DLL - Mathematics 2 - Q1 - W2
DLL - Mathematics 2 - Q1 - W2
DLL - Mathematics 2 - Q1 - W2
C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/ C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives
groups objects in ones, tens, and reads and writes numbers up to 1 visualizes and counts numbers by reads and writes numbers up to
hundreds. 000 in symbols and in words. 10s, 50s, and 100s. 1 000 in symbols and in words.
M2NS-Ib-2.2 M2NS-Ic-9.2 M2NS-Ib-8.2 M2NS-Ic-9.2
II. CONTENT Content: Counting Ones, Tens and Content: Reading and writing Content: Counting by 10s, 50s Content: Reading and writing
Hundreds Numbers and 100s Numbers
Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
III. LEARNING K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 -Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016 K to12 Curriculum Guide 2016
RESOURCES Grade 2 – Mathematics pages Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 28 Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 27 Grade 2 – Mathematics pages 28
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG in Mathematics pages 20-26 TG in Mathematics pages 26-30 TG in Mathematics pages 30-32 TG in Mathematics pages 32-36
(softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy) (softcopy)
2. Learner’s Materials LM in Mathematics pages 13-15 LM in Mathematics pages 16-18 LM in Mathematics pages 19-20 LM in Mathematics pages 21-23
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials 1. popsicle sticks, bottle caps, 1. Number Cards 1. Counters (Popsicle sticks, 1. Number Cards
from Learning Resources sticks, drinking straws, flashcards, 2. Show Me Board straws, etc.), 2. Show Me Board
flats, longs, ones, picture, pebbles, 3. Mystery Box of Knowledge 2. Hundred chart Set of card with 3. Mystery Box of Knowledge
other concrete counters 4. Numbers Chart the 3- Digit numbers 4. Numbers Chart
2. Picture 3. Pictures Lesson 8
3. Cut-outs Lesson 6 Lesson 7
Lesson 5
B. Other Learning laptop laptop laptop laptop laptop
lesson or presenting the Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities
new lesson 1. Drill 1.Drill 1. Drill 1.Drill
Mental addition using flash cards Strategy: Game- “Guess and Check” Skip count by 2s Strategy: Game- “Guess and
1. 100 + 100 Mechanics: Post a hundred chart on the Check”
2. 10 + 10 Draw 5 number cards inside the board. Ask the pupils to count 1 Mechanics:
3. 100 + 20 Mystery Box of Knowledge to 100 using the number chart. Divide the class into 5 working
4. 200+80 Post it on the board Skip count by 2 starts from 2 groups. Let any members of the
5. 500+100 Ask the pupils to use the numerals then encircle the next numbers group
6. 800 + 10 in the number cards to form three- up 100. to draw 5 number cards inside
7. 200 + 100 digit numbers. the Mystery Box of Knowledge..
8. 900 + 2 Examples of Number Cards: Ask the pupils to use the
9. 600 + 40 numerals in the number cards to
10. 700 + 12 form three- digit numbers as
2. Pre-Assessment many as they can.
Give the number for each set of Examples of Number Cards:
Ask: 2.Review
Form three-digit numbers as many Directions: Using their Show Me
as they can. boards, tell the pupils to write
Let the pupils write their answers on down the missing numbers to
the board. complete the table. Ask them to Tell the pupils to write their
Ask other pupils to arrange the show, one at a time, what they answers on their Show Me
numbers written on the board from have written. Board.
least to greatest and vice-versa Ask other pupils to arrange the
2. Review numbers written on the board
Give the place value of the from least to greatest and vice-
following: versa
In 987; what is the place value of 8? 2. Review
What is the value of 9 in 987? Give the place value of the
What is the place value of 7 in 987? following:
Original File Submitted and
What is the value of 7 in 987? In 987; what is the place value of
Formatted by DepEd Club
Fill in the table: 8?
Member - visit depedclub.com
for more What is the value of 9 in 987?
What is the place value of 7 in
What is the value of 7 in 987?
