Katalok WEFLO

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APPROVED: LISTED COMPANY PROFILE Wetlo Cast iron Valves and Ductile iron Valves are manufactured using advanced equipment with finest materials available, All valves are desinged by a professional team of dedicated valve specialists with many years experience in tho industry. Manufacturing facilities are certified by 1S09001-2000. Weflo's valves have been approved by UL, FM, GE, WARS, Australian Watermark and ‘Australian Gas Association, MISSION STATEMENT ‘We shall continually seek to improve efficiency and service to our customer, ‘We aim to do it right first time, every time, with a program of continous improvement in all facets of the business, We shall provide world class quality, engineering and service to our valued customer and grow our business via co-operation, vision and initiative. WEFLO Gate Valve WEFLO Gete Valve, Check Valve and Air Release Valve have been approved to be used in the world Tallest Buildings Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubal, now named after the President of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan). OS&Y RESILIENT SEALED GATE VALVE AG - FO111-200 Eee ee «Valves comply wan AWWA 515 ‘+ Tae hanawnest ie atached tothe yoke bya heavier nu + High quay graphite stem seal “+ NET brass plug on body + One bras plug screwed on body ‘+ lange end ANSI 150, + Filand UL approved + 200PS1 soscmsre ‘+ Itematy ans extomally fusion bonded epeny powder costed FB, [Notes : Design end material are eubect to change without noie Parinane Neral TASTM Spee, oe Duet wor S36 65-45-42 Wesge z Ductie ron EPO Encipsuistea Wedge Nut Sania Sel AISI S04 ‘Son Stanies Stel AISI, | Bonnet Duct on 6 65-65 12 Gast —EPoM Commarea Packing “apne Commarea ‘land Duct on 536 65-45-12 Yoko Nut ‘Bronze ASTM G2 1 Hanauhos! Duet rn Asse 65-45-12 | Henowies Nat Duet en 1556 65-45-12 | NET Pug Bins 516, 56000 | land Bots Sites Seal ESET Bonnet Bs ‘Carbon Stet ‘ALOT. z 5 5 nsw © = _ | ma [re [ae | an [me [ram [nem [neh | a c 905 | 7-12 zoe | 9 | 254 | to | 267 | rove] 202 [atv] sa0| 13 | 206 | 14 Widen) [415 [76.5 350 | Ase] ess] 25-05 | rao | zoe | aaa aa-w | eo eT saw | Se HiCiose) [350 | 13.0 a0 | 17a] 590 | 20706| 600 | 25-1] 720 | 25-0 | e00 | seam] 1000 | 40-16 D ea [re pea to [sos |r [sos fe [ase De fas irae ari Wai) 20 30 rr 7 12 10 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, CIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel:e44(0)207 2567777 Era nfogetvave.com Web: wutnetovate.com ot NRS RESILIENT SEALED GATE VALVE AG - 0211-200 1 Vahes comply wih AWWAC515 «Non sing stom, “+ Wit inscator post Mange and a 2" square operating nt + Tiple Oring ater sea «+ NPT brass plug on body. «Flange end ANSI 150, “Fut and UL approved ++ 20081 + 0@Ct0 820 «+ Itemaly and exterally fusion bonded epony pander coated (FB), Notes : Design and material ate subject ta change without nates Pert Name Material ‘ASTM Spee. Booy Durtl rom 7596 65-45.12 Wedge ‘ule Han wi EPGM Coated Wiadge wit Broze ASTI BE Sion ‘Sees Stal als 420 Thrust Colsr Bronze AST BED Bannet Duct ver 7596 65-46.12 Gaket "EPDM. “commercial ‘Gand Ductile ron 6 G45 Osog EPDM. ‘Commer Peet Fonge Duct or 7596 65-45.12 Spertng Nut Dust en A896 65-45-42 NPT Pg Bass 6, C3s000 TieatrFenge Bake _| Sarees Steal Alsi 316 TE a Bonnet ote ‘Garon Sool 7007 8 re Sreu = 2a = * = = & i a A in weos || oos_| 8 | azo | 9 | a4 | 10 | oor foiz| mo [via] s30| 19 | 066 | 14 H 2ro_| rose | 206 | Tess [950 | Toe | a0] tea [ass fri oes [atrie| ets | ae | 70 | Za] D = = [| = [ss | 2 [os | 2 [os] 2 | me] 2 [ws] 2 | os] Wiehe) Tes 2: 30 = 30 ch 18 \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET. LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM h 02 Tel:e4a(0)207 256 7777 Ema: nfogvetovata.com Nob ww.wotlvaie.con + NPT brass pig on body + Flange end ANSI 150 «FU and UL approved + 250°! sosctesc + Valves comply with AVWWVA C515 + The hanciwhoa!ia tached tothe yoke by 2 heavier nut + High quality graphite stam sea + One brass pug scremed on body OS&Y RESILIENT SEALED GATE VALVE FIG - F0111-250 + Tramaly and extra fusion bonded epoy powder cote (FEE) Notes: Design and matorial are subject to change without notice Wate ‘ASTM Spec: ‘use en SIG 6515-12 Duet fen, POM Eneapelatea Saas Stet SISO ‘Stsness Otel alsi420 ~ Dis ron ARG BSA EPDM, ‘Commercat ‘rome Commer Durie er TASGG 6545-12 t Bronze ‘ASTM BaD. L ‘Bust ron 6 6545-1 [ensues at uti rn A506 65:15:12 t NPT Ph ones 1516, 38000 r ‘Gand Bos ‘Stans Seal AIS 318 Beret Bots Carbon Sa i ‘ASOT loa = = = = = van ach | ee | om [tno | ah [ ra mm [eh er Lf ast raz] 20 | 8 | zl 9 | ase | 10 | aor [voi] ome [vi] aso] 13 [a0 | ta HOpen)__| #16 [166480 | 76-7] 550 | TS 55 | 25-1 rao | 2o-1| coo aese | Ha | waa] tae] se HyCosey | 350 [13-94] 400 [rs-ae | as0-| 17-34 | 550 | 20-70 00 | asa] 720 | 26am | aa0 [sean] 1000 [0-18 D. ae [ rete [ase | to [esa [to [305] v2 [sos [re [ose |e [as [irre aas [art Waaniiah 20 2 30 w oo 7 320 170 4145-167 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1Y 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel-s4(0) 207 258 7777 E-mail [email protected] Wab: wwanefovale com 03 NRS RESILIENT SEALED GATE VALVE AG - F0211-250 a La + Values comply wih AWWA C515 + Non sing stom, «Wh indleatr post ange and a 2” square operating mut / ‘= Tple O-nng stom sal ‘NPT brass plug on body. + Flange end ANSI 150 “FM and UL approved + 250PS1 + 06-1 520 «+ ntomaly arc edemaly fusion bonded epany powder costed BE), [Notes : Design and material are subject to change without noi PartName ‘Materiak ‘ASTM Spec. Em ‘Duct ron ASG S512 Weds ‘uci ron wit EPDM Coated Wedge Not Bronze ‘AST B62 Slom isnieos Stee ISI 420 Thrust Coie ‘onze ASTI 86 Bonnet ‘Duet ron SIG 55-152 ‘Gasket EPOM ‘Commerce ‘Gand Duet kon 06 65-4512 ‘Oring EPOM ‘Commercial est ange ‘uct an s3665.1512 | ‘Dperating Nut ‘Duet ton a6 65-15-12 | NPT Pig Brass 1516, 30000 Traitor Flange ots | Sniniess Stal SISO aie = = = e = 1 a ae mm [ek [wm ne [mm [ne | mm me mm eek om [eh [mm |e | mm | eh a 10s [7-12 [ow | 8 |e | 9 | 254 | 10 | 267 |ros@] oo [ai-v2| a90 | is | a60 | 14 # 270 [ose | 296 [Tse | sso | ae.aa | at0 [vere | ass. frrtore|_ses_[21-7r6| 645 | 25.008] 790 | Zea] D = = [sos |e [sos |e [sos [2 [sos | 12 [30s | 2 [os | Weert) 165 25 0 Es 7 100 168 F \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145.157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGOOM ot Tel:¢44(0) 207 286 7777 E-mal:nfogmefovalve com Web: wu wafevae com oe WEFLO’ USTED WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. OS&Y RESILIENT SEALED GATE VALVE AG - FO111-300 ‘Specification Drawing and Picture + Valves comply with AWWA C515 +The handwhool is attactad to the yoke by a heavy uty hut ‘+ High quality graphito stom soa ‘NPT brass plug on boo ‘+ Flange ond ANS! 150, + Faand UL epproved Working Pressure + 300°! Working Temperature soecwsrc (Cortesion Protection + Intrnaty and extarnaly fusion bonded epoxy peor coated (FEE). Notes : Design and materia are subject o change withou noice. Material Specification Part Name Material ‘ASTM Spec, Body. Ductile ron (ASI6 65-45-12 Wesge ‘Ducts ron, EPOM Encapauatod Wedge Nut Staniess Staol ~ AIS 304 Siem Staines Stes ‘As 420 ‘uci ron 7596 05-45-12 POM 7 ‘Commercial ‘Graphite ‘Commercial, =| Duet ron (9596 65-45-12 ‘Brome ‘ASTM BO2 Boat ron (Ase 6545-12 Date ron 596 654512 | Brass 18, 636000 | ‘Stanlos Sioa ASI 318 Dimensions (mmiinch) Eos = e 5 e 107 mz ic [sos [12 | 230 | 6 | zo] _9 | 254 | 10 [207 | tora] 202, 30] 13 | 356 | 14 Hoven) | ats [16-606 | s00_[ve-7m | —s50"[ 77-6 | ess | 2516] 740 | as-ve| eo | ves] tao | save] 1990 [52 Hi(Clos af aas] 4001s | as0[ 17-34 | 590 | 20708) 600 | 23-va] rao | 28-3] gan _| 24-3 1020 | 40-16 > sea [-7aa [2s [10 [26a | to [305 [m2 [aos | te [ase [4 [eas [revel aus | art weighs) 2, 28 Ey a 30 7 120, 0 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIY 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. ‘Tol:+44(0) 207 256 7777 E-mail [email protected] Web: wwew.wellovaive.com 05 DOUBLE DOOR CHECK VALVE AIG - F0411-115 eee Pes + Tho extremal shert face to face dimension and compact desk of {hs valve alow nstallion and service in ight spaces. + Spring assisted for beter dynamo behaviour «+ Soft seated for pertecttighness even at lw cereal pressure, «Flange end ANS! 150, = Ubi 17551 + 10°C 0 120° * Intemally and extemal seray-painted or fusion bonded epany powder coat (FRE) Notes : Design and materia are subject to change without noice ‘Component Material Body (Cast ron ASTRE A175 Cass & Washer ‘Step Pia Stiles Soe AISI 416 ings Fe ‘Sines Sts! ISI416 Silas See ASTI CE ‘Seat POM Siinlss Stoo AIS 304 Pin Renin ‘Sian Sto IST 