Gcse Statistics Coursework Track and Field

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Writing a GCSE statistics coursework on track and field can be quite challenging.

You need to gather

and analyze data, understand statistical concepts, and present your findings in a clear and concise
manner. It requires a good understanding of both the subject matter and statistical methods.

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Included is the lesson plan with links to videos, the Powerpoint presentation for the lesson and
worksheets for students. But with the estimate of only 20% of all sexual assaults being reported to
police, more representative estimation for sexual offences would be approximately 86,000 in a
calendar year, almost eight times the amount of vehicle thefts. However, the students’ appreciation of
the importance of their attendance figures does and this is why (in my opinion) the attendance
figures vary between students. However, from looking at the graph, generally those good at maths
achieved smaller differences in estimation hence were more accurate. Histogram uses the area of the
bars to represent the frequencies rather than the heights like normal bar charts. The results or points
were not all close to the line of best fit so this statement is only a rough guide. I would provide my
entire hypothesis to get more accurate results and also to include my prediction. This shows that the
more able pupils have all improved a lot more than 75% of the less able. Looking at the box plots
representing height, we can see the box plot for females is slightly more negatively skewed than that
of the males, showing that most of the data are smaller values, proving females generally weigh less
than males. This could be sales man, who drives from one state to another. To further, the
investigation I would compare the results of younger children to see if that had an effect on the
correlation. It is shown that the lower quartile is 0.4. The upper quartile is show to be 1.6. This makes
the interquartile range for the Independent; 1.2. Also, retrieved from the table is the mean amount of
syllables per word, which of course is a very important piece of data. I checked that these
calculations made sense by adding up all the percentages, ensuring that they add up to 100%, if they
didn’t, then I went back and recalculated the data, checking that I didn’t miss out any individual
stories when adding the separate stories areas to form the area of newspaper for each individual
topic. That is why it is so critical that the products of this industry are at their highest quality, are
free of bacteria and ensure that the consumer will not face any detrimental consequences. To show
this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation out for both the girls KS2 and also
KS3 results. I expect to see strong positive correlation here as I believe that if you do well in Key
Stage Two you do well in Key Stage Three. It would be unreasonable and difficult for me to use all
of the data given, as it will consume a lot of time during the calculation process. By doing both I am
able to study with both figures and get a much more specific result. This means that the inter-quartile
range will be further spread. The characteristic of a standard normal distribution depends on the mean
and the standard deviation of the data. So I will take a new sample using every third person within
the total population. The year group that has the lowest attendance is the Year 10 with a mean of
83.7244898. According to the mean, my hypothesis is wrong because I stated that the Year 11 and
perhaps the Year 9 might and should have the highest attendance as they are in exam years. The facts
that interest me the most are the Year 7 attendance that has the same median as the Year 11s. For
students who come to school everyday learns more than the students who don’t attend regularly. I
also conducted a pre-test on collecting pupil’s temperature on myself. This suggests to me that like
the girls in Year 7, the boys in Year 8 are split generally into those who have come into puberty and
those who have not. You should introduce your write essay of the ours greatest she good works for
them. Students are also encouraged to enroll in Laboratory Research: Biology Concentrations as part
of their program of study. I shall now investigate further into different variables that affect the cars. I
will calculate the mean for each year group and then I will verify this result by finding the median
from a cumulative frequency graph.
These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the random button the sample names
were collected. So, I do not believe that the age of the students affect the attendance at school. The
data can then be used to identify trends that can affect quality such as the rate of variance in the
outcomes of a production process. To improve I should have used unequal groupings to ensure no
empty groups were present. Here are some of the important conclusions which show this. I found
this length of time to be easier as I would only have to times the result by 2. After this, I will find the
median, the upper and lower quartiles and create a “box and whisker” plot. By the end of the
coursework I am aiming to have a set of results about how the cars are affected by the age, price and
mileage. After each of the diagram I would explain how I did the diagram and what people prefer
and why. The data that I have been given to me is a secondary source, which was provided to me by
teacher which was from the internet. I would not be able to do too many because it would become
too hard. I collected my data using random sampling because after having looked at stratified
sampling I decided it wasn’t the best choice as the sets all have around the same number of people.
