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Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
Mahatma Gandhi Central University Motihari, Bihar
❑ Sampling is considered a very useful method in the field of
social science and social research.

❑ One of the main problems related to research is the

selection of units for the study.

❑ The sampling has been considered a very useful method

in the field of social science and social research.

❑ Sampling is done because you usually cannot gather data

from the entire population.

❑ Even in relatively small populations, the data may be

needed urgently, and including everyone in the
population in your data collection may take too long.
❑ Two types of Methods are used for
compilation of facts in the research :-

❖ Census Method : Through this method, the

whole is studied by establishing contact with
all the members of the group

❖ Sampling Method : Sampling, the selection of

some represented units from the whole units
is called sampling.
➢ The Sampling is a method by which the researcher select some of the
unit from the entire unit based on various commonly accepted methods
and principles, so that the selected units can represent the properties
of the whole.
➢ It is often necessary to use sampling because researchers usually do not
have the time, energy, money or resources to study the whole
➢ Stages of Sampling:
▪ Define or Determine the target population. Population means either all people or
group/organization/country/object/or any other entity that a researcher is
ambitious to study and draw the conclusions.
▪ To choose sampling frame or technique, means a researcher utilises his/her access
to the target group of study among people. Sampling frame may not be completely
representative of the whole population, for example, a researcher wants to know
campaign success of "Cigarette is injurious to health". The researcher may not
know all the smokers and all smokers can not be contacted, then he/her may go to
a shop where cigarette is sold and he/her can choose sample from there and draw
the conclusions.
▪ Sampling techniques should be divided into two broad categories, Probability or
random sampling or non-Probability sampling.
➢ The Sampling Method is the Foundation of social research and survey.
✓ P.V. Young- A statistical sample is a miniature picture or cross-
section group or aggregate from which the sample is taken.
✓ Goode and Hatt- A Sampling is a small representative of a
large whole.
✓ Bogardus- Sampling is the selection of cestain percentage of a
group of items according to a predetermined plan.
✓ Hasin Pao Yang- A statistical sample is a cross-section of the
entire group.
✓ Frank Yaton- The term sample should be reserved for a set of
units or portion of an aggregate of material which has been
selected in belief that it will be representative of the whole
➢ The sampling method is the method in which only a few
representative units of the overall population are studied by
selecting them.
➢ This method has some grounds which are indicated as
Homogeneity of

Grounds of
Sampling Method

Probability of Adequate
representative Accuracy

➢ Sampling can be used to make inference about a population

or to make generalization in relation to existing theory.
➢ In essence, this depends on choice of sampling technique.
➢ In general, sampling techniques can be divided into two types:
▪ Probability sampling
▪ Non- probability sampling
Sampling Method
Probability Sampling Non Probability
Method Sampling Method

Random Sampling Method Quota Sampling Method

Lottery Random Sampling Area Sampling Method Judgment Sampling Method

Systematic Sampling Method Snowball Sampling Method
Card or Ticket Random
Sampling Method
Stratified Sampling Method Convenience Sampling Method
Regular Marking Random
Sampling Method Cluster Sampling Method Self Selective Sampling Method

Irregular Marking Random Multistage Sampling Method

Sampling Method
Repetitive Sampling Method
Tippet Random Sampling
Method Purposive Sampling Method.

Grid Sampling Method

 Probability sampling means that every item in the population
has an equal chance of being included in sample.

 Probability sampling has the greatest freedom from bias but

may represent the most costly sample in terms of time and
energy for a given level of sampling error

 Thus the Probability Sampling Methods include Random

Sampling Method, Area Sampling Method, Systematic
Sampling Method, Stratified Sampling Method, Cluster
Sampling Method, Multistage Sampling Method, Repetitive
Sampling Method and Purposive Sampling Method.
• Random sampling is a part of the sampling technique in which each
sample has an equal probability of being chosen.
• A sample chosen randomly is meant to be an unbiased representation
of the total population.
• Under this, the researcher has no freedom to select some units from
the group, but the selection of units is done on the basis of certain
• This means that all the units of the whole get equal opportunity to be
selected for selection of a representative sample under daily sampling.
• Types of random Sampling Method:-
✓ Lottery Random Sampling Method
✓ Card or Ticket Random Sampling Method
✓ Regular Marking Random Sampling Method
✓ Irregular Marking Random Sampling Method
✓ Tippet Random Sampling Method
✓ Grid Random Sampling Method
• Area sampling involves sampling from a map, an aerial
photograph, or a similar area frame. Area frames can
be used for multiple variables at the same time.
• There’s no overlap between sampling units.
• Every unit has an equal chance of being selected.
• This complete coverage results in unbiased estimates.


