Romeo and Juliet Coursework Conclusion

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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with complex literary works

like "Romeo and Juliet." Crafting a conclusion requires a deep understanding of the play, critical
thinking skills, and the ability to synthesize information effectively. Here are some reasons why
writing coursework on such a topic can be difficult:

1. In-depth Analysis: Developing a conclusion for a "Romeo and Juliet" coursework

necessitates a thorough analysis of the characters, themes, and plot. It's crucial to delve into
the nuances of Shakespearean language and explore the subtle messages conveyed
throughout the play.
2. Literary Criticism: Constructing a well-rounded conclusion often involves incorporating
insights from various literary critics. Understanding and incorporating these perspectives can
be challenging for students who may find it overwhelming to navigate different
interpretations of the text.
3. Time-Consuming: Composing a coursework conclusion requires significant time investment.
Students need to review and organize their notes, revise drafts, and ensure that their
conclusion effectively wraps up the main arguments presented throughout the coursework.
4. Structural Complexity: Crafting a coherent conclusion involves structuring ideas logically
and cohesively. This may pose a challenge for some students who struggle with organizing
their thoughts in a way that flows smoothly and supports the overall argument.

Considering these challenges, some students may find it beneficial to seek assistance. While external
help can come in various forms, it's important to approach such services with caution. It's advisable to
choose reliable and reputable platforms that prioritize academic integrity.

One such option is ⇒ ⇔, a site that offers academic writing assistance. If students
find themselves overwhelmed or struggling to articulate a conclusion for their "Romeo and Juliet"
coursework, they may consider seeking professional guidance. However, it's essential to remember
that external assistance should complement one's own efforts and adhere to academic ethics.

In conclusion, tackling a coursework on "Romeo and Juliet" can be demanding, but with dedication
and support from reputable sources like ⇒ ⇔, students can enhance their
understanding and presentation of the subject matter. Always remember to use such services
responsibly and prioritize your own academic growth.
However, Romeo and Juliet uses much more rhyme than most Shakespeare plays. At the start of the
play the people come to know about the great tussle that is the extent of hate is so severe that even
the servants of these families are looking for fight as they meet some where in the streets. “Gregory:
the quarrel is between our masters and us their men.” “Sampson: Tis all one. Romeo sees Juliet and
falls in love with her, little does he know that their families are enemies. In Zefferelli’s the movement
of the camera was slow and scenes seemed to be stretched out. They are manifestations of the power
of fate that brings about the inevitable death of the young lovers. I would also want him to wear a
red shirt underneath his tuxedo, to show the idea of him killing people and foreshadowing, later in
the play when Romeo stabs him, the red this symbolising Tybalt’s blood. Romeo and Juliet
Coursework - To what extent is Friar Lawrence to blame for. This shows that Mercutio is angry
because he is fatally injured as a result of their families quarrel. She asks him to speak plainly and
confess his love in simple words “O swear not by the moon, th’inconsistant moon that monthly
changes in her circled orb lest than thy love prove likewise variable.”. The audience already know
that Romeo’s tragic fate is fixed, for he is “star-crossed”. Lord Capulet makes it nearly impossible
for Tybalt to argue further so Tybalt withdraws, not leaving though without a final threat of revenge
to Romeo “I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall, Now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall”
(line 91). In the midst of the ongoing feud between the families, the two main characters, Romeo and
Juliet, share a sacred love affair. Ideal love isn’t as common but is found sometimes because not
many parents try to push there children into marrying into rich or high class men or women because
it doesn’t matter to them as much as it did then. It’s not the daughter’s fault that she fell in love with
someone else. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to
make your writing easier are also offered here. Some of the speeches that were coming out of Juliet
as she met Romeo were very Romantic, poetic and religious in some cases, this created a picture in
my head of what Juliet was like. Characters present at this scene are Tybalt, Benvolio, Romeo,
Mercutio and at the end the Prince. His youthfulness has been shown to the audience through his
state of confusion through love when he is talking about Rosaline to Benvolio, his cousin. So
overwhelmed with the feeling of love, Romeo forgets and ignores the risks of communicating with
someone who is a sworn enemy of his family. The reason for this is because good will always
overcome evil. By showing that Romeo has admiration for Juliet too the audience is set to think that
either Romeo is a playboy type of youth or he has, in all the partying, genuinely forgotten about
Rosaline. Juliet out of respect for her mother agrees “I’ll look to like, if looking liking move. The
Friar reminds Romeo of how lucky he is that he has not been killed for killing another man. The
qualities of fate, impulsiveness, and death told through an entertaining love story make Romeo and
Juliet a superb tragedy. Mercutio advises Romeo that real love only exists in dreams during his
speech about Queen Mab. He orders the musicians to play, and the dancing begins “Come, musicians
play” (line 25). Ladies that have their toes unplagued with corns will walk a bout with you” (line 16)
The host is making sure that these strangers in masks feel welcome. They seem to always bring
nature into everything they say. In the 1966 version, the customs are more modernized. This
language that she is using suggests to the audience that she is very clever how she plays with words
to impress Romeo.
