May 10

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MAY 9, 2023 were singing and Aria are will be singing

when Ate Elay singing. by the time

ENGLISH 8:00-8:40 showed up. their
I. Composes clear and coherent sentences using comes.
appropriate grammatical structures (verb tenses,
conjunctions, adverbs)
D. Presentation and discussion of the topic
II. A. Topic: Composing clear and coherent sentences Developmental Activities.
using appropriate grammatical structures using past After you have finished reading the sentences, take note
present and future progressive tenses of the verb. of the underlined words in the sentences above.
Set A Set B Set C
B. References: MELC was reading is reading Will be reading
a. Joy in Learning English TM pg. was drinking is drinking Will be drinking
b. Video Presentation, Pictures and Grade 6 were singing are singing Will be singing
Science textbook The words in Set A are examples of verbs in the Past
c. Progressive Tense.
III. Procedures The words in Set B are examples of verbs in the Present
A. Drill Progressive Tense.
Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and pick The words in Set C are examples of verbs in the Future
from the given choices the correct verb for each. As you Progressive Tense.
answer, apply what you learned about the As you can see, there is commonality between and among
progressive tense of the verb. Write your answer on your them. They are all verbs
answer sheet. in progressive tense.
1. I _______________ my Art project when my aunt arrived from But how much do you already know about progressive
Manila. (was finishing, am finishing, will be finishing) tenses?
2. At this moment, my sister Irish ____________about her
homework, the Food Chain. (is reading, was reading, shall A progressive tense is used to describe ongoing action. It
be reading) shows action happening at the time when they are being
3. The twins Zandro and Zandra _______ through the city at mentioned.
this time. (were driving, are driving, will be driving) Just like simple tenses and perfect tenses, verbs in
4. My parents _________ about the news before our neighbor Progressive form also have three tenses. They are Past
knocked on the door. (are talking, were talking, will be Progressive Tense, Present Progressive tense and Future
talking) Progressive Tense.
5. Our aunt _________ pasalubong when we got downstairs.
(was giving out, were giving out, will be giving out) Present Progressive Tense
The present progressive tense shows an action which is
B. Review happening at the moment of speaking and writing.
Direction: Use the correct verb to complete the sentence. - It uses time expressions such as at this time, presently,
Choose your answers from the words inside the now, right now, at this moment, and currently.
parenthesis. - Sentences with verbs in the present progressive tense
can be formed in these ways:
1. They (will have written, have written) a letter tomorrow. For the first person I + am+ verb-ing
2. He (has finished, have finished) his module singular subject. (studying)
3. My teacher (has forgotten, will have forgotten) his laptop For third person singular He/She/It + is+ verb-ing
at home. subject (walking)
4. My grandparents (has lived, have lived) here all their For plural subject We/You/They +are+
lives. including second person verb-ing (dancing)
5. I (has never been, have never been) to south korea. singular subject
B. Motivation
a. I am writing on the board right now.
Study the picture below and take note the underlined
b. Maria Fe is writing on the board now.
words or phrases below.
c. Maria Fe and Imee are writing on the board now.

