1 FOR EDIT Nov 14-18 SP

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SESSION PLAN in Computer Systems Servicing 12

November 14-18, 2022

Sector : Electronic Sector
Qualification Title : Computer System Servicing NC II
Unit of Competency : Set up Computer Networks
Module Title : Setting up Computer Networks
Learning Outcomes:
1. Install Network Cable
2. Set Network Configuration
3. Set Router/Wifi/Wireless Access point/Repeater
4. Inspect and Test the Configuration

This course is designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills, & attitudes of a Computer Systems
Service Technician, in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic and common competencies in
addition to the core competencies such as to install and configure computers systems, set-up computer
networks and servers and to maintain and repair computer systems and networks.

LO 1: Install Network Cables
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
2.1Network Design Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will e-book basic
paced distribute read information compare computer 1 hour
Information sheet sheet 2.1-1 trainees networking
2.1-1 about network design answers to the copy of
network design and answer answer key 2.11 CBLM and
selfcheck 2.1-1 network design other
materials on

2.2 Network Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
Materials paced distribute read information compare Network
Information sheet sheet about trainees Materials
2.1-2 on network network materials answers to the manual
materials and answer answer key 2.12
selfcheck 2.1-2 on network
2.3 Tools, Equipment Discussion The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
and Testing Devices discuss answer self-check compare Equipment
Information sheet 2.1-3 about tools, trainees manual
2.1-3 about tools, equipment and answers to the
equipment and testing device answer key 2.1-
testing device 3 tools,
equipment and
testing device

1.4 personal Discussion The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
protective equipment discuss 2.1-4 answer self-check compare
and occupational personal protective 2.1-4 about trainees
health and safety equipment and personal answers to the
occupational protective answer key 2.14
health and safety equipment and personal
occupational protective
health and safety equipment and
health and
1.5 Network cable Discussion The trainer will The trainees The trainer will e-book basic 1 hour
splicing discuss 2.1-5 on answer self-check compare computer
network cable 2.1-5 about trainees networking
splicing network cable answers to the
CBLM and
splicing answer key 2.15
network cable
splicing on

Demonstration The trainer will The trainee will The trainer will Crimper
demonstrate task perform the given check the
sheet 2.1-5 on UTP cable 2 hour
task sheet 2.1-5 trainees
network cable on network cable performance RJ-45
splicing splicing according to Lan tester
performance Wire
criteria 2.1-5 stripper
network cable
1.6 Structured Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will e-book basic 1 hour
network cabling discuss 2.1-6 on answer self-check compare computer
structured network 2.1-6 bout trainees networking
cabling structured answers to the
network cabling answer key 2.16
Hand outs
network cabling
1.7 Check installation Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1hour
work discuss 2.1-7 answer self-check compare Manuals
on checking 2.1-7 about trainees
installation work checking answers to the
installation work answer key 2.17
1.8 5S principles Modular Self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hours
paced distribute read information compare
Information sheet sheet 2.1-8 about trainees

2.1-8 on 5S 5S principles answers to the

principles and answer answer key 2.18
selfcheck 2.1-8 5S principles
1.9 3Rs waste Modular Self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 3RS
management paced distribute read information compare 1 hour
program Information sheet sheet 2.1-9 about trainees answers
2.1-9 on 3RS waste 3rs waste to the answer
management management key 2.19 3rs
and answer self- waste
check management

LO 2: Set Network Configuration

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

2.1 Network Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hours
connections discuss answer self-check compare Hand outs
Information sheet 2.2-1 bout trainees answers
2.2-1 about network to the answer
Network connections key 2.21
connections network

2.2 Testing Demonstration The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
computer Networks demonstrate task perform the task check the Manuals
sheet 2.2-2 bout sheet 2.2-2 given trainees
how to test by the trainer on performance
computer networks testing computer according to
network performance
criteria 2.2-2
how to test

2.3 Configure Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
network interface paced distribute read information compare Manuals
card Information sheet sheet 2.2-3 bout trainees Network
2.2-3 bout how to how to configure answers to the Hand-outs
configure network network answer key 2.23
interface card interface card configure
and answer self- network
check 2.2-3 interface card

