p.6 English Scheme

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TERM ONE, 2023




1 1 SAFETY Listening Vocabula The learner; SAFETY ON THE ROAD LSU Spelling Strip Fluency Sure key
ON ry cards to
THE Speaking 1. spells given VOCABULARY discussion Pronouncing with Audibility success
words correctly words with vocabul bk6 pg
ROAD Reading Zebra crossing, pedestrians, Articulation
sound ‘r’ and ary
2. pronounces cyclist, motorists, 1-2
Writing ‘l’…load, road, Confidence
given words words
traffic, signal, right, left ,taxi, late, rate, label, Mk
correctly rabel etc primary
bus, black spot, seat belts,
Word 3.looks up helmet, roundabout, code English
building Looking up bk 6
meanings of highway, first aid, road words
2 words humps,…….etc

3 forms

1 SAFETY Listening Drawing The learner; Road traffic signs LSU Drawing the Cards Appreciatio Sure key
ON different traffic with n to
4 THE Speaking 1. Draws and 1.railway crossing Guided traffic success
road signs
names road discussion Respect
ROAD Reading 2.no parking road bk6 pg 2
traffic signs. Discussing the signs
writing 3.traffic lights ahead use of traffic
2. identifies the storming road signs.
use of each 4.school children
traffic sign crossing…..etc…. Discussing the
role of the
traffic police.

5 SAFETY Listening Reading The learner; Structures Brain constructing Strip Critical
ON storming different cards thinking
THE Speaking 1. constructs  “as soon as” sentences with with
sentences using  “the moment” LSU Confidence
ROAD Reading the given differen
the given  “immediately” structures. t
Guided Audibility
1 Writing structures.  “….too…..to…” sentenc
discovery re-writing
2. writes and es
Examples sentences with
reads the given the given
sentences. 1. The boy crossed the
road as soon as it
was clear.

As soon as the road was

clear, the boy crossed the

unless. /….should not….,
ought, oughtn’t, prefer,
enjoy, like

1. Drivers must signal at the


2. You must not cross the

road unless it is clear.

2 1 SAFETY Listening Pronunci The learner; A POEM Dramatizati Acting out the Critical
ON ation on poem thinking
THE Speaking 1. reads the ON THE ROAD
ROAD ( poem) words in the Role play Writing short
Reading From dawn to dusk,
poem carefully. poems
Roads are full are full of
Writing 2. recites the different road users, Reciting poems
poem with
actions. Heading to different Answering
destinations questions about
3. writes shorts the poem
poems on safety In the city or village.
on the road. ……………..etc……….
4. answers
questions about
the poem.

2 2 --do-- ---do-- Compreh The learner; DIALOGUE Role play Acting out the puppets Love
ension dialogue
1. recites the Joyce; Hello Miriam Brain Care
( dialogue storming Writing
dialogue) Miriam; Hello Joyce dialogues Effective
2. acts the Guided communicat
dialogue Joyce; You look sad, what is discussion Answering ion
the matter? questions about
3.answers ……………etc…………
the dialogue.
questions on

2 3 SAFETY Listening Compreh The learner; NOTICE LSU Talking about

ON ension keeping safe on
THE Speaking 1.reads the UGANDA POLICE Guided
the road.
ROAD ( notice) notice carefully discussion
Reading TRAFFIC SECTION Reading the
2. discusses the Brain
Writing PROUDLY PRESENTS A PUBLICstorming notice .
role of traffic
police officers. SEMINAR ON SAFETY ON THE Answering
3. answers THE MONTH the notice.
questions about
4. defines an
4 5. gives examples
of adjectives GRAMMAR

6.uses the ADJECTIVES

correct form of
the word given in 1. Define adjectives
brackets as an 2. Examples of adjectives
5 adjective.
3. Kinds of adjectives
4. Comparison of adjectives
using; …as…as/ ….not as….

5. Double comparative;

6. Ordering adjectives.

7. Opposites of adjectives

8. Re-writing sentences as in

structed in brackets.

