Geography Coursework Analysis Example

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Writing coursework, especially in subjects like geography, can be a challenging and time-consuming

task. It involves extensive research, data collection, analysis, and the synthesis of information to
create a well-structured and coherent piece of academic work. Geography coursework often requires
fieldwork, mapping skills, and the use of specialized tools and software, making it even more

One of the difficulties students face is the need to balance coursework with other academic
commitments and personal responsibilities. The complexity of the subject matter and the expectation
for a high level of academic rigor add to the pressure. Additionally, meeting deadlines and adhering
to specific formatting and citation styles can be overwhelming.

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In conclusion, writing a geography coursework analysis can be a challenging task due to the intricate
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The pedestrians came to Southgate are good transport links in the CBD in Southgate such as bus and
train station. To what extent 2. Assess 3. Evaluate 4. How far do you agree? 5. This meant that it was
the group member’s opinion on whether the clast was rounder. Hitchin has car parks where as
Southgate have pay and display areas so there are very few areas to park. Interpretation of Fig. 9 The
following page has a map showing the results, from my environmental mapping survey. There were
some limitations when we were measuring our data and the methods we. It shows that 61 out of the
72 people asked believe that Cromer does have a good future with only 11 tourists disagreeing. This
is a particularly helpful method because it shows the land use of the core and frame. Reading 1 was
the shallowest depth and was 0.037m. The depth then increased by. Key elements of this topic are
land use models, shopping and settlement hierarchy, sphere of influence and traffic, pedestrian
survey, environmental survey, questionnaires and vehicle surveys. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9
13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. The middle
course is less steep when compared to the upper course. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the
Bristol Channel), we expected the river to. Hitchin has many pedestrainised areas resulting in less
pollution and congestion and of course Hitchin has a parking area there a lot more people can walk
rather than driving everywhere. We would expect there to be more litter within the core, as there are
more people to drop litter. GCSE Geography Coursework: Strand 3 - Data Presentation. Qualitative
analysis photo analysis high control analysis rags. In this section I will be seeing if my hypotheses
were correct overall using data from. The width was calculated at each of the eight sites along the
course of the river. Traffic is relatively high in the morning because tourists may be either arriving in
Cromer or driving into the high street. The Coursework writing difficulties we have demonstrated are
very easy to follow. Out of the nineteen shops surveyed 10 are tourist dependent. This may be
because of the high parking fees you have to pay in Cardiff and the limited amount of spaces.
Overall this study along the River Holford was highly successful in that we collected. These will be
the width of the river channel, the average depth. Bundle Eduqas A level Geography: Coastal
Landscapes A collection of resources for Eduqas A level Geography Component 1: Changing
Landscapes: Coastal Landscapes. Urban heat islands uhis for ideas and employers as a wide old-
style. PRIMARY INDUSTRY: Primary industry jobs are usually low paid and low skilled. We were
undertaking this study in the autumn and so there were many rotting leaves.
This issue has been already acknowledged in Fig. 1, and seems to be a key issue if Cromer wants to
have a good economic future. SECONDARY INDUSTRY: Secondary industry jobs involve working
in factories. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036 0.082 0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. Else do the could make a
new photo analysis is a romantic. As well as there is only residential areas further out of the CBD,
this making it the only attraction in Southgate. Graphs to show the depth of the river along all eight
sites. This will help us with our aim of rating the environmental factors. Here is a range of resources
that will give your class the tools to logically explain their ideas, support their comprehension and
scaffold their responses. I would like to thank Mr Matthews, Mr Orme, and Mr Parker for coming
with us on. These reasons may be why the council doesn't want to develop the area as it is seen as a
place of natural outstanding beauty, and if they chose to develop they would lose some of their
tourists. There was a higher density of pedestrians in the centre of both Hitchin and Southgate then
further away. Don’t wait for the deadlinedate, maybe our experts will get busy doing other
assignments. Also the increase in employment is due to the growth in tourist related shops and these
jobs are usually low paid and seasonal and in the secondary industry. Hypothesis 3 was rejectedwhen
it came to the data being analysed using Spearman’s. This is because it is situated in an area of
outstanding beauty, which means there cannot be that much development in the town especially if it
affects the area. Aim of inappropriately inflating her conduct was deliberate and problem. This is
because there it had a better environmental quality survey result, has more access points, has been
more trampled than Robin Hood Green and has more litter. I chose these areas as there would be
more residents there who would be willing to answer my questionnaire. It was so late I had lost hope
but I met with GRACE such a wonderful and helpful lady she was so patient with me, we chose 5
dresses and the 3rd one I tried was IT, and Grace worked with me to find a beautiful Veil to go with
my amazing dress and she shown me everything they had in sale which help a lot. Up help with 7
undertook a new photo analysis section. 5 of their gcse our step-by-step. In the graph, it shows that
there was a single person near R.H.G, whereas there were 27 people in the area of Pillow Mounds.
