Medical Management of The Surgical Patient, 3rd Edition

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Medical management of the surgical patient / [edited by] Geno J. Merli, Howard H.
Weitz.—3rd ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4160-2385-2
1. Therapeutics, Surgical. I. Merli, Geno J. II. Weitz, Howard H.
[DNLM: 1. Perioperative CAre. 2. Intraoperative Complications. 3. Postoperative
Complications. 4. Surgical Procedures, Operative. WO 178 M4895 2008]

RD49.M43 2008
617'.9192--dc22 2007041425

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To our wives,
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Anesthesiologist, Department of Anesthesiology, Abington
Memorial Hospital, Abington, Pennsylvania
Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Professor of Neurology and Vice-Chairman for Hospital
Affairs, Department of Neurology, Jefferson Medical College
of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Assessment and Management of the Surgical Patient
with Neurologic Problems

Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine;
Chief, Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, St. Elizabeth’s
Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Perioperative Assessment with Management of Patients with
Pulmonary Diseases

Clinical Instructor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College
of Thomas Jefferson University; Assistant Residency
Program Director, Department of Internal Medicine,
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia,
Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period


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viii Contributors

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University School of
Medicine, Durham, North Carolina
Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Instructor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University; Director, Jefferson Hospital Medicine
Program, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia,
Bariatric Surgery: Preoperative Evaluation and Postoperative Care

Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston;
Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston; Chair, Department of Medicine, Newton-Wellesley
Hospital, Newton; Assistant Chief of Medicine,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period;
Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

FM-X2385_i_xviii.indd viii 12/20/07 6:49:51 PM

Contributors ix

Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix D: Urologic Surgery

Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University; Director of Jefferson
Hospital for the Neurosciences Preoperative Assessment
Center, Division of Internal Medicine, Jefferson Hospital
for the Neurosciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient;
Appendix F: Ophthalmologic Surgery

Associate Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College
of Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Jefferson
Hospital Ambulatory Practice, and Associate Director,
Internal Medicine Residency, Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix A: Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic
Surgery; Appendix B: Laparoscopic Surgeries; Appendix E:
Otolaryngologic Surgery

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

FM-X2385_i_xviii.indd ix 12/20/07 6:49:51 PM

x Contributors

Assistant Professor, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Professor of Medicine, and Director, Residency Program,
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Assessment and Management of Patients with
Pulmonary Diseases

Instructor, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient


Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University; Medical Director, Clinical Research
Unit, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

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Contributors xi

Instructor, Division of Internal Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Preventive
Health Care Program, Jefferson Internal Medicine
Associates, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient; Appendix E:
Otolaryngologic Surgery

Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Appendix H: Neurosurgery

Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of
Medicine; Director, Preadmission Clinic, Grady
Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia
Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient


Professor and Vice-Chairman of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve
University; Attending Physician, Department of
Rheumatic and Immunologic Disease, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, Ohio
Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis
or Systemic Autoimmune Disease

Associate Medical Director, Clinical Affairs, Ortho Biotech,
Bridgewater, New Jersey
Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

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xii Contributors


Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University; Director of Clinical
Infectious Diseases, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis: Prevention of Postoperative Infections


Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical
College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
in the Surgical Patient


Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University; Director, Jefferson Center for Vascular
Disease, and Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice
President, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant;
Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
in the Surgical Patient; Perioperative Assessment and
Management of the Surgical Patient with Neurologic Problems;
Appendix G: Orthopedic Surgery; Appendix H: Neurosurgery

Instructor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix A: Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery

Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix C: Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

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Contributors xiii


Hepatologist, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Associate Professor, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix G: Orthopedic Surgery

Instructor of Medicine and Associate Medical Director of
Informatics, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix B: Laparoscopic Surgeries

Clinical Instructor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College
of Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Hospital Medicine,
Jefferson Hospital for Neurosciences, Philadelphia,
The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Instructor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University; Associate Director, Jefferson Center for
Vascular Diseases, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
in the Surgical Patient

Assistant Professor, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University; Associate Director, Jefferson Hospital
Medicine Program, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

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xiv Contributors


Professor of Medicine and Senior Vice Chair for Academic
Affairs, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University; Co-Director, Jefferson Heart Institute, Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant;
Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease:
Preoperative Evaluation and Perioperative Care

Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Internal
Medicine, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Appendix C: Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery; Appendix D:
Urologic Surgery


Clinical Assistant Professor, Jefferson Medical College of
Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Division of Internal
Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient; Perioperative
Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

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1 The Role and Responsibility
of the Medical Consultant

The role and responsibilities of the medical consultant have

changed over the past 30 years. During this time, articles,
books, courses, and guidelines by medical societies have de-
fined approaches to assessment, management, and therapeu-
tic interventions to decrease perioperative risk and to provide
better care for the surgical patient with medical problems in
the perioperative period. This body of information has cre-
ated an area of expertise and a required knowledge base for
all medical consultants. With this ever-expanding database
has emerged a defined order of responsibilities that are in-
volved in the process of performing a medical consultation. In
this chapter, we review the defined order of this process.


The Ten Commandments for effective consultation were pro-
posed by Goldman and colleagues in 1983 (Box 1-1). These
points are the major focus of every medical consultant pro-
viding this service in either the hospital or the outpatient
setting. We have adapted these Ten Commandments to fit the
role and responsibility of the medical consultant in 2007
(Box 1-2):
1. The consultant should know the reason for the consul-
tation and should address only those issues that the
requesting physician has indicated. Sometimes the re-
questing physician has not been clear about the primary
reason for the consultation, or the reason for consulta-
tion may be listed as “patient known to you.” In these

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2 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant


Box 1-1

1. Determine the question.

2. Establish urgency.
3. Look for yourself.
4. Be as brief as appropriate.
5. Be specific.
6. Provide contingency plans.
7. Honor thy turf.
8. Teach with tact.
9. Talk is cheap and effective.
10. Follow up.

From Goldman L, Lee T, Rudd P: Ten Commandments for effective consul-

tation. Arch Intern Med 143:1753-1755, 1983.


Box 1-2

Determine the question and address that question.
Perform the consultation in a timely manner.
Perform a thorough evaluation.
Write as concise a consultation report as appropriate.
Make recommendations clear and concise.
Provide prompt communication.
Do not “clear for OR.” Identify risks and attempt to
reverse them. Optimize the patient for surgery.
8. Provide appropriate follow-up.
9. Know your role: pure consultant versus co-manager.
10. Provide options and alternative approaches and teach
with tact.

situations, communication with the requesting physician

or the physician’s designee is important for defining the
focus of evaluation. The consultant’s report should al-
ways state the reason for the consultation, for example,
“Reason for consultation: preoperative evaluation for

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1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 3

surgery” or “Asked to evaluate patient for postoperative

change in mental status.” If another problem unrelated
to the reason for consultation is discovered, this should
be communicated to the requesting physician.
2. Once a request for a consultation is received by the
medical consultant, it should be completed in a timely
manner. If the consultation cannot be done because un-
foreseen circumstances arise, the consultant must notify
the requesting physician in ample time for another con-
sultant to complete the task.
3. The evaluation of the patient’s history and physical ex-
amination should be thorough, with a complete review of
old medical records as appropriate and available. The
consultant is responsible for obtaining any relevant infor-
mation for the management of the patient as it pertains to
the consultation request. This may include contacting
other hospitals or the patient’s primary care physician
about previous surgical procedures, cardiovascular as-
sessments, and concomitant medical conditions and their
4. On completion of this assessment, recommendations
should be concise, and therapeutic regimens should be
clearly delineated. In our experience, the more extensive
and complex management plans are, the greater the like-
lihood will be that the recommendations will not be
5. The medical consultant should attempt to provide
options or alternative approaches to management.
This allows the requesting physician latitude for care
should he or she not be comfortable with one form of
6. Prompt communication, both written and verbal, of the
assessment and plan to the requesting physician and
medical care team ensures better likelihood that the
therapeutic regimens or diagnostic evaluations will be
implemented. This also allows any difference of opinion
between the consultant and the requesting physician to

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4 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant

be resolved. It is inappropriate to make the medical rec-

ord the forum for discord between physicians. Con-
versely, if the consultant and requesting physician can-
not agree, the consultant should remove himself or
herself from the case and should allow ample time for
the requesting physician to obtain another consultant.
Documentation in the chart of termination of service
should be made, but the reason for disagreement is
7. We do not use the phrase “Clear for surgery.” Although
this is a common consultation request, this term is not
specific and means different things to different people.
“Cleared” may falsely imply that the patient is at no risk
or at only minimal risk of surgery, and that is rarely the
case. Rather than “clear for surgery,” we believe that the
roles of the preoperative consultant are to identify and
clarify the patient’s medical status and risk and to at-
tempt to lower perioperative risk if possible. For many
patients, the preoperative consultation may be their
most comprehensive medical evaluation. The consultant
should convey to the patient appropriate health care is-
sues identified as a result of the preoperative evaluation.
The consultant should also be available following sur-
gery to treat any postoperative complications should
they occur.
8. Follow-up care should be provided as indicated by the
patient’s medical problems. This care may include medi-
cation adjustment, evaluation of abnormal laboratory
test results, or evaluation of new conditions. This some-
times becomes a “gray area” for medical preoperative
consultations, because such consultations are often re-
quested only to prepare the patient for surgery. Termina-
tion of a consultant’s postoperative care should also be
documented in the medical record.
9. The consultant must clearly define his or her or role in
the care of the patient in the perioperative period. The

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1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 5

consultant may assume one of two roles in the care of

patients. He or she may be a pure consultant or may
serve as a co-manager with the requesting physician. In
the former role, more traditional consultant role recom-
mendations are made and communicated, but care is
provided by the requesting physician only. The latter
role involves direct care by the consultant in assisting the
requesting physician to implement the management
plan and to provide follow-up care. This includes order
writing, daily notes, and frequent communication. We
believe that this co-manager model will continue to
evolve, as demonstrated by a study showing that hospi-
talist management of patients in the perioperative period
as part of the surgical team reduced length of stay, uti-
lized fewer special consultants, and reduced the inci-
dence of medical complications.
10. It is the responsibility of the medical consultant to com-
municate while providing the service of consultation.
This should be done in a tactful manner with the patient,
nursing staff, and physicians. Embarrassing a requesting
physician by exposing his or her lack of knowledge or
insight in a case is a grave error. Requesting physicians
appreciate consultants who are interested in sharing
their insights and experience without condescension.
Communication should also include teaching when


The assessment of operative risk in the preoperative consul-
tation is of significant importance. Various risk factor indices,
usually consensus based, are available to help the consultant
fulfill that task. One published and validated pulmonary risk
assessment matrix accurately predicted postoperative pulmo-
nary complications. The role of the consultant is to estimate
the operative risk by identifying the patient’s risk factors in

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6 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant

combination with the operative procedure and optimizing

the patient for surgery.
In 1977, Goldman and co-workers used univariate and
multivariate analysis to identify nine risk factors that, if pres-
ent, were found to increase the risk of cardiac complications
in noncardiac surgery. This analysis permitted not only a
method for determination of risk but also one for identifica-
tion of several reversible risk factors that, if alleviated, could
result in safer surgery. This work was revised by Detsky and
co-workers in 1986, thus allowing a better definition of risk
based on the individual’s hospital surgical complication rate
as well as consideration of some additional risk factors. More
recently, the American College of Cardiology and the Ameri-
can Heart Association published practice guidelines for peri-
operative cardiovascular evaluation of patients undergoing
noncardiac surgery. This document is a comprehensive re-
view of the literature with expert consensus; it provides the
medical consultant with state-of-the art information.
The perioperative risk for the development of deep ve-
nous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (DVT-PE) has
been reported by the American College of Chest Physicians
and the International Consensus Statement on Venous
Thromboembolism. Patients are categorized into high, mod-
erate, and low risk for the development of DVT-PE on the
basis of age, estimated length of surgery, type of procedure,
and secondary risk factors (see Table 5-1 in Chapter 5). After
risk stratification for the surgical patient, the consultant has
the option of applying the most effective prophylaxis recom-
mended by either the American College of Chest Physicians
or the International Consensus Statement on Venous Throm-
boembolism. This risk assessment for DVT-PE is also part of
the recommendations by the medical consultant.
More recently, a new area of risk stratification for patients
undergoing peripheral revascularization procedures has
been developed. These schemes employ the consideration
of preexisting risk factors, physical signs and symptoms,

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1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 7

laboratory test results, and invasive and noninvasive studies

to evaluate underlying cardiovascular disease in this high-
risk population, as well as options for managing this patient
population. More work in this population will be forthcom-
ing, but for the present the medical consultant must have a
working knowledge of these areas. These are but three ex-
amples of the new role of the consultant in assessing the
patient’s risk preoperatively.

The number of new pharmacologic agents for the treatment
of disease continues to grow exponentially. On average, four
or more drugs are available to treat a disease process, and
each agent has some special action or effect. These differ-
ences and the numbers of drugs make it challenging for
physicians to maintain a working familiarity with all these
The medical consultant is often faced with preparing pati-
ents for surgery for whom he or she has not been the primary
physician. In such cases, a variety of medications may be
encountered with which the consultant may not be familiar,
or the consultant may not agree with their indications. The
consultant’s responsibility is to decide which of the patient’s
outpatient medications should be continued in the periop-
erative period and to develop a strategy for parenteral drug
administration for patients who will be unable to resume oral
medications immediately following surgery. In some cases,
this will be particularly challenging. For patients whose out-
patient medication is not available in parenteral form, a sub-
stitution will have to be made until oral medications can
be resumed. Some medications have specific perioperative
recommendations, such as insulin, agents for DVT-PE pro-
phylaxis, and antihypertensive medications. Several medica-
tions (e.g., ␤-blockers) are initiated preoperatively in an
effort to decrease the risk of perioperative complications. The

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8 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant

medical consultant has the responsibility to know these regi-

mens and to apply them appropriately in the perioperative
period. As mentioned earlier, the ever-growing number of
medications requires the medical consultant to be up to date
on the dosing, administration, and adverse effects of these
new agents.

As the information base for medical consultation has ex-
panded, the area of postoperative complications has also
grown. This focus has been largely on the effects of anes-
thesia and surgery on the patient.
The role of the consultant is not to select or recommend
the anesthetic agent, but rather to understand the effect of
the agent on the patient. This is important in patients with
concomitant diseases that may be exacerbated by the effects
of general, spinal, or local anesthesia. The consultant should
also be familiar with the patient’s anesthesia record. This
document provides important information concerning vital
signs, type and amount of fluid administered, and additional
intraoperative medications. A postoperative change in men-
tal status, for example, may result from intraoperative hypo-
tension or from a decrease in hemoglobin secondary to the
dilutional effect of increased fluid volume.
Our surgical colleagues have long focused on the postop-
erative complications of procedures. More recently, medical
consultation texts have included descriptions of surgical pro-
cedures and their complications. It is important that a
knowledge of the description, indications, and complications
of surgical procedures become part of both the medical
consultant’s preparation of the patient for surgery and post-
operative management. This familiarity with surgical proce-
dures and their postoperative complications allows a better
working relationship with the consulting surgeon and fre-
quently a better outcome for the patient.

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1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 9

Third-party payers were the first to provide definitions,
coding, and reimbursement for the responsibilities of the
medical consultant. This area will continue to evolve as
third-party payers determine compensation for the service
provided. The following are descriptions of the responsibili-
ties of the consultant as they pertain to the complexity of the
service provided.
A consultation includes services rendered by a physician
whose opinion or advice is requested by a physician or other
appropriate source for the further evaluation or management
(or both) of the patient. When the consulting physician assumes
responsibility for the continuing care of the patient, any subse-
quent service rendered by him or her ceases to be a consulta-
tion. Five levels of consultation are recognized: limited, interme-
diate, extended, comprehensive, and complex.
In a limited consultation, the physician confines his or her
service to the examination or evaluation of a single organ
system. This procedure includes documentation of the com-
plaints, evaluation of the present illness, pertinent examina-
tion, review of medical data, and establishment of a plan of
management relating to the specific problem. An intermediate
consultation involves examination or evaluation of an organ
system, a partial review of the general history, recommenda-
tions, and preparation of a report. An extended consultation
involves the evaluation of problems that do not require a
comprehensive evaluation of the patient as a whole. This
procedure includes the following: documentation of a history
of the chief complaint, past medical history, and pertinent
physical examination; review and evaluation of the past
medical data; establishment of a plan of investigative or
therapeutic management, or both; and the preparation of an
appropriate report. A comprehensive consultation involves the
following: (1) an in-depth evaluation of a patient with a
problem requiring the development and documentation of

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10 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant

medical data (the chief complaints, present illness, family

history, past medical history, personal history, system review,
physical examination, and a review of all diagnostic tests and
procedures that have previously been performed); (2) the
establishment of verification of a plan for further investiga-
tive or therapeutic management, or both; and (3) the prepa-
ration of a report. The complex consultation is an uncommonly
performed service that involves an in-depth evaluation of a
critical problem that requires unusual knowledge, skill, and
judgment on the part of the consulting physician and the
preparation of an appropriate report.

The medical consultant must practice in accordance with the
basic principles of medical liability. These principles are quite
broad in most jurisdictions. It is our interpretation of the law
that a consultant performing a preoperative evaluation must
possess and employ the same skill and knowledge possessed
by other consultants practicing in this field, giving regard to
the state of preoperative evaluation and perioperative care at
the time of service. We believe that a consultant will be held
liable if his or her actions are inconsistent with the standard
of care at the time of the patient encounter if that inconsis-
tency results in injury to the patient. A “poor result” or a
“mistake in judgment” alone is not a sufficient basis for liabil-
ity. Physicians are neither guarantors nor warrantors of the
result of a treatment or procedure result. Finally, if more than
one diagnostic or treatment plan is recognized as proper, a
consultant should not be held responsible if he or she follows
one of the recognized plans as opposed to another. We be-
lieve that the consultant is responsible for patient care in his
or her area of expertise until the problem or question under
study has been resolved or the consultant has transferred
responsibility to another physician. Finally, if the circum-
stances surrounding a case raise the issue of medical-legal

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1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 11

implications, the hospital’s risk management department

or the consultant’s insurance carrier, or both, should be


The written consultation report should be precise and should
include recommended diagnostic tests, dosages and routes of
administration of recommended medications, and contingency
measures or alternative approaches if the requesting physician
is unable to carry out the consultant’s primary recommenda-
tions. We suggest that the first page of the consultation report
contain the following: reason for the consultation, impression
of the consultant, and management plan.

With the preceding issues in mind, it is obvious that the role
and responsibilities of the medical consultant have changed
and will continue to evolve as new studies are performed to
improve the field. We stress the importance of an orderly and
in-depth approach to patient evaluation, accurate documen-
tation, and precise recommendations as well as ongoing
communication with the surgical team (Box 1-3). Following
these principles will result in effective medical consultation
for the surgical patient with medical problems.


• Timely response
• Precise recommendations
• Follow-up care
• Communication with the requesting physician

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12 1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant

Selected Readings
Arozullah AM, Khuri SF, Henderson WG, et al: Development and validation
of a multifactorial risk index for predicting postoperative pneumonia
after major non-cardiac surgery. Ann Intern Med 135:847-857, 2001.
Boucher C, Brewster D, Darling R, et al: Determination of cardiac risk by
dipyridamole-thallium imaging before peripheral vascular surgery.
N Engl J Med 312:389-394, 1985.
Detsky A, Abrams H, Forbath N, et al: Cardiac assessment for patients
undergoing noncardiac surgery: A multifactorial clinical risk index.
Arch Intern Med 146:2131-2134, 1986.
Eagle K, Berger P, Calkins H, et al: ACC/AHA guideline update for periop-
erative cardiovascular evaluation for non-cardiac surgery: Executive
summary. A report of the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
J Am Coll Cardiol 39:542-553, 2002.
Eagle K, Coley C, Newell J, et al: Combining clinical and thallium data op-
timizes preoperative assessment of cardiac risk before major vascular
surgery. Ann Intern Med 110:859-866, 1989.
Geerts W, Pineo G, Heit J, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembolism.
Chest 126(Suppl):338S-400S, 2004.
Goldman D, Brown F, Guarnieri D: Perioperative Medicine: The Medical
Care of the Surgical Patient, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Goldman L, Caldera D, Nussbaum S, et al: Multifactorial index of cardiac risk
in noncardiac surgical procedures. N Engl J Med 297:845-850, 1977.
Goldman L, Lee T, Rudd P: Ten Commandments for effective consultation.
Arch Intern Med 143:1753-1755, 1983.
Greenfield L: Complications of Surgery and Trauma, 2nd ed. Philadelphia,
JB Lippincott, 1990.
Gross R, Caputo G: Medical Consultation: The Internist on Surgical, Obstetric,
and Psychiatric Services, 2nd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.
Hertzer N: Fatal myocardial infarction following lower extremity revascular-
ization. Ann Surg 193:492-498, 1981.
Huddleston J, Long K, Naessens J, et al: A randomized controlled trial of
medical and surgical co-management following elective hip and knee
arthroplasty. Ann Intern Med 141:28-38, 2004.
Lubin H, Walker H, Smith R: Medical Management of the Surgical Patient,
4th ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 2006.
Mangano D, Browner W, Hollenberg M, et al: Association of perioperative
myocardial ischemia with cardiac morbidity and mortality in men un-
dergoing noncardiac surgery. N Engl J Med 323:1781-1788, 1990.
Mercado D, Betty B: Perioperative medication management. Med Clin North
Am 87:41-57, 2003.
Merli G: The hospitalist joins the surgical team. Ann Intern Med 141:67-69,

Ch01-X2385_001_014.indd 12 12/18/07 10:16:26 PM

1 • The Role and Responsibility of the Medical Consultant 13

Merli G: Prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in

the surgical patient. In Merli G, Weitz H (eds): Medical Management of
the Surgical Patient, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2008.
Poldermans D, Boersmae E, Bax J, et al: The effect of bisoprolol on periop-
erative mortality and myocardial infarction in high risk patients under-
going vascular surgery. N Engl J Med 341:1789-1794, 1997.
Poldermans D, Fioretti P, Forster T, et al: Dobutamine stress echocardiog-
raphy for assessment of perioperative cardiac risk in patients undergoing
major vascular surgery. Circulation 87:1506-1512, 1993.
Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism International Con-
sensus Statement: Guidelines according to scientific evidence. Int Angiol
25:101-161, 2006.

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2 Preoperative Assessment
for the Healthy Patient


Preoperative evaluation of healthy patients is often done by
internists, family physicians, cardiologists, and concurrently
by anesthesiologists. The assessment can broadly be divided
into defining risks for cardiac complications, complications
of anesthesia, and other complications.
Research done over the past 30 years has helped to define
who is at risk and which patients need laboratory and other
testing to stratify and reduce this risk. This chapter summa-
rizes the data. This research has shown that “healthy pa-
tients” require minimal testing. Therefore, the first step in the
evaluation should be directed toward defining who is healthy.
This is done through conducting a focused history and
physical examination.

• A complete medication history including nonprescription
and herbal medications.
• A review of allergies with particular attention to latex and
iodine allergies as well as anesthetic agents.
• A review of surgical history with attention to bleeding
complications or coagulation disorders.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical trials,
systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retrospective
studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice, opinion.


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16 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

• Social history with careful history of tobacco use and alco-

hol and drug use and overuse.
• A complete review of systems. This should focus on areas
with specific risk to surgery including functional capacity,
cardiac symptoms, dyspnea, thyroid disease, prostate dis-
orders, snoring, sleep apnea, and recent infection.
• Family history of perioperative bleeding disorder or anes-
thetic complication.
• Female patients should be questioned about the possibility
of pregnancy and about last menstrual period.

Multiple cardiac risk assessment tools have been published.
Several of these studies identified poor functional capacity as
a clinical predictor of risk. Activity scales such as the Duke
Activity Status Index can assess functional capacity (Fig. 2-1).
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-
tion (ACC/AHA) guidelines for perioperative cardiovascular
risk evaluation state that an inability to perform four or more
metabolic equivalents (METs) activities, even if the factor
limiting the activity is noncardiac (e.g., severe arthritis) is a
risk factor for cardiac complications in noncardiac surgery.


The ACC/AHA preoperative guidelines divide noncardiac
procedures into the following three categories:
High-risk procedures involve cardiac risk greater than 5%.
These procedures include emergency major operations,
particularly in elderly patients, aortic and major vascular
procedures, peripheral vascular surgery, and surgery in-
volving large fluid shifts or blood loss.
Intermediate-risk procedures have a cardiac risk of generally
less than 5%. These include carotid endarterectomy, head

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Ch02-X2385_015_034.indd 17
1 MET Can you take care of yourself? 4 METs Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a hill?
Eat, dress, or use the toilet? Walk on level ground at 4 mph or 6.4 km per h?
Walk indoors around the house? Run a short distance?
Walk a block or two on level ground
at 2 to 3 mph or 3.2 to 4.8 km per h? Do heavy work around the house like
scrubbing floors or lifting or moving heavy
Do light work around the house like furniture?
4 METs dusting or washing dishes?
Participate in moderate recreational activities
like golf, bowling, dancing, doubles tennis, or
throwing a baseball or football?

Greater than 10 METs Participate in strenuous sports like swimming,

singles tennis, football, basketball, or skiing?
MET indicates metabolic equivalent.
Figure 2-1 • Energy requirement for various activities. (From Hlatky MA, Boineau RE, Higginbotham MB, et al: A brief self-administered ques-
tionnaire to determine functional capacity [the Duke Activity Status Index]. Am J Cardiol 64:651-654, 1989; and Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, et al:
ACC/AHA guideline update for perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines [Committee to Update the 1996 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac
Surgery]. American College of Cardiology, 2002. Available at
2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

12/19/07 6:15:45 PM
18 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

and neck surgery, intraperitoneal and intrathoracic sur-

gery, orthopedic surgery, and prostate surgery.
Low-risk procedures have a cardiac risk of less than 1%.
These include endoscopic procedures, superficial proce-
dures, cataract operations, and breast surgery.
Cataract surgery has been studied and shown to be
uniquely safe. A study by Schein and colleagues looked at
almost 20,000 patients. Half these patients were random-
ized to receive a standard battery of medical tests (elec-
trocardiogram [ECG], complete blood count [CBC], and
electrolytes) in addition to history and physical examina-
tion. Half received only a history and physical examination.
The overall rates of events were the same (31.3 events per
1,000 operations). Perioperative death or hospitalization
was very rare, and most events were not serious. These
authors concluded that preoperative medical testing be-
fore cataract surgery would rarely reduce the risk or
severity of an adverse perioperative event [ A Schein
et al, 2000].


Preoperative laboratory tests serve to confirm surgical risk
factors identified by the history and physical evaluation.
Laboratory testing can, when used selectively, identify addi-
tional problems as well as establish a basis to allow assess-
ments of abnormalities discovered in the postoperative pe-
riod. However, when ordered randomly, laboratory tests are
more likely to yield false-positive results, which can be con-
fusing and can delay surgery.
Another consideration is medical-legal risk. Physicians
have intuitively believed that laboratory tests can protect
them from risk. However, many tests that are ordered are
neither checked nor acted on preoperatively. Failure to docu-
ment and address abnormalities that are found by preopera-
tive testing can significantly increase medical-legal risk.

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 19

Preoperative Laboratory Testing in the Healthy

Elderly Patient
In an evaluation of healthy patients 70 years old or older
who underwent elective general surgery (patients whose
surgery required local anesthesia or monitored anesthesia
care were excluded), the prevalence of abnormal electrolyte
values or thrombocytopenia was found to be low (0.5% to
5%). The prevalence of anemia, elevated serum creatinine,
or hyperglycemia was higher (10%, 12%, and 7%, respec-
tively). None of these abnormal preoperative tests
was associated with postoperative adverse outcomes
[ B Dzankic et al, 2001].
Evidence-Based Medicine
More than 100 studies have examined the value of routine
preoperative laboratory tests. Two large reviews of the preop-
erative literature have been published. Results of the study
conducted by the American College of Physicians in coop-
eration with the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Medical Necessity
Project were published in 1987. In 1997, Munro and associ-
ates published a systematic review of the evidence as part of
the Health Technology Assessment program. This project
pointed out that there are no controlled trials of the value of
preoperative testing. All available evidence has reported the
results of case series.
Chest Radiography
The routine chest radiograph is perhaps the most thoroughly
studied preoperative test. Proposed reasons for ordering a
routine chest radiograph include screening for silent dis-
eases, evaluation of suspected diseases, intrathoracic surgery,
establishment of a baseline, and medical-legal consideration
(Box 2-1).
The use of the chest radiograph to screen for silent disease
may turn out to be the least productive reason for ordering
this test because of the low prevalence of occult intrathoracic

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20 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

Box 2-1

• Findings from routine preoperative chest radiographs are

reported as abnormal in 2.5% to 37% of cases.
• These findings lead to a change in management in 0% to
2.1% of patients.
• Limited evidence suggests that a baseline chest radiograph
is of value in fewer than 9% of patients.
• No published scientific evidence indicates that routine
chest radiographs decrease perioperative risk.

Modified from Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A sys-

tematic review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.

disease in an asymptomatic population. For example, the

prevalence of tuberculosis is 0.045%, the prevalence of
chronic interstitial lung disease is 0.01%, and the prevalence
of chronic obstructive lung disease is 1.9%.
Studies that looked at the routine use of chest radiography
in an unscreened population showed that the findings on
preoperative chest films made almost no difference in the
decision to operate. In addition, reviews of all available stud-
ies showed that unexpected chest film abnormalities
would lead to an improved outcome in fewer than 2% of
patients [ B Tape and Mushlin, 1986].
A meta-analysis of 21 studies of routine chest radiographs
was completed in 1993. In the 21 studies, 14,390 routine
chest radiographs were done. There were 1444 abnormal
studies, with only 140 abnormalities unexpected. Only 14
(0.1%) resulted in a change in patient management.
The use of preoperative chest radiographs as a baseline for
comparison is more controversial. There is no evidence that
a baseline radiograph will improve diagnosis in the event
of a postoperative complication. However, a study in the
United Kingdom showed that pulmonary complications do
not always occur in high-risk groups. Therefore, almost all

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 21

patients would require a baseline film. This practice is un-

likely to be justified on a cost-to-benefit basis.
Finally, random ordering of chest radiographic studies in
an unselected population will increase the rate of abnormal
results. Follow-up of abnormal findings will result in delay of
surgery, additional cost, and unnecessary anxiety for the pre-
operative patient.
1. A chest radiograph is not routinely indicated as part of a
preoperative evaluation, before anesthesia, or for baseline
2. A chest radiograph is not indicated solely because of ad-
vanced age.
3. A routine preoperative chest radiograph is generally indi-
cated for patients scheduled for intrathoracic surgical
4. An admission or preoperative chest radiograph is indi-
cated in patients with signs or symptoms of active chest
disease. A history and physical examination will identify
most of these patients.
5. Because of the high prevalence of symptoms and signs of
chest disease in elderly patients, many older patients re-
quire a chest radiograph. Statistically, the yield is higher
in this age group, although the physician’s judgment is
still recommended.
Research on the utility of the preoperative ECG began in the
1970s. Two reasons developed for obtaining a preoperative
ECG. First, Goldman and associates identified myocardial
infarction (within the preceding 6 months), dysrhythmias,
and the presence of congestive heart failure as the factors
indicating the highest cardiac risk for surgery. Many patients
can be identified on the basis of the history and physical
examination. However, certain dysrhythmias and conduction
abnormalities (e.g., 2:1 atrioventricular heart block and

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22 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

preexcitation syndrome) can be identified only through an

ECG. Second, information from the Framingham study
showed that approximately 28% of all myocardial infarctions
were not associated with classic symptoms and were discov-
ered only by the appearance of new changes on the ECG.
In the more than 30 years that have followed the publica-
tion of the original Goldman cardiac risk index, many studies
have reexamined preoperative cardiac risk. The ACC/AHA
guidelines recognize previous myocardial infarction or patho-
logic Q waves as an intermediate clinical predictor of risk.
These guidelines recognize an otherwise abnormal ECG (left
ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch block, ST-T ab-
normalities) as a minor predictor of cardiac risk (Box 2-2).
As a result of conflicting data regarding the predictive
power of a preoperative ECG, there is no consensus regard-
ing the routine use of this test. However, current recommen-
dations have been developed based on the incidence of dis-
ease in certain population groups.
1. An ECG is not routinely indicated before noncardiac sur-
2. Because of the increased prevalence of cardiac disease
with increasing age, men 40 to 45 years old or older

Box 2-2

• Findings from routine preoperative electrocardiograms are

abnormal in 4.6% to 31.7% of cases and lead to a change in
management in 0% to 2.2% of patients.
• The predictive power of electrocardiograms for postopera-
tive cardiac complications in noncardiac surgery is weak.
• No evidence supports the value of recording a preoperative
electrocardiogram as a baseline.

Modified from Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A sys-

tematic review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 23

and women 55 years old or older benefit from a preop-

erative ECG.
3. Patients with systemic diseases associated with unrecog-
nized cardiac conditions should undergo a preoperative
ECG. These systemic diseases include hypertension, periph-
eral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, certain malignancies,
collagen vascular disease, and certain infectious diseases.
4. Patients who use medications with potential cardiac toxic-
ity, including doxorubicin, phenothiazine, and tricyclic
antidepressants, should have a preoperative ECG.
5. Additionally, patients undergoing intrathoracic, intraperito-
neal, aortic, or emergency operations should have an ECG.
Complete Blood Count
Several hematologic problems that may be reflected in the CBC
can affect operative risk. Anemia most likely increases operative
risk, although the hemoglobin value cannot be used as the sole
predictor. Traditionally, a hemoglobin value of 9 to 10 g/dL has
been used as a minimum for safe surgery, although few data
support the use of this particular value. Physical examination
may actually give a better estimation of volume status and co-
incidental surgical risk. Predicted blood loss during surgery
may also indicate whether a preoperative CBC will be helpful.
Similarly, a hematocrit greater than 50% may represent a
surgical risk because of increased blood viscosity and decreased
oxygen transport. The risk of thromboembolism may also be
increased at high hemoglobin concentrations. Overall, unex-
pected hemoglobin abnormalities in routine screening have
been found in 0.3% to 30.4% of patients. Isolated unexpected
hemoglobin abnormalities rarely affect surgical outcome; there-
fore, a routine CBC is not recommended (Box 2-3).
1. A CBC is indicated in patients admitted to the hospital for
surgery that may involve substantial blood loss.
2. A CBC is not routinely indicated in patients undergoing
minor surgery or minor diagnostic procedures.

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24 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

Box 2-3

• Routine preoperative measurement shows that hemoglobin

may be lower than 10 to 10.5 g/dL in up to 5% of patients,
but it is rarely lower than 9 g/dL.
• The routine test leads to a change in management in
0.1% to 2.7% of patients.

Modified from Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A sys-

tematic review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.

3. A CBC is indicated for initial outpatient evaluation (screen-

ing). Because many patients do not receive regular medical
care, use of the preoperative CBC as a screening test for
health maintenance may be indicated in certain patients.
4. A CBC may be useful in subsets of patients with a higher
prevalence of anemia, including institutionalized elderly
patients (ⱖ75 years old) and recent immigrants from de-
veloping countries.
5. A CBC may also be useful in pregnant women in whom
iron deficiency anemia or inadequate nutrition is sus-
6. A CBC is indicated in all patients with a history or physi-
cal examination suggestive of anemia or polycythemia.
7. A CBC may be useful for patients with malignancy or
chronic renal insufficiency.
Tests of Coagulation and Platelet Count
Tests of coagulation abnormalities have been studied exten-
sively in the setting of preoperative evaluation. Although no
absolute consensus exists on the use of the ECG or chest
radiograph, there is substantial evidence that coagulation
studies are not beneficial when ordered in a low-risk popula-
tion. A Veterans Administration (VA) study showed only a

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 25

single patient with potential benefits from random coagula-

tion screening of 750 patients.
Disorders of platelet number and function represent a
significant risk because of bleeding complications and throm-
bosis. Platelet estimation is often included with automated
CBCs. However, asymptomatic platelet abnormalities in a
patient with no history of bleeding are exceedingly rare. The
cost of ordering routine platelet counts in an unselected
population is prohibitive. Questioning the patient regarding
a history of spontaneous bleeding or bruising, surgical bleed-
ing, or excessive bleeding resulting from dental procedures
provides an excellent method of screening (Box 2-4).
1. The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and
prothrombin time (PT) are not indicated in patients
without a clinical history or evidence of a bleeding
2. The PT and aPTT should be evaluated in patients with
a clinical finding of liver disease, malabsorption, or


• Abnormalities of bleeding time, prothrombin time, and par-

tial thromboplastin time are found in up to 3.8% to 4.8% and
15.6% of routine preoperative tests, respectively.
• The results of these tests rarely lead to a change in clinical
• Routine preoperative platelet counts are low in less than
1.1% of patients, and a low platelet count rarely, if ever, leads
to a change in management.

Modified from Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A sys-

tematic review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.

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26 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

3. The PT and aPTT should be determined in patients un-

dergoing insertion of peritoneovenous shunting or extra-
corporeal circulation or in patients undergoing surgery in
which normally minor bleeding complications may pro-
duce catastrophic results.
4. The PT, aPTT, and platelet counts should be determined
in patients with active bleeding or a history of abnormal
bleeding and in patients unable to provide a history.
Electrolytes and Creatinine
Studies have evaluated each of the values reported in a rou-
tine seven-factor analysis (SMA-7) (serum sodium, potas-
sium, and chloride concentrations; carbon dioxide content;
blood urea nitrogen; glucose; and creatinine concentrations)
with respect to the impact on perioperative care. However, in
many institutions, ordering the standard automated panel of
tests is less expensive than ordering several tests individually.
In practical terms, many hospitals provide an SMA-7 at a cost
similar to that of a test with one or two values.
The three factors identified by Goldman and associates to
correlate with surgical risk are a serum potassium level less
than 3, a blood urea nitrogen level higher than 50 mg/dL,
and a creatinine level higher than 3 mg/dL. A more recent
study showed that a preoperative creatinine level greater
than 2.0 mg/dL is a significant independent risk factor for
cardiac complications after major noncardiac surgery. This
finding is the basis for the ACC/AHA recommendations in-
cluding renal insufficiency as an intermediate clinical predic-
tor of cardiac complications (Box 2-5).
Screening for any biochemical abnormality in a young,
asymptomatic patient has not been demonstrated to result in
improved outcome and is not cost effective. In elderly patients
and in selected populations, the chance of finding asymp-
tomatic abnormalities increases. Additionally, a serum bicar-
bonate value less than 20 mmol/L correlates with increased

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 27

Box 2-5

• In routine preoperative tests of serum biochemistry, abnor-

mal tests of sodium or potassium are found in up to 1.4% of
• Abnormal creatinine and blood urea nitrogen are found in
up to 2.5% of patients.
• Abnormal glucose is found in up to 5.2% of patients.
• The abnormalities rarely result in a change of clinical man-

Modified from Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A sys-

tematic review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.

surgical risk. A further use of serum creatinine levels is to

adjust drug doses, especially of muscle relaxants and antibiot-
ics, in the perioperative period.
Biochemical Profiles
The 12-test biochemical profile (calcium, alkaline phospha-
tase, uric acid, lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin, creatinine,
serum glutamic-oxaloacetic acid, cholesterol, phosphorus,
protein, albumin, and glucose concentrations) has not been
shown to be useful for preoperative evaluation. The yield of
true-positive results as opposed to false-positive results in an
unselected population is too low to justify general use. Follow-
up of false-positive studies has delayed surgery, resulted in
longer average length of stay, and increased cost without net
An exception to this rule is the selected use of biochemical
testing of the liver. Although no consensus exists for routine
testing to detect subclinical hepatitis, patients with known
liver disease, as determined by history and physical examina-
tion, should be tested.

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28 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

1. Biochemical profiles are not routinely indicated before
elective admission to the hospital.
2. In selected institutions, biochemical profiles may be less
expensive than tests of individual components.
Special Considerations
1. Patients with known liver disease should have at least al-
bumin and bilirubin concentrations determined for as-
sessment using the Child risk classification.
2. Patients with a remote history of hepatitis should have
testing of serum aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase,
bilirubin, and albumin levels.
3. Patients with known malignancy may benefit from bio-
chemical testing of the liver as a screen for metastatic
Multiple studies have shown that abnormalities are commonly
found in routine urinalysis. However, abnormalities in protein,
ketones, or glucose are also frequently discovered and quanti-
tated in blood chemistry panels. Because blood chemistry
panels are more reliable and are ordered in the same popula-
tion, a urinalysis provides no additional benefit.
A possible exception to this is the finding of asympto-
matic bacteriuria. Studies have estimated the frequency of
asymptomatic bacteriuria in women at 3.3%. In men, the
frequency increases with age. For this reason, urinalysis con-
tinues to be used as a preoperative test before the insertion
of a prosthetic joint or heart valve. However, at least one
study has questioned whether an abnormal preoperative
urinalysis predicts wound infection.
1. Urinalysis is not routinely indicated preoperatively.
2. Urinalysis may be useful before any surgical procedure
in which urinary tract instrumentation is anticipated,

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 29

especially in elderly patients. It may also be useful before

joint or valve replacement.
Pregnancy Testing
Because of the risks to the fetus from exposure to anesthetic
agents, antibiotics, and radiographs, it may be prudent to test
women of childbearing age for pregnancy.
Serum Albumin
Serum albumin has not traditionally been used as a routine
preoperative test. There is no evidence for its use in a healthy
population. However, the national VA surgical risk study
showed that low serum albumin was a better predictor of
surgical outcomes than many other preoperative patient
characteristics when used in patients with comorbidities. The
study showed that a decrease in serum albumin from 46 g/L
to less than 21 g/L was associated with an increase in mortal-
ity from 1% to 29%. There was an increase in morbidity from
10% to 65%.

Historically, preoperative tests have been used to find occult
disease in low-risk populations. For almost all tests, this ap-
proach has been shown to yield a small number of true ab-
normalities. It also results in many false-positive findings,
which can lead to surgical delay and patient anxiety. This
approach is not cost effective.
Unfortunately, dissemination of this information some-
times results in minimizing the use of tests when they would
be helpful. The current approach is to use the history and
physical examination to identify groups at risk for abnor-
malities and then to order tests to identify and quantitate
abnormalities. Based on the likelihood of the disease, the
tests shown in Table 2-1 should routinely be ordered for
surgery in which low blood loss is anticipated. In addition to

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30 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

Routine Preoperative Tests for Surgical

Procedures Resulting in Low Blood Loss
Patients ⬍40 yr Hgb for procedures normally involving blood loss
exceeding 50 mL
Women Also consider pregnancy test
Patients 40–59 yr ECG, Hgb (as above)
Women Also consider pregnancy test
Patients ⬎60 yr ECG, Hgb, electrolytes, consider chest radiograph

ECG, electrocardiogram; Hgb, hemoglobin.

the preceding testing, supplemental tests should be ordered

in clinical situations in which the likelihood of disease or
abnormality is increased (Tables 2-2 to 2-4).
Previous Test Results
Frequently, patients undergoing elective surgery have had re-
cent tests. Several studies looked at the utility and safety of
using tests performed within the year before elective surgery.

Supplemental Tests for Patients

with Specific Conditions
Diabetes All diabetic patients should have SMA-7
and ECG regardless of age
Cardiovascular disease Chest radiograph, ECG, SMA-7
Pulmonary disease Chest radiograph, ECG
Malignant disease Chest radiograph, possible liver
enzyme tests
Hepatic disease PT and aPTT, liver enzyme tests
Renal disease SMA-7, urinalysis
Bleeding disorder PT and aPTT, platelet determination,
possibly bleeding time
Thyroid disorder ECG, TSH level
Systemic lupus erythematosus SMA-7, CBC
Dialysis Chest radiograph, ECG, SMA-7, SMA-12
Oral antibiotics (⬎2 week’s duration) PT and aPTT
ending within 1 week of surgery

aPTT, partial thromboplastin time; CBC, complete blood count; ECG, elec-
trocardiogram; PT, prothrombin time; SMA-7, seven-factor sequential multiple
analysis; SMA-12, 12-factor sequential multiple analysis; TSH, thyroid-stimulat-
ing hormone.

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2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 31

Supplemental Tests for Surgical Patients

Using Specific Medications
Diuretics SMA-7, ECG
Digoxin SMA-7, ECG
Steroids SMA-7
Anticoagulant PT (warfarin [Coumadin]), aPTT
ASA, NSAIDs Bleeding time (controversial)
Oral antibiotics (⬎2 week’s duration) PT and aPTT
ending within 1 week of surgery

aPTT, partial thromboplastin time; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; ECG, electrocar-

diogram; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PT, prothrombin time;
SMA-7, seven-factor sequential multiple analysis.

TABLE 2-4 Special Surgical Cases

Procedure with type and cross CBC
All gynecologic cases U/A
Cholecystectomy Liver enzyme levels, CBC
Urologic case U/A, culture and sensitivity
Joint replacement or surgery using prosthetic valve U/A, culture and sensitivity

CBC, complete blood count; U/A, urinalysis.

One study of elderly U.S. veterans examined the following:

hemoglobin, white blood cell count, and platelet count; so-
dium, potassium, and creatinine concentrations; PT and aPTT.
Of 3096 previously normal tests, only 13 (0.4%) changed to a
value likely to result in changes in patient management. Con-
sequently, it seems safe to use tests as much as 4 months
old if there is no new obvious indication for repeat testing
[ B MacPherson et al, 1990].
In keeping with the Framingham study and neurologic
studies examining the occurrence of silent changes on the
ECG, it seems safe to base preoperative evaluation on a normal
ECG obtained as much as 4 to 6 months previously. However,
any change in the patient’s history, physical examination, or
performance status should warrant a new preoperative ECG.

