A Brief Review of Methods For The Design and Synthesis Optimization of Energy Systems (#76638) - 65612

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Applied Thermodynamics, ISSN 1301-9724

Vol.5 (No.4), pp.151-160, December-2002

A Brief Review of Methods for the Design and Synthesis Optimization

of Energy Systems

National Technical University of Athens
Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 157 73 Zografou, Greece.
Tel: +30-210-7721108, Fax: +30-210-7721117
E-mail: [email protected]
Michael R. von SPAKOVSKY
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA.
Tel: +1-540-2316684, Fax: +1-540-2319100,
E-mail: [email protected]
Università di Roma 1 “ La Sapienza”
Dipartimento di Meccanica ed Aeronautica
Via Eudossiana 18, 00185 Roma, Italy.
Tel: +39-06-44585244, Fax: +39-06-4881759
E-mail: [email protected]

The optimization of energy systems is of crucial importance for a rational use of natural
and economic resources and for minimizing their adverse effects on the environment.
Optimizing such systems may be considered at three levels: synthesis (configuration),
design (component characteristics), and operation. The first two of these levels are ex-
amined in this article. After a discussion on the uniqueness of the solution and the pos-
sibility of finding this solution, the principal approaches and methods for solving the
optimization problem are described in brief.
Key words: thermoeconomics, design optimization of energy systems, synthesis
optimization of energy systems, artificial ıntelligence, genetic algorithms,
mathematical programming, decomposition

1. Introduction • What are the best flow rates, pressures, and

temperatures of the various working fluids?
When the energy needs of a group of con-
sumers of any size (house, city, industrial unit, • What is the best operating point of the sys-
region, etc.) are identified, questions such as the tem at each instant of time?
following arise:
The best or ‘optimum’ system is the one
• Given the energy needs, what is the best that satisfies a criterion of optimality, i.e. the one
type of energy system to be used? that minimizes (or maximizes) an objective func-
• What is the best system configuration tion. Three levels of optimization are identified:
(components and their interconnections)? (A) synthesis, implying the set of components
appearing in a system and their interconnections,
• What are the best technical characteris-tics (B) design, implying the technical specifications
of each component (dimensions, material, of the components and the properties of sub-
capacity, performance, etc.)?
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4) 151
stances flowing throughout the system at the tive decisions there is need for many qualitative
nominal load, and (C) operation, implying the decisions, which may be non-deterministic. In
operating properties of components and sub- such a case, innovation and creativity play a vital
stances under specified conditions. The complete role. Given the multitude of energy system types
optimization problem is stated by the following and the variations in each type, one may question
question: whether it is ever possible to replace the experi-
What is the synthesis of the system, the de- enced designer’s mental process with an algo-
sign characteristics of the components, and the rithm consisting of a set of formulae and rules.
operating strategy that lead to an overall opti- On the other hand, in today’s complex world,
mum? this same multitude of types and variations
makes it rather impossible even for an experi-
Level C, which appears when the synthesis enced designer to evaluate all possible alterna-
and design of a system are given, is not the sub- tives. Consequently, an automated procedure, if
ject of this article, but the interested reader can properly used, can be of invaluable help to the
find information in the literature, e.g., (Bausa designer.
and Tsatsaronis 2001, Frangopoulos et al. 1996,
Olsommer et al. 1999). Several methods have been developed for
the synthesis optimization of processes and sys-
2. Discussion on the Uniqueness of the Solu- tems. Some of these are applicable only to par-
tion of the Synthesis and Design Optimiza- ticular classes of systems (e.g., heat exchanger
tion Problem and on the Possibility of networks). Other methods are applied to more
finding this Solution complex energy systems. However, up until now
there has been no single method that can tackle
In mathematical optimization, the best sys-
tem is the one that minimizes (or maximizes) an the synthesis optimization problem in all its gen-
objective function. Let us assume that minimiza- erality and completeness. The field is, thus, still
tion of the total cost is the objective and that the open to research.
optimization problem has a solution, i.e. a system 3. Approaches to the Optimal Synthesis of
has been determined that satisfies the objective. Energy Systems
Is this indeed the solution sought or must one
also compare the performance of this system The various methods that have appeared in
with the performance of other (non-optimal) sys- the literature on the optimal synthesis of energy
tems based on other points of view, e.g., main- systems can be classified into three groups:
tainability or environmental effects? There may (a) Methods based on heuristics and evolution-
be cases when such a comparison shows that the ary search.
‘optimal’ with respect to the cost of the system is
not at all good when these other points of view (b) Methods attempting to reach pre-
are considered (attempts to translate other as- determined targets, which have been iden-
pects into cost are made but there may still be tified by the application of physical rules.
aspects that cannot be handled in this way). (c) Methods starting with a superstructure,
Multi-objective optimization is an attempt to which is reduced to the optimal configura-
correct such deficiencies. However, the solution tion.
then depends on subjective weighting factors or
In class (a), rules based on engineering ex-
additional criteria. The point of all this is that the
perience and on physical concepts (e.g., exergy)
optimal solution may not be unique and is ‘opti-
are applied to generate feasible configurations,
mal’ only in the strict mathematical sense. Thus,
which are subsequently improved by applying a
even if the design procedure can be automated,
set of evolutionary rules in a systematic way.
expert human intervention is needed to evaluate
These rules may come from special techniques,
the results and reach a final decision.
such as exergy analysis. Artificial Intelligence
Another issue is the following. In the usual and Expert Systems have proven effective in
design process of an energy system, the designer generating appropriate configurations. For each
uses knowledge and experience to select the acceptable configuration, a figure of merit or
type, configuration and technical characteristics performance indicator is evaluated (e.g., effi-
of a workable system (i.e. a system that is tech- ciency, cost, etc.) and the system with the best
nically feasible and satisfies a given set of performance is selected. The best of a certain set
needs), which he/she then evaluates for its tech- of configurations, however, does not guarantee
nical and economic performance and for ways of that the optimal configuration has been revealed.
improving it. If the system synthesis (type and In most cases, though, at least a near-optimal
configuration) is given, the decisions to be taken configuration has been obtained (Kott et al.
are of a rather quantitative nature. If, however, 1989, Sciubba 1998, Sciubba and Melli 1998).
the synthesis is not given, in addition to quantita-

