2008 Solving The One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem With A Weight
2008 Solving The One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem With A Weight
2008 Solving The One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem With A Weight
In this paper, we develop a new procedure that uses the concept of weight annealing to solve the one-dimensional bin packing
problem. Our procedure is straightforward and easy to follow. We apply it to 1587 instances taken from benchmark problem sets and
compare our results to those found in the literature. We find that our procedure produces very high-quality solutions very quickly
and generates several new optimal solutions.
䉷 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In the one-dimensional bin packing problem (denoted by BPP), we have a set of N = {1, 2, . . . , n} items that we
need to pack into identical bins. Each item has a specified size and each bin has the same capacity. We want to find the
minimum number of bins required to pack the items without violating the capacity constraint of each bin.
Over the last 15 years or so, a variety of exact methods and heuristic methods have been used to solve the BPP
which is NP-hard [1]. Martello and Toth [2] solved the BPP with a branch-and-bound procedure (MTP). Scholl et
al. [3] developed a hybrid method (BISON) that combines tabu search with a branch-and-bound procedure based on
several bounds and a new branching scheme. Schwerin and Wäscher [4] devised a new lower bound for the BPP based
on the cutting stock problem, integrated the new lower bound into MTP, and achieved high-quality results with their
procedure (MTPCS).
Coffman et al. [5] provided a comprehensive review of approximation methods for bin packing including worst
case analysis of the well-known first fit decreasing (FFD) and best fit decreasing (BFD) approximation algorithms.
Recently, Fleszar and Hindi [6] developed a hybrid algorithm (denoted by PMBS + VNS, where PMBS denotes
perturbation MBS ) that combines a modified version of the minimal bin slack heuristic of Gupta and Ho [7] and
variable neighborhood search, and uses the lower bounds of Fekete and Schepers [8]. Their hybrid algorithm performed
very well in computational experiments—PMBS + VNS found the optimal solutions to 1329 out of 1370 benchmark
∗ Corresponing author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Golden).
0305-0548/$ - see front matter 䉷 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2284 K.-H. Loh et al. / Computers & Operations Research 35 (2008) 2283 – 2291
Alvim et al. [9] solved the BPP with a sophisticated hybrid improvement heuristic (HI_BP) that uses tabu search to
move items between bins. In computational experiments, HI_BP performed very well. It found optimal solutions to
1370 benchmark instances.
In this paper, we propose a simple and fast heuristic based on the concept of weight annealing (WA) to solve the
BPP. WA is a new metaheuristic which has just recently been introduced in the physics literature. We believe that this
paper is the first to present weight annealing to the operations research community. In Section 2, we describe WA and
present similarities to other metaheuristics such as simulated annealing (SA). In Sections 3, 4, and 5, we describe the
key features of WA for the BPP, our improvement heuristics, and our WA algorithm. In Section 6, we conduct extensive
computational experiments with our WA algorithm and report results for eight sets of benchmark test problems taken
from the literature. In Section 7, we summarize our contributions.
2. Weight annealing
Ninio and Schneider [10] proposed a WA method that allows a greedy heuristic to escape from a poor local optimum
in the context of a combinatorial optimization problem. The key idea is changing the problem landscape and making
use of the history of each optimization run. The authors changed the landscape by assigning weights to different parts
of the solution space. Weights could be selected randomly or they could be selected to place strong emphasis on those
parts of the solution space that are far from the optimal solution.
Ninio and Schneider provided the following outline of their WA algorithm.
Step 1: Start with an initial configuration from a greedy heuristic solution using the original problem landscape.
Step 2: Determine a new set of weights based on the previous optimization run and insight into the problem.
Step 3: Perform a new run of the greedy heuristic using the new weights.
Step 4: Return to Step 2 until a stopping criterion is met.
In their implementation of WA, Ninio and Schneider required nonnegative values for all of the weights so their
algorithm could look for good solutions. They used a cooling schedule with temperature T to change the values of
the weights. When the value of T was large, there were significant changes to the weights. As T decreased, all of
the weights approached a value of one. Ninio and Schneider applied their WA algorithm to five benchmark traveling
salesman problems (TSPs) with 127–1379 nodes and generated results that were competitive with SA.
WA shares features with metaheuristics such as SA (e.g., a cooling schedule) and deterministic annealing (DA).
