The Works of John Dryden: General Editor
The Works of John Dryden: General Editor
The Works of John Dryden: General Editor
General Editor
Textual Editor
A. E. Wallace Maurer
Vinton A. Dearing
The Works
of John Dryden
Prose 1668-1691
The aim in this volume has been to provide the reader with
the resources to understand, analyze, and judge a number of
Dryden’s prose pieces which were not connected by way of
preface to other works. The essential basis of the commentary
and its design have been supplied by Samuel H. Monk, who has
also contributed, over a period of many years, to commentary
on critical works in other volumes of the California edition of
Dryden’s works. A. E. Wallace Maurer has written the headnote
and the annotation for the Life of Plutarch and has lent valu-
able assistance in other ways as well. For An Essay of Dramatic
Poesy, R. V. LeClercq has furnished new material on the
classical and French backgrounds, Earl Miner has put the head-
note in its final form, and H. T. Swedenberg, Jr., has expanded
the annotation. Maximillian E. Novak has amplified the com-
mentary on Notes and Observations on The Empress of
Morocco. Vinton A. Bearing has provided the text for this
volume, the first of four to be devoted to Dryden’s prose writ-
The Editor of this volume expresses his gratitude to the staff
of the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at the Uni-
versity of California, Los Angeles, for its generous and efficient
service during his tenure as Senior Fellow in 1964, as well as to
the Clark Library Committee for appointing him to that fellow-
ship. He is also grateful to Dr. Louis B. Wright for a three-
month grant to work at the Folger Shakespeare Library in
Since Dryden’s classical learning, or his ease with the classics,
exceeds that of his editors, it is a mercy to be able to draw upon
the learning of colleagues in the classical literatures. We wish
to express our indebtedness and gratitude, therefore, to Philip
Levine, Professor of Classics and Dean of Humanities at UCLA,
for his generous assistance, especially for his guidance through
the altering forms of the dialogue and the Academic tradition.
We also wish to thank Professor Clarence Forbes of the Ohio
State University Classics Department who has translated the
Latin passages from the Rualdus edition of Plutarch.
Modern standards for editions of English authors are such,
Preface vii
and life is such, that the editors could not make what claim they
can to accuracy without alert and intelligent assistance. Mrs.
Geneva Phillips, the editorial assistant for this edition, has held
up standards for which the General Editor and the Associate
General Editor can only bow their heads gratefully, and Mrs.
Grace H. Stimson of the University of California Press has
assisted the editors to a degree that only those engaged in
similar endeavors will understand. The checking, rechecking,
and checking yet again of text and of commentary owes much
to the devoted care of UCLA graduate students. Michael
Seidel, David Latt, Mrs. Melanie Rangno, Mrs. Janette Lewis,
Mrs. Diane Eliel, and Nick Havranek have corrected manu-
script and proof with a fidelity as necessary as it is invisible.
The splendid assistance enjoyed by the editors would not
have been possible, of course, without financial aid from the
office of the Chancellor of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and the Committee on Research of this university.
The General Editor and the Associate General Editor take par-
ticular pleasure in acknowledging this indebtedness. The sup-
port of a university, the talents of men and of women from
more than one university, and the assistance of many persons
dedicated to literary study are essential to any major edition.
The editors of this volume gratefully acknowledge such aid.
S. H. M.
H. T. S.
E. M.
June 1970
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Dramatick Poefie,
-Fttflgarvictcotu, qcMtim
Reddere gttAfirrum valet, exors ipfafetandi.
Printed for Henry Htmngman^ at the Sign of the
Anchor, on the Lower-walk of the New-
Exchange, 166%.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 3
My Lord,
I was lately reviewing my loose Papers, amongst the rest
AI I found this Essay, the writing of which in this rude and
indigested manner wherein your Lordship now sees it,
serv'd as an amusement to me in the Country, when the vio-
lence of the last Plague had driven me from the Town. Seeing
then our Theaters shut up, I was engag'd in these kind of
thoughts with the same delight with which men think upon
their absent Mistresses: I confess I find many things in this
10 discourse which I do not now approve; my judgment being not
a little alter'd since the writing of it, but whither for the better
or the worse I know not: Neither indeed is it much material in
an Essay, where all I have said is problematical. For the way
of writing Playes in verse, which I have seem'd to favour, I have
since that time laid the Practice of it aside, till I have more
leisure, because I find it troublesome and slow. But I am no
way alter'd from my opinion of it, at least with any reasons
which have oppos'd it. For your Lordship may easily observe
that none are very violent against it, but those who either have
20 not attempted it, or who have succeeded ill in their attempt.
'Tis enough for me to have your Lordships example for my
excuse in that little which I have done in it; and I am sure my
Adversaries can bring no such Arguments against Verse, as
those with which the fourth Act of Pompey will furnish me in
its defence. Yet, my Lord, you must suffer me a little to com-
plain of you, that you too soon withdraw from us a content-
ment, of which we expected the continuance, because you gave
it us so early. 'Tis a revolt without occasion from your Party,
10-11 not a] Qa-3, D; a Qi, F. [Fluctuations in the texts cited are explained in
the Textual Notes.]
24 those with which the . . . me] Qa-3, D; the . . . me with, Qi, F.
4 Prose 1668-1691
where your merits had already rais'd you to the highest com-
mands, and where you have not the excuse of other men that
you have been ill us'd, and therefore laid down Armes. I know
no other quarrel you can have to Verse, then that which
Spurina had to his beauty, when he tore and mangled the
features of his Face, onely because they pleas'd too well the
sight. It was an honour which seem'd to wait for you, to lead
out a new Colony of Writers from the Mother Nation: and
upon the first spreading of your Ensignes there had been many
10 in a readiness to have follow'd so fortunate a Leader; if not all,
yet the better part of Poets,
Pars, indocili melior grege; mollis & expes
Inominata perprimat cubilia.
I am almost of opinion, that we should force you to accept
of the command, as sometimes the Praetorian Bands have com-
pell'd their Captains to receive the Empire. The Court, which
is the best and surest judge of writing, has generally allow'd of
Verse; and in the Town it has found favourers of Wit and
Quality. As for your own particular, My Lord, you have yet
20 youth, and time enough to give part of them to the divertise-
ment of the Publick, before you enter into the serious and more
unpleasant business of the world. That which the French Poet
said of the Temple of Love, may be as well apply'd to the
Temple of the Muses. The words, as near as I can remember
them, were these:
Le jeune homme, a mauvaise grace,
N'ayant pas adore dans le temple d'Amour:
II faut qu'il entre, & pour le sage
Si ce n'est pas son vray sejour
30 C'est un giste sur son passage.
I leave the words to work their effect upon your Lordship in
their own Language, because no other can so well express the
7 sight] Qz-3, D; lookers on Qi, F.
11 Poets,] Q2-3, D (~ .); Writers, Qi, F.
20 them] Qz-3, D; it Qi, F.
22 French Poet] Qs, D; French Poet Qi-2, F.
26 Le jeune homme, d . . . grace,] Q2-3, D; La jeuncsse a ... grace. Qi, F.
29 n'est pas] Qz-j, D; nest Qi, F.
30 C'est] Q2-3, D; Ce'st Qi, F.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 5
a civility] Qz-3, F, D; ciuility Qi.
6 Roman Senate] Qg, D; Roman Senate Qi-2, F.
13 on the same] Qz-3, D; upon this Qi, F. 19 that,]-»< A (£1-3, F, D.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie n
T was that memorable day, in the first Summer of the late
War, when our Navy ingag'd the Dutch: a day wherein the
two most mighty and best appointed Fleets which any age
had ever seen, disputed the command of the greater half of the
Globe, the commerce of Nations, and the riches of the Universe.
While these vast floating bodies, on either side, mov'd against
each other in parallel lines, and our Country men, under the
happy conduct of his Royal Highness, went breaking, by little
and little, into the line of the Enemies; the noise of the Cannon
10 from both Navies reach'd our ears about the City: so that all
men, being alarm'd with it, and in a dreadful suspence of the
event, which they knew was then deciding, every one went
following the sound as his fancy led him; and leaving the Town
almost empty, some took towards the Park, some cross the
River, others down it; all seeking the noise in the depth of
Amongst the rest, it was the fortune of Eugenius, Crites,
Lisideius and Neander, to be in company together: three of
them persons whom their witt and Quality have made known to
20 all the Town: and whom I have chose to hide under these
borrowed names, that they may not suffer by so ill a relation as
1 am going to make of their discourse.
Taking then a Barge which a servant of Lisideius had pro-
vided for them, they made haste to shoot the Bridge, and left
behind them that great fall of waters which hindred them from
hearing what they desired: after which, having disingag'd them-
selves from many Vessels which rode at Anchor in the Thames,
and almost blockt up the passage towards Greenwich, they
order'd the Watermen to let fall their Oares more gently; and
ao then every one favouring his own curiosity with a strict silence,
2 Dutch} D; Dutch Qi-3, F. 10 all] Qz-3, F, D; al Qi.
iz they] Qg-g, D; we Qi, F.
13 led] Qi (corrected state), Qs-3, F, D; ed Qi (uncorrecled state).
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FROM Nouveau TheAtre de la
See Of Dramatick P<
Grande Bretagne, I (1724)
3SIE, p. 80, I. 27
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An Essay of Dramatick Poesie g
it was not long ere they perceiv'd the Air to break about them
like the noise of distant Thunder, or of Swallows in a Chimney:
those little undulations of sound, though almost vanishing
before they reach'd them, yet still seeming to retain somewhat
of their first horrour which they had betwixt the Fleets: after
they had attentively listned till such time as the sound by little
and little went from them; Eugenius lifting up his head, and
taking notice of it, was the first who congratulated to the rest
that happy Omen of our Nations Victory: adding, that we had
10 but this to desire in confirmation of it, that we might hear no
more of that noise which was now leaving the English Coast.
When the rest had concur'd in the same opinion, Grites, a per-
son of a sharp judgment, and somewhat too delicate a taste in
wit, which the world have mistaken in him for ill nature, said,
smiling to us, that if the concernment of this battel had not
been so exceeding great, he could scarce have wish'd the Victory
at the price he knew he must pay for it, in being subject to the
reading and hearing of so many ill verses as he was sure would
be made on that Subject; adding, that no Argument could scape
20 some of those eternal Rhimers, who watch a Battel with more
diligence then the Ravens and birds of Prey; and the worst of
them surest to be first in upon the quarry, while the better able,
either out of modesty writ not at all, or set that due value upon
their Poems, as to let them be often desired and long expectedl
There are some of those impertinent people of whom you
speak, answer'd Lisideius, who to my knowledg, are already so
provided, either way, that they can produce not onely a Pane-
girick upon the Victory, but, if need be, a funeral elegy on the
Duke: wherein after they have crown'd his valour with many
so Lawrels, they will at last deplore the odds under which he fell;
i to break] Qa-g, D; break Qi; breaking F.
4 seeming] Qa-g, F, D; seeinng Qi.
9 adding, that] Qa-g, D; adding, Qi, F.
n English] Qg, D; English Qi-z, F.
17 he must] Qa-g, D; must Qi, F.
19 on that Subject; adding] Qa-g, D (Subject. Adding); upon it; adding Qi, F.
24 desired] Qa-g, D; call'd for Qi, F. 25 There] Qa-g, F, D; there Qi.
25-26 of whom you speak] Qa-g, D; you speak of Qi, F.
28 on] Qa-g, D; upon Qi, F. ag wherein] Qa-g, D; and Qi, F.
go they will at] Qa-g, D; at Qi, F.
io Prose 1668—1691
leaves the mind of the Audience in a full repose: But this can-
not be brought to pass but by many other imperfect actions
which conduce to it, and hold the Audience in a delightful
suspence of what will be.
If by these Rules (to omit many other drawn from the
Precepts and Practice of the Ancients) we should judge our
modern Playes; 'tis probable, that few of them would endure
the tryal: that which should be the business of a day, takes
up in some of them an age; instead of one action they are the
10 Epitomes of a mans life; and for one spot of ground (which
the Stage should represent) we are sometimes in more Countries
then the Map can show us.
But if we will allow the Ancients to have contriv'd well, we
must acknowledge them to have written better; questionless we
are depriv'd of a great stock of wit in the loss of Menander
among the Greek Poets, and of Ctzcilius, Affranius and Varius,
among the Romans: we may guess at Menanders Excellency
by the Plays of Terence, who translated some of them, and yet
wanted so much of him that he was call'd by C. C&sar the
20 Halt-Menander, and may judge of Varius, by the Testimonies
of Horace, Martial, and Velleius Paterculus: 'Tis probable
that these, could they be recover'd, would decide the contro-
versie; but so long as Aristophanes and Plautus are extant;
while the Tragedies of Euripides, Sophocles, and Seneca are in
our hands, I can never see one of those Plays which are now
written, but it encreases my admiration of the Ancients; and
yet I must acknowledge further, that to admire them as we
ought, we should understand them better then we do. Doubt-
less many things appear flat to us, the wit of which depended
But since the Spaniards at this day allow but three Acts,
which they call Jornadas, to a Play; and the Italians in many
of theirs follow them, when I condemn the Antients, I declare
it is not altogether because they have not five Acts to every
Play, but because they have not confin'd themselves to one cer-
tain number; 'tis building an House without a Modell: and
when they succeeded in such undertakings, they ought to have
sacrific'd to Fortune, not to the Muses.
Next, for the Plot, which Aristotle call'd 6 /ui0o« and often
10 and from him the Romans Fabula, it has al-
ready been judiciously observ'd by a late Writer, that in their
Tragedies it was onely some Tale deriv'd from Thebes or
Troy, or at least some thing that happen'd in those two Ages;
which was worn so thred-bare by the Pens of all the Epique
Poets, and even by Tradition it self of the Talkative Greek-
lings (as Ben. Johnson calls them) that before it came upon
the Stage, it was already known to all the Audience: and the
people so soon as ever they heard the Name of Oedipus, knew
as well as the Poet, that he had kill'd his Father by a mistake,
20 and committed Incest with his Mother, before the Play; that
they were now to hear of a great Plague, an Oracle, and the
Ghost of Laius: so that they sate with a yawning kind of ex-
pectation, till he was to come with his eyes pull'd out, and
speak a hundred or more Verses in a Tragick tone, in com-
plaint of his misfortunes. But one Oedipus, Hercules, or
Medea, had been tollerable; poor people they scap'd not so
good cheap: they had still the Chapon Bouille set before them,
till their appetites were cloy'd with the same dish, and the
Novelty being gone, the pleasure vanish'd: so that one main
so end of Dramatique Poesie in its Definition, which was to cause
Delight, was of consequence destroy'd.
In their Comedies, the Romans generally borrow'd their
1 Spaniards] Qj, D; Spaniards Qi-2, F.
2 Italians] Q3, D; Italians Qi-2, F.
9 & fiCOos] D; TO nvOos Qi, F; rt> fj.vff&s Qa-3.
10 Romans] Q3, D; Romans Qi-2, F.
15-16 Greeklings] Q3, D; Greeklings Qi-a, F.
16 Ben.] Qa-3, F, D; Ben Qi.
24 more] Q2~3, D; two of Qi, F. 32 Romans] D; Romans Qi~3, F.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 25
Plots from the Greek Poets; and theirs was commonly a little
Girle stollen or wandred from her Parents, brought back un-
known to the City, there got with child by some lewd young
fellow; who, by the help of his servant, cheats his father, and
when her time comes, to cry Juno Lucina fer opem; one or
other sees a little Box or Cabinet which was carried away
with her, and so discovers her to her friends, if some God do
not prevent it, by coming down in a Machine, and taking the
thanks of it to himself.
10 By the Plot you may guess much of the Characters of the
Persons. An Old Father who would willingly before he dies,
see his Son well married; his Debauch'd Son, kind in his Na-
ture to his Mistress, but miserably in want of Money; a Ser-
vant or Slave, who has so much wit to strike in with him, and
help to dupe his Father, a Braggadochio Captain, a Parasite,
and a Lady of Pleasure.
As for the poor honest Maid, on whom the Story is built,
and who ought to be one of the principal Actors in the Play,
she is commonly a Mute in it: She has the breeding of the
20 Old Elizabeth way, which was for Maids to be seen and not
to be heard; and it is enough you know she is willing to be
married, when the Fifth Act requires it.
These are Plots built after the Italian Mode of Houses, you
see thorow them all at once; the Characters are indeed the Imi-
tations of Nature, but so narrow as if they had imitated onely
an Eye or an Hand, and did not dare to venture on the lines
of a Face, or the Proportion of a Body.
But in how straight a compass soever they have bounded
their Plots and Characters, we will pass it by, if they have reg-
30 ularly pursued them, and perfectly observ'd those three Uni-
ties of Time, Place, and Action: the knowledge of which you
say is deriv'd to us from them. But in the first place give me
i Greek] D; Greek Qi-g, F. 3 City] Qa-g, D; same City Qi, F.
8 taking] Qa-g, D; take Qi, F. 11 who] Qs-3. D; that Qi, F.
13 Mistress] Q3, D; Wench Qi, F; Mistres Qz.
17 on whom the Story is built] Qz-g, D; whom all the Story is built upon
20 way, which was] Qz-3, D; way, Qi, F. 23 Italian] D; Italian Qi-3, F.
26 Prose 1668-1691
leave to tell you, that the Unity of Place, how ever it might
be practised by them, was never any of their Rules: We nei-
ther find it in Aristotle, Horace, or any who have written of it,
till in our age the French Poets first made it a Precept of the
Stage. The unity of time, even Terence himself (who was the
best and most regular of them) has neglected: His Heautonti-
moroumenos or Self-Punisher takes up visibly two dayes, sayes
Scaliger, the two first Acts concluding the first day, the three
last the day ensuing: and Euripides, in tying himself to one
10 day, has committed an absurdity never to be forgiven him: for
in one of his Tragedies he has made Theseus go from Athens
to Thebes, which was about 40 English miles, under the walls
of it to give battel, and appear victorious in the next Act; and
yet from the time of his departure to the return of the Nuntius,
who gives the relation of his Victory, Mthra and the Chorus
have but 36 Verses; which is not for every Mile a Verse.
The like errour is as evident in Terence his Eunuch, when
Laches, the old man, enters by mistake into the house of Thais,
where betwixt his Exit and the entrance of Pythias, who comes
20 to give ample relation of the Disorders he has rais'd within,
Parmeno who was left upon the Stage, has not above five lines
to speak: C'est bien employe un temps si court, sayes the
French Poet, who furnish'd me with one of the observations;
And almost all their Tragedies will afford us examples of the
like nature.
'Tis true, they have kept the continuity, or as you call'd it,
Liaison des Scenes somewhat better: two do not perpetually
come in together, talk, and go out together; and other two suc-
4 French] D; French Qi-3, F.
5 Stage.] period jailed to print in some copies of Qi.
7 Self-Punisher] Self-Punisher Qi-3, F, D.
7 dayes,] Qs-3, D (^ ; Qz-s); dayes, therefore Qi, F.
8 day,] Qz-3, D; day, were acted over-night; Qi, F.
g the day ensuing] Qa-3, D; on the ensuing day Qi, F.
9 Euripides] D; Eurypides Qi~3, F. ig English] D; English Qi~3, F.
16 which] Qa-3, D; that Qi, F. 17 Eunuch] Eunuch Qi~3, F, D.
18 by mistake into] Qa-3, D; in a mistake Qi, F.
so ample] Qa~3, D; an ample Qi, F.
20 Disorders] Qa-3, D; Garboyles Qi, F.
23 French] D; French Qi-3, F.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 27
ceed them, and do the same throughout the Act, which the
English call by the name of single Scenes; but the reason is,
because they have seldom above two or three Scenes, properly
so call'd, in every act; for it is to be accounted a new Scene,
not onely every time the Stage is empty, but every person who
enters, though to others, makes it so; because he introduces a
new business: Now the Plots of their Plays being narrow, and
the persons few, one of their Acts was written in a less com-
pass then one of our well wrought Scenes, and yet they are
10 often deficient even in this: To go no further then Terence,
you find in the Eunuch Antipho entring single in the midst of
the third Act, after Chremes and Pythias were gone off: In the
same Play you have likewise Dorias beginning the fourth Act
alone; and after she has made a relation of what was done at
the Souldiers entertainment (which by the way was very in-
artificial, because she was presum'd to speak directly to the
Audience, and to acquaint them with what was necessary to
be known, but yet should have been so contriv'd by the Poet
as to have been told by persons of the Drama to one another,
20 and so by them to have come to the knowledge of the people)
she quits the Stage, and Phcedria enters next, alone likewise:
He also gives you an account of himself, and of his returning
from the Country in Monologue, to which unnatural way of
narration Terence is subject in all his playes: In his Adelphi
or Brothers, Syrus and Demea enter; after the Scene was broken
by the departure of Sostrata, Geta and Canthara; and indeed
you can scarce look into any of his Comedies, where you will
not presently discover the same interruption.
But as they have fail'd both in laying of their Plots, and in
so the management, swerving from the Rules of their own Art,
by mis-representing Nature to us, in which they have ill satis-
fied one intention of a Play, which was delight, so in the in-
2 English] Q3, D; English Qi-2, F. 5 not oncly] Qa-3, D; not Qi, F.
11 Eunuch] Eunuch Qi-J, F, D.
15-16 inartificial,] Qa-3, D (~)); inartificial to do, Qi, F.
21 Pluedria] U; Phcedria Qi-3, F.
23 Monologue] Monologue Qi-3, F, D.
25 Brothers] Brothers Qi-3, F, D. 28 interruption.] Qa~3, F, D; ,_ : Qi.
29-30 in the management] Qz-3, D; managing o£ them Qi, F.
g8 Prose 1668-1691
with it, said; Tandem ego non ilia caream, si opus sit, vel
totum triduum? Parmeno to mock the softness of his Master,
lifting up his hands and eyes, cryes out as it were in admira-
tion; Hui! universum triduum! the elegancy of which univer-
sum, though it cannot be rendred in our language, yet leaves
an impression on our souls: but this happens seldom in him,
in Plautus oftner; who is infinitely too bold in his Metaphors
and coyning words; out of which many times his wit is nothing,
which questionless was one reason why Horace falls upon him
10 so severely in those Verses:
Sed Proavi nostri Plautinos if numeros, &
Laudavere sales, nimium patienter utrumque
Ne dicam stolide.
For Horace himself was cautious to obtrude a new word on
his Readers, and makes custom and common use the best mea-
sure of receiving it into our writings:
Multa renascentur qua nunc cecidere, cadentq;
Qua: nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus,
Quem penes, arbitrium est, 6- jus, 6- norma loquendi.
20 The not observing this Rule is that which the world has
blam'd in our Satyrist Cleveland; to express a thing hard and
unnaturally, is his new way of Elocution: 'Tis true, no Poet
but may sometimes use a Catachresis; Virgil does it;
Mistaque ridenti Colocasia fundet Acantho;
in his Eclogue of Pollio: and in his 7th /Eneid;
Mirantur if undte,
Miratur nemus, insuetum fulgentia longe,
Scuta virum fluvio, pictasq; innare carinas:
and Ovid once so modestly, that he askes leave to do it;
so Si verbo audacia detur
Hand metuam summi dixisse Palatia cceli;
calling the Court of Jupiter by the name of Augustus his Pal-
6 on] Qz-3, D; of the wit upon Qi, Fa-b.
14 on] Qz-3, D; upon Qi, Fa-b. 16 writings:] ^ . Qi-3, Fa-b, D.
24-25 Acantho; in] Acantho. fin Qi~3, Fa-b, D.
25 Pollio: . . . JEneid;] < • * / , . . . / • » . Qi-2, Fa-b, D; / • » , . . . w , Qj.
28 Scuta] Q2-3, Fa-b, D; Scnta Qi.
28-29 carinas: and] carinas. f And Qi~3, Fa-b, D.
31-32 cceli; calling] cceli. f Calling Qi-3, Fa-b, D.
30 Prose 1668-1691
could have writ with our advantages, no man but must have
yielded to him; and therefore I am confident the Medea is
none of his: for, though I esteem it for the gravity and sen-
tentiousness of it, which he himself concludes to be suitable
to a Tragedy, Omne genus scripti gravitate Tragcedia vincit,
yet it moves not my soul enough to judge that he, who in the
Epique way wrote things so near the Drama, as the Story of
Myrrha, of Caunus and Biblis, and the rest, should stir up no
more concernment where he most endeavour'd it. The Master-
10 piece of Seneca I hold to be that Scene in the Troades, where
Ulysses is seeking for Astyanax to kill him; There you see the
tenderness of a Mother, so represented in Andromache, that it
raises compassion to a high degree in the Reader, and bears
the nearest resemblance of any thing in the Tragedies of the
Ancients to the excellent Scenes of Passion in Shakespeare, or
in Fletcher: for Love-Scenes you will find few among them,
their Tragique Poets dealt not with that soft passion, but with
Lust, Cruelty, Revenge, Ambition, and those bloody actions
they produc'd; which were more capable of raising horrour
20 then compassion in an audience: leaving Love untoucht, whose
gentleness would have temper'd them, which is the most fre-
quent of all the passions, and which being the private con-
cernment of every person, is sooth'd by viewing its own image
in a publick entertainment.
Among their Comedies, we find a Scene or two of tender-
ness, and that where you would least expect it, in Plautus;
but to speak generally, their Lovers say little, when they see
each other, but anima mea, vita mea; £<UT) K<U tfivxtf, as the women
in Juvenal's time us'd to cry out in the fury of their kindness:
so Any sudden gust of passion (as an extasie of love in an unex-
pected meeting) cannot better be express'd than in a word and
3-4 sententiousness] Q2-3, Fa-b, D; sentiousness Qi.
5 Tragcedia] Qg, D; Tragtedia Qi-2, Fa-b.
10 Seneca] Q2~3, Fa-b, D; Seneca Qi.
12 Andromache] Qa-g, Fa-b, D; Andromache Qi.
14-15 the Tragedies of llie Ancients] Qa-3, D; their Tragedies Qi, Fa-b.
28 fw?) «ai ^X'n} £<•"? K&' ^"X.'n Q1, Fa-b (*"* Fa-b); fw^ KO.\ ^vx^i Qa-g, D
(tvxv Q2).
29 kindness:] Qa-3, D; kindness: then indeed to speak sense were an offence.
Qi, Fa-b.
g2 Prose 1668—1691
fTv/ia, yet irv/jtoimv a/ioia, as one of the Greek Poets has express'd
Another thing in which the French differ from us and from
the Spaniards, is, that they do not embarass, or cumber them-
selves with too much Plot: they onely represent so much of a
Story as will constitute one whole and great action sufficient
for a Play; we, who undertake more, do but multiply adven-
tures; which, not being produc'd from one another, as effects
from causes, but barely following, constitute many actions in
10 the Drama, and consequently make it many Playes.
But by pursuing closely one argument, which is not cloy'd
with many turns, the French have gain'd more liberty for
verse, in which they write: they have leisure to dwell on a
subject which deserves it; and to represent the passions (which
we have acknowledg'd to be the Poets work) without being
hurried from one thing to another, as we are in the Playes of
Calderon, which we have seen lately upon our Theaters, under
the name of Spanish Plotts. I have taken notice but of one
Tragedy of ours, whose Plot has that uniformity and unity of
20 design in it which I have commended in the French; and that
is Rollo, or rather, under the name of Rollo, The Story of
Bassianus and Geta in Herodian; there indeed the Plot is
neither large nor intricate, but just enough to fill the minds of
the Audience, not to cloy them. Besides, you see it founded
upon the truth of History, onely the time of the action is not
reduceable to the strictness of the Rules; and you see in some
places a little farce mingled, which is below the dignity of the
other parts; and in this all our Poets are extreamly peccant,
even Ben. Johnson himself in Sejanus and Catiline has given
so us this Oleo of a Play; this unnatural mixture of Comedy and
Tragedy, which to me sounds just as ridiculously as the His-
i ?Tu/xa] Q3, T); frvfia Qi-z, Fa-b. i Greek] D; Greek Qi-g, Fa-b.
3-4 French . . . Spaniards] D; French . . . Spaniards Qi-g, Fa-b.
10 Drama] Fa-b, D; Drama Qi-g. 11 closely] Qz-g, D; close Qi, Fa-b.
12 French] D; French Qi-g, Fa-b. »g on] Qa-g, D; upon Qi, Fa-b.
18 Spanish] D; Spanish Qi-g, Fa-b. 20 French] D; French Qi-g, Fa-b.
82 Herodian;] Qa-g, D; ~ , Qij Fa-b.
38 Prose 1668-1691
making their narrations onely to, or by such who are some way
interessed in the main design. And now I am speaking of
Relations, I cannot take a fitter opportunity to add this in
favour of the French, that they often use them with better
judgment and more a propos then the English do. Not that I
commend narrations in general, but there are two sorts of
them; one, of those things which are antecedent to the Play,
and are related to make the conduct of it more clear to us,
but, 'tis a fault to choose such subjects for the Stage as will
10 force us on that Rock; because we see they are seldome listned
to by the Audience, and that is many times the ruin of the
Play: for, being once let pass without attention, the Audience
can never recover themselves to understand the Plot; and in-
deed it is somewhat unreasonable that they should be put to
so much trouble, as, that to comprehend what passes in their
sight, they must have recourse to what was done, perhaps, ten
or twenty years ago.
But there is another sort of Relations, that is, of things
hapning in the Action of the Play, and suppos'd to be done be-
20 hind the Scenes: and this is many times both convenient and
beautiful: for, by it, the French avoid the tumult, to which we
are subject in England, by representing Duells, Battells, and
the like; which renders our Stage too like the Theaters where
they fight Prizes. For what is more ridiculous then to represent
an Army with a Drum and five men behind it; all which, the
Heroe of the other side is to drive in before him, or to see a
Duel fought, and one slain with two or three thrusts of the
foyles, which we know are so blunted, that we might give a
man an hour to kill another in good earnest with them?
so I have observ'd that in all our Tragedies, the Audience can-
not forbear laughing when the Actors are to die; 'tis the most
Comick part of the whole Play. All passions may be lively
4 French] D; French Qi-3, F. 5 &] a Qi-3, F, D.
g English] D; English Qi-3, F. 7 one,] ~A Qi~3, F, D.
g-io as will force us on] Qa-3, D; which will inforce us upon Qi, F.
a j French] D; French Qi-3, F.
21-22 to which we are subject] Qa-3, D; which we are subject to Qi, F.
23 Theaters] Qa-3, D; ~ , Qi, F. 29 them?] D; ^ . Qi-3, F.
40 Prose 1668-1691
they have made regular; but there is not above one good Play
to be writ on all those Plots; they are too much alike to please
often, which we need not the experience of our own Stage
to justifie. As for their new way of mingling mirth with serious
Plot I do not with Lisideius condemn the thing, though I can-
not approve their manner of doing it: He tells us we cannot so
speedily recollect our selves after a Scene of great passion and
concernment as to pass to another of mirth and humour, and to
enjoy it with any relish: but why should he imagine the soul of
10 man more heavy then his Sences? Does not the eye pass from
an unpleasant object to a pleasant in a much shorter time then
is requir'd to this? and does not the unpleasantness of the first
commend the beauty of the latter? The old Rule of Logick
might have convinc'd him, that contraries when plac'd near,
set off each other. A continued gravity keeps the spirit too
much bent; we must refresh it sometimes, as we bait in a
journey, that we may go on with greater ease. A Scene of mirth
mix'd with Tragedy has the same effect upon us which our
musick has betwixt the Acts, which we find a relief to us from
20 the best Plots and language of the Stage, if the discourses have
been long. I must therefore have stronger arguments ere I
am convinc'd, that compassion and mirth in the same subject
destroy each other; and in the mean time cannot but con-
clude, to the honour of our Nation, that we have invented,
increas'd and perfected a more pleasant way of writing for the
Stage then was ever known to the Ancients or Moderns of any
Nation, which is Tragicomedie.
And this leads me to wonder why Lisideius and many others
should cry up the barrenness of the French Plots above the
so variety and copiousness of the English. Their Plots are single,
they carry on one design which is push'd forward by all the
Actors, every Scene in the Play contributing and moving
2 on] Qz-g, D; upon Qi, Fa-b.
5 Lisideius] Q3, Fa-b, D; Lysideius Qi-a.
16 in] Q2-3, D; upon Qi, Fa-b.
19 which] Qz-3, D; and that Qi, Fa-b.
ag French] Qj, D; French Q\-a, Fa-b.
30 English] Q3, D; English Qi-2, Fa-b.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 47
towards it: Our Playes, besides the main design, have under
plots or by-concernments, of less considerable Persons, and
Intrigues, which are carried on with the motion of the main
Plot: as they say the Orb of the fix'd Stars, and those of the
Planets, though they have motions of their own, are whirl'd
about by the motion of the primum mobile, in which they are
contain'd: that similitude expresses much of the English Stage:
for if contrary motions may be found in Nature to agree; if a
Planet can go East and West at the same time; one way by
10 virtue of his own motion, the other by the force of the first
mover; it will not be difficult to imagine how the under Plot,
which is onely different, not contrary to the great design, may
naturally be conducted along with it.
Crites has already shown us, from the confession of the
French Poets, that the Unity of Action is sufficiently preserv'd
if all the imperfect actions of the Play are conducing to the
main design: but when those petty intrigues of a Play are so
ill order'd that they have no coherence with the other, I must
grant that Lisideius has reason to tax that want of due con-
20 nexion; for Co-ordination in a Play is as dangerous and un-
natural as in a State. In the mean time he must acknowledge
our variety, if well order'd, will afford a greater pleasure to the
As for his other argument, that by pursuing one single
Theme they gain an advantage to express and work up the
passions, I wish any example he could bring from them would
make it good: for I confess their verses are to me the coldest I
have ever read: Neither indeed is it possible for them, in the
way they take, so to express passion, as that the effects of it
BO should appear in the concernment of an Audience: their
Speeches being so many declamations, which tire us with the
length; so that instead of perswading us to grieve for their
his Tragedies; for both the death of Sejanus and Catiline are
related: though in the latter I cannot but observe one irregular-
ity of that great Poet: he has remov'd the Scene in the same
Act, from Rome to Catiline's Army, and from thence again to
Rome; and besides, has allow'd a very inconsiderable time, after
Catilines Speech, for the striking of the battle, and the return of
Petreius, who is to relate the event of it to the Senate: which
I should not animadvert on him, who was otherwise a painful
observer of TO wpt-irov, or the decorum of the Stage, if he had not
10 us'd extream severity in his judgment on the incomparable
Shakespeare for the same fault. To conclude on this subject of
Relations, if we are to be blam'd for showing too much of the
action, the French are as faulty for discovering too little of it:
a mean betwixt both should be observed by every judicious
Writer, so as the audience may neither be left unsatisfied by not
seeing what is beautiful, or shock'd by beholding what is either
incredible or undecent. I hope I have already prov'd in this
discourse, that though we are not altogether so punctual as the
French, in observing the lawes of Comedy; yet our errours are
20 so few, and little, and those things wherein we excel them so
considerable, that we ought of right to be prefer'd before them.
But what will Lisideius say if they themselves acknowledge
they are too strictly bounded by those lawes, for breaking which
he has blam'd the English? I will alledge Corneille's words, as I
find them in the end of his Discourse of the three Unities; II
est facile aux speculatifs d'estre severes, &c. " 'Tis easie for
speculative persons to judge severely; but if they would produce
to publick view ten or twelve pieces of this nature, they would
perhaps give more latitude to the Rules then I have done, when
90 by experience they had known how much we are limited and
constrain'd by them, and how many beauties of the Stage they
banish'd from it." To illustrate a little what he has said: by their
8 on] Qz-3, D; upon Qi, Fa-b. 10 on] Qa-3, D; upon Qi, Fa-b.
13 French] D; French Qi-g, Fa-b. 19 French] D; French Qi~3, Fa-b.
23 bounded] Qz-3, D; ti'd up Qi, Fa-b.
24 English] D; English Qi-3, Fa-b.
a6 speculati/s . . . sevtres] speculates . . . severes Qi-g, Fa-b, D.
go limited] Q2-3, D; bound up Qi, Fa-b.
32 said:] Qs, D; ~ , Qi, Fa-b; ~ ; Q2.
52 Prose 1668-1691
who writ first, did not perfectly observe the Laws of Comedy,
and Fletcher, who came nearer to perfection, yet through
carelesness made many faults; I will take the pattern of a
perfect Play from Ben. Johnson, who was a careful and learned
observer of the Dramatique Lawes, and from all his Comedies I
shall select The Silent Woman; of which I will make a short
Examen, according to those Rules which the French observe.
As Neander was beginning to examine the Silent Woman,
Eugenius, earnestly regarding him; I beseech you Neander,
10 said he, gratifie the company and me in particular so far, as
before you speak of the Play, to give us a Character of the
Authour; and tell us franckly your opinion, whether you do
not think all Writers, both French and English, ought to give
place to him?
I fear, replied Neander, That in obeying your commands I
shall draw some envy on my self. Besides, in performing them,
it will be first necessary to speak somewhat of Shakespeare and
Fletcher, his Rivalls in Poesie; and one of them, in my opinion,
at least his equal, perhaps his superiour.
20 To begin then with Shakespeare; he was the man who of all
Modern, and perhaps Ancient Poets, had the largest and most
comprehensive soul. All the Images of Nature were still present
to him, and he drew them not laboriously, but luckily: when
he describes any thing, you more than see it, you feel it too.
Those who accuse him to have wanted learning, give him the
greater commendation: he was naturally learn'd; he needed
not the spectacles of Books to read Nature; he look'd inwards,
and found her there. I cannot say he is every where alike; were
he so, I should do him injury to compare him with the greatest
ao of Mankind. He is many times flat, insipid; his Comick wit
degenerating into clenches, his serious swelling into Bombast.
But he is alwayes great, when some great occasion is presented
to him: no man can say he ever had a fit subject for his wit,
7 French] D; French Qi-3, Fa-b.
8 Silent Woman] Qa-g, D; Silent Woman Qi, Fa-b.
9 earnestly regarding] Qz~3i D; looking earnestly upon Qi, Fa-b.
13 French and English] D; French and English Qi~3, Fa-b.
16 some envy on] Qa-3, D; a little envy upon Qi, Fa-b.
56 Prose 1668-1691
and did not then raise himself as high above the rest of Poets,
Quantum lenta solent, inter viburna cupressi.
The consideration of this made Mr. Hales of Eaton say,
That there was no subject of which any Poet ever writ, but
he would produce it much better done in Shakespeare; and
however others are now generally prefer'd before him, yet
the Age wherein he liv'd, which had contemporaries with him
Fletcher and Johnson, never equall'd them to him in their
esteem: And in the last Kings Court, when Ben's reputation
10 was at highest, Sir John Suckling, and with him the greater
part of the Courtiers, set our Shakespeare far above him.
Beaumont and Fletcher of whom I am next to speak, had
with the advantage of Shakespeare's wit, which was their
precedent, great natural gifts, improv'd by study, Beaumont
especially being so accurate a judge of Playes, that Ben. John-
son while he liv'd, submitted all his Writings to his Censure,
and 'tis thought, us'd his judgement in correcting, if not con-
triving all his Plots. What value he had for him, appears by
the Verses he writ to him; and therefore I need speak no
20 farther of it. The first Play that brought Fletcher and him in
esteem was their Philaster: for before that, they had written
two or three very unsuccessfully: as the like is reported of
Ben. Johnson, before he writ Every Man in his Humour. Their
Plots were generally more regular then Shakespeare's, especially
those which were made before Beaumont's death; and they
understood and imitated the conversation of Gentlemen much
better; whose wilde debaucheries, and quickness of wit in rep-
arties, no Poet before them could paint as they have done. Hu-
mour, which Ben. Johnson deriv'd from particular persons,
so they made it not their business to describe: they represented
all the passions very lively, but above all, Love. I am apt to
believe the English Language in them arriv'd to its highest
2 viburna] 0,2-3, Fa-b, D; viberna Qi.
5 done] Q2-3, D; treated of Qi, Fa-b.
7-8 him . . . Johnson,] ^/, . . . —^ Qi~3, Fa-b; <~ , . . . ~ , D.
14 study,] ,~ . Qi-3, Fa-b, D. 20 that] Qs-g, D; which Qi, Fa-b.
28 before them could] (£2-3, D (them, Qa-3); can ever Qi, Fa-b.
28-29 Humour,] Qa-g, D (~A Qa); This Humour of Qi, Fa-b.
32 English] D; English Qi~3, Fa-b.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 57
perfection; what words have since been taken in, are rather
superfluous then ornamental. Their Playes are now the most
pleasant and frequent entertainments of the Stage; two of theirs
being acted through the year for one of Shakespeare's or
Johnsons: the reason is, because there is a certain gayety in
their Comedies, and Pathos in their more serious Playes, which
suits generally with all mens humours. Shakespeares language
is likewise a little obsolete, and Ben. Johnson's wit comes short
of theirs.
10 As for Johnson, to whose Character I am now arriv'd, if we
look upon him while he was himself, (for his last Playes were
but his dotages) I think him the most learned and judicious
Writer which any Theater ever had. He was a most severe
Judge of himself as well as others. One cannot say he wanted
wit, but rather that he was frugal of it. In his works you find
little to retrench or alter. Wit and Language, and Humour
also in some measure we had before him; but something of Art
was wanting to the Drama till he came. He manag'd his
strength to more advantage then any who preceded him. You
20 seldome find him making Love in any of his Scenes, or en-
deavouring to move the Passions; his genius was too sullen
and saturnine to do it gracefully, especially when he knew he
came after those who had performed both to such an height.
Humour was his proper Sphere, and in that he delighted most
to represent Mechanick people. He was deeply conversant in
the Ancients, both Greek and Latine, and he borrow'd boldly
from them: there is scarce a Poet or Historian among the
Roman Authours of those times whom he has not translated in
Sejanus and Catiline. But he has done his Robberies so openly,
so that one may see he fears not to be taxed by any Law. He
invades Authours like a Monarch, and what would be theft
in other Poets, is onely victory in him. With the spoils of these
Writers he so represents old Rome to us, in its Rites, Cere-
monies and Customs, that if one of their Poets had written
2 oinamental] Qa-g, H; necessary Qi, Fa-b.