Sentence A Sentence B Sentence C Past Progressive Tense

Maria was At this moment, Marie will be The past progressive tense shows:
reading a novel Maria is reading a 1. an action which was occurring in the past when
when her reading a novel. novel before another past action happened.
mother called. dinner. It uses the time expressions while, when, as and before.
She was She is drinking She will be Examples:
drinking cold cold water right drinking cold a. I was writing on the board when our teacher came.
water when now. water later. b. While our teacher was preparing the board, we entered
Boy blue the room.
sneezed beside 2. actions happening at the same time in the past
her. Examples:
Pinky and Aria Presently, Pinky Pinky and Aria 1. As our teacher was explaining, we were taking notes.
2. While we were taking notes, our teacher was
encouraging us to ask everyone is listening attentively.
questions. (need-future progressive) 5. While listening to their
teacher, they realize they_____ many more waste plastic
The Past Progressive tense can be formed this way: materials before they begin with their recycling activity.
For singular subject Subject + was + verb-ing E. Making generalizations and abstractions about the
(was studying) lesson
For plural subject Subject + were + verb - When do we use progressive tense?
ing (were studying) When do we use present/past and future progressive
Future Progressive Tense. tense?
The future progressive tense shows an action that will F. Application
continue to happen in the future. Directions: Read the following sentences carefully and
- It uses the time expressions such as later, when, this pick from the given choices the correct verb for each. As
afternoon, this time tomorrow, soon, in, on, at, next week, you answer, apply what you learned about the
progressive tense of the verb. Write your answer on
- It is formed using this format:
your answer sheet.
For singular or plural Subject + will/shall+be+
subject verb-ing 1.I _______________ my Art project when my aunt arrived
(will be presenting) from Manila. (was finishing, am finishing, will be
Examples: finishing)
1. I will be writing on the board later. 2.At this moment, my sister Irish ____________about her
2. Maria Fe will be writing a letter for her friend homework, the Food Chain.(is reading, was reading,
tomorrow. shall be reading)
3. This time tomorrow, Maria Fe and Imee will be 3.The twins Zandro and Zandra _______ through the city at
presenting their research to the teachers. this time. (were driving, are driving, will be driving)
4.My parents _________ about the news before our neighbor
Activity 1: Directions: Give the correct progressive knocked on the door. (are talking, were talking, will be
verb inside the parentheses to compose clear and talking)
coherent sentences. Write your answers on your answer 5.Our aunt _________ pasalubong when we got downstairs.
sheet. (was giving out, were giving out, will be giving out)
1. I (read) the headline news when the phone rang.
2. At this time, my parents (watch) the latest television IV. Evaluation.
news. Directions: Give the correct progressive verb inside the
3. The organizers of the Clean and Green Program in our parentheses to compose clear and coherent sentences.
barangay (invite) us to attend the Clean and Green Write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. I (read) the headline news when the phone rang.
Symposium tomorrow.
2. At this time, my parents (watch) the latest television
4. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the said symposium news.
because I (conduct) a survey about the on-line learning 3. The organizers of the Clean and Green Program in our
modes later. barangay (invite) us to attend the Clean and Green
5. I am happy that, currently, all our community Symposium tomorrow.
workers (do) their best to 4. Unfortunately, I cannot attend the said symposium
maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings. because I (conduct) a survey about the on-line
learning modes later.
Activity 2: Directions: Go back and look at your 5. I am happy that, currently, all our community workers
answers in Activity 1. Identify whether the progressive (do) their best to maintain the cleanliness of our
verb is in the Past, Present or Future Progressive Tense. surroundings.
Do this on your answer sheet.
1. ______________________________ 4. ___________________________ V. Homework
2. ______________________________ 5. ___________________________ Direction: Compose clear and coherent sentences using
3. ______________________________ the given verbs and their corresponding progressive
Activity 3: Direction: Complete each sentence with the tenses with the theme “How to control the spread of
correct verb form being suggested by the tense-aspect COVID-19”.
in the parenthesis. Write your answer on your answer
1. Follow- past progressive
(plan- past progressive) 1. Yesterday, the Grade Six
2. Wear- past progressive
children ____ to put up a booth when their teacher
3. Wash – future progressive
entered their room.
4. Sanitize- future progressive
(collect-present progressive) 2. They begin working
5. Pray- present progressive
today, and some ____ garbage now.
(sort-future progressive) 3. Tomorrow, they _____ them
in preparation for recycling.
(teach-present progressive) 4. Their teacher ____ them
SCIENCE 8:40-9:30
the recycling process and I. Objectives
Enumerate what to do before, during and after _____ 5. Earthquakes usually happen along faults.
earthquake and volcanic eruptions. S6ES-IVb-2
Watch the video and be ready to answer the following
Listen attentively
question based on the video presented.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Describing the changes on the Earth’s surface
as a result of earthquakes
B. References: MELC
d. Science Beyond Boarders pg. 71-72 TM.
e. and Grade 6 LM.
f. Slide show presentation, Pictures.