The data I will use the distance from actual of a straight line and distance from actual of a non
straight line before practise (before practise because the pupils did not have practise before estimating
the straight line). First, I tried timing my pulse for 15 seconds, but then I realized that this would not
be as accurate, so I tried timing for 30 seconds. The tabloid aimed at those with less interest in
politics, which would often be aimed at those with less education than most, in this case the Daily
Star, would contain a lot more television related content and would especially focus upon celebrity
news and gossip, whilst using a simple easy to comprehend, often monosyllabic style of language to
attract their audience. I also plotted some pie charts using Microsoft Excel Application to show the
percentage of student’s choices. The required capstone project reinforces the cross-disciplinary
learning fostered by the program and provides real-world practice. It was easy to get the Boys
Results, I just asked my maths teacher and he got them for me. However, here again we could see
that the Year 8 has the lowest median by looking at the middle line within the box compared to the
other diagram and the Year 10 and 11 are the top two medians. I feel a sample of 200 words would
be fitting, as it is large enough to take the general style of an article in, but not so small that there
may be some misrepresentative anomalies. Therefore Fiat and Ford would belong to someone that
drives their cars for long distances. However, I think these extraordinary students must have another
form or way of learning when not at school (the student might be an independent learner for
example). Review 5 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
However within these populations more variations of these results could be expected. Where as the
majority of boys come with normal and below average results and make a better improvement than
the Girls. The reason of why I’m doing both the mean and the median even though they both are
averages is because the mean takes in the whole data and work out the average from that data which
could be misleading especially if the data contains any extreme values at the top and the bottom of
the data. GCSE Math's Statistics Coursework Introduction: I have been given a databas. This,
coupled with the use of simple, monosyllabic language shows that they don’t seem to be aiming
towards highly educated people, or even the average person but more towards those with little sense
of comprehension and those who may not fully understand the effects that politics and global news
may have on their own lives. To get a better picture on who did better I will also now work out the
Modal average.
GCSE Math's Statistics Coursework Introduction: I have been given a databas. This number is the
page that I will measure the area of, i.e if the number is 7, every 7 th page would be measured in
terms of area devoted to the topics of interest. However, I bring this result into question as the Year
8 girls have such a large range of heights compared to the other year groups, and this may have some
affect on the inter-quartile range. I am aiming to go slowly my making different diagrams at different
times so there would be no confusion, so therefore I would be going on to pie charts. After each of
the diagram I would explain how I did the diagram and what people prefer and why. I am using this
secondary data as it would be easier than collecting primary data myself. Research, statistics,
primary, and secondary data are imperative in psychological analysis. Below are the standard
deviations for the rest of the year groups. Also, the articles had to be approximately 600-700 words
long, in order to take a good spread of vocabulary from it. I think this would be useful because the
girls may have made preference changes at a younger age. If r s is close to zero, the ranks is neither
agreeable nor disagreeable. If according to the mean, the year group that has the highest attendance
would be the Year 8. Whereas the Vauxhall would belong to someone that does not drive long
distances. I think doing my investigation on computer would give a better pictorial view than by
hand. To a certain degree of accuracy this proves my null hypothesis. WJEC duke daytime mba
essays is a leading awarding organisation in the UK providing assessment, training and educational
resources in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and elsewhere. The numbers on the unemployment
rate tell you the percentage of the labor force that is without a job. I would compare the mean,
median and mode to support my hypothesis. I am going to calculate the spearman’s rank correlation
to specifically see how much of a negative correlation there is. You should go into Peoplesoft and
verify through Degree Progress that you have completed all graduation requirements. I think this is
probably because the girls in Year 7 are split generally into those who have come into puberty and
those who have not. I was about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do
about how much people spend on computer games. This showed my hat there was little to no
correlation. Computer-based data visualization and analysis: Data Analysis and Visualization 3 C.