152 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4)

In class (b), principles from thermodynam- hi(x) = 0, i = 1, 2, …, I (2)
ics and other physical sciences are applied to
gj(x) ≤ 0, j = 1, 2, …, J (3)
obtain targets for the optimal system configura-
tion. These targets can correspond to upper or where
lower bounds on the best possible configuration x set of independent variables for operation
and provide vital information for improvement of optimization (load factors of components,
existing configurations. In addition, many con- mass flow rates, pressures and temperatures
figurations are excluded from further investiga- of streams, etc.),
tion, thus reducing the search space for the best w set of independent variables for design op-
system. If the physical target is the optimization timization (nominal capacities of compo-
objective (e.g., minimization of energy utiliza- nents, geometry, mass flow rates, pressures
tion), then these methods provide the solution to and temperatures of streams, etc.),
the optimization problem. However, if the opti- z set of independent variables for synthesis
mization objective is economic, e.g., minimiza- optimization; there is only one variable of
tion of the total cost, then these methods are not this type for each component, indicating
very appropriate. Attempts have been made to whether the component exists in the opti-
introduce economics at a second level, but the mal configuration or not; it may be a binary
whole approach is mathematically non-rigorous (0 or 1), an integer, or a continuous variable
and, conse-quently, the configuration obtained such as the rated power of a component,
may be non-optimal (Linnhoff et al. 1982, Linn- with a zero value indicating the non-
hoff 1989). existence of a component in the final con-
In class (c), a superstructure is considered figuration.
with all the possible (or necessary) components hi(x) equality constraint functions, which consti-
and interconnections. An objective function is tute the simulation model of the system and
specified and the optimization problem is formu- are derived by an analysis of the system
lated. The solution of the optimization problem (energetic, exergetic, economic, etc.),
gives the optimal system configuration, which,
gj(x) inequality constraint functions correspond-
inevitably, depends on (and is restricted by) the
ing to design and operation limits, state
initial superstructure. The main advantages of
regulations, safety requirements, etc.
such an approach are that it can work with any
objective function and that it automatically re- Several objectives pertinent to energy sys-
veals the optimal system configuration. The dif- tems can be written in the form of Eq. (1). For
ficulty with these methods is that the size of the example, F can be the fuel consumption, exergy
optimization problem may be such that the avail- destruction, annualized cost of owning and oper-
able mathematical optimization algorithms may ating the system, life-cycle cost (including envi-
not be capable of a rigorous solution. Thus, the ronmental considerations, if needed), etc. Multi-
need arises for advances in optimization theory objective optimization can also be written in the
and algorithms. It goes without saying that the form of Eq. (1), but only if the various objectives
methods of class (c) can find the optimal con- are combined into one objective function by
figuration only out of those represented in the means of weighting factors.
superstructure (Olsommer et al. 1999, Floudas For a given synthesis (structure) of the sys-
1995, Frangopoulos 1990, Munoz and von tem, i.e. for given z, the optimization problem
Spakovsky 2000, 2001a, 2001b). becomes one of design and operation:
It should be noted that the distinction min imize Fd (x, w ) (1) d
among the three classes may not be so clear-cut. x ,w

