A Level Pe Coursework Exemplar

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Writing coursework, especially at the A Level, can be a challenging task that requires a significant

amount of time, effort, and dedication. A Level PE (Physical Education) coursework, in particular,
demands a thorough understanding of the subject, strong research skills, and the ability to articulate
complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Students often find themselves grappling with various aspects of coursework, including selecting a
suitable topic, conducting extensive research, organizing information, and meeting strict formatting
and citation requirements. Additionally, the pressure of achieving high grades can add to the stress,
making the entire process even more daunting.

Considering the complexity of A Level PE coursework, it's not uncommon for students to seek
assistance to ensure the quality of their work. While seeking help, it's important to choose reliable
resources that can provide valuable support without compromising academic integrity.

One such platform that has been recognized for its professionalism and commitment to quality is ⇒
HelpWriting.net ⇔. This site offers custom writing services that can assist students in crafting well-
researched and well-structured coursework. Their team of experienced writers understands the
intricacies of A Level PE coursework and can provide expert guidance to help students achieve their
academic goals.

However, it's essential to remember that seeking help is not a substitute for personal effort and
learning. It should be used as a supplementary resource to enhance understanding and improve the
overall quality of coursework. Students are encouraged to engage actively in the writing process,
collaborate with the writers, and utilize the completed work as a learning tool.

In conclusion, writing A Level PE coursework is undoubtedly challenging, and seeking assistance

