MARK 4005 Course Outline

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School of Marketing
Course Code: Co-Requisites: Pre-Requisites:
MARK4005 Please see Course Related Please see Course Related
Information Information
Applicable Program(s): Core/Elective:
Multiple Programs Core
Please See Below for Details
Prepared by: Stephanie Wallace, Professor
Approved by: John Peco, Chair
Approval Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023
Approved for Academic Year: 2023-2024
Contact Hours: 42.00
Credit Hours: 3.00

Course Description

Effective business communication is essential for success in today's business world. This course provides a
comprehensive and practical introduction to a variety of business communication skills, including: basics of style and
editing; business writing; business speaking; persuasion; social media and communication technology; collaborating
for communication; presentations; intercultural communication; and communicating to gain employment. This course
emphasizes applied and experiential learning so that each student will develop a range of practical communication
skills to be utilized in his or her career.

Essential Employability Skills

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:

EES 1 COMMUNICATION: Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual
form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (T, P, E,)
EES 2 COMMUNICATION: Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures
effective communication. (T, P, E,)
EES 4 CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. (T,
P, E,)
EES 5 CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING: Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and
solve problems. (T, P, E,)
EES 6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety
of sources. (T, P, E,)

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EES 7 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: Locate, select, organize and document information using
appropriate technology and information systems. (T, P, E,)
EES 8 INTERPERSONAL: Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of
others. (T, P,)
EES 9 INTERPERSONAL: Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective
working relationships and the achievement of goals. (T, P, E,)
EES 10 PERSONAL: Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects. (T, P, E,)
EES 11 PERSONAL: Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions and consequences. (T, P, E,)

Note: "T" means elements of the skill are taught; "P" means elements of the skill are practiced; "E" means elements
of the skill are evaluated; "C" means the skill culminates.

Course Learning Outcomes

When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to:

CLO 1 Communicate persuasively and effectively in presentations and written correspondence to achieve
an objective.
• Understand different communications models to persuade or inform in a positive, neutral or
negative context
• Deliver a persuasive presentation to meet the needs of the audience
CLO 2 Analyze audience needs to select appropriate communications formats and channels.
• Examine different audience types and context in order to communicate effectively.
• Review communications formats and channels in the context of audience need, timing and
situation to select the best method to communicate.
CLO 3 Identify issues related to intercultural communication to prepare for a global workforce.
• Explore different cultural contexts in order to understand effective communications on a global
• Research cultural expectations and differences in order to be successful in an international
CLO 4 Apply effective team communication and problem solving to enhance group performance.
• Understand different team building stages to overcome internal conflicts.
CLO 5 Leverage sales and branding concepts to communicate persuasively in sales opportunities and
social network messaging.
• Create a successful sales pitch by analyzing the audience’s needs and potential objections.
• Apply personal branding concepts to revise LinkedIn profile to be more attractive to employers.

Delivery Methods/Learning Activities

This course can be delivered online, in a hybrid model or in-person.

Learning Resources

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The following eText is inclusive and the instructions on how to claim your eText will be sent to you by email before
the first class.

Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy, Richard Almonte
Essentials of Business Communication,
Nelson, 9th Enhanced Edition
ISBN: 978-0-17-687484-1

As the above resource is mandatory and required for the course, the cost of the eText will have been charged to
your account upon registration.

If you meet any of the criteria below, you may be eligible for a refund upon completion of our fee review once the
registration period ends:
• You are repeating the course
• You have applied for a transfer credit for this course

Course Related Information

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Pre-requisites: NONE
Co-requisites: NONE