Fill in the table:
B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson ( Motivation) for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson for the lesson
1.Motivation: 1.Motivation 1. Motivation 1.Motivation
Help the birdie find its way to her Strategy: “Story Telling” Game – “Count Me In, Count Me Strategy: “Story Telling”
mother by counting from the 2012 COASTAL CLEAN UP Out” 2012 COASTAL CLEAN UP
starting point to the mother bird Every September we celebrate Directions: Every September we celebrate
Coastal Clean-Up Month to conserve Divide the class in two groups Coastal Clean-Up Month to
our beaches and to minimize global Group I (Pupils will skip count by conserve our beaches and to
warming. In Odiongan North Central 2s) minimize global warming. In
Elementary School (ONCES), there Group 2 (Pupils will skip count by Odiongan North Central
were 578 pupils who participated in 5s) Elementary School (ONCS), there
Ask: What do you do when you the activity. While there were 892 Let the pupils stand and form a were 578 pupils who
see birds in your surroundings? pupils who participated in Odiongan straight line. Let them count by participated in the activity. While
Why is it bad to hurt or kill South Central Elementary School 1s. Pupils whose number falls on there were 892 pupils who
animals? (OSCES). the multiple of 2 or 5 will say participated in Odiongan South
Unlocking of difficult words After the Clean-Up, a forum was “Count Me In”, “Count Me Out.” Central Elementary School
(One-act play) Act out a mother conducted by the Young Scientists respectively. Failure to do so will (OSCES)
feeding her son/daughter. Then Club of Romblon. exclude the pupil from the After the Clean-Up, a forum was
have this sentence on the board. Why do we need to clean our group. conducted by the Young
Mother feeds her daughter with beaches? Scientists Club of Romblon.
delicious food. If you were the pupils of ONCES and Comprehension question:
OSCES, are you willing to join the Why do we need to clean our
coastal clean-up? Why? beaches?
What are the numbers found in the If you were the pupils of ONCES
story? and OSCES, are you willing to
Tell the pupils that numbers can be join the coastal clean-up? Why?
written either in words or in What are the numbers found in
symbols. the story?
C. Presenting Examples / Present the test materials. Posing a Task Posing a Task Posing a Task: Posing a Task
instances of new lesson C. Presenting Examples / C. Presenting Examples / instances C. Presenting Examples C. Presenting Examples
( Presentation) instances of new of new lesson( Presentation /Instances of new lesson /Instances of new lesson
lesson( Presentation) Ask the pupils to identify the 2.Presentation Presentation
The teacher will show the pupils numbers mentioned in the story. Posing the Task Distribute copies of the activity
how to create ones, longs and Using the counters (straws), let the Strategy: Learning Stations and card (2012 Coastal Clean Up)
flats. Together, the pupils and the pupils make bundles of the numbers Cooperative learning. Tell the pupils to underline all
teacher will create a long using 10 identified and paired with the Group the class into three (3) numbers mentioned in a story.
ones. The teacher will emphasize number cards. groups and assigned them by
that 10 ones create a 10. The Learning Stations. A group leader
pupils will create 10 longs. Then, shall be identified by each group
the teacher will show with an members.
illustration on the board that 10 Performing the Task-
longs create one flat with 100 Activity No. 1
ones. The pupils will also create a Distribute a bundle of 100 pieces
flat. There will be 10 tens in one of Popsicle sticks to each group.
hundred. Instruct the pupils to group the
Popsicle sticks by 5s, 10s, and
50s. Let them write their answer
on the table presented below.
Distribute 25 objects/things to
each pair of pupils. Let them group
the counters by tens and ones, as
instructed by the teacher.
Form a group of ten objects.
Form another group of ten objects
until only ones are left.
D. Discussing new concepts Explain the direction to Performing the Task Performing the Task Performing a Task Performing the Task
and practicing new skills #1 them. Processing Processing: Processing Ask :
( Modeling) How many ones are left? Ask: Then ask: Processing
How many tens did you form from Ask the pupils why we need to write How many 5s are there in 100? Then
25? the numbers in words and not in How many 10s are there in 100? Ask them to fill-up the table
symbols only. How many 50s are there in 100? presented below.
Give illustrative examples of writing How did you find the activity?
numbers in words and in symbols. Did every member of the group
1.We read 892 in words as “Eight do his part?
hundred ninety-two” What made your group finish the
2. In symbols we read 572 and in activity ahead of time?
words we read as “Five hundred
seventy-two” Tell the pupils to write the
3. In figure seven hundred-twelve is numbers in symbols into words
Show this on the board. = 712 and vice versa.