What have you observed with video that you have

III. Procedures watched?
A. Drill What do you think would be the possible phenomena
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write that cause such kind of disaster?
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake?
What should you prepare in the event that there will be
What are the possible things that you will do during an
an earthquake?
A. Save enough emergency supply of water. earthquake?
B. Stock on supply of water and food good for 3 days.
C. Prepare for sufficient supply of water, food, and Discussing new concepts and practicing new
D. Assemble an emergency kit that includes sufficient Disaster Preparedness on Earthquake
food, water, and other supplies for at least 72 hours.
Earthquakes are usually caused when the
2. What should we do or practice during an earthquake? underground rocks suddenly move along a fault. This
A. Move out from the house or building. sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that
B. Do the “duck, cover and hold.” make the ground shake. Although earthquakes cannot
C. Prepare the emergency kit. be predicted, experts from the Philippine Institute of
D. Run and lose your nerve. Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) made a
3. Which of the following preparations is true before an scientific study of the patterns of earthquakes
earthquake? occurrences in the Philippines. Based on their studies,
A. Run outside the house. the National Capital Region might experience a very
B. Make an emergency plan. strong earthquake in the coming years. PHIVOLCS calls
C. Listen to the radio for further instructions by the it the Big One. Because of the Big One, the National
authorities. Government through the National Disaster Risk
D. Do not prepare anything because earthquakes Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) prepared
cannot be predicted major risk reduction measures to lessen casualties and
4. What will you do after an earthquake? destruction of properties. Earthquake preparedness is a
A. Prepare food. set of measures taken at the individual, organizational,
B. Check yourself. and societal level to minimize the effects of an
C. Go to the neighborhood. earthquake. Preparedness measures can range from
D. Store enough food and clothes good for a few securing heavy objects, having structural modifications,
days. and storing supplies to having an insurance, an
5. What should you do during an earthquake if you are emergency kit, and an evacuation plans.
inside a moving vehicle?
A. Continue driving. A. Before an Earthquake
B. Do not mind the shaking. 1. Evaluate the structure of your house and building.
C. Turn up the volume of the radio in the vehicle. Identify the potential source of hazards such as steep
D. Stop the vehicle in a safe place and move out of hill slopes, hanging objects, falling debris, etc. Give
the vehicle. attention and consideration to these possible sources of
Review: 2. Familiarize yourself with your place. Make a plan of
Directions: Put a check mark ( ) if the statement is the routes you will take to get out from the buildings in
correct and ( ) if not. Write your answers on a separate case of an earthquake.
sheet of paper. 3. Find the place where fire extinguishers, first aid kits,
_____ 1. An earthquake is the sudden movement or alarms, and communication facilities are located.
vibration of the earth’s crust. 4. Prepare an emergency plan to cope with the disaster.
_____ 2. Earthquakes are triggered when two plates slide 5. Have a stock of potable water, flashlight, radio,
past each other along faults. batteries, spare clothes, and some foods. This could help
_____ 3. The strongest shaking of the ground is felt at the you for a safe evacuation.
_____ 4. Earthquake does not change the earth surface. B. During Earthquake
1. Find a safe place when the earthquake is over. E. stop and park
Aftershocks are likely to follow.
2. Check the members of your family. If someone is _____ 1. Prepare an ______________________ to cope with
missing, seek help to find them. the disaster.
3. Do not attempt to cross bridges and overpasses which
_____ 2. If you are on the road inside a car, ask the driver
may have been damaged by the earthquake.
to __________ the car away from buildings, electric wires,
4. Check for fires, if there are any. Some damages from
the earthquake may result to fire. In case you see a fire, or posts.
locate the nearest fire control or alarm unit and use it. _____ 3. Check the members of your __________.If someone
5. Keep yourself updated and alert. Authorities may is missing, seek help to find them.
issue some instructions to reduce the effects of _____ 4. Do not attempt to cross __________ which may
earthquakes. have been damaged by the earthquake.
_____ 5. Familiarize yourself with your place. Make a
plan of the routes you will take to get out from the
Discussing new concepts and practicing new __________ in case of an earthquake.
Skills#1Before, During and After!
Directions: Identify whether the statement expresses H. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills
things to be done before, during, or after an earthquake. in daily living. Directions: Read the task below. Write
Write BEFORE, DURING or AFTER. Write your answers your output on a separate sheet of paper.
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. If you are on the road inside a car, ask the driver to Directions: Demonstrate/Act out to your family what
stop and park the car away from buildings, electric
should be done on the given situations.
wires, or posts.
2. Prepare an emergency plan to cope with the disaster.
3. Check the members of your family. If someone is 1. What should you do before an earthquake?
missing, seek help to find them.
2. What do you do during an earthquake?
4. Find a safe place when the earthquake is over.
Aftershocks are likely to follow. 3. What should you do after an earthquake?
5. Evaluate the structure of your house or building. 4. Where will you go when earthquake occurs?
5. Are you going to use the telephone to call your
Discussing new concepts and practicing new family if earthquake occurs?
Skills #2: Picture Me Out!
Directions: Identify if the pictures show what is IV: Evaluation
to be done before, during, or after an Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
earthquake. Write Before, During, and After. the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of
1.Which of the following statement is correct?

a. You should panic when earthquake hits.

1. b. You should run while the earthquake is going on.

c. You should not follow what the proper authorities

2. will tell you.

d.You should prepare an emergency plan to cope with

the disaster.

3. 4. 2. What should you do during an earthquake?