This against the other people stands out as everyone else has dull, bland and ordinary colours clothes
(for that period in time has) such as cream and brown shades. When I have fought with the men, I
will be cruel with the maids. The fact that Romeo stood between then, trying to prevent them from
injuring one another, shows he cares but when he moves out of the way, they continue as before. It
would not have been fashionable for noble ladies to feed their own infants. In the end a modern
father would probably let his daughter go with the one she loved. She tells them that their greeting
involved touching palms “palm to palm is holy palmers kiss’. My marriage was private, i, that
afternoon had permission to go shrift were Romeo had arranged for us to be wed. Those are the
culprits in Romeo and Juliet of the deaths and demise of all and they carry the burden of blame. The
speeches by Chorus as prologues to Acts 1 and 2 are sonnets, and in this scene the first dialogue
between Romeo and Juliet is in sonnet form. The audience would want to know what will happen to
Juliet because she refused to marry Paris. This shows us that the family is very rich and wealthy
because in those days you had to be pretty well off to afford a big and attractive house like that. At
the time when they are having the most fun, Juliet’s nurse appears and delivers Juliet’s message. The
archetypes he displays Romeo within are as a lover during the world famous balcony scene, a
warrior when he slays Tybalt in act 3 sc1, a king when he quotes “I defy you stars”, which is ironic
as in the prologue it states “a pair of star crossed lovers take their lives” and as a magician when he
takes the vile of poison from the apothecary. He tells Romeo that it is “dear mercy” but that Romeo
“seest it not”. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. Paris and Rosaline, by this
point, are long forgotten. A key portrayal of this is when Romeo pronounces “I will defy you stars”.
This helps the audience that the love between them was true. Ironically it is the spontaneous nature
of one man, Mercutio, and his loathing of Tybalt that seals the fate of the “two households” as well
as “their children’s end”, rather that the antediluvian rancour the families share. These two families
hate each other because of an ancient grudge. In Act 2, Scene 5, the Nurse's protective instincts for
Juliet are evident when she warns Romeo and Juliet of Lady Capulet's approach, preventing their
discovery. Lady Capulet doesn’t know much about Juliet, she never even knew her age. He orders
the musicians to play, and the dancing begins “Come, musicians play” (line 25). Then again the
prologue is one last time shown on the screen in words in half lines but too fast too see them all so
the audience has to concentrate better to see more so later in the film they are more likely to be
watching closer. How ever the real love between the leading couple of the play is the most eye
catching thing for the spectators and the interesting part for the readers to read the love story of
Romeo and Juliet is absolute legend for the whole world and for all the generation to come. The love
between Romeo and Juliet was romantic love. I don’t think that he would have married them if he
had known what the outcome would be. While Paris perceives Juliet as a possession, Juliet's heart
remains devoted to Romeo. This ideology is a show of his impetuosity on the path he takes to evolve
from a petrarchan lover to a mature young man who passionately evokes his feelings for Juliet. Ideal
love isn’t as common but is found sometimes because not many parents try to push there children
into marrying into rich or high class men or women because it doesn’t matter to them as much as it
did then.