3 2 vocabula The learner; TRAFFIC DANGERS Guided Spelling words Strip fluency Sure key
….do…. ry discussion cards to
…..do….. 1. pronounces VOCABULARY Pronouncing with audibility success
the words LSU words vocabul bk 6 pg
Crossroad, roundabout, articulation
correctly. ary 7
junction, accidents ,traffic Looking up
2. spells the lights, side path, first aid, meanings of words confidence
words correctly careless, careful, island, words
highway code,…..etc……..
3. looks up
meanings of

3 3 ….do…. ….do….. Sentence The learner; STRUCTURES LSU Constructing Strip Critical Mk
construct sentences cards thinking
1. writes …….may….. Guided with
sentences using discovery Reading Expressing
……should always….. sentenc
the given sentences es one’s point
structures. First……next…..then….. of view
Re –writing
2. reads the EXAMPLES sentences Audibility
sentences with
the structures. 1.You may get an accident if Confidence
you don’t use a side path.
sentences with 2.We should always be
structures. aware of the Highway Code.

4. re- writes as 3. First look left,next right

instructed then left again before you
cross the road.

USING: when,
because,…so.., ….so…..that..


1. When Peter rode his bike

carefully, he got a prize.

2. Peter got a prize because

he rode his bike carefully.

3. Peter rode his bike

carefully so he got a prize.

4. Peter rode his bike so

carefully that he got a prize.

3 5 SAFETY Listening Composit The learner; TRAFFIC DANGERS Guided Writing texts Papers Critical Sure key
ON ions discussion related to thinking to
THE Speaking 1. talks about FREE COMPOSITION dangers and Pens success
causes of road WRITING about; question Appreciatio
ROAD Reading safety on the dictiona bk 6 pg
accidents and answer road. n 16
writing 1. Causes of traffic dangers ry
2.writes stories Love
about causes of 2. How to keep safe on the
road accidents. road.

3.Roles of traffic police

4 1 SAFETY Listening composit The learner; PICTURE COMPOSITION Observation Talking about te Care Mk
ON ions picture primary
THE Speaking 1.talks about the A CAR ACCIDENT LSU Love
ROAD given pictures Interpreting the
Reading Pictures showing; Guided Responding
picture Bk 6
2. interprets the discussion to questions
Writing pictures 1. chn 2. a car Drawing the Sure key
playing ball approachin picture Expressing to
3. writes on the road g them. one’s views success
sentences about Writing bk 6 pg
the picture. 3. a car 4.one boy sentences
knocking giving first 17
4. draws the one of the aid.
pictures. boys.

5.carrying 6.doctor
the boy to attending
the to the boy
ambulance. in hospital

4 2 …..do… …..do…. ….do… The learner; GUIDED COMPOSITION LSU Filling in missing Critical Sure key
1.reads the given A FATAL ACCIDENT words thinking success
composition bk 6 pg
Last --------- there was a fatal Responding to Expressing 18
2. fills in the accident in Mabira forest given questions. likes and
missing words to along Kampala- Jinja dislikes
Writing out the
complete the Highway. The--------- was
composition. caused by ------------- ..etc. composition.

4 3 SAFETY Listening compreh The learner; A POEM LSU Pronouncing Standing up Monitor
ON ension words correctly for one’s English
THE Speaking 1.pronounces the SAFETY ON THE ROAD Guided course
ROAD words in the discussion Reciting the for
Reading Whether by road or railway Responding
poem correctly poem Uganda
transport, Brain
writing to questions bk 6 pg
2. recites the storming Answering
poem. Passengers need safety questions about 15

Drivers must avoid the poem

3. answers
questions about speeding…………..etc…….
the poem.

4 4 …do… ….do… Grammar The learner, GRAMMAR LSU Forming A chart Articulation
adverbs with
1. defines an ADVERBS categori
adverb Categorizing cal
 defining adverb adverbs
2. gives examples adverbs
 giving types o f
of adverbs. adverbs
 forming adverbs
3.identifies types
 identifying adverbs
of adverbs

4 forms adverbs

4 5 DEBATI Listening Vocabula The learner; DEBATING Discussion Spelling words Flash Fluency Monitor
NG ry card English
Speaking 1.spells the VOCABULARY LSU Pronouncing Articulation
with course
vocabul for
Reading words correctly. Speakers, motion, Brain words ary Uganda
proposers, opponents, point storming words
writing Word 2. pronounces of order, point of inquiry, Looking up bk 6
building the words meanings
audience, argue, argument, Advance
correctly time keeper, roles, opinion,
Opposite Constructing d
s 3. looks up conclude, current, sentences learner’
meanings of previous…etc…. s
Singular dictiona
and ry.

