Math Basic

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Math 1- Fundamentals of Math

1. Use of four fundamental operations in problem solving involving:

1.1 Operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers
1.2 Prime, composite, denominate numbers
1.3 Prime factorization
1.4 LCM, GCF
1.5 Divisibility rules

B 1. Evaluate the following expression: 5+3(42+7)-7 (2+32x8) 0.

A. 0 C. 72
B. 152 D. -444
A 2. Evaluate the following mathematical 3+4(5-2x6)+12(2+4)+1 expression:
A. 16 C. 36 1+(3x6)-80/5
B. 24 D. 12
C 3. Which among the following is NOT a prime number?
A. 31 C. 51
B. 41 D. 61
C 4. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 100?
A. 23 C. 25
B. 24 D. 26
C 5. What is the largest prime number less than 100?
A. 91 C. 95
B. 93 D. 97
C 6. What are the prime factors of 128?
A. 1 x 2 x 8 C. 2 x 2 x 2 x 4 x 4
B. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 D. 2 x 3 x 2 x 2 x2 x 2 x 2 x 2
A 7. What are the prime factors of 153?:
A. 3 x 3 x 17 C. 2 x 2 x 2 x4 x 4
B. 3 x 3 x 7 x 9 D. 17 x 3 x 7
D 8. What are the prime factors of 273?
A. 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 C. 3 x 6 x 9 x 11
B. 3 x 17 x 11 D. 3 x 7 x 13
C 9. What are the least common multiple of 24 and 80?
A. 360 C. 240
B. 80 D. 480
B 10. One trip around a running track is 440 yards. One jogger can complete one lap in 8 minutes, the
other can complete it in 6 minutes. How long will it take for both joggers to arrive at their starting point
together if they at the same time and maintain their jogging pace?
A. 12 minutes C. 36 minutes
B. 24 minutes D. 48 minutes
D 11. Josefa is making bead necklaces. She has 90 green beads and 108 blue beads. What is the greatest
number of identical necklaces she can make if she wants to use all of the beads?
A. 12 C. 16
B. 15 D. 18
A 12. Lisa bought a big bag of candy at a warehouse store. There are 102 pieces of candy in the bag . Lisa
needs to divide the candy up into smaller bags. She wants to put the same number of pieces in each
small bag. How many small bags could Lacey use?
A. 17 C. 19
B. 18 D. 20
C 13. A dish company needs to ship an order of 117 glass bowls. The company will put the bowls into
several boxes. Each box must contain the same number of bowls. How many boxes could the company
use for the order?
A. 11 C. 13
B. 12 D. 17.
D 14. The number, 512115273999132, is NOT divisible by which of the following factors?
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 8
B 15. When 2,000 pounds of paper are recycled, 17 trees are saved. How many trees are saved if 5,000
pounds of paper is recycled?
A. 41 C. 45
B. 42.5 D. 63
C 16. A recipe calls for 2 eggs for every 5 cups of flour. A local chef will use 35 cups of flour, how many
eggs must have?
A. 12 C. 14
B. 13 D. 16
A 17. Five out of every seven households have cable TV. If 42,000 households in a certain city have a TV ,
how many do not have cable TV?
A. 12,000 C. 30,000
B. 21,000 D. 32,000
C 18. Our school has 8 male teachers who comprise 25% of all our teachers. How many teachers do we
A. 24 C. 32
B. 28 D. 40
B 19. Miss Santiago’s class has 20 boys and 15 girls in her English class .What percent of the student are
A. 28% C. 44%
B. 43% D. 50%
A 20. Jerome answered 80% of the 50 items correctly in a math test. How many items did he answer
A. 40 C. 45
B. 44 D. 50
B 21. A business man has incurred the following expenses in his trips to the Visayan islands: P5100.00,
P4600.00, P3800.00, and P3200.00. What was his total expense for the trip?
A. P16000 C. P17000
B. P16700 C. P17500
A 22. Ms. Tonelada weighed 60kg. She lost 4kg. on her first week of exercise, gained 2kg. on her second
week, lost 6kg. on the 3rd week and remained her weight during the fourth week. What was her weight
on the 4th week?
A. 52 kg C. 68 kg
B. 58 kg D. 72 kg
A 23. A group of young people from four countries gathered together for an international conference.:
40 rom Manila, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand and 45 from Singapore. The participants will form
discussion groups with equal number of members from each country in each group. What is the greatest
number of discussion group that can be formed?
A. 5 C. 20
B. 15 D. 25
B 24. During summer, a lady visits Baguio every 6 days, and his best friend every 4 days. If they visited
