Bard - Guide

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Creating a Bard in Dungeon World: A Step-by-Step Guide

Bards are charismatic performers, storytellers, and musicians who

use their talents to entertain, inspire, and manipulate those
around them. With their silver tongues and magical melodies,
Bards wield the power of words and music to charm, deceive, and
dazzle their audiences

Step 1: Choose Your Race

Select a race for your Bard character, considering the various

racial traits and abilities that each race offers. Bards can come
from diverse backgrounds, with races like Humans, Elves, and
Hal ings all providing unique advantages that can complement
your character's abilities

Step 2: Determine Ability Scores

Assign ability scores to your Bard character using the standard

array or by rolling dice. Focus on abilities that align with your
character's talents and skills, such as Charisma for performance
and social interactions, Dexterity for agility and nesse, and
Intelligence for knowledge and lore

Step 3: Choose a Look

De ne your Bard's appearance and demeanor by selecting

options from the Look section of the Bard playbook. Consider
aspects such as clothing, instruments, demeanor, and
background, and use them to esh out your character's
personality and style

Step 4: Select Starting Moves



Choose starting moves for your Bard character from the list
provided in the Bard playbook. These moves represent your
character's talents, skills, and magical abilities. Consider your
character concept and playstyle when making your selections,
and choose moves that re ect your vision for your Bard

Some recommended starting moves for a Bard include

• Arcane Art: Use your musical talents to weave magic into

your performances, inspiring your allies or confounding your
enemies with your mesmerizing melodies.

• Charming and Open: Use your natural charisma and charm

to manipulate and persuade others, gaining valuable
information or in uencing their behavior.

• Eldritch Tones: Tap into the arcane power of music to cast

spells and manipulate the fabric of reality, unleashing
magical effects through the power of your voice or

• A Tune in the Heart: Play a song that resonates with the

emotions of those who hear it, stirring feelings of love,
courage, or despair in your audience.

• Vicious Cacophony: Create a cacophony of dissonant

sounds that overwhelms your enemies' senses, leaving them
vulnerable to your allies' attacks.

Step 5: Choose an Instrument

Select a musical instrument for your Bard character, choosing

from options such as a lute, ute, or drum. Your instrument will be

a central tool of your Bardic abilities, allowing you to perform

magical melodies and enchanting songs to in uence the world
around you

Step 6: De ne Bonds

Establish bonds with other player characters and NPCs to de ne

your Bard's relationships and connections within the game world.
Bonds represent the ties that bind your character to others and
can be used to drive role-playing interactions and character
development throughout the campaign


Creating a Bard character in Dungeon World allows you to

embody the archetype of the charismatic performer and magical
troubadour. By following these steps and making thoughtful
choices during character creation, you can create a Bard
character that is unique, dynamic, and ready to enchant and
inspire those around them. Whether you're performing for adoring
crowds, uncovering ancient lore, or charming your way out of
trouble, your Bard character will be a captivating addition to any
adventuring party


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