Short Stories A Level Coursework

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Writing coursework can be quite a challenge, especially when the topic involves analyzing short

stories at the A Level. It requires a deep understanding of the literature, critical thinking skills, and
the ability to articulate your thoughts coherently. The pressure of meeting academic standards and
deadlines can make it even more daunting.

If you find yourself struggling with your A Level Short Stories coursework, it's completely okay to
seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ could be a valuable resource to consider. They provide
professional help and support, ensuring that your coursework meets the required standards and is
delivered on time.

Remember, seeking help doesn't mean you lack the skills or intelligence; it's about recognizing the
complexity of the task and taking a proactive approach to ensure your success. So, if you're feeling
overwhelmed, don't hesitate to explore the assistance offered by ⇒ ⇔. Your
academic journey should be challenging but not impossible!
It also creates a cliff hanger at the end of each chapter which encourages the reader to read on. My
teacher asked me to write about the pet we’d like to have using our own. He warned them,” but I
warn you of the consequences,” and, still they ignored him which helps to create suspense as we
ourselves believe him and so know they are in danger. Margaret Atwood also “identifies social
discourse as a. This shows that he is insecure and that if anyone clever was around he would probably
crumble from having lack of authority. This makes the story very scary and creates suspense as they
both stand in darkness, without moving a muscle. With no exposure to languages growing up, and
no special talent to speak of, he had to figure out how to learn a foreign language from scratch.
Without any feeling of regret, she made her way to a lake about 10 kilometres away from where she
is right now. The chair had a soft velvet texture, had been embroidered with silk and had been
encrusted with jewels although the chair had appeared very conspicuous and elegant; it was causing
Lance to have second thoughts about his next move. If I had been in that situation I would also have
been terrified. This government is a totalitarian government in terms of not wanting to lose power or
authority of any sort. The figure was hurled across the floor towards the window, the tables had
turned and Lance was now in charge of the game, the scenario had changed from a point where
Lance was going to be killed to a point where Lance was going to kill. Nora therefore “resonates
with the apocalyptic tremors of Ibsen’s time” (Historical Context. This opinion is proved to be
correct when we are told “she could storm a town, single-handed”, which suggests a strong and
dominant woman. Suspense is created as we realise that the beating of the heart is only heard by the
mad man, not by the policemen and so there was no reason for the confession. If it had been sunny,
then we would have felt comforted and not scared. Lance knew that Lucifer might pose as a threat
due to his colossal size however judging by how quick Naberius seemed to be moving, Lance knew
both of them were as troublesome as the other. Each of the main female characters are described
immediately by their physical appearance and good looks, showing Hardy is giving the reader only
the girls looks in which to judge them on. By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to. This
opinion is shown to apply for Mrs Bigby also, for example when Mr Meek speaks very coldly about
her living with them, “who resides with us” it suggests she is an unwanted interference. She hired a
boat, got in and started to row straight towards the centre of the lake. Joel’s grandmother - caring,
loving, concerned, responsible. This helps to create suspense, as many things can happen in the dark
without our knowledge, such as in “The Monkey’s Paw” where the mutilated son returned and in
“The Tell-Tale Heart” where there was the continual watching at twelve every night by the mad man.
Teaching Aids: Silhouettes of 5 characters, a set of quiz questions and picture. The forbidding
restraints imposed by corrupt patriarchal cultures have evolved the collective. Although his teacher
was happy with his work, Joel felt sad and wished that his holiday was. Similarly, Nora comprehends
how she has “existed to perform” to the patriarchal ideal. Sophy immediately says she will “struggle
against it”, which shows not only Randolph’s selfish and cruel personality, but also his dominance
over his mother. Here we find out she tricks the man she loves, Mr Lismore, by disguising herself as
an old woman to discover how much he will love her for who she is, rather than her money and
physical appearance, “could I have asked you to marry me for my money if I had not taken refuge in
a disguise?” This is not just an intelligent plan, but it is rather cunning and proves Mrs Callender
must have guile to think of such an idea. The three of them stood directly above Lance, towering
above him they watched him squirm for his life (so it appeared) and watching him suffer like this
brought them as much joy as child on their birthday.
Password recovery Recover your password your email Search. However, if you are not, we will
refund or replace your order up to 30 days after purchase. Write your suggestions on how to help
Joel with his boredom. Also, although this is not a serious story and has a light-hearted feel, as does
“Tony Kytes, the Arch Deceiver”, this phrase does make us sympathise with Mr Meek, but in a
comical way because he is a weak man scared of two women, which makes the reader laugh at Mr
Meek. Today, we would like to share with you 101 short stories that you can use for learning
English. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
As for her sister, she's not really loathing Audrey. Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown 6 March
2022 at 08:27 Thank you for your terrific activities. The cloaks of the hooded figures rustled against
the carpet, they moved slowly but had a certain element of pride in their struts, and they moved as
graceful as swans but were burdened with a malevolent task. However, Esther appears most
complacent when “in a hot bath”; the female protagonist. A short story keeps the readers interest due