Ch02-X2385_015_034.indd 31 12/19/07 6:15:47 PM

32 2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient

Selected Readings
Archer C, Levy EB, Staten M: Value of routine preoperative chest x-rays: A
meta-analysis. Can J Anaesth 40:1022-1027, 1993.
Bryson GL, Wyand A, Bragg PR: Preoperative testing is inconsistent with
published guidelines and rarely changes management. Can J Anaesth
53:236-241, 2006.
Cebul RD, Beck RJ: Biochemical profiles: Applications in ambulatory screening
and preadmission testing of adults. Ann Intern Med 106:403-413, 1987.
Dzankic S, Pastor D, Gonzalez C, Leung J: The prevalence and predictive
value of abnormal preoperative laboratory tests in elderly surgical pa-
tients. Anesth Analg 93:301-308, 2001. B
Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, et al: ACC/AHA guideline update for peri-
operative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: A report of
the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task
Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1996 Guidelines
on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery).
American College of Cardiology, 2002. Available at
Eisenberg J, Goldfarb S: Clinical usefulness of measuring prothrombin time
as a routine admission test. Clin Chem 22:1644-1647, 1976.
Gibbs J, Cull W, Henderson W, et al: Preoperative serum albumin level as a
predictor of operative mortality and morbidity results from the National
VA Surgical Risk Study. Arch Surg 134:36-42, 1999.
Goldberger AL, O’Konski M: Utility of the routine electrocardiogram before
surgery and on general hospital admission. Ann Intern Med 105:552-
557, 1986.
Goldman L, Caldera DL, Nussbaum SR, et al: Multifactorial index of cardiac
risk in noncardiac surgical procedures. N Engl J Med 297:845-850,
Hlatky MA, Boineau RE, Higginbotham MB, et al: A brief self-administered
questionnaire to determine functional capacity (the Duke Activity Status
Index). Am J Cardiol 64:651-654, 1989.
Kannel WB, Abbott RD: Incidence and prognosis of unrecognized myocar-
dial infarction: An update on the Framingham study. N Engl J Med
311:1144-1147, 1984.
Kaplan EB, Sheiner LB, Boeckmann AJ, et al: The usefulness of preoperative
laboratory screening. JAMA 253:3576-3581, 1985.
Kolwalsyn TJ, Prageer D, Young J: A review of the present status of preop-
erative hemoglobin requirements. Anesth Analg 51:75, 1972.
Lawrence VA, Kroenke K: The unproven utility of preoperative urinalysis:
Clinical use. Arch Intern Med 148:1370-1373, 1988.
Macpherson DS, Snow R, Lofgren RP: Preoperative screening: Value of previ-
ous tests. Ann Intern Med 113:969-973,1990. B

Ch02-X2385_015_034.indd 32 12/19/07 6:15:47 PM

2 • Preoperative Assessment for the Healthy Patient 33

Munro J, Booth A, Nicholl J: Routine preoperative testing: A systematic

review of the evidence. Health Technol Assess 1:i-iv, 1-62, 1997.
Nelson CL, Herndon JE, Mark DB, et al: Relation of clinical and angio-
graphic factors to functional capacity as measured by the Duke Activity
Status Index. Am J Cardiol 68:973-975, 1991.
Schein OD, Katz J, Bass EB, et al: The value of routine preoperative medical
testing before cataract surgery. N Engl J Med 342:168-175, 2000. A
Smetana GW, Macpherson DS: The case against routine preoperative labora-
tory testing. Med Clin North Am 87:7-40, 2003.
Suchman AL, Griner PF: Diagnostic uses of the activated partial thrombo-
plastin time and prothrombin time. Ann Intern Med 104:810-816,
Tape TG, Mushlin AL: The utility of routine chest radiographs. Ann Intern
Med 104:663-670, 1986. B

Ch02-X2385_015_034.indd 33 12/19/07 6:15:47 PM

3 Antimicrobial Prophylaxis:
Prevention of Postoperative

The highly technical and invasive surgical procedures now

commonly performed are successful in large part because of
perioperative antibiotics. In fact, the greatest impact of anti-
biotics over the last half-century may ultimately be related to
their essential role in supporting surgery.
Although postoperative infection may not be likely, it is still
a major component of surgical morbidity and mortality. It ac-
counts for nearly one fourth of all nosocomial infections, second
only to urinary tract infections, with an overall incidence of
nearly 5%. Surgical site infections (SSIs), as they are now
called, account for 60% to 80% of all postoperative infections.
Although SSIs usually remain localized, they can spread to ad-
jacent areas and even to the bloodstream, often leading to sepsis
and death. The goal of prophylaxis in this setting is to decrease
the incidence of infection and its attendant complications.


Certain factors have been identified that predispose a patient
to the development of a postoperative infection. These in-
clude the patient, the surgeon, and the surgical procedure
performed (Box 3-1).

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retro-
spective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


Ch03-X2385_035_050.indd 35 12/19/07 1:42:31 PM

36 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis


Box 3-1

Presence of pathogenic bacteria in sufficient numbers

Local wound environment: blood, tissue fluids, necrotic tissue
Immune status of the host: obesity, age, diabetes mellitus, nu-
Length of the procedure, surgical skill
Foreign body presence
Type of surgical procedure

The surgical procedure is the factor most often classified

and quantitated with regard to postoperative infections. Pro-
cedures are grouped according to the risk of contamination of
the surgical area with either endogenous or exogenous micro-
organisms (Table 3-1). In addition to the surgical procedure
and type of wound, another important factor influencing the
infection rate is the skill of the surgeon. The procedure needs
to be performed with adequate débridement, hemostasis, and
drainage and as quickly as is safely possible because infection
rates double for each hour of surgery.
Surveillance studies have shown the following risk factors
for postoperative wound infection:
1. Abdominal surgical procedure
2. Procedure lasting more than 2 hours
3. Contaminated, dirty, or infected procedure by traditional
classification (see Table 3-1)
4. Three or more discharge diagnoses that increase the com-
plexity of the patient’s condition


Many maneuvers other than antimicrobial treatment may
decrease the incidence of infection. Several of the risk factors
mentioned in Box 3-1 can be influenced only by special

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 37

Classification of Surgical Procedures

TABLE 3-1 by Degree of Contamination and Risk
of Subsequent Infection
RATE (%)

Type of Procedure Definition No Yes

Clean Atraumatic; no break in 5.1 0.8
technique; gastrointestinal,
genitourinary, and respira-
tory tracts not entered
Clean-contaminated Gastrointestinal or respira- 10.1 1.3
tory tract entered but
without spillage; orophar-
ynx, sterile genitourinary,
or biliary tract entered;
minor break in technique
Contaminated Acute inflammation; infected 21.9 10.2
bile or urine; gross spillage
from gastrointestinal tract
Dirty Established infection 40 10

preparation of the patient for surgery before any perioperative

antibiotic use (Box 3-2). Studies suggest that attention to
intraoperative temperature control, supplemental oxygen
administration, and aggressive fluid resuscitation may also
reduce infection rates.
Of the interventions listed in Box 3-2, perhaps the most
important for the medical consultant is maximizing of diabetes
control. Considerable evidence indicates that strict periop-
erative control of blood glucose concentrations with intra-
venous insulin in patients undergoing cardiac surgery may
reduce SSI rates, even in patients without diabetes melli-
tus [ A Furnary et al, 1999]. Reversing malnutrition or obesity
if time allows, treating remote sites of infection, and, if no ac-
tive infection exists, avoiding antibiotic use until the time of
surgery are other important interventions.

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38 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis


Minimize preoperative hospitalization.
Treat remote sites of infection.
Avoid shaving or delay it until time of surgery.
Avoid preoperative antibiotic use.
Resolve malnutrition and obesity.
Maximize diabetes control.
Use careful skin preparation.
Use rigorous aseptic technique.
Use high-flow filtered air or laminar flow.
Minimize dead space.
Minimize the use of catheters and intravenous lines postopera-
Maintain adequate hydration, oxygenation, and nutrition post-

General Principles of Antibiotic Selection and Use
Antibiotic Choice
Cefazolin is the most commonly used antibiotic for prophy-
laxis. It offers the advantages of a moderately long half-life,
activity against most staphylococci and streptococci (in addi-
tion to some gram-negative aerobic organisms), and low cost.
Cefazolin has had extensive clinical use and has proven ef-
fectiveness. For intra-abdominal and pelvic procedures that
may involve bowel anaerobes, cefoxitin (Mefoxin) is used in-
stead because of its enhanced activity against these organisms.
Recently, ertapenem (Invanz) was also approved for prophy-
laxis in patients undergoing colorectal surgeries after a trial

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 39

comparing it with cefotetan showed it to be more effective

[Itani et al, 2006]. Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin are reserved
for use in urologic surgery or for gastrointestinal surgery in
cases of cephalosporin allergy only. Most authorities still sug-
gest the use of vancomycin in institutions with a high preva-
lence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or
methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci as post-
operative pathogens, but the routine use of vancomycin
should be discouraged, to prevent emergence of vancomycin-
resistant organisms. Indeed, one study showed that vancomy-
cin did not prevent SSIs any better than cefazolin in a tertiary
care institution with just such a high prevalence of MRSA.
In general, newer, broad-spectrum agents, such as third- or
fourth-generation cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillins,
or carbapenems, should be avoided because they are expensive,
they are active against organisms rarely encountered in elective
surgery, and their use may lead to the emergence of resistant
bacterial strains. Antibiotics should be chosen for their activity
against the organisms most likely to be involved—it is not nec-
essary to cover all potential pathogens.

Dose Timing and Duration

Adequate tissue antibiotic levels need to be present from the
time the incision is made until the procedure is completed.
Improper timing of antibiotic administration (either too soon
or too late) is responsible for “antibiotic failure” more often than
any other factor. To achieve this objective, the antibiotic
chosen should be administered within 60 to 120 minutes
before the incision is made [ B Classen et al, 1992]. Ordering
antibiotics to be given “on call” should be avoided because
delays in starting surgery may result in inadequate intraopera-
tive tissue levels of antibiotic.
In longer procedures, antibiotics may have to be read-
ministered, especially if the operation is still in progress two
half-lives or more after the first dose (e.g., cefazolin, every
2 to 5 hours; cefoxitin, every 2 to 3 hours; clindamycin, every

Ch03-X2385_035_050.indd 39 12/19/07 1:42:32 PM

40 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

3 to 6 hours; and vancomycin, every 6 to 12 hours). Prolonged

antibiotic use postoperatively (i.e., after wound closure or
⬎24 hours) should be avoided because of the increased risk
for developing antimicrobial resistance.

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for Specific

Surgical Procedures
Specific antimicrobial regimens are given in Table 3-2.
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Prophylactic antibiotics directed against staphylococci re-
duce postoperative infections after bypass grafting and valve
replacement. If the surgical procedure is lengthy, prophylac-
tic antibiotics may have to be readministered to maintain
adequate antibiotic tissue levels and to decrease the risk of
SSI. However, continued administration of prophylactic anti-
biotics until all catheters, wires, and drains have been re-
moved is not appropriate and has been associated with
higher rates of resistant organisms when infection occurs.
Although this issue has not been rigorously studied, current
consensus favors the use of antimicrobial prophylaxis before
placement of pacemakers, defibrillators, ventricular assist
devices, ventriculoatrial shunts, and arterial patches. A
meta-analysis of seven randomized studies of prophylaxis
for permanent pacemaker implantation showed statistically
significant reductions in the incidence of SSI, inflammation,
and skin erosion. Antibiotic prophylaxis before cardiac cath-
eterization is not currently recommended because of the
very low rate of SSIs associated with this procedure.
The use of prophylactic antibiotics in pulmonary resection
has been controversial. Evidence in pulmonary resection
surgery indicated that prophylactic antibiotics result in a

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 41

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for Prevention

of Specific Surgical Site Infections
Adult Dose
Nature Common Recommended before
of Operation Pathogens Drugs Surgery1
(including pace- Staphylococcus aureus, Cefazolin or 1–2 g IV2
maker Staphylococcus epi- cefuroxime OR 1.5 g IV2
placement) dermidis vancomycin3 1 g IV

Cardiac catheter- Not indicated

ization, stenting
Esophageal, gastro- Enteric gram-negative High risk4 only:
duodenal bacilli, gram- Cefazolin5 1–2 g IV
positive cocci
Biliary tract Enteric gram-negative High risk6 only:
(including chole- bacilli, enterococci, Cefazolin5 1–2 g IV
cystectomy) clostridia
Colorectal (includ- Enteric gram-negative Oral: neomycin
ing appendec- bacilli, anaerobes, plus erythro-
tomy, nonperfo- enterococci mycin base OR
rated) metronidazole
Parenteral: ertape- 1 g IV
nem or cefo- 1–2 g IV
tetan or cefoxi- 1–2 g IV
tin OR 1–2 g IV
cefazolin plus 0.5–1 g IV
Ruptured viscus Enteric gram-negative Ertapenem or 1 g IV
bacilli, anaerobes, cefoxitin or ce- 1–2 g IV
enterococci fotetan with or 1–2 g IV
without genta- 1.5 mg/kg IV
micin5,7 q8h
Genitourinary Enteric gram-negative High risk8 only: 500 mg PO or
bacilli, enterococci Ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV
Gynecologic and
Vaginal, abdominal, Enteric gram-negative Cefotetan or 1–2 g IV
or laparoscopic bacilli, anaerobes, cefoxitin or 1–2 g IV
hysterectomy group B strepto- cefazolin5 1–2 g IV
cocci, enterococci

Cesarean section Same as above Cefazolin 1–2 g IV after

cord clamp
Table continued on following page

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42 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for Prevention

of Specific Surgical Site Infections (Continued)
Adult Dose
Nature Common Recommended before
of Operation Pathogens Drugs Surgery1
Abortion Enteric gram-negative First trimester, high
bacilli, anaerobes, risk 9:
group B strepto- Aqueous penicillin 2 million units IV
cocci, enterococci G OR doxycy- 300 mg PO
Second trimester:
Cefazolin 1–2 g IV
Dilatation and Same as above
Head and Neck
Incisions through Anaerobes, enteric Clindamycin plus 600–900 mg IV
oral or pharyn- gram-negative gentamicin OR 1.5 mg/kg IV
geal mucosa bacilli, S. aureus cefazolin 1–2 g IV
Tonsillectomy, Not indicated
with or without
Craniotomy, lami- S. aureus, Cefazolin OR 1–2 g IV
nectomy, and S. epidermidis vancomycin3 1 g IV
spinal fusion
Cerebrospinal As above As above
fluid shunts
Ophthalmic S. epidermidis, Gentamicin, Multiple drops
S. aureus, strepto- tobramycin, topically over
cocci, enteric quinolones, or 2–24 hr
gram-negative neomycin-
pathogens, gramicidin-
Pseudomonas polymyxin B
Cefazolin 100 mg subcon-
Joint arthroplasty, S. aureus, Cefazolin10 OR 1–2 g IV
including S. epidermidis vancomycin3,10 1 g IV
open reduction
and internal fix-
Thoracic S. aureus, Cefazolin or 1–2 g IV
(noncardiac) S. epidermidis, cefuroxime 1.5 g IV
streptococci, enteric OR vancomy- 1 g IV
gram-negative cin3

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 43

Adult Dose
Nature Common Recommended before
of Operation Pathogens Drugs Surgery1
Arterial surgery in- S. aureus, Cefazolin OR 1–2 g IV
volving a pros- S. epidermidis, en- vancomycin3 1 g IV
thesis, abdomi- teric gram-negative
nal aorta, or bacilli
groin incision
Lower extremity S. aureus, Cefazolin OR 1–2 g IV
amputation for S. epidermidis, vancomycin3 1 g IV
ischemia enteric gram-
negative bacilli
Give as single dose within 60 minutes before operation. For prolonged op-
erations, additional doses may be necessary. If vancomycin or a fluoroquinolone
is used, give 60 to 120 minutes before incision.
An additional dose is often given when patients are removed from bypass
For patients previously colonized with methicillin-resistant S. aureus
(MRSA) or who are allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins. Watch for hypoten-
sion, and give at a slow infusion rate over 60 minutes or more. Additional gram-
negative coverage should be given for procedures in which gram-negative bacilli
are likely pathogens, such as vascular surgery through a groin incision; ciproflox-
acin, levofloxacin, gentamicin, and aztreonam are acceptable.
Morbid obesity, esophageal obstruction, use of H2-blockers/proton pump
inhibitors, decreased gastric motility.
For cephalosporin allergy, clindamycin plus either gentamicin, ciprofloxa-
cin, levofloxacin (750 mg), or aztreonam is acceptable.
Age older than 70 years, acute cholecystitis, nonfunctioning gallbladder,
obstructive jaundice, or common duct stones.
Continue for 3 to 5 days. Need to expand coverage for nosocomial patho-
gens in postoperative dehiscence.
Preoperative catheter, urine culture positive or unavailable, transrectal prostatic
biopsy, placement of prosthetic material (some would add vancomycin or cefazolin).
Previous pelvic inflammatory disease, gonorrhea, or multiple sex partners.
If tourniquet is used, infuse entire dose before inflation.
IV, intravenously; PO, orally.
From The Medical Letter Treatment Guidelines, April 2004. This material has
been reproduced with special permission from The Medical Letter.

significant reduction in the incidence of SSIs, but not of

pneumonia or empyema. Other trials showed a benefit after
closed-tube thoracostomy for chest trauma. However, the
current consensus, despite a lack of hard data, supports the
use of antibiotic prophylaxis in most cases of noncardiac
thoracic surgery.

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44 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

Gastrointestinal Surgery
The esophagus is generally a sterile viscus as a result of peri-
stalsis. However, diseases that lead to obstruction, decreased
peristalsis, or stasis prompt proliferation of oral aerobes and
anaerobes. In turn, the risk of mediastinal infection is in-
creased, and prophylaxis is generally recommended. One
prospective, randomized study in endoscopic sclerotherapy
of esophageal varices showed no benefit of prophylactic an-
tibiotics in reducing the risk of bacteremias or SSIs.
The incidence of postoperative infection in gastroduodenal
surgery is proportionate to the number of bacteria within
the stomach; consequently, the risk of infection is highest
when gastric acidity and gastrointestinal motility are dimin-
ished by defects in the gastric mucous membrane or by
prolonged therapy with histamine (H2)-blockers or proton
pump inhibitors. Cessation of H2-blockers or proton-pump
inhibitors and preoperative use of a cephalosporin can de-
crease the incidence of postoperative infection in patients
with carcinoma, gastric ulcer, bleeding, obstruction, or per-
foration. Prophylaxis is also recommended in patients who
are morbidly obese. Prophylactic antibiotics are not indi-
cated for routine gastroesophageal endoscopy, but they are
indicated before placement of percutaneous gastrostomy
The biliary tract is normally sterile, and patients less than
70 years of age who are undergoing elective surgery with-
out preoperative infections are generally not at risk for
postoperative infectious complications. Thus, prophylactic
antibiotics are generally not indicated in routine elective
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, prophylaxis is rec-
ommended before biliary tract surgery in patients who are
at increased risk of infection. This group includes patients

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 45

more than 70 years of age and those with common bile duct
stones, bile duct stricture or obstruction, recent acute cho-
lecystitis, or prior biliary surgery. This recommendation
also applies to patients who undergo endoscopic retrograde
The risk of significant perioperative infections in patients
undergoing colorectal operations may be as high as 40% if
prophylactic antibiotics are not used. An oral regimen of lu-
minal catharsis and antibiotics can reduce the postoperative
infection rate to less than 7% and appears to be as effective
as the use of parenteral antimicrobials. Whether a combina-
tion of oral and parenteral agents is better than either regi-
men alone is unclear, but such a combination is widely em-
ployed in the United States. The prophylactic regimen
should include an oral lavage solution (e.g., polyethylene
glycol) and antimicrobials effective against both aerobic
gram-negative bacilli and anaerobes—usually neomycin in
combination with either erythromycin or metronidazole.
Prophylactic antibiotics decrease the incidence of infection af-
ter appendectomy. If the appendix has perforated, the patient
should be treated as though an infection were present. In that
instance, antibiotics should be used therapeutically (i.e., for
5 to 7 days). Regimens with activity against both aerobic gram-
negative bacilli and anaerobes are recommended.
Escape of endogenous bacteria as a result of hollow lumen
visceral damage is a major risk factor for postoperative infec-
tion following penetrating abdominal trauma. Before surgical
treatment of penetrating abdominal trauma, a single dose of
prophylactic antibiotic is indicated. If at exploratory laparot-
omy gastrointestinal leakage is observed, antibiotics should be
continued on a therapeutic basis. Studies have suggested that
shorter courses of antibiotics (e.g., 12 to 24 hours) may be just

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46 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

as effective as 5 days of therapy in patients with penetrating

abdominal trauma.
Genitourinary Tract Surgery
In general, antimicrobials are not recommended before uro-
logic operations in patients with documented sterile urine. A
basic tenet has been that patients with urine cultures positive
for bacteria should be treated to sterilize the urine preopera-
tively, or these patients should receive a single preoperative
dose of an appropriate agent at the time of surgery. Cipro-
floxacin is the agent of choice. Prophylactic antibiotics for
urologic procedures involving the intestinal tract, such as
transrectal prostate biopsy, are recommended. Although no
prophylaxis is recommended for transurethral prostatectomy,
a meta-analysis of more than 4000 patients with sterile preop-
erative urine who were undergoing transurethral prostatec-
tomy concluded that antimicrobial prophylaxis significantly
decreased the incidence of bacteriuria and septicemia. The
implantation of prosthetic devices is increasing, and prophy-
laxis is recommended for these procedures, usually with
vancomycin and ciprofloxacin. Common devices include pe-
nile implants, artificial sphincters, synthetic pubovaginal
slings, and bone anchors for pelvic floor reconstruction.
Gynecologic Surgery
Perioperative antimicrobials can prevent infection after cesar-
ean section in high-risk situations (premature rupture of mem-
branes). In these cases, most obstetricians administer cefazolin
after the umbilical cord is clamped because of concern about
masking septic manifestations in the newborn. Antimicrobials
are not recommended in uncomplicated cases. First trimester
abortion in women at high risk for pelvic infection (pelvic in-
flammatory disease, previous gonorrhea, or multiple sex part-
ners) warrants prophylaxis with penicillin or doxycycline be-
cause controlled trials have shown that these particular agents
are effective. In second trimester instillation abortion, cefazolin
is recommended. Finally, antimicrobial prophylaxis decreases

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3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 47

the incidence of infection after vaginal, abdominal, and lapa-

roscopic hysterectomy. Cefoxitin is currently the first-line
agent for these procedures.
Antistaphylococcal antibiotics used prophylactically may de-
crease the incidence of infection following craniotomy. Pro-
phylaxis before cerebrospinal fluid shunt placement has
been associated with a 50% risk reduction of periopera-
tive infection [ B Langley et al, 1993]. Currently, the use of
antibiotic-impregnated shunts has generated interest as an-
other strategy for reducing infection rates. Although current
guidelines for spinal surgery associated with short opera-
tive time (e.g., conventional discectomy) state that anti-
biotic prophylaxis is not warranted, a meta-analysis
concluded that prophylaxis was beneficial even in these
low-risk cases [ B Barker, 2002]. For spinal surgery associ-
ated with longer operative times (e.g., spinal fusion) or sur-
gery with insertion of prosthetic material, the infection rate
is higher than in discectomy. Therefore, despite absence of
controlled trials, antibiotic prophylaxis has become more
Ophthalmologic Surgery
There are no randomized trials defining the efficacy of pro-
phylaxis before ocular surgery. However, most ophthalmolo-
gists use antimicrobial eye drops prophylactically, and some
perform subconjunctival injection at the end of the proce-
dure. Nonetheless, consensus is lacking to support a particu-
lar choice, route, or duration of antimicrobial prophylaxis. In
procedures outside of the globe, prophylactic antibiotics are
generally not needed.
Orthopedic Surgery
Antistaphylococcal antibiotics have been shown to be effec-
tive in preventing infections of prosthetic joints as well as in-
fections complicating fractures treated with internal fixation

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48 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

hardware. If a proximal tourniquet is used, the antibiotic infu-

sion must be completed before tourniquet inflation. Anti-
biotic prophylaxis is not indicated in arthroscopic surgery.
Although in practice it is usually done, no data support the
use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with prosthetic
joints or spinal hardware who undergo dental, gastrointes-
tinal, or genitourinary procedures.
Otolaryngologic Surgery
Wound infections following surgery of the oropharynx
are common. Prophylaxis with any one of a variety of antimi-
crobials has decreased this complication. Clindamycin and
gentamicin, or cefazolin, are currently recommended. In-
fection rates in uncontaminated head and neck surgery (i.e.,
tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy), however, are too low to justify
prophylaxis. Although many otolaryngologists use antimicro-
bial ear drops before tympanostomy tube placement, any de-
crease in the degree of purulent otorrhea is largely anecdotal.
Peripheral Vascular Surgery
Preoperative administration of a cephalosporin has been
shown to decrease the incidence of postoperative wound
infection in the following surgical procedures: abdominal
aorta resection with graft placement, lower extremity bypass
grafting in which groin incisions are made, and lower ex-
tremity amputations for ischemia. Many authorities also
recommend using prophylaxis for any procedure involving
vascular prosthetic material placement (e.g., hemodialysis
access grafts). Antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated for ca-
rotid endarterectomy or upper extremity bypass grafts unless
prosthetic material is used.

Selected Readings
Andersen BR, Kallegave FL, Andersen HK: Antibiotics versus placebo for
prevention of postoperative infection after appendicectomy. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2:CD001439, 2003.
Barker FG 2nd: Efficacy of prophylactic antibiotic therapy in spinal surgery:
A meta-analysis. Neurosurgery 53:243, 2002. B

Ch03-X2385_035_050.indd 48 12/19/07 1:42:34 PM

3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis 49

Bratzler DW, Houck PM, for the Surgical Infection Prevention Guideline
Writers Workgroup: Antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery: An advisory
statement from the National Surgical Infection Prevention Project. Clin
Infect Dis 38:1706-1715, 2004.
Bratzler DW, Houck PM, Richards C, et al: Use of antimicrobial prophylaxis
for major surgery: Baseline results from the national surgical infection
prevention project. Arch Surg 140:174-182, 2005.
Burke JF: The effective period of preventive antibiotic action in experimental
incisions and dermal lesions. Surgery 50:161-168, 1961.
Chong AJ, Dellinger EP: Infectious complications of surgery in morbidly
obese patients. Curr Treat Options Infect Dis 5:387, 2003.
Classen DC, Evans RS, Pestotnik SL, et al: The timing of prophylactic
administration of antibiotics and the risk of surgical wound infection.
N Engl J Med 326:281-286, 1992. B
Cornwell EE, Dougherty WR, Berne TV, et al: Duration of antibiotic pro-
phylaxis in high-risk patients with penetrating abdominal trauma:
A prospective randomized trial. J Gastrointest Surg 3:648-653, 1999.
Dimick JB, Lipsett PA, Kostuik JP: Spine update: Antimicrobial prophylaxis
in spine surgery. Basic principles and recent advances. Spine 25:
2544-2548, 2000.
Furnary AP, Zerr KJ, Grunkemeier GL, Starr A: Continuous intravenous in-
sulin infusion reduces the incidence of deep sternal wound infection in
diabetic patients after cardiac surgical procedures. Ann Thorac Surg
67:352-360, 1999. A
Grief R, Akca O, Horn E-P, et al: Supplemental perioperative oxygen to re-
duce the incidence of surgical wound infection. N Engl J Med 342:
161-167, 2000.
Itani KMF, Wilson SE, Awad SS, et al: Ertapenem versus cefotetam prophy-
laxis in elective colorectal surgery. N Engl J Med 355:2640-2651, 2006.
Kurz A, Sessler DI, Lenhardt RA: Perioperative normothermia to reduce the
incidence of surgical-wound infection and shorten hospitalization.
N Engl J Med 334:1209-1215, 1996.
Langley JM, LeBlanc JC, Drake J, Milner R: Efficacy of antimicrobial pro-
phylaxis in placement of cerebrospinal fluid shunts: Meta-analysis. Clin
Infect Dis 17:98-103, 1993. B
Maki DG, Bohn MJ, Stolz SM, et al: Comparative study of cefazolin, cefa-
mandole, and vancomycin for surgical prophylaxis in cardiac and vascu-
lar operations: A double-blind randomized trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg 104:1423-1434, 1992.
Sessler DI, Akca O: Nonpharmacologic prevention of surgical wound infec-
tions. Clin Infect Dis 35:1397-1404, 2002.
Strom BL, Abrutyn E, Berlin JA, et al: Dental and cardiac risk factors for
infective endocarditis: A population-based, case-control study. Ann In-
tern Med 129:761-769, 1998.

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50 3 • Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

Ulualp K, Condon RE: Antibiotic prophylaxis for scheduled operative pro-

cedures. Infect Dis Clin North Am 6:613-625, 1992.
Zerr KJ, Furnary AP, Grunkemeier GL, et al: Glucose control lowers the risk
of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations. Ann Thorac
Surg 63:356-361, 1997.

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4 Selected Medical Challenges
of Anesthesia

Although it was once considered legitimate to refuse surgery

to a patient because he or she was “too sick to undergo anes-
thesia,” in recent years anesthesia has become much safer. For
example, epidemiologic studies conducted over a 30-year
period through the late 1970s reported anesthesia-related
mortality rates in the range of 1 to 2 per 10,000 anesthesia
procedures. Since the early 1980s, reported mortality has
declined by at least a factor of 10. During this more recent
period, the specialty of anesthesiology has devoted itself to
improving patient safety and has been in the vanguard of the
effort to develop evidence-based practice guidelines.
Many factors have been important in the reduction of
anesthetic risk. They include improvements in anesthetic
drugs and in monitoring and equipment technologies, as
well as more generalized advances in perioperative medical
care. The resulting decline in the frequency of devastating
anesthetic complications has largely redirected the attention
of patients and physicians to less serious, but more common,
adverse sequelae of anesthesia.
Clinicians who are not anesthesiologists are often involved
in the care of patients who develop perioperative medical
problems related to anesthesia. This chapter deals with some
of these common perioperative issues and provides sugges-
tions for assessment and management.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized con-
trolled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional
studies, retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual
practice, opinion.


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52 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Spinal anesthesia (SA) is an extremely popular anesthetic
technique that, along with its close relative epidural anes-
thesia, makes up a significant majority of all regional anes-
thetics given in the United States. A regional anesthetic,
which anesthetizes a region of the body (e.g., one or more
extremities, entire lower half of the body), is distinguished
from local anesthesia, which focuses on the area surrounding
the surgical incision, and from general anesthesia. In contrast
to general anesthesia, deep unconsciousness is not induced
during surgery with regional anesthesia, although intrave-
nous sedation, which produces a mild depression of con-
sciousness in conjunction with anxiolysis, is frequently
employed simultaneously to improve the subjective experi-
ence for the patient.
Although generally well tolerated, SA can have various
sequelae, which are not usually serious. Spinal headache,
technically known as postdural puncture headache (PDPH), is
among the concerns about SA most frequently expressed by
patients, especially those with no previous experience with
SA or those with a history of PDPH. Moreover, patients suf-
fering from PDPH can be severely incapacitated, often unable
to perform basic activities of daily living as a result of pain
and associated symptoms.

Etiology and Clinical Characteristics

The underlying cause of PDPH involves a loss of cerebrospi-
nal fluid (CSF) through the puncture site in the dura (and
subjacent arachnoid) mater that results in reduced intracra-
nial pressure when the patient assumes an upright posture.
This change in pressure, in turn, permits the “sagging” of
cerebral structures within the cranial vault and places tension
on the sensitive meninges and cerebral vessels. Indeed, the
fundamental relationship between posture and the onset of
symptoms is a hallmark in the clinical diagnosis of PDPH.

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 53

PDPH shares various features with vascular headache, a

finding that led to the belief that much of the pain syndrome
is vascular in origin. Experimental evidence reveals repro-
ducible, and reversible, compensatory cerebral vasodilation
in response to a reduction in intracranial pressure.
The location of the pain of PDPH is typically fronto-
occipital, frequently with radiation to the neck and shoulders
(Table 4-1). The onset is usually delayed; symptoms rarely
begin less than 8 to 12 hours after SA and are most commonly

TABLE 4-1 Spinal Headache: Clinical Features

Intracranial hypotension → reflex
cerebral vasodilation
Fronto-occipital; nuchal radiation
Earliest, 6–12 hr; 90% in 24–72 hr
Associated Symptoms
Nausea, tinnitus, diplopia
Mild: 50%
Moderate: 35%
Severe: 15%
Differential Diagnosis
Common: Tension headache, migraine
Rare: Meningitis, intracranial hematoma,
postpartum cortical vein throm-
bosis (1 in 6000 deliveries)
Pathognomonic Sign
Relationship with posture: Symp-
toms worse upright, symptoms
rapidly improved supine
Duration variable, correlated with
severity at onset
70% resolved within 5 days
80%–85% resolved within 7 days
95% resolved within 6 wk

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54 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

first seen on postoperative days 1 to 3. Associated symptoms

are not common but can include nausea, tinnitus, hypoacu-
sis, and, in the most severe cases, diplopia resulting from
tension on the abducens nerve in the cranial vault. Symp-
toms are self-limited in most cases, but their duration is
highly variable.
Not all headaches that follow SA (or diagnostic lumbar
puncture) are PDPHs. The differential diagnosis includes any
of the more common headache syndromes as well as various
rare, and more serious, causes. The diagnosis is confirmed by
the absence of signs of central nervous system (CNS) infec-
tion or lateralizing sensorimotor deficit and by the pathogno-
monic postural component (exacerbation while the patient is
upright and relief when the patient is recumbent), without
which the diagnosis should not be made.

Given the ubiquitous loss of CSF that follows dural puncture,
the incidence of PDPH after SA is surprisingly low, ranging
from 1% to 25% in most contemporary studies. It is unknown
why, in similar clinical circumstances, one patient acquires
PDPH and another does not. Nonetheless, considerable inves-
tigation has been done to elucidate the factors that do affect
the incidence of PDPH among various patient groups.
Most of the research on PDPH performed over the past
several decades has consistently identified the importance
of age, gender, and needle size. PDPH is significantly more
frequent with decreasing age, female gender (especially when
SA is used for obstetric procedures), and increasing needle
diameter (Fig. 4-1). The frequency of PDPH following diag-
nostic lumbar puncture exceeds that following SA, because
larger needles are used in lumbar puncture, and CSF is inten-
tionally withdrawn.
Significantly modifying the effect of needle diameter,
however, is the position of the needle tip. First, the direction
of the needle bevel with respect to the patient at the time

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 55
N = 10,098
Gender Needle gauge Age




Female (OB)



Figure 4-1 • Percentage of patients with spinal headache. OB, obstetric.

(Adapted from Vandam LD, Dripps RD: Long-term follow-up of patients who received
10,098 spinal anesthetics: Syndrome of decreased intracranial pressure [headache and
ocular and auditory difficulties]. JAMA 161:586-591, 1956.)

of dural puncture has a significant influence on the occur-

rence of PDPH [ A Evans et al, 2000]. Investigators have come
to recognize that orienting the bevel of a spinal needle paral-
lel to the longitudinal axis of the vertebral column during
insertion (i.e., facing the ceiling or floor with a patient in the
lateral decubitus position) produces a significantly lower in-
cidence of PDPH than when the bevel is perpendicular to
that axis.
The benefit obtained in parallel bevel orientation has been
presumed to be related to the microanatomic arrangement of
fibers of connective tissue that form the dura; until recently,
these fibers were also thought to be arranged parallel to the
long axis of the vertebral column. Thus, a parallel bevel would
be expected to produce a less traumatic puncture of the dura

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56 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

and less CSF loss. This explanation has recently been ques-
tioned by the results of electron microscopic studies showing
that dural fibers are actually arranged randomly, rather than in
a precise pattern. Thus, the precise cause of the significant
benefit realized with parallel bevel insertion remains unclear.
By far, the most important innovation in spinal needle
design has been the replacement of the traditional beveled
tip in favor of “pencil point” (e.g., Whitacre, Sprotte) con-
struction (Fig. 4-2). This newer design further reduces dural
trauma during lumbar puncture, with an additional reduc-
tion in CSF leakage. Numerous clinical and in vitro studies
with these needles have yielded overwhelmingly favorable
results. Indeed, many anesthesiologists have, with occasional

Figure 4-2 • Array of needles used for neuraxial anesthesia (A–C are used
for spinal anesthesia). A, Traditional beveled (Quincke) needle, with orifice
within the diagonal cutting tip. B and C, Newer “pencil point” designs (Sprotte
and Whitacre, respectively). These end in a rounded, noncutting tip and have
orifices arranged distally on the side. D, Standard epidural (Tuohy) needle. This
is larger in diameter and has a curved tip containing the orifice oriented perpen-
dicular to its long axis that allows passage of an epidural catheter up the epidural
space within the vertebral canal.

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 57

exception, abandoned the use of bevel-tipped in favor of

pencil point needles.
For unknown reasons, the dominant factor influencing
the frequency of PDPH is age. The incidence of PDPH peaks
in the young adult population and decreases with increasing
age. PDPH is very rare in patients who are more than 70 or
less than 10 years old. Anesthesiologists thus have more lati-
tude in the choice of spinal needles in these age groups.

Prognosis and Treatment

The prognosis for PDPH is generally good; 75% of patients
have spontaneous resolution of symptoms within 1 week.
Unfortunately, in a minority of patients, symptoms can linger
for weeks to months. A correlation appears to exist between
the severity of pain and the presence of associated symptoms
(e.g., diplopia) at onset and the likely duration of symptoms
in untreated patients.
Treatment is categorized as conservative or invasive. Con-
servative treatment is intended to provide symptomatic relief
during spontaneous healing of the dural rent. It relies on oral
analgesics, especially nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
narcotics may be appropriate for brief intervals in patients with
more severe cases. Other conservative approaches advocated
historically and intended to normalize pressure gradients
within the neuraxis include forced oral and intravenous fluids,
abdominal binders, and bed rest. None of these measures has
been shown in clinical studies to offer reproducible benefit.
Although advocating strict bed rest following lumbar
puncture as a means of preventing PDPH has remained part
of the medical “lore,” no evidence indicates that it has any
benefit. Patients considering SA often express considerable
anxiety about the presumed need to remain in bed following
the procedure and deserve reassurance that the practice is
not necessary.
The theory that a substantial component of the pain of
PDPH is the result of compensatory cerebral vasodilation has

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58 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

led to the use of intravenous caffeine and other methylxan-

thine derivatives, and more recently sumatriptan, as conser-
vative treatment modalities. Whatever benefit these measures
produce tends to be only temporary, and these agents are not
without risk.
The “gold standard” in the treatment of PDPH remains
the epidural blood patch (EBP) [ B Duffy and Crosby, 1999].
This invasive technique has a 4-decade history of use and has
consistently been shown to be highly effective and generally
well tolerated. EBP achieves complete and persistent resolution
of symptoms in 75% of patients after one treatment and in up
to 99% after a second or third procedure. Indeed, many
authors maintain that persistent symptoms following two EBPs
suggest a misdiagnosis of PDPH.
The technique involves placement of an epidural needle at
a level approximating the previous dural puncture site and
injecting a 15- to 20-mL sample of the patient’s autologous
blood, which must be collected aseptically, into the epidural
space. The benefit is both immediate, secondary to a tam-
ponade effect that raises intracranial pressure and reduces
compensatory cerebral vasodilation, and sustained. The long-
term benefit is thought to result from formation of a coagu-
lum in the dural puncture that precludes further loss of
CSF; this coagulum also stimulates collagen growth, which
presumably promotes healing. Reported recurrences of PDPH
1 to 3 weeks after EBP are presumed to be caused by disrup-
tion of the coagulum. For this reason, patients receiving EBP
must be instructed to avoid activities that could acutely alter
the pressure gradients in the lumbar neuraxis, such as lifting,
straining, and possibly airline travel; the use of laxatives and
stool softeners should be encouraged.
Side effects of EBP are generally benign and include tran-
sient back pain, radicular pain, and fever. Serious sequelae such
as persistent radiculopathy, epidural abscess, and spinal cord
compression, although theoretically possible, have not been
reported. However, because EBP is an invasive procedure,

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 59

patients must be selected carefully. The complication of inad-

vertent dural puncture with a (large) epidural needle (inci-
dence, 1% to 3 %) would be highly counterproductive. Patients
are usually offered EBP when symptoms have been persistent
for several days or are sufficiently severe to interfere with daily
activities. A common example of the latter is the postpartum
patient whose discharge home is delayed because of PDPH. In
this circumstance, the technique has a high acceptance rate.
The understanding that the sustained benefit of EBP is the
product of healing and closure of otherwise persistent dural
puncture has inspired more recent, innovative treatments.
Fibrin glue has been employed as a means of treating disrup-
tion in the integrity of various biologic membranes. Case
reports have documented the successful use of fibrin glue in
the treatment of PDPH. The long-term sequelae of this mo-
dality are not yet known, and its role in the approach to
PDPH remains to be established.

In 2002, an estimated 30.6% of adults in the United States
were obese, more than double the prevalence 20 years earlier.
Obesity is thus the most common nutritional-metabolic disor-
der among patients undergoing surgery. The disorder is both
defined and graded by comparison of actual weight with an
accepted index of ideal body weight. The currently accepted
standard for making this comparison is the calculation of body
mass index (Table 4-2). Patients with a body mass index
greater than 30 are considered clinically obese; a body mass
index greater than 40 defines the state of morbid obesity.
Providing a safe anesthesia experience to a morbidly obese
patient undergoing major surgery is among the most difficult
tasks anesthesiologists face. The anesthetic challenges that
obese patients present, and their perioperative risks, vary in
proportion to the severity of the disorder. The anesthetic
risks of obesity are caused by technical difficulties imposed

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60 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

TABLE 4-2 Body Mass Index and Evaluation of Obesity

Calculation of BMI
Standard: weight (kg)  [height (m)]2
Alternative: {weight (lb)  [height (in)]2}  703
Interpretation of BMI
BMI Range Interpretation
18.5 Underweight
18.5–24.9 Normal weight
25.0–29.9 Overweight
30.0–39.9 Obese
40 Morbidly obese

BMI, body mass index.

by the mass of adipose tissue and by the presence of comor-

bid states (Table 4-3). Of these comorbid conditions, the
anesthesiologist is primarily concerned with cardiovascular
and airway or pulmonary derangements.
In addition to absolute body mass, the distribution of body
fat predicts the extent of comorbidity associated with obesity.
Compared with peripheral (gynecoid) obesity, in which adi-
pose distribution is primarily in the hips and lower body,
central (android) obesity, involving the waist and upper body,
imposes both a greater overall health risk to the patient and a
greater technical challenge to the anesthesiologist.

Technical Difficulties
Even mildly obese patients pose challenges to the anesthesi-
ologist. Standard procedures that are often taken for granted in
slender patients can be more difficult in mildly to moderately
obese patients. These include placement of peripheral intrave-
nous infusion lines, noninvasive blood pressure monitoring,
moving and positioning patients on the operating table, laryn-
goscopy and tracheal intubation, and use of regional anesthetic
techniques, all of which can be sufficiently problematic to re-
quire advance planning and the use of alternative techniques
(e.g., venous cutdown or central venous access, intra-arterial
catheters, awake fiberoptic laryngoscopy).

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 61

TABLE 4-3 Obesity and Comorbid States

Ischemic heart disease
Peripheral vascular disease, deep vein thrombosis
“Cardiomyopathy of obesity”
Systemic and pulmonary hypertension
High cardiac output
Cardiomegaly, biventricular failure
Hypoxemia (100% incidence)
↓ FRC, residual volume, expiratory reserve volume →
↓ Pulmonary compliance (restrictive deficit)
↑ CC; ↓ (FRC  CC) difference
↑ Oxygen consumption
Most severe: obesity–hypoventilation (pickwickian) syndrome: 10% incidence
in morbid obesity
Upper airway obstruction
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: 40%–60% incidence in morbid obesity
↑ Incidence difficult intubation
↑ Incidence regurgitation/pulmonary aspiration
Diabetes mellitus
Delayed gastric emptying
Gastroesophageal reflux
Fatty liver
Biliary disease
Degenerative joint disease
Lumbar disk disease

CC, closing capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity.

Unquestionably, such problems become extremely com-

plex in patients with high-moderate and morbid obesity and
can add significantly to anesthetic risk. For example, such
patients can pose great difficulties with regard to airway
management, hypoxemia, traumatic laryngoscopy (e.g.,
dental, pharyngeal, vocal cord, and tracheal injuries), and
pressure-related injuries (ulcers, neuropathy).

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62 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Cardiovascular Derangements
Compared with patients of normal weight, obese patients are
at increased risk of coronary artery and peripheral vascular
disease, and anesthesiologists must be prepared to manage
these problems perioperatively. Moreover, chronic obesity
produces a characteristic series of hemodynamic abnormali-
ties. Termed the cardiomyopathy of obesity, the syndrome in-
cludes a high–cardiac output state, systemic and pulmonary
hypertension, and cardiac hypertrophy that can lead to bi-
ventricular dilation and cardiac failure.
The pathophysiology of this syndrome relates to the pres-
ence of the large, metabolically active adipose mass. Al-
though adipose tissue is less vascular on a per weight basis
than lean tissue (blood flow, 2 to 3 mL/100 g/minute), a
morbidly obese patient weighing 50 kg more than ideal body
weight has a cardiac output 1.5 to 2 L/minute greater than
normal, with an accompanying increase in total circulating
volume (preload). In addition, the metabolic demands cause
chronically elevated sympathetic tone (afterload) and in-
creased global oxygen demand. This is often not met by an
increase in oxygen supply because of concurrent pulmonary
dysfunction, and the chronic hypoxemia that is highly preva-
lent in obesity increases pulmonary vascular resistance. The
ultimate result is biventricular heart failure.
Evidence indicates that the same factors that combine to
produce the cardiomyopathy of obesity also predispose
obese individuals to a 50% higher risk of new-onset atrial
fibrillation, compared with their nonobese counterparts.
When this arrhythmia occurs during anesthesia, manage-
ment of the hemodynamic derangements of obese patients
becomes that much more complicated.
Pulmonary Derangements
Abnormalities involving the respiratory system can be severe in
obesity and often represent the most difficult aspect of anes-
thetic care. Four main categories of pulmonary dysfunction

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 63

that are present in obesity are pertinent to anesthesia (see

Table 4-3). An overriding theme is that all these conditions are
greatly exaggerated by exposure to anesthetic agents, intrave-
nous sedatives, and frequently the surgical procedure itself.
Consequently, pulmonary function, already abnormal preop-
eratively, is worsened intraoperatively and especially in the
immediate postoperative period.

Hypoventilation and Upper Airway Obstruction

As a consequence of the increased volume of subcutaneous
tissue involving facial, pharyngeal, and thoracic structures,
nearly all obese patients present with some degree of upper
airway obstruction; this becomes much more pronounced in
recumbency. Moreover, with upper airway obstruction of any
cause, airway patency is maintained by an active but subcon-
scious inspiratory muscle tone, which includes pharyngeal
structures, aided by gravitational effects in an upright
patient. With any depression of consciousness, this tone is
reduced or abolished, and upper airway obstruction is exac-
erbated. In obese patients, this phenomenon is exaggerated,
and, especially in that subset of obesity characterized by the
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, even nighttime sleep can
produce dangerous degrees of upper airway obstruction,
hypoventilation, hypoxemia, and microaspiration.
During anesthesia, patients are nearly always in the supine
position, and administered medications routinely depress or
eliminate consciousness. Further, skeletal muscle relaxant
drugs, commonly administered during general anesthesia,
abolish any residual inspiratory muscle tone and may worsen
upper airway obstruction. In this setting, respiratory gas ex-
change in obese patients is often severely limited.

Difficulties with Airway Management

Compounding the situation is the finding that because of the
mass effect of the adipose tissue, upper airway obstruction is
not only more extreme than in nonobese patients but also is

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64 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

much more difficult to overcome manually with standard

techniques. Thus, assisted or controlled ventilation by face
mask is often impossible, and laryngoscopy and tracheal in-
tubation are considerably more difficult or impossible. Unless
anticipated, with appropriate preparations made for the use of
alternative techniques (e.g., flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy),
this situation represents a true anesthetic emergency.

Regurgitation and Pulmonary Aspiration

The traditional teaching that obesity correlates with disor-
dered physiology of the upper gastrointestinal tract, includ-
ing delayed gastric emptying, hypersecretion of gastric juice
and acid, and diminished esophageal sphincter tone, sug-
gests that obese patients are predisposed to regurgitation and
pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents during general an-
esthesia, irrespective of the duration of the preoperative fast.
However, more recent evidence has called this concept into
question. Studies indicate that gastric emptying is actually
accelerated in obese individuals, and gastric residual vol-
umes in obese patients undergoing general anesthesia are
similar to those of nonobese patients.
However, it is likely premature for anesthesiologists to
abandon their historical concern regarding the risk of regur-
gitation and pulmonary aspiration in obese patients. First,
although gastric emptying may not be retarded, obese pa-
tients have a higher risk of gastroesophageal reflux, and the
extent of symptoms may not correlate with the extent of re-
flux. Second, studies indicating that the risk of pulmonary
aspiration may be no higher in obese than in nonobese pa-
tients were performed in patients who were not intubated or
in whom intubation was not difficult, and no distinction was
made between central and peripheral obesity. Finally,
although the consequences of pulmonary aspiration are typi-
cally benign, rare but devastating complications can still oc-
cur. Because precautions against aspiration (histamine [H2]-
receptor blockers, gastrokinetic agents) are generally well

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 65

tolerated, many anesthesiologists have not altered their ap-

proach to dealing with this risk in the obese population.

