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GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level VII


Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST QUARTER

DAY 1 Monday DAY 2 Tuesday DAY 3 Wednesday DAY 4 Thursday DAY 5 Friday
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities
I. OBJECTIVES may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children
to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
Performs operations on rational describes principal roots and tells determines between what estimates the square root of a
C. Learning Competencies/
numbers. whether they are rational or two integers the square root whole number to the nearest
Objectives irrational. (M7NS-Ig-1) of a number is (M7NS-Ig-2) World’s Teachers’ Day Hundredth. (M7NS-Ig-3)
Celebration @ Ynares Center
D. Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC)
Multiplication and Division of Number and Number Sense Number and Number Sense Number and Number Sense
II. CONTENT Rational Numbers (Principal Roots and Irrational (Principal Roots and (Principal Roots and Irrational
Numbers) Irrational Numbers) Numbers)
A. References
Teachers Guide, Pages 57 –
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teachers Guide, Pages 63 – 70 Teachers Guide, Pages 57 – 62 Teachers Guide, Pages 57 – 62
Learners Material, Pages 41- Learners Material, Pages 41-
2. Learner’s Material Learners Material, Pages 53-56 Learners Material, Pages 41-43
43 43
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd 2016 Math Builders pages 57 – 67 Math Builders pages 57 – 67 Math Builders pages 57 – 67
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources PPT videos, smart phones, PPT videos, smart phones, internet PPT videos, smart phones, PPT videos, smart phones,
internet access (Facebook & access (Facebook & YouTube), and internet access (Facebook & internet access (Facebook &
YouTube), and google meet google meet access, printed Module, YouTube), and google meet YouTube), and google meet
access, printed Module, anycast anycast access, printed Module, access, printed Module,
anycast anycast
Find the Math Fact Family Before we begin our lesson for Review: Review:
today, I want you to watch this video Tell whether √ 39 is rational Estimate
To set up the game, you will write by coco melon and irrational. 1. 1.56 to the nearest
4 numbers onto each strip of Wash Your Hands Song | CoComelon tenths
paper. 3 will be part of a fact Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - 2. 0. 345 to the nearest
YouTube hundredths
family, and one will not be part of
Questions: 3. 0.6545 to the nearest
the fact family. A fact family is 3
1. According to the song why should tenths
numbers that are connected we need to wash our hand?
through multiplication and 2. According to the song, how do we
division. brush are hands?
3. When do we need to wash our
hand?Justify your answer.

Take a look at the unusual

A. Reviewing previous lesson or wristwatch and answer the
presenting the new lesson questions below.

1. Can you tell the time?

2. What time is shown in the
3. What do you get when you take
the √1 ? √4 ? √9 ? √ 16 ?
4. How will you describe the result?
5. Can you take the exact value of
6. What
could you

B. Establishing a purpose for Group Activity Any number that cannot be Now estimate a square root
the lesson Paper Folding Activity expressed as a quotient of two without calculator
integers is an irrational number.
Example: 3/4 x 2/3
1. Fold paper (hotdog style) into The numbers √2, π, and the special 1 √2
4ths number e are all irrational numbers. 1. √ 10
2. Unfold and color in 3 of the 4 Decimal numbers that are non-
2. √ 30
sections (3/4ths) repeating and non-terminating are
3. Fold the same paper the irrational numbers. √ 60
other direction (hamburger
style) into 3rds
4. Unfold and color in (on the
same side) 2 of the 3 new
sections (2/3rds)

This graphic only

represents the additional folds
and coloring. Because parts have
already been folded and colored,
the next graphic is the actual
representation of your final
You should have a grid of 12
sections. The sections that have
overlapping colors are the answer
to your problem.
So you should have 6 sections
with overlapping shading.
6/12ths or 1/2.
Sometimes the students have
trouble with the coloring part so I
have had them color one fraction
on one side and one on the other
and hold it up to see where they
C. Presenting examples/ Consider the following examples: Principal roots below are Steps:
instances for the new lesson What is 1/4×1/3? Suppose we have Use the button of a scientific between two integers. Get the a table of“x” and
one rectangular shape cake represent calculator to find the following Find the two closest such squares the values of x
1 unit.
values: integers. x x
Divide the cake first into 4 equal parts
vertically. One part of it is ¼ 1 1
A. √ 19 B. √
101 2 4
3 9
√ 300 4 16
5 25
Then, divide each fourth into 3 equal 6 36
parts, this time horizontally to make
7 49
the divisions easy to see. One part of
8 64
the horizontal division is 1/3.