to the fact that the writer has to squash the same amount of action into less space therefore the build
up is shorter and not dragged out as can be in some stories. Our customer service team will review
your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 5.00 1 review
BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 11 October 2021 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Steve
English's Shop 4.02 364 reviews Not the right resource. Please keep in mind that the TES preview
can at time distort the resource and this is not a reflection of how it looks. Alex sensed that
something is not right, because her Dad usually ask her how it was in the school. See other similar
resources ?0.00 4.00 1 review Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Pupils
can present it to their peers and ask the other pupils to guess. Outside the Pizza Shack, there was a
band and a lot of. The pictures in the picture booklet for this activity should be in sequence following
the. Her sister tried to help Alex, but she's too far away. Saunder,S.(2009). Sylvia Plath:An
Analysisof The Bell Jar. With English stories, you can: Understand deeper and broaden
understanding Know more vocals and how they are used in real contexts Motivate imagination,
create your own story Enhance communication skill Besides, we wrote an ebook about the topic “
How to Learn English Effectively through short stories “. Nora’s power inadequacy and how she
was “rarely permitted to act independently” (Baxter. Tom’s cousin - active, athletic, determined,
supportive, kind, loving. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews,
only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if
it violates our terms and conditions. The settings are virtually the same as they both take place in a
house late at night. Unity Sallet is the first woman asked, “Unity Sallet agreed, and lay down”, then
repeating the same request with Milly Richards who agrees, “I don’t mind, to oblige you, Tony”,
even though “ she didn’t care much about doing it”. Joel’s teacher approached him and asked him
about his holiday. As fate eventually brings Sophy and Sam to meet again, it seems she is a much
happier woman, “Sam’s presence had revived her”. He introduces Mrs Prodgit into the story by
describing her as an “obstruction” and “copious in figure”, a description that is evidence to support
my original thoughts of what the female characters would be like. See other similar resources ?15.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Alex sensed that something is not right, because her Dad usually ask her how it was in the school. It
talks about the stranger, “who seemed ill at ease” and “He gazed at her furtively, and listened in a
preoccupied fashion,” which all helps to build up suspense leaving the reader wondering what
horrible thing is going to happen next. “The Monkey’s Paw” is written in chapters which help to
separate the three wishes and their consequences. Yes I was there in a bar and I smoke there almost
every day. Lance sat motionless, not one muscle in his body moved and it appeared as though he had
already been killed. Her heart ached for her sister, her Mom and her Dad. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. As his name suggests, Mr
Meek is a little, shy man. Pupils are encouraged to use other suitable adjectives. The different styles
and genres in which the authors wrote made each of the four stories very different to the next, with
each female character fitting, or challenging, the typical stereotype of a 19 th century woman to a
different extent. Delivery Options Home Delivery Store Delivery Free Returns We hope you are
delighted with everything you buy from us. His teacher assured him that surely he has something
interesting to. This helps to create suspense, as many things can happen in the dark without our
knowledge, such as in “The Monkey’s Paw” where the mutilated son returned and in “The Tell-Tale
Heart” where there was the continual watching at twelve every night by the mad man. Step 4 Shake
the bags for 5 to 10 minutes or until the mixture. While-reading Activity 1: Describing Characters
(10 minutes). Nora declaring “no more fancy dress” metaphorically serves as Ibsen stripping the
female. If her Dad drives away like that, it means trouble is waiting inside their house. Lessons can
also be easily edited to suit your students; the scheme can be shortened if necessary by removing one
or two of the stories - it could cover a few weeks, a half-term or even a full term. Natalie and I
walked towards Mr. Gelati’s ice-cream shop where he was serving ice. After she locked the door of
her bedroom she opened her window around 3:00 and went out on the rooftop. Atwood illustrates
the female persona’s truculent and hostile tone. Slowly, she looked for a place that will make a good
landing. Slowly, she looked for a place that will make a good landing. But she had the funny feeling
that it has something to do with Alex. All three authors convey emblematic undertones for the
characters of their pieces that. The time is midnight which everyone relates to being the bewitching
hour. As fate eventually brings Sophy and Sam to meet again, it seems she is a much happier
woman, “Sam’s presence had revived her”. This shows that she is not only upfront, as mentioned
above, but also in control and very much dominating the friendly relationship between Mr Lismore
and herself. They went to the park, the library, the pool, ice-cream shops, the Pizza and all. The way
in which she goes only to watch this man, “with such evident interest in Mr Lismore”, proves she is
very forward, challenging the typical stereotype of a 19 th century woman, who was thought to be
shy and timid. Transformation - A critical analysis of the main character, The Captain of.
However he thinks that he is sane as he was able to think up this complex plan and so we see irony in
his actions. She loved her Mom. It's just that sometimes her Mom is hard to understand. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Log into
your account your username your password Forgot your password. Mapped to B1-B2 on the
Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages, these eight captivating stories
will both entertain you and give you a feeling of progress when reading. Surprise and Tension In A