476 ie ‘Carbon Stl ‘Gaskel PTFE (Ne Shown, ely tor 8 FETA i aS “oom 7a] 200mm a 250m 10" 300mm 12" | a ih am | mm] inch | a a | sane a 5 eid 2a i so | aa c 5:6 zo | vie | 705 | tia | san Weare) aa Be 2 \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 06 Tol:+44() 207 2567777 Ema: nfowetivavecom Webs wi welovaie com To WEFLO \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LID. SWING CHECK VALVE FIG - FO311-300 ‘Specification Drawing and Picture + Valves comaly wih AWWA C508, coar waterway desig, + Seating type ts resent material to bronze. seat constuction, + Two brass plugs sowed on one side of body, + Flango ene ANSI 150 1 Fi and UL approved Working Pressure + 300s Working Temperature + 06'ctas2"c Corrosion Protection * Intemally and extemaly fusion bonded apory power coated (BE), Sica? 104" ‘Sze 5°10 12" Notes : Design and material are subject to change without note. Matorial Specification Part Name ‘ASTM Spe. PartName | Matera ‘ASTM Spee.) Box S36 65-45-12 ‘Gasket | __EPOM [commercial | Seating z ‘ASTM B52 Tings Pin | Stiles Steal AISI S04 | | Die Ring ‘Commerc ‘appr A ‘ui ron 736 65-45-42 | Dise ng eter ‘ASTM BE, Pin Pig Staines Stsl 71S 304 I Retainer Bo ‘NS! 904 NET Pig Brass B19 C00 ise Duct wer [is 6515.12 Bot ond a arbor Stee S07 8 Bonnet uct on [arse 6545-12 Eyebot ‘Gabon Stes ASOT. Dimensions (mmiliAch) Sie rai 25 © 1 cra en 254 08 60 0 © | ees 5 10 6 Z 25 rim 5 300 206 [as 8 inch Ei Fass eae | i703} Wears) 18 0 zg [ae | 1445-107 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel:s4¢() 207 256 7777 [email protected] Wel: ww wofovaie om o7 ‘+ NPT or 8SPT bow cute on cove Ble ata refried wih luge. 1 Screens ar perfrted 3 sins sts th spo wel seam, + Recoseas satin bey assure acura seroanaigment + Flange end ANSI 150, + uLised = 78281 scm mre “+ Inemaly and examalysprayparicd fusion bonded epoy powcr cae (FE). Notes: Design ond meter ate subject te change without notice ‘Component Mate ‘Gastron ASTM A126 Class 8 ‘Sven ‘Steines Sei ASI 904 ask PTFEGraphte Pu Dacia ion ASTI ASSS Ge 65.15.12 ‘Sie ein) ole Dia. rem) [Free Flow rea (%) ez) 3 8 B55] a3 283 750.280 6-10 0 a 300(17) 63 B12 Y-STRAINER AG F0511-175 Ses Te Tah Plug Sie (NPT Woigheo) m2 10-8 ES m ‘wn 5° Ti ei “om 178 5578 3 sn 16318 eT Ta a5 “0mm 6 1612 TE5i8 1 e28 wr 200 17 26 18-178 # oem 12 Di 26 a 268 WEFLOVALVE COMPANY LID. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 08 ‘el:e48(0) 207 2567777 Ea: fogweovaie com Web: wwnwalova com WALL INDICATOR POST AG- FO600-WP ‘neta i he ves sin he open shut poston, 1 Used to cperao a vane intatd ating wal, + Wit 12°0.0.post enge to mount on wal + Operate by handuhee. + Can be supplied to open eo right. + Futana Ut aporoves + Remove the Top Section from the top of the Indicstor Post assemty. * Reattach the Top Section tothe top of the Indicator Past assembly. ‘Sot the "OPEN" and "SHUT" targets forthe appropriate valve size + Ira and exemaly rl pony coatd RAL200. Notes: Design and material are subject change witout nates 42.07 We, Gonponent iateriat No. [Component _ atria + | —fyesat ‘Carbon Stew ASTHASETS 1 | Window Gass Pesigass 2 | wecne ‘Carbon Sie ASTMASLT 1a [Gost = PTFE 3 Wehr aon Stel ASTMASTO G39 12| nox | Carbon See AST ASOT +| “anne Dui von ASTM A836 x 6546-12 [44] Pug | alesbl en 5 | HxGao ser Caton Sol ASTWASTTB 16 —Touet ast Aui [ssa nt Carbon Sta ASTM AST 16_| excep Saat] Caton Sel ASTM AGT [se in Stas Stee A135 a [Went Carbon Sted ASTMASITS [s[ “cone Gis ion ASTM A126 Cass [| boay Eas Fon aSTMAT26 Case Sl oman Bronze ASTM BEZ C3600 [ester Cafbn Sea AS DKS Sarless Stoo AIS1S0¢_ [ae Pane Cs Del rs ASTI ASS Ge, Bionse ASTM Bi ca5600 zt Corin Sabes Sa AS I06 [19 | ras cain ie "Sines Soo 151304 I 1445-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel +440} 207 2557777 E-maltntowefiovave com Web: wnmolvaive cm 09 Wafer Butterfly Valve Lever Operated 200 PSI, Gear Operated 300 PSI FG- FO811-200, AG -F0811-300 + Single poce through chat. + Vulcanized seat desig for bubbletight shu a 30 ps + Flag ype poston necator. + Low torque operation high ce ie + with puttin supervisory sit ‘Top fango to 150 5211/1 ‘+ lange end ANSI 150, + UL tte. + S001 soscwsre ‘+ Intomaily and exornally fusion bonded epoxy powder coates (FBE). Notes: Design and material are subject to change without atce Buttery valves ae prviced with internal superdsory positon swiches. The tamper sch operates by a cam connected to he valve sem. The swith wit change postion and cise win two (2) ful turns ofthe handhe! fom the fly open poston sites #4 s1 oPewmren) For connection fe supersoy crst ev BRERLARY | commoncwnire) _ CLOSEDIYELLOW [END OF UNE Normaty lose: 2 Yalow Conroe Pee END OF UNE Normal open: 2 Red icur NEXT DEVICE | core) [ACTUATOR CASE GROUND rer ‘Sieh #2: Auplar steh connect pot aunty ‘OPEN(oRANGE} Normally closed: 1 Blue VOLTAGE SLOSEDRLUE _[ nux DENCE Normally open: 1 Orange SOURCE (GELLOR HORN) cs NOTES. 