4 Shakespeare's] Qa-g, Fa-b, D; Shakespheare's Qi.
26 Greek and Latine] Qg, D; Greek and Latine Qi-2, Fa-b.
28 Roman] Qg, D; Roman Qi-2, Fa-b.
58 Prose 1668-1691
imagine: for it lies all within the compass of two Houses, and
after the first Act, in one. The continuity of Scenes is observ'd
more than in any of our Playes, except his own Fox and
Alchymist. They are not broken above twice or thrice at most
in the whole Comedy, and in the two best of Corneille's Playes,
the Cid and Cinna, they are interrupted once. The action of
the Play is intirely one; the end or aim of which is the selling
Morose's Estate on Dauphine. The Intrigue of it is the greatest
and most noble of any pure unmix'd Comedy in any Language:
10 you see in it many persons of various characters and humours,
and all delightful: As first, Morose, or an old Man, to whom
all noise but his own talking is offensive. Some who would be
thought Criticks, say this humour of his is forc'd: but to re-
move that objection, we may consider him first to be naturally
of a delicate hearing, as many are to whom all sharp sounds
are unpleasant; and secondly, we may attribute much of it to
the peevishness of his Age, or the wayward authority of an old
man in his own house, where he may make himself obeyed; and
to this the Poet seems to allude in his name Morose. Beside
20 this, I am assur'd from divers persons, that Ben. Johnson was
actually acquainted with such a man, one altogether as ri-
diculous as he is here represented. Others say it is not enough
to find one man of such an humour; it must be common to
more, and the more common the more natural. To prove this,
they instance in the best of Comical Characters, Falstaffe:
There are many men resembling him; Old, Fat, Merry, Cow-
ardly, Drunken, Amorous, Vain, and Lying: But to convince
these people, I need but tell them, that humour is the ridicu-
lous extravagance of conversation, wherein one man differs
so from all others. If then it be common, or communicated to
many, how differs it from other mens? or what indeed causes
it to be ridiculous so much as the singularity of it? As for
3 except] Qz-g, D; excepting Qi, Fa-b.
3-4 Fox and Alchymist] Qs, Fa-b, D; Fox and Alchymist Qi-z.
6 once] Qz-g, D; once apiece Qi, Fa-b (a piece Fb).
8 Morose's] Qj, D; Moroses's Qi-8, Fa-b.
19 to this . . . allude] Qs-3, D; this . . . allude to Qi, Fa-b.
19 Beside] 0)2-3, D'' Besides Qi, Fa-b.
go divers] Qz-3, D; diverse Qi, Fa-b.
6o Prose 1668-1691
lie open to discovery, and few are pardonable. 'Tis this which
Horace has judiciously observ'd:
Creditur ex media quia res arcessit habere
Sudoris minimum, sed habet Comedia tanto
Plus oneris, quanta Venice minus.
But our Poet, who was not ignorant of these difficulties, has
made use of all advantages; as he who designes a large leap
takes his rise from the highest ground. One of these advan-
tages is that which Corneille has laid down as the greatest
10 which can arrive to any Poem, and which he himself could
never compass above thrice in all this Playes, viz. the making
choice of some signal and long-expected day, whereon the ac-
tion of the Play is to depend. This day was that design'd by
Dauphine for the selling of his Uncles Estate upon him; which
to compass he contrives to marry him: that the marriage had
been plotted by him long beforehand is made evident by what
he tells True-Wit in the second Act, that in one moment he
had destroy'd what he had been raising many months.
There is another artifice of the Poet, which I cannot here
20 omit, because by the frequent practice of it in his Comedies,
he has left it to us almost as a Rule, that is, when he has
any Character or humour wherein he would show a Coup de
Maistre, or his highest skill; he recommends it to your ob-
servation by a pleasant description of it before the person first
appears. Thus, in Bartholomew Fair he gives you the Pictures
of Numps and Cokes, and in this those of Daw, Lafoole, Mo-
rose, and the Collegiate Ladies; all which you hear describ'd
before you see them. So that before they come upon the Stage
you have a longing expectation of them, which prepares you
so to receive them favourably; and when they are there, even
from their first appearance you are so far acquainted with
them, that nothing of their humour is lost to you.
I will observe yet one thing further of this admirable Plot;
3 res] Qa-3, Fa-b, D; ret Qi.
6-7 has made use] Qz-3, D; had prevail'd himself Qt, Fa-b.
12 long-expected] Qa-g, D; long expected Qi, Fa-b.
17 True-Wit] Qz-g, D; Truwit Qi, Fa-b.
27 Collegiate] Qa~3, Fa-b, D; Cellegiate Qi.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 63
2 verse,] ~ ? Qi~3, F, D.
3 I . . . make} in romans in Q/; not set off as vrr<;e in Qi-j, F, D.
6 it?] ~ : Qi-g, F, D. 12 on] Q2-3, D; upon Qi, F.
14-15 disposition] Q2-g, D; disposing Qi, F.
21 then in] Qi (corrected state), Qz-3, F, D; then it Qi (uncorrected state).
28 establishes] Q2~3, D; concludes upon Qi, F.
31 farther off] D; farther of Qi-3, F.
70 Prose 1668—1691
knew not what the other would say, yet) makes up that part
of the verse which was left incompleat, and supplies both the
sound and measure of it. This you say looks rather like the
confederacy of two, then the answer of one.
This, I confess, is an objection which is in every mans mouth
who loves not rhyme: but suppose, I beseech you, the repartee
were made onely in blank verse, might not part of the same
argument be turn'd against you? for the measure is as often
supply'd there as it is in Rhyme, the latter half of the Hemi-
10 stick as commonly made up, or a second line subjoyn'd as a
reply to the former; which any one leaf in Johnson's Playes
will sufficiently clear to you. You will often find in the Greek
Tragedians, and in Seneca, that when a Scene grows up into
the warmth of repartees (which is the close fighting of it) the
latter part of the Trimeter is supply'd by him who answers;
and yet it was never observ'd as a fault in them by any of the
Ancient or Modern Criticks. The case is the same in our verse
as it was in theirs; Rhyme to us being in lieu of quantity to
them. But if no latitude is to be allow'd a Poet, you take from
20 him not onely his license of quidlibet audendi, but you tie him
up in a straighter compass then you would a Philosopher. This
is indeed Musas colere severiores: You would have him follow
Nature, but he must follow her on foot: you have dismounted
him from his Pegasus. But you tell us this supplying the last
half of a verse, or adjoyning a whole second to the former,
looks more like the design of two then the answer of one.
Suppose we acknowledge it: how comes this confederacy to be
more displeasing to you then in a Dance which is well con-
triv'd? You see there the united design of many persons to
ao make up one Figure: after they have seperated themselves in
many petty divisions, they rejoyn one by one into a gross: the
confederacy is plain amongst them; for chance could never
produce any thing so beautiful, and yet there is nothing in it
that shocks your sight. I acknowledg the hand of Art appears
19 those which are most mean and] Qs-3, D; the most mean ones: those Qi, F.
28-29 dcbas'd,] ~ A Qi-g, F, D.
30 Hemistich] Hcmystich Qi-2; Hemystick (£3; Hemistich F, D.
78 Prose 1668-1691
that the Rhyme naturally follows them, not they the Rhyme.
To this you answer'd, that it was no Argument to the ques-
tion in hand, for the dispute was not which way a man may
write best; but which is most proper for the subject on which
he writes.
First, give me leave, Sir, to remember you that the Argu-
ment against which you rais'd this objection, was onely sec-
ondary: it was built on this Hypothesis, that to write in verse
was proper for serious Playes; which supposition being granted
10 (as it was briefly made out in that discourse, by showing how
verse might be made natural) it asserted, that this way of writ-
ing was an help to the Poets judgment, by putting bounds to
a wilde over-flowing Fancy. I think therefore it will not be
hard for me to make good what it was to prove on that sup-
position. But you add, that were this let pass, yet he who wants
judgment in the liberty of his fancy, may as well show the de-
fect of it when he is confin'd to verse: for he who has judg-
ment will avoid errours, and he who has it not, will commit
them in all kinds of writing.
20 This Argument, as you have taken it from a most acute
person, so I confess it carries much weight in it. But by using
the word Judgment here indefinitely, you seem to have put a
fallacy upon us: I grant he who has Judgment, that is, so pro-
found, so strong, or rather so infallible a judgment, that he
needs no helps to keep it alwayes pois'd and upright, will com-
mit no faults either in rhyme or out of it. And on the other
extream, he who has a judgment so weak and craz'd that no
helps can correct or amend it, shall write scurvily out of
Rhyme, and worse in it. But the first of these judgments is no
so where to be found, and the latter is not fit to write at all. To
speak therefore of judgment as it is in the best Poets; they
who have the greatest proportion of it, want other helps than
from it within. As for example, you would be loth to say, that
O R,
Some few EHR4 T A S to be Printed
infleadof the SCULPTURES with
the Second Edition of that PLAY.
ntta*Mtne itpo»4M,
rexattttetitt r**ti XhefcideCodrtt
L 0 N D 0 N,
Printed in the Year, 1674*
Notes and Observations 83
face above three days, has yet the arrogance to thrust it self into
the World in Print, with a great name before it where
the Fawning Scribler shall compendiously say &c. And
thus a Dedication which was formerly a present to a Person of
Quality, is now made a Libell on him, whilst the Poet either
supposes his Patron so great a Sot, as to defend that in Print
which he hist off the Stage, or makes himself a greater in ask-
ing a favour from him which he ne're expects to obtain.
This is the sum of his Accusation, and of the first part of his
10 Epistle. To let pass the Non-sense of corrupting the Original
design of Dedications; as if one mans designs could corrupt an-
others, and of a Dedication which was a present becoming a
Libell, as if Dedications were like Ale in Summer, the same
Dedication which was a present, could sowre into a Libell;
The sense of the whole is this: Impudent Scriblers, that is,
Sawcy and Foolish Writers, by making great persons patronize
their damn'd Plays; that is, by Attacking them with Trifles,
make all Dedications so suspected for Libells; that he dares not
Attack his Patron with his Trifle, before he tells him on what
20 grounds he does it, least he should be thought a Libeller as well
as they. One would think by the horrid bluster that he made
at Starting, the sawcyness wherewith he demeans himself all
along in his Epistle to so great a person as his Patron, the con-
tempt he shews to his poor fellow Scriblers, strutting and crow-
ing over them at the rate he does, that for certain he must be
some extraordinary inspired mortal, his Play some very tran-
scendent piece, and his Dedication so secure from being a Li-
bell, that (to speak in his own phrase) he infinitely obliges his
Patron to condescend to grant him that honour. But alas! this
30 Huff, like all those in his Play, dwindles, when examin'd, into
non-sense or nothing. Here all that he has to say against the
poor Wretches is, that they are so sawcy and impudent as to
Attack great persons with Trifles, and yet confesses he do's the
same; and this he takes a great deal of pains to prove is plain
Libelling of them, and by consequence (though he is so silly as
not to see it) is industrious to prove himself a Libeller and
n-i2 aiiolliers, anil] ~ . And Q.
Notes and Observations 89
ing it. This Play, which for no other merit durst take Sanctuary
here, throws it self at your feet as your own, the Story of which
I owe to your hands, &c.
What a Medley of confounded stuff is here? in the publick
honours you have condescended; condescend honours is a new
and a very proper phrase. To grant this Play and its Authour,
have heightned my sense. Here he distinguishes betwixt him-
self and the Authour of the Play; if spoke with design, it is
the only thing in the Epistle that has Wit in it; for no one but
10 would be ashamed of owning such a Play; but there is very
little reason to think that is his design, and so I must place it
among the rest of his Fustian. Besides the publick honours
you have condescended have heightned: Here is have
have twice. And then what tolerable connexion is there
in the words? This Play which for no other merit, i.e, No other
merit then the honours condescended; he makes conferring of
honours to confer merit. Merit sometimes procures Honour,
but Honour never bestows Merit. For no other merit durst take
Sanctuary: I had thought People had used to take Sanctuary for
20 Guilt and not for Merit. Poor Morocco, heaven knows, is
much injured to be so accused of Merit, that in a great fright it
must take Sanctuary to be protected from it. Durst take Sanctu-
ary here, throws it self at your Feet. Take Sanctuary here:
where? at your Feet; then it is Tautology. This Play, which for
no other merit durst take Sanctuary at your feet, does take Sanc-
tuary at your Feet. If not at your feet, where then? I am sure the
foot is the fitting'st place for such Stuff, and yet by the Authours
arrogance, he rather seems to aim at the crown of the head;
and yet such non-sense should not choose the Head for Sanctu-
30 ary of all parts of the body; I am sure no Head but his own
but would be ashamed to give it Sanctuary. There is another
part of the body which his Plays and Scribbles would be more
useful to. Throws it self at your feet as your own. This is the
greatest piece of Saucyness and Arrogance we have met with
yet, to accuse his Lordship of being the Authour of his damn'd
Play. Cannot a great Person take a little pitty of a Fool, but he
33 to] too Q.
Notes and Observations 93
to the Book-Seller, who whisper'd the Poet and told him, Sir,
your Play had misfortune, was thought a little non-sensical,
and all that but if you would be at the charge of a Sculp-
ture or two the Poet takes the hint; lets the Book-seller
(as 'tis said) pick his Pocket and all that 'Tis not
to be imagin'd how far a Sculpture or two at the Poets charge,
goes to make the Book-seller Rich, and the Poet Ridiculous. I
will conclude my observations on this Epistle with four lines
of our Poets.
10 Kings Bounties act like the Suns courteous Smiles,
Whose rayes produce kind Flowers on fruitful Soiles;
But cast on barren Sands and baser Earth,
Only breed poysons, and give Monsters Birth.
I will not engage in the non-sense of these lines, my buis-
ness here being only to return his Simile upon him, and leave
the examination of the non-sense of the expression to another
place, it being too much for this, witness the plenty contained
but in the first line.
Kings Bounties act like the Suns courteous Smiles.
20 He calls a Smile courteous, and says a Kings Bounty acts like
a Smile; it had been more like sense to have said Kings in their
bounties act like Smiles; and yet it had been ridiculous enough
to compare a King to a Smile. But I observe our Poet is much
delighted with Smiles, and they are things that have great
power over him.
In his Epilogue to Cambises, he begg'd Smiles to help him
to write a Play.
Faith for once grant it, that the World may say,
Your Smiles have been the Authour of a Play.
so In this Epistle he begs his Patrons Smiles to preserve his
Play. And in his Epilogue to this Play he begs Smiles in gen-
eral for the Scribling Trade.
So your kind Smiles advance the Scribling Trade.
Oh: Witty Smiles, what cannot Smiles do? write Plays, pre-
serve Plays, and advance Play-making! sure Smiles cannot but
be very proud of themselves. But I doubt our Poet means he
1i rayes] S; race Q.
Notes and Observations 97
will write the Plays, and Smiles shall have the credit of them;
an excellent Whedle! Truly if Smiles get no more credit by
their Plays, then they get by Morocco, Smiles will give over
Smiling, or Smile upon the Brow; which is worse. And I be-
lieve Smiles cannot but be vext, that they were drawn in to
be the Authours of a Play, since it was such a wretched one. A
barbarous thing it is of the Poet, with his non-sense to force
Smiles to Smile, and then accuse Smiles of all his non-sense. If
this be the trade, there will be no end of Smiling and Non-
10 sense; for his Non-sense will beget Smiles, and Smiles will
beget Non-sense, and so to the end of the Chapter, unless Smiles
convinced of the evil consequence contain themselves though
never so much provok'd. But to apply his Simile: As the Suns
rates cast on fruitful Soils produce Flowers, but on barren
Sands and baser Earth only breed Monsters and Poisons,
(where by the way it is hard to find any baser Earth then bar-
ren Sands, nor are those Sands properly barren that produce
poisons, nor the Womb that breeds Monsters, but the Sands
or Womb that produce nothing) So the favours of persons of
20 Honour and Generosity cast on ingenious Men, encourage
them to produce excellent things, and are bestowed for the
advantage of the World; but thrown away on such unimprov-
able Dunces as this, only produce such things as they say are
bred of Sun and Slime in SF.gypt, things half Mud and half
Monster, and such another thing is this Play, a thing made up
of Fustian and non-sense, which with much ado, after two years
painful hatching, crawl'd out of the muddy head where it was
19 nothing] ~ . Q.
g8 Prose 1668-1691
HE Reader is desired to take notice, that in the Observa-
tions on the Plot and Conduct of the Play the last
sheet is missing, being lost in the Press; and that the
faults of the Fourth and Fifth Acts are not observed there;
which were as gross and considerable as any in the Play: But
if the Poet be not of that Opinion, I promise to make him
satisfaction another time. There are likewise many Errata's not
marked, which the Reader may discern not to be the Authors.
Errata note: The Reader . . . the Authors.] cancellans slip (Authors,); ERRATA,
original text.
Notes and Observations 99
sense in it; for this Line is design'd for a proof of the former,
else it is all empty Tautology.
'Tis he wants liberty whose Soul's confin'd.
He means not Corporal Liberty, it is plain; for his King who
speaks it, and who would fain proove (if he would speak sense)
that he does not want the nobler kind of Liberty which is that
of the Mind, yet confesses himself to want the former, and
shews his Fetters. And therefore the sense is, he who has a
confin'd Soul, has a confin'd Soul. But if it relates to the for-
10 mer Line, there is this non-sence in it.
Yet Fortune to great Courages is kind;
'Tis he wants liberty whose Soul's confin'd.
'Tis apparent, that great Courages and unconfm'd Souls are
here the same thing, and then the sence is this: Great Cour-
ages, or unconfin'd Souls are unconfin'd by the kindness of For-
tune; that is, great Courages are valiant by chance or by good
What stuff may not a silly unattending Audience swallow,
wrapt up in Rhime; certainly our Poet writes by chance, is
20 resolv'd upon the Rhime before hand, and for the rest of the
Verse has a Lottery of words by him, and draws them that
come next, let them make sense or non-sense when they come
together he matters not that; and his luck is so bad, that he
seldom hits upon any that agree any more, than so many Men
of several Languages would do.
My thoughts out-fly that mighty Conqueror,
Who having one World vanquisht, wept for more,
Fettefd in Empires, he enlargement crav'd,
To the short walk of one poor Globe enslav'd,
30 My Soul mounts higher, and fates power disdains,
And makes me Reign a Monarch in my Chains.
To pass by the non-sense of enslaving a Man to a walk, and
to the walk of a Globe, a thing so improper for a walk, that a
Woman upon a Globe is the Embleme of Fortunes incon-
stancy; a Globe being a thing that no one can with ease so
much as stand upon; and to the walk of a poor Globe, as if
there could be poverty in a Globe; the whole is unintelligible
Notes and Observations 101
Parents should have power of life and death over their Chil-
dren as he argues.
No shape of ill can come within her Sphere.
I would fain know what part of a Woman her Sphere is. It
seems Morena's was a squeamish Sphere, and would admit no
shape of ill into it, or nothing of ill shape.
When e're she bleeds,
Pie no severer a damnation needs,
That dares pronounce the sentence of her death,
10 Than the infection that attends that breath.
That attends that Breath. The Poet is at Breath again,
Breath can never scape him; and here he brings in a Breath
that must be infectious with pronouncing a Sentence, and this
Sentence is not to be pronounced till the condemned party
bleeds; that is she must be executed first and sentenced after,
and the pronouncing of this Sentence will be infectious, that
is others will catch the disease of that Sentence, and this in-
fecting of others will torment a mans self. The whole is thus,
when she bleeds thou needest no greater Hell or Torment to
20 thy self, than infecting of others by pronouncing a Sentence
upon her. What hedge podge does he make here? Never was
Dutch Grout such Clogging, thick indigestible stuff; but this
is but a last to stay the Stomach, we shall have a more plentiful!
Mess presently.
Hold Sir, and your unmanly fears remove.
Morena here tells the King he is fearfull and unmanly, and
to speak in the Poets Phrase;
Like a weak animal of Mortal Race,
Affronts her Husband to's face.
so But now to dish up the Poets Broth that I promised,
For when we'r dead, and our freed Souls enlarged,
Of Natures grosser burden we are discharg'd.
Then gentle as a happy lovers sigh,
Like wandring Meteors through the Air we'I flie;
And in our Airy walk, as subtil Guests,
We'l steal into our cruel Fathers Breasts,
There read their Souls, and track each passions Sphere:
37 their] S; their Q.
Notes and Observations 105
Meteors, [Shall fly through the Air.] That is, they shall mount
above like falling Stars, or else they shall skip like two Jacks
with Lanthorns, or Will with a Wisp, and Madge with a Can-
dle. [And in their Airy walk steal into their cruel fathers
Breasts, like subtile Guests.] So that their Fathers Breasts must
be in an Airy walk, an Airy walk of a Flyer. [And there they
will read their Souls, and track the Spheres of their Passions]
That is, these walking Flyers, Jack with a Lanthorn, ire. will
put on his Spectacles and fall a reading Souls, and put on his
10 Pumps and fall a tracking of Spheres, so that he will read and
run, walk and fly at the same time! OhI Nimble Jack. [Then
he will see how Revenge here, how Ambition there] The Birds
will hop about. [And then view the dark Characters of Sieges,
Ruines, Murders, Blood, and Wars in their Orbes] Track the
Characters to their formsl Oh, rare sport for Jack! Never was
place so full of Game as these Breastsl You cannot stir but you
flush a Sphere, start a Character, or unkennel an Orbel [Then
we'l blot out those hideous Draughts, and write Pure and
White Forms] Now Jack must out with his Pen and Ink, and
20 fall a scribling of White Forms with intent I suppose to Con-
jure the Game. [Then incircle their Breasts with radiant light,
till their Passions be gentle as nature in its Infancy.] Now Jack
must round the bush with his Lanthorn, till the Birds are so
dead he may take them up with his hand: Or to speak in our
Poets Phrase, [As gentle as Nature in its Infancy,] which in
the latter end of the Third Act he says was [wild, savage and
strong;] but I suppose he means as gentle, as wild, savage and
strong things can be; as if I should say his Play is as full of
sense as a Play all non-sense can be. [Then soften'd by our
so Charms their furies cease, &c. ] Now Jacks sport is at
an end, and the old people are quiet: No wonder they were
troublesome when they had all this bustle in their Bellies, and
now Jack and Madge may go marry. But me thinks these are
a kind of humoursome people, both Fathers and Children, that
all the first, and only take notice of some of the latter.
Here he makes Gygantickness the perfection of Humane
Stature; and says Gyants are not Monsters, only seem so to
Mankind: By consequence all that are not Gyants are imper-
fect, if not Monsters.
Brave Crimalhaz thy Breast and mine agree,
Now thou art worthy of a Crown, and me.
He deserves a Crown and her, because he is a Villain and
talks non-sense. And their Breasts agree: How Breasts can agree
10 or quarrel, any more than Backs or Necks, I cannot tell.
We'l act his death in state.
How can one act anothers death? Perhaps the Queen Mother
will have a Play made of her Son, and she will Act in it. I
would to Heaven our Poet were sent for to Morocco to make
it, and to reward him, made Poet to Mariamne; then he would
be disposed of to his own content, and we should be troubled
with his non-sence no more.
We'l act his death in state,
And dash his Blood against his Palace Gate.
20 A stately thing to dash a Pale-full of Blood against a Palace-
To Conclude this Act with the most rumbling piece of non-
sense that has been spoken yet,
To flattering Lightning our feign'd smiles conforms,
Which backt with Thunder do but guild a Storm.
Conforme a smile to Lightning; make a smile imitate Light-
ning, and flattering Lightning; Lightning sure is a threatning
thing, and this Lightning must Guild a Storm; now if I must
conform my smiles to Lightning, then my Smiles must guild
so a Storm too: To Guild with smiles is a new invention of
Guilding, and Guild a Storm by being backt with Thunder.
Thunder is part of the Storm; so one part of the Storm must
help to Guild another part, and help by backing; as if a Man
would Guild a thing the better for being backt, or having a
Load on his back, So that here is, Guilding by conforming,
Smiling, Lightning, Backing and Thundring. The whole is as
6 Crimalhaz] S; Chrimalhaz Q.
Notes and Observations 113
Ships; but perhaps the River Tensift never bore any before;
and at Morocco they may admire how it should become Navi-
gable of a sudden to bear lofty Bulks; and yet it is a consider-
able River, for it has foaming Billows, and those more furious
than any in the Bay of Biscay, or Gulf of Florida; for they toss
Ships quite out of the Water.
In state they move, and on the Waves rebound.
To rebound on the Waves is to leap up from the Water into
the Air; and this rebounding he calls a stately Motion.
10 As if they danc'd to their own Trumpets sound.
Merry Ships that cut Capers as they Sail.
By winds inspired with lively Grace they rowl.
No doubt there may be great Grace in Rowling as the pos-
ture may be managed; but then Ships never Rowl but when
they are not inspired with Winds, that is in Calmes.
As if that breath and motion lent a Soul.
Here he makes the Effect produce the Cause. Whereas it is
a Soul that lends Breath and Motion he makes Breath and
Motion lend a Soul, as if sight could lend Eyes; if so, then
20 sight must be before Eyes.
And with that Soul they seem taught Duty too.
He takes it for granted Breath and Motion have lent a Soul,
and this Soul is lent by instruction, they are taught a Soul,
and with it taught Duty. And they are taught a Soul; that is,
they have one Soul among all.
Their Topsails Lowr'd, their heads with reverence bow.
That is, they put off their Caps and make Legs. Oh, man-
nerly Ships I
As if they would their Generalls worth enhance.
so That is, they make Legs to shew their Generalls Manners, or
the Generall make his Honours to the King with their Legs.
From him by instinct taught allegiance.
The instinct of a Ship. And the Ship learns by instinct, that
is, it learns from another, by having it naturally of it self. And
13 No] Now Q. ig not] not not Q. 16 motion] S; motion Q.
as have] has Q. 27 Legs.] ,~, Q. 33 Ship. And] Ship, and Q.
n6 Prose 1668—1691
i reverence] revereuce Q.
9 mouths ] <•*.— Q. 11 he] he he Q.
30 serenaded . . . Serenading] serevaded . . . Serevading Q (corrected in Er-
Notes and Observations 117
make it with their Voices, and not with their Wings. And they
are winged Messengers of Fire: by this it should appear he shot
Bullets; for what else can he mean by Messengers of Fire? un-
less the Fire blew all the Guns in the Air; perhaps he means
every Corn of Powder was a winged Messenger, and if so, their
Wings must be small.
He has his Tribute sent and Homage given.
A Tributary Subject.
As Men in Incense send up vows to Heaven.
10 As if Incense could carry up Thoughts, or a Thought go up
in smoak: He may as well say he will Roast or Bake Thoughts
as smoke them. And the allusion too is very agreeable and
naturall. He compares Thunder, Lightning, and Roaring of
Guns to Incense: And says thus; he expresses his loud Joys
in a Consort of Thundring Guns, as Men send up silent Vows
in gentle Incense. If this description be not plentifully sup-
plyed with non-sense, I will refer my self to the Reader. No
doubt it was worth our Poets pains to cut a River up to Mo-
rocco, for the sake of such a description of Ships as this: A
20 rare and studyed piece it is. The Poet has imployed his Art
about every Line, that it may be esteemed a Curiosity in its
kind, and himself a person endowed with a peculiar Talent in
writing new and exact non-sense. And for this no doubt it was
that our Poet was so much courted, sent for from place to
place, that you could hardly cross a street, but you met him
puffing and blowing, with his Fardel of non-sense under his
arm, driving his Bulls in hast to some great person or other to
shew them, as if he had lately come out of Asia or Affrica with
strange kinds of Dromedaries, Rhinoceroses, or a new Cambises,
so a Beast more monstrous than any of the former, Nay, both the
Play-houses contended for him, as if he had found out some
new way of eating fire. No doubt their design was to entertain
the Town with a rarity. People had been long weary of good
sense that lookt like non-sense, and now they would treat 'um
with non-sense which yet lookt very like sense. But as he that
10 As] Is Q. 16 be] is Q (corrected in Errata).
17 to the] the Q. 33 People] Peo- Q (corrected in Errata).
118 Prose 1668-1691
5 Impudence:] ^ . Q. 13 Ships:] ~. Q.
14 description] descrition Q. 27 and] and and Q.
27 homewards run] homeward come Q (corrected in Errata).
Notes and Observations 119
Thus I have daubed him with his own Puddle, And now
we are come from Aboard his Dancing, Masquing, Rebound-
20 ing, Breathing Fleet; and as if we had landed at Gotham, we
meet nothing but Fools and non-sense.
Sayes the King,
Wellcome true owner of the fame you bring,
A Conqueror is a Guardian to a King:
Conquest and Monarchy consistent are;
'Tis Victory secures the Crowns we wear.
An ingenious Speechl every Line in it rises, and is more
foolish than the other.
Wellcome true Owner.
so As if a Man could be a false Owner or have a wrong
right to a thing.
A Conquerour is a Guardian to a King.
Poor King! the Poet makes thee here confess thy self fit to be
beg'd for a Fool, and so chuse thy Cousin Mulyhamet for thy
Guardian. But perhaps the Poet has a deeper search in Poli-
5 Rhime] Rhim Q. 15 Cits,] ~ . Q.
s6 the other. ] other, Q.
ISO Prose 1668-1691
tiques, and would imply that that King who trusts a Subject
to Conquer for him, makes himself the Conquerours ward, and
deserves to be beg'd: But I doubt both Poet and King are
too much Fool to have so wise a meaning. The former therefore
must be the Poets design; and as if he had brought the King
before a Court to be tryed whether he could count five, tie a
Knot, and was fit to be beg'd or no, he makes him say,
Conquest and Monarchy consistent are.
A wise Apothegme! implying it is possible for a Monarch to
10 Conquer, or a Conquerour to be, or to serve a Monarch. And
the sense rises well too from the former Line. In the former he
had said, a Conquerour is a Kings Guardian, or protects a
King, and here he says he is consistent with a King; that is,
he is a brave fellow, and 'tis possible for him to be an honest
fellow: Just as if he had been askt, how many are the Five
Vowels, and he had answered almost five. Poor King! thou art
beg'd, there is no saving thy Estate; but perhaps the Poet thinks
he helps him in the next Line.
'Tis Victory secures those Crowns we wear.
20 Not at all! this Line is as silly as any of the rest. ['Tis Victory
secures!] That is, whilst we Conquer, we shall not be Con-
quered, and whilst we Conquer we are safe: As if he had been
asked, which was safer, to beat or to be beaten? and he answers,
'tis as safe a thing to beat as to be beaten. Now let us take the
whole Speech together. Wellcome, Oh! thou owner of thy
own Things! A Conquerour is a brave fellow, and guards his
King, and 'tis possible for him to be an honest fellow, and for
his King and him to agree; and whilst we beat others, others
will not beat us; and so we are safer than if we had been beaten.
so Mulyhamet, though a Conquerour, is Humble and Civil,
and to comply with the Kings weakness, answers in the same
kind of non-sense, cunningly (I suppose) to gain upon him, and
make him proceed in chusing him his Guardian, which yet was
his right, as being his near Cousin, and they have the same
Laws you know at Morocco, as we have.
Lead on
Muly H. Lead on, and all that kneel to you
Shall bow to me; this Conquest makes it due.
The Kings word of command signified nothing, he is but a
Cypher; and therefore his Protector Mulyhamet gives it; but
yet to please the King they mock him with a Coronation, and
have a fine Childish babble at it, a dancing Palm-tree, which
dances to a Consort of Hearts, as the Ships did to a Consort
of Messengers.
10 No Mustek like that, which Loyalty sings
A Consort of Hearts at the Crowning of Kings.
Loyalty sings Musick, and sings a Consort of Hearts: This
is like singing with anothers mouth, for one to sing a Consort,
and sing the Consort of others.
There is no such delightfull and ravishing strein,
As the ecchoes and shouts of long live, and Reign.
Long live, and Reign, is a most ravishing strein, and it is
not only a strein, but it has shouts and ecchoes: It must strain
hard to make ecchoes; for only Concave Places or Woods make
20 ecchoes.
No Homage like that which from Loyalty springs.
Like that which from is a soft Line for a Song.
And Loyalty was Musick before, now it is Homage; as if one
could pay Homage with Musick: We shall hear of Tributary
Fidlers presently sure; it seems the King parts with his Crown
for a Song.
No raising of Alters, like long live, and Reign.
This long live, and Reign, is a strange ravishing strein; it not
only ravishes the Air, and makes Ecchoes, but Stones, and
so raises Altars: It was long live and Reign sure built the Theban
Walls; but yet what e're the matter is, it ravishes no reasonable
Her gentle Breath already from just fame,
Has kindly entertain'd your glorious name.
Spoke to in the first Act.
HE King has sign'd it, and Providence has seal'd it; the
Deed being sign'd and seal'd, how is his Mother to
bind all with Breath? Is she to set her mark with her
20 Breath? Or in Witness that it is sooth, is she to bite the Wax
with her Tooth? for why may not Breath mean Tooth, as well
as Regal Power, &c. but perhaps she is to bind all with her
Breath; that is, to deliver the Deed with her Breath; that is, to
puff the Parchment into his Hands I This Queen has a strong
Make her but kind.
That I suppose is a private ejaculation, for it has no depen-
dance on the rest.
Has lust such Charms,
so Can make her fly to an Adulterers arms?
i state!] S; ~ . Q. 30 arms?] S; ~ . Q.
Notes and Observations 125
Can Lust make her a Whore? Can lust make one lustfull?
can Folly make one a Fool?
I'le right her wrongs, but I'le conceal her shame.
This Mulyhamet is an impertinent Fellow, he will kill a
Man for lying with the Queen, though for ought he knows he
may be her Husband; and lying with her, though with her
own consent, he calls wronging of her; and to revenge it he
carries away Crimalhaz his Sword under his Coat: But meeting
the King immediately, the King, (as it is the Nature of Fools
10 to be inquisitive) would needs see what Mulyhamet had got,
and cries,
Mulyhamet stay!
What have you there?
Just Jack Adams like! Cudden! What have you under your
Coat, Cudden? Some people mistake this Play, and think
it a Tragedy; I take it to be the merryest Rhiming Farce that
I ever saw, much beyond Mock-Pompey, old Simpleton the
Smith, or any of that Kind.
But she's my Mother, and I dare not guess;
20 But she's a Woman, and I can no less
Then start at horrours which my Honour stain.
The Women are much beholding to the Poet for the good
Character he gives them. His King can no less than guess his
own Mother to be a Whore, because she is a Woman.
And starts at horrours which stain his honour.
How can his horrours stain his Honour? Perhaps Horrour,
or a great Fright, might make him stain his Breeches, and so it
might reflect upon his Honour.
I'le make him infamous, low and contemned.
so He will disgrace Crimalhaz for lying with his Mother; he
will tell all the world, and make him ashamed of it.
Yet nothing is so bright, but has some scars:
Men can through Glasses find out spots in Stars.
He opposes Scars to Brightness: And makes his Hero. a
7 consent,] ~/A Q. 13 there?] S; ~ . Q. 15 Coat,] ~ I Q.
17-18 the Smith] the Smith Q. 21 Honour] S; Honours Q.
25 stain] stains Q. sg contemned.] S; <~ , Q. 34 Hero] Hero Q.
126 Prose 1668-1691
they that are born after the Reign of Queen Lawla, she pin'd
the Basket an universal Benefactrice to the World; Mankind
may live as jollily as they please, we ought to have a Holyday
kept for her; but the News is too good to be true, I doubt the
Devil played the lying Rascal, and cheated the foolish credulous
old Witch. But suppose it true, I do not see ho\v she can Crowd
up Hell yet; for must all that she kills needs be damned? if
so she has a strange unlucky Fist: and poor murder'd People
would be very hardly dealt with at that rate, to be kill'd and
10 damn'd too, nay damn'd for being kill'd; And the murderess
escape, only because she has Crowded the Goal so full of
Innocent People, that there is no room for the guilty. Sure the
murdered parties will Crowd and Squeeze to make a little room
for her out of revenge. But after all, I do not find she will
Crowd up Hell with the number she kills; for she only says,
Betray, and Kill, and Damn to that Degree. Here he puts
Degree for Number, and for Rhime sake makes it palpable
non-sense; for whatever there is in Betraying and Damning, in
Killing there is no Degree; no Man can be more or less Kill'd.
20 In Betraying and Damning indeed there may be Degrees; but
that relates not to the Number of the damned, but the Excess of
their punishment. It is direct non-sense to say I will damn
People so horribly, that there shall be no room for me to be
damned by 'em. This is the principal huff of his Play, and by
consequence the thickest of non-sense, for I always observe,
where he endeavours most to flatter, there he is sure to be
most bemired.
Monarchs do nothing ill, unless when they
By their own Acts of Grace their Lives betray.
so They do not do ill it seems to betray their Lives, provided
they do not do it by Acts of Grace.
Your Counsels weakly do my Ears attract.
What is it to attract ones Ears? does he mean your Counsels
but weakly lug me by the Ears? if so it is no very Heroick
Expression; and yet it must be either that or non-sense.
Live then, till time this sense of horrour brings,
What 'tis to ravish Queens, and injure Kings.
132 Prose 1668-1691
Brother will be displeased with her for giving him liberty, she
replies: [// his Passions, Sec.] That is, if the Fool grows
troublesome and impertinent, you wear a Sword, come and
cut the Coxcombe o're the Pate. This Poet shews an excellent
Judgment in his choice of Characters.
How! Rebel, dare you with things Sacred sport,
Ravish the Mother, and the Daughter Court?
Just as Citizens carry their Wives to see the Mad-folks in
Bedlam; the King here brings his Wife, his Mother, and his
10 whole Family to see Muly Hamet in Prison, and as it hap-
pened catched him Courting his Sister, and very like himself
falls a railing, and asks him how he dares sport with Sacred
things; Ravishing, and Courting are the same things with him,
both but Sporting.
Since Prisons no restraint o're Lust can have
Why did I not confine him to a Grave?
Since nothing can rule this Town-Bull, I will have his Brains
knocked out. This discourse must needs move Pity.
Not circled in a Chain, but in a Crown.
20 To be circled in a Crown, as Men are in Chains, is to wear
a Crown about his middle, or upon his Legs.
Sir, You mistake a Dungeon for a Throne.
A very Foolish mistake, as if one should mistake a Room for
a Joint-stool.
T'unravel your Scenes of Love.
Unraveling of Scenes, implyes they were Knit.
These Prison-walls have Eccho'd to their Sighs.
That Prison was Built in imitation sure of the Whispring
place in Gloucester, else it could never Eccho to a Sigh; but
so why may not there be loud Sighs, as well as roaring Incense?
Tortures, nor Chains, shall not my love rebate.
Tortures nor Chains. As if it was a worse thing to be
Chained than Tortured.
These Traitors walk like mad-men in a Trance:
Seem not to understand the Crimes they act.
i her . . . liberty,] ~ , . . . ~ A Q. 7 Court?] S; ~ . Q.
25 Love.] S; ^ , Q.
Notes and Observations 135
i Camp] S; Gamp Q.
15-16 it: his Notion is] if his Notion be Q (corrected in Errata).
16 this,] ^-A Q.
20 perfection?] ~ . Q. 30 Climbers] Climbes Q (corrected in Errata).
138 Prose 1668-1691
the same thing, then takes Birth; to be Born has a Passive sig-
nification, but to take Birth an Active one; and one that takes
Birth is Author of his own Birth.
Then he makes the same thing Sulphurous and Contagious,
whereas Sulphur is one of the best things in the world against
Contagion, and then after it has taken Birth both from In-
fectious Earth and Contagious Mines,
It grows from Poysons, and has left behind
Its native Venome to infect Mankind.
10 Gold has left Venome behind; this has no Construction in
it, unless Gold had first fled away, and left Mankind its Ven-
ome: But though Muly Labas's Gold fled from him, it was
with Mankind still: Or else he must mean, that the Birth of
Gold had fled and left Venome behind, which is equal non-
sense: Nor is it intelligible how Gold by its Sulphur or Con-
tagion makes Men wicked; it cannot by Contagion make Men
wicked, unless it were wicked it self.
Rapes, Murders, Treasons, what has Gold not done?
That is, What has Gold not done, Rapes, Murders, Trea-
20 sons?
This is excellent English! What Verb governs Rapes, Mur-
ders, Treasons? Next he says, if ever it has won Glory by Re-
warding Virtue, a Pious Use, or Charitable Deed,
That Sacred Power's but borrowed, which it bears,
Lent from the Royal Images it wears.
Here Muly Labas complements his own pretty Image, among
others, and would infer, that no Gold can be given to a Pious
Use but stamp'd Gold, viz. Money; Ingots, or Plate can
do nothing, or are worth nothing, the Intrinsick value of Gold
so being in the stamp. I am afraid Elkanah has very little ac-
quaintance with Gold, that he mistakes it so much; but pres-
ently he compares Kings Bounties to
the Suns Courteous smiles,
Whose Rayes produce kind Flowers
7 Contagious] Conta- / tagiotts Q. 9 Mankind.] S; ~A Q.
16 wicked;] ~ , Q. 19-20 Treasons?] ~ . Q.
23 Deed,] ~ . Q. 29 do nothing,] ~ /-^ . Q.
32-33 compares Kings Bounties to / the] compares / Kings Bounties to
— the Q.
140 Prose 1668-1691
is, whip 'em up, and carry 'em into the Sea, would turn Rocks
ipso facto.
Out-face his Treason e're its Rise begins.
Here the Pious Queen Mother advises her Son to out-face
Crimalhaz's Treason before it be Treason, viz. Out-face that
which is now Treason before it be Treason. Besides the Eng-
lish of its Rise, Beginning is naught. Treason may begin its
Rise, but Treasons Rise cannot begin of it self; for this he ad-
mires her Courage he tells her, but not her Wit, for he says,
10 Her thoughts can't reach the flight which Treason makes.
If he means by Flight the Wit of Treason it must be thus,
Treason's a very witty thing which you do'nt understand; he
takes her for as errant a Fool as himself: But to pass by a great
deal of non-sense; (for I pass by more than half) Muly Labas
Kings that want Arms, do not want Majesty.
