Theeboom Et Al - Does Coaching Work - Ameta-Analysis

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Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects

of coaching on individual level outcomes in an
organizational context
a a a
Tim Theeboom , Bianca Beersma & Annelies E.M. van Vianen
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam,
Weesperplein 4, 1018 XA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Published online: 13 Sep 2013.

To cite this article: Tim Theeboom, Bianca Beersma & Annelies E.M. van Vianen (2014) Does coaching work? A meta-analysis
on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context, The Journal of Positive Psychology:
Dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice, 9:1, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2013.837499

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The Journal of Positive Psychology, 2013
Vol. 9, No. 1, 1–18,

Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes
in an organizational context
Tim Theeboom*, Bianca Beersma and Annelies E.M. van Vianen
Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Weesperplein 4, 1018 XA, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
(Received 12 February 2013; accepted 15 August 2013)

Whereas coaching is very popular as a management tool, research on coaching effectiveness is lagging behind.
Moreover, the studies on coaching that are currently available have focused on a large variety of processes and outcome
measures and generally lack a firm theoretical foundation. With the meta-analysis presented in this article, we aim to
shed light on the effectiveness of coaching within an organizational context. We address the question whether coaching
has an effect on five both theoretically and practically relevant individual-level outcome categories: performance/skills,
well-being, coping, work attitudes, and goal-directed self-regulation. The results show that coaching has significant posi-
tive effects on all outcomes with effect sizes ranging from g = 0.43 (coping) to g = 0.74 (goal-directed self-regulation).
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These findings indicate that coaching is, overall, an effective intervention in organizations.
Keywords: coaching; coaching effectiveness; coaching interventions; coaching outcomes; meta-analysis

Introduction benefits that coaching potentially has for organizations

The use of coaching methodologies as a means of (Leonard-Cross, 2010). Thus, whereas coaching is very
enhancing performance and development in organizations popular as a management tool and organizations are
has increased substantially over the last two decades. apparently willing to pay large amounts of money for it,
Since its foundation in 1995, the International Coach an empirical review of coaching effectiveness is lagging
Federation (ICF) has seen its member count grow to over (Bozer & Sarros, 2012).
20,000 members in over 100 countries in 2012 (ICF, In addition, most studies on coaching are conducted
2012) and the total annual revenue from coaching is esti- by practitioners. While these studies can provide
mated at roughly $2 billion globally (ICF, 2012). Coach- valuable insights, most practitioners are not trained in
ing can be defined as a ‘result-oriented, systematic research methods. As a result, validated outcome mea-
process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement sures are seldom used and the studies generally lack a
of life experience and goal-attainment in the personal firm theoretical foundation (Grant, 2013). Consequently,
and/or professional lives of normal, non-clinical clients’ extant research on coaching has focused on a large vari-
(Grant, 2003, p. 254). ety of processes and outcome measures (Latham, 2007)
While coaching is often considered as a useful tool and this disjointed state of the literature on coaching
for individual and organizational development (Grant, hinders the establishment of a theoretical framework for
Passmore, Cavanagh, & Parker, 2010), the lack of a sys- future research (Spence & Oaedes, 2011; Sue-Chan &
tematic empirical review of research on the outcomes of Latham, 2004).
coaching makes it prone to skepticism regarding its All in all, there is a strong need for a quantitative
effectiveness (Bono, Purvanova, Towler, & Peterson, summary and integration of existing coaching research.
2009; Bozer & Sarros, 2012). This skepticism seems To date, several good literature reviews, rather than
valid in the light of the high costs of coaching. In a sur- empirical reviews, have been published (Brock, 2008;
vey completed by 428 coaches, Bono et al. (2009) found Feldman & Lankau, 2005; Grant, 2001; Grant & Cava-
that the average hourly fee for coaches was $237. Har- nagh, 2004; Grant, Passmore, et al., 2010; Kampa-Kok-
vard Business Review even stated that ‘coaches aren’t esch & Anderson, 2001; Passmore & Fillery-Travis,
monks bound to a vow of poverty, and they can earn up 2011). To our knowledge only De Meuse, Dai, and Lee
to $3500 an hour’ (Couto & Kauffman, 2009, p. 1). (2009) conducted a quantitative review. Their review
However, the current literature on coaching is inconclu- assessed the success of coaching in terms of its return on
sive on whether these high financial costs outweigh the investment (ROI). Although ROI can be an indicator of

