Tabel Chi-Square

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Appendix 571

TABLE 3 Percentage
points of the chi-
square distribution

d.f. a= .9(X)

I 0.0000393 0.000157r 0.0009821 0.0039321 0.0r5790ri

2 0.0100251 0.0201007 0.0506356 0.102587 0.210720
3 0.0717212 0.114832 0.2L5795 0.351846 0.584375
4 0.206990 0.297110 0.4u419 0.770721 1.063623

5 0.4t1740 0.554300 0.831211 1.L45476 1.61031

6 0.675727 0.872085 1.237347 1.63539 2.20413
7 0.98926s 1.239043 1.68987 2.t6735 2.83317
8 r.344419 1.U6482 2.17973 2.73264 3.48954
9 t.734926 2.087912 2.7U39 3.325t1 4.16816

10 2.15585 2.55821 3.24697 3.94030 4.86518

l1 2.@321 3.05347 3.81575 4.5748r 5.57779
72 3.07382 3.57056 4.40379 5.22603 6.30380
L3 3.s6503 4.10691 5.00874 5.89186 7.04150
L4 4.07468 4.66043 5.62872 6.s7063 7.78953

15 4.6W94 s.22935 6.26214 7.26094 8.54675

16 5.t4224 5.87227 6.90766 7.96164 9.31223
L7 5.69724 6.40776 7.5&18 8.67176 10.0852
18 6.2@81 7.0t491 8.23075 9.39046 10.8649
19 6.84398 7.63273 8.90655 10.1170 11.6509

20 7.43386 8.26040 9.59083 10.8508 t2.4426

2t 8.03366 8.89720 r0.28293 11.5913 13.2396
22 8.U272 9.54249 10.9823 12.3380 14.0415
23 9.26042 10.19567 1 1.6885 13.0905 t4.8479
24 9.8sozs 10.8564 12.4OLL 13.8484 15.6587

25 10.5197 11.5240 13.LL97 L4.6174 16.4734

26 11.1603 12.1981 13.8439 15.379r 17.2919
27 11.8076 12.8786 14.5733 16.1513 18.1138
28 12.46t3 13.5648 1s.3079 16.9279 18.9392
29 t3.t277 14.256s t6.047t 17.7083 19.7677

30 13.7867 14.9535 16.7908 18.4926 20.5992

40 20.7065 22.1643 24.4331 26.5093 29.0505
50 27.9907 29.7067 32.3574 34.7642 37.6886
60 35.5346 37.4848 Q.4817 43.t879 46.4589

70 43.2752 45.4418 48.7576 51.7393 55.3290

80 5t.1720 53.s400 s7.t532 60.3915 u.n78
90 59.1963 6t.754t 65.&66 69.1260 73.2912
100 67.3276 70.0648 74.22t9 77.9295 82.3581

TABLE 3 (continued)

a=.10 a=.05 a= .O25 a= .010 a= .lX)5 , d.f.

2.70554 3.84146 5.02389 6.63490 7.87944 I
4.60517 s.ssfut 7.37776 9.21034 10.5966 )
6.25139 7.8t473 9.34840 tL.3449 12.8381 3
7.77944 9.48773 1 1.1433 13.2767 14.8602 4

9.2363s 11.0705 t2.8325 15.0863 t6.7496 5

10.u46 L2.5976 14.M94 16.8119 18.5476 6
12.0770 14.M7L 16.0128 18.4753 20.2777 7
13.3616 15.s073 17.5346 20.w02 21.9550 8
14.6837 16.9190 19.0228 21.6fi 23.5893 9

15.9871 18.3070 20.4831 23.2093 25.1882 10

17.2750 19.6751 2t.9200 24.7250 26.7569 11
18.5494 2t.v26l 23.3367 26.2170 28.2995 t2
19.8119 22.362t 24.7356 n.6883 29.8194 13
21.0642 23.6848 26.1790 29.14t3 31.3193 t4
22.3072 24.9958 27.488r'. 30.5779 32.80t3 l5
23.54t8 26.2962 28.8r''54 31.9999 34.2672 l6
24.7690 27.587L 30.1910 33.4087 35.7185 17
25.9894 28.8693 31.5264 34.8053' 37.t5& 18
27.2036 30.1435 32.8523 36.1908 38.5822 t9
28.4120 3t.4tM 34.1696 37.5662 39.9968 20
29.6t51 32.6705 35.4789 38.9321 41.4010 27
30.8133 33.9244 36.7807 40.2894 42.7956 ))
32.m,69 35.1725 38.0757 41.6384 4.1813 23
33.1963 36.4151 39.364t 42.9798 45.5585 24

34.3816 37.6525 40.&65 4.3141 46.9278 25

35.5631 38.8852 4t.9232 45.6/.17 8.2899 26
36.7412 4A.Lt33 43.t9/,4 46.9630 49.&49 2'7
37.9159 4t.3372 44.4607 48.2782 50.9933 28
39.087s 4.5569 45.7222 49.5879 52.3356 29

40.2560 43.7729 46.9792 50.8922 53.6720 30

51.8050 5s.7585 59.34t7 63.6907 66.76s9 40
63.1671 67.5048 71.4202 76.t539 79.4900 50
74.3970 79.0819 83.2976 88.3794 91.95t7 60

85.5271 %.s3t2 95.0231 too.425 104.215 70

96.5782 101.879 106.629 ttz.3?s Lt6.32t 80
107.565 113.145 118.136 t24.tt6 128.299 90
118.498 t24.342 129.56r 135.807 ll().169 100

From "Tables of the Percentage Points of the f-Distributioq" Biometika,Vol. 32 (1941), pp.
188-189, by Catherine M. Thompson. Reproduced-by permission of the Biometr*a Trustees.

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