Chronic hypoxemia is ubiquitous in obesity. As with the other
types of pulmonary dysfunction that characterize the syn-
drome, two features are typical. First, the degree of hypoxemia
correlates with the degree of obesity and is significantly worse
in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Second,
the hypoxemia that exists preoperatively as a baseline state in
obesity is exaggerated by recumbency, exposure to anesthetics
and sedatives, and the effects of surgery.
The pathophysiology of the hypoxemia of obesity can be
considered an exaggeration of the “normal pathophysiology” of
the respiratory system. This statement is meant to imply that
even in physiologically normal individuals, the lungs are imper-
fect gas exchangers (although they function quite well). During
anesthesia and surgery, particularly thoracic or abdominal sur-
gery, these imperfections become magnified and functionally
more significant. In obesity, this pattern becomes extreme.
The abnormalities of respiratory gas exchange relate to the
fundamental relationship between the functional residual
capacity (FRC) of the lungs and their closing capacity
(CC) and the way in which this relationship changes during
anesthesia and surgery. The FRC is the volume of the lungs at
end-expiration, when there is equilibrium of forces favoring
expansion and contraction of lung tissue. The CC is that
volume, ordinarily less than FRC, at which the forces of con-
traction gain priority and small airways begin to close. Any
circumstances that tend to decrease the difference between FRC
and CC favor atelectasis and consequently cause hypoxemia.
In physiologically normal individuals, the FRC is known to
be progressively reduced by the following: (1) supine posture,
as a result of redistribution of abdominal contents and pres-
sure on the inferior surface of the diaphragm; (2) anesthetic
agents and muscle relaxants, which cause a further cephalic

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66 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

displacement of the diaphragm; and (3) surgical retraction

(Fig. 4-3). Consequently, during anesthesia even nonobese
patients experience sufficient ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ab-
normalities that an enriched inspired oxygen concentration is
used routinely. In the obese individual, FRC is ordinarily re-
duced preoperatively because of the enormous increase in
intra-abdominal pressure from the adipose mass, which, in
conjunction with baseline hypoventilation, accounts for the
chronic hypoxemia typically seen. With exposure to anesthesia
and surgery, these changes become profound and persist well
into the postoperative period.
The anticipated postoperative exacerbation of hypoxemia
frequently requires a degree of monitoring and support that is
unnecessary in nonobese patients. This ranges from the need
for supplemental oxygen guided by pulse oximetry, to reliance
on incentive spirometry and chest physical therapy for mainte-
nance of airway patency, to the continuation of tracheal intuba-
tion and mechanical ventilation postoperatively. This last ap-
proach is particularly likely in the severely obese patient
because of the tenuous pulmonary status that precedes surgery,

Initial upright
position of


Surgical position
and displacement Induction of

Figure 4-3 • Progressive reduction in functional residual capacity (FRC)
resulting from displacement of the diaphragm during anesthesia and surgery. Pab,
pressure of abdominal contents. (From Benumof JL: Respiratory physiology and res-
piratory function during anesthesia. In Miller RD [ed]: Anesthesia, 3rd ed. New York,
Churchill Livingstone, 1990, p 535.)

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 67

and anesthesiologists exercise extreme caution in judging the

appropriate timing of extubation in this population.

Regional Anesthesia
Regional anesthetic techniques are often advocated as a
means of circumventing the perioperative cardiopulmonary
sequelae seen in obesity. Unfortunately, in obese patients re-
gional anesthesia has its own unique problems that can
greatly limit its benefit.
First, several inches of subcutaneous tissue may overlie
normal landmarks (e.g., spinous processes) and may thus
make it completely impossible to perform regional anesthesia,
regardless of its apparent advantage. Second, with spinal or
epidural anesthesia, the normal dose-response relationships
that enable the prediction of a given level of sensory blockade
are distorted in obesity, and patients can experience an abnor-
mally high sensory and motor block. The resulting intercostal,
and occasionally even diaphragmatic, weakness can pro-
foundly exacerbate the underlying pulmonary dysfunction
present in these patients. Third, because the sensory supply of
the abdominal and thoracic viscera is through the autonomic
nervous system, it is nondiscrete and nonsegmental; this dis-
tinctly contrasts with the sensory innervation of the extremi-
ties and body wall. An accepted tenet in anesthetic manage-
ment is that the more rostral the site of surgery within the
abdomen, the less adequate will be the sensory block obtained
with regional anesthesia. Consequently, the surgical procedure
itself may invalidate the use of regional techniques, regardless
of the presence of obesity.
Finally, it is extremely difficult for any patient to lie mo-
tionless, often in an awkward position, on an operating table
for several hours with the knowledge that surgery is ongoing.
Added to this is the physical and emotional discomfort of feel-
ing “deafferented” from the waist or chest down, accompa-
nied by pharmacologically induced paraplegia. Thus, the
need to provide intravenous sedation to patients during
regional anesthesia cannot be overemphasized. Although this

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68 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

approach is generally safe and effective in nonobese patients

without concomitant cardiopulmonary dysfunction, the po-
tential hazards of sedative medications in obesity have been
discussed and are often paramount in this setting.

The evaluation and perioperative management of obese pa-
tients undergoing surgery can be complex. From the forego-
ing discussion, certain guidelines are suggested (Table 4-4).


General anesthesia entails the creation of a state of coma dur-
ing surgery from which patients must subsequently be
aroused. This is not an all-or-none process but is the result of
gradual clearance of drug molecules from active sites in the
CNS. Therefore, normal recovery from anesthesia invariably
involves some degree of CNS dysfunction.
Anesthesia and recovery room personnel are thoroughly
familiar with the range of psychoaffective signs that are typi-
cally seen among patients during the immediate postopera-
tive period. Generally brief and clinically unimportant (e.g.,
somnolence, disorientation, memory impairment), these
responses can less commonly become bizarre. Such cases,
collectively given the term emergence delirium, occasionally
require intervention with psychotropic agents during the
immediate postoperative period. Nonetheless, even these

TABLE 4-4 Obesity and Anesthesia

Maintain “low thresholds” for the following:
Expectation of postoperative medical complications
Especially pulmonary, cardiovascular, diabetic
Surgical cutdown on peripheral vein/central venous catheter
Avoiding use of regional techniques, especially if
Sensory levels required are higher than perineal
Expected duration of surgery 30 min (increased need for sedation)
Use of awake fiberoptic intubation and postoperative mechanical ventilation

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 69

more extreme presentations are expected to be transient and

without long-term clinical implications.
This benign scenario is not always the case, however, and
the challenge for the clinician becomes the need to distin-
guish normal postoperative neurologic impairment from cir-
cumstances that are truly abnormal and worthy of additional
evaluation and treatment. Although it is impossible to provide
strict distinguishing criteria, it is reasonable to maintain a
high index of suspicion in the following circumstances:
1. After a reasonable period of recovery, the patient “just isn’t
right,” exhibits prolonged stupor, excessive disorientation,
or extreme agitation after a standard, short-to-moderate
duration of general anesthesia in which standard doses of
anesthetic agents were used. This is a highly qualitative
judgment and thus is the most difficult assessment to
make. Such an assessment requires the observation of
many patients during postanesthetic recovery to form a
basis for comparison.
2. The patient is flaccid and exhibits minimal or absent mo-
tor activity during recovery.
3. The patient has new peripheral neurologic deficits post-

Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction

Rare among young or middle-aged patients, cognitive im-
pairment after anesthesia is most commonly encountered
among elderly patients. When assessed by sensitive neuro-
psychologic testing, 26% of patients who are more than
60 years old have evidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunc-
tion (POCD) at 1 week, and 10% at 3 months, after noncar-
diac surgery. Only rarely does this dysfunction become
greatly prolonged. In contrast, POCD is far more common
and prolonged after cardiac surgery. The problem of neuro-
psychiatric impairment following cardiac surgery is complex
and is beyond the scope of this discussion.
It is often assumed that extended aftereffects of anesthetic
drugs administered to patients during surgery contribute

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70 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

significantly to POCD. This assumption potentially motivates

perioperative consultants to advocate the use of regional anes-
thetic techniques in elderly patients. Evidence that would ap-
pear to support this view comes from studies of older anesthetic
agents, wherein psychomotor testing has revealed remarkably
protracted neurologic impairment after anesthetic exposure.
Current evidence suggests that presumptions about the
contributions of general anesthetic agents to the development
of POCD may be misguided. First, some of the studies utilizing
psychomotor testing in the aftermath of anesthetic exposure
involved volunteer subjects rather than patients. Second, dis-
parities between the results of studies using clinical criteria to
evaluate postanesthetic patients and the results of trials relying
on specialized neuropsychiatric tests suggest that the latter
category of evidence may not fully represent actual practice.
Third, and most compelling, a substantial body of data indi-
cates that neuropsychiatric outcome in elderly patients, includ-
ing the incidence of POCD, after general anesthesia does not
differ from the outcome observed after regional anesthesia. This
is strong evidence that, irrespective of specific anesthetic tech-
nique, anesthesia per se is only one among several influences in
the perioperative and postoperative periods that may contrib-
ute to POCD in elderly patients.
Although the overall long-term clinical significance of POCD
is unclear, no doubt exists that its most severe presentation,
postoperative delirium, can result in significantly increased mor-
bidity and mortality in elderly patients. Postoperative delirium
is clinically distinct from the evanescent and benign appearance
of emergence delirium, which, as noted previously, is seen dur-
ing the immediate postoperative recovery period.
Postoperative delirium has attracted considerable study
and is the subject of numerous reviews. Although there are
accepted criteria for the clinical diagnosis of delirium in the
nonsurgical population, it is extremely difficult to apply
these criteria in the early postanesthetic period because they
are complex, and, for reasons already mentioned, most

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 71

patients would satisfy them. This realization has prompted

efforts to develop algorithms to help predict the emergence
of delayed postoperative delirium.
Among the most useful of these algorithms is a clinical
prediction rule that employs a specific scoring system
based on available preoperative clinical data (Table 4-5)
[ B Marcantonio et al, 1994]. The authors of this algorithm arbi-
trarily omitted from their investigation symptoms of delirium
whose onset preceded the second postoperative day, to exclude
the influence of residual anesthetic effects and to avoid identify-
ing patients with emergence delirium. Patients who satisfied
these risk criteria had more frequent major postoperative com-
plications, longer lengths of stay, and higher rates of discharge
to long-term care or rehabilitative facilities.
The importance of identifying patients with the syndrome
of (delayed) postoperative delirium emphasizes the need to

TABLE 4-5 Predictors of Delayed Postoperative Delirium

Etiologic Factor Point Score

Age 70 yr 1
History of alcohol abuse 1
TICS 30* 1
SAS class IV† 1
Severe sodium, potassium, glucose abnormalities‡ 1
Surgery: abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 2
Surgery: thoracic 1
Total Points Delirium Risk (%)
0 2
1 or 2 11
3 50

* TICS, Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (a modification of the Mini-

Mental Status Examination).
† SAS, Specific Activity Scale (class IV patients are unable to perform normal
daily activities without stopping).
‡ Sodium 130 or 150 mmol/L; potassium 3.0 or 6.0 mmol/L; glucose
60 or 300 mg/dL.
Modified from Marcantonio ER, Goldman L, Mangione CM, et al: A clinical
prediction rule for delirium after elective noncardiac surgery. JAMA 271:134–139,

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72 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

rule out identifiable causes of short-term mental impairment.

Altered mental status resulting from the residual effects of
anesthetic, sedative, and analgesic drugs is largely a diagnosis
of exclusion. Assuming that other causes have been investi-
gated and ruled out (see later), certain elicited responses can
aid in the diagnosis. A traditional rule of thumb holds that
one should attempt to reverse whatever residual drug effects
are potentially amenable to antidote and observe for transient
improvement in mental status. However, only a few anes-
thetic agents have specific antidotes (Table 4-6). One impor-
tant caveat: Case reports described the onset of severe acute
myocardial ischemia and pulmonary edema in patients who
received a standard dose of naloxone (0.4 mg intravenously),
an effect that apparently was the result of the stress response
caused by acute narcotic reversal in patients with pain. The
need to administer small (e.g., 0.04 to 0.08 mg) titrated
doses of naloxone cannot be overemphasized.
The differential diagnosis of postoperative delirium in-
cludes many of the same preoperative syndromes that may
be present in nonsurgical patients presenting with acute de-
lirium (Table 4-7). Among the causes particularly associated
with the postoperative period are pain and distention of a
hollow viscus, especially the bladder. These are extremely

Reversal of Drug Effects: Anesthetics

and Adjunctive Agents
Primary Agent “Reversal”
Neuromuscular blocking agents Neostigmine, 0.05 mg/kg, PLUS atropine,
0.02 mg/kg
Opioids Naloxone
Caution: Use small doses (e.g., 0.04–0.08-mg
increments; 0.16–2.0 mg total)
Benzodiazepines Flumazenil, 0.2-mg increments q1min
(1.0 mg total)
Nonspecific: anticholinergics; Physostigmine, 1–2 mg (variably effective)
inhalation anesthetics; phe-

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 73

TABLE 4-7 Postoperative Delirium: Etiologic Factors

Brain effects:
Physiologic causes: aging
Pathologic causes: congenital, traumatic, neoplastic, vascular, idiopathic
Drug intoxication or withdrawal
Endocrine and metabolic
Mental status
Type of surgery: higher incidence with the following:
Orthopedic, especially repair of femoral neck fracture
Urologic (TURP syndrome: hypo-osmolarity, glycine toxicity)
Duration of surgery
Anesthetic drugs used
Complications during surgery
Hyperventilation (cerebral ischemia)
Respiratory causes
Perioperative hypoxia
Residual anesthetics
Distention of hollow viscus (especially bladder)
Sensory deprivation or overload
Electrolyte or metabolic problem

TURP, transurethral resection of the prostate.

Modified from Parikh SS, Chung F: Postoperative delirium in the elderly.
Anesth Analg 80:1223-1232, 1995.

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74 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

potent causes of early postanesthetic confusion and agitation,

especially in elderly patients, and are often singularly to
blame. They should be ruled out in every patient with this

Postoperative Immobility
Not all patients who exhibit a profound lack of movement dur-
ing postanesthetic recovery have CNS depression. In the ab-
sence of exposure to anesthesia, findings such as no purposeful
or reflex movements and absent or significantly diminished
spontaneous ventilation raise the likelihood of stupor or coma.
By contrast, in the recovery room the possibility exists that a
patient with these symptoms may be suffering from profound
residual muscle weakness related to unexpectedly prolonged
neuromuscular blockade. Resembling myasthenic crisis, the
sensorium may be relatively intact.
This assessment is readily made by use of a peripheral
nerve stimulator, one of the standard monitoring devices
commonly employed during general anesthesia. This device
delivers a series of supramaximal stimuli to motor nerves
(typically the ulnar nerve at the wrist), and an elicited twitch
response is evaluated. Standard patterns of stimulation in-
clude the train-of-four, in which four such stimuli are deliv-
ered at a frequency of two per second, and a tetanic stimulus
at 50 Hz. In both cases, patients should exhibit a normal
response that is sustained without loss of amplitude (“fade”).
Peripheral nerve stimulators should be readily available in
any recovery area, and their use is mandatory in the assess-
ment of such patients.

Postoperative Peripheral Neurologic Deficits

The new onset of a peripheral neurologic deficit postopera-
tively is often thought to represent an acute CNS event such as
a postoperative stroke. Although these findings are alarming,
peripheral neurologic deficits can be surprisingly common, and
transient, in patients recovering from general anesthesia.

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 75

Typically encountered in patients with underlying cerebrovas-

cular disease, they can also be observed in healthy individuals.
In 1981, Rosenberg and colleagues described a high preva-
lence of neurologic findings such as abnormal corneal and
pupillary reflexes, hyperreflexia, and Babinski signs among
healthy adults after general anesthesia. Assumed to be unusual
manifestations of residual anesthetic effects, all findings
resolved spontaneously without sequelae within 40 minutes.
More commonly, patients with underlying CNS disease (e.g.,
tumor, stroke, transient cerebral ischemia) with or without
current symptoms, frequently experience either exacerbation
of symptoms or unmasking of latent symptoms following ex-
posure to anesthetics and sedatives. This phenomenon has
been described as differential awakening.

Persistent Neurologic Deficits

Although stroke is a well-described postoperative complica-
tion in patients with cerebrovascular disease who are undergo-
ing cardiac and carotid artery surgery, its incidence is surpris-
ingly small (0.2% to 2.9%) in noncardiovascular surgery, even
among patients with a history of cerebrovascular disease.
When stroke does occur, the onset of symptoms is typically
delayed, with peak incidence occurring on the third through
fifth postoperative days.
Postoperative dysfunction of a single extremity is typically
not related to CNS dysfunction. A much more likely mecha-
nism is postoperative peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy
(PPSN). In a structured database of more than 6000 closed
malpractice claims maintained since 1985 by the American
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Committee on Profes-
sional Liability, nerve damage was the second most common
complication resulting in litigation, and it accounted for 16%
of claims. In descending order, the three most common dis-
tributions of nerve injury were ulnar, brachial plexus, and
lumbosacral nerve root, which together constituted more
than half of all nerve damage claims.

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76 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Conventional wisdom typically attributes PPSN to the fol-

lowing: (1) direct and indirect nerve injury during use of
regional anesthesia; or (2) improper positioning of a patient
on the operating table, especially during prolonged surgery,
resulting in ischemic compression of peripheral nerves at
vulnerable sites. However, PPSN has attracted considerable
research attention, and the results have uniformly challenged
these assumptions.
For example, in the ASA database, the only categories of
neuropathy with a significant association with the use of
regional anesthesia were spinal cord damage and lumbosa-
cral nerve damage; ulnar and brachial plexus neuropathies
were associated with general anesthesia in most cases (85%
and 78%, respectively). However, for all three major distri-
butions of nerve palsy, the mechanism of injury was inap-
parent in the majority of cases, and the injury was clearly
attributable to anesthesias in few cases in which the mecha-
nism was identified.
Among the major categories of PPSN, ulnar neuropathy
is the most common and extensively studied. A group of
investigators at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
examined this complication both retrospectively (N 
1.13 million) and prospectively (N  1,502). Their find-
ings revealed that postoperative ulnar neuropathy (PUN)
was uncommon (1 in 2729 retrospective data, 0.5% pro-
spective data) and was predominately associated with
male gender (relative risk [RR], 4.1), diabetes (RR, 4.3),
and duration of hospitalization greater than 14 days
(RR, 3.1), and it had the strongest association with obesity
(RR, 15.0). There was no significant association with the
type of anesthesia or patient position. Moreover, PUN was
delayed in onset (peak incidence, postoperative days 2 to
7) and was discernible in the recovery room in only 10%
of cases.
Finally, in an independent prospective study employing bi-
lateral nerve conduction evaluation of patients with (unilateral)

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 77

PUN, all had slowing of conduction of the contralateral ulnar

nerve. This finding suggests that many patients with PUN may
have an underlying predisposition to this form of injury and
that factors in addition to perioperative body contact play a role
in this complication.
PPSN represents a potentially serious adverse postopera-
tive outcome; nearly half of the patients in the Mayo Clinic
study had persistent symptoms 1 year after operation. Unfor-
tunately, research into the causes of this complication has
thus far failed to identify reliable preventive strategies. Ap-
proaches to treatment are nonspecific and are intended pri-
marily to preserve residual extremity function and to mini-
mize contracture deformities. The assistance of physical and
occupational therapy services can be invaluable.

Postoperative Visual Loss

An extremely frightening form of postoperative neurologic
deficit is postoperative visual loss (POVL); fortunately it is also
extremely rare. Although visual disturbances are commonly
encountered in the recovery room, they are almost always
transient and resolve without long-term sequelae. In con-
trast, persistent visual loss following nonophthalmologic,
noncardiac surgery has been noted to occur in 0.003% to
0.0008% of patients postoperatively.
Despite the rarity of this condition, the emotional impact
of POVL on both patient and physician has intensified the
focus on this complication. Ischemic optic neuropathy is the
most common identifiable cause of POVL (89%); it is most
commonly associated with surgery on the spine, with patients
in the prone position (67%), and surgery involving cardio-
pulmonary bypass (14%). Among prone cases, prolonged
surgery (6 hours, mean, 8 hours) and increased blood loss
(1 L, mean, 2.3 L) were independently correlated with
POVL; the use of deliberate hypotension is not. However,
variances have been shown to be very broad, and at this time,
conclusions about cause and prevention are premature.

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78 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia


In anesthesia and perioperative medicine, there is perhaps
no area of greater controversy than the issue whether gen-
eral or regional anesthesia leads to a better outcome in the
high-risk patient. That opinions regarding the relative risks
and safety of general and regional anesthesia have been
prone to bias is understandable. The study of anesthetic
outcome based on rigorous methodology is a comparatively
recent undertaking. Historically, clinical teaching and prac-
tice were based largely on presumption (e.g., regional anes-
thesia appears to impose less physiologic perturbation than
general, so it must be safer). Subsequent efforts at conduct-
ing research into anesthetic outcome were often hampered
by a variety of methodologic weaknesses, including poorly
articulated hypotheses, inadequate sample sizes, conclu-
sions based on intermediate or surrogate endpoints, am-
biguous inclusion and exclusion criteria, and poorly
standardized treatment protocols. Conclusions based on
such questionably designed studies have the potential to
reinforce misleading or erroneous presumptions regarding
clinical practice.
A 1987 RCT by Yeager and colleagues remains one of the
most controversial studies of outcome following general ver-
sus regional anesthesia. The investigators concluded that
among high-risk patients undergoing major noncardiac sur-
gery, those receiving epidural anesthesia had a substantially
lower incidence of major postoperative complications, in-
cluding mortality, than those receiving general anesthesia.
Subsequent analysis of this study resulted in considerable
criticism of the authors’ conclusions on several levels. Treat-
ment protocols were inadequately standardized, and postop-
erative analgesic regimens, which may have had a significant
independent impact on perioperative outcome, varied sub-
stantially between study groups. Moreover, the total number
of patients studied was very small (N  53), thus resulting

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 79

in an insufficient statistical power to exclude potential

sources of bias.
The issue of sample size in RCTs of anesthetic outcome is
particularly vexing. That catastrophic anesthetic complica-
tions (e.g., mortality) are extremely rare means that to amass
data with sufficient statistical power to expose a difference in
outcome (if one exists) between two treatment groups would
require an enormous number of enrolled patients. Conduct-
ing research on this level is generally impractical for a single
group of investigators.
Efforts to address the complexity imposed by sample size
requirements in RCTs have included such designs as multi-
center trials and meta-analyses. Each of these approaches,
however, has its own specific statistical drawbacks (e.g., lack
of adherence to rigidly standardized protocol among many
institutions in multicenter trials, varying quality of study
design and statistical techniques among publications in-
cluded in meta-analyses). Therefore, efforts to reexamine the
issue of anesthetic outcome following general versus regional
anesthesia have produced variable and often contradictory
conclusions and have thus failed to confirm an advantage of
regional over general anesthesia.
More recently, Norris and associates published findings of a
meticulously conducted RCT examining outcome in patients
undergoing abdominal aortic surgery while under general or
epidural anesthesia. This study, which adhered to rigorous
methodology, found no advantage or disadvantage for either
regional or general anesthesia when various outcomes were
measured. This finding was echoed by two more recent, large
(N  915, N  888) multicenter Australian studies involving
high-risk patients undergoing major abdominal surgery while
under either epidural anesthesia followed by postoperative
epidural analgesia or general anesthesia with conventional
postoperative analgesia. Peyton and colleagues concluded that
they “were unable to find any significant improvement in major
morbidity or mortality after major abdominal surgery from
perioperative epidural analgesia.”

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80 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Thus, the issue whether regional or general anesthesia

is safer in the high-risk patient remains largely unre-
solved [ A Norris et al, 2001; A Peyton et al, 2003; A Rigg et al,
2002]. Notwithstanding certain specific exceptions that may
confer some clinical advantage to the use of regional anesthe-
sia (Table 4-8), one must conclude that the circumstances in
which regional techniques provide unequivocal benefit are,
at best, rare.

Overview of Traditional Outcome Studies:

Does a Consensus Favor Regional Anesthesia?

Outcome Consensus? Comments

Intraoperative Yes ⬃30% reduction versus general anesthe-
blood loss sia; specifically in total hip replacement,
radical prostatectomy, lower extremity
vascular surgery, total abdominal hys-
terectomy; ability to extrapolate conclu-
sions from these procedures uncertain
Thromboembolic Yes Several studies have shown this, but none
complications featured a general anesthesia control
group given standard perioperative
antithrombotic prophylaxis (e.g.,
miniheparin, warfarin, compression
stockings); thus, applicability to current
practice questionable
Lower extremity Yes Two major prospective studies confirmed
vascular graft the value of epidural anesthesia
failure [Christopherson et al, 1993; Tuman
et al, 1991]
Postoperative No Results highly variable: few studies show
mental status benefit, most show no difference, few
studies show worse outcome when
regional techniques used
Cardiopulmonary No Most studies reveal insignificant differ-
complications ences, report “trends”; few studies that
report statistically significant difference
suffer from small sample size (i.e.,
sampling error)
Perioperative No Many studies over several years; favorite
mortality patient population: elderly patients
undergoing orthopedic procedures on
hip joint; samples small but sufficient
number of studies for meta-analysis

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 81


One of the enduring traditions in anesthesia practice has
been the requirement that patients maintain an overnight fast
before surgery. The “NPO (nil per os) after midnight” order
is familiar to anyone caring for patients perioperatively. The
historical imperative regarding this practice results from con-
cern about pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents during
anesthesia, one of the earliest described risks of anesthesia
and the cause of the first reported anesthetic death.
The dire consequences of pulmonary aspiration of acidic
material were first elucidated in the 1940s by Curtis Mendel-
son, and the acid aspiration syndrome (or Mendelson syn-
drome) has since been an outcome of general anesthesia
greatly feared by patients and physicians alike. However,
several more recent insights into the physiology of gastric
emptying and the epidemiology of pulmonary aspiration
have called into question the validity of the mandatory
8-hour fast. These insights have contributed to a gradual but
inexorable reconsideration of this practice.

Declining Incidence of Pulmonary Aspiration

Based on currently available data, the frequency of clini-
cally important pulmonary aspiration during anesthesia is
dramatically lower than in decades past. The original study
by Mendelson reported 66 cases of clinically significant
aspiration pneumonia among 44,016 patients (1 in 667)
who were receiving general anesthesia for obstetric proce-
dures between 1932 and 1945. In contrast, large-scale
studies since the mid-1980s involving several tens of thou-
sands of adult and pediatric patients receiving general anes-
thesia have reported frequencies an order of magnitude
Moreover, the National Health Service of the United
Kingdom has maintained an ongoing registry of maternal
mortality since the 1950s. Of maternal deaths attributed to

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82 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

anesthesia, 52% to 65% were the result of aspiration in 1952

to 1954, whereas in the 1992 report, there were no defined
deaths from that event. Similarly, statistics from the ASA’s
closed-claim database reveal that sequelae of pulmonary aspi-
ration accounted for only 3.5% of all claims, with no claims
related to aspiration reported after 1994.
This decline has several possible explanations. Compared
with those used historically, contemporary anesthetic agents
and associated medications are safer and are less likely to
stimulate regurgitation or active emesis. Epidemiologic stud-
ies have been increasingly successful in identifying patients
at greater risk for regurgitation and aspiration because of
delayed gastric emptying or dysfunction of the gastroesopha-
geal sphincter (Table 4-9). The two most important advances
have been the routine use of intravenous agents for induction
of general anesthesia and the reliance on endotracheal intu-
bation for a large percentage of surgical procedures per-
formed under general anesthesia. Anesthesia delivered by
face mask, a nearly universal technique for more than a cen-
tury, is currently used only in patients considered at low risk
for pulmonary aspiration, in whom the airway is not com-
promised and controlled mechanical ventilation is not
planned. When cases are properly selected, anesthesia by
face mask or its more recent popular modification, the laryn-
geal mask airway, does not increase risk.

Reexamination of Risk
Concomitant with the reduction in the frequency of pulmo-
nary aspiration has been an evolution in an understanding
of the relationship between the composition of gastric con-
tents and the risk of acid aspiration syndrome. The rarity of
pulmonary aspiration during anesthesia, the large sample
size needed to make statistically significant observations,
and ethical concerns have hampered research into the risk
of anesthesia-related aspiration. Designing a statistically
valid study of the various risk factors for this complication

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 83

Patients at High Risk for Regurgitation

of Gastric Contents
Gastric Distention
Inadequate preoperative fast
Delayed gastric emptying
Autonomic neuropathy (e.g., diabetes, Shy-Drager syndrome)
Recent abdominal surgery
Antiparkinsonian agents
Intestinal obstruction/pseudo-obstruction
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Collagen-vascular (e.g., scleroderma)
Esophageal Disease
Diverticular disease
Foreign body

is difficult because of the enormous sample sizes required.

Moreover, there are serious ethical concerns in studying a
complication with potentially devastating consequences.
For these reasons, research in this area has been forced to
rely on the use of animal experiments or, among human
subjects, surrogate end points such as the volume and com-
position of gastric contents assumed to confer a greater

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84 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

A long-held belief has been that severe sequelae of pulmo-

nary aspiration are more likely when the residual gastric fluid
volume exceeds 25 mL (or 0.4 mL/kg in children) and has a
pH of less than 2.5. The acceptance of this teaching has pro-
moted both strict adherence to the 8-hour fast requirement
and an abundance of research into techniques of altering
gastric residual volume and acidity preoperatively (e.g., fast-
ing, nonparticulate antacids, H2-receptor blockers, proton
pump inhibitors, gastrokinetic agents).
More recent epidemiologic data have revealed that many
preoperative patients have gastric contents that qualify as “at
risk” by these traditional criteria. Moreover, the prevalence of
high-volume, acidic gastric contents is not limited to patients
in one of the accepted clinical high-risk categories (see
Table 4-9) to whom preoperative prophylactic measures have
been primarily directed. These data, in conjunction with the
recognition that clinically significant pulmonary aspiration
has become rare, have prompted a reexamination of the long-
standing acid-volume risk criteria.

Clearance of Gastric Contents

There is no debate that solid, particulate matter and highly
acidic material aspirated into the lungs are damaging; at issue
is the risk imposed by the residual volume of gastric liquid.
The recent scrutiny of its role has taken two directions. No
evidence indicates that a complete fast (for solids and liquids)
of several hours’ duration is mandatory. Further, even with
solids, no evidence supports the specific figure of 8 hours as
a critical time for gastric emptying in physiologically normal
individuals. It is likely that this duration originated as an in-
ference drawn from the routine NPO after midnight order,
because elective surgery often begins at 8:00 A.M.

Clinical Data
The debate about the validity of an 8-hour preoperative fast
is accompanied by the recognition that this duration is fre-
quently uncomfortable for patients and frustrating for those

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 85

interested in the efficient management of an operating suite.

Out of concern for the need to maintain a strict period of
fasting, patients often omit important oral medications pre-
operatively; moreover, patients frequently manifest excessive
thirst, nausea, and anxiety. These concerns are especially ap-
parent in children; moreover, in infants a prolonged fast
produces a significant risk of dehydration and hypoglycemia.
It is therefore not surprising that clinical studies evaluating
the composition of gastric contents following various dura-
tions of fasting have focused largely on pediatric patients.
Since the early 1990s, numerous studies involving children
and, more recently, adults have universally found that per-
mitting clear liquids (e.g., water, clear juices, tea, black cof-
fee) up to 2 hours before surgery results in either no differ-
ence or, in some cases, a small reduction in gastric residual
volumes when compared with prolonged fasting. In addi-
tion, no significant differences in gastric pH and no increase
in the incidence of regurgitation or aspiration during anes-
thesia have been reported. Finally, studies in both children
and adults have revealed a reduction in preoperative thirst
and an improved sense of well-being among patients permit-
ted clear fluids 2 to 3 hours before surgery.

Contemporary Guidelines
In summary, the reappraisal of historical precepts relating to
preoperative fasting and the abundance of contemporary
clinical data have failed to support the validity of a pro-
longed, all-inclusive preoperative fast (i.e., for solids and
clear liquids). A growing awareness of this fact has inspired
a gradual alteration in anesthetic practice nationwide.
In recognition of the need for an evidence-based analysis
to address the evolution in clinical practice regarding preop-
erative fasting, the ASA organized a Task Force on Preopera-
tive Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce
the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration. The task force’s guidelines,
published in 1999, are summarized in Table 4-10. Although
efforts have been made to determine the extent to which the

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86 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

TABLE 4-10 Current Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting

Ingested Material Minimum Fasting Period (hr)*

Clear liquids† 2
Breast milk 4
Nonclear liquids, solids‡ 6

* These recommendations apply to healthy patients undergoing elective pro-

cedures. They are not intended for women in labor.
† Examples of clear liquids include water, fruit juices without pulp, carbonated
beverages, clear tea, and black coffee.
‡ This category includes nonhuman milk.
Modified from Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use of pharma-
cologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: Application to healthy
patients undergoing elective procedures. A report by the American Society of Anesthe-
siologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting. Anesthesiology 90:896–905, 1999.

ASA guidelines for preoperative fasting have been embraced

on a local level, to date no comprehensive data are available
on the adoption of the guidelines nationally. Whereas it can
be assumed that growing numbers of institutions have done
so, certain aspects of the guidelines require clarification, and,
in some cases, exceptions are appropriate.
First, in adults with normal nutritional requirements
whose surgery has been electively scheduled, in advance, to
occur at a reasonably early hour in the day, it is appropriate
to continue employing a routine NPO after midnight order.
It would be unwieldy and impractical to individualize the
beginning of each patient’s period of fasting based on the
exact scheduled time of surgery. Moreover, the efficient ad-
ministration of an operating room schedule requires ongoing
flexibility with respect to designated starting times. These are
subject to change for a variety of reasons (e.g., change in
surgeon availability, cancellation of preceding cases), and
they should not depend on the need to complete a preopera-
tive fast tailored to a previously scheduled operating time.
Thus, the liberalization of preoperative fasting require-
ments through the incorporation of the ASA guidelines is
most applicable to patients whose cases are added on to the

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4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 87

elective schedule during the day of surgery. This should

prove a great benefit by eliminating confusion and disagree-
ment among staff members about when such cases are per-
mitted to begin. Because of the risks to very young children
of prolonged fasting, patients younger than 4 years of age
should be encouraged to ingest clear liquids 2 to 4 hours
preoperatively, even for previously scheduled operations.
Second, when patients present with surgical emergencies,
judgment dictates that the risk of delaying surgery outweighs
that of not completing a preoperative fast. In such cases, fast-
ing guidelines are abrogated.
Finally, the choice of anesthetic technique is independent
of, and unaffected by, the prescribed duration of preoperative
fasting. Although local and regional techniques do not entail
the intended production of a state of unconsciousness (and
the attendant risk of pulmonary aspiration), acute adverse
effects requiring the immediate induction of general anesthe-
sia may unexpectedly be encountered during any anesthetic
regimen. Thus, SA, for example, is not an acceptable alterna-
tive to an insufficient preoperative fast.

Selected Readings
Adams JP, Murphy PG: Obesity in anaesthesia and intensive care. Br J Anaesth
85:91-108, 2000.
American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting.
Anesthesiology: Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use
of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: Ap-
plication to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures. A report by
the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative
Fasting. Anesthesiology 90:896-905, 1999.
Biring MS, Lewis MI, Liu JT, et al: Pulmonary physiologic changes of morbid
obesity. Am J Med Sci 318:293-297, 1999.
Candido KD, Stevens RA: Post-dural puncture headache: Pathophysiology,
prevention and treatment. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol 17:451-469,
Cheney FW, Domino KB, Caplan RA, et al: Nerve injury associated with
anesthesia: A closed claims analysis. Anesthesiology 90:1062-1069,

Ch04-X2385_051_090.indd 87 12/19/07 2:40:23 PM

88 4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia

Christopherson R, Beattie C, Frank SM, et al: Perioperative morbidity in

patients randomized to eqidural or general anesthesia for lower extrem-
ity vascular surgery. Perioperative Ischemia Randomized Anesthesia Trial
Study Group. Anesthesiology 79:422-434, 1993.
Davignon KR, Dennehy KC: Update on postdural puncture headache. Int
Anesthesiol Clin 40:89-102, 2002.
Duffy PJ, Crosby ET: The epidural blood patch: Resolving the controversies.
Can J Anaesth 46:878-886, 1999. B
Eichenberger A, Proietti S, Wicky S, et al: Morbid obesity and postoperative
pulmonary atelectasis: An underestimated problem. Anesth Analg
95:1788-1792, 2002.
Evans RW, Armon C, Frohman EM, et al: Assessment: Prevention of post-
lumbar puncture headaches: Report of the therapeutics and technology
assessment subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neu-
rology 55:909-914, 2000. A
Johnson T, Monk T, Rasmussen LS, et al: Postoperative cognitive dysfunc-
tion in middle-aged patients. Anesthesiology 96:1351-1357, 2002.
Lagasse RS: Anesthesia safety: Model or myth? A review of the published
literature and analysis of current original data. Anesthesiology 97:1609-
1617, 2002.
Landercasper J, Merz BJ, Cogbill TH, et al: Perioperative stroke risk in 173
consecutive patients with a past history of stroke. Arch Surg 125:
986-989, 1990.
Lee LA, Roth S, Posner KL, et al: The American Society of Anesthesiologists
Postoperative Visual Loss Registry: Analysis of 93 spine surgery cases
with postoperative visual loss. Anesthesiology 105:652-659, 2006.
Liu SS, McDonald SB: Current issues in spinal anesthesia. Anesthesiology
94:888-906, 2001.
Maltby JR, Pytka S, Watson NC, et al: Drinking 300 mL of clear fluid two
hours before surgery has no effect on gastric fluid volume and pH in
fasting and non-fasting obese patients. Can J Anaesth 51:111-115,
Marcantonio ER, Goldman L, Mangione CM, et al: A clinical prediction
rule for delirium after elective noncardiac surgery. JAMA 271:134-139,
1994. B
Moller JT: Cerebral dysfunction after anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
Suppl 110:13-16, 1997.
Norris EJ, Beattie C, Perler BA, et al: Double-masked randomized trial
comparing alternate combinations of intraoperative anesthesia and post-
operative analgesia in abdominal aortic surgery. Anesthesiology 95:1054-
1067, 2001. A
O’Brien D: Acute postoperative delirium: Definitions, incidence, recogni-
tion, and interventions. J Perianesth Nurs 17:384-392, 2002.

Ch04-X2385_051_090.indd 88 12/19/07 2:40:23 PM

4 • Selected Medical Challenges of Anesthesia 89

Ogunnaike BO, Jones SB, Jones DB, et al: Anesthetic considerations for
bariatric surgery. Anesth Analg 95:1793-1805, 2002.
Parikh SS, Chung F: Postoperative delirium in the elderly. Anesth Analg
80:1223-1232, 1995.
Peyton PJ, Myles PS, Silbert BS, et al: Perioperative epidural analgesia and
outcome after major abdominal surgery in high-risk patients. Anesth Analg
96:548-554, 2003. A
Phillips S, Hutchinson S, Davidson T: Preoperative drinking does not affect
gastric contents. Br J Anaesth 70:6-9, 1993.
Rasmussen LS, Johnson T, Kuipers HM, et al: Does anaesthesia cause post-
operative cognitive dysfunction? A randomised study of regional versus
general anaesthesia in 438 elderly patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
47:260-266, 2003.
Ray CS, Sue DY, Bray G, et al: Effects of obesity on respiratory function.
Am Rev Respir Dis 128:501-506, 1983.
Read MS, Vaughan RS: Allowing pre-operative patients to drink: Effects on
patients’ safety and comfort of unlimited oral water until 2 hours before
anaesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 35:591-595, 1991.
Rigg JRA, Jamrozik K, Myles PS, et al: Epidural anaesthesia and analgesia and
outcome of major surgery: A randomised trial. Lancet 359:1276-1282,
2002. A
Rosenberg H, Clofine R, Bialik O: Neurologic changes during awakening from
anesthesia. Anesthesiology 54:125-130, 1981.
Roth S, Thisted RA, Erickson JP, et al: Eye injuries after nonocular surgery:
A study of 60,965 anesthetics from 1988 to 1992. Anesthesiology
85:1020-1027, 1996.
Sarr MG, Felty CL, Hilmer DM, et al: Technical and practical considerations
involved in operations on patients weighing more than 270 kg. Arch
Surg 130:102-105, 1995.
Tuman KJ, McCarthy RJ, March RJ, et al: Effects of epidural anesthesia and
analgesia on coagulation and outcome after major vascular surgery.
Anesth Analg 73:696-704, 1991.
Warner MA, Warner DO, Matsumoto JY, et al: Ulnar neuropathy in surgical
patients. Anesthesiology 90:54-59, 1999.
Warner MA, Warner ME, Weber JG: Clinical significance of pulmonary as-
piration during the perioperative period. Anesthesiology 78:56-62,
Williams-Russo P, Sharrock NE, Mattis S, et al: Cognitive effects after epi-
dural vs general anesthesia in older adults. A randomized trial. JAMA
274:44-50, 1995.
Yeager MP, Glass DD, Neff RK, et al: Epidural anesthesia and analgesia in
high-risk surgical patients. Anesthesiology 66:729-736, 1987.

Ch04-X2385_051_090.indd 89 12/19/07 2:40:24 PM

5 Prophylaxis for Deep Vein
Thrombosis and Pulmonary
Embolism in the Surgical

Despite biannual revisions of guidelines by the American Col-

lege of Chest Physicians (ACCP) for the perioperative prophy-
laxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism
(PE), the use of prophylactic regimens is not uniform. The dif-
ficulty with complete acceptance of recommended guidelines
stems from the following: concern that prophylactic anticoag-
ulation will result in perioperative hemorrhage; willingness to
accept some degree of DVT in the calf, with the resultant lower
risk of fatal PE, as opposed to the risk of bleeding from more
effective prophylaxis that prevents DVT; and in some settings,
a lack of familiarity with these guidelines. In an attempt to
resolve this issue, surgeons have requested clear-cut guidelines
for the identification of a high-risk group of patients in whom
prophylaxis of DVT and PE must be more aggressive. The
purpose of this chapter is to review the causes, risk factors,
methods of prophylaxis, incidence in various procedures, and
guidelines for prophylaxis of DVT and PE.

The triad of stasis, intimal injury, and hypercoagulability
contributes to thrombosis, DVT, and PE. This section dis-
cusses the secondary risk factors that enhance this triad.
The first component of the triad, stasis, results from supine
positioning and the effects of anesthesia. Stasis causes venous


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92 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

pooling, which is augmented by the vasodilatory effect of

anesthesia and results in increased venous capacitance and
decreased venous return from the lower extremities. Venous
thrombi composed of platelets, fibrin, and red blood cells
develop behind the venous valve cusps or the intramuscular
sinuses of the calf secondary to decreased blood flow and
The second component of the triad is intimal injury, which
results from excessive vasodilation caused by vasoactive
amines (histamine, serotonin, bradykinin) and anesthesia.
Investigators have demonstrated that abrupt venous dilation
may cause venous endothelial tears that may serve as the ni-
dus for accumulation of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and plate-
lets. Hypercoagulability is the third risk factor for venous
thrombosis in the surgical patient. Stasis and surgery create
conditions conducive to clot formation. Impaired venous
blood flow results in decreased clearance of activated clotting
factors that promotes clot formation in areas of intimal injury
and in low-flow areas such as the posterior valve cusp.


When the patient’s risk for DVT and PE is assessed preopera-
tively, considerations include the patient’s age, the length and
type of surgical procedure planned, a history of previous DVT
and PE, and additional risk factors. These additional risk fac-
tors are increasing age, central venous catheterization, inher-
ited or acquired thrombophilia, cancer therapy (hormonal
therapy, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy), prolonged immobi-
lization, paralysis, malignant disease, obesity, varicose veins,
estrogen-containing oral contraceptives or hormone replace-
ment therapy, selective estrogen-receptor modulators, ne-
phritic syndrome, heart or respiratory failure, pregnancy or
postpartum status, acute medical illness, myeloproliferative
disorders, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, smoking,
and major or lower extremity trauma (Box 5-1).

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 93


Box 5-1

1. Surgery
2. Trauma (major or lower extremity)
3. Immobility, paresis
4. Malignant disease
5. Cancer therapy (hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, or
6. Previous deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
7. Increasing age
8. Pregnancy and the postpartum period
9. Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives or hormone
replacement therapy
10. Selective estrogen-receptor modulators
11. Acute medical illness
12. Heart or respiratory failure
13. Inflammatory bowel disease
14. Nephrotic syndrome
15. Myeloproliferative disorders
16. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
17. Obesity
18. Smoking
19. Varicose veins
20. Central venous catheters
21. Inherited or acquired thrombophilia

Modified from Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al: Prevention of venous thrombo-
embolism. Chest 126:338S-400S, 2004. Copyright 2004 by the American College of
Chest Physicians. Reproduced with permission of the American College of Chest Physi-
cians in the format Textbook via Copyright Clearance Center.

The patient can be classified as being at low, moderate,

high, or very high risk for the development of DVT and PE
(Table 5-1). Low-risk patients are less than 40 years old, have
no additional risk factors, and are undergoing minor surgery.
This group of patients has a 2% risk of calf DVT, a 0.4% risk
of proximal vein DVT, and a 0.01% risk of fatal PE if DVT
prophylaxis is not used.

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94 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Classification of the Risk of Postoperative

TABLE 5-1 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary
Risk Categories Calf DVT Proximal DVT Fatal PE
Very High Risk 40%–80% 10%–20% 0.2%–5%
Age ⬎40 yr
Multiple additional risk factors*
Total hip or knee arthroplasty
Surgery for malignancy
Hip fracture
Major trauma
Spinal cord injury
High Risk 20%–40% 4%–8% 0.4%–1%
Age ⬎60 or 40–60 yr
Major surgery
With additional risk factors*
Moderate Risk 10%–20% 2%–4% 0.1%–0.4%
Minor surgery
With additional risk factors*
Age 40–60 yr
No additional risk factors
Low Risk 2% 0.4% ⬍0.01%
Age ⬍40 yr
Minor surgery
No additional risk factors

*Additional risk factors: increasing age, central venous catheterization, inherited

or acquired thrombophilia, cancer therapy (hormonal, chemotherapy, or radiother-
apy), prolonged immobilization, paralysis, malignancy, obesity, varicose veins,
estrogen-containing oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, selective
estrogen-receptor modulators, nephritic syndrome, heart or respiratory failure, preg-
nancy or postpartum period, acute medical illness, myeloproliferative disorders, par-
oxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, smoking, trauma (major or lower extremity).
DVT, deep venous thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism.
Modified from Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al: Prevention of venous throm-
boembolism. Chest 126:338S-400S, 2004. Copyright 2004 by the American Col-
lege of Chest Physicians. Reproduced with permission of the American College of
Chest Physicians in the format Textbook via Copyright Clearance Center.