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

© 2013 Taylor & Francis

2 T. Theeboom et al.

the effectiveness of coaching as a change methodology, more recent literatures have gradually moved towards a
it also has some serious limitations which we will generally accepted definition of coaching. Kilburg (1996)
discuss below. originally defined coaching of executives in organiza-
With the meta-analysis we present in this article, we tions as ‘a helping relationship between a managerial-
aim to provide a comprehensive quantitative review and client and a consultant that follows a formally defined
to answer the question: Does coaching1 work when coaching agreement’. Grant (2003) transformed this
provided in an organizational context by professionally definition into a more general one and defined coaching
trained coaches? Furthermore, by means of a systematic as a ‘result-oriented, systematic process in which the
review and integration of the types of coaching outcomes coach facilitates the enhancement of life experience and
that were included in prior studies, we aim to give an goal-attainment in the personal and/or professional life of
initial impetus to further theoretical development of normal, non-clinical clients’ (p. 254).
coaching research. That is, by organizing coaching This latter definition encompasses several important
outcomes that emerge from the literature into meaningful features, namely: it can be applied to a multitude of
categories, we aim to enable future studies to build on or coaching domains (e.g. personal coaching and organiza-
extend theory that explains the paths and processes that tion coaching) and coaches (executive and non-execu-
lead to these different categories of outcomes. tive), it emphasizes the self-directedness of the coaching
process, and it recognizes coaching as a systematic
process rather than just being empathic and ‘having good
Coaching conversations’ (Leonard-Cross, 2010). Furthermore,
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Coaching has its roots in a multitude of disciplines, although the differences and similarities between coach-
including philosophy, sociology, anthropology, sports, ing and therapy are still a topic of debate (Bono et al.,
communication science and even natural sciences (Brock, 2009; Brunning, 2006; Hart, Blattner, & Leipsic, 2001),
2008). However, in terms of the number of articles Grant’s (2003) definition of coaching distinguishes
published in peer-reviewed journals, sub-disciplines of coaching from therapy by its focus on a non-clinical
psychology have shown to be the most fruitful areas of population.
research on coaching (Grant, Passmore, et al., 2010).
Initially, most of the research on coaching was conducted
within areas such as sports psychology (e.g. Gallwey, Coaching effectiveness: beyond return of investment
1974; Whitmore, 1992) and clinical psychology (e.g. measures
Berg & Szabo, 2005; De Shazer, 1988). More recently, The literature on coaching has grown exponentially in
research on coaching has particularly flourished in two the last 15 years. Whereas only 93 articles were
strongly related areas of psychology that emerged within published in the years between 1937 and 1999, the total
the last two decades: positive psychology (Seligman & number of articles and dissertations on coaching reached
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000) and coaching psychology 634 in 2011 (Grant, 2013) and the number has been stea-
(Passmore, 2010). dily growing ever since. However, the bulk of articles
Positive psychology focuses on studying three aspects still consists of descriptive papers and/or case studies as
that constitute the scientific notion of happiness: positive well as practitioner articles primarily aimed at emphasiz-
emotion, meaning, and engagement (Seligman, 2007). ing the benefits of certain coaching interventions (De
Coaching psychology focuses on studying behavior, Meuse et al., 2009).
cognition, and emotion within coaching practice to deepen Additionally, this predominantly practitioner-
understanding of coaching processes and to enhance generated research has resulted in an overemphasis on
coaching techniques (Passmore, 2010). While there are ROI measures. ROI as a measure of coaching effective-
some debates about how these areas of research are related ness is appealing because it provides some direct insight
to each other (some authors see coaching psychology as a into the tangible benefits of coaching interventions
sub-discipline or an applied form of positive psychology; (Fillery-Travis & Lane, 2006; Leonard-Cross, 2010).
e.g. Grant & Cavanagh, 2007), both areas share their However, the ROI measure has some serious limitations.
focus on performance enhancement, positive aspects of For instance, the factors included in the most frequently
human nature, and the strengths of individuals (Linley & used calculation of the ROI metric (benefits – costs/
Harrington, 2005). Therefore, positive psychology seems costs × 100) are highly idiosyncratic and tend to ignore
to offer a robust framework for researching coaching and context variables such as team input. Therefore, it is
as such may constitute ‘one of the solutions to the lack of often impossible to determine the degree to which the
a theoretical framework in the coaching field’ (Freire, financial benefits can be directly attributed to the coach-
2013, p. 428) ing intervention (Grant, Passmore, et al., 2010, p. 26).
While different psychological sub-disciplines initially Additionally, performance measures (direct benefits) are
developed their own specific conceptual framework, seldom available and a narrow focus on ROI and other
The Journal of Positive Psychology 3

performance-related measures neglects other – more several studies have shown that coaching can positively
indirect – ways in which organizations could potentially influence goal-attainment expectancy (Evers, Brouwers,
benefit from coaching, such as employee well-being and & Tomic, 2006; Moen & Skaalvik, 2009) and goal-
health. Therefore, the current meta-analysis investigates progression and commitment (Green, Oades, & Grant,
coaching effectiveness by looking at well-validated, more 2006). Because the relationship between goal-setting on
distal indicators of functioning in addition to perfor- the one hand and motivation and performance on the
mance measures: well-being, coping, work and career- other hand is well established (Locke & Latham, 2002),
related attitudes, and goal-directed self-regulation. improving employees’ self-regulation by enhancing their
The overall goal of coaching in a work context is to ability to set and strive for goals is yet another way in
optimize a person’s work-related functioning. First, which organizations could benefit from coaching.
individuals in organizations function better if they feel All in all, coaching could benefit organizations by
well, that is, if their basic needs are fulfilled (Deci & enhancing employees’ performance and skills, well-
Ryan, 1985, 2000) and if they do not struggle with being, coping, work attitudes, and goal-directed self-
health-related problems as caused by their job (Burton regulation. Because extant empirical studies (see Method
et al., 1999). With regard to the latter, work-related stress section below) lack a clear conceptual framework for
affects over 20% of workers in the European Union classifying coaching outcomes, we categorized available
(Brunn & Milczarek, 2007) which costs organizations outcomes into these outcome dimensions, which are both
about 20,000 million Euros per year. Indeed, research theoretically and practically relevant and also well
has evidenced negative relationships between ‘soft’ established within the psychological literature.
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

outcomes, including individual health and well-being,

and ‘hard’ performance measures (Bond & Bunce, 2003;
Wright & Cropanzano, 2000). Specifically, Duijts, Kant, Method
van den Brandt, and Swaen (2008) found that a coaching Data collection
intervention in medical health care and educational orga- In order to decide which studies to include in our
nizations resulted in a positive change in employees’ analyses, we undertook an extensive literature search,
well-being as indicated by a decrease in sickness-related which consisted of five phases based on the PRISMA
absenteeism and burnout and an increase in life satisfac- statement for reporting meta-analysis (Moher, Liberati,
tion. Furthermore, coaching could also have a preventive Tetzlaff & Altman, 2009). A PRISMA flowchart is
role via its effect on individual’ abilities to cope with displayed in Figure 1.
stressors. Several studies have found coaching to have First, we searched several (social) science databases
positive effects on coping mechanisms such as resilience (Google Scholar, JSTOR, Mendely, PsycINFO, Science-
(Grant, Curtayne, & Burton, 2009), mindfulness (Spence, Direct, and Springerlink) using the following keywords:
Cavanagh, & Grant, 2008), and the use of self-enhancing workplace coaching, developmental coaching, executive
attributions (Moen & Skaalvik, 2009).
Another way in which coaching could benefit
organizational effectiveness is via its potentially benefi- 107 Potential abstracts identified through electronic database searching,
cial effects on employees’ work- and career-related mailing-lists and email requests
perceptions and attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction). Coaching
may facilitate the cognitive ‘reframing’ of work experi-
ences and attitudes which is a central aspect of multiple 69 Articles excluded because of 107 Full articles
cross-sectional study design or lack screened
coaching programs (Grant, 2001). In order to function of quantitative data analysis
better, employees may initially try to change their work
tasks and interactions, but if organizational boundaries
put constraints on making actual changes, a coach could
help them adjust their job perceptions (Wrzesniewski & 20 Articles excluded because the 38 Articles
coaching intervention did not match assessed for
Dutton, 2001). Indeed, a preliminary study showed that our definition of coaching, and there inclusion criteria
coaching positively influenced work- and career-related were possible confounds and/or
insufficient data.
attitudes (Bozer & Sarros, 2012) which, in turn, may
positively affect work performance (Judge, Thoresen,
Bono, & Patton, 2001; Organ & Ryan, 1995). 18 Studies
included in the
Finally, coaching enhances organizational effective- meta-analysis
ness through its potentially beneficial effect on employ-
ees’ goal-directed self-regulation (Grant, 2003). Most
coaching programs target either one or more stages of Figure 1. Search strategy used for the inclusion of studies
goal-directed self-regulatory processes. For example, considered in the present meta-analysis.
4 T. Theeboom et al.