from reputable platforms like ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ can be a valuable option for those looking to
enhance their academic performance. Remember to approach such services responsibly and use them
as a tool for learning and improvement.
My programme will go as over page, it is only three weeks long because I will repeat it in the same
pattern of improvement in the second half, raising the level each weak. This may even involve
physical contact with the player which is enough to put him off without conceding a foul. However I
made a significant increase in skipping and also improved my step ups and stomach crunches. I
wouldn’t personally do something as extreme as this in a game. I would also say I have good
strength which I can use to power up with my legs to head the ball. My predictions were correct and
I did improve my agility, but my it only improved by a small margin, which I believe can be made
larger if the changes I have just mentioned are made. Strikers such as Wayne Rooney are very good
at playing the offside rule and have this extra instinct of when to make their run especially when
they have good chemistry with the player passing the ball. Injuries that could occur if you do not
warm up are pulling muscles and tendons. The other weakness is my flexibility which can be a major
part of football. The team that dominates in the air can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front
of the six yard box both when defending and attacking, and that team can win the ball from long
goal kicks. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.
This also helps to increase the muscle temperature, allowing for a more effective static stretch. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 21 June
2021 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest LBOE Shop Not the right resource. Therefore a football player
must have a good aerobic endurance base if he or she is to last the full game without becoming
excessively tired. The team that dominates in the air can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front
of the six yard box both when defending and attacking, and that team can win the ball from long
goal kicks. This exemplar uses the sport of Netball and is written by a teacher to showcase a top
grade and meet all of the assessment objectives given in the specification marking grid. I could
overload by increasing the time, distance and speed. If we are winning and we gain any kind of set
piece I like to get the ball slowly and take it slowly without conceding a yellow card for being too
slow. This is the ability of muscles to maintain and repeat contractions without getting tired. This is
the hardest and flattest part of your head, and it will give you better control over where you want to
make the ball go as well as giving greater power. Another rule involves physical contact and what the
limit to that is. For example I can identify when to use a long driven pass to effectively get the ball
to the player. My predictions were correct and I did improve my agility, but my it only improved by a
small margin, which I believe can be made larger if the changes I have just mentioned are made. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account
related email. When I receive the ball one of my tactics is to try to switch the ball with a long pass.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It is
based around the AQA A-level textbook published by Hodder Education. This shows I am starting
to reach your full potential and if you keep exercising at a constant level, my fitness will stay at that
level. The long ball tactic can be highly effective if your team has tall players with strong heading
ability, or fast forwards, who can run behind the defence, but there is a high risk of giving the ball
New coursework is 15 marks for the strengths and weaknesses analysis and 10 marks for the students
evaluation. Bend one leg aiming to put your heel on your buttocks. My programme will go as over
page, it is only three weeks long because I will repeat it in the same pattern of improvement in the
second half, raising the level each weak. A plus is that you can adapt the circuits to focus on anything
you wish e.g to work more on skills. A good first touch is the first step towards distributing the ball
well which is why it is so important. At the same time, exercising only once a month will not increase
your fitness by much, if at all. My strength also lies in beating players at certain times with good
dribbling and I am also a good header of the ball which ties in with the co-ordination. However this
formation for me is not always the best formation because it requires a lot of technical ability in the
midfielder which I don’t think we quite have as well as a certain cleverness with the movement.
Here is how I can test these elements to provide a base data to assess whether my programme is
successful or not. Most things with my weak foot aren’t great but my weak foot passing is quite a big
area for improvement. General fitness is the ability to carry out everyday activities without excessive
tiredness and still have enough energy to cope with emergencies. To increase the stretches push your
hips into the floor. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. For example, warming up your biceps and triceps by reaching for your toes and also
warming up your hamstrings by doing squat thrusts to warm up your muscles. The body takes time to
adapt to the increased demands on it. During goal kicks from the opposition I like to space myself
away from the person I am marking. Review 5 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. This gives
the other team a lot of problems because sometimes the central defender doesn’t know whether to
follow that player or whether to tell one of the midfielders to mark him. Sometimes this technique is
used for short-range shots at goal, and even for taking penalties, because of its reliability. They can
also rotate with the attacking midfielder to draw their man away from the ball leaving space to
receive it. Because the second striker has more defensive responsibilities it means that player has
more of a free role position so can venture anywhere in attacking positions. Put the sole of the foot
of leg (a) on the floor and hug the knee towards the chest. You should aim to warm up different
muscles at different intervals, so as not to warm up your upper-body muscles all in one go whilst
leaving out your lower-body muscles. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. For
example sometimes I may strain a muscle when reaching for the ball because they are not flexible
enough, which can hinder the performance of a game. It usually requires some sort of learning some
of them consist of. Free kicks are something which many elite players practice in training so they like
to implement their own tactics. People can improve their fitness by basing their programme on FITT.
Many games of five-a-side are played in the street, on the beach, or on a piece of waste ground with
minimal facilities and little organisation. General fitness is the ability to carry out everyday activities
without excessive tiredness and still have enough energy to cope with emergencies. However I made
a significant increase in skipping and also improved my step ups and stomach crunches. Anywhere
else on the pitch if you were grabbing hold of the player and pushing them around more often than
not it would be a foul. Like I said this type of thing often results in a telling off from the referee in
local football whereas in elite football this would usually result in a booking. In circuit training you
do a different exercise at each station e.g squats, press-ups etc. It is possible to use this training for
either aerobic or anaerobic work and provides a good motivation to work hard because it is carried
out in sets. This may also tie in with heading the ball as you need to judge the flight of the ball in
order to make good connection, which is what you have to do most of the time when controlling the
ball. If the free kick is near the edge of the penalty area then I would usually shoot especially if the
goal keeper is small as gives a larger area to score. This proves my cardiovascular system is
improving. If I just jog around it makes it a lot easier to defend me. I participate in football related
activity four times per week for about 7-8 hours. The simplest and most accurate method for short
distance passes is to use the inside of the foot, which presents a large flat surface to the soccer ball.
It is also important to have a side on position so that you can turn quickly and effectively when the
