Hacking of Ebay Website

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Hacking of ebay website

A detailed case study

• - EBay Inc said that hackers raided its network , accessing some 145 million
user records in what is poised to go down as one of the biggest data
breaches in history, based on the number of accounts compromised.It
advised customers to change their passwords immediately, saying they were
among the pieces of data stolen by cyber criminals who carried out the
attack between late February and early March.EBay spokeswoman Amanda
Miller told Reuters late that those passwords were encrypted and that the
company had no reason to believe the hackers had broken the code that
scrambled them. "There is no evidence of impact on any eBay customers,"
Miller said. "We don't know that they decrypted the passwords because it
would not be easy to do."She said the hackers gained access to 145 million
records of which they copied "a large part". Those records contained
passwords as well as email addresses, birth dates, mailing addresses and
other personal information, but not financial data such as credit card
• Miller also said the company has hired FireEye Inc's Mandiant forensics division to help
investigate the matter. Mandiant is known for publishing a February 2013 report that described
what it said was a Shanghai-based hacking group linked to the Peoples Liberation Army.EBay
earlier said a large number of accounts may have been compromised, but declined to say how
many. Security experts advised EBay customers to be on the alert for fraud, especially if they
used the same passwords for other accounts."People need to stop reusing passwords and should
change their affected passwords immediately across all the sites where they are used," said Trey
Ford, global security strategist with cybersecurity firm Rapid7.Michael Coates, director of product
security with Shape Security, said there is a significant risk that the hackers would unscramble
the passwords because typically companies only ask users to change passwords if they believe
there is a reasonable chance attackers may be able to do so.Still, eBay said it had not seen any
indication of increased fraudulent activity on its flagship site and that there was no evidence its
PayPal online payment service had been breached.EBay said the hackers got in after obtaining
login credentials for "a small number" of employees, allowing them to access eBay's corporate
• It discovered the breach in early May and immediately brought in security
experts and law enforcement to investigate Miller said"We worked
aggressively and as quickly as possible to insure accurate and thorough
disclosure of the nature and extent of the compromise," Miller said when
asked why the company had not immediately notified users.the breach could
go down as the second-biggest in history at a U.S. company, based on the
number records accessed by the hackers. Computer security experts say the
biggest such breach was uncovered at software maker Adobe Systems Inc in
October 2013, when hackers accessed about 152 million user accounts. It
would be larger than the one that Target Corp disclosed in December of
2013, which included some 40 million payment card numbers and another
70 million customer records.

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