The higher the standard deviation the more spread out the curve is. I have answered my hypothesis in
fair depth and sighted future tests that could be of interest to this topic. It might also have been
more beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as this technique gave me different
numbers of students from each stratum. Because of this I’ve decided to use the stratified sampling
method to handle the vast amount of data. To do it I have decided that the best way would be to get
5 of the same news stories on the same day in the 3 papers, and take the first 100 words of each
article to see how many letters are in each. Name: Oliver Derham Candidate Number: Lord
Wandsworth College.
For this one, I split the set in two and used one boy and one girl to be more-able and the other two
to be less. I will only be using 20% of the attendance figures from each year. This is evidence to
suggest that my first hypothesis is correct. I will find mean, median, mode and range for some
certain makes of cars, from the data I have been given. To average takeoff error x and the best
jumping distance y (out of three jumps) for each jumper are recorded in the following table (see
attached file). The style is rather sophisticated, with polysyllabic words being commonplace in
comparison to the two tabloid newspapers, this really does emphasise the fact that they are focusing
upon those who are likely to have gone through higher education, those with high comprehension
skills who would also have interest in topics that go beyond what personally affects them. Finally, I
will then state whether or not the final statement has anything to do with the hypotheses. I thought
this would be a good number because it reflects the whole year group. Note: Some courses are only
offered once a year; Fall or Spring. In all of the graphs, diagrams and tables, I could clearly see that
the Year 8 attendance figures has always been the odd one out by being the most consistent. I did not
think that they would beat the girls in Key Stage 3 marks. They also have a wide spread inter-quartile
range (middle 50%). Based on your observations, experiences and using relevant examples, docume.
Proctored Final Exam The proctored final exam is a cumulative test designed to ensure that you've
mastered the material in the course. My third hypothesis was half correct boys did make an
improvement but the girls fell behind the results in KS3. It is used to find the extent to which two
sets of data correlate. See other similar resources ?3.50 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later Not quite what you were looking for. These results also seem to correlate with the scientific
theory of later male development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue I would need
stronger results. If this was the case, then obviously the chart would show no correlation. Stratified
sampling is used when there is a large amount of data that is needed to be process. I will rank the
students favourite television genre with the most popular being one. The diagrams would maintain a
clear understanding and show what is happening to the cars and what people prefer according to
their engine size. However, I bring this result into question as the Year 8 girls have such a large range
of heights compared to the other year groups, and this may have some affect on the inter-quartile
range. Students are also encouraged to enroll in Laboratory Research: Biology Concentrations as part
of their program of study. This shows that my prediction was correct and as there are hardly any cars
with a very high mileage and there are only a few smaller mileages. I have Predicted this because the
girls who come with high results from Junior School to High School do make an improvement but
not better than the Boys in Our School. However, here again we could see that the Year 8 has the
lowest median by looking at the middle line within the box compared to the other diagram and the
Year 10 and 11 are the top two medians. Stem and Leaf is included in Edexcel content guidance.
After this, the larger sample showed a strong positive correlation. I think this is unlike however, to
test it I will compare the Yr11 KS2 results with that of the Yr7’s, as these test where sat at the same
So, I will be able to estimate the averages much easier using these graphs rather than using tables. A
Year 7 pupil could have a 100% attendance figure just like a Year 11 student and it doesn’t have to
relate to age at all. Also they will have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than
others. The gain is bigger so the Results are catching up. This proves my hypothesis regarding the age
affecting the attendance is not true. I have Predicted this because the girls who come with high
results from Junior School to High School do make an improvement but not better than the Boys in
Our School. All information from the graph was copied and placed below. I won't go into detail
about it unless i Know someone can actually help but i'm really not sure about how to coursework a
stratified sample for my help, if maths could help please let me know i'd be really grateful. But with
the estimate of only 20% of all sexual assaults being reported to police, more representative
estimation for sexual offences would be approximately 86,000 in a calendar year, almost eight times
the amount of vehicle thefts. I used to get a set of 20 results from both the girls results and the boys
results. I will be using the SAT’s levels as the main source for my investigation. Weet jij ook niet
meer wat je wel of niet kunt eten. I think that this is because an older car would have been driven
more than a new car and therefore it would be a higher mileage. I am doing it this way to ensure it
isn’t biased, and also it is quick and easy. So far, the mean data collected does seem to tally with the
