Biology Enzymes Coursework

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Writing a coursework, especially in a complex subject like Biology, can indeed be a challenging task.

Crafting a comprehensive Biology Enzymes coursework requires a deep understanding of the topic,
extensive research, and the ability to synthesize information effectively. It involves not only
presenting factual information but also demonstrating critical thinking, analytical skills, and the
ability to connect various concepts.

For a Biology Enzymes coursework, you may need to delve into biochemical processes, understand
enzyme kinetics, explore relevant scientific literature, conduct experiments, and analyze data.
Additionally, the coursework demands a clear and coherent structure, proper formatting, and
adherence to academic writing conventions.

Given the complexity of this task, students might find themselves struggling to meet the
requirements and deadlines. In such situations, seeking assistance is a reasonable option. While
external help can come in various forms, including tutoring and academic resources, one option is to
consider professional writing services.

Among the various online platforms, ⇒ ⇔ is one that provides coursework
assistance. It's crucial to emphasize that when considering such services, students should choose
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If you find yourself overwhelmed by the demands of your Biology Enzymes coursework, you might
consider exploring ⇒ ⇔ as a potential solution. However, it's essential to
remember that while external assistance can provide support, it's crucial to use such services ethically
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See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. Health effects-Ingestion: harmful if ingested in large quantities. Different enzymes
will have a different optimum PH to work at. However the active site of the enzyme is not rigid and
substrate can induce slight changes in shape, this allows substrates of similar structure to bind with
same enzyme. I did not have the required equipment for any of these improvements. The cause of
these results could be many for reasons. An active enzyme could make a certain reaction speed up,
but not all living things need all the reactions to be quick all the time. In the graphs I got the
following anomalies in pH5, pH6, pH7 and pH8. Investigating the effect of pH on the activity of an
enzyme. So human error could have taken place, hence the anomalies. Also when taking the
measurements of the liquids I will read from the lower meniscus and also ensure that my eye is level
with the reading. A level Biology Coursework - Effect of substrate concentration on rate. Trypsin is
one of a group of proteases that is secreted by the pancreas, which is in the upper (small) intestine.
This increases the chances of a successful collision - meaning the rate increases. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The conclusion was
explained well using scientific theory. Such ATP-dependent enzymes usually have a special part that
does just that: destroying ATP molecules to give push to the reaction needed, performed by another
part of the enzyme. By repeating each concentration twice it has enabled me to spot out any
anomalous results straight away. Show replies beckystoke 5 years ago You’re welcome, glad the
resource was useful to you and your students. This could cause the anomalies in my results as I
could have recorded a measurement a little after or before another bubble of gas entered the
measuring cylinder. The reaction will stop. 12. Multiple Choice 30 seconds 1 pt Which of the
following best explains why enzymes are necessary for many cellular reactions. But after looking at
my results in detail I then understood that my results are correct and fairly accurate. If I were to do
this experiment again I would do the following changes: I would have a control as it helps explain
what is taking place between enzyme and pH buffer solutions. Carbonic indicates the substrate the
enzyme works with and “anhydrase” describes the reaction involved in scientific terms. Enzymes can
do many kinds of reactions. DESTINED99 2 years ago report 5 very concise and relevant. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. I will now take a
core out of the potato using the corer, using the ruler and scalpel I will cut this core into 1mm thick
discs. Even if a slight change in pH is not enough to denature the molecule, it may upset the delicate
chemical arrangement at the active site and so stop the enzyme working. U-2Enzyme catalysis
involves molecular motion and the collision of substrates with the active site. Encouraged for you to
my blog, on this period I will provide you with concerning Stem Changing Verbs Worksheet
Water baths are used in this expirment to keep the amylase and starch solutions are their desired
temperatures. Enzymes are high molecular weight compounds made up of chains of amino acids that
are linked together by peptide bonds. My results proved that as the concentration of starch increases
the time taken for the amylase to brake down that starch decreases. Biology Coursework Enzymes -
GCSE Science - Marked by Teachers. Photosynthesis, Rate of Photosynthesis, Inverse Square Law,
Uses of Glucose, Aerobic Respiration, Anaerobic Respiration, Response to Exercise and
Metabolism. Active site works as a lock and substrate as a key. Therefore from this account I can say
that the enzyme Trypsin will work at its best in alkaline conditions, so this means that it will work at
its best in pH's like 8,9,10 etc. Keep the test tubes in there until reached the temperature required. 3)
When the three test tubes of solutions are at the right temperature you can then start the reaction by
mixing them altogether into a boiling tube, but immediately start the stopwatch when all the
solutions are mixed. Actual Experiment: Here is the new materials list: Actual Materials list Caesin
suspension, 4% (using skimmed milk powder)- casein was the substrate that was used in the reaction,
caesin is found milk, therefore we can say that caesin is a protein. To make this accurate I could use
