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1.Out of mentioned below, which is not the output of management?
(a) Desired results (b) Goal achievement
(c) Technology (d) Status in market
2.Getting the things done from others is called as
(a) Management (b) Adjustment
(c) Organization (d) Management
3. What is management?
(a) It is a science (b) It is an art
(c) both (a) and (b) are wrong (d) both (a) and (b) are correct
4.Out of mentioned below, which is not the input of management?
(a) Human resources (b) Financial resources
(c) Growth (d) Technology
5.When there is no management, then what will not happen?
(a) Overlapping of duties (b) Wastages of resources
(c) Poor functioning of executives (d) mature work culture
6. Management is there from
(a) After 1700 (b) after 1800
(c) After 1900 (d)Historical period
7. Match the pairs:
1. Adam Smith (i) Need Hierarchy
2. F.W. Taylor (ii) Economics
3. Maslow (iii) Principles of Management
4. Henry Fayol (iv) Scientific Management

(a) 1-(ii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(iii) (b) 1-(ii), 2-(iii), 3-(iv), 4-(1)
(c) 1-(iv), 2-(iii), 3-(1), 4-(1) (d) 1-(iv), 2-(i), 3-(ii), 4-(iii)
8. Management is getting the things done by others" is said by--
a) Henry Fayol b)drucker
c) Merry d) Fayol
9.Why plan fails?
a) Lack of knowledge. b) Insufficient data
c) Over confidence d) All are correct
10.Techniques not used for control function are
a) CPM b) PERT
c) Audit d) budget
11.which organization is temporary in nature?
a) Line b) Staff
c) Line And Staff d) Project
12.Ability to adjust, change, bend is ----------?
a) Flexibility b) balance
c) Stability d) Ability
13. Organization skill comes under
a) Technical b)conceptual
c) Human relation d) None
14. Effective utilization of human resource is object of
1) finance 2) HRM
3) Operations 4) Marketing
15. Who plan capacity of machine?
a) Operator b) Supervisor
c) CEO d)Quality Inspector
16.While Allotting work to workers what information is not important?
a) Qualification b) skills
c) Abilities d) Specializes
17.Following qualities are not required in organizing skills of supervisor
a) Planning b) decision making
c) Financial knowledge d) Time management
18.____________ is a financial statement prepared and approved prior to a defined period
of time
a) Audit b) control charts
c) Budget d) orders of payment
19.Machine load chart is not doing this
a) Check the feasibility of production
b) Assist the efficient planning
c) Traning of operators
d) fixing of reliable delivery
20. Good relations in a group helps to
a) Increase comfort level
b) closeness
c) Friendships
d) only a) is more correct
21.Supervisor fails to plan if
a) He is not dynamic b) he is not educated
c) He Is Not Popular d) he is not senior
22.Supervisor plans budget on-expenses and manager plans budeget on expenses
a) Small, Large b) Large, small
c) External, Internal d) None Of Above
23. Customer orientation, integrated effort viability are the basis elements of?
a) Production management
c) Marketing management
24.Leadership skill Come under
a) Technical
c) Human relations
25.Control system having feedback is
a) Reverse system b) feedback control
c) Open loop system d) closed loop system
26. First step in decision-making is------
a) Recognize the problem b)Evalution
c) Analysis d) Finding out alternative
27.Which of the following is the advantage of effective decision-making?
a) No delays b) Quick actions
c) No confusion d) All are correct
28.Employees get energized due to
a) Controlling b) Planning
c) Motivation d) Decision-making
29.Following is not the principle of management.
a) Initiative b) Scalar chain
c) Staffing d) Responsibility
30. When many functions are controlled by a central authority, it is called as
(a) Authority (b) Management
(c) Discipline (d) Centralization
31. gives power in the hands of center.
(a) Discipline (b) Centralization
(c) Authority (d)
32. Remuneration is not based on
(a)Performance (b) Responsibility
(c) Emotions (d) Designation
33. Requirement of remuneration is not
(a) It must be in time
(b) Employee satisfaction
(c)Higher performance-higher remuneration
(d) Based on reference and contacts
34.Following is not the characteristic of management.
a) Catalyst b) goal oriented
c)Authority d) Acceptance
35. Organization skill comes under________
a) Technical b) conceptual
c) Human Relations d) none
36. sales cannot be promoted by________
a) advertisement b) personal selling
c) Design d) sales promotion
37. staff includes_________
a) selection b) Training
c) Promotions d) All the above
38. Good relations in a group helps to______
a) Increase comfort level b) closeness
c) Friendships d) All
39. while selecting machines , what kind of information is not necessary to supervisor?
a) Total machines b)Cycle time
c) Operations required d) Maintenance standards
40.Following are mentioned few duties which is not the duty of management?
(a) To keep stability (b) To motivate staff
(c) To reduce wastages (d) To do manufacturing

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