Had so much fun today Google rating score: 4.9 of 5, based on 702 reviews. I repeated this survey
two more times throughout the day to get an accurate set of data, and to also see if the amount of
traffic changes during the day. In the lower course of the river there is lateral erosionwhich. This is
because the land becomes more expensive closer to London. Near the mouth of the River Holford,
(the Bristol Channel), we expected the river to. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along
the river’s course. Geography seems an easy subject but we study everyday activities happening on
the earth. During our four day field trip we stayed in a mansion called Nettlecombe Court which.
The highest value was 281 and it was next to the tube station, the lowest value was along Bourne
Street and was 50.
After finding the results from the Spearman’s rank, a significance test will be used to. The
introduction and the methodology were then written about the background of. A further technique is
now required to test the significance of the relationship. The. The results are similar for both graphs
with the almost the same amount of people thinking Cromer has a good future. The data on the pie
chart is the amount of exposed topsoil in the four, metre square, spots that we visited in both areas (2
in each area). The M5 motorway assists Exeter with most of it communications and trade.
Background Knowledge Tourism is the business of providing tours and services for tourists. It can
also be seen that 90% of the shoppers questioned in Cardiff were satisfied or very satisfied.
Geography Fieldwork - The effects of Tourism in Keswick. Much of the future Arnos and
Grovelands estates consisted in the 16th century of oak coppice woods which were heavily
exploited. As you can see from the table above, this hypothesis. Glossary LEDC: Less economically
developed country. I will use my class notes and secondary data including graphs and statistics to do
this. In this section I shall be describing the different sites at which we collectedour. The depth stayed
the same at readings 1 and 2 and was 0.105m. It then increased. To continue their aim is to credits of
geography at least credit hours must be here: to study wave of the geographical research paper
grader. Tourism in Cromer could be greatly improved if there was better access to the roads. These
graphs also show me that the questions and responses would need to be looked at in a little more
detail to prove or disprove my hypothesis. It focuses on the location of industries and retail and
wholesale businesses and on the changing value of real estate. One human problem was that the
angularity of the clasts had to be decided by eye. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a
lateral bar chart because it is very. This could be placed inside the cover of exercise books, for
display or for a spelling test prep. As well as the growth in tourism allowing more people to travel
abroad it has also created jobs for many people. Hitchin has many pedestrainised areas resulting in
less pollution and congestion and of course Hitchin has a parking area there a lot more people can
walk rather than driving everywhere. These are the different factors that we sampled and how many
we chose to sample at. Depth (m) 1 0.015 0.045 0.037 0.105 0.105 0.055 0.043 0.092. River’s can
only flow in a downward gradient due to gravity and this is why we got. This will include how I
collected my data and why I collected certain data. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go
along the river’s course. This line graph can help to answer one of the enquiry questions, as it shows
Cromer's need for more hotels and transport links to increase its chances of having a better economic
First, 15 clasts were picked up from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. Looking at my
stacked bar graph, environmental quality, after looking at all the factors involved such as litter,
congestion, pollution etc, Hitchin seems to have much better quality. Depth (m) 1 0.015 0.045 0.037
0.105 0.105 0.055 0.043 0.092. Although 30 residents believe that tourism has increased job rates
Fig. 14 shows that only 20 out o of 72 residents asked have a job in Cromer. The results are similar
for both graphs with the almost the same amount of people thinking Cromer has a good future. A
result of this was that Humic acid was formed and. People have travelled far to get to Hitchin
because Hitchin sells more high order goods. I do think there needs to coursework summaries and
evaluation stages. The least popular benefit amongst residents was tourism develops attractions and
facilities (19 out of 97 residents chose this). I have faith in the plans that Jesus Christ has for us all
and I have faith in Faith. At the bottom of this hierarchy are the small shops that sell convenience
items, like bread or milk (everyday items). Out of the nineteen shops surveyed 10 are tourist
dependent. Limestone is well jointed which means that the rock has vertical and horizontal. An
investigation into how physical channel characteristics. An alternative method would have been to
ask the local council for statistics such as crime rates during tourist seasons and the amount of
tourists that visit each year, but I didn't choose this method because I wouldn't have been able to get
information such as residents opinions on tourism and details of where tourists travel from. If we
wanted to improve this method we would have to do the survey over the course of a few days and
get many different peoples opinions to come to an average. I have chosen to represent my data for
width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. At Site 4 the average depth was 0.093m which was
larger then at the previous site. A x-y plot was chosen to represent the cross sectionof the river
because it is easy to. Key elements of this topic are land use models, shopping and settlement
hierarchy, sphere of influence and traffic, pedestrian survey, environmental survey, questionnaires
and vehicle surveys. Litter and the fact that it is noisy and polluted make Southgate quite ugly and
unfriendly. This involved my group going to twelve different sites in Cromer and giving a score of 0
to 3 on whether the area had traffic noise, traffic danger, the pavement width, the litter level, whether
it was clean and attractive and restful. Depth (m) 2 0.015 0.027 0.067 0.105 0.0102 0.107 0.096 0.14.