a computer to measure for me. I am expecting that the enzyme Trypsin react the fastest in pH8, this
is because from background research it is said that pH8 is the optimum pH for the enzyme Trypsin.
In my case, the enzyme Trypsin will work at its best in pH 8, it will also work quite good in alkaline
pH's. The diagram below shows the effect of pH on the enzyme activity: Now the enzyme Trypsin is
one of a group of proteases that is secreted by the pancreas, which is in the upper (small) intestine.
The active site of an enzyme matches the substrate in a similar way to a glove fitting a hand. - In thi
analogy, the glove represents the active site and the hand represents the substrate. - It is not enough
for any enzyme's substrate to just enter an active sire. But when you look at how the enzyme Trypsin
works at the molecular level, you can see that this enzyme is specific. And record the results
obtained, in a suitable table, and plot a graph. 7) Repeat this experiment but using a range of pH's.
After the solution clears we then see the solution getting slightly darker, now this is when the amino
acids start to stick together, at this stage we see the solution getting darker. Catalase is present in the
blood and prevents a build of dangerous peroxide. The pH range I will be using will be from 2.2 to
9. However only a certain percentage of collisions result in chemical change. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Distilled Water- this is used
in the control, the control consists of distilled water and caesin suspension. Therefore I then decided
by myself that an actual water bath would solve my solution. I will now take a core out of the potato
using the corer, using the ruler and scalpel I will cut this core into 1mm thick discs. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 2 May 2018 Share
this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share
through pinterest Aabia42's Shop 3.93 87 reviews Not the right resource. So to make this experiment
a fair test I shall keep the same amount of. From 120 seconds to 180 it goes down but at 210 seconds
we see that the % transmission goes up to 80 this shows that the solution is getting clearer again. This
means that it will take the enzyme amylase less time to break down the substrate starch into sugar
maltose. On the graph of pH 5 you can see that the % transmission is low, this proves that my
prediction was correct as I proved that at acidic conditions or pH's the % transmission would be low,
as the enzyme Trypsin works best in alkaline conditions. The enzymes work by attaching the
substrate to the active site, forming the enzyme substrate complex which finally give the products.
They help us digest food, destroy unnecessary molecules, make new ones, help us breathe and carry
things around. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. And record the results obtained, in a suitable table, and plot a graph. 7) Repeat this
experiment but using a range of pH's. This invesigation was used to observe the reaction between
starch and amylase to Maltose. This would make my results more accurate and reliable because when
I used the manual thermometer there was obviously a slight margin of human error. Now in pH9 the
enzyme did not receive any hydrogen ions and so didn't get denatured, but it received hydroxyl ions
and so it helped the enzyme function better therefore there was an increase in % transmission and so
the solution cleared more. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. With the adding of dilute acid or alkali and noting the colour I get. I have
considered how I shall under go this experiment and therefore summed up the safety measures that
should be in placed to prevent any injury or damage. And also the temperature is a constant, so in all
the experiments the temperature should always be 30oC. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 2 May 2018 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Aabia42's
Shop 3.93 87 reviews Not the right resource. In the graph of pH 6 you can see that the %
transmission has become slightly higher than pH5, in that graph you can also see that the error bars
are very small again this also shows that I have been very accurate. Different Concentrations Of
Enzyme Effect On Reaction Rate Biology. So to solve this problem I increased the volumes of the
solution that I was using, so instead of using 5cm3 I would use 10cm3. IB Biology on
decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by enzyme catalase. Written for AQA A level Biology, but
suitable for other specifications too. What Are Enzymes? Enzymes are organic molecules that belong
to a class called proteins. From the table and from the graph you will see that I have got a few
anomalous results. In this investigation, I am aiming to investigate the effect pH has on the. But the
actual pH at which each group becomes ionised really depends on the particular amino acid and also
the environment in which the enzyme is found. The potato disks that I use will all be from the same
potato to ensure that they each contain the same amount of enzymes. Usually, this “fuel” is provided
by taking apart an ATP molecule. The building blocks of proteins (including enzymes) are called
amino acids. Student Questions (Worksheet 3) (20-25 minutes)Questions adapted for chic
assignment or for homework. It was faster than the others due to the possiblity that there was too
little starch or too much enzyme. I can back this up or relate it to my prediction by saying that the
enzyme work best at a pH of 5 and that the opposing pH levels of say 3 and 11 the enzyme reacted
insufficiently. The difference between catalysts and enzymes is that while catalysts are inorganic
compounds, enzymes are largely organic in nature and are bio-catalysts. This is done by heating the
water bath to its desired temperature and placing the different solutions inside. When repeating an
experiment, it must be ensured that you keep the constants the same such as volume, time,
temperature etc. E.g. if 10cm3 of Trypsin is used, then other experiments 10cm3 of Trypsin will be
used. So to make this experiment a fair test I shall keep the same amount of.

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