Moderate-risk patients are those undergoing minor sur-

gery with additional risk factors or those between 40 and
60 years old and who have no additional risk factors. Without
prophylaxis, this group has a 10% to 20% risk of the develop-
ment of calf vein thrombosis, a 2% to 4% risk of a proximal
vein clot, and a 0.1% to 0.4% risk of fatal PE.

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 95

The high-risk group includes patients having surgery who

are more than 60 years old and those between 40 and 60 years
old who have additional risk factors. This group has a 20% to
40% risk of calf vein thrombosis, a 4% to 8% risk of proximal
vein thrombosis, and a 0.4% to 1% risk of fatal PE if prophy-
laxis is not used.
Very high-risk patients are more than 40 years old, have
multiple additional risk factors, and are undergoing total hip
or knee arthroplasty or hip fracture surgery or have major
trauma or spinal cord injury. This group has a 40% to 80%
risk of calf vein thrombosis, a 10% to 20% risk of proximal
vein thrombosis, and a 0.2% to 5% risk of fatal PE with the
use of prophylactic regimens.

At present, there are seven recognized modalities for DVT
and PE prophylaxis. In this section, each modality is re-
viewed with respect to dose, administration, length of ther-
apy, and adverse reactions.
Heparin (Unfractionated Heparin)
Fixed-Dose Heparin
Heparin is administered subcutaneously at 5000 U 2 hours
before surgery. This is followed postoperatively by adminis-
tration of 5000 U subcutaneously every 8 to 12 hours until
the patient is discharged (Box 5-2). In double-blind trials, the
incidence of major hemorrhagic events was 1.8% versus 0.8%


1. Administer 5000 U subcutaneously 2 hr before surgery.

2. Administer 5000 U subcutaneously q8h or q12h postop-
3. Maintain the regimen until the patient is discharged.

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96 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

in the controls. This difference is not statistically significant.

The incidence of minor bleeding, such as injection site and
wound hematomas, was reported to be significant, with 6.3%
in the low-dose heparin group and 4.1% in the controls. Rare
complications of low-dose heparin include skin necrosis,
thrombocytopenia, and hyperkalemia.
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) are used for the
prevention of postoperative DVT in orthopedic and general
surgery. This group of heparins was observed to have a more
significant inhibitory effect on factor Xa than on factor IIa, as
well as a lower bleeding risk than standard heparin. Currently,
six LMWH preparations are approved for use in Europe,
whereas in the United States only enoxaparin, dalteparin, and
fondaparinux are available for orthopedic and general surgery,
respectively (Box 5-3). The newest LMWH is fondaparinux. It
has a long half-life (17 to 21 hours) and is renally excreted,
and its anticoagulant effect is not reversed by protamine. Each
of these LMWH s has a different molecular weight, anti-Xa to
anti-IIa activity, rates of plasma clearance, and recommended
dosage regimens. LMWHs are not bound to plasma proteins


• Dalteparin: Administer 5000 U subcutaneously q24h (initi-

ated the evening of surgery).
• Fondaparinux: Administer 2.5 mg, subcutaneously begin-
ning 6 hr following surgery and then once daily.
• Enoxaparin: For orthopedic surgery, administer 30 mg subcu-
taneously q12h (initiated the evening of surgery). For all
other surgical procedures, administer 40 mg subcutaneously
q24h (initiated the evening of surgery). Patients with a creati-
nine clearance of less than 30 mL/min should receive 30 mg
subcutaneously q24h for both general and orthopedic surgery.

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 97

(histidine-rich glycoprotein, platelet factor-4, vitronectin, fib-

ronectin, and von Willebrand factor), endothelial cells, or
macrophages, as is standard heparin. This lower affinity con-
tributes to a longer plasma half-life, more complete plasma
recovery at all concentrations, and a clearance that is indepen-
dent of dose and plasma concentration. For DVT prophylaxis,
enoxaparin is administered following orthopedic surgery at
30 mg subcutaneously every 12 hours. For all other surgical
procedures, enoxaparin is administered at 40 mg subcutane-
ously once daily. Dalteparin is administered 2 hours before
general abdominal surgery at 2500 U subcutaneously and
then once daily at 2500 or 5000 U. Fondaparinux has been
recently approved for prophylaxis in total hip, knee, and frac-
tured hip surgery at 2.5 mg subcutaneously once daily begin-
ning 6 hours following surgery.
Warfarin prophylaxis can be administered by two methods
(Box 5-4). The first protocol is to give warfarin, 10 mg, the
night before surgery. This dose is followed by 5 mg the
evening of surgery. The daily dose is determined by the
prothrombin time (PT) converted to the international nor-
malized ratio (INR). The INR sought is 2 to 3. An alterna-
tive approach to warfarin prophylaxis is to give 10 mg of
warfarin on the evening of surgery. No warfarin is given on
postoperative day 1, and on the second postoperative day,
warfarin is given to maintain an INR of 2 to 3. In any of
these regimens, patients who are unable to take anything by
mouth can receive warfarin intravenously at the same dose
as the oral preparation. The preceding therapies are main-
tained as extended prophylaxis for 4 to 6 weeks at an INR
of 2 to 3. The incidence of major postoperative bleeding
with warfarin therapy has varied from 5% to 10%. The rare
complication of warfarin skin necrosis has not been re-
ported in studies using this agent as prophylaxis for DVT
and PE.

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98 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism


• 10 mg by mouth the evening before surgery
• 5 mg by mouth the evening of surgery
• Adjust dose daily based on an INR of 2 to 3
• Maintain warfarin until discharge
• 10 mg by mouth the evening of surgery
• No warfarin on postoperative day 1
• On postoperative day 2, begin warfarin to adjust INR to
2 to 3
• Maintain warfarin until discharge

INR, International normalized ratio.

External Pneumatic Compression

External pneumatic compression sleeves are mechanical
methods of improving venous return from the lower ex-
tremities. They reduce stasis in the gastrocnemius-soleus
pump. They are placed on the patient on the morning of
surgery and are worn throughout the surgical procedure and
continuously for 48 hours afterward. If the patient is ambula-
tory, the sleeves may be discontinued or replaced by subcu-
taneous heparin, or both can be used, until hospital dis-
charge. If the patient is nonambulatory, use of the sleeves
should be continued until the patient is more active. In this
latter group, the sleeves may not be tolerated by the patient
because of increased warmth, sweating, or disturbance of
sleep. Subcutaneous heparin can be substituted until dis-
charge or when the patient becomes ambulatory. Bed-bound
patients wearing the sleeves may have them temporarily re-
moved for skin care, bathing, physical therapy, or bedside
commode use. Each manufacturer has specifications regard-
ing the operation and cycle time of the respective device, but

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 99

no statistically significant difference has been shown in the

incidence of DVT related to the brand employed. If a patient
has been at bed rest or immobilized for more than 72 hours
without any form of prophylaxis, placement of pneumatic
sleeves is not recommended because of the possibility of
dislodging newly formed clot. In this situation, assessment of
the lower extremity by noninvasive testing is recommended
to rule out the presence of new DVT. If test results are nega-
tive, then venous compression sleeves are used.
A newer mechanical device has come under study for
prophylaxis against DVT and PE in the surgical patient. This
device operates by compressing the sole of the foot; this
compression activates a physiologic pump mechanism and
improves venous return in the lower extremity. The arterio-
venous impulse system (foot pump) was developed to ac-
complish this function. Like the external pneumatic com-
pression sleeves, this device is worn during and after the
surgical procedure until the patient is ambulatory or the de-
vice is replaced by a pharmacologic agent. The foot pump
has not been shown to be as effective as the external pneu-
matic compression sleeves.
Gradient Elastic Stockings
Calf-length gradient elastic stockings are worn during surgery
and are maintained until the patient is discharged. The stock-
ings can be removed for skin care and bathing. The use of
these stockings has no known complications. This mechanical
method of prophylaxis is effective for low-risk procedures.


Orthopedic Surgery
Prophylaxis for DVT and PE in the orthopedic surgery group
has been strongly advocated by the ACCP Consensus Con-
ference on Antithrombotic Therapy and the International

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100 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Consensus Statement. Total hip replacement, repair of

hip fracture, and total knee replacement constitute the pre-
dominant procedures performed in the geriatric patient
(Table 5-2). In these types of surgical procedures, DVT may
occur as isolated proximal, proximal and distal, or isolated
distal thrombosis. This incidence of fatal PE in patients un-
dergoing total joint replacement who have not had DVT
prophylaxis has been reported to be as high as 5%. To under-
stand the approach to prophylaxis, the predominant ortho-
pedic procedures are reviewed.
The incidence of DVT in total hip replacement is approxi-
mately 45% to 50%. Enoxaparin, dalteparin, fondaparinux,
and warfarin are currently the pharmacologic agents of choice
for DVT prophylaxis. Warfarin may be administered by any of
the methods listed in Table 5-2. Enoxaparin is administered
subcutaneously at 30 mg 12 hours postoperatively, then every
12 hours postoperative day 1. Dalteparin is given at 2500 U
subcutaneously 4 to 8 hours postoperatively, followed by
5000 IU subcutaneously every 24 hours. Fondaparinux, at
2.5 mg subcutaneously, is given 6 hours postoperatively, then
every 24 hours. External pneumatic compression has become
a common prophylactic measure in orthopedic surgery. This
mechanical prophylaxis does not increase the risk of periop-
erative bleeding and has been shown to be effective in
reducing DVT, but it is recommended as adjuvant therapy for
Hip fractures have been associated with a DVT incidence of
40% to 45%. By extrapolation of the data from total hip re-
placement, enoxaparin, dalteparin, fondaparinux, and warfarin
should be routinely used as DVT prophylaxis. External pneu-
matic compression sleeves may be used alone if the bleeding
risk is very high or in combination with pharmacologic pro-
phylaxis in this patient group.
The incidence of DVT in total knee replacement has been
reported to be 72%. This high rate is attributed to the proce-
dure and to tourniquet application to the limb, which is

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 101

TABLE 5-2 Prophylaxis for Orthopedic Surgery

Total Hip Replacement
Incidence: 45%–57% without VTE prophylaxis
LMWH (dalteparin OR enoxaparin OR fondaparinux)
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 4–8 hr postop, then 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Enoxaparin: 30 mg, SC, 12 hr postop, then 30 mg, SC, q12h (creatinine
clearance ⬍30 mL/min: 30 mg, SC, q24h)
Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg, SC, 6 hr postop, then 2.5 mg, q24h
Warfarin: INR 2–3
Note: ASA, dextran, LDUH, IPC, or VFP should not be used as the only method
of VTE prophylaxis.
Fractured Hip
Incidence: 36%–60% without VTE prophylaxis
LMWH (fondaparinux OR dalteparin OR enoxaparin)
Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg, SC, 6 hr postop, then 2.5 mg, q24h
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 4–8 hr postop, then 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Enoxaparin: 30 mg, SC, 12 hr postop, then 30 mg, SC, q12h (creatinine
clearance ⬍30 mL/min: 30 mg, SC, q24h)
Warfarin: INR 2–3
UFH: 5000 IU, SC, q8h
Note: Surgery delayed prophylaxis UFH or LMWH should be applied between the
time of hospital admission and surgery; external pneumatic compression if anti-
coagulation contraindicated; ASA should not be used as only method of VTE
Total Knee Replacement
Incidence: 40%–84% without VTE prophylaxis
LMWH (enoxaparin OR fondaparinux)
Enoxaparin: 30 mg, SC, 12 hr postop, then 30 mg, SC, q12h (creatinine
clearance ⬍30 mL/min: 30 mg, SC, q24h)
Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg, SC, 6 hr postop, then 2.5 mg, q24h
Warfarin: INR 2–3
External pneumatic compression
Note: ASA, UFH, VFP should not be used as the only method of VTE prophylaxis.

ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; INR, international normalized ratio; IPC, intermittent

pneumatic compression; LDUH, low-dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH, low-
molecular-weight heparin; postop, postoperatively; SC, subcutaneously; UFH,
unfractionated heparin; VFP, venous foot pump; VTE, venous thromboembolism.

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102 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

utilized during surgery to decrease bleeding at the surgical

site. Enoxaparin, fondaparinux, and warfarin have been rec-
ommended as the most effective prophylaxis for DVT pre-
vention. External pneumatic compression sleeves are the
most effective nonpharmacologic modality; however, they
must be worn continuously to provide the physiologic effect
of reducing stasis.
Urologic Surgery
A review of prophylaxis studies in urologic surgery showed
that the average male patient was 50 to 70 years old. The
incidence of DVT varies in the urologic literature, with an
incidence between 31% and 51% in open prostatectomies to
7% to 10% in transurethral resections of the prostate. The
patients in these studies had a mixture of benign and malig-
nant diseases. This factor introduces bias into the outcome of
these studies. The prophylaxis for DVT has been variable
because there are few well-controlled trials. Heparin, exter-
nal pneumatic compression, and gradient elastic stockings
have been advocated as prophylaxis (Table 5-3). The present
recommendations are heparin (5000 U subcutaneously be-
ginning 2 hours before surgery, followed by 5000 U subcuta-
neously every 8 to 12 hours until the patient is discharged or
ambulatory) or external pneumatic compression. More trials
are necessary in this surgical population.
The age group in neurosurgical prophylaxis studies varies from
48 to 60 years. Craniotomies and spinal surgical operations
have been the predominant neurosurgical procedures evalu-
ated for prophylaxis. Six major neurosurgical prophylaxis
studies have been reported in the literature. Three of the six
studies evaluated combined populations of patients undergo-
ing craniotomy and spinal surgery. Two studies evaluated
solely craniotomy and aneurysmal resection. In these studies,
the incidence of DVT varied between 19% and 43%. Two

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 103

TABLE 5-3 Prophylaxis for Urologic Surgery

Incidence of DVT
Open prostatectomy: 31%–51%
TURP: 7%–10%
Prophylaxis: High-Risk Urology Patient
UFH: 5000 U, SC, q8 or 12 h
External pneumatic compression sleeves
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hours postop, followed by 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, followed by
5000 IU, SC, q24h
Prophylaxis: Very High-Risk Urology Patient
External pneumatic compression plus UFH OR LMWH
UFH: 5000 U, SC, q8h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, followed by
5000 IU, SC, q24h
Prophylaxis: Low-Risk Urologic Procedure (TURP, cystoscopy)
Early ambulation

DVT, deep venous thrombosis; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; postop,

postoperatively; preop, preoperatively; SC, subcutaneously; UFH, unfractionated hepa-
rin; TURP, transurethral resection of the prostate; VTE, venous thromboembolism.

significant factors (leg weakness and surgery longer than

4 hours’ duration) were identified as risks for the development
of DVT. Subcutaneous heparin was shown to be effective. The
incidence of DVT was reduced from 34% to 6% with no in-
creased risk of central nervous system bleeding. Studies with
external pneumatic compression reported a reduction in DVT
from 19% to 1.5%. The current recommendations are to use
external pneumatic compression devices as primary prophy-
laxis for DVT and PE (Table 5-4). In craniotomy, external
pneumatic compression sleeves should be worn until the
patient is ambulatory. If the patient remains on bed rest
for more than 10 days, heparin (5000 U subcutaneously every
12 hours) may be substituted for the compression sleeves. The
recommendations given previously should be used for patients

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104 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

TABLE 5-4 Prophylaxis for Neurosurgery

Incidence of DVT: 19%–34% without VTE prophylaxis
External pneumatic compression with or without gradient elastic stockings
Unfractionated heparin: 5000 U, SC, q12h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h
Very High-Risk Neurosurgery Patients
External pneumatic compression sleeves
Heparin: 5000 U, SC, q12h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h

DVT, deep venous thrombosis; SC, subcutaneously; VTE, venous


undergoing spinal surgery. Heparin may be used as prophy-

laxis if agreed on by the neurosurgeon. Studies using LMWHs
are currently in progress.
Gynecologic Surgery
The incidence of DVT in gynecologic surgery varies with re-
spect to the presence of malignant disease and the surgical
procedure. In reported studies, patients undergoing abdomi-
nal hysterectomy for nonmalignant conditions had an inci-
dence of DVT of 10% to 12%, and those undergoing vaginal
hysterectomy had an incidence of 6% to 7%. The incidence
of DVT in surgery for malignant disease was reported to be
between 12% and 35%. This latter group underwent more
extensive surgery for cure or palliation of the malignant con-
dition. The age range in the group undergoing surgery for
malignant disease was between 50 and 60 years. Dextran 40
or 70, warfarin, and external pneumatic compression have
been evaluated as prophylaxis for DVT in these surgical
groups. The current prophylaxis for DVT, in order of prefer-
ence, is heparin, LMWH, and external pneumatic compres-
sion (Table 5-5).

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 105

TABLE 5-5 Prophylaxis for Gynecologic Surgery

Incidence of DVT
Surgery for nonmalignant conditions
Abdominal hysterectomy: 10%–12%
Vaginal hysterectomy: 6%–7%
Surgery for malignancy: 12%–35%
DVT Prophylaxis
Brief gynecologic procedures for benign disease
Laparoscopic gynecologic procedures with additional VTE risk factors
UFH: 5000 U, SC, q12h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, followed
by 5000 IU, SC, q24h
External pneumatic compression
Major gynecologic procedure for benign disease without VTE risk factors
UFH: 5000 U, SC, q12h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC,
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, fol-
lowed by 5000 IU, SC, q24h
External pneumatic compression
Major gynecologic procedure for malignancy or patients with VTE risk factors
External pneumatic compression AND either of the following regimens
(grade 1C)
UFH: 5000 U, SC, q8h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC,
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, fol-
lowed by 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Extended prophylaxis for gynecology patients who have undergone surgery for
malignancy and are ⬎60 yr old or who have had previous VTE (prophylaxis
should be maintained for 4 wk following hospital discharge)
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, q24h

DVT, deep venous thrombosis; postop, postoperatively; preop, preoperatively;

SC, subcutaneously; UFH, unfractionated heparin; VTE, venous thromboembolism.

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106 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

General Surgery
The incidence of DVT in general surgery has been docu-
mented to be 20% to 30%. These studies evaluated a wide
age group of patients undergoing a variety of procedures.
The recommended prophylactic agents, in order of prefer-
ence, are heparin, LMWH, and external pneumatic com-
pression stockings. In high-risk general surgery, low-dose
subcutaneous heparin or LMWH should be used. In very
high-risk general surgery, low-dose unfractionated or LMWH
should be combined with external pneumatic compression
sleeves (Table 5-6).


The duration of risk for the development of DVT after release
from the hospital following surgery has become an important
issue. Despite our most effective DVT and PE prophylaxis
regimens, the incidence of DVT has not been reduced to
zero. Therefore, the patient’s risk of DVT following hospital
discharge must be considered, particularly the patient at high
risk, such as the patient who has undergone orthopedic sur-
gery or the patient with malignant disease who undergoes
surgical treatment.
The ACCP guidelines defined the DVT risk period after
discharge following orthopedic surgery to be 28 to 35 days.
It has been recommended that prophylaxis with LMWH or
warfarin be provided during this period (Table 5-7). For the
patient with malignant disease who has undergone surgery
for this condition, extended venous thromboembolism (VTE)
prophylaxis for 28 to 30 days postoperatively should be con-
Currently, I recommend that orthopedic surgical patients
receive extended prophylaxis with warfarin (an INR 2 to 3)
or LMWH (enoxaparin, 40 mg; dalteparin, 5000 IU; or
fondaparinux, 2.5 mg every 24 hours) for 28 to 35 days. For

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 107

TABLE 5-6 Prophylaxis for General Surgery

Incidence of DVT: 20%–30%
Low-risk surgery (minor procedure, age ⬎40 yr, no VTE risk factors)
Early ambulation
Moderate-risk surgery (nonmajor procedure, age 40–60 yr; VTE risk factors or
major procedure, age ⬎40 yr, no VTE risk factors)
Heparin: 5000 U, SC, q12h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC,
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 5000 IU, SC,
High-risk surgery (nonmajor surgery age ⬎60 yr; VTE risk factors; major surgery,
age ⬎40 yr, or have VTE risk factors)
Heparin: 5000 U q8h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC,
Dalteparin: 2500 IU, SC, 1–2 hr preop, 2500 IU, SC, 12 hr postop, fol-
lowed by 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Very high-risk surgery (major surgery, age ⬎40 yr, multiple VTE risk factors)
External pneumatic compression
Heparin: 5000 U, SC, q8h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 40 mg, SC,
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, beginning 12 hr postop, followed by 5000 IU, SC,
In selected very high-risk general surgery patients, including those who have
undergone major cancer surgery, extended prophylaxis with LMWH for
4 wk following discharge
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, q24h

DVT, deep venous thrombosis; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin;

postop, postoperatively; preop, preoperatively; SC, subcutaneously; VTE, venous

selected very high-risk patients (e.g., history of prior VTE)

who undergo general or gynecologic surgery or for those who
undergo cancer surgery, I recommend that LMWH (enoxa-
parin, 40 mg every 24 hours) be given for 28 to 30 days
postoperatively (Table 5-8).

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108 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

TABLE 5-7 Extended Prophylaxis for Orthopedic Surgery

Total Hip Replacement or Hip Fracture Surgery (Patients should receive
extended VTE prophylaxis for up to 28 to 30 days following surgery)
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg, SC, q24h
Warfarin: INR 2–3
Total Knee Arthroplasty (Current evidence supports only 14 days extended
prophylaxis, but clinical judgment should be exercised especially if risk factors
for VTE are present)
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg, SC, q24h
Warfarin: INR 2–3

INR, international normalized ratio; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin;

SC, subcutaneously; VTE, venous thromboembolism.

Extended Prophylaxis for High-Risk General

Surgery and Surgery for Malignant Disease
In selected high-risk general surgical patients, including those who have undergone
major cancer surgery or who have had previous venous thromboembolism,
extended prophylaxis for 28 to 30 days should be provided
Low-molecular-weight heparin
Dalteparin: 5000 IU, SC, q24h
Enoxaparin: 40 mg, SC, q24h

SC, subcutaneously.


Patients receiving long-term oral anticoagulation (warfarin)
for various reasons require a tailored management strategy
for this agent in the perioperative period. The goals of care
are to prevent recurrent thromboembolism during the win-
dow when oral anticoagulation is discontinued and to reduce
the risk of major bleeding when therapy is reinstituted in the
postoperative period. To manage this patient population
most effectively, we utilize a “bridge approach” to minimize

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 109

the total time without therapeutic anticoagulation in selected

patient groups (Box 5-5).
Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism
The patient with acute DVT or PE before surgery presents a
difficult management problem. The approach to this process
depends on the urgency of the surgery and the extent of throm-
bosis. The former point is significant because heparin must be
discontinued before the surgical procedure, thereby leaving the
patient untreated with an acute DVT or PE. The issue of the
extent of thrombosis relates to the risk of PE for an untreated


Box 5-5

1. Discontinue warfarin 5 days before surgery.

2. Initiate LMWH (enoxaparin, 1 mg/kg q12h) 24 to 48 hr
after discontinuing warfarin.
3. Discontinue LMWH after the morning dose on the day
before surgery.
4. At 12 hr postoperatively, initiate prophylaxis with LMWH
or UFH, depending on the recommendation made earlier
in the chapter. Resume warfarin on postoperative day 1 at
the dose the patient was receiving preoperatively. The
LMWH or UFH is maintained until the INR has been
achieved at 2 to 3 for most indications and at 2.5 to 3.5
for patients with prosthetic cardiac valves.
5. If the patient has a history of developing thromboembolic
events following the discontinuation of therapeutic LMWH
for the surgical procedure, he or she should be started on a
constant infusion of UFH, with appropriate adjustment to
achieve a therapeutic aPTT. The choice of UFH is based on
the risk of bleeding in the postoperative period that would
require immediate discontinuation (shorter half-life than
LMWH) and reversal of the medication.

aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; INR, international normalized ratio;

LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; UFH, unfractionated heparin..

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110 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

calf vein thrombosis (15%) or proximal vein thrombosis (50%).

The following are the clinical guidelines used for managing
patients with a preexisting DVT or PE before surgery.
If the procedure is elective, the patient is treated with
heparin and then warfarin, and hospital admission is post-
poned for 3 to 6 months. On readmission for surgery, prophy-
laxis for DVT and PE is required because the patient is at very
high risk for the development of postoperative thrombosis.
The patient whose surgery is an emergency but can be de-
layed for 7 days, who has either a proximal or distal throm-
bosis or PE, and whose procedure would allow immediate
reinstitution of anticoagulation postoperatively is treated with
a constant infusion of heparin. The activated partial thrombo-
plastin time (aPTT) is maintained at 1.5 to 2.5 seconds times
the baseline for 7 full days. The heparin infusion is discontin-
ued 6 hours before surgery, and the aPTT, a platelet count,
and a complete blood count are evaluated before the proce-
dure. A heparin infusion is reinstituted in 24 to 48 hours from
the time of its discontinuation. If the surgical procedure does
not allow the resumption of anticoagulation, an inferior vena
cava filter should be placed.
The management of the patient undergoing emergency
surgery is much more aggressive. Patients with either proxi-
mal or distal DVT or PE should have an inferior vena cava
filter placed. The filter can be a retrievable or permanent in-
ferior vena caval device. This technique prevents emboli-
zation during the risk window of 24 to 72 hours postopera-
tively for the patient who is unable to resume anticoagulation
therapy. Venous imaging may be completed in the postopera-
tive period to evaluate for clot propagation. This recommen-
dation is a clinical judgment.
Antithrombin III Deficiency
Antithrombin-heparin cofactor (AT-III) is one of the ␣2-
globulins of plasma. AT-III inactivates thrombin, factors XIIa,
XIa, IXa, plasmin, and kallikrein. When heparin interacts

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 111

with AT-III, the combination enhances the inactivation of the

preceding serine proteases. Deficiency of AT-III is inherited
as an autosomal dominant disorder. Most patients are treated
indefinitely with warfarin because of their predisposition to
recurrent thrombotic events.
The approach to management in the perioperative period
is directed toward the selected prophylaxis for DVT and PE
and the planned surgical procedure. If warfarin is not the
recommended prophylaxis and therefore not to be adminis-
tered in the perioperative period, it should be discontinued
3 days before surgery. A functional assay of AT-III is obtained,
and the patient is treated with daily AT-III concentrate to
raise the level of AT-III to near 100% for surgery. Appropriate
VTE prophylaxis should be administered as indicated. If the
selected prophylaxis is not warfarin, warfarin should be re-
initiated on the third postoperative day, with the aim of at-
taining an INR of 2 to 3 before nonwarfarin prophylaxis is
Protein C and Protein S Deficiency
Protein C deficiency is inherited as an autosomal dominant
trait with variable expressivity at the laboratory level and
incomplete penetrance at the clinical level. Protein C is a vi-
tamin K–dependent plasma zymogen that is synthesized in
the liver. Protein C is activated by thrombin, and this results
in inhibition of activated factors V and VIII in addition to an
elevation in plasminogen activator levels. Protein S defi-
ciency is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. It is a
vitamin K–dependent plasma protein that acts as a cofactor
for the anticoagulant activity of activated protein C. Patients
with decreased levels of protein C or S are at high risk for
thrombosis when they are in the hypercoagulable state of
surgery. Frequently, these patients receive lifelong warfarin
therapy. Patients with protein C or S deficiency who are
scheduled for surgery should be treated according to the
bridge therapy protocol (see Box 5-5).

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112 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Factor V Leiden/Activated Protein C Resistance

Activated protein C resistance was first described in 1994,
when patients with venous thrombosis were found to be res-
istant to the normal anticoagulant effects of activated protein C.
This protein inhibits coagulation by proteolytically inactivating
factors Va and VIIIa. In approximately 90% of these patients,
a factor V allele is discovered and results in resistance to protein
C. This allele, factor V Leiden, is characterized by a single
amino acid change (Arg 506 to Gln) at one of the sites on
the factor V molecule when activated protein C cleaves factor
Va and inactivates it. Factor V Leiden is present in approxi-
mately 5% of healthy people of Northern European ancestry, in
10% of patients presenting with venous thrombosis, and in
30% to 50% of patients investigated for thrombophilia. This
entity is rare in patients of African and Asian descent. Factor V
Leiden has relatively low risk for thrombosis, but in high-risk
situations such as surgery, the risk is increased. These patients
must receive appropriate VTE prophylaxis for surgical proce-
dures. Those patients with recurrent thrombotic events
and receiving long-term anticoagulation with factor V Leiden
should be treated according to the bridge therapy protocol
(see Box 5-5).
Prothrombin Gene Mutation (G20210A)
The prothrombin gene mutation (G20210A) was first
described in 1996. This mutation was found in the external
3⬘ untranslated region of the gene and is associated with in-
creased basal levels of functionally normal prothrombin. This
mutation is found in 5% to 10% of patients presenting with
venous thrombosis and in approximately 15% of patients
being investigated for thrombophilia. The risk of venous
thrombosis in patients with prothrombin gene mutation is
relatively low but is increased in high-risk situations such as
surgery. As with factor V Leiden, appropriate VTE prophy-
laxis must be applied. As described earlier, those patients
receiving long-term anticoagulation for this thrombophilia

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 113

should be treated according to the bridge therapy protocol

(see Box 5-5).

Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is the most frequent and
important hematologic drug reaction that occurs secondary
to an immunologic mechanism. In 12 prospective studies of
more than 1500 patients receiving heparin, pooled data re-
vealed a frequency of thrombocytopenia of 6% and an inci-
dence of thrombocytopenia with arterial thrombosis of less
than 1%. This latter form is the most severe clinically. Porcine
heparin is associated with a lower incidence of thrombocyto-
penia than is bovine heparin. The development of thrombo-
cytopenia is independent of the route of administration and
occurs between 6 and 12 days after initiation of therapy. In
patients with a previously documented episode of thrombo-
cytopenia or thrombocytopenia with arterial thrombosis, re-
exposure to heparin results in a faster onset of the process.
Because heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and its recur-
rence cannot be predicted, the surgical patient with a history
of this disorder, with or without thrombosis, should have an
alternative form of prophylaxis for DVT and PE, as discussed
previously for different types of surgical procedures. Although
heparin antibodies may be absent 90 days after cessation of
heparin, I avoid the repeat use of unfractionated heparin or
LMWH in the patient with a prior history of heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia. Currently, studies are being conducted
with fondaparinux as an agent for VTE prophylaxis in patients
with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia because of the low
affinity of this agent for binding to platelet factor IV and the
theoretically lower risk of precipitating an antibody response.

Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome

Antiphospholipid antibodies may be detected by solid-phase
anticardiolipin antibody tests and the lupus anticoagulant
test. The occurrence of these antibodies has been associated

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114 5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

with venous or arterial thrombosis, fetal loss, and possibly

thrombocytopenia. These antibodies occur in patients with
autoimmune, infectious, drug-induced, malignant, and other
disorders. The proposed mechanisms by which antiphos-
pholipid antibodies may mediate thrombosis include the
following: inhibition of prostacyclin release from vascular
endothelium, a process that results in increased platelet ag-
gregation; inhibition of fibrinolytic activity; inhibition of
prekallikrein activity; inhibition of AT-III activity; inhibition
of protein C activation; inhibition of thrombomodulin; and
binding phospholipid in platelet membranes. The presence
of antiphospholipid syndrome may be recognized by the
prolongation of aPTT. In two series totaling 23 patients who
underwent surgery, only 1 patient experienced bleeding. The
prevalence of bleeding is believed to be approximately 0.6%.
If the patient has coexisting thrombocytopenia or hypopro-
thrombinemia, or both, the risk is higher for a hemorrhagic
event in the perioperative period. The incidence of thrombo-
embolic complications in patients with lupus anticoagulant
is approximately 27%. The literature supports the use of
long-term anticoagulation in patients with thromboembolic
complications. Corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs,
or plasmapheresis may be added to the regimen if recurrent
thrombosis occurs with adequate anticoagulation.
The approach in the perioperative period to the patient
who has a history of antiphospholipid syndrome and no
thrombotic complications is to select the appropriate VTE
prophylaxis regimen for the surgical procedure. If the patient
has a history of recurrent thrombosis and is not receiving
long-term anticoagulation therapy, prophylaxis targeted to
the high-risk patient should be administered. The patient
with antiphospholipid syndrome and recurrent thrombosis
who is receiving long-term anticoagulation with warfarin
should be treated according to the bridge therapy protocol
(see Box 5-5).

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5 • Prophylaxis for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism 115

Selected Readings
Bergqvist D, Benoni G, Bjorgell O, et al: Low molecular weight heparin
(enoxaparin) as prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism after total
hip replacement. N Engl J Med 335:696-700, 1996.
Broekman A, Veltkamp J, Bertina R: Congenital protein C and venous
thromboembolism. N Engl J Med 308:340-344, 1983.
Caprini J, Scurr J, Hasty J: Role of compression modalities in a prophylactic
program for deep vein thrombosis. Semin Thromb Hemost 14:77-87,
Clagett G, Reisch J: Prevention of venous thromboembolism in general sur-
gical patients: Results of meta-analysis. Ann Surg 208:227-239, 1988.
Cohen AT, Bailey CS, Alikhan R, et al: Extended thromboprophylaxis with
low molecular weight heparin reduces symptomatic venous thromboem-
bolism following lower limb arthroplasty: A meta-analysis. Thromb
Haemost 85:940-941, 2001.
Douketis JD, Eikelboom JW, Quinlan DJ, et al: Short duration prophylaxis
against venous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement: A
meta-analysis of prospective studies investigating symptomatic out-
comes. Arch Intern Med 162:1465-1471, 2002.
Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembo-
lism. Chest 126:338S-400S, 2004.
Harris E, Asherson R, Hughes G: Antiphospholipid antibodies: Autoanti-
bodies with a difference. Annu Rev Med 39:261-271, 1988.
Hirsh J, Levine M: Low molecular weight heparin. Blood 79:1-17, 1992.
Hull R, Raskob G, McLoughlin D, et al: Effectiveness of intermittent pneu-
matic leg compression for preventing deep vein thrombosis after total
hip replacement. JAMA 263:2313-2317, 1990.
Kelton J, Levine M: Heparin induced thrombocytopenia. Semin Thromb
Hemost 12:59-62, 1986.
Merli G: Prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in
surgery. In Lubin M, Walker H, Smith R (eds): Medical Management of the
Surgical Patient, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott, 2006, pp 221-227.
Much J, Herbst K, Rapaport S: Thrombosis in patients with lupus antico-
agulant. Ann Intern Med 92:156, 1980.
Nicolaides A, Fareed J, Kakkar A, et al: Prevention and treatment of venous
thromboembolism: International Consensus Statement (guidelines ac-
cording to scientific evidence). Int Angiol 25:101-161, 2006.
Virchow R: Neuer fall von todlichen: Emboli der Lungenarterie. Arch Pathol
Anat 10:225-228, 1856.
Wilson N, Das S, Kakkar V, et al: Thromboembolic prophylaxis in total knee
replacement: Evaluation of the A-V impulse system. J Bone Joint Surg Br
74:50-52, 1992.

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6 Perioperative Evaluation
of Patients with Hematologic

Hematologic abnormalities are fairly common in perioperative

patients. Many of these abnormalities are trivial and pose no
particular risk to the patient. Some abnormalities, however,
can present significant clinical challenges in the perioperative
period. This chapter focuses primarily on specific hematologic
problems such as anemia, thrombocytosis, and hemostatic
abnormalities, with special attention directed to timely diagno-
sis, risk assessment, and management issues. The paucity of
evidence-based guidelines for many of these issues is surpris-
ing. Therefore, many of the recommendations are based on
standard clinical practice and expert opinion.

Anemia is the most commonly encountered hematologic prob-
lem in the perioperative period. Because the major function of
red blood cells is to facilitate oxygen transport to tissues, a suf-
ficient number of red blood cells is crucial to provide adequate
oxygenation. Given that additional factors such as cardiac
output, pulmonary gas exchange, vessel compliance, blood
volume, blood viscosity, and oxygen affinity for hemoglobin
contribute to oxygen delivery, the level of hemoglobin itself
serves only as a rough guide to the adequacy of oxygenation.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed syste-
matic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized
controlled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional
studies, retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual
practice, opinion.


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118 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

The optimal hemoglobin level for the surgical patient has

been the subject of much discussion. A value of 10 g/dL had
long been accepted as this safe level. However, older anec-
dotal evidence from patients with hemoglobinopathies or
renal failure suggested that even severe degrees of anemia
could be tolerated in the perioperative period. More recent
reviews of the subject have addressed the issue of transfusion
triggers. Few prospective data have been published, but the
available information suggests that a hemoglobin value
greater than 6 to 8 g/dL is adequate in most circumstances.
If patients have coexisting medical issues such as cardiac
disease or if significant blood loss is anticipated, higher levels
of hemoglobin may be more appropriate. Not all authors
agree on these trigger values; some investigators have argued
that higher hemoglobin levels (10 to 12 g/dL) may enhance
outcomes. Clearly, prospective trials would be helpful to an-
swer these questions definitively. Although, as mentioned, no
definitive data are available to quantify risk, information de-
rived from Jehovah’s Witnesses who underwent surgical
procedures showed that comorbid disease and expected op-
erative blood loss are important covariables in determining
morbidity and mortality (Table 6-1). The recommendations
given in Table 6-2 are based on this information.
Preoperative Evaluation
A preoperative history should emphasize the personal and
family history of anemia or bleeding, ethnic background,
medication, alcohol use, toxin exposure, recent illness, and

TABLE 6-1 Postoperative Outcomes

Preoperative Hemoglobin Level Mortality
⬍6 g/dL 61.5%
6.1–8 g/dL 33%
8.1–10 g/dL 0%
⬎10 g/dL 7.1%

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 119

TABLE 6-2 Transfusion Recommendations

Higher Hemoglobin Lower Hemoglobin
(⬎10 g/dL) (7–10 g/dL)
Coronary artery disease Younger age
Congestive heart failure Long life expectancy
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Otherwise good health
Peripheral vascular disease
Use of ␤-blockers
High blood loss
Older age
Short life expectancy

constitutional symptoms (Fig. 6-1). The physical examina-

tion should assess jaundice, skin and mucous membrane
abnormalities, adenopathy, organomegaly, neurologic dys-
function, and occult blood loss in stool or urine.
The first step in the laboratory evaluation of anemia
should be to measure the reticulocyte count. This serves to
differentiate anemia caused by inadequate marrow produc-
tion (low reticulocyte count) from anemia caused by exces-
sive red blood cell loss (high reticulocyte count), related ei-
ther to acute bleeding or to hemolysis. The absolute
reticulocyte count is more helpful because it corrects for the
degree of anemia. In the baseline state, there are roughly
5 million red blood cells/␮L, and the reticulocyte count is
1% to 2%. Therefore, the baseline reticulocyte number is
50,000 to 100,000 red blood cells/␮L. Under stress, the bone
marrow can increase red blood cell production approxi-
mately eightfold, to 400,000 to 800,000 red blood cells. The
following formula is used to determine the absolute reticulo-
cyte count by correcting for the degree of anemia:
Absolute reticulocyte count ⫽ Red blood count ⫻
reticulocyte count/100
During the early stage of acute blood loss, the reticulocyte
count may be low for a few days until the bone marrow re-
sponds fully.

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120 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

History and physical examination

Review complete blood count

Measure reticulocyte count

High Low

Bleeding Hemolysis MCV

Gastrointestinal Immune
Genitourinary Nonimmune
Low Normal High
Iron deficiency Chronic disease Alcohol
Thalassemia Acute bleeding Liver disease
Renal disease Myelodysplasia
Marrow suppression B12/folate deficiency
Figure 6-1 • Diagnostic evaluation of anemia. MCV, mean corpuscular

When the reticulocyte count is high, a compensatory

phase of acute blood loss or hemolysis is present. The history,
physical examination, Coombs test, examination of a periph-
eral blood smear, and sickle cell preparation or hemoglobin
electrophoresis should help the clinician to arrive at a correct
diagnosis. If the reticulocyte count is low, the mean corpus-
cular volume and the peripheral blood smear should be ex-
amined to determine whether the patient’s anemia is micro-
cytic, normocytic, or macrocytic.
Microcytic anemia is usually the result of iron deficiency or
thalassemia. Differentiating iron deficiency from thalassemia
minor by examination of a peripheral blood smear may be
difficult. Serum iron, iron binding capacity, ferritin, bone
marrow evaluation for iron, or determination of hemoglobin
A2 (which is elevated in ␤-thalassemia) is helpful in estab-
lishing a diagnosis. Thalassemia minor rarely causes hemo-
globin values lower than 9 g/dL; the more severe forms of
thalassemia usually are accompanied by splenomegaly and
bizarre red blood cell morphologic features.
Macrocytic anemia is most often the result of alcoholism,
liver disease, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, or primary mar-
row dysfunction (myelodysplasia or “preleukemia”). Ovalo-
macrocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils are virtually

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 121

diagnostic of vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. Appropriate

vitamin levels or bone marrow examination may be neces-
sary to confirm the diagnosis.
Normocytic anemia is most often caused by the following:
chronic inflammatory, infectious, or neoplastic disease; ure-
mia; acute blood loss; or bone marrow suppression from drugs
or radiation exposure. Additional history and laboratory stud-
ies to evaluate these problems usually reveals a cause.

Therapeutic Considerations
The physiologic needs of the patient must be carefully as-
sessed. The clinician must consider all the previous determi-
nants of tissue oxygenation, as well as the consequences of the
planned operative procedure, before making a decision to
administer red blood cells. When the procedure is elective, it
seems prudent to delay surgery, complete the evaluation, and
treat the underlying problem (if indicated) to avoid the poten-
tial hazards of transfusion. Because reversal of “correctable”
anemia (deficiency of vitamin B12, folate, or iron; transient
bone marrow suppression; uremia; and immune hemolysis)
may take days to weeks, blood transfusion may be the only
recourse if surgery is urgently needed. Similarly, “uncorrect-
able” anemia (myelodysplasia, chronic disease, or thalassemia)
requires blood transfusion.
Patients who do need blood transfusion are often con-
cerned about the potential risks associated with blood prod-
ucts. The following list contains recent estimates of the fre-
quency of various transfusion-related complications that
indicate the safety of the modern blood supply.

Alloimmunization 1:100
Fever, chill, allergic reactions 1:30 to 1:200
Acute hemolysis 1:12,000 to
Delayed hemolysis 1:5,000 to

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122 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Immunosuppression Unknown
Bacterial infection 1:200,000
Hepatitis B infection 1:137,000
Hepatitis C infection 1:1,000,000
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 1:1,900,000
Management of patients who refuse blood transfusion
poses significant issues. Generally, primary blood components
are declined, but the use of blood “fractions” such as immune
globulin or albumin or the use of intraoperative blood salvage
or normovolemic hemodilution may be acceptable to some
patients who would otherwise refuse blood transfusion. Gen-
eral guidelines for management of these patients include the
following: maintenance of blood volume; limitation of phle-
botomy as much as possible; use of folate, iron, and epoetin to
enhance erythropoiesis; use of pharmacologic agents to reduce
blood loss (antifibrinolytics, recombinant factor VIIa); and
consideration of intraoperative blood salvage.
Preoperative donation of autologous blood for elective
procedures has become common practice. If more than 1 U
of red cells is required, use of epoetin alfa and iron supple-
ments can allow for the collection of as much as 3 to 4 U in
a month. Epoetin doses of 50 U/kg to 150 U/kg three times
per week have been used.

Management of Specific Disorders

Nutritional Deficiencies and Bone Marrow Suppression

Anemia resulting from major nutritional deficiencies (vitamin
B12, folate, or iron) responds to the replacement of the proper
nutrient by the appropriate route. A rise in the reticulocyte
count, the earliest evidence of successful treatment, takes
from 3 days (vitamin B12 or folate) to 10 days (iron). Com-
plete correction can take several weeks. Anemia related to
bone marrow suppression from radiation therapy or chemo-
therapy usually begins to be corrected within 2 or 3 weeks of
exposure, but, again, full correction may take weeks to occur.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 123

Prolonged bone marrow suppression may result from the use

of mitomycin, nitrosoureas, or busulfan. Recombinant eryth-
ropoietin is now available to treat chemotherapy-induced
anemia in doses of 150 to 300 U/kg three times weekly or
40,000 U once weekly.
Chronic Renal Failure
The anemia of chronic renal failure results from the failure
of the diseased kidneys to produce erythropoietin. Eryth-
ropoietin replacement has been standard practice for years
in patients undergoing dialysis. The use of the hormone in
patients with chronic renal failure who are not receiving
dialysis is becoming more and more common. The usual
dose of erythropoietin in renal failure is 50 U/kg three
times per week or 10,000 U weekly. Again, full recovery
takes weeks. Iron replacement therapy should be used in all
Thalassemia is characterized by ineffective production of
hemoglobin and intramedullary destruction of red blood
cells. Patients with severe thalassemia syndromes often have
a history of long-term transfusion therapy and may suffer
from multiorgan dysfunction caused by iron overload. A
thorough evaluation of cardiac, pulmonary, renal, and he-
patic function is indicated in these patients. Patients with
less severe thalassemia syndromes usually have mild to
moderate anemia and no increased operative risk, except
from the anemia itself. Therapy for anemia, in either case, is
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle cell anemia, the most common hemoglobinopathy,
affects approximately 1 in 650 black infants in the United
States. It is a structural disorder of hemoglobin that leads to
accelerated clearance of red blood cells from the circulation.
The pathophysiology consists of repeated polymerization

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124 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

and depolymerization of hemoglobin that produce irrevers-

ible red blood cell membrane damage, sludging of blood in
capillaries, organ ischemia, and chronic hemolysis. The
clinical consequences of these events are recurrent painful
crises and dysfunction of the nervous, cardiac, pulmonary,
renal, and immune systems. A thorough evaluation is in
order in all these patients before any operative procedure is
performed. Frequently, folate deficiency and, less com-
monly, renal insufficiency can exacerbate anemia in these
The use of red blood cell transfusions in the routine pre-
operative care of patients with sickle cell disease is controver-
sial. Transfusion probably decreases the risk of painful crisis
and of acute chest syndrome in surgical patients. However,
the intensity of transfusion has ranged from a regimen that
raises the hemoglobin level to more than 10 g/dL to exchange
transfusion that lowers the hemoglobin S level to less than
30%. A reasonable approach is to avoid transfusion for minor
procedures. For most general surgical procedures, a conserva-
tive transfusion regimen to raise the hemoglobin level to
greater than 10 g/dL is advisable. For high-risk surgical pro-
cedures that could result in hypotension, hypoxemia, or
acidosis (e.g., major vascular or cardiac surgery), a more ag-
gressive approach to lower hemoglobin S to less than 30%
may still be warranted.