5 1 DEBATI ….do….. Sentence The learner; STRUCTURES Look, say Constructing Strip Audibility Mk
NG construct and use sentences cards primary
1. constructs Although ……… Fluency
ion with English
sentences with Brain Reading sample
the given Even though…………… Confidence
storming sentences sentenc Bk 6
structures. …….although………… Guided Interpreting es Sure key
2.reads and ……….even though…….. discussion sentences to
interprets success
Whereas …………….. Re-writing
sentences. bk 6
sentences as
3.re-writes as ……….whereas……….. instructed St
instructed in the Bernard
brackets. English
1. Although people did not work bk
accept his points, he argued 6

2. People did not accept his

points although he argued

3. Even though people did

not accept his points, he
argued them.

4. People did not accept his

points even though he
argued them.

5 2 DEBATI Listening Compreh The learner; COMPREHENSION Look, say Reading Fluency Sure key
NG ension and use passages to
Speaking 1. recites the 1.DIALOGUE Audibility success
dialogue Guided Reciting bk 6 pg
Reading Babirye; Do you always hold discovery dialogues Articulation
2. interprets debate at North Road 27- 30
3 Writing information on Primary School? Brain Interpreting Responding
the notice. storming notices to questions
Bbale; Yes, we do. We
3. writes always have it at 2:00p.m in Guided Responding to Confidence
dialogues the main hall every Friday. discussion questions
4. answers Formulating
& questions about 2. NOTICE motions
the dialogue.
NAMAYUMBA C/U P/S Constructing
5. answers INTER CLASS DEBATE P.6 sentences
questions about VS P.5
the notices and
passages. VENUE; MAIN HALL

TIME; 2:15 – 4: 15……etc.

3. PASSAGE; about

5 5 DEBATI Listening composit The learner; COMPOSITIONS Look, say Reading the Responding
NG ions and use compositions to questions
Speaking 1. reads and 1. GUIDED COMPOSITION
answers Brain Filling in the Critical
Reading questions on …………… in schools is a very
storming missing words thinking
interesting activity.
Writing texts. Debating promotes self- Guided Re- arranging
expression discussion the sentences to
2.fills in missing ,………………,critical thinking form good
words in the
and confidence among compositions.
learners. …..etc…
3. re –arranges
sentences to About; Why some pupils are
make a good more and fluent than
composition. others.

6 1 PARTS Listening vocabula The learner; PARTS OF SPEECH Discussion Spelling Strip Fluency Detailed
OF ry different words cards English
SPEEC Speaking 1. identifies the VERBS as verbs with Audibility gramma
H kinds of verbs some r bk for
Reading  Definition: A verb is Identifying kinds Effective
2.states an action word. verbs to communicat upper
2 Writing of verbs spell primary
examples of  Examples of verbs; ion
verbs Using correct pg 32-
clap, drink, am,
forms of words 33
3.spells given
 Kinds of verbs e.g.,
verbs correctly Forming regular
regular verbs,
auxiliary verbs,
3 irregular verbs …etc.



They have the same pattern

for past simple and past
participle tense e.g. dance
,walk, learn.....etc…..

-forming different regular


6 4 PARTS ….do……. ….do….. The learner; 2. IRREGULAR VERBS Look , say Forming regular Effective Detailed
OF and use and irregular communicat English
SPEEC 1. differentiates They have a different gramma
verbs. ion
the regular from pattern for past simple and Guided
H r for
the irregular past participle tense. discussion Forming Fluency upper
5 verbs. affirmative , primary
e.g., see, drink, go, sink…etc. Brain negative and Confidence
2. forms irregular storming contraction of
verbs. - forming the category of
irregular verbs. auxiliary verbs

They help the main verb.

e.g. is , am, are , has , have ,
7 had , will…….etc…..

1 -forming the affirmative,

negative and contractions.

7 PARTS Listening Sentence The leaner; PARTS OF SPEECH Look , say Drawing a tense Fluency Detailed
OF construct and use tree English
SPEEC Speaking ion 1. defines a tense TENSES Confidence gramma
Brain Changing r bk for
2 H Reading 2. outlines the 1. The present tense storming sentences from Effective
major tenses communicat upper
Writing 2. The past tense one present
ion primary
3. outlines the tense to
3 forms of each 3.The future tense another.
tense N.B: Put emphasis on: Re- writing as
 the uses of a
particular tense
 affirmative
 negative sentences
5  Interrogative
 question tags
 active and passive

Each tense has four forms as


1. The present simple –

refers to every day actions.

e.g. she cries daily.