4, lem No.: VSION 021 C2 Ground Leed: 1 Grean 2 Rated 108 125-250VAG WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 10 Tol:+44(0) 207 2587777 E-malnio@weflovave com Web: wnanelovaive cm Wafer Butterfly Valve Lever Operated 200 PSI, Gear Operated 300 PSI FG FO811-200, AG- FO811-300 Paninane teri EN Spee [ASTM Spee tog Doct ron ENISt080 896 65-4512 ae Dise Duct on EWISI050 7536 65-45-12 Shaft Taner See sro 41828 Ait Bushing C Brass ‘CuZn38P3 Br6.c36000 fusing Cast ion ENILI040 126 css 8 eae Cover Cast rom ENILION 26 Gass ee Wormgear Bras ‘cuznsaeos 316 636000 oe Worm Skanes Soe 35970420897 Aisa andl Gastron ER i Hi26 Glss Tel:+44(0) 207 256 7777 E-malnt@weflovalve com Wb wna s@ com Sie x 8 D = c F 6 w t w ‘Se 110 74 oy 2 i NES 18 |. #6 | 0 190 85 0 6 20 ‘0 85 86 10 20 yi00 | 5: 15 20 ws | Drzs | __160 “a0 ol S | wrso | 175 15 0 305 | wz 20 =] 125 ws | 10 25 85 ne 0 00 ewe | 275 a8 125 795 | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LID. 1 VERTICAL INDICATOR POST FiG- FO600-IP a cai + Incicates if the valve is inthe open of shut poston, + Internally and exemaly red epoxy coated RAL3O00, + The indicator poet provides @ means o operate a buried ar otherwise Aenea Notes: Design anc material ae subject to change without rote. + Tha adjustment range ofthe indicator post is 345" el the deeper brid valve and canbe easly adjusted inthe fel ‘Te wrench ane ts vera “U" bracket on te Bartel, and may be ‘xed with a padlock to secure the operating wrench the bare * can be supplied to opon lett or Hight FM and UL approved. aa we, [ conponeat |i | Hex Cup Samy | Caton Sel ASTHAO7O Hest Caron Si ArT Cre Gang | Dae en aT ASHE Gr ETD cP Sons et ASI OH Boxe Fangs | Gust on AST Ata exh ron Su AST Tex ay San | Gabon Se AST ANTE sue Carbon Se ATIASS ston Squ| Garton sel ATO os Canton ASTM AZ Gass Lacing Wends | Bree ASTOR C00) canton ASTI AEE Ose Stones Se A204 HexCap Seer | Gaon Seu ASTM ASOT Fei Carbon Sol ASTHARTE TexCay Sac | — con Se ASTMASIE aot cast Aun Wied Gs | Pesigne 6746-949) Tarot Carer Nut pager) Gasket PTFE Operating Nut Bronze ASTM B® 633000 Starloe Stool AIS! 304 Top Secon (Corton ASTM A126 Case 8 ‘+ Remove the Top Section ftom te top of he Indicator Post assembly. ‘Snap Rng ‘Stables Stel AIST1006. + Cut the require stom lang and aust he Standpipe to match up to Pho Malesbe ron the Ground Line. ‘Squae Nat Carbon St01 AST ASOT + Sot tho "OPEN" and "SHUT" trgot forte appropriate valve size Hex Cap Saew ‘cation Stes ASTI.AG07B ___|__* Restach the Top Section othe top of the Indicator Post assem. \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-187 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4P¥ UNITED KINGDOM 2 Tel:n44(0) 207 258 7777 E-mal:nto@wetovlve com Web: wwwtlovale com WEFLO BRONZE VALVE a cam i bones Bone fr ie onze — penze a — [eanowe Gna a : Pao Ss a ‘ster Teter ‘eter ‘6ber aa Sera” | 250paWOG onshock NP ops Condon | 125pst sawed seam wos rershock 7 Seat PTFE wou | fw] w |e [emf |e pew] | [ww tn [i | > [mm Ee 3a See [ra [ee | | |e =e ee es + a a a |r a a aT J Fem ere Cc Cae] sone acerca | os | Rasa | ra [I ATA ar] 2 oe |r| a So ae se | esl Ome Ona | res Fey gt 7 / Mi be i i 4 =— i ry ore 145.157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM Tel:+48(0)207 2567777 E-mat efogefiovo.com Web: wuw.wolvave.c2n \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, 3 NRS GATE VALVE, METAL SEALED Size DN50-DN300 AG - 3184 A(JIS10K), FIG - 3184 B(PN16)-Stainless Steel Stem + Vaves comply wth EN1171-2002, MSS SP-70 + Meta! sel. Inigo sero * Acjstable stm sol + fvalablo win nanduheel or gearbox (bevel gearbox r spur gearbox) + Flange end JIS10K (F1G.3184A), PNIB (FIG.3184B) + Face o face langth in accordance with ENSSS-1 base series 3 and [ASME B16. 