Exemption or deferral of a midterm exam or final exam is not permitted except for a medical or personal emergency.
Regarding absence from a midterm exam:
Professor must be notified by email before the examination.
Documentation must be presented to the professor by the next scheduled class after the absence.
Appropriate documentation, as per College Policy must be submitted – such as: a doctor’s note, a court summons or
funeral documentation.
In the event that a midterm exam is missed, and appropriate documentation is provided, a makeup midterm exam
may be scheduled or the missed percentage of the course mark for the midterm exam may be added to the
weighting of the final exam – these options are at the discretion of the professor.
Regarding absence from the final exam (presentation or sales pitch):
Professor must be notified by email before the presentation or submission of the sales pitch.
Documentation must be presented to the professor within three working days.
Appropriate documentation, as determined by the professor, must be submitted – such as: a doctor’s note, a court
summons or funeral documentation
If the majority of the course work has been completed with a passing performance, and the documentation is
acceptable, an "Incomplete" grade (INC) will be entered by the instructor. An INC grade will not be granted if term
work was missed or failed.
The final examination must be completed within 60 days of the submission of the incomplete grade. Failure to do
this will result in an F grade.
Exemption or deferral of in-class work or assigned work is not permitted except for a medical or personal
emergency. The professor must be notified by the due date and time for the assignment. Appropriate
documentation, as determined by the professor, must be submitted – such as: a doctor’s note, a court summons or
funeral documentation – by the first class after the missed class or assignment due date.
Online/In-class assignments:
All in-class assignments, if used, must be completed in class, they cannot be made up with a take-home
assignment. Failure to attend these classes will therefore result in a grade of zero for that particular assignment.
Online/In-class behaviour:
Students are expected to be familiar with the College’s Student Code of Conduct, and to adhere to its guidelines. In
addition, use of any communication device, during class, is not permitted unless directed to do so by the course
professor. Failure to abide by these instructions for in-class behaviour will be treated as a disruption to the class and
the subsequent consequences will be applied.

George Brown Related Information


We would like to acknowledge that George Brown College is located on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas
of the Credit First Nation and the land of other Indigenous Peoples who have lived here over time.


College programs are designed to deliver program learning outcomes that relate to the unique content of a particular
area of study. To review the specific program learning outcomes for your program, please go to your program page
on the George Brown College website at

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Students are advised to consult program coordinators regarding specific requirements for successfully completing
their program, including adding/dropping courses and other issues that might disrupt their course of study.


Students are expected to retain their course outlines to support learning in the course and for future use in
applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions.

It is essential that students review all college policies, including Academic Policies available at


Students are required to have access to a computer and to the internet. There may also be additional technology-
related requirements to participate in a course that are not included in the course materials fee, such as
headphones, webcams, specialized software, etc. Details on these requirements can be found in the course outline
for each course.

The Library Learning Commons (LLC) has a limited number of devices including laptops and portable WIFI devices
to support students; however, the LLC cannot guarantee access to a device for all students.


Accessible Learning Services facilitates academic support and services for George Brown College students with
physical, sensory, learning, medical or mental health disabilities. Delivered in collaboration with academic
departments and other service areas, these services are available to students in all programs at all campuses.

George Brown College is committed to upholding a student’s right to individualized and timely accommodation that
promotes dignity, independence, autonomy, equity, and inclusion for the student. In addition to our current supports,
we are working to eliminate barriers by increasing access to alternate formats, planning accessible buildings and
classrooms, enhancing employee training, and adopting inclusive practices in placement and on campus.

Only those involved in a student’s accommodation plan shall be alerted to their registration with Accessible Learning
Services, and a student’s registration with Accessible Learning Services will not be identified on the student’s official
college transcript and/or graduation documentation. For more information, please visit the
Accessible Learning Services website at or call 416-415-
5000 ext. 2622 or email [email protected]

George Brown College values the diversity of our students, employees, and community partners, and is committed
to providing a learning environment where all people are safe and respected. Comments, behaviours, or interactions
that are inconsistent with our values may be a violation of the following college policies: Sexual Assault and Sexual

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Violence, Human Rights Discrimination and Harassment, and the Prevention of Workplace Violence and
Harassment. These types of actions or comments are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. The commitment and
cooperation of all students and employees is required to maintain a welcoming environment in which to learn and

