Quarter 2 - Weekly Test #4 - Plant Reproduction

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Science 5

Quarter 2 - Weekly Test #4

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

1. What do you call the process of reproduction in plants where the male and female parts are
A. asexual B. budding C. pollination D. sexual
2. Which of the following is the male organ of a flower?
A. pistil B. petal C. stamen D. style
3. Which is TRUE about asexual reproduction?
A. Flowering plants use asexual reproduction.
B. Only non-flowering plants can do asexual reproduction.
C. There is only one parent involved in asexual reproduction.
D. There are at least two parents involved in asexual reproduction.
4. These are upright shoots that grow from buds found at the base of stems of parent plants.
Examples of these are banana, bamboo, and pineapple.
A. suckers B. leaves C. leaves D. bulbs
5. Some plants can reproduce asexually through their stems. Most shrubs grow through stem cutting
where a mature stem is cut and replanted to grow into a new plant. Which of the following are
examples of plants that grow from cutting?
A. sweet potato, cassava, and dahlia
B. tulips, hyacinth, snowdrops, and ginger
C. bamboos, bougainvillea, ginger and lotus
D. rose plant, bougainvillea, gardenia, and dahlia
6. Which is an example of a tuber?
A. guava plant B. mango plant C. orange plant D. potato plant
7. Roses, lilies, mangoes, daffodil and petunia are common examples of hermaphrodite flowers. How
can you describe a hermaphrodite flower?
A. It has both the male and female parts.
B. It has big, colorful petals to attract the pollinators.
C. It has receptacles and sepal to protect the developing flower.
D. It has sweet-scented nectar which insects gather to make honey.
8. Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of the flower to the female
stigma. What is the most common method of transferring the pollen grains from the male anther of a
flower to the female stigma?
A. Self- pollination C. Perfect pollination
B. Cross- pollination D. Imperfect- pollination
9. Plants like human, need to reproduce. Can you identify the parts of the female reproductive organ
based on the given illustration below?
A. style and ovary only
B. stigma, style, and ovary
C. filament, stigma, style, and ovary
D. anther, filament, stigma, style, and ovary
10. Which plant is a rhizome?
A. potato B. katakataka C. ginger D. onion
11. Teacher Jobelle shown an illustration of flowers to her students. She asked them to examine each
and tell something about them. What are the observations that they may come up?
Flower A Flower B

A. Flower A and Flower B are examples of perfect flower because they have both the male and
female reproductive structure.
B. Flower A and Flower B are examples of imperfect flower because they only have the male
reproductive structure.
C. Flower A and Flower B are examples of imperfect flower because they only have the female
reproductive structure.
D. Flower A is an example of perfect flower because it has both the male and female parts in the
same flower while Flower B is an example of imperfect flower because it only has the female
reproductive structure.
12. Pistil and stamen are the most important parts of the plant in terms of reproduction. Which
statement is true about stamen?
A. It is the male part of a flower which consists of anther and filament.
B. It is the male part of a flower which consists of the stigma, and ovary.
C. It is the female part of the flower which consists of the anther and filament.
D. It is the female part of a flower part of a flower which consists of the stigma, style, and ovary.
13. Look at the illustration below. What is the function of the stigma?
A. The stigma is a swollen structure at the end of the style which received the
pollen grains.
B. The stigma is consisting of two lobes that contain the pollen sacs which
have pollen grains that are released by the anther.
C. The stigma is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the
flower or group of flowers.
D. The stigma is the most obvious part of a flower because of its bright color
which attracts insects for pollination.
14. Plants may produce flowers that are perfect or imperfect. If you were to examine the illustration of
a flower below, how are you going to categorize it and why?
A. It is a vascular plant because it has both male (stamen) and female
(pistil) reproductive structures.
B. It is a non-vascular plant because it is missing the male or female
C. It is a perfect flower because it has both male (stamen) and female
(pistil) reproductive structures.
D. It is an imperfect flower because it is missing the male or female
15. A farmer cuts the mature stem of bougainvillea plant and lets roots develop on them giving rise to
new plants. What kind of plant propagation did he apply?
A. cuttings B. rhizomes C. stolon D. tubers
16. Pollination occurs in nature with the help of insects and wind. Which statement describes cross-
A. The production of seeds in a flower.
B. The union of the sperm and the egg cell.
C. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.
D. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of another flower of another plant but of the
same kind.
17. Your sister wanted to plant a ginger which uses vegetative propagation
where new plants produced grow from roots, stem, and leaves of the parent
plant. Which asexual reproduction it belongs and as shown by the illustration
A. Bulb C. Rhizome
B. Corm D. Tuber
18. A gardener noticed that the offspring of his strawberry plants looked identical, while all the
flowering plants looked different. Which is likely true of the plants?
A. Both the strawberries and flowering plants reproduced sexually.
B. Both the strawberries and flowering plants reproduced asexually.
C. The strawberries reproduced asexually, while the flowering plants reproduced sexually.
D. The strawberries reproduced sexually, while the flowering plants reproduced asexually.
19. Plants reproduce sexually and asexually. Which of the following statements describes the
difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
A. Sexual reproduction is faster than asexual reproduction.
B. Sexual reproduction requires one parent, but asexual requires two.
C. Sexual reproduction requires two parents, but asexual requires one.
D. Sexual reproduction produces identical offspring, but asexual produces offspring that are a
combination of both parents.
20. Teacher Jenna mentioned that a katakataka reproduce when the leaves fall off from the mature
plant, then the buds grow and develop into new plants. How does this plant reproduce?
A. sexually C. none of the above
B. asexually D. both sexual and asexual

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