Immune Hemolytic Anemia

Immune hemolytic anemias are some of the most difficult
problems to manage in the perioperative period. Most im-
mune hemolytic anemias are of the warm antibody type, are
mediated by immunoglobulin G, and occur at physiologic
temperatures. These are most often idiopathic or associated
with autoimmune disorders or lymphoproliferative disorders
such as lymphoma or chronic lymphatic leukemia. Less com-
mon is the cold antibody type, mediated by immunoglobulin
M and most often seen in association with infectious diseases
such as Mycoplasma infections, mononucleosis, and syphilis.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 125

Two phenomena make this type of anemia difficult

to manage. First, the transfused red blood cells are as sen-
sitive to the hemolytic process as are native cells, so their
survival is limited. Second, the presence of the autoanti-
bodies can make proper crossmatching difficult if not
impossible. An accurate determination of the patient’s
blood group can be made in spite of the antibody. The real
danger is the difficulty of detecting alloantibodies that
could lead to a major hemolytic transfusion reaction. Spe-
cial blood banking procedures are helpful in clarifying
these issues.
In general, warm antibody hemolytic anemia responds to
corticosteroids; a usual starting dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg of pred-
nisone. Improvement typically occurs in several days. If
transfusion is necessary, the “least incompatible” units should
be used. The blood should be transfused slowly, with careful
monitoring for signs and symptoms of hemolytic transfusion
reactions, preferably while the patient is awake and able to
relate symptoms of a transfusion reaction.
Cold-type immune hemolytic anemia rarely responds to cor-
ticosteroids. Management revolves around meticulous main-
tenance of body temperature and prewarming of all trans-
fused blood products. In addition, washed red blood cells
may be safer because infusion of complement components
present in plasma may precipitate or aggravate the hemolytic
process. In rare circumstances, plasma exchange may be
helpful to limit hemolysis.

Preoperative Considerations
As with anemia, the major physiologic consequence of eryth-
rocytosis is tissue hypoxemia. The mechanism by which
this occurs is through a marked increase in blood viscosity,
leading to slowing of capillary blood flow. Although the vis-
cosity of blood is directly proportional to the hematocrit, the

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126 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

rate of rise is slow with a hematocrit less than 50%. With a

hematocrit greater than 50%, viscosity increases rapidly, and
oxygen transport is progressively diminished. The discovery
of erythrocytosis in the perioperative period demands a thor-
ough evaluation because the findings can be a manifestation
of a potentially life-threatening disorder.
Erythrocytosis can be divided into two broad categories:
relative and absolute. Relative erythrocytosis is typically ac-
companied by a reduced plasma volume. It can be seen in
patients with volume contraction resulting from excessive
water loss from polyuria or diarrhea, inadequate intake from
starvation or vomiting, or excessive third spacing of fluids as
in ascites. In addition, relative erythrocytosis can be seen
in hypertensive, nonhypoxemic male patients who smoke
(so-called stress erythrocytosis). These patients seem to have
a chronically contracted plasma volume.
Absolute erythrocytosis can be either primary or secondary.
Primary erythrocytosis or polycythemia vera is one of the
myeloproliferative disorders. Polycythemia vera is classically
associated with increased red blood cell mass, leukocytosis,
thrombocytosis, and splenomegaly. Secondary erythrocytosis is
always a manifestation of an underlying disorder. This condi-
tion can be physiologically appropriate, as in severe pulmonary
disease, congenital heart disease with right-to-left shunting,
and the unusual cases of hemoglobin variants with high affinity
for oxygen. In each of these circumstances, tissue hypoxia
stimulates the overproduction of red blood cells as a compensa-
tory mechanism. Unfortunately, this mechanism may, in turn,
worsen hypoxemia by increasing blood viscosity. Physiologi-
cally inappropriate secondary erythrocytosis is almost always
seen in association with renal cysts or with neoplasms of the
kidney, liver, uterus, or posterior fossa. These appear to be the
result of an inappropriate secretion of erythropoietin.
The physiologically significant consequences of erythrocy-
tosis can be divided into four categories. The first category is
related to volume depletion, as seen in patients with relative
erythrocytosis and manifested as hypotension, shock, and

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 127

tissue ischemia. The second category comprises those related

to increased blood viscosity, which can manifest as central
nervous system symptoms (headache, lethargy, confusion, or
delirium), visual disturbances, dyspnea, angina, claudication,
or dysesthesias. The third category seems to be unique to
polycythemia vera and includes an increased risk of thrombo-
hemorrhagic phenomena and postoperative infections. The
increase in thrombohemorrhagic events may also be related to
the thrombocytosis that often coexists in polycythemia vera.
The fourth set of consequences is unrelated to erythrocytosis
but consists of manifestations of the underlying disorder,
whether it is congenital heart disease, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, or an occult neoplasm.

Preoperative Evaluation
In the presence of elevated leukocyte and platelet counts and
splenomegaly, the diagnosis of polycythemia vera is virtually
ensured if the red blood cell mass is increased and the patient
has no severe cardiopulmonary disease (Fig. 6-2). If only
erythrocytosis is present, the diagnosis centers on the careful
evaluation of cardiopulmonary function. In the absence of
cardiopulmonary disease or obvious plasma volume deple-
tion, determination of red blood cell mass may be helpful but
certainly is not necessary to make a diagnosis, particularly if
the hematocrit is markedly elevated (⬎55%). The recent dis-
covery of a mutation in the JAK-2 gene in virtually all patients
with polycythemia vera may aid in diagnosis as well.
Therapeutic Considerations
In addition to the indications for phlebotomy given in Box 6-1,
considerations in the treatment of erythrocytosis are as
1. In the case of relative erythrocytosis resulting from sig-
nificant volume depletion, replacement of plasma volume
is all that may be necessary to minimize risk.
2. No intervention is necessary in patients with stress

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128 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

History and physical examination

Review complete blood count

Assess volume status

Low Normal
dehydration Red cell mass
"Third spacing"

Normal High

Normal Abnormal
Primary Secondary
Polycythemia vera Renal cyst
High-affinity hemoglobin
Figure 6-2 • Evaluation of erythrocytosis.

3. Patients with physiologically inappropriate secondary poly-

cythemia should undergo phlebotomy (300 to 500 mL) on
a daily basis to reduce the hematocrit to less than 45% to
50%, in addition to receiving treatment for the underlying
disease. Older patients or those with underlying disease
that could be exacerbated by too rapid phlebotomy should
have slower phlebotomy (200 to 300 mL) every other day.
A more rapid decline in hematocrit can be accomplished by
4. Patients with physiologically appropriate secondary eryth-
rocytosis probably derive some benefit from reduction of
the hematocrit to between 55% and 60%. One must
balance the decrease in blood viscosity against the poten-
tial loss of oxygen-carrying capacity.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 129


Box 6-1

Relative erythrocytosis: Not indicated

Stress erythrocytosis: Not indicated
Appropriate erythrocytosis resulting from cardiopulmonary
disease: To hematocrit 50%–60%
Inappropriate primary erythrocytosis (polycythemia vera): To
hematocrit <45%
Inappropriate secondary erythrocytosis: To hematocrit <50%

5. Patients with polycythemia vera clearly have an increased

risk of thrombohemorrhagic events that can be subs-
tantially reduced by maintaining the hematocrit at less
than 45% with the use of phlebotomy, with or without
cytotoxic chemotherapy. Because it is not certain that an
acute reduction in the hematocrit is accompanied by an
acute reduction in risk, ideally the hematocrit should be
lowered and maintained over a period of weeks to
months before an operative procedure. Should surgery
be urgently needed, the hematocrit can be safely reduced
rapidly by repetitive phlebotomy, accompanied by plasma
or colloid infusion to avoid hypotension, or by the use of

Preoperative Considerations
Leukopenia is occasionally encountered in patients in the
perioperative period. It can occur as a manifestation of a pri-
mary hematologic disorder but is more often secondary to
nonhematologic causes. The most important consideration is
the increased risk of infection in these patients. Neutrophil
counts greater than 1000/␮L are rarely associated with a

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130 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

significant increased risk of infection. At lower neutrophil

levels, the risk of infection increases significantly as the count

Preoperative Evaluation
The diagnostic evaluation should begin with the identification
of the type of leukocyte that is low (Table 6-3). Although most
commonly this is the neutrophil, less frequently monocyte or
lymphocyte levels can be depressed. The most clinically signifi-
cant type of leukopenia is related to depressed numbers of
neutrophils. Neutropenia has many causes; however, most
cases are related to exposure to drugs or radiation. Neutropenia
related to radiation or cytotoxic antineoplastic agents is the
result of predictable and dose-dependent toxicity to stem cells
and granulocytic precursors. Other classes of drugs associated
with neutropenia are phenothiazines, anti-inflammatory agents
(particularly phenylbutazone), sulfonamides, semisynthetic
penicillins, chloramphenicol, and antithyroid drugs. In general,
the most common mechanism is idiosyncratic bone marrow
suppression. Some drugs may also have an immune compo-
nent. Other common causes of neutropenia are congenital
neutropenia, myelodysplasia, sepsis, viral or rickettsial infec-
tion, Felty’s syndrome, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Therapeutic Considerations
If the cytopenia is related to predictable bone marrow suppres-
sion from antineoplastic agents or radiation, recovery usually
begins 14 to 21 days after exposure. When the cytopenia

TABLE 6-3 Common Causes of Leukopenia

Neutropenia Monocytopenia Lymphopenia
Chemotherapy Chemotherapy Chemotherapy
Other drugs Aplastic anemia Corticosteroids
Radiation exposure Corticosteroids Severe congestive
Myelodysplasia Systemic lupus erythematosus heart failure
Viral infection Immunodeficiency

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 131

is related to an idiosyncratic reaction or to other diseases,

recovery may take weeks or months, or the condition may not
improve at all. If recovery is expected, it is probably wise to
delay surgery until the granulocyte count is increased to
greater than 1000/␮L. The use of recombinant hematopoietic
growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
hastens neutrophil recovery in patients with bone marrow
suppression related to chemotherapy or radiation. Growth fac-
tors can also be useful in many of the other drug-induced
types of neutropenia. In the event that recovery is not expected
or that surgery is urgently needed while the patient is granulo-
cytopenic, the risk of infection is increased. Whereas empiric
antibiotic therapy is not indicated solely because of leukope-
nia, broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage should be instituted
at the first sign of fever or infection. With this aggressive
approach to treatment at the first sign of infection, mortality
should be reduced substantially. White blood cell transfusions
have a limited role in neutropenic patients, although they may
offer some utility in the severely neutropenic patient with a
documented infection who is not responding to appropriate
antibiotic therapy.


Preoperative Considerations
Leukocytosis is usually an indicator of an underlying inflam-
matory, infectious, or neoplastic process. Although lymphocy-
tosis is most often associated with chronic lymphatic leuke-
mia, neutrophilia or monocytosis of modest degree is most
frequently associated with inflammation or infection. Marked
elevation in the neutrophil and monocyte count raises the
possibility of chronic leukemia. Moderate leukocytosis, in-
volving mature white cells, carries no significant increase in
perioperative risk. In most situations, leukocytosis requires
no specific therapy except that of the underlying disorder. If

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132 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

the leukocytosis is related to the effects of leukemia, obviously

the underlying illness and its therapy are of paramount im-
portance in determining the perioperative risk.

Thrombocytosis is present when the platelet count is higher
than 500,000/␮L. The major complications associated with
an elevated platelet count are thrombosis and, to a lesser
degree, hemorrhage. The magnitude of the risk varies con-
siderably with the underlying disorder.
Preoperative Considerations
For the purpose of assessing risk, thrombocytosis can be
divided into two broad categories (Box 6-2). Primary throm-
bocytosis is generally regarded as a manifestation of one of
the myeloproliferative disorders (polycythemia vera, essential
thrombocythemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, or myeloid
metaplasia). Within the myeloproliferative disorders, risk var-
ies widely. Thrombocytosis associated with chronic myeloid
leukemia carries a low risk of thrombosis or hemorrhage.

Box 6-2

Polycythemia vera: Thrombosis common, hemorrhage less
Essential thrombocythemia and myeloid metaplasia: Hemor-
rhage common, thrombosis less common
Chronic myelogenous leukemia: Bleeding and thrombosis un-
Nonmalignant: No risk
Malignant: Increased risk but not clearly related to platelets

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 133

Patients with polycythemia vera, in contrast, are more likely to

have thrombosis than are those with essential thrombocythe-
mia or myeloid metaplasia, who more often suffer hemor-
rhagic events. Individual patients may have both thrombosis
and hemorrhage at various times during their illness, and the
risk of this combination is higher in older patients and in those
who have had prior events. The sites most commonly involved
with hemorrhage are the mucosal surfaces, whereas the most
common sites for thrombosis are the mesenteric veins, the
deep veins of the extremities, and the cerebral, coronary, and
peripheral arteries.
Secondary or reactive thrombocytosis can occur in iron de-
ficiency, blood loss, chronic inflammatory states, and neoplastic
diseases, as well as in the postoperative period. In general, the
risk of thrombosis or hemorrhage is not increased in patients
with secondary thrombocytosis. The exception to this rule
is the patient with cancer, particularly adenocarcinoma, who
often has thromboembolic phenomena related to a hypercoag-
ulable state.

Preoperative Evaluation
The diagnostic evaluation should focus on symptoms and
signs of thrombosis, mucosal hemorrhage, acute or chronic
bleeding, anemia, infection, and inflammatory disorders or
neoplasms. Additional laboratory studies may be helpful in
the evaluation. Erythrocytosis and leukocytosis associated
with splenomegaly are signs of polycythemia vera. The char-
acteristic leukocytosis with a leftward shift and splenomegaly
indicate a probable diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia.
Iron deficiency should prompt an evaluation for gastrointes-
tinal or genitourinary abnormalities. Appropriate studies to
exclude infection are indicated if the situation suggests an
infectious cause. If no obvious underlying disorder is found,
essential thrombocythemia, which is usually a diagnosis of
exclusion, is often the problem, especially in patients who
have a history of unexplained thrombosis or hemorrhage.

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134 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Therapeutic Considerations
In general, patients with secondary or reactive thrombocyto-
sis require no specific therapy to lower the platelet count.
Successful treatment of the underlying disorder often results
in normalization of the platelet count. Even if the platelet
count remains high, there is no substantial increase in throm-
bohemorrhagic risk.
Thrombocytosis associated with chronic myeloid leuke-
mia usually does not require specific therapy, although stan-
dard therapy with busulfan, hydroxyurea, interferon alfa, or
imatinib usually lowers the platelet count. Uncontrolled
polycythemia vera is associated with significant perioperative
risk. It is not completely clear to what degree this risk
depends on the erythrocytosis or the thrombocytosis. Efforts
should be made to normalize the platelet count in patients
with polycythemia vera who have a hematocrit less than
45%, thrombocytosis, and a history of thrombohemorrhagic
events. In addition, older patients or those with significant
vascular disease may be more prone to problems and are
likely to benefit from lowering the platelet count.
The principles of therapy for essential thrombocythemia
include lowering the platelet count in older and sicker pa-
tients who have had prior vascular events. The most effective
method of lowering the platelet count is with the use of
anagrelide or cytotoxic chemotherapy such as hydroxyurea,
although it may take days or weeks for a platelet response to
occur. If immediate platelet reduction is required, platelet-
pheresis, along with the use of cytotoxic agents, is effective in
reducing the count to normal levels. Aspirin is rarely indi-
cated in the perioperative therapy of average patients with
thrombocytosis because it can lead to an increase in hemor-
rhagic phenomena. Patients younger than 60 years old, who
are nonsmokers, who have no cardiac risk factors, and
who have no history of thrombosis typically do not require
platelet-lowering therapy before minor surgical procedures if
their platelet counts are less than 1,500,000/␮L.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 135

Thrombocytosis after splenectomy is a common phenom-

enon. Platelet counts can occasionally exceed 2,000,000/␮L.
In the absence of a myeloproliferative disorder, there is no in-
creased risk of thrombosis or hemorrhage, and, therefore, no
treatment is indicated. The platelet count should normalize
over a period of several weeks to months. Conversely, when
splenectomy is performed for a myeloproliferative disorder,
the patient may have marked thrombocytosis associated with
thrombosis and hemorrhage. In this situation, aggressive pre-
operative and postoperative cytotoxic treatment is indicated to
reduce the preoperative platelet count to the normal range and
to maintain this range in the postoperative period.

Hemostasis is crucial to both the patient and the surgeon
during surgical procedures. Without adequate function of
the hemostatic system, even the most trivial procedure can
quickly result in life-threatening hemorrhage. Because the
hemostatic system plays an important role in the ability to
perform surgery safely, a basic understanding of the physiol-
ogy of blood clotting is essential to assess potential abnor-
malities and to select appropriate therapy.

Preoperative Considerations
Hemostasis is a complex ongoing process involving precise
interactions among connective tissue, blood vessels, endothe-
lial cells, platelets and other formed elements of the blood, the
soluble coagulation factors, the natural anticoagulant and
fibrinolytic substances, and exogenous drugs. Figure 6-3
shows the coagulation scheme with anticoagulant mecha-
nisms. The process of coagulation can be arbitrarily divided
into several stages (Box 6-3). The initial stage is damage to the
vessel wall. The second stage involves primary vasoconstric-
tion. The third stage involves binding of von Willebrand factor
to the subendothelium to facilitate platelet adhesion. Platelet

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136 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Intrinsic Extrinsic
(PTT) (PT)

Protein S V
Protein C Thrombin
Antithrombin III XIII tPA
Anticoagulant Fibrin

Figure 6-3 • Coagulation scheme with anticoagulant mechanisms. FSP, fi-

brin split products; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; tPA,
tissue plasminogen activator.


1. Injury to vessel wall

2. Primary vasoconstriction
3. Interaction of von Willebrand protein with subendothelium
4. Formation of platelet plug
5. Fibrin formation
6. Clot dissolution and endothelial regeneration

activation follows. At this point, which takes several minutes,

hemostasis is maintained by a loose aggregation of platelets
called the platelet plug. Without stabilization, the plug would
break down, and bleeding would recur within minutes to
hours. The additional stabilization is provided by the for-
mation of fibrin mesh within and around the platelet plug
(see Fig. 6-3). The fibrin is generated by the activation of in-
trinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation. These two path-
ways converge to activate the common pathway, which leads to
the generation of thrombin and the polymerization of fibrin.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 137

Natural anticoagulant pathways involving protein C,

protein S, antithrombin, and membrane-bound heparin-like
substances tend to limit the coagulative process to the injured
area. In addition, the fibrinolytic system is activated simulta-
neously to limit the coagulation response as well as to prepare
for clot dissolution and endothelial regeneration.

Preoperative Evaluation
Abnormalities anywhere in the coagulation pathway can re-
sult in abnormal hemostasis. Various laboratory studies help
to identify defects in particular stages of the process. The
platelet count is a straightforward measure of an important
component of the system. The bleeding time is most sensitive
to abnormalities in the subendothelial matrix, von Wille-
brand protein, and qualitative and quantitative disorders of
platelets. The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and the
prothrombin time (PT) test the intrinsic and extrinsic path-
ways, respectively, whereas the thrombin time assesses the
clotting ability of fibrinogen. Fibrin split products are an in-
direct indication of fibrinolytic activation.
The most important component of the evaluation of he-
mostatic function is a careful history [} A Houry et al, 1995].
Nearly all potential hemostatic problems can be uncovered
through careful questioning, although definition of the prob-
lem may require extensive laboratory evaluation. Several areas
should be stressed in all patients, including unusual bleeding
with prior trauma or surgery, episodes of spontaneous bleeding
or thrombosis, a family history of bleeding or thrombosis,
nutritional habits, drug ingestion, and other medical problems,
particularly hepatic or renal disease. Tooth extraction, an
“operation” most individuals have undergone, poses the same
hemostatic challenge as a major abdominal procedure. Occa-
sionally, unsuspected findings on the physical examination will
alert the consultant to the presence of potential bleeding prob-
lems. The findings include jaundice, petechiae, ecchymoses,
adenopathy, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly.

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138 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Rarely is a previously unsuspected bleeding disorder

identified by laboratory screening if the history and physical
examination are normal. The most common disorders ini-
tially detected by routine laboratory screening are mild to
moderate thrombocytopenia or platelet function defects and
mild congenital bleeding disorders such as mild hemophilia.
Less common are acquired inhibitors of coagulation. The
laboratory primarily serves to define the specific bleeding
problem and only secondarily screens for problems, because
clinically significant bleeding disorders can be associated
with relatively normal results on routine screening tests, for
example, mild hemophilia or von Willebrand disease.
Although the use of preoperative coagulation testing is com-
monplace, little evidence supports its widespread use preop-
eratively. On the contrary, most studies and reviews point to the
poor predictive value of preoperative screening tests of coagula-
tion. For example, one review evaluated six studies involving
3786 patients who had preoperative PT measurements. Only
0.3% of patients had an abnormal test result, and surgical man-
agement was not changed because of the test, nor was there any
predictive value for bleeding complications. Similarly, in a re-
view of seven studies involving almost 6000 patients, 6.5% of
patients had an abnormal PTT but no associated bleeding. An
extensive review of the bleeding time concluded that this test
was a poor predictor of bleeding risk or integrity of the hemo-
static system. Therefore, the message is that there is no substi-
tute for a good history in evaluating bleeding risk.
A useful system for risk stratification has been described
(Table 6-4). Patients can be classified into three groups based
on their histories: those with no suspicion of a bleeding dis-
order, those with suggestive histories, and those with clearly
significant bleeding episodes. Surgical procedures can simi-
larly be divided into those with minimal risk (minor biopsy),
those with moderate risk (most general surgical procedures),
and those with high hemostatic risk (cardiac, vascular,
or emergency procedures). Low-risk patients undergoing

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 139

TABLE 6-4 Preoperative Laboratory Coagulation Screen


Hemostatic Challenge Negative Suggestive Definite

Low None PLT, BT, PT, PTT Tests as
Moderate PLT, PTT PLT, BT, PT, PTT necessary to
High PLT, PTT, BT As above, plus other make diag-
tests as needed nosis

BT, bleeding time; PLT, platelet count; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial
thromboplastin time.

low-risk procedures probably require no routine coagulation

screening. In low-risk patients undergoing moderate-risk
surgical procedures, a platelet count and a PTT should be
obtained. The bleeding time can be added for high-risk sur-
gical procedures. Patients with suggestive histories should
have at least a platelet count, bleeding time, activated PTT,
and PT. In this situation, the studies are more helpful in
guiding the search for a specific clotting abnormality than in
defining one on their own. When no abnormalities are
found, the risk is minimal, and additional studies are un-
likely to be fruitful. High-risk patients should not undergo
surgical procedures until an explanation is given for prior
bleeding episodes. In some patients, an extensive laboratory
evaluation is necessary to confirm a problem.

Therapeutic Considerations
Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count less than
150,000/␮L. The risk of bleeding varies inversely with the
platelet count, assuming that no functional platelet defect is
present. A platelet count greater than 100,000/␮L should be
adequate for all surgical procedures. There should be no signi-
ficant increase in bleeding for most low- or moderate-risk

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140 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

procedures when the platelet count is between 50,000 and

100,000/␮L, but counts higher than 100,000/␮L are preferable
for high-risk operations (e.g., neurosurgical or spinal surgery).
With a platelet count between 25,000 and 50,000/␮L, spon-
taneous bleeding is uncommon, but surgery or trauma can
precipitate excessive bleeding. At counts less than 20,000/␮L,
and particularly less than 10,000/␮L, spontaneous bleeding
is common, and the operative risk is significant. Should a
coexisting platelet function defect be present, bleeding may be
a problem at much higher platelet counts. The measurement of
bleeding time may be useful in this situation. Although the
bleeding time is prolonged in inverse proportion to the platelet
count, marked prolongation is uncommon with platelet counts
higher than 25,000/␮L in the absence of a functional platelet
The three principal mechanisms of thrombocytopenia are
decreased production, abnormal sequestration, and increased
destruction (Table 6-5). One or all of these mechanisms can be
found in most thrombocytopenic patients. Decreased produc-
tion of platelets is more often related to bone marrow dysfunc-
tion resulting from a nutritional deficiency, toxic damage from
radiation or chemotherapy or other drugs, or primary bone
marrow disease such as leukemia, myelodysplasia, or tumor
infiltration. The characteristic feature in most of these disor-
ders is that anemia, leukopenia, or morphologic abnormalities
of red or white cells can be demonstrated in almost all circum-
stances. In addition, a bone marrow examination is nearly
always abnormal. If a planned surgical procedure is not
urgently required in a patient whose thrombocytopenia is the
result of decreased production and is correctable or transient,
the procedure should be delayed until the thrombocytopenia
resolves. Bone marrow suppression caused by antineoplastic
agents, radiation exposure, and most drugs should resolve
within 1 to 3 weeks after withdrawal of the offending agent. If
thrombocytopenia has an untreatable cause or if surgery is
urgent, platelet transfusion is the treatment of choice. Each

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 141

TABLE 6-5 Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia

Pathophysiology Examples Associated Findings
Decreased Aplastic anemia Anemia, leukopenia, abnor-
production mal vitamin B12 or smear,
abnormal bone marrow
Folate deficiency, chemother-
apy, or radiation exposure
Sequestration Hypersplenism Splenomegaly, anemia, leuko-
penia, normal smear, hy-
percellular bone marrow
Increased Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Hematocrit and white blood
destruction purpura, drug use, systemic cell count often normal,
lupus erythematosus, normal smear, mega-
acquired immunodeficiency karyocytic hyperplasia

unit of platelets should raise the platelet count by 5,000 to

10,000/␮L in a 50-kg person.
Thrombocytopenia resulting from abnormal sequestration
is most often seen in the presence of palpable splenomegaly
and is frequently associated with leukopenia or anemia. It is
uncommon for the platelet count to be less than 40,000 to
50,000/␮L unless another problem coexists. The peripheral
blood findings are usually minimal, and the bone marrow
may show only hyperplasia. Even though therapy is difficult
because transfused platelets are rapidly sequestered in the
spleen, platelet transfusion remains the mainstay of therapy.
On rare occasions, splenectomy may be necessary before a
second procedure can be safely performed.
Thrombocytopenia resulting from enhanced destruction is
most often immunologically mediated, in idiopathic immune
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), in drug-induced (from qui-
nine, heparin, or sulfa drugs) or associated underlying im-
munologic disorders such as lupus erythematosus or acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, or in association with a lym-
phoproliferative disorder such as chronic lymphatic leukemia
or lymphoma. In each situation, the red and white blood cell
counts are often normal, and the bone marrow rarely shows

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142 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

anything more than megakaryocytic hyperplasia. The other

common causes of enhanced destruction of platelets are infec-
tion and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
The most commonly encountered problem is probably
ITP. This disorder is usually acute and transient in children
but is most often chronic in adults. It is more common in
women than in men, and it usually occurs in the third to
fourth decade of life. It usually manifests as mild to moderate
thrombocytopenia that generally responds to corticosteroid
Management of adults with ITP usually involves treatment
designed to decrease the immune destruction of platelets. Pa-
tients with known ITP who are scheduled for elective surgical
procedures should have corticosteroid therapy initiated or
adjusted to raise the platelet count to a safe level. This goal can
usually be accomplished over 1 to 2 weeks with a dose of
0.5 to 1 mg/kg of prednisone or its equivalent. Corticosteroids
should be continued through the perioperative period and
tapered over several weeks postoperatively. If surgery is re-
quired urgently, higher doses of steroids may be beneficial, but
a course of 3 to 5 days of treatment is required to gain a thera-
peutic response. Infusion of intravenous immune globulin in
doses of 0.3 to 0.5 g/kg/day over 3 days may cause a more
rapid rise in the platelet count than steroid therapy alone. For
Rh-positive patients who have not had splenectomy, infusion
of anti-D globulin (50 ␮g/kg) can accomplish the same result.
If at all possible, surgical procedures should be delayed until
the thrombocytopenia is controlled. Because platelets in ITP
seem to be quite functional, little or no bleeding may occur
even at very low counts, and the bleeding time may be rela-
tively normal in spite of marked thrombocytopenia.
Even though the major mechanism of thrombocytopenia
in ITP is accelerated destruction of platelets, platelet transfu-
sion can be effective and occasionally lifesaving even in the
absence of a demonstrable rise in the platelet count. Platelet
life span may be enhanced if transfused platelets are given

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 143

after intravenous immune globulin. It may occasionally be

necessary to perform splenectomy before, or in conjunction
with, the planned operative procedure to gain control of
Immune platelet destruction resulting from drugs often
does not respond to corticosteroid therapy. Thrombocytope-
nia associated with other immunologic or lymphoprolifera-
tive disorders responds best to control of the underlying
disease. If this is not possible, the patient should be managed
as in ITP.
Thrombocytopenia can occur as a transient dose-
dependent effect of heparin; this is a benign problem. The
more serious type of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia re-
sults in a thrombotic disorder characterized by antibodies to
heparin/platelet factor 4 complex, platelet activation, thrombin
generation, and thrombocytopenia, with or without thrombo-
sis (venous or arterial). The onset of thrombocytopenia and
thrombosis is usually 5 to 10 days after the first exposure
to heparin and as little as 1 day after repeat challenge with
heparin in patients with antibodies who typically had re-
ceived heparin during the previous 100 days [ C } Warkentin,
2003]. Late-onset thrombosis can occur up to 3 weeks after
heparin is stopped. Thrombotic complications may affect any
vascular bed. Laboratory testing can be done with either an
antibody detection assay (e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay) or a functional assay (platelet aggregation or serotonin
release). The antibody detection assays are very sensitive
(⬎90%) but lack specificity (many patients develop antibodies
without thrombocytopenia or thrombosis). The functional as-
says are very specific but are more difficult to perform. A
combination of both types is best for optimal diagnosis. Be-
cause neither is available routinely as a “stat” test, one must
rely on clinical judgment in the initial evaluation and treat-
ment of the disorder.
If heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is suspected, all hepa-
rin products should be stopped promptly, and heparin-coated

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144 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

catheters should be removed. Alternative anticoagulation

should be initiated with a direct thrombin inhibitor (either
lepirudin or argatroban). Lepirudin is started with a 0.4 mg/kg
bolus and is followed with an infusion of 0.15 mg/kg/hour,
targeting an activated PTT (aPTT) of 1.5 to 2.5 times control.
This agent should be used with dose reduction in patients with
renal insufficiency (half dose if serum creatinine is 1 to 2;
greater reduction if creatinine is ⬎2). Argatroban is started at
2 ␮g/kg/minute, targeting an aPTT of 1.5 to 3 times baseline. It
should be used with caution in patients with hepatic insuffi-
ciency; start with a 75% dose reduction. Warfarin should be
started once the thrombosis has responded and the platelet
count has improved. The duration of anticoagulant therapy
depends on the patient’s thrombus burden and whether the
patient has sustained a thrombotic event.

Qualitative Platelet Disorders

Qualitative platelet disorders can be congenital or acquired.
The acquired disorders are most often caused by drugs (most
commonly aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agents, as well as other antiplatelet drugs such as clopido-
grel), uremia, or myeloproliferative disorders. The most valu-
able diagnostic tools are a detailed history and a bleeding
time, which is usually prolonged.
No therapy is necessary in most congenital qualitative
platelet disorders unless the patient has a significant past his-
tory of bleeding or if the morbidity associated with excessive
bleeding is great, in which case platelet transfusion is the ap-
propriate therapy. For most other situations, it is sufficient to
have platelets available in the event that bleeding occurs.
Drug-induced qualitative platelet dysfunction typically
begins to resolve with the discontinuation of the drug (within
24 to 48 hours in the case of nonsteroidal agents and 4 to
7 days for aspirin and possibly longer for other antiplatelet
agents). Bleeding time is a poor predictor of bleeding risk
[Rodgers and Levin, 1990]. Specifically, a patient with a

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 145

prolonged bleeding time may not bleed, and a normal bleed-

ing time does not guarantee normal hemostasis. The use of
antiplatelet agents is widespread. Although information in
the literature seems to indicate increased blood loss during
surgery in patients using antiplatelet drugs, transfusion re-
quirements are not usually increased. The impact of anti-
platelet therapy on the risks for epidural anesthesia is not
well defined. Most patients taking aspirin do not have an
increased risk of significant perioperative hemorrhage, but it
is reasonable to discontinue aspirin preoperatively because it
is not possible to predict who will or will not bleed, particu-
larly in heart surgery, in which an increase in blood loss has
been noted. However, there is evidence of an increase in
perioperative cardiac events in patients in whom antiplatelet
therapy is discontinued, a finding suggesting that the deci-
sion to discontinue these agents should be made on an indi-
vidual basis. For example, patients undergoing most general,
vascular, or orthopedic procedures may not have significant
issues with a modest increase in surgical blood loss. Con-
versely, this may be problematic in neurosurgery or in pa-
tients requiring epidural or spinal anesthesia. If the agents
are stopped, it is recommended that aspirin and clopidogrel
be stopped 7 to 10 days preoperatively and short-acting
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs be stopped 1 to 2 days
preoperatively. It seems safe to resume antiplatelet agents
within the first 24 hours postoperatively. When a surgical
procedure is performed in a patient ingesting one of these
drugs and bleeding occurs, the appropriate therapy is platelet
transfusion. Weaker antiplatelet drugs such as dipyridamole
probably pose no substantial hemorrhagic risk for most
Platelet dysfunction resulting from uremia may improve
by correcting anemia, if present, and possibly by increasing
the intensity of dialysis. The infusion of cryoprecipitate
or desmopressin acetate (DDAVP), 0.1 to 0.3 ␮g/kg over
30 minutes, has also been helpful in patients with uremia.

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146 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Abnormalities of Coagulation Tests

The differential diagnostic considerations of abnormal coag-
ulation tests are shown in Box 6-4.
Prolongation of Bleeding Time
Qualitative platelet disorders can prolong the bleeding time.
Mild von Willebrand disease may also be associated with a
prolonged bleeding time. Von Willebrand disease is a congeni-
tal disorder characterized by a qualitative or quantitative
abnormality of von Willebrand protein. The major clinical
abnormalities are easy bruising and mucosal bleeding, but
postoperative bleeding can be substantial if the disorder is
not recognized. The diagnosis can be confirmed by assay of
von Willebrand protein, factor VIII (which is bound to von
Willebrand factor in the circulation), and ristocetin cofactor
activity (a measure of the ability of the patient’s plasma to
agglutinate platelets). In the quantitative type (type I), there
is an absolute decrease in von Willebrand protein such that
von Willebrand protein, factor VIII, and ristocetin cofactor
activity are all low. The qualitative type (type II) is charac-
terized by a functional defect in von Willebrand protein.


Box 6-4

Prolonged bleeding time: Thrombocytopenia, platelet function

defect, or von Willebrand disease
Prolonged PT: Vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, warfarin use,
or factor VII deficiency
Prolonged PTT: Factor XII, XI, IX, or VIII deficiency, heparin use,
inhibitors, DIC, or von Willebrand disease
Prolonged PT and PTT: Vitamin K deficiency, warfarin use, or

DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; PT, prothrombin time; PTT,

partial thromboplastin time.

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 147

Von Willebrand protein and factor VIII levels may be normal

or only mildly depressed, but ristocetin cofactor activity
is low.
Prolongation of Prothrombin Time
Isolated prolongation of the PT is most often related to the
following conditions: deficiency of vitamin K, either on a nu-
tritional basis or related to altered absorption from antibiotics
or biliary tract obstruction hepatic insufficiency or the use of
warfarin-like drugs. Less commonly, the PT can be prolonged
because of a deficiency of factor VII or an acquired inhibitor of
coagulation. Most of these causes, except factor VII deficiency,
should be obvious from the clinical evaluation.
Prolongation of Partial Thromboplastin Time
Obviously, the PTT can be prolonged in patients taking hepa-
rin or in patients with type I von Willebrand disease because
of low circulating levels of factor VIII. Isolated prolongation of
the PTT can be caused by an occult abnormality of the coagu-
lation system. Deficiencies of factor VIII or factor IX in men or
factor XI in either sex may result in clinically significant bleed-
ing in the perioperative period. Factor XII deficiency causes a
markedly prolonged PTT but no clinical bleeding.
The first step in the evaluation of a prolonged PTT should
be to perform the test again with a 1:1 mix of patient plasma
and normal plasma. If deficiency of a clotting factor exists,
the PTT should correct itself, and specific factor assays can
then be performed to establish the particular deficiency. A
persistent prolongation of the PTT after the 1:1 mix is an
indication of an inhibitor of coagulation, of which two major
types are recognized. The first type of inhibitor is usually an
antibody with specificity for a particular clotting factor. The
most common are antibodies to factors VIII, IX, or X, which
can result in excessive, and at times life-threatening, hemor-
rhage. The second type of inhibitor is the lupus anticoagu-
lant, an antibody with specificity for anionic phospholipids
that interfere with the in vitro test. Lupus-like anticoagulants

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148 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

are most often found in patients without systemic lupus ery-

thematosus and are rarely associated with hemorrhage, but
they are clinically important because they are often associ-
ated with recurrent spontaneous abortions or arterial and
venous thrombosis. Special laboratory procedures are neces-
sary to evaluate for these inhibitors.
Simultaneous prolongation of the PT and PTT is usually
found in severe liver disease, in severe nutritional deficiency
of vitamin K, or with warfarin use. Less commonly, this phe-
nomenon represents underlying DIC.
Treatment of Acquired and Congenital Coagulopathies
Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized
by factor VIII deficiency of variable degree. Mild hemophilia
characteristically consists of a factor VIII level higher than
6%. This condition is often asymptomatic in the absence of
surgery or trauma. Moderate hemophilia with 1% to 5% fac-
tor VIII activity may cause occasional spontaneous hemor-
rhage and massive bleeding with trauma and surgery. Patients
with severe hemophilia with factor VIII activity less than 1%
suffer a life of recurrent joint and soft tissue hemorrhage.
Perioperative management of all patients with hemophilia is
complex and usually requires ready access to a laboratory
that can perform factor assays quickly and accurately. All
patients with hemophilia should be screened preoperatively
for factor VIII inhibitors, which occur in approximately 5%
to 15% of these patients. Factor VIII inhibitors pose signifi-
cant problems in management; therefore, surgical procedures
in patients with inhibitors should be limited to treatment of
life-threatening conditions only and should generally be
managed in a center with significant experience in dealing
with these problems.
Patients with hemophilia who undergo major surgery
should receive factor VIII at a dose of 40 U/kg just before the

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 149

surgical procedure. Because the half-life of factor VIII is 8 to

12 hours, an infusion of 20 U/kg should be given at 8- to
12-hour intervals postoperatively to maintain a factor VIII
level higher than 30% to 50%. The duration of the mainte-
nance therapy depends on the type of operation. Several
days may be adequate for a complicated abdominal opera-
tion, whereas 4 to 6 weeks may be necessary for major or-
thopedic surgery. The same procedure can be followed for
minor surgery in patients with severe hemophilia, although
only 1 to 2 days of maintenance therapy may be necessary.
The use of ⑀-aminocaproic acid (Amicar), in doses of 3 g
every 4 hours, may be a useful adjunct in the management
of patients with hemophilia who undergo oral surgery. Pa-
tients with mild hemophilia usually have minimal exposure
to blood products except during surgical periods; therefore,
cryoprecipitate or preferably recombinant factor VIII should
be used. Each unit of cryoprecipitate contains on average
80 to 100 U of factor VIII; therefore, one would use 0.5 U/kg
preoperatively and 0.2 U/kg postoperatively every 8 to
12 hours.
Patients with mild hemophilia who are undergoing minor
procedures can sometimes be managed simply with an infu-
sion of DDAVP, to increase the release of von Willebrand
protein and therefore raise the circulating levels of factor
VIII. Patients should have had prior testing with DDAVP to
document a response. Those who are responders can then be
treated with 0.1 to 0.3 ␮g/kg of DDAVP as an infusion over
30 minutes about 1 hour before surgery and 8 to 12 hours
postoperatively. The response to repeated administrations
diminishes rapidly after the second or third dose.

Hemophilia B
The management of hemophilia B, or factor IX deficiency, is
similar to the treatment of hemophilia A. Several distinctions
are worth noting, however. The volume of distribution of

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150 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

factor IX is greater than that of factor VIII, so twice the num-

ber of units will be necessary to achieve the given factor level.
Adequate hemostasis can be achieved at a lower factor
concentration, however. Because the half-life of factor IX is
longer, the usual dosing interval is 24 hours. Thus, the rec-
ommended dose of factor IX is 50 U/kg preoperatively and
25 U/kg daily postoperatively. Factor IX concentrates contain
small amounts of activated clotting factors and thus are as-
sociated with a higher risk of thrombotic events than factor
VIII concentrates. Consequently, antifibrinolytic agents such
as ⑀-aminocaproic acid should not be used concurrently with
factor IX concentrates.
Hemophilia C
Hemophilia C, or factor XI deficiency, variably results in a
bleeding diathesis. In patients with a history of prior bleed-
ing, management should be with fresh frozen plasma, 10 to
20 mL/kg preoperatively and 5 to 10 mL/kg every 24 hours
postoperatively. A factor XI concentrate is also available.
These dosing guidelines are generalizations. The most crucial
parameter is the judicious use of factor level assays to guide
von Willebrand Disease
von Willebrand disease is a congenital abnormality in von Wil-
lebrand protein. Because most patients have mild disease,
management can usually consist of raising von Willebrand
protein levels by the administration of DDAVP. This approach
is most effective in type I or quantitative-type disease. As in
hemophilia A, patients should be screened for a response well
before a surgical procedure is performed. The dose of DDAVP
is 0.3 ␮g/kg over 30 minutes just before the surgical procedure
and then every 8 to 12 hours postoperatively. As in hemo-
philia, the response diminishes after the second dose. There-
fore, this approach is useful only for minor procedures. For
major procedures or for patients with severe disease, either
cryoprecipitate, at a dose of 0.1 to 0.2 U/kg every 12 hours, or

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 151

intermediate purity factor VIII concentrates, at doses of

40 U/kg/dose every 8 to 12 hours, can be used in the periop-
erative period. No laboratory test is particularly useful as a
guide to dosing, but serial measurements of von Willebrand
protein levels may be helpful in determining the frequency of
dosing. Although correction of bleeding time is correlated with
adequacy of hemostasis, serial bleeding time testing is difficult
to perform and uncomfortable for the patient.

Liver Disease
Patients with liver disease have multiple coagulation disor-
ders, including thrombocytopenia, platelet function abnor-
malities, malabsorption of the fat-soluble vitamin K, and
hepatocellular dysfunction leading to abnormal synthesis of
clotting factors, decreased clearance of activated clotting fac-
tors, and dysfibrinogenemia. Most patients with liver disease
should have preoperative screening tests, including PT, PTT,
fibrinogen levels, and thrombin time. Although the most
common hematologic complication of severe liver disease is
bleeding, these patients may be at increased risk for throm-
bosis or DIC because of abnormal hepatic clearance of acti-
vated clotting factors.
Management of these patients is frequently difficult. It is
reasonable to administer 10 mg of vitamin K parenterally to
any patient with a prolonged PT, although only patients with
biliary obstruction or malnutrition are likely to respond. For
patients with predominantly hepatocellular disease, the pre-
ferred therapy is fresh frozen plasma, which should be given
at a dose of 10 to 20 mL/kg to bring the PT to within 2 to
3 seconds of the control value. Because of rapid consumption
of clotting factors, it may be necessary to administer additional
plasma every few hours, with serial PTs used as a guide.
Platelet transfusion can be useful, particularly in patients
with bone marrow suppression. The treatment is somewhat
less effective in patients with hypersplenism and may be of
some value in patients with prolonged bleeding times.

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152 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Postoperative Bleeding
Bleeding in the postoperative period may have numerous
causes. Unmasking of a previously unsuspected bleeding dis-
order such as von Willebrand disease or thrombocytopenia
can occur. Drug-related thrombocytopenia, acquired platelet
function defects, and abnormal clotting factors resulting from
malabsorption or starvation are occasionally noted. Other fac-
tors to consider are DIC resulting from sepsis, transfusion
reactions, or tissue damage. Dilutional coagulopathies may be
caused by inadequate perioperative blood component re-
placement, particularly in the massively transfused patient.
Bleeding may also be related to the use of anticoagulant drugs
or inadequate surgical hemostasis in the wound.
A low platelet count is most often seen acutely in associa-
tion with inadequate replacement during operations in which
there is massive blood loss, in DIC resulting from transfusion
reaction, or in association with drug toxicity. In a less acute
setting, hours to days postoperatively, sepsis and drug-
related causes are most common.
Prolonged bleeding time in the postoperative period is
most often caused by thrombocytopenia, uremia, or platelet
dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass. A prolonged PT
is typically seen in association with nutritional deficiency of
vitamin K, prolonged administration of antibiotics, DIC, or
liver disease. A prolonged PTT is usually the result of nutri-
tional deficiency, DIC, or occult von Willebrand disease. Fi-
brinogen levels are rarely low in any disorder other than se-
vere DIC. Fibrin split products may be elevated postoperatively
for various reasons, including DIC, heparin administration,
the usual postoperative lysis of hematomas, and significant
venous thrombosis.
Postoperative bleeding must be evaluated quickly and ef-
ficiently (Box 6-5). A thorough history and physical exami-
nation are crucial, with attention paid to all factors described
in the preoperative evaluation of hemostatic function. In
addition, the clinical characteristic of bleeding may suggest a

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6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 153


Box 6-5

Obtain history and perform physical examination.

Assess rapidity of bleeding and urgency of intervention.
Order PLT, BT, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, and fibrin split product
determinations, and save plasma and serum.
If no urgency, treat based on test results.
If urgency, give fresh frozen plasma and platelets and modify
treatment as test results become available.

BT, bleeding time; PLT, platelet count; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial throm-
boplastin time.

specific diagnosis. Immediate bleeding often signifies inade-

quate surgical hemostasis, inadequate replacement therapy,
or severe transfusion reaction with DIC, whereas delayed
bleeding is more typical of drug-induced thrombocytopenia,
malnutrition, or sepsis with DIC. Brisk bleeding is more
likely the result of severe dilutional problems or inadequate
surgical hemostasis. Localized bleeding suggests inadequate
surgical hemostasis or primary coagulopathy. Generalized
bleeding from wounds, venipuncture, urinary catheters, or
endotracheal tubes is most often seen in DIC. Laboratory
tests should be performed, but frequently therapy must be
initiated before results are available. Therefore, a broad array
of tests should be requested, including PT, PTT, fibrinogen
level, fibrin split products, platelet count, bleeding time, and
samples of plasma and serum, which should be saved for
additional studies as needed.
Therapeutic intervention depends on the clinical situation as
well as on the results of laboratory studies. If bleeding is brisk
and no clear cause is determined, it is reasonable to transfuse
fresh frozen plasma and platelets as well as red blood cells in
anticipation of laboratory studies. It is important to search for
the surgical problem to account for bleeding that may require

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154 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

immediate correction. If bleeding is less brisk, management

can be tailored to the clinical and laboratory diagnosis, as
described for preoperative patients. As previously mentioned,
platelet transfusion can be used if bleeding is the result of
antiplatelet therapy. Protamine can effectively reverse the
anticoagulant effect of heparin and may be of some value in
reversing the effect of low-molecular-weight heparins.
Patients who require massive transfusion because of se-
vere bleeding should receive 1 U of fresh frozen plasma and
4 to 6 U of platelets for every 4 U of red blood cells if total
blood loss is greater than one blood volume. Treatment
of DIC involves correction of the underlying disorder in
addition to supportive management with transfusion prod-
ucts. The use of heparin to interrupt the coagulation phase of
the syndrome is highly controversial and is reserved for situ-
ations in which thrombosis is the significant clinical problem
or in which even aggressive replacement therapy fails to curb
bleeding. Treatment of the underlying problem is the most
important aspect in the therapy of DIC.
Patients who have severe, unexplained blood loss may be
candidates to receive recombinant factor VIIa therapy. There
is growing interest in the use of this agent to reduce periop-
erative bleeding, but it should be considered investigational
at this point.

