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June-July 2019



THE Health&
EDITOR Medicine
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Win-Wins Everywhere
In a special report on sex and gender in the September 2017 issue of Scientific American, Stanford University professor of
medicine Marcia L. Stefanick wrote that “medical researchers and physicians have a lot of untangling to do before they can
offer better health care to women.” The tangle she was referring to? The woeful lack of data on how women experience dis-
eases, how they respond to medications and the widespread bias in the medical field when diagnosing women. Change in a
positive direction over the past several decades has been slow but steady, leading to more women in clinical trials and new
rules that require scientists to justify their choices in the sex of their experimental animals. And these improvements have been
leading to some fascinating new information about how the sexes are wired. For example, as Amber Dance writes in “The
Pain Gap,” the latest findings suggest that genetics, hormone levels and anatomical development may all be at work in how
individuals across the sexes experience pain. Such discoveries illuminate beyond women’s experience, too. “A deeper under-
standing of sex differences will improve health directives for men,” Stefanick writes. It’s a win-win.

Elsewhere in this issue, social media is having a dramatic impact on how clinical trials are recruiting and are being run—pa-
tients and their families are having more of a say than ever (see “A Question of Control”). And a theoretical physicist and
microbiologist have teamed up to make the case that those who forgo vaccinations should be barred from public or private
schools, workplaces or other institutions in the U.S. (see “Opting Out of Vaccines Should Opt You Out of American Society”). On the Cover
After all, your vaccination protects not only you from deadly disease but all those around you. Sounds like another win-win. The latest findings show
significant differences in how

Andrea Gawrylewski the sexes process pain
Senior Editor, Collections
[email protected]

WHAT’S June-July 2019
Volume 1 • Number 3


Opting Out of
NEWS Vaccines Should
4. Opt You Out of
How Drug Company American Society
Ads Downplay Risks People who are able
A study shows the power to take vaccines but
of the "argument dilution refuse to do so are the
effect" moral equivalent of
6. drunk drivers
Should We Kill Off 34.
Disease-Causing Loneliness Is Harmful
Pests? Not So Fast to Our Nation’s Health
Eradicating harmful Research underscores

species may have the role of social isolation
unintended in disease and mortality
consequences 36.
8. FEATURES How Well Can a
A Genetic Basis for 16. Genetic Test Predict
Insomnia Emerges The Pain Gap Your Future Health?

from the Twilight After decades of assuming that pain processing is A physician-scientist with
Gargantuan studies equivalent in all sexes, scientists are finding that crippling ALS says a
show links between different biological pathways can produce an “ouch!” so-called polygenic score
sleep difficulties and 21. could someday help
cardiovascular and A Question of Control patients like him alter the
psychiatric illnesses Clinical-trial participants and their carers are gaining course of even the most
10. influence over how experiments are run. As they terrible diseases
The Adult Brain Does 12. 14. take to social media, that could make things messy 39.
Grow New Neurons Antiaging Discovery A New Way to for the science A New Way to
After All, Study Says Could Lead to Detect Parkinson’s− 27. Fight Cancer
A study shows the power Restorative Skin by Smell The Protein Slayers Metabolic therapy is
of the “argument dilution Treatments Discovery of An emerging class of drug could send some of showing promise in
effect” in the human Loss of collagen protein odorous markers for medicine’s most troublesome protein targets to the robbing malignant cells
brain’s hippocampus, depletes renewal cells neurodegenerative cellular rubbish bin of their primary energy
with implications for that serve as skin’s disease source
memory and disease fountain of youth

How Drug
Company Ads
Downplay Risks
A study shows the power of the
“argument dilution effect”

“FEELING DOWN,” “Feeling irritable,”

“Trouble getting up in the morning?”
“Depression hurts,” “Drug X can help,”
“Speak to your doctor about Drug X.”
These 60-second appeals are an
ubiquitous part of the U.S. television
experience. This is because, in the
U.S., pharmaceutical companies can
lawfully market prescription medica-
tions to the public through di-
rect-to-consumer (DTC) advertising.
Critics have charged that doctors
should decide prescription medica-
tions without being influenced by
patient requests. Citing their prolifer- the right to know their options and To counteract this, in the late 1990s print media, and the airtime on
ation as the main culprit for increas- thus benefit from these commercials. the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- broadcast media, allotted to listing its


ing patient demand for advertised The ability to market prescription tion regulated these ads by stipulat- risks or side effects should be
drugs, the American Medical Associ- drugs creates an incentive for ing they present a fair balance equivalent to the space and time
ation has advocated for a ban on pharmaceutical companies to amplify between the benefits and risks (that allotted to its benefits. The assump-
DTC ads. But the pharmaceutical the benefits of a drug without is, side effects and contraindications) tion was that listing all side effects of
companies argue that patients have discussing its potential side effects. associated with a drug: the space in a drug balances an inflated impres-


sion of its efficacy, allowing consum- irrelevant information dilutes the value commercials. The FDA regulation to attractiveness of the drug for that
ers to make an informed decision. and importance of the relevant list all potential side effects of the group in comparison with those who
But the FDA’s belief that more risk information. Initially documented by drugs in a DTC commercial inadver- heard the shorter commercial.
information leads to greater concern Richard Nisbett of the University of tently resulted in these commercials A follow-up study employed a
about risk is misplaced. Across six Michigan and his colleagues, the describing both major (for example, different advertising medium by
experiments, comprising more than argument dilution effect’s ubiquity in stroke, heart attack, thoughts of having participants read an actual
3,000 U.S. participants, we reliably impacting social and nonsocial suicide) and comparatively minor (for print ad for the drug Lunesta, which is
found that when drug commercials judgments is well established. For example, dry mouth and headache) used to treat sleep disorders. Once
included all side effects (both major instance, imagine having to assess side effects. Building on argument again, half of the participants read the
and minor), in line with the FDA’s the grade point average of the dilution as the underlying psychologi- entire ad, which included four side
regulations, consumers judged the following two students. You are either cal bias, we hypothesized that listing effects (two major and two minor),
overall severity of the side effects to told that “Tim spends about 31 hours both major and minor side effects while the other half read an ad that
be lower than when they were studying outside of class in an would dilute consumers’ judgments of included just the two major ones.
exposed to only major ones. This average week,” or that “Tom spends the overall severity of the drug’s side Again, reading the ad with more side
lowered assessment of severity led 31 hours studying outside of class in effects, compared with when only effects, including minor ones, caused
consumers to prefer the drug more— an average week. Tom has one major side effects are presented. participants to rate the drug less in
and made them willing to pay more brother and two sisters. He visits his In one experiment, American overall severity and more in appeal.
for it. grandparents once every three participants heard an audio commer- These findings raise the ethical and
It is well established that people are months. He once went on a blind cial for Cymbalta—a drug that treats practical dilemma of achieving
susceptible to a range of cognitive date and shoots pool about once depression and has been marketed transparency with the consumers by
and psychological biases that stray every two months.” When participants via DTC advertising. Half of the partic- sharing all potential side effects, while
decisions from rationality. One such in a study by Henry Zukier, then at ipants heard the original commercial safeguarding them against argument
bias is the argument dilution effect. the New School for Social Research, in its entirety (78 seconds), while the dilution bias. Hence, we performed an
This bias is especially consequential were presented with these options, other half heard a 4 percent shorter additional study to explore how this
when making social and nonsocial Tim was rated as having a significant- commercial (75 seconds) that might be achieved. If individuals can
judgments about a target with an ly higher GPA than Tom. The irrele- removed mention of the three minor cognitively place greater weight to
array of information that is both vant information around Tom’s side effects. Those who heard the the major side effects than the minor
relevant and irrelevant to the decision. grandparents and his casual play of commercial in its entirety rated the ones, the averaging process of the
In such situations, our conclusions pool “diluted ” the value and impor- drug lower in its overall severity of argument dilution effect should
about the target are roughly based on tance of the relevant information—his side effects, compared with those attenuate. Thus, to draw greater
averaging both the relevant and study habits. who heard the 4 percent shorter attention and emphasis to the major
irrelevant information instead of We wanted to know if the dilution version. In addition, the lower overall side effects, we listed them in a red
ignoring the latter. In other words, the effect also plays a role in DTC assessment of severity increased the boldfaced font and set minor ones in


a black regular font. Participants who

saw major and minor side effects in Should We Kill
different fonts rated the drug similar
in severity, compared with those who
Off Disease-Causing
only saw the major side effects. So by Pests? Not So Fast
drawing greater attention to the major Eradicating harmful species may
side effects, we were able to over- have unintended consequences
come the argument dilution effect
while ensuring that all side effects
associated with the drug were SLEEPING SICKNESS (or trypanoso-
communicated to consumers. miasis), endemic to sub-Saharan
With the industry annually spending Africa, is a horribly debilitating dis-
billions of dollars on DTC ads, it is not ease. When the parasitic protozoan
surprising that they have resulted in that causes it gets into the nervous
increased patient demands for the system and brain, weeks or months
drugs featured in them. These results after being transmitted by the
add to the chorus for the redrafting of blood-eating tsetse fly, it sends the ingly sophisticated methods of ate?” entomologist Jérémy Bouyer
policies surrounding the communica- victim into a steep decline marked by reducing the population of tsetse and his co-authors wrote. The study
tion of pharmaceutical drugs’ risk. depression, aggressiveness, psychot- flies, the area where people are at lays out a protocol for properly
More broadly, this work draws caution ic behavior, disrupted sleep patterns risk of infection has also decreased considering a question that is less
to other forms of risk communication and—if untreated—death. by 61 percent in the same period. simple and more momentous than it
that extends beyond DTC: from Happily, a concerted multinational Why not just finish the job and end seems at first glance, says Bouyer,
physicians who have to communicate effort has reduced the reported sleeping sickness by eradicating the who spent seven years in tsetse
varying risks of an experimental incidence of the disease by 92 tsetse (pronounced TET-see) fly from control in Senegal and now works on
procedure, to financial advisers who percent in this century, from 26,550 the entire African continent? This is pest-control programs for the Interna-
need to make retirees aware of cases in 2000 to just 2,164 cases in the stated goal of the African Union’s tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
different perils in the financial 2016. That puts the fight against Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomi- For one thing, tsetse fly eradication
products they intend to invest in, to sleeping sickness on track to meet asis Eradication Campaign. But is not about getting rid of a single
public service advertisements that the World Health Organization another new study, published last species—but rather an entire taxo-
attempt to highlight the risk associat- (WHO) goal of eliminating it by 2020, December in BioScience, calls for nomic family called Glossinidae, with

ed with life choices. according to a study published last reexamining that approach. “The 31 species and subspecies across
—Niro Sivanathan and December in PLOS Neglected important ethical question remains: Is Africa. Conservationists commonly
Hemant Kakkar Tropical Diseases. Thanks to increas- tsetse fly elimination morally appropri- eradicate introduced or invasive