For example, the targets of class (b) can serve as Furthermore, if the system is completely
heuristics or rules in class (a) and they can be specified (both z and w are given), then an opera-
embedded in the optimization procedures of class tion optimization problem is indicated:
(c) to the benefit of the whole process.
min imize Fop ( x ) (1) op
4. Mathematical Statement of the Complete
Optimization Problem 5. Representative Methods for the Solution of
The objective function of the complete op- the Synthesis Optimization Problem
timization problem (i.e. synthesis, design, and The design optimization problem can be
operation) is written in the general form: solved by a number of methods described in the
min imize F(x, w, z ) (1) literature (Floudas 1995, Bejan et al. 1996,
x ,w,z Stoecker 1989, Rao 1996, Reklaitis et al. 1983,
subject to the constraints Papalambros and Wilde 2000, Moré and Wright

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4) 153

1993). In this section, representative methods for on the resulting process configuration, and this
the solution of the synthesis optimization prob- step is entirely left to the "experience" of the
lem are described in brief, no matter whether Designer. Similarly, splitting a process into sub-
they locate the near-optimum solution (classes processes can be done in more than one way, and
(a) and (b)) or the optimum one (class (c)) within selecting the one or the other corresponds to bi-
the constraints and limitations mentioned in Sec- asing the entire procedure. In spite of its limita-
tion 3. tions, this method has been reported here because
it has many similarities with the AI methods that
5.1. The Connectivity matrix method
will be discussed later.
This method is a direct application of Graph
Theory to process design (Bondy and Murty
1976, Linial et al. 1986). It consists of the fol- 6
lowing steps:
C1 C3 C5
1. Create a logical process scheme. This is a 1 5
very general task and does not imply the se-
lection or placement of any component. It 7 8 9
entails though the selection of the chemi- 10
cal/physical sub-processes that constitute C2 C4 C6
the main process. 2 3 4
2. Construct the Connectivity Matrix (CM) for Figure 1. A logical process scheme.
the logical process scheme. The rows of
CM represent fluxes of matter or of energy, TABLE I. CONNECTIVITY MATRIX OF
while the columns represent "operations" to THE PROCESS IN FIGURE 1.
be performed on these fluxes. A "1" in posi-
tion ij signifies that flux i undergoes trans- Stream Component
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
formation j; a "0" signals no inter-action of
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
flux i with sub-process j. A logical process
scheme and its connectivity matrix are 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
shown in Figure 1 and TABLE I. 3 0 1 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 0 1
3. "Translate" each operation listed in CM into 5 1 0 1 0 0 0
a series of physical transformations and de-
6 1 0 0 0 1 0
vise one elementary sub-process scheme for
7 0 0 1 0 0 0
each transformation. For example, the op-
eration "boiling" is translated into "pressur- 8 0 0 1 0 0 1
ized, then fed into a boiler, then super- 9 0 0 0 0 1 1
heated, then throttled, then exhausted". In- 10 0 0 0 0 0 1
troduce these sub-process schemes into
5.2. Simulated annealing
each one of the applicable columns of CM:
this corresponds to expanding the matrix by Simulated annealing (SA) is a very smart
adding several additional columns. variant of the Matrix Method and, in spite of
4. Substitute into each transformation in every some limitations that we shall discuss below, is a
sub-process the component that performs it. very reliable Process Synthesizer. Though origi-
Notice that at this point technical and op- nally conceived as a multi-variable optimization
erational constraints may come into play tool, it was later adapted to function as a struc-
and limit or deny altogether the feasibility tural optimizer (Metropolis et al. 1953). The
of a certain solution. name is derived from a physical process that will
briefly be described before the details of the
5. The resulting matrix is the Connectivity computational procedure are explained.
Matrix of the real process P. A proper quan-
titative simulation of P must now be per- When a mass of molten metal is slowly