Baguio last April 11, what was the earliest date did both of them visit Baguio again?
A. April 21 C. May 5
B. Aprli 23 D. May 11
B 25. A recipe calls for ¾ cup of sugar. How much sugar should be used if only ½ of the quantities given
in the recipe is to be be prepared?
A. ¾ C. ½
B. 2/3 D. 3/8
B 26. In a bundle of new 100 bills, the bills are consecutively numbered RTC3432260 TO RTC3432280.
How much is the total amount of the bills?
A. 3200 C. 3400
B. 3300 D. 3500
A 27. The sum of three consecutive integers is 96. What are the integers?
A. 31, 32, 33 C. 30, 32, 34
B. 32, 33, 34 D. 33, 34, 35
B 28. A farmer can plow 2/3 of hectare in 1 hr. At this rate, in how many hours will 5 farmers plow in the
same field?
A. 1/5 C. 15/2
B. 10/3 D. 10
A 29. If the exchange rate of US dollars to pesos is $1 = Php 47.90 what is the value of Php1 in American
A. 02 C. 2
B. 479 D. 4.79
B 30. In a card game, a player got the following scores: 35, -60, -40, 80, -100, 25, -25. What is his final
A. -115 C. 85
B. -85 D. 115
C 31. The first 5 numbers in sequences are 2, 3, 5, 8 and 12. What is the 7th number in the sequence?
A. 15 C. 23
B. 19 D. 25
B 32. A teacher wants to group her pupils into groups of 3 or 5 6. However, she found out that if she do
that there will always be 1 pupil left. What is he least possible number of pupils in the class?
A. 81 C. 21
B. 31 D. 11
D 33. Twelve pesos more than twice Mico’s allowance is at most 600 pesos. What is her maximum
A. 300 pesos C. 588 pesos
B. 634 pesos D. 294 pesos
C 34. What integer should be added to 11 to get a sum of at least 37?
A. At least 15 C. At least 26
B. At least 25 D. At least 32
C 35. What are the largest two consecutive integers which is at most 60?
A. 25, 27 C. 29, 31
B. 27, 29 D. 31, 33
B 36. Two numbers are in ratio of 3:4. If their sum is 84, what is the smallest number?
A. 24 C. 48
B. 36 D. 54
C 37. The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than the denominator. If the numerator and the denominator
are each increased by 1, the value of the fraction becomes ¾. What is the original fraction?
A. 7/12 C. 8/11
B. 8/12 D.6/13
D 38. Mr. Lucido deposited 225 pesos in a bank. If his deposited consisted of 29 bills, consisting of 5 peso
and 10 peso bills, how many 10 peso bills did he deposit?
A. 13 C. 15
B. 14 D. 16
B 39. Brenda has saved 300 coins, consisting of 25 centavo and 10 centavo coins. If the total value of her
saving I 45 pesos, how many 10 centavo coins did she save?
A. 100 C. 300
B. 200 D. 400
C 40 Julia can finish a project in 10 hours while Elineta can do the same project in 8 hours. How long will
it take them to finish the project together?
A. 3.44 hours C. 4.44 hours
B. 4.00 hours D. 18 hours
B 41. If a liter of chemical X is 95% pure, how many liters of water must be added to make a 50%
A. 0.80 L C. 0.94 L
B. 0.90 L D. 0.09 L
C 42. Arthur has blended coffee worth 95 pesos per kilogram with coffee worth 115 pesos per kilogram
to make 50 kilograms of coffee that will be sold at 107 pesos per kilogram. How many kilograms of each
kind did he blend?
A. 20 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos of 115/kg
B. 30 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos 115/kg
C. 30 kilos of 95/kg and 50 kilos of 115/kg
D. 60 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos of 115/kg
D 43. A Victory Liner bus traveling at a rate of 70 km/h leaves the station 2 hrs after a freight truck has
left and overtakes it in 5 hrs. At what rate was the freight truck traveling?
A. 20 km/h C. 40 km/h
B. 30 km/h D. 50 km/h
D 44. Don Antonio invested part of 30,000 pesos at 5 % interest and the remaining amount at 6%
interest at BPI..If his investment yields an annual income of 1,620 pesos, how much did he invest at 6%
A. 12,000 pesos C. 16 pesos
B. 14,000 pesos D. 18,000 pesos
A 45. The units digit of two-digit number exceeds the tens digit by 2. Find the number if it is times the
sum of its digits.
A. 24 C. 48
B. 42 D. 82
A 46. Using the interest 4, 7, 9, 8 and 5, how many two digit number can be formed if repletion is NOT
A. 20 C. 25
B. 23 D. 82
D 47. In how many ways can 5 boys be seated in a row of 5 seats?
A. 72 C. 102
B. 98 D. 120
C 48. In how many ways can a team of 10 basketball players be chosen from 12 players?
A. 62 C. 66
B. 64 D. 72

