Industrial Arts and Related Disciplines (Final)

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1. What must be present in the electrolyte of a dry cell so that electrons can flow freely?
a. Heat
b. Rod
c. Moisture
d. Plaster
2. What is the function of a conductor?
a. Produces heat
b. Increases voltage
c. Transfers a charge of electricity
d. Produces electricity
3. Which of the following is NOT a probable cause of an open circuit?
a. Broken wire
b. Defective load
c. Defective switch
d. “On” switch
4. In a series circuit, the type of path needed for current flow is .
a. Parallel path
b. Multiple paths
c. A single path
d. Dual path
5. When current flows from the source through the lines, to the lines and back to the source, the
system is known as .
a. Direct current
b. Electrical current
c. Alternating current
d. Reverse current
6. No circuit shall be loaded in excess of 80% of its maximum ampacity. What is the maximum
allowable load of an over current protection with a rating of 30 amperes?
a. 60
b. 24
c. 15
d. 30
7. Where there is a flow of current from the source without interruption, the circuit is .
a. Short
b. Open
c. Closed
d. Grounded
8. What is the primary purpose of the Philippine Electrical Code?
a. To provide a guide in the installation of electrical components
b. To achieve an electrical, fire-free environment
c. To protect people from electrical shocks
d. To recommend wiring methods
9. The components of a simple circuit are the load, the wire and the source. What is needed to
make it a complete circuit?
a. Battery
b. Push button
c. Bell
d. Control
10. Which type of computer is used on special problems in science and engineering such as space
simulation and training of astronauts?
a. Supercomputer
b. Digital computer
c. Analog computer
d. Hybrid computer
11. Which of the following did Alexander Volla use in the battery he invented?
a. Carbon and ammonium chloride
b. Lead and sulphuric acid
c. Copper and magnese
d. Copper and zinc
12. Which best describes series convection?
a. The elements are converted across one voltage source
b. The elements are far apart from each other
c. The elements are converted to only one source
d. The elements are converted one after the other with no branches
13. What regulates the flow of current in an electric circuit?
a. Load
b. Terminal
c. Switch
d. Path
14. Who among these scientists described the atom with a central nucleus surrounded by revolving
a. Niels Bohr
b. JJ. Thomson
c. Michael Faraday
d. John Dalton
15. The number of cycles completed by an electric current in one second is called .
a. Period
b. Orbit
c. Pitch
d. Frequency
16. What is considered to be the best conductor of heat and electricity?
a. Silver
b. Copper
c. Bronze
d. Lead
17. The part of an electrical circuit that connects the load and the source is .
a. Source
b. Control
c. Path
d. Load
18. The bridge between the computer and the user in making it possible for the user to
communicates with the computer is the .