• Systematic sampling is where every nth case after a
random start is selected.
• The advantage of this sampling technique is its
• Stratified sampling is where the population is divided into strata
(or subgroups) and a random sample is taken from each subgroup.
• A sub group is a natural set of items. Subgroups might be based on
company size, gender or occupation (to name but a few).
• Stratified sampling is often used where there is a great deal of
variation within a population.
• Its purpose is to ensure that every stratum is adequately


• Cluster sampling is where the whole population is divided into
clusters or groups. Subsequently, a random sample is taken from
these clusters, all of which are used in the final.
• Cluster sampling is advantageous for those researchers whose
subjects are fragmented over large geographical areas
• Multi-stage sampling is a process of moving from a
broad to a narrow sample, using a step by step
Obviously, this is both expensive and time
• A cheaper alternative would be to use multi-stage
• The main purpose of multi-stage sampling is to select
samples which are concentrated in a few
geographical regions.
• For the study of research content, the selections are
made at different times instead of simultaneously.
• Sampling at different stages during research studies are
inappropriate. Then, other substitutions are selected in
place of these adhesions.
• At the stage at which the sampling will be useful for
research studies, instead of the unusable sampling, the
other samples which have a higher probability of
usefulness are selected.
• This method is commonly used to correct mistakes in
• When the researcher selects some of the units from the
aggregate on his own basis based on a particular
objective, such sampling is called objective sampling.
• This sampling method requires researchers to have prior
knowledge about the purpose of their studies so that
they can properly choose and approach eligible
• Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental,
selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-
probability sampling in which researchers rely on their
own judgment when choosing members of the
population to participate in their study.
 Non probability sampling is often associated with case study
research design and qualitative research.
 In non-probability sampling, the sample group is selected from
the population and the how the sample differs from the
population cannot be determined.
 The sampling of the case studies tend to focus on small samples
and are intended to examine a real life phenomenon, not to make
statistical inferences in relation to the wider population.
 Thus the Non-probability Sampling methods include Convenience
Sampling Method, Self Selective Sampling Method, Judgment
Sampling Method, Snowball Sampling Method and Quota
Sampling Method.
• Quota sampling is a sampling methodology wherein data
is collected from a homogeneous group. It involves a
two-step process where two variables can be used to
filter information from the population.
• the comparative importance of different classes, the
number of units to be selected from each class is
determined. While determining the number of units to
be taken from different categories, it is not necessary for
the researcher to determine them only in percentage of
the number of different categories.
• Even if the number of units in a class is more, if its
functional effect is comparatively less, then fewer units
can be selected from it.
• Judgmental sampling is a strategy in which particular
settings persons or events are selected deliberately in
order to provide important information that cannot
be obtained from other choices.
• It is where the researcher includes cases or
participants in the sample because they believe that
they warrant inclusion.
• The process of selecting a sample using judgmental
sampling involves the researchers carefully picking
and choosing each individual to be a part of the
• Snowball sampling is a non random sampling
method that uses a few cases to help
encourage other cases to take part in the
study, thereby increasing sample size.

• This approach is most applicable in small

• Convenience Sample is a type of non-probability sampling
method where the sample is taken from a group of people easy
to contact or to reach.
• This type of sampling is also known as grab sampling or
availability sampling. There are no other criteria to the sampling
method except that people be available and willing to
• In addition, this type of sampling method does not require that a
simple Random sample is generated, since the only criteria is
whether the participants agree to participate
• Convenience sampling is when researchers leverage individuals
that can be identified and approached with as little effort as
possible. These are often individuals that are geographically
close to the researchers.
• Self Selection sampling method is a non-probability
sampling method, that is based on the judgment of
the researcher.
• This is a useful tool for researchers, who want people
or organizations (units), to participate (or volunteer)
as part of a study on their own accord.
• Sometimes the researcher is not required to choose
a sample, but some individuals become part of the
sampling based on their own interests.
• The sampling is usually achieved by various means of

Freedom Sufficient Size

Characteristics of
Based on a Good Sampling
Experiences Reliability

Based on
knowledge and
Logic Free from

ʘ The sampling should be a proper and complete representation of all
the units related to the research study.
ʘ The sampling should correspond to the content related to the research
ʘ The choice of sampling should go beyond personal favoritism.
ʘ As far as the sampling should be, which has almost the same
ʘ The choice of sampling should be based on the reasoning and
knowledge of the researcher.
ʘ It is also necessary to include practical experiences of the researcher in
the choice of sampling.
ʘ The units under sampling should conform to the nature and size of the
aggregate. According to PV Young, "a useful sampling is one that
involves enough cases (units) to present reliable conclusions."

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