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------ DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER NATIVE CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p

system_server_native_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_server_native_crash

(No entries found.)

------ 0.061s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER NATIVE CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_server_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_server_crash

(No entries found.)

------ 0.040s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM WATCHDOG CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_server_watchdog) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_server_watchdog

(No entries found.)

------ 0.046s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM WATCHDOG CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER ANR (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_server_anr) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_server_anr

(No entries found.)

------ 0.044s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM SERVER ANR' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM APP CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_app_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_app_crash

(No entries found.)

------ 0.046s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM APP CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM APP NATIVE CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_app_native_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_app_native_crash

2024-02-24 21:09:05 system_app_native_crash (text, 6797 bytes)
Process: com.android.bluetooth
PID: 19827
UID: 1002
Flags: 0x30c8be45
Package: com.android.bluetooth v31 (12)
Foreground: No
Process-Runtime: 3711745794
Build: samsung/a13nseea/a13:12/SP1A.210812.016/A135FXXU1AVF1:user/release-keys
Loading-Progress: 1.0

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint:
Revision: '6'
ABI: 'arm'
Processor: '0'
Timestamp: 2024-02-24 21:09:03.623793905+0200
Process uptime: 0s
Cmdline: com.android.bluetooth
pid: 19827, tid: 19884, name: bt_hci_thread >>> com.android.bluetooth <<<
uid: 1002
signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
Abort message: '[0224/210903.438275:FATAL:hci_layer_android.cc(122)] Check failed:
status == Status::SUCCESS.
#00 0xbd01edc9 /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x00084dc9
#01 0xbc81d045 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so+0x00207045
#02 0xbc563435 /system/lib/[email protected]+0x00011435
#03 0xbc526615 /system/lib/[email protected]+0x00012615
#04 0xe764cf77 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so+0x0004bf77
#05 0xe7648457 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so+0x00047457
#06 0xe7647ac3 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so+0x00046ac3
#07 0xbc55d3a5 /system/lib/[email protected]+0x0000b3a5
#08 0xbc55dbcf /system/lib/[email protected]+0x0000bbcf
#09 0xbc81cbdf /system/lib/libbluetooth.so+0x00206bdf
#10 0xbd00dfa1 /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x00073fa1
#11 0xbd02347d /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x0008947d
#12 0xbd0237c9 /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x000897c9
#13 0xbd0244d9 /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x0008a4d9
#14 0xbd03b74b /system/lib/libchrome.so+0x000a174b
#15 0xbc76dba1 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so+0x00157ba1
#16 0xbc76d7bd /system/lib/libbluetooth.so+0x001577bd
#17 0xbc76df23 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so+0x00157f23
#18 0xe7d06ffb /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so+0x000a8ffb
#19 0xe7cbefbb /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so+0x00060fbb