For as he says in the precedent Line he can frown and bow
(for bend) Crimalhaz's thoughts with his Brow, though he has
no Arms; but the subsequent Line is,
20 Heav'n is not Heav'n, though 't lays its Thunder by.
As if any Fool believ'd that Thunder made it Heaven: Here
he modestly compares himself to Heaven, and his having his
Army taken from him to Heavens voluntary laying its Thun-
der by: For if it wanted Thunder as he Arms, or could be
rob'd of it, it were no Heaven as certainly as Mr. Settle is no
Poet; but the Queen Mother says very well,
Go easie Fool,
For certainly if ever there was one Muly Labas was,
And die, and when you Bleed,
30 Remember I was Author of the Deed.
Here she bids him die first, and then Bleed, and Remember
that which he did not nor could not know: then she calls his
Bleeding a Deed; Bleeding is a Suffering and no Action with
the Poets leave.
T' enlarge Fates black Records, search but my Soul:
There ye infernal Furies read a scrowl
Of Deeds,
3 his Treason] S; its Treason Q. 18 for] for Q.
142 Prose 1668-1691
Here she enters abruptly, and answers to what she did not
That were too long to tell: th' unhappy Son
This night too must the Fathers Fortune run.
And within Three Lines she contradicts her self, saying to
I'le save your life, your Empress, and your Throne.
she had set up a Religion to the Devil; and had obliged her
self in Conscience to be Impious: This is foolishly unnatural;
none ever loved and gloryed in Wickedness for Wickedness
sake: But now comes the Splendid Mask, and he cannot refrain
from non-sense in his direction.
The Scene opened is presented a Hell,
Viz. The opened Scene is presented a Hell. Very good Eng-
lish: and a Hell, as if there were more than one.
In which Pluto, Proserpine, and other Women-Spirits, 8cc.
10 As if Pluto and Proserpine were Women Spirits. This is as
bad as Twelve Cows whereof one was a Bull: Besides it is non-
sense to say Women-Spirits, as if Spirits had Sexes: Then he
says the Stage is filled on each side with Crimalhaz, &c. and all
the Court: so that all the Court is on each side, that is in two
places at once.
And now he is no more civil to Orpheus, Pluto or Proser-
pine, than to the rest in the Play; for he puts as much non-
sense in their mouths as in any: And Orpheus begins.
The Groans of Ghosts and Sighs of Souls.
20 Sighs of Souls! Sighs are with his leave the effects of Lungs;
how a Soul can sigh without Lungs I cannot imagine, or how
Spirits can howl; but some Fools that admire him will say it
is poetical. This is the general excuse for any thing that is un-
intelligible or non-sense: So that poetical, as they apply the
word, signifies nonsensical.
A gentle Gust
Has all things husht.
Besides his barbarous Rhime, what can he mean by a Gust
hushing all things? Orpheus it seems came down to Hell with
30 a gentle Gust; besides, a gentle Gust is a Bull, for a Gust is a
sudden violent Storm of Wind.
Whilst ravisht by my warbling Strings,
The Vultures moult their Wings.
Warbling Voices I have heard of; but if Elkanah had but
understood a Cittern, (which I wonder he does not) he would
zo Sighs] Sights Q. 24 non-sense:] ~ . Q.
Notes and Observations 151
HIS is one of his Sentences; which are commonly sound-
ing Nonsense. For why Misterious Majesty becomes a
Throne better than plain Majesty, is to me a Misterious
riddle. But this fellow has a Buz of poetry in his head; and
never thinking clearly, can never expresse him self intelligibly.
Pilgrims, &c.
Go meet their Saints.
I thought they had gone quite to them; and that the Saints
had staid for them in their Shrines. But Mr. Settles Saints are
civiller than any other.
I from those eyes for ever will remove:
I cannot stand the sight of hopeless love, &c.
To What ere place my wandring steps incline
lie fancy Empyres; for lie think her mine.
10 His love is Hopeless and yet he'l thinke her his.
See the reward of treason: Death's the thing
Distinguishes th' Vsurper from the King:
Kings are immortal; and from life remove;
From their Low'r thrones, to weare new Crowns above:
But Heaven for him has scarse that bliss in store:
When an Usurper dyes he reignes no more.
If he would have studied for non-sense; (but God be thanked
he needs not) he could scarce have crouded more together in
six lines.
20 Deaths the thing, Distinguishes th' Vsurper from the King,
this is his first Sentence; and tis non-sense, for Death makes
all men equall.
Kings are immortal and from life remove.
Another Sentence: Kings are immortal and yet dye. From
life remove; from their Lower thrones: that is from, from.
Then all Kings go to Heaven too: that is good Divinity: but if
they weare new Crowns above, we shall be sure to know them
from Vulgar Saints, who either weare no Crownes, or none but
30 When an Vsurper dies he raignes no more.
Sentences are fatall to this fellow: this is a very glorious one;
when a man dies he reignes no more: I think I can make one
as good of this Poet, when he has done this Play he writes no
more: or which is all one, he will never get it acted; or which
is even yet all one, It will never get an Audience.
1-2 Pilgrims, Sec. / Go] Pilgrims, go Q. 7 love, &c.] love Q.
8 wandring] S; wandering Q. 10 his.] ~ : Q.
14 above:] S; ~ A Q. 23 remove.] ~ : Q. 24 From] from Q.
z6 Then] then Q. 30 more.] ~ : Q.
Notes and Observations 167
In the next place why should this Muley Labas steale her
away, or, to follow our Authors Bull, ravish her with her own
consent? who for ought we know might have had her for
speaking. And it ought to have been the first bargain her Father
should have made: He was a Prince, her equall or Superiour;
and as errant a foole as his Daughter; So that they were onely
fit for one another; And as good as married in their Characters.
Yet since nothing would serve the Poets turn but an
Action of Knights-errantry, that the Lady must be stoln, why
10 should Muley Labas his Father put his onely Son in Prison, at
his return? That was more than Priam did to Paris for stealing
Helena, though he had fifty Sons besides him. If he would not
have defended him for fear of indangering his Estate, he might
have sent the Lady back and avoided the inconvenience of the
Warr. But instead of this nothing will serve his turn but to
kill them both: that was to leave himself without a Son, and
to exasperat her Father by her Death. A pretty match of our
Poets making, where the friends on both sides were displeased:
and a rediculous senceless War to be made, onely that the
20 Authour might have an Argument for a Play.
But pray marke what reasons are given by the Emperour for
killing his Son and Daughter in Law, he sayes he will present
her Father with her head; a good way to pacify him, and to
make him withdraw his Seige: And for his Son he will execute
him for suspition of treason! Who, he a Traytor? I wonder his
Father knew him no better than to suspect him of so much
wit as goes to the makeing one! I dare say there was not one
honest Citizen in the pit, but his Stomach was ready to rise
to heare him so miscall'd: by the first twenty lines he spoke
so you might finde he was never like to make such a designing
person. The old Gentleman, might have set his heart at rest
for any harme his Son wou'd do him: Indeed if he had knockt
him on the head for a Foole, he had shown some reason, and
the Audience would have thank'd him: As to matter of Plots
7 another] anoher Q. 9 Knights-errantry, that] ~ : ~>, Q.
11 return?] ~ . Q. 12 him.] ~ : Q.
25 Who, . . . Traytor?] ^A . . . ~ I Q.
170 Prose 1668-1691
1 dare be Compurgator both for Muley Labas and for the Poet,
Our Elkanah shall never suffer for Treason in the Raign of
King Charles the Second. He is certainly the most Innocent
servant his Majesty has; and therefore I am sorry that I finde
by the Gazette he must loose his priviledge of poet in extraor-
dinary to his Majesty.
But what if after all this, Moreno, can furnish us with a
reason why she makes this relation to her Lover, of what she
suffered for him, will the Critticks be then contented? she tells
10 him 'tis not to upbrayd him, but to arm his fancy for more
pleasing formes: (that expression is non-sense too, by the way,
to arme against an Enemy is proper, but to arme for a more
pleasing form, that is where there is no danger, is ridiculously
absurd:) but she wou'd say she relates their past troubles to
make him taste the pleasures which must follow; For now his
Father is grown kind; and has designd their mutual Happi-
ness. This is good news indeed; and surprizes Muley Labas so
much that he falls into a fit of nonsense (very natural to our
Author) And in broken sentences, expresses his joy. But after
20 she has let him run on for six lines together, and has heightned
his expectation with the hope of great and glorious things, and
fit onely for the breath of Kings, that he approves their passions
and will Crown their Loves; she turns short like a Damned
jilting Bitch, and tells him, it is decreed they shall to-
gether Dye. O Barbarous Morena, to wriggle and pull back
her from her Lover to forsake him in the midest of his
pleasure when he was just ready to have (those two
strokes were in imitation of our Authour.) But what a Char-
acter of a Woman was this; of one whome he intends a vertuous
so Woman, to put her Lover in hope, that she might make his
dispair the greater afterwards: And all this that the Poet might
surprise his Audience, for the worse.
But I find he gathers new non-sense every line; as a Snow
ball grows by rowling. For how the Devil should Morena know
the News She tells Muley Labas, before him? either they were
both in the same Prison or kept seperate. If they were seperated
who brought her to him, or how came she to have the first
Intelligence, who was a Stranger as well as a Prisoner in
Morocco? If they were together The news must have arrived
by some other hand, and have been brought to both.
Well, from whencesoever the News arrives, Muley Labas is
thunder-struck with it: He wonders his Father should suspect
10 him of Treason; and pray observe how he cleares himself
Can he thinhe so foule
A thought as Treason harbours in his Soule
Which does Morena',? Sacred Image beare?
No shape of ill can come within her Sphere.
A wonderfull Demonstration of his innocence, that he was
in Love with Morena: for nothing of ill could come within her
Sphere. What he meanes by coming into her Sphere I know
not: for Sphere signifies every thing with this Authour: the
Sphere of Morena, the Sphere of passions in the next Page,
20 the Sphere of Morocco, and the Sphere of Hell. And all these
within the Sphere of our Authours activity. His argument runs
thus: No Traitor can come within the Sphere of Morena, but
I can come within the Sphere of Morena, therefore I am no
Traitor: what could his Father reply to this; but that his
Treason greater was for being small; And had been greater
were it none at all.
Imagin what a kind of Plott we are like to have on this
Foundation. Immediately after this first Scene, or opening,
enters the Queen-Mother, and brings News to Muley Labas
BO that his Father the old Emperour is suddenly Dead, as he was
pronouncing the sentence of his Death: She tells the manner
of it with all the Circumstances; and yet being afterwards
alone with Crimalhaz her Confident, and Adulterer, tells us
her Husband was poison'd by her procurement; and desires
5 Stranger] Strainger Q. 6 Morocco?] ~ I Q.
13 Morena's] Moreno's Q.
87-28 Plott . . . Foundation.] <~ : . . . ~A Q. 27 to] ro Q.
172 Prose 1668-1691
Crimalhaz to relate the manner of it. This was a miserable
shift of the Poet, to let the Audience know how the old
Emperour Dyed: For she her self, could not be ignorant of it:
She who was whor'd by Crimalhaz, who set him on, and who
could not have known her Husbands Death, but she must know
the Circumstances also. So he did before in the first Scene be-
twixt Muley Labas and his Morena: to make the Storie plaine
to us he makes it told to those who knew it before, But we must
excuse him he had but that one trick, and was forc'd to use
10 it twice, like him who haveing but one Trump in his game
takes it up to play again.
After this you have a wonderful politick speech of the Queen
Mother, that she has onely set up her Son to throw him down:
That he was not yet ripe for Ruine, till she had undermind
his absent General; who being taken from him, the King would
be left without a Prop, and then she might safely murther him
to make way for her Lover Crimalhaz.
Mark here the head Peice of our Poet: How rediculously
he contrives in the Person o£ this great plotter, the Queen
20 Mother. The General was absent, his return uncertain, (for
there was no News of it in the first Act) Her Son in Prison, and
a foole into the bargain, so that the City was at her disposing,
and she and her Gallant had a much fairer game to play, if they
immediately possessed themselves of the Crown, now in their
reach, Than if they waited for the Generals coming, who was
a Friend to the King, and whom they were not certain they
could render suspected to him: But then the Play must
have ended in the first Act, or the Poet had been to seek for a
more reasonable Plot. But wanting that, he has drawn his
so buisness out at length; and like a Roguish Chyrurgeon has
made a sore first, that he might make a cure afterwards.
His Address is admirable too. He acquaints his Audience
with what he intends to do; which is the way never to surprize
them: As if a man who intended to cheat another, should tell
him his design before hand.
But what a Character of a Woman was here in his Queen-
4 Crimalhaz^ Grimalhaz^ Q. 25 coming] comming Q.
Notes and Observations 1*73
catch Mariamne with Muley Harriet: the onely excuse that can
be found is that it may be there was a Prison in the Kings
Palace; and that Muly Labas and after him Muley Harriet,
were onely sent to be whipt at the Porters Lodge.
The third Act has more of buisness in it than the second,
and consequently is fuller of Absurdities. Here it is that Poet
Ninnyes play begins to thicken. Muley Harriet haveing the
Emperours signet comes into the Seraglio, and surprizes the
Queen mother with Crimalhaz asleep, takes away his Sword,
10 and not to spoile sport where he could make none, civilly
withdraws: The lustfull Villain wakes and misses his weapon;
His Queen and he devise a story to turn the mischief on Muley
Harriet by perswading the Emperour that Muley Harriet was
the Ravisher, and Crimalhaz the defender, which succeeds,
and Muley Hamet is imprison'd, &c.
In the next place 'tis to be considered that the Emperour
gave his signet to Muley Hamet in publick: So that the Queen
and Crimalhaz had fair warning of their danger.
Then, though Muley Hamet gain'd admission into the Sera-
20 glio, he could not get into the Queens Lodgings without the
notice of some of her Attendance: so that it was impossible he
should have surpris'd the Lovers. Nay you see Achmat the
Eunuch afterwards confesses that he met Muley Hamet, and
did not stop him, which makes the story more ridiculous: for
Achmat knew what was doing within, as being their confident
and in reason could not have made so great a mistake as to
have let Muley Hamet passe without notice given.
The Queens defence is yet more improbable: She sayes that
Muley Hamet would have ravished her; and Crimalhaz came
30 in to her rescue.
Muley Hamet was in love with her Daughter, and came to
ask her consent to the Marriage: He was a heroe indeed and a
very bold one, to fly upon the old Gentlewoman with so much
7 Ninnyes] Ninnyes Q. 7 begins] be gins Q.
n Villain] Villian Q. 19-20 Seraglio] Seraglio Q.
20 get . . . Queens] git ... Queens Q. 21 was] /•>/ , Q.
21 impossible] impossibe Q. 23 Eunuch] Eunuch Q.
26 and . . . mistake] aud . . . mistake. Q. 28 Queens] Queens Q.
Notes and Observations 177
his favour, was a very Senseless one for Mariamne to free Muley
Harriet, because he had been false to love and would have rav-
ished her own mother; I am affraid she had some other design
in coming thither; and hearing of his manhood in enterprising
upon an old Woman, she thought he would do miracles to her.
But how knew she he was in Prison? she was not by, when
he was committed; and yet within Ten or Twelve lines, after
his going off, she has not onely heard of it, but has gone to his
Jaile and bribd his Keeper for his delivery, very quick work of
10 a nimble wilted Poet: and yet all this is suppos'd too: for we
heare nothing of those Circumstances. So the Play goes for-
ward till it comes to a broad place, and there the Authour
comes to the ditch, leaps over, and leaves the plot to come af-
ter as it can.
When it was not for his purpose that Muley Harriet should
clear himself; then he had not a word to say in his own de-
fence: But when the buisness is over he makes out his inno-
cence to Mariamne: But when Muley Labas and that close
mourner the Queen-mother came in the second time, he is be-
20 witchd againe and cannot speake to the King. So though he
be the Heroe and the Emperour the Foole of the Play, yet
the Foole rides the Heroe, and has the whip hand of him per-
petually. Once more the King will have his blood, and once
more the Queen-mother, whose second thoughts are no wiser
than her first, would save him: At last tis concluded he must
be banished. Upon this the old Queen and Crimalhaz plot
anew to destroy him by an Ambuscade which they would lay
for him, in his way to Banishment. They might have done it
more easily and less Suspiciously by the Kings order and by
so Law; but they will needs wave the certain way for the uncer-
tain, and the plausible for the Suspicious. So here's a Play spun
10 /">j OME who are pleased with the bare sound of Verse, or the
^^ Rumbling of Robustuous non-sense, will be apt to think
>s_J Mr. Settle too severely handled in this Pamphlet; but I
do assure the Reader that there are a vast number of Er-
rors past by, perhaps as many or more then are taken notice
of, both to avoid the Tediousness of the work and the great-
ness: it might have occasion'd of a volume upon such a trifle:
I dare affirm that no objections in this Book are fruitless
cavills, but if through too much hast Mr. Settle may be ac-
cused of any seeming fault which may reasonably be defended,
20 Let the passing by many gross Errors without reprehension
compound for it; I am not ignorant that his admirers who
most commonly are Women, will resent this very ill; and some
little friends of his who are Smatterers in Poetry, will be ready
for most of his gross Errors to use that much mistaken plea of
Poetica Licentia, which words Fooles are apt to use for the
Palliateing the most absurd non-sense in any Poem. I can not
find when Poets had Liberty from any Autority to write non-
sense more then any other men, Nor is that Plea of Poetica
Licentia used as a Subterfuge, by any but weake professors
5 Gentleman] Gentle man Q. 6 Tragedy] Tragady Q.
7-8 civilly, What] tivily what Q. 9 Crown?] ~ . Q.
Notes and Observations 181
standings; and turns 'em into Sots, makeing their heads con-
tinually hot by accident, as the others heads are by nature; so
meer Poets and meer Musicians, are as sottish as meer Drunk-
ards are, who live in a continual! mist without seeing, or judge-
ing any thing clearly.
A man should be learn'd in severall Sciences, and should
have a reasonable Philosophicall, and in some measure a Math-
ematicall head; to be a compleat and excellent Poet: And be-
sides this should have experience in all sorts of humours and
10 manners of men: should be throughly skil'd in conversation,
and should have a great Knowledge of mankind in generall.
Mr. Settle haveing never studied any sort of Learning but
Poetry, and that but slenderly as you may find by his Write-
ings, and haveing besides no other advantages, must make but
very lame work on't; He himselfe declares he neither reads,
nor cares for Conversation, so that he would perswade us he
is a kind of Phanatick in Poetry, and has a light within him;
and writes by an inspiration which (like that of the Heathen
Prophets) a man must have no sense of his own when he re-
20 ceives, and no doubt he would be thought inspired and would
be reverenc'd extreamly in the Country where Santons are wor-
ship'd; But some will I doubt not object, That Poetry should
not be reduced to the strictnesse of Mathematicks, to which I
answer it ought to be so far, as to have likeness,
and Proportion, since they will all confess that it is a kind of
Painting: But they will perhaps say that a Poem is a Picture
to be seen at a distance, and therefore ought to be bigger then
the life; I confess there must be a due distance allowd for the
seeing of any thing in the World: For an object can no more
ao be seen at all too neare, then too far off the eye; but granting
that a Poem is a Picture to be viewd at a great distance, the
distance and the bigness ought to be so suited, as though the
Picture be much bigger then the life, yet it must not seem so,
7 in] ni Q. 8 Poet:] ~ . Q.
go he would] some body would Q (corrected in Errata).
si Santons] Santons Q. 26 Painting] Paintaing Q.
Notes and Observations 183
they wrote, which men of Sense find now; but if not, and they
were judged excellencies as Schoolemasters would perswade us,
Yet I must now say,
Nobis non Licet esse tarn disertis
Musas qui colimus Severiores.
i wrote,] ~A Q.
1-8 if not, and they were judged excellencies as] not, and that thoseif mine
excellencies in 'em as Q (corrected in Errata; correction in original Errata
tinder pasted slip was but not the Excellencies which).
3 now say] say now Q (corrected in Errata).
4 disertis] desertis Q (corrected in Errata).
Heads of an Answer to Rymer 185
14 is] J; are T, M.
18 Poetry in Writing,] J; Poetry, in Writing T; Poetry in writing M,
34 Chain] J, M; Chair T.
Heads of an Answer to Rymer 191
g>ctririous $kmpi)lefc
A LETTER from a Perfon of Quality
to bis Friend:
The Kings late Declaration touching the Reafons
which moved him to Diflblve
Printed for T. Dtviti, 1481.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 195
INCE you are pleas'd to require my Opinion of the Kings
Declaration, and the Answer to it, which you write me
word was sent you lately, I shall obey you the more will-
ingly, because I know you are a lover of the Peace and Quiet-
ness of your Country; which the Author of this seditious
Pamphlet, is endeavouring to disturb. Be pleas'd to understand
then, that before the Declaration was yet published, and while
it was only the common news, that such an one there was in-
10 tended, to justifie the Dissolution of the two last Parliaments;
it was generally agreed by the heads of the discontented Party,
that this Declaration must be answer'd, and that with all the
ingredients of malice which the ablest amongst them could
squeeze into it. Accordingly, upon the first appearance of it in
Print, five several Pens of their Cabal were set to work; and the
product of each having been examin'd, a certain person of
Quality appears to have carried the majority of Votes, and to
be chosen like a new Matthias, to succeed in the place of their
deceas'd Judas.
20 He seems to be a man cut out to carry on vigorously the de-
signs of the Phanatique Party, which are manifestly in this
Paper, to hinder the King, from making any good impression
on his Subjects, by giving them all possible satisfaction.
And the reason of this undertaking is manifest, for if once
the goodness and equity of the Prince comes to be truly under-
stood by the People, the Authority of the Faction is extin-
guish'd; and the well meaning crowd who are misled, will no
longer gape after the specious names of Religion and Liberty;
much like the folly of the Jews, expecting a Messiah still to
so come, whose History has been written sixteen hundred years
15 Cabal] Cabal F.
196 Prose 1668-1691
the multitude; and all men are branded by those names, who
are not for setting up Fanaticism and a Common-wealth. To
call short and useless Parliaments, can be no intention of the
Government; because from such means the great end of Settle-
ment cannot be expected. But no Physitian can command his
Physick to perform the effects for which he has prescrib'd it:
yet if it fail the first or second time, he will not in prudence lay
aside his Art, and despair of his Patient: but reiterate his Medi-
cines till he effect the cure. For, the King, as he declares him-
10 self, is not willing to have too hard an Opinion of the Repre-
sentatives of the Commons, but hopes that time may open their
eyes, and that their next meeting may perfect the Settlement
of Church and State. With what impudence can our Author
say, That an House of Commons can possibly be so pack'd, as
to make us Slaves and Papists by a Law? for my part I should
as soon suspect they would make themselves Arbitrary, which
God forbid that any Englishman in his right sences should
believe. But this supposition of our Author, is to lay a most
scandalous imputation upon the Gentry of England; besides,
20 what it tacitly insinuates, that the House of Peers and his
Majesty, (without whom it could not pass into a Law,) would
suffer it. Yet without such Artifices, as I said before, the Fanat-
ique cause could not possibly subsist: fear of Popery and Arbi-
trary power must be kept up; or the St. Georges of their side,
would have no Dragon to encounter; yet they will never per-
suade a reasonable man, that a King, who in his younger years,
when he had all the Temptations of power to pursue such a
Design, yet attempted it not, should now, in the maturity of
his Judgment, and when he sees the manifest aversion of his
so Subjects to admit of such a change, undertake a work of so
much difficulty, destructive to the Monarchy, and ruinous to
Himself, if it succeeded not; and if it succeeded, not capable of
making him so truly Great as he is by Law already. If we add to
this, his Majesties natural love to Peace and Quiet, which in-
creases in every man with his years, this ridiculous supposition
will vanish of it self; which is sufficiently exploded by daily
17 Englishman] Englishman F.
i g8 Prose 1668-1691
tique. Oh, but there is a wicked thing call'd the Militia in their
way, and they shew'd they had a moneths mind to it, at the first
breaking out of the Popish Plot. If they could once persuade
his Majesty, to part graciously with that trifle, and with his
power of making War and Peace; and farther, to resign all
Offices of Trust, to be dispos'd by their nomination, their Argu-
ment would be an hundred times more clear: for then it would
be evident to all the World, that he could do nothing. But if
they can work him to part with none of these, then they must
10 content themselves to carry on their new Design beyond Seas:
either of ingaging the French King to fall upon Flanders, or
encouraging the States General to lay aside, or privately to cut
off the Prince of Orange, or getting a War declared against
England and France conjoyntly: for by that means, either the
King can be but a weak Enemy, and as they will manage mat-
ters, he shall be kept so bare of Money, that Twelve Holland
Ships shall block up the River, or he shall be forc'd to cast him-
self upon a House of Commons, and to take Money upon their
Terms, which will sure be as easie, as those of an Usurer to an
20 Heir in want. These are part of the projects now afoot: and
how Loyal and conscionable they are, let all indifferent persons
In the close of this Paragraph, he falls upon the King for
appealing to the People against their own Representatives. But
I would ask him in the first place, if an Appeal be to be made,
to whom can the King Appeal, but to his People? And if he
must justifie his own proceedings to their whole Body, how
can he do it but by blaming their Representatives? I believe
every honest man is sorry, that any such Divisions have been
so betwixt the King and his House of Commons. But since there
have been, how could the King complain more modestly, or in
terms more expressing Grief, than Indignation? or what way
is left him to obviate the causes of such complaints for the fu-
ture, but this gentle admonishment for what is past?
'Tis easily agreed, he says, (and here I joyn issue with him)
That there were never more occasions for a Parliament, than
were at the opening of the last, which was held at Westminster.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 201
when the Affairs of the Nation were worse manag'd? who gave
the rise to the present greatness of the French? or who coun-
sel'd the dissolution of the Tripple League? 'Tis a miracle to
me that the People should think them good Patriots, only be-
cause they are out of humour with the Court, and in disgrace.
I suppose they are far other principles, than those of Anger and
Revenge, which constitute an honest Statesman. But let men
be what they will before, if they once espouse their Party, let
them be touch'd with that Philosophers stone, and they are
10 turn'd into Gold immediately. Nay, that will do more for them,
than was ever pretended to by Chymistry; for it will raise up
the shape of a worthy Patriot, from the ashes of a Knave. 'Tis
a pretty juggle to tell the King they assist him with Money,
when indeed they design only to give it to themselves; that is,
to their own Instruments, which is no more, than to shift it
from one hand into another. It will be a favour at the long run,
if they condescend to acquaint the King, how they intend to
lay out his Treasure. But our Author very roundly tells his
Majesty, That at present they will give him no supplyes, be-
to cause they would be employ'd, to the destruction of his Person,
and of the Protestant Religion, and the inslaving the whole
Nation, to which I will only add, that of all these matters next
and immediately under God, he and his Party, constitute them-
selves the supream Judges.
The Duke of York, the Queen, and the two French Dutch-
esses are the great support and protectors of the Popish interest
in these Kingdoms.
How comes it to pass that our Author shuffles the two French
Dutchesses together? of which the one is an Italian, the other a
so French Woman, and an English Dutchess? Is he grown so
purblind, that he cannot distinguish Friends from Foes? Has he
so soon forgotten the memory of past benefits, that he will not
consider one of them as her, to whom all their applications
were so lately made? Is she so quickly become an old acquaint-
ance, that none of the politick assignations at her Lodgings
are remembred? After this, who will trust the gratitude of a
34 Judges.] ^ , F. 25 French] French F. 28 French] French F.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 203
the bottom: and that this was the true reason, why four Parlia-
ments, during the Examination of the Plot have been dissolv'd.
Reasonable People will conclude, that his Majesty and his
Ministers have proceeded, not ridiculously, but with all that
caution which became them. For in the first heat and vehe-
mence of the Plot, the Avenues of White-Hall were more
strictly Guarded: His Majesty abstaining from Places of pub-
lick Entertainment, and the Ministers taking all necessary Care
in Council, both to discover Conspiracies and to prevent them.
10 So that simply considered, the Popish Plot has nothing to do
with the Dissolution of Four Parliaments. But the Use which
has been made of it by the House of Commons to Dis-inherit
the Duke, to deny the King Supplies, and to make some Votes,
which the King declares to be illegal, are the real and plain oc-
casions of dissolving those Parliaments. 'Tis only affirm'd, but
never will be prov'd by this Author, that the King or his Min-
isters have ever been desirous to stifle the Plot, and not to have
it search'd into the bottom. For to what end has his Majesty so
often offer'd the Popish Lords to be brought to their Trial, but
20 that their innocence or guilt, and consequently, that of the
whole party might be made manifest? Or why, after the execu-
tion of the Lord Stafford, did the House of Commons stop at
the other Lords, and not proceed to try them in their turns?
Did his Majesty stifle the Plot when he offered them, or did
they refuse to sound the depth of it, when they would not touch
upon them? If it were for want of Witnesses, which is all that
can be said, the case is deplorable on the part of the accused;
who can neither be bail'd, because impeach'd in Parliament,
nor admitted to be tryed, for fear they should be acquitted for
so want of evidence. I do not doubt but his Majesty, after having
done what in him lies for the utmost discovery of the Plot, both
by frequent Proclamations of Indemnity, and Reward, to such
as would come in, and discover more, and by several others too
long to repeat, is desirous (for what good man is not?) that his
care and trouble might be over. But I am much deceiv'd, if
the Antimonarchical Party be of the same opinion; or that they
a dissolv'd.] ~/: F.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 209
Cloaths, our Author puts him upon the File of Rogues, with
this brand, Than whom a more notorious and known Villian
lives not.
The next thing he falls upon, is the Succession: which the
King declares, He will have preserved in its due descent. Now
our Author despairing, it seems, that an Exclusion should pass
by Bill, urges, That the Right of Nature and Nations will im-
power Subjects to deliver a Protestant Kingdom from a Popish
King. The Law of Nations, is so undoubtedly, against him, that
10 I am sure he dares not stick to that Plea: but will be forc'd to
reply, that the Civil Law was made in favour of Monarchy:
why then did he appeal to it? And for the Law of Nature, I
know not what it has to do with Protestants or Papists, except
he can prove that the English Nation is naturally Protestant;
and then I would enquire of him what Countrymen our Fore-
fathers were? But if he means by the Law of Nature, self-
preservation and defence; even that neither will look but
asquint upon Religion; for a man of any Religion, and a man
of no Religion, are equally bound to preserve their lives. But I
20 answer positively to what he would be at; that the Law of self-
preservation impowers not a Subject to rise in Arms against his
Soveraign, of another Religion, upon supposition of what he
may do in his prejudice hereafter: for, since it is impossible
that a moral certainty should be made out of a future contin-
gency, and consequently, that the Soveraign may not extend
his Power to the prejudice of any mans Liberty or Religion:
The probability (which is the worst that they can put it) is not
enough to absolve a Subject who rises in Arms, from Rebellion,
in foro Gonscientice. We read of a divine Command to obey
so Superior Powers; and the Duke will lawfully be such, no Bill
of Exclusion having past against him in his Brother's life:
Besides this, we have the Examples of Primitive Christians,
even under Heathen Emperors, always suffering, yet never tak-
ing up Arms, during ten Persecutions. But we have no Text, no
Primitive Example encouraging us to rebel against a Christian
Prince, tho of a different Perswasion. And to say there were
14 English] English F. 18 asquint] a squint F.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 211
tice. So, when it makes for him, he can allow the King to be
the Fountain of Justice; but at other times he is only a Cistern
of the People. But he knows sufficiently, however he dissembles
it, that there were some taken into custody, to whom that crime
was not objected. Yet since in a manner he yields up the Cause,
I will not press him too far, where he is so manifestly weak.
Tho I must tell him by the way, that he is as justly to be pro-
ceeded against for calling the Kings Proclamation illegal, which
concerned the matter of Petitioning, as some of those, who had
10 pronounced against them by the House of Commons, that ter-
rible sentence, of Take him, Topham.
The strange illegal Votes declaring several eminent persons
to be Enemies to the King and Kingdom, are not so strange,
he says, but very justifiable. 1 hope he does not mean, that il-
legal Votes are now not strange in the House of Commons:
But observe the reason which he gives: for the House of Com-
mons had before address'd for their removal from about the
King. It was his business to have prov'd, that an Address of the
House of Commons, without Process, order of Law, hearing
20 any Defence, or offering any proof against them is sufficient
ground to remove any person from the King: But instead of
this he only proves, that former Addresses have been made,
Which no body can deny. When he has throughly settled this
important point, that Addresses have certainly been made,
instead of an Argument to back it, he only thinks, that one may
affirm by Law, That the King ought to have no person about
him, who has the misfortune of such a Vote. But this is too
ridiculous to require an Answer. They who will have a thing
done, and give no reason for it, assume to themselves a mani-
30 fest Arbitrary Power. Now this Power cannot be in the Rep-
resentatives, if it be not in the People: or if it be in them, the
People is absolute. But since he wholly thinks it, let him injoy
the privilege of every Free Born Subject, to have the Bell clinck
to him what he imagines.
Well; all this while he has been in pain about laying his Egg:
at the last we shall have him cackle.
14 he says] he says F.
2i6 Prose 1668-1691
6 disrespect] disrepect F.
13-15 That . . . [to] . . . them] in romans in F (that).
21 Debates; after] Debates. After F.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 219
they make sure work of every concession from the Crown, and
immediately put it into the Christmass Box: from whence there
is no Redemption.
In justification of the two Votes against lending or advanc-
ing Money to the King, he falls to railing, like a Sophister in
the Schools, when his Syllogisms are at an end. He arraigns the
Kings private manner of living, without considering that his
not being supplied has forc'd him to it. I do not take upon
me to defend any former ill management of the Treasury; but,
10 if I am not deceiv'd, the great grievance of the other party at
present, is, that it is well manag'd, and, that notwithstanding
nothing has been given for so many years, yet a competent pro-
vision is still made for all expences of the publick; if not so
large as might be wish'd, yet at least as much as is necessary.
And I can tell my Author for his farther mortification, that at
present no money is furnish'd to his Majesties Occasions, at
such unconscionable Usury as he mentions. If he would have
the Tables set up again, let the King be put into a condition,
and then let eating and drinking flourish, according to the
20 hearty, honest and greasie Hospitality of our Ancestors. He
would have the King have recourse to Parliaments, as the only
proper Supply to a King of England, for those things which the
Treasury in this low Ebb cannot furnish out: but when he
comes to the Conditions, on which this money is to be had,
they are such, that perhaps forty in the Hundred to a Jew
Banquer were not more unreasonable. In the mean time, if a
Parliament will not give, and others must not lend, there is a
certain story of the Dog in the Manger, which out of good
manners I will not apply.
so The Vote for not prosecuting Protestant Dissenters upon the
Penal Laws, which at this time is thought to be a Grievance to
the Subject, a weakning of the Protestant Religion, and an In-
couragement to Popery, is a matter more tenderly to be han-
dled. But if it be true what has been commonly reported since
the Plot, that Priests, Jesuits, and Friars, mingle amongst Ana-
baptists, Quakers, and other Sectaries, and are their Teachers,
11 manag'd, and] manag'd. And F.
22O Prose 1668-1691
sibly he may. And in that Case they have already promis'd they
will be good to his Wife, and provide for her, which would be
a strong encouragement, for many a woman, to perswade her
Husband to digest the Halter. This remembers me of a certain
Spanish Duke, who commanding a Sea-Port-Town, set an Offi-
cer of his, underhand to rob the Merchants. His Grace you
may be confident was to have the Booty, and the Fellow was
assur'd if he were taken to be protected. It fell out, after some
time, that he was apprehended: His Master, according to Arti-
10 cles, brought him off. The Rogue went again to his vocation,
was the second time taken, delivered again, and so the third.
At last the matter grew so notorious, that the Duke found, it
would be both scandalous and difficult to protect him any
longer; But the poor Malefactor sending his Wife to tell him
that if he did not save him he must be hanged to morrow, and
that he must confess who set him on: His Master very civilly
sent him this Message; Prithee suffer thy self to be hanged this
once to do me a Gourtesie, and it shall be the better for thy
Wife and Children.
20 But that which makes amends for all, says our Author, is the
Kings resolution to have frequent Parliaments. Yet this, it
seems, is no amends neither: for he says Parliaments are like
Terms, if there be Ten in a Year, and all so short to hear no
Causes, they do no good.
I say on the other hand, If the Courts will resolve before-
hand to have no Causes brought before them, but one which
they know they cannot dispatch; let the Terms be never so
long, they make them as insignificant as a Vacation.
The Kings Prerogative, when and where they should be
so call'd, and how long they should sit, is but subservient, as our
Friend tells us, to the great design of Government; and must
be accommodated to it, or we are either denyed or deluded of
that Protection and Justice we are born to.
My Author is the happiest in one faculty, I ever knew. He is
5 Spanish] Spanish F.
20-24 ln F ^is paragraph has no italics, but each line is preceded by a quo-
tation mark,
30-31 as ... [to] . . . us] in italics in F.
His Majesties Declaration Defended 223
L 0 N V 0 N,
Printed for "jutol Ton/on, at the Sign of
the fudges head in Chancery-lane near
Fktt-Jlrcctt 1683.
Plu tarchs Lives 227
My Lord,
CRETIUS, endeavouring to prove from the principles of
his Philosophy, that the world had a casual beginning
from the concourse of A tomes; and that Men, as well as
the rest of Animals, were produc'd from the vital heat and
moisture of their Mother Earth; from the same principles is
bound to answer this objection, why Men are not daily form'd
after the same manner, which he tells us is, because the kindly
warmth, and procreative faculty of the ground is now worn
10 out: The Sun is a disabled Lover, and the Earth is past her
teeming time.
Though Religion has inform'd us better of our Origine, yet
it appears plainly, that not only the Bodies, but the Souls of
Men, have decreas'd from the vigour of the first Ages; that we
are not more short of the stature and strength of those gygan-
tick Heroes, than we are of their understanding, and their wit.
To let pass those happy Patriarchs, who were striplings at four-
score, and had afterwards seven or eight hundred years before
them to beget Sons and Daughters; and to consider Man in
20 reference only to his mind, and that no higher than the Age
of Socrates: How vast a difference is there betwixt the produc-
tions of those Souls, and these of ours! How much better Plato,
Aristotle, and the rest of the Philosophers understood nature;
Thucydides, and Herodotus adorn'd History; Sophocles, Eu-
ripides and Menander advanc'd Poetry, than those Dwarfs of
Wit and Learning who succeeded them in after times! That
Age was most Famous amongst the Greeks, which ended with
the death of Alexander; amongst the Romans Learning seem'd
again to revive and flourish in the Century which produc'd
22 ours!] ~ ? 01-4. 24-25 Euripides] Eurypides 01-4.
26 timcsl] ~ ? 01-4.
228 Prose 1668-1691
ness, and the Decency of the Work, and I have said to my self,
that which I now say to the Publick;
It is impossible, but a Book that comes into the World
with so many circumstances of Dignity, usefulness, and es-
teem, must turn to account.
FROM Plutarchs Lives (1683)
This page intentionally left blank
Plutarchs Lives 239
Dominion, his fame and the vertues of his Son Titus assum'd
into the Empire afterwards by his Father, might induce Plu-
tarch, amongst other considerations, to take this Journy in his
time. Tis argu'd from the following story, related by himself;
that he was at Rome either in the joynt Reign of the two Ves-
pasians, or at least in that of the survivour Titus. He says then,
in his last Book concerning Curiosity: 'Reasoning, or rather
reading once, at Rome, Arulenus Rusticus, the same Man
whom afterwards Domitian put to death out of envy to his
10 Glory, stood hearkning to me amongst my Auditors: It so hap-
pen'd, that a Souldier, having Letters for him, from the Em-
perour,' (who was either Titus or his Father Vespasian, as
Rualdus thinks) 'broke through the crowd, to deliver him those
Letters from the Emperour. Observing this, I made a pause in
my dissertation, that Rusticus might have the leisure to read
the Mandate which was sent him; but he absolutely refus'd to
do it, neither wou'd he be intreated to break the Seals till I
had wholly made an end of my Speech, and dismiss'd the Com-
pany.' Now I suppose the stress of the Argument, to prove that
20 this Emperour was not Domitian, lies only in this clause (whom
Domitian afterwards put to death:') but I think it rather leaves
it doubtful, for they might be Domitians Letters which he then
receiv'd, and consequently he might not come to Rome till the
Reign of that Emperour. This Rusticus was not only a learned
but a good Man: He had been Tribune of the people under
Nero, was Prcetor in the time of Vitellius, and sent Ambas-
sadour to the Forces, rais'd under the Name of Vespasian, to
perswade them to a peace. What Offices he bore afterwards we
know not, but the cause of his death, besides the envy of Domi-
so tian to his fame, was a certain Book, or some Commentaries of
his, wherein he had prais'd too much the Sanctity of Thrasea
P&tus whom Nero had Murther'd: And the praise of a good
Citizen was insupportable to the Tyrant; being, I suppose, ex-
asperated farther by some reflections of Rusticus, who could
Plutarch to Trajan.
