I Am Glad To: Kenapa Kamu Tertarik Melamar Posisi Ini?
I Am Glad To: Kenapa Kamu Tertarik Melamar Posisi Ini?
Good morning sir, I am glad to be here for this interview. First, I would like to thank you for
giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Dimas Fahrul Rozi. I am 23 years
old. I live in Duren Palm, East Jakarta. I am the second child of three siblings. I am a
Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of Indonesia. I have an interest in
Automotive, technology, and business. During college, I managed to win several
competitions related to technology, namely the 2nd place in the internal robotic
competition. I participated in the UI Society Petroleum of Engineering training for 1 month.
there I learned the basics of petroleum to drilling such as, source rock, reservoir, trap, seal,
and drilling. I also took P&ID training using Microsoft Visio online. This training focuses on
piping design using P&ID symbols on Microsoft Visio
In addition, I participated in the On job training of the UI robotic team, and the UI Inovare
(Entrepreneurship) Community to improve my business skills. I do these things by staying
focused on academics. I like to learn and try new things. One of the important things that I
got was when I did an internship at LAPAN,
And I also have experience in the field of drug distribution, where I have a role as Logistics
& distribution staff. The person in charge of making support tickets to shipping expedition
services and exchanging purchase invoices from pharmacies as proof of payment in full.
Because this position has good credible value for young candidates and learning the
line of business of this company, it is one of the golden opportunities for me
because this company is the best and biggest, therefore I have great hopes to have
a career in this company.
I have a sense of optimism and able to motivate myself. As a person who has an
optimistic nature, if I am accepted, I will deepen the knowledge of the line of
business in this company.
I will give my best if given the opportunity to join this company.”
I have good analysis and math as a member of a quiz team of 3 people. At that
time, I was entrusted with solving math problems. During the competition time, I
managed to answer my part's questions. With the cohesiveness of the team and the
expertise of each. We received an award as 2nd place in the quiz contest.
I have attended online training on the ISO Quality management system in 2021 to
support my career. I also took part in the training conducted by the kaweroo
institute on supply chain management.
I am also proficient in using drawing and analysis software such as Solidworks,
Ansys, Inventor. Apart from that, I also have internship experience in a related field
for 3 months while in college.”
Kontribusi apa yang bisa kamu berikan untuk perusahaan?
Sebagai Posisi (General service) Saya tentu akan belajar dan menerapkan ilmu yang
diberikan perusahaan dengan baik. Jika saya diterima di perusahaan ini, saya akan
berkontribusi untuk melakukan pekerjaan mencapai target dengan tepat waktu. dan
dapat mendukung bisnis perusahaan dengan skill dan pengalaman yang saya milik
Kelemahan saya
Perlu lebih banyak pengalaman, panic ketika terdapat tekanan, untuk mengatasi ini,
saya memerlukan waktu sejenak sekitar 3 menit untuk menenangkan diri dan situasi
mudah kecewa dengan diri sendiri, untuk mengatasi hal ini saya memerlukan waktu
untuk memilkirikan pencapaian dan hal baik dalam diri saya yang telah saya lalui
Minim pengalaman. namun untuk mengatasinya saya memiliki soft skill apa yang
Anda miliki, atau kursus apa yang pernah Anda ambil berkaitan.
Kelebihan saya
Tertarik Mempelajari Hal-Hal Baru,
Komitmen dalam pekerjaan,
Kritikal thingking.
Pantang menyerah.
ISO 9001:2015 adalah Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang dapat diterapkan pada
perusahaan-perusahaan yang menjalankan kegiatannya di bidang : Manufaktur,
Jasa, Perdagangan dll.
My biggest failure was when I had to add one semester at the end of the semester
for my thesis project due to the many design, analysis and design assignments that I
had to do during a pandemic, but that didn't make me give up and I continued to
do my best until I got grade A on my final project
a) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan melalui penerapan sistem
yang efektif, termasuk proses untuk perbaikan sistem dan jaminan kesesuaian
dengan pelanggan dan persyaratan undang-undang dan peraturan yang berlaku.
Peninjauan dan evaluasi
PDCA (Plan Do Check Act)
Because this position works to develop a well-planned plan and I have The pleasure
in planning planning, and the education that I have meet the criteria for this
position. In addition, your company is one of the best in its field, therefore I have
high hopes for a career in this company.
PT. Puninar Infinite Raya is a dynamic workplace that rewards you for living out your
true potential. You will thrive in a high performance culture marked by the highest
standards of integrity. PT. Puninar Infinite Raya believes in serving our customers
well by working hard and working strategically to provide real value.