species from habitats where they do the island of Zanzibar made it dog bites and rabies. improve the health of people in
not belong; but tsetse flies are native possible for many more small It is almost impossible to predict the Africa. Bouyer says he began work
to Africa, the study notes, and have “a farmers there to keep cattle, raising future instrumental value of a species. on the study well before joining the
complex biology and unique evolu- their income by 30 percent. On the The fer-de-lance, for instance, was IAEA, and the study is not about the
tionary history.” other hand, getting rid of tsetse flies once considered just another deadly sterile insect technique but about the
The female rears one larva at a can lead to increased cattle en- South American viper. But beginning ethics of eradication.
time in her abdomen and “lactates,” croachment into natural areas where in the 1980s its venom became the “People have been trying to get rid
a little like a mammal, to feed it in they conflict with wildlife. source for the first ACE inhibitor of tsetse flies for 100 years, and they
utero. When she eventually evicts After considering a long list of such drugs, a life-changing treatment for haven’t succeeded so far,” says
the larva, she has provisioned it with pros and cons, the study concludes, cardiovascular disease. Carter says Michael Barrett, a University of
enough food to burrow under- “arguments predicated entirely on he is optimistic about humans’ Glasgow trypanosomiasis expert who
ground, mature as a pupa and instrumental value do not provide increasing willingness “to be trans- was not involved in the study. The
emerge as an adult fly a month or so compelling support for global tsetse parent about all the benefits and biggest recent successes, he says,
later. These traits help demonstrate fly eradication.” But the study says it costs” of a pest species “and come to have come from “insecticide-impreg-
what conservationists call “intrinsic is “morally justified” to identify areas a conclusion as a community, rather nated tiny targets”—inexpensive
value”—meaning both the worth a where tsetse flies pose a threat and than having to say, ‘Oops, it’s too late.’” handkerchief-size bits of blue fabric
species gives to its own life experi- then control or eliminate local Glyn Vale, former director of Tsetse set out on sticks in areas infested by
ence and the worth of its evolution- populations. and Trypanosomiasis Control for the tsetse fly. The flies are attracted
ary and ecological character as a For the authors, the main point is it Zimbabwe’s Department of Veteri- to the color and pick up the insecti-
unique species. is important to think through the nary Services, says he welcomes the cide on landing, resulting in “incredi-
But making a case for intrinsic ethical and practical implications study’s stand against eradication. But ble decreases in the number of
value proved elusive as the re- rather than simply acting on the he is also sharply critical of Bouyer’s tsetse flies and the incidence of
searchers were developing their initial impulse to eradicate a pest. employer, the IAEA, for heavily disease,” he notes.
protocol for thinking about tsetse fly For instance, Carter says, it might promoting the “sterile insect tech- Barrett, who chaired the WHO’s
eradication, says study co-author seem like common sense to elimi- nique”—a method for disrupting 2018 working group to eliminate the
Neil Carter of Boise State University. nate leopards from a national park in insect reproduction by releasing large disease, is also optimistic about an
It is easier to quantify “instrumental the middle of Mumbai, India—which numbers of flies that have been epidemiological technique that
value”—the costs and benefits of a has grown up around the park into a sterilized by irradiation. That tech- calculates how frequently the disease
species for humans, other species city of 20 million people. But it turns nique is far too expensive, he says, gets transmitted by tsetse fly bite
and ecosystems. On the one hand, out the leopards feed largely on the adding it is ineffective in tsetse flies from one person to another. Mathe-
for example, tsetse flies can be city’s thriving population of feral and does more to boost the IAEA’s matical modeling of the infection
devastating for livestock as well as dogs. So losing the predators could agenda of demonstrating peaceful makes it possible to estimate the
people; eliminating these insects on dramatically increase incidence of uses of atomic energy than it does to required reduction in tsetse fly


numbers to bring transmission down

to zero. It eliminates the disease, but A Genetic Basis for
not necessarily the flies themselves.
One other cause for optimism
Insomnia Emerges
stems from improving treatments for from the Twilight
sleeping sickness, which comes in Gargantuan studies show
two varieties. Current treatments are links between sleep difficulties
inconvenient at best. One type of the and cardiovascular and
disease requires intravenous injection psychiatric illnesses
two to four times a day for at least a
week—a challenge in the remote,
isolated and impoverished areas AROUND A THIRD OF people com-
where sleeping sickness is most plain of some sleeplessness, and
common. Another type requires an one in 10 meets diagnostic criteria
injection so painful it has been for clinical insomnia. The costs, in
likened to having chili peppers terms of well-being, physical health
injected straight into the heart; it also and productivity, are enormous. From
kills one patient in 20. But late last twin studies, researchers know the
year the European Medicines Agency inability to fall or stay asleep has a
approved a new drug called fexinida- genetic component, but the identities
zole in pill form, for use in the first of the culprits were mostly unknown.
type of sleeping sickness. Approval Now, two studies published in
for its use in treating the other type is March in Nature Genetics provide
expected soon, and approval for use first peeks at the biological basis of related to health, disease or a and from the direct-to-consumer
by individual countries in Africa insomnia, implicating specific brain particular trait reside. genetics company 23andMe to
appears likely to follow. regions and biological processes, The first study, from a team led by identify 202 areas of the genome
Such developments could make and revealing links with heart geneticist Danielle Posthuma of linked to insomnia, implicating 956


the proposed eradication of tsetse disease and psychiatric disorders Vrije University Amsterdam, analyzed genes, a big advance from the seven
flies seem not just impractical but like depression. Both are ge- the genomes of over 1.3 million found previously. “I’m pretty confi-
also, in the not too distant future, nome-wide association studies people, making it the largest GWAS dent the vast majority of these are
irrelevant. (GWASs), which examine DNA from of any complex trait to date. They real,” says geneticist Stephan Ripke,
—Richard Conniff many thousands of individuals to used data from the UK Biobank, a a GWAS expert at the Berlin Insti-
determine where genetic markers large, long-term genetics project, tute of Health who was not involved


in either study. “But we need to results in analyses of two separate “The genetic overlap is sound. But there’s debate
confirm this in more, separate data sets. One of these used about these Mendelian randomization tests;
cohorts from different countries and clinically diagnosed patients, a I wouldn’t take this for granted.”
researchers.” contrast to the other data compen-
The researchers then investigated dium that was based on less reliable,
—Stephen Ripke
which brain regions and cells these self-reported symptoms. The team
genes frequently turn up in. This went further by analyzing data from at the genetic level it’s a disorder this for granted.”
analysis implicated the axons nearly 84,000 UK Biobank partici- that’s likely linked to psychiatric Both studies implicated a gene
(output connections) of neurons as pants who had worn motion detec- disease and mood regulation, and involved in restless leg syndrome,
well as parts of the cortex and deep- tors for a week to observe tossing it’s not necessarily just about sleep which “makes sense, given it’s also a
er “subcortical” brain regions like the and turning or sleepwalking, en- regulation.” sleep disturbance,” Saxena says,
striatum, involved in movement. It abling them to link genetic findings Both teams also used a technique although her team also found this
also tagged “medium spiny neurons,” with actual measures of sleep. “This (Mendelian randomization) that may have been partly due to undiag-
which occupy most of the striatum shows the findings are valid for allowed them to infer what might be nosed cases of RLS in their data
as well as neurons in other regions, different definitions of insomnia-re- causing what by comparing their sets. In fact, it is probable insomnia
including the hypothalamus. These lated symptoms, including some that findings with GWAS results for other is not a singular condition but a
findings tally with brain-imaging are measured objectively,” according conditions. The two studies found cluster of symptoms grouped
studies suggesting dysfunction of to Virginia Commonwealth University insomnia may cause depression and together, which can have a range of
some regions in insomnia and with statistical geneticist Mackenzie Lind. coronary artery disease, and the underlying causes. It could be a
animal studies implicating these The two studies found significant larger study also found causal risk consequence of childhood trauma in
cells in sleep regulation. “Before our overlap between genes implicated in effects for BMI (body mass index) one patient, due to disrupted
study we knew little about which insomnia and those related to and type 2 diabetes. “One of the circadian processes in another or
genes, pathways and cells were psychiatric and metabolic traits. motivations for using genetics to just resulting from restless leg
involved,” Posthuma says. “We now Genes for traits, including depres- study sleep was to tease apart syndrome in another. “If that’s the
have concrete hypotheses that can sion, anxiety, schizophrenia, coronary where it’s causal where it’s not,” Sax- case, then we’ll really be able to
be tested.” artery disease and type 2 diabetes, ena says. “So eventually interven- dissect that with the genetics,” she
The second study, from a team led were sometimes the same. The tions can be targeted to areas says. “Understanding if there are
by geneticist Richa Saxena of findings suggest insomnia is more where things are causal.” Not all different types of insomnia, and how
Massachusetts General Hospital, strongly related to neuropsychiatric researchers are confident in these can we study them and maybe treat
interrogated over 450,000 ge- disorders than to other sleep-related tests, however. “The genetic overlap them separately, that’s the hope for
nomes, again from the UK Biobank. traits such as whether someone is a is sound,” Ripke says. “But there’s the whole field.”
They identified 57 regions, implicat- morning person. “That was a big debate about these Mendelian Going forward, these findings
ing 236 genes, and confirmed these surprise,” Saxena says. “Implying that randomization tests; I wouldn’t take provide entry points for researchers


to dive into the biology of insomnia.

“We’re following two strategies now,” The Adult Brain
Posthuma says. Implementation is Does Grow New
proceeding by “increasing sample
size even further,” she notes, “and
Neurons After All,
setting up lab experiments to prove Study Says
causation and show how implicated Study points toward lifelong neu-
cell types influence insomnia.” ron formation in the human brain’s
Studies like this may illuminate new hippocampus, with implications for
therapeutic targets. Although memory and disease
treatments exist, access to therapies
like cognitive-behavioral therapy IF THE MEMORY CENTER of the
cannot meet existing demand. human brain can grow new cells, it
The behavioral therapy demon- might help people recover from de-
strates, however, why this line of pression and post-traumatic stress
research is worth pursuing. The disorder (PTSD), delay the onset of
genetic overlap between insomnia Alzheimer’s, deepen our understand-
and mood disorders may point ing of epilepsy and offer new in-
toward why cognitive-behavioral sights into memory and learning. If
Cerebral cortical neuron.
therapy may be effective for both not, well then, it’s just one other way
sleep and anxiety. Current drugs, for people are different from rodents
their part, have limited efficacy, can and birds. of journals—Nature Medicine—tips the Arturo Alvarez-Buylla was the senior
be addictive and have side effects. For decades, scientists have balance back toward “yes.” In light of author on last year’s Nature paper,
“Identifying new variants that debated whether the birth of new the new study, “I would say that there which questioned the existence of
contribute to risk helps pinpoint new neurons—called neurogenesis—was is an overwhelming case for the neurogenesis. Alvarez-Buylla, a
biological targets,” Lind says. This possible in an area of the brain that neurogenesis throughout life in professor of neurological surgery at
search, she adds, is “a step toward is responsible for learning, memory humans,” Jonas Frisén, a professor at the University of California, San
the eventual goal of using genetic and mood regulation. A growing the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, Francisco, says he still doubts that
information to predict risk and body of research suggested they said in an e-mail. Frisén, who was not new neurons develop in the brain’s
treatment outcomes, although we’re could, but then a Nature paper last involved in the new research, wrote a hippocampus after toddlerhood.

not at this point yet.” ­ year raised doubts. News and Views about the study in “I don’t think this at all settles things
—Simon Makin Now, a new study published in the March issue of Nature Medicine. out,” he says. “I’ve been studying adult
March in another of the Nature family Not everyone was convinced. neurogenesis all my life. I wish I could


find a place [in humans] where it that different methods of preserva- preserved for this kind of research. “From my view, this puts to rest that
does happen convincingly.” tion led to different conclusions In their study, she and her col- one blip that occurred,” he says.
For decades, some researchers about whether new neurons could leagues examined the brains of “This paper in a very nice way…
have thought that the brain circuits of develop in the adult and aging brain. people who died with their memo- systematically evaluates all the
primates—including humans—would Brain tissue has to be preserved ries intact, and those who died at issues that we all feel are very
be too disrupted by the growth of within a few hours after death, and different stages of Alzheimer’s important.”
substantial numbers of new neurons. specific chemicals used to preserve disease. She found that the brains Neurogenesis in the hippocampus
Alvarez-Buylla says he thinks the the tissue, or the proteins that of people with Alzheimer’s showed matters, Gage says, because
scientific debate over the existence identify newly developing cells will few if any signs of new neurons in evidence in animals shows that it is
of neurogenesis should continue. be destroyed, said María Llorens- the hippocampus—with less signal essential for pattern separation,
“Basic knowledge is fundamental. Martín, the paper’s senior author. the further along the people were in “allowing an animal to distinguish
Just knowing whether adult neurons Other researchers have missed the the course of the disease. This between two events that are closely
get replaced is a fascinating basic presence of these cells, because suggests that the loss of new associated with each other.” In
problem,” he says. their brain tissue was not as pre- neurons—if it could be detected in people, Gage says, the inability to
New technologies that can locate cisely preserved, says Llorens- the living brain—would be an early distinguish between two similar
cells in the living brain and measure Martín, a neuroscientist at the indicator of the onset of Alzheimer’s, events could explain why patients
the cells’ individual activity, none of Autonomous University of Madrid in and that promoting new neuronal with PTSD keep reliving the same
which were used in the Nature Spain. growth could delay or prevent the experiences, even though their
Medicine study, may eventually put Jenny Hsieh, a professor at the disease that now affects more than circumstances have changed. Also,
to rest any lingering questions. University of Texas San Antonio who 5.5 million Americans. many deficits seen in the early
A number of researchers praised was not involved in the new re- Rusty Gage, president of the Salk stages of cognitive decline are
the new study as thoughtful and search, said the study provides a Institute for Biological Studies and a similar to those seen in animals
carefully conducted. It’s a “technical lesson for all scientists who rely on neuroscientist and professor there, whose neurogenesis has been
tour de force” and addresses the the generosity of brain donations. “If says he was impressed by the halted, he says.
concerns raised by last year’s paper, and when we go and look at some- researchers’ attention to detail. In healthy animals, neurogenesis
says Michael Bonaguidi, an assistant thing in human postmortem, we “Methodologically, it sets the bar for promotes resilience in stressful
professor at the University of have to be very cautious about future studies,” says Gage, who was situations, Gage says. Mood disor-
Southern California Keck School of these technical issues.” not involved in the new research but ders, including depression, have also
Medicine. Llorens-Martín said she began was the senior author in 1998 of a been linked to neurogenesis.
The researchers, from Spain, carefully collecting and preserving paper that found the first evidence Hsieh says her research on epilep-
tested a variety of methods of brain samples in 2010, when she for neurogenesis. Gage says this sy has found that newborn neurons
preserving brain tissue from 58 realized that many brains stored in new study addresses the concerns get miswired, disrupting brain circuits
newly deceased people. They found brain banks were not adequately raised by Alvarez-Buylla’s research. and causing seizures and potential