a. Application program
b. Operating system
c. Hardware
d. Software
19. An electrical circuit is called an open circuit when ___________.
a. Current flows from the source without interruption
b. Current increases the load
c. Current does not pass through because of a break
d. Current does not pass through the load
20. Who discovered the relationship between current, voltage and resistance?
a. Michael Faraday
b. George Simon Ohm
c. John Dalton
d. Niels Bohr
21. Which of the following defines voltage?
a. The standard unit for measuring the strength of an electric current
b. The resistance to the flow of current
c. The electrical pressure that causes electron to move through a conductor
d. The measure of power used
22. Which differentiates the neutron from the other particles in an atom?
a. It is positively charged
b. It is negatively charged
c. It has weight
d. It has no charge
23. What is a distinct characteristic of an electron?
a. It is heavier than an atom
b. It has only one nucleus
c. Its field of force repels other electrons
d. It cannot be divided
24. Electric generators in big power plants get their mechanical energy from ________.
a. Hydroelectric power
b. Power lines
c. Nuclear plant
d. Piezo-electric crystal
25. Which of the following BEST defines a generator?
a. A machine that convents mechanical energy to electrical energy
b. A semi conductor that is electricity charged
c. A magnetic field that produces electricity
d. A storage cell where electricity flows though a wire
26. Refrigerant tanks can be opened with a __________.
a. Monkey wrench
b. Ratchet box
c. Adjustable wrench
d. Open-end wrench
27. How much pressure is needed to drive the refrigerant to the condenser?
a. 200 psi
b. 225 psi
c. 250 psi
d. 150 psi
28. The refrigerant metering or control device is the _________.
a. Filter
b. Pisten
c. Capillary
d. Condenser
29. What is the tube that carries refrigerant gas from evaporator to the compressor?
a. Discharge line
b. Capillary tube
c. Suction line
d. Strainer-drier
30. The remaining liquid refrigerant that may have escaped evaporation is drawn to the
a. Discharge line
b. Suction line
c. Accumulator
d. Filter
31. The vapor from the evaporator goes to the compressor through the ___________.
a. Suction line
b. Capillary tube
c. Heat exchanger
d. Discharge line
32. The dark paint of copper tubing makes it ____________.
a. An effective coolant
b. A good heat radiator
c. Strong and durable
d. An effective heat deflector
33. The process of enlarging the tube end is called ____________.
a. Tubing
b. Calibrating
c. Flaring
d. Swadging
34. The temperature surrounding the condenser is approximately ________.
a. 300C
b. 350C
c. 250C
d. 400C
35. Which part of the refrigeration system pushes the coolant to flow from the discharge line to
other parts of the system?
a. Accumulator
b. Compressor
c. Evaporator
d. Condenser
36. How much suction force does the motor provide to draw that coolant from the evaporator to its
vapor chamber?
a. 19 psi
b. 21 psi
c. 18 psi
d. 20 psi
37. Which tool can be used to hold objects by means of gripping?
a. Screw driver
b. Chisel
c. Pliers
d. Wrench
38. The transformation of the vapor to the liquid when heat is radiated from the vapor is called
a. Evaporation
b. Condensation
c. Precipitation
d. Filtration
39. The passage way located at the high side that drives the vapor to the condenser for
superheating is called ___________.
a. Suction line
b. Liquid line
c. Discharge line
d. Heat exchanger
40. What section of the tube system cleans the dirt of the refrigerant coming from the condenser?
a. Suction line
b. Capillary tube
c. Accumulator
d. Filter
41. A distinct characteristic of orthographic drawing is that it is presented in __________ views.
a. Parallel
b. Two
c. Fronted
d. Three
42. To be able to “read’ or understand a plane, one must be familiar with _________ line.
a. Alphabet
b. Dimension
c. Center
d. Section
43. Which of the following drawing is usually presented in three views?
a. Perspective drawing
b. Isometric drawing
c. Oblique drawing
d. Orthographic drawing
44. Which best describes a profile plane?
a. Shows the shape of an object
b. Shows weight and depth
c. Can be viewed from the top
d. Has a button view
45. What is the correct method of sketching a circle?
I. Draw light arcs tangent to sides of the square
II. Complete the circle
III. Construct a square with point ABCD.
IV. Mark the midpoints of the sides as WXYZ
a. II, IV, I & II
b. I, IV, III & II
c. III, I, IV, & II
d. IV, II, I & III
46. Which of the following is NOT used in freehand drawing?
a. Crayons
b. Eraser
c. Paper
d. Pencil
47. A line parallel to the lower edge of the drawing is called ___________line.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Perpendicular
d. Inclined
48. What are needed in freehand writing?
a. Pencil and drawing paper
b. Pencil and T-square
c. Pencil and French curve
d. Pencil and Protractor
49. The system of writing called ‘hieroglyphics” was developed by the _____________.
a. Phoenicians
b. Egyptians
c. Romans
d. Greeks
50. What line/s is/are used to keep letters uniform vertically and horizontally?
a. Capline
b. Dropline
c. Guidelines
d. Baseline
51. How many principal views can an orthographic projection have?
a. 6
b. 1
c. 2
d. 7
52. What is the most important rule in freehand sketching?
a. Balance
b. Clarity of lines
c. Proper proportion
d. Strokes
53. Which best describes single-stroke Gothic letters?
a. Makes use of thin and thick elements
b. Has slanting letters
c. Has a stem of even width of thickness
d. Makes use of picture
54. What will you do to correct the optical illusion that letters are unstable?
a. Use a light horizontal guideline
b. Draw the upper portion smaller than the lower portion
c. Use heavy lines at the bottom
d. Draw the letters slightly below the vertical center
55. Oblique drawing with the three axes representing three perpendicular edges upon which
measurements can be made is the same as _______________ drawing.
a. Isometric
b. Cavalier
c. Perspective
d. Orthographic
56. Which joint is best to use for reinforcement in cabinet making?
a. Miter joint
b. Mortise and Tenon
c. Dade joint
d. Lap joint
57. What is the measurement in board feet of four pieces of lumber the dimension of which is 2
inches by 3 inches by 12 feet?
a. 36 bd. Ft
b. 8 bd. Ft.
c. 6 bd. ft
d. 72 bd. Ft.