MATH 1-1.6 Ratio and Proportion

A 49. If a picture frame is 27 cm long and 18 cm wide, what is the ratio of its length to its width?
A. 3:2 C. 3:5
B. 2:3 D. 5:3
A 50. Five bananas weigh as much as 3 star apples. In this rate, how many apples will weigh as much as
45 bananas?
A. 27 C. 33
B. 30 D. 36
B 51. It takes 20 men to build a building for 60 days. Assuming that all men work at this rate, how many
men will be needed to build the same buildings in 15 days?
A. 5 C. 100
B. 80 D. 120
C 52. The ratio of the number of carabaos, goats, and cows in a farm is 5:1:2. If there are 48 animals of
thee kinds in his backyard, how many of them are goats?
A. 2 C.6
B. 4 D. 8
C 53. The ratio of the number of red, green and blue balls in a box is 2:5:6. How many green marbles are
there if there are 52 marbles in all?
A. 4 C. 20
B. 8 D. 24
A 54. In a university, the ratio of female professors to the male professors is 8:5. If there are 75 male
professors, how many are female professors?
A. 120 C. 225
B. 180 D. 375/8
A 55. A meter stick was cut into 2 at the 25 cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the larger
A. 1:3 C. 3:4
B. 2:5 D. 4:5
MATH 1-1.7 Percentage, Base and Rate

D 56. In a survey to determine the reaction of people about having aq new GSIS card, 80% of the 2,400
people voted in favor of the new card. How many of the voters did not vote for the new card?
A. 1920 C. 800
B. 1600 D. 480

B 57. Lulu spends 15% of her monthly income for house rental, 10% for electric bill and 25% for foods
and other miscellaneous expenses. After paying all these expenses, she still has P6,000 left. How much
does she earn every month?
A. P15,000.00 C. P9,000.00
B. P12,000.00 D. P8,000.00

A 58. If 500 or 25% of the graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?
A. 2,000 C. 10,000
B. 5,000 D. 20,000

C 59. At 25% discount, Ms. Barat paid P150.75 for a bag. What was the original price of the bag?
A. P37.69 C. P201.00
B. P150.75 D. P603.00

B 60. A man Accept for a position at P14,250 basic salary with an agreement that he will receive a 2%
increase every year for 3 years what will his salary at the end of 3 years?
A. P14,950.00 C. P15,122.21
B. P15,105.00 D. P16,500.00

A 61. A man invested P100,000. he put p[art of it in a bank at 5% interest. On the other hand, he invest
the remainder in bonds with 9% yearly return. How much did he put in the bank if his yearly income
from two investment was P7,400.00?
A. P40,000.00 C. P60,000.00
B. P50,000.00 D. P70,000.00

MATH 1-1.8 Measurement and Units of Measure

C 62. Max is planning to take a leisure stroll around their rectangular patio, which measure 27.7 m long
and 21.5 m wide. How far does Max have walk?
A. 96.4 m C. 98.4 m
B. 120.4 m D. 88.4 m

B 63. Which among the following has the largest perimeter?