memory loss. In rodents with epilepsy,

if researchers prevent the abnormal Antiaging Discovery
growth of new neurons, they prevent
seizures, Hsieh says, giving her hope
Could Lead to
that something similar could someday Restorative Skin
help human patients. Epilepsy Treatments
increases someone’s risk of Alzhei- Loss of collagen protein depletes
mer’s as well as depression and renewal cells that serve as skin’s
anxiety, she says. “So, it’s all connect- fountain of youth
ed somehow. We believe that the new
neurons play a vital role connecting
all of these pieces,” Hsieh says. DESPITE A MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR
In mice and rats, researchers can skin care industry and plenty of mar-
stimulate the growth of new neurons keting claims, nothing exists that can
by getting the rodents to exercise prevent our skin from turning into tis-
more or by providing them with sue paper as we age—except, per-
environments that are more cogni- haps, religiously wearing sunscreen.
tively or socially stimulating, Llorens- Accumulated damage from UV radi-
Martín says. “This could not be ation and other age-related stressors
applied to advanced stages of drains the skin’s pool of renewal
Alzheimer’s disease. But if we could cells—or stem cells—and there is no
act at earlier stages where mobility is way to stop or slow this process.
not yet compromised,” she says, “who But hope for skin care junkies is on
knows, maybe we could slow down or the horizon. A study published April 3 of a crucial collagen protein. Skin “I think it’s a beautiful study,” says
prevent some of the loss of plasticity in Nature provides new insight into aficionados may recognize collagen David Fisher, a professor of derma-
[in the brain].” how stem cell loss occurs and even as a key player in maintaining strong, tology at Harvard Medical School
—Karen Weintraub identifies two chemicals that may be youthful, elastic skin. The weakened who was not involved in the re-
able to prevent it. stem cells no longer divide normally search. “I think it’s a very elegant
The research, led by Emi Nishimu- and are ultimately forced to turn into analysis, but also it has some very
ra, a professor of stem cell biology adult skin cells. Over time, so many practical mechanistic insights into

at Tokyo Medical and Dental Univer- stem cells become damaged that how this is happening, and even
sity in Japan, revealed that aging there aren’t enough healthy ones to potentially actionable ones to
and UV exposure deplete stem cells replace them. promote youthfulness.”


Our skin is divided into two with younger cells from the bottom— kind of competition, the neighboring collagen protein that is critical for
sections: the epidermis on top and explains how cuts heal and skin stays healthy stem cells banding together rooting the stem cell to the basement
the dermis underneath. The epider- young-looking. As people age, and forcing the weak stem cell off membrane. As stem cells become
mis is what we conventionally think however, the pool of stem cells of the island. damaged, they lose precious amounts
of as our skin and is made up of becomes depleted and cell turnover “It appears that this is due to a of collagen 17. The more protein they
many layers of cells, while the slows, eventually leaving people with quality-control mechanism whereby a lose, the weaker their bond to the
dermis consists of connective tissue, thin, fragile skin. skin stem cell that gets damaged is basement membrane, until eventually
hair follicles, blood vessels, and “The ultimate question, which [the basically purged from the skin,” says they are forced out by neighboring
sweat glands. study is] trying to address, is why James DeGregori, a professor of healthy cells.
As part of normal skin health, the are there fewer cells? Why do we biochemistry at the University of The good news is that there may
top layer of the epidermis is constant- lose stem cells as we get older?” Colorado Denver who wrote a be a way to increase or preserve
ly being sloughed off and replaced says Terry Lechler, an associate commentary article to accompany the levels of collagen 17 in stem cells,
from a self-replenishing pool of stem professor of dermatology at Duke paper. “You could almost imagine all staving off this process of skin aging.
cells that hangs out on the bottom (or University who was not involved in of these stem cells are kind of jostling Nishimura showed that two experi-
basal) layer. These stem cells have the research. “I think that's the real for position, and if you're really mental chemicals, Y27632 and
roots that anchor them to a thin piece crux and the really interesting gripping that basement membrane, apocynin, applied topically can
of tissue called the basement mem- question.” you’re going to do better.” increase collagen 17 levels in cells
brane that connects the epidermis The study suggests that the stem At first this competition is benefi- and even promote wound healing.
and the dermis. The tether to the cells that divide vertically do so cial, ridding the skin of malfunctioning This does not mean you should pur-
basement membrane is essential for because they are damaged through cells or even cancer-causing muta- chase the next skin care product you
maintaining a cell’s “steminess”—its regular aging and the normal cell tions. At a certain point, however, too see that has “collagen” or “stem cells”
ability to replicate and mature into turnover process, as well as expo- many stem cells become damaged, on the label—there is no evidence
another type of cell. sure to UV light or other types of and they begin to outnumber the that anything on the market affects
Most of the time, the stem cells in toxins. And not only does the new healthy ones. When this happens, the this pathway. But it does suggest a
the epidermis divide horizontally, adult cell start its journey through skin can no longer effectively rejuve- scientifically backed rejuvenating
cloning themselves and adding to the the epidermis, the original stem cell nate itself or respond to injury. “Stem cream could be on the horizon.
renewal pool. Sometimes, though, also gets pushed off of the basal cell competition between epidermal —Dana G. Smith
they divide vertically, and the new cell layer, forcing it to mature. This is stem cells sustains skin youthfulness,
starts to mature into an adult skin cell, because the damaged stem cell’s but the decline of the competition
which is gradually pushed up through roots have become weakened, so it ends up with skin aging,” Nishimura
the layers of the epidermis. can no longer sufficiently anchor to explains.
This type of cell turnover—replacing the basement membrane. The The linchpin in this process is
older cells at the top of the epidermis researchers describe this step as a collagen 17, a specific type of


ic background. Moreover, disease

A New Way to processes can influence our daily
odor by changing these compounds.
Detect Parkinson’s− So, it is perhaps not surprising that
by Smell physicians have used their sense of
Discovery of odorous markers for smell to diagnose patients. In ancient
neurodegenerative disease Greece, Hippocrates—of the epony-
mous medical oath—recognized the
diagnostic usefulness of body odors
SCENT HAS BEEN USED as a diag- and reported on several disease-spe-
nostic tool by physicians for thou- cific smells from urine. In an experi-
sands of years. But smell tests are ment published in 1776, English
not common in modern medicine— doctor Matthew Dobson evaporated
when’s the last time you were a diabetes patient’s urine, yielding a
smelled by your doctor or received a white, granulated powder that
batch of smell results back from the smelled and tasted like sugar. More
lab? Now, new research suggests recently, the composition of exhaled
that odors can be used to screen for breath was shown to be different in
Parkinson’s disease, which currently patients with lung cancer, inflamma-
is without a definitive diagnostic. tory lung or liver disease, hepatic or
In the animal kingdom, scents renal dysfunction, or diabetes.
emitted from a body often signal However, there has been little can distinguish the unique Parkin- what researchers were able to do—
information about an individual’s men- evidence to tie scent to diseases of son's odor before clinical symptoms chemically define the scent in sebum
tal or physical state. For example, the nervous system, with the possible appear in a person’s sebum—the that Milne is picking up on in Parkin-
stressed rodents have been shown to exception of schizophrenia—although moisturizing, waterproofing wax that son’s patients.
excrete distinctive odors. Human controversial, it has long been protects the skin produced by In preliminary tests to identify the
body odors also have this function, claimed that these patients have a sebaceous glands. Characterizing the origin of the scent, Joy inspected
emitting a wide array of odor- and particular peculiar odor. compounds linked to this distinctive T-shirts and medical gauze that had
nonodor-related chemicals called Here’s where Joy Milne comes in, odor in sebum could enable rapid, sampled the upper backs of Parkin-
volatile organic compounds. These a woman who first noticed a “musky” early screening of Parkinson’s son’s patients. The odor was not

compounds are emitted from differ- smell on her husband, Les, who was disease as well as provide insights present in the armpits and instead
ent areas of the human body and vary diagnosed years later with Parkin- into changes that occur as the was on the forehead and upper
with age, diet, sex and possibly genet- son’s disease. It turns out that Joy disease progresses. Which is exactly back—not surprisingly, areas of high


sebum production. The research- allow earlier diagnosis and biomarkers as the basis for a
ers then tested and compared treatment to prevent the disease medical device has been simmer-
the sebum samples from the from progressing to stages with ing for nearly 40 years but has so
upper backs of 43 Parkinson’s severe symptoms. However, with far come up empty-handed. Since
patients and 21 matched healthy samples from just over 60 the 1980s, devices called
subjects to discover volatile people, the current study is “electronic noses” that mimic the
organic compounds linked to limited by sample size. The next human olfactory system have
disease. To investigate the steps are to study the sebum of been developed but have only
aroma-causing chemicals, the more patients for an odor been used for research purposes.
researchers used a sophisticated signature to establish a panel of In the future, the development of
analytical technology: thermal odor-based biomarkers associat- new sensors with improved
desorption-gas chromatogra- ed with Parkinson’s disease. sensitivity could make the
phy-mass spectrometry. With it, Without an objective test, such electronic nose an effective
the researchers shortened the list as a blood test or brain scan, to clinical tool for the early detection
of Parkinson’s smell-causing make a definitive diagnosis of of Parkinson’s and other health
candidates from the hundreds to Parkinson's disease, doctors problems such as infections,
just 17. Joy confirmed that mixing instead look for key neurological tumors and exposure to toxic
all 17 identified chemicals, or symptoms. But the misdiagnosis agents. An electronic nose with
specific combinations of just nine rate remains significant because the accuracy to identify specific
or four, closely matched the the symptoms are similar to other volatile organic compounds has
musky fragrance she smelled on neurological conditions, and the potential to yield a catalog of
Parkinson’s patients, demonstrat- patients cannot be treated until diagnostic odorous biomarkers
ing that, indeed, these chemicals symptoms manifest. As the for patients with diseases that
contribute to the unique smell foundation of a diagnostic cannot be diagnosed with
associated with Parkinson’s. medical device, odorous biomark- traditional clinical tools.
This study highlights the ers for Parkinson’s can open new —Jonathan D. Grinstein
potential of analyzing the sebum avenues for facilitating earlier
from Parkinson’s patients and detection of the disease to
raises the possibility that individu- prevent progressive neurodegen-
als can be screened noninvasive- eration and motor symptoms,
ly using a diagnostic device with such as tremor.
a nose for these odor-based However, the concept of using
biomarkers. Such a device could disease-associated odorous

After decades of
assuming that
pain processing
is equivalent in
all sexes,
scientists are finding
that different
biological pathways
can produce
an “ouch!”
By Amber Dance

The Pain Gap

Amber Dance is a freelance writer
in Los Angeles.