coaching, effects of coaching, and outcomes of coaching. Studies conducted in an educational context (e.g.
Initially, we searched for articles (i) that included undergraduate students) were included because the cli-
quantitative data on the effects of coaching; (ii) in which ents’ characteristics and needs are similar to those of
coaching was provided by professionally trained external clients in organizational settings, that is, they are simi-
coaches or trained peers; and (iii) in which the coaches lar with respect to their demographics and the chal-
belonged to a non-clinical population. Second, we lenges they face (working in teams, meeting deadlines
performed both backward and forward searches on the etc.). Finally, we excluded all studies in which not
studies we retrieved in phase 1. Third, we contacted sev- enough statistical information was available or could
eral scholars known to be active in the field of coaching not be made available after contacting the correspond-
psychology research in order to retrieve (yet) unpub- ing authors.
lished results. At the same time, we sent out a request This selection process resulted in a total of 18 studies
for published and unpublished studies via the mailing-list included in the final analysis. All studies that were
services of Academy of Management, the Society for included in the final analysis are indicated with an * in
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the our list of references. An overview of basic characteris-
European Association of Social Psychology. tics of these studies is displayed in Table 1.
In the fourth phase, we screened the 107 full articles
retrieved in the first three phases and excluded all cross-
sectional studies since these do not allow controlling for Outcome categorization
most threats to internal validity (Cook & Campbell, The categorization of outcomes was conducted in three
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

1979). Furthermore, we excluded all studies in which the steps. In the first step, the first and the second authors
authors did not perform quantitative analyses (e.g. case mutually assigned all study outcomes into one of the
studies). In the fifth and final phases, we used a priori following categories: performance/skills, well-being,
conceptual and methodological criteria to decide which coping, work attitudes, or goal-directed self-regulation
of these studies would be included in the final analysis. while the third author categorized the outcomes inde-
For example, we excluded all studies in which the pendently of the first two authors. In the second step,
described coaching process did not match our definition the interrater agreement was calculated. The interrater
of coaching or for which a description of the coaching agreement (Cohens’ κ) was 0.80, which is considered
process could not be obtained. to be large (see Landis & Koch, 1977). In the third
In addition to Grant’s (2003) definition of coaching, step, the authors discussed their discrepancies and
we took one more characteristic of coaching into account agreed on a final categorization. Several studies in the
when selecting studies, namely that the coaching was meta-analysis included multiple measures within the
provided by a (professionally trained) coach with no same outcome category (e.g. measures of stress and
formal authority over the coachee. The main reason for burnout both fall within the well-being category). An
this is that research on mentoring has shown that a average of these effect sizes was included in order to
mentor’s formal authority over the protégée can affect prevent violation of the independent sample assumption
the way in which the protégée behaves during coaching (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004).
sessions (Mullen, 1994; Tepper, 1995; Waldron, 1991). The performance/skills category includes both subjec-
Furthermore, the goals in managerial coaching (in which tive and objective outcome measures that either directly
a manager coaches an employee) are often strongly reflect performance (e.g. number of sales, supervisory
related to organizational performance (Cox, Bachkirova, rated job performance) or reflect the demonstration of
& Clutterbuck, 2009) which might influence the degree behaviors needed for an organization to be effective (e.g.
to which the coaching process is self-directed. Another transformational leadership behaviors). The well-being
reason for excluding studies on managerial coaching is category includes both subjective and objective outcome
that our aim for this research was to set a first step for measures that are a direct representation of peoples’
answering the question whether the high costs of hiring well-being, health, need fulfillment, and affective
external professionally trained coaches are justifiable for responses. Examples of these are measures of psychopa-
both individual clients and organizations. Thus, we thology (e.g. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale;
excluded all studies in which the coach had a formal Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) and burnout (e.g. Maslach
authority over the coachee. Burnout Inventory; Maslach & Jackson, 1986).
We also excluded all studies in which the influence The coping category includes outcome measures
of other interventions (e.g. leadership development pro- related to the ability to deal with present and future job
grams) could not be ruled out as a confounding factor. demands and stressors. Examples of these are measures
Because we aim to provide more insight into the use- of self-efficacy (e.g. General Self-Efficacy Scale;
fulness of coaching in organizations, we only included Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) and mindfulness (e.g.
studies conducted in a work or educational context. Mindful Attention Awareness Scale; Brown & Ryan,
The Journal of Positive Psychology 5

Table 1. Study characteristics and outcome overview of studies included in the meta-analysis.