a. You should run out of the house.
b. You should duck, cover, and hold.
c. You should panic and stay only inside the house.
d. You should lock your door so that nobody can enter.
Discussing new concepts and practicing new 3. What should you do after an earthquake when you
Skills #3: You Complete Me! are in a building?
Directions: Complete the statement using the words in a. You should panic.
the box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of b. You should run while going out.
paper. c. You should walk fast in moving out.
A. bridges and overpasses d. You should lock the door so that nobody will see
B. buildings you.
C. emergency plan
D. family 4. What should you do after an earthquake?
a. You should go to your neighbor. Panuto: Tukuyin ang mga salita sa panaklong na
b. You should prepare your emergency kit. maaaring maiugnay sa mga salitang nakatala sa
c. You should ignore what is happening outside. bawat bilang.
d. You should stay in the evacuation center. Avoid ___________1. kalikasan – (gusali, kabundukan,
going back to your house, aftershocks may pamayanan)
occur. ___________2. gubat – (himpapawid, mababangis na hayop,
tore ng hari)
___________3. himlayan – (puntod, bulaklak,
5. Which should NOT be done during an earthquake?
a. Do not run. ___________4. karamdaman – (COVID-19, lungkot,
b. Stay calm and in control. bulaklak)
c. Do the duck, cover, and hold. ___________5. gamit – (Pilipinas, pugad, palakol)
d. Do not follow the instructions of the authorities.
C. Pagganyak
V. Assignment Mahalaga ba sa iyo ang pagkakaroon ng malusog na
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. pangangatawan? - Ano ang dapat nating gawin upang
Write your answers in a separate paper. makaiwas sa paglaganap ng covid19 na ating kalaban sa
1. Which of the following is NOT an effect of an Pakinggang mabuti at unawain ang isang napapana-
earthquake? hong isyu tungkol sa mga dapat gawin dahil sa
A. tsunami kasalukuyang krisis na ating kinakaharap ngayon.
B. landslides Handa ka na ba?
C. construction of buildings Pagpabor ni Duterte sa 1 Meter Distancing, Ibinatay
D. loss of lives and properties sa Pag-aaral - DOH
2. Which of the following may result from
broken gas pipes and contact of live wires
during an earthquake? 1. Ano ang nais panatilihin ni Pangulong Rodrigo
A. liquefaction C. rockslide Duterte na gagawin ng mga pasahero?
B. flash flood D. fire 2. Ilang porsiyento ang tsansang makaiiwas sa sakit
3. Which of the following is NOT an effect of an kung gagamit ng face mask ang mga pasahero?
earthquake? 3. Kung ang lahat ng tao ay gagamit at susundin ang
A. Loose rocks and soil slide down the mountain. lahat ng mga ipinapatupad ng mga eksperto, ano sa
B. Giant waves reach the shorelines. palagay mo ang magiging resulta nito?
C. Parts of the ground open up. 4. Sa iyong palagay, malaki ba ang pag-asang makaiiwas
D. Extreme drought occurs. tayo sa paglaganap ng covid 19 sa bansa kung ang
4. How does tsunami occur?
pagpabor ni Pangulong Duterte sa 1 meter distancing ay
A. It is caused by an earthquake under the sea.
susundin? Magbigay ka ng sariling opinyon mo tungkol
B. It is caused by an earthquake on land.
C. It is caused by a rock falling down. sa isyung ito?
D. It is caused by a strong typhoon
5. What must you do first after an earthquake? D. Paglalahad
A. Extinguish fire. Ano ang opinyon? Ito ba ay mula sa personal na
B. Repair cracked walls. pahayag lamang?
C. Save injured people in nearby neighborhood. Kung ang pahayag ay mula sa personal na kuro-
D. Look for lost belongings swept away by a kuro o palagay, naiuugnay sa sariling karanasan o
tsunami. nalalaman na maaaring hindi katulad ng sa ibang tao ,
walang basehan at hindi napatunayang totoo, ito ay
isang opinyon. Sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon,
FILIPINO 9:30-10:20 makabubuti kung tayo ay may sapat na kaalaman sa
paksang pinag-uusapan upang masusing
I. Naipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaksyon sa mapagtimbangtimbang ang mga bagay. Ang bawat tao
isang napakinggang balita isyu o usapan. F6PS-IVc-1 ay may sari-sariling palagay kaya dapat nating igalang
sapagkat para sa kanya, ito ang tama.
Ano ang dapat tandaan sa pagbibigay o
Makinig ng mabuti pagpapahayag ng opinyon?
Sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon, dapat nating tandaan ang
II. A. Maipahahayag ang sariling opinyon o reaksyon sa mga sumusunod:
isang napakinggang balita isyu o usapan. • Pagiging makatotohanan
B. power point presentation, LAS • Paggamit ng magagalang na salita
• Pagtanggap sa opinyon ng iba, sapagkat lahat ng
III. opinyon ay tama
A. Subukin: • Paggalang sa opinyon ng iba upang igalang ka rin ng
B. Balik-Aral • Paggamit ng mga salitang sa aking palagay/opinyon, sa
nakikita ko, kung ako ang tatanungin at iba pang mga
kauring salita.
_________ 5. Ayon sa balita, kapag daw nakaramdam ng
Gawain 1 ganitong sitwasyon, huwag pansinin ito.
Panuto: Pakinggang mabuti ang balitang babasahin ko.
Sagutin ang pagsasanay sa ibaba ng balita. E. Ano ang natutunan nyo sa aralin natin ngayon?
Paano maiuugnay ang bawat salita?
12.9 Bilyon Kailangan sa Pagbili ng COVID19

PANUTO: Basahin ang sumusunod na pahayag. Lagyan Tandaan:

ng tsek ( / ) kung angkop na opinyon at ( X ) kung hindi Ano ang dapat tandaan sa pagbibigay o pagpapahayag
angkop ayon sa balitang napakinggan. ng opinyon? Sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon, dapat nating
_________ 1. Ang P12.9 bilyong piso para sa pagbili ng tandaan ang mga sumusunod:
bakuna laban sa COVID19 ay sapat na para sa mga • Pagiging makatotohanan
mamamayang Pilipino. • Paggamit ng magagalang na salita
________ 2. Naniniwala ako na ginagawa naman ng • Pagtanggap sa opinyon ng iba, sapagkat lahat ng
pamahalaan ang lahat ng makakaya upang masugpo ang opinyon ay tama
pagkalat ng virus. • Paggalang sa opinyon ng iba upang igalang ka rin ng
_________ 3. Ang hindi pagsunod sa mga tuntunin upang iba
labanan ang virus ay makabubuti sa mga tao. • Paggamit ng mga salitang sa aking palagay/opinyon, sa
_________ 4. Sa aking palagay, magiging matagumpay ang nakikita ko, kung ako ang tatanungin at iba pang mga
patuloy na makikipag-ugnayan ng DOH sa mga suppliers kauring salita.
na posibleng magbenta ng bakuna sa Pilipinas.
_________ 5. Maliligtas ang mga tao kahit walang bakuna . IV. Panuto: .