ROBERT SORGE WAS STUDYING PAIN IN MICE IN 2009, having key roles in differing responses. concept that doesn’t necessarily match sex.
but he was the one who ended up with a headache. This push is part of a broader movement to consider sex Iain Chessel, vice president and head of neuroscience at
At McGill University in Montreal, Canada, Sorge was as an important variable in biomedical research, to ensure AstraZeneca in Cambridge, U.K., predicts that future pain
investigating how animals develop an extreme sensitivity that studies cover the range of possibilities rather than medications will be tailored to individuals—and that sex
to touch. To test for this response, Sorge poked the paws gleaning results from a single population. A major change will be a key factor in those personalized prescriptions.
of mice using fine hairs, ones that wouldn’t ordinarily came in 2016, when the U.S. National Institutes of Health “But we don’t understand it yet,” he adds.
bother them. The males behaved as the scientific litera- (NIH) made it a requirement for grant applicants to justi-
ture said they would: they yanked their paws back from fy their choice of the sex of animals used in experiments. IMMUNE TO THE PAIN
even the finest of threads. The discoveries in pain research are among the most excit- Pain happens when neural sensors in the skin, muscles,
But females remained stoic to Sorge’s gentle pokes and ing to emerge, says Cara Tannenbaum, scientific director joints or organs register a potentially harmful sensation,
prods. “It just didn’t work in the females,” recalls Sorge, of the Institute of Gender and Health in Montreal, part of such as heat or tissue damage. They send signals through
now a behaviorist at the University of Alabama at Bir- the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. And of Sorge peripheral nerves to the spinal cord, activating other
mingham. “We couldn’t figure out why.” Sorge and his and Mogil’s work, she adds, “To my knowledge, no other nerves that send signals to the brain stem and on to the
adviser at McGill University, pain researcher Jeffrey Mogil, field of science has identified this type of sex difference.” cerebral cortex, which interprets those signals as “ouch!”
would go on to determine that this kind of pain hypersen- The research could open the door for new medical But pain happens in many ways, and diverse chemical
sitivity results from remarkably different pathways in advances, adds Tannenbaum. These are sorely needed: pathways contribute. Some pain types are distinguished
male and female mice, with distinct immune-cell types some 20 percent of people worldwide experience chronic by timing. There’s the acute response to something hot,
contributing to discomfort. pain—and the majority are women. Today, the pharma- sharp or otherwise noxious, and there’s long-term,
Sorge and Mogil would never have made their discovery ceutical market offers the same pain drugs to everyone. chronic pain that might persist even after the initial
if they had followed the conventions of most pain research- But if the roots of pain are different, some drugs might injury has healed.
ers. By including male and female mice, they were going work better in some people than in others. Chronic pain can manifest as hypersensitivity to other-
against the crowd. At the time, many pain scientists wor- Moreover, people might require different pain medica- wise nonpainful stimuli, as in the case of Sorge’s male
ried that females’ hormone cycles would complicate tions when hormone levels fluctuate through life. And a mice. Back in 2009, he and Mogil were studying a model
results. Others stuck with males because, well, that’s how person’s sex doesn’t always fit clearly into the categories of of chronic pain triggered by inflammation.
things were done. male and female: it is determined by a spectrum of char- Injecting a bacterial molecule called lipopolysaccharide
Today, inspired in part by Sorge and Mogil’s work and acteristics, including genetics, anatomical development into the spines of mice drew the attention of microglia, the
spurred on by funders, pain researchers are opening their and hormone levels, each of which might affect a person’s nervous system’s resident immune cells. But in Sorge’s
eyes to the spectrum of responses across sexes. Results are needs in pain therapy. The picture is a long way from com- studies, this led to inflammation only in the males, explain-
starting to trickle out, and it’s clear that certain pain path- plete, and studies—most in rodents—have so far focused ing why they were so sensitive to the hair-prick test, Sorge
ways vary considerably, with immune cells and hormones on biological sex, as opposed to gender, a psychosocial and Mogil reported in 2011. The microglia remained qui-

et in females, which seemed to account for their indiffer-
ence to Sorge poking their paws with fine hairs.
To better understand why male and female mice dealt
with pain so differently, Sorge and Mogil turned to a pain
source that affects all mice. They injured the animals’ sciat-
ic nerves, which run from the lower back down each leg.
This led to a form of chronic pain that happens when the
body’s pain-detecting system is damaged or malfunctioning.
It caused both male and female mice to become extra sensi-
tive to touch.
Yet even in this case, there were differences. Microglia
seemed to have a prominent role in the pain of males, but
not in that of female mice. Sorge and a team of collaborators
from three institutions found that, no matter how they
blocked microglia, this eliminated the pain hypersensitivity
in males alone.
It’s not that females were immune to pain. They were
just as bothered by nerve injury as the males were, but
they weren’t using microglia to become hypersensitive to
touch. Mogil and Sorge wondered whether another
immune component, called a T cell, was behind the chron-
ic pain in females. These cells have a known role in pain
sensitization in mice.
Sorge tried the same nerve injury in female mice lacking
T cells. They still became hypersensitive to the fine hairs,
but the mechanism now seemed to occur through microg-
lia. In females lacking T cells, blocking the activity of
microglia prevented this pain response, just as it did in
males. And when the researchers transferred T cells back to


female mice that were lacking them, the animals stopped
using microglia in nerve-injury pain (see Two Routes to Pain
on next page).
The team’s findings, reported in 2015, had a big influence
on the pain field, says Greg Dussor, a neuropharmacologist
at the University of Texas at Dallas. The results showed that Microglia, the nervous system’s
even though everybody’s pain might look similar from the immune cells, are behind forms
of pain in male mice.
outside, scientists can’t assume it’s the same on the inside.

PAIN POINTS gist Ted Price of the University of Texas at Dallas, TWO ROUTES TO PAIN
If animals can switch between pain pathways, what and his collaborators have found preliminary evi- Injuries to peripheral nerves—those connecting the brain and the spinal
controls the switch? Researchers have long attribut- dence, published in March, of differences in how cord to the rest of the body—can cause increased sensitivity to pain.
In male mice, this response depends on immune cells in the spinal cord
ed sex differences in pain perception to estrogen, a immune cells contribute to pain in people.
called microglia. In females, it is T cells that seem to control pain.
hormone that controls the development of the uter- They’re working with nerve tissue removed from
us, ovaries and breasts and that regulates the men- individuals with cancer, whose tumors had invad- Male Female
strual cycle. Estrogen can either exacerbate or dull ed their spines. In nerves excised from men expe-
pain, depending on its concentration and location. riencing pain, Price’s team found signs of inflam-
Testosterone, the hormone involved in development mation caused by an immune cell called a macro-
of the penis, testes and prostate, as well as of sec- phage. These cells serve a similar function to neuron
ondary characteristics such as body hair, has microglia. In women who were in pain, however,
received much less attention from pain researchers, the more important players seemed to be nerve Injury
although studies suggest it can reduce pain, and cells themselves and a short stretch of protein
some people with chronic pain take testosterone building blocks (called a peptide) that stimulates
treatments. nerve growth. The results suggest parallels Males lacking testosterone switch to the pain
response seen in females. Females that lack T
In the case of microglia and pain hypersensitivity, between human and rodent sex differences, says cells, or that are pregnant, switch to the
Mogil’s research points squarely at testosterone as the Price. pathway observed in males.
control switch for pain pathways. In the 2011 and 2015 But immune cells and hormones don’t fully
studies, when Sorge tested castrated male mice, which explain pain differences. For instance, Sarah Linn-
have low testosterone levels, the animals exhibited a staedt, a translational biologist at the University of
response similar to females. And when the research- North Carolina Medical Center in Chapel Hill, has
ers provided testosterone to castrated males, or to found hints that some women might have a genet-
females, the pain pathway switched to one dependent ic predisposition to chronic pain. Her team has cord
on microglia. identified a suite of RNA molecules in the blood-
Since then, researchers have continued to find evi- stream that are more likely to be elevated in wom-
dence shoring up the importance of microglia—and en who develop chronic neck, shoulder or back
the cells’ enzymes and receptors—in male mice expe- pain after a motor-vehicle accident. Many of these Microglia T cell
riencing pain. And the phenomenon isn’t restricted to RNA molecules are encoded by genes on the X
mice: one of Mogil’s collaborators, neuroscientist chromosome, of which there are two copies in
Michael Salter, also found microglial receptors at most women.
work in male rats that had hypersensitivity from That’s useful information, says Linnstaedt. “It
nerve injury. Salter, who is chief of research at the will enable us to develop new therapeutics that
Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, is now can either be used specifically in women, or at To brain
investigating the question in macaques, which are higher doses in women.”
likely to process pain in a more similar way to humans.
It’s much harder to investigate these pain pathways DRUG DIFFERENTIAL PAIN PAIN

in people, but clues are emerging. Neuropharmacolo- Others are thinking about sex-specific pain treat-

ments, too. In a study published online in November approved migraine treatments based on antibodies Little research has been done on pain mechanisms in
2018, Price and his team reported that a diabetes drug against CGRP, a peptide found in the nervous system that people who don’t fit into a binary definition of sex and
called metformin reduces microglial populations sur- is involved in these kinds of headache. Migraines affect gender. In one study, researchers in Italy surveyed trans-
rounding sensory neurons in the spinal cord. They also three times as many women as men. gender people undergoing hormone treatment. They
showed that the drug blocks pain hypersensitivity from In an as-yet-unpublished study of mice and rats, a team found that 11 out of 47 people who transitioned from male
nerve damage only in male mice. “It didn’t do anything in led by Price and Dussor applied CGRP to the thick mem- to female reported pain issues that arose after the transi-
the females; in fact, it got a little bit worse,” says Price, who brane surrounding the brain. In females, the peptide cre- tion. Six out of 26 people transitioning from female to
has a theory as to why: to enter the nervous system, met- ated a response that looked like a migraine: the animals male reported that their pain problems lessened after tak-
formin relies on a protein that’s expressed at higher levels grimaced and their faces were hypersensitive to touch. In ing testosterone.
in cells from males. Higher doses didn’t make a difference males: “Nothing,” says Dussor. Modern anti-CGRP medi- On the basis of his team’s experiments with castration
in females, however, presumably because the medication cines might work better in women than in men, he adds— and testosterone treatments in mice, Mogil thinks that
was trapped outside the nerves. but the drug’s clinical trials didn’t check for such effects. pain pathways will be determined by hormone levels. He
Higher doses do help females receiving one of the old- That’s typical of many drug trials. They usually include predicts that people with more than a certain threshold
est pain drugs in the pharmacy: morphine. Women and men and women, but the numbers of each often aren’t of testosterone will have pain mechanisms associated
female rodents both usually require higher doses of mor- high enough to suss out differences. There’s a real possi- with males, and those whose testosterone falls below
phine to achieve the same pain relief as men and male bility that pain drugs that failed clinical trials in the past that level will experience pain through mechanisms
rodents, says Anne Murphy, a neuroscientist at Georgia might have succeeded if they had been tested separately common in females.
State University in Atlanta. She’s one of a handful of by sex, says Price. “It seems really obvious,” he adds, “but Pain responses also seem to change throughout life,
researchers who was studying sex differences well before nobody was really doing it.” around the time hormone levels rise or fall. Studies look-
the NIH changed its guidelines. ing only at biological sex have found that, at puberty, the
Microglia are also behind morphine’s differing effects, PERSONALIZED PILLS rates of pain conditions rise more in girls than in boys.
Murphy’s team reported in 2017. The drug dulls pain by Chessel, at AstraZeneca, would be happy to develop a And as people age, and some hit menopause, hormonal
blocking neurons in a brain region called the periaque- pain drug that works only in people of a certain sex. But levels change again, and sex differences in chronic pain
ductal gray, or PAG. But the drug can also activate the sex of study participants and animal subjects is driv- rates begin to disappear. Pregnancy changes pain respons-
microglia there, counteracting morphine’s pain-reliev- en by practicality, ethical concerns and government regu- es, too. Mogil’s group reported in 2017 that, early in preg-
ing effects. This is exactly what happens in female rats, lations, he says. AstraZeneca uses female rodents in most nancy, mice switch from a typically female, microglia-in-
which have more active microglia in the PAG than males of its preclinical pain research because they’re less aggres- dependent mechanism of pain sensitization to a more
have. When rats were treated with morphine before the sive and easier to house and handle than males. In early male-associated one that involves microglia. By late preg-
scientists applied a hot light beam to their paws, the clinical trials, safety is the focus, so companies often nancy, the animals don’t seem to feel chronic pain at all.
female animals had more inflammation in the PAG and exclude people who could become pregnant. As a result, But he’s no longer one of a few scientists looking for
pulled back their legs more quickly than did males giv- drugs are mostly trialed on men and on women who are such sex differences. “People are finding this left, right
en the same dose. When Murphy’s team blocked mor- past menopause. and center now,” says Mogil. “I don’t think we know the
phine’s effects on microglia, males and females respond- Even if scientists develop drugs that are targeted to half of it at this point.”
ed to the pain in a similar way. male- or female-specific pain pathways, these might not be This article is reproduced with permission and was
There’s at least one drug already on the market that sci- enough. It might be best to customize drugs more closely, first published in Nature on March 29, 2019.
entists have reason to think might work differently across to take into account the spectrum of genetics, hormone
sexes. In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration levels and anatomical development.