Study n Intervention sessions Outcomes Design
Bozer and Sarros (2012) 96 Cognitive behavioral 11 Self-reports RCT
 Career satisfaction
 Job commitment
 Job Performance

Supervisory ratings

 Job performance
 Task performance

Cerni, Curtis, and 14 Epstein constructive 10 Staff-ratings QEF

Colmar (2010) thinking intervention
 Transformational leadership
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

Egan and Song (2005) 103 Coaching on goal-setting Unknown Self-reports QEF
and goal achievement
 Job satisfaction
 Organizational commitment
 Performance goal orientation
 Performance rating

Supervisory ratings

 Performance rating

Finn (2007) 32 CB-SFC 6 Self-reports QEF

 Developmental planning
 Developmental support
 Openness to new behaviors
 Positive affect

Grant (2003) 20 CB-SFC group coaching 10 Self-reports WSD6

 Quality of life

Grant (2008) 29 CB-SFC peer coaching 5 Self-reports WSD

 Cognitive hardiness
 Personal insight

6 T. Theeboom et al.

Table 1. (Continued).
Study n Intervention sessions Outcomes Design
Grant et al. (2009) 41 CB-SFC 10 Self-reports RCT


Grant, Green, and 65 CB-SFC 10 Self-reports RCT

Rynsaardt (2010)
 Cognitive hardiness
 Interpersonal problems
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

 General health questionnaire

 GAS personal
 GAS work
 Workplace well-being

Green et al. (2007) 44 CB-SFC 10 Self-reports RCT

 Cognitive hardiness

Green et al. (2006) 50 CB-SFC in groups 9 Self-reports RCT

 Environmental mastery
 Goal striving
 Negative affect
 Personal growth
 Positive affect
 Positive relations with others
 Purpose in life
 Satisfaction with life
 Total hope

Kochanowski, Seifert, 84 Coaches provided 10 Self-reports QEF

and Yukl (2010) Feedback on leadership
style  Leadership behavior

Luthans and 67 Coaches discussed 1 Self-reports WSD

Peterson (2004) discrepancy between
executives’ own  Anxiety
performance ratings and  Depression
ratings of employees  GAS3
 Goal difficulty

The Journal of Positive Psychology 7

Table 1. (Continued).
Study n Intervention sessions Outcomes Design
 Organizational commitment
 Satisfaction with coworkers
 Satisfaction with supervision
 Satisfaction with work
 Self-insight scale
 Self-reflection scale
 Turnover intentions
 Quality of Life Inventory

Moen and Skaalvik (2009) 19 Coaching aimed at self- 4 Self-reports QEF

actualization and
promotion of resources  Attribution of failure to
 Attribution failure to
 Attribution failure to effort
 Attribution failure to strategy
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

 Attribution success to ability

 Attribution success to
 Attribution success to effort
 Attribution success to
 Goal clarity
 Goal commitment
 Goal difficulty
 Goal feedback
 Goal Strategy
 Need satisfaction at work

Peterson (1993) 100 Individual coaching for 50 Self-reports WSD

effectiveness program

Supervisory ratings


Ratings by coach


Poepsel (2011) 28 Online CB-SFC 4 Self-reports RCT post-

test only
 Goal attainment
 Subjective well-being

Smither, London, Flautt, 1243 Coaching based on 360- 3 Self-reports QEF

Vargas, and Kucine (2003) degree feedback
 Elaboration of self-reports
 Elaboration of peer ratings

8 T. Theeboom et al.

Table 1. (Continued).
Study n Intervention sessions Outcomes Design
 Elaboration of supervisory

Rating by peers


Supervisory ratings


Rating by authors

 Goal specificity

Spence et al. (2008) 15a Coaching on goal-setting 4 Self-reports RCT

Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

and goal achievement

 Environmental mastery
 Satisfaction with life

Spence and Grant (2007) 40 CB-SFC 10 Self-reports RCT

 Environmental mastery
 Goal commitment
 Goal progression
 Negative affect
 Personal Growth
 Positive affect
 Positive relations with others
 Purpose in life
 Subjective well being

Notes: RCT = randomized control trial; QEF = quasi-experimental field study in which participants were non randomly allocated to experimental and
control groups; WSD = within-subjects design without control group, which includes both pre- and post-intervention measures; CB-SFC = cognitive
behavioral solution-focused coaching; and GAS = goal-attainment scaling.
Only the C-MT condition (see original) was included for the calculation of effect sizes.

2003). The work attitudes category includes outcome goal-attainment, and goal-evaluation. This category also
measures related to cognitive, affective, and behavioral includes goal-attainment scaling (GAS) measures, which
responses toward work and career, such as job are increasingly popular in coaching settings (see Spence
satisfaction (e.g. Job Description Index; Smith, Kendall, [2008] and Peterson [1993] for overviews of the use of
& Hulin, 1969), organizational commitment (e.g. Organi- GAS in coaching research).
zational Commitment Scale; Porter, Steers, Mowday &
Boulian, 1974), and career satisfaction (e.g. Career
Satisfaction Scale; Greenhaus, Parasuraman & Wormley, Calculating the effect sizes
1990). Finally, the goal-directed self-regulation category One of the most challenging steps in a meta-analysis is
includes all outcome measures related to goal-setting, combining the effect sizes of different studies in one
The Journal of Positive Psychology 9

analysis (McGaw & Glass, 1980). Since effect sizes After selecting the general approach for the meta-
based on means are easily interpretable and the studies analysis, the statistical model for the meta-analysis has
in our analysis employed a large variety of outcome to be designated. In terms of the model for the meta-
measures to assess the impact of coaching interventions, analysis, the (conservative) random-effect model was
the use of an effect size index based on standardized adopted as recommended by the National Research
means was the logical choice (Borenstein, Hedges, Council (1992). As opposed to the fixed effect model,
Higgins, & Rothstein 2009; Cohen, 1988). Since the the random-effect model allows that the true effect size
most popular index, Cohen’s d, tends to overestimate the varies from study to study based on both the variability
population effect size when small samples are included of the independent variable (e.g. intensity or duration of
in the analysis, we chose to use Hedges g which can still intervention) and differences in the samples of the
be interpreted as the mean difference expressed in research population such as age, educational background,
standard deviation units and applies a simple correction and type of job of the coaches (Borenstein et al., 2009;
to overcome this bias (Hedges, 1981). Hedges & Cooper, 1994).
Effect sizes can be defined in relation to pre-interven- Heterogeneity between studies was quantified by an
tion scores, post-intervention scores, or difference scores. assessment of both the classical Cochran Q statistic
In theory, it is possible to choose either definition (1954) and the I2 statistic as proposed by Higgins and
because effect sizes can be transformed into a common Thompson (2002), see also Higgins, Thompson, Deeks,
effect size index by using the correlation between pre- & Altman, 2003). While the Q statistic serves as a test
and post-intervention scores to estimate the sampling of significance for between-study heterogeneity, the value
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