In particular, SA and DA start with an initial solution and perform a sequence of local search moves that include
deteriorating moves. A deteriorating move may be allowed as long as the objective function value does not exceed
a specified threshold. In contrast to SA and DA, WA not only considers the value of the objective function but also
makes use of information on how well every part of the search space is being solved at every stage of an optimization
run. When applied to a combinatorial optimization problem, WA seeks to expand and speed up the neighborhood
search by creating distortions in different parts of the search space. The amount of the distortion is controlled by weight
assignments based on insights gained from one iteration to the next, with a view towards focusing computational efforts
on the poorly solved regions. We point out that Ninio and Schneider [10] provided a brief discussion of the similarities
between WA and other algorithms including SA.
The notion of changing the landscape to produce high-quality solutions in WA has also been incorporated into several
approaches including data smoothing (search space smoothing of Gu and Huang [11] and fine-tuned learning of Coy et
al. [12]) and noising [13] for solving combinatorial optimization problems such as the TSP and the clique partitioning
problem. For example, when using search space smoothing to solve the TSP, intercity distances are smoothed by a
specified function and a local search heuristic is applied. The distances are smoothed again to a lesser extent and local
search is performed again. This continues until the local search heuristic is applied to the problem with the original
(unsmoothed) distances. By smoothing the distances, the problem landscape has been changed and hopefully a good
solution in the smoothed space is a good solution to the original problem.
Ninio and Schneider [10] remarked that the noising method is the most closely related method to WA. Noising starts
with a data set to which some noise has been added. A search method is applied until a local optimum is found. At each
iteration of the method, less noise is added to the data set. At the final iteration, the original data set (with no noise
added) is used. The best solution found during the process is the final solution.
Ninio and Schneider [10] pointed out that a “more elaborate version of WA which really considers how well the
system is solved locally” could involve adaptive memory. In this case, WA would belong to a broad class of tabu search
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methods. In addition, WA would be related to guided local search (GLS). GLS [14,15] uses memory to guide the search
to those regions of the solution space that have promising solutions. This is accomplished by a term in the objective
function that penalizes poor solutions.
In this section, we describe the key features of WA for the BPP. These features include the objective function and
weight assignments.
In conducting our search, we use the objective function given by Fleszar and Hindi [6] that seeks to reduce the
number of bins along with maximizing the sum of the squared bin loads:
maximize f = (li )2 , (1)
p is the number of bins in the current solution and bin load li is the sum of sizes of items in bin i (that is,
li = j i=1 tij , where tij is the size of item j in bin i and qi is the number of items in bin i).
A key feature of our procedure is the distortion of item sizes that allows for both uphill and downhill moves. The
changes in the apparent sizes of the items are achieved by assigning different weights to the bins and their items
according to how well the bins are packed.
For each bin i, we assign weight wiT according to
wiT = (1 + Kr i )T , (2)
where C is the capacity of each bin, K is a constant, T is a temperature parameter (more about this in the next section),
and ri = (C − li )/C. The scaling parameter K controls the amount of size distortion for each item. The size distortion
for an item is proportional to the residual capacity of its bin. At a local maximum, not-so-well packed bins will have
large residual capacities. We try to escape from a poor local maximum with downhill moves. To enable downhill moves,
Fig. 1. An uphill move in the transformed space is a downhill move in the original space.
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our weighting function increases the sizes of items in poorly packed bins. Since the objective function tries to maximize
the number of fully filled bins, the size transformation increases the chances of a swap between one of the enlarged
items in this bin and a smaller item from another bin. Thus, we have an uphill move in the transformed space, which
may be a downhill move in the original space. We illustrate this case in Fig. 1 where C = 200. We make a swap as long
as it is feasible in the original space.
Neighbors of a current solution can be obtained by swapping (exchanging) items between all possible pairs of bins.
We use four different swapping schemes: Swap (1,0), Swap (1,1), Swap (1,2), and Swap (2,2). We point out that the
first two schemes were proposed by Fleszar and Hindi [6].
In Swap (1,0), we consider moving one item from bin to bin . The change in the objective function value (f(1,0) )
that results from moving one item i with size ti from bin to bin is given by
In Swap (1,1), we swap item i from bin with item j from bin . The change in the objective function value that
results from swapping item i with size ti from bin with item j with size tj from bin is given by
f(1,1) = (l − ti + tj )2 + (l − tj + ti )2 − l2 − l2 . (4)
In Swap (1,2), we swap item i from bin with items j and k from bin . The change in the objective function value
that results from swapping item i with size ti from bin with item j with size tj and item k with size tk from bin
is given by
f(1,2) = (l − ti + tj + tk )2 + (l − tj − tk + ti )2 − l2 − l2 . (5)
In Swap (2,2), we swap item i and item j from bin with item k and item l from bin . The change in the objective
function value that results from swapping item i with size ti and item j with size tj from bin with item k with size
tk and item l with size tl from bin is given by
f(2,2) = (l − ti − tj + tk + tl )2 + (l − tk − tl + ti + tj )2 − l2 − l2 . (6)
In Table 1, we present our WA algorithm for the one-dimensional BPP. We denote our algorithm by WABP.