A. Square pizza with perimeter of 80 cm
B. Circular pizza with radius of 13 cm
C. Rectangular pizza with dimension 10 cm x 14 cm
D. Circular pizza with radius of 8.5 cm

D 64. You own a small rectangular box measuring 3 cm x 2 cm. If the dimensions of this box are
increased by 10%, what is the area of the resulting box?
A. 6.26 cm. sq. C. 7.12 cm sq.
B. 6.22 cm sq. D. 7.26 cm sq.
C 65. What is the area of a rhombus whose diagonal measure 10 m and 12 m respectively?
A. 12 m sq. C. 60 m sq.
B. 100 m sq. D. 360 m sq.
A 66. Find the volume of a toy ball whose radius is 2 cm.
A. 33.49 cm cube C. 51.76 cm cube
B. 48.56 cm cube D. 50.24 cm cube
B 67. A tin can has a radius of 6 cm and a height of 20 cm. What is the volume of milk that this container
can hold?
A. 3,000 cm cube C. 1,689 cm cube
B. 2,261 cm cube D. 2,200 cm cube
D 68. The total surface area of a total cubic box is 600 cm sq. What is the length of one side of this box?
A. 6 cm C. 9 cm
B. 8 cm D. 10 cm
A 69. After a stone is dropped into a cylindrical container filled with 100cm3 of water, the water rises
and the new reading is 106.5 cm3. What is the volume of the stone?
A. 6.5 cm cube C. 60.5 cm cube
B. 60.65 cm cube D. 10.65 cm cube
D 70. Which of the following lengths is the longest?
A. 555 cm C. .005 km
B. 5.5m D. 5555 mm
D 71. One-fifth of the width and one-fourth of the legth of a rectangular cardboard is cut off. What part
of the original cardboard is the area of the remaining piece?
A. 30% of the original area C. 50% of the original area
B. 40% of the original area D. 60 % of the original area
C 72. If the area of a triangle is 1 sq unit and its height is unit, what is the legth of its base?
A. 1 unit C. 3 units
B. 2 units D. 4 units
D 73. What is the radius of a circle whose area is 25 cm2?
A. 25 cm C. 5 cm
B. 25 cm D. 5 cm
D 74. Refer to the figure. Given: mL 2 = 55o and mL 3 = 80o. What is mL 4?

4 1 5

A. 95 degree C.115 degree

B. 105 degree D. 135 degree
C 75. Mrs. Dinah Tah Tanda divided her lot among her 4 children. The first got 3 ½ ha, the second 3 1/3
ha, the third 3 ¼ ha and the fourth 3 2/5 ha. How big is Mrs. Tanda’s lot?
A. 12 5/14 ha C. 13 29/60 ha
B. 13 ha D. 14 ha
A 76. An elevator can carry a maximum load of 605 kg. How many passengers of weight 50.5 kg each can
elevator hold?
A. 12 C. 11
B. 11.9 D. 10
C 77. A room is 30 ft long, 25 ft wide and 14 ft high. If 42 balloons are inside the room, how many cubic
feet of space does this allow for each balloon?
A. 25 C. 250
B. 69 D. 690
D 78. What is the volume of air in an atmospheric balloon with a diameter of 24 cm?
A. 144 cm cube C. 570 cm cube
B. 240 cm cube D. 2304 cm cube
B 79. A photograph measuring 7 ½ cm by 5 cm enlarged that the longer side is 24 cm. What is the length
(in cm) of the short side?
A. 36 C. 6
B. 16 D. 1.6
B 80. How many cm are there in 2 m and 550 mm?
A. 75 C. 2055
B. 255 D. 2550
A 81. How much liquid containing 6 % boric acid should to be mixed with 2 quarts of a liquid that is 15%
boric acid in order to obtain a solution that is 12% boric acid?
A. 1 quart C. 3 quarts
B. 2 quarts D. 5 quarts
D 82. A defective ruler was found to be 11.5 in long. Using this ruler, Samuel was found to be 4 ft tall.
What is Samuel’s actual height?
A. 4 ft 2 in C. 3 ft 11.5 in
B. 4 ft 4 in D. 3 ft 10 in

MATH 1-1.9 Convert units in the metric system

A 83. How many grams are there in 1 pentagram?