ball is played. In off season much of the preparation for the following season is done. Thank you
Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this resource to
let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Someone who naturally builds muscle quickly
may not need to do as much weight training, but concentrate more on cardiovascular activity. Bend
one leg aiming to put your heel on your buttocks. They both work the same muscle, abdominals, and
I could become fatigued which would not give me an accurate result when performing them. Doing
this is vital to putting off the player you are marking making it a lot more difficult to make contact
with the ball. Another good time to tackle is when your opponent looks down at the ball. Reach
through the gap and around the outside of the leg (b), which is bent and on the floor, pull the leg in
as far as, is comfortable. The performer has high cardiovascular demands as he must play
continuously for two 45 minute periods, muscular endurance, agility, muscular strength and
coordination are just some of the other demands set on a player in a football game. Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Other times I may simply
be asked to be one of the runners in which case I will try and arc my run in a quick motion in order
to lose the defender. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. Resources also include worksheets on how to structure answers using the assessment
objectives and a peer assessment sheet to help understand the marking criteria. Empty reply does not
make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel johnworsnop 6 years ago report 5 Do you have
one for Year 2 Sport Psychology. See other similar resources ?4.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. These results should really determine whther or
not my personal exercise program (P.E.P) worked to my advantage.
Like I said this type of thing often results in a telling off from the referee in local football whereas in
elite football this would usually result in a booking. It is an eleven a side field game played with a
spherical ball. Your head and spine should keep alignment and posture should be correct. More elite
players, especially defenders such as Nemanja Vidic will be able to do this effectively in order to get
enough power and accuracy into their heading. One of these is strength, which for a midfielder is a
very important component of fitness. The follow-through should be long and smooth, and another
useful tip is to approach the kick slightly from the side whenever possible. When defending with this
formation the second striker is require to step back into the midfield four making it five. At the same
time, exercising only once a month will not increase your fitness by much, if at all. Therefore, even
though they have the same goals they may not reach them by the same means. Many activities need
both cardiovascular and muscular endurance and football is one of them. For example sometimes the
right or left midfielder may move inside which would be the trigger for either the centre midfielder o
take this place up or the full back. In circuit training you do a different exercise at each station e.g
squats, press-ups etc. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?5.00
5.00 3 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 5.00 3 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest jharris22 5.00 8 reviews Not the right
resource. I particularly want to do as many stomach crunches and sit ups as possible as after my last
session my abdominals were sore as I am not used to working these muscles to such a high extent.
Warming down prevents soreness and muscle fatigue by keeping the blood circulating and providing
oxygen for the muscles after the activity to reduce the amount of lactic acid that can occur. If I
overdo exercise I could risk torn muscles and joint injuries. However my P.E.P still worked very well
because it improved ALL fitness components it set out to. This is why you must train three days per
week otherwise I lose the effects before the next session starts. If I just jog around it makes it a lot
easier to defend me. I did better in this circuit than I did in any other I have performed. There are
five main aspects to general fitness, which consist of the following. Other times a ball may be played
at an awkward height for me to control which I may have been able to control if I was more flexible.
It is the different rates at which a person is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a
short period of time. In fact my training rate goes from 7-8 hours to about 4 hours per week. Which
means increasing; F requency, I ntensity, T ime they do it for and the Type of exercise they do. See
other similar resources ?7.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. However my P.E.P still worked very well because it improved ALL fitness
components it set out to. Not only is this painful if somebody tackles hard when you are trying to
kick, but it is terribly inaccurate. I could overload by increasing the time, distance and speed.
However I made a significant increase in skipping and also improved my step ups and stomach
There are also national teams where the most talented players from the country come together to play
in competitions such as the world cup against other nations. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet
To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The fact that the game
involves acceleration and deceleration, changes in direction, angled runs and running backwards
means that there is an increased energy cost of the exercise. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet
To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. It involves unpredictable
cycles of activity and rest dependant on the pattern of play and the length of the game. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. To train hard seven days a week will only begin
to have diminishing results, as my body has no time to rest. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. A move that we work on with this formation
requires the wide midfielders to drift inside leaving space in behind for the full back to get out
however the full backs have to recognise that the space is there or this will not work. Depending on
the position of the player on the field and the level at which the game is played, varying degrees of
fitness and combinations of components of fitness are needed. You results are obtained by recording
the level you reached. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. I don’t think we are good enough as a team to play this formation. Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. This game is good for
warming you up because it includes a lot of running in the game. This may even involve physical
contact with the player which is enough to put him off without conceding a foul. The team that
dominates in the air can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front of the six yard box both when
defending and attacking, and that team can win the ball from long goal kicks. The body takes time
to adapt to the increased demands on it. Heading skills also enable a team to use the long ball tactic
bombarding the opposition with long passes towards their penalty area. I managed to do 20
repetitions in all areas of my circuit other than shuttle run, pull ups and sit ups. I also want to make
sure that all my stations are in the right place and do not overwork a particular muscle. This is what
allows so many different types of people to enjoy the sport. My predictions were correct and I did
improve my agility, but my it only improved by a small margin, which I believe can be made larger if
the changes I have just mentioned are made. In the penalty area however you can get away with
doing this whilst marking a player as the referee doesn’t want to give a penalty for such a little thing.
If I just jog around it makes it a lot easier to defend me. One is to prepare mentally for the exercise
we are about to do and to get our minds in the correct state to carry out the necessary physical
exercises. Students receive 2 x 55min lessons a week for this unit, and the same for the other two
units also. Accurate short passes with supporting runs into space allows a team to keep possession,
and build an attack. A full ninety minute match requires high levels of aerobic fitness among other
components. For example if you are one on one with the keeper the best thing to do is try to place it
either side of the keeper is this is more accurate.

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