WABP starts with an initial solution generated by the FFD procedure. For each bin i in the FFD solution, we compute
the bin load (li ) and the residual capacity (ri ).
To improve a solution, we carry out swapping operations with WA. A temperature parameter (T ) controls the amount
by which a single weight can be varied. At the start, a high temperature (T =1) allows for higher frequencies of downhill
moves. As the temperature is gradually cooled (the temperature is reduced at the end of every iteration, that is, T ×0.95),
the amount of item distortion decreases and the problem space looks more like the original problem space.
We compute a weight for each bin (according to wiT = (1 + Kr i )T ) and then apply the weight to each item in the
bin. The swapping process begins by comparing the items in the first bin with the items in the second bin, and so on,
sequentially down to the last bin in the initial solution and is repeated for every possible pair of bins.
For a current pair of bins (, ), the swapping of items by Swap (1,0) is carried out as follows. The algorithm evaluates
whether the first item (item i) in bin can be moved to bin without violating the capacity constraint of bin in the
original space. In other words, does bin have enough original residual capacity to accommodate the original size of
item i? If the answer is yes (the move is feasible), the change in objective function value of the move in the transformed
space is evaluated. If f(1,0) 0, item i is moved from bin to bin . After this move, if bin is empty and the total
number of utilized bins reaches the lower bound, the algorithm stops and outputs the final results. If bin is still partially
filled, or the lower bound has not been reached, the algorithm exits Swap (1,0) and proceeds to Swap (1,1). If the move
of the first item is infeasible or f(1,0) < 0, the second item in bin is evaluated and so on, until a feasible move
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Table 1
Weight annealing algorithm for the one-dimensional bin packing problem
Step 0. Initialization
Parameters are K (scaling parameter), nloop, T (temperature), and Tred.
Set K = 0.05, nloop = 50, T = 1, and T red = 0.95.
Inputs are number of items (n), item sizes (tj ), bin capacity (C), and lower bound (LB).
Step 1. Construct an initial solution using First Fit Decreasing procedure.
Sort the items in non-increasing order according to item sizes.
Do while (item list is not empty)
Place the first item in the list into the lowest numbered feasible bin.
Open a new bin if the item cannot fit into any existing bin.
Remove the item from the item list.
Compute residual capacity ri .
Step 2. Improve the current solution.
For i = 1 to nloop
Compute the weights wiT = (1 − Kr i )T .
Do for all pairs of bins
Perform Swap (1,0)
Evaluate feasibility and f(1,0) .
If f(1,0) 0
Move the item.
Exit Swap(1,0) and,
Exit i loop if LB is reached.
Exit Swap (1,0) if no feasible move with f(1,0) 0 is found.
Perform Swap (1,1)
Evaluate feasibility and f(1,1) .
If f(1,1) 0
Swap the items.
Exit Swap (1,1) and,
Exit i loop if LB is reached.
Exit Swap (1,1) if no feasible move with f(1,1) 0 is found.
Perform Swap (1,2)
Evaluate feasibility and f(1,2) .
If f(1,2) 0
Swap the items.
Exit Swap (1,2) and,
Exit i loop if LB is reached.
Exit Swap (1,2) if no feasible move with f(1,2) 0 is found.
Perform Swap (2,2)
Evaluate feasibility and f(2,2) .
If f(2,2) 0
Swap the items.
Exit Swap (2,2) and,
Exit i loop if LB is reached.
Exit Swap (2,2) if no feasible move with f(2,2) 0 is found.
T : =T × T red
End of i loop
Step 3. Output the results.
Outputs are the number of bins used, the final distribution of items, and ri .
with f(1,0) 0 is found or all items in bin have been considered and no feasible move with f(1,0) 0 has been
found. The algorithm then performs Swap (1,1), followed by Swap (1,2) and Swap (2,2). In each of the swapping
schemes, we always take the first feasible move with f 0 that we find.
We point out that the improvement step in WABP (Step 2) is carried out 50 times (nloop = 50) starting with
T = 1,
followed by T = 1 × 0.95 = 0.95, T = 0.95 × 0.95 = 0.9025, etc. We use a simple lower bound (1/C) nj=1 tj ,
where tj is the size of item j .
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6. Computational results
In Table 2, we describe six well-known sets of benchmark test problems that contain 1587 problems. We coded
WABP in C and C++ and then solved these test problems on a 3 GHz Pentium 4 computer with 256 MB of RAM.