bias (Morris & DeShon, 1997). Unfortunately, the corre- for I2 represents the proportion of between-study vari-
lations between pre- and post-intervention scores were ance in effect sizes that can be attributed to between-
seldom provided and the amount of studies that used a study heterogeneity rather than within-study variability
mixed design outnumbered the amount of studies that (Borenstein et al., 2009). When the value for I2 is large
used a within-subject design. Therefore, effect sizes (see Higgins & Thompson, 2002 for some guidelines on
based on the pooled (experimental and control groups) interpretation), one of the possible explanations for this
standard deviations of the post-intervention scores were is the existence of moderating variables. In what should
chosen as the referent effect size index. By doing so, the be considered exploratory analyses due to the relatively
estimation of parameters was minimized since only small amount of studies, we explored the influence of
the pre-intervention/post-intervention correlations for the two of these potential (methodological) moderating vari-
(minority of) studies that used a within-subject design ables in order to provide guidance for the future method-
needed to be estimated2. Finally, effect sizes based on ological approach of coaching research. First, following
post-intervention standard deviations are likely to be the example of Fusar-Poli et al. (2012), we conducted
slightly biased downward, and are thus the most conser- subgroup analyses for sets of studies that were different
vative choice (Carlson & Schmidt, 1999). in terms of study design (mixed designs vs. within-
subject designs). Second, we examined the influence of
the number of coaching sessions using meta-regression
Meta-analytic procedure and statistical analyses analysis. Finally, following recent recommendations by
The Hedges and Olkin (1985) approach to meta-analysis Sterne et al. (2011), we assessed the risk for publication
was used to calculate the effect sizes. Comparisons with bias (or small study bias) by visually inspecting funnel
other commonly applied methods such as by Hunter and plots and by applying the regression intercept of Egger,
Schmidt (1990) and Rosenthal (1991) suggest that differ- Smith, Schneider, and Minder (1997).
ences between the Hedges and Olkin methods and the
other methods are relatively small and only apply under
very specific circumstances. If anything, the Hedges and Software for the analysis and statistical corrections
Olkin method can be considered to be the most conser- The software that was used for the analysis was
vative approach because it does not allow for the statisti- comprehensive meta-analysis. CMA was developed by
cal corrections for artifactual sources of variance (e.g. Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein (2005) and
measurement error and restriction of range) that tend to is based on the Hedges and Olkin’s (1985) approach to
result in an inflation of effect size estimates (Borenstein meta-analysis. CMA offers advantages over other soft-
et al., 2009). Additionally, the Hedges and Olkin ware in terms of its flexibility to handle multiple data
approach seems to provide the most conservative esti- entry formats (e.g. data from within-subject designs and
mate of the (lower limit of) confidence intervals (John- mixed designs) and its intuitive approach to sensitivity
son, Mullen, & Salas, 1995), which can be used for analysis and the detection of between-study heterogene-
determining the statistical significance of effect sizes. ity (Borenstein et al., 2009).
10 T. Theeboom et al.

Results results for all outcome categories: performance and

Aggregated effect sizes and overall between-study skills, well-being, coping, work attitudes, and goal-direc-
heterogeneity ted self-regulation.
The results indicate that coaching interventions have
Table 2 contains the weighted effect sizes (aggregated
significant positive effects on all outcome categories:
over outcomes) per study.
performance and skills (g = 0.60, 95% CI, 0.04–0.60,
The point estimate of the overall weighted effect size
p = 0.036), well-being (g = 0.46, 95% CI, 0.28–0.62,
(aggregated over all studies and outcomes) was
p < 0.001), coping (g = 0.43, 95% CI, 0.25–0.61,
significant (g = 0.66, 95% CI, 0.39–0.93, p = 0.000),
p < 0.001), work attitudes (g = 0.54, 95% CI, 0.34–0.73,
suggesting that coaching, in general, has a significant
p < 0.001), and goal-directed self-regulation (g = 0.74,
positive effect across the range of outcome measures we
95% CI, 0.42 – 1.06, p < 0.001). Based on our earlier
examined. The relatively large point estimate of g in the
sensitivity analysis (see above), we repeated the analysis
study by Peterson (1993) encouraged us to perform a sen-
for the performance and skills outcome while excluding
sitivity analysis in which the analysis was repeated while
the results of the study by Peterson (1993). Although the
excluding the results of this study. Although the overall
weighted point estimate of the effect size for
weighted point estimate of g dropped, it remained signifi-
performance and skills dropped considerably, it remained
cant (g = 0.51, 95% CI, 0.34–0.69, p < 0.000). Thus,
significant (g = 0.19, 95% CI, 0.04–0.32, p = 0.013). We
excluding the study by Peterson (1993) did not alter our
will discuss the implications of this finding in the
conclusions regarding the point estimate of the overall
discussion section. Finally, we note that the significance
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

weighted effect size. According to the tentative criteria

of the Q statistics and the moderate-to-high values of I2
set by Higgins and Thompson (2002), the heterogeneity
for both the performance and skills outcomes and the
in effect sizes was statistically significant and large in
goal-directed self-regulation outcomes indicate that the
magnitude (Q = 130.05; p < 0.000; I2 = 86.93). As men-
influence of between-study heterogeneity is especially
tioned, this substantial variance in effect sizes encourages
apparent for these outcome categories.
the consideration of moderating variables. Therefore, we
further explored the heterogeneity in effect sizes.
The influence of study design
Effect sizes per outcome category We explored the differences in effect size patterns
The main goal of this meta-analysis was to provide between studies that used a mixed design vs. studies that
insight into the effects of coaching on various individ- used a within-subject design. The results of this analysis
ual-level psychological outcomes. Table 3 contains the are shown in Table 4.
Table 2. Weighted effect sizes per study aggregated over outcomes.