Selected Readings
American Society of Anesthesiologists: Practice guidelines for blood compo-
nent therapy: A report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task
Force on Blood Component Therapy. Anesthesiology 84:732-747, 1996.
Armas-Loughran B, Kalra R, Carson JL: Evaluation and management of
anemia and bleeding disorders in surgical patients. Med Clin North Am
87:229-242, 2003.
Carson JL: Morbidity risk assessment in the surgically anemic patient.
Am J Surg 170(Suppl 6A):32S-36S, 1995.
Charache S: Treatment of sickle cell anemia. Annu Rev Med 32:195-206,

Ch06-X2385_117_156.indd 154 12/20/07 6:42:19 PM

6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders 155

Eschbach JW, Abdulhadi MH, Browne JK, et al: Recombinant human erythro-
poietin in anemic patients with end stage renal disease: Results of a phase
III multicenter clinical trial. Ann Intern Med 111:992-1000, 1989.
Grounds M: Recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and its use in severe bleeding
in surgery and trauma: A review. Blood Rev 17:S11-S21, 2003.
Hardy J, De Moerloose P, Samama M, et al: Massive transfusion and coagu-
lopathy: Pathophysiology and implications for clinical management. Can
J Anaesth 51:293-310, 2004.
Houry S, Georgeac C, Hay JM, et al: A prospective multicenter evaluation
of preoperative hemostatic screening tests. Am J Surg 170:19-23,
1995. A
Martlew VJ: Perioperative management of patients with coagulation disor-
ders. Br J Anaesth 84:446-455, 2000.
McKenna R: Abnormal coagulation in the postoperative period contributing
to excessive bleeding. Med Clin North Am 85:1277-1310, 2001.
Nash MJ, Cohen H: Management of Jehovah’s Witness patients with haema-
tological problems. Blood Rev 18:211-217, 2004.
National Institutes of Health: Consensus conference: Perioperative red blood
cell transfusion. JAMA 260:2700-2703, 1988.
Patel T: Surgery in the patient with liver disease. Mayo Clin Proc 74:
593-599, 1999.
Rauck R: The anticoagulated patient. Reg Anesth 21(Suppl):51-56, 1996.
Rodgers RP, Levin J: A critical appraisal of the bleeding time. Semin Thromb
Hemost 16:1-20, 1990.
Rosse WF: Clinical management of adult ITP prior to splenectomy: A per-
spective. Blood Rev 16:47-49, 2002.
Samama CM, Bastien O, Forestier F, et al: Antiplatelet agents in the periope-
rative period: Expert recommendations of the French Society of Anesthesi-
ology and Intensive Care (SFAR) 2001—summary statement. Can J
Anaesth 49:S26-S35, 2002.
Smetana GW, Macpherson DS: The case against routine preoperative labora-
tory testing. Med Clin North Am 87:7-40, 2003.
Spahn D: Perioperative transfusion triggers for red blood cells. Vox Sang
78(Suppl 2):163, 2000.
Spence RK: Surgical red blood cell transfusion practice policies: Blood Man-
agement Practice Guidelines Conference. Am J Surg 170(Suppl 6A):
3S-15S, 1995.
Tefferi A, Murphy S: Current opinion in essential thrombocythemia: Patho-
genesis, diagnosis, and management. Blood Rev 15:121, 2001.
Vichinsky EP, Haberkern CM, Neumayr L, et al: A comparison of conserva-
tive and aggressive transfusion regimens in the perioperative manage-
ment of sickle cell disease: The Preoperative Transfusion in Sickle Cell
Disease Study Group. N Engl J Med 333:206-213, 1995.

Ch06-X2385_117_156.indd 155 12/20/07 6:42:19 PM

156 6 • Perioperative Evaluation of Patients with Hematologic Disorders

Warkentin TE, Kelton JG: Delayed-onset heparin-induced thrombocytope-

nia and thrombosis. Ann Intern Med 135:502-506, 2001.
Warkentin TE: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Pathogenesis and man-
agement. Br J Haematol 121:535-555, 2003. C
Warkentin TE: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Diagnosis and manage-
ment. Circulation 110:e454-e458, 2004.
Weaver DW: Differential diagnosis and management of unexplained bleed-
ing. Surg Clin North Am 73:353-361, 1993.

Ch06-X2385_117_156.indd 156 12/20/07 6:42:19 PM

7 Noncardiac Surgery in the
Patient with Cardiovascular
Disease: Preoperative
Evaluation and
Perioperative Care

In 1977, a multifactorial risk factor index was defined by

Goldman and associates to identify the high-risk surgical
patient preoperatively, as well as to delineate cardiovascular
risk factors that could be corrected before surgical proce-
dures, in an effort to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and
mortality associated with noncardiac surgery [ A Goldman
et al, 1978]. Nine clinical or historical features (myocardial
infarction [MI] ⱕ6 months previously; age ⬎70 years; third
heart sound [S3] or jugular venous distention; significant
aortic stenosis; rhythm other than sinus on preoperative elec-
trocardiogram [ECG]; more than five ventricular premature
contractions per minute at any time before the surgical pro-
cedure; poor general medical status; abdominal, thoracic, or
aortic surgery; emergency surgery), most of which were
reversible, were found to be associated with an increased
incidence of perioperative complications. The factors were
assigned risk points by multivariate analysis; this approach
allowed a preoperative estimate of total cardiac risk and de-
termination of the likelihood of life-threatening complica-
tions (e.g., MI, pulmonary edema, ventricular tachycardia,

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, ret-
rospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


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158 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

and cardiac death). Patients were stratified into four risk

classes based on their total accumulated risk points. Risk
determined with the original multifactorial cardiac risk index
was integrated with the type of surgery to estimate the prob-
ability of cardiac complications in noncardiac surgery.
The multifactorial risk index was validated in prospective
studies stratifying unselected, consecutive patients who were
undergoing noncardiac surgery. The index was less reliable for
stratifying risk in selected patient subgroups, particularly those
with or at high risk for coronary artery disease and those who
were to undergo major vascular surgery. This index and others
that were developed contemporaneously were derived from
relatively small numbers of patients and predated significant
changes in anesthesia and surgery. These measures have there-
fore not maintained their clinical relevance.
A more recent modification of the multifactorial index has
been developed for use with stable patients undergoing ma-
jor noncardiac surgery and has been shown to perform well
as a tool to predict the probability of major cardiac complica-
tions. This index uses six readily available clinical factors to
place the preoperative patient into one of four risk groups:
• High-risk type of surgery (intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or
suprainguinal vascular)
• History of ischemic heart disease
• History of congestive heart failure (CHF)
• History of cerebrovascular disease
• Diabetes requiring treatment with preoperative insulin
• Renal insufficiency with preoperative serum creatinine
concentration higher than 2.0 mg/dL
Rates of major cardiac complications (MI, pulmonary edema,
ventricular fibrillation or primary cardiac arrest, and com-
plete heart block) with none, one, two, or three or more of
these factors were 0.4%, 0.9%, 7%, and 11%, respectively.
To facilitate preoperative risk assessment of patients with
cardiovascular disease, a consensus guideline was devel-
oped by a consensus panel of the American College of

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 158 12/20/07 7:42:08 PM

7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 159

Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association

(AHA). The panel acknowledged that the number of
evidence-based trials pertaining to perioperative cardiovas-
cular evaluation and therapy was limited; therefore, the
guidelines are largely based on studies not directly derived
from noncardiac surgery and on expert opinion. The guide-
line initially published in 1996 was revised in 2002 and
2007. It seeks to identify and define those clinical situations
in which preoperative testing and intervention may
improve patients’ perioperative outcome. One of the themes
of this guideline is that cardiac intervention is rarely nec-
essary to lower the risk of surgery [ C Eagle et al, 2002].
The guideline emphasizes that preoperative tests are recom-
mended only if they have the potential to affect periopera-
tive care, that is, if the information obtained will result
in a change in the surgical procedure performed, a change
in medical therapy, or lead to the use of perioperative
monitoring [ C Fleisher et al, 2007].
These guidelines employ a strategy that requires assessment
of active cardiac conditions, clinical predictors, functional
status, surgery-specific risk, and history of prior coronary
evaluation and/or treatment. The preoperative history and
physical examination should focus on identifying the presence
of clinical predictors, including the presence of cardiovascular
disease and its treatment. A goal of the guideline is the identi-
fication of the patient at increased risk who would benefit, in
the long term, from medical therapy or coronary artery revas-
cularization. The preoperative evaluation should also aim to
identify comorbid conditions that, if present, could increase
the risk of perioperative cardiovascular complications. These
comorbid conditions include pulmonary disease, renal insuf-
ficiency, diabetes mellitus, and anemia.
Active cardiac conditions (Table 7-1), when present, indi-
cate major perioperative cardiac risk. These conditions
(referred to as “major clinical risk factors” in the 2002 guide-
line revision) include unstable coronary syndromes (unstable

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160 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

TABLE 7-1 Active Cardiac Conditions*

Unstable coronary syndromes (unstable angina, recent MI [MI more than 7 days
but less than 1 month before evaluation])
Decompensated heart failure
Significant arrhythmias
Severe valvular disease

*Presence of one or more may result in delay or cancellation of surgery

unless surgery is emergent.
MI, myocardial infarction.
From Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines on
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report
of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on
Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Periop-
erative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol 50:
e159-241, 2007.

angina, acute MI [MI within 7 days], or recent MI [MI occur-

ring more than 7 days but less than 1 month before the ex-
amination]), decompensated heart failure, significant ar-
rhythmias (supraventricular arrhythmia with uncontrolled
ventricular rate, symptomatic arrhythmia in the presence of
underlying heart disease, high degree atrioventricular block),
and severe valvular disease (critical aortic stenosis). The pres-
ence of one or more of these conditions typically leads to
cancellation of surgery to allow for treatment and potential
resolution of the active cardiac condition. If the surgery is
emergent or urgent and cannot be cancelled, the patient
typically will require more intensive perioperative monitor-
ing and care.
Clinical risk factors (listed as “intermediate predictors of
risk” in the 2002 guideline) (Box 7-1), if present, may also
contribute to the risk of perioperative cardiac complication.
They have been identified by the Revised Multifactorial Risk
Index and include history of ischemic heart disease (e.g.,
history of prior MI more than 1 month before the examina-
tion), compensated or prior CHF, history of cerebrovascular
disease, diabetes mellitus, and renal insufficiency (serum Cr

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 161


History of ischemic heart disease

History of compensated or prior heart failure
History of cerebrovascular disease
Diabetes mellitus
Renal insufficiency (serum creatinine ⱖ 2.0)

⬎ 2.0 mg/dL). The 2007 guideline revision no longer con-

siders miner predictors of risk (e.g., age ⬎ 70 years, abnor-
mal ECG [left ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch
block, nonspecific ST-T abnormalities], rhythm other than
sinus, or uncontrolled systemic hypertension) as determi-
nants of perioperative risk. Although these predictors are
markers of cardiovascular disease, they have not been
proven to independently result in increased perioperative
Functional capacity (Fig. 7-1) has been shown to be a pre-
dictor; poor functional capacity is a marker for subsequent
cardiac events. Poor functional capacity, even when not a re-
sult of cardiac causes, was empirically postulated in the 1996
initial ACC/AHA preoperative evaluation guideline to be a risk
for perioperative cardiac complication. Evidence now supports
that postulate. In a series of 600 patients who underwent non-
cardiac surgery, investigators showed that perioperative myo-
cardial ischemia and cardiovascular events were more com-
mon in patients unable to walk four blocks or climb two
flights of stairs. Functional capacity may be quantified by
evaluating the patient’s daily activity. Perioperative cardiac risk
is increased in patients unable to reach or exceed an aerobic
demand of 4 metabolic equivalents (METs) during normal
activity. Energy expenditures of eating, dressing, walking, and
other low-level activities range from 1 to 4 METs. More vigor-
ous activity, such as climbing a flight of stairs, brisk walking,
or playing golf, is equivalent to 4 to 10 METs. Strenuous activ-
ity such as tennis and swimming exceeds 10 METs.

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 161 12/20/07 7:42:08 PM


Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 162
1 MET Can you take care of yourself? 4 METs Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a hill?
Eat, dress, or use the toilet? Walk on level ground at 4 mph or 6.4 km per h?
Walk indoors around the house? Run a short distance?
Walk a block or two on level ground
at 2 to 3 mph or 3.2 to 4.8 km per h? Do heavy work around the house like
scrubbing floors or lifting or moving heavy
Do light work around the house like furniture?
4 METs dusting or washing dishes?
Participate in moderate recreational activities
like golf, bowling, dancing, doubles tennis, or
throwing a baseball or football?

Greater than 10 METs Participate in strenuous sports like swimming,

singles tennis, football, basketball, or skiing?

Figure 7-1 • Duke activity scale. MET, metabolic equivalent. (From Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines on periop-
erative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines [Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery]. J Am Coll
Cardiol 50:e159-241, 2007.)
7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

12/20/07 7:42:09 PM
7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 163

Surgery-specific risk is determined by the type of surgery

and its associated hemodynamic stress (Box 7-2). High-risk
procedures are those with a reported cardiac risk greater
than 5%. They include emergency major operations, par-
ticularly in the elderly, aortic and major vascular surgery,
peripheral vascular surgery, and anticipated prolonged sur-
gical procedures associated with large fluid shifts or blood


Box 7-2


Emergency major operations, particularly in elderly patients
Aortic and other major vascular surgery
Peripheral vascular surgery
Anticipated prolonged surgical procedures associated with large
fluid shifts or blood loss
Carotid endarterectomy
Head and neck surgery
Intraperitoneal and intrathoracic surgery
Orthopedic surgery
Prostate surgery
Endoscopic procedures
Superficial procedures
Cataract surgery
Breast surgery
Ambulatory surgery

*Do not generally require further preoperative cardiac testing.

From Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines on
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report of
the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Prac-
tice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative
Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol 50:e159-241,

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164 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

loss. Intermediate-risk procedures are those associated with

a risk less than 5% but greater than 1%. They include ca-
rotid endarterectomy, head and neck surgery, intraperitoneal
and intrathoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery, and prostate
surgery. Low-risk procedures are those associated with a
cardiac risk lower than 1%. They include endoscopic proce-
dures, superficial procedures, cataract surgery, breast sur-
gery, and ambulatory surgery.
After the patient’s active cardiac conditions, clinical risk
factors, functional capacity, and surgery-specific risks are
identified, the ACC/AHA 2007 Perioperative Guidelines rec-
ommend a five-step algorithm to guide decision making re-
garding further cardiac testing, proceeding to surgery, or
both (Fig. 7-2).
1. Is the surgical procedure an emergency? If so, the patient
should proceed to surgery without delay for further
preoperative evaluation. I typically treat patients in this
group as though they have coronary artery disease if
they have coronary artery disease risk factors or if their
functional capacity is poor and coronary disease could
be occult (i.e., asymptomatic) as a result of decreased
activity. The patient’s cardiac risk profile and overall
medical state should be assessed in the postoperative
period. If the surgical procedure is not an emergency, I
then ask the next question:
2. Does the patient have one or more active cardiac conditions
(unstable coronary syndromes, decompensated heart fail-
ure, significant arrhythmias, severe valvular disease)? In
this patient group, noncardiac surgery is usually de-
layed unless it is an emergency. For the patient who
has an unstable coronary syndrome, coronary angiog-
raphy is often performed to define coronary anatomy,
and a coronary revascularization procedure is per-
formed, if indicated. For the patient with severe valvu-
lar heart disease, evaluation is performed to assess

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 164 12/20/07 7:42:09 PM

(class I,
Need for surveillance
emergency Operating and postoperative
Step 1 noncardiac room risk stratification
surgery? and risk factor
(class I, LOE B) Consider
Active cardiac and treat per
Step 2 operating
conditions* ACC/AHA
(class I, LOE B)
Low-risk Proceed with
Step 3
surgery planned surgery


Good functional
(class I, LOE B)
capacity (MET level Proceed with
Step 4 greater than or equal planned surgery
to 4) without symptoms†

Step 5 No or unknown

3 or more clinical 1 or 2 clinical No clinical

risk factors‡ risk factors‡ risk factors‡

Vascular Intermediate- Vascular Intermediate- Class I,

surgery risk surgery surgery risk surgery LOE B

Class IIa,

Consider testing Proceed with planned surgery with Proceed with

if it will change HR control§ (Class IIa, LOE B) or planned
management§ consider noninvasive testing (Class IIb, surgery
LOE B) if it will change management

Figure 7-2 • Cardiac evaluation and care algorithm for noncardiac surgery
based on active clinical conditions, known cardiovascular disease, or cardiac risk
factors for patients 50 years of age or older. *See Table 7-1 for active clinical
conditions. †See Figure 7-1 for estimated MET level equivalent. ‡Clinical risk fac-
tors include ischemic heart disease, compensated or prior heart failure, diabetes
mellitus, renal insufficiency, and cerebrovascular disease. §Consider perioperative
beta blockade for populations in which this has been shown to reduce cardiac
morbidity/mortality. ACC/AHA, American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association; HR, heart rate; LOE, level of evidence; MET, metabolic equivalent.
(From Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines on perioperative
cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines
[Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular
Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery]. J Am Coll Cardiol 50:e159-241, 2007.)

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166 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

whether valve repair or replacement is indicated. For

the patient with decompensated congestive heart fail-
ure or significant arrhythmias, stabilization of these
problems should be undertaken before nonemergency
noncardiac surgery is performed.
3. If the patient does not have one or more active cardiac
conditions noted previously, I then ask whether the patient
is undergoing low-risk surgery (see Box 7-2). Because the
perioperative cardiac risk (morbidity and mortality
⬍1%) in this patient group is so low, interventions
based on cardiac testing typically do not change the
outcome. Patients in this category, therefore, usually
proceed to surgery.
4. If the surgery is not low risk, I then ask whether the patient
has good functional capacity without provocation of cardiac
symptoms. Functional capacity is quantified by assess-
ing the patient’s activities of daily living and expressing
that activity in terms of METs. Perioperative cardiac risk
has been shown to be increased in patients with poor
exercise tolerance (e.g., those who are unable to carry
out activity of 4 METs during their daily activities).
Cardiac risk is increased even if the inability to perform
this degree of activity is the result of a noncardiac cause
(e.g., osteoarthritis). As defined by the Duke Activity
Status Index, activities that utilize 4 METs include per-
forming light work around the house and climbing a
flight of stairs (see Fig. 7-1). If the patient is able to
perform 4 or more METs activities without provocation
of symptoms, it is unlikely that cardiac stress testing
will yield a result that will alter perioperative outcome.
If the patient has not had a recent cardiac stress test,
I estimate his or her functional capacity by carefully
reviewing daily activity level and estimating energy
expenditure in METs for the activity.
5. If the patient has poor functional capacity or a functional
capacity that cannot be determined, surgery-specific cardiac

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 167

risk is then determined. This risk is related to the type of

surgery and its associated risk as well as to the presence
of clinical risk factors, such as history of ischemic heart
disease (e.g., mild angina pectoris), prior MI (MI more
than 30 days before surgery), compensated or prior
congestive heart failure, history of cerebrovascular dis-
ease, diabetes mellitus, or renal insufficiency (serum Cr
⬎2.0). Vascular surgery is associated with the highest
degree of cardiac risk because of the hemodynamic
stress of the surgery and the fact that many patients
who undergo vascular surgery have coexistent coronary
artery disease. For the patient who is to undergo vascu-
lar surgery or an intermediate-risk procedure and has
three or more clinical risk factors, preoperative cardiac
stress testing is considered, as the results of testing will
alter perioperative management. For the vascular
surgery patient or the patient who is to undergo an
intermediate-risk surgical procedure and who has one
or two clinical risk factors, beta blockers are titrated in
the perioperative period to a heart rate less than 65
beats per minute in an effort to decrease perioperative
myocardial ischemia. In this patient group, preopera-
tive cardiac stress testing may also be considered
if the results will alter perioperative management.
A summary of the guideline recommendations for
preoperative stress testing is found in Table 7-2. For
patients with no clinical risk factors, the guideline
suggests that they proceed to surgery.
Although not a component of the formal ACC/AHA
preoperative evaluation algorithm at the time of preoperative
assessment, I utilize the patient’s history of coronary artery
revascularization to further assess his or her perioperative risk
and management. If the patient has had coronary artery revas-
cularization with coronary artery bypass surgery within the
past 5 years or coronary artery angioplasty from 6 months to
5 years previously and has not had symptoms or signs of

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168 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Recommendations for Preoperative

Noninvasive Stress Testing*
Class IIa recommendation (recommendation in favor of stress testing being
Noninvasive stress testing of patients with three or more clinical risk factors† and
poor functional capacity (⬍4 METs) who require vascular surgery is reasonable
if it will change management.
Class IIb recommendation (recommendation’s usefulness less well estab-
lished than IIa recommendation)
Noninvasive stress testing may be considered for patients with at least one to
two clinical risk factors and poor functional capacity (⬍4 METs) who require
intermediate-risk noncardiac surgery if it will change management.
Noninvasive stress testing may be considered for patients with at least one to two
clinical risk factors and good functional capacity (⬎4 METs) who are undergo-
ing vascular surgery.

*Noninvasive stress testing is not useful for patients who have no clinical
risk factors and are undergoing intermediate-risk noncardiac surgery and for pa-
tients who are undergoing low-risk noncardiac surgery.

Clinical risk factors: history of ischemic heart disease, history of compen-
sated or prior heart failure, history of cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
renal insufficiency (serum creatinine ⬎2.0).
METs, metabolic equivalents.
From Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines on
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A report
of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on
Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines on Periop-
erative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol 50:
e159-241, 2007.

myocardial ischemia, retrospective data suggest that the risk of

perioperative MI is low. Data suggest that for this patient group
further preoperative cardiac testing is usually unnecessary. I
take into consideration the patient’s daily activity when answer-
ing this question, realizing that for the patient who is sedentary,
progression of coronary artery disease may be occult because
the physical activity is not strenuous enough to provoke symp-
toms of ischemia. For the patient who has undergone coronary
angioplasty with placement of a non–drug-eluting intracoro-
nary stent, it is recommended that noncardiac surgery be
delayed until the patient’s mandatory antiplatelet regimen is
completed, which is typically 30 to 45 days following stent

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 169

implantation. This delay is to avoid the risk of major hemor-

rhage if surgery is performed while the patient is receiving
aggressive antiplatelet therapy and to prevent premature termi-
nation of antiplatelet therapy, which would increase the stent
thrombosis risk dramatically. For the patient who has under-
gone placement of a drug-eluting stent, the period of dual
antiplatelet therapy after stenting (1 year) should similarly be
completed before noncardiac surgery is performed.


There is evidence that elective endovascular management
of aortic and thoracic aneurysms is associated with a lower
incidence of perioperative morbidity and mortality than
open aneurysm repair. Using current complication rates,
I typically classify elective endovascular aortic and thoracic
aneurysm repair in the stable patient as an intermediate-risk


In many instances, transplantation surgery is performed in
patients with significant medical comorbidities. The patient
who undergoes kidney transplantation is at least at
intermediate risk of cardiac complication because of renal
insufficiency. Many of these patients also have diabetes
mellitus, which contributes to their risk of complication. A
retrospective review of 2694 patients who underwent renal
transplantation identified age older than 50 years and preex-
isting heart disease, especially in diabetics, as risk factors that
significantly increased the risk of perioperative cardiac com-
plication. In 176 patients who underwent kidney or kidney-
pancreas transplant, the occurrence of postoperative cardiac
complications correlated with the presence of reversible
myocardial perfusion defects on preoperative dipyridamole

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170 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

thallium imaging. For the patient who undergoes liver trans-

plantation, dobutamine stress echocardiography has been
shown to have utility in the prediction of postoperative car-
diac complications.
Although the guideline algorithm is helpful in assessing
preoperative risk and guiding perioperative management, I
believe that consideration of the patient’s unique history and
indications for surgery should be considered when deciding
whether specific preoperative cardiac testing is to be used. In
some patients, the danger of not performing surgery may be
greater than the predicted perioperative risk of cardiac com-
plication, an example being the patient with significant car-
diac history who is to undergo a curative surgical procedure
for a malignant neoplasm. Another consideration is to weigh
the risks that may occur if semiurgent surgery is delayed as a
result of stress testing and possible coronary artery revascu-
larization. An example of this scenario is that of the elderly
patient with multiple comorbidities who sustains a hip frac-
ture that warrants surgical repair.

Physiologic Response to Anesthesia and Surgery
Anesthesia and surgery are accompanied by physiologic re-
sponses to preserve homeostasis. In the patient with compen-
sated heart disease, these normal responses may precipitate
decompensation. Catecholamine production increases in re-
sponse to the stress of surgery, and it leads to increases in myo-
cardial oxygen demand as well as increased afterload that may
provoke myocardial ischemia in the patient with coronary ar-
tery disease. In addition, several perioperative factors may lead
to decreased myocardial oxygen delivery. Hypoventilation and
atelectasis may reduce arterial oxygen saturation. Anemia de-
creases myocardial oxygen delivery. Volume depletion or peri-
operative hypotension may result in coronary artery hypoper-
fusion. Sodium and water retention are increased in response

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 171

to aldosterone secretion in an effort to maintain intravascular

volume. In the patient with impaired ventricular function or
“fixed” cardiac output (e.g., critical aortic stenosis, severe left
ventricular dysfunction), this process may result in CHF.

Cardiovascular Effects of Anesthetic Agents

Inhalation Agents
Inhalation agents all produce dose-dependent myocardial
depression. Nitrous oxide is the least depressant, and because
its use is associated with an increase in peripheral vascular
resistance, systemic blood pressure is maintained. Halothane,
rarely used in adults because of idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity,
produces the greatest degree of myocardial depression of all
the inhaled agents. All inhalational agents may cause de-
creases in blood pressure. For halothane and enflurane, blood
pressure is decreased by direct myocardial depression in con-
junction with decreased cardiac output and stroke volume.
For isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane, the associated
blood pressure decrease is caused by a reduction in systemic
vascular resistance with peripheral vasodilation. This may
result in hypotension in the patient who is concurrently re-
ceiving vasodilators (nitrates, hydralazine, and nifedipine) or
who has intravascular volume depletion. Treatment of hypo-
tension in this setting should be with fluid administration.
The depressant effects of inhalational anesthetics may be ac-
centuated in patients with ventricular dysfunction. Desflurane
is associated with sympathetic activation and is therefore of
limited use in patients with cardiac disease. Sevoflurane ap-
pears to be similar to isoflurane and safe in the patient with
ischemic heart disease. It has been described as having a more
stable effect on heart rate than the other inhaled agents.
Intravenous Anesthetic Agents
Thiopental is the prototypical intravenous barbiturate anes-
thetic agent. Its cardiac effects during noncardiac surgery
can be significant. This drug leads to venous dilation with a

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172 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

reduction in preload as well as myocardial depression. These

physiologic responses may result in an increase in heart rate.
Thiopental should therefore be used with caution in the pa-
tient with decreased preload (e.g., hypovolemia) who is
receiving vasodilator medications as well as in the patient in
whom increased heart rate would be detrimental (e.g., the
patient with ischemia).
Opioids are commonly used in anesthesia to blunt the
sympathetic response to intubation and surgical manipula-
tion. Sufentanil and fentanyl are the most frequently used
agents of this class. They serve to prevent increases in intra-
operative myocardial oxygen demand by maintaining cardiac
output and preventing increases in heart rate.
Propofol is commonly used for induction and mainte-
nance of general anesthesia and for sedation during regional
anesthesia. It is particularly well suited for use in outpatient
surgery because of its short duration of action and antiemetic
properties. The use of this drug may be associated with hy-
potension, especially after bolus administration.
Spinal Anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia is relatively contraindicated in patients with
fixed cardiac output (e.g., critical aortic stenosis, severe left
ventricular dysfunction) because these patients are unable to
augment cardiac output in response to the vasodilation and
subsequent hypotension that often accompany this technique.
Regional versus General Anesthesia
Several studies found no difference between the effects of
regional and general anesthesia on cardiovascular morbidity
or mortality. There are several unique settings in which one
modality may be preferable. Regional anesthesia produces
less respiratory and cardiac depression than general anesthe-
sia, and the use of regional anesthesia may be advantageous
in the patient with left ventricular dysfunction, CHF, or pul-
monary disease. Some investigators have suggested that in
certain high-risk groups (e.g., those who undergo vascular

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 173

surgery), epidural analgesia along with general anesthesia is

associated with a lower risk of perioperative cardiac compli-
cations than general anesthesia alone. In a meta-analysis of
141 randomized trials involving 9559 patients, general anes-
thesia was compared with neuraxial blockade, such as spinal
or epidural anesthesia [ C Rodgers et al, 2000]. The authors
found that neuraxial blockade, with or without general anes-
thesia, was associated with a 44% decreased incidence of
deep vein thrombosis, a 55% decreased incidence of pulmo-
nary embolus, and a 33% decreased incidence of MI. Overall
mortality was reduced by approximately 33% in patients re-
ceiving neuraxial blockade. The applicability of these data to
current care has been questioned. The meta-analysis has
been criticized because of the heterogeneity of its component
studies, the overestimation of “treatment effect” related to
positive publication bias, changes in postoperative manage-
ment, and the fact that in many of its component studies
serum troponin was not used as a marker of MI, with a re-
sulting presumed underdiagnosis of perioperative MI. Since
the publication of this meta-analysis, large, multicenter,
retrospective studies have shown no cardiovascular mor-
tality benefit and only minimal morbidity benefit for
combined epidural and general anesthesia. The proven
benefits of neuraxial anesthesia and analgesia include a
reduction in blood loss, superior pain control, decreased
postoperative ileus, and fewer pulmonary complications
[ A Ballantyne et al, 2005].


Prevention of Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia
and Myocardial Infarction
Perioperative ␤-blockers have been demonstrated to decrease
the risk of perioperative myocardial ischemia and MI in se-
lected patient populations. The ACC/AHA’s 2006 “Guideline

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174 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Update on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Non-

cardiac Surgery: Focused Update on Perioperative Beta-
Blocker Therapy” notes that, for the most part, evidence to
support the widespread use of ␤-blockers to decrease periop-
erative cardiac risk is lacking. This guideline states that most
perioperative ␤-blocker trials have been inadequately pow-
ered, few have been randomized, most have looked only at
high-risk populations, and no studies have addressed how,
when, and by whom perioperative ␤-blocker therapy should
be implemented and monitored. Many of the patients evalu-
ated in these trials underwent vascular surgery. Despite these
concerns, the guideline does recommend that ␤-blockers be
continued in patients already receiving these agents and
should be initiated in patients undergoing vascular sur-
gery who are estimated to be at high cardiac risk as de-
termined by the presence of ischemia on preoperative
testing. This guideline states that ␤-blockers are probably
recommended for patients who undergo vascular surgery
and who have a history of coronary artery disease or who
have multiple coronary artery disease risk factors and
for patients with multiple cardiac risk factors who un-
dergo intermediate-risk or high-risk surgical procedures.
␤-Blockers may be considered for patients who undergo
intermediate-risk or high-risk surgical procedures who
have a single clinical cardiac risk factor and may also be
considered for patients who undergo vascular surgery
who have no cardiac risk factors (Box 7-2) [ C Fleisher
et al, 2006].
Based on this evidence, I attempt to utilize perioperative
␤-blockers in all patients who undergo vascular surgery as well
as those with known cardiovascular disease or at increased
cardiac risk who undergo intermediate-risk or high-risk non-
vascular surgery. I attempt to initiate ␤-blockers at least 1 week
preoperatively because I realize that, in many patients, the
realities of surgery lead to identification of these patients at
time periods considerably less than 1 week preoperatively and

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 175


Box 7-2

1. Patient already receiving ␤-blocker therapy
2. Vascular surgery: Myocardial ischemia identified on preop-
erative testing
1. Vascular surgery: Patient with known coronary artery disease
2. Vascular surgery: Patient with multiple clinical risk factors
3. Intermediate-risk or high-risk surgery: Patient with multiple
clinical risk factors
1. Intermediate-risk or high-risk surgery (including vascular
surgery): Single clinical risk factor
2. Vascular surgery: No cardiac risk factors

Adapted from Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA 2006 guide-
line update on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: Fo-
cused update on perioperative beta-blocker therapy. A report of the American College
of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writ-
ing Committee to Update the 2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular
Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). J Am Coll Cardiol 47:2343-2355, 2006.

continue for at least 30 days after the surgical procedure. Many

patients whom I identify as requiring these agents in the peri-
operative period have indications for long-term ␤-blocker
use. I attempt to titrate the ␤-blocker to a heart rate of 60 to
70 beats/minute.
Perioperative ␣-adrenergic agonists (clonidine, mivazerol)
have been demonstrated to decrease perioperative ischemia
and mortality following vascular surgery. This approach is
not commonly used in the United States.
Emerging evidence suggests that administration of a statin
is associated with a reduced incidence of perioperative
cardiac complications. Most of this evidence is based on

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176 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

observational studies. Further evidence is needed before

statins can be recommended as agents to decrease periopera-
tive cardiovascular risk; however, my approach to patients
who are long-term statin recipients is to continue their use in
the perioperative period.
No evidence indicates that intraoperative nitrates or cal-
cium channel antagonists are of benefit to prevent intraop-
erative myocardial ischemia. Prophylactic nitrates may actu-
ally be harmful if they lead to excessive preload reduction
with subsequent hypotension.
In a study of 300 patients with known coronary artery dis-
ease or at high risk for coronary artery disease who underwent
abdominal, thoracic, or vascular surgical procedures, mainte-
nance of perioperative normothermia led to a decreased inci-
dence of perioperative morbid events (unstable angina, cardiac
arrest, MI: 6.3% morbid events in the hypothermic group ver-
sus 1.4% morbid events in the normothermic group), as well
as a decrease in episodes of ventricular tachycardia.
Retrospective studies have shown that coronary artery by-
pass surgery does offer a protective effect for patients whose
noncardiac surgical procedure followed coronary artery bypass
surgery by up to 6 years. However, when the risk of coronary
artery bypass itself is included in overall risk analysis, the
protective effect of coronary artery bypass grafting is negated. A
prospective randomized trial comparing coronary artery revas-
cularization with intensive medical therapy (␤-blockers, aspi-
rin, statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors)
as the preoperative treatment for patients who subsequently
underwent vascular surgical procedures showed that preopera-
tive coronary revascularization did not result in better
outcomes than medical therapy in patients with stable
coronary artery disease who underwent elective vascular
operations [ A McFalls et al, 2004].
The ACC/AHA consensus-based guideline for preopera-
tive cardiovascular evaluation before noncardiac surgery
recommends that the individual patient’s perioperative and

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 177

long-term risk be considered when deciding whether to per-

form coronary artery bypass surgery before noncardiac surgi-
cal procedures. The guideline advocates that coronary artery
bypass surgery be performed before noncardiac surgical pro-
cedures in patients who meet established criteria for coro-
nary bypass (i.e., left main coronary stenosis, three-vessel
coronary artery disease in conjunction with left ventricular
dysfunction, two-vessel coronary disease when one of
the vessels is the left anterior descending coronary artery
with severe proximal stenosis, and myocardial ischemia
despite a maximal medical regimen) [ C Eagle et al, 2004]. The
guideline highlights that coronary artery bypass grafting
should be performed in the foregoing patients before high-
risk or intermediate-risk noncardiac surgery when long-term
outcome would be improved by the coronary procedure.
Investigators have suggested that percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioplasty reduces perioperative cardiac morbidity
when it is performed to alleviate myocardial ischemia before
noncardiac surgery. The few studies that have assessed this
technique, however, were nonrandomized and were based on
historical controls. In the United States, most patients who
undergo coronary artery angioplasty also undergo implantation
of an intracoronary stent. For the patient whose stent is drug
eluting, it is essential that the antiplatelet regimen (aspirin and
clopidogrel) be continued for at least 12 months following
placement of a sirolimus-coated or paclitaxel-coated stent. Pre-
mature discontinuation of this antiplatelet regimen may result
in acute stent thrombosis with subsequent MI. If surgery can-
not be performed in the presence of aspirin and clopidogrel, I
recommend that the procedure be delayed until the patient’s
antiplatelet course is completed. If emergency surgery is re-
quired and the patient has not completed the post–stent place-
ment antiplatelet regimen, I consider each case on an individual
basis. For most patients, I proceed to surgery and utilize plate-
let transfusions in the event of excessive bleeding. If a patient
presents for coronary artery angioplasty and it is known that he

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178 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

or she is to have subsequent noncardiac surgery in less than

12 months, I consider the use of a bare metal stent, which re-
quires only 1 month of antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and clo-
pidogrel). This focused approach serves to reduce the risk of
stent thrombosis in those patients whose antiplatelet agents
would be prematurely discontinued and to lower the risk of
bleeding in those who would undergo surgery while still receiv-
ing their antiplatelet regimen.

The Patient with Chronic Coronary Artery Disease

For patients with chronic stable angina, it is important to
continue antianginal therapy in the perioperative period.
␤-Blockers are continued to the time of operation. For pro-
longed effect, a long-acting preparation (i.e., nadolol or
atenolol) may be given on the morning of the surgical proce-
dure. If patients are unable to resume oral intake 24 hours
postoperatively, ␤-blockers may be given intravenously (e.g.,
propranolol, 0.5 to 2 mg every 1 to 6 hours). Parenteral
metoprolol or esmolol may also be used. Oral ␤-blocker
therapy is resumed as soon as possible postoperatively.
Patients who are receiving long-term antianginal treat-
ment with calcium channel antagonists are usually given a
long-acting oral preparation on the morning of the surgical
procedure. If they are unable to resume oral intake 24 hours
postoperatively, I generally add intravenous or topical ni-
trates to the regimen. The only calcium channel antagonists
available for intravenous use are verapamil and diltiazem.
Because their effect is primarily antiarrhythmic when they are
given intravenously, I do not use these agents as primary
anti-ischemic therapy for patients who are unable to take oral

Perioperative Myocardial Infarction

Most perioperative MIs occur during the initial 48 hours af-
ter a surgical procedure. Typical characteristics of postopera-
tive MI are that they are of the non–ST-segment elevation

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 179

(NSTEMI) type and are typically not accompanied by angina.

These MIs are more often accompanied by CHF, arrhythmia,
hypotension, confusion, and hyperglycemia in diabetic pa-
tients. The presence of any one of these findings in the pa-
tient at increased risk for perioperative MI should arouse
suspicion that an MI may have occurred. Troponin is the
most sensitive and specific biomarker of perioperative MI.
The immediate goals for treatment of perioperative MI are
the same as those for treatment of MI in the nonsurgical setting.
They include reperfusion of ischemic myocardium supplied by
the culprit coronary artery, antithrombotic therapy to prevent
rethrombosis of subtotal coronary stenosis, adjunctive mea-
sures to decrease ongoing myocardial oxygen demand, and
prevention of MI-related left ventricular remodeling.
Thrombolytic therapy is indicated for many patients with
acute MI, but it should not be used in the majority of patients
who have undergone recent surgery. Although it is not known
exactly how soon postoperatively it is safe to use thrombolytic
agents, any operation within the previous 2 weeks that could be
a source of uncontrollable bleeding with thrombolytic therapy is
an absolute contraindication to its use. Recent surgery more
than 2 weeks before thrombolytic therapy has also been sug-
gested as a relative contraindication to its use, and the choice
must be made on an individual basis. Urgent cardiac catheter-
ization with percutaneous coronary angioplasty should be con-
sidered in perioperative patients with evolving acute MIs.
In the absence of contraindications, aspirin (160 to 325 mg)
is administered during the acute phase of MI. Aspirin use has
been shown to decrease early mortality from MI by as much as
21%. If the patient is unable to tolerate oral medications in the
perioperative period, aspirin (325 mg) may be given by rectal
suppository. For the patient allergic to aspirin, clopidogrel has
been recommended in a consensus guideline of the American
College of Chest Physicians.
Heparin has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality
in the peri-MI period for the patient who has not received

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180 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

thrombolytic therapy. Therefore, if there are no contraindica-

tions and hemostasis is stable, heparin is utilized in the initial
care of the patient with perioperative MI. Evidence indicates
that subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (e.g., enoxa-
parin, 1 mg/kg every 12 hours) is more effective than continu-
ously administered unfractionated heparin, but this determina-
tion was made in nonsurgical patients. I believe that, pending
study in perioperative patients, either type of heparin prepara-
tion would be an acceptable choice.
Although heparin and antiplatelet agents are of benefit after
MI, they may increase bleeding following noncardiac surgical
procedures. The benefit and risk of these agents must be con-
sidered before their use in the perioperative period.
␤-Blockers given to patients with acute MIs decrease
excessive reflex activation of the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem, which may increase myocardial ischemia, platelet ag-
gregation, and arrhythmia. These agents reduce post-MI
morbidity and mortality. Therefore, in the absence of con-
traindications, I administer ␤-blockers to all patients with
acute MI. Intravenous ␤-blockers (propranolol, metoprolol,
esmolol) are administered to the patient who is unable to
tolerate oral ␤-blockers. The dose is titrated to decrease the
heart rate to less than 70 beats/minute. Contraindications
to the use of ␤-blockers in the perioperative period include
significant bradycardia or hypotension, severe left ventricu-
lar dysfunction, heart block, and severe bronchospastic
lung disease.
Nitroglycerin is effective in decreasing the pain of acute
ongoing myocardial ischemia. It is also beneficial when MI
is complicated by CHF or pulmonary edema. No evidence
indicates that prophylactic nitrates decrease mortality fol-
lowing acute MI. The typical starting dose for nitroglycerin
is 5 to 10 ␮g/minute intravenously for most patients with
perioperative MIs. The dose is increased by 5 to 10 ␮g/
minute every 5 to 10 minutes. During titration, continuous
monitoring of vital signs is essential. Although titration end

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 181

points for nitroglycerin vary among individual patients,

guidelines suggest the following: (1) control of symptoms or
a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure of 10% in pa-
tients with normal blood pressure or 30% in patients with
hypertension (never a systolic blood pressure ⬍90 mm Hg);
(2) a maximum increase in heart rate of more than 10 beats/
minute but usually not greater than 110 beats/minute; and
(3) a decrease in pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure of
10% to 30%. For most patients, the final nitrate dose is less
than 200 ␮g/minute.
Evidence indicates that ACE inhibitors given early after
MI have increased survival, especially for patients with ante-
rior MIs or those with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)
less than 40%.
It is essential that the patient who sustains a perioperative
MI be treated following the acute phase in a manner similar
to the treatment of MI in the nonsurgical setting. That would
include assessment of myocardium at risk with a post-MI
stress test in the patient whose MI has been uncomplicated,
assessment of cardiac risk factors to include determination of
lipid status and initiation of lipid lowering therapy if indi-
cated, smoking cessation counseling, and a plan for cardiac

Perioperative Hypertension
Despite the extent of preoperative blood pressure control,
perioperative hypertension or hypotension each occurs in up
to 25% of hypertensive patients who undergo surgery. Two
preoperative predictors of perioperative hypertension are
previous hypertension, especially a diastolic b1ood pressure
greater than 110 mm Hg, and the type of surgical procedure.
Hypertensive events occur most commonly with carotid sur-
gery, abdominal aortic surgery, peripheral vascular proce-
dures, and intraperitoneal or intrathoracic surgery.

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182 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Data suggest that diastolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg or

greater is a preoperative marker of perioperative cardiac com-
plications in the patient with chronic hypertension. Therefore,
in patients with chronic hypertension, as long as the diastolic
blood pressure is less than 110 mm Hg, hypertension in and
of itself is not an indication to delay operation.
Data are conflicting regarding the role of preoperative hy-
pertension as a cause of postoperative cardiac complication. In
a multivariate analysis of risk factors for perioperative compli-
cations in men who underwent noncardiac surgery, the pres-
ence of preoperative hypertension increased the odds ratio
(OR) for postoperative death to 3.8 times that of normotensive
persons. In a case-controlled study of patients who died of a
cardiac cause within 30 days of elective surgical procedures, a
preoperative history of hypertension was four times more likely
than in an equal number of age-matched controls. In contrast,
a prospective, randomized, multicenter study of more than
17,000 patients found that although preoperative hypertension
was associated with perioperative bradycardia, tachycardia, and
hypertension, it was not a predictor of MI or cardiac death.
The importance of systolic hypertension as a risk factor
for surgery is unclear. A meta-analysis showed that there is
little evidence for an association between systolic blood
pressure of 180 mm Hg or less and perioperative cardiac
complications [ C Howell et al, 2004].
Perioperative hypertension tends to occur at four distinct
time periods: (1) during laryngoscopy and induction of anes-
thesia, as a result of sympathetic stimulation with adrenergic
mediated vasoconstriction; (2) intraoperatively, as a result of
acute pain-induced sympathetic stimulation leading to vaso-
constriction; (3) in the early postanesthesia period, princi-
pally because of pain-induced sympathetic stimulation, hypo-
thermia (which decreases catecholamine reuptake and thereby
increases plasma catecholamine levels), hypoxia, or intravas-
cular volume overload from excessive intraoperative fluid
therapy; and (4) 24 to 48 hours postoperatively, as fluid is

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 183

mobilized from the extravascular space. It is also during this

period that blood pressure may become elevated in response
to discontinuation of chronic antihypertensive medication.
An uncommon cause of perioperative hypertension that
has received significant attention is the clonidine withdrawal
syndrome. This condition has been reported to occur 18 to
24 hours after abruptly stopping clonidine in patients who
were almost always taking more than 1.0 mg/day. This syn-
drome is of particular concern in the perioperative period
because there is no rapidly acting, parenteral form of this drug
for use in the patient who is unable to take oral medications.
Characterized by excessive sympathetic activity with rebound
hypertension, the syndrome often resembles the hypertensive
crisis of pheochromocytoma. Clonidine withdrawal syndrome
may be aggravated by the simultaneous use of propranolol,
which blocks peripheral vasodilatory ␤-receptors and thus
leaves vasoconstricting ␣-receptors unopposed. It may be re-
versed by reinstitution of clonidine, which can be given intra-
muscularly, or by treatment with methyldopa or labetalol
hydrochloride. Discontinuation syndromes manifested by
hypertension may also be provoked by withdrawal of
␤-blockers, centrally acting antihypertensive agents (e.g.,
␣-methyldopa), and other antihypertensive drugs.

Treatment of Perioperative Hypertension

My initial approach to treatment is prevention. Because many
patients who develop postoperative hypertension do so as a
result of withdrawal of their long-term antihypertensive regi-
men, I attempt to minimize this withdrawal in the postop-
erative period. This approach includes substituting long-
acting preparations of the patient’s long-term antihypertensive
regimen starting, if possible, several days preoperatively, and
given in the morning of the day of surgery.
No well-studied indications exist for acute control of
hypertension in the perioperative period. I consider the pos-
sible causes of the patient’s blood pressure elevation and also

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184 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

decide whether the patient’s hypertension is a hypertensive

emergency or urgency.
Hypertension that occurs in relation to tracheal intuba-
tion, surgical incision, and emergence from anesthesia is of-
ten the result of increased sympathetic tone. It may be
treated with short-acting ␤-blockers, short-acting narcotics,
or, if needed, intravenous nitroprusside.
Hypertensive emergencies are uncommon following non-
cardiac surgery. They are characterized by severe elevation of
blood pressure with associated target organ dysfunction. Ex-
amples include the following: hypertensive encephalopathy,
intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and
acute stroke; hypertension-induced acute renal dysfunction;
and hypertension associated with unstable angina, acute MI,
acute CHF, and acute aortic dissection. Other postoperative
situations that may result in a hypertensive emergency include
rebound hypertension following withdrawal of antihyperten-
sive medications, hypertension resulting in bleeding from
vascular surgical suture lines, hypertension associated with
head trauma, and hypertension related to acute catecholamine
excess (i.e., pheochromocytoma). My initial approach is to
reverse precipitating factors (pain, hypervolemia, hypoxia,
hypercarbia, and hypothermia). In the patient with a hyper-
tensive emergency, I usually find it necessary also to administer
a parenteral antihypertensive agent. In the acute setting, my
treatment goal is to decrease the patient’s blood pressure by no
more than 25%. This approach decreases the likelihood of too
aggressive control, which may result in target organ hypoper-
fusion. In patients with chronic hypertension, cerebral and
renal perfusion autoregulation is shifted to a higher range. The
brain and kidneys are particularly prone to hypoperfusion if
blood pressure is lowered too rapidly. With the threat of organ
injury diminished, I then attempt to control blood pressure to
baseline levels over 24 to 48 hours.
My approach to the patient with postoperative hyperten-
sion but without evidence of target organ damage is similar to

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 185

my approach to a patient with a hypertensive urgency. I at-

tempt to reverse precipitating factors (see earlier) and to re-
store the patient’s preoperative antihypertensive medications.
For patients who are unable to resume oral intake, I typically
administer parenteral alternative antihypertensive agents.