hypothesis made that broadsheet newspapers are more difficult to read than tabloids. The histogram
shows that most of the data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. I think that in Boys
School case the boys make a better improvement than the girls. The overall hypothesis, that will be
summarised at the end is that the content and style of a newspaper compliment each other in a way
that attracts a specific audience to read their newspaper. The Cooper test requires minimal equipment
that is easy to obtain: a 400-meter track, stopwatch, and whistle. This could be sales man, who drives
from one state to another. Rather than simply showing there may be a few words with a ridiculous
number of syllables that push just the mean upwards. Jumpers usually try to plant their toes at the
front edge of this board to maximize their jumping distance. To select the random people I filtered
the data in excel by selecting first the males from every set, and then the females. Usually, students
register for 3 credits, and may also receive payment. The data can then be used to identify trends that
can affect quality such as the rate of variance in the outcomes of a production process. I would
provide my entire hypothesis to get more accurate results and also to include my prediction. I will
then start to process data (attendance figures) firstly by reducing the amount of data that I will have
to process using the method of stratified sampling. I also think that this would be the opposite in any
other school.” This proves what I thought, that the boys will make a better improvement from their
Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 mark. I decided to do coursework on Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 SATs
results because I thought that it would be quiet interesting finding out who achieves the better
results. The sampling methods available to me were as follows:-.
If this was the case, then obviously the chart would show no correlation. I am going to calculate the
spearman’s rank correlation to specifically see how much of a negative correlation there is. The way
in which content and style compliment each other is what indicates that this is the case. From this
information, I should be able to infer a judgment on some of the mental changes that take place
during this time of children’s development. I took a sample of 40 data out of 204 by using a random
number generator on a calculator; this is how I got each number. Reading was a heavy component in
elementary school, and my mom and I would take weekly trips to Starbucks where we would sit in
the nice, comfy chairs and read for as long as we wanted to. From these tables I have plotted a
scatter diagram in Microsoft Excel Application using the entire sample population. On the other
hand, the results from the Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation disprove my hypothesis. Name:
Oliver Derham Candidate Number: Lord Wandsworth College. My second hypothesis was correct
because the boys made a better improvement then the girls. To take a stratified sample I will divide
the whole population of children into year group and gender e.g. Year 7 Boys. I will then take 10%
of each stratum to gain fair representation of each stratum. I think that this is because our school is
an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school I do not think that the boys would have made a better
improvement than the girls.”. Note the next lesson does use London 2012 and Rio 2016 medal data
for comparison. It is shown that the lower quartile is 0.4. The upper quartile is show to be 1.6. This
makes the interquartile range for the Independent; 1.2. Also, retrieved from the table is the mean
amount of syllables per word, which of course is a very important piece of data. I decided to do
coursework on Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 SATs results because I thought that it would be quiet
interesting finding out who achieves the better results. Therefore there is very varied improvement in
the less able pupils or there is an anomaly in the less able pupils. Variance is a measure of spread that
uses all of the data. Therefore my investigation may not be very accurate and miss-leading. The only
identical portion of a baseball field, depending on the league you are in, is the infield. So, basically
overall, I think the attendance of the students does affect their learning and exams results. This tells
me that the boys have made much better of an improvement than the girls because in the Key Stage 2
SATs the girls were ahead. The reason why I am providing diagrams for different makes of cars is
because to get more accurate results. So, because of this, the formula that I will be using will be this.
One this graph I plotted lines of best fit from a mean point of each stratum. (So one for Year 7 girls,
one for Year 7 boys, one for Year 11 girls and one for Year 11 boys.). I then plotted this summed
value against the IQ of the students. To select the random people I filtered the data in excel by
selecting first the males from every set, and then the females. The style and content varies with the
audience they are looking to attract and that a broadsheet will have more politically focused content
than a tabloid, whilst using a more sophisticated style. Conclusion: In answer to my aim, I think the
student's favourite choices have not differed much nonetheless; the students have become more
diverse suggesting a more mature outlook. I know this because I’ve calculated the estimated mean by
using the frequency table. All these articles are pretty much individual to the respective papers and
therefore the style of writing on vocabulary used will be extremely different and also therefore be
representative of each papers individual style.

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