Gawain 2 Panuto: Punan ang bawat patlang ng mga natutunan mo

Panuto: Makinig na mabuti sa isyung aking babasahin. sa araling ito upang mabuo ang talata.
Humanda ka sa pagsagot sa mga pagsasanay pagkatapos
nito. Kung ang pahayag ay mula sa personal na kuro-kuro o
Online Classes: Epektibo nga ba Para Matuloy ang palagay, naiuugnay sa sariling karanasan o nalalaman na
Pasukan? maaaring hindi katulad ng sa ibang tao , walang basehan
at hindi napatunayang totoo, ito ay isang _____________.
Panuto: Basahin at unawain ang bawat pangungusap. Ang mga salitang sa ______________, sa __________, ____________
Ilagay ang OO kung sumasang-ayon ka sa isinasaad ng ang ginagamit sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon. Ang
pahayag at HINDI kung hindi ka sumasang-ayon. paggalang sa opinyon ng iba ay kailangan din upang
_____ 1. Sabi nga nila, ang edukasyon ay ang tanging _________ ka rin nila.
yaman na hindi mananakaw ninuman.
_____ 2. Sa nakikita ko, hindi na lamang edukasyon ang V. Panuto: Punan ang patlang ng angkop na
nagbabadyang mawala sa atin kundi maging ang sarili salita upang mabuo ang pangungusap.
nating kaligtasan laban sa virus. 1. Panatilihin ang isang _____________ sa mga
_____ 3. Kailangang unahin muna raw ang bakuna bago pasahero sa pampublikong mga sasakyan.
ibalik ang klase, ayon sa pangulo. 2. Nasa 67 percent ang tsansang makaiwas sa
_____ 4. Walang magaganap na pag-aaral sa panahon ng sakit kung gagamit ng ___________.
pandemya. 3. Kailangan ay samasamang sundin ang lahat
_____ 5. Makabubuting maging handa sa bagong Sistema ng protocols na ito kasama na ang ____________ ng
ng edukasyon kahit sa panahong laganap ang pandemya kamay para makaiwas sa sakit.
sa buong mundo. 4-5. Ang pasahero ay bawal ________at ____________
sa loob ng sasakyan
Gawain 3
Panuto: Pakinggan mo ang isyu tungkol sa epekto at ESP 10:30 – 11:00
sintomas ng Stress at subukan mong sagutin ang
pagsasanay sa ibaba nito. I. Napatutunayan na nagpapaunlad ng pagkatao ang
Epekto at Sintomas ng Stress ispiritwalidad. Hal. pagpapaLiwanag na ispiritwalidad
ang pagkakaroon ng mabuting pagkatao anuman ang
Panuto: Basahin ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap. paniniwala; pagkakaroon ng positibong pananaw, pag-
Isulat sa patlang ang TAMA kung angkop ang opinyon asa, at pagmamahal sa kapwa at Diyos.
batay sa isyung iyong napakinggan at MALI kung hindi
angkop. Isulat ang sagot sa iyong sagutang papel. II. A. Pagpapaunlad ng espiritualidad
B. power point presentation, LAS
________ 1. Ayon sa pahayag, ang stress ay isa lamang
reaksyon ng katawan sa mga sitwasyon na tinataya III.
nitong harmful o delikado. A. Subukin. Panuto: Lagyan ng tsek (√) ang patlang
________ 2. Maaaring ang mga “threat” na ito ay totoo o kung ang sitwasyon ay nagpapatunay na nagpapaunlad
nasa isip lamang. ng pagkatao ang ispiritwalidad at ekis (X) naman kung
________ 3. Ang stress ay isang sakit. hindi.
________ 4. Kapag ang katawan ay nasa stress response, ______ 1. Bukal sa puso ang pagtulong ni Kriselle sa mga
tumataas ang bilis ng pagtibok ng puso. nangangailangan.
______ 2. Naglalaan ng panahon si Ramzel para sa Kristiyano. Nakaluhod o nakaupo ka kapag
pagkakawanggawa. nananalangin. Hindi mo pinagtawanan kung paano
______ 3. Laging nakikilahok si Deanna sa iba’t ibang manalangin ang iyong kaibigan.
panrelihiyong pagdiriwang kasama ang kanyang ______ 2. Sabik na sabik ka nang panoorin ang pelikula ng
pamilya . iyong paboritong lokal na artista sa Sabado. Wala kang
______ 4. Pinipilit ni Mang Boy na maging kalmado at ibang kasama kung hindi ang kaibigan mong Sabadista.
maingat na pinipili ang kanyang mga binibitawang salita Nakiusap ka sa kanya na samahan kang panoorin ang
sa pakikipag-usap. pelikula.
______ 5. Si Jacob ay palaging negatibong mag-isip ______ 3. Nangangaral ang isang grupo ng mga tao
tungkol sa mga pangyayari sa buhay. tungkol sa kanilang mga paniniwala. Ang sinasabi nila
ay iba sa mga aral ng iyong simbahan. Nanahimik ka at
B. Balik-Aral hinayaan mo silang magpahayag ng kanilang mga
Panuto: Iguhit ang masayang mukha kung ang paniniwala.
sitwasyon ay nagpapatunay na nagpapaunlad ng ______4. Nakikipagtalo sa iyo ang isang kaibigan. Sinabi
pagkatao ang ispiritwalidad at malungkot na mukha niya sa iyo na ang aral ng kanilang simbahan ang totoo
kung hindi at sa inyo ay mali. Nanatili kang mahinahon at
mapayapang nakipag-usap sa kanya.
____ 1.Pagtulong sa mga taong may kapansanan. ______ 5. Sinasabi ng iyong pinsan na huwag kausapin
____ 2. Madaling magalit at makakita ng kaaway. ang iyong kaklase dahil iba ang kanyang relihiyon at
____ 3. Pagdarasal bago matulog at pagkagising sa paniniwala. Sinunod mo ang kanyang sinabi.
____ 4. Pagbabasa ng bibliya. Gawain 2
____ 5.Pagtulong sa kapwa na nangangailangan. Panuto: Suriin ang mga sumusunod na larawan. Isulat
ang Tama kung ang gawain ay napapatunayan na
E. Pagganyak nagpapaunlad ng pagkatao ang ispiritwalidad at Mali
Panuto: Basahin ang maikling kwento at sagutin kung hindi.
nang wasto ang bawat tanong sa ibaba. ____ 1. Iginagalang ang pananalig ng ibang tao.
“Iba’t ibang relihiyon” ____ 2. Sumasali sa mga gawain sa simbahan.
Sagutin ang mga tanong. ____ 3. Tumatanggi na tumulong sa ibang taong may
1. Sino sino ang nag-uusap? ibang relihiyon.
2. Tungkol saan ang kanilang pinag-usapan? ____ 4. Isinasapuso ang mga magagandang aral na
3. Paano nagkakasundo sina Rosa, George at Lani? natutunan sa mga nakatatanda.
4. Hindi ba magiging maganda kung matututuhan ng ____ 5. Gumagawa ng paraan upang lalong mapa-unlad
lahat na mamuhay ng tulad nina Rosa at ng mga ang pananampalataya.
kaibigan niya?
5. Paano natin ito magagawa? Gawain 3
Panuto: Sumulat ng isang talata kung paano mo
Paglalahad mapapaunlad ang iyong ispiritwalidad anuman ang
Pagpapaunlad ng Ispiritwalidad paniniwala.