Support and information are available through a Human Rights Advisor at [email protected] or the Sexual
Violence Response Advisor at [email protected]

For information on the relevant policies visit


Text-matching detection software assists faculty and students in preventing and detecting plagiarism. Faculty may
use such software to check the originality of the academic work students submit in a course by comparing submitted
assignments to those contained in publicly accessible internet sites, and academic journals, as well as databases of
submitted papers and other sources. Faculty may not submit any student work that contains personally identifiable
information through a text matching/anti-plagiarism tool or require students to do so.
Automated text matching software will be made available to all academic staff and students to promote academic
integrity and appropriate documentation of sources. Professors may choose to use the college-approved automated
text matching detection software in their courses. Students are permitted to submit draft assignments prior to the
due date, and to receive the screening report that is also available to professors.

Student Evaluation System

Below is a list of evaluation methods included in this course along with the course learning outcomes (CLO) and
essential employability skills (EES) assessed by each. In some cases, program learning outcomes (PLO) assessed
may also be indicated.

Midterm Exam (25%)

Multiple Choice and Short / Long Answer Questions.
Validates Outcomes: CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 11
Final Exam (20%)
Situational - Sales plan and video pitch tailored to the program's marketing context.
Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 5, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 9, EES 10,
EES 11
Assignment(s) (55%)
Weekly Activities, Culture Assignment, Personal Brand Development Assignment, and Group Presentation
Validates Outcomes: CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 5, EES 1, EES 2, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7,
EES 9, EES 10, EES 11

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

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Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) is a process that gives students the opportunity to obtain
academic credit for one or more courses in a certificate, diploma or degree based on demonstrated prior learning
acquired through life experiences before enrollment in a program. More information regarding PLAR can be found
on the GBC website at:

• This course is PLAR eligible, please see Program Coordinator/Chair for more information.

Grading System

The passing grade for this course is 50% / "D"

Final Grade Percentage Weight

A+ 90-100 4.0

A 86-89 4.0

A- 80-85 3.7

B+ 77-79 3.3

B 73-76 3.0

B- 70-72 2.7

C+ 67-69 2.3

C 63-66 2.0

C- 60-62 1.7

D+ 57-59 1.3

D 50-56 1.0

Refer to the Evaluation System on this outline for information on how marks are distributed. More detailed
information on assessments may also be found in your Course Section document.

As per Office of the Registrar Policies:

“A” Range = GPA 4.0-Consistently exceeds (course) requirements; shows evidence of being well-organized; shows
original and creative thinking and a superior grasp of subject matter.

“B” Range = GPA 3.0-Shows consistent performance and evidence of being well-organized, shows elements of
original and creative thinking; has a strong grasp of subject matter

“C” Range = GPA 2.0-Applies the subject matter appropriately; comprehends the subject matter.”

"D" Range = GPA 1.0-The student inconsistently applies and communicates knowledge of the subject matter

"F" Range = GPA 0.0-The student fails to apply and communicate an understanding of the subject matter.

Additional information regarding grading for this course may also be found in the "Course Related Information"

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section of this course outline.


This Course is applicable to the following Programs.

B400 - Sport and Event Marketing
B406 - Marketing Management - Financial Services
B409 - Strategic Relationship Marketing
B420 - Sport and Event Marketing
B423 - Marketing Management - Digital Media
B429 - Supply Chain Management
B433 - Marketing Management - Digital Media


•ILO: Indigenous Learning Outcome
•Apprenticeship LO: Apprenticeship Learning Outcome
•CLO: Course Learning Outcome
•DPLO: Degree Program Learning Outcome
•EES: Essential Employability Skill
•EOP: Element of Performance
•GELO: General Education Learning Outcome
•LO: Learning Outcome
•APO: Additional Program Outcome
•PLA: Prior Learning Assessment
•PLAR: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
•PLO: Program Learning Outcome

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