I am satisfied that your modesty sought not the Empire,
which yet you have always studied to deserve by the excellency
30 of your manners. And by so much the more are you esteem'd
worthy of this honour, by how much you are free from the
Ambition of desiring it. I therefore congratulate both your
vertue, and my own good fortune, if at least your future Gov-
ernment shall prove answerable to your former merit: Other-
13 Trajan,} 03-4; ~A Oi-x.
266 Prose 1668-1691
wise you have involv'd your self in dangers, and I shall infalli-
bly be subject to the Censures of detracting Tongues; because
Rome will never support an Emperour unworthy of her, and
the faults of the Scholar will be upbraided to the Master. Thus
Seneca is reproach'd, and his fame still suffers for the Vices of
Nero. The miscarriages of Quintilians Scholars, have been
thrown on him, and even Socrates himself is not free from the
imputation of remissness on the account of his Pupil (Alcibi-
ades.) But you will certainly administer all things as becomes
10 you, if you still continue what you are, if you recede not from
your self, if you begin at home, and lay the foundation of Gov-
ernment on the command of your own passions, if you make
vertue the scope of all your actions, they will all proceed in
harmony and order: I have set before you the force of Laws
and Civil constitutions of your Predecessours; which if you imi-
tate and obey, Plutarch is then your Guide of living; if other-
wise, let this present Letter be my Testimony against you, that
you shall not ruine the Roman Empire, under the pretence of
the Counsel and Authority of Plutarch.
have omitted that ungrateful task: Yet that the Reader may
not be impos'd on, in those which yet remain, tis but reason-
able to let him know, that the Lives of Hannibal and Scipio,
tho they pass with the ignorant for Genuine, are only the Forg-
ery of Donate Acciaiolo a Florentine. He pretends to have
Translated them from a Greek Manuscript, which none of the
Learned have ever seen, either before or since. But the cheat
is more manifest from this reason which is undeniable, that
Plutarch did indeed write the Life of Scipio, but he compar'd
10 him not with Hannibal, but with Epaminondas: As appears
by the Catalogue, or Nomenclature of Plutarchs Lives, drawn
up by his Son Lamprias, and yet extant. But to make this out
more clearly, we find the Florentine, in his Life of Hannibal,
thus relating the famous Conference betwixt Scipio and him.
'Scipio at that time being sent Ambassadour from the Romans,
to King Antiochus, with Publius Villius: It happen'd then,
that these two great Captains met together at Ephesus, and
amongst other discourse, it was demanded of Hannibal by
Scipio, whom he thought to have been the greatest Captain?
20 To whom he thus answer'd; In the first place Alexander of
Mace don, in the second Pyrrhus of Epyrus, and in the third
himself: To which, Scipio smileing thus reply'd; And what
wou'd you have thought, had it been your fortune to have van-
quish'd me? To whom Hannibal, I should then have adjudgd
the first place to my self: Which answer was not a little pleas-
ing to Scipio, because by it, he found himself not disesteem'd,
nor put into comparison with the rest, but by the delicacy and
gallantry of a well turn'd compliment, set like a Man divine
above them all.'
so Now this relation is a meer compendium of the same con-
ference, from Livy. But if we can conceive Plutarch to have
written the Life of Hannibal, tis hard to believe, that he
should tell the same story after so different, or rather so con-
11 Lives] 02-4; Lifes Oi. 14 relating] ,~ , 01-4.
22 reply'd] 02-4; re- / reply'd Oi.
22-24 An& • • • me?] ln romans in Oi-j, which end the quotation at me?
24 To] 04; to 01-3.
24-25 1 ... my self] in romans in Oi-j, which begin a new quotation at I.
Plutarchs Lives 269
all this for a certain air of goodness which appears through all
his Writings, it were unreasonable to be critical on his Elocu-
tion: As on a tree which bears excellent fruit, we consider not
the beauty of the blossoms: For if they are not pleasant to the
eye, or delightful to the scent, we know at the same time that
they are not the prime intention of Nature, but are thrust out
in order to their product; so in Plutarch, whose business was
not to please the ear, but to charm and to instruct the mind, we
may easily forgive the cadences of words, and the roughness of
10 expression: Yet for manliness of Eloquence, if it abounded not
in our Author, it was not wanting in him: He neither studyed
the sublime stile, nor affected the flowry. The choice of words,
the numbers of periods, the turns of Sentences, and those other
Ornaments of speech, he neither sought, nor shun'd. But the
depth of sence, the accuracy of Judgment, the disposition of the
parts and contexture of the whole, in so admirable and vast a
field of matter, and lastly the copiousness, and variety of words,
appear shining in our Author. Tis indeed, observ'd of him,
that he keeps not always to the stile of prose, but if a Poetical
20 word, which carries in it more of Emphasis or signification,
offer it self at any time, he refuses it not because Homer or
Euripides have us'd it: But if this be a fault I know not how
Xenopkon will stand excus'd. Yet neither do I compare our
Author with him, or with Herodotus in the sweetness and
graces of his stile, nor with Thucydides in the solidity and
closeness of expression. For Herodotus is acknowledg'd the
Prince of the lonick, the other two of the Attick eloquence.
As for Plutarch, his stile is so particular, that there is none of
the Ancients, to whom we can properly resemble him. And
so the reason of this is obvious; for being conversant in so great
variety of Authors, and collecting from all of them, what he
thought most excellent, out of the confusion, or rather mixture
of all their stiles, he form'd his own, which partaking of each,
was yet none of them; but a compound of them all, like the
Corinthian metal, which had in it Gold, and Brass, and Silver,
21 at] failed to print in some copies oj Oi.
88 Euripides] Eurypides 01-4. 45 Thucydides] 02-4; Thuyidides Oi.
Plutarchs Lives 279
and yet was a species by its self. Add to this, that in Plutarchs
time, and long before it, the purity of the Greek Tongue was
corrupted, and the native splendour of it had taken the tarnish
of Barbarism, and contracted the filth and spots of degen-
erating Ages. For the fall of Empires always draws after it
the language and Eloquence of the people: They, who labour
under misfortunes or servitude, have little leisure to cultivate
their mother Tongue: To conclude, when Athens had lost her
Soveraignity to the Peloponnesians, and her liberty to Philip,
10 neither a Thucydides, nor a Demosthenes were afterwards
produc'd by her.
I have formerly acknowledg'd many lapses of our Author,
occasion'd through his inadvertency, but he is likewise tax'd
with faults, which reflect on his Judgment in matters of fact,
and his Candour in the comparisons of his Greeks and Romans:
Both which are so well vindicated by Montaign, that I need
but barely to translate him. 'First then he is accus'd of want of
Judgment, in reporting things incredible: For proof of which
is alledg'd the story he tells of the Spartan boy, who suffer'd
20 his bowels to be torn out by a young Fox which he had stolen,
choosing rather to hide him under his Garment till he died,
then to confess his robbery. In the first place this example is ill
chosen, because tis difficult to set a bound to the force of our
internal faculties, tis not defm'd how far our resolution may
carry us to suffer: The force of bodies may more easily be
determin'd than that of Souls: Then of all people the Lacede-
monians, by reason of their rigid institution, were most har-
den'd to undergo labours, and to suffer pains. Cicero, before
our Authors time, tho then the Spartan vertue was degenerated,
so yet avows to have seen himself some Lacedemonian boys, who
to make tryal of their patience, were plac'd before the Altar of
Diana, where they endur'd scourging, till they were all over
bloody, and that not only without crying, but even without a
sigh or groan: Nay, and some of them so ambitious of this
reputation, that they willingly resign'd their Lives under the
hands of their tormentors. The same may be said of another
15 Romans:] ~ . 01-4.
280 Prose 1668-1691
the cruelty was inborn: But this cannot be said of his rapine,
and his prodigality; for here the alieni appetenSj sui profusus
is as plainly describ'd, as if Plutarch had borrow'd the sense
from Salust: And as he was a great Collector, perhaps he did.
Nevertheless he judg'd rightly of Sylla, that naturally he was
cruel: For that quality was predominant in him; and he was
oftener revengeful than he was merciful. But this is sufficient
to vindicate our Authors Judgment from being superficial,
and I desire not to press the Argument more strongly against
10 this Gentleman, who has Honour'd our Country by his long
Residence amongst us.
It seems to me, I must confess, that our Author has not been
more hardly treated by his Enemies, in his comparing other
Men, than he has been by his friends, in their comparing
Seneca with him. And herein, even Montaign himself is
scarcely to be defended. For no man more esteem'd Plutarch,
no man was better acquainted with his excellences, yet this
notwithstanding, he has done too great an honour to Seneca,
by ranking him with our Philosopher and Historian, him, I say,
20 who was so much less a Philosopher, and no Historian: Tis a
Reputation to Seneca, that any one has offer'd at the com-
parison: The worth of his Adversary makes his defeat advan-
tagious to him; and Plutarch might cry out with Justice; Qui
cum victus erit, mecum certasse feretur. If I had been to find
out a parallel for Plutarch, I should rather have pitch'd on
Varro the most learned of the Romans, if at least his Works
had yet remain'd; or with Pomponius Atticus, if he had written.
But the likeness of Seneca is so little, that except the ones be-
ing Tutor to Nero, and the other to Trajan, both of them
30 strangers to Rome, yet rais'd to the highest dignities in that
City, and both Philosophers tho of several Sects, (for Seneca
was a Stoick, Plutarch a Platonician, at least an Academick,
that is, half Platonist half Sceptick:) besides some such faint
resemblances as these, Seneca and Plutarch seem to have as
little Relation to one another, as their native Countries, Spain
and Greece. If we consider them in their inclinations or hum-
12 confess,] 02-4; ~A Oi. 32 Academick] Academick 01-4.
284 Prose 1668-1691
Written by the Late
iSf $lc(tcfc jHWtmo$,
Duchefs of York,
The ANSWER made to Them.
25? Command
Printed by H. Hills, Printer to the King's Moft
Excellent Majefty for His Hou(hold and
ChappeL 1686.
Defence of the Duchess's Paper 291
dare appeal to all unprejudic'd Readers, and especially to
those who have any sense of Piety, whether upon perusal of
the Paper written by Her late Highness the Duchess, they
have not found in it somewhat which touch'd them to the very
Soul; whether they did not plainly and perfectly discern in it the
Spirit of Meekness, Devotion, and Sincerity, which animates the
whole Discourse; and whether the Reader be not satisfied, that
she who writ it has open'd her Heart without disguise, so as
not to leave a Scruple that she was not in earnest. I am sure I
10 can say, for my own particular, that when I read it first in
Manuscript, I could not but consider it as a Discourse extremely
moving, plain, without Artifice, and discovering the Piety of
the Soul from which it flow'd. Truth has a Language to it self,
which 'tis impossible for Hypocrisie to imitate: Dissimulation
could never write so warmly, nor with so much life. What less
than the Spirit of Primitive Christianity could have dictated
her Words? The loss of Friends, of worldly Honours, and
Esteem, the Defamation of ill Tongues, and the Reproach of
the Cross, all these, though not without the struglings of
20 Flesh and Blood, were surmounted by her; as if the Saying of
our Saviour were always sounding in her Ears, What will it
profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his Soul!
I think I have amplified nothing in relation either to this
Pious Lady, or her Discourse: I am sure I need not. And now
let any unbiass'd and indifferent Reader compare the Spirit
of the Answerer with hers. Do's there not manifestly appear
in him a quite different Character? Need the Reader be in-
form'd, that he is disingenuous, foul-mouth'd, and shuffling;
and that, not being able to answer plain Matter of Fact, he
so endeavours to evade it, by Suppositions, Circumstances, and
Conjectures; like a cunning Barreter of Law, who is to manage
292 Prose 1668—1691
new way of their Proceeding do's not rather tend to bring the
Church of England into the Fanatics, than the Fanatics into
the Church of England.
These are the Arts which are common to him and his Fellow-
labourers; but his own peculiar Talent is that of subtle
Calumny and sly Aspersion, by which he insinuates into his
Readers an ill Opinion of his Adversaries, before he comes
to Argument; and takes away their Good Name rather by
Theft than open Robbery. He lays a kind of accumulative
10 Dishonesty to their Charge, and touches 'em here and there
with Circumstances, in stead of positive Proofs, till at last he
leaves a bad Impression of 'em; like a Painter who makes
Blotches of hard Colouring in several Parts of the Face, which
he smooths afterwards into a Likeness. After this manner he,
or one of his Brethren in Iniquity, has us'd Monsieur de Con-
dom, by picking up Stories against him in his Preface, which
he props up with little Circumstances, but seldom so positive
that he cannot come off, when their Falsity shall be detected.
In the mean time, his Cause go's forward with the Common
20 Reader; who, prepossest by the Preface, is made partial to his
Answer. The same kind of Artifice, with some little variation,
has been us'd in other of their Books, besides this present
Libel against the Duchess.
But, the Cloven-foot of this our Answerer, appears from
underneath the Cassock, even in the first step he makes towards
his Answer to the present Paper: Which, he tells us, is said
to be written by a great Lady. How doubtfully he speaks, as if
there were no certainty of the Author. But surely 'tis more
than barely said; for 'tis Publish'd by the same Authority,
BO which order'd the two other Papers written by His late Majesty
to the Press; and the Original of it, is still remaining in the
Hands of the present King. Indeed the Bishop of Winchester
may seem to have given him some encouragement for this
in the Preface to his Treatises, where he tells us, That Maim-
bourg the Jesuite recites something which he says was written
by the late Duchess; and which he afterwards calls the Papers
15 Monsieur] Monsieur Q.
2 94 Prose 1668-1691
modestly owns, that she was neither able nor willing to enter
into Disputes; therefore she had no other way to satisfie her
self: When the whole drift of this Pious and sincere Discourse
is to inform her Friends of the Methods by which God Al-
mighty brought her into his Church; her Paper being a plain
and short History of her Conversion.
The Answerer is of Opinion, there is nothing to be done,
no satisfaction to be had in Matters of Religion without
Dispute; that's his only Receipt, his Nostrum for attaining
10 a true belief. But Doctors differ in this Point. For another
*Witty Gentleman of his Church desir'd no other Epitaph
upon his Tomb than this; Here lies the Author of this
Sentence, Disputandi pruritus, scabies Ecclesias The itch
of Disputation is the Scab or Tetter of the Church. Now if the
Learned avail themselves so little of Dispute, that it is as rare
as a Prodigie for one of them to convince another, what shall
become of the Ignorant, when they are to deal with those
fencers of Divinity, who can hit them in Tierce and Quart at
pleasure, while they are ignorant how to stand upon their guard?
20 And yet such poor People have Souls to save as precious in the
sight of God as the grim Logicians. Must they be damned un-
less they can make a regular approach to Heaven, in Mood and
Figure? Is there no entring there without a Sillogism? or
Ergoteering it with a nego, concedo, & distinguo? The best on't
is, Our Saviours Disciples were but poor Fishermen, and we
read but of one of his Apostles who was bred up at the Feet
of Gamaliel. I would beseech our Answerer to consider whether
he has argued upon his own Principles, in affirming, that none
can be satisfied as to the grounds of leaving one Church and
so going to the other without entring into Dispute? Has he not
allow'd, that every Man is to Interpret the Scripture for him-
self, in reference to his own Salvation? With what Face then can
he positively say, That this Lady, who had not only read the
Scriptures, but found them in her Judgment plainly to decide
the great Controversie betwixt Catholics and Protestants, might
» Sir. Hen. Wootton.
18-ig Divinity, who . . . guard?] Divinity? Who . . . guard. Q.
2g8 Prose 1668-1691
not leave his Church, and enter into that of Christ, by Inter-
preting this is my Body, in the Litteral and Obvious meaning
If from a Catholic she had become a Protestant by expounding
those Words in a Figurative Sense, he would have applauded
her for not discerning the Lords Body, and said she was in the
right to Interpret for her self. But she, it seems, must be an
exception to his General Rule, and not have that priviledge
allow'd her which he dare not deny to any Sectary of the
Nonconformists. The Phanatics think the Scripture is clear
10 in all Matters of Salvation, and if so, what need, say they, of
those Spiritual Directours? Even the Pillars of the Church by
Law establish'd, from their own Concessions are found to be
but broken Staffs: For after all their undertaking to heal a
wounded Conscience, when the Arrows of the Almighty are
stuck into it, they leave their Proselytes finally to the Scripture;
as our Physicians, when they have emptied the Pockets of their
Patients without curing them, send them at last to Tunbridge
Waters, or the Air of Montpelliers.
But if Persons be resolv'd before hand what to do, says our
20 Answerer, there is no such way as to declare they will not enter
into Dispute.
Here he would make us believe, that she swallow'd a new
Religion without chewing it, because she Disputed not. I have
shew'd already what is the common fate of Disputation: But
had she no other way of satisfying her Conscience? (as he im-
mediately infers she had not.) If he were not obstinately blind,
or rather had not an intention to blind his Reader, he might
have observ'd the Methods and Gradations of her change, and
that tho' she Disputed not; yet she Discoursed (which is entring
so into Matter of Dispute) with some of the ablest of the English
Clergy, even with him particularly who was left by the Bishop
of Winchester to be her Spiritual Directour; by which it plainly
appears, notwithstanding all the jugglings and glosses of our
Answerer, that the better part even of his own Prescription was
put in practice by her, though without effect, as to her satis-
18 Waters] Waters Q. 23 not.] ~ , Q.
Defence of the Duchess's Paper 299
had been just looking upon a Sun-dial? So that all his ag-
gravations, dwindle at length into this poor Inference, that
it is evident she did not make use of the ordinary means for
her own Satisfaction; at least (mark how he mollifies for fear
of being trap'd) as to those Bishops who had known her long-
Now this is so pitiful, that it requires no Answer: for it
amounts to no more than that she lik'd not the Bishop, and
therefore, from the beginning conceal'd her Scruples from him;
10 and she chang'd her Religion the same Year (tho1 before he writ
to her) because she was satisfied of another; but do's it follow
from hence, as he infers, that in the mean while she did not
use the ordinary means for her satisfaction? supposing she had
lik'd the other two Bishops, as little as she did him, had she no
other ordinary means but by those two, or even by any other
Bishops? Satisfied, to be sure, she was, or she had not chang'd;
and if the means had been wholly extraordinary from the In-
spirations of Gods Holy Spirit only, she had thereby receiv'd
the greater favour; but not omitting to give God thanks for his
20 Supernatural Assistance, she us'd also, the ordinary means.
It appears that her first Emotions were from her observing
the Devotions of the Catholics in France and Flanders, and
this is no news to any Traveller; ask even our Protestant
Gentlemen at their return from Catholic Countries, and they
cannot but confess, that the Exercises of their Devotion, their
Mortifications, their Austerities, their Humility, their Charity,
and in short, all the ways of good living are practis'd there in a
far greater measure than they are in England: But these are the
Vertues from which we are blessedly reform'd by the Example
so and Precept of that Lean, Mortified Apostle, St. Martin Luther.
Her first Scruples were rais'd in her by reading Doctor Hey-
lins History of the Reformation, and what she found in it we
shall see hereafter; it appears, that History had given her some
new apprehensions, and to satisfie them, she consider'd of the
Matters in difference betwixt the Catholics and Protestants,
and so considered them as to examine them the best she could
19 his] according to Errata, some copies read that.
goa Prose 1668-1691
to the several Discourses which her Highness had with the two
Bishops, his Grace of Canterbury, and the Bishop of Worcester;
and since he has thought fit to put all that concern'd this Mat-
ter into one long Paragraph, quoted from the Duchess, I must
follow his Example. These are her Words. After this, I spoke
severally to two of the best Bishops we have in England, who
both told me, there were many things in the Roman Church
which it were very much to be wish'd we had kept; as Confes-
sion, which was no doubt commanded of God; that Praying for
10 the Dead was one of the ancient things in Christianity; that
for their parts, they did it daily, tho' they would not own it:
And afterwards pressing one of them very much upon the other
Points, he told me, That if he had been bred a Catholic, he
would not change his Religion; but that being of another
Church, wherein he was sure were all things necessary to Sal-
vation, he thought it very ill to give that Scandal, as to leave
that Church wherein he had receiv'd his Baptism. All these
Discourses did but add more to the desire I had to be a Cath-
olic, and gave me the most terrible Agonies in the world, ire.
20 This, he confesses, seems to be to the purpose: And where he
confesses the least Advantage on our side, the Reader may
swear there is somewhat more than ordinary in the matter:
But he retrenches immediately, and kicks down the Pail, by
adding this Restriction, // there were not some Circumstances
and Expressions very much mistaken in the Representation of
it. Yet in the next Line again, as if he were asham'd of his
own tearfulness, he is for making a bold Sally, and putting all
to the push: For, supposing the utmost to be allow'd, says he,
there could be no Argument from hence drawn for leaving the
so Communion of our Church: But he restrains that too with this
Caution, // the Bishops Authority and Example did signifie
any thing with her. Thus from yielding at first he comes to
modifie his Concession, and from thence to strike out mag-
But then he retreats again with another (if.) 'Tis a sign he
is uneasie, when he tosses and turns so often in a Breath; and
19 &c.] be, Q.
304 Prose 1668-1691
the Protestant Perswasion, carried her half Seas over, and put
her into other Hands, which carried her the other half. Truly
they would have receiv'd hard measure, if they had been found
guilty on the Statute of Perswasion, who far from endeavour-
ing to make her change, disswaded her from changing, tho' the
Protestant Flints happen'd to strike Catholic Fire: So that I
cannot but think there was an extraordinary Hand of Provi-
dence in her Case; and of which she had reason to be extraor-
dinary sensible. But we must have, I perceive, a care of Pray-
10 ing, and owning benefits from God; for that, or nothing made
her pass for an Enthusiast with the Answerer: She did nothing
besides Praying, which our Author do's not acknowledge it her
duty to have done. She read the History which was put into
her Hands, to confirm her in her first belief; she examin'd the
Scripture, she conferr'd with her Divines; and yet he can make
an obstinate Woman of her for doing that very thing, to which
he wou'd advise her. But, says our Author, All pretenders to
Enthusiasm do as solemnly and wholly ascribe the Blessing to
Almighty God, and look on it as the effect of such Prayers, as
20 she made to him in France and Flanders.
They ascribe it indeed wholly to God in our Authors Sense,
but not in hers; for she meant not immediate illumination by
the word wholly, as I have already prov'd; they may look on
their false light, as the effect of their Prayers, but she looks on
her Conversion as the effect of hers, after having used the
He had thought, he says, that the pretence to a private Spirit,
or Enthusiasm (for he joyns them both afterwards) had not
been at this time allowed in the Church of Rome.
30 Somebody once thought otherwise, or he had never diverted
the young Gallants of the Town, with his merry Book con-
cerning the Fanaticism of the Church of Rome.
He next enquires what need she had of an infallible Church,
if she owed her Change so wholly to Almighty God?
Wholly is already explain'd to him, and then his Argument
is of no more force against her, then against all Catholics who
28 (for . . . [to] . . . afterwards)] italics in Q.
Defence of the Duchess's Paper 315
terest; and this was the Case of the Duke of Somerset. All
which together amounts to this, That 'tis no matter by what
Means a Reformation be compass'd, by what Instruments it
be brought to pass, or with what Design, though all these be
never so ungodly, 'tis enough if the Reformation it self be
made by the Legislative Power of the Land. The matter of
Fact then is given up, only 'tis fac'd with Recriminations; That
Alexander the Sixth (for example) was as wicked a Pope as
King Henry was a King: As if any Catholic deny'd that God
10 Almighty, for Causes best known to his Divine Wisdom, has
not sometimes permitted impious Men to sit in that supream
Seat, and even to intrude into it by unlawful Means. That
Alexander the Sixth was one of the worst of Men, I freely
grant, which is more then I can in Conscience say of Henry
the Eighth, who had great and Kingly Vertues mingled with
his Vices. That the Duke of Somerset rais'd his Estate out of
Church Lands, our Author excuses no other ways than by re-
torting, that Popes are accustom'd to do the like in considera-
tion of their Nephews, whom they would greaten. But though
20 'tis a wicked thing for a Pope to mispend the Church Revenues
on his Relations, 'tis to be consider'd he is a Secular Prince,
and may as lawfully give out of his Temporal Incomes what
he pleases to his Favourite, as another Prince to his. But as
our Author charges this Miscarriage home upon some late
Popes of the former, and the present Age; so I hope he will
exempt his present Holiness from that Note: no Common
Father of God's Church, from St. Peter even to him, having
ever been more bountiful, in expending his Revenues for the
Defence of Christendom; or less interessed, in respect of his
30 Relations, whom he has neither greatn'd, nor so much as suf-
fer'd to enter into the least Administration of the Government.
But, after all, what have these Examples to do with this
Ladies Conversion? Why, our Author pretends that these bad
Popes, and their ill Proceedings, ought as reasonably to have
hindred the Duchess from entring into the Catholic Church,
as the like Proceedings under Henry the Eighth, Edward the
26 Note: no] Note. No Q.
g20 Prose 1668-1691
12 Poetry] F; poetry M.
25 the patronage] F; this protection M (protection above a caret after deleted
326 Prose 1668-1691
'Ward, Life, pp. 41-42; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1665-1666, p. 459.
'James M. Osborn (John Dryden: Some Biographical Facts and Problems
[ad ed., 1965], p. 215) suggests that Dryden returned to London before the
performance of Secret Love on 2 March 1666/7, but Ward (Life, p. 47) states
equally plausibly that the birth of Dryden's eldest son and the disordered state
of London after plague and fire may well have protracted his stay in the
3g2 Commentary
was revising just prior to publication. And that the revision was a more
pondered effort than the single detail in the first sentence would indicate
is clear from a phrase of Neander's. After speaking of plays written "since
His Majesties return," Neander identifies them as "all those Playes which
have been made within these seven years" (64:1-2). Such careful attention
to a work presumably already complete also characterizes the second edi-
tion (1684), in which Dryden corrected some printer's errors and modified
his grammar and syntax along stricter lines.
Both the number and the total effect of the changes for the second
edition have sometimes been exaggerated. The best-known alteration is
reconstruction of sentences so that they do not end with a so-called
preposition; "some of those impertinent people you speak of" becomes
"some of those impertinent people of whom you speak." It would, how-
ever, require a nice ear to distinguish the greater formality supposedly
achieved by such changes, since there are only some fifteen of them in
the seventy-two pages of the first edition. It is likely that the new
formality supposed to be so obtrusive in the second edition is better known
to editors with their collation sheets before them than to the innocent
reader. Some of the altered passages actually prove to be more effective. In
the first edition (1668, p. 5), for example, we read: "there is no man who
writes well, but would think himself very hardly dealt with." In the
second edition (1684, p. 4) the clause runs: "there is no man who writes
well, but would think he had hard measure." The true significance of
the corrections for the second edition is that to Dryden in 1684 the
Essay was still alive and worth the trouble of icvision. Or rather, it was a
piece that might be brought to attention again as a contribution to the
essays on poetry, satire, and translation being produced at that time. By
republishing it, Dryden reminded his contemporaries that he had antic-
ipated the Mulgraves and Roscommons by his own art of dramatic
poetry. No emendations were made for the third edition (1693), whose
appearance did not have the contemporary significance of its two prede-
The enduring literary or critical importance of the essay Of Dramatick
Poesie arises from the very issues that may seem at first glance to be most
dated. The three topics of debate are all concerned with superiority: of
ancient versus modern writers; of French versus English drama; of blank
verse versus rhymed verse for serious plays. Dryden has so arranged the
subjects of discussion that he begins with the most historical (the ancients)
and ends with the most topically immediate (rhyme). He is also careful
to give the last word to the proponents of the moderns, of English
dramatists, and of rhyme, and indeed to have them speak at somewhat
greater length. One sign of Dryden's understanding of the classical
dialogue is that he introduces the argument for rhymed verse only after
the advocate of blank verse, Crites, has been more or less defeated in
claiming superiority for the ancients, and after Neander has been patrioti-
cally arguing English superiority over the French. Or, to consider what is
not said, we understand that the superiority of the moderns over the
ancients is a position better sustained when the drama alone is being
discussed. Even had Dryden known, as he revised those "loose Papers,"
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 333
that Paradise Lost was about to appear, he would perhaps have hesitated
in preferring the moderns for their epic poetry.
What may seem at first glance to be cut-and-dried literary issues were,
then, matters requiring the most careful handling, not least because they
were the visible tips, as it were, of much larger questions beneath the
surface. What are the norms for judging drama? What is the proper
relation of a writer to his tradition, whether ancient, French, or native?
How can a writer achieve creative vitality without falling into formless-
ness, or how can he achieve unity without stiffness? Most important of all,
what is the nature of artistic illusion? Is it best gained by a faithful and
technically close imitation of reality? Or does not artistic mimesis itself
imply heightening and enhancement by the imagination? Well might
Dryden think in 1684 that the essay Of Dramatick Poesie had raised
literary problems fundamental enough to justify a reprinting and even to
necessitate what seems to have been for him the unusual step of careful
It is difficult to appreciate Dryden's daring in the i66o's in venturing
to pronounce upon ancient, French, and English drama, or his originality
of method, total purpose, and artistic stance. Only Davenant's preface to
Gondibert preceded Of Dramatick Poesie as a seventeenth-century English
work of sustained criticism. When in 1693 Dryden dedicated The Satires
to the Earl of Dorset and Middlesex (Buckhurst in 1668), he recalled
the problems he had faced several decades before, and his boldness in
facing them:
When I was my self, in the Rudiments of my Poetry,
without Name, or Reputation in the World, having
rather the Ambition of a Writer, than the skill; when I
was Drawing the Out-Lines of an Art without any Living
Master to Instruct me in it; an Art which had been better
Prais'd than Study'd here in England, wherein Shake-
spear who Created the Stage among us, had rather Writ-
ten happily, than knoxvingly and justly; and Johnson,
who by studying Horace, had been acquainted with the
Rules, yet seem'd to envy to Posterity that Knowledge,
and like an Inventer of some useful Art, to make a
Monopoly of his Learning: When thus, as I may say,
before the use of the Loadstone, or knowledge of the
Compass, I was sailing in a vast Ocean, without other
help, than the Pole-Star of the Ancients, and the Rules
of the French Stage amongst the Moderns, which are
extreamly different from ours, by reason of their opposite
taste; yet even then, I had the presumption to Dedicate
to your Lordship: A very unfinish'd Piece, I must Con-
fess, and which can only be excus'd, by the little Experi-
ence of the Author, and the Modesty of the Title, An
'Roman History, II, 36; Dryden, 64:15-16. See 23:1-21 and n.
"Martin Clifford, Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems in Four Letters (1687),
p. 8.
"Joseph Spence, Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Boohs and Men,
ed. James M. Osborn (1966), I, 317 (no. 781).
See F. L. Huntley, On Dryden's "Essay of Dramatic Poesy" (1951), pp. «-6.
"See Weinberg, "The Quarrel over Guarini's Pastor Fido," in History of
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 337
that the questions raised concerned the mingling of tragedy and comedy
or of drama and pastoral. Here, if anywhere, the Poetics should apply.
Such at least seemed to be the conservative reaction then, and again some
forty years later in France after publication of Le Cid (1636). Corneille
felt the full force of a Neo-Aristotelianism sponsored by a conservative
Academy. It was not so much that his play was tragicomic, although the
debate over // Pastor Fido was in the minds of the participants, but that
the play did not observe the three unities.
It is in the light of this continuing European debate, not so much
over a single work as over conceptions of the nature and standards of
literature, that Dryden's extensive use of Corneille is to be understood.
By considering Corneille and Dryden in isolation from other critics one
could justifiably argue that Dryden closely depended on Corneille, espe-
cially on his Trois Discours and his examens.16 On the other hand, by
viewing Dryden's dramatic practice and his other critical writings in the
context of the English situation, one might conclude that Dryden sent
his disputants to Corneille for debating points and facts but that neither
the method nor the general result of the Essay is Cornelian.10 It is also
possible to examine Dryden's use of Corneille in terms of the rules,17 of
Dryden's rhetorical strategy in timing his introductions of the French
dramatist,18 of the natural affinity between the two dramatists,ifl or of the
dramatic and critical problems shared by them.20
The numerous points of contact between Dryden and Corneille require
that the French dramatist and critic be assigned a prominent part in any
discussion of Dryden's Essay. It would do both writers an injustice to
consider the author of Le Cid as a mere source. Each of Dryden's dispu-
tants feels free to call upon Corneille, as each does, though less signifi-
cantly, upon Velleius Paterculus. To Crites, Corneille demonstrates the
excellence of the liaison des scenes and the necessity of observing the uni-
ties (pp. 17-19).21 Eugenius takes the same Discours des trois unite's to
show the absurdity of strict adherence to the unity of time (26:5-25). The
same discourse is used again by Lisideius to argue for decorum
Literary Criticism, II, 1074 ff. Weinberg's table of contents and index point to
discussions of similar debates.
"See James Routh, "The Classical Rule of Law in English Criticism of the
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," JEGP, XII (1913), 612-630.
"John M. Aden, "Dryden, Corneille, and the Essay of Dramatic Poesy," RES,
n.s., VI (1955), 147-156.
" Hoyt Trowbridge, "The Place of Rules in Dryden's Criticism," MP, XLIV
(1946), 84-96.
18 ie
Huntley, On Dryden's "Essay," pp. 28 ff. Ker, I, xxxviii.
Pierre Legouis, "Corneille and Dryden as Dramatic Critics," in Seventeenth
Century Studies Presented to Sir Herbert Grierson (1938), pp. 269-291. On the
various points referred to, see R. V. LeClercq, "Corneille and An Essay of
Dramatic Poesy," Comparative Literature, XXII (1970), 319-327.
" R. V. LeClercq, "John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy" (Ph.D. disser-
tation. University of California, Los Angeles, 1968).
gg8 Commentary
for the English theater, a new state funded by a rich inheritance from
the native past.
Dryden's passages praising Shakespeare, Jonson, and Beaumont and
Fletcher are rightly among the most familiar parts of the essay Of
Dramatick Poesie. However strained it might have been during the
interregnum, by Dryden's day there was a definable English dramatic
tradition, with some playwrights of "the former age" still living and
writing. A concurrent tradition of English criticism, though much less
developed, was concerned in part with the issue of "latitude to the
Rules." Behind the rules, which meant specifically the three Neo-Aristo-
telian unities, lay a view of literature which found expression in certain
emphases given to the dominant mimetic theory of art. It is not difficult
to find earlier English writers assuming that the artistic imitation of
nature must closely resemble nature, and that nature must be considered
in the ideal terms suggested by the word "decorum."30 Yet the very
critics who held such opinions often laid claim to latitude.31 Perhaps
the mixed English temper can best be conveyed by Jonson's remark in
Timber, on "the utmost bound of a fable," that
every bound, for the nature of the Subject, is esteem'd
the best that is largest, till it can increase no more; so
it behooves the Action in a Tragedy or a Comedy to be
let grow till the necessity aske a Conclusion; wherein
two things are to be considered: First, that it exceed not
the compasse of one Day; Next, that there should be
place left for digression and Art.32
This passage is plainly less latitudinarian with the rules than is Dryden;
perhaps it comes near to anticipating the spirit of Corneille.
There is, however, yet another line of English criticism. If the descrip-
tive-prescriptive line can be termed Neo-Aristotelian, a coexisting Neo-
Platonic criticism considered the poet as votes33 or emphasized the re-
semblances between poetry and rhapsody or "an heavenly gift," 34 an
exercise of the fancy or imagination. 35 As the arguments of Crites and
Lisideius show, some Restoration writers argued for a stricter adherence
to the rules; among them were such critics as Davenant, Hobbes, Flecknoe,
Milton, and Rymer.3« At about the time he was writing Of Dramatick
See Jonson's prologue to Every Man in His Humour on the unities and
credibility, and the dedication of Volpone (Spingarn, I, 15) on his aim "to
imitate justice and instruct to life." Sidney had made the same point about
the unities and credibility in Defence of Poesie (Smith, I, 197).
For Jonson, see Timber (Spingarn, I, 56); for Sidney, see the defense of his
concept of the visionary poet (Smith, I, 159).
Spingarn, I, 61-62. 33 Sidney, Defence of Poesie (Smith, I, 159).
** Henry Peacham, The Compleat Gentleman, ch. x (Spingarn, I, 116 ff.). See
ibid. (Spingarn, I, 123-124) for the appropriate praise of "varietie."
"George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie (Smith, II, 191-198).
"See Davenant on "credibility" and "proportion" in the preface to Gondibert
(Spingarn, II, 11); Hobbes on the "limit of Poeticall Liberty" being "the con-
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 343
Poesie, Dryden could himself make a virtue of the rules, if the prologue
to Secret Love is to be accepted at face value:
He who writ this, not without pains and thought
From French and English Theaters has brought
Th' exactest Rules by which a Play is wrought:
The Unities of Action, Place, and Time;
The Scenes unbroken; and a mingled chime
Of Johnsons humour, with Corneilles rhyme.
Lisidcius, or perhaps a Lisideius existing in Dryden's own heart, would
have agreed with these largely, if not entirely, conservative lines. In the
preface to the same play, however, Dryden concedes that the "regular"
character of such a work, though it may conduce with "beauty," may also
lead to a want of "air and spirit." 37 With this passage Dryden is moving
away from Lisideius and toward Neander; in the nearly contemporaneous
"Account" prefixed to Annus Mirabilis38 he is at his most liberal in
making imagination central to art. Thus Dryden himself reflects to some
extent a quality that marks the English tradition: the division of mind,
or tendency to compromise, between regulation and freedom. He in-
herited a tradition concerned on the one hand with accurate imitation
of nature and, on the other, -with the heavenly gift of vatic poesy. He
transformed this tradition partly by a superior critical understanding of
the issues and partly by a largely liberal stance. Moreover, he understood
that the rules, as canons of unity, were in some sense symptomatic of the
unity required by art, yet he believed that unity itself was a sterile
beauty unless it was exalted and given life by a vigorous and unfettered
(though to some unspecified degree regulated) imagination. Dryden was
also conscious of what other contemporary critics sometimes forgot:
apart from critical theory itself, one could appeal to the latitudinarian
practice of Shakespeare and other English dramatists.
Dryden was obliged to defend with critical theory the latitude in
English practice because of a severe attack from abroad. In 1664 Samuel
Sorbiere published Relation d'un Voyage en Angleterre,39 describing
his visit to England in 1663. Although treated as a distinguished guest,
being introduced to eminent scholars and admitted into the Royal Society,
Sorbi&re wrote an uninformed and highly critical account of England.
With its strictures on English manners and the English stage, his book
seems to have aroused a good deal of resentment. In 1665 Thomas
Sprat, historian of the Royal Society, attacked the French traveler in
itself, and the act of understanding a play all required an exercise of the
imagination permitting author and listener alike to shift places, to pass
from mirth to gravity, and indeed to admit the dramatic illusion in the
first instance. It is not always realized that Neander's answer to Lisideius
and his answer to Crites are alike founded on the capacity of the imagina-
tion. In replying to Lisideius, who had argued against the unconvincing
character of a stage battle, Neander asks (50:15-21): "why may not our
imagination as well suffer it self to be deluded with the probability of it,
as with any other thing in the Play? For my part, I can with as great ease
perswade my self that the blowes are given in good earnest, as I can, that
they who strike them are Kings or Princes, or those persons which they
[the actors] represent." To Crites, Neander replies that the imagination
is variously engaged and variously functioning in different genres of
literature (74:11-22):
It has been formerly urg'd by you, and confess'd
by me, that since no man spoke any kind of verse ex
tempore, that which was nearest Nature was to be pre-
ferr'd. I answer you therefore, by distinguishing betwixt
what is nearest to the nature of Comedy, which is the
imitation of common persons and ordinary speaking,
and what is nearest the nature of a serious Play: this
last is indeed the representation of Nature, but 'tis Na-
ture wrought up to an higher pitch. The Plot, the Char-
acters, the Wit, the Passions, the Descriptions, are all
exalted above the level of common converse, as high as
the imagination of the Poet can carry them, with pro-
portion to verisimility.
The essential unity of Dryden's Essay can be seen in his advocacy of a
dramatic art giving "more latitude to the Rules" and rising "as high as
the imagination of the Poet can carry them [the elements of a play], with
proportion to verisimility." Neander believed that all the artistic features
implied by rhyme constituted the only major area left, after the triumphs
of earlier playwrights (72:33-73:16), in which writers of his day could excel.
Howard was in some sense aided in the debate by having fewer literary
ambitions than Dryden, though he was hindered (as Crites was not) by an
inferior historical sense. In the dedication of The Great Favourite, or,
The Duke of Lerma (1668), Howard returned to his simpler sense of
Nature and the rules. The discussion was now taking a turn at once
personal, in being directed (or in being believed to be directed) ad
hominem, and public in the spectacle of two men, related by marriage,
arguing out a literary issue. To the second edition of The Indian Em-
perour (1668) Dryden added, but soon suppressed, A Defence of an Essay
of Dramatique Poesie. There he mustered for the first time his formidable
powers of irony and satire. Apparently nettled less by Howard's argument
than by his notorious self-importance, Dryden mercilessly exposed his
brother-in-law's vulnerability in the use of Latin, in the writing of
dramatic verse, and, above all, in the concept of drama. The lesson that
Dryden drove home has been characterized as the proposition that "it
348 Commentary
is not truth but the impression of truth which the dramatist attempts to
achieve." •** In a word, it is imagination that governs both the creation
and the appreciation of artistic versions of reality. With this mordant and
soon to be regretted dissection of the ideas of a friend, the theoretical
controversy over rhyme came to an end. It was left to Dryden, the greatest
and the most versatile serious dramatist of the age, to discover for himself
what kinds of dramatic illusion were in fact suitable to rhymed verse.
The personal flurry over Crites' and Neander's arguments has suggested
to most readers that Dryden intended Crites to represent Howard and
Neander to represent himself. On the other hand, Howard's actual stand
for the moderns over the ancients (argued in the preface to Four New
Plays) has seemed to some readers to make such reference to Sir Robert
Howard impossible. The identification of all the characters cannot be
properly discussed, however, until a prior question has been answered:
What is the nature of Dryden's dialogue form? The implications of this
question extend far beyond the identity of the four speakers; what is
involved is a long tradition, the history, indeed, of a philosophical and
artistic form. In the Defence o/ an Essay Dryden said his "whole Discourse
was Sceptical, according to that way of reasoning which was used by
Socrates, Plato, and all the Academiques of old, which Tully and the best
of the Ancients followed, and which is imitated by the modest Inquisitions
of the Royal Society." *B
Dryden's words are modest in disclaiming dogmatism or conclusive force,
but they are very bold indeed in describing himself as the inheritor, with
the Royal Society, of the classical tradition of dialogue. The problematical
word "Sceptical" has its origin in aKev- (in aKtirrfaBaC), implying inquiry,
consideration. That Dryden intended precisely this meaning can be judged
from his phrase, "the modest Inquisitions of the Royal Society." When
Dryden attributes the skeptical method, "that way of reasoning," to
Socrates and Plato, he obviously implies no form of Pyrrhonism or fideism,
but clearly relates the reasoning to that of the Academy from Plato to
Cicero. The Academic tradition came to mean many things and to em-
ploy many methods for arriving at truth or probability, but its dom-
inant method was inquiry rather than dogmatism, and its characteristic
literary form was the dialogue.