Statistics show that UK residents made 126.6 million visits within England in 2005 and overseas
residents made 29.95 million visits to the U.K which is an 8% on 2004. This could be placed inside
the cover of exercise books, for display or for a spelling test prep. River Holford which were the
width, the depth and the gradient. Whereas most of the shoppers questioned in Cardiff. Hypothesis 2
was rejectedwhen it came to analysing the data using Spearman’s rank. Hitchin has car parks where
as Southgate have pay and display areas so there are very few areas to park. With the 'awe and its
colly ib geography a combination of primary and builds on bournemouth's urban.
In this section of the coursework I will explain what methods I used, how I collected data and why it
is relevant to my investigation. Land use along the course of the River Holford is important to look
at because it could. This photo can be linked with Fig.11 which is a doughnut chart showing that
tourists believe traffic congestion is a problem. Firstly because I think Southgate have more fast food
restaurants and newsagents as well as having a tube station in the CBD which means that people who
commute to London tend to litter quite a bit. This means that the majority of tourists think Cromer
has a good future whether it develops or not. You would also be able to see if the new depth readings
followed the same trends as. Hitchin is larger and is more of an all day shopping area. Overall, our
river study on the River Holford was very successful because we took a. Below is how we found r2
using the Spearman’s rank equation. At site 2 the cross sectional area was 0.28035 m2 which was
higher than at the. All raw data that was collectedis in the appendix on page 59. Hypothesis 3 was
rejectedwhen it came to the data being analysed using Spearman’s. I chose to complete my survey on
Church St because there are a lot of high street shops. However this would have taken all day too do
and would have been very tedious and boring.We also should have increased the time we counted as
2 minutes is not long enough and wouldn’t have given us a reliable result. A high score (5) represents
a good environmental quality and a low score (-5) represents a low environmental quality. Summary
The teenage resident's view of opportunities for them in Cromer was not prospective. If I were to
repeat this river study again there would be some changes that I would. As you can see from the
table above, this hypothesis was. The River Holford is 7.4 km long and has three main types of
geology throughout its. Student written piece of the following sub-headings: a coursework section.
2013 olympic bid is one of internet geography may 2010. However there was a population density of
130, 250m north of the town centre. I calculated a rank of -0.632. The ranks go from 1 to -1, 1
means strong positive correlation, whereas -1 shows strong negative correlation. Near the mouth of
the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected the river to. In this section I will be analysing
my results to see if my hypothesis were correct and. Hypothesis 1 was rejectedwhen it came to
assessing the data using Spearman’s rank. The land in Southgate is mainly used by commuters and
people living locally. There are a high density of pedestrians and cars causing a lot of congestion
through the high street. I used my sphere of influence map for Hitchin and my bar chart for
Southgate made from information collected from my questionnaire. My methodology will include
location maps showing where I collected some data and asked interviews, as well as copies of my
surveys. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected the river to.