58. Which measuring tool is a typical carpenter’s tool made of four folds connected by three hinges?
a. Slide rule
b. Two foot ruler
c. Masking gauge
d. Push-pull tape
59. The process of removing moisture from wood cell is ________________.
a. Drying
b. Seasoning
c. Curing
d. Airing
60. Which tool is used to punch a location to be drilled?
a. Hand screw
b. Knife
c. Scratch awl
d. Scriber
61. Which is NOT an edge cutting tool?
a. Chisels
b. Hacksaw
c. Plane
d. Adzes
62. What type of joint is used in making a wooden box?
a. Dado
b. Meter
c. Rabbet
d. Butt
63. Which of these boring tools will you use if you want to bore a hole on wood with a diameter of
2.0 centimeters?
a. Auger
b. Gimlet
c. Expansive
d. Drill
64. When making a meter joint it is important to cut the ends to be joined at ________degrees.
a. 90
b. 25
c. 45
d. 180
65. A measuring tool used for measuring small projects and is calibrated in inches and centimeter is
a. Zigzag rule
b. Ruler
c. Try
d. Try square
66. Stropping is the process of horning edge tools using ___________.
a. Whetstone
b. A file
c. Kerosene
d. A limestone
67. What process is Mr. Cruz engaged in when he uses an oven to dry and lower the moisture
content of wood?
a. Air seasoning
b. Air drying
c. Wood shrinkage
d. Kiln seasoning
68. In hard tool maintenance, the most difficult activity is ___________.
a. Changing broken parts
b. Storing tools
c. Lubricating the parts
d. Sharpening of tools
69. Which saw is best to use when cutting across the grain of wood?
a. Coping
b. Dovetail
c. Crosscut
d. Compass
70. What process does wood undergo after it is cut into lumber?
a. Smoothing of surface
b. Wood shrinkage
c. Kiln seasoning
d. Air seasoning
71. The purpose of the pressure relief valve is to .
a. Prevent insufficient lubrication
b. Prevent excessive pressure
c. Bypass oil around clogged filter
d. Ensure minimum pressure
72. What is the small tube in the fuel system that allows the flow of gasoline from the tank to the
carburetor called?
a. Fuel filter
b. Fuel pump
c. Fuel line
d. Fuel gauge
73. Which is NOT done in an auto mechanic shop?
a. Re-assembly
b. Painting
c. Installing of parts
d. Machining
74. Which major part of the automatic supports the body of the car engine and the power?
a. Transmission
b. Frame and chassis
c. Differential
d. Drive line
75. What is placed between the engine block saddle and the crankshaft to prevent crankshaft end
a. Oil seal
b. Spark plug
c. Ignition coal
d. Thrust washer
76. In gasoline engine, what is needed to ignite the mixture of fuel inside the combustion chamber?
a. Spark plug
b. Ignition coil
c. Pressure
d. Electricity
77. What oil additive keep particles of carbon and other contaminants suspended within the oil?
a. Detergent
b. Viscosity index improvers
c. Foam inhibitors
d. Anti-wear additive
78. The purpose of the cooling system in the engine is to .
a. Keep the engine running as cool as possible
b. Prevent the coolant from boiling
c. Prevent the coolant from freezing
d. Keep the engine running efficiently
79. The device that opens and seals the air fuel in its engine is the .
a. Crank
b. Piston
c. Crankshaft
d. Valve
80. Before overhauling the engine the machine should .
a. Prepare tools and equipments
b. Buy the parts
c. Know the specification of the engine
d. Adjust the parts
81. Metals being joined will NOT fuse when .
a. The metals are not of equal size
b. Acid flux is used
c. The solder used is 60-40
d. There is oxide film on the metals
82. Which is NOT an example of a two-terminal component extensively used in electronic circuit?
a. Resistor
b. Inductor
c. Rectifier
d. Capacitor
83. The unwanted copper in the copper clad board can be removed using .
a. Epoxy resin
b. Acid flux
c. Rosin flux
d. Ferric chloride
84. What happen when an electrical pressure is applied in an electric circuit?
a. The atoms change direction
b. The circuit is open
c. There is current overload
d. It causes the flow of electricity
85. What is the first color band of a 3 Meg 5% resistor?
a. Orange
b. Brown
c. Black
d. Yellow
86. What is the advantage of using a schematic diagram over a circuit or a block diagram?
a. The detailed description is most helpful in troubleshooting
b. It is easy to “read”