In Table 3, we show the results for HI_BP, PMBS + VNS, and WABP to 1370 instances from the Uniform, Triplet,
and Set benchmark problem sets. The results for HI_BP and PMBS + VNS are taken from the literature. The optimal
solution is known for each instance, so we tabulate the number of times each procedure obtains the optimal solution.
For example, there are 20 instances in problem set U120 and all three procedures find the optimal solution to each
instance (there is a value of 20 in the Number Optimal column of each procedure). We see that both HI_BP and WABP
found optimal solutions to all 1370 instances. PMBS + VNS found optimal solutions to 1329 instances.
In Table 4, we show the results for BISON, HI_BP, PMBS + VNS, MTPCS, and WABP to 1210 instances from the
Set benchmark problem set. The results for HI_BP, BISON, PMBS + VNS, and MTPCS are taken from the literature.
The papers on BISON and MTPCS report results for the instances in Set and do not report results for instances in
Uniform and Triplet. On Set 1 and Set 2 with MTPCS, Schwerin and Wäscher [4] set a time limit of 1000 s. This limit
was insufficient for obtaining a lower bound for each instance in Set 3. The authors ran their lower bounding procedure
for 1500–3000 s depending on the specific instance, started MTPCS with the lower bound, and set a time limit of
1000 s. We see that both HI_BP and WABP found optimal solutions to all 1210 instances. BISON, PMBS + VNS, and
MTPCS fell short and did not find the optimal solutions to 37, 40, and 94 instances, respectively.
In Tables 3 and 4, five different processors generated the results, ranging from a 66 MHz 80486 DX2 (used by
BISON) which runs at 2.4 Mflop/s [20] to a 3 GHz Pentium 4 (used by WABP) which runs at 1573 Mflop/s [20]. The
speeds of the remaining three processors fall between these extremes, so that there are roughly two to three orders
Table 2
Descriptions of benchmark test problems
Uniform U120, U250, U500, U1000 The bin capacity is C =150. Items with integer sizes are drawn from a uniform distribution between
20 and 150. U120 denotes n = 120 items. For each value of n = 120, 250, 500, and 1000, there
are 20 instances. These problems were developed by Falkenauer [16] and have been solved opti-
mally by Carvalho [17]. They are available online at http://people.brunel.ac.uk/∼mastjjb/jeb/orlib/
Triplet T60, T120, T249, T501 The bin capacity is C = 1000. Items with integer sizes are drawn from a uniform distribution
between 250 and 500. T60 denotes n = 60 items. For each value of n = 60, 120, 249, and 501, there
are 20 instances. The optimal solutions are known and have exactly three items per bin (hence the
name triplets). These problems were developed by Falkenauer [16]. They are available online at
http://people.brunel.ac. uk/∼mastjjb/jeb/orlib/binpackinfo.html.
Set Set 1, Set 2, Set 3 Set 1 has 720 instances with items drawn from a uniform distribution on three intervals [1, 100],
[20, 100], and [30, 100]. The bin capacity is C = 100, 120, and 150 and n = 50, 100, 200, and 500.
Set 2 has 480 instances with C = 1000 and n = 50, 100, 200, and 500. Each bin has an average of
3–9 items.
Set 3 has 10 instances with C = 100,000, n = 200, and items are drawn from a uniform distribution
on [20,000, 35,000]. Set 3 is considered the most difficult of the three sets.
These problems were developed by Scholl et al. [3] and they reported that 1184 of the problems
have been solved to optimality. Alvim et al. [9] reported the optimal solutions for the remaining 26
problems. The three problem sets are available online at http://paginas.fe.up.pt/∼esicup/index.php.
Was Was 1, Was 2 Was 1 has 100 instances with C = 1000 and n = 100. The minimum size of an item is 150 and the
maximum size is 200.
Was 2 has 100 instances with C = 1000 and n = 120. The minimum size of an item is 150 and the
maximum size is 200.
These problems were developed by Schwerin and Wäscher [4,18]. All problems have been
solved to optimality. Both problem sets are available online at http://www.apdio.pt/sicup/
Gau Gau 1 These 17 problems are taken from Wäscher and Gau [19]. They are reported as difficult problems by
the authors. Some of these problems have been solved to optimality. This problem set is available
online at http://paginas.fe.up.pt/∼esicup/index.php.