Short Story - The Withered Arm. After she locked the door of her bedroom she opened her window
around 3:00 and went out on the rooftop. Teaching Aids: A colourful, reader-friendly town map. In
my opinion, Wilkie Collins has created a confident character who knows who and what she wants,
and this is shown throughout the story. Compare the way in which Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Henrik
Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. She looked at her mother with wide and inquiring eyes and a bleeding chin.
He also seems to be well prepared, “A tub had caught all- ha. Atwood. The suggested female futilely
engages in “an on-going process of re-creating the. Our collection is growing every day with the help
of many teachers. If. The cloaks of the hooded figures rustled against the carpet, they moved slowly
but had a certain element of pride in their struts, and they moved as graceful as swans but were
burdened with a malevolent task. Lance opened his eyes to find he had massacred his opponents,
both Lucifer and Naberius lay on the floor motionless and from that sight he knew he was one step
closer to freedom. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00
5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last updated
11 October 2021 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest Steve English's Shop 4.02 364 reviews Not the right
resource. The way in which she goes only to watch this man, “with such evident interest in Mr
Lismore”, proves she is very forward, challenging the typical stereotype of a 19 th century woman,
who was thought to be shy and timid. I suppose if somebody told you that I'm cutting classes you'd
believe that somebody. After Mr Twycott’s death, we are told Sophy continuously gazes out of her
window every day, all day, for an extremely long time, “nearly two years passed without an event”.
We should not lie and make up stories in our lives. Esther futilely attempts to grasp freedom from
gendered guidelines through establishing the. There is no passion or sense of devotion in the
sentence, and the story goes on to tell us she agrees not because she loves him, but because “she
hardly dared refuse”. By exposing the iniquitous disposition of society that is glorified by the
patriarchal mind. While-reading Activity 1: Describing Characters (10 minutes). Before even
beginning to read this short story, when hearing the names of the two main female characters I had
an idea in my head of what they would be like. “Bigby” and “Prodgit” suggests loud, bossy and
large disliked people, and this is soon proved to be correct. However, because Mrs Callender is in
charge of her own money, she is independent, and does not need to rely on a man. Our customer
service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?15.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later ?15.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 6 September 2020
Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook
Share through pinterest AmyJaney's English and Literacy Resources 3.41 47 reviews Not the right
resource. Joel’s grandmother - caring, loving, concerned, responsible. This shows that she is not only
upfront, as mentioned above, but also in control and very much dominating the friendly relationship
between Mr Lismore and herself.
Connect Background Knowledge to the Information in the Text. I think that the compliments she
receives are used purposely by the author to create independence and respect for Mrs Callender,
“You are a noble woman”. She walked for a long time without stopping or eating or drinking
something. He gets his father to make a wish. “Wish to be an emperor, father, then you can’t be
henpecked.” The warm humoured family life makes the events to come seem even worse. Plath’s
symbolic use of mirrors in the novel exhibits this plight as Ether begins to believe her. How do you
suppose did I go into a bar and smoke with a guy. After the library, they headed to Mr. Gelati’s ice-
cream shop. As the story progresses, we see many examples of this upfront behaviour, “are you
married?”, “or you may be in love?”. Please update your browser or enable Javascript to allow our
site to run correctly. Close. Part 1: Reading and appreciating short stories Lessons 1-3:
Understanding the key features of a story (please refer to SoWs pp.14-15) Activity Read one of the
following stories. After a few hours, that seemed like ages to Alex, she fell asleep. The fear of the
unknown world could have inspired this change. Teaching aids: Reading text, task sheet, worksheet,
picture cards, scissors, glue. Nora declaring “no more fancy dress” metaphorically serves as Ibsen
stripping the female. The family get three wishes but the consequences of these build up a horrific
picture filled with suspense, as we wonder what awful things are going to happen next. What she
told her Mom a while ago was not entirely true, and she knows it. Slowly, she looked for a place that
will make a good landing. The aim of this resource is to help students not only create stories but to
keep them short. State the positive values found in the character that you like. Nora therefore
“resonates with the apocalyptic tremors of Ibsen’s time” (Historical Context. Lance sat motionless,
not one muscle in his body moved and it appeared as though he had already been killed. Compare
the way in which Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. On Saturday, Natalie,
Mum and I went to the library and shops. Watts, R. (2009). Gender, Workand Education in Britain in
the 1950s (review). With 5 years and many reproaches to the question in hand, Randolph
“maintained his ascendancy” and made Sophy swear not to marry Sam Hobson, to which she
obeyed, and then died an unhappy woman. Anderson,P.S.(2003, August). Autonomy,Vulnerability
and Gender. Olly's top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we
know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. Alex sensed that
something is not right, because her Dad usually ask her how it was in the school. Write down the
words that best describe each character. This shows that she is not only upfront, as mentioned above,
but also in control and very much dominating the friendly relationship between Mr Lismore and

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