Amber Sapp ( left)
looks to many plac-
es for guidance on
experimental treat-
ments for her son,
Garrett ( second
from right), who has
Duchenne muscular

A Question of Control
Clinical-trial participants and their carers are gaining influence over how experiments are run.
As they take to social media, that could make things messy for the science
By Heidi Ledford

Heidi Ledford works for Nature magazine.

Amber Sapp was

ers, but through a Facebook post from another parent. “It tive. Drug companies have yet to report any cases of
was upsetting that we found out that way,” says Amber. such actions causing irrevocable damage to a trial, but

browsing the
“It sent everybody on Facebook into a tizzy.” Even Gar- some researchers worry that information-sharing by
rett’s local clinical-trial coordinator, someone who should participants could sink trials or weaken their findings.
have had intimate knowledge of what was happening Now, scientists are grappling with how best to work
Internet late one with the research, hadn’t yet heard the news.
Some members of the Facebook group had regularly
with—and for—the people they are trying to study. “The
fallback for most researchers is, ‘I have to get these

night in August discussed how their children were faring in the trial,
even speculating as to who was in the control arm of the
patients to change,’” says Craig Lipset, head of clinical
innovation at Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company based

when she hap- study, receiving a placebo instead of the experimental

treatment. Social-media interactions can empower those
in New York City. “But I think there are other things
we’ll have to take more seriously in the design of

pened to find out living with disease, and their families, to make informed
choices about their health care and clinical trials. Some

that her 12-year-

people have even united on social media to launch trials TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS
of their own. By the time Garrett turned three, Amber, who works as

old son’s clinical

It’s part of a major shift in clinical research. A 2016 sur- a physical therapist in Nashville, Tennessee, noticed
vey found that three out of every four major pharmaceu- that something was off. When he tried to jump, he
tical companies had used a patient-advisory board to couldn’t get his feet off the ground, and he looked
trial had failed. gather feedback on clinical-trial designs. And several sci-
entific journals, including the BMJ, have included
unstable climbing stairs. Amber asked Garrett’s pedia-
trician for answers, but was told that, in time, he would
Every four weeks for two-and-a-half years, she had patients as peer reviewers of submitted manuscripts. probably catch up with his peers.
shuttled Garrett to a hospital nearly six hours away. But Amber’s experience also shows how trial partici- One day, she watched Garrett stand up from sitting
There, he was prodded and pricked with needles in the pants are disrupting the usual flow of information in on the floor, and the answer came to her. The way that
hope that the antibody treatment being tested would clinical studies. As participants become more empow- he used his arms to help raise his body was not just a
reverse a devastating genetic disease called Duchenne ered, the natural tensions between their goals and those quirk: it was a hallmark of muscular dystrophy that she
muscular dystrophy. But an early data analysis, Sapp of the researchers become more pronounced. Online dis- had studied in school. “It just took me out of the blue,”
learned, had shown that the treatment wasn’t working. cussions threaten to compromise trial integrity when she says. “I thought, ‘Oh my God, that’s what it is.’”
The thought of wasting Garrett’s limited time with a participants join forces to work out who is receiving a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic
failed trial was hard enough. The news was all the more placebo. Discussing potential side effects can also influ- disorder that affects mainly boys, and is caused by
disturbing because it didn’t come from the trial organiz- ence results, particularly when the symptoms are subjec- mutations in a gene called DMD. The dystrophin pro-

tein that it encodes is important for maintaining healthy
muscle cells; without it, muscles gradually deteriorate.
Many people with the disorder need a wheelchair by the
time they are 12, and will have difficulty breathing by
their late teens.
Amber and her husband spent the next four years con-
sumed by grief. “We refer to them as the dark days,” she
says. “We couldn’t do anything: couldn’t function,
couldn’t talk to other parents, couldn’t reach out for
When Garrett was about seven, Amber began to open
up. She ventured online and met other carers, chatting to
parents of older boys who were grappling with later stag-
es of the disease. “Watching them go through that pro-
cess of clinical trials and the difficulties—I guess maybe
that’s where we learned about clinical trials,” she says.
Medical centers and pharmaceutical companies have
noticed the power of social media to draw in patients.
Some have launched efforts to advertise trials, for exam-
ple, to targeted Facebook groups. The hope is that it
could help trial recruiters to tackle a growing problem: a
shortage of participants that has been stretching the
time required to do clinical research. Garrett already takes a
variety of medications
As companies increasingly focus on rare diseases and and supplements every
precision medicine tailored to a specific subset of day, which sometimes
makes the prospect of
patients, it has become more difficult to find willing vol- adding new pills and
unteers who meet the necessary criteria. Recruitment procedures difficult.

and retention rates are the worst that they’ve been since
the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development The recruiting problem has given potential partici- So drug firms and medical centers have enlisted the
started tracking them 20 years ago, says Kenneth Getz, pants leverage and altered their relationship with clini- aid of patient advisory boards to evaluate clinical trials.
who studies clinical trials at the center in Boston, cal researchers: a trial that is too burdensome, or forces Participants are getting the opportunity to demand trials
Massachusetts. many participants into a control group, could be doomed with fewer procedures or more comfortable conditions.
“Industry-wide, everybody recognizes this as a huge to failure from the start. “Many of the companies under- Lipset recalls a protocol for a trial in atopic dermatitis, a
problem,” says James Nolan, chief executive at InClinica, stand that we can’t do this now without patients being form of eczema, that would have required participants to

a contract-research organization in Wayne, Pennsylva- equal partners,” says Sohini Chowdhury, deputy chief stop using all their usual medications for six weeks to
nia, that conducts clinical trials. “It’s not going away—it’s executive of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkin- clear their system of drugs. A panel of people with der-
going to get much worse.” son’s Research in New York City. matitis was shocked: going that long without relief was

unfathomable. “The washout period made perfect sense
scientifically,” Lipset says. “But to the humans involved it
was completely intolerable.”
The team adjusted the protocol, rather than risk
“Many of the companies understand that
launching a trial that was destined to fail. An evaluation we can’t do this now without patients
of 30 patient advisory boards found that many were mak-
ing recommendations about the convenience and feasi-
being equal partners.”
bility of study visits, and the schedule of procedures per- —Sohini Chowdhury
formed. The advisory boards have good cause to push
back. Getz says that as many as one-third of procedures—
such as blood tests or biopsies—performed during clini-
cal trials are not crucial to the applications for drug posal, it jibes pretty well—and that’s all just from people benefit from an experimental drug. The advent of social
approval. having conversations.” media has made it much easier to “unblind” a study, says
“Part of the balance is recognizing that although good Pat Furlong, founding president and chief executive of
science is great, it also has to be feasible and convenient,” A PLACEBO EFFECT Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, an advocacy group
says Getz. “That’s where patient engagement has com- Garrett’s first clinical trial was designed to test whether based in Hackensack, New Jersey. “Before social media,
pletely changed the philosophy.” a drug called tadalafil (Cialis) would help to keep boys you wouldn’t know the other people in that trial,” says
In some cases, patients and their advocates band with DMD walking. The protocol was relatively simple: Furlong, whose two sons had DMD.
together to launch clinical studies of their own. When just a few pills in the morning with a spoonful of apple Bioethicist Lindsay McNair first became aware of the
Katherine Leon had a heart attack in 2003, soon after the sauce. phenomenon while working for Vertex Pharmaceuticals,
birth of her second child, she was told that it was just But Garrett’s ability to walk continued to decline. which is now in Boston. The company was running a
something that can happen after having a baby. But Leon Faced with a degenerative disease and a ticking clock, the clinical trial of a potential treatment for the hepatitis C
eventually learned that she had spontaneous coronary family wrestled with worries that he should move on to virus in 2007 when a researcher reported activity from its
artery dissection (SCAD), a rare condition that few com- another trial. Eventually, Amber called the coordinator participants on MedHelp.org, a health-related social-me-
munity physicians are familiar with. and said it was time to consider leaving the trial and to dia site. Some participants said that they were having
Leon says that she was “randomly googling around” look ahead to the next one. their blood tested by an outside laboratory to find out
one night when she stumbled on a message board for Online, Amber could see carers facing the same deci- their levels of virus, to guess who was receiving the active
women with heart disease. Over time, a community of sion in various clinical studies. Some parents posted vid- drug and who the placebo.
people with SCAD emerged. Then she started keeping a eos of their children walking or climbing stairs, and spec- McNair, who is now the chief medical officer at
record of their symptoms and disease course: at what age ulated as to whether they were receiving the active drug. WIRB-Copernicus Group in Boston, a company that per-
were they diagnosed, which artery was affected and If they suspected that their child was taking the placebo, forms ethical reviews of clinical trials, decided to take a
whether it might have been related to pregnancy. She a number of parents openly talked about their plans to closer look with her colleagues. They read publicly avail-
took her data to a physician and convinced her to launch withdraw from a study. “Nobody wants to be in the con- able online health discussions over the course of about a
a research project to catalogue features of SCAD. “It was trol,” says Amber. “We don’t have a lot of time with our year, noting any that might affect a study’s outcome.
huge, because we felt as patients that we had definitely boys. Nobody has time to waste.” They found that participants were comparing the appear-
initiated it,” Leon says. “When I compare what they’ve Trial participants have long sought to avoid being in ance and taste of their pills, even crushing them up to get
discovered so far with the anecdotal data in my little pro- the placebo group; they would rather have the chance to a better look. Some of the activity, McNair recalls, was on