Perioperative hypotension may result in myocardial ischemia
and is a predictor of postoperative cardiac morbidity. A peri-
operative decrease of mean arterial blood pressure of more
than 20 mm Hg has been shown to increase postoperative
cardiac complications. The most common causes of periop-
erative hypotension are intravascular volume depletion and
excessive vasodilation. Hypotension may be induced by
anesthetic agents. Spinal anesthesia may result in hypoten-
sion related to vasodilation. Several of the inhalational anes-
thetic agents (e.g., isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane)
may cause hypotension by peripheral vasodilation as well
as by myocardial depression. Other causes of perioperative
hypotension include MI, pulmonary embolus, and sepsis.
Hypotension caused by volume depletion or vasodilation is
best treated by volume expansion. When clinically signifi-
cant vasodilation-induced hypotension does not respond to
this approach, a peripheral vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine)
should be considered. Hypotension resulting from direct
myocardial depression may be treated with inotropic agents
such as dopamine, dobutamine, and milrinone.


Mitral Stenosis
Mitral stenosis in adults is usually a result of rheumatic fever.
Rheumatic valvulitis causes scarring of the mitral valve leaf-
lets, with fusion of the commissures as well as subvalvular

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186 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

apparatus. With the reduced incidence of rheumatic fever in

developed countries, nonrheumatic causes of mitral valve
stenosis should be considered. In elderly patients, idiopathic
calcification of the mitral valve annulus with extension to the
mitral valve leaflets may result in functional mitral stenosis.
Rare causes of mitral stenosis are systemic lupus erythemato-
sus, rheumatoid arthritis, and carcinoid syndrome.
In normal adults, the mitral valve area is 4 to 5 cm2. Mitral
stenosis is critical when the valve area is reduced to 1 cm2 or
less. As mitral valve leaflet fusion progresses, left atrial pressure
increases to maintain left ventricular filling, and a diastolic
transvalvular pressure gradient exists between the left atrium
and the left ventricle. Increased left atrial pressure leads to in-
creased pulmonary vascular pressure. Conditions that decrease
diastolic filling time (e.g., tachycardia) as well as those that
increase cardiac blood flow across the mitral valve (e.g.,
physical exercise, fever) further increase left atrial and pulmo-
nary vascular pressure. The pressure gradient across the mitral
valve is proportional to the square of the transvalvular flow
rate. Therefore, modest increases in transvalvular flow result in
significant increases in the pressure gradient. The onset of
atrial fibrillation with the loss of the atrial contribution to ven-
tricular filling, as well as decreased diastolic filling time associ-
ated with a rapid heart rate, may also lead to increased left
atrial pressure. Pulmonary hypertension occurs as mitral ste-
nosis progresses. Although pulmonary venous and arterial
hypertension is usually reversible after mechanical correction
of mitral stenosis, advanced disease is often associated with
mitral regurgitation, hypertrophy of the pulmonary vascula-
ture, and an irreversible component of pulmonary hyperten-
sion. Right ventricular pressure overload may occur as a con-
sequence of pulmonary hypertension.
The clinical findings of mitral stenosis result from the in-
ability of the left atrium to empty normally and from pulmo-
nary venous and arterial hypertension. Symptoms such as
exertional dyspnea may occur when the mitral valve area

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 187

decreases to less than 2.5 cm2. Rest symptoms such as or-

thopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea are present
when the valve area is less than 1.5 cm2. Fatigue resulting
from decreased cardiac output characterizes late disease.
Hoarseness may occur and is caused by compression of the
left recurrent laryngeal nerve by the enlarged left atrium and
pulmonary artery. Atrial fibrillation commonly accompanies
mitral stenosis and is the result of persistently elevated left
atrial pressure and left atrial dilation as well as involvement
of the left atrium by rheumatic carditis. Atrial fibrillation
with rapid ventricular response may lead to pulmonary
edema resulting from the decreased diastolic filling time that
occurs when heart rate increases. Patients with atrial fibrilla-
tion are at high risk for intracardiac thrombus formation with
subsequent systemic embolization. The risk of embolization
increases with increased size of the left atrium and atrial ap-
pendage as well as with decreased cardiac output.
Physical findings of mitral stenosis include an accentuated
first heart sound (S1) that decreases in intensity as stenosis
worsens and a high-pitched opening snap heard after the
second heart sound (S2) that is caused by opening of the
stenotic but pliable mitral valve. As mitral stenosis pro-
gresses, left atrial pressure rises, and the interval between S2
and the opening snap shortens. When valve mobility is lost,
the opening snap disappears. A low-pitched diastolic rumble
is heard at the apex, and its duration correlates with the se-
verity of stenosis. Patients in whom sinus rhythm is pre-
served may have presystolic accentuation of the murmur.
Transthoracic echocardiography is essential in evaluation
of these patients. It confirms the diagnosis, identifies the
cause (e.g., leaflet fusion of rheumatic mitral valve stenosis,
mitral annulus calcification in elderly patients), allows for
estimation of valve orifice area, and, with the use of Doppler
techniques, facilitates an approximation of the transvalvular
pressure gradient. Echocardiography may also facilitate iden-
tification of mitral regurgitation, which coexists in as many

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188 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

as 40% of patients with mitral stenosis, as well as other valve

lesions. Although it is not indicated in every patient with
mitral stenosis, transesophageal echocardiography is an ef-
fective tool to determine the presence or absence of left atrial
thrombi, the presence of which is a contraindication to res-
toration of sinus rhythm in the patient with mitral stenosis
who is in atrial fibrillation.
Therapy is based on the presence or absence of symptoms
and their severity, coexisting pulmonary hypertension resulting
from mitral stenosis, and the suitability of the valve to percuta-
neous balloon mitral valvotomy (i.e., valve with minimal calci-
fication, good leaflet mobility, little involvement of the subval-
vular apparatus, and minimal or no valve regurgitation).
Asymptomatic patients with moderate or severe mitral stenosis
(mitral valve area ⱕ1.5 cm2) are considered for percutaneous
balloon mitral valvotomy if they have suitable valve morphol-
ogy and pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery systolic
pressure ⬎50 mm Hg) caused by mitral stenosis. Patients with
minimal symptoms often respond to diuretics; those with atrial
fibrillation respond to control of the ventricular response with
digoxin, ␤-blockers, or calcium channel antagonists. Survival is
decreased when symptoms are more than mild. Therefore, pa-
tients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional
class II symptoms and moderate or severe stenosis (mitral valve
area ⱕ1.5 cm2 or mean gradient ⱖ5 mm Hg) may be consid-
ered for mitral balloon valvotomy if they have suitable mitral
valve morphology. Balloon mitral valvotomy is contraindicated
in patients with left atrial thrombi. The prognosis is poor for
patients who have NYHA functional class III or IV symptoms
and evidence of severe mitral stenosis if left untreated. These
patients should be considered for treatment with either balloon
valvotomy or valve replacement. Percutaneous balloon mitral
valvuloplasty or mitral valve replacement is indicated before
noncardiac surgery only if the patient otherwise meets the in-
dications for interventional treatment of mitral stenosis irre-
spective of the noncardiac surgical procedure.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 189

Intravascular volume status and heart rate are key factors

that require attention in patients undergoing noncardiac
surgical procedures. Volume overload must be avoided be-
cause further increases in left atrial pressure may result in
pulmonary edema. Conversely, excessive volume depletion
or preload reduction may decrease left ventricular filling
pressure and cardiac output. Perioperative tachycardia may
impair left ventricular filling and can be treated with
␤-blockers, calcium channel antagonists, or digoxin in pa-
tients who have atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular
response. Because of the significant hemodynamic altera-
tions that occur with relatively small volume shifts in pa-
tients with severe mitral stenosis, invasive hemodynamic
monitoring of the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
should be considered if perioperative volume changes are
anticipated. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis for indicated
procedures is necessary.
Mitral stenosis increases the risk of systemic thromboem-
bolism in the patient with atrial fibrillation. Many of these
patients are anticoagulated with warfarin on a long-term
basis. For the patient who undergoes a surgical procedure,
care should be taken to minimize the perioperative time
during which the patient will be not anticoagulated. Strate-
gies include performing the surgical procedure without
stopping anticoagulation in the patient in whom periopera-
tive bleeding is unlikely (e.g., cataract surgery) and stopping
warfarin 48 to 72 hours preoperatively so the surgical pro-
cedure may be performed when the international normal-
ized ratio (INR) is 1.5 or less, with warfarin resumed within
24 hours of surgery. For the patient at significantly increased
risk of embolism, such as the patient with mitral stenosis
and atrial fibrillation who is elderly, has left ventricular dys-
function, or a history of prior embolism or hypertension, I
often stop warfarin several days preoperatively and adminis-
ter heparin when the INR falls to less than 2.0. Heparin is
discontinued 4 to 6 hours preoperatively and is restarted as

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190 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

soon as possible afterward. Warfarin is then reinstituted.

Heparin is discontinued when the INR is therapeutic.
An alternative approach, although not studied in pro-
spective randomized trials and not approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration for this indication, is to use
low-molecular-weight heparin as “bridge” anticoagulation
rather than continuous unfractionated heparin. For this
purpose, enoxaparin can be given at 1 mg/kg subcutane-
ously every 12 hours after warfarin is withheld and the INR
decreases to less than the therapeutic range. Low-molecular-
weight heparin should be stopped 12 hours preoperatively
and resumed when hemostasis is stable in the postoperative
period. Warfarin is restarted in the postoperative period,
and low-molecular-weight heparin is discontinued when the
INR is therapeutic.

Mitral Regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation may be caused by one or more abnor-
malities of the structures that compose the mitral valve appa-
ratus: anterior and posterior valve leaflets, chordae tendineae,
papillary muscles, and mitral valve annulus. It may also result
from poor alignment of a structurally normal valve apparatus
or from mitral annular dilation, both of which are caused by
left ventricular dysfunction or dilation. Common causes of
mitral apparatus dysfunction are myxomatous degeneration of
the mitral valve leaflets or chordae, infective endocarditis that
may involve the valve leaflets, coronary artery disease with
myocardial ischemia resulting in papillary muscle dysfunction,
and rheumatic valve disease. Less common but clinically sig-
nificant causes of mitral regurgitation include mitral annular
calcification (usually limited to elderly persons) and distortion
of the mitral valve apparatus as a result of systolic anterior mo-
tion of the mitral valve in the setting of hypertrophic cardio-
myopathy. Degeneration of the mitral valve may be seen in
patients receiving long-term hemodialysis, as well as those
with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 191

The pathophysiology of mitral regurgitation depends on

whether the regurgitation is acute or chronic. Acute mitral re-
gurgitation is characterized by sudden increases in left atrial
volume and pressure as blood is ejected back into the left
atrium during systole. This acute volume overload also results
in decreased cardiac output and acute pulmonary edema. The
patient with chronic mitral regurgitation develops ventricular
dilation slowly, and this helps to accommodate significant in-
creases in blood volume without significant increases in
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. Thus, pulmonary con-
gestion is initially prevented. Although patients may be stable
for long periods, chronic left ventricular volume overload
eventually leads to left ventricular dysfunction with decreased
LVEF, decreased cardiac output, elevated left ventricular filling
pressure, and pulmonary congestion.
The total LVEF (forward and regurgitant) is increased in
patients with preserved left ventricular function and should
be greater than normal (55%). A “normal” LVEF (50% to
55%) in the patient with severe mitral regurgitation gives the
appearance that ventricular function is preserved but in real-
ity is evidence of significant left ventricular dysfunction.
In otherwise healthy persons, the sudden onset of fulmi-
nant heart failure with the presence of an apical holosystolic
murmur strongly suggests acute mitral regurgitation resulting
from chordal rupture. CHF in patients with inferior wall MIs
indicates the possibility of papillary muscle dysfunction. Sud-
den respiratory distress after a febrile illness suggests acute
mitral regurgitation caused by ruptured chordae or valve leaf-
let perforation resulting from infective endocarditis.
In the presence of acute mitral regurgitation, patients usu-
ally have sinus tachycardia and a nondisplaced hyperdy-
namic left ventricular apical impulse. An apical systolic
murmur begins with S1 but often ends before S2 as left atrial
and left ventricular pressures equalize and valvular regurgita-
tion ceases. In chronic mitral regurgitation, the left ventricu-
lar apical impulse is displaced because of left ventricular

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192 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

dilation. A holosystolic blowing murmur is heard at the apex

and radiates to the axilla. S3 is common and does not neces-
sarily indicate the presence of left ventricular dysfunction. It
may occur solely as a result of early diastolic filling. A left
parasternal lift and accentuated pulmonic component of S2
suggest coexistent pulmonary hypertension.
Echocardiography is an essential diagnostic study for evalu-
ation of the patient with mitral regurgitation. It provides a
measure of the degree of regurgitation as well as an estimate of
left ventricular chamber size and function. This imaging tech-
nique usually leads to the identification of the component of
the mitral valve apparatus that is responsible for the mitral re-
gurgitation. If tricuspid regurgitation is present, echo-Doppler
techniques can be used to measure the pressure gradient be-
tween the right ventricle and the right atrium and allow an es-
timate of pulmonary artery systolic pressure.
When surgical correction of mitral regurgitation is per-
formed, it is desirable to repair rather than replace the valve.
Valve repair is associated with lower perioperative mortality
and better preservation of left ventricular function and, if
sinus rhythm is maintained, freedom from the use of warfa-
rin, as is necessary in the patient with a mechanical valve
prosthesis. Patients with mitral valve calcification and scar-
ring as well as those with severe myxomatous degeneration
and destruction of the valve and chordae are usually not
candidates for valve repair.
Left ventricular function is a major determinant of post-
operative survival. Noninvasive measurements of ventricular
function, LVEF, and ventricular dimension determined by
echocardiography guide the timing of operation. In the pa-
tient with severe chronic mitral regurgitation, the normal
LVEF should be greater than 60%. An LVEF of 60% or less
is indicative of reduced long-term survival. For the patient
with severe asymptomatic mitral regurgitation, mitral valve
surgery should be performed if there is evidence of left
ventricular dysfunction, such as an LVEF of 60% or less. Left

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 193

ventricular end-systolic dimension should be less than

40 mm in the patient with normal left ventricular function.
Therefore, for the patient with asymptomatic severe mitral
regurgitation, surgery should be considered when the left
ventricular end-systolic dimension exceeds this value. Sur-
gery is considered in the asymptomatic patient with severe
mitral regurgitation and preserved left ventricular function if
the patient has had a recent onset of episodic or chronic atrial
fibrillation or has evidence of pulmonary hypertension (pul-
monary artery systolic pressure ⬎50 mm Hg at rest or ⬎60
mm Hg with exercise). In the symptomatic patient with se-
vere mitral regurgitation, surgery should be performed as
long as the LVEF is greater than 30% (LVEF ⬍30% in the
patient with severe left ventricular dysfunction is indicative
of severe left ventricular dysfunction). When the LVEF is less
than 30%, operative mortality increases significantly. In this
high-risk group, surgery should only be considered if it is
highly likely that mitral valve repair will be performed.
The status of left ventricular function is a major determi-
nant of perioperative complications in patients with mitral
regurgitation who undergo noncardiac surgery. I believe that
patients with chronic severe mitral regurgitation should un-
dergo noninvasive assessment of left ventricular function
before noncardiac surgical procedures. If the LVEF is not
greater than normal, as would be expected, I am particularly
vigilant regarding fluid administration and volume shifts in
an effort to avoid the development of CHF. Patients with
mitral regurgitation tolerate afterload reduction well in the
perioperative period. Agents that increase afterload (e.g.,
vasopressors) increase the amount of regurgitant blood, and
their use should be avoided if possible.

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a condition in which one or
both mitral valve leaflets extend above the mitral annular
plane during systole and prolapse into the left atrium. The

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194 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

degree of valve abnormality varies greatly, ranging from rela-

tively normal valves with only intermittent prolapse to mark-
edly abnormal valve structures with valve leaflet thickening,
redundancy, and regurgitation. MVP occurs in approximately
3% of the population.
Most persons with MVP are asymptomatic. Some have
symptoms that are unrelated to the valve abnormality. These
symptoms may be associated with autonomic dysfunction
and include chest pain, palpitations, dizziness, and symp-
toms of panic.
The diagnosis is usually made on hearing the classic mid-
systolic click and, in patients with mitral regurgitation, a
midsystolic to late systolic murmur. Conditions that decrease
the size of the left ventricle (i.e., the Valsalva maneuver, de-
hydration) cause the valve to prolapse earlier, in which case
the click is heard closer to S1, and the intensity and duration
of the murmur may be increased. The diagnosis is confirmed
by transthoracic echocardiography.
Investigators have suggested that patients with MVP have
a slightly higher incidence of cardiac arrhythmias. The cause
is unclear, and the risk of serious arrhythmias is low. These
arrhythmias often respond to cessation of caffeine or other
stimulants and alcohol. ␤-Adrenergic blockers may be used
if these maneuvers are not successful. Patients who have diz-
ziness associated with MVP often have decreased blood vol-
ume. The onset of this symptom in the perioperative period
should prompt an assessment of volume status and the ad-
ministration of fluids if indicated.

Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic regurgitation may be caused by processes that affect the
aortic valve leaflets (e.g., rheumatic fever, infective endocardi-
tis, congenital bicuspid aortic valve) or the aortic root and
valve-supporting structures (aortic dissection, systemic hyper-
tension, cystic medial necrosis, Marfan’s syndrome). Eighty
percent of cases that come to medical attention are chronic.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 195

Chronic aortic regurgitation is accompanied by left ventricu-

lar dilation and a gradual, progressive increase in left ventricu-
lar end-diastolic volume with only an initial slight increase in
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. The dilated left ventricle
facilitates the rapid return of blood back to the ventricle during
diastole, and the result is decreased peripheral arterial diastolic
pressure. Left ventricular stroke volume, comprising both for-
ward and regurgitant blood flow, is increased. The heart rate
usually remains normal. This compensation often permits pa-
tients to remain asymptomatic even with severe aortic regurgi-
tation. This combination of increased stroke volume and de-
creased diastolic blood pressure explains several of the classic
physical findings of chronic aortic regurgitation: wide pulse
pressure, water-hammer pulse (brisk pulse upstroke with rapid
collapse), de Musset’s sign (head bobbing during systole related
to increased stroke volume), and Quincke’s pulse (visible nail
bed capillary pulsations).
Acute aortic regurgitation, in contrast, is characterized by
the abrupt regurgitation of blood into a normal left ventricle
and leads to a sudden increase in left ventricular volume and
marked elevation of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.
Compensatory mechanisms do not occur, as in chronic aortic
regurgitation. The heart rate increases, cardiac output de-
creases, and peripheral vasoconstriction occurs. The wide
pulse pressure of chronic aortic regurgitation is not present,
and systolic blood pressure may decrease. Acute heart failure
and pulmonary edema are common. Because of the absence
of chronic compensation, the classic physical findings of
chronic aortic regurgitation are not present.
Acute aortic regurgitation may rapidly progress to intracta-
ble heart failure. Therefore, it is an indication for urgent aortic
valve replacement. In contrast, chronic aortic regurgitation may
be associated with minimal or no symptoms for years.
Aortic valve replacement is indicated for patients with
acute severe aortic regurgitation. For the patient with chronic
severe aortic regurgitation, surgical treatment is indicated if

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196 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

the patient is symptomatic. For the asymptomatic patient

with chronic severe aortic regurgitation, surgical treatment is
indicated if there is evidence of left ventricular systolic dys-
function (LVEF ⱕ50% at rest). The risks of surgery increase
markedly when the LVEF is less than 25%, but the benefit of
surgery often outweighs that risk. For patients with asymp-
tomatic severe aortic regurgitation, aortic valve replacement
is indicated in the setting of left ventricular dysfunction
(LVEF ⬍50%). Aortic valve replacement is deemed reason-
able for patients with severe left ventricular dilatation (left
ventricular end-systolic dimension ⬎55 mm) even in the
absence of symptoms.
In noncardiac surgery, the operative risk correlates more
closely with the status of left ventricular function than with
the degree of aortic valve regurgitation. Vasopressors that raise
peripheral vascular resistance may increase the degree of re-
gurgitation, and when used, these agents must be adminis-
tered with caution. Bradycardia is associated with increased
diastolic filling time, which raises the magnitude of regurgi-
tant volume by lengthening the period during which regurgi-
tation may occur. In contrast to patients with aortic stenosis,
patients with aortic regurgitation typically tolerate vasodila-
tion well, often with an increase in cardiac output. Caution
must be exercised to prevent excessive decreases in already
lowered diastolic pressure in an effort to preclude reductions
in coronary artery perfusion pressure.

Aortic Stenosis
In adults, clinically significant aortic stenosis is usually the re-
sult of degenerative calcification of otherwise normal tricuspid
aortic valves. When aortic stenosis manifests in adults less than
50 years old, it is usually a result of calcification and
fusion of a congenital bicuspid aortic valve. Even when it is
severe, aortic stenosis remains clinically silent for many years.
The onset of symptoms indicates that patients are at risk
for sudden cardiac death. In the patient with untreated

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 197

symptomatic aortic stenosis, the occurrence of angina or syn-

cope indicates a potential survival of only 2 to 3 years. The
onset of CHF is more ominous and suggests the likelihood of
death within 1 to 2 years. Sudden death is rare in patients with
asymptomatic, hemodynamically severe aortic stenosis (i.e.,
aortic gradient ⬎50 mm Hg and aortic valve area ⬍1.0 cm2).
The classic physical findings of significant aortic stenosis are
a low-amplitude and slow-rising carotid pulse pressure (pulsus
parvus and tardus), a sustained apical impulse, a crescendo-
decrescendo harsh systolic murmur heard at the second right
intercostal space radiating to the carotids and precordium, an
S4, and diminished intensity of the aortic component of S2. As
the degree of aortic obstruction increases, the systolic murmur
peaks later in systole, and the intensity of the aortic component
of S2 decreases and may disappear.
The absence of these classic findings does not rule out
the presence of critical aortic stenosis. The intensity of the
heart murmur may decrease as the left ventricle fails. The
carotid pulse findings may be altered in elderly patients with
noncompliant peripheral vasculature. Transthoracic echocar-
diography is essential to estimate the degree of aortic stenosis
more precisely and to quantitate left ventricular function.
Echocardiographic correlates of severe aortic stenosis include
a maximum velocity across the stenotic aortic valve of more
than 4 m/second and a mean aortic valve gradient greater
than 40 mm Hg. If the patient has low cardiac output, it may
be difficult to distinguish the hemodynamics of severe aortic
stenosis from moderate aortic stenosis. In that circumstance,
augmentation of cardiac output by exercise or low-dose do-
butamine infusion may facilitate hemodynamic assessment.
Adults with critical aortic stenosis (e.g., aortic valve area
⬍1.0 cm2) should undergo aortic valve replacement once
they experience symptoms (e.g., angina, presyncope, syn-
cope, CHF) or manifest evidence of left ventricular dysfunc-
tion even without symptoms. Fifty percent of adults with
critical aortic stenosis and angina have significant coronary

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198 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

artery disease that may require revascularization at the time

of aortic valve replacement. Survival after aortic valve re-
placement is excellent, and patients with left ventricular
dysfunction often experience marked improvement in ven-
tricular function following surgery.
Because the risk of aortic valve replacement exceeds the
risk of sudden death in patients with asymptomatic critical
aortic stenosis and normal left ventricular function, aortic
valve replacement is not performed until the patient devel-
ops symptoms of left ventricular dysfunction (i.e., LVEF
⬍50%). An exception is the patient with asymptomatic criti-
cal aortic stenosis who requires coronary artery bypass sur-
gery. In this patient, aortic valve replacement at the time of
coronary artery bypass surgery is recommended.
Balloon aortic valvuloplasty has been described as a non-
surgical means of decreasing the degree of aortic obstruction
in aortic stenosis. The immediate and long-term results of
this procedure have been disappointing. Although the aortic
valve area following this procedure may be increased up to
60%, many patients with critical aortic stenosis still have
significant aortic stenosis after the procedure. Mortality or
major morbidity occurs in more than 10% of patients who
undergo balloon aortic valvuloplasty, and aortic valve reste-
nosis occurs in 50% of patients within 6 months. This mo-
dality has a limited role in patients with aortic stenosis who
require noncardiac surgery. It may be considered for those
patients with critical aortic stenosis and either CHF or hy-
potension who require urgent noncardiac surgery. It may
also be considered before noncardiac surgical procedures in
patients with hemodynamic compromise as a result of criti-
cal aortic stenosis who are not candidates for aortic valve
Aortic stenosis was the only valvular heart disease ab-
normality found by Goldman and colleagues in their mul-
tifactorial cardiac risk index to be associated with an in-
creased risk of perioperative cardiac complications or

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 199

death [ A Goldman et al, 1978]. Patients with critical aortic ste-

nosis had a 13% cardiac perioperative mortality, compared with
an overall cardiac mortality of 1.9%. Other studies that exam-
ined the multifactorial risk index confirmed aortic stenosis to
be a risk factor for perioperative cardiac complications. Addi-
tional studies found that aortic stenosis is a risk factor for
perioperative cardiac mortality and nonfatal MI, and the
severity of aortic stenosis is highly predictive of these com-
plications [ B Kertai et al, 2004]. One of the hemodynamic
consequences of severe aortic stenosis is fixed cardiac output
resulting from left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Pa-
tients are unable to increase cardiac output in response to the
stress of surgery, and they have decreased left ventricular
compliance related to left ventricular hypertrophy. Patients be-
come dependent on adequate preload. Hypovolemia and the
vasodilation that may accompany spinal anesthesia or vasodila-
tors are tolerated poorly and may result in profound hypoten-
sion. The onset of atrial fibrillation with loss of the atrial
contribution to ventricular filling may lead to severe hemody-
namic compromise.
I believe that the perioperative approach to patients with
aortic stenosis must be individualized and based on the sever-
ity of the aortic stenosis, patients’ symptoms, left ventricular
function, and the anticipated hemodynamic demands of the
surgical procedure. All patients with aortic stenosis should
receive bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis if indicated. Most
patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis who
require urgent noncardiac surgery can do so at relatively
low risk with monitoring of anesthesia and attention to
fluid balance [ C Bonow et al, 2006]. Patients with symptomatic
severe aortic stenosis or aortic stenosis associated with severe
left ventricular dysfunction should undergo aortic valve re-
placement before noncardiac surgical procedures if possible. If
the noncardiac operation cannot be delayed or if patients are
not candidates for aortic valve replacement, the risks and ben-
efits of aortic valvuloplasty must be considered. If patients are

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200 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

not candidates for aortic balloon valvuloplasty and surgery is

absolutely necessary, the surgical procedure is performed un-
der the guidance of invasive hemodynamic monitoring. The
use of vasodilators and anesthetic techniques that may cause
vasodilation is avoided if possible.
A unique clinical association that may result in the need
for noncardiac surgery in the patient with severe aortic ste-
nosis is bleeding from gastrointestinal dysplasia (Heyde’s
syndrome). In this syndrome, bleeding often ceases after
aortic valve replacement. Although the cause of this relation-
ship is unknown, there have been case reports of deficiency
of von Willebrand factor that has normalized after aortic
valve replacement.

Treatment of Patients with Prosthetic Heart Valves

The major concerns for the patient with a prosthetic heart valve
who undergoes noncardiac surgical procedures are the man-
agement of anticoagulation for the patient with a mechanical
valve and the need for endocarditis prophylaxis. Few trials de-
scribe the rates of prosthetic valve thrombosis in patients who
are not receiving anticoagulants. Overall, the risk of valve
thrombosis or thromboembolism is higher in patients with
valve prostheses in the mitral position. Although data are scant,
the incidence of valve thrombosis is probably greater in patients
who are not receiving anticoagulants and who have tilting disk
valves (e.g., Bjork-Shiley) and lower in patients with leaflet
valves (e.g., St. Jude).
Guidelines of the ACC/AHA define the following as
risk factors for thrombotic complications in patients with
prosthetic heart valves: atrial fibrillation, thromboembolism,
left ventricular dysfunction, hypercoagulable conditions, older-
generation thrombogenic valves, mechanical tricuspid valves,
and the presence of more than one mechanical valve. For pa-
tients at low risk of thrombosis (e.g., bileaflet aortic valve with
normal left ventricular function), it is recommended that
warfarin be stopped 48 to 72 hours preoperatively, so the INR

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 201

falls to less than 1.5, and restarted within 24 hours after the
procedure. For patients at high risk of thrombosis without an-
ticoagulation (e.g., mechanical valve in the mitral position,
mechanical aortic valve with one or more of the foregoing risk
factors), therapeutic unfractionated heparin should be started
when the INR falls to less than 2.0. The heparin should be
stopped 4 to 6 hours preoperatively and restarted after the
surgical procedure as soon as hemostasis allows. Heparin is
continued until the INR becomes therapeutic. The guidelines
do support the consideration of low-molecular-weight heparin
to prevent valve thrombosis during the period of subtherapeu-
tic INR. For patients at low risk of intraoperative bleeding while
they are anticoagulated (e.g., cataract surgery, superficial proce-
dures), my approach has been to reduce the INR briefly to the
low or subtherapeutic range preoperatively and to resume the
patient’s maintenance dose of warfarin after the procedure.
Dental extractions can be safely performed on patients at a
therapeutic level of anticoagulation.


In 2007 the AHA issued a major revision of their 1997
guideline for the prevention of infective endocarditis. This
guideline revision was based on the following observations:
(1) Infective endocarditis is more likely to result from expo-
sure to random bacteremia than from bacteremia caused by
a dental, gastrointestinal tract, or genitourinary tract proce-
dure; (2) antibiotic prophylaxis may prevent an exceedingly
small number of cases of infective endocarditis that are re-
lated to dental, gastrointestinal tract, or genitourinary tract
procedures; (3) the risk of antibiotic-associated adverse
events exceeds the benefit, if any, from prophylactic antibi-
otic therapy; (4) maintenance of oral health and hygiene is
more important than prophylactic antibiotics in reducing
the risk of infective endocarditis; and (5) published data do
not demonstrate a benefit from antibiotic prophylaxis.

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202 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

The revised guidelines recommend that antibiotic pro-

phylaxis be administered only to patients who have cardiac
abnormalities associated with the highest risk of adverse
outcomes from endocarditis (Box 7-3). This revision, there-
fore, serves to restrict markedly the number of individuals
for whom endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended.
The guideline listing surgical procedures warranting peri-
operative prophylaxis in this high-risk patient population in-
cludes (1) dental procedures that involve manipulation of
gingival tissues or periapical regions of teeth or perforation
of oral mucosa, (2) invasive procedures of the respiratory
tract that involve incision or biopsy of the respiratory mucosa
(i.e., tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy), and (3) surgery



Prosthetic cardiac valve

Previous infective endocarditis
Congenital heart disease (CHD)*
Unrepaired cyanotic CHD, including palliative shunts and con-
Completely repaired congenital heart defect with prosthetic
material or device, whether placed by surgery or by catheter
intervention, during the first 6 months after the procedure†
Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to
the site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device (which
inhibit endothelialization)

*Except for the conditions listed above, antibiotic prophylaxis is no longer rec-
ommended for any other form of CHD.
†Prophylaxis is recommended because endothelialization of prosthetic material
occurs within 6 months after the procedure.
From Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, et al: Prevention of infective endocarditis.
Guidelines from the American Heart Association. Circulation 116:1736-1754, 2007.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 203

involving infected skin, skin structures, or musculoskeletal

Antibiotic prophylaxis is no longer routinely recommended
for genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract procedures. Despite
the absence of findings from published studies, it is recom-
mended that patients at high cardiac risk for endocarditis who
have an established genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract in-
fection include in their antibiotic regimens an agent active
against enterococci, such as penicillin, ampicillin, piperacil-
lin, or vancomycin. For high-risk patients scheduled for an
elective cystoscopy or other manipulation of the urinary tract,
it is recommended that enterococcal urinary tract infection or
colonization be eradicated before the procedure, if possible.
Unchanged from the 1997 infective endocarditis antibiotic
prophylaxis guideline is the recommendation that antibiotic
prophylaxis not be given to the patient who undergoes vagi-
nal delivery and vaginal hysterectomy.
Prophylactic antibiotic regimens should focus on the bacte-
ria at the surgical site most likely to result in bacteremia and
endocarditis. For oral and respiratory tract procedures, the
relevant bacteria are viridans group streptococci (Table 7-3); for
procedures of the gastrointestinal or genitourinary tract, pro-
phylaxis is aimed at enterococci; and for procedures on infected
skin, skin structures, or musculoskeletal tissue, the target bac-
teria are staphylococci and ␤-hemolytic streptococci.

Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with left ventricu-
lar outflow tract obstruction are at risk for worsening of left
ventricular outflow tract obstruction in the perioperative pe-
riod. Factors that may lead to worsening of the left ventricular
outflow tract gradient include excessive reductions in preload
and afterload, as may occur with volume depletion or vasodi-
lator therapy. Perioperative catecholamine release may directly
act on the left ventricular outflow tract to increase myocardial
contractility and increase the outflow tract gradient.

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204 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

TABLE 7-3 Regimens for a Dental Procedure

Regimen: Single Dose 30-60 Minutes before Procedure

Situation Agent Adults Children

Oral Amoxicillin 2g 50 mg/kg
Unable to take oral Ampicillin 2 g IM or IV 50 mg/kd IM or IV
medication OR
cefazolin or 1 g IM or IV 50 mg/kg IM or IV
Allergic to penicillins Cephalexin*† 2g 50 mg/kg
or ampicillin—oral OR
clindamycin 600 mg 20 mg/kg
azithromycin 500 mg 15 mg/kg
or clarithro-
Allergic to penicillins Cefazolin or 1 g IM or IV 50 mg/kg IM or IV
or ampicillin and ceftriaxone†
unable to take oral OR
medication clindamycin 600 mg IM 20 mg/kg IM or IV
or IV

*Or other first- or second-generation oral cephalosporin in equivalent adult

or pediatric dosage.

Cephalosporins should not be used in an individual with a history of
anaphylaxis, angioedema, or urticaria with penicillins or ampicillin.
IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously.
From Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, et al: Prevention of infective
endocarditis. Guidelines from the American Heart Association. Circulation
116:1736-1754, 2007.


Incidence and Clinical Significance
of Perioperative Arrhythmias
Cardiac arrhythmias are common in the perioperative period,
and they are usually clinically insignificant. In one study using
continuous electrocardiographic monitoring, 84% of patients

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 205

were documented to have at least transient arrhythmias during

their hospitalization for a surgical procedure. Only 5% of these
arrhythmias were clinically important. In another study, a 62%
incidence of one or more transient arrhythmias in the periop-
erative period was documented. The dysrhythmias were pri-
marily supraventricular, most commonly wandering atrial
pacemaker, isorhythmic AV dissociation, nodal rhythm, and
sinus bradycardia. Ventricular premature contractions were
common, but paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia was rare. The
Multicenter Study of General Anesthesia reported a 70.2% in-
cidence of tachycardia, bradycardia, or dysrhythmia in more
than 17,000 patients who underwent a variety of surgical pro-
cedures. Adverse outcomes as a result of these dysrhythmias
were reported in only 1.6% of the patients.
In a study of men who underwent noncardiac surgical pro-
cedures and had known coronary artery disease or significant
risk factors for coronary artery disease, frequent or major ven-
tricular arrhythmias (⬎30 ventricular premature contractions/
hour or ventricular tachycardia) occurred in 44% of the pa-
tients who were monitored (21% before operation, 16% during
operation, and 36% after operation). Preoperative ventricular
arrhythmias were associated with the occurrence of intraopera-
tive and postoperative arrhythmias. These arrhythmias were
largely benign, and sustained ventricular tachycardia or ven-
tricular fibrillation did not occur.
Multifactorial risk indices identified preoperative ventric-
ular premature contractions and rhythms other than sinus
rhythm and markers of risk in noncardiac surgery. I currently
believe that ventricular premature contractions and related
ventricular ectopy are markers of risk when they occur in the
presence of ischemic or structural heart disease. The ACC/
AHA practice guideline on perioperative cardiovascular eval-
uation for noncardiac surgery classifies symptomatic ven-
tricular arrhythmias in the presence of underlying heart
disease, supraventricular arrhythmias with uncontrolled ven-
tricular rate, and high-grade AV block in the presence of

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206 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

underlying heart disease as major clinical predictors of

increased perioperative cardiovascular risk. This guideline
classifies preoperative rhythm other than sinus rhythm (e.g.,
atrial fibrillation) as a minor risk factor.
I look for evidence of structural or ischemic heart disease,
metabolic derangements, and electrolyte abnormalities when
arrhythmias or conduction abnormalities are identified preop-
eratively. I do not consider preoperative ventricular premature
contractions or complex ventricular arrhythmias in the ab-
sence of heart disease or metabolic or electrolyte abnormality
to be significant risk factors. Patients with atrial premature
contractions and supraventricular arrhythmias that occur
without the development of hemodynamic instability are also
not considered to be at increased risk. Although the presence
of atrial fibrillation is a minor risk factor for cardiac complica-
tion, a challenge in the perioperative period is adjustment of
anticoagulation regimens for those patients who are receiving
long-term anticoagulant therapy. Patients with chronic atrial
fibrillation may be treated with medications to control the
ventricular response or with medications to maintain sinus
rhythm. Care is required to maintain these medications or ap-
propriate substitutes in the perioperative period.

Risk Factors for and Etiology of Perioperative

Arrhythmias and Conduction Abnormalities
In a study of patients who underwent noncardiac surgery and
developed supraventricular arrhythmias in the perioperative
period, Polanczyk and associates identified the following pre-
operative correlates for the development of perioperative ar-
rhythmia: male sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.3; 95% confidence in-
terval [CI], 1.0 to 1.7), age 70 years or older (OR, 1.3; CI, 1.0
to 1.7), significant valvular disease (OR, 2.1; CI, 1.2 to 3.6),
history of SVA (OR, 3.4; CI, 2.4 to 4.8) or asthma (OR, 2.0; CI,
1.3 to 3.1), CHF (OR, 1.7; CI, 1.1 to 2.7), premature atrial
complexes on the preoperative ECG (OR, 2.1; CI, 1.3 to 3.4),
American Society of Anesthesiologists class III or IV (OR, 1.4;

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 207

CI, 1.1 to 1.9), and type of procedure: abdominal aortic aneu-

rysm (OR, 3.9; CI, 2.4 to 6.3) or abdominal (OR, 2.5; CI, 1.7
to 3.6), vascular (OR, 1.6; CI, 1.1 to 2.4), and intrathoracic
(OR, 9.2; CI, 6.7 to 13) procedures. Multiple studies have
shown that the only consistent independent risk factor for
postoperative atrial fibrillation is age 60 years or older.
Sinus tachycardia is common in the perioperative period
and often results from catecholamine release precipitated by
stress, pain, or anxiety. Hypovolemia or anemia may cause
sinus tachycardia as a compensatory response to increase
cardiac output. Less common but ominous causes of sinus
tachycardia are perioperative CHF and MI. The anesthetic
agent ketamine may induce sinus tachycardia as a result of
central sympathetic stimulation. Hypercarbia and hypoxemia
resulting from inadequate ventilation may cause sinus tachy-
cardia as well as ventricular tachycardia.
Bradycardia is seen frequently during hospitalization for
surgery and has numerous causes. Narcotics, with the excep-
tion of meperidine, may cause bradycardia by producing
central vagal stimulation. Anticholinesterases administered
to antagonize the effect of nondepolarizing neuromuscular
blocking agents may result in bradycardia. An imbalance
between sympathetic and parasympathetic tone may be pro-
duced in patients undergoing spinal or epidural anesthesia if
cardiac stimulating sympathetic fibers are anesthetized. This
situation can occur if the spinal cord is anesthetized at the
level of the sympathetic ganglia (T1 to T4) or if spinal anes-
thesia is placed two to six segments distant from this region
because the anesthetic agent may migrate or ascending pre-
ganglionic sympathetic fibers in the paravertebral chain may
be blocked. Unopposed parasympathetic (vagal) activity may
occur and may lead to peripheral vasodilation and hypoten-
sion in addition to bradycardia.
Reflex bradycardia, occasionally associated with heart
block and sinus arrest, may occur during surgical procedures
(Table 7-4). It is usually caused by a reflex arc whose efferent

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208 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

TABLE 7-4 Reflex Bradycardia during Surgery

Surgical Procedure Afferent Reflex Pathway
Abdominal Celiac plexus
Mesenteric traction ?
Liver biopsy Hepatic, celiac plexus
Laparoscopy Parasympathetic stimulation from
peritoneal stimulation
Ocular stimulation Parasympathetic fibers in the ciliary
(oculocardiac nerves and the ophthalmic nerve run
reflex) to the trigeminal nerve adjacent to
the nucleus ambiguus, which is the
origin of the vagus
Maxilla or zygoma Trigeminal nerve stimulation
Neurosurgery (tento- Ophthalmic nerve innervates tentorium;
rium stimulation) reflex similar to oculocardiac reflex
Laryngoscopy Laryngeal stimulation
Blepharoplasty Same as oculocardiac reflex

limb is the vagus nerve. In addition to bradycardia, this va-

gally mediated reflex may result in peripheral vasodilation
and hypotension. Anesthetic agents such as vecuronium, atra-
curium, halothane, fentanyl, and succinylcholine may predis-
pose to this reflex. It can be prevented by premedication with
an anticholinergic agent such as atropine. If reflex bradycardia
does occur, it often can be terminated by discontinuing the
procedure or administering anticholinergic agents.
In O’Kelly’s study of perioperative ventricular arrhyth-
mias, the presence of preoperative ventricular ectopy was the
most significant predictor of intraoperative and postoperative
ventricular arrhythmias. Other risk factors were a history of
CHF and a history of cigarette smoking. Additional causes of
perioperative arrhythmias include hypoxia, hypercarbia, and
acute hypokalemia.
Arrhythmias may be precipitated by medications used
specifically during ophthalmic surgery as a result of sys-
temic absorption of eye drops. Ophthalmic atropine has
been reported to cause supraventricular tachycardia and
atrial fibrillation, whereas timolol and pilocarpine eye
drops have been reported to cause bradycardia.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 209

Patients with Preoperative Cardiac Arrhythmias

Atrial Fibrillation
If atrial fibrillation is detected during the initial preoperative
evaluation, I often delay nonemergency surgical procedures
and evaluate the patient as in my approach to patients with
newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation who are not undergoing
surgical procedures. I attempt to identify precipitating causes.
An echocardiogram is performed to evaluate for the presence
of structural cardiac abnormalities. Electrolytes as well as thy-
roid function are assessed. Because the AFFIRM trial found
that rhythm control was not superior in terms of mortality to
rate control with antithrombotic therapy in patients with per-
sistent or recurrent atrial fibrillation, my approach in patients
with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation is to assess the need for
restoration of sinus rhythm versus rate control of atrial fibril-
lation, to evaluate the need for antithrombotic therapy to pre-
vent stroke, and to control the ventricular response of the atrial
fibrillation appropriately. If the patient is unstable (e.g., pul-
monary edema, unstable angina), urgent cardioversion may
have to be performed. If the patient is stable, my approach is
to slow the ventricular rate with AV nodal blocking agents
(e.g., diltiazem, verapamil, esmolol, metoprolol, propranolol).
Up to two thirds of patients will spontaneously convert to si-
nus rhythm within 24 hours of the onset of atrial fibrillation.
If I am unable to determine the duration of the patient’s atrial
fibrillation, I initiate warfarin anticoagulation to decrease the
likelihood of systemic embolism. For the patient in whom
cardioversion is planned, either I perform cardioversion after
3 weeks of therapeutic warfarin therapy or, as an alternate ap-
proach, I perform transesophageal echocardiography and at-
tempt cardioversion if there is no evidence of left atrial
thrombi. In both approaches, warfarin is continued with
maintenance of INR 2.0 to 3.0 for 3 to 4 weeks following con-
version. I then schedule the surgical procedure after comple-
tion of this warfarin course.

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210 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

For the patient with chronic atrial fibrillation who receives

long-term anticoagulation, the recommendations of the ACC/
AHA/European Society of Cardiology 2006 guideline for the
management of patients with atrial fibrillation are that for pa-
tients with mechanical prosthetic heart valves or those at high
risk for systemic thromboembolic phenomena (e.g., prior
stroke, transient ischemic attack, systemic embolism), unfrac-
tionated or low-molecular-weight heparin should be substi-
tuted for warfarin in the perioperative period. My approach to
managing the anticoagulants for this high-risk group is to stop
warfarin 4 days preoperatively and to begin therapy with full-
dose unfractionated heparin, or low-molecular-weight heparin
is begun when INR falls to less than the therapeutic level.
Unfractionated heparin is discontinued 6 hours preoperatively,
whereas if low-molecular-weight heparin is used, it is stopped
12 to 24 hours before the surgical procedure. Heparin
(full-dose unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin) is
restarted along with warfarin as soon as possible following
surgery. Heparin is continued until the INR rises to the thera-
peutic range. For the patient with atrial fibrillation who
does not have a mechanical prosthetic valve or other high-
risk markers for thromboembolic phenomena, the guide-
line suggests that anticoagulation may be interrupted for a
period of up to 1 week without substituting heparin for a
surgical procedure that carries a risk of bleeding [ C Fuster
et al, 2006].