The dispute whether Dryden's dialogue form is basically Platonic or
Ciceronian is in large measure irrelevant. He took up, as it were, the
form as it existed at the death of Cicero, but in full consciousness of
variations employed by Plato, Cicero, and others. Only a review of the
history of the Academy and the major practitioners of dialogue can ex-
plain and justify the exactitude of Dryden's description.
The Academy began at the place where Plato taught for about fifty
years. When Aristotle entered the Academy he first espoused Platonic
"See Rudolf Hirzel, Der Dialog (Leipzig, 1895); Werner Jaeger, Aristotle:
Fundamentals of the History of His Development (ad ed.; 1948); Arthur Stanley
Pease, ed., M. Tulli Ciceronis De Divinatione (ad ed.; 1963), and M. Tulli
Ciceronis De Natura Deorum (1955); Michel Ruch, Le Preambule dans les
(Euvres Philosophiques de Cicdron (1958); Philip Levine, "The Original Design
and the Publication of the De Natura Deorum," Harvard Studies in Classical
Philology, LXII (1957), 7-36. See also Eugene R. Purpus, "The Dialogue in
English Literature, 1660-1725" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of California,
Los Angeles, 1943); LeClercq, "John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy"; and
Elizabeth Merrill, The Dialogue in English Literature (1911).
"Jaeger, Aristotle, p. 24. Jaeger adds (p. 25) that "Plato was writing the
philosopher's tragedy." As Ruch says, "Les dialogues sont une serie de duels
entre Socrate et ses adversaires" (Prfambule de Cictron, p. 37).
"Jaeger, Aristotle, p. 25. "Ibid., p. 26.
ggo Commentary
and De Natura Deorum—are set in the festive scene of the Latin holidays
(Ferine Latinae). The festivals provided an occasion for Romans responsi-
ble for matters of state to intermit their public duties and, like the Greeks,
engage in philosophical discussion. For all its length, a dialogue like
De Republica recalls, in situation and in a lively and at times sublime
style, the early Platonic dialogues, although it specifically vies with that
late Platonic dialogue, The Republic. Cicero's Scipio recalls Socrates, both
as a central figure and as a mask for the author himself.67 These features
reconstituted by Cicero out of Plato to enliven the Aristotelian form ob-
viously foreshadow Dryden's dialogue. So, too, do such other Ciceronian
features as patriotism, the friendship among the speakers, and a sense of
political atmosphere.58 Cicero's dedications, like the dedication of De
Natura Deorum to M. Junius Brutus, are also not alien to Dryden; nor
is the basic structure of this dialogue, which allows one speaker the de-
cisive role of replying to those representing other views. Velleius, setting
forth the Epicurean position on the gods, is answered by Cotta with
Academic doctrine (Book I). Balbus then advances the Stoic position
(Book II), to which Cotta again replies with the Academic (Book III).
To a considerable extent Dryden's dialogue form is an adaptation of
the Ciceronian dialogue along both pre-Ciceronian and original lines.
Dryden returns to Plato in developing the mise en scene, especially for
the initial dramatic scene, to lengths further than those favored by Cicero.
Dryden's scene on "that memorable day" is unforgettable, and he is at
pains to see that it is not forgotten: he stops the dialogue to reintroduce
the scene (e.g., 15:8-11; 64:23-25), and at the end interrupts the loquacious
Neander to bring the four men at last to their destination, the Somerset
Stairs. Moreover, Plato as well as Cicero had written dialogues like Dry-
den's with essayistic overtones: Socrates' speeches sometimes take on the
discursive characteristics of the essay; and the accidental occasion for the
dialogue is commonly seized upon by Plato as a means to direct and
express his thoughts.59
Before discussing Dryden's innovations it is necessary to consider, how-
ever briefly, postmedieval uses of the dialogue, even if only to show that
Dryden's debts are classical. Dryden obviously knew the frame provided
for the Decameron and probably was aware of the settings of Tasso's
dialogues and of Castiglione's The Courtier, but he almost certainly did
not know the framework of Jean Bodin's Colloquium Heptaplomeres. The
last would have interested him particularly, but although its existence and
something of its character were fairly well known in the seventeenth cen-
tury, it was not published for another two centuries.60 Renaissance
dialogues were of little use to Dryden because they were, with the ex-
"Hirzel, Der Dialog, I, 460-467. This is not to say that Dryden used De
Republica, which, except for the Somnium Scipionis, had been lost for centuries.
Ibid., pp. 465, 485-486, 499. 59 Paraphrasing ibid., p. 245.
George H. Sabine, "The Colloquium Heptaplomeres of Jean Bodin," in Perse-
cution and Liberty: Essays in Honor of George Lincoln Burr (1931), pp. 271-309.
352 Commentary
judgments may have seemed for more than a century, 85 it is very difficult
to identify the characters in Dryden's essay with any degree of assurance.
Doubts about Malone's identifications became serious when certain dis-
crepancies were pointed out. Howard, for example, whatever his stand on
rhymed verse, had argued (in the preface to Four New Plays) that modern
drama surpasses ancient drama, a view definitely not espoused by Crites.66
Malone had two reasons for claiming that Eugenius represented Buckhurst:
first, Prior had said so in dedicating his poems to Buckhurst's son, Lionel,
Earl of Dorset and Middlesex; second, Eugenius and Buckhurst shared a
deep respect for Ben Jonson. According to Crites, Eugenius preferred
Jonson "above all other Poets" (21:21); and Buckhurst had written a
"high eulogy on Ben Jonson . . . about the year 1668." °7 Neither reason
can be judged compelling; besides, the dramatic practice of Act IV of
Pompey, which Dryden attributes to Buckhurst (3:21-25), differs some-
what from the strict principles expressed by Eugenius. Even the anagram-
matic identification of Lisideius with Sedley may be challenged, because
Sedley's play, The Mulberry Garden (1668), hardly follows the French
ideas of regulation propounded by Lisideius. Since the identification of
Neander with Dryden has also been questioned, more than one critic in
recent years has come to believe that Dryden's speakers are wholly "dra-
matic" characters.68
Nevertheless, Dryden clearly implied that he had hidden three well-
known persons under his "borrowed names," and we are left with reasons
for accepting as well as for rejecting the traditional identifications. Ex-
amination of classical evidence, however, once again elucidating Dryden's
method, reveals that there was no need to have a character expound only
his own beliefs. In De Divinatione, for example, Cicero gives his brother
Quintus the usual Stoic arguments in favor of divination, although
Quintus' philosophical sympathies lay rather with the Peripatetics.09 The
standard edition of De Divinatione very plausibly suggests that Cicero's
reason was simply "a desire . . . to compliment his brother by making him
a character in the dialogue, regardless of whether the views ascribed to
him were his own or not." 70 Dryden's second paragraph suggests a
similar wish to compliment and a similar freedom in tampering with the
views held by his real "persons":
Amongst the rest, it was the fortune of Eugenius,
Crites, Lisideius and Neander, to be in company to-
gether: three of them persons whom their witt and
Scott hesitated over Crites for the reasons given by George R. Noyes
(" 'Critcs' in Dryden's Essay of Dramatic Poesy," MLN, XXXVHI [1923], 333-337).
«Ibid. " Malone, I, ii, 35, 52 (second pagination).
See F. L. Huntley, "On the Persons in Dryden's Essay of Dramatic Poesy,"
MLN, LXIII (1948), 88-95; Huntley, On Dryden's "Essay"; Louis C. Gatto, "An
Annotated Bibliography of Critical Thought Concerning Dryden's Essay of
Dramatic Poesy," Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research, V
On Quintus' enthusiasm for the Aristotelian tradition, see De Finibus, V, 96.
Pease, ed., De Divinatione, p. 17.
354 Commentary
those actually held by a real person, such as the one represented by Crites.
Sir Robert Howard, obviously acquainted with the formal characteristics
of the dialogue, implicitly acknowledged in his reply to Dryden's Essay
that he was shadowed under Crites. Although he did not object to express-
ing in the dialogue views on the ancients which were not his own, he did,
touchy person that he was, take as a personal slur Dryden's comment about
those who dislike rhyme: "none are very violent against it, but those who
either have not attempted it, or who have succeeded ill in their attempt"
(3:19-20). Howard recognized, though in disinterested fashion, that the
genuine literary issue between himself and Dryden, as between Crites
and Neander, concerned the use of rhymed verse.
Howard's responses to the Neander-Crites debate are the best, and
sufficient, evidence for believing that these two characters cloak Dryden
and Howard. Although the evidence for believing that Lisideius and
Eugenius represent Sedley and Buckhurst is not so clear, Cicero's actual
practice (and no doubt Plato's, though there is too little evidence)
nullifies the objection that such identifications are inconsistent with the
literary principles and practices of Sedley and Buckhurst. What does bear
on our understanding of the characters is their "borrowed names." In
1667 Dryden, evidently lacking the confidence of the experienced Cicero,
did not feel free to introduce a Howard by name into his dialogue. Even
Cicero followed the Aristotelian procedure until relatively late in his
career and whenever dealing with controversial issues. There is something
appealing about Dryden's self-portrayal as a talkative "New Man" (Ne-
ander), a mere country gentleman, university graduate, and poet, not a
person allied by birth to the nobility like Howard (and Buckhurst) or a
man of fashion like Sedley and Buckhurst (and others of his time). By
protecting his speakers under borrowed names Dryden was in fact pro-
tecting himself. The name "Crites" is apparently derived from KpT7-T/«Ss,
"able to discern," the "critical one"; and "Eugenius" is the "well
born." "Lisideius" may well be the anagram that Malone thought it
and, in view of Sedley's French inclinations, may also be a play on
Le Cid, Corneille's play.72 The fact that on such readings Lisideius alone
has a Latin name suggests also a glance at Lysias, one of the Ten Attic
Orators, renowned for the correctness and purity of his writings. The
classical form of the characters' names, together with Dryden's curious
expression, "borrowed names," implies that he took the names from
classical times and wanted his essay to have the air of the classical dialogue.
Antiquity, however, lends little authority for the use of made-up names
for real men in dialogues. Dryden may have found a precedent in
Burton's pose as Democritus Junior or, more likely, in some of the names
in The Compleat Angler. Such examples are not wholly germane, how-
ever, and the best analogy is to be found in Dryden's own later practice.
The characters in Mac Flechnoe, Absalom and Achitophel, and The
Medall are based upon real men and women, but they are given "bor-
rowed names" or appellations and have existences independent of their
sources. Shaftesbury lay behind both Achitophel and the very different
unnamed chief of The Medall. Mac Flecknoe was perhaps first intended
to represent Settle before the name came to imply Shadwell,73 but as a
character Mac Flecknoe is different from Doeg-Settle and Og-Shadwell
in The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel. The re-creation of real
individuals under borrowed names clearly affected the literary characteris-
tics of the speaker and of the dialogue as a whole. It was one thing for
Plato to use the authority of Socrates to lend conviction to his own argu-
ments, or for Cicero to compliment a friend by having him voice philo-
sophical ideas borrowed from men then dead. It was yet another for
Dryden to suggest the existence of real men behind his characters, because
the made-up names lent his dialogue a fictional air from the outset.
Spenser, in his historical allegorizing, perhaps provides a better precedent
than any character in a dialogue.
Dryden's major innovation—speakers at once related to historical per-
sonalities and free characters in a fabricated situation—alters the classical
dialogue and creates a species of semifiction. Dryden started from the
tradition of the classical dialogue as it was at the time of Cicero. The
patriotism, the debate over theoretical questions in terms of practical
applications, the use of lengthy discourses to set forth complex issues,
the use of a decisive speaker who is given the last speech of importance, the
sense of occurrence on a special day, the device of having "real" people
debate issues that were on the author's mind, employment of the dialogue
as a medium of inquiry or skeptical examination—all these Dryden may
be said to have developed from Cicero. It is also true, however, that these
features of the dialogue were adumbrated in Plato. Those who regard
Dryden's Essay as a Ciceronian dialogue based on De Oratore have given
too little consideration to Cicero's other dialogues or to Dryden's con-
sciousness of writing in the lengthy tradition of the Academy.74 Those
who see Of Dramatick Poesie as a Platonic dialogue have forgotten how
varied Plato is, how much of Plato can be found in Cicero's dialogues, and
how the form developed naturally from Plato to Cicero as the Academy
method of representing the inquiry into truth. The features of Dryden's
Essay owing most to the earlier Plato within the classical dialogue tradi-
tion are the fully developed situation at beginning and end, the definition
of the issue to be debated, and, of lesser importance, the borrowing of
names from the Greek.
Dryden's use of dramatic scene and his dedication permit us to judge
his easy development of a dialogue form at once his own and yet wholly
in the classical line. The earlier Platonic dialogues possess a remarkable
George McFadden, "Elkanah Settle and the Genesis of Mac Flecknoe," PQ,
XLIII (1964), 55-72.
"Of Cicero's major dialogues, De Oratore is not the most likely model for
Dryden. Dryden's repeating a phrase from it (70:6) is no sign that he was
intimately acquainted with a dialogue separately published in England only
twice between the introduction of printing and the publication of Dryden's
Of Dramatick Poesie. If a model must be given, De Legibus would seem a
better choice: Dryden alludes to it in the dedication (6:3); it is livelier; it
boasts a river scene; it was more easily available.
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie 357
Epigraph. Fungar vice cotis etc. Ars Poetica, 11. 304-305. (Loeb trans.:
"I'll play a whetstone's part, which makes steel sharp, but of itself cannot
P. 3 Charles Lord Buckhurst. Charles Sackville, Lord Buckhurst (1643-
1706), later fourth Earl of Middlesex (1675) and sixth Earl of Dorset
(1677), was one of the young wits of Charles IPs court and was destined
to become famous as a patron of poets from Dryden to Prior. Dryden
7:9-10 Vertues and Faults of the English Poets. Dryden never wrote
such a treatise, but his critical writings contain many passages that might
have been included in it.
8:1-2 that memorable day, in the first Summer of the late War etc.
The "late War" was the second Dutch war; the memorable day was 3
June 1665, when the battle between the English and Dutch navies took
place off Lowestoft. Dryden also wrote of the engagement in Annus
Mirabilis, 11. 73-92 (see Works, I, 62-63, and notes). The treaty of peace
ending the war was signed at Breda 011 21 July 1667. Since Of Dramatick
Poesie was entered in the Stationers' Register on 7 August of the same
year, the opening sentence probably represents a late addition or revision.
In his poem to the Duchess of York published with Annus Mirabilis
(Works, I, 57), Dryden also commented on the Duke of York's victory
off Lowestoft. Under date of 3 June 1665 Pepys recorded the uneasiness
of Londoners over the sounds of the battle: "All this day by all people
upon the River, and almost every where else hereabout were heard the
guns, our two fleets for certain being engaged; which was confirmed by
letters from Harwich, but nothing particular."
8:17-18 Eugenius, Crites, Lisideius and Neander. For identification,
see headnote, pp. 352-355.
364 Commentary
8:24 shoot the Bridge. That is, pass quickly under it. Pepys used the
phrase several times; under date of 8 August 1662 he described the feat
of going under London Bridge:
Thence by boat; I being hot, he put the skirt of his
cloak about me; and it being rough, he told me the
passage of a Frenchman through London Bridge, where,
•when he saw the great fall, he began to cross himself and
say his prayers in the greatest fear in the world, and
soon as he was over, he swore "Morbleul c'est le plus
grand plaisir du monde," being the most like a French
humour in the world.
H. B. Wheatley (Diary of Samuel Pepys, II [1924], joi-gozn) quotes
Braybrooke's note on the entry: "Before the erection of the present
London Bridge the fall of water at the ebb tide was great, and to pass
at that time was called 'Shooting the bridge.' It was very hazardous for
small boats."
9:2 like the noise of distant Thunder. Cf. "Verses to Her Highness
the Dutchess" (11. 30-31), inserted in the "Account" prefixed to Annus
While, from afar, we heard the Canon play,
Like distant Thunder on a shiny day.
10:6-7 as well silenc'd as seditious Preachers. A reference to recently
enacted repressive laws directed at dissent and especially at dissenting
clergymen, notably the Conventicle Act (1664) and the Five-Mile Act
10:12-16 Quern in condone etc. Pro Archia, X, 25. (Loeb trans.: "It
will be remembered that once at a public meeting some poetaster from
the crowd handed up to that great man a paper containing an epigram
upon him, improvised in somewhat unmetrical elegiacs. Sulla immediately
ordered a reward to be paid him out of the proceeds of the sale which
he was then holding, but added the stipulation that he should never
write again.")
10:20 two Poets. Malone first suggested that the reference is probably
to Robert Wild (1609-1679) and Richard Flecknoe (d. c. 1678). By the
time Of Dramatick Poesie was published they had both printed poems
celebrating the naval victory. The ejection of Wild from his living in
1662 gives point to the comparison of ill poets and seditious preachers,
though Wild was in fact a royalist. His Iter Boreale, Attempting some-
thing upon the Successful and Matchless March of the Lord General
Georg Monck, From Scotland to London, published in 1660, was ex-
tremely popular. It is perhaps the "famous Poem" referred to at 12:4-5.
Wild's poetic powers may be judged from the opening lines of An Essay
Upon the late Victory obtained by His Royal Highness the Duke of
York, Against the Dutch, upon June 3, 1665 (Iter Boreale With Large
Additions [1668], p. 64):
GOUTI I conjure thee by the powerful Names
Of CHARLES and JAMES, and their victorious Fames,
On this great Day set all thy Prisoners free.
Notes to Pages 8-10 365
(Loeb trans.: "Thou too, even thou, art ranked among the highest, thou
half-Menander, and justly, thou lover of language undefiled.")
21:4-5 Macrobius. Books III-VI of his Saturnalia contain criticism of
21:19 wore their deaths. See Dryden's prologue (1. 10) to Albumazar
for a revival early in 1668: "He lik'd the fashion well, who wore the
Cloaths" (Works, I, 141, 344). The prologue claims that Jonson borrowed
from Albumazar when he wrote The Alchemist.
21:20-21 you, Eugenius, prefer him above all other Poets. According
to Malone, Buckhurst wrote a "high eulogy on Ben Jonson" about 1668.
Buckhurst's poem, an epilogue to Every Man in His Humour, was
apparently written for a revival of the play about 1670 (Van Lennep,
p. 169). Since records on the productions of Every Man in His Humour
in the Restoration are scanty, it is possible that the epilogue was written
earlier than 1670 (see R. Gale Noyes, Ben Jonson on the English Stage,
1660-1776 [1935], p- 247). Hardly a "high eulogy," it is nevertheless, in its
ironic way, a commendation of Jonson the writer; further, if Eugenius is
to be identified with Buckhurst, the poem has some significance as a
gloss on this passage from the Essay. The following version is taken
from A Collection of Poems Written upon several Occasions by several
Persons (1673), pp. 29-32:
Intreaty shall not serve nor violence,
To make me speak in such a Playes defence.
A Play where Wit and Humour do agree
To break all practis'd Laws of Comedy:
The Scene (what more absurd) in England lies,
No Gods descend, nor dancing Devils rise;
No captive Prince from nameless Country brought,
No battel, nay, there's not a duel fought.
And something yet more sharply might be said.
But I consider the poor Author's dead;
Let that be his excuse—Now for our own,
Why— Faith, in my opinion, we need none.
The parts were fitted well; but some will say,
Pox on 'em Rogues what made 'em chuse this Play?
I do not doubt but you will credit me,
It was not choice, but meer necessity;
To all our writing friends, in Town, we sent,
But not a Wit durst venture out in Lent;
Have patience but till Easter-Term, and then
You shall have Jigg and Hobby-horse agen.
Here's Mr. Matthew, our domestique Wit,
Does promise one of the ten Plays h'as writ;
But since great bribes weigh nothing with the just,
Know, we have merits, and in them we trust;
When any Fasts, or Holy-days, defer
The publick labours of the Theatre,
Notes to Pages 22-23 369
33:3 Quos Libitina sacravit. Horace, Epistles, II, i, 49. (Loeb trans.:
"what the goddess of funerals has hallowed.")
33:30-31 then leaving the world. Beaumont died in 1616, Fletcher in
1625, and Jonson in 1637.
34:5-6 reform'd their Theatre. Shortly after the formation of the French
Academy, Richelieu prescribed the observance of the three unities in
French drama. Corneille's Le Cid (1636) was condemned by the Academy
for its irregularities.
34:8 prevented. Anticipated.
34:13 dispute among their Poets. See Corneille who, after quoting
Aristotle on time, wrote (CEuvres, I, 111-112):
Ces paroles donnent lieu a cette dispute fameuse, si
elles doivent £tre entendus d'un jour nature! de vingt-
quatre heures, on d'un jour artificiel de douze: ce sont
deux opinions dont chacune a des partisans conside'r-
ables; et pour moi, je trouve qu'il y a des subjets si
malaise's a renfermer en si peu de temps, que non-
seulement je leur accorderois les vingt-quatre heures
entieres, mais je me servirois meme de la licence que
donne ce philosophe de les exc^der un peu, et les
pousserois sans scruple jusqu'a trente.
35:12 mal a propos. One of Dryden's borrowings from the French (see
E. A. Horsman, "Dryden's French Borrowings," RES, n.s., I [1950], 346-
35:15 Red-Bull. This popular theater in Clerkenwell survived raids by
the government during the Commonwealth and was used in the early
years of the Restoration. It was notorious for rant, spectacle, and disorders.
35:16 Atque ursum etc. Horace, Epistles, II, i, 185-186: media inter
carmina poscunt / aut ursum aut pugiles. (Loeb trans.: "Call in the
middle of a play for a bear or for boxers.")
35:18 to beget admiration etc. Aristotle speaks only of pity and fear
("compassion" and "concernment"). Sixteenth-century critics had added
admiration (wonder or awe). In his Defence of Poesie Sidney dropped
fear and substituted admiration. In Heads of an Answer to Rymer Dry-
den was to question the assumption that tragedy raises only pity and fear.
35:29-30 Ex noto etc. Ars Poetica, 1. 240. (Loeb trans.: "My aim shall
be poetry, so moulded from the familiar.")
36:4-5 Atque ita mentitur etc. Ars Poetica, 11. 151-152. (Loeb trans.:
"And so skilfully does he invent, so closely does he blend facts and fiction,
that the middle is not discordant with the beginning, nor the end with
the middle.")
36:13 the death of Cyrus. See Justinus, Historiarum Philippicarum et
Totius Mundi Originum, I, 8; II, 3; XXXVII, 3; Xenophon, Cyropaedia,
VIII, 7.
36:25-29 to draw her in miniature etc. Pierre Legouis ("Corneille and
Dryden as Dramatic Critics," in Seventeenth Century Studies Presented
to Sir Herbert Grierson [1938]) has suggested that this passage was prompted
by Corneille (CEuvres, I, 113): "Si nous ne pouvons la renfermer dans ces
374 Commentary
deux heures, prenons-en quatre, six, dix, mais ne passons pas de beaucoup
les vingt-quatre, de peur de tomber dans le de're'glement, et de rdduire
tellement le portrait en petit, qu'il n'aye plus ses dimensions propor-
tionn^es, et ne soil qu'imperfection."
36:27 Perspective. Telescope.
36:31 Quodcunque ostendis etc. Horace, Ars Poetica, 1. 188. (Loeb
trans.: "Whatever you thus show me, I discredit and abhor.")
36:33-37:1 TO. Src/ia, (The truth.) Mourw diua. (Resembling truth.) Cf.
Odyssey, XIX, 203; Theogony, \. 27.
37:4 embarass. A borrowing from the French. Pepys had used the word
as a noun in the entry of 15 July 1664.
37:18 Spanish Plotts. Dryden has in mind Sir Samuel Tuke's highly
successful comedy, The Adventures of Five Hours (produced 8 January
1662/3), an adaptation of Antonio Coello's Los Empenos de Sets Horas
(c. 1641). Tuke's play started a vogue for adaptations of Spanish comedies
which lasted for a decade. Dryden himself furnished a Spanish plot in-
directly through An Evening's Love, or The Mock-Astrologer (1668), an
adaptation of Thomas Corneillc's Le Feint Astrologue, itself derived
from Calder6n's El Astr6logo Fingido. On Dryden's response to Spanish
drama, see comments in the headnote and especially footnote 27; see also
the discussion of An Evening's Love (Works, X, headnote).
37:21 Rollo. The extremely popular tragedy, The Bloody Brother, or
the Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy, first published in 1639. The
latest editor of the play, J. D. Jump, assigns it to Fletcher, Massinger,
Jonson, and Chapman. It is one of the plays attacked by Thomas Rymer
in his Tragedies of the Last Age (1677). The source is Herodian, III-IV.
37:30 Oleo. From the Spanish olla podrida, a stew of meats and vege-
tables, hence a mixture.
38:1 Golia's. Golias episcopus or archipoeta, in whose name some of
the poetry of the Goliards was written (OED). Poems in which he appears
have been attributed to Walter Map, the twelfth-century cleric.
38:1-6 In Sejanus . . . and Fulvia etc. The scenes here referred to
appear in Act II in each play. Catiline was revived in December 1668,
but the production had been talked about for a year (see Noyes, Ben
Jonson on the English Stage, pp. 302-303). Herford and Simpson (Jonson,
Works, II, 20, 127) maintain that Dryden was wrong in holding that comic
scenes contribute to an oleo of a play. It should be noted, however, that
it is Lisideius, a character defending the French, and not Dryden the
critic, who makes the assertion.
38:10 an ingenious person. Thomas Sprat, who wrote (in Observations
on Mons. de Sorbier's Voyage into England [1665], pp. 249-250): "The
French, for the most part, take only one, or two Great Men, and chiefly
insist on some one remarkable accident of their Story." Dryden and Sprat
were fellow members of the Royal Society (see George Williamson, "The
Occasion of An Essay of Dramatic Poesy," MP, XLIV [1946], 4).
38:33 protatick persons. Characters appearing only in the protasis, or
first part of a play. W. T. Arnold (Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy,
ed. Thomas Arnold; rev. W. T. Arnold [1903]) notes Corneille's use of
Notes to Pages 36-40 375
[law of nature], that each individual thing continues as it is, and never
changes except by encountering other things. . . . Once it begins to
move, we have no reason to think it will ever cease to move with the
same force, so long as it encounters nothing to retard it." Cf. also Hobbes,
De Corpore (English Works, I, 115): "In like manner, whatsoever is
moved, will always be moved, except there be some other body besides it,
which causeth it to rest."
40:32 if one part of the Play may be related. See Sir Robert Howard's
preface to Four New Plays (1665), sig.[a3]v: "By which he [Horace] directly
declares his Judgment, That every thing makes more impression Presented
than Related: Nor indeed can any one rationally assert the contrary; for
if they affirm otherwise, they do by consequence maintain, That a whole
Play might be as well Related as Acted."
40:34 Corneille sayes. See (Euvres, I, joo:
le poete n'est pas tenu d'exposer a la vue toutes les
actions particulieres qui amenent a la principale: il doit
choisir celles qui lui sont les plus avantageuses a faire
voir, soil par la beaute- du spectacle, soil par 1'eclat et
la vehemence des passions qu'elles produissent, soil
par quelque autre agreement qui leur soit attach^, et
cacher les autres derriere la scene, pour les faire con-
noitre au spectateur, ou par une narration, ou par
quelque autre adresse de 1'art.
41:15-16 Segnius irritant etc. Ars Poetica, 11. 180-181. (Loeb trans.:
"Less vividly is the mind stirred by what finds entrance through the ears
than by what is brought before the trusty eyes.")
41:18-20 Non tamen intus etc. Ars Poetica, 11. 182-184. (Loeb trans.:
"Yet you will not bring upon the stage what should be performed behind
the scenes, and you will keep much from our eyes, which an actor's ready
tongue will narrate anon in our presence.")
41:22-23 Nee pueros etc. Ars Poetica, 11. 185, 187. (Loeb trans.: "so that
Medea is not to butcher her boys before the people, . . . nor Procne be
turned into a bird, Cadmus a snake.")
41:33 Magnetick Lady. Ill, ii.
42:3 Eunuch. IV, iii.
42:6 Sejanus's death. Ben Jonson, Sejanus, V, ix.
42:9-10 excellent Play the King and no King. The play, a favorite in
the early years of the Restoration, was performed five times in the period
1660-1662 (see Van Lennep, p. 12 and passim).
42:21 simple change of will. W. T. Arnold (Dryden: An Essay) notes
Corneille's statement in his first discourse ((Euvres, I, 27-28):
nous devons toutefois prendre garde que ce consente-
ment ne vienne pas par un simple diangement de
volonte1, mais par un eVdnement qui fournisse 1'occasion.
Autrement il n'y auroit pas grand artifice au denouement
d'une piece, si, apres 1'avoir soutenue durant quatre
actes sur I'autorite' d'un pere qui n'approuve point les
Notes to Pages 40-45 377
the gracioso or comic servant was a stock character in Spanish comedy and
in French imitations of it. Diego, in Tuke's The Adventures of Five Hours,
is such a figure.
46:13 Rule of Logick. Watson quotes and translates Franco Bur-
gersdijck, Institutionem Logicarum Libre Duo (1626), I, xxii: "De Op-
positione Rerum," Theorem V: Opposita juxta se posita, magis elu-
cescunt. (Contraries, when placed together, shine the more.) He adds that
Burgersdijck's book was well known in Cambridge during Dryden's time
there and that Dryden quotes the Latin of Theorem V in A Parallel
betwixt Painting and Poetry.
46:16-17 bait in a journey. "To make a brief stay or sojourn" (OED).
46:19 musick has betwixt the Acts. Both instrumental and vocal music
came to be popular on the Restoration stage as entr'acte entertainment
(see Van Lennep, pp. cxiii-cxviii).
47:4-7 as they say etc. The figure is drawn from the Old Astronomy but
is qualified from the outset by "they say." In the Ptolemaic system the
outermost, containing orb of the primum mobile carried with it the sphere
of the fixed stars and those of the seven planets in one complete diurnal
revolution from east to west. At certain times, however, the spheres of
the planets displayed apparent retrograde motions of their own from
west to east. Dryden voices a measure of doubt about the actuality of this
phenomenon because the New Astronomy offered a different and less
paradoxical explanation of these apparent retrograde motions. He was not
alone in remaining poised among the leading cosmological systems. As
late as 1686, the year that saw the publication of the first book of New-
ton's Principia, Joseph Moxon's popular text, A Tutor to Astronomy and
Geography, carried an advertisement (p. 272) for "Spheres according to
the Ptolomean, Tychonean, Copernican Systemejs]." (The editors are
indebted for this note to Professor Hugh G. Dick of the University of
California, Los Angeles.)
48:6-7 Cinna . . . Pompey . . . Polieucte. By Pierre Corneille. For
English taste, Cinna and Pompie were indeed flawed by excessively long
48:10 by the Hour-glass. Preaching by an hourglass was a common prac-
tice in seventeenth-century England.
49:22 the Maids Tragedy. By Beaumont and Fletcher. The Alchemist,
The Silent Woman, and The Fox are, of course, by Ben Jonson.
50:23 Andromede. Although designating it a tragedy, in this play
Corneille used spectacular machines more often associated with opera than
with tragedy. In the third act Perseus rides in the air on Pegasus and
kills the monster on stage. In the argument to the play Corneille de-
clared (CEuvres, V, 298): "mon principal but ici a &6 de satisfaire la vue
par I'e'clat et la diversity du spectacle, et non pas de toucher 1'esprit par
la force du raisonnement, ou le coeur par la ddlicatesse des passions."
51:11 for the same fault. See prologue to Every Man in His Humour
(11. 8-16), where Jonson censures such "ill customs of the age" as
To make a child, now swadled, to proceede
Man, and then shoote up, in one heard, and weede,
Notes to Pages 46-53 379
places, not to two "Houses," but they are all close to one another. After
the second act, not the first, the scene continues to be Morose's house.
59:6 interrupted once. The rule requiring the linking of scenes is
violated more than once in Lc Cid. In his discourse on the unities
Corneille wrote (CEuvres, I, 120): "Le Cid multiplie encore davantage les
lieux particuliers sans quitter Seville; et, comme la liaison de scenes n'y
est pas garde"e, le theatre, de-s le premier acte, est la maison de Chimene,
1'appartement de 1'Infante dans le palais du Roi, et la place publique; le
second y ajoute la chambre du Roi; et sans doute il y a quelque exces
dans cette licence." In his examen of Cinna, Corneille explained why it
was necessary to violate the liaison des scenes in the fourth act (ibid.,
Ill, 379-380): "Je aurois e'te' ridicule si j'avois pr^tendu que cet empereur
de'libe'rat avec Maxime et Cinna s'il quitteroit 1'empire ou non, pre'cise'-
ment dans la meme place ou ce dernier vient de rendre compte a
£milie de la conspiration qu'il a forme'e centre lui, C'est ce qui m'a fait
rompre la liaison des scenes au quatrieme acte."
59:21 acquainted with such a man. According to Herford and Simpson
(Jonson, Works, II, 70), it was early assumed that Jonson was ridiculing
particular persons in The Silent Woman and that Morose was a portrait
of a man of the day. In the second prologue to the play, Jonson rejected
such an interpretation:
If any, yet, will (with particular slight
Of application) wrest what he doth write;
And that he meant or him, or her, will say:
They make a libell, which he made a play.
59:28-29 humour is the ridiculous extravagance. Cf. Jonson's descrip-
tion of a humour in the induction to Every Man Out of His Humour,
11. 105-109:
As when some one peculiar quality
Doth so possesse a man, that it doth draw
All his affects, his spirits, and his powers,
In their confluctions, all to runne one way,
This may be truly said to be a Humour.
60:11 r4 7«Xoio«. The laughable. See Aristotle, Poetics, V, 2.
60:21-22 'itfos . . . irdSot. The terms are especially difficult to translate.
Dryden's association of Was with Greek New Comedy and Latin comedy,
and of 7r<i0os with classical tragedy, perhaps owes something to Scaliger's
discussion of the terms (Poetices, III, i). Scaliger introduces the terms to
explain Nature and Fate, and after attempts of his own to distinguish
•?0os from irdfloj he brings in the explanations of Theophrastus as an
alternative. To the Greek writer, although ir&Oos made Was very intense,
$8os was the principle of acting and irdtfos was the principle of enduring.
Dryden perhaps means "character" by the former, "passion" by the
latter. See also the preface to Edward Phillips, Theatrum Poetarum
(1675), in Spingarn, II, 269-270.
60:28 Ex homine etc. Terence, The Eunuch, I. 460. "Do you call him
a human being?"
61:22 Xuffts. In Poetics, XVIII, i, Aristotle wrote that in every tragedy
Notes to Pages 59-65 383
'See F. C. Brown, Elkanah Settle: His Life and Works (1910), pp. 14-15.
Settle's reply, though dated 1674, was not announced in the Term Catalogues
until 15 February 1675.
The Life and Errors of John Dunton Late Citizen of London (1705), p. 243.
'See John Dennis, Critical Works, ed. Edward Nilcs Hooker (1939-1943), II,
118; Luke Milbourne, Notes on Dryden's Virgil (1698), p. 175.
388 Commentary
'See Eleanore Boswell, The Restoration Court Stage (1932), p. 134. Shadwell
commented on this designation in the preface to The Libertine: "he is no more
a Poet than Servant to his Majesty, as he presumes to write himself; which I
wonder he will do, since Protections are taken off; I know not what Place he is
Sworn into in Extraordinary, but I am sure there is no such thing as Poet in
Extraordinary" (The Complete Works of Thomas Shadwell, ed. Montague
Summers [1927], III, aa).
"The Assignation (1673), sigs. A4t)-Ag; S-S, IV, 376. In "Elkanah Settle and
the Genesis of Mac Flecknoe" (PQ, XLIH [1964], 63) George McFadden argues
that the concept of a small circle of true wits and poets, introduced in the dedi-
cation of The Assignation, reappears as a major theme in Notes and Observa-
tions, Settle and Ravenscroft have been suggested (see, e.g., Summers, III, 552)
as candidates for the "two wretched Scribblers" mentioned in Dryden's dedica-
tion of The Assignation, but Richard Leigh and Martin Clifford, hesitantly
offered by Malone, have gradually won general acceptance, though Malone
merely guessed at Clifford and questioned his own suggestion of Leigh (Malone,
I. ii. 377-378; S-S, IV, 376; Watson, I, 188).
• The Empress of Morocco (1673), sig. Az.
Notes and Observations 389
epistle and the prologue of his play The Careless Lovers (1673), for which
Settle had supplied an epilogue. The epilogue makes no direct reference
to Dryden, but it is possible that some of Ravenscroft's remarks in the
epistle are intended for Dryden, and that they may well have been
written in collaboration with Settle.10
In the preface to Notes and Observations Dryden confesses that he
had earlier "strain'd a point of Conscience to cry up some passages" in
The Empress of Morocco. If so, there is no printed evidence to show it.
What is apparent from the taunts of Ravenscroft and Settle is that long
before this literary battle between established playwrights—Dryden,
Crowne, and Shadwell—and their successful younger rivals broke into
print, provocative remarks had been made and sides had been chosen.
As Crowne himself noted in the dedication of The Country Wit (1675),
"Wit-Adventurers, contend for the breath of the multitude, and think
themselves becalm'd if any one has a gale. In short, a Writer is lookt
upon as an invader of the World; and all Mankind are in Arms against
The participation of Crowne and Shadwell in the attack on Settle has
usually been ascribed to jealousy, and Dr. Johnson's assessment of
Dryden's feelings may perhaps be applied to all the collaborators: "Dry-
den could not now repress these emotions, which he called indignation,
and others jealousy; but wrote upon the play and the dedication such
criticism as malignant impatience could pour out in haste." n According
to the Lord Chamberlain's registers of the household, Settle had been
made "Sewer in ordinary to His Ma tle being one of the poettes in His
Mat8 Theatre Royall ffeb. 27: 1671 [1672]." ^ Although the position
At any rate, Ravenscroft's remarks foreshadow some of Settle's later com-
ments. The epistle, for instance, satirizes playwrights who, "if they see another
Man's Play take, Sware and Bluster, and bite their Nails," resenting the competi-
tion of younger writers:
This sort of Men you shall hear say in the Pit, and at the
Coffee-House (speaking of an Author) Dam me! How can he
Write! He's a Raw Young Fellow newly come from the Univer-
sity; How can he understand Humour or Character that is just
come from a Colledge? . . . But if they can neither Talk, nor
Write a Young Poet out of the Humour of Making Playes, they
give him o're for a peremptory Fop; and so fall to writing
Siedges and Opera's.
Ravenscroft may have been speaking only for himself, but the parodied remarks
would apply almost equally well to Settle, who attended Trinity College,
Oxford, in 1666-67. These remarks, moreover, bear a resemblance to some made
in Notes and Observations Revised, where Settle calls Dryden a "Coffee-House
Oracle" (p. 38) and repeatedly reminds him of the difference in their ages.
Settle says, for example, that he himself began to "Cruise upon the Coasts of
Poetry at twenty" (p. 51), whereas Dryden not only had started late but was
fast approaching senility. "Well," Settle continues, "he has been a Wit in his
Time, and so forth, but see what Age can do; 'tis pitty his Mercury should be
evaporated, 'tis huge pitty, but Age Age as I told you before" (p. 47).
BH, I, 342. See also Brown, Elkanah Settle, p. 14.
"Quoted in Boswcll, Restoration Court Stage, p. 134.
Notes and Observations 391
probably was a sinecure, Settle may have had some part in the staging
of plays at court. Moreover, his play, The Empress of Morocco, was first
performed at court, and among its four prologues were one written by
Rochester and another probably by Mulgrave.13 To use Crowne's own
image, Shadwell and Crowne may have felt themselves becalmed because
Settle was experiencing a gale.
The rival playwrights may also have been disturbed by Settle's attempts
to have The Empress of Morocco performed by the King's Company,
despite a contract with the Duke's Company which guaranteed him a
payment of "fifty Pounds a Year upon Condition they might have the
Acting of all the Plays he made." J4 Settle's play Cambyses (1671), like all
his plays before 1680, was performed by the Duke's Company, but for the
public production of The Empress of Morocco only the Duke of York's
intervention kept him from breaking his contract.15 In the Lord Cham-
berlain's registers Settle is listed as a poet in the Theatre Royal, and his
name is linked with that of Killigrew.10 Seemingly Settle was trying to
benefit from an association with both theaters; or, as the collaborators
put it, "both the Play-houses contended for him, as if he had found out
some new way of eating fire. No doubt their design was to entertain
the Town with a rarity" (117:30-33). Crowne and Shadwell must have
feared that Settle was going to monopolize patronage both from the
court and from the theaters.
Crowne was the only one of the three collaborators to acknowledge
his part in Notes and Observations, and then almost twenty-five years
later. In the "Epistle to the Reader" prefixed to Caligula (1698) Crowne
wrote: "In my notes on a play call'd the Empress of Morocco I call 'em
mine because above three parts of four were written by me, I gave vent
to more ill-nature in me than I will do again." 1T There is no reason,
however, to think that the project was a secret, for Settle obviously
knew who his enemies were:
Casting my Eye upon a Pamphlet entitled Notes and
Observations on the Empress of Morocco; and finding no
Authors name to it, I used my best indeavour to get
that knowledge by my Examination of the Style, which
the unkind Printer had denied me. . . . And thereupon
with very little Conjuration, by those three remarkable
Qualities of Railing, Boasting and Thieving I found a
"Brown (Elkanah Settle, p. 11) suggests that there may have been two per-
formances at court. In the first setting of the 1673 edition of The Empress of
Morocco, "The first Prologue at Court," later assigned to Mulgrave, was given
as having been written by Lord Lumley (see Anne Doyle, "The Empress of
Morocco: A Critical Edition of the Play and the Controversy Surrounding It"
[Pli.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, Urhana, 1963], pp. 525-526).