CI (95%)
Study n Sessions Study design g Lower Upper p-value
Bozer and Sarros (2012) 96 11 RCT 0.36 −0.12 0.83 0.145
Cerni et al. (2010) 14 10 QEF 0.08 −0.15 0.30 0.501
Egan and Song (2005) 103 Unknown QEF 0.69 0.29 1.08 0.001
Finn (2007) 32 6 QEF 1.17 0.34 1.99 0.006
Grant (2003) 20 10 WSD 0.84 0.31 1.38 0.002
Grant (2008) 29 5 WSD 0.71 0.23 1.19 0.004
Grant et al. (2009) 41 10 RCT 0.63 0.00 1.25 0.049
Grant et al. (2010) 65 10 RCT 0.25 −0.34 0.83 0.406
Green, Grant, and Rynsaardt (2007) 44 10 RCT 0.61 0.02 1.20 0.042
Green et al. (2006) 50 9 RCT 0.70 0.13 1.28 0.016
Kochanowski et al. (2010) 84 10 QEF 0.25 −0.16 0.66 0.239
Luthans and Peterson (2004) 67 1 WSD 0.74 0.47 1.01 0.000
Moen and Skaalvik (2009) 19 4 QEF 0.82 −0.10 1.75 0.080
Peterson (1993) 100 50 WSD 2.33 1.93 2.72 0.000
Poepsel (2011) 28 4 RCT 0.92 0.16 1.70 0.018
Smither et al. (2003) 1243 3 QEF 0.13 0.00 0.27 0.049
Spence et al. (2008) 15a 4 RCT 0.10 −0.39 0.58 0.695
Spence and Grant (2007) 40 10 RCT 0.29 −0.33 0.91 0.355
Total 2090 – – 0.66 0.39 0.93 0.000
Notes: N = analyzed sample size; g = Hedges’ g; CI (95%) = 95% confidence interval for g; RCT = randomized control trial; QEF = quasi-experimen-
tal field-study in which participants were non randomly allocated to experimental and control groups; and WSD = within-subjects design without con-
trol group, which includes both pre- and post-intervention measures.
Only the C-MT condition (see original) was included for the calculation of effect sizes.
The Journal of Positive Psychology 11

Table 3. Weighted effect sizes of coaching interventions on all outcome categories.

CI (95%)
k N g Lower Upper p Q I2
Performance/skills 6 2007 0.60 0.04 1.16 0.036 112.24* 95.55
Well-being 10 564 0.46 0.28 0.62 0.000 7.72 0.00a
Coping 10 1703 0.43 0.25 0.61 0.000 6.36 43.01
Attitudes 7 507 0.54 0.34 0.73 0.000 8.64 30.51
Self-regulation 11 789 0.74 0.42 1.06 0.000 81.27* 53.38
Notes: k = number of studies included in the analysis; N = total sample size in k studies; g = Hedges’ g; CI = 95% random effects confidence intervals;
and Q = Cochran Q statistic. I2 = the proportion of total variation in the estimates of treatment effect that is due to heterogeneity between studies.
indicates that between-study heterogeneity significant at α = 0.000.
The I2 was truncated to zero because the Q statistic used for the computation of I2 was smaller than its degrees of freedom.

The weighted point estimates of the effect sizes seem sessions. The choice for the comparison of studies
to indicate that the effect sizes of studies that used a with less or equal to five sessions vs. more than five
within-subject design are larger than the effect sizes of sessions emerged from the available study data with
the studies that used an independent-group design. Sub- some studies reporting a maximum of five coaching
group analysis indicated that the overall effect size sessions whereas other studies reporting more than this
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

(aggregated over outcomes) of studies that used a maximum.

within-subjects design (g = 1.15, 95% CI, 0.46–1.83) The weighted point estimates of the effect sizes show
was significantly larger than the effect size of studies that a mixed picture. Although a larger number of coaching
used a mixed design (g = 0.39, 95% CI, 0.22–0.56, sessions seems to be beneficial for both coping and
p = 0.036). These results imply that study design has a goal-directed self-regulation outcomes, the reversed
considerable influence on the relation between coaching pattern is observed for work/career attitudes and perfor-
interventions and individual-level outcomes (Hunter & mance/skills (higher effect sizes for a smaller number of
Schmidt, 2004). We will further reflect on these results sessions). A meta-regression in which the number of
in the discussion section. coaching sessions was entered as a predictor of the
weighted effect sizes (aggregated over outcomes)
revealed no significant effects. These results indicate that
The influence of the number of coaching sessions
the number of coaching sessions is not related to the
Table 5 displays the differences in effect sizes for effectiveness of the interventions.
studies that differ in terms of the number of coaching

Table 4. Weighted effect sizes of coaching interventions on all outcome categories for different study designs.

CI (95%)
k N g Lower Upper p Q I2
IDG 5 1372 0.18 0.04 0.32 0.013 5.51 27.43
Within-subjects 1 100 2.33 1.93 2.72 0.000 –b –b
IDG 7 394 0.39 0.18 0.60 0.000 3.91 0.00a
Within-subjects 3 116 0.54 0.26 0.82 0.002 3.12 35.94
IDG 7 325 0.26 0.15 0.37 0.000 11.67 48.57
Within-subjects 3 116 0.47 0.20 0.74 0.001 2.16 7.45
IDG 6 169 0.48 0.29 0.67 0.000 6.23 19.77
Within-subjects 1 67 0.74 0.47 1.01 0.000 –b –b
IDG 9 1565 0.32 0.21 0.43 0.000 37.37* 78.59
Within-subjects 2 116 1.33 0.85 1.81 0.035 –b 0.00a
Notes: k = number of studies included in the analysis; N = total sample size in k studies; g = Hedges’ g; CI = 95% random effects confidence intervals;
Q = Cochran Q statistic; and I2 = the proportion of total variation in the estimates of treatment effect that is due to heterogeneity between studies.
Indicates that between-study heterogeneity significant at α = 0.000.
The I2 was truncated to zero because the Q statistic used for the computation of I2 was smaller then it’s degrees of freedom.
The statistics could not be computed because not enough data was available.
12 T. Theeboom et al.

Table 5. Weighted effect sizes of coaching interventions for studies that differ in terms of the number of coaching sessions.