Ventricular Arrhythmias
Patients are commonly found to have asymptomatic ventricular
ectopy at the time of preoperative evaluation. When significant
ventricular ectopy (e.g., frequent ventricular premature con-
tractions, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia) is identified,
I search for a metabolic cause such as hypoxia or hypokalemia.
If none is identified, I then search for the presence of underly-
ing structural cardiac disease and perform an echocardiogram
to evaluate left ventricular function. I frequently perform an

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 211

exercise stress test or vasodilator myocardial imaging to inves-

tigate the possibility that myocardial ischemia is playing a role,
although this is controversial in patients without symptoms of
ischemic disease. In the patient with normal left ventricular
function and no evidence of inducible myocardial ischemia,
asymptomatic ventricular ectopy is usually benign. Patients
with severe left ventricular dysfunction or inducible myocar-
dial ischemia as a cause of ventricular ectopy are at increased
risk of death. These patients are further evaluated in terms of
the reversibility of their cardiac dysfunction. For the patient
with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF ⱕ30% to
40%) that is optimized on a long-term medical regimen, pro-
phylactic placement of a cardiac defibrillator is considered if
the expected survival with good functional capacity exceeds 1
year. The recommendation is similar for the patient with
nonischemic cardiomyopathy, although the threshold for de-
fibrillator placement in this group is an LVEF 30% to 35% or
Special consideration must be given to patients who take the
antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone. This drug is used to treat
serious ventricular arrhythmias and, in low doses, to treat su-
praventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. One side effect
of this drug is chronic pulmonary interstitial disease. Acute life-
threatening pulmonary complications such as the acute respira-
tory distress syndrome have been observed in patients under-
going cardiac, as well as noncardiac, surgical procedures while
receiving amiodarone. Respiratory failure has been reported
16 to 72 hours postoperatively, unrelated to the dose of amio-
darone. Amiodarone levels persist in the body for weeks after
its use has been discontinued, and amiodarone-related postop-
erative adult respiratory distress syndrome has been observed
in patients who stopped taking the drug 6 days preoperatively.
The cause of this complication is speculative and may be linked
to oxidative lung injury induced by high concentrations of in-
spired oxygen in the perioperative period. This acute amioda-
rone pulmonary toxicity should be kept in mind for the patient

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212 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

receiving amiodarone who develops perioperative acute respi-

ratory distress syndrome.

Identification and Treatment of Specific Disorders

of Cardiac Rate and Rhythm
The guiding principle in the treatment of perioperative car-
diac arrhythmias is that the cause of the arrhythmia should
be treated and reversed if possible. In the setting of an un-
stable or life-threatening tachyarrhythmia, cardioversion is
frequently utilized to restore regular rhythm while the cause
of the arrhythmia is being identified and treated.
Common causes of perioperative arrhythmias are catechol-
amine release, alterations in autonomic tone, electrolyte ab-
normalities (e.g., acute hypokalemia, hyperkalemia), acid-
base disturbances (e.g., acidosis, alkalosis), anemia, and acute
volume depletion. Less commonly, myocardial ischemia is the
cause of serious cardiac arrhythmias or conduction abnor-
malities. Indications for the treatment of perioperative ar-
rhythmias include hemodynamic instability, myocardial is-
chemia, and MI or the suspicion that these deleterious
consequences may occur if the arrhythmia persists.

Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia is the most common perioperative rhythm
abnormality and is almost always benign. It is characterized
by a heart rate between 100 and 160 beats/minute. The ECG
demonstrates a regular rhythm with a normal P wave before
each QRS complex. The QRS complex is normal unless pa-
tients have myocardial ischemia, aberrant ventricular con-
duction, or conduction abnormalities. The most common
causes of sinus tachycardia are pain, hypovolemia, anemia,
hypoxia, fever, and hypercarbia. Treatment is directed at the
inciting factor. Patients with coronary artery disease may
develop myocardial ischemia as a result of increased heart
rate and increased myocardial oxygen demand. ␤-Adrenergic
blockers may be beneficial in this instance to decrease the

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heart rate and to alleviate myocardial ischemia while the

underlying cause of the sinus tachycardia is treated.
Atrial Premature Contractions
Atrial premature contractions are of minor clinical signifi-
cance, but they may be harbingers of supraventricular tachy-
cardia or atrial fibrillation. They arise in the atria at a site other
than the sinus node and therefore are represented on the ECG
by a P wave that has a different configuration and occurs ear-
lier in the cardiac cycle than a normal P wave. Atrial premature
contractions typically produce a normal QRS complex. If the
premature contraction arrives at the ventricular conduction
tissue when it is still refractory and has not fully repolarized, it
may produce an absent QRS complex or one that is abnormal
as a result of aberrant ventricular conduction. The aberrant
QRS complex is usually of right bundle branch block mor-
phology because the refractory period of the right bundle is
longer than that of the left bundle.
Atrial Flutter and Atrial Fibrillation
No evidence-based guidelines are available for the treatment
of atrial fibrillation that occurs following noncardiac surgical
procedures. The ACC/AHA/European Society of Cardiology
guidelines for the management of patients with atrial fibrilla-
tion provide recommendations for treatment of atrial fibrilla-
tion that occurs in relation to cardiac surgery. The guidelines
do not address atrial flutter or fibrillation that occurs as a
result of noncardiac surgery. My recommendations are
adapted in large part from my approach to atrial flutter and
atrial fibrillation in the nonsurgical setting. I treat periopera-
tive atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation in similar fashion.
Hemodynamic instability and the presence of myocardial
ischemia or CHF dictate the treatment that should be em-
ployed for postoperative atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. If
atrial fibrillation causes the patient to be unstable, then the
immediate goal is to restore sinus rhythm, usually by direct
current (DC) cardioversion. If the arrhythmia is well tolerated,

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214 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

the initial plan should be to control the ventricular rate. If

patients remain in atrial flutter or fibrillation and are hemody-
namically stable, conversion to sinus rhythm may be at-
tempted under elective conditions.
Acute rate control is typically achieved with a continuous
intravenous infusion of ␤-blocker or diltiazem. When pa-
tients are switched from continuous intravenous medications
to oral medications, I prefer to use ␤-blockers (if it is possible
to do so) because of the long-term beneficial effects of
␤-blockers in patients with ischemic heart disease.
The postoperative treatment of persistent atrial fibrilla-
tion has not been standardized; different centers have differ-
ent approaches. The basic decision is whether it is best to
pursue rhythm control aggressively or whether it is prefer-
able to employ a rate control strategy. Investigators in one
study of cardiac surgical patients with postoperative atrial
fibrillation who were treated with a rate control strategy
noted that 90% of their patients were in sinus rhythm at
4 weeks. I assess the patient’s risk of systemic thromboem-
bolism related to atrial fibrillation, and if the risk is moder-
ate or high, I utilize systemic anticoagulation for several
weeks postoperatively if the patient has a low risk for bleed-
ing. After that period, the patient’s risk for recurrent atrial
fibrillation is reassessed, and a decision about long-term
therapy can be made.
For patients at high risk for developing bleeding compli-
cations and those in whom ventricular rate control is diffi-
cult, a rhythm control approach is frequently undertaken. In
such patients, I usually restore sinus rhythm with DC electri-
cal countershock. Most antiarrhythmic medications have
only moderate efficacy in terminating atrial fibrillation. How-
ever, ibutilide, a class III antiarrhythmic medication, is effec-
tive in terminating atrial flutter of recent onset. Ibutilide can
also be used to lower the atrial defibrillation threshold, an
approach that allows a higher success rate for electrical car-
dioversion. The shorter the duration of the atrial fibrillation,

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 215

the better the success rate of cardioversion will be. However,

new-onset atrial fibrillation has a high spontaneous conver-
sion rate to sinus rhythm.
Because of the known increased risk of acute thromboem-
bolic complication following cardioversion, I do not perform
pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion if atrial fibrillation or
flutter has persisted for more than 24 to 48 hours. If a rhythm
control approach is undertaken, antiarrhythmic medications
are usually initiated to prevent the recurrence of atrial fibrilla-
tion if the patient reverts to sinus rhythm spontaneously. I
prefer to use a class III antiarrhythmic medication, either sotalol
or amiodarone, in patients with structural heart disease. I do
not use class IC drugs such as propafenone or flecainide in
patients with ischemic heart disease; however, I frequently use
them in patients without ischemic heart disease.
I prefer to discontinue antiarrhythmic medications 4 to
8 weeks postoperatively unless the patient is at high risk for
recurrent atrial fibrillation. No large randomized studies have
been performed evaluating the risk-to-benefit ratio of sys-
temic anticoagulation or comparing rhythm control to
rate control for the management of postoperative atrial
fibrillation. Therefore, an individual approach is required in
the management of these conditions.
Of all noncardiac surgical procedures, thoracic operations
are probably most often complicated by the onset of postop-
erative atrial fibrillation. The peak incidence of atrial fibrilla-
tion that accompanies thoracic surgery is between postopera-
tive days 2 and 4. The mechanism for thoracic surgery–induced
atrial fibrillation is unclear. The pulmonary veins in nonsur-
gical patients have been found to be a trigger zone for the
onset of atrial fibrillation as well as an important factor to
sustain atrial fibrillation once it starts. Manipulation of the
pulmonary veins may play a role in the occurrence of atrial
fibrillation following thoracic surgery. Digoxin is particularly
ineffective in the control of ventricular response to atrial
fibrillation that follows thoracic surgical procedures.

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216 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia

Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is charac-
terized by the sudden onset of a rapid regular rhythm with
rates between 150 and 250 beats/minute. The most com-
mon mechanism requires two different electrical pathways,
one to conduct more rapidly than the other. With AV nodal
reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT), the most common type of
PSVT, a premature atrial complex that is blocked in the fast
pathway and is redirected through the slow pathway typi-
cally triggers the tachycardia. The electrical impulse, after
proceeding down the slow pathway, reenters the fast path-
way in retrograde fashion. It then travels back, in antegrade
fashion, toward the ventricles and again reenters the fast
pathway to travel back to the atria in retrograde fashion. In
AVNRT this circuit is found in the AV node. Reentrant PSVT
that utilizes an accessory pathway outside the AV node (e.g.,
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) is called AV reentrant
tachycardia (AVRT). On occasion, atrial tachycardia or atrial
flutter has the 12-lead ECG pattern of PSVT.
The management of PSVT is identical regardless of
whether the mechanism is AVNRT or AVRT. If patients are
hemodynamically unstable and have angina or CHF because
of the tachycardia, immediate synchronized DC cardiover-
sion should be performed. PSVT is usually responsive to DC
cardioversion with a synchronized 50-J monophasic shock.
If a 50-J monophasic shock does not restore sinus rhythm,
then shocks at higher energy levels should be administered
(i.e., 100 J, 200 J). If the QRS complex is wide and the
rhythm has not been definitely proved to be supraventricu-
lar, the arrhythmia should be treated as ventricular tachycar-
dia. If patients are hemodynamically stable during narrow-
complex PSVT, vagal maneuvers or medical therapy (e.g.,
adenosine, calcium channel blockers, ␤-blockers) may
suffice to terminate the arrhythmia. Vagal maneuvers slow
conduction through the AV node by increasing parasympa-
thetic tone. These maneuvers terminate the arrhythmia by

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 217

disrupting the reentrant circuit that is necessary to sustain

the tachycardia. The most effective vagal maneuver is
the Valsalva maneuver (54% termination rate). However, the
Valsalva maneuver may be impossible to perform in the
perioperative period, either because of the inability of pa-
tients to cooperate or because of the high sympathetic tone.
Carotid sinus massage has a success rate of 17% using the
right carotid and 5% using the left, and it may be the easiest
vagal maneuver to perform in the perioperative period. It
must be performed while using electrocardiographic moni-
toring; intravenous atropine and other antiarrhythmic drugs
should be available in the event that advanced heart block
or another arrhythmia occurs. Carotid sinus massage should
not be used in elderly patients or in those with carotid bruits
or known cerebrovascular disease because of the risk of in-
ducing a stroke. If vagal maneuvers are unsuccessful or
contraindicated and patients remain hemodynamically sta-
ble, intravenous adenosine should be administered. This
agent is the initial drug of choice for the conversion of he-
modynamically stable PSVT and is successful in more than
90% of cases. Adenosine should be given as a 6-mg rapid
infusion over 1 to 3 seconds. If conversion is not achieved
after 1 or 2 minutes, an additional 12-mg rapid infusion
should be given. If the second dose is unsuccessful and the
patient remains hemodynamically stable, then the 2005
guidelines for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) sug-
gest that further treatment consist of an attempt at rate
control with intravenous diltiazem or ␤-blocker. If patients
become hemodynamically unstable during attempts at con-
version to sinus rhythm using medical therapy, DC cardio-
version should be performed promptly. In one of the few
studies of PSVT in postsurgical patients, adenosine had only
a 44% successful conversion rate, and arrhythmia recur-
rences were common (52% of patients). The high recurrence
rate of PSVT suggests that many patients will require sup-
pressive therapy while they are critically ill.

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218 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia

Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) is an automatic arrhythmia
characterized by an atrial rate greater than 100 beats/minute
with organized, discrete, nonsinus P waves of at least three dif-
ferent forms in the same lead on the ECG. MAT is usually as-
sociated with severe pulmonary disease and often accompanies
critical illness. When the onset of MAT occurs in the periopera-
tive period, respiratory failure, pneumonia, and CHF are com-
mon causes. Therapy centers on treating the pulmonary, car-
diac, or other acute illness that led to the onset of the
arrhythmia. When MAT persists despite these maneuvers, ad-
ditional medical therapy may be indicated if the arrhythmia is
hemodynamically significant (i.e., contributing to hypotension,
CHF, or myocardial ischemia). Intravenous magnesium may be
helpful for patients with hypomagnesemia or hypokalemia.
␤-Blockers may be effective in decreasing the ventricular rate,
but these drugs must be used with extreme caution, if at all, in
patients with reversible airway disease or severe acute CHF. For
patients with bronchospastic lung disease, verapamil may be
used instead of ␤-blockers. This drug slows the tachycardia rate
by decreasing the degree of atrial ectopy. Digitalis preparations
are rarely effective in the treatment of MAT. Aminophylline,
even at therapeutic levels, may aggravate the tachycardia by
increasing the atrial rate and the number of ectopic atrial beats.
MAT is usually resistant to DC cardioversion as well as to
therapy with quinidine, lidocaine, and procainamide.

Ventricular Premature Contractions

and Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia
No specific medical therapy is indicated for patients who
develop asymptomatic, hemodynamically insignificant ven-
tricular premature contractions or nonsustained ventricular
tachycardia in the perioperative period. The cause of these
dysrhythmias should be determined and the provoking fac-
tors corrected if possible. Common causes of acute ventricu-
lar arrhythmias in the perioperative period include acute

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 219

myocardial ischemia, hypoxia, hypokalemia, and hypomag-

nesemia. Right-sided heart catheters may cause ventricular
irritability and ectopy as a result of trauma to the right ven-
tricular outflow tract in patients who require these devices to
aid in hemodynamic monitoring during the perioperative
period. This condition should resolve on repositioning or
removal of the monitoring catheter.
No well-studied data are available regarding the treatment
of symptomatic or hemodynamically significant nonsus-
tained ventricular tachycardia that develops acutely in the
perioperative period. My approach is to conduct an immedi-
ate search for a reversible cause. I occasionally initiate medi-
cal antiarrhythmic therapy with intravenous ␤-blockers,
lidocaine, or procainamide.
Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia
and Ventricular Fibrillation
Patients who develop sustained ventricular tachycardia or
ventricular fibrillation in the perioperative period should be
treated according to the ACLS protocol. Patients who have
ventricular fibrillation or hemodynamically unstable ventricu-
lar tachycardia should undergo immediate DC cardioversion.
For the patient with hemodynamically stable ventricular
tachycardia, an alternate approach to cardioversion is the use
of intravenous amiodarone or lidocaine. If these agents are
ineffective in restoring normal rhythm, DC cardioversion
should be performed. Readers are referred to the ACLS guide-
lines for further information (
Wide-Complex Tachycardia of Unknown Type
Supraventricular tachycardia may occasionally be accompa-
nied by aberrant ventricular conduction, resulting in a wide
QRS complex. Although criteria have been established to aid
in the identification of the arrhythmia, a definite diagnosis is
often elusive. A 12-lead ECG should be obtained. When AV
dissociation is present (e.g., loss of a 1:1 relationship between

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220 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

P wave and QRS complex), the ECG is highly specific for

ventricular tachycardia. I treat the patient with perioperative
wide-complex tachycardia of unknown type in the manner
recommended by the 2005 ACLS Guidelines. For the hemo-
dynamically stable patient, I utilize intravenous amiodarone
(150 mg intravenously run over 10 minutes, maximum total
dose 2.2 g in 24 hours). If this is ineffective or if the patient
develops hemodynamic instability, synchronized cardiover-
sion should be used.

Perioperative Conduction Abnormalities

In the perioperative period, sinus bradycardia and Mobitz I
type of second-degree AV block are common. Mobitz I AV
block is a progressive prolongation of the P-R interval until a
P wave is not conducted to the ventricles. The P wave that
follows is conducted to the ventricles with a P-R interval that
is shorter than the P-R interval that was associated with the
last conducted P wave. These conduction abnormalities usu-
ally result from enhanced vagal tone and, if they are hemo-
dynamically significant, typically respond to 0.5 to 1 mg of
intravenous atropine.
Mobitz II second-degree AV block (a fixed P-R interval
with P wave conduction to the ventricles blocked on a con-
stant [e.g., 2:1, 3:1, 4:1] or variable basis) is usually caused
by diffuse disease of the conduction system distal to the AV
node. Many patients with this conduction disturbance are at
high risk for progression to complete heart block, and a
means of providing temporary-demand cardiac pacing should
be quickly available in the event this occurs. New-onset Mo-
bitz II AV block in the perioperative period should initiate a
search for myocardial ischemia or MI.
Third-degree AV block occurs when no atrial impulses reach
the ventricles. An associated ventricular rate of 40 to 60 beats/
minute with normal-appearing QRS complexes suggests that
the escape rhythm originates at the level of the AV node. This
type of heart block may result from enhanced vagal tone, from

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 221

medications that depress AV nodal conduction (e.g., ␤-blockers,

digitalis), and less commonly, from AV nodal ischemia. It is
often reversible and may respond to the administration of in-
travenous atropine or the discontinuation of offending pharma-
cologic agents. When complete heart block is associated with a
ventricular escape rate of 20 to 40 beats/minute and the QRS
complex is wide, the escape rhythm originates from the ven-
tricles. This finding strongly suggests the presence of extensive
conduction system disease and warrants the placement of a
cardiac pacemaker.
Chronic bifascicular block (i.e., right bundle branch block,
with either left anterior hemiblock or left posterior hemiblock,
or left bundle branch block) rarely progresses to advanced
hemodynamically significant heart block in the perioperative
period. The preoperative insertion of a temporary pacemaker
therefore is not generally indicated for this patient group. Pos-
sible exceptions are patients with preexisting left bundle
branch block who are undergoing perioperative pulmonary
artery catheterization. Transient right bundle branch block,
which is well tolerated in physiologically normal patients, may
occur in as many as 5% of patients who undergo pulmonary
artery catheterization. Transient complete heart block has been
reported in patients with preexisting left bundle branch block
who have developed acute right bundle branch block related
to this procedure. Given the potential for this significant com-
plication, a method for pacing the left ventricle should be
available in the event complete heart block develops in this
clinical setting. A temporary pacemaker should be inserted
preoperatively if patients meet the criteria for permanent pace-
maker implantation and a permanent pacing device has not
yet been implanted (Box 7-4).

Long QT Syndrome
The long QT syndrome is a heterogeneous group of disorders
characterized by a prolonged QT interval when corrected for
heart rate, malignant ventricular arrhythmias (classically the

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222 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease


Third-degree or advanced second-degree AV block associated

Symptomatic bradycardia
Documented asystole ⬎3 seconds or escape rate ⬍40 beats/
minute in an awake, symptom-free patient
Second-degree AV block, regardless of site or type, with symp-
tomatic bradycardia
Bifascicular block with intermittent complete heart block with
symptomatic bradycardia
Symptomatic bifascicular block with intermittent type II
second-degree AV block
Sinus node dysfunction with documented symptomatic brady-
Following acute myocardial infarction
Persistent second-degree AV block in the His-Purkinje sys-
tem with bilateral bundle branch block or third-degree
AV block within or below the His-Purkinje system
Persistent and symptomatic second- or third-degree AV block

AV, atrioventricular.
Adapted from Gregoratus G, Abrams J, Epstein A, et al: ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002
guideline update for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and antiarrhythmia devices.
Available at

torsades de pointes form of ventricular tachycardia), and the

risk of sudden death. It is most commonly acquired as a result
of a drug or metabolic abnormality (Box 7-5). It may also
occur as a congenital form inherited as a result of either auto-
somal dominant or recessive genetic mutations. To date,
seven different genetic defects have been identified that en-
code for abnormal cardiac ion channels and that may result in
long QT syndrome.
The approach to patients in the perioperative period
depends on whether the long QT syndrome is congenital or

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 223


Box 7-5

Type IA agents (e.g., quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide)
Type III agents (amiodarone, sotalol)
Tricyclic antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin,
ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ketoconazole,
Nutritional disorders (starvation, liquid protein diets)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Head trauma

acquired. Congenital long QT syndrome is adrenergic de-

pendent, and ventricular arrhythmias are typically provoked
by sympathetic stimulation (i.e., pain, physical exertion).
Long-term treatment with ␤-blockers, permanent pacing, or
left cervicothoracic sympathectomy is frequently effective.
Implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
(ICD) is recommended for selected patients who have syn-
cope, sustained ventricular arrhythmias, or aborted sudden
cardiac death despite this standard therapy. ICD implanta-
tion as primary treatment should be considered in the pa-
tient in whom aborted sudden cardiac death is the initial

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224 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

presentation of the long QT syndrome and in those patients

with long QT syndrome who have a strong family history of
sudden cardiac death.
For patients with congenital long QT syndrome, I provide
perioperative ␤-blockade to blunt the adrenergic response to
the surgery. ␤-Blockers also shift the rate-adjusted QT inter-
val to the normal range, and this feature may contribute to
their efficacy. I attempt to avoid anesthetics that may prolong
the QT interval (e.g., succinylcholine, propofol, enflurane, or
halothane). Although isoflurane has been demonstrated to
prolong the QT interval in physiologically normal persons, it
shortens the QT interval in patients with long QT syndrome
and has been proposed as an acceptable anesthetic agent for
this patient group. Thiopental has also been reported to pro-
long the QT interval in physiologically normal persons but
has no effect on the QT duration in patients with long QT
syndrome. Finally, I minimize sympathetic stimulation and
provide adequate sedation to blunt the adrenergic response
to surgery. In patients who have acquired long QT syndrome,
I discontinue administration of the offending drug or correct
the metabolic or electrolyte abnormality before undertaking
surgical procedures.
Despite these measures, malignant ventricular arrhythmias
may still occur in the patient with long QT syndrome in the
perioperative period. The treatment for ventricular ectopy
is the same for idiopathic and acquired long QT syndrome.
Intravenous magnesium sulfate, 2 g given over 1 to 2 minutes,
with a follow-up dose 15 minutes later if required, is often
effective in restoring regular rhythm. Immediate ventricular
pacing should be used if magnesium sulfate is ineffective. Pac-
ing at rates of 70 to 80 beats/minute may shorten the QT in-
terval and decrease the dispersion of refractoriness of the
cardiac conduction system. Intravenous isoproterenol may be
used cautiously to increase the heart rate and to suppress
ventricular arrhythmia until temporary ventricular pacing is
achieved. If these methods are unsuccessful in restoring

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 225

the patient’s baseline stable rhythm, DC cardioversion should

be considered.

Cardiac Conduction Issues in the Patient with a

Cardiac Transplant Who Requires Noncardiac Surgery
Cardiac physiology is altered after cardiac transplantation.
Because the transplanted heart is denervated, cardiac reflexes
mediated by the autonomic nervous system are blunted or
absent. As a result, heart rate abnormalities may be seen in
the perioperative period. The resting heart rate is higher than
normal, but the heart rate response to stress is less than that
of an innervated heart. When the heart rate does increase as
a result of stress, it does so gradually in response to circulat-
ing catecholamines. Reflex tachycardia does not occur in re-
sponse to vasodilation or volume loss. The effect of certain
cardiac drugs on cardiac conduction is altered. Agents that
affect the heart indirectly through their action on the auto-
nomic nervous system are generally ineffective. Therefore,
the chronotropic effect of atropine is absent, as is the
AV nodal inhibitory effect of digoxin. The antiarrhythmic
efficacy of ␤-blockers and calcium channel antagonists (e.g.,
verapamil, diltiazem) is unchanged. The transplanted heart
becomes overly sensitive to adenosine, and reduced doses
(i.e., one third to one half lower than those given to patients
with intact cardiac innervation) should be used when this
drug is administered to control arrhythmias.

Bradyarrhythmias Following Acute Spinal Cord Injury

Acute injury to the cervical spinal cord is frequently accom-
panied by clinically significant bradyarrhythmias and, in
some cases, hypotension. Acute autonomic dysfunction is
thought to be the cause. Sympathetic nerves exit the spinal
cord in preganglionic fibers at the first through fourth tho-
racic levels. In patients with a complete cervical spinal cord
lesion, sympathetic control from higher centers is inter-
rupted. Parasympathetic control, which is mediated by the

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226 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

vagus nerve, is unaffected by spinal cord interruption. The

clinical picture is therefore one of unopposed parasympa-
thetic activity in the setting of markedly reduced sympathetic
activity. Sympathetic stimulation with low-dose isoproterenol
has been used in several patients for the treatment of clini-
cally significant bradyarrhythmias. These cardiovascular ab-
normalities have been demonstrated to resolve within 14 to
30 days following acute cervical spinal cord injury. The rea-
son for resolution is not known, but it may be related to
adaptive sympathetic disinhibition (i.e., loss of reflex sympa-
thetic inhibitory control from higher centers or increase in
the number and function of adrenergic receptors).

Management of Permanent Cardiac Pacemakers

Although most pacemakers are implanted as treatment of
bradyarrhythmias or conduction system abnormalities, other
indications for pacemakers include treatment of heart failure in
the patient with severe left ventricular dysfunction (biventricu-
lar pacemaker), neurocardiogenic syncope, long QT syndrome,
and selected patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is
important to know the indication that led to implantation of
the patient’s pacemaker and whether the patient is pacemaker
There is no industry-wide standard regarding pacemaker
programming or estimation of battery reserve. It is therefore
important that the type of pacemaker and the name of its
manufacturer be identified preoperatively. If the patient or
the patient’s physician is unable to provide this information,
it may be identified by chest radiography, which reveals radi-
opaque identification markers on the pacemaker generator.
The pacemaker should be tested and its settings recorded.
Although pacemaker problems are uncommon in the
perioperative period, one series identified a pacemaker ab-
normality (e.g., inhibition, acceleration, change in pacing
mode) in 13% of patients with pacemakers. The most sig-
nificant pacemaker problem in the perioperative period is

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 227

alteration of pacemaker function inhibition resulting from

electrocautery-induced electromagnetic interference (EMI).
If the pacemaker interprets EMI as the patient’s electrical
heart activity, the pacemaker may be inhibited. If the patient
has a dual-chamber pacemaker and EMI is sensed only by
the atrial sensing circuitry, then the ventricular pacing chan-
nel may pace at the pacemaker upper rate limit. Some pace-
makers respond to the “noise” of EMI by pacing in an asyn-
chronous (fixed-rate) mode. Some older pacemakers may
respond to EMI by reprogramming. The pacemaker response
to the electrical interference of electrocautery may be ob-
tained from the pacemaker manufacturer. This alteration of
pacemaker function may be prevented by avoiding the ap-
plication of electrocautery directly over the pacemaker pulse
generator and by keeping the electrocautery current path,
which is from electrode tip to the ground plate, as far away
as possible from the pulse generator. The pacemaker should
be programmed to the asynchronous (fixed-rate) mode so
that it does not inhibit in response to EMI. Many pacemakers
operate in an asynchronous mode if a magnet is applied to
the skin over the pulse generator. Although that has been a
common approach to perioperative pacemaker management,
some newer pacemakers have a programmable option that
prevents this pacemaker response to magnet application.
Since the early 1990s, many pacemakers have adaptive
rate systems devised to facilitate a change in heart rate re-
sponse to a change in the desired cardiac output. Various
biologic parameters have been used to trigger heart rate re-
sponses. The most common parameters include sensation of
vibration at the pulse generator site as a manifestation of
perceived patient physical activity and respiratory rate as
determined by a minute ventilation sensor. The adaptive
rate system may therefore sense surgically induced vibration
or shivering, which commonly occurs on recovery from
anesthesia, and may thus pace inappropriately at a high rate.
Similarly, intraoperative hyperventilation may also lead the

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228 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

pacemaker to generate a faster heart rate than actually de-

sired if the pacemaker adaptive rate sensor is linked to
the patient’s minute ventilation. For these reasons, the rate
responsive feature should be deactivated during surgical
For patients who require placement of central venous cath-
eters or right-sided heart pulmonary artery catheters, care
should be taken to avoid tangling these catheters in the pace-
maker leads. Newly placed pacemaker leads are at risk of be-
coming dislodged by right-sided heart catheter insertion. For
the patient who requires external defibrillation, electrical dis-
charge to the pacemaker will be minimized if the defibrillator
paddles are placed in an anteroposterior position.
Many newer pacemakers have a programmable option that
makes magnet application ineffective. For this reason, knowl-
edge of the patient’s pacemaker dependency state and program-
ming of the device may be required. Some pacemakers respond
to magnet application only with a brief period of asynchronous
pacing. Therefore, it is recommended that continuous teleme-
try be available during the surgical procedure.
There is no industry-wide standard response to either EMI
or magnet application. It is therefore important that data re-
garding the individual pacemaker response to EMI and mag-
net application be obtained from the pacemaker manufac-
turer. However, in general, the recommendations outlined
earlier are effective.

Management of Automatic Implantable

Automatic ICDs (AICDs) are used for secondary prevention
in the patient who has survived aborted sudden cardiac
death. These devices are also effective in the primary preven-
tion of sudden cardiac death for the patient with prior MI
and advanced left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF 30% to
40%) and patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy (LVEF
ⱕ30% to 35%).

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 229

Electrocautery may affect AICDs in the same manner as it

does pacemakers; the electromagnetic signal produced by
electrocautery may be interpreted as intrinsic cardiac events.
This phenomenon can lead to inhibition of pacing. In addi-
tion, if the EMI is interpreted by the AICD as a rapid
ventricular rate, the AICD may deliver unnecessary and unde-
sired shocks. Although the frequency of such an occurrence
is small, the results of AICD shock delivered during a surgical
procedure can be devastating. Therefore, it is recommended
that AICDs be deactivated preoperatively if the use of electro-
cautery is a possibility. Continuous electrocardiographic mon-
itoring and ACLS, including an external defibrillator, should
be available when the AICD is deactivated. The AICD should
be deactivated by one of two techniques. Either a magnet may
be placed over the AICD for the duration of electrocautery, or
the device can be deactivated with the use of the programmer.
Magnet application over the pulse generator disables the de-
vice, preventing it from detecting tachyarrhythmias. For most
AICDs, magnet application only temporarily deactivates the
device, preventing it but some AICDs can be permanently
deactivated with magnet application. Magnet application does
not affect pacing functions of the AICD. Therefore, electro-
cautery may inhibit pacing from an AICD. Most patients with
AICDs have significant left ventricular dysfunction with isch-
emic heart disease. These patients require close observation
during the perioperative period.


Although attractive in theory, invasive pulmonary artery pres-
sure monitoring has suboptimal sensitivity and specificity for
the detection of perioperative myocardial ischemia. Numerous
perioperative situations (e.g., intravascular volume overload,
increased afterload) may result in increased pulmonary artery
capillary wedge pressure without associated myocardial is-
chemia. Similarly, myocardial ischemia may be present without

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230 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

changes in pulmonary artery capillary pressure. No evidence

indicates that routine perioperative pulmonary artery cath-
eterization, even when used to optimize perioperative he-
modynamics in elderly high-risk patients who undergo
elective or urgent major surgery, offers any advantage when
compared with standard care [ A Sandham et al, 2004]. My ap-
proach has been to assess the need for invasive hemodynamic
monitoring on an individual basis. Clinical situations in which
perioperative invasive hemodynamic monitoring may facilitate
management include severe left ventricular dysfunction or fixed
cardiac output in patients who undergo surgical procedures as-
sociated with significant fluid administration and decompen-
sated CHF in patients who undergo major surgical procedures.


CHF is a syndrome in which cardiac output is insufficient for
the body’s needs. It is the only major cardiovascular disorder
that is increasing in incidence, prevalence, and overall mortality.
CHF currently affects up to 2% of the U.S. population, and it
has a prevalence of 6% to 10% in persons more than 65 years
old. As the population of the United States ages, the incidence
of chronic CHF in patients who undergo noncardiac surgical
procedures will be likely to increase. The many possible causes
include myocardial dysfunction related to ischemia, MI, hyper-
tension, valvular and pericardial disease, and cardiomyopathy.
CHF may also be precipitated by noncardiac causes that in-
crease the demand for cardiac output. Common examples seen
in the perioperative period include anemia, fever, and hypoxia.
This section focuses on myocardial dysfunction, which is pres-
ent in many patients with perioperative CHF.

Once valvular lesions, pericardial disease, and noncardiac
conditions that increase the demand for cardiac output are
ruled out, a primary myocardial abnormality is usually the
cause of CHF. Approximately 70% of cases are related to left

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 231

ventricular systolic dysfunction, and the remaining 30% are

related to left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.
Impaired left ventricular contractility is the cause of left
ventricular systolic dysfunction. It is associated with a de-
creased LVEF. Preload and cardiac volume subsequently in-
crease as compensatory responses to increase cardiac output,
but as left ventricular function deteriorates, cardiac output
cannot increase. Increasing cardiac volume and ventricular
pressure result in elevation of the left atrial pressure with
subsequent pulmonary venous congestion. Decreased left
ventricular contractility leads to decreased cardiac output.
In patients with primary left ventricular diastolic dysfunc-
tion, the main abnormality is reduced ventricular compliance.
These patients usually have normal or enhanced left ventricu-
lar contractile function. The ventricular myocardium is less
compliant than normal; increases in preload result in marked
elevation of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure with a sub-
sequent rise in pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary
venous hypertension. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is
characterized by marked sensitivity to changes in intravascu-
lar volume. Patients are at risk for marked elevation of ven-
tricular filling pressure in the setting of intravascular volume
overload and for hypotension as a consequence of decreased
ventricular pressure when intravascular volume is depleted. If
patients subsequently develop ventricular systolic dysfunc-
tion, these responses become even more dramatic. The most
common cause of ventricular diastolic dysfunction is left ven-
tricular hypertrophy resulting from hypertension. Other less
common causes include myocardial infiltrative processes such
as amyloidosis and restrictive cardiomyopathy.

Risk for the Development of Perioperative

Congestive Heart Failure
Goldman and associates found the preoperative presence of
symptoms and signs of CHF to be the best predictor of the de-
velopment of perioperative CHF. A history of CHF, which was
absent in most of the patients who did develop the condition

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232 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

perioperatively, was a less powerful predictor [ A Goldman et al,

1978]. In a study of patients at higher risk (i.e., those with hy-
pertension or diabetes), Charlson and colleagues found that the
risk for postoperative CHF was limited to patients with preop-
erative symptomatic cardiac disease (e.g., previous MI, valvular
disease, or CHF). Patients with diabetes were at greatest risk,
particularly if they had overt cardiac disease. Intraoperative
fluctuations of the mean arterial blood pressure (increases or
decreases of ⬎40 mm Hg) were related to increased rates of
postoperative CHF. Mangano and associates found that postop-
erative myocardial ischemia and a history of cardiac arrhythmia
and diabetes predicted the development of postoperative CHF.
CHF requiring hospital admission was found to be a significant
indicator of subsequent risk in patients 65 years old or older
who underwent noncardiac surgical procedures during the year
following their hospital admission for CHF. For this group, the
perioperative and 30-day mortality rate following noncardiac
surgery was 11.7% compared with 6.6% for patients who had a
history of coronary artery disease but not CHF.

When Does Perioperative Congestive

Heart Failure Occur?
In a review of cases of perioperative CHF that occurred during
the 1950s and 1960s, Cooperman noted that most cases devel-
oped within 1 hour of the cessation of anesthesia, the majority
during the first 30 minutes. In a high-risk population of pa-
tients with diabetes or hypertension, most of those who devel-
oped perioperative CHF did so on the day of the surgical pro-
cedure or on the second postoperative day. I believe that the
risk for postoperative CHF is greatest during two periods. The
risk is significantly increased in the immediate postoperative
period, probably as a result of hypertension or hypotension,
myocardial ischemia, intraoperative fluid administration, sym-
pathetic stimulation, cessation of positive pressure ventilation,
and hypoxia. The second peak occurs 24 to 48 hours postop-
eratively and may be related to the reabsorption of interstitial

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fluid, myocardial ischemia, and, in some patients, the effects of

withdrawal from long-term oral CHF medications.

General Approach to Diagnosis of Perioperative

Congestive Heart Failure
In the perioperative period, appropriate CHF therapy is facili-
tated by determining whether CHF is caused by systolic ven-
tricular dysfunction, diastolic ventricular dysfunction, or a
combination of both. Although a cardiac imaging study (e.g.,
echocardiogram, radionuclide ventriculogram, or standard left
ventricular angiogram) is necessary to definitively diagnose the
presence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction, many clues to
the diagnosis of CHF can be found in patients’ histories,
physical examinations, chest radiographs, and ECGs. CHF in
patients with histories of MI, cardiomegaly, or S3 strongly sug-
gests the presence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction. In
contrast, CHF in patients with hypertension, S4, normal heart
size on chest radiographs, evidence on ECGs of left ventricular
hypertrophy, and no history of MI is suggestive of left ven-
tricular diastolic dysfunction. Considerable overlap occurs,
however; patients with CHF may have both systolic and dia-
stolic components to their myocardial dysfunction. Interstitial
pulmonary edema may be found in both varieties and does not
aid in discrimination. Although the absence of left ventricular
systolic dysfunction in patients with CHF suggests that dia-
stolic dysfunction is the cause, a diagnosis of left ventricular
diastolic dysfunction ideally requires invasive documentation
of increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure or elevated
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.

Approach to Patients with Compensated Chronic

Congestive Heart Failure Who Require
Noncardiac Surgical Procedures
In patients with compensated chronic CHF, effort is directed at
identifying destabilizing factors (e.g., fluid overload, anemia,
fever) that may occur in the perioperative period, preventing

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234 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

these conditions if possible, and rendering immediate treat-

ment if they occur. The need for invasive hemodynamic
monitoring also must be assessed. Finally, patients’ CHF
medical regimens must be converted to appropriate parenteral
regimens until oral intake can be resumed.
Perioperative cardiac mortality depends most on patients’
clinical status at the time of surgery. The risk of CHF is greatest
if signs of CHF are present at the time of surgery or during the
week before the surgical procedure. Patients with chronic CHF
are evaluated to determine whether the condition is compen-
sated. If patients are thought to be decompensated, the surgi-
cal procedure is delayed if possible, and attempts are made to
achieve medical stabilization. Because the risk imposed by
CHF is greatest in patients who have pulmonary edema within
7 days of surgery, I often delay elective surgical procedures for
at least 1 week after CHF stabilization.
For patients with decompensated CHF who require emer-
gency or semiemergency surgical procedures, invasive hemo-
dynamic monitoring may aid in further preoperative cardiac
stabilization. Because the risk of postoperative CHF extends
beyond the immediate surgical period, invasive hemody-
namic monitoring is usually continued for 48 to 72 hours

Use of Long-Term Congestive Heart Failure

Medications in the Perioperative Period
Several medications used to treat chronic CHF may cause
electrolyte or metabolic abnormalities in the perioperative
period. Diuretics may induce intravascular volume deple-
tion, which can predispose patients to hypotension if they
are given vasodilator anesthetic agents or spinal anesthesia.
Therefore, I monitor for orthostatic changes in blood pres-
sure and pulse during the preoperative physical examination
in all patients who receive diuretics. If orthostatic changes
are documented, it is important that intravascular volume be
replenished preoperatively. A similar approach is followed
for patients who are being treated with vasodilators.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 235

Preoperative serum potassium levels are obtained in all

patients who are receiving diuretics, and these values are cor-
rected before the surgical procedure if necessary. Although
hypokalemia may cause ventricular ectopy, acute potassium
loss is probably more arrhythmogenic than is chronic potas-
sium loss. Hypokalemia that does not resolve with potassium
supplementation suggests the presence of hypomagnesemia,
which also must be corrected before a surgical procedure is
undertaken. The hyperkalemia that sometimes accompanies
the use of potassium-sparing diuretics may cause heart block
and other abnormalities of cardiac conduction. Another po-
tential cause of hyperkalemia in the perioperative period is
aldosterone antagonists. Their use has increased in patients
with CHF because these drugs have been shown to decrease
mortality when they are used on a long-term basis in patients
with NYHA class III or IV heart failure.
For patients who receive digoxin, serial blood levels are
measured if renal function declines, and the dose is adjusted
accordingly. Clinical trials documented that although digoxin
does not decrease mortality, it does decrease CHF-related
symptoms and increases exercise tolerance. Evidence indi-
cates that withdrawal of digoxin may result in clinical dete-
rioration. In a small study, Uretsky found the full effect of
digoxin withdrawal on exercise tolerance 12 weeks following
digoxin discontinuation. An initial decline in exercise toler-
ance was reported at 2 weeks. Although this study was not
designed to assess functional capacity less than 2 weeks fol-
lowing digoxin withdrawal, it has been my practice to avoid
discontinuation of digoxin in the perioperative period. There-
fore, the drug is continued in patients who have been receiv-
ing long-term oral digoxin therapy, and it is given intrave-
nously when oral intake is suspended. Cardiovascular drugs
that may increase digoxin levels in the perioperative period
include quinidine, verapamil, and amiodarone.
For patients who receive maintenance therapy with ACE
inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), I often con-
tinue to administer the medications until the time of operation

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236 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

and then give the oral agents again as soon as possible in the
postoperative period. Patients’ left ventricular function, degree
of compensation, dependence on ACE inhibitors or ARBs, and
risk for perioperative CHF determine the need for parenteral
ACE inhibitors postoperatively until oral intake can be re-
sumed. Patients with moderate to severe ventricular dysfunc-
tion who are at high risk for perioperative CHF are given intra-
venous ACE inhibitors (enalapril, at 0.625 to 1.25 mg every
6 hours) until oral ACE inhibitors can be resumed. No paren-
teral ARBs are available.
Many patients, particularly those who cannot tolerate
ACE inhibitors or ARBs, take the combination of nitrates and
hydralazine as vasodilator therapy for CHF. During the time
that patients are unable to take oral medications, topical or
intravenous nitrates are given. Because of the short duration
of action and risk for hypotension, I do not use parenteral
hydralazine as a substitute for oral hydralazine. If CHF
decompensates while patients maintained on nitrates and
hydralazine are unable to take oral medications, I may dis-
continue the nitrates and use intravenous nitroprusside for
its preload- and afterload-reducing properties. In some cases,
if the contraindication to ACE inhibitors or ARBs is not well
defined, I attempt to administer intravenous enalaprilat. In
patients who are unable to receive ACE inhibitors or ARBs,
perioperative CHF therapy is centered on diuretics, preload
reduction with nitrates, preload and afterload reduction with
nitroprusside, digoxin if indicated, and intravenous inotropic
agents such as dopamine, dobutamine, and milrinone.
␤-Blockers decrease symptoms and mortality in patients
with NYHA class II and III heart failure as a result of left ven-
tricular systolic dysfunction and have become standard therapy
in this patient group. These drugs are initiated when the patient
has been clinically compensated for at least 2 to 4 weeks. Their
use in the patient whose CHF is not compensated can provoke
further decompensation. Although there are no established
guidelines regarding the use of these drugs in the perioperative

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 237

period, my approach is to continue them if possible. If a non-

cardiac operation necessitates their interruption, I follow the
practice guidelines of the ACC/AHA, which suggest that if
␤-blockers are interrupted for a period in excess of 72 hours,
they be reinitiated at 50% of their previous dose if the patient
is still deemed to be a candidate for their use. The dose is
then cautiously increased generally no sooner than at 2-week

Treatment of Acute Congestive Heart

Failure in the Perioperative Period
Numerous factors may lead to the new onset of CHF or the
decompensation of otherwise stable CHF in the perioperative
period. Myocardial ischemia or MI, perioperative volume
overload, hypertension with a subsequent increase in after-
load, occult valvular heart disease (e.g., aortic stenosis, mitral
regurgitation), renal failure, anemia, sepsis, pulmonary em-
bolus, pneumonia, and the new onset of atrial fibrillation or
flutter with decreased cardiac output may provoke periopera-
tive CHF. In addition, the stress of surgery in a patient receiv-
ing an inadequate medical CHF regimen may precipitate acute
CHF in patients with otherwise stable chronic CHF in the
nonoperative setting. Medical regimens may be inadequate
because of inappropriate medication or the inability to replace
orally administered drugs taken on a long-term basis with in-
travenous equivalents.
Treatment is directed at the primary cause of the acute
episode of CHF. If volume overload is present, diuretics are
administered. If patients are found to have left ventricular
systolic dysfunction, inotropic agents are given to increase
myocardial contractility and cardiac output. Intravenous
inotropic agents such as dobutamine and dopamine are effec-
tive in the short term but must be used cautiously in patients
with acute myocardial ischemia or MI because they may in-
crease myocardial oxygen demand and exacerbate myocar-
dial ischemia. Digoxin is less helpful in the treatment of acute

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238 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

CHF in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction but

may be beneficial for patients whose CHF is provoked by
atrial fibrillation. It slows the atrial fibrillation ventricular
response, thereby prolonging ventricular filling time and
decreasing myocardial oxygen demand.
Vasodilator medical therapy may also be used in the peri-
operative period. Intravenous nitroprusside is the agent of
choice for immediate blood pressure control and reduction
of afterload in patients with CHF who exhibit hypertension
or increased systemic vascular resistance. It is also of benefit
when acute perioperative CHF is associated with aortic or
mitral regurgitation. It decreases afterload and serves to de-
crease the regurgitant fraction in patients with these valvular
lesions. Its use is limited by the need for continuous blood
pressure monitoring and the risk of cyanate toxicity when it
is administered for more than a short period.
Patients who require long-term parenteral vasodilator
therapy, enalaprilat, which is an ACE inhibitor administered
intravenously, is effective in reducing preload and afterload.
When patients resume oral intake, oral ACE inhibitors or
oral ARBs may be substituted. Nitrates are beneficial in the
treatment of perioperative CHF when myocardial ischemia
contributes to the condition or when reduction in preload
is desired. ␤-Blockers and calcium channel antagonists
should not be given to patients with acute perioperative
CHF caused by left ventricular systolic dysfunction, but
they may prove helpful in patients with left ventricular dia-
stolic dysfunction by promoting left ventricular relaxation
and increased compliance. When patients who have peri-
operative CHF in the absence of acute myocardial ischemia
do not respond to the alleviation of precipitating factors
and provision of medical therapy directed at normalizing
intravascular volume and cardiac output, the presence of
acute pulmonary embolism, sepsis, or other noncardiac
causes must be considered.

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 239


Major risk factors for complications following noncar-
diac surgery in adults with congenital heart disease are
the presence of cyanosis, pulmonary hypertension, and
current therapy of CHF (Table 7-5) [ C Warner et al, 1998].
Procedures most strongly associated with complications in
this group are surgical procedures of the respiratory or ner-
vous system. Data are lacking to guide the management of
the patient with congenital heart disease who requires non-
cardiac surgical procedures. Patients with cyanotic con-
genital heart disease may have hyperviscosity secondary to
an increased hematocrit and may be at risk for periopera-
tive bleeding. Preoperative phlebotomy when the hemato-
crit exceeds 63% may decrease this risk. Patients with right-
to-left intracardiac shunts are at risk for paradoxical
embolism. Care must be taken to filter air from intravenous

Perioperative Complications in Adults

with Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital Heart Lesion Perioperative Complication
Atrial septal defect