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Plasma membrane The plasma  Maintains

membrane consists cellular
of both lipids and integrity
proteins. The  Allows cell
fundamental communication
structure of the  Helps to
membrane is the transport
phospholipid substances in
bilayer, which forms and out of the
a stable barrier cell
between two  Cell signalling
aqueous  Externally
compartments, facing proteins
within which act as receptors
proteins are
embedded. Most
externally facing
proteins and lipids
have attached sugar
Surrounded by a  Generate ATP
double-membrane that is the
system, consisting energy
of inner and currency of all
outer mitochondrial cells
membranes. The  Generate
inner membrane energy to
forms numerous power the cells
folds (cristae),
which extend into
the interior of the

Each ribosome  The site of

consists of two protein
separate RNA- synthesis in cell
protein complexes,  RNA sequence
known as the small and translates
and large subunits. that genetic
The large subunit code into a
sits on top of the specific string
small subunit. of amino acids
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum A series of  Involved
convoluted, associated with
flattened like many roles in
membrane sheets protein
(called cisternae) synthesis
that arise near the  Post
nucleus and extend translational
across the modifications
cytoplasm. Sections  Folding and
of the cisternae sorting
contain ribosomes,
held together by
microtubules of the
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Meshwork of fine  Synthesis of
disklike tubular lipids, steroids,
membrane vesicles, and
part of a continuous carbohydrates
membrane  Metabolism of
organelle within the exogenous
cytoplasm of substances,
eukaryotic cells such as drugs
or toxins

Lysosomes are  Functions as

acidic membrane- the digestive
bound organelles system of the
found within cells, cell
usually around 1  Degrades the
micrometre in material taken
length. Lysosomes up from outside
contain numerous  Digest obsolete
hydrolytic enzymes components of
which catalyse the cell itself
hydrolysis reactions.
Membranous sacs  Detoxify a
of catalase and number of toxic
oxidase enzyme substances
 Plays important
role in
 Helps in

Golgi Body A stack of flattened  A factory in

tubules and vesicles which proteins
close to the nucleus received from
the ER are
processed and
sorted for
transport to
their eventual

Microtubules Dimers of α- and β-  Determine cell

tubulin polymerize shape
to form  Determine
microtubules, which variety of cell
are composed of 13 movements,
protofilaments including cell
assembled around a locomotion
hollow core.  Intercellular
transport of
 Separation of
during mitosis
Centriole Most centrioles are  Play a role in
made up of nine organising
circularly arranged microtubules
triplet  Help determine
microtubules. A the locations of
triplet microtubule nucleus and
has a complete other
microtubule (the A- organelles in
tubule) onto which the cell
two additional
partial microtubules
are assembled (the
B- and the C-

Cilia Membrane-  Help the cell

bounded, centriole- move around in
derived projections cellular fluids
from the cell  Helps fluid
surface that contain move past the
a microtubule cell
cytoskeleton, the
ciliary axoneme,
surrounded by a
ciliary membrane.

Flagella These  Help an

supramolecular organism in
structures extend movement
from the cytoplasm  Act as sensory
to the cell exterior organs to
and are composed detect
of three major temperature
structural and pH changes
elements, the basal  Also used as
body, the hook and secretory
the filament organelle
Microvilli Finger-like  Increase
membrane surface area to
protrusions, absorb more
supported by the nutrients
actin cytoskeleton

Nucleolus Dense spherical  Produce and

bodies, composed assemble the
of ribosomal RNA cell’s ribosomes
and proteins  rRNA and
proteins are

146 base pairs of  To package DNA

DNA, wound in two into a unit
turns around a disk capable of
like complex of 8 fitting within the
proteins that are tight space of a
called histones- a nucleus

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