CI (95%)
k N g Lower Upper Q I2
≤5 sessions 3 1329 0.26 0.02 0.53 0.00 58.57
>5 sessions 2 110 0.11b −0.09 0.32 0.00 0.00a
≤5 sessions 4 195 0.47 0.15 0.79 5.83 38.36
>5 sessions 7 296 0.46 0.22 0.69 0.00 0.00a
≤5 sessions 5 1429 0.35 0.11 0.59 0.00 50.33
>5 sessions 5 182 0.54 0.30 0.79 0.00 0.00a
≤5 sessions 3 126 0.67 0.41 0.94 19.14 44.39
>5 sessions 4 150 0.35 0.08 0.61 0.75 0.00a
≤5 sessions 6 1457 0.52 0.15 0.88 6.962 79.94
>5 sessions 5 215 1.02 0.67 1.36 0.00 32.18
Notes: k = number of studies included in the analysis; g = Hedges’ g; CI = 95% random effects confidence intervals; Q = Cochran Q statistic; and
I2 = the proportion of total variation in the estimates of treatment effect that is due to heterogeneity between studies.
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

The I2 was truncated to zero because the Q statistic used for the computation of I2 was smaller then it’s degrees of freedom.
One study reported an average of 50 coaching sessions and was therefore considered an outlier and excluded from the meta-regression analysis.

Publication bias Alternatively, heterogeneity could also signal the

A visual evaluation of the funnel plot did not reveal presence of moderating factors (Higgins & Thompson,
obvious evidence of publication bias. Additionally, the 2002). The findings of our exploratory analyses indeed
Egger intercept was non-significant (p = 0.08). However, suggest that research design could be one of these mod-
a visual inspection of funnel plots as well as tests for erating factors. Studies using a within-subject design
funnel asymmetry may produce unreliable results when a generally displayed stronger positive effects of coaching
small number of studies is included in the analysis, interventions than studies using an independent-group
especially when heterogeneity is substantial (Sterne (only one study) or mixed design.
et al., 2011). Therefore, we will further address the issue A possible explanation for this finding is that studies
of potential publication bias in the discussion section. using a mixed-design controlled for additional sources of
bias in comparison with studies using a within-subjects
design (Morris & DeShon, 2002). More specifically, the
Discussion addition of a control group allows the researcher to
control for the natural maturation of participants over
Summary of findings
time and for selection effects (Cook & Campbell, 1979).
This meta-analysis aimed to provide insight into the At the very least, these results show that the choice for a
possible beneficial effects of coaching within an organi- specific study design has considerable implications for
zational context. We examined relationships between the conclusions that can be drawn with regard to the
coaching interventions and several individual-level out- effectiveness of coaching interventions.
comes that are relevant for both individuals and organi- An examination of the results regarding the intensity
zations. The results show that coaching has significant of the coaching intervention suggests that a greater
positive effects on performance and skills, well-being, number of coaching sessions does not necessarily result
coping, work attitudes, and goal-directed self-regulation. in stronger positive effects. This, somewhat
In general, our meta-analytic findings indicate that counter-intuitive, pattern of results might be caused by a
coaching is an effective tool for improving the function- spurious correlation. That is, people with less serious or
ing of individuals in organizations. complex problems may need fewer sessions and experi-
We should note, however, that an examination of the ence more positive effects of coaching than people with
between-study heterogeneity showed that the effects of serious and/or complex problems. Alternatively, it could
coaching interventions varied considerably between be explained by type of coaching interventions that were
studies (especially in the performance and skills and applied in the majority of studies in which the number of
goal-directed self-regulation outcome categories). This coaching sessions was small, namely solution-focused
heterogeneity could be – at least partially – attributed to coaching. Solution-focused coaching originates in brief
the relatively small number of studies in the analysis. family therapy (de Shazer, 1988) and differs from other
The Journal of Positive Psychology 13

forms of therapy and coaching by its premise that there is interventions, individual characteristics of the coach and
no need for an extensive analysis and understanding of the coachee, and the relationship between the coach and
problems in order to create solutions (Berg & Szabo, the coachee. We provide some specific suggestions for
2005; Grant & O’Connor, 2010). Therefore, it is possible each of these areas below.
to jump directly to the ultimate aim of coaching, namely Research concerning the design of coaching interven-
the identification of solutions, potentially resulting in a tions may benefit from the literature on training and
smaller number of sessions needed to make progression mentoring which draws heavily on educational psychol-
(Kim, 2008). Future research could investigate whether ogy and theories on (adult) learning (e.g. theory on
solution-focused coaching is indeed more effective than transformative learning; Mezirow, 1991). Theories on
other coaching approaches and whether specific coaching adult learning and its underlying mechanisms can
effects also depend on significance and/or complexity of provide insights that are relevant for increasing the
coaches’ problems. ‘transfer of coaching’ (i.e. long-term effectiveness of
Although the results should be interpreted with coaching interventions). Furthermore, Spence and Oaedes
caution because of the exploratory nature of the analy- (2011) have suggested that Deci and Ryans’ (1985) self-
sis, the finding that coaching can be effective even determination theory (SDT) is a valuable theoretical
when the number of coaching sessions is relatively framework for future research on the design of coaching
small is encouraging for organizations and individuals interventions. Central constructs of SDT such as goal-
in need of coaching. However, while the difference in setting, intrinsic motivation and the human needs of
the number of sessions does not seem to impact the competence, relatedness, and autonomy, are crucial for
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

