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VOLUME 1 (2), 2023, 39-46 | RESEARCH ARTICLE

Screening Blood Glucose Levels at Adolescents in Rongtengah

Village, Sampang District

Baterun Kunsah1, Nur Vita Purwaningsih1*, Tanti Puspitasari1

Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University Surabaya
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

SUBMITTED 11 September 2023 REVISED 19 October 2023 ACCEPTED 20 October 2023


Background & Objective: Blood glucose is the level of glucose in the blood whose concentration is strictly
regulated by the body. Increased blood glucose in adolescents is caused by changes in lifestyle and diet
that tend to refer to an unhealthy lifestyle and diet due to frequent consumption of sugary drinks, instant
food, or fast food. If this habit cannot be changed, it can lead to blood glucose disease. The purpose of
this study was to determine blood glucose levels in adolescents aged 17-20 years in RW 06, Rongtengah,
Method: The type of research used is descriptive. The population in this study were adolescents aged 17-
20 years in Rongtengah Village, Sampang. The research sample was adolescents aged 17-20 years in RT
01 to RT 05, RW 06, a total of 42 people from Rongtengah Village, Sampang. This study used a purposive
sampling technique that met the criteria of 17-20 years of age—the technique of checking blood glucose
levels using the POCT method with units of mg/dL. Data analysis in this study will be tabulated in tabular
Result: The results of the study obtained as many as 5 high yield samples, the results of normal blood
glucose levels as many as 37 samples.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study shows that adolescents still have the potential to have high blood
glucose levels.

Keywords: Adolescent; Blood Glucose; Diabetes mellitus.

Introduction blood is the main source of energy for body

Blood glucose is the level of glucose in the cells. An increase in blood glucose levels after
blood whose concentration is tightly eating or drinking will stimulate the pancreas
regulated by the body. Glucose flowing in the to produce insulin which prevents further

Mukhtabar Journal Volume 1 (2), 2023, 39-46

increases in blood glucose levels and causes 21.3 million in 2030. The number of people
blood glucose levels to decrease slowly. The with Diabetes Mellitus will increase by 2-3
process of glucose performance in the body times in 2035. Results reported by Riskesdas
will certainly be disrupted if the body (2018) by the Ministry show that the
experiences an increase in glucose that prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia
exceeds normal limits. The older you get, the increased in 2013 by 1.5% to 2.0% in 2018
greater the risk of increasing blood glucose (Yelfi Anwar, 2022).
and this can be caused by diabetes mellitus Based on the results of the 2018 Basic Health
(Demur, 2018). Research, the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus
In Madura Sampang, many cases occur in the in adolescents aged over 15 years has
elderly, one of which is high blood glucose increased, namely, in 2013 it was 6.9%, while
levels. In adolescents aged 17-20 years, this in 2018 it increased by 8.5%. Diabetes
does not guarantee that they will not Mellitus sufferers among adolescents are
experience high blood glucose levels. At the quite significant in Indonesia, and this should
age of 17-20 years, there are many changes receive attention from the Government.
in lifestyle and eating patterns which tend to Supporting examinations for diabetes
be unhealthy because of the habit of mellitus in adolescents is an important thing
frequently consuming instant and ready-to- that needs to be done to avoid errors or
eat sweet foods and drinks which can cause delays in diagnosis and treatment that can
obesity and various diseases and can result in lead to death (Riskesdas, 2018).
suffering from blood glucose in adolescents. One of the regions with the highest number
Triggers for increased blood glucose levels of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers is East Java
(hyperglycemia) in the body are pancreatic Province. The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus
dysfunction, insulin resistance, and impaired sufferers is 2.1% which is in the top 10 in fifth
blood glucose tolerance. A decrease in blood place in the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus
glucose levels is caused by the use of insulin sufferers in Indonesia (Nanda, 2020). The
or oral glycemic drugs, hyperinsulinemia, Diabetes Mellitus rate in East Java according
liver dysfunction, chronic kidney dysfunction, to Riskesdas in 2013 was 2.1% and increased
the influence of pharmacological agents, to 2.6% in 2018 (Riskesdas, 2020). The
surgery for neoplasms, and congenital prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in East Java
metabolic disorders (Lestari ZS, 2021). among adolescents who consume fast food
Based on WHO data in 2020, the first cause is 64.2%, consume instant drinks 31%, and
of death in the world is non-communicable hereditary factors are 13.30% (PERKENI,
diseases, which is estimated to continue to 2016).
increase throughout the world, reaching 70% Factors that influence blood glucose levels
of deaths caused by non-communicable are age, food intake, physical activity, and
diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Apart medication. Firstly, age is a factor that has a
from that, the WHO also stated that there very strong influence on the prevalence of
was an increase in Diabetes Mellitus sufferers Diabetes Mellitus and impaired glucose
by 70% in the adolescent population, and it tolerance, especially in adolescents. In
was recorded that 422 million people suffer adolescence, the body components that
from Diabetes Mellitus in the world (Qifti, experience changes are pancreatic beta cells
2020). WHO predicts an increase in the that produce insulin, target tissue cells that
number of people with Diabetes Mellitus in produce glucose, the nervous system, and
Indonesia from 8.4 million in 2000 to around