10-2000. + 10 ar (F16.31848) + 16bar (FiG.21248) +2010 1206 + Internally and exernaly loud epoxy patos Design anc material are cubject to change without natice. Mateais [EN Spec. ‘ASTI Spee. Duce on | ENSSYOE0 | AST ASG 655-12 Bronze | ENYO#2 Cc4BiK | ASTM B62 CH3500 Bronze | ENIWS2 Co4BIK | ASTM 862 C33600 Ducte won| eNaSINEO | ASTIASD6 8545-12 Bronze | ENIQS2 Co4siK | ASTM 862035500 Baines Sioa | 68970-40897 ‘NSLA20 Ducteken | ENSt080 | ASTIUASYE 8525-12 —Geactite | Renasbeses | Novastesos Duce leo |—ENasineo | ASTWASSD e551 ‘Gaaphite | Nonasbesis | _Navasbests Dustioten | Enss1080 | ASTMASSS 65-45-12 t 178 iH 260 a ‘0. Weahtgy_[ 18 WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 1” Tol4(0) 207 258 7777 E-mail: [email protected] Web: wir weflovalv.con OS&Y GATE VALVE , METAL SEALED ‘Size DN50-DN300 FIG - 3194A(JIS10K), FIG - 3194 B(PN16}-Stainless Steel Stem Valves comply with EN1171-2002,, MSS SP-70, Mota sect Outside stom crew. Adjustable stem seal Packing replacesbie under pressure ‘Availabe with hanawheel or gearbox bevel or spur gearbor. Flange end JIS10K (FIG:3194A), PNIS (FIG.31948) Face to face longih in accordance wth ENSS8-1 besicsories $ and . ASME 818.10.200. + t0bar (FIG.3194A) + 18 bar FIG. 31946) Materials EN Spee. ASTM Spee, a Ductile ron | ENIETH050 | _ASTMASY6 45-12 Sronze | EN1962 co«91K | ASTI 862 Ca2800 rome | eNi082CousrK | ASTI BED C2600 _Pastcton | —esrso [serene | ei al Yotenut_|sronze | enive2 cowosk | asta a62 089800 Stem stniss siest| sso7eazosa7 | sign | + -10°Ct0 120°C Bonnet | vette ron | eNsisins0 | AST A536 6595-12 Gasket | Grapnta | Non abestos | Non asbestos Stand | “Ductio won| ensse1060 — | AST" A530 06-48-12 Yoke | pucttetn | enaisioso | ASTAS96 65.45.12 | + Inlerally and xcrnalytqudepoy painted Packing | Graphite | Nonaebeslos | Non-asbesics | a Handweet! |" pucte un | eNai9t050 | ASTMAS36 85:45:12 | Notes: Design and mata are subject to change without noice. Sa xs wes [onso | owioo [owas [onsen [onan | owaso | piaoo L we | m1 22 ia 78 254 767 292 0 55_| [F topen) | ais a 5 555 os 760 oor ns 1385 > 10 | 199 10__| 250 205 5 6 05 457 Weights) [195 | ais 2a 65 o 102 1665 244 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDON Tel:-4(0} 207 258 T777 E-nalnlogwetlovtve.com Web: ww wotlovalve.com WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. 18 Y-STRAINER Size DN50-DN600 FIG -7101A(JIS10K), FIG -7101B(PN16) “+ NPT or BSPT blewot outlet on cover. Blowatfoulets ere finished with plugs «+ Scraons ate peroratod 304 staness steel lt spt welded seam. 4 Recessed sean body assures acne ctean alge «Flange end JIS10K (FIG.T101A), PN16 (FIG.7101B) + WRAS epproved + tober (FIG.71018) + 18.barFIG.71018) 10°C to 120°C «+ Internally and externally liquid epoxy painted. or fusion bonded epoxy ponder coated (FBE), (CPeawame [water ENSpee. STS Body Cast ton ewatioi | agritatas class 8 | ‘Siz Hole Fee Flow Area Cover ‘castkon Sey rat | sm = : [pate oo om De Semen | Suries Seat | sores | Aistand —| Notes: Design nd material are subject to change without natin Gasket | Teton sGzapnte | Comma ‘enna a : cast kon ewatiow | ASTNAI26 cass Sia we ao too fas Tao t Bas [es _[ ae ae] aro | 5a H 2} Fae is] ase gam | as fame | war [90a Pig 1 ae ie oe te fe Pe fe fe | | ee a 16 \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, 343-167 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECTY 4PY UNITED KINGDOM ‘Tere 207 256.7777 Ema: ifo@wetovaive com We: wom wehovele.com GLOBE VALVE Size DN50-DN300 FIG - 6123A(JIS10K), FIG - 6123B(PN16) as «+ Valves comply with EN13769, MSS SP-65 + Metal seat, + Adjustable stem seal + Packing eplaceabie under pressure + Flange end J1S10K (F16.6123), PNI6 (F16.61298) + Face to face langthin accordance with ENSSE-1 basle series 10 and ASME 1816.10-2000. # tobar (FIG 61234) + 16bar (FI6.61238) sac 120% + Intomally and external liquid epcry panted Notes: Design and material are subject to change without note, [PartName | Matra EN Spee AST Spec Body" ‘ston ENE 1040 “ASTMAT26 Ginss 6 Bonnet Coston ENIL 1040 ‘ASTMAI26 Cees 8 —| Body Ti Sronee Enioez CcisiK | ASTM B62 ca2600 Dise Trim, Bronze: Ento62 COAST | —ASTat a2 C600 Dice" aston ENSLIOI | ASTMA126 Cis B Stem | Sismess steel | 6570 ans? S420 Peeking Graphie Non asbestos Hon ssboeos| Gaskst ‘Graphite Neasbestos Nonssbesos| Yore Bushing| Bross (Cuzns5Pes STH 816 C36000 Handwhest_ [Cast ron ENON TASTHA'25 Css B 