r0 00000000 r1 00004dac r2 00000006 r3 bad15360
r4 bad15374 r5 bad15358 r6 00004d73 r7 0000016b
r8 bad15360 r9 bad15370 r10 bad15390 r11 bad15380
ip 00004dac sp bad15330 lr e7cbe091 pc e7cbe0a4
#00 pc 000610a4 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (abort+172)
(BuildId: f1f4a4b2b76c986f7bd6e840119e41e2)
#01 pc 000743e9 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::debug::BreakDebugger()+20)
(BuildId: 830cb66fcd209d96a44f778deb6f7d8d)
#02 pc 000860f3 /system/lib/libchrome.so (logging::LogMessage::~LogMessage()
+918) (BuildId: 830cb66fcd209d96a44f778deb6f7d8d)
#03 pc 00208043 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so
Status)+134) (BuildId: 40bc276aabd930959418b070fb255d06)
#04 pc 00012435 /system/lib/[email protected]
nComplete(android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase*, android::hardware::Parcel const&,
android::hardware::Parcel*, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)
+116) (BuildId: 5a23cb89fa9d772f6e0beba81e19360d)
#05 pc 00013613 /system/lib/[email protected]
int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int,
std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+202) (BuildId:
#06 pc 0004cf77 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so
(android::hardware::BHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel
const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void
(android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+94) (BuildId: c452dcb9d1a5978ab9ce2bd70e2d5e09)
#07 pc 00048457 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so
(android::hardware::IPCThreadState::transact(int, unsigned int,
android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int)+2194)
(BuildId: c452dcb9d1a5978ab9ce2bd70e2d5e09)
#08 pc 00047ac1 /system/lib/libhidlbase.so
(android::hardware::BpHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel
const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void
(android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+36) (BuildId: c452dcb9d1a5978ab9ce2bd70e2d5e09)
#09 pc 0000c3a5 /system/lib/[email protected]
rdware::IInterface*, android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor*,
android::sp<android::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::IBluetoothHciCallbacks> const&)
+284) (BuildId: 5a23cb89fa9d772f6e0beba81e19360d)
#10 pc 0000cbcd /system/lib/[email protected]
id::hardware::bluetooth::V1_0::IBluetoothHciCallbacks> const&)+32) (BuildId:
#11 pc 00207bdf /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (hci_initialize()+546) (BuildId:
#12 pc 00074fa1 /system/lib/libchrome.so
(base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask(char const*, base::PendingTask*)+136)
(BuildId: 830cb66fcd209d96a44f778deb6f7d8d)
#13 pc 0008a47b /system/lib/libchrome.so
(base::MessageLoop::RunTask(base::PendingTask*)+138) (BuildId:
#14 pc 0008a7c7 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessageLoop::DoWork()+382)
(BuildId: 830cb66fcd209d96a44f778deb6f7d8d)
#15 pc 0008b4d9 /system/lib/libchrome.so
(base::MessagePumpDefault::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*)+56) (BuildId:
#16 pc 000a274b /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::RunLoop::Run()+44) (BuildId:
#17 pc 00158b9f /system/lib/libbluetooth.so
(bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread::Run(std::__1::promise<void>)+230) (BuildId:
#18 pc 001587bb /system/lib/libbluetooth.so
ad*, std::__1::promise<void>)+26) (BuildId: 40bc276aabd930959418b070fb255d06)
#19 pc 00158f23 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (void*
ruct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void (*)
(bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread*, std::__1::promise<void>),
bluetooth::common::MessageLoopThread*, std::__1::promise<void> > >(void*)+58)
(BuildId: 40bc276aabd930959418b070fb255d06)
#20 pc 000a9ffb /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so
(__pthread_start(void*)+40) (BuildId: f1f4a4b2b76c986f7bd6e840119e41e2)
#21 pc 00061fbb /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so
(__start_thread+30) (BuildId: f1f4a4b2b76c986f7bd6e840119e41e2)

------ 0.052s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM APP NATIVE CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX SYSTEM APP ANR (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
system_app_anr) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: system_app_anr

(No entries found.)

------ 0.042s was the duration of 'DROPBOX SYSTEM APP ANR' ------
------ DROPBOX DATA APP NATIVE CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
data_app_native_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: data_app_native_crash

(No entries found.)

------ 0.051s was the duration of 'DROPBOX DATA APP NATIVE CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX DATA APP CRASHES (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p
data_app_crash) ------
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: data_app_crash

(No entries found.)

------ 0.039s was the duration of 'DROPBOX DATA APP CRASHES' ------
------ DROPBOX DATA APP ANR (/system/bin/dumpsys -T 1000 dropbox -p data_app_anr)
Drop box contents: 313 entries
Max entries: 1000
Low priority rate limit period: 2000 ms
Low priority tags: {data_app_wtf, keymaster, system_server_wtf,
system_app_strictmode, system_app_wtf, system_server_strictmode,
data_app_strictmode, netstats}
Searching for: data_app_anr

(No entries found.)

------ 0.040s was the duration of 'DROPBOX DATA APP ANR' ------

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