Ang ispiritwalidad ay nagbibigay daan sa mga Tandaan:

tao na matuklasan ang diwa ng kanilang pagkatao. Paano mo naipakikita ang pagpapaunlad ng ispirit-
Tiwala sa Diyos at handang tumulong kapag kailangan walidad anuman ang paniniwala?
gaano man kahirap ang sitwasyon. Ang tunay na diwa
ng ispiritwalidad ay ang pagkakaroon ng mabuting Ang taong may positibong pananaw ay
ugnayan sa kapwa at pagtugon sa tawag ng Diyos. Likas isinasabuhay ang pagiging mabuting tao upang
na sa ating mga Pilipino ang pagiging relihiyoso, kaya mapaunlad ang kanyang ispiritwalidad. Ang pagiging
naman hindi na mahirap sa atin kung papaano ba mabuting tao ay wala sa kasarian, katanyagan,
maipakikita ang ating pananalig sa Diyos. Tayo ay katalinuhan, kulay ng balat, estado sa buhay at maging
likas na madasalin at nasa puso na natin ang sa relihiyon. Ito ay nasa puso ng tao na nahubog sa
laging pagsimba. pagmamahal ng kapwa niya at ng Diyos. Sila ang mga
Iba’t iba man ang ating paniniwala at paraan ng taong handang magsakripisyo para lamang makagawa
pagpapakita ng pananalig sa Panginoon, mahalaga ay ng kabutihan sa kanilang kapwa.
iginagalang natin ang bawat isa at inirerespeto ang
kanilang paniniwala. Ang pag-unawa at paggalang sa IV. Panuto: Basahin ang sumusunod na sitwasyon.
paniniwala at gawaing panrelihiyon ng ibang tao ay Isulat ang Wasto sa patlang kung ang sitwasyon ay
nagtataguyod ng mapayapang pamumuhay. Igalang ang nakapagpapakita ng pagpapaunlad ng ispiritwalidad
paniniwalang panrelihiyon ng ibang tao kahit ang mga anuman ang paniniwala at Di – wasto kung hindi.
ito ay naiiba sa iyong mga paniniwala.
_____ 1. Paghingi ng kapatawaran sa mga nagawang
Gawain 1 kasalanan.
Panuto: Ilagay ang SA kung sumasang-ayon ka sa _____ 2. Masusing pagpapasiya bago gumawa ng aksyon
pahayag at HS kung hindi ka sumasang-ayon. at iniisip muna kung ito ay makabubuti o makakasama.
______ 1. Nakita mo ang kaibigan mong si Soraya.
Nakaupo siya sa mga daliri niya sa paa, karaniwang
posisyon sa pananalangin ng mga Muslim. Isa kang
_____ 3. Isinasaisip at isinasapuso ang mga utos ng
Panginoon sa pamamagitan ng hindi pagsuway at pag- Directions:
iwas sa mga tukso. D. Motivation
Given the following solid figures. Which has the
_____ 4. Paghingi ng tulong at gabay sa paggawa ng greatest volume? Use 3.14 for the value of pi (𝜋) when
kabutihan sa kapuwa. needed.
_____ 5. Panlalamang sa kapwa mag-aaral.