Reflexions upon a Late Pamphlet, Intituled, A Narrative Written by
E. Settle (1683), p. 2.
« Elkanah Settle, A Narrative (1683), sig. Azf.
"Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 134.
" John Crowne, The Dramatick Works, ed. James Maidment and W. H. Logan
(Edinburgh, 1873-1874), IV, 353.
392 Commentary
head-long into a perswasion of those things which are most remote from
probability." 88
Similar statements on the same subject abound in Dryden's criticism.
In the preface to An Evenings Love (1671) he compared fancy's appetite
for the surprising with the unnatural appetite of a pregnant woman. In
The Authors Apology for Heroique Poetry and Poetique Licence, written
three years after Notes and Observations, Dryden was still stressing the role
of judgment in poetic creation: "there are limits to be set betwixt the
boldness and rashness of a Poet." He also warned that "It requires
Philosophy as well as Poetry, to sound the depth of all the Passions; what
they are in themselves, and how they are to be provok'd: and in this
Science the best Poets have excell'd." 3* From this discussion of the limits
of bold strokes emerges Dryden's final definition of wit as a "propriety of
Thoughts and Words; or in other terms, Thought and Words, elegantly
adapted to the Subject." 85 This not very inspiring definition is illuminated
by the statement, in the postscript to Notes and Observations, that poetry
"ought to be so far Mathematicall, as to have likeness, and Proportion"
(182:24-25). Presumably Dryden meant something of the same kind by
the "propriety of Thoughts and Words." In the postscript to Notes and
Observations he also says that the poet should "have experience in all
sorts of humours and manners of men: should be thoroughly skil'd in
conversation, and should have a great Knowledge of mankind in generall"
(182:9-11).38 The postscript, then, presents the ideal of the learned poet,
an ideal that Dryden had discussed in his early critical essays.
Dryden's ideal poet would be capable of creating characters who were
both consistent and distinct, and because he would understand the
springs of art and nature he might be given license to use figures like
hyperbole and catachresis. In the preface to An Evening's Love Dryden
confesses to lacking Jonson's "judgement" in creating character and, after
speaking of his preference in comedy, goes on: "/ would have the charac-
ters well chosen, and kept distant from interfaring with each other;
which is more than Fletcher or Shakespear did."87 In the preface to
Notes and Observations much the same ideas appear in the criticism of
Settle's play (84:10-85:7):
His Plot is incoherent and full of absurdities; and the
Characters of his Persons so ill chosen, that they are all
either Knaves or Fools; only his Knaves are Fools into
the Bargain: and so must be of necessity while they are
"Ibid., IX, 18. " The State of Innocence (1677), sig. by, Watson, I, 199, 200.
The State of Innocence (1677), sig. caw; Watson, I, 207.
For a similar discussion of the relationship between "fancy" and "Philoso-
phy" in the makeup of the ideal poet, see Thomas Hobbes, Answer to Dave-
nant (Spingam, II, 59-64). Cf. also Discourse of Satire (1693), p. xx; Watson,
II, 90.
Works, X, 205, 206. As can be seen from Ravenscroft's parody of Dryden
quoted in n. 10 above, such comments on character were even then considered
to be typical of Dryden.
396 Commentary
in his Management. They all speake alike, and without
distinction of Character: That is, every one Rants and
Swaggers, and talks Non-sense abundantly. . . . What
a beastly Pattern of a King, whom he intends vertuous,
has he shown in his Muley Labasl Yet he is the only
person who is kept to his Character; for he is a per-
petual Fool.
In the section entitled "Of the Plott and Conduct of the Play," the
critics pursue the point of Settle's inability to create character: "What
pictures of Man-kind is such a Creature like to draw, who is never
admitted into the conversation of Gentlemen" (168:7-8).
Settle is pictured as dangerous, moreover, because in resembling a
real poet he is likely to cast shame on the entire profession. For this
reason much of Notes and Observations is devoted to demonstrating
the meaninglessness of Settle's use of similes and metaphors. In The
Authors Apology for Heroique Poetry and Poetique Licence Dryden
admits that some "flights of Heroique poetry" may appear as "mere
•madness" unless controlled by the "coolness and discretion, which is
necessary to a Poet."38 Under the influence of Boileau's translation of
Longinus, Dryden in The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy, prefixed to
Troilus and Cressida (1679), became even more rigid in the limitations
he placed on the use of tropes: "'Tis not that I would explode the use
of Metaphors from passions," he wrote in criticizing the "fury" of
Shakespeare's fancy, "for Longinus thinks 'em necessary to raise it; but
to use 'em at every word, to say nothing without a Metaphor, a Simile,
an Image, or description, is I doubt to smell a little too strongly of the
Buskin." 3» In The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel Dryden
presents Settle exactly as he does in Notes and Observations, as a man
possessed whose mind must be emptied of all sense before he can be
inspired (11. 412-417):
Doeg, though without knowing how or why,
Made still a blund'ring kind of Melody;
Spurd boldly on, and Dash'd through Thick and Thin,
Through Sense and Non-sense, never out nor in;
Free from all meaning, whether good or bad,
And in one word, Heroically mad.
The strong connections between Notes and Observations and Mac
Flecknoe also suggest that Settle may well have held Shadwell's place
in early drafts of the latter as the absolute monarch of the land of
The State of Innocence (1677), sigs. baf, b4t;; Watson, I, 199, 803.
" Troilus and Cressida (1679), sig. bzv; Watson, I, 257. See also Dryden's
criticism of Sylvester's translation of Guillaume du Bartas in the dedication to
Lord Haughton prefixed to The Spanish Fryar (1681, sig. A3; Watson, I, 277).
" McFadden, "Settle and the Genesis of Mac Flecknoe," pp. 55-72; Doyle,
"Dryden's Authorship of Notes and Observations," pp. 430-432. There is always
the possibility, of course, that Dryden drew heavily on Notes and Observations
for inspiration in composing the portraits.
Notes and Observations 397
Although Dryden's hand appears most clearly in the preface and the
postscript to Notes and Observations, most of the line-by-line analysis
that constitutes the bulk of the pamphlet seems to proceed from the
theoretical grounds laid down at beginning and end. The close examina-
tion of Settle's "heap of false Grammar, improper English, strain'd
Hyperboles, and downright Bulls" (84:9-10) has given Notes and Obser-
vations the reputation of being one of the most tedious pieces of criticism
in the English language and has lent force to Settle's comment: "If a
man should tell me that any Creature living had patience to read thy
Pamphlet out at once sitting, I should swear the story of the Famous
Grizil were nothing to him. Nay he deserves to be Canonized as much
as she." 41 Despite the tedium, one strain in the work—the remarks that
concern the use of figurative language in poetry, or what the writers call
Settle's "metaphoricall non-sense" and "unlike similes"—is of considerable
interest, particularly in view of Settle's stout defense of his position on
Settle's imagery was often far removed from the object he was de-
scribing. Sometimes he liked to achieve an effect similar to Cowley's; at
other times he affected the sentimental, pr^cieuse style that was thought
to be pleasing to the women in the audience. Duffet travestied the
latter element in Settle's style in the prologue to The Empress of
Morocco, A Farce (1674, sig. Ag):
As when some dogrel-monger raises
Up Muse, to flatter Doxies praises,
He talks of Gems and Paradises,
Perfumes and Arabian Spices:
Making up Phantastick Posies
Of Eye-lids, Fore-heads, Cheeks and Noses,
Calling them Lillies, Pinks and Roses.42
A typical example of what Dryden and his collaborators regarded as
"metaphoricall non-sense" was the description of a hailstorm which
Settle put into the mouth of a character pretending to be a holy man:
Some aery Demon chang'd its form, and now
That which look't black Above look'd white below.
The Clouds dishevel'd from their crusted Locks,
Something like Gems coin'd out of Chrystal Rocks.43
Such imagery is hardly strange to the modern reader familiar with
Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, but the commentators find "crusted
Locks of Clouds" complete nonsense and refuse to accept either the use
of dishevel as a verb or the concept of "coined gems."
Settle defended himself on the ground that poetic imagery depends on
certain conventions that cannot be squared with logic. He objected that
the kind of literal reading to which the authors of Notes and Observations
had subjected his play would make "the best Simile that can be writ
Nonsense," *4 and that no poetry, not Virgil's or Cowley's, could be free
of the type of image so offensive to them. To prove his point, however,
Settle turned neither to Virgil nor to Cowley but to Dryden's poetry
and plays. For the passage about hail he referred to a passage in The In-
dian Emperour describing the arrival of the Spanish ships. And in de-
fending himself against the critics' "strict laws of Similes" he quoted
stanzas 151-153 of Annus Mirabilis, where Dryden had used a variety of
similes to describe a ship. "What a wonderful pudder is here," wrote
Settle, "to make all these Poetical Beautifications of a Ship; that is a
Phoenix in the first Stanza, and but a Wasp in the last."4S Settle's
analysis concedes a great deal to Dryden's subtlety as a poet, but con-
cludes that Dryden, judged by the standards set by the commentators, does
not hold up.48 "Did ever any man take such freedom in Poetry and
allow so little," Settle asked at one point, and with some justification. 47
In fact, Settle was deliberately imitating many of Dryden's techniques
and individual speeches, and in the process he was making them appear
Dryden and his fellow authors had complained that Settle was de-
stroying tragedy by making it into farce; Settle's interpretation, put into
a parody of the opening lines of Dryden's Tyrannick Love, presents a
different picture. Bays (Dryden) confesses:
His faults in slippery Fatnesses inclosed,
Him I've in Print to the whole Town exposed.
Did first the depth of every Sentence sound,
And Play'd the Critick on unfaithful Ground.
By force of Nibling, Quibling, Scribling Wit,
Made t' unknown Reasons, unknown faults submit.
And now for my Reward th' ungrateful Town,
For must'ring up His Nonsense, cryes Mine down.^s
Settle's Notes and Observations Revised may have completed a process
that the three critics had inadvertently set in motion: a critical demolition
of the rhymed heroic play, far more devastating to it than the laughter
raised by The Rehearsal. As Gerard Langbaine put it, Settle's answer
"Settle, p. 22. Dryden had said the same thing in the dedication of The
Assignation and also suggested that, if he wanted to, he could make even the
best poets appear bad by ridiculing them for little faults.
« Settle, pp. 55, 74-75.
"Settle was sometimes out of his depth in discussing Dryden's language and
imagery (e.g., pp. 6-7).
"Ibid., p. 55. "Ibid., p. 25.
Notes and Observations 399
"shewed Mr. Dryden was not Infallible; but that notwithstanding his
Bravadoes, he himself was as faulty as others." 49
Although Shadwell continued the literary warfare against Settle in
the preface to The Libertine (1676) and in the portrait of Settle as
Crambo in The Triumphant Widow (1677), Dryden himself waited eight
years; then, in The Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel, he pictured
Settle as lacking both "human soul and reason" and therefore as not even
eligible for hanging. Settle was indeed guilty of many of the worst sins
that critics like T. E. Hulme and T. S. Eliot were to associate with bad
romantic verse. If he did not write directly from an illusory inspiration,
as both Notes and Observations and The Triumphant Widow claimed,
he certainly paid very little attention to the exact meaning of words and
images, relying instead upon poetic cliches and stock responses to
emotionally charged words. Lines from The Triumphant Widow capture,
in parody, some of the features of Settle's verse, as, for example, when
Codshead enters, trying to learn by heart a scene by Crambo (Settle)
which will change him into a perfect lover:
Yo'are like the new sprung Lilies of the field,
Whose native colour, hum
Darkening the milkie way, hum
Then says she,
Your Phrases make my modesty to blush.
Then I again,
Then you appear like the new-budden Rose,
With modest blushes of Vermilion, hum-
Vegetables hum hum odoriferous lustre. . . .
Then says she,
Oh, if this Love were constant.
Then I,
Constant as Rocks, that stand great Neptunes floods.80
Crambo's lines underscore one element in Settle's poetry—an addiction
to dead metaphor and cliche1—to which Settle seemed completely insen-
sitive as critic and poet.
No one would argue against Dryden's insistence that the poet should
be a genuine craftsman, but Settle was surely correct in thinking that
the verse that both he and Dryden wrote for their heroic plays could not
withstand the close textual analysis of the kind practiced by the authors
of Notes and Observations. In the course of the debate, the rhymed
heroic play, with its imaginative conjuring scenes, its eccentric heroes
and heroines, and its occasionally splendid passages of verse, fell out of
fashion. Settle, whose pre"cieuse style was probably better suited to blank
verse, noted its departure, without regret, in an epilogue:
"An Account of the English Dramatick Poets, p. 440. Roswell G. Ham ("Dry-
den versus Settle," MP, XXV [1928], 409) argues that "Settle was by all odds
the most potent adversary in Dryden's field."
"Thomas Shadwell and William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, The Trium-
phant Widow (1677), pp. 58-59 (IV, I).
4oo Commentary
Rhiming, which once had got so much your passion,
When it became the Lumber of the Nation,
Like Vests, your seaven years Love, grew out of fashion.
Great Subjects, and Grave Poets please no more:
Their high strains now to humble Farce must lower.51
On the other hand, Dryden, the acknowledged master of the rhymed
heroic play, expressed real regret in announcing, in the prologue to
Aureng-Zebe, the abandonment of "his long-lov'd Mistris, Rhyme." Com-
paring himself with a "losing Gamester," Dryden nonetheless could not
resist a mild boast:
Let him retire, betwixt two Ages cast,
The first of this, and hindmost of the last.62
Settle, who was to die in poverty and was to be drawn as one of the
master fools in Pope's Dunciad, was hardly a notable winner in his battle
with the rival playwrights; still, insofar as Dryden's favorite dramatic
form was concerned, Settle, as Charles Gildon remarked, "had evidently
the better of him." S3
SCULPTURES. Although French plays were often illustrated, it was
unusual for English plays to reproduce engravings. Suckling's Aglaura,
however, had been published with cuts in 1638. See Anne Doyle, "The
Empress of Morocco: A Critical Edition of the Play and the Controversy
Surrounding It" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1963),
p. xiv.
Epigraph. Dryden quotes in part Juvenal, SatireSj I, 1-2. (Loeb trans.:
"What? Am I to be a listener only all my days? Am I never to get my
word in 1 that have been so often bored by the Theseid of the
ranting Cordus?")
P. 83: 11. 9-10 ill report . . . Whitehall. Everything suggests that the
performance at court was a huge success. Eleanore Boswell (The Restora-
tion Court Stage [1932], p. 133) dates the performance sometime in April
1673 and says: "Whenever the Court performance took place, it must have
been a brilliant affair."
83:12 a Dancing Tree. The stage directions for Act I, scene i, of
The Empress of Morocco (1673, p. 13) read: "A State is presented, the
King, Queen and Mariamne seated, Muley-Hamet, Abdelcador and At-
tendants, a Moorish Dance is presented by Moors in several Habits, who
bring in an artificial Palm-tree, about which they dance to several antick
Instruments of Musick." An illustration facing page 13 shows the
Pastor Fido (1677), p. [67]. " 1676, sig. as; S-S, V, soi.
** Gerard Langbaine, The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatich Poets,
rev. Charles Gildon (1699), p. izz.
Notes to Pages 82-84 401
dancers, the drumbeaters, and the members of the court, but the large
palm tree in the center looks stable enough. Perhaps the tree was brought
in and moved to the music by the dancers.
83:12-13 the Ludgate Audience. The City audience. The phrase does,
however, have larger connotations. Dorset Garden, where the play was
performed, faced the Thames but it was located near the malodorous
Fleet Ditch and also near Water Lane, along which dung was transported
to the Thames. Ludgate Hill was not far away. The odor from the bogs
caused the mob in Pope's Dunciad (11. 359-366) to halt momentarily.
See John Stow, A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, rev.
John Strype (1720), I, 278-279.
83:13 ill success. Aside from the court performance, Van Lennep (pp.
206, 213, 310) lists only three productions, the first on 3 July 1673, but
information is scanty for this period.
83:19 illiterate Scribler. Settle may have been an "upstart" because he
was descended from a family of barbers, but he was far from illiterate.
He went to Westminster as a King's Scholar and spent a year at Trinity
College, Oxford.
83:21 Earth-born Brethren. The men born of the dragon's teeth sowed
by Cadmus. They immediately began to fight among themselves, and all
but five were killed (see Ovid, Metamorphoses, III, 26-130).
84:16-17 He steals notoriously. Particularly from Dryden's heroic plays.
Cf. 173:33-174:28, above.
84:19-20 Male dum recitas incipit esse tuus. See Martial, Epigrams,
I, xxKviii, 1-2: sed male cum recitas, incipit esse tuus. (Loeb trans.:
"Your vile recitation begins to make it your own.")
84:24 excuse of Aretine. A reference to an epitaph on Pietro Aretino
Here Aretin enterr'd doth lye
Whose Satire lash'd both High and Low:
His God alone It spared; and why?
His God, he said, he did not know.
This English version is printed by Pierre des Maizeaux in his translation
of Pierre Bayle's Dictionary (2d ed.; 1734-1738), I, 437-441, along with
several in Italian and one in Latin. Bayle, who takes his predecessor,
Moreri, to task for suggesting that there actually was an epitaph on Are-
tino's tomb, provides a learned discussion of various versions of the
mock epitaph, which may have been written years before Aretino's death.
Most scholars accept the following version:
Qui giace 1'Aretin poeta tosco,
Che disse mal d'ognun fuorchfe di Cristo,
Scusandosi col dir: non lo conosco.
See James Cleugh, The Divine Aretino (1965), pp. 246-247; John Adding-
ton Symonds, Renaissance in Italy (1935), II, 408.
84:29 Boisterous. Coarse in quality (OED).
84:30 lewd. Bad, bungling (OED).
84:31-85:3 Fancy . . . Wit . . . Judgment. For attempts at defining
what these critical terms meant to Dryden, see Watson, II, 298-300, 304;
402 Commentary
The Critical Opinions of John Dijden, ed. John M. Aden (1963), pp.
106-108, 133-135, 145, 277-279; and H. James Jensen, A Glossary of
John Dryden's Critical Terms (1969), pp. 50-52, 63-64, 69, 122-128. See
also John M. Aden, "Dryden and the Imagination: The First Phase,"
PMLA, LXXIV (1959), 28-40; Robert Hume, "Dryden on Creation:
Imagination in the Later Criticism," RES, n.s., XXI (1970), 295-314. For
a detailed account of Dryden on wit and the imagination, see the com-
mentary on The Authors Apology for Heroique Poetry and Poetique
Licence in Works, Vol. XIII.
84:32 Pudder. Pother.
84:33 Still-born. This image is central to the preface and the postscript,
and the fact that it is also used in Mac Flecknoe (11. 147-148) has been
seen as evidence that Dryden composed these parts of Notes and Observa-
tions (see George McFadden, "Elkanah Settle and the Genesis of Mac
Flecknoe," PQ, XLIII [1964], 66).
85:6 Muley Labas. This son of the Emperor of Morocco is in prison
at the beginning of the play. He assumes the throne on the death of his
father and, through the contrivances of his mother and her lover, is
murdered by his queen, Morena.
85:8-9 Nokes . . . Mackbeth. This is a puzzling reference. Nokes's
name does not appear in the cast of Macbeth listed in the edition of
1673. Nathaniel Lee played the King of Scotland and Betterton played
Macbeth. Nokes almost always acted comic parts, sometimes taking a
woman's role like that of the nurse in Romeo and Juliet or in Otway's
Caius Marias. He did occasionally accept a part like Norfolk in Henry
VIII or Polonius in Hamlet, and he may have played Macbeth after the
first night if Lee was, as Downes suggests, as much of a failure as Otway
had been as an actor. Nokes may also have acted the part of one of the
witches or he may have spoken a prologue or an epilogue that has been
lost. Another possibility is that he played the Porter, the one character
in Macbeth who would qualify as a "perpetual Fool," Unfortunately for
this theory, it seems likely that the Porter's part had been eliminated in
the spectacular versions of Macbeth performed in 1673. See ^an Lennep,
p. 203; Allardyce Nicoll, A History of Restoration Drama, 1660-1700
(4th ed., rev.; 1952), p. 134; Montague Summers, The Playhouse of Pepys
(1935), pp. 158-160, 295, 335; Christopher Spencer, Davenant's Macbeth
from the Yale Manuscript (1961), pp. 5-16.
85:10 Devils. A reference to the masque of Orpheus and Eurydice in
The Empress of Morocco (IV, iii). Dolle's illustration depicting the
masque shows devils in the foreground rising from the earth and others
flying in the air.
85:11 Laula. Mother of Muley Labas and archvillainess of Settle's play.
85:14-15 poisoning Woman. Probably the Marquise de Brinvilliers,
who was executed in 1676 for poisoning several members of her family.
Scandals involving poisonings had been rocking France from 1668 on,
but when the Marquise's lover, Sainte-Croix, died in 1672, a box of
poisons was found among his effects. Numerous murders were revealed in
the ensuing investigation. The Marquise herself fled to England, leaving
Notes to Pages 84-96 403
for the Continent only when arrangements for extradition were begun
and eventually returning to France. Her trial led to that of Catherine
Deshayes, called "La Voisin," and to the establishment of the Chambre
Ardente, a special tribunal to handle cases of poisoning. See Gilette
Ziegler, At the Court of Versailles, trans. Simon Watson Taylor (1966),
pp. 137-145; Nancy Mitford, The Sun King (1966), pp. 83-93; Hugh
Stokes, Madame de Brinvilliers and Her Times, i6^o-i6j6 (1912), pp.
194-196; Frantz Funck-Brentano, Le Drame des Poisons (Paris, 1899),
pp. 1-91; and A Narrative of the Process against Madame Brinvilliers
85:29 both the great Vulgar and the small (as Mr. Cowly calls them).
See Abraham Cowley's imitation of Horace, Odes, III, i (Essays, Plays
and Sundry Verses, ed. A. R. Waller [1905], p. 434):
Hence ye Profane; I hate ye all;
Both the Great, Vulgar and the Small.
85:30-31 omne . . . magnifico. Tacitus, Agricola, sec. 30. (Loeb trans.:
"The unknown is ever magnified.")
147:9-10 in that Countrey. Settle (p. 62) objects that the demand for
literal realism on the stage at a time when plays were acted in con-
temporary dress is unfair: "How ill and foolish would the dressing a
Roman with naked Arms and Legs, be, or making a Solyman or an
Almanzor, and Almahide, sit Cross Leg'd like Taylors. . . . All Heroick
actions of Virtue or Gallantry on the Stage, being rated and valued by the
rules of the place and Age they are presented in, not by the sense of the
Age or place when and where they were first perform'd." Settle was so
obviously right in this observation and the commentators were so ob-
viously wrong that one is forced to sympathize with his comment (p. 57):
"I'm certain that he ... that reads this Pamphlet and believes there went
three head pieces towards the production of this Rarity, will infer that
one rational soul will o're stock twenty such Scriblers."
151:8 Westminster School. Settle was a King's Scholar at Westminster
(F. C. Brown, Elkanah Settle: His Life and Works [1910], p. 8).
156:10-11 similes, . . . the most unlike things. Settle (p. 74) remarks on
Dryden's tendency toward somewhat strained similes in Annus Mirabilis,
focusing particularly on Dryden's description of the ship London in
stanza 153:
With roomy decks, her Guns of mighty strength,
(Whose low-laid mouthes each mounting billow laves:)
Deep in her draught, and warlike in her length,
She seems a Sea-wasp flying on the waves.
How, asks Settle, can this image fit with that in stanza 151, where the
ship is compared to a phoenix: "But perhaps his Similitude has more in
it than we imagine. This Ship had a great many Guns in her, and they put
all together, made the sting in the Wasps tail; for this is all the reason
I can guess why it seem'd a Wasp. But because we will allow him all we
can to help out, let it be a Phoenix Sea-Wasp, and the rarity of such an
Animal may do much towards the heightening of the fancy."
160:5 false Allusion. Settle (pp. 80-83) takes this opportunity not only
to defend himself but to show some of Dryden's mistakes in fact, and
also some of his inaccurate imagery. He strikes Dryden in a weak spot in
parodying a passage from the first edition of Tyrannick Love to which
he has referred sarcastically several times before. The Dryden passage is
Placidius' soliloquy on his hopeless love for Valeria (see Works, X, i73n,
He, like a secret Worm, has eat his way;
And, lodg'd within, does on the kernal prey:
I creep without; and hopeless to remove
Him thence, wait only for the husk of Love.
Settle turned this quatrain, which Dryden had already removed from the
second edition of his play, into
He like a subtle Rat has eat his way,
And log'd within does on the Venison prey.
I creep without, and hopeless to remove
Him hence, wait only for the Crust of Love.
160:14 Numps. A silly or stupid person (OED).
Notes to Pages 147-170 409
160:32 retrive. Settle (p. 83) claimed that this word was a misprint for
"reprive" or reprieve.
161:8 Crimalhazzes Gaunches. A reference to the means used to exe-
cute Crimalhaz as illustrated in the final plate of The Empress of
Morocco, showing a number of bodies impaled on hooks.
164:32 Euphonies Gratia. For the sake of euphony.
5=33-34 How could Story write. Settle (p. 86) defends this use of
"Story" as personification, just as Fame is personified: "Fame can no more
speak than story can write; for Fame is not what speaks, but what is
spoken of a man: As story is not what writes, but is written of a man."
167:23-25 Apollo . . . poets heads, A reference to the decorations at
Dorset Garden. Dolle's engravings reveal figures on both sides of the
theater. Dryden, in his "Epilogue Spoken at the Opening of the New
House," 26 March 1674, mentioned the "Poets Heads" as he contrasted
the glittering theater of the Duke's Company with the modest building
but superior talent of the King's Company (Works, 1, 151, 355):
Though in their House the Poets Heads appear,
We hope we may presume their Wits are here.
167:30-168:1 nil malo securius Poeta. Martial, Epigrams, XII, Ixiii, 12-
13. (Loeb trans.: "Nothing more safe than a bad poet.") Martial complains
of a poet who has been reciting Martial's own poems without paying a
fee. Had the poet written anything good enough, Martial adds, he might
be willing to retaliate in kind, but he cannot bring himself to recite bad
verses. Montaigne quotes the line from Martial in his essay, "Of Pre-
sumption," and the commentator's remarks on Settle's arrogance ("because
he saw not his own mistakes") may owe something to Montaigne's attack
on the presumption of bad poets.
168:4-5 Harlequin and Scaramoucha. This reference to commedta
dell'arte figures was probably connected with visiting continental troupes.
Dryden ridiculed one such troupe in late 1672 and 1673 in his pro-
logue to Arviragus Reviv'd. Another troupe performed an opera and
ballet on 30 March 1674. See Dryden's references to "Troops of famisht
Frenchmen" and "frisking Monsieurs" in his "Prologue and Epilogue
Spoken at the Opening of the New House" (Works, I, 149, 151) and to
"Scaramoucha" and "Arlequin" in his "Epilogue to the University of
Oxon.," 1673 (ibid., p. 148). See also Van Lennep, p. 209; Ward, Life,
PP- 347-348-
170:5-6 poet in extraordinary. The title page of The Empress of
Morocco names Settle "Servant to His Majesty," but see the London
Gazette, 11-15 December 1673:
His majesty in Councel taking into consideration the
great Numbers of extraordinary Servants, that have been
Sworn and admitted into His Majesties Service, who
making use of the Protection they receive, thereby to
obstruct the due course of Law, to the grieveance of
many of his good Subjects; It is Ordered therefore by His
Majesty in Counsel, That all Persons whatsoever, that
are Sworn and Admitted His Majesties Servants, to at-
410 Commentary
delayed until late 1693, when he published his last critical work, A Short
View of Tragedy. Before that time, however, The Tragedies of the Last
Age had given Rymer the reputation of being an astute and learned, if
rather coarsely witty, critic.1 The "Heads of an Answer to Rymer"
originally were manuscript notes written by Dryden in his presentation
copy of The Tragedies of the Last Age late in 1677 or early in 1678,2
and were first printed in 1711. (For details on the textual problem, see
textual headnote.)
Dryden's relations with Rymer pose intriguing questions. As noted
above, Rymer had paid Diyden a handsome compliment in the preface
to his translation of Rapin's Reflexions sur la podtique d'Aristole, and
the two must have been on good teims in 1677 when Rymer sent Dryden
a copy of his book. Writing from the country to the Earl of Dorset before
the end of the year, Dryden said:
Mr. Rymer sent me his booke, which has been my best
entertainment heiherto: tis certainly very learned, 8c the
best piece of Criticism in the English tongue; perhaps
in any other of the modern. If I am not altogether of
his opinion, I am so, in most of what he sayes: and
thinke my selfe happy that he has not fallen upon me,
as severely and as wittily as he has upon Shakespeare,
and Fletcher. For he is the only man I know capable
of finding out a poets blind sides: and if he can hold
heere without exposeing his Edgar [Rymer's heroic trag-
edy just then published] to be censurd by his Enemyes;
I thinke there is no man will dare to answer him, or can.3
Although not convinced by Rymer's attack, Dryden evidently respected
his learning and feared his satirical wit. The fear of ridicule may very
well explain why Dryden outlined an answer to The Tragedies of the
Last Age which he never wrote, or at least never published. In fact, he
paid Rymer a compliment in print in the following year in his preface
to All for Love: "It remains that I acquaint the Reader that I have en-
deavoured in this Play to follow the practice of the Ancients, who, as
Mr. Rymer lias judiciously observ'd, are and ought to be our Masters." 4
Two further deferential references to Rymer appear in Dryden's preface
to Troilus and Cressida: "But my fiiend Mr. Rymer has so largly, and
with so much judgement describ'd this Scene [the quarrel between
Melantius and Amintor in The Maid's Tragedy, Act III, sc. i], that it is
superfluous to say more of it," and "How defective Shakespear and
Fletcher have been in all their Plots, Mr. Rymer has discovered in his
The best discussion of Rymer as a critic is Curt Zimansky's in Rymer,
Critical Works. Zimansky's introduction and notes are indispensable for an
understanding of Rymer's criticism and of its influence on Dryden, as well as
on other critics of the last quarter of the seventeenth century.
Because they so strongly give the impression of being first thoughts on reading
a book that had both interested Dryden and stirred him to attempt a refutation,
the notes seem unlikely to have been written later than the winter of 1677-78.
Ward, Letters, pp. 13-14. • 1678, sig. b±v; Watson, I, ago.
Heads of an Answer to Rymer 413
1679, sig. aiw; Watson, I, 242. The second quotation is in The Grounds of
Criticism in Tragedy, contained in the preface, sig. 33; Watson, I, 246.
• Opinions of Dryden's attitude toward Rymer range from those of Watson,
who thought of Heads of an Answer as a kind of momentary insurrection against
Rymer, and of Fred G. Walcott ("John Dryden's Answer to Thomas Rymer's
The Tragedies of the Last Age," PQ, XV [1936], 194-214), who detected a dis-
guised reply to Rymer in the preface to Troilus and Cressida, to that of
Robert D. Hulmc ("Dryden's 'Heads of an Answer to Rymer': Notes toward a
Hypothetical Revolution," RES, n.s., XIX [1968], 373-386), who feels that Dry-
den's position was basically like that of Rymer all along. Discussions of Dryden's
full dramatic theory, however, must encompass both Of Dramatick Poesie and
the evidence supplied by his later comments on Rymer.
'See Zimansky's discussion of An Epistle to Mr. Dryden in Rymer, Critical
Works, p. 281.
'Examen Poeticum, sigs. A4, A6i»-A7; Watson, II, 157, 160.
414 Commentary
they lived. They thus produced a form of tragedy unlike that of the
ancients but nonetheless valid and, in important ways, superior to the
older tragic poetry.
In Heads of an Answer Dryden takes a number of unorthodox positions.
While granting that the fable is the foundation of tragedy, he insists that
the superstructure—which he here and earlier 10 calls the "writing" of the
play—is more important, and that English dramatists have excelled in
this respect. The superstructure, as he elsewhere describes it, includes
the manners, the thoughts, and the expressions of a play.11 These features
he regarded as contiibuting more to the total effect of a play than does
a regular plot, though the latter, when achieved, might be an additional
beauty. If the plays of the ancients are better plotted, those of the
English dramatists, he maintains here, are better written, and he con-
cludes that if the English, on a faulty foundation, can raise the passions
as high as did the Greeks, the English genius for tragedy must surpass
theirs. Indeed, even the irregular plots of the English have beauties
superior to those of the Greeks' regular plots. The addition of subplots
closely related to the main action, the surprising turns and counterturns
of actions, the wider variety of characters—all these make English tragedy
more delightful than ancient drama, in which the characters are few and
the plots thin. Dryden had made these points as early as a decade before,
in Of Dramatick Poesie, and he had apparently never altered his opinion.
Although he does not stress the point here, clearly he does not doubt that
the English plays imitate nature. Climate, the age, and national character
(i.e., historical and geographic forces) account for the different tastes of
ancient and of modern English audiences. Nature is basically the same,
to be sure, but superficial alterations take place in time, and these are
reflected in the structure and the content of works of art. Thus Dryden
escapes the rigidities of Neo-Aristotelian formulas.
Moreover, Dryden denies that pity and terror are the only ends of
tragedy. Greek tragedy, he holds, is best suited to raise these passions, but
others, such as love (a heroic passion), indignation, anger, joy, are equally
appropriate to the genre. Shakespeare raises passions more from the
excellence of his words and thoughts than from his plots, and in evoking
passions so effectively he achieves the chief purpose of the tragic poet.
Dryden's definition of tragedy in Heads of an Answer is moralistic.
At no time in these notes does he consider the Aristotelian doctrine of
catharsis in any of its possible interpretations. For him, tragedy exists
"to reform Manners by delightful Representation of Human Life in great
Persons, by way of Dialogue" (186:24-26). Thus pity is aroused by the
sufferings of the good, fear by the punishment of the wicked. Tragedy
makes us love virtue and hate evil, an end that is best met by English
"See the "Account" prefixed to Annus Mirabilis (Works, I, 53): "wit writing
. . . is no other then the faculty of imagination in the writer, which . . .
searches over all the memory for the species or Idea's of those things which
it designs to represent."
The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy, prefixed to Troilus and Cressida
(1679, sig. 33; Watson, I, 247-248).
416 Commentary
P. 185: 1. i. Critick. A common spelling for critique during the late sev-
enteenth and eighteenth centuries.
185:16 Aristotle places the Fable first. See Poetics, VI. Rymer (Critical
Works, p. 18): "I have chiefly consider'd the Fable or Plot, which all
conclude to be the Soul of a Tragedy."
186:10-11 or whether ivhat they did was not very easie to do. In Of
Dramatick Poesie (see 25:23-27, above) Eugenius charges that the plots
of the ancients are threadbare and that the characters are "indeed the
Notes to Pages 185-193 417
manding that the Marquis of Halifax (who had led the fight against
exclusion in the Lords), as well as Laurence Hyde and others designated
as "ill men," should be removed from the King's councils. The Commons
further voted that anyone who advanced loans to Charles on the customs,
excise taxes, or hearth money, or who accepted or bought "any Tally
of Anticipation upon any part of the King's Revenue," was to be "ad-
judged to hinder the sittings of Parliament." Finally the Commons voted
that "the Prosecution of Protestant Dissenters upon the Penal Laws, is,
at this time, grievous to the Subject, a weakening of the Protestant In-
terest, an Encouragement to Popery, and dangerous to the Peace of the
Kingdom." B The break with the King was all but complete.
Charles opened what proved to be his last Parliament at Oxford on 21
March 1680/1. Apparently he had hoped to gain a new parliament through
the elections and, by summoning it to meet in the loyal city of Oxford,
to remove it from the pressures of the extreme Whiggism of London. Thus
he might find the Commons less recalcitrant than heretofore. In his
opening speech the King sharply criticized the "unwarrantable" proceed-
ings of the House of Commons during the preceding Parliament and
indirectly accused the members of seeking to impose their own arbitrary
government on the country. Declaring his love of frequent parliaments, he
reminded his hearers that liberty and property can be secured only when
crown and parliament respect each other's rights. Charles reiterated his
opposition to exclusion and suggested that the Commons find some expe-
dient for keeping the government in Protestant hands when James should
come to the throne.6
Charles's effort was futile. Most of the members of the preceding House
of Commons had been returned, and they soon showed that they had
not altered their principles. The sist and 22d of March were spent in
choosing a speaker and presenting him to the King. On 23 March routine
matters and the quarrel with the Lords over the impeachment of Fitz-
harris occupied the house. In the morning of Saturday, 26 March, the
Exclusion Bill was passed, and in the afternoon the house angrily resumed
the matter of Fitzharris. Tempers were high, and the Commons were
resolute for exclusion and determined in their hostility to the upper
house. On Monday, 28 March, Charles suddenly dissolved the Oxford
Parliament,7 and after that blow Whig opposition steadily disintegrated.
On 8 April 1681 Charles, sensing that the country as a whole was
growing hostile to the Whigs, published and caused to be read in all
churches and chapels an appeal to the people against the Commons:
His Majesties Declaration to all His Loving Subjects, Touching the
Causes if Reasons That moved Him to Dissolve the Two last Parliaments.
In this very effective piece of propaganda Charles puts the blame for the
• Votes of the House of Commons, 1680, pp. 141-146.
'His Majesties Most Gracious Speech to Both Houses of Parliament, at the
Opening of the Parliament at Oxford Monday the 21 day of March, 1680/1
(Oxford, n.d.).
David Ogg, England in the Reign of Charles H (1934), II, 606-619.
420 Commentary
own mature political convictions. The method that Dryden uses is similar
to the method he employed in the controversy with Elkanah Settle over
The Empress of Morocco and later used again in the debate with Thomas
Hunt over The Vindication of The Duke of Guise: he quotes or para-
phrases passages from his adversary, printing them in italics and answer-
ing them with banter, caviling, and quibbling over false grammar, with
irony, logical analysis, and sober argument. Dryden follows the King
in seeing the entire Whig cause as one motivated by frustrated ambition
and by love of Commonwealth principles. While denigrating the King's
enemies, Dryden is at pains with both argument and insinuation to con-
vince his readers of Charles's mildness and of the intransigence of the
Commons in seeking to make their will supreme. The Commons are pre-
sented as desirous of grasping arbitrary power—which they fear in the
monarch—in their own hands. Dryden's lively mind is quick with argu-
ments that counter A Letter from a Person of Quality, In short, inventive-
ness, nimbleness of argument, and steady Tory principles reveal, in the
author of His Majesties Declaration Defended, the poet of Absalom and
Celier. Dangerfield later charged that the plot was actually contrived by
prominent Catholics and that the papers discovered were to have been
planted on various eminent Whigs. (See Sir John Pollock, The Popish
Plot [1944], pp. 204-213.) Quite aside from Dangerfield's spurious plotting,
the conduct of Shaftesbury and the Whigs lent credence to the notion
that a republican and Presbyterian plot was afoot.
208:13 Votes. See headnote, p. 420 above.
208:12 Lord Stafford. Viscount Stafford, one of the five Catholic lords
imprisoned in the Tower on the false testimony of Titus Oates and Stephen
Dugdale, was tried for high treason before the House of Lords and be-
headed in 1680.
209:8 a Save-all. A contrivance to hold a candle end in a candlestick
so that it can burn all the way to the end (OED).
209:26-28 Dangerfield's Plot . . . Mr. Ray. For Dangerfield, see 207:gsn.
Captain Ely is mentioned by Luttrell (I, 76) as "quartermaster Ely, a
grand agent in the popish plott in Ireland." Simpson Tonge was the son
of Israel Tonge, who, with Titus Oates, had "invented" the Popish Plot.
Simpson was jailed in 1680 for having declared that the plot was fabri-
cated by his father and Oates, but he changed his evidence and swore
that Sir Roger L'Estrange had bribed him to make the accusation. Captain
David Fitzgerard is said by Luttrell (I, 89) to be one of the witnesses
brought over from Ireland. Luttrell also mentions (I, 101) "one Ray,
a notorious villain about town," who, with Edward Fitzharris, falsely
charged Lord Howard of Escrick with high treason.
209:31 Garnish. Money extorted from a new prisoner, either as the
jailer's fee or as drink money for other prisoners (OED).
212:7 High Shooes. A "high-shoe" was a rustic or countryman (OED).
212:13 Dividend. Anything to be divided among a number of people
212:21 arbitrary Monarchy. For Neville's arguments against giving the
throne to Monmouth, see Plato Redivivus, pp. 202-207.
212:23 Gentleman since deceased. Presumably Sir Thomas Littleton,
who died in 1681. The Oxford Parliament of 1681 debated exclusion on
26 March. As an expedient that would satisfy Charles, Sir John Ernly
proposed the establishment of a Protestant regency to govern during the
life of James II. Littleton, taking up the hint, argued for banishing James
and putting the regency into the hands of James's Protestant daughter,
Mary, Princess of Orange. Thus James would be king in title only.
(Debates of the House of Commons . . . Collected by the Honourable
Anchitell Grey [1763], VIII, 315-320.)
212:36 barrenness of his Country. An insinuation that the writer of
A Letter from a Person of Quality was a Scot, consequently a Presby-
terian, and therefore an adherent of the Good Old Cause.
213:9-10 Protestants in Masquerade. I.e., all high church Anglicans.
213:15 four hundred pounds per annum. There is no record of MarvelPs
having enjoyed a pension of 400 pounds, although Aubrey recalls that
the borough of Hull "gave him an honourable pension to maintain him."
He seems to have been paid 6s. 8d. a day as M.P. for Hull.
213:22 as the Ape did her young one. An allusion to Aesop's fable,
428 Commentary
"The Ape and her two Brats" (Sir Roger L'Estrange, Fables of Aesop
[1692], p. 215, Fable CCXLVIII).
214:16 Pramunire. Predicament (OED).
214:24 Knights of the Shire. Members of Parliament.