Mukhtabar Journal Volume 1 (2), 2023, 39-46

other hormones that influence blood glucose years in RW 06, Rongtengah Village,
levels (Dhanny, 2022). Sampang District.
The second factor is food intake which plays
an important role in increasing blood sugar Method
levels. Foods consisting of carbohydrates, The type of research is descriptive research
protein, and fat can increase blood glucose with analytical observational research. The
levels. Carbohydrates are absorbed by the population and sample for this study were
body through the intestines, then turned into adolescents aged 17-20 years in RT 01 to RT
glucose and circulated in the bloodstream. 05, RW 06, a total of 42 people in
One to two hours after eating, blood glucose Rongtengah Subdistrict, Sampang District.
will reach its highest level (Christine Evelyn The sampling technique used is the
Sitorus, 2020). purposive sampling technique. The time for
The third factor is that physical activity this research was carried out in March 2023.
reduces increases in blood glucose levels and The variable in this study was blood glucose
plays a role in managing blood glucose levels in adolescents in RT 01 to RT 05, RW
control, especially after eating. Physical 06, Rongtengah Village, Sampang District.
activity will also increase the metabolic work Operational Definition The blood glucose
of muscle tissue and improve cardiovascular level variable is the amount of instantaneous
health in general. Increasing physical activity blood glucose used to measure blood
and exercise is important in achieving and glucose levels which are examined using the
maintaining weight loss, in addition to POCT method in mg/dL units. Adolescents
improving insulin resistance, it also reduces are adolescents aged 17-20 years who live in
insulin levels. The fourth factor, drug use, is RT 01 to RT 05, RW 06, Rongtengah Village,
one of the factors that can influence blood Sampang District. The data taken is primary
glucose levels by inhibiting insulin secretion data obtained based on the results of
or action and also through interactions with checking blood glucose levels in adolescents.
antidiabetic agents (Wantania, 2020). Data collection was carried out by analyzing
According to Basic Health Research samples using a glucometer.
(Riskesdas), blood glucose levels among The examination tools and materials used in
adolescents in the Madura region are higher this research were 70% alcohol swab, cotton,
in urban areas than in rural areas (Riskesdas, autoclick, lancet, glucometer (Easy Touch),
2018). Based on a survey conducted by and glucose stick (Easy Touch).
researchers on March 12, 2023, adolescents
in the urban area of Madura aged 17-20 Stages of Proficiency Test or Comparative
years who consumed a sweet, ready-to-eat, Test
instant diet and lacked sports activities A comparative test of blood glucose
involving 42 respondents, data was obtained examination using a photometer clinic device
from adolescents aged 17-20 years have a and a glucometer device with 3 blood
habit of consuming sweet, instant and ready- samples at the Jrengik Community Health
to-eat foods and drinks compared to healthy Center Laboratory in Sampang Regency.
foods. Photometer clinical equipment, namely
preparing tools and materials. Then prepare
Objective 3 reaction tubes, namely blank, standard, and
The research aims to determine blood sample. After that, pipette the reagent using
glucose levels in adolescents aged 17-20 a micropipette on a 1000 ul blank, then pipet

Mukhtabar Journal Volume 1 (2), 2023, 39-46

1000 ul reagent and 10 ul standard, then TABLE 1. Results of Blood Glucose Level
pipet 1000 ul reagent and 10 ul serum. Mix Examination in Adolescents May 2023
and incubate for 5 minutes at 37°C. Then Variable N %
insert it into the photometer by sucking it
starting from the blank, standard, and Mean: 18.9
sample. Wait for the results.
In the glucometer, put enough blood on the
Man 19 45
blood glucose test strip attached to the
Woman 23 55
glucometer and wait for the results.
Blood glucose results
Mean ± SD: 112.57 ± 18.01
Sampling Preparation Procedure for
Normal 37 88
Taking Blood from One of the Capillary
High 5 12
Areas at the Fingertips
Prepare tools and materials such as a 70%
alcohol swab, cotton, autoclick, lancet (small Table 1, shows that the data obtained on
needle), glucometer (Easy Touch), and blood glucose levels in adolescents was 42
glucose sticks (Easy Touch). After that, wash respondents, there were results of 5 people
your hands thoroughly and wear medical having high blood glucose levels with a
gloves. Then prepare the glucometer and percentage of 12% and the results of normal
insert the testing strip into the tool. Insert the blood glucose levels were 37 people with a
sterile needle into the lancet pen piercing percentage of 88%. From the results of this
tool. After that, choose the tip of the thumb examination, the average value of blood
that you want to pierce. Then clean the tip of glucose levels in adolescents aged 17-20
your thumb with alcohol cotton and leave it years was 112.57 mg/dL.
for a while. After that, massage the patient's
TABLE 2. Results of Blood Glucose Levels Based
finger so that the blood collects at the tip of
on Gender
the finger, then prick the finger with a lancet
Gender Percen
pen. Then the first drop of blood is removed Normal High Amount
L/P tage
using dry cotton wool, then the second drop
P 16 3 19 45
of blood is added to the test strip. Then press
the pricked finger with alcohol cotton so that L 21 2 23 55
the bleeding can stop. Total 37 5 42 100