A. 5 C. 1015
B. 5,000 D. 5 x 1015
A 84. If an apple weights about 170 grams, about how many apples are in a 3.5 kilogram bag of apples?
A. 20 C. 22
B. 21 D. 23
D 85. A new supercomputer measures 462 lbs in weight. How much does it weigh in grams?
A. 210 g C. 21,000 g
B. 2,100 g D. 210,000 g
B 86. How many liters are there in 353 quarts?
A. 353 L C. 326 L
B. 334 L D. 324 L
D 87. Paul and his son participated in a marathon. Paul traveled 3 km 50 m while his son ran 502 m 36
cm. What is the total distance that the father and his son tandem covered?
A. 3,760 m C. 3,552 m
B. 5,452 m D. 3,550 m
A 88. A slow moving snail traveled 4,800 mm. How far did it travel in kilometers?
A. 0.0048 km C. 0.48 km
B. 4.8 km D. 0.048 km
A 89. For the fruit punch, 3050 mL of fruit juice is needed. How much fruit juice is needed in dekaliters?
A. 0.305 daL C. 5.03 daL
B. 3.05 daL D. 0.053 daL
A 90. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of the larger angle?
A. 102.5 degrees C. 90 degrees
B. 77.5 degrees D. 110 degrees

2.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in Plane Geometry
2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in plane geometry

B 91. If the measure of an angle is twice the measure of its complement, what is the measure of the
A. 30 degrees C. 90 degrees
B. 60 degrees D. 120 degrees
C 92. Which among the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?
A. The supplement of an angle is acute.
B. The complement of an angle is obtuse.
C. The complement of any acute angle is acute.
D. Two supplementary angles are congruent.
D 93. Which among the following statements is ALWAYS FALSE?
A. Two adjacent right angles are supplementary.
B. Complements of congruent angles are congruent.
C. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of vertical angles.
D. Angles that form a linear pair are complementary.
B 94. What is the measure of an angle if the measure of its supplement is 39 degrees more than twice
the measure of its complement?
A. 29 degrees C. 49 degrees
B. 39 degrees D. 59 degrees
A 95. Consider the triangle illustrated below. Find the measure of angle x.



A. 57 degrees C. 55 derees
B. 47 degrees D. 22 degrees
D 96. Consider the triangle illustrated below. Find the value of x.


x 125

A. 55 C. 60
B. 35 D. 25
B 97. Two angles of a triangle measure 4 cm and 7 cm.What is the range of values for the possible
lengths of the third side?
A. 4<X<7 C. 7<X<11
B. 3<X<11 D. 11<X<15
D 98. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. A rectangle is a square.
B. A parallelogram is a trapezoid.
C. A rhombus is a rectangle.
D. A square is a rhombus.
B 99. Consider the quadrilateral below. Find the value of x.