formed to obtain the optimal set of opera- cooled, the temperature distribution inside the
tional parameters. body is not uniform: it is usually lower at the
external boundaries and hotter inside. Since the
It is apparent that this method is a direct
thermodynamic energy of the single molecules is
translation of the "mental scheme" a Process
proportional to their temperature, organized
Engineer applies to a design task, and it is en-
structures (crystals and grains) begin to appear
tirely deterministic. Unfortunately, it is also clear
preferably in the low-temperature areas: their
that the method is strongly biased by the choices
distribution is normally random (in reality, it
made in points 1 and 3. Choosing a process
depends on the presence of "crystallization
scheme in fact sets a major structural constraint
seeds", but this is irrelevant in our context). If the
154 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4)
cooling is slow enough, the entire body reaches a
state of minimum energy, corresponding to the
crystalline (and phase) structure in equilibrium at
that temperature. If the cooling rate is "too high",
there is not sufficient time for the entire body to
reach a global minimum energy configuration,
and the final structure consists of a certain num- Initial Superstructure. F=F0, T=T0
ber of equilibrium crystalline structures (having
the minimal energy level compatible with the
local temperature) trapped inside of a usually
irregular ensemble of "frozen" non-equilibrium
entities (crystals and grains whose structures
entail higher-than-equilibrium energies or amor-
phous, frozen liquid). Thus, the final outcome of
the process depends on a global external parame-
ter (cooling rate), while the final global energy Two fluxes deleted. F=F1<F0, T=T0
content may or may not be the global (equilib-
rium) minimum, depending on the history of the
local conditions that were experienced by the
various parts of the originally liquid mass upon
The original idea for simulated annealing
was that of constructing an algorithm that could
mimic this search for a global optimum by con- An additional flux deleted.
trolling the rate of decrease of a global "energy"
F=F2>F1, T=T0
parameter (which was called "T", a fictitious
temperature) and nesting a sub-optimization for pb = ae − b / T0 ⇒ may be accepted
each level of T. The procedure consists of the
following steps (Figure 2):
1. Select a Process Superstructure, i.e. a ficti-
tious process Connectivity Matrix (CM) in
which all of the components that may be
useful in any of the possible sub-processes
that lead from input to output are repre-
sented. This particular CM has a very high New Superstructure
interconnectivity: most components are F = F2 , T1 = T0 (1 − ε )
connected to most others by at least one of
the possible fluxes of matter or energy. Figure 2. Working principle ofsimulated
2. Establish (define) a global fictitious quan- annealing.
tity T that is the functional equivalent of the this corresponds to eliminating component
energy distribution in a solidifying liquid. K. Not all "moves" are acceptable: some
Assuming we are trying to minimize the ob- physical (mass and energy balances) and
jective function, this means that if the sys- possibly some configuration constraints ap-
tem is in state X, with a corresponding ply.
value f(X), there is a small probability that,
for a given T, a different configuration Y, 5. Perform a simplified process simulation
with f(Y) > f(X) is admissible, i.e. can be again and compute the new value of the ob-
reached by the system. jective function. If f(Y) < f(X), the "new"
configuration is accepted. If f(Y) > f(X),
3. Perform a simplified process simulation (if there is a probability p = ae-b/T that f(Y)
necessary introducing artificial constraints may still be an acceptable state (a and b are
to force some of the most unlikely matches arbitrary, case-dependent constants).
among components) and compute the ob-
jective function (usually consisting of a 6. Decrease T by a pre-assigned amount and
proper combination of performance and repeat steps 4 and 5.
cost index). 7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 N times: this corre-
4. Randomly modify the system inter- sponds in our example to subtracting N
connection, for instance, by inserting "0" in components from the initial super-
all entries in a randomly selected column k: configuration, but other norms for N are ac-

Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4) 155

ceptable as well. Record the minimum (or Multilevel optimization and decomposition,
maximum, depending on the case) value of which are described below as well as in the
the objective function reached in these N aforementioned article, can be used to facilitate
reduced configurations. the solution.
8. Take now as the "new super-configuration" 5.4. Targeting methods
the modified configuration that achieved The term “supertargeting” also appears in
the lowest (or highest) value of the objec- the literature. The ideas originated in the attempt
tive function in the previous N trials. to optimize heat exchanger networks (HEN).
9. Repeat steps 3 to 7 until the value of the One of the targets is the minimum utility cost
objective function does not change much target and the related problem can be stated as
from one "new super-configuration" to the follows:
next. The last configuration (which is likely Given a heat recovery approach tempera-
to consist of a much lower number of com- ture, determine the minimum utility consumption
ponents than the original one) is the sought (or utility cost) of a heat exchanger network
after "optimal" process structure. without prior knowledge of the HEN configura-
The correct choice of the quantifier T is tion.
crucial in simulated annealing. Unfortunately, its This is a very important target since it cor-
formulation is entirely heuristic, because the responds to the maximum energy recovery that
analogy between the numerical procedure and can be attained in a feasible HEN for a fixed heat
the physical annealing process is not perfect. recovery approach temperature. This target leads
Usually, a dimensionless T is defined, and its to near-optimal solutions (HEN configurations)
decrease from one level to the next is established as long as the energy is the dominant cost item as
a priori by a linear law of the type Tj+1 = Tj (1 − ε ) compared to the investment cost. The key con-
with ε = 1 ÷ 3% . It is important to remark, cept that allows for a determination of the mini-
though this is rarely mentioned, that the choice mum utility cost prior to knowing the HEN struc-
of the initial superstructure has a strong influence ture is the pinch point. The related concepts and
on the final outcome, SA being in fact strongly applications are presented in the literature (Linn-
biased with respect to its "initial conditions". hoff 1989, Floudas 1995, Frangopoulos 1990,
Bejan et al. 1996).
5.3. Algorithmic approaches
The related methods have been extended in
The problem stated by Eqs. (1)-(3) can be
two ways: (i) to include capital and operational
solved by direct application of optimization algo-
expenses other than the cost of utilities, and (ii)
rithms. Appropriate for this purpose are mixed
to allow application to energy systems that in-
integer - linear or integer - nonlinear program- clude other components in addition to heat ex-
ming algorithms (depending on whether the changers (e.g., power plants). The whole optimi-
functions appearing in Eqs. (1)-(3) are linear or zation problem is decomposed into two levels:
nonlinear) and genetic algorithms (Floudas 1995, synthesis of the system directed by thermody-
Goldberg 1989, Gen and Cheng 1997, Chambers namic targets and then cost minimization. How-
et al. 1995). They both operate on a specified ever, this decomposition is not always mathe-
superstructure. Usually, integer variables are matically correct, leading to inexact solutions of
used to describe the synthesis of the system (e.g., the optimization problem.
existence or non-existence of components), while
real variables correspond to design and opera- 5.5. The intelligent functional approach
tional characteristics of components. The method is a further development of the
Genetic algorithms have the advantage that Functional Approach described in the literature
they can reveal more than one near-optimal con- (Frangopoulos 1983, 1987, 1990). It operates on
figuration, so the designer may apply additional a superstructure, which is properly analyzed to
criteria to select the preferable one. Computa- define the functions of the various components
tionally they are more intense and they, too, can and the related Lagrange multipliers. The values
be, if not properly conditioned, rather sensitive to of the Lagrange multipliers, as they are calcu-
the choice of the initial superstructure (‘gene- lated in the procedure, are used to decide on the
pool’). It is also possible to combine a genetic existence of certain components. Multilevel op-
algorithm with a linear or nonlinear program- timization for the synthesis, design and operation
ming algorithm. The first one is used to effec- optimization problems is applied. Decomposition
tively reach near-optimal solutions for configura- can also be applied with respect to subsystems
tion, design and operation and the second one to and/or with respect to time, if conditions change
determine the exact values of the independent with time. A combination of genetic algorithms,
variables at the design and operation levels. nonlinear programming algorithms, and the intel-