There further away from the town centre the population density decreases I saw that there were 226
people in the CBD where as 300m away there was a total population density of 23 south of the ton
centre. Employment figures show that 15% of the people living in Somerset work in the hotel. Also
Southgate has a big residential area surrounding it so therefore there are only locals commuting to
Southgate. Although applicable to any city, both terms usually refer to larger cities. Southgate is also
situated closer to London that Hitchin is as well. Customer support provides top quality papers
written. Looking at my stacked bar graph, environmental quality, after looking at all the factors
involved such as litter, congestion, pollution etc, Hitchin seems to have much better quality. From
this information, the environmental impact on Cromer has not been as destructive as other tourist
destinations, as the council look after the area well but there has still been some substantial damage
caused. But from the map you can also see that the shopping area (Church St, West St) have a
considerably low environmental quality. Thirty of the 97 residents asked believed the main benefit of
tourism was that it creates jobs. This section will list some of the smaller independent shops, many of
which are owned by local families. These are the different factors that we sampled and how many we
chose to sample at. Gradient is the elevation of the river along its course. There is a high density of
people near the CBD because there is more comparison goods sold near there as well as there will be
more attractions, this therefore means there are going to be a higher density of people there. River
Holford which were the width, the depth and the gradient. The chart shows that most (44) residents
believe that traffic congestion is the main problem, while noise is the second problem. The width of
the river starts to increase as we go from site1to site 4 by 2.95m. At site. Hypothesis 3 was
rejectedwhen it came to the data being analysed using Spearman’s. It shows that 67 out of the 73
tourists asked believe Cromer does have a good future with only 2 people thinking it doesn't.
Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565 16.55 81.33 87.163. This is because the retail
companies need to attract as much attention to the shops as possible. There are several top sports and
fitness centres and the public leisure centre is also close by, complete with a large swimming pool. If
there was a lot of rain or no rain at all, then this factor would. It can be easily seen from this scatter
graph that the width increased as you went form. One human problem was that the angularity of the
clasts had to be decided by eye. If there was a lot of rain or no rain at all, then this factor would. At
site 2 the cross sectional area was 0.28035 m2 which was higher than at the. At site 5, the gradient
was seen to increase and this could be an. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral
bar chart because it is very. The gradient of the river starts to decrease rapidly as you go from site1
to site 2. Then.
This is due to the fact that there will be less friction. In the graph, it shows that there was a single
person near R.H.G, whereas there were 27 people in the area of Pillow Mounds. At the bottom of
this hierarchy are the small shops that sell convenience items, like bread or milk (everyday items).
There were two anomalies in the graph; the first was because this point was the closest to the CBD
making it the densest. I will also annotate each map and give a brief description about the location
of Cromer. This is because Southgate there are two supermarkets in Southgate, Asda and Marks and
Spencers. Site 4 was near an urban area, (Holford), which meant that there was concrete and. There
had been little rain in Somerset before we went on our river study. This meant. I have started with a
table of raw data which I have then refined and finally I have taken each measurement and
presented it in separate graphs. At site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the
lowest result out of all. Additional data collected Comparing flowcharts To show Cromer's growth as
a tourist destination I will use two flowcharts to show the development of Cromer compared with
traditional seaside resorts. Disclaimer: My Assignment Services provides academic assistance to
students so that they can complete their university assignments and projects on time. At site 8 our
readings showed us that this was overall the deepest part of the river. The. I found this method both
partly reliable and unreliable. An alternative method would have been to ask the local council for
statistics such as crime rates during tourist seasons and the amount of tourists that visit each year, but
I didn't choose this method because I wouldn't have been able to get information such as residents
opinions on tourism and details of where tourists travel from. Where we were along the drainage
basin could have changed the width of the river. Useful to aid both teaching and revision. ?3.00
Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. There is
also boulder clay which vegetation has formed on top of. The environmental impact means, whether
tourists affect the environment by causing more pollution, increasing litter levels and causing the
destruction of landscape. Ten sites could have been looked rather than eight along the river’s course.
This. In this section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic trends. In this
section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic trends. To improve this
method I feel that we could have just worked out the volume of the. As the River Holford flows
along its course, tributaries. This coursework piece was awarded a final grade of an A. This meant
that we could not sample in this area and. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. All of these either mean that there have been more tourists
recently or are reasons for the tourists to go there in the first place. We chose to sample eight sites
along the River Holford’s course because this would. At the bottom of this hierarchy are the small
shops that sell convenience items, like bread or milk (everyday items).

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