145-197 ST JOHN STREET. LONDON, EC1Y 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel:+44(0)207 2557777 E-msitinfodwelvavecm Webs wn movaie com 7 BALL VALVE Size DN15-DN200 FIG - 4103-Comply with MSS standard += Valves comply wih DININEIMSS SP-72. + Lom operating lorque. + Actuator-ready with top flange in accordance to 1S0521%-1 «+ Flange end PNS6 + t6bar 1000 206 «+ ntrnally and extern ligld epoxy painted Notes: Desgn and materi ane subject o change wihaut not. [Component] Matera | —EN'Spec. | ASTHSpe. ody —Duale en | ~EN=19 1050 | ASTM AS06 65-4572 Endcap” | Duet ron —| ~eNa1050_[ ASTWASO6 6246-12 Ball | Stiiees Stal_[BSH7O 04516 NSI3D4 ‘Siom_—| Stonlses Stel [BSH70 i815] AISI3D4 i Boy Seat [ten Grashta | -Conmersal | Conmercal [Pacing [Teton + Grapato | —Conmersal_| Commercial | ic ‘Ging | EPDM Vion | Gammel Stopper | Sienges Stel | BS070 304515 Handle | -catton Stes I i AE an Sa a | oe ane Ee ces | tee rar | tao] tes [reo _[ os ap [asa | 0 iW a a AT TE Wouhtgay[—2 [32 41 | 5 | es [8 a a WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 18 Tel-+48(0) 207 2587777 Ei fogwelovave.com Web: ww wotvave.com BASKET STRAINER Size DN 50-DN600 FG -7105(PN16), 7108(PN25) + Flange ene! PNG (Fig. 7105) + Flange end PNZ5 (Fig. 7108) + Wong Press 18a (7108) + Wor Pressure 26 (i710) + 0c 1200 i 100% 600 an cy Panama Tawa] EN ee TTS = 75 eaten ERIN | Avs Gane. 7 Datieon | exe | ASE a) Donte ron | enasioe@ | astbeease ee ‘aines Soot | BoH7e 2087S Stab | a 7 ‘esther | enstiono | nta5 Omer se 145-187 ST JOHN STREET. LONDON, ECIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM “Tel:s48(0)207 2567777 E-mal:togweraive.com Wed wn.nellovale com \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, 18 NRS GATE VALVE , METAL SEALED Size DN50-DN600 FIG - 3124(PN25)-Stainless Steel Stem EEE he + Valves comply with EN1171-2002, SS SP-70. + Meta seat. «+ nego stom sore + Adjustable oom seal + Aaliable win handwhnee or gearbox (bevel ar spur gearbox). «+ Flange ond PN2S “+ Face ofan lng in acnrdanoe wih ENS basic sees 9 and ASME 816.10-2000, 1 2sbar for ENIT71 valves + 3005s for MSS SP-70 valve size "te 12° + 2509s for MSS SP-T0 valve size 14°and above = ane = 5 ae ae eo ee ee EE wcoiwe ret scan ec (SRR a ae oe ae + Inside and euside quid epoxy panting T N25 2 25 257 ca 30. aa 2 32 88 250 35, 356 6. 2 750 Wopen) a ‘iia WEFLOVALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 S7 JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 20 Tel 2440] 207 256 7777 E-mail inlo@wetaivcom Web: wie wstlovsve com OS&Y GATE VALVE , METAL SEALED Size DN50-DN600 FIG . 3114(PN25)-Stainless Stee! Stem «Valves comply with €N1171-2002 , MSS SP-70, + Metal cot. * Outside stem screw, + Adjustable etm seal + Packing replaceable under pressure, + Available wih handwhee or gearbox (bevel or spur gearbox). «+ Flange end PN25 + Face to face length n accordance with ENSSB- basic eros 3 and ‘ASME 81610-2000 + 25bar for ENII71 valves 1 300ps! for MSS SP-70 vaive size 20 12" + 250psifor MSS SP-70 vave size {4'and above PartName | — Matera EN Spe. ‘ASTM Spec. ‘Body | Duetlo ron | ENIS110S0 —| ASTIIASSG 45-2 Boy Trin EWis#2 CoA0TK | ASTM BaD Gaosod Wedge Te =| ENt982 cosa | ASTM Be Gsoe00 “Wedge. ENNSLTOH__ | ASTMAIZG Class 8 | Yose nt Eivioez CoAoTK | ASTI BGE C3NE00 ‘Stem | Staness sis | aS970 a205q7 AIS1420 Bonnet | Castro NNO | ASTMATZS Clas Co + Intorally and externaty igus spony painted, Shuing 8x | Cae ron ENL1O40 | ASTM Ata Class 8) Packing | Graphte | Nen-asbestos | Ner-sobestos Handwheel | Cast ron ENaioco | ASTIMAII Class ss10°Cw 120° Notes: Design ant matral are subject to change winout nates. a0 ce 2a aa "fe “0 90. 36 zo eo ‘SD 57 2 Fay 145.157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECIV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel:+44(0)207 2567777 E-mat: nfogwstorave.com Web: wiw.welovaive.com 2 SWING CHECK VALVE AG - 5101A(JIS10K), 5101B(PN16) + Valves comply wth EN 12384, 895152, MSS SP-71 or AWWA C508, «= Globe shop te provide ful low wth lw pressure drop, «= Suitable for mounting in horizontal and vertical poston (with vertical ow upward), «+ Flange ond St0K( Fig 51014, PATER 51078) + (Other type avallable on request) + 106ar(Fgst0t4) + 10Bar(Fa.51010) + 10°C to 120°C for Bronze Materials EN Spee. ASTIN Spee, caste EnaLtot@ | ASTIMATIG Clase 8 ‘cae kon eRuLioW | ASTAIZ® Cass