214:31 second. Physicians recognized three digestions or concoctions:
the first, in the stomach and intestines; the second, when the chyme so
formed passes into the blood; the third, secretion.
215:11 Topham. As petitions for the summoning of Parliament poured
in upon the King, the Tories began to send in addresses "abhorring"
petitioning. During the sittings of Parliament in 1679 and 1680, many of
the abhorrers were ordered into the custody of the sergeant at arms of
the House of Commons. Roger North (in Examen [1740], II, 561-562)
writes: "The Searjeant's Name was Topham, and the much Work he had
upon his Hands, at this Time, ad terrorem populi Regis, had made it
proverbial, on all Discourse of peremptory Commitments, to say take him
Topham. . . . Whatever the Commitments were, the Dread was almost
universal; for after the Vote, that traducing Petitioning should be pun-
ished as a Breach of Privilege, who could say his Liberty was his own?
For, being named in the House for an Abhorrer, take him Topham."
217:14-15 Enthusiasm. Inspiration.
218:1 in Scotland. Charles was in Scotland from midsummer of 1650
until he led his army into England and to defeat at Worcester on 3
September 1651. Although crowned king of Scotland, Charles was allowed
little or no freedom of action by the Covenanters and the Duke of
Argyll. He often recalled the tyrannical religious discipline to which he
was forced to submit. Ham ("Dryden as Historiographer-Royal," p. 297)
points out that a briefer allusion to Charles's misery while in the power
of the Scottish Presbyterians is to be found in Dryden's postscript to
The History of the League.
218:5 Mr. John. The clergyman.
218:34-35 Crescent in their Arms. Expressed somewhat awkwardly.
Dryden seems to be comparing the House of Commons with the Turks,
enemies of Christendom, whose flag showed a crescent moon as a symbol
of increasing power and empire.
219:2 Chrislmass Box. A box in which apprentices collected money at
Christmas (OED).
219:11 well manag'd. The Treasury was in the competent hands of
Laurence Hyde, later Earl of Rochester. One of the last acts of the House
of Commons during the Oxford Parliament was to call for his removal.
219:20 of our Ancestors. The author of A Letter from a Person of
Quality charged (p. 6) that the bankers lent Charles money at the
usurious rate of 20 or 25 percent. He also complained that the King no
longer set up tables at which all visitors at court could be fed.
219:29 I will not apply. On Friday, 7 January 1680/1, the Commons
resolved that anyone who advanced loans on the King's revenues or in
any way anticipated such revenues should be "adjudged to hinder the
Sittings of Parliament."
219:31 Penal Laws. In His Majesties Declaration Charles referred
Plutarchs Lives 429
nothing beyond the preface and the dedicatory epistle to the Duke of
Unknown still are the exact circumstances that led to the translation
and to Dryden's preface. Until more facts appear we must accept the
account given in the advertisement, "The Publisher to the Reader,"
ostensibly written by Jacob Tonson, the bookseller, but—as Malone,
sensitive to Dryden's prose, divines a —very probably composed by Dryden
himself.2 Judging from this advertisement, Tonson seems to have seen a
market for a new translation of Plutarch's Lives and to have rounded up
some forty translators to provide it.3 The translation was to be made
directly from the original Greek, rather than secondhand from the
French of Jacques Amyot, as Sir Thomas North had done in the only
other English translation (1579). The first volume, which included the
advertisement, the dedication to the Duke of Ormonde, and The Life of
Plutarch, appeared in 1683, four other volumes following between then
and 1686.
Criticism of The Life of Plutarch has ranged from censure to praise,
but for the most part it has been unfavorable, refusing to consider the
essay significant. Since the eighteenth century Dryden's remark—"I read
Plutarch in the Library of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, (to which
foundation I gratefully acknowledge a great part of my Education;)"
(269:26-29)—has repeatedly prompted the comment that his essay has the
value of affording, if nothing else, an illuminating glimpse into his educa-
tion.4 Since the Scott-Saintsbury edition, moreover, The Life of Plutarch
has not been reprinted in full in Dryden collections.0 Through the years
Malone, II, 424.
""The Publisher to the Reader" follows Dryden's dedicatory epistle to
Ormonde and precedes the table o£ contents, Dryden's Life of Plutarch, and
the Lives.
The translators are listed in Tonson's volumes as R. Duke, James Smalwood
[or Smallwood], Knightly Chetwood, Paul Rycaut, Thomas Creech, Mr. Dodswell,
Edward Brown, Mich. Payne [or Pain], Adam Littleton, John Caryl [or Carryl],
Joseph Arrowsmith, Thomas Blomer, Walter Charlton, John Cooper, John
Lytcott, Thomas Short, Charles Whitaker, William Croune, Miles Stapleton,
William Leman, William Davies, Mat. Morgon, Giles Thornburgh, Thomas
Rymer, Mr. Amhurst, Wai. Needham, William Oldys, Mr. Evelyn, Thomas
Allen, Ph. Fowke, Sir Robert Thorold, John Warren, John Nalson, Charles
Frazer, Tho. Fuller, John Bateman, Mr. Oakley, Robert Uvedale, Andrew Taylor,
and Tho. Beaumont. (No translator is listed for The Life of Alcibiades, but
Malone [II, 331-3320] attributes the translation to "Mr. Somers, afterwards Lord
Somers, . . . though his name is not prefixed to it.")
'BH, I, 333; A. W. Vcrrall, Lectures on Dryden (1963; first publ., 1914), pp.
13-14; James M. Osborn, John Dryden: Some Biographical Facts and Problems
(2d ed., 1965), p. 61. For Professor Verrall (Lectures, p. 24) even this glimpse
"proves nothing as to his scholarship in Greek." Dr. Johnson tends, furthermore,
to pass off all of Dryden's Life of Plutarch as publicity to promote the sales of
the Plutarch translation (BH, I, 372).
"Watson (II, 1-13) includes some excerpts.
Plutarchs Lives 431
Dryden's judgment and method in the work have incurred rebuke,6 but
recently, in sharp contrast, the essay has been hailed for its literary criti-
cism, its assessment of Plutarch, its contribution to historiography, and its
prose style.7 Between the extreme positions, other critics have assumed
neutrality, either alluding noncommittally to Dryden's essay 8 or balancing
defect and merit. 9
The judgments on Dryden's essay by those critics, few in number, who
were aware that he borrowed material for his Life of Plutarch are sig-
nificant, since the borrowings and the use Dryden made of them provide
the only basis for a precise judgment of the work.10 For what, on the
other hand, can we finally make of such claims as that Dryden was
"original" in giving us "the first deliberate examination in English of an
author's prose style" n when we discover that he took the passage on
Plutarch's prose style (277:34-279:11), including the tree simile, from
Rualdus,12 one of his chief sources?
No one can accuse Dryden of failing to acknowledge sources: he alludes
to them no less than thirty-five times. Sometimes he acknowledges them
generally as "several Authors" (257:6), as those "who have written the Life
of Plutarch in other languages" (250:35-251:1), or as "other Writers"
(259:12) on Plutarch, "modern Authorfs], whom I follow" (264:6), and the
"best Authors" (267:24). He also identifies specific sources such as Suidas,
Pausanias, Gerhard Johannes Vossius, Xylander, Theodoret, Guillaume
Bude1 (Budaeus), Montaigne, Saint-fivremond, Teodoro Gaza, Agathias,
and Plutarch himself. One source above all others Dryden acknowledges
early, continuously, and emphatically: "the most accurate" (241:3), "the
'Plutarch's Lives, Translated from the Original Greek: With Notes Critical
and Historical and a Life of Plutarch, trans. John and William Langhorne (1853;
first publ., 1770), p. vi; Richard Chenevix Trench, Plutarch: His Life, His
Parallel Lives, and His Morals. Five Lectures (1874), pp. 63-64; Noyes, p. Hi.
'David Nichol Smith, John Dryden (1950), pp. 2, 84; Ward, Life, pp. 196-198.
"Sir Walter Scott, The Life of John Dryden, ed. Bernard Kreissman (1963;
first publ., 1834), pp. 248-249.
"Plutarch's Lives. The Translation Called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek
and Revised by A. H. dough (1859), I, xxii; see also pp. xxi, xxiii, xxiv-xxviii.
As the title indicates, dough undertook a revision of the translation of
Plutarch's Lives for which Dryden had written The Life of Plutarch. See also
Watson, II, i.
Clough (I, xxii), Ward (Life, p. 196), and Watson (II, i), though knowing
that Dryden had borrowed material for his Life of Plutarch, do not identify
the precise sources or comment on the extent and the significance of his
Watson, II, i; Smith, John Dryden, p. 84.
"Rualdus (or Joannes Rualdus or Jean Ruault) was a French scholar, widely
read and of immense erudition, born at Coutances about 1570 (according to
Nouvelle Biographie Gdndrale) or 1580 (according to Biographic Universelle
Ancienne el Moderns}. He mastered Latin and Greek, taught in the universities
at Rouen and Paris, and was twice rector of the University of Paris. He died in
Paris in 1636.
432 Commentary
Dryden never mentions S. G. S., not even on the two occasions when
he comments on North's and Amyot's translations of Plutarch's Lives.18
Indeed, whether he read either of these versions is not perfectly clear.
Yet when Dryden refers at one point to "the French Author of his
[Plutarch's] Life," he very likely means S. G. S. (see 265:7^. Whether this
remark is an acknowledgment or not, our notes identifying all the
parallels between the two writers demonstrate Dryden's indebtedness to
S. G. S.i»
Rualdus and S. G. S., then, constitute Dryden's two major sources. His
method of following and sometimes of splicing them makes for illogical
organization, but the way in which he gives compelling direction to each
borrowing, joins all the borrowings, and imparts to the whole a lucidity
and inexorable momentum results in a finally satisfying form that testifies
to his consummate mastery of prose.
There is no blinking the inconsequentiality of the organization. Be-
ginning with the second paragraph of the essay (239:28) and ending some
pages later with the words "his Guardian Angel" (257:4), Dryden, with
supplements from Rualdus, in the main follows S. G. S. At that point
Dryden abruptly drops S. G. S. and follows Rualdus almost exclusively
until he reaches the paragraph ending with "afterwards produc'd by her"
(279:10-11). For a number of pages thereafter he uses Montaigne and
Saint-Evremond and then returns for the rest of the essay (pp. 287-288)
to Rualdus. The structure of the essay is determined, not by a compre-
hensive rhetorical intention that decrees a function for each detail, but
by the accident of the sequence of details, first in S. G. S. and then in
Rualdus. As a consequence, there are elementary faults in organization.
For example, between two different discussions of Plutarch's family (pp.
242-243, 257-259) intervene such topics as his schooling under Am-
monius, his philosophy, and his religion.20 Moreover, Dryden deals in one
place (pp. 268-270) with some of Plutarch's lapses and later on (pp. 279-
283), with more of them.21
Dryden's Life of Plutarch, however, achieves a design and commands
attention by means other than the sequence of items. First, although he
has been "forc'd to collect [his material] by patches from several Authors"
(257:6), Dryden nonetheless has exercised choice in his use of S. G. S. and
Rualdus. His own essay is less than half as long as Rualdus' Vita Plutarchi
Chaeronensis (to say nothing of the other material in Rualdus' edition
which Dryden drew upon); it is considerably shorter than S. G. S.'s life
of Plutarch; and it is less than a third the length of S. G. S. and Rualdus
combined. Attentive reading shows that Dryden has been purposefully
selective. Each paragraph and each section of his biographical essay makes
a point, interestingly and inexorably. Thus Dryden does not simply give
perfunctory details about Plutarch's birthplace, Chaeronea, but impresses
on his reader (p. 240) that this unattractive and unpromising place has
produced four great men: Pindar, Epaminondas, Sextus Chaeronensis, and
Plutarch. Again, in discussing Plutarch's family (pp. 242-243) Dryden does
not aimlessly list his immediate ancestors—great-grandfather, grandfather,
father—and his brothers, but by emphasizing that the family had been
prominent in politics, steeped in philosophy, tightly knit, and affectionate,
he sharpens the sense given by the essay as a whole of the magnificent
breadth and depth of Plutarch's mind and spirit. All the arguments that
Dryden uses are in his sources, but by condensing them and focusing
directly on his purpose he presents them with compelling force.
Second, Dryden is absolute master of the art of transition. With seeming
artlessness he links topics that, on detached consideration, are found to
exist in a random rather than in a reasoned rhetorical relationship. He
does not hesitate to juxtapose two points from one segment of a source,
even though he does not subscribe to or wish to reproduce the whole
pattern of that segment. Thus he moves easily, by means of a series of
dependent clauses (p. 243), from a portrait of Plutarch's affectionate,
lively family—specifically from a sharply etched description of Plutarch's
youngest brother, mischievous and wonderfully companionable—to a
discussion of Plutarch's education under Ammonius. Each clause lifts the
unsuspecting reader from one absorbing little resting spot to another
until the transition is made. Nothing but a vague, tenuous chronology
is the rationale behind the juxtaposition of the two points, but Dryden
succeeds without violating good sense. If it had no other purpose, Dry-
den's Life of Plutarch might \vell serve as a textbook on the subtle and,
for literary masterpieces, essential art of transition. Not the least trium-
phant transition is the sentence that links the two parts of the essay,
which can be regarded as separate parts only in the sense that the first
relies heavily on S. G. S. and the second on Rualdus. Here (257:5-8)
disarming candor immobilizes all possible objections: "I pretend not to
"See, e.g., To My Honored Friend, Dr. Charleton (Works, I, 43), where Dryden
applauds the corrective scholarship of his contemporary, Dr. Charleton, the
triumph of Baconian science and the Royal Society over medieval scholasticism
employing a formalized Aristotle, and English genius manifesting itself in
natural science and in the arts of government of the restored monarchy; and
Defence of the Epilogue, in which Dryden claims "An improvement of our Wit,
Language, and Conversation, or, an alteration in them for the better" (Conquest
of Granada [1678], p. 162; Watson, I, 170).
E.g., in the prologue to Aureng-Zebe (1676) Dryden confesses that in "spite
of all his pride a secret shame, / Invades his breast at Shakespear's sacred name"
(11. 13-14); in the prologue to Oedipus (1678) he advises his audience not to
be "more Wise than Greece" (I. 22); and in The Grounds of Criticism in
Tragedy, prefixed to Troilus and Cressida, he is compelled again to confess that
"we who Ape [Shakespeare's] sounding words, have nothing of his thought, but
are all out-side" (1679, sig. b3«; Watson, I, 260).
438 Commentary
See Milton's letter of 15 July 1657 to Henry de Brass: "He who would write
woithily of worthy deeds must write with as noble a spirit and with as much
experience of affairs as his subject possessed, in order to be able not only to
comprehend and measure even the greatest of actions with equal mind, but also,
having comprehended them, to relate them distinctly and impressively in a pure
and chaste style" (quoted in William Riley Parker, Milton: A Biography [1968],
I, 504).
"° Burnet demanded copious documentation to circumvent partisan "Interest or
Malice" and to open up "the secretest Causes and Beginnings o£ great Changes
or Revolutions" (see preface to The Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James
and William Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald [1677], sig. any).
Polyclore Vergil said that history "displays eternally to the living those events
which should be an example and those which should be a warning" (The
Anglica Historia of Polydore Vergil, ed. Denys Hay, Camden Miscellany, 3d ser.,
LXXIV [1950], quoted on p. xxviii); Jean Bodin urged that history incited
"some men . . . to virtue" and frightened others "away from vice" (Method for
the Easy Comprehension of History, trans. Beatrice Reynolds [1945], p. 9).
Bodin said that "episodes in human life sometimes recur as in a circle"
(Method, trans. Reynolds, p. 17); Hobbes claimed that history enabled men "to
bear themselves prudently in the present and providently towards the future"
(English Works, VIII, vii).
"E.g., Roger Ascham had commended Sir Thomas More for contributing to
"our story of England" which desperately needed good historians (The Whole
Works of Roger Ascham, ed. J. A. Giles [1864], III, 5-6); Polydore Vergil was
astonished that England could boast no great historian (Anglica Historia, ed.
Hay, p. xxviii); Bolton, plaintive and angry, reiterated "the common wish:
THE ARGUMENT" (Hypercritica, in Spingarn, I, gf>); and the great Clarendon de-
plored the fact that it had been the "Fate of our Country, which hath in all
Ages been the Field of great and noble Actions in Peace and in War, and hath
contributed so much to the Growth and Improvement of Arts and Sciences (all
which are the most proper Subjects of History) to have its Transactions de-
rived to Posterity by Men, who have had no other Excuse for their Presumption
but their good Will" (Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, "On an Active and on a
Contemplative Life . . . ," in A Collection of Several Tracts of the Right
Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon [1727], p. 182).
440 Commentary
he nominated Buchanan (see 273:9^ below) as the best, but knew that
in doing so he was straining to give England recognition.
Yet his faint trumpet blast for Buchanan signifies that Dryden, despite
granting superiority to the ancients in The Life of Plutarch, looked
expectantly for the flowering of modern excellence. If, as he proclaimed,
his age fell appallingly below the golden years of Greece and Rome, he
himself acted to reverse the trend. For his Life of Plutarch turned dis-
parate, unexceptional Latin, French, and English materials into unified
and forward-moving prose (see 246:23-249:10, below) with magnificent
power to clarify and please. From prose of the highest order one can ask
no more.
The hitherto unexamined evidence presented above and in the anno-
tations to follow points, then, to two conclusions: first, The Life of
Plutarch, in its conversion of borrowed materials into a self-sufficient
prose essay, is a remarkable achievement of Dryden's genius; and, second,
it affords a glimpse into Dryden's view of history in 1683.
P. 227 Duke of Ormond. James Butler, twelfth Earl and first Duke of
Ormonde (1610-1688); the name was spelled "Ormonde" after 1642 by
the Duke. An aristocrat of unblemished character and utter integrity,
with a deep feudal sense of loyalty, Ormonde inflexibly upheld the
cause of Charles I, then shared the exile of Charles II, serving him
loyally, courageously, and uncomplainingly (see Brian FitzGerald, The
Anglo-Irish; Three Representative Types: Cork, Ormonde, Swift, 1602-
745 t'QS2]' P- n6). Ormonde became, at the Restoration, a commissioner
for the Treasury, lord steward of the household (an office he held
throughout the reign of Charles II), a privy councillor, lord lieutenant
of Somerset, high steward of Westminster, Kingston, and Bristol, chan-
cellor of Dublin University, Baron Butler of Llanthony and Earl of
Brecknock in the English peerage, and, on 30 March 1661, Duke of
Ormonde in the Irish peerage (in November 1682 in the English peerage).
Three times—in 1643/4, l6 6i, and 1677—he accepted appointment to the
lord lieutenancy of Ireland. His eldest surviving son, Thomas, Earl of
Ossory (1634-1680), was distinguished for military prowess and loftiness of
character. In Absalom Dryden celebrated Ormonde, with fully warranted
praise, as the King's friend Barzillai, concluding the portrait with a
lament for the death a year earlier of Ossory (11. 817-859). On 21 July
1688 Ormonde died, and on 4 August he was buried beside his wife in
Westminster Abbey.
In addressing the Duke of Ormonde, Dryden speaks truly when he
asserts that "the heart dictates to the pen" (229:15). "Once in a quarter
of a year," Carte tells us, the Duke "used to have the marquis of Halifax,
the earls of Mulgrave, Dorset, and Danby, Mr. Dryden, and others of
that set of men at supper, and then they were merry, and drank hard"
(Thomas Carte, The Life of James Duke of Ormond . . . [1851], IV, 699).
For details on Ormonde see, besides the monumental Carte, Lady Burgh-
Notes to Pages 227-228 441
clere, The Life of fames First Duke of Ormonde, 1610-1688 [1912], and
HMC, Ormonde, for material not in Carte; see Edward Hyde, Earl of
Clarendon, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, ed.
W. D. Macray (1958), for the judgment of one of Ormonde's contem-
227:2-11 Lucretius . . . time. See Titus Lucretius Cams His Six Books
of Epicurean Philosophy, Done into English Verse, with Notes, [by
Thomas Creech] (1683), pp. 164-165:
Next Beasts, and thoughtful Man receiv'd their birth,
For then much vital heat in Mother Earth
Much moisture lay; and where fit place was found
There wombs were form'd, and fastned to the ground. . . .
The Earth, when new, produc'd no raging Cold,
No Heats, nor Storms: these grew, as she grew old.
Well then, our Parent Earth deserves to bear
The name of Mother, since all rose from Her.
Thus for a certain time Mankind she bore,
And Beasts, that shake the Woods with dreadful Roar,
And various kinds of Birds; and as they flew,
The Sun with curious Skill the figures drew
On all their Plumes; he well the Art did know,
He us'd to paint the like on his own Bow:
But wearied now, and tir'd by length of time,
Grows old, and weak, as Women past their Prime.
Time changes all; and as with swiftest Wings
He passes forward on, He quickly brings
A different face, a different sight of Things.
And Nature alters; this grows weak, this strong,
This dies, this newly made is firm and young.
Thus altering Age leads on the World to Fate,
The Earth is different from her former state;
And what in former times with ease she bore,
Grown feeble now, and weak, she bears no more,
And now doth that she could not do before.
227:18-19 seven or eight hundred years before them. Methuselah, the
oldest biblical patriarch, is represented as having lived 969 years (Genesis,
v, 27).
227:26-28 That Age . . . which ended with the death of Alexander.
Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. Strictly speaking, Menander does not
belong within the period defined by Dryden, for he wrote his first play
in 321 B.C., and some hundred comedies thereafter.
227:29-228:1 the Century which produc'd Cicero, Varro etc. The first
century B.C.
228:1-6 after a short interval . . . Tacitus, and Suetonius. Roughly
A.D. 23 to 140.
228:7-8 was born . . . Plutarch. Born c. A.D. 46; died c. 127.
228:12-13 rendered into English. That is, by Sir Thomas North.
228:16-18 the English language . . . attain'd. See the similar opinion
442 Commentary
wealth coin, see Sir Geoffrey Duveen and H. G. Stride, The History of
the Gold Sovereign (1962), p. 10 of illustrations.
832:34-233:10 a third party . ... of their Fathers. Dryden probably
had in mind men like the two Capel brothers—Arthur, the Earl of
Essex, and Sir Henry Capel—and Charles Mordaunt, known at this time
as Lord Mordaunt (in 1697 Earl of Peterborough). The father of the
Capels, Arthur, Lord Capel of Hadham, had been executed on 9 March
1649 for his loyalty to Charles I; the father of Charles Mordaunt, Baron
Mordaunt of Reigate in Surrey and Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon in
Somerset, had been a bold intriguer for Charles II during the interregnum
and had welcomed him at Dover on 25 May 1660. The sons of these two
royalists had served Charles II—the Capels in high offices, Charles Mor-
daunt at sea—until 1679 and 1680, respectively, when the Capels became
cxclusionist leaders in Parliament and Mordaunt, on taking his seat in
the Lords, sided at once with Shaftcsbury.
233:8 out of kind. Out of their original nature.
233:8 like China Oranges in Portugal. The Portuguese sweet orange
enjoyed its reputation as the finest orange until the middle of the seven-
teenth century, when the "China orange," far sweeter and more fragrant,
brought from China into Portugal, replaced it in popular favor (S. Tol-
kowsky, Hesperides: A History of the Culture and Use of Citrus Fruits
[1938], pp. 240-249). Early in the Restoration, England began to import
China oranges from Portugal in large quantities: "The Orange of China
being of late brought into Portugal, has drawn a great Revenew every
year from London alone" (Thomas Sprat, The History of the Royal-
Society of London, For the Improving of Natural Knowledge [1667],
p. 387). Cf. Letter to Etherege, 1. 22 (Works, III, 224).
233:33 Lazar. See Works, I, 274-276.
233:35-37 When the Malady . . . appear'd in Scotland. Charles I's
attempt in 1637 to force a revised Book of Common Prayer and uniformity
of service on Scotland aroused Scottish patriotism and Presbyterianism,
and prompted the Covenant of 1638, which resisted innovations unwar-
ranted by the Word of God. When civil war broke out, the English
desired a military alliance with Scotland, but the Scots demanded a
religious covenant, securing in September 1643 the Solemn League and
Covenant (Godfrey Davies, The Early Stuarts, 1603-1660 [zd ed.( 1959],
pp. 86-88, 136), which forty years later still spelled stubborn rebellion to
Dryden, the royalists, and the Church of England.
234:6-7 one Plot was prosecuted . . . fomented. The Popish Plot was
"prosecuted openly," i.e., carried on and given notoriety by Titus Gates
and his followers; also it resulted in prosecutions of innocent people.
The general underground republican (Whig) plot against the monarchy
was "secretly fomented" by, for example, the groups that Dryden de-
picted in Absalom, 11. 492-542.
234:8-11 And if some venemous Creatures . . . . own Country. Play-
ing on the legend of St. Patrick's expulsion of the snakes from Ireland,
Dryden alludes to the Irish witnesses or informers whom Shaftesbury
446 Commentary
emperor in A.D. 69, Vossius puts Plutarch's birth around 51 or 58, two
or three years before the end of Claudius' reign in 54.
241:3-5 But the most accurate Rualdus . . . lower. Cf. Rualdus, I,
VPC, p. 9: Censere namque vel potius statuere nihil dubitem, Plutarchi
natalia in medium Claudii principatum, hoc est, ultimi temporis annum
circiter quinquagesimum incurrisse. (For I should have no hesitation in
stating or rather affirming that Plutarch's birth took place in the middle
of the principate of Claudius, that is, about the fiftieth year of our era.)
841:13 Xlyander has observ'd. Dryden doubtless picked up Xylander's
Vita Plutarchi printed in Rualdus, where (p. 11, in Rualdus, I) he could
read: Ipse quidem Plutarchus Neronis fe Domitiani, ut quorum tempore
vixerit, in Antonio, Pericle, 8c alibi meminit. (Plutarch himself in his lives
of Antony and Pericles and elsewhere mentions Nero and Domitian, in
whose time he lived.)
241:15-22 He has also left . . . London. In the Symposiacon, VI, viii,
Plutarch alludes familiarly to a major problem he had to deal with
when he was archon (Rualdus, II, 693-694). S. G. S. says that "Plutarch['s]
. . . ancestors, men of a noble race, maintained themselves from father
to the son in honourable office and place of charge in their little Common-
wealth" (North 1676, p. 981).
241:22-242:3 His Great Grand-Father . . . Inhabitants of the City.
Although he does not recount this incident, Rualdus could have put
Dryden on to it (Rualdus, I, VPC, p. 10) through citing the page number
in his edition (Rualdus, I, 948), where Nicarchus is mentioned and where
this incident is related in the life of Antony. Dryden, however, probably
took the material from S. G. S., who repeats the story (North 1676, pp.
981-982). Certain wording, notably the way the incident is introduced,
suggests S. G. S. as the source. Plutarch, when he mentions Nicarchus
in the life of Antony, says simply that this ancestor of Plutarch recalled
the incident, whereas S. G. S., when he mentions Nicarchus, alludes
to Plutarch's family's long involvement in government. (See preceding
note, which quotes S. G. S. on this point.) Dryden's reference to Nicarchus
echoes S. G. S.'s allusion to the public service of Plutarch's family.
241:33-34 the Battel of Actium. Fought in 31 B.C.
242:4-7 This Nicarchus . . . Table Conversations. Cf. S. G. S: "Ni-
carchus, amongst other children had Lamprias, a learned man amongst
those of his time, and of whom Plutarch inaketh often mention in his
books, where he speaketh of talk at the table" (North 1676, p. 982).
242:8-11 this observation . . . Wine. Rualdus (I, VPC, p. 10) gives
the source of the observation—Symposiacon, I, v—and then quotes the
passage: Avus noster Lamprias inter potandum inveniendi ac disputandi
facultate seipsum superabat: solebatque dicere, a vini calore, quod de
thure fertur, suffitu quodam se afflari. (My grandfather Lamprias when
in his cups outdid himself in the facility for broaching subjects of dis-
cussion and carrying on the argument; and he used to say that the heat
of the wine put him in a kind of glow—just like frankincense.)
242:14 Philological. Dryden gives the word the large sense of his times:
a love of learning and literature in all their relations.
242:16 according to the Proverb. Here Dryden translates, or paraphrases,
450 Commentary
244:26-245:3 the Example. Rualdus gives the anecdote (I, VPC, p. 14):
Praeceptor noster Ammonius in schola pomeridiana, cum ex discipulis
aliquos non simplice prandio usos esse animadvertisset, iussit proprius
filius plagis a liberto exciperetur: Non potuit, inquit, prandere sine
aceto. Et simul in nos respexit, ita ut haec eius obiurgatio reos tetigerit.
(Our teacher Ammonius in an afternoon lecture, noticing that some of the
students had enjoyed something more than a simple luncheon, ordered
his own son to be beaten by a freedman. "A person can't have a lunch
without sour wine," said he. And so saying he looked at us, so that his
rebuke came home to those who were to blame.) The anecdote is from
Plutarch's treatise, Quomodo possit adulator ab amico internosci (Rualdus,
II, 70). S. G. S. also recounts the story: "Our master Ammonius, saith he,
perceiving in his lecture he made after dinner, that some of his disciples
and familiars had made a larger dinner then was fit for Students, he
commanded one of his servants, a freeman to beat his own son: he could
not (saith he) dine without vinegar. When he had spoken that, he cast
his eyes upon us: so that they which were indeed culpable, found that
he meant it by them" (North 1676, p. 982).
245:4-11 Plutarch therefore . . . Platonick Questions. Cf. S. G. S.:
"Thus therefore Plutarch having so good a help, in few years he profited
greatly in the knowledge of all the parts of Philosophy, and never went
out of his Countrey, nor travelled to understand strange languages,
although the Latine tongue was common in ROME, and in divers places
of the ROMAN Empire: which extended it self into GREECE, and beyond,
as Plutarch noteth in the end of his Platonicall questions" (North 1676,
p. 982).
245:11-25 like a true Philosopher . . . signified them. Dryden seems
to recall Sprat's famous remarks that "the Royal Society . . . did not
regard the credit of Names, but Things: rejecting or approving nothing,
because of the title, which it bears," and that the Royal Society was
effecting a return "back to the primitive purity, and shortness, when
men deliver'd so many things, almost in an equal number of words"
(Sprat, History of the Royal-Society, pp. 105, 113). In all likelihood,
Dryden was reminded of the words-things issue by S. G. S.: "He doth
also confess in the beginning of the life of Demosthenes, that whilest
he was in ITALY and in ROME, he had no leisure to study, nor to exercise
the Latin tongue, as well for the business he had then in hand, as to
satisfie those that frequented him to learn Philosophy of him. So that
very late being well stepped on in years, he began to take Latin books
in hand, wherein there happened a strange thing unto him, but yet
true notwithstanding: that is, that he did not learn nor understand
things so much by the words, as by a certain use and knowledge he had
of things, he attained to the understanding of the words" (North 1676,
p. 982; cf. S. G. S. in French: "il n'aprint ni n'entendit pas tant les
choses par les paroles, comme par quelque usage et conoissance qu'il
avoit des choses, il parvint a quelque intelligence des mots" [Les Vies,
p. 770]). Rualdus (I, VPC, p. 24) also makes the words-things point.
S. G. S., however, is the likelier source, for his passage is continuous
Notes to Pages 244-245 453
with the material cited in preceding notes, material that, we see. Dry-
den's essay at this point parallels in substance and sequence, whereas
Rualdus' remark appears ten pages beyond the last segment of his
material drawn on by Dryden and in a different chapter.
245:12-13 he strove . . . exactness. Cf. S. G. S.: "Without notwith-
standing that he ever profited much in the knowledge of any other
tongue, saving in the knowledge of the GREEKS: the which also hath a
last of his Philosophy of BOEOTIA" (North 1676, p. 982).
245:25-27 Just as Adam . . . natures. See Genesis, n, 19-20; cf. Milton,
Paradise Lost, VIII, 349-354.
245:27-32 But for the delicacies . . . attain perfectly. Cf. S. G. S.: "But
furthermore (they are his own words) to know how to judge well, wherein
consisteth the beauty of the Latin tongue, or to speak it readily, or to
understand the figures, translations, and the fine knitting of simple
sayings one with the other, which do adorn and beautifie the tongue, I
think well (said he) that it is a goodly thing and pleasant: but withall
it requireth a long and laboursome exercise, fit for those that be at
better leisure then I am, and that be yet able for age to attend such
fineness" (North 1676, pp. 982-983). Cf. also Rualdus (I, VPC, p. 25):
Venustatern autem elocutionis Romanae &: celeritatem capere, 8c transla-
tionem verborum 8c concinnitudinem, aliaque, quibus exornatur oratio,
elegans quidem hoc arbitramur, neque iniucundum; verum ad id non
est facilis meditatio & usus, qui duntaxat eorum est, quibus 8c otii
plurimum, & commoda aetas ad ea studia adhuc suppetit. (Now we do
indeed think it an elegant thing and not without delight to perceive the
beauty and swiftness of Roman speech and the metaphors and harmony
and other adornments of style. But for this purpose the practice and
training are not easy; it is for those who still have abundant leisure and
a time of life suited to these studies.) Again, Dryden here probably used
S. G. S. rather than Rualdus (see 245:11-25^.
245:32-246:23 Which Complement . . . concern'd in it. Both Dryden
and S. G. S. moralize here for the good of their immediate contemporaries.
S. G. S. points out that Plutarch and his kind from the cradle on
"learned Sciences in their Mother Tongue, . . . pierced into the good-
liest secrets of the . . .[Muses], having in their own Tongue the Arts
and goodly disciplines discovered even to the bottom: whereas presently
the best of our age stealeth away in learning of words . . . when we
should enter into the knowledge of things" (North 1676, p. 983). Dryden
takes the opportunity to deplore French contempt for the English
language and to assert the superiority of English "Wit and Writings"
over continental counterparts. Ignorance of the English language on the
part of French residents in England was commonplace. The Comte de
Cominges, ambassador to England from 1662 to 1665, "as well as most
among his predecessors and successors for a long time . . . , made not the
faintest approach to an understanding of the simplest words. He and
his successors write of the Dukes of Boquinquan and Momous, of the
Milords Ladredel, Pitrebaro, and Fichardin . . . ; meaning the not un-
known names of Buckingham, Monmouth, Lauderdale, Peterborough,
454 Commentary
Fitzhardin" (J. J. Jusserand, A French Ambassador at the Court o/
Charles the Second [1892], pp. 52-53).
246:15-18 his Epistles . . . perform'd himself. See Cicero, Ad Atticum,
II, i (Watson).
246:23-249:1 But to return to Plutarch . . . benefit of Instruction.
The substance of S. G. S., which North, as always, translates very closely
(cf. Les Vies, pp. 770 ft.), Dryden here follows without deviation, but
with a distinguished prose style. He achieves his style by a sentence struc-
ture no less elaborated than North's, but given a continuous forward
movement within and among the sentences by a strategic use of the periodic
sentence, by a cause-to-effect sequence of clauses and sentences, and by
a continuous interdependence and simultaneity of argument and example.
His prose manner contrasts most interestingly with the relaxed stateliness
of North, a style gained through a tiered sentence structure (North
1676, p. 983):
Now, as his good fortune made him meet with ex-
cellent masters, and men very carefull to manure so
noble a spirit: so he for his part answered their hope
very sufficiently, shewing himself even from his infancy
to the end of his life wholly given to study, with an
earnest desire (but well governed) to keep his body in
health, to content his mind, and to make himself profit-
able a long time to himself, and to others also. Which
was no hard matter for him, having been carefully
brought up, even from his cradle, and so well governed,
as was requisite to maintain himself long in strength:
his fathers house and table being a School of temperance
and of frugality. Considering furthermore that talk
with learned men was very necessary for him to attain
to that which he pretended: and having a mind desirous
to excell in all things, he travelled into AECYPT, and
talked there of all the ancient doctrine with the wisest
men, whereof afterwards he made a collection and in-
tituled it, of Isis, and Osiris: which is yet left unto us,
where he sheweth himself to be well studied in the
divinity and Philosophy of the AEGYPTIANS. From thence
he returned again into GREECE, and visited the Towns
and Universities where there were any Philosophers,
and frequented them all, to gather together the goodly
instructions which he hath left us. Moreover he began
to make collections, and culled out remembrances not
onely out of the books already published, but also of
the notable talk and discourse which he understood of
the one and the other: also of Registers and Authentical
instruments kept in the Towns where he came, whereof
afterwards he did most artificially frame the most part of
his works. And pretending such a laudable end, the
better to establish his conceits, and to speak with a
Notes to Page 246 455
. . . [Paris, 1612], II, 16). Dryden gets the correction by Budaeus (Guil-
laume Bud£, 1467-1540, a French scholar of vast erudition) from Rualdus
(I, VPC, p. 12): Nee enim ya.iJ.pp6s duntaxat filiae maritum vel generum
significat, ut vertit Gallicus interpres; sed & socerum, & uxoris fratrem,
et maritum sororis, ut eruditissimus Budaeus adnotat. (For the word
yapppts means not only a daughter's husband or son-in-law, as the French
translator has it, but also father-in-law and a wife's brother and a sister's
husband, as the very learned Budaeus notes.)
258:7 by his own Country-men of the present Age. Malone alludes to
one such countryman, Claude-Caspar Bachet, Sieur de Meziriac (1581-
1638), who "could point out two thousand gross errours in Amiot's
translation" (Malone, II, 378n).
258:9-10 from the Greek Original. Rend Sturel shows the Greek, Latin,
and French versions of Plutarch's Lives which Amyot probably had before
him (Jacques Amyot: Traducteur des Vies Paralleles de Plutarque
[1908], pp. 155-187).
258:10-11 Two other Sons . . . Timoxena. Dryden takes this state-
ment from Rualdus (I, VPC, p. 12), where he also finds (pp. 12-13) the
other details about Plutarch's children.
258:11-12 His eldest . . . Symposiaques. In the Symposiacon, IV, iii,
Plutarch alludes to his son's marriage (Rualdus, II, 666): In nuptiis
Autobuli filii. (At the marriage of my son Autobulus.) See also the
dialogue in VIII, x (Rualdus, II, 735).
258:20-23 His Nephew. See 24o:8-gn.
258:28-29 Suidas plainly tells us. See Suidae Lexicon, III, 300. Inci-
dentally, the Suidae Lexicon (III, 299-300) says that Sextus Chaeronensis
was a nephew of Plutarch by his brother. Probably Dryden simply picked
up Rualdus' allusion (natione Afer, ut notat Suidas [African by nation-
ality, as Suidas notes]) to the note in the Suidae Lexicon (Rualdus, I,
VPC, p. 11).
258:31-34 an ingenious and Learned old Gentleman . . . The Book.
The "old Gentleman" is as yet unidentified. "The Book" may be the
Greek text of the treatises of Sextus Empiricus first printed at Geneva
in 1621.
259:1 Longinits. Dryden could have picked up an allusion to a
Longinus-Plutarch kinship in Rualdus (I, VPC, p. 12): sororem ei fuisse
nomine Frontinidem (igitur neptem Plutarchi) ex eaque Longinum,
Criticum clarissimum, nepotem (igitur Plutarchi pronepotem) accipimus.
(We learn that he had a sister named Frontinis [therefore a grand-
daughter of Plutarch] and from her a grandson named Longinus, the
very famous critic [therefore a great-grandson of Plutarch].) Dryden's
dubiousness, however, contrasting with the certainty of Rualdus' accipi-
mus, suggests a source other than Rualdus. For the reputation of Di-
onysius Cassius Longinus (c. 210-273), formerly thought the author of
On the Sublime, and of his work and its significance to neoclassical
writers in England, see Samuel H. Monk, The Sublime: A Study of
Critical Theories in XVIII-Cenlury England (1960).
Notes to Pages 258-261 461
history of the French civil wars. Two English royalists, Sir Charles
Cotterell and William Aylesbury (whose sister married Clarendon), trans-
lated the woik into English (1647-48). Dryden used their translation as a
source for The Duke of Guise, and also used Davila in the prefatory
epistle to The Medall to chastise the Whigs (Kinsley, I, 251, 11. 58 ff.). Dry-
den's copy of Davila's Historic, is in the William Andrews Clark Memorial
Library. Philippe de Comraynes (c. 1447-1511) was a French statesman
and historian whose Memoires is one of the great works of medieval
history. Dryden consistently admired him. See The Character of Polybius
(1693, sig. E'jv; S-S, XVIII, 38) and the postscript to Dryden's translation
of Louis Maimbourg's The History of the League (1684, p. 38; S-S, XVII,
273:9 Buchanan. George Buchanan (1506-1582), first a moderate Cath-
olic, was later converted to Protestantism as a result of his biblical studies.
His history of Scotland, Rerum Scoticarum Historia, was violently anti-
Catholic, but its Latin won wide admiration, as Dryden here testifies. A
year later, in the postscript to his translation of Maimbourg's History of
the League, Dryden expresses contempt for Buchanan's antimonarchy
doctrines (1684, pp. 17-18; S-S, XVII, 164).
274:26-27 For this reason Aristotle . . . a Poem. See Poetics, VIII and
274:33-34 Biography. Although OED records no use of the word earlier
than Dryden's, it had been used in English as early as 1661 in the
anonymous Life of . . . Dr. Thomas Fuller (see Donald A. Stauffer,
English Biography before ijoo [1930], p. 219).
874:34-275:9 All History . . . they are more powerful. Dryden follows
Rualdus here on the differing effects of philosophical reasoning and his-
torical example (Rualdus, I, VPC, p. 47). As authority for his observations
Rualdus refers to but does not quote Aristotle, Problems, XVIII, 3. (Loeb
trans.: "Why is it that men prefer examples in speeches and tales rather
than enthymemes? Is it because they enjoy learning and learning quickly?
And they learn more easily by examples and tales; for what they learn in
this way is an individual fact, but enthymemes are a demonstration based
on generalities, which are less familiar than individual facts. Moreover,
we are more ready to believe in facts for which many bear witness, and
examples and tales resemble evidence; also proof supported by evidence
is easy to obtain. Again men gladly learn of similarities, and examples
and tales display similarities.")