Demonstration The trainer will The trainee will The trainer will
demonstrate task perform the given check the 2 hour
sheet 2.2-3 on task sheet 2.2-3 trainees
network interface on network performance
card configuration interface card according to
configuration performance
criteria 2.2-3
interface card

2.4 Check terminals Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
with OS network paced distribute read information compare Manuals
configuration guide Information sheet sheet 2.2-4 bout trainees Network
2.2-4 bout how to how to check answers to the Hand-outs
check terminals terminals and answer key 2.24
with os network answer self-check
configuration guide 2.2-4

2.5 Respond to Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
unplanned events distribute read information compare Manuals
with establish Information sheet sheet 2.2-5 bout trainees
procedures 2.2-5 bout how how respond to answers to the
respond to unplanned events answer key 2.25
unplanned events and answer
selfcheck 2.2-5

LO3: Set Router/Wifi /Wireless Access Point/Repeater Configuration

Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
3.1 Configure client Demonstration The trainer will The trainee will The trainer will CBLM 2 hour
device systems demonstrate task perform the given check the Manuals
sheet 2.3-1 on how task sheet 2.3-1 trainees Network
to configure client on how to performance Hand-outs
device configure client according to
device performance
criteria 2.3-1
how to
configure client

3.2 Configure local Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
area network discuss 2.3-2 answer self-check compare Manuals
Configure local 2.3-2 about trainees Network

area network configure local answers to the Hand-outs

network answer key 2.32
configure local

Demonstration The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 2 hour
demonstrate task perform task check the Manuals
sheet 2.3-2 about sheet 2.3-2 on trainees Network
how to configure how to configure performance Hand-outs
local area network local network according to
criteria 2.3-2
configure local
3.3 Configure wide Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
area network discuss 2.3-3 answer self-check compare Manuals
configure local area 3.2-3 how to trainees Network
network configure local answers to the Hand-outs
network answer key 2.3-
configure local

Demonstration The trainer will The trainee will The trainer will CBLM 2 hour
demonstrate task perform task check the Manuals
sheet 2.3-3 bout sheet 2.3-3 bout trainees Network
how to configure how to configure performance Hand-outs
wide area network wide area network according to
criteria 2.3-
3 configure local


3.4 Configure Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
wireless device discuss 2.3-4 answer self-check compare Manuals
Configure wireless 2.3-4 Configure trainees Network
device wireless device answers to the Hand-outs
answer key 2.35
wireless device
Demonstration The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM
demonstrate 2.3-4 perform task check the Manuals
Configure wireless sheet 2.3-4 trainees Network
device Configure wireless performance Hand-outs
device according to
criteria 2.3-3
wireless device
3.5 Setting Up Discuss The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
Firewall with discuss 2.3-5 answer self-check compare Manuals
advance security Setting Up Firewall 2.3-5 Setting Up trainees Network
with advance Firewall with answers to the Hand-outs
security advance security answer key 2.35
Setting Up
Firewall with
LO4: Inspect And Test The Configured Computer Networks
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

4.1 Inspect computer Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will CBLM 1 hour
network paced distribute read information compare Manuals
configuration Information sheet sheet 2.4-1 bout trainees Network
2.4-1 bout how to how Inspect answers to the Hand-outs
1 Inspect computer computer network answer key 2.41
network configuration 1
configuration answer self-check
2.4-1 1

4.2 Check computer Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will Manuals 1 hour
network operation paced distribute read information compare Network
Information sheet sheet 2.4-2 bout trainees Hand-outs
2.4-2 bout Check Check computer answers to the
computer network network answer key 2.42
operation operation and
answer self-
4.3 Prepare reports Modular self The trainer will The trainees will The trainer will Hand-outs 1 hour
according to paced distribute read information compare
company Information sheet sheet 2.4-3 bout trainees
requirements 2.4-3 bout how how to Prepare answers to the
Prepare reports reports according answer key 2.43
according to to company
company requirements
requirements answer self-check

• Written Test
• Performance Test


This session will insure that the trainees will acquired the knowledge and skills in setting-up computers networks for LANs and
small-office home-office (SOHO) systems. It also consists of competencies to install network cables, set network
configuration, set router/Wi-Fi/ wireless access point/repeater configuration as well as to inspect and test the configured
computer networks.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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