English Q3 Melc 2
English Q3 Melc 2
English Q3 Melc 2
Department of Education
MELC 2: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed
INTRODUCTION: Life gets even harder for people who do not dream of making it a little better. Keep
reaching for your dreams; keep reaching for your goals which you have created with your heart and soul.
And every time you fail, hold on to it tightly; never let it go. It may get harder every day but every step you
put forward is a great leap towards triumph. After all, chances are, the life you try to redefine is just right
at the corner.
ACTIVITY: Listen attentively to the lyrics of the song, ―The River of Dream. Be ready to the answer the
questions that follow with a partner. (LM, p.425) Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
ANALYSIS: Read the excerpt from the play ―A Raisin in the Sun‖ in your module on pages 431-434.
2. How does the dream of every member of the younger family differ and agree with one another?
Accomplish the bubble map.
3. What does Walter want to do with the insurance check? Discuss his motive. Why do you think
Mama does not approve of it?
4. Does any of the characters in the play remind you of someone? How does that someone plan his
course of action to realize his dreams?
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“SDO Olongapo City: Towards a Culture of Excellence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
ABSTRACTION: PREDICT A DREAM: In reality, most people likewise hold on to a dream. Take a good
look at the following pictures. In the given predicament, can you tell what they dream about? Write your
answers in your notebook.
APPLICATION: DREAM MAP: Design a map that represents you real-life journey, from the moment you
were born until the time you believe you‘ll achieve your dreams. Use icons to represent the different
stations in your life and the dreams you want to achieve. Place a marker on where you are at this point in
your life. Use your creativity.
Reflect on the message of the quotation:
“Dare to live you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
How does a dream motivate you to go forward?
Reflect on your strengths. Complete the clause below:
I believe I can realize my dream because
INTRODUCTION: Begin your journey to becoming active members of these interpretive communities by
familiarizing yourself, firstly, with the elements influencing video production and consumption; secondly,
with the types of media form potentially useful in understanding the wide world and your role in it. Start it
right! Do the activity titled “In My Eyes” right away.
ACTIVITY: IN MY EYES: Answer the questions below to assess your viewing habits and preferences. Write
your answers in your notebook.
LESSON PROPER: Analyzing truthfulness and relevance of the material viewed depends largely on one’s
understanding of how the elements making it interrelatedly work to achieve the desired effects on the
viewer and of the strategies employed to bring the viewer as close as possible to the ideas and experiences
communicated by the video.
The following figure shows the elements that make up the following viewing materials: 1) TV show, 2) film,
3) music video, and 4) commercial.
Elements of Communication
Let’s enumerate them one by one.
The first element is communicator. This is also known as the author, creator, or producer of a
message. Behind the production of TV programs, movies, music videos, and commercials is the
communicator. The communicator can be a person, a group, or an institution.
The second element is message. The message refers to the idea expressing layers of meanings from
the communicator. It can be real or imaginary.
The third element is audience. The audience, like the communicator, refers to a person, group, or
organization to whom the message is either addressed (specific audience) or invoked (general audience)
and from whom feedback is expected. It can be grouped according to age, gender, education,
socioeconomic status, among other demographics.
The fourth element is context. Context refers to the time and place of communication, together with
the conditions from the physical environment. Communicators, who are at a certain place and time, send
messages in consideration of the things happening in their social milieu. On viewers’ end, they can arrive
at sound interpretation of what they are watching if they know the period and the conditions of the society
surrounding the creation of the video.
The fifth element is purpose. Video production and showing are done with overlapping reasons.