25 = 2 tens + 5 ones 4. In words, 497 is Four hundred
5. In words, 698 is Six hundred
E. Discussing new concepts Giving the standards E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts and E. Discussion of new concepts E. Discussion of new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 practice of new skills #2(Guided practice of new skills #2(Guided and practicing new skills and practicing new skills
(Guided Practice) Practice) Refer to the LM - Gawain Practice) Refer to the LM - Gawain 1 #2(Guided Practice) #2(Guided Practice) Refer to the
1 pahina 13 sa Gawain 1 A pahina 16 sa LM Refer to the LM Gawain 1 LM – Gawain 1 pahina 21
Ibigay ang kaugnay na bilang ayon Gawain 1 pahina 19 A. Sipiin ang mga sumusunod sa
sa paglalarawan. Isulat sa iyong Basahin ang talata. Isulat ang lahat Bumilang ng 10s. Ano-ano ang inyong kuwaderno. Isulat ang
kuwaderno. ng bilang na mababasa dito. Isulat mga nawawalang bilang? mga bilang sa salita.
ang iyong sagot sa iyong 1. 146 _____, ______, ______ 1. 756 =
kuwaderno. 186 ____, _____, _____. __________________________
Si Mang Caloy ay nagbebenta ng 2. 54, 74 ____, ______, ___ __, 2. 924 =
mga diyaryo. Noong unang linggo ng _______, _______, ______. __________________________
buwan siya ay nakabenta ng apat na 3. _______ 300, ______320 3. 805 =
daan walumpu’t siyam na piraso at ______, _______, ______, 360. __________________________
sa pangalawang linggo siya naman 4. 390, 400, ______,______, 4. 247 =
ay nakabenta ng 269 piraso. Kung ______430, 440 _____, ____ __________________________
kanyang maibenta lahat ang 890 na 5. ______, ______, ______40, 5. 593 =
piraso sa ikatlong linggo, ilang piraso 50, _____, ______, ______ 90 __________________________
ng dyaryo ang kanyang maibebenta 6. 470, 480, 490, _____, ______, 6. 901 =
sa loob ng tatlong linggo? ______, ______, 540. __________________________
Isulat ang lahat ng bilang na nasa 7. ________900, 910, 920, 7. 567 =
loob ng talata. ______, ______, ______, _____ __________________________
Ito man ay nakasulat sa salita o sa 8. 50, 60, 70, ______, ______, 8. 698 =
simbolo. 100,______, ______ 130 __________________________
_____________________________ 9. 30, 40, 50, 60, _____, _____, 9. 452 =
_____________________________ 90 ______, ______ 120 __________________________
_____________________________ 10. 147, 157, 167 ________, 10. 746 =
_____________________________ _______, _______, ______ __________________________
F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery F. Developing mastery
( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice) ( Independent Practice)
Gawain 2, pahina 14 sa LM Gawain 2, pahina 17 sa LM Refer to the LM Gawain 2 ) Refer to the LM pahina 21-22
Ibigay ang kaugnay na bilang ayon Isulat ang bawat bilang sa simbolo. pahina 19 Gawain
sa paglalarawan. Isulat sa iyong 1. Tatlong daan at dalawa Bumilang ng 100s. Isulat sa B. Sipiin ang mga sumusunod sa
kuwaderno. 2. Pitong daan at walumpu’t pito kuwaderno ang nawawalang inyong kuwardeno. Isulat ang