A. 22 C. 112
B. 56 D. 54
C 100. If the sum of the interior angles of the regular polygon is 1980 degrees, how many sides does it
A. 11 C. 13
B. 12 D. 14
C 101. What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an octagon?
A. 3100 C.3240
B. 3140 D. 2850
D 102. What is the measure of an interior angle of an dodecagon?
A. 120 degrees C. 140 degrees
B. 130 degrees D. 140 degrees
A 103. How many unique diagonals can be drawn in a pentagon?
A. 5 C. 7
B. 6 D. 10
A 104. Nine unique diagonals are drawn in a regular polygon. How many sides does it have?
A. 9 C. 7
B. 8 D. 6
D 105. A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If two of its side are equal and the third side is 5 more than the
equal sides, what is the length of the third side?
A. 5 C. 15
B. 10 D. 20
B 106. A rectangle is 4 times as long as it is wide. If the length is increased by 4 inches and the width is
decreased by 1 inch, the area will be 60 square inches. What were the dimensions of the original
A. 2 x 32 C. 3 x 14
B. 4 x 16 D. 5 x 12
C 107. In a quadrilateral two angles are equal. The third angle is equal to the sum of the two equal
angles. The fourth angle is 60 degree less than twice the sum of the other three angles. Find the
measures of the angles in he quadrilateral?
A. 25º, 35º, 90º and 220º C. 35º,35º, 70º and 220º
B. 25º, 45º, 70º and 70º D. 35º, 35º, 70º and 210º
C 108. If one side of a square is double in length and the adjacent side is decreased by two centimeters,
the area of the resulting rectangle is 96 square centimeters larger than that of the original square. Find
the dimension of the rectangle?
A. 17 x 24 C. 10 x 24
B. 24 x24 D. 6 x 16
D 109. The smallest angle of a triangle is two-thirds the size of the middle angle, and th middle angle is
three-sevenths of the largest angle. Find all three angle measures.
A. 30º, 60º, 90º C. 35º, 45º, 110º
B. 45º, 45º, 90º D. 30º, 45º, 105º
A 110. If the height of a triangle is 5 inches less than the length of its base, and if the aea of the triangle
is 52 square inches, find the base and the height?
A. Base=13, Height = 8 C. Base = 11, Heigth = 7
B. Base = 12, Height = 9 D. Base = 13, Heigth = 4
A 111. A wood frame for pouring concrete has an interior perimeter of 14 meters. Its length is one
meter greater than its width. The frame is to braced with 12-gauge steel cross-wires.Assuming an extra
half-meter of wire is used at either end of o cross-wire for anchoring, what length of wire should be cut
for each brace?
A. 6 m C. 8 m
B. 7 m D. 12m
C 112. Find the largest possible rectangular area you can enclose, assuming you have 128 meters of
A. 256 m sq. C. 1024 m sq.
B. 512 m sq. D. 0248 m sq.
D 113. In a photograph. Bianca is 9 cm tall and her brother Tristan is 10 cm tall. Bianca’s actual height is
153 cm. What is Tristan’s actual height?
A. 148 cm C. 168 cm
B. 156 cm D. 170 cm
C 114. The measures of the angles of a triangle are in ratio of 2:3:4. Find the measure of the middle
A. 30º C. 60º
B. 40º D. 80º

2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in plane geometry

A 117. A building 25 m tall casts a shadow 10 m long. How long is the shadow fo a 5- foot girl
standing beside the building?
A. 2 ft. C. 10 ft.
B. 2.5 ft. D. 150 ft.
B 118. What is the maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm thick that can be put vertically in s shelf
which is 64 cm long?
A. 44 C. 46
B. 45 D. 64


3.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in

3.1.2. Polynomials

3.1.3 Linear equations

3.1.4 Linear inequalities

3.2 Solve, evaluate, and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in elementary
algebra by applying fundamentals ruls, principles and processs

A 119. Factor completely the expressions: a2x – 5b2y – 5a2y + b2x.

A. (a² + b²)(x – 5y) C. (a + b)(a - )(x – 5y)
B. (a² - b²)(x + 4y + 3) D. (a² + b²)(x² - 5y²)
C 120. Which among the following is NOT a perfect square trinomial?
A. x2 + 8x + 16 C. 49x2 + 70x + 36
B. 9x + 12x + 4 D. x2 + 6x + 9

D 121. Factor completely the expression: 27a3 - 54a2b + 36ab2 – 8b3.

A. (3a – 3b)3 C. (4a – 3b)3
B. (a – 3b)3 D. (3a – 2b)3
B 122. What is the greatest common monomial factor of the expression:
-13abc – 39bc + 26ab?
A. 3b C. 13abc
B. -13b D. 26b
D 123. Which factoring technique will best help you to factor the expression:
x2 + 6x – 7 + = 0?
A. Difference of two cubes C. Grouping
B. Common monomial factor D. Completing the square
A 124. Find the general equation of the line which passes through the points (2,-1) and (-3,5).
A. 6x + 5y – 7 = 0 C. 6x + 7y – 5 = 0
B. 5x – 6y – 7 = 0 D. 6x + 6y – 5 = 0
B 125. What is the equation of the line with x-intercept of 4 and y-intercept of 3?
A. 3x + 4y = -12 C. 6x – 8y = 12
B. 3x – 4y = 12 D. 4x – 3y = 12
C 126. Find the equation of the line with a slope of 4 and passing through the point (-5,3).
A. x – 4y = 23 C. 4x – y = -23
B. 4x – 4y = 23 D. x – y = -4
A 127. Find the slope of the line describe by the following table of values:

x -2 0 2 4
y -7 -4 -1 2

A. 1.50 C. 2.50
B. 0.66 D. 3.50
D 128. What is the equation of the line whose slope is -2 and whose y- intercept is 3?
A. 2x + 3y = 6 C. 2x + 2y = 4
B. x + 2y = 3 D. 2x + y = 3
B 129. The length of a rectangle is 18cm. What are the possible widths that will give a perimeter less
than 150 cm?
A. 3 < width < 54 C. 18 < width < 36
B. 0 < width < 57 D. 12 < width < 57
C 130. What is the simplest form of the expression?
A. -2x + 4y -17 C. 2x + 4y -17
B. 2x + 4y + 17 D. 2x + 4y
C 131. If x = 1 and y = -2, what is the value of the expression x² - 4x + 3x ?
2xy y²
A. -9 C. – 7
2 2
B. 15
2 D. 17
A 132. If – 3x< 6, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. x < -2 C. x > 2
B. x < 2 D. x > -2


4.1 Show mastery and knowledge of basic terms and concepts in statistic and 133.
probability If a
die is
4.2 Solve, evaluate, manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in statistic and
probability by applying fundamental rules, principles and processes
rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2?
A. 1/6 C. ¼
B. ½ D. 1/3
B 134. Which among the measure of central tendency is NOT influenced by outliers?
A. mean C. median
B. weighted mean D. mode
C 135. Monica obtained the following result from her mathematics exams: 80, 82, 83, 91. What score
must she get on the next exam so that her average score is 85?
A. 92 C. 89
B. 93 D.85
A 136. In a Filipino test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12, and 14.
What is the median score?
A. 14 C. 15
B. 14.5 D. 15
C 137. The following table summarizes the scores of Section A on the recent periodic test in Social
Studies. What is the median score interval?
Score Frequency
16-23 2
24-31 4
32-39 6
40-47 12
48-55 10
56-62 8

A. 24-31 C. 40-47
B. 32-39 D. 48-55
D 138. The following measurements were obtained from the caliper: 20, 15, 20, 14, 18, 15, 6. What is
the mode?
A. 15 C. 14
B. 20 D. 15 and 20
C 139. The following are Joselito’s grades for third quarter. Find his general weighted average?
Subject Units Grade
Math 3 89
English 2 84
Science 3 90
Filipino 2 86

A. 87.08 C. 86.36
B. 89.50 D. 87.45
For numbers 96-100, consider the following situation. The grades in math of the students in section B
are as follows: 70, 95, 60, 80, 100.

B 140. What is the mean absolute deviation of their group?

A. 11.7 C. 14.6
B. 13.2 D. 15.9
A 141. What is the population variance of their group?
A. 224 C. 264
B. 250 D. 280
C 142. What is the population standard deviation of their group?
A. 16.73 C. 1.58
B. 1.41 D. 14.97
C 143. What is the range of their group?
A. 60-95 C. 60-100
B. 70-100 D. 80-95
C 144. What can you infer from the measures of variability obtained from this population?
A. The population is very homogeneous.
B. The measures are very unstable.
C. The grades are very scattered.
D. The range of scores is a very reliable measure of variability.
C 145. What measure of central tendency can best describe the size of t-shirts commonly used by teen-
A. mean C. mode
B. median D. both A and C
B 146. The following are the result of recent achievement test in Mathematics in four divisions.
Division Mean Standard deviation
I 34 4.5
II 34 3.0
III 23 1.0
IV 20 2.0
Which division performed best?
C 147. What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 when a die is tossed?
A. 1/6 C. 1/3
B. ¼ D. ½
A 148. In how many ways can 5 basketball players be chosen from a group of 9 players.?
A. 126 C. 15,120
B. 212 D. 362,880

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