Yahoo Finance company message boards—and at least
one financial analyst cited data from these boards in his
or her predictions about the trial and in recommenda-
tions about Vertex stock.
There is no evidence that online unblinding affected
any of these trials. But anecdotes such as these are trou-
bling drug-makers. “We have largely turned a blind eye
to the use of social media,” says Lipset. “It’s only a matter
of time before Facebook jeopardizes the scientific integ-
rity of a study.”
Sharon Terry, president and chief executive of the
advocacy group Genetic Alliance in Washington, D.C.,
recalls working on a 2013 trial testing high doses of mag-
nesium in 44 people with a rare genetic disease, pseudox-
anthoma elasticum, which affects elastic fibers in con-
nective tissue. “The group of individuals all got on Face-
book and figured out pretty fast which were in the
control,” she says.
In some online conversations that Furlong and McNair
have seen, parents discussed leaving a trial if they didn’t
see any improvement. “Dropouts are super frustrating,” As Amber weighs the
says Brian Loew, founder and chief executive of Inspire, options for future
clinical trials for her
a social-media site that caters to people with medical son, she must consider
conditions and their carers. This can delay the comple- how invasive the
procedures will be and
tion of a trial and raise warning flags to reviewers at reg- how much Garrett will
ulatory agencies. be away from friends
and family.
And when participants share details about which side
effects they might be experiencing, they can induce oth-
ers to wonder about—and then perhaps report—similar Amber says that she generally stayed quiet during such and frightening,” says Furlong. “There is certainly some
symptoms. The same could be true of a key clinical end online discussions, but it was still painful to see other altruism. But I can say to you—especially in rare disease,
point of the trial, particularly if that end point is some- families talking about possible improvements in their especially when so many people with rare disease are
what subjective, such as a ranking on a pain scale. And, sons’ ability to walk or climb stairs. Garrett had experi- children—what you want, as a caregiver, is benefit.”
sometimes, participants swap information about entry enced no such progress. When Garrett turned 11, Amber held her breath. At
criteria, such as the score on a cognitive test that might After the first clinical trial, the family began shuttling that age, he would have to give his own assent to remain

be required to join an Alzheimer’s disease study, says Garrett to Cincinnati, Ohio, for the antibody trial. The in the antibody trial. Garrett agreed, but Amber suspects
Lipset. Armed with that knowledge, those who want to drive, the needles and the time spent in the hospital all he bowed to his parents’ wishes.
join the study can prepare accordingly. took their toll. “Clinical trials are exciting, frustrating Furlong recognizes that anxiety. “There’s a moment

when your son looks at you and says, ‘I don’t think I want
to do this. I miss my friends. I don’t want them to stick
me another time.’” she says. “As a parent, you are sec-
ond-guessing: ‘Is this the right thing?’” Often, parents of
“We’re maturing to a place where people have
children with DMD will share information online to take seriously even the potential to create
because they are desperate to hear someone, anyone, tell
them that their child is improving, she says.
online communities for your research
Researchers are still grappling with how best to han- participants, so that people can have a safe
dle such online discussions. Inspire, which displays tar-
geted advertisements for clinical trials to some of its 1.5
place to share. Because they want to share.”
million members, expressly prohibits discussions that —Brian Loew
could affect clinical-trial results, such as comparing pos-
sible side effects or discussing ways to game eligibility
criteria to gain entry to a trial. The site employs modera-
tors to check posts after they go live. headquartered in New York City, partnered with Inspire won’t know whether he’s eligible to receive the actual
“We had a lot of internal debate about it,” says Loew of to launch a moderated online community in April, in treatment until a year has passed. Added to these ten-
the policy. “On the one hand, people should be able to which patients in a given trial can support one another sions would be three muscle biopsies performed under
talk about whatever they want. But we decided that you and discuss their condition, says Loew. This idea is catch- general anesthesia, procedures that are particularly
can actually do harm to the science.” Other sites, howev- ing on, says Lipset. “We’re maturing to a place where peo- unnerving for people whose muscle is wasting away. “If
er, such as Twitter and Facebook, have no such policies. ple have to take seriously even the potential to create the trial we had just come out of was, to us, pretty inva-
Some companies running trials have inserted guidance online communities for your research participants, so sive, this is ten times that discomfort,” Amber says.
about such communications in the consent forms that that people can have a safe place to share. Because they It’s a gamble. In October, Amber and her family opted
study participants sign. But that can backfire and cause want to share.” to hold off from joining the gene-therapy trial. While
undue worry, or limit participants’ ability to find support they were weighing their options, Amber decided not to
online, says Lipset. “You can see in online communities THE TOUGH DECISIONS rely on other parents on social media to help with the
where participants are scared that they have just signed When Amber learned that Garrett’s second trial had end- decision. Instead, she stuck to her “board of directors,” a
a confidentiality agreement and will be thrown in jail for ed, it was time to weigh options for the next one. But Gar- few trusted medical professionals. “Social media has
posting.” rett’s choices are narrowing. He stopped walking this such a wide pool of people that you don’t always know
Lipset says that investigators will have to become sav- summer, and few trials will take boys who are no longer that the answers you’re going to get are on the level,” she
vier about how they set up their trials. This could include able to walk. says. “It’s hard,” Amber adds. “Time is limited.”
firming up eligibility criteria for a study, he says, to make The family then considered a gene-therapy trial. It was This article is reproduced with permission and was
them less subjective—and harder for a potential partici- a difficult decision. “Gene therapy is huge and promising first published in Nature on November 13, 2018.
pant to game. and terrifying at the same time,” Amber says.
Some firms are hiring outside companies that special- It comes with a slew of new challenges, and risks. The
ize in listening in on social media, to report back when virus that is used to deliver genes could raise an immune
conversations veer towards unblinding a trial. Others are response that would make Garrett ineligible for future
looking to facilitate the groups. Bristol-Myers Squibb, gene-therapy trials. And if he’s in the placebo arm, he

An emerging class of drug could send some of medicine’s

most troublesome protein targets to the cellular rubbish bin
By Megan Scudellari

Megan Scudellari is a freelance science journalist based in Durham,
North Carolina, specializing in the life sciences. She is a correspondent
for the Scientist magazine and has contributed to Technology Review,
Nature Medicine, Pacific Standard and more. She is currently writing her
first textbook, a college biology text.

When Craig Crews first managed to make AN ACADEMIC EXERCISE

In diagrams, PROTACs often look like dumbbells. They
proteins disappear on command with a bizarre new are molecules made up of two binding ends connected by
a thin tether.
compound, the biochemist says that he considered The action happens on the ends. One grabs on to the
target protein, while the other latches on to a ubiquitin
it a “parlor trick,” a “cute chemical curiosity.” ligase—part of the cell’s natural rubbish-disposal system
that labels defective or damaged proteins by slapping a
Today, that cute trick is driving billions of U.S. dollars in protein that tangles up in Alzheimer’s disease. small protein called ubiquitin onto them (see Marked for
investment from pharmaceutical companies such as “This is new territory,” says Alessio Ciulli, a biochemist Destruction on next page). Ubiquitin tags act as sort of
Roche, Pfizer, Merck, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline. “I at the University of Dundee, U.K. “We’re breaking the “please collect” stickers that instruct the cell’s protein
think you can infer that pretty much every company has rules of what we thought would be druggable.” shredder, called the proteasome, to do its thing.
programs in this area,” says Raymond Deshaies, senior The field has reason to be optimistic. In 2014, scientists Proximity accounts for a lot in biology, so by simply
vice president of global research at Amgen in Thousand discovered that the myeloma treatment lenalidomide bringing together the ligase and the target protein, a
Oaks, California, and one of Crews’s early collaborators. (Revlimid), one of the world’s best-selling drugs, works PROTAC ensures that the target will get marked for
The drug strategy, called targeted protein degradation, in a similar way to protein degraders to chew up two for- destruction. Ligases are efficient and ubiquitin, as the
capitalizes on the cell’s natural system for clearing unwant- merly untouchable proteins. name suggests, is plentiful, so a single PROTAC should
ed or damaged proteins. These protein degraders take Yet the field lacks published data confirming that be able to perform its catch-and-release function repeat-
many forms, but the type that is heading for clinical trials PROTACs and other emerging compounds can make edly throughout the cell, suggesting that only a small
this year is one that Crews, based at Yale University in New undruggable proteins disappear. And there are questions amount of such a drug is needed for potent activity.
Haven, Connecticut, has spent more than 20 years devel- about where and how these odd-looking molecules will The earliest-known published description of a PROT-
oping: proteolysis-targeting chimeras, or PROTACs. work in the body. AC-like molecule is in a patent filed in 1999 by two sci-
Large and unwieldy, PROTACs defy conventional wis- For now, all eyes are on Arvinas, a biotech company in entists at Proteinix, a biotechnology company in Gaith-
dom on what a drug should be. But they also raise the pos- New Haven, Connecticut, founded by Crews. It’s sched- ersburg, Maryland. In the patent (see go.nature.com/2vy-
sibility of tackling some of the most indomitable diseases uled to begin testing a PROTAC for prostate cancer, albe- jf9l), John Kenten and Steven Roberts proposed
around. Because they destroy rather than inhibit proteins, it attacking a protein that’s been targeted successfully by co-opting the cell’s protein-degradation system. Col-
and can bind to them where other drugs can’t, protein other drugs. “We’re on the cusp of proving these PROT- leagues dismissed the idea, saying that Kenten and Rob-
degraders could conceivably be used to go after targets ACs can be drugs,” says Ian Taylor, senior vice-president erts were complicating drug discovery by trying to bind
that drug developers have long considered “undruggable”: of biology at Arvinas. “Right behind that will be: can we to two proteins—the unwanted protein and the ligase—
cancer-fueling villains such as the protein MYC, or the tau do this with an undruggable?” at once. “There was not a lot of enthusiasm internally for

it,” recalls Kenten, now research director at Meso MARKED FOR DESTRUCTION from Xenopus frog eggs.
Scale Diagnostics in Rockville, Maryland. Proteinix Targeted protein degradation uses a drug such as a proteolysis- Still, Protac-1 was far from being a drug, says
targeting chimera (PROTAC) to bring together a ubiquitin ligase—and its as-
did not pursue the approach. sociated proteins—with a target protein. After this tethering occurs, the ligase Crews, who called the paper an “academic exercise.”
But on the other side of the United States, another attaches ubiquitin tags to the target protein, marking it for degradation. First-generation PROTACs had low activity in
pair of minds was mulling the same idea. During a human cells, probably because the compounds
research retreat in 1998 at a scenic resort on Semiah- PROTAC struggled to get inside. They relied on big, unwield-
moo Bay in northwest Washington, Deshaies paused Ubiquitin
protein ly peptides to bind to the ligases. The scientists had
in front of a poster by Crews to listen to him talk ligase to find a way to make the ligase-binding ends more
about using small molecules to link two proteins drug-like—“Something that had potential to be a
together. Deshaies, then a biochemist at the Califor- pharmaceutical,” says Crews. Or they needed to
nia Institute of Technology in Pasadena, was knee- move on.
deep in the study of ubiquitin ligases. The human With funding and research support from
genome encodes roughly 600 of them, which need to GlaxoSmithKline in London, Crews pushed ahead,
form a complex with other proteins to do the tag- mainly targeting one particular ligase, the von Hip-
ging. About a year earlier, Deshaies had co-discov- pel–Lindau disease tumor suppressor (VHL). In
ered a protein family now known to contain 250 2012, Crews, together with his graduate student
ubiquitin ligases. Ubiquitin tags Dennis Buckley and Ciulli, a former visiting fellow
“It wasn’t that big of a leap to come to the idea of, protein
in Crews’s lab, reported on a small-molecule binder
well, gee, if you could link things to ubiquitin ligas- for VHL. Crews finally began to believe that PROT-
es, then you could potentially drive the ubiquitin- ACs really could become drugs.
ation of a protein—and its degradation,” recalls
Deshaies. He and Crews continued to chat all week- FISHING FOR SMALL MOLECULES
end and parted ways with a plan to find funding to Crews wasn’t the only one chasing protein degrad-
explore the idea. ers. In 2010, while at the Dana-Farber Cancer Insti-
At the time, Crews was developing a drug that tute in Boston, Massachusetts, chemical biologist
worked in the opposite way to PROTACs. It blocked James Bradner read a paper by a team of research-
the ubiquitin system in cells, causing proteins to ers in Japan, led by Hiroshi Handa, then at the Tokyo
build up to dangerous levels and eventually trigger Institute of Technology in Yokohama. Handa had
cell death. The result of that work, carfilzomib been trying to understand why the infamous drug
(Kyprolis), is now used to treat the blood cancer mul- Proteasome thalidomide, approved in some countries in the late
tiple myeloma. “I thought the flip side would be 1950s and early 1960s to help with nausea in preg-
equally as interesting,” says Crews. “That certainly nancy, caused problems with limb development. (It
has turned out to be the case.” is now approved to treat multiple myeloma and a
Crews and Deshaies soon published a study skin condition.) Using thalidomide as the bait to fish
demonstrating that their first PROTAC, Protac-1, for proteins in cells, Handa discovered that the drug
successfully grabbed and led to the degradation of a hooks on to and blocks the activity of a ubiquitin

cancer-associated protein called METAP2 in extracts protein ligase called cereblon. That inhibition, his team