This against the other people stands out as everyone else has dull, bland and ordinary colours clothes
(for that period in time has) such as cream and brown shades. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet
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Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. However, there is a strong
case for the Capulet’s responsibility, as their ignorance drove their daughter to death in my eyes.
When she finds out that Romeo is part of the rival family of Montagues and her character changes
from someone who is loyal to someone who is self determined and eventually sacrifices her life for
her love. Juliet uses her knowledge of religion to bring Romeo to kiss her without losing modesty.
This is done on purpose so that they aren’t taken notice to by people watching as not to distract them
from the important characters. Those are the culprits in Romeo and Juliet of the deaths and demise of
all and they carry the burden of blame. I tell thee what, get thee to church o’ Thursday, Or never
after look me in the face.” Act3 sc5 160-163. Romeo continues to dispute that his love for Rosaline
would never change and he even says that if he did see someone more beautiful then his eyes would
burn out because they were liars. “Transparent heretics, be burnt for liars. The audience are made to
feel empathy towards him which is what makes this play a tragedy. In act one scene three, as I have
said before, Lady Capulet doesn’t even know Juliet's age. After citizens outraged by the constant
violence beat back the warring factions, Prince Escalus, the ruler of Verona, attempts to prevent any
further conflicts between the families by decreeing death for any individual who disturbs the peace
in the future. The reason why I have chosen these objects is because I can symbolise love and hatred
towards the Capulet’s and Montagues i.e. The statue of Mars symbolising the Capulet’s because they
have people like Tybalt who are evil and the statue of Venus to symbolise the Montagues. If he had
not been so hasty in falling out of love with Rosaline and into love with Juliet, the story would not
have happened at all. The servant replies “I know not sir” (line 42) This to Romeo would not matter
because he already seems to be in love. “O she doth teach the torches to burn bright” (line 44) he
says, meaning both that her beauty is brighter than the blaze of any torch and that her presence
makes the whole room light up. It is written in the stars that events during the following night will
lead to his being asked to repay this debt with his life. In brief I am writing to inform you and give
you an overview of the theme of violence in the play and explaining to you the dramatic qualities of
Act lll Scene l. Then again the prologue is one last time shown on the screen in words in half lines
but too fast too see them all so the audience has to concentrate better to see more so later in the film
they are more likely to be watching closer. Mercutio and Tybalt would never dream of “reasoning
coldly” (earlier, Tybalt had clamed “Peace. The rhyming couplets that Romeo uses, and the sonnet
for of the text isolate Romeo and Juliet from the other characters in the scene. This is saying that
Romeo is Tybalt’s biggest enemy. At this time there was a great conflict between the Yankees (north)
and the Confederates (south) about abolishing slavery. She represents a naive youth, loyalty, hope,
strength, forgiveness, and in her death, peace. The theme of marriage to death is very prominent in
the later part of Romeo and Juliet. They also use different families to begin with in Luhrmann’ the
Montague’ are the ones that start the trouble of where as the others version the Capulets began the
brawl by biting his thumb. Honour was very important in the time when this was set. By clicking
“Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. In a moment of blind
love, after Romeo laid Paris’ slain body beside Juliet’s, Romeo drinks his “dram of poison”; telling
Juliet that forever with her he will “remain”. The reason, why I have chosen this form of dress is
because I want him to look like he is displaying an intimidating and awesome exterior so that no one
would dare oppose or challenge him. This is a comic scene, where Benvolio and Mercutio discuss
Tybalt’s challenge.
The other reason for this is because I wish to show the audience how much Romeo loves Juliet by
treating her as an angel. The reason for this is because near the end of the play as stated earlier on in
this section Romeo and Tybalt have a fight because of. Life for me, in these past few weeks, has
been like god has turned away from me and the devil himself has smiled upon me. Fore-shadowing
is when the audience is told what will happen in the play before it even happens. Overall, I believe
that not one single person can be held responsible but the many protagonists within the play, who
were blinded by impetuosity, passion and the age old feud as predetermined in the prologue” A pair
of star crossed lovers take their lives”. Early in the story Act1 Scene 1, the Prince warned the families
is they were to disturb the street there lives would pay the forfeit, but it not their live that has paid
it’s the live of Romeo, Juliet and the others (Mercutio, Paris and Tybalt) that has paid for it instead.