Brass cuzaores | asTuaias cee0n0 ‘Stale Stat | 55970420857 xiao Duetiewon | eNSIos0 | ASTINASIG 654512 Coston ENsLiow® | ASTHAI2S Class eta Een eee es ‘+ Inirally and extrnaly qua epoxy panies or fusion bonded epony eNtone ceamiK | _ASTIMB62 ca9800 powder coated (FBE}, Nonasbass Nenasbestos Notes: Design and material are subject to change whhout notice, a 2083 ra 15 |WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, ECV 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 2 “elss4a()207 256 7777 Ema: fdwevave com Web: wwnaweloaie.com SWING CHECK VALVE AIG - 5101-25 be ‘+ Valves comply with EN 12334, 885153, MSS SP-71 or AWWA C508. + Globe shope te provide ul lw with iow pressure drop. * Sultble for mounting in hsizontl and vertical positon (with veical lw upward + Flange end P25 + (Other type availabe on reauest + Size 60mm—600mm 25841 + Size Somm—300mm 20800 + 10°C to 120°C for Brenze or EPOM di tm 1+ 10°C to 82°C for NAR aac tin PartName | Matarile EN Spec, astm spec. | Body | Ductieken | ENUSTIOSO | ASTWVASHO 45-12 | Cover | Destioien | ENvSHOGO | _ASTINASQOASI2 | siePing | sane cuzssores | ASTWIAI26 638000 Hanger Fin | Stanless Stat | pse70 «20897 si «20 | Hanger | Dvciiokon | ewasioso | ASTWASIG e6a5t2 | [ie castton | envio | ASTINATZS Clas | ve cy MB TL + Interelly end externally auld epoxy painted or fusion bonds epoxy EPDUNER | Conmec Commer oe eee feel Body Trin | sone | ewimzccenne | ASTiae2 cameo tT Notes: Design and material are subjoe to change without notice Casket | Grapite | NonAsbects | Novasbosics 00 05 | ‘600 | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, Tel:+440) 207 2587777 E:mal:nto@weflovave com Wet: wnw.msfevare com 2 Y-STRAINER ‘Size DN50-DN600 AG-7102-PN25 ‘| NPT or BSPT blowot outlet on cover. Blowoff outs are finished wth > ato perforated 204 tans steel wth spot welded seam, + Recessed seat in body assures accurate soon alignent {+ Flange end PN25; | WRAS approved «+ Size Somm—so0mn 2580" + Size 6omm—300mm 3083" = 10°C 10 120°C + Iniernally and externally liquid epexy painted or fusion bonded epoxy powser coated (FBS), Pat Name | Matra “AST Spee. Body Deaton ASTINAS 654512 Sie Hole Dia, Free Flow Ara ucts on ‘ASTMASS 65.4512 DRO to 60 “is 3% NAO to 600 aim 20% ‘Sines Stee sts Notes: Design and materia are subject fo change without notice, Teton rapt | Commer Cone fe eae: uwtieten | enutsosa | AsTWasaeesast2 WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. | 145-157 ST JOHIN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 24 Tel:e44(0) 207 2567777 E-mai: nfogreivave.com We mw walovale com GLOBE VALVE Size DN50-DN300 “+ Motal seat ‘+ Adjustable stom seal «+ Flange end PN2S 16.10-2000. + Size Somm—800mm 258ar + Size 60mm 300mm 3089" +10 1200 + Packing replaceable under pressure FIG - 6123(PN25)-Stainless Steel Stem i i t “ Vatves comply wth EN13786, MSS SP-8. *+ Face to face enh n accordance wth ENSS2- basi series 10 and ASME * Inimally ard externally iui epcry palate, Notes: Design and material are subject to change without natin = EN Spee ‘ASTIN Spee, Dect ron ENIST1050| ASTHASSE 45-12 Duct ion ENIS11050| ASTIUASIG AEE ‘Bronze Entee2 CCST | ASTI RE2 GR3600 ‘Sronze Entse2.cca01K | ASTI Be? C3000 Dect ron ENS T050 ‘ASIINASIE AE [= stem | Siainiess test | —st70 «20837 AS14209, + [Peeking | ——“Grante Non asbestos Nonasbesios Gasket Greette Notresbestos Notsabestos Vole Bushing] Brass cuzns9P3, ST B16 C3600 andwheel| Cast en ENILION0 "ASTM A726 Cass 8 Bao woo ‘pyaso [ON] I a Ts 244 2 = "a0 — | as ez co en 8. 335 28 38 os cH 0) 72 0 (Pos 190. 1% 10. Ea 35 305 35 00 457 (Wigner 2 2 s co 0 150 Zs ue 145-187 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM Tel:t4e0) 207 258 7777 smal nfo@weTotalvecom Web: wwefoval. com \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, 25 “Valves comply with ENSBS, 8S515, MSS SP-87 + Roplaceabie rubber liner fr size DNSO to ONSOD «+ Vuleenized robber ier for size DN950 to DNGOO, + With locating holes for easier installation and centring + Acetorready wit op-tange in accordance with ISOS2114 + Hanate or gearbox operate, + Flange ond PNIE = RAS approved. + rebar + 10°C to 120°C fo EPOM inet 10°C 282°C for NBR ner 40°C to 180°C for Viton ner « Intomaly and exemaly iq epoxy oF fusion bonded opony powder cote (FRE) Notes: Design and material are subject to change without notice. WAFER