found, affects limb growth and development in zebrafish Arvinas’s first candidate is no exception. It degrades the
and chicks. “We’re throwing out androgen receptor, a protein that is already targeted by a
Bradner realized that if thalidomide binds to a ubiqui- preconceived handful of approved drugs. The company hopes that by
tin ligase—no easy feat, because such enzymes are noto-
riously difficult to grab—then perhaps he could find a
notions we’ve had degrading rather than inhibiting the receptor, its PROTAC
will be able to treat people who have become resistant to
way to bind to the same ligase but target it to proteins about larger-than- or see no benefit from existing drugs. And if the candidate
implicated in disease. In 2013, Buckley joined Bradner’s
team as a postdoctoral researcher, and they began the
average small succeeds, the field will finally have the clinical data that
everyone is looking for. Arvinas will have shown that a
search for small molecules that bind to cereblon. molecules.” PROTAC can be a drug.
In May and June 2015, three teams—led by Bradner, That’s crucial because there has been considerable
—Ian Taylor
Ciulli and Crews—published five separate papers describ- doubt about whether protein degraders can work in
ing small-molecule PROTACs with potent, drug-like activ- humans. Fully assembled PROTACs break well-known
ity. With Ian Churcher at GlaxoSmithKline, Crews bound rules of thumb for drugs. Chief among them is size. A good
a PROTAC to VHL and used it to degrade the levels of sev- small-molecule drug typically has a mass of less than 500
eral proteins to less than 10 percent of those present in daltons. Current PROTACs range upwards of 1,000 dal-
untreated cells. Bradner and his colleagues bound cere- ident of the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, tons. Yet the molecules can still enter cells. Crews suspects
blon to their PROTAC to reduce levels of a cancer-causing estimates that around 30 separate tools already incorpo- that this is because they are probably recognized by the
protein, and Ciulli, by then at the University of Dundee, rate the technology. “The path to chemical probes is now cell membrane as two smaller molecules that happen to
and his team degraded the same protein, using VHL as well established,” he says. “But the challenge to make be tethered together, rather than a single large one.
the ligase. The protein degraders worked both in cells in real-world medicines from these ligands is significant.” “We’re throwing out preconceived notions we’ve had
a dish and in human tumors in mice. about larger-than-average small molecules,” says Taylor.
As well as designing drug-like protein degraders, GOLD RUSH Also out of the window are preconceived ideas about
Crew’s and Bradner’s teams have both built systems— Following the 2015 flurry of small-molecule PROTACs, undruggables. The problem with many of these tough pro-
HaloPROTACs and dTAG, respectively—that enable Deshaies, who had left the field, penned an opinion piece tein targets is that most small-molecule drugs or monoclo-
researchers to put targeted protein degradation to work declaring that PROTACs had the potential to become a nal antibodies need to bind to an active site on an enzyme
as a tool in the laboratory, using genetic tags to mark major new class of drug, possibly surpassing two of the or a receptor to work. But an estimated 80 percent of pro-
proteins for destruction in cultured cells and in mice. hottest drug-development areas of all time—protein teins in human cells lack such a site. PROTACs, however,
With dTAG, “you can deplete a protein in minutes or kinase inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies. “The gold can grab a protein by any nook, cranny or crevice—they
hours and monitor what happens,” says Behnam Nabet, rush is on!” Deshaies wrote at the time. don’t need to be sitting in an active pocket to work. So they
a chemical biologist who led development of the system Since then, he says, it has only intensified. He joined could make those proteins accessible.
with Nathanael Gray at the Dana-Farber Cancer Insti- Amgen in 2017 and now oversees the company’s work in There’s already some evidence to support this approach.
tute. “This gives you a lot of power to study oncogenes the area. Last year, a team at the Institute of Cancer Research in
and kinases and proteins that have very rapid activity.” The Arvinas trial, expected to begin by mid-2019, will London produced a small molecule that can bind to a
The dTAG materials are currently freely available: more include 28 to 36 men with metastatic prostate cancer and transcription-factor regulator that doesn’t have an active
than 150 academic labs use the probe to investigate the will last around nine months, says Taylor. It is usual for site. They were able to create a potent PROTAC by attach-
effects of depleting specific proteins in cells, says Nabet. any new class of drug to go after a well-known target, ing a binder for the ubiquitin ligase cereblon.
Bradner, who left Dana-Farber in 2016 to become pres- where the biology and toxicology are well understood, and The field still lacks published evidence of a PROTAC

that can target and degrade a valuable undruggable pro-
tein. Deshaies says that Amgen has a PROTAC effective in
both cultured cells and animals against an unnamed
high-value cancer target that has been historically tough
to bind. Arvinas claims to have in vivo evidence of PROT-
ACs degrading tau in the brains of mice. On its Web site,
the company says that injecting its tau-protein degrader
directly into the mouse hippocampus reduced levels of tau
by 50 percent.
By developing PROTACs for an array of diseases,
including those that affect the brain, Taylor says that
many researchers hope to show that the technology is
“therapeutic-area agnostic.” Various teams are also work-
ing to expand the pool of ligases that protein degraders
can recruit. There are only four main ones used at pres-
ent, including VHL and cereblon, and a wider variety of
available ligases could enable drug developers to match
the most potent ligase-PROTAC combination with their
cell type or protein of interest. “Potentially, any ligase can
be hijacked through this approach,” says Ciulli, who is
collaborating with German pharmaceutical company
Boehringer Ingelheim on the development of PROTACs.
Buoyed by fresh targets, improved potency, and a clini-
cal trial about to begin, researchers are ready to prove that
protein degraders can be more than a parlor trick. “The
sky is the limit,” says Ciulli. “It is just a question of when.”
This article is reproduced with permission and was
first published in Nature on March 20, 2019.

Ethan Siegel is a theoretical astrophysicist and
author of Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from
Tricorders to Warp Drive.
Alex Berezow is a microbiologist and vice president
of scientific affairs at the American Council on
Science and Health.


Opting Out of
Vaccines Should
Opt You Out of
American Society
People who are able to take vaccines but refuse to
do so are the moral equivalent of drunk drivers

he ongoing measles outbreaks across the
United States and Europe prove definitively
that our personal choices affect everybody
around us. Although you have a right to your own
body, your choice to willfully be sick ends where
another’s right to be healthy begins. For that rea-
son, people who “opt out” of vaccines should be
opted out of American society. you are not allowed to play music as loudly as you driving are both legal activities, they are not legal
This is America, the Land of the Free. That want in your apartment. Your neighbors have a when performed together. Nearly 11,000 people
freedom, however, doesn’t mean “I can do whatev- legal right to peace and quiet. Even though we die every year because people choose to exercise
er I want, whenever I want.” When we choose to live have a Second Amendment, you are not allowed to their “rights” inappropriately.
in a society, there are certain obligations—both shoot a gun for sport in the middle of a city or The exact same reasoning applies to vaccination.


moral and legal—to which we are bound. You town. Stray bullets are not only scary, they’re There is no moral difference between a drunk driver
cannot inflict harm or infringe on the rights and hazardous, and often inadvertently kill people. and a willfully unvaccinated person. Both are
liberties of those around you. Finally, your moral and legal obligations to the selfishly, recklessly and knowingly putting the lives
Those obligations extend even to your constitu- safety of others can even curtail combinations of of everyone they encounter at risk. Their behavior
tional rights. Although we have a First Amendment, your rights. Even though consuming alcohol and endangers the health, safety and livelihood of the


innocent bystanders who happen to have the Is that too harsh? We don’t think so. If a person
misfortune of being in their path. wants to blast their music loudly, shoot guns
The reasons why are simple and straightforward. aimlessly, and drink and drive, they should be
Vaccines aren’t perfect (e.g., they can wear off over allowed to do exactly as they please: so long as it’s
time) and not everyone can be vaccinated. There is on their own property, sufficiently isolated from
one and only one legitimate reason to skip a everyone else. Similarly, if you don’t want to be
vaccine: being immunocompromised. Some vaccinated, perhaps that should be allowed, too, so
individuals, because of genetic deficiencies or long as you agree to permanently live out in the
diseases like cancer, cannot receive vaccines. middle of nowhere.
Other people are too young. Vaccines such as It is inexcusable that society has reached this
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) cannot be point. Many of the deadliest diseases known to
administered before 12 months of age. These humankind are caused by bacteria and viruses, and
vulnerable people rely on the responsible actions dozens of them are now entirely preventable
of everyone else in society to protect them, a thanks to the sciences of microbiology and
concept known as “herd immunity.” immunology.
For their sake, we have a moral—and there People falsely believe that diseases like measles
should also be a legal—obligation to protect them. have “gone away,” but they have not. They’re always
Everyone who can be vaccinated must be vacci- there, waiting to strike as soon as our collective
nated in order to prevent the spread of disease. guard goes down. Not so long ago, smallpox ran
This is a protection we demand even for our the risk of obliterating entire cities, while polio
animals: kennels will turn your pet away if they paralyzed large fractions of a generation. We have
aren’t properly vaccinated and on an accepted flea forgotten this morbid history because public health
treatment. There are rules we all have to play by has been a victim of its own success.
and responsibilities we have to live up to if we want But misinformation abounds. The Internet, both a
to live in a society together. blessing and a curse, has allowed devilish lies,
If this isn’t enough to convince a person to propaganda and a discredited fraud masquerading
become fully vaccinated, then perhaps there is a as science to infect the minds of millions of people.
solution that maintains everybody’s freedom: Unfortunately, there’s no vaccine that can inoculate
Antivaxxers can opt out of American society. No someone against a counterfactual, unscientific
public or private school, workplace or other institu- mindset.
tion should allow a nonexempt, unvaccinated There are, however, vaccines that can prevent
person through its doors. A basic concern for the dozens of harmful diseases. Those who refuse, and
health and safety of others is the price it costs to recklessly endanger others, should be put in
participate. quarantine.

Claire Pomeroy is president of the Opinion
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation,
which is dedicated to advancing
medical research.


Loneliness Is
Harmful to Our
Nation’s Health
Research underscores the role of
social isolation in disease and mortality

hanks to remarkable new technologies and
the widespread use of social media, we are
more “connected” than ever before. Yet as a
nation, we are also more lonely. In fact, a recent
study found that a staggering 47 percent of
Americans often feel alone, left out and lacking
meaningful connection with others. This is true for
all ages, from teenagers to older adults.
The number of people who perceive themselves
to be alone, isolated or distant from others has
reached epidemic levels both in the United States
and in other parts of the world. Indeed, almost two
decades ago, the book Bowling Alone pointed to
the increasing isolation of Americans and our prompting the creation of a new cabinet-level determinant of health. Loneliness can be deadly,
consequent loss of “social capital.” In Japan, for position (the Minister for Loneliness) to combat the according to former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy,
example, an estimated half a million (known as problem. among others, who has stressed the significant

hikikomori) shut themselves away for months on While this “epidemic” of loneliness is increasingly health threat. Loneliness has been estimated to
end. In the United Kingdom, four in 10 citizens recognized as a social issue, what’s less well shorten a person’s life by 15 years, equivalent in
report feelings of chronic, profound loneliness, recognized is the role loneliness plays as a critical impact to being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes


per day. A recent study revealed a surprising

association between loneliness and cancer
Biologists have shown that feelings of loneliness trigger the
mortality risk, pointing to the role loneliness plays release of stress hormones that in turn are associated with
in cancer’s course, including responsiveness to higher blood pressure, decreased resistance to infection and
treatments. increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Biologists have shown that feelings of loneli-
ness trigger the release of stress hormones that
in turn are associated with higher blood pressure, need to address this “epidemic” of alienation and such as the Aspen Institute’s Weave: The Social
decreased resistance to infection and increased despair and to increase social support. For the Fabric project, New York’s Age-Friendly and
risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. There’s first time in the U.S., life expectancy is declining, England’s National Health Service provide
even evidence that this perceived sense of social while the numbers of “deaths of despair” (from strategic assistance—encouraging patients to
isolation accelerates cognitive and functional suicide, drugs and alcohol abuse), especially engage in social activities rather than resorting to
decline and can serve as a preclinical sign for among white males, is on the rise. The chances prescription drugs. And certainly information
Alzheimer’s disease. of dying from an opioid overdose or suicide are technology can be part of the solution as well:
It has long been recognized that social sup- now higher than the odds of dying in a motor apps to “increase sociability” are being developed
port—through the availability of nutritious food, vehicle accident. to combat loneliness. We have good models. We
safe housing and job opportunities—positively So what can be done to combat widespread must prioritize further investment.
influences mental and physical health. Studies loneliness and anomie? The good news is there But perhaps, equally important, each of us can
have repeatedly shown that those with fewer are models of success already in place in the U.S. reach out to someone who may be lonely: the
social connections have the highest mortality and across the world. Programs such as Meals senior next door who never has visitors, the
rates, highlighting that social isolation can on Wheels and help lines that arrange phone homeless person who feels invisible, or the
threaten health through lack of access to clinical calls between volunteers and the lonely—whether mother overwhelmed with the responsibility of a
care, social services or needed support. they be older adults or teens in crisis—offer direct new baby. By making a simple human connection,
However, how the subjective sense of loneli- social support to those feeling profoundly isolat- we can save a life.
ness (experienced by many even while surround- ed. Intergenerational initiatives, like the demen- Health and well-being are profoundly social.
ed by others) is a threat to health may be less tia-friendly villages in the Netherlands, the Ironically, in today’s hyperconnected world, we
intuitive. It is important to recognize that feelings Intergenerational Learning Center in Seattle, and must tackle head-on the growing public health
of social cohesion, mutual trust and respect, global home-sharing programs offer unique crisis of loneliness if we’re to become a healthier
within one’s community and among different opportunities for the elderly to make meaningful nation.
sections of society, are all crucial to well-being. connections with children and young adults.
Perhaps this is especially so at a time of great Community engagement programs such as
social polarization exacerbated by contentious improvisational workshops at Chicago’s Second
politics and vitriolic TV news. City aim to tackle social anxiety and feelings of
These new statistics underscore the urgent isolation through laughter. And policy initiatives

Leo P. Sugrue and Rahul Desikanis are assistant professors Opinion
in the department of radiology and biomedical imaging at the
University of California, San Francisco. They are co-directors of
the Laboratory for Precision Neuroimaging at U.C.S.F.