As a big company in Indonesia, I see that the company's values are in line with my
personal values, so working here will help me achieve a better career. By setting up
the EDP program
“I see business and technology skills as one of the important for this position.my
business and technical ability is one of my strengths.
I have experience in technical drawing, one of which was when I did an internship
using Solidworks software, and when I went to college using AutoCAD Inventor. In
addition, I also have the skills required for this position, the use of analytical
software. (ANSYS). I will give my best if given the opportunity to join this company.”
I have good analysis and math as a member of a smart team of 3 members. At that
time, I was trusted to solve math problems. During the competition, I managed to
answer my part of the question. With the cohesiveness of the team and their
respective expertise. We were awarded the 2nd place in the quiz competition.
As a Position (EDP) I will certainly learn and apply the knowledge provided by the
company well. If I am accepted in this company, I will contribute to do the work to
achieve the target in a timely manner. and can support the company's business with
my skills and experience
My weakness
tend not to like debates, the debates that I don't like are debates with emotions.
However if this is the case then calming both sides is the key
panic when there is pressure, to overcome this, I need a moment about 3 minutes
to calm down and the situation
easily disappointed with myself, to overcome this I need time to have the
achievements and good things in myself that I have been through
Minimal experience. but to solve it I have what soft skills do you have, or what
courses have you taken related
My advantages
commitment to work,
Critical thinking.
I have an interest
I like to learn and try new things. One of the important things that I got was when I did
. I hope I can
Tujuan Anda Bekerja : Memiliki pengalaman pada bidang logistic, dan mendapatkan tantangan baru dalam bekerja
diluar pulau.
3 tahun mendatang: saya ingin meningkatkan pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan skill dalam bidang logistic sehingga
dalam 3 tahun saya berharap mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berada pada posisi supervisor.
5 tahun mendatang: Saya ingin focus pada warehouse bidang lubricant dan mendapatkan sertifikasi-sertifikasi
keahlian. Sehingga dapat kesempatan pada posisi manangerial.
Preferred job
Disliked job
(Too critical) When I was a student working on my thesis, I was too critical of the field I was researching. I
worry too much about the small details of the research. However, my supervisor suggested that our
research has limitations and problem formulations. since then that my analysis and suggestions have
always been supportive and helpful rather than critical.
3333 Your Goal of Work: Have experience in the logistics field, and get new challenges in working outside
the island.
Next 3 years: I want to increase my knowledge, experience, and skills in logistics so that in 3 years I hope
to get the opportunity to be in a supervisory position.
Next 5 years: I want to focus on warehouse lubricants and get expertise certifications. So that you can get
a chance in a managerial position.
Motivasi Kerja
“I sangat tertarik dengan dunia manufaktur. In the next 3 years, I am planning to start developing my skill
untuk mempelajari dan mengembangkan dunia manufaktur especially the ones that can help me achieve
my goals. However, I also value teamwork very much.
Being able to learn something new from my co-workers every single day is also what motivates me at work
Being able to provide effective learning activities to help them makes me excited and motivated. I believe
that working as an technical trainee can also help me achieve my career goals.
Berbicara secara personal untuk menjaga privasi dan kenyamanannya mengapa sering terlambat, Bersikap
terbuka terhadap apa yang mereka katakan-atau tidak katakan, dan Memberi masukan yang membangun
sehingga ia lebih menghargai pekerjaannya
\ Berbicara dengannya secara personal mengapa ssering terjadi kesalahan, terbuka dengan masalah yang
mungkin sedang dihadapi, membantu memberikan solusi, dan memberikan nasihat pentingnya fokus dan
ketelitian dalam bekerja,
Berbagai macam faktor mengapa orang pindah kurang pekerjaan kurang dari 1 tahun, berdasarkan
penelusuran saya faktor terbanyak karena tekanan dan tuntutan pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan salary
yang diberikan. Meskipun begitu, menurut saya komitmen dan loyalitas pada perusahaan harus diterapkan
oleh setiap karyawan, dan perusahaan juga harus menerapkan kontrak minimal 1 tahun untuk karyawan.
Kejujuran, komunikasi yang baik, dan transparansi
Kelemahan saya adalah membutuhkan pengalaman lebih, namun saya mencoba mengisi dengan
meningkatkan softskill
dan kecewa ketika tidak sesuai harapan namun saya akan berusaha untuk mencari solusi tersebut
Bagi saya kehidupan ini banyak jalan dan tantangan, arti banyak jalan bagi saya yaitu akan ada 1000 jalan
menuju roma sehingga kita bisa optimis untuk mencari solusi dari banyaknya tantangan yang ada