__________________ bilang. sumusunod na bilang sa simbolo.
3. 2 daanan 4 isahan 1. 300, 400______, _______, 1. Pitong daan at labing
__________________________ 700, ______, ______, _______ tatlo______________
4. Anim na libo at siyamnapu’t apat 2. ______, _______, 600, 700 2. Walong daan at labing lima
_______________ _______, _______, ________ ____________
5. 7 daanan, 8 sampuan, 2 3. _______ _______ 1300, 1400 3. Siyam na raan at isa
isahan__________________ ______, _______, _______ ____________________
6. Apatnaraan at limampu’t pito 4. 355 _______, _______, 4. Siyam na raan at pitumpu’t
Gawain 3 __________________ _______, ________, pito_________
Ibigay ang kaugnay na bilang ayon 7. Siyamnaraan at siyamnapu’t pito ___________ 5. Limang daan at dalawampu’t
sa paglalarawan. _______________ 5. 675, _________, ________, tatlo_____
8. 2 daanan, 9 sampuan _______, ______, ______ 6. Apat na raan at tatlumpu’t
_________________________ isa________
9. 6 daanan, 8 sampuan, 5 7. Limang daan limampu’t
isahan__________________ lima___________
10. 3 daanan, 7 sampuan, 8 8. Dalawang daan siyamnapu’t
isahan_________________ siyam _______
9. Isang daan pitumpu’t
10.Tatlong daan at tatlumpu’t
G. Finding Practical Did you answer the test G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications of G. Finding Practical applications G. Finding Practical applications
applications of concepts and correctly? concepts and skills ( Application / concepts and skills ( Application ) of concepts and skills of concepts and skills
skills ( Application / Valuing) Basahin ang mga digit na nasa ( Application / ( Application /
Valuing) larawan. Bumuo ng mga 3-digit na Valuing Valuing)
Let the pupils identify the number bilang gamit ang mga digit na ito. Bumilang ng 50s. Ano-ano ang Basahin ang talata. Hanapin ang
for each sets of objects. Isulat ang mga bilang na nabuo sa nawawalang bilang? mga bilang at isulat sa inyong
Write the number of hundreds, salita at sa simbolo. 1. 60, 110 ______, _______, kwaderno.
tens and ones. Then, write the _______310 ________, MALIGAYANG KAARAWAN
number on your paper. ________ NANAY
Example: 2. 700 _______, Si Tatay Toring ay nakatira sa
589 = 5 hundreds + 8 tens + 9 ones _______850_______950 Barangay Agnipa kasama si
1. 896 = _______ hundreds + __________ Nanay Elvira at ang kanilang mga
_________ tens + ________ ones 3. _____, ______ 150, ______, anak na sina Arvin, Albert at
2. 465 = _______ hundreds + Mga bilang sa simbolo: 250 ______ 350 ______ Susan. Ang kanilang hanapbuhay
_________ tens + ________ ones _____________________________ 4. 950, 900, 850 _______, ay ang pagtatanim ng mga gulay.
3. 926 = _______ hundreds + _____________________________ _______, _____, _______ Isang araw, si Tatay Toring ay
_________ tens + ________ ones _____________________________ 5. 600, ______, 500, ______, nag harvest ng kanilang gulay.
4. 168 = _______ hundreds + _____________________________ 400, _______, ______, _____ May 276 na kalabasa, 675 na
_________ tens + ________ ones _____________________________ sayote, six hundred ninety-nine
5. 386 = _______ hundreds + ________ na okra at three hundred
_________ tens + ________ ones Mga bilang sa salita: twenty-eight na talong. Kanilang
_____________________________ ibinenta sa palengke at
_____________________________ nakabenta sila ng 975. Masaya
_____________________________ ang mag-anak at makabibili na
_____________________________ sila ng regalo para sa kaarawan
_____________________________ ni Nanay Elvira.
________ Ibigay ang bilang na nakasulat sa
salita. Isulat ito sa figure.
Ibigay ang bilang na nakasulat sa
figure. Isulat ito sa salita.
H. Making generalizations What did you learn today? H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and H. Making generalizations and
and abstractions about the abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson abstractions about the lesson
lesson ( Generalization) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization ) (Generalization)
How do you group objects? How do you read and write Let the pupils skip count by 10’s How do you read and write
How do you group tens and numbers? from 10 through 100. numbers?
hundreds? a. A number can be written in Ask: How many groups of 10 are a. A number can be written in
How many tens are in 100? symbols and in words. there in 100 symbols and in words.
How many ones are in tens? b. The first digit from the right is the How many numbers are there in b. The first digit from the right is
ones, the second is tens and the each group? the ones, the second is tens and
third is the hundreds How do we skip count by 10? the third is the hundreds
c. Zero is used as placeholder. What do you call the sequence c. Zero is used as placeholder.
d. Every digit has its own value or pattern of counting that we d. Every digit has its own value
according to its position in the used? What skip counting was according to its position in the
number. used? number.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?