How Well Can

a Genetic Test
Predict Your
Future Health?
A physician-scientist with crippling ALS
says a so-called polygenic score could someday
help patients like him alter the course of even
the most terrible diseases

f a crystal ball could reveal your personal risk for
developing heart disease or breast cancer or
Alzheimer’s disease, would you pay to take a
look? Would you believe what it predicted and
would you be willing to change your behavior to
prevent or reduce the risk of this disease taking
over your body? These may sound like abstract
philosophical questions—but for us they are not.
Two years ago, as I (Desikanis) completed my


final year of training as an M.D.-Ph.D. neuroscien-
tist and neuroradiologist, and spent my afternoons same disease that killed Lou Gehrig and Stephen would have done anything and everything to stop
rushing back and forth between the hospital and Hawking. If I had any hint that I would develop ALS, or slow the devastation this disease has visited on
the lab, I was oblivious to the fact that I had a high which has locked me inside my body as though my life. If only I could have glimpsed into my future
risk of dying soon. A year later, I was diagnosed inside a cell, unable to move or breathe normally on …
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS—the my own, I can tell you without hesitation that I Today, thanks to the mapping of the human


genome and subsequent efforts to make sense of

the resulting blueprint of As and Ts, Gs and Cs, we
Using advanced computer models, scientists are adding
are close to being able to predict your future health together the influence of the hundreds, even thousands,
from your DNA. Using advanced computer models, of DNA variants associated with a given disease into
scientists are adding together the influence of the what is called a polygenic score.
hundreds, even thousands, of DNA variants
associated with a given disease into what is called
a polygenic score. develop a particular disease over time. polygenic risk can inform treatment decisions and
The influence that each genetic variant exerts on Like the probability of rain in next week’s lifestyle modifications. For example, aggressively
a person’s disease risk may be tiny, but by distilling weather forecast, polygenic scores have inherent lowering cholesterol in individuals with a high
all of this complex genetic information into a single uncertainty. Appreciating this uncertainty is key polygenic score for heart disease may lead to a
number that quantifies an individual person’s because the uncertainty in polygenic scores leaves much greater reduction in the risk of a heart attack
particular genetic risk of disease, polygenic scores room for action. We know that for many complex than doing so in people with a low polygenic score.
pack powerful risk prediction into a single number. diseases behavior is just as important as genes in Polygenic scores may also influence dis-
The hope is that your personalized polygenic score setting the stage for what is to come. If disease ease-screening strategies. Recently, it was shown
could help you prevent disease, live longer and onset isn’t solely determined by genes, then that a polygenic score can predict risk for aggres-
plan for your future. lifestyle or therapeutic interventions can prevent or sive prostate cancer, suggesting that it could
Can a genetic test really predict your health? Do modify the trajectory of disease. identify men who would benefit most from PSA
you want to know today that you are at high risk of Polygenic scores will need to undergo rigorous screening. Finally, knowledge of polygenic risk can
a disease whose onset may be three decades from evaluation by the medical community before being be useful in planning for the future. For example,
now? And if the genetic test comes out positive for incorporated into clinical practice. However, although we don’t yet have effective treatment for
a terminal disease that has no cure, what would companies are already offering these tests direct dementia, knowing that you are at high risk for
you do? These are the kinds of tough questions to consumers. Myriad Genetics has launched a Alzheimer’s disease can help you make informed
that we need to start discussing as we enter this commercial polygenic test that estimates breast decisions about changing your behavior—keeping
new age of genomic medicine. cancer risk for women. HealthLytix and Dash heart and brain healthy through diet and exercise,
As we embark on this discussion, the most Genomics have developed a polygenic test for and, of course, paying more attention to your future
important thing to know is that polygenic scores Alzheimer’s disease available to anyone who finances and plans for long-term care.
are not diagnostic tests. Even doctors and other already has their DNA data from Ancestry.com or In our laboratory at the University of California,
health professionals get this wrong. Polygenic 23andMe—upload your data and for $99 an app San Francisco, we are experimenting with and
scores measure your risk for developing a disease, on your smartphone will tell you when you are at developing molecular pathway-specific polygenic
not whether you do or don’t have the disease, or greatest risk for developing dementia. scores. We have found that different molecular
even whether you will ever get that disease. Given These easy to understand scores are being processes appear to underlie and drive brain
your combination of genetic risk factors, these hailed as a breakthrough technology. But how diseases like Alzheimer’s and ALS in different
scores estimate the probability that you will might these scores actually help you? First, patients. The implication is that a subset of people


with Alzheimer’s may be genetically susceptible to

immune dysfunction, whereas another group of
Alzheimer’s patients may have genetic abnormali-
ties that make them susceptible to cardiovascular
disease. We are building an online platform for
people at risk for or living with Alzheimer’s and
ALS: upload your DNA, and the Web site will send
you a cardiovascular and immune polygenic report
card that you can take to your doctor.
Today we have unprecedented access to
information. Our genetic data will soon be added to
the global libraries of digital information to which
we have almost instant access, and the use of
genetic risk scores will soon become common-
place in our lives. As a society, we need to under-
stand what this genetic knowledge does and does
not mean and become comfortable with the
prognostic uncertainty inherent in these genetic
risk scores. As an individual, you should know that
your polygenic risk profile has the potential to tell
you which interventions are likely to have the
biggest positive impact on your long-term health.
Armed with knowledge about the capabilities
and limitations of polygenic scores, you can make
informed decisions and choose exactly how a
genetic test will shape your future.

Navdeep S. Chandel is David W. Cugell Professor of Medicine Opinion
and Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine. He also serves as a
scientific adviser to Rafael Pharmaceuticals, a company
developing cell metabolic therapies to combat cancer.


A New Way to
Fight Cancer
Metabolic therapy is showing promise
in robbing malignant cells of their
primary energy source

n any given day, there are often more than
100 news articles focused on cancer,
many of which speak to new and promis-
ing studies or breakthroughs in a research lab.
The desperation for better treatment options is
palpable. And it is no wonder, since one in three
people will be diagnosed with cancer in their life-
time. While cancer research and treatments have
made great strides, cancer is still far too common,
which raises the question: What is missing?
Traditional cancer treatments such as chemo-
therapy, radiation and immunotherapy have grown Cancerous
by leaps and bounds, but they each have their myeloma


limitations. Chemotherapy can be very effective
and is still the standard of care, but it shuts down
the immune system in the process and recurrence increasingly hopeful about advances made in however, known as cell metabolic therapy, which
is often likely, among many other concerns. Most immunotherapy, but it is still only 20 to 30 percent has been researched and discussed for decades
types of radiation cannot reach all parts of the effective in some cancers and completely ineffec- without producing viable treatment options. Cell
body and therefore cannot be used for cancers tive in others. metabolic therapy targets the mitochondria—ener-
that have spread. Finally, the medical community is There is another type of cancer treatment, gy producers—of cancer cells, shutting down their


growth and preventing them from spreading. If we growth and proliferation. Therefore, by targeting There are also newer drugs, developed in the
remove the energy source that these cells use to the mitochondria of cancerous cells, we can past decade, that diminish mitochondrial function.
power their attack on the body, we can stop the diminish their ability to grow—hitting cancer where One example is devimistat, a clinical-stage drug
disease dead in its tracks. it hurts the most. that is being evaluated in phase I, II and III trials. In
There are many reasons why cell metabolic Developing a treatment that can do this effec- a phase I trial, devimistat used in combination with
therapy has failed in previous decades, but recent tively is not so simple, however. While many labs a chemotherapy regimen known as FOLFIRINOX
data are demonstrating that it is finally turning a have tried to create therapies that target cancer increased survival in pancreatic cancer patients.
corner. cell mitochondria, most have failed. Often, the Devimistat inhibits enzymes in the mitochondria,
The mitochondria regulate the metabolism of challenge has been selectively targeting the thus preventing mitochondria from producing
most cells in the body, giving them energy they mitochondria of cancer cells while sparing those of macromolecules for growth. Another clinical-stage
need to perform. In the last decade, our under- healthy cells. Another challenge is that cancer cells drug is CB-839, which inhibits an enzyme that
standing of the role that mitochondria play in quickly find ways to get around the therapy-in- provides fuel to mitochondria. CB-839 is in phase I
cancer growth has developed exponentially. duced suppression of metabolic pathways. For and II clinical trials.
Scientists used to think that mitochondria were decades, the field of cancer cell metabolic therapy Cancer metabolism is becoming an exciting and
dispensable because they did not seem to be has remained a deserted island. promising area for the development of drugs to
active in tumor cells. However, we now understand But all of that is changing. In fact, we are seeing treat the disease, especially with promising recent
that the opposite is true. a renewed interest with researchers exploring the research showing that cell metabolic therapy can
Cellular metabolism is the set of chemical metabolic emergence of cancer cells to facilitate selectively target the mitochondria of cancer cells.
reactions that occur in living organisms in order to the discovery and development of new therapies. By better understanding cancer-specific metabolic
maintain life, involving a complex sequence of Metformin and hydroxychloroquine, for example, processes, researchers can find new drugs to revo-
controlled biochemical reactions known as meta- are two widely used FDA-approved drugs that lutionize cancer treatment and explore this new
bolic pathways. Back in the 1920s, Otto Warburg have been repurposed as anticancer drugs, for alternative to traditional treatments.
observed that thin slices of tumors consume more cancer therapy. Metformin typically is used as a Targeting cancer metabolism represents an
glucose than normal cells and convert most of the first-line agent for diabetes treatment. Its antican- opportunity to develop novel, selective and broadly
glucose to lactic acid. This “Warburg effect” is the cer effect is due in part to the way it diminishes applicable drugs to treat a multiplicity of cancer
foundation of one of the earliest concepts of mitochondrial metabolic functions. types. An exciting area that is being explored is
cancer, which holds that at the root of tumor Currently, there are multiple trials using met- how metabolic therapy might enhance the efficacy
formation and growth is a fundamental disturbance formin, including a large phase III clinical trial in of existing therapies, including immunotherapy.
of cellular metabolic activity. breast cancer. Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalaria Within the next decade, the field of therapy
Today, we understand that the metabolic trans- drug. Studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine targeting cancer metabolism may join the main-
formation from a healthy cell to a cancer cell can decrease tumor growth by cutting off the fuels stream cancer treatments.
involves mitochondria, not only for generating that promote mitochondrial function. There are
energy but also for producing biosynthetic interme- multiple phase I and II trials testing the efficacy of
diates, the building blocks used to support new cell hydroxychloroquine.

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