BUTTERFLY VALVE Size DN50-DN600 FG - 2302(PN16)-SS Disc, FIG - 2304(PN16)-DI Disc fxn] aii epee | AST) Boar Cae EnatO10_[ASTANS chs Sha ‘Sunes Sed ences] sisi = Sires Se aoeroaoesis | Avot ore ise [pcaciae nena Pande HE rvd|—ENSOSD [AST ASO C5452 Bache. tre ‘Conmecl | — Conner im OUNERAEN Ccotmerc_| correc Oia PEIN ‘ormersd[ —Gonencar eae [ose a a me ee a a a ET © a a io Sf ap po goa eas soe sano Fa £ sof se st ste | oo | ons | ms | | on foo | er | Et Sse fans Laer ast | aos [Tang [sons [ass | sons | ass | ss | oon [a att ax Tat Baa? hat 348, ee eee eee [ae |e Tene ete wes oe | ee eo) ee go | ass | aes | eer To 1 tons [oes | ze WEFLOVALVECOMPANY LID. | 145-157 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 26 {aleosa() 207 2667777 E-railnfoGwoflovave.om Web: wnwetivalve.com WAFER SILENT CHECK VALVE ‘Size DN50-DN350 FIG - 5312(PN16)-SS 1 The cesign Is for liquid service and offers many obvious advantages hen compared with conventional swing check valve * Spring automaticaly lose tac at 260 tow bofore flaw reversal ocurs This prvents surge and water name, * Completly guided aise bot top and bottom, * Sof sealed for porfecttighinoss even at ow diferent pressure “+ Fangs end PNIG 110°C to 120°C for EPDM seat O-ring + 10°C to 82°C for NOR coat O-ring + 10°C to 180°C for vitn seat Ong * Intenaly and externally quid epoxy painted or fusion bonded epoxy Powder coated (FB), atone ENSpec. | _ ABTA Spee EWL1000 | A128 Clee Ssnees See SOTO 304518_| A354 CF9 Bronze Evten2 co¥9iK | 662 Cove Seaies Stak Bee70s0%615 | _AI61 OFB Boone ENTet2 coasix | 6x2 CaR600 Baines Sie aso7aso0si5 | aisiaoa visez coaoik | Bz caseoa Slane Sie ‘sse7osmesis | AlSI308 Notes: in Ductile ron constuction for PN2S of Cla83260. EPOMNBR Von ‘Conca —| Comers Design and material ae subject te change without nace. 200 108 Be 145-187 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. Tel:e4d() 207 256 7777 E-malnfo@wefovalve com Web: wun.wflvae cn ea + Inside sero, no-sing stem ‘+ EPOM coated ok for size DNSO to DN200, DN260 and DN00, valves aro SS904 disk wih costed EPDM sealed sng. + Back senting feature. + Conbe setin conunetion with tow char + Two tes plats located on each vai. + Flange end P16 + Groove to Metric or AWWA C008 standard + Face to face length accordance with ENSSE! basic soles 1 A0°C 9 120° «+ Inlemally and exteraly auld epoxy painted or fusion bonded epoxy powser coated (FBE). Notes: Design and material are subject to change without nti, BALANCING VALVE ‘Size DN50-DN300 PN16 FIG - 1209(PN16)Flanged End le Partners Mat EN Spee. ‘AST Spee. Boy ‘But ton EN-JS1050 [ASTM AS36 65-46-12 ‘pe | DNED-200 EPDM Cosied EN ISIOS0 ‘ASTM ASOG 6545-12 1DN250.300 ‘Sas Soa with Costed EPO Sealed Ri sero 24515 ‘951 CF ise Nut Bisse (CuZn39P05, ASTM B16. €36005, Sten ‘Sainess Stal ‘aso70 420837 ANSI 420 ‘ORing EPO ‘Commas Commerc Bonnet Ductle tom EN.IS1050 STMASIS 65.<5°2 Gesket ‘EPOH. Common Commer Handwhesl Ducts ton ENSIC80 ASTM ASG 65452 Size 6 6 fo 400 rr 150 200 250 300, L 230 200 310 50 400 a0 600 720 50 H 250 235 308 225 368 eo 455) 354 68 3 “80 0 10 80 280, 260 280 a0 450. co ws | Ta0re, a9 Fag | eerie | ies ness | 28 ara me Weight) | 12 7 285 2 o 25 100, 6 318 \WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD, 145-187 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM 28 Tels s44(0} 207 2587777 Esl: [email protected] Web: wi rovaive.con WAFER DOUBLE DOOR CHECK VALVE Size DN50-DN350 iG - 5306(PN16) + The shor! face to face dimension and compact design ofthis valve alow Installation and service in ight spaces, + Spring asisod for bettor dynamic behaviour, + Soft soa for perfec tighinass even at low atferenta pressure + Flange end PNIG + WRAS approval | of — + 10°C 1 120°C for EPOM coat © + 10°C 19 82°C for NBR seat + 10°C to 150°C for itn st EW Spec. ENILIOOD Connect sav 20837 ‘e970 420637 elena + Internally and extornally quid epoxy painted or fusion bonded SHO SOASTS ‘epoxy ponder coated (FE), Commerc Commerc Note a ‘ANSI 1258 Flange | Wi0022 PHIB Flange roel 02. i 16 72 15 2 i a1 32 i a1 1 or 1 75 Zao zr 0 or m2 az Sr = 2s a2 rm 196 554 735 5. 2 76 102 ar S46 co ele a e|e eee alsale| & 1445-187 ST JOHN STREET, LONDON, EC1V 4PY UNITED KINGDOM | WEFLO VALVE COMPANY LTD. “el:#44(0)207 2667777 Ema ifoBwatovalva.com Hab: wmiwatiovete.com 2

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