mean effect size, the examination of the heterogeneity facilitating durable change within coaches (Ryan, Lynch,
statistics does show that there is less variability in the Vansteenkiste, & Deci, 2011).
effect sizes for studies using a larger amount of ses- Research concerning the characteristics of coaches
sions. In other words, the robustness of the effects of may find a valuable starting point in the therapy litera-
coaching seems to increase with the number of coach- ture. For example, studies investigating the personal
ing sessions. This finding corroborates research on adult characteristics of effective therapists have shown that
learning which suggests that deeper levels of learning individual characteristics such as (perceived) empathy
(e.g. transformative learning; Mezirow, 1991) only are important predictors of therapy outcomes (Burns &
occur when there are sufficient opportunities for critical Nolen-Hoeksema, 1992; Elliott, Bohart, Watson, &
reflection and active experimentation. Greenberg, 2011). Recent work in the field of executive
coaching indeed suggests that non-specific factors such
as understanding, encouraging, and listening behaviors
Future research: a need for theoretical enrichment of the coach may be better predictors of coaching effec-
It is our hope that future research will not only con- tiveness than specific factors such as the coaching meth-
tinue to examine whether coaching is effective, but also odology (de Haan, Culpin, & Curd, 2011). In this light,
respond to the need for more theoretical development the influence of constructs related to coaches’ ability to
in coaching psychology. A strong theoretical framework perceive and manage the emotional states of coaches,
is expedient from both an empirical and a practical such as emotional intelligence (Salovey & Mayer, 1989),
perspectives (Grant, 2010; Spence & Oaedes, 2011). seems especially relevant to examine in future research.
For scholars working in the field of coaching psychol- Research concerning the characteristics of coaches
ogy, a strong theoretical foundation could purposefully may explore the concept of ‘coachability’ that originates
guide the construction of cumulative knowledge. For in the sports psychology literature. Coachability is a
practitioners, insight into how (rather than if) coaching multidimensional construct that reflects the combination
works can provide guidelines for the improvement of of personality traits (e.g. agreeableness, openness to
extant coaching interventions and the development of experience) and motivational components (e.g. achieve-
new interventions. ment motivation) needed to improve functioning and
One way in which theoretical enrichment of the performance (Giacobbi, 2000). Furthermore, therapy
coaching literature could be facilitated is by incorporat- research has shown that outcome expectations and self-
ing theoretical perspectives from several sub-disciplines efficacy of clients (coaches) play an important role in the
of psychology (Grant, 2010), particularly from research effectiveness of therapeutic interventions (e.g. Goldin
into related fields of developmental interactions such as et al., 2012). These constructs will be of similar impor-
therapy, mentoring, and training (D’Abate, Eddy, & tance in the context of coaching.
Tannenbaum, 2003). More specifically, the relative Finally, studies on coaching and therapy have shown
theoretical richness of these fields may serve as a source that the relationship (working alliance) between a coach
of inspiration for theoretical enrichment in four interre- and a coachee (therapist and client) has considerable
lated areas of coaching research: the design of coaching implications for the effectiveness of interventions (Baron
14 T. Theeboom et al.

& Morin, 2009; Del Re, Horvath, Flückiger, Symonds, subordinate and co-worker perceptions so as to assess
& Wampold, 2012). With this in mind, both the literature the indirect effects of coaching.
on similarity attraction (Byrne, 1971) and interpersonal A fourth limitation of this study is that the findings
trust (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995) can be used as are based on a relatively small number of studies.
theoretical frameworks to examine how functional Although we did not find any evidence for publication
relationships between a coach and a coachee can be bias, Sterne et al. (2011) noted that analyses for publica-
established and sustained. tion bias could produce unreliable results when the num-
ber of studies is small and heterogeneity across studies is
substantial. For this reason, our findings should be inter-
Limitations preted with caution. At the same time, however, our
Five limitations of the current study should be findings consistently showed effectiveness of coaching
mentioned. First, the majority of the studies included in across a broad spectrum of outcome measures. Also, our
this meta-analysis relied on self-reports of outcome sensitivity analysis indicated that the removal of the
measures. According to Peterson (1993), there is a con- study by Peterson (1993) did not alter our conclusions.
siderable inconsistency between self-reports and other- Fifth, the 1243 participants in the study by Smither
reports (e.g. by the supervisor or coach) when evaluating et al. (2003) account for a large proportion of the total
change in the coachee: self-reports tend to overestimate number of participants in the studies we examined. How-
the effects of coaching interventions. Hence, self-report ever, since the effect sizes in this study were much smal-
measures of performance seem troublesome (Podsakoff ler than the average effect sizes over all studies, the
Downloaded by [Juan Cortes] at 14:05 24 March 2014

& Organ, 1986). Therefore, future studies on coaching inclusion of the study of Smither et al. has resulted in a
should rely less on self-reports and should include other conservative rather than optimistic estimation of the
sources for measuring coaching outcomes such as 360 effectiveness of coaching.
feedback (see Smither, London, Flautt, & Fargas, 2003 Finally, the general lack of empirical work on
for an example) as well as tangible results. coaching and its weak theoretical foundation has resulted
Another problem with self-reports is that it is difficult in a large variety of coaching interventions and
to establish actual change on the outcome measure outcomes. As a consequence, the number of comparable
(alpha change) rather than respondents’ redefinition of studies suitable for a meta-analytic synthesis was
the rating scale (beta change) and/or the concept that is relatively limited.
measured (gamma change). Both beta and gamma
changes are due to a shifting conceptualization of the Conclusion
outcome as a result of coaching (Peterson, 1993). It Despite its limitations, the current meta-analysis indicates
should be noted, however, that also beta and gamma that coaching can be effectively used as an intervention
changes can be conceived as relevant outcomes of in organizations. Furthermore, this study has pointed out
coaching. Transformative learning theory states that several methodological issues that need to be addressed
existing belief systems and frames of reference need to in future studies on coaching effectiveness. The biggest
be challenged before deep-level changes will occur overall limitation of the coaching literature is the lack of
(Mezirow, 1991). The ultimate aim of coaching is to rigorous examinations showing the causal mechanisms
facilitate deep-level changes and learning (de Haan et al., by which coaching interventions are effective. Thus, we
2011). Therefore, more insight into alpha, beta, and agree with Fillery-Travis and Lane (2006) that it is the
gamma changes and their underlying cognitive structures time to shift attention from the question ‘does it work?’
(Thompson & Hunt, 1996) is needed because this may to ‘how does it work?’. This second question can only
help researchers and practitioners to better design a be answered by building a firm theoretical framework
coaching intervention and measure its impact. that can be used to identify the underlying mechanisms
A second limitation is that most studies in our and processes.
meta-analysis did not measure coaching effectiveness
over time (at multiple time-points), making it difficult to
assess the long-term impact of coaching interventions. Notes
Third, the focus on individual-level benefits of coaching 1. While some scholars explicitly distinguish personal
in the studies included in our analysis neglected possible coaching from organizational coaching2 (e.g. Grant, 2010),
‘spillover’ effects that coaching could have on other we take the position that this distinction will be less clear in
people within an organization. For example, if the practice. For example, when coaching concerns stress issues,
it often taps into the domain of work–life balance and the
coachee is an executive and his or her coaching results intended changes and outcomes will thus affect both the pro-
in improved leadership skills (the functioning of) subor- fessional and the personal functioning of the coached. There-
dinates and co-workers will benefit as well. Future fore, we do not make this distinction in our endeavor to
research on the effectiveness of coaching could include answer the question whether coaching is effective.
The Journal of Positive Psychology 15

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