274:34-35 All history . . . into Examples. Cf. Rualdus, I, VPC, p. 47:
Neque sit mihi dubium, quin antiqui sapientes hanc in animo pioypaiplaf
habuerint, quando Historian! nihil esse aliud, nisi exemplis utentem
Philosophiam, pronunciaverunt. (And I should have no doubt that the
sages of old had this biography in mind when they declared that history
is nothing but philosophy teaching by means of examples.)
275:9-12 Now unity . ... is Aristotles. Dryden translates from Rual-
dus' Greek quotation and Latin translation (Rualdus, I, VPC, p. 47) of
Aristotle, Problems, XVIII, g. (Loeb trans.: "Why do we enjoy listening to
accounts of a single episode more than to those which deal with many?
Notes to Pages 273-282 467
him as Nero's tutor, and who in 50 persuaded Claudius to adopt her son
Nero as the guardian of his own son Britannicus (by Messalina), four
years Nero's junior. In 50 Seneca became a praetor. In 54 Claudius died,
it is thought murdered by Agrippina to make way for Nero. The
Apocolocyntosis, presumably by Seneca, satirized Claudius' consecration.
In 54 Seneca advanced from tutor to minister, and in 55 or 56 reached
his political peak, obtaining a suffect consulate. With Afranius Burrus he
wielded enormous influence. In 59 Seneca was a reluctant accessory to
Agrippina's murder; in 62, near seventy years old, he sought to retire,
the restraint he imposed on Nero having made his own position pre-
carious. He gradually withdrew from public affairs. In 65, charged with
being a member of the Pisonian conspiracy, he was ordered by Nero to
commit suicide.
285:17 the Empress. I.e., Agrippina.
285:21 a fool. I.e., Claudius, the husband of Agrippina.
285:22 a Pedant. Seneca, appointed Nero's tutor in A.D. 49.
285:23-25 for it puts me in mind . . . the Rehearsal. The play by
George Villiers, the second Duke of Buckingham (assisted by Samuel
Butler and Thomas Sprat), which burlesqued the heroic tragedy and
satirized Dryden. Dryden refers to the "grand Dance" in Act V and to
four cardinals and an unspecified number of judges who are mutes in
this scene. Cf. Letter to Etherege, 11. 74-77 (Works, HI, 226).
285:28 Claudius. I.e., Agrippina's husband.
285:28 Petronius. An able governor of Bithynia, Petronius rose in
Nero's favor, becoming the arbiter elegantiae, or authority in matters of
entertainment and good taste. Most authorities identify him as author
of the Satyricon, a work on the contemporary scene, full of wit, parody,
and satire.
285:31 But let the Historian. I.e., Saint-fivremond or possibly S. G. S.,
who compiled a life of Seneca which appears in Amyot and which, as
Rene1 Ternois points out, Saint-fivremond had read (Saint-fivremond, I,
150-151). Dryden must have been aware of S. G. S.'s life of Seneca,
which was both in Amyot and in North: it immediately followed the
life of Plutarch (see North 1676, pp. 997-1014; see also 285:7-8^.
286:1 Apocolocyntosis. Written just after Claudius' death in A.D. 54.
286:9 He censures Mecenas. See, e.g., Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae
Morales, XIX, 9.
286:18-19 His Latin, as Monsieur St. Ewemont has well observ'd.
In "Jugement sur Seneque, Plutarque et Pe'trone" (Saint-fivremond,
I. 155)-
286:21-24 Petronius said . . . . the old Rhetorician. The "old Rhet-
orician" is the teacher of rhetoric, Agamemnon, in the Satyricon by
Petronius. To understand how Dryden makes that attribution, one must
see (i) his reading in Saint-£vremond and (2) the two places in the
Satyricon to which Saint-£vremond leads him. Saint-fivremond, Dryden
finds, denies the opinion of one Berville (unidentified; see Saint-fivre-
mond, I, 156 n. i) that Petronius portrayed Seneca in the charac-
ter of the poet Eumolpus (ibid., pp. 155-157); but Saint-£vremond
470 Commentary
nonetheless asserts that Petronius, in attacking the style of his time and
the corruption of eloquence and poetry, is attacking Seneca. As evidence
Saint-fivremond (I, 157-158) uses two of the phrases picked up by
Dryden: Controversies sententiis vibrantibus piclce (declamation adorned
with quivering epigrams) and vanus Sententiarum strepitus (loud empty
phrases). The latter phrase comes from Satyricon, i, which, with
Satyricon, 2, through Encolpius, the narrator, accuses the rhetoricians of
pedantry, isolation from the world, and cultivation of manner rather
than matter, all of which keep their students from appreciating true
eloquence. To sum up Encolpius' accusation Dryden adds the sentence
from Satyricon, 2: Pace vestra liceat dixisse, primi omnium eloquentiam
perdidistis. (Loeb trans.: "With your permission I must tell you the
truth, that you teachers more than anyone have been the ruin of true
eloquence.") In Satyricon, 3-5, the rhetorician Agamemnon answers En-
colpius, patiently explaining that not only rhetoricians are guilty but
also parents who urge their children on to careers too fast and students
who do not diligently study and prepare themselves for the stern de-
mands of art. The context of Satyricon, 1-5, therefore, reveals Agamem-
non as Dryden's "old Rhetorician" (see Petronius, Salyricon [Loeb ed.],
1-5). An obstacle to the acceptance of this interpretation might seem
to be one of the phrases—Controversies sententiis vibrantibus pictee—
picked up by Dryden from Saint-fivremond. It comes from Satyricon,
118, where not Agamemnon but the poet Eumolpus uses it to deride
those who think a poem easier to construct than a forensic oration.
Galled by a dilettantish attitude toward the art of poetry, Eumolpus
invests the phrase with deep scorn for preciousness and irrelevance in
oratory. The phrase, therefore, continues the theme of false oratory with
which Agamemnon earlier is "taxed" and against which he defends him-
self. Hence Dryden can use it here without obscuring the initial allusion
to Agamemnon.
286:25-30 What quarrel . . . Seneca's false Eloquence. Dryden's ref-
erence to Seneca and Lucan results also from his reading Saint-£vremond
and the Satyricon. Saint-£vremond (I, 158) leads Dryden from the phrase
per ambages et Deorum ministeria (through dark ways and the service of
the gods) to its context in Satyricon, 118, where Petronius apparently
attacks the Pharsalia. In Satyricon, 118-124, Dryden also evidently finds
"the first Oration of Eumolpus." For one thing, it is Eumolpus' longest
speech in the Satyricon; second, it is his most impassioned plea for
poetry; and third, in passing, while calling great only the poetry that is
steeped in all the great literature of the past, it derides false rhetoric.
(See z86:2i-24n.)
286:25-26 the Unckle and the Nephew . . . Seneca and Lucan. Seneca
the younger and Lucan's father (Marcus Annaeus Mela) were sons of
Seneca the elder. Saint-fivremond's "de 1'Oncle et du Nepveu" (I, 158)
reminds Dryden of the relationship.
286:35-287:1 yet putting . . . in Britain. According to Dio Cassius
(Roman History, VIII, Ixii), Seneca once lent the Britons 40 million
Notes to Pages 286-287 47 *
sesterces, then later "called in this loan all at once and . . . resorted to
severe measures in exacting it" (Loeb trans.).
287:3-4 in his old age . . . young Woman. About A.D. 50, Seneca
married the very young Pompeia Paulina (see Pierre Grimal, Seneque
[1948], pp. 22-23).
287:13-17 He reckons Gellius . . . Lipsius. In Rualdus (I, VPC, pp.
54-57) appear, in the order listed by Dryden, the tributes to Plutarch
expressed by all these post-Augustan and Renaissance writers: Aulus
Gellius (c. i23~c. 167), author of Nodes Atticae, a diverting miscellany
containing fragments of lost works and information on many areas of
classical learning; Eusebius of Pamphilus (c. s6o-c. 340), Bishop of
Caesarea; Himerius the Sophister (c. 3io-c. 386), Greek rhetorician; Eu-
napius (c. 345-?. 414), Greek rhetorician and historiographer; Cyrillus of
Alexandria (s87?-444), Patriarch of Alexandria, theologian, and politician;
Theodoret (see 252:14-15^; Agathias (c. 536-0. 582), Byzantine poet,
historian, and compiler of epigrams, including his own; Photius (c. 820-?.
891), Patriarch of Constantinople, 858-867 and 877-886, scholar, and
author of Bibliotheca, a collection of comments on 280 books read by
him; John Xiphilinus (c. 1010-1075), Patriarch of Constantinople, jurist,
and theologian; Johannes Sarisberiensis (see 265:19-20^; Petrus Victorius,
or Pietro Vettori (1499-1585), brilliant Florentine scholar of Greek and
Latin; Justus Lipsius (1547-1606), Belgian humanist, influential editor
of Latin texts, and essayist in moral and political theory.
287:18-29 Theodorus Gaza . . . of them all. Teodoro Gaza (b. at
beginning of fifteenth century, d. 1478) was a Greek who flourished in
Italy as a Latin and Greek scholar and humanist. Dryden doubtless
found the anecdote in Xylander's Vita Plutarchi (p. 11, in Rualdus, I):
Praeclara etiam est Theodori Gazae, hominis doctissimi, & antiqua Graecia
digni, sententia, qui interrogatus (ut accepimus) a familiaribus suis,
quemnam ex omnium scriptorum numero delecturus foret, si caeterorum
omnium amittendorum incumberet necessitas; Plutarchum respondit,
sentiens, a nemine quoquc plura, ac magis varia, utiliora etiam ad
oblectationem animi facientia edita esse volumina. (Splendid also is the
remark of Gaza, a great scholar and one worthy to be an ancient Greek:
when asked by his friends [so we hear] which one of all the writers he
would want to save if all the rest had to be lost, he answered "Plutarch,"
because he thought nobody ever published more volumes with greater
variety and more usefulness for the delight of the mind.)
287:20 suffrage. Token of approval (OED).
287:30 The Epigram of Agathias. The epigram appears three times in
Rualdus: (i) in Greek and in Xylander's Latin translation (p. 10, in
Rualdus, I); (2) in Xylander's Vita Plutarchi (p. 11, in Rualdus, I);
and (3) in Rualdus' collection of praises for Plutarch (Rualdus, I, VPC,
pp. 55-56). Agathias lived A.D. 536-582. (See Barrow, Plutarch, p. 7in.)
472 Commentary
'For the Dryden-Stillingflcet debate see Works, III, 351-352; pp. 476-477,
• Works, III, is i.
On the authorship of Reflections see Macclonald, p. 256 and n.
474 Commentary
the dead, the second of which they continued to practice. She was further
told by one of the hishops that had he been bred a Roman Catholic he
would not change his religion, "but that being of another Church,
wherein, he was sure, were all things necessary to Salvation, he thought
it very ill to give that Scandal as to leave that Church, wherein he has
receiv'd his Baptism." This admission, in addition to her own searching
of the Scriptures, she said, made her the more eager to become a Roman
Although the English versions of the Duchess's letter did identify the
two prelates, it was Maimbourg's version, lacking such identification,
which apparently first reached the English public. Obviously the
Duchess's account of how two Anglican bishops had furthered her con-
version by unorthodox admissions of sympathy for the Roman church
was calculated to scandalize the Church of England. The clergyman
most closely associated with Anne Hyde during her father's exile had
been George Morley, later Bishop of Winchester, who was chaplain to
Sir Edward Hyde, Anne's father, later Earl of Clarendon. After the
Restoration Morley had remained in close touch with the Duchess until
Clarendon's fall and exile. These facts, and the absence of any identifica-
tion by Maimbourg, might well have aroused suspicion that Morley had
helped to subvert the Duchess. Evelyn was evidently apprehensive about
the possibility, for in a letter to Morley about Maimbourg's book he
urged the bishop to vindicate himself.8 Morley had known through
Gilbert Burnet of the existence of the Duchess's paper since about iGys,10
but he could not then have foreseen that his integrity would be chal-
lenged and that he would be suspected of being popishly inclined.
In 1682, however, a malignant pamphlet, Elytnas the Sorcerer, was
published by Thomas Jones, "sometime Domestick and Naval Chaplain
to his R. Highness the Duke of York." In narrative and in a series of
letters and documents Jones set forth his claim that he had been hounded
out of the Duke's service and thereafter brutally persecuted for many
years by the Bishop of Winchester. And he strongly insinuated that his
misfortunes arose from his zeal for the Protestant religion while he was
in the household of the Duke and Duchess. Jones further intimated that
there had been a popish plot in the Duke's household and that Morley
had figured importantly in it. Since the bishops who had counseled the
Duchess were not named in Maimbourg, it was possible for Jones to
imply that the real renegade was that "Protestant in Masquerade," his
old enemy the Bishop of Winchester. Jones was answered by another
chaplain serving the Duke, Richard Watson, in An Answer to Elymas the
Sorcerer (1682) and in A Fuller Answer to Elimas the Sorcerer . . . with
Modest Reflections upon a Pretended Declaration (of the Late Dutchess)
for Changing her Religion (1683). Watson, attacking Jones as "a Pro-
fligate Person, and a most malicious Calumniator," claimed that the
'Evelyn, Diary, 29 May 1682.
Burnet, History of My Own Time, ed. Osmond Airy (1897-1900), II, 31.
476 Commentary
Duchess's paper was a forgery by Maimbourg. Nevertheless, he went on
to attack the paper, defending the Reformation and averring that the
Church of England was the reformed Roman Catholic church.11
Despite Watson's attack on Jones, Morley remained profoundly dis-
turbed. In order to defend himself against rumors that he had subverted
the Duchess, he published in 1683 Several Treatises, Written upon Sev-
eral Occasions . . . Both before and since the Kings Restauration:
Wherein His judgment is fully made known concerning the Church of
Rome and most of those Doctrines, which are controverted betwixt
Her and the Church of England. Among the documents Morley used
to establish his loyalty to the Church of England was "A Letter Written
by the Bishop of Winchester to her Highness the Dutchess of York Some
few Months before Her Death." Dated 24 January 1670, this letter, a long
remonstrance occasioned by rumors that the Duchess was inclining
toward Rome, urges her to consult him should she be approached by
Roman Catholics and advises her not to change her religion without
hearing arguments against such a step.
The preface to Several Treatises is an elaborate apologia in which
Morley reviews his conduct while in exile on the Continent with the
Hyde family. He recalls the rectitude with which, in the midst of Papists,
he held firm to the Anglican church, performing its ceremonies and
preaching its doctrines wherever he went. Recalling his association with
Anne Hyde, he speaks of her piety, her devotion to Canterbury, and the
regularity with which she performed her religious duties. He goes on to
trace in similar terms his relations with Anne after she became the
Duchess of York. When Clarendon fell in 1667, Morley turned her over
to the guidance of Blandford, then Bishop of Oxford, but, he asserts, he
left her steadfast in the Anglican faith.
The controversy stirred by Maimbourg's publication in 1683 of the
Duchess's "Declaration" strongly suggests that the broadside could not
have been published before 1682 or 1683. Had it appeared in print in
the 1670*5 it would surely have aroused a similar controversy. Clearly
Morley had not seen the broadside with its identification of the two
bishops who had advised the Duchess in her conversion, although Burnet
did claim that he had been shown the Duchess's letter by James before
i68a and that he had informed Morley of its existence.12 Morley's publica-
tion of Several Treatises ended the first phase of the controversy over the
Duchess's conversion.
The general drift of Stillingfleet's attack in An Answer to Some Papers
can be followed in Dryden's quotations from his adversary and in
Dryden's own arguments. Stillingfleet begins by casting doubt on the
authenticity of the Duchess's "Declaration," and then proceeds to answer
it point by point. She should have disputed with her spiritual advisers
before taking the final step. She had treated the Bishop of Winchester
with duplicity in not discussing her doubts with him when she visited
him at his palace at Farnham shortly after writing her letter. The
Watson, A Fuller Answer, pp. 2, 4-9. " Burnet, History, ed. Airy, I, 557.
Defence of the Duchess's Paper 477
Duchess, therefore, had been remiss in failing to use the means at her
disposal for resolving her scruples. Of her conversations with the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Worcester, which she stresses,
Stillingfleet can say only that they should not have unsettled her further,
indirectly leading her to Rome, if indeed they have been accurately
reported. Like other controversialists on both sides, Stillingfleet plays with
the word "Catholic," arguing that the Church of England is a part of the
Catholic church, but not of the Roman Catholic church, and that this
distinction must have been in Bishop Blandford's mind when he said he
would not change had he been bred a Catholic. Stillingfleet makes fun
of the Duchess's assertion that her conversion was not owing to human
agencies but was a "Blessing she wholly ows to Almighty God," twisting
her statement into an admission of enthusiasm and divine illumination,
which it clearly was not. He defends the Reformation against the inter-
pretation put upon it by the Duchess after she had read the account in
Peter Heylyn's Ecclesia restaurata; or, The History of the Reformation
of the Church of England (1661), recommended by the bishops, oddly
enough, as likely to resolve her scruples.13 Stillingfleet ends by attacking
the four points of faith the Duchess had deduced from her reading of
the Scriptures: the doctrine of the Real Presence; the use of confession;
the efficacy of prayers for the dead; and the infallibility of the Church.
He concludes that "the Publick will receive this Advantage by these
Papers, that thereby it appears, how very little is to be said by Persons
of the greatest Capacity, as well as Place, either against the Church of
England, or for the Church of Rome." 14
In his defense of the Duchess's paper, Dryden clearly displays the skill
in religious controversy which was to be fully developed a few months
later in The Hind and the Panther. In that apologia for his own con-
version, Dryden would not only confute Stillingfleet but would also com-
ment on the Dean's personal vilification of him as "a new Convert" of
little religion (Hind and Panther, III, 251-257):
With odious Atheist names you load your foes,
Your lib'ral Clergy why did I expose?
It never fails in charities like those.
In climes where true religion is profess'd,
That imputation were no laughing jest.
But Imprimatur, with a Chaplain's name,
Is here sufficient licence to defame.
With these dignified words of complaint the Hind closed the debate
between Dryden and Stillingfleet, a debate begun over a brief paper of
the Duchess's and conducted in the growing heat of an England approach-
ing its third revolution of the century.
"See the defense of the Duchess's interpretation of Heylyn's candid account
of the rougher "political" sides of the English Reformation in The Church of
England Truly Represented, According to Dr. Heylins History of the Reforma-
tion, in Justification of Her Royal Highness the Late Dutchess of Vorks Paper
Edward Stillingfleet, An Answer to Some Papers Lately Printed (1686), p. 72.
478 Commentary
P. 291: 11. 21-22 What will it profit . . . lose his Soul. Mark, viir,
291:31 Barreter of Law. The OED does not record this curious form
of barrister.
292:14 Bishop of Winchester. George Morley (1597-1684). See headnote,
p. 475, above.
292:21 his pure Naturals. In a purely natural condition; not altered
or improved in any way (OED).
292:26 of his Latitudinarian Stamp. Stillingfleet was one of the most
eminent of the Latitudinarian divines. Although loyal churchmen, they
held that particular creeds and forms of worship were not of the gravest
religious import. At this time the Latitudinarians were wooing Non-
conformists, as James was to do very soon by dispensing a general
toleration. Cf. The Hind and the Panther, III, 160-172.
293:12-14 like a Painter . . . afterwards into a Likeness. The allusion
to painting is characteristic of Dryden.
293:15-16 has us'd Monsieur de Condom. Jacques Bdnigne Bossuet
(1627-1704), Bishop of Condom and of Meaux, who in 1671 published
Exposition de la Doctrine de l'6glise Catholique sur les Matieres de
Controverse. An English translation was published in Paris in 1672. Wing
lists other "editions" in English which were published in London. Dryden
mistakenly ascribes to Stillingfleet Wfilliam] W[ake]'s An Exposition
of the Doctrine of the Church of England, in the several Articles Proposed
by Monsieur de Meaux, late Bishop of Condom, . . . To which is
prefix'd a particular account of Monsieur de Meaux's Book (1686).
Dryden's description fits the preface to Wake's pamphlet, which is made
up of brief anecdotes dealing with such derogatory matters as the refusal
of the doctors at the Sorbonne to approve Bossuet's book; the suppression
of the first edition; Bossuet's additions and corrections, which brought
his work closer in line with orthodox doctrine; and Bossuet's duplicity
in not acknowledging that the book had been suppressed.
293:34 Preface to his Treatises. Bishop Morley's Several Treatises,
Written upon Several Occasions (1683) (see headnote, p. 476, above).
293:34-35 Maimbourg the Jesuite. Louis Maimbourg (1610-1686) pub-
lished a French version of the Duchess's paper (see headnote, p. 474,
296:3 as coursly as the Parson did Bellarmine. "This alludes to a story
of an Oxford divine, who imagined he had utterly confounded the grand
advocate of the Catholic Church, by the stout, though unsupported assev-
eration, 'Bellarmine, thou liestl" " (Scott). Robert Cardinal Bellarmine
(1542-1621) was the most distinguished Roman Catholic apologist for
the Counter-Reformation.
297:13 Disputandi pruritus, scabies Ecclesice. Quoted in Izaak Walton's
The Life of Sir Henry Wotton (Walton's Lives, ed. George Saintsbury
[1927], pp. 142-143).
297:18 Tierce and Quart. Third and fourth of the eight parries and
thrusts in fencing.
297:22-23 in Mood and Figure. In due logical form (OED).
Notes to Pages 291-304 479
advocating these Romish practices the two bishops had renounced and
condemned two of the Articles. Stillingfleet is morally wrong, however,
and Dryden is right. In rejecting the sacrament of penance as one that
had "grown partly of the corrupt following of the Apostles," Anglican
Article XXV necessarily rejects confession, which is part of that sacrament.
The Catalogue (ch. xxv, "Of Auricular Confession") shows the extent to
which confession was an issue. Similarly, in the seventeenth century the
issue of prayers for the dead was bound up with the Roman doctrine
of purgatory, which was specifically attacked by Article XXII. William
Wake, Two Discourses of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead (1687),
shows the difficulty the age felt in separating the two issues. Other works
given in the Catalogue, ch. xxxii, may be consulted.
304:11 the Doctrine of a Third Place. I.e., purgatory.
305:26 Abyssine . . . Church. The Abyssinian or Coptic church.
305:29 interested Apology. An apology based on self-interest.
306:23 into the White ones Walk. An allusion to chess, in which one
bishop on each side moves only on white (or red) spaces (Scott).
308:34 Statute of Coining. The law against counterfeiting.
309:30 Take him Topham. See above, His Majesties Declaration De-
fended, 2i5'.iin.
310:30-31 the most Learned Bishops in England. In the preface to
Several Treatises (p. ii), Bishop Morley mentioned the paper "pretended"
to have been written by the Duchess and quoted by Maimbourg. He
argued that "how learned soever those Bishops were (if there were any
such Bishops that made any such Answers) they were not Bishops of the
Church of England truly so called," and added (p. iv): "But why should
I say any more, or indeed so much as I have said of a Non-Ens, or of
what I believe never was in Rerum natura; I mean such a discourse, as
is pretended to have been betwixt the Dutchess of York, and two of
the most learned Bishops in England?" Morley does not, as Dryden says
he does, give the Duchess the lie direct. The implication of all his doubts
is that the letter published by Maimbourg is a Jesuit forgery. Cf. Stilling-
fleet's Answer to Some Papers, pp. 63-64.
311:14-15 a Transcript from the Bishops Preface. Dryden is not
entirely unfair here; Stillingfleet's hints that the Duchess's paper is a
pious forgery had been stated more baldly by Morley.
311:30 his three Nolo's. Nolo episcopare (Scott). Dryden's jibe at Mor-
ley's wounded vanity and assumed humility is justified in view of the fact
that neither the Duchess nor Maimbourg speaks of "wise" bishops.
312:2 a Witness still alive. James II.
313:27-28 that she ow'd . . . her Conversion wholly to God Almighty.
Stillingfleet does indeed deliberately pervert the Duchess's statement.
He pretends to find no possible meaning in her words other than a claim
to have been converted by "immediate Divine Illumination" (Answer to
Some Papers, p. 64). He proceeds to make merry at this discovery of
"Enthusiasm" in the Roman church.
314:4 Statute of Perswasion. Since passage of the Act to Retain the
Notes to Pages 304-323 481
Queen's Majesty's Subjects in their due Obedience in 1581, the law had
held it treason to persuade anyone to embrace the Roman Catholic re-
ligion (see A History of the English Church, ed. W. R. W. Stephens and
William Hunt [1924], V, 218).
314:31-32 merry Book concerning the Fanaticism of the Church of
Rome. Dryden refers to Stillingfleet's A Discourse Concerning the Idolatiy
Practiced in the Church of Rome (1671). Chapter iv, written in an un-
concealed spirit of levity, deals with the mystical experiences, revelations,
and ecstasies averred by many of the saints of the Church. Stillingfleet
was answered by Sferenus] Cfressy], O.S.B., in Fanaticism Fanatically im-
puted to the Catholick Church (n.p., 1672), and Cressy in turn was an-
swered by "A Person of Honour" (actually the Earl of Clarendon) in
Animadversions (1673). In A Vindication of the Answer Stillingfleet re-
turned to the attack by charging Dryden with excessive zeal (p. 102):
"Is this indeed the Spirit of a New Convert? . . . But Zeal in a new
Convert is a terrible thing; for it not only burns but rages, like the
Eruptions of Mount Aetna, it fills the Air with noise and smoak; and
throws out such a Torrent of liquid Fire, that there is no standing
before it."
317:8-12 But the immediate Effects . . . as is observ'd by my Lord
Herbert. Linda Van Norden has kindly traced for us this reference to
Edward Lord Herbert, The Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth
(1649), p. 402.
317:23 Duresme. Durham.
317:26-32 Calvin complains . . . Rapine. Joannis Calvini, Epistolae et
Responsa (Genevae, 1616), p. 136. Calvin wrote in French to the same
effect to the Duke of Somerset on 25 July 1551. See John Strype, Memori-
als of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer (1694),
App., pp. 149-150.
319:26 his present Holiness. Innocent XI.
320:13 candidly. Without malice (OED).
322:17 concluded. Confirmed (OED).
322:36 Scandalum Magnatum. Uttering scandal or malicious reports
against persons holding positions of dignity (OED).
323:2 Foils. In wrestling a foil is a throw not resulting in a flat fall
323:7-8 his Name is Legion. Mark, v, 9.
323:11 when the Duke had beaten them. James, Duke of York, was
appointed Lord High Admiral in 1660 and retained that office until
forced out by the Test Act of 1673. He won fame in the second (1665-
1667) and third (1672-1674) Dutch Wars.
323:16-17 Robin Wisdom . . . Ballad. The last poem in the long-
popular Sternhold and Hopkins's The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected
into English Metre (1640) is signed Rfobert] W[isdom], Dryden refers
to the following stanza:
Preserve us Lord by thy deare word,
From Turke and Pope defend us Lord:
482 Commentary
The copy text is normally the first printing, on the theory that its
accidentals are likely to be closest to the author's practice; but a manu-
script or a subsequent printing may be chosen when there is reasonable
evidence either that it represents more accurately the original manuscript
as finally revised by the author or that the author revised the acci-
The textual notes list the relevant manuscripts and printings, assign
them sigla, and give references to the bibliographies where they are
more fully described. The textual notes also outline the descent of the
text, indicate which are the authorized texts, and explain in each in-
stance how the copy text was selected. A list of copies collated follows.
If differences among variant copies are sufficient to warrant a tabular view
of them, it follows the list of copies collated.
The sigla indicate the format of printed books (F = folio, Q = quarto,
O = octavo, etc.) and the order of printing, if it is determinable, within
the format group (F may have been printed after Qi and before Qa).
If order of printing is in doubt, the numbers are arbitrary, and they
are normally arbitrary for the manuscripts (represented by M).
Finally, the variants in the texts collated are given. The list is not
exhaustive, but it records what seemed material, viz.:
All variants of the present edition from the copy text except in
the mechanical details listed above.
All other substantive variants and variants in accidentals markedly
affecting the sense. The insertion or removal of a period before a
dash has sometimes been accepted as affecting the sense; other punc-
tuational variants before dashes have been ignored. Failure of letters
to print, in texts other than the copy text, has been noted only
when the remaining letters form a different word or words, or when
a word has disappeared entirely.
All errors of any kind repeated from one edition to another, ex-
cept the use of -'s instead of -s for a plural.
Spelling variants where the new reading makes a new word (e.g.,
then and than being in Dryden's day alternate spellings of the con-
junction, a change from than to then would be recorded, since the
spelling then is now confined to the adverb, but a change from
then to than would be ignored as a simple modernization).
In passages of verse, variants in elision of syllables normally pro-
nounced (except that purely mechanical details, as had'st, hadst, are
ignored). Thus heaven, heav'n is recorded, but not denied, deny'd.
When texts generally agree in a fairly lengthy variation, but one or
two differ from the rest in a detail that it would be cumbrous to represent
in the usual way, the subvariations are indicated in parentheses in the
list of sigla. For example,
Inscription at Delphos] inscription at Delphos 01-4 (Inscription
means that 02-4 agree with Oi in the use of italics and romans, but that
they have a capital which Oi lacks.
When variants in punctuation alone are recorded, the wavy dash is used
in place of the identifying word before (and sometimes after) the variant
punctuation. A caret indicates absence of punctuation.
As in the previous volumes, no reference is made to modern editions
Textual Notes 489
if the editor is satisfied that reasonable care on his part would have re-
sulted in the same emendations, even if he collated these editions before
beginning to emend.
29:28-29, 29:31-32, 30:13, 31:28, 32:32, 33:3, 33:6, 33:26, 35:12, 36:5, 37:1,
39:5' 39:7- 4!:27, 43:33. 45 ; i2, 47 : 1 4> 5 l ; 26, 5>:32. 54=22, 56:7-8, 56:14,
56:28-29, 58:26, 59:8, 59:20, 60:11, 61:17, 64:8-9, 66:6, 66:7, 66:9, 67:30,
67:32, 69:2, 69:3, 69:6, 69:31, 70:19, 71:6, 71:14, 71:30, 73:15, 73:26, 74:27,
74:29, 75:29, 76:9, 77:28-29, 78:9, and 79:9. For possible emendations at
68:17-18 see the Commentary.
Tne following additional copies of the various editions have also been
examined: Qi: Harvard (*EC65.D8474.668o), Yale (Ij.0848.668), Folger
(02327, cop. i), Texas (Wj.D848.668o); Q2: Clark (*PR34i9.E7i.i684,
2 cop.; *PR34io.C93, v.i); Qs: Clark (*PR34i9.E7i.i6g3; *PR34io.C95a,
v.i; *PR34io.Cgi, v.i); F: Clark (*fPR34i2.i7oi [2 cop., of which cop.
i is Fb]; *fPR34i2.17013); D: Clark (*PR34i2.i7i7 [2 cop.]).
mour,] Qz-3, D (~A Qz); This Humour of Qi, Fa-b. 56:32 English]
D; English Qi-g, Fa-b. 57:2 ornamental] Q2-g, D; necessary Qi,
Fa-b. 57:4 Shakespeare's] Qz-g, Fa-b, D; Shakespheare's Qi. 57:7
humours] Qi-g, D; Humour Fa-b. 57:18 till] Qi~3, Fa-b; 'till D.
57:18 came. He] Qi (corrected state), Qz-g, Fa-b, D; came; he Qi
(uncorrected state). 57:26 Greek and Latine] Qg, D; Greek and
Latine Qi-2, Fa-b. 57:28 Roman] Qg, D; Roman Qi-2, Fa-b.
57:29 Catiline] Qi, Fa-b, D; Cataline Q2-g. 58:3 laboriously, . . .
Comedies especially] Q2-g, D; ~A • • • serious Playes Qi, Fa-b. 58:4
too much] Q2-3, Fa-b, D; to much Qi. 58:5 Latine] Qg, D; Latine
Qi-2, Fa-b. 58:6 their] Qz-g, D; the Idiom of their Qi, Fa-b. 58:7
the Idiom of ours] Qz-g, D; ours Qi, Fa-b. 58:14 Discoveries] Dis-
coveries Qi-g, Fa-b, D. 58:16 French] Qg, D; French Qi-2, Fa-b.
58:18 Woman] Qi-g, Fa, D; ~ , Fb. 58:19 Silent Woman] Qg, D;
Silent Woman Qi-z, Fa-b. 58:25 on] Qz-3, D; upon Qi, Fa-b.
58:25 Spanish] Qg, Fa-b, D; Spanish Qi-2. 58:26 Five Hours]
Fa-b; five hours Qi-3, D (Five Qg; Hours D). 59:3 except] Qz-g, D;
excepting Qi, Fa-b. 59:3~4 Fox and Alchymist] Qg, Fa-b, D; Fox
and Alchymist Qi-z. 59:6 once] Qa-g, D; once apiece Qi,
Fa-b (a piece Fb). 59:8 Morose's] Qg, D; Moreses's Qi-2,
Fa-b. 59:19 to this . . . allude] Qz-g, D; this . . . allude to Qi,
Fa-b. 59:19 Beside] Qz-3, D; Besides Qi, Fa-b. 59:20 divers]
Qz-g, D; diverse Qi, Fa-b. 59:27 Lying:] Qi-g. Fa-b; ~ .
D. 60:3 is his] Qz-g, D; in his Qi, Fa-b. 60:11 it in] Qi-g,
Fa-b; in it D. 60:11 T^OIOV] Fa-b, D; ~ , Qi-g. 60:25 'n their]
Qi-2, Fa-b; in the Qg, D. 61:4 from] Qz-g, D; from common Qi,
Fa-b. 61:12 in the] Q2-g, Fa-b, D; in the the Qi. 61:13 are all]
Qi-2, Fa-b; all Qg, D. 61:17 Besides that,] Besides, that Qi-3, Fa-b,
D. 61:22 Man] Q2-g, D; «<f°-« Qi, Fa-b. 61:22 of it] Qi-g, Fa-b;
it D. 61:25 have enter'd] Qi-g, Fa, D; enter'd Fb. 62:g res]
Q2-g, Fa-b, D; ret Qi. 62:4 tanto] Qi-g, D; tante Fa-b. 62:6-7
has made use] Q2-3, D; had prevail'd himself Qi, Fa-b. 62:12 long-
expected] Qz-g, D; long expected Qi, Fa-b. 62:17 True-Wit] Qz-g,
D; Truwit Qi, Fa-b. 6z:zz Coup] Qi-z, Fa-b, D; Coupe Qg.
6z:z7 Collegiate] Qz-g, Fa-b, D; Cellegiate Qi. 62:27 hear] Qi-g,
Fa, D; here Fb. 6g:7 while] Q2-g, Fa-b, D; whille Qi. 6g:i8
French] D; French Qi-g, Fa-b. 6g:2g spoken] Qi-g, D; spoke Fa-b.
63:23 English] Qg, D; English Qi-2, Fa-b. 63:33 English] D;
English Qi-g, Fa-b. 63:34 have had] Qi-g, Fa-b; have D. 64:8 Ubt]
Ubi Qi-3, F, D. 64:8-9 One line in Qn-j, D. 64:9 Not
indented in Qi. 64:12 French] D; French Qi-3, F. 64:17 up-
rightly] Qi, F; upright Q2-3, D. 64:23 This] Qz-g, D (~, Qz);
This, my Lord, Qi, F. 64:25^6 that the most] Qz-g, D; the most
Qi, F. 65:g French] D; French Qi-g, F. 65:4 late] Qz~3, D;
great Qi, F. 65:24 Labert] Qz-g, D; Liberi Qi, F. 66:5 amongst]
Qi~3, D; among F. 66:6 lambique] lambique Qi-g, F, D. 66:7
verse] ~, Qi-g, F, D. 66:8 paper] Qz-g, F, D; p per Qi. 66:9
Poem; blank] Qg, D; Poem. Blank Qi-z, F. 66:15 on] Qz-g, D; upon
498 Textual Notes
Sheet H (outer form)
Uncorrected: Folger
Corrected: Clark, Harvard, Humington, Newberry
Sig. Hat/
page number 53] 52
158:32 confere] conferre
158:33 Seyze] Seize
159:5 poysond] poyson'd
»59:9 !] As »
159:12 poysondj poyson'd
159:13 murdre'd] murdered
159:15 alive] ~ ,
159:18 four dashes] one dash
159:21 poisn'ous] poisnous
Sig. H3
page number 52] 53
160:8 escape as] escape
Sig. H4V
163:21-22 Brest . . . kild] Breast . . . kil'd
163:22 her] ~ :
163:23 concernd] concern'd
163:31 Murderiug] Murdering
163:32 red] read
164:18 here of] here
Textual Notes 501
Memory, and Duchess of York, 1686 (Macd 133; Q). The copy text for the
present edition is the Clark copy of Q (*PRg4i9.D3i), with which the
following additional copies have been compared: Harvard ("ECGs.08474.
686d), Folger (02261), Texas (Aj. D848.686d), and Huntington (D/DzzGi/
28025). The Huntington copy has uncorrected Qi (p. 113) omitting
"wholly" from line 22 (313:17); lines 22 and 23 were reset to make the
necessary correction. The emendations introduced into the present edition
are listed in the footnotes. An anacoluthon on page 119, lines 13-15
(318:7-9), has been let stand.
pie M. 324:25-26 at the same time] above the line (no caret) M.
325:1 Deity] above deleted Divinity M. 325:6 operation, & more of
the] before deleted rationall M. 325:6 in] before deleted our M.
325:12 Poetry] poetry after deleted But M. 325:14 yet but] before
deleted yet M. 325:14 a] before deleted prattling foreign M.
325:14 which] before deleted rather M. 325:15-16 when . . . en-
couragement] above deleted than what it has produced already hetherto
produc'd M. 325:17 a little] above deleted somewhat M. 325:21
degrees;] before deleted and leave the hedge notes of our homely An-
cestours. M. 325:23 So] after deleted Thus M. 325:23 Genius]
and example deleted above a following caret M. 325:24 us:] above
deleted them: M. 325:25 the patronage] F; this protection M (pro-
tection above a caret after deleted encouragement). 325:26 begin to
grow] after deleted grow M. 325:27 harsh] before deleted ness M.
325:28-326:5 By ... Soundes.] marked for deletion in M; not present
in F. 325:28 By] after deleted For M. 325:29 say] above deleted
tell them, M. 325:32 labour & trouble] after deleted trouble M.
325:33 them,] before deleted once for all, M. 325:33 that] before
deleted if they M. 325:34 naturally] above a caret M. 325:34
over] above deleted very M. 326:6 offer] above deleted dedicate M.
326:6 this] F; this present M. 326:6 with all humility] above a caret
M. 326:7 protection] F; favour, & protection M. 326:8 by] before
deleted offering you M. 326:12 encouragd] before deleted my M.
326:13 favour to] above deleted Graces acceptance of M. 326:13
not onely] above a caret M. 326:14 success of the next] after deleted
next M. 326:14 also] above a caret M.
His Majefties
To dU H/J LoT/tfg Sub)e%*9
| *Tbdt moved Him to $>iflbhe
The Two laft
$ublf®eD Up i?ts ^aKftics CotnmanD.
and to attempt some other Great and Important Changes even in Present.
The Business of Fitz-Harris, who was Impeach'd by the House of Com-
mons of High Treason, and by the House of Lords referr'd to the ordinary
Course of Law, was on the sudden carried on to that extremity, by the
Votes which the Commons pass'd on the 26ltl of March last, that there
was no possibility left of a Reconciliation.
The Votes were these,
Die Sabbati 26° Martii, post Meridiem.
Resolved, That it is the undoubted Right of the Commons in Parlia-
10 ment Assembled, to Impeach before the Lords in Parliament any Peer or
Commoner, for Treason, or any other Crime or Misdemeanor; and that
the refusal of the Lords to proceed in Parliament upon such Impeachment,
is a denial of Justice, and a violation of the Constitution of Parliaments.
Resolved, That in the case of Edward Fitz-Harris, who by the Commons
hath been Impeach'd of High Treason before the Lords, with a Declara-
tion, That in convenient time they would bring up the Articles against
him for the Lords to Resolve, That the said Fitz-Harris should be pro-
ceeded with according to the course of Common Law, and not by way of
Impeachment at this time, is a Denial of Justice, and a Violation of the
20 Constitution of Parliaments, and an Obstruction to the further Discovery
of the Popish Plot, and of great danger to His Majesties Person, and the
Protestant Religion.
Resolved, That for any Inferiour Court to Proceed against Edward Fitz-
Harris, or any other Person lying under an Impeachment in Parliament,
for the same Crimes, for which he or they stand Impeach'd, is a high
Breach of the Priviledge of Parliament.
It was a Matter extremely sensible to Us, to find an Impeachment made
use of to delay a Tryal, that We had directed against a profess'd Papist,
charg'd with Treasons against Us of an extraordinary Nature: And cer-
80 tainly the House of Peers did themselves Right in refusing to give
countenance to such a Proceeding.
But when either of the Houses are so far transported, as to Vote the
Proceedings of the other to be a Denial of Justice, a Violation of the Con-
stitution of Parliaments, of Danger to Our Person and the Protestant
Religion, without Conferences first had to examine upon what Grounds
such Proceedings were made, and how far they might be justified; This
puts the two Houses out of capacity of transacting business together, and
consequently is the greatest Violation of the Constitution of Parliaments.
This was the Case, and every day's continuance being like to produce
40 new Instances of further Heat and Anger between the two Houses, to the
disappointment of all Publick Ends, for which they were Call'd, We
found it necessary to put an end to this Parliament likewise.
But notwithstanding all this, let not the restless Malice of ill Men,
who are labouring to poyson Our People, some out of fondness of their
Old Beloved Commonwealth-Principles, and some out of anger at their
being disappointed in the particular Designs they had for the accomplish-
ment of their own Ambition and Greatness, perswade any of Our Good
516 Appendix A
Written by the Late
Printed by H.HUst Printer to the King's Moft
Excellent Majefty for His Houfhold and
Cbppcl i6$6.
Appendix B 519