V. Panuto: Gumawa ng isang poster na nagpapakita ng

katangian ng isang mabuting tao.


finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and

spheres. M6ME -IVa -95
Finding the Volume of a rectangular pyramid A
rectangular pyramid has one base and its other faces
Listen attentively are triangles. The volume (V) of any rectangular
pyramid is one-third the product of the area of its base
(B) and the height (h). Example: Find the volume of the
II. A. finding the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
pyramid below. The base is a rectangle. Multiply the
and spheres.
length and the width of the rectangle to find the area of
its base. Multiply the area of the base by the height and
B. 21st Century MATHletes 6
C. Power point presentation, flashcards, LAS

III. A. Drill
Direction: Solve for the volume of the following figures.
Write your answers on your answer sheet. Use 3.14 for
the value of pi (𝜋) when needed.

Activity 1 PAIR and SHARE

Solve for the volume of Write your answers on a piece of

Figure Area of the Height (H) Volume (V)

Base (B)
1.Pyramid 24m2 10m
2. 30m2 15m

Direction: Consider the box of words below and read the Activity 2. Individual practice:
items that follow. Fill each blank in the items with the Read the problems carefully and solve for the answer.
correct word, phrase, or expression found inside the Write your answer on a piece of paper
box. Write your answers on your answer sheet
1. A pyramid has a base area of 30 cm2 and a height of 9
cylinder volume of a solid figure vertex center cm. What is the volume of the pyramid?
cone one third solid figures edge 2. A pyramid has a base of 35cm2 and a height of 13cm.
sphere circle pi face pyramid what is the volume of the pyramid?

1. The base of a cylinder or a cone has a ______________ Activity 3.

2. ______________ are three-dimensional figures that Find the volume of each of pyramid
enclose part of space. 1. A square pyramid has an area of the base is 12 dm
3. A ______________ is the set of all points in space that are and height is 25 dm.
the same distance from a given point called center. 2. A pyramid has an area of 40 height and 18base.
4. A ______________ has one base, it’s other faces are
triangles. F. Making Generalization
5. The volume of any pyramid is ______________ the The volume of a solid figure refers to the amount of
product of the area of the base and its height. space inside it. Volume is measured in cubic units,
which means that it tells the number of cubes in a given Panuto: Kilalanin kung ang pangungusap ay dahilan o
size it takes to fill the solid figure. pagbabagong ibinunga ng batas militar. Isulat ang bilang
We can determine the relationships of volume of sa tamang kahon sa ibaba.
pyramid. 1. Pagiging makapangyarihan ng militar.
The volume of a pyramid is equal to the product of the 2. Pagkahuli sa barkong MV Karagatan sa Palanan,
base area and its height. Having the same dimensions, Isabela. Naglalaman ito ng mga di-rehistradong
the volume of a rectangular prism is armas.
three times the volume of the pyramid. Thus, the 3. Pinangasiwaan ng pamahalaan ang mga
volume of a pyramid is one-third of the volume of a serbisyong kailangan ng tao tulad ng kuryente
rectangular prism with the same dimensions. at telepono.
4. Paglaganap ng gulo at kriminalidad sa bansa.
H. Application. 5. Pakikipag-ugnayan sa ibang bansa ng Unang
Fill in the blanks: Ginang Imelda Marcos.
Calculate the volume of the pyramid in the picture. What
is the formula to be used? ________________________________ C. Pagganyak
Number Sentence and final answer._____________________.

IV: Direction: Find the volume of each solid figure. 1.

Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Ano sa inyong palagay ang nais ipabatid ng mga guhit sa