c. It shows the process in a circuit
d. It is more complete
87. Who invented the electronic valve?
a. Curie
b. Einstein
c. Rutherford
d. Fleming
88. A graphical representation that shows the electronic connection of a system is called .
a. Block diagram
b. Schematic diagram
c. Pictorial diagram
d. Circuit diagram
89. Who added a third electrode to the diode to produce a sensitive receiver and amplifier?
a. Dr. Lee De Forest
b. Sir Oliver Lodge
c. Guglielmo Marconi
d. James Clerk-Maxwell
90. What happens to the current if a parallel circuit is open in the main line?
a. It increases in the branch with the lowest resistance
b. It increases in each branch
c. It is zero in all branches
d. It is zero in the branch with the lowest resistance
91. Which material serves as a path along which electrons flows?
a. Inductor
b. Resistor
c. Capacitor
d. Conductor
92. What chemical is used in etching?
a. Resin flux
b. Ferric chloride
c. Acid flux
d. Ammonium chloride
93. The first three colors in the body of a resistor represent .
a. Tolerance
b. Capacity level
c. Resistance value
d. Code
94. Which of the following is a basic requirement in soldering?
a. A damp cloth
b. Source of heat
c. AC plug
d. Metal alloy
95. Tolerance value indicates the minimum and maximum values of a .
a. Capacitor
b. Resistor
c. Conductor
d. Inductor
96. Which of the following is a qualify of an ideal electrode?
a. It has fast disposition
b. It produces maximum spaces
c. It gives minimum weld strength
d. Its slag is difficult to remove
97. In closing the groove and flattening the seam permanently, the tool of use is .
a. Bench place
b. Drill press vise
c. Stakes
d. Hand seamer
98. The holding device that is clamped to the drill press table for accurate results is called .
a. C-clamp
b. Drill press vise
c. V-block with clamp
d. Vise grip
99. What type of resistant welding is used to join sheet metal parts together?
a. T I G welding
b. Oxyacetylene welding
c. Electric arc welding
d. Spot welding
100. How long should a machine operator or welder rest before washing or taking a bath?
a. One hour
b. 45 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. One hour or more
101. What is the most common way of joining metals without using heat?
a. Threading
b. Riveting
c. Welding
d. Soldering
102. The thicker the plate, the lower the number and the thinner the plate, the higher the
number. This refers to .
a. Thickness
b. Width
c. Diameter
d. Weight
103. By using short, pen-like fasteners, sheet metals can be joined by .
a. Seaming sheet edges
b. Riveting over tapping edges
c. Brazing to fuse together
d. Soldering lap joints
104. What machine is used for accurate bending and folding of wide and long metal sheets
a. Brake machine
b. Wiring machine
c. Forming machine
d. Beading machine
105. What is used to fill up joints in the base metal?
a. Crater
b. Electrode
c. Slag
d. Bead
106. Which of the following is an example of a tool used in linear measurement?
a. Divider
b. Protractor
c. Scriber
d. Scale
107. What tool is used for cutting and notching metal?
a. Hand snip
b. Cutter
c. Hacksaw
d. File
108. What is referred to as the sheet metal worker’s anvil?
a. Rivet
b. Files
c. Stake
d. Hem
109. Which electrode is commonly used in a wide range of electric arcwelding?
a. High carbon steel electrode
b. Cast iron electrode
c. Non-ferrous electrode
d. Mild steel electrode
110. What is referred to in this sentence,”The faster the weld is made, the lower the cost
a. Welding need
b. Cost of electrode
c. Production efficiency
d. Service condition
111. Which theory recommends the use of mathematical approach to solve management
a. Contingent management
b. Systems management
c. Behavioral management
d. Quantitative management
112. The managerial functions of entrepreneurs are the following, EXCEPT .
a. Determining objectives
b. Planning business program
c. Selling
d. Directing all activities
113. The idea of manufacturing new products in the market is based on .
a. Prospective market
b. Large profit
c. Abundance of new materials
d. Availability of cheap labor
114. Which concept/s is/are related to entrepreneurship?
a. Medium of exchange
b. World trade
c. Barter economy
d. Products and services
115. The following are advantages of sole proprietorship, EXCEPT .
a. Easy to start
b. Only one person directs the business
c. Limited capital
d. Small capital is enough
116. A person who takes the risks of organizing and operating a certain kind of business is .
a. A manufacturer
b. A manager
c. A teacher
d. An entrepreneur
117. What determines the form of organization to be established?
a. Goods to the sold
b. Location of business
c. Number of owners
d. Selling strategy
118. Which of the following is a threat to business success?
a. Scarcity of service
b. Inadequate quality control
c. Rising costs
d. Small capital
119. What is NOT done in retail business?
a. Sell goods to consumer
b. Purchase goods
c. Arrange the goods
d. Come up with the new products
120. Which of the following is a strength an entrepreneur must have?
a. Takes time to invest
b. Sets realistic goal
c. Consults other
d. Waits for results
121. A business organization owned by two or more person is called .
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Cooperative
c. A partnership
d. Corporation
122. An entrepreneur who keeps on trying various alternatives to improve various services is
a/an .