2.The present continuous

e.g. she is crying now.

3.The present perfect

e.g. she has cried.

4. The present perfect


e.g. she has been crying.

8 1 PARTS Listening Sentence The learner; TENSES Guided Forming Confidence Junior
OF construct discussion sentences in all English
Speaking 1.identifies 2.PAST TENSE Effective
SPEEC ion forms of past revised
H. tenses Brain tense. communicat
Reading Has four forms as; storming ion Detailed
2. changes Changing English
Writing sentences from 1. The past simple – shows Look ,say Re writing
yesterday, last week, last sentences from gramma
one tense to and use sentences
month, last year events. past to present r for
another. upper
E.g. she cried last week. and vice versa. primary.

2 2. The past continuous e.g.

She was crying last week.

3. The past perfect e.g.

3 She had cried a lot by the

time her mother returned.
4.The past perfect
continuous e.g.
& She had been crying for

9 1 Direct Listening Sentence The learner: DIRECT SPEECH Guided Constructing Chalkbo fluency MK
Speech Discussion sentences ard English
Speaking construct 1. states These are the actual words illustrati articulation Handbo
ion the use of a speaker used when Brain Punctuating ok for
Reading on respect
of direct reporting. Storming sentences P.5-P.7
Writing speech.
Examples p75
2. Punctuat
es the  Mpanga said, “The
given man is already Fountai
sentence dead.” n Core
 “I am not feeling English
well today,” said Gramm
Monica. ar p.203

2 Indirec Listening Changing The learner: INDIRECT SPEECH Explanation Re-writing Strip fluency MK
t direct English
3 Speech Speaking sentence 1. states  It is the changing Guided sentences cards accuracy Handbo
s to the use from the actual Discovery ok P5-
Reading indirect of Chalkbo appreciation P.7
words of a speaker
Brain ard
Writing indirect to the words used sharing pp.75-
speech storming illustrati
when reporting. 86
4 2. re-writes on respect
 It is also called
the given Fountai
reported speech.
sentence n Core
s in Examples English
1. “I study Luganda ar
every evening,” he pp.203-
3. Identifies
5 said. 207
He said that he
studied Luganda
that take
every evening.
2. “These books are
mine,” Stephen said.
Stephen said that
direct to
those books were
N.B Emphasize on the
various changes that occur
when changing from direct
to indirect

1 1 Parts Listening Sentence The learner; CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Look say Writing Critical Junior
0 of construct and use sentences in if 1 thinking English
Speaking 1. identifies the 3 If (1) or conditional clause 1
speech ion clause. composi
key words to Guided Fluency tion and
Reading refer to We use the present simple Using the four
discussion gramma
or present continuous tense
2 Writing conditionals as; in the if clause and a future Brain rules of unless Articulation r pg 37-
simple in the main clause. storming 41
If , unless , and e.g. 1. If I go to Juba , I will Re writing as Effective
because instructed communicat
teach all the girls how to
debate. ion
2. writes
3 sentences in if 1. 2. I will teach all the girls
3. uses unless in how to debate if I go to
sentences Juba. ……..etc……..


Apply all the four ways of

using; unless e.g.

1. Unless I go to Juba, I will

not teach the girls how to
2. I will not teach the girls
how to debate unless I go to

3. Unless she calls me, I will

leave for Nairobi.

1 1 Parts Listening Sentence The learner; If (2) or conditional clause 2 Guided Explaining the Confidence Junior
1 of construct discussion difference English
2 speech Speaking 1. explains the We use the past simple and between if1 and Fluency composi
difference would in the main clause. Look, say if 2. tion and
3 Reading between if 1 and Effective
and use gramma
E.g. 1. If I went to Juba, I Changing communicat
4 Writing if 2. r
would teach all the girls how Brain ion
sentences from
2. changes to debate. storming one if clause to Appreciatio
sentences from if another.
1 to if 2. 2. I would teach all the girls n
how to debate if I went to Re writing
3. re- writes Juba. ……etc…. sentences as
sentences as instructed.
instructed. If(3) or conditional clause 3

We use the past perfect

tense (had) in the if clause
and a would have/could
have/might have in the
main clause. e.g.

1. If I had gone to Juba, I

would have taught the girls
how to debate.

2. Had I gone to juba, I

would have taught the girls
how to debate.


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