156 Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4)

ligent functional approach has been successful in solutions determined for the given synthe-
reducing the time for solution of the optimization sis/design point. These feasible solutions are then
problem. optimized at all off-design conditions in order to
5.6. Decomposition determine the overall optimal solution. This type
of decomposition (sometimes referred to as a
There are a number of reasons for using de- form of time decomposition in the literature)
composition in its various forms to reformulate reduces the computational burden seen with the
the optimization problem for energy system syn- former approach by assuming that only a limited
thesis, design, and operation, which in its full number of feasible solutions need be optimally
complexity is defined as a dynamic, non-linear, evaluated at off-design.
mixed-integer programming problem. For exam-
ple, decomposition can make an intractable, The next type of decomposition is time de-
highly complex, highly dynamic problem with a composition, which decomposes the operational
large number of degrees of freedom tractable by optimization problem into a series of quasi-
breaking the original optimization problem into a stationary sub-problems each of which corre-
set of smaller problems, the solution to which spond to a given time interval. These can be op-
closely approximates the solution of the former. timized individually with respect to a set of
Decomposition may also be warranted when cer- unique operational/control variables and the re-
tain company and geographical boundaries (e.g., sults summed over all intervals. This form of
design teams located far from each other) do not decomposition complements the others.
permit solution of the original problem as a sin- In contrast to the two previous types of de-
gle problem. composition, physical decomposition looks at the
Three principal types of decomposition ex- system itself and breaks it down into a set of
ist: conceptual, time, and physical. The first of units (sub-systems, components, or sub-
these decomposes the conceptual aspects of the components), each of which forms a sub-
optimization problem, i.e. synthesis, design, and problem within the context of the overall system
operation, into two or three levels of optimiza- optimization problem. All such approaches
tion (A, B, C, as mentioned in the Introduction). within the literature (e.g., Munoz and von
At the operational level, the system is optimized Spakovsky 2000, 2001a, 2001b, von Spakovsky
with respect to a set of operational/control vari- and Evans 1993), can be classified either as a
ables for a fixed structure (synthesis/design) Local-Global Optimization (LGO) or an Iterative
across an entire load/environmental profile in Local-Global Optimization (ILGO) approach. In
order to determine optimal system behavior un- both, it is assumed that a number of disjoint sub-
der any (design and off-design) conditions. The sets of the set of synthesis/design variables (one
results are then integrated over time and intro- set for each unit and one, if needed, at the system
duced at the synthesis level. At this level, a new level) can be established. Each set at the unit-
choice of system configuration (synthesis) is level is used to optimize its respective sub-
made based on minimizing (or maximizing) the problem while the system-level set is used to
system’s objective function with respect to a set optimize the overall problem at the system-level.
of synthesis variables. The results of this optimi- In LGO, this results in a nested set of optimiza-
zation are then passed to the design level where tions of unit-level problems within an overall
for a fixed configuration the system’s objective system-level problem.
function is minimized (or maximized) with re- A conceptual depiction of this approach is
spect to a set of design variables. An iterative seen in Figure 3 where, for example, at the unit-
procedure is then set up which moves back and level the local objective C1 is optimized (see the
forth between the three levels of optimization, highly non-linear surface on the far right in Fig-
terminating once the global optimum for the ob- ure 3) with respect to its disjoint sub-set of vari-
jective function has been found. This type of
ables w1 , z1 . This optimization occurs for fixed
decomposition results in a set of nested optimiza-
tion problems simpler than the original but much values (ξ, ψ) of the system-level set of variables
more computationally intensive (Olsommer et al. or coupling functions uij. The other units are
1999, Frangopoulos 1990). likewise optimized locally and this process is
repeated many times for different values of the
A variation on this type of decomposition,
coupling functions. The final result of this proc-
which avoids this sort of nesting, completely
ess is a set of unit-level optimum response sur-
separates the synthesis/design level(s) from the
operational level (Munoz and von Spakovsky faces (ORSs), the combination of which results
2000, 2001a, 2001b). In this approach, the sys- in the system-level ORS seen in Figure 3. The
tem’s synthesis/design is optimized for the most system-level optimum is then found at the lowest
stringent of the load/environmental conditions point (if a minimization) on this surface (Figure 3).
and a set of optimum and near-optimum feasible
Int.J. Applied Thermodynamics, Vol.5 (No.4) 157
C1∗ C2∗ u12=ξ