Step2: look at the table:

Get the value x 2, then look if
1/3 x 1/4 = 1/12 the number you are squaring
is bigger or smaller than the
2/3÷1/2 number of the the ”x”.
One unit is divided into 3 equal parts
and 2 of them are shaded. 1) √ 2
x x
1 . 1
Each of the two shaded parts will be 2 4
cut in halves. Answer: Could be
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
(Note: Answer may vary as
Since there are two divisions per part
long as it satisfy the product
(i.e. 1/3 ) and there are two of them
(i.e. 2/3 then there will be 4 pieces when you multiply the
out of 3 original pieces or answer)
2/3÷1/2=4/3 or 1 1/3

D. Discussing new concepts and Illustrative Examples Solution: 2. √ 10

practicing new skills #1 4 8 32 Classifying Principal nth Roots as (a) √ 19 x x
1. × = Rational or Irrational Numbers to
5 9 45 16 is a perfect integer 1 1
2 5 14 17 determine whether a principal root square and 4 is its principal 2 4
2. 4 ×2 = × is a rational or irrational number, square root. 25 is the next
3 6 3 6 3 9
determine if the radicand is a perfect perfect integer square and 5 4 16
238 2 nth power or not. If it is, then the is its principal square root.
= =13 Answer: Could be
18 9 root is rational. Otherwise, it is Therefore, √ 19 is between 3.1 , 3.12
2 3 2 4 8 irrational. 4 and 5. (Note: Answer may vary as
3. ÷ = × =
3 4 3 3 9 long as it satisfy the product
3 2 28 17 Problem 1.
(b) √
101 when you multiply the
4. 5 ÷3 = ÷ Tell whether the principal root of
5 5 5 5 64 is a perfect integer answer)
each number is rational or irrational.
28 5 28 11 cube and 4 is its principal
= × = =1 cube root. 125 is the next
5 17 17 17
perfect integer cube and 5 is
Using the previous examples, its principal cube root.
answer the following questions: Therefore, √ 3
101 is between
 In multiplying fractions, can 4 and 5.
we directly multiply
numerator to numerator and (c)√ 300
denominator to 289 is a perfect integer
denominator? How about in square and 17 is its principal
division? Why? square root. 324 is the next
 Do we have to get the LCD of perfect integer square and
fractions whenever we 18 is its principal square
multiply? How about in root. Therefore, √ 300 is
division? between 17 and 18.
 Can we multiply mixed
fraction by mixed fraction
directly? If no, what do we do
to perform the operation?
Can we divide mixed fraction by
mixed fraction directly?

Match column A from Column B. Estimate each square root

Write the letter that corresponds to to the nearest tenth.
your answer in the space provided A. √ 40
before the number.

Column A Column B
A. The principal root √ 40
3 4 1
1. × a. -1 is between 6 and 7,
7 5 8 principal roots of the two
8 ( )
× -
b. −1
perfect squares 36 and 49,
respectively. Now, take the
E. Discussing new concepts and 3 2 12 square of 6.5, midway
practicing new skills #2 3. ÷ c. between 6 and 7.
4 5 35
Computing, 6.52 = 42.25.
9 −4
÷( )5
d. 1
Since 42.25 > 40 then √ 40
is closer to 6 than to 7. Now,
6 2 9 compute for the squares of
5. 3 ×2 e. 9
7 5 35 numbers between 6 and 6.5:
7 6.12 = 37.21, 6.22 = 38.44,
f. 1 6.32 = 39.69, and
6.42 = 40.96. Since 40 is
close to 39.69 than to 40.96,
√ 40 is approximately 6.3.
A. Perform the indicated If a principal root is irrational, the The teacher will give more The teacher will give more
operation. best you can do for now is to give an examples. examples
3 4 estimate of its value.
1. × =
5 9
Estimating is very important for all

F. Developing mastery
2. × - =
4 ( ) principal roots that are not roots of
perfect nth powers.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) 9 3
3. ÷ =
11 5
Joshua can run 8km in an hour.
How much distance will he cover
in hours?
G. Finding practical applications Read each problem carefully and
solve to lowest terms when possible.
1. Tom ran a complete mile.
of concepts and skills in daily Sarah ran half of that. Mike ran half of
living what Sarah ran and Lisa ran half of
what Mike ran. What part of a mile
did Lisa run?
Ask the students to summarize The teacher summarizes the
the topic. mathematical skills or principles used
to express rational numbers from
fraction form to decimal form
H. Making generalizations and
through asking questions like:
abstractions about the lesson 1. How do we change improper or
proper fraction to decimal?
2. How do we change if the given is a
mixed number?
Multiply or divide the following as Tell whether the principal roots of Between which two Estimate the following
indicated. each number is rational or irrational. consecutive integers does numbers
7 9 the square root lie?
1. × =¿ 1. √ 14
8 4
1) √ 77 2.√ 26
13 −2
7 ( )
=¿ 2)
√ 90
√ 700
3. √ 35
4. √ 40
24 1
÷ =¿ 4) √ 48 5. √ 55
15 3
I. Evaluating learning
5) √ 444
Estimate each square root
to the nearest tenth

6) √ 50
7) √ 72
8) √ 250
9) √ 85
√ 136
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving ___ Problem Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning ___ Deductive Learning
___ Research ___ Research ___ Research
___ Group work ___ Group work ___ Group work
___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning ___ Experimental Learning
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips ___ Video Clips
___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle ___ Puzzle
___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning ___Interactive Learning
___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning ___ Inductive Learning
___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming ___ Brainstorming
___ Others: ______________________ ___ Others: ______________________ ___ Others:
___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School ___ Low Performing School
___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition ___ Classroom Condition
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management ___ Classroom Management
___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation ___ Student Participation
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up ___ Model / Mock – up
___ Pictures ___ Pictures ___ Pictures
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
___ SIM ___ SIM ___ SIM
use/discover which I wish to share with other
teachers? ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT ___ Prepared PPT
___ Others: _______________________ ___ Others: ___ Others:
_______________________ _______________________

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