K.-H. Loh et al. / Computers & Operations Research 35 (2008) 2283 – 2291 2289
Table 3
Results for HI_BP, PMBS + VNS, and WABP to 1370 instances from the Uniform, Triplet, and Set benchmark problem sets
Table 4
Results for BISON, HI_BP, PMBS + VNS, MTPCS, and WABP to 1210 instances from the Set benchmark problem set
Number Average Number Average Number Average Number Average Number Average
optimal time (s) optimal time (s) optimal time (s) optimal time (s) optimal time (s)
Set 1 720 697 32.4 720 0.19 694 0.15 717 7.3 720 0.17
Set 2 480 473 16.3 480 0.01 474 0.10 394 221 480 0.19
Set 3 10 3 700.2 10 4.60 2 3.74 5 3164.8 10 0.13
of magnitude difference in the speeds of all five processors. Converting the running times of the four slower processors
to a 3 GHz Pentium 4 time would yield dramatically smaller times in Tables 3 and 4.
In Table 5, we show the results for HI_BP and WABP to 200 instances from the Was benchmark problem set. The
results for HI_BP are taken from the literature. The computation times for HI_BP were not reported. We note that
Alvim et al. [9] reported that HI_BP improved the solutions to three instances (BPP56, BPP71, and BPP 81) in Was 1
and Was 2. We see that HI_BP and WABP found optimal solutions to all 200 instances. WABP took 0.01 s on average
to solve an instance.
When Alvim et al. [9] applied HI_BP to 17 instances from the Gau benchmark set of problems, they reported that
HI_BP found eight new, improved solutions and missed the optimal solutions to five instances. HI_BP was very fast
with computation times of 0.01 s or less reported for the eight new solutions (no other times were given).
When MTPCS was applied to 17 instances from the Gau set, it generated the same best-known solutions to eight
problems, found the optimal solution to one problem, and failed to find the optimal solutions to eight problems. The
results for MTPCS were given at http://www.apdio.pt/sicup/Sicuphomepage/research.htm. The computation times for
MTPCS were not reported on the web page. This page is no longer active.
2290 K.-H. Loh et al. / Computers & Operations Research 35 (2008) 2283 – 2291
Table 5
Results for HI_BP and WABP to 200 instances from the Was benchmark problem set
Number optimal Average time (s) Number optimal Average time (s)
Table 6
Results for WABP to 17 instances from the Gau benchmark problem set
We applied WABP to 17 instances from the Gau set and present our results in Table 6. There are eight instances that
have best-known solutions (listed on the left side of Table 6) and WABP found new, optimal solutions to three of these
instances (TEST0058, TEST0068, and TEST0082). WABP generated the same best-known solutions to the remaining
five instances. There are nine instances that have known optimal solutions (listed on the right side of Table 6) and
WABP found the same optimal solutions to all nine instances. WABP took 0.09 s on average to solve an instance.
Finally, to evaluate the effect of WA on solving problems, we coded a multi-start procedure (denoted by MSP) that
was capable of generating different initial solutions through random perturbations of the FFD algorithm. At every
insertion step of FFD, we randomly selected one item out of a batch of the top 10% largest items. We then improved
the solutions using the four swap schemes described in Section 4 and did not use any weights. We applied MSP to
20 instances in U1000, 10 instances in Set 3 (considered a difficult problem set), and 17 instances from the Gau set.
MSP found the optimal solutions to all 20 instances in U1000 and all 10 instances in Set 3. WABP also found the
optimal solutions to all 30 problems. On average, WABP was two to three times faster than MSP in solving these 30
problems. MSP found 10 optimal solutions and five best-known solutions to 17 instances from the Gau set. MSP did
not find the optimal solutions to two instances. WABP found all 12 optimal solutions and five best-known solutions.
We conclude that MSP is a very good procedure that benefits greatly from using our swap schemes. It is somewhat
slower than WABP. Clearly, the use of weights in the improvement step of WABP (coupled with the swap schemes) is
helpful. WABP is quickly guided towards optimal solutions and finds more optimal solutions than MSP.
7. Conclusions
We developed a powerful new procedure (WABP) that implements the concept of WA to solve the one-dimensional
BPP problem. WABP is easy to understand and easy to follow, and it generated very high-quality solutions very quickly.
When applied to 1587 benchmark instances, WABP found the existing best known or optimal solutions to 1584
instances and generated new optimal solutions to the remaining three instances. Over all benchmark instances, it
averaged 0.16 s in computation time. Our computational experiments showed that WABP performed slightly better
K.-H. Loh et al. / Computers & Operations Research 35 (2008) 2283 – 2291 2291
than a sophisticated procedure based on bounding and tabu search (HI_BP). It performed much better than a variable
neighborhood search algorithm (PMBS + VNS) and a branch-and-bound procedure with a cutting stock lower bound
In future work, we hope to apply our bin packing WA procedure to variants of the two-dimensional BPP.
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