u12 u12
u21 u21 w 22
w 21

C* = C1∗ + C2∗ optimum

system–level level ORS w 2 = {w 21 , w 22 }
optimum u12
z 2 = {z 21 , z 22 }
(ψ ∗
, ξ ∗ , C ∗∗ )

Figure 3. Local (unit-level) and global (system-level) optimizations for LGO and ILGO
Of course, as with the other decomposition ap- Expert Systems are based on relational
proaches, the principle disadvantage of LGO is languages that use the symbolism of formal pro-
that it is very computationally intensive. To cir- positional logic. They draw inferences from a
cumvent this, ILGO instead of LGO may be ap- number of facts stored in a particular database,
plied since the former avoids the need for creat- properly called a knowledge base. These facts
ing any of the ORSs and avoids as well the nest- can be design data, design rules, physical or logi-
ing inherent in the other decomposition ap- cal constraints, etc. Each ES manipulates this
proaches. ILGO accomplishes the former by us- knowledge in its own way, according to a logical
ing derivative information in the form of what procedure contained in its inference engine.
are called shadow prices (derivatives of the op- Space limitations do not allow a detailed presen-
timal value of a function with respect to certain tation of AI and ES techniques, but the interested
variables) to intelligently move along the system- reader can find information in the literature
level ORS towards the system-level optimum, (Sciubba and Melli 1998, Sriram 1997, Green
and it accomplishes the latter by incorporating 1992).
system-level information directly into the unit-
level objectives through the use of shadow prices 6. Closure

5.7. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems As one goes from operation optimization to
techniques design and synthesis optimization of energy sys-
tems, the problem becomes much more difficult
In the preceding, it is tacitly assumed that not only from a computational but also from a
all process design calculations can be carried out methodological point of view. Several methods
by properly implemented automated routines. have been developed, which have been shown to
Process design is a highly labor intensive and be successful at least for particular classes of
highly interdisciplinary task and is, therefore, by problems, even when the number of degrees of
necessity performed by a team of specialists: as a freedom is large and the models involved highly
consequence, it is also very expensive in mone- nonlinear and complex. However, the effort to
tary terms, and there is a strong incentive to re- develop even more capable and more generally
duce this labor intensity (measured in man- applicable methods continues.
hours). The only task that has as of yet not been
fully automated is the conceptual one: the choice References
of the type and of the characteristics of the proc-
ess itself. This automation can be implemented Bausa, J., and Tsatsaronis, G., 2001, “Dy-
by a direct application of the very powerful Arti- namic Optimization of Startup and Load-
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dures that somehow mimic the thinking patterns Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol.
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have been successfully applied to energy sys- 1996, Thermal Design and Optimization, John
tems. ESs can be used to reproduce the engi- Wiley & Sons, New York.
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