DLP-7 - 8
DLP-7 - 8
DLP-7 - 8
Introductory Activity
( _5_ minutes)
This part introduces the lesson content.
Present a video clip depicting the essence of the topic
Although at times optional, it is usually included
to serve as a warm-up activity to give the
learners zest for the incoming lesson and an
idea about what it to follow. One principle in
learning is that learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable and comfortable
(_10_ minutes)
This is an interactive strategy to elicit learner’s
prior learning experience. It serves as a Video analysis (to be attached)
springboard for new learning. It illustrates the
principle that learning starts where the learners
Sensitivity Check (prepared and distributed in advance)
are. Carefully structured activities such as
individual or group reflective exercises, group
discussion, self-or group assessment, dyadic or
triadic interactions, puzzles, simulations or role-
play, cybernetics exercise, gallery walk and the
like may be created. Clear instructions should be
considered in this part of the lesson.
(10 minutes)
Essential questions are included to serve as a Are physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social
guide for the teacher in clarifying key
understandings about the topic at hand. Critical developments related to each other? How?
points are organized to structure the discussions
allowing the learners to maximize interactions
and sharing of ideas and opinions about Why do these aspects of development important to personality / human
expected issues. Affective questions are included development?
to elicit the feelings of the learners about the
activity or the topic. The last questions or points
taken should lead the learners to understand
the new concepts or skills that are to be
presented in the next part of the lesson.
Abstraction This should include lecturette on the topic
(10 minutes)
This outlines the key concepts, important skills
Why do we need to study the relationship among physiological, cognitive,
that should be enhanced, and the proper psychological, spiritual and social development in understanding one’s
attitude that should be emphasized. This is
organized as a lecturette that summarizes the
thoughts, feelings and behaviors?
learning emphasized from the activity, analysis
and new inputs in this part of the lesson.
Application Perform a role-play showing the relationship among physiological,
(_10_ minutes) cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social development in understanding
This part is structured to ensure the
commitment of the learners to do something to one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
apply their new learning in their own
(_10_ minutes)
For the Teacher to:
Journal Writing on how a person shows understanding toward others
1.Assess whether learning objectives have been involving physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social
met for a specified duration
2.Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate
strategies as needed Rubrics for assessing the Journals (refer to the rubrics for Journal Writing)
3.Evaluate whether learning intentions and
success criteria have been met
Prepared by:
1. Instruction Sheet …
2. Information Sheet
3. Self-check
4. Answer key