Reference values:
70 – 130 mg/dL Table 2, shows that the results of blood
glucose levels based on gender are for
Results women, namely 16 people who are normal
The results of research on blood glucose and high, there are 3 people with a
levels that were carried out using samples on percentage of 45%, while for men, there are
adolescents aged 17-20 years in RT 01 to RT 21 people who are normal and high, there
05, RW 06, Rongtengah Village, Sampang are 2 people with a percentage of 55%.
District in May 2023 with a total of 42
respondents and glucose levels were Discussion
checked Blood results obtained as follows: Factors that influence blood glucose levels in
adolescents are age, genetics, diet, lifestyle,

Mukhtabar Journal Volume 1 (2), 2023, 39-46

and physical activity. The first risk factor for diet, lifestyle, and lack of physical activity so
blood glucose is age, one of the factors that excess energy in the body will be stored in
has a very close influence on the prevalence the form of body fat. However, the majority
of blood glucose levels in adolescents. As of blood glucose levels were normal, as many
adolescents age, the body components that as 37 respondents, because adolescents still
experience changes are pancreatic beta cells do a lot of physical activity and exercise
that produce insulin, target tissue cells that which is sufficient to burn fat and lose
produce blood glucose, the nervous system, weight.
and other hormones that influence blood Based on age, blood glucose levels are most
glucose levels (Dhanny, 2022). common at the age of 20, because as you get
The second factor, genetics, is a disease that older, body components will change, such as
is passed down from parents to their children consuming sugary drinks too often, poor
genetically. If parents suffer from blood lifestyle and eating patterns resulting in
glucose levels, their children will suffer from excess carbohydrates, disruption of the
blood glucose levels. However, this does not insulin hormone, and too many calories.
mean that children of both parents suffering inside the body.
from blood glucose will suffer from blood Based on gender on blood glucose levels,
glucose too, but they can maintain and avoid women experience high blood glucose
other risk factors. The third factor, diet, plays levels. This is based on the results of
an important role in increasing blood questionnaires from respondents in their
glucose levels. Foods consisting of teens. Many women suffer from blood
carbohydrates, protein, and fat can increase glucose levels compared to men because
blood glucose levels. Unhealthy eating many women's lifestyles are less healthy,
patterns and a tendency to overdo it cause such as consuming instant, ready-to-eat
obesity. Obesity is a factor of lack of physical sweet foods and drinks, lack of physical
activity (Fitriani Nasution, 2021). activity, and unhealthy lifestyles that increase
The fourth factor, physical activity, is to fat in the body easily accumulate due to
reduce the increase in blood glucose levels, disruption. insulin hormone. Women should
especially after eating. Physical activity will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle to
also increase the metabolic work of muscle avoid high blood glucose and avoid risk
tissue. Physical exercise is important in factors such as unhealthy eating patterns and
achieving and maintaining weight loss, in lack of physical activity.
addition to improving insulin resistance, it From the results of this study, it can be stated
also reduces insulin levels. Lack of physical that in adolescence, blood glucose levels
activity causes a lack of energy burning by increase due to several causes such as
the body so that excess energy in the body genetics, physical activity such as lack of
will be stored in the form of fat in the body. exercise, unhealthy lifestyles, and the habit of
Excessive storage will cause obesity frequently consuming sweet, instant, and
(Wantania, 2020). ready-to-eat drinks which cause increased
In this study, 5 respondents had abnormally glucose blood in adolescence.
high blood glucose levels, this was due to
unhealthy teenage lifestyles, such as Conclusion
consuming instant, ready-to-eat sweet foods Based on the results of the research that has
and drinks rather than consuming healthy been carried out, it was concluded that from
foods. It is caused by various factors such as 42 samples of adolescents, high blood

Mukhtabar Journal Volume 1 (2), 2023, 39-46

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