a. Committed worker
b. Good planner
c. Opportunity-seeker
d. Persistent initiator
123. The margin of difference between the cost price and the selling price of an item is
referred to as .
a. Total cost
b. Net profit
c. Discount
d. Mark up
124. What should be the first consideration in finding a location for a business?
a. Accessible roads
b. Rental cost
c. Size
d. Labor supply
125. A grocery is an example of a .
a. Micro business
b. Cottage industry
c. Medium business
d. Small business
126. The greater the number of people who engage in business enterprise .
a. The less unemployed
b. The lower the prices of goods
c. The more stable the economy
d. The lower the taxes
127. What type of business has only one owner who benefits from the profit?
a. Corporation
b. Sole proprietorship
c. Cooperative
d. Partnership
128. An example of a micro enterprise is a .
a. Bakeshop
b. Sari-sari store
c. Department store
d. Restaurant
129. What affects the prices of goods?
a. Taxes
b. Calamities
c. Supply and demand
d. Competition
130. An effective tool for identifying and evaluating possible products or services for the
entrepreneur is .
a. Customer profile
b. Market survey
c. Product analysis
d. SWOT analysis
131. A classroom activity that addresses the multi-intelligences of students is .
a. Dramatization
b. Demonstration
c. Reading
d. Recitation
132. An example of an authentic tool of assessment is .
a. Performance test
b. Summative test
c. Written test
d. Diagnostic test
133. Which test provides very limited data?
a. Oral
b. Essay
c. Written
d. Teacher-made
134. Which of these questions is NOT a divergent question?
a. What are your hobbies?
b. What is meant by clue?
c. What will happen if you fail the test?
d. Where is Rizal’s monument located?
135. Which method exemplifies the learning by doing principle?
a. Project method
b. Problem solving method
c. Demonstration method
d. Laboratory method
136. The effectiveness of a method can be evaluated through the use of the following
a. Observation
b. Audiovisual recording
c. Journal writing
d. Checklist
137. Which is NOT a characteristic of rubrics?
a. Clear and concise
b. Expressed numerically
c. Holistic
d. Descriptive
138. Which type of assessment enables students to reflect on their own individual outputs
and experiences?
a. Journal
b. Portfolio
c. Project
d. Narrative report
139. The following are factors that determine which method to use EXCEPT.
a. Teacher’s competence
b. Objective of the lesson
c. Instructional materials
d. Nature of the learner
140. A Yes-No question should be followed by Why-How question to .
a. Assess students knowledge
b. Present a problem
c. Develop critical thinking skills
d. Train students to answer difficult questions
141. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. The new methods of teaching are most effective
b. A teacher can develop one best method for any class
c. There is no one best method of teaching for all situations
d. All traditional methods should be replaced by new ones
142. What makes multi-sensory teaching aids effective?
a. They show real life situations
b. They are useful in testing
c. They are varied and attractive
d. They stimulate learners to actively respond
143. Which is a type of expansion value used in refrigeration and air conditioning units when
its diameter and length control the flow of refrigerant?
a. Suction line
b. Strainer-drier
c. Discharge line
d. Capillary tube
144. The specific way by which a teacher does a particular task that guides students’ learning
is called .
a. Process
b. Approach
c. Style
d. Technique
145. Which is the primary basis for choosing a teaching method?
a.Available materials
b.Classroom facilities
c.Class size
d.Objective to be pursued
146. Which evaluation is given for refinement or improvement of on-going programs?
a. Formative
b. Summative
c. Internal
d. External
147. Which is NOT a type of discussion method?
a. Forum
b. Dyads
c. Panel discussion
d. Group discussion
148. Buzz session is an example of a method.
a. Demonstration
b. Project
c. Discussion
d. Question and answer
149. The test that the teacher gives after the lesson is .
a. Summative
b. Formative
c. Diagnostic
d. Follow up
150. A collection of relevant work that reflects student’s individual effort, development and
progress is .
a. Portfolio
b. Project
c. Rubrics
d. Checklist

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