on the red edge bands was motivated by the consid­
et al., 2015) and Gower et al. (1999) reported that the peak between 700 erations that the information coming from the visible bands and NIR of
and 710 nm (band 5 of Sentinel-2) is typical of submerged plants or Sentinel-2 is not sufficient to discriminate plastic.
floating plankton. Plastic litter behaviour in the red edge bands of The suggested method of classification of plastic litter is based on the
Sentinel-2 is not largely documented. Biermann et al. (2020) do not exclusion of materials of vegetal origin and submerged seaweed using
report specific peaks in band 6 or 7 for plastics, but neither show any the red edge bands of Sentinel-2. More specifically, the method allows
spectral signature close to what extracted from the Hawaiian filaments. excluding as materials of vegetal origin those with increasing values in
Chaotic signature of plastics in the red edge is reported in Topouzelis bands 5, 6, and 7, and as submerged seaweed those with a peak in band
et al. (2020) for an artificial target, and a similar saw-teeth spectral 5. Remaining pixels with a peak in band 6 or in band 7 are most likely to
signature due to the peak in band 6 (Fig. 7c) is shown in Themistocleous consist of plastic.
et al. (2020) from spectro-radiometer measurements of the artificial With this method, 89% of “sargassum” patches (total 1801 pixels),
plastic target in the sea. 77% of mixed vegetal patches (1441) and only 36% of the filaments
The classification method was tested on three datasets of marine offshore Hawaii (7524) were identified as of vegetal origin. In all like­
litter. In the first two, the percentage of material of vegetal origin lihood, the filaments detected offshore Hawaii mainly consist of plastics.
(floating and submerged) was 89% and 77%, respectively, which is The results of this classification agree only in part with previous pro­
consistent with “sargassum” patches and marine litter mostly of vegetal posed methods.

A.C. Ciappa Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 (2021) 112457

Fig. 10. Western filaments detected offshore Hawaii in the visible bands (bands 4, 3, 2).

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