Nevertheless, for every medium, there would always be a dominant purpose among these four: to explain,
to describe, to entertain, and to persuade. Similarly, viewers spend time watching videos to achieve
personal and social goals. To stay informed about current events and to relieve stress and anxiety are
some examples of which. Caution should be made, however, because there are videos created to harm
others and encourage viewers to accept falsehoods and lies as truth. On this note, paying more attention
to the relevance and truthfulness of the messages communicated via traditional and new media is
important to avoid ending up in a communication situation characterized by disinformation and
The sixth element is modality. Modality refers to the senses involved in decoding messages. A text
message is known to be in verbal modality. A song is auditory, while a drawing is visual. A pat on the
shoulder is a haptic kind of modality. In the case of multimedia materials like music video, they can be
aptly described as multimodal in that they contain two or more modalities of language use.
The seventh element is medium. Medium is the technical means by which messages are
communicated (e.g. commercial, song, news). It can also mean the devices used in communication (e.g.
TV, cell phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, projectors).
The eighth element is exigency. Exigency refers to needs and situations that cause the production
of video materials. For example, the destruction of the environment inspired a group of environmentalists
to launch an advocacy video about climate change.
The ninth element is circulation. Circulation refers to the method of distributing the message as in
print for newspaper, broadcast for radio and TV programs, and digital for movies.
The tenth element is genre. Genre is the other term for class or category in which the viewing
material belongs. The classification of the viewing material is primarily done according to the purpose it
serves. Broadly speaking, there is one dominant purpose for creating a video. Conversely, there are videos
with multilayered purposes. Either hoping to achieve one or a combination of purposes, writers proceed
with clearly and logically organizing their ideas in parts which they think would be in conformity with the
established ways of expression in one speech community or group. The choice of words and sentence
structures to constitute the recognizable stages of the genre are, from the very start, shaped by the
purpose/s of the genre.
Both from the perspectives of the communicator and the audience, familiarity with the features of
the various genres of viewing materials, more often than not, leads to the effective and efficient production
and consumption of media. That said, it is fitting to discuss briefly the features of four viewing materials,
including their sub-genres.
I. Television Program – a scheduled show broadcast through TV. It can be watched on cell phone or
II. Movie- a film shown in a theater, on television, or on the Net. Movies can be classified depending
on the setting, characters, plot, temperament, tone, and topic.
Masterclass https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-identify-film-genres offers the following
movie genres:
A. Action-a film genre in which the hero or heroes are pushed into a progression of occasions that
commonly incorporate savagery, expanded battling, actual accomplishments, salvages and
hysterical pursues. Common action scenes in movies are, by and large, about blasts, vehicle
pursues, fistfights and shootouts.
B. Animation- one in which singular drawings, canvases, or representations are captured outline by
outline (stop-outline cinematography).
IV. Music Video-a promotional film for popular music. It aims to promote album, single sales, and new
artists. Depending on the content, music videos can be classified into three. They are as follows:
A. Performance music video-shows an artist or band performing their song.
B. Narrative music video-contains dramatization of a story featured in the lyrics.
ABSTRACTION: WHY I BELONG? Justify why the underlined statements should be included in the
synopses below. Begin your one-sentence answer with this statement:
Sentence number_______ should be in the synopsis because it states the _______ of the movie.
APPLICATION: RELEVANT OR IRRELEVANT: Read the synopsis of the given movie in each number and
then identify if the movie is relevant or irrelevant to everyone’s purpose of coming to the theater. Be guided
by the situation in Column A.
1. Paul and Katrina The film tells the story of Basha and Popoy, a young couple
fall in love with deeply in love who spend all their time together. But when
each other. clashing ambitions and tensions come into play and the
couple splits up, they are both feeling devastated and
heartbroken. The pair is constantly reminded of the love
they once shared.
2. Rhea wanted to be Based on the bloodiest bank heist in the history of the
informed about Philippines, The Janitor delves into the Mabuhay Savings
the trials and Bank robbery in 2011, which left ten employees dead and
triumphs of more than 10 million pesos stolen from the vaults. The film
Manny Pacquiao. frames the narrative using an ex-cop who has been ordered
to hunt down the perpetrators one by one.
ASSESSMENT: HIGH FIVE: Recall your favorite video and write down your thoughts about it in the
graphic organizer on the next page. Be guided by the question in each frame.