D. Paglalahad
Ang unang panunungkulan ni Pangulong
V. Draw an illustration of the given solid figure Marcos mula 1965 hanggang 1969 ay may layuning
described in the problem then write your solution and gawing dakilang muli ang Pilipinas. Ang sabi niya:
final answer on a piece of paper. “This nation can be great again!” Malawakang paggawa
ng kalye, tulay, patubig at paaralan ang kanyang
The base of a pyramidal tent is a square. If the tent is 2 pinasimulan. Nabawasan ang krimen, lumaki ang
meters long and 1 ½ meters high. How many cubic produksyon sa agrikultura dahil sa reporma sa lupa at
meters of space can it hold inside? dumami ang serbisyo ng pamahalaan lalo na sa
kalusugan. Nabago rin ang hukbong sandatahan at
ARALIN PANLIPUNAN VI 2:20 – 3:00 nakipag-ugnayan tayo sa iba’t ibang bansa.
I. Nasusuri ang mga suliranin at hamon sa ilalim ng SUBALIT… nang muli siyang mahalal noong taong
Batas Militar 1969, nagbago ang sistema ng kanyang pamamalakad.
Maraming Pilipino ang nagalit dahil sa pambansang
kahirapang ibinunga ng labis na paggasta at
Makinig ng mabuti pangungutang ng pamahalaang Marcos sa ikalawang
termino nito.
II.A. Topic: Ang batas marsyal at ang dahilan ng Mga pangunahing suliranin na nagdulot ng Marsyal
pagdedeklara nito. law
B. References: MELC  Mga Suliraning Panlipunan
a. Sanayang Aklat sa Araling Panlipunan 6  Mga Suliraning Pampulitika
b. Materials: Laptop, LAS  Talamak na patayan
III. Procedure
Gawain 1:
A. Subukin Panuto Isulat ang S, kung sang-ayon ka, at HS kung
Panuto: Isulat ang T kung tama ang isinasaad ng hindi ka sang-ayon sa pahayag.
1. pangungusap at M kung ang pangungusap ay mali. _____1. Agosto 23, 1972 ng ipahayag ng Pangulo ang
2. Nasiyahan ang mga Pilipino sa pangalawang Batas – Militar. _____2. Makapangyarihan ang mga
panahon ng panunungkulan ni Pangulong Marcos. sundalo at pulis sa panahon ng Batas-
___ Militar.
3. Madalas ang mga rally at demonstrasyon ng mga _____3. Maraming Pilipino ang sumaya ng ideklara ang
mag-aaral at manggagawa sa panahon ni Pangulong Batas-Militar.
Marcos. ___ _____4. May legal na batayan ang pagpapahayag ng Batas-
4. Disiplinado ang mga kawani ng pamahalaan sa Militar ng Pangulong Marcos.
panahon ng panunungkulan ni Pangulong Marcos. ___ _____5. Lahat halos ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas ay nagdeklara
ng Batas-Militar
5. Sinuspinde ni Pangulong Marcos ang “writ of habeas
corpus,” sa panahon ng batas marsyal. ___
Gawain2: sagutan ang mga katanungan sa ibaba gamit
ang cross-word puzzle
B. Balik-aralin
B. Pangulong Cory Aquino D. Fidel V. Ramos
2. Ito ay isang matahimik na paraan ng pagkamit ng
demokrasya sa Pilipinas.
A. People Power I C. Pakikibaka 1986
B. People Power II D. War on Drugs
3. Bakit nagkaroon ng capital flight sa bansa?
A. Nawalan ng pera ang mga negosyante.
B. Huminto ang mga negosyante dahil mayaman na
C. Inilipat ng mga negosyante ang kanilang negosyo
sa ibang bansa.
1. Tawag sa araw- araw na pagrarali ng mga D. Ipinasara ng pamahalaan ang lahat ng
Pilipino noong 1970. nagnenegosyo.
2. Karapatang humarap sa korte ang nahuli upang 4. Ano ang naging kapalit ng pagpapautang muli ng IMF
malaman kung legal ang kanyang sa Pilipinas?
pagkakaditene. A. Magkaroon ng People Power I.
3. Mga nahuli sa Palanan, Isabela. Sakay ng MV B. Magkaroon ulit ng batas militar.
Karagatan. C. Magbayad muna ng utang ang Pilipinas.
4. Kasama ng mga manggagawa sa araw - araw D. Magkaroon ng Snap Election.
na pagrarali. 5. Paano ipinakita ng mga Pilipino na ninais nilang
5. Grupo ng mga Muslim na kumalaban sa makamit muli ang demokrasya?
pamahalaang Marcos noon. A. Nagkaisa sila sa pagtitipon sa mga kalsada.
6. Organisasyong may kakaibang simulain, nabuo B. Nagpadala sila ng suporta tulad ng pagkain, gamot
noong 1963. at tulong sa mga nagpoprotesta.
7. Sec. Of Defense na kunwaring inambush noong C. Nag-aalay sila ng dasal para sa mga nagpoprotesta.
Sept. 1971. D. Lahat ng nabanggit ay tama.
8. Pangulong nagdeklara ng Batas Marsyal.
9. Mga dayuhang umalis sa Pilipinas dahil sa VI. Takdang Aralin.
tumataas na bilang ng krimen. Panuto: Bilugan ang mga salita o pariralang nasa kahon
10. Kalakal mula sa Saudi Arabia na patuloy na na may kaugnayan sa konseptong awtoritaryan.
tumataas, dahilan ng pagtaas ng lahat ng presyo
noon sa Pilipinas.
11. Lugar kung saan nagdaos ng political rali ang
Liberal Party, binomba ng mga di pa rin
nakikilalang mga tao hanggang ngayon.
12. Mga inaasahang tutulong sa mga Pilipino noon,
pero umabuso din.

Gawain 3: Gumuhit ng mga larawang nagpapakita ng

mga possibleng naganap nuong panahon ng batas
military sa ating bansa

D. Paglalahat ng Aralin
Ang mga dahilan sa pagkadeklara ng Batas-Marsyal ay
gumugulong sistemang pangkabuhayan, pampulitika at
Sa ilalim ng Batas-Marsyal o Batas-Militar, may
kapangyarihan ang pangulo bilang kumandante ng lahat
ng Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas upang magapi ang
anumang uri ng rebelyon, karahasan o kaguluhan. Ang
Saligang-Batas 1935 ang pinagbatayan ng Martial Law
ni Pangulong Marcos. Lalo pa itong pinatibay ng
referendum noong Hulyo,1973.
Kakaiba ang Batas-Militar na ito dahil tanging ang
pangulo at sundalo ang makapangyarihan. Naging
malawak lalo ang kapangyarihan ng pangulo

V. Pagtataya ng Aralin
Basahin at unawain ng mabuti ang bawat bilang
pagkatapos ay bilugan ang titik ng wastong sagot. Gawin
ito sa sagutang papel.
1. Sino ang pinakamahigpit na kalaban ng rehimeng
Marcos na pinatay sa tarmac
ng MIA?
A. Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr.? C. Juan Ponce Enrile

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