Juliet is impatient and needs to be certain that Romeo loves her. In saying this, Tybalt provokes the
audience to prepare for future trouble and violence concerning himself and Romeo, swearing
revenge. In each paragraph I will explain the historical context and the important things about the
certain love throughout the play. Juliet out of respect for her mother agrees “I’ll look to like, if
looking liking move. The reason why I have chosen these objects is because I can symbolise love and
hatred towards the Capulet’s and Montagues i.e. The statue of Mars symbolising the Capulet’s
because they have people like Tybalt who are evil and the statue of. The nurse knows who the first
two are but not the third (who is Romeo), so Juliet sends her to learn his name. He buys poison from
a reluctant Apothecary and then goes to the tomb to see Juliet. They are the essential and ideal
ingredients for a tragic and romantic play. For example “my sin is purged” (spoken by Romeo line
106). This sparks off the fight that Shakespeare has been building up to right the way through this
scene. Put up your swords; you know not what you do.” Whereas Tybalt’s violence is shown through
“what, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds. Our customer service team will review your
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5.00 2 reviews Not the right resource. This meant bringing it up to date with the interests that a
teenage audience has. He thinks of a chemist who is very poor and could sell him some poison, other
wise it was illegal. Capulet sees the anger on Tybalt’s face and sees (but probably doesn’t hear) him
talking. He speaks of Juliet referring to aspects of the Christian faith whereas with Rosaline, he
referred to ancient Greek mythology, The Greek God of hunting, Diana and the Greek God of love,
Cupid. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. This ideology is a show of his impetuosity on the path he takes to evolve from a
petrarchan lover to a mature young man who passionately evokes his feelings for Juliet. Balthasar
sees Juliet’s funeral taking place and tell Romeo that she is dead. She is the first to speak and insists
that they kiss again so that their sins do not go into each other. Here Juliet is also unknowingly
foreshadowing her fate, in which her grave does become her wedding bed. Poor people would not
even get a seat; they would stand in the pit that was around three sides of the stage. Therefore, Juliet
sends the nurse to make arrangements with Romeo. Friar Lawrence knows all about the plants and
what each plant can cure diseases and illnesses but others can kill.
Ironically it is the spontaneous nature of one man, Mercutio, and his loathing of Tybalt that seals the
fate of the “two households” as well as “their children’s end”, rather that the antediluvian rancour
the families share. By showing that Romeo has admiration for Juliet too the audience is set to think
that either Romeo is a playboy type of youth or he has, in all the partying, genuinely forgotten about
Rosaline. He jokes and is sarcastic to Romeo saying: “You are a lover, borrow Cupid’s wings,” (Act
1 scene 4 line 17). To understand and enjoy this classic, however, the audience must truly believe
that Romeo and Juliet are in love. She tells them that their greeting involved touching palms “palm to
palm is holy palmers kiss’. The outside measurement of the Fortune Theatre, which was built in 1600
to rival the new globe theatre, was 8 square feet. This is shown by Paris he shows this love because
he is rich, handsome and in a higher class role. The reason for this is because he is setting an example
for all of the capulates. This resembles lord capulate because he is very domineering towards his
guests in that way and orders people about. Subsequently Romeo and Juliet can no longer be
together due to his banishment, which I believe contributed to their deaths. In summary, Romeo and
Juliet, the Star cross 'd lovers, were heavily impacted by their long history family feud. Characters
present at this scene are Tybalt, Benvolio, Romeo, Mercutio and at the end the Prince. Romeo is in
very much in love with Juliet and has promised that he will stay with her forever. Honour was very
important in the time when this was set. This ideology is a show of his impetuosity on the path he
takes to evolve from a petrarchan lover to a mature young man who passionately evokes his feelings
for Juliet. Paris sees Romeo breaking into Capulet’s crypt, they fight beside Juliet's body, Paris is
killed. It’s a clever use of language but it’s too extreme. He had promised the “bitterest gall” because
of Romeo’s intrusion, and in this scene it makes itself quite clear. Nodules and endovascular stenting
for the guards hold up or angulation. The views on marriage in those days was if you marry then it's
for life as divorce was not common at all and it was considered disgracing your religion it you did
divorce, the prophetic view that love might end in tragedy ''these violent delights have violent ends''.
Mercutio who perhaps is the most intriguing character and a close companion of Romeo is slain by
Tybalt. The Dramatic Importance of Mercutio in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Rehearsals start
next week and it is important that you have a good understanding of the play and your character. The
mood switched from being jovial, to serious love, to anger, back to love and then to bewilderment
and fear. Give me my long sword, ho!” (Capulet to Lady Capulet). I would place the God of love at
the top of the stares and the god of evil at the bottom. Characters in Romeo and Juliet, Death,
Mercutio 863 Words 3 Pages Romeo and Juliet is a story of two doomed teenage lovers whose fate
ends in tragedy. My dearest cousin, and my dearer lord?’ But then she finds out that Romeo is
banished but he is still alive, but she is still very upset however she manages to cope with it. It was
very hard for them to act some of the deep feelings of some of the women characters. Romeo,
equally overwhelmed by love, harbors concerns about potential heartache.
Her transformation from a compliant daughter to one in need of solace is apparent. She tells him that
she has to marry Paris because her mother and father, Lord and Lady Capulet, are forcing her to do
this. So when Capulet shows his anger towards Juliet he is giving the audience what they want.
Shakespeare Coursework Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet DUNCAN, MERCUTIO AND TY. Romeo
is stunned by Juliet’s beauty; his speech is rich in romantic imagery. Romeo wants to kill himself
rather than live without Juliet. We also see the plot of the play, which is love and hate at the same
time. At this moment in time everyone is in a happy mood as well as the audience. He is their
confessor and gives them guidance throughout their lives. Mercutio, although he loves to fight, was
also defending Romeo’s good name in the dual against Tybalt. The reader of this tragedy is rooting
for them to overcome all of the trials that they face together. This house would be a gigantic mansion
built by a French architect. Juliet’s nurse is very loyal to Juliet and cares for her very much. The
music that plays in the background doesn’t give the impression very well that this is such a serious
part even though the fact if they didn’t brawl the Romeo and Juliet would be able to live happily
ever after. These two families hate each other because of an ancient grudge. Ladies that have their
toes unplagued with corns will walk a bout with you” (line 16) The host is making sure that these
strangers in masks feel welcome. I tell thee what, get thee to church o’ Thursday, Or never after look
me in the face.” Act3 sc5 160-163. In this essay I am going to discuss how and why this is by
referring to the drama, Shakespeare’s use of language and how this scene fits into the rest of the
play. He is in a very happy and jovial mood at this time in the play. When Romeo finds out he rushes
to hunt Tybalt down but not knowing what his actions will result in. The reason why I have chosen
these objects is because I can symbolise love and hatred towards the Capulet’s and Montagues i.e.
The statue of Mars symbolising the Capulet’s because they have people like Tybalt who are evil and
the statue of Venus to symbolise the Montagues. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the play
is more about the nature of hate than the nature of love, more concerned with death and darkness
than with life and light. We know that when she was a very small girl she was already showing that
she had an independent mind, at the age of thirteen she is an object of desire for men in Verona, her
protective parents would like her to start considering Paris as a future husband. This creates a very
strange sense amongst the public that the two families pay out a big cost of their children to end the
enmity between them. Whenever Romeo confesses his love for Tybalt, Mercutio becomes furious,
but it is why he accepts his insults such as “villain” and “boy. The theatre that was used for “Romeo
and Juliet” was the Fortune Theatre. The word sick is illness, by all the talk about love which is
gentle actually turns out apprehensive and cruel. The qualities of fate, impulsiveness, and death told
through an entertaining love story make Romeo and Juliet a superb tragedy. Upon reaching the
Captulet’s tomb in “fair Verona”, on hearing of Juliet’s death, Paris confronts Romeo about his
presence. He also believes that by marrying a Montague and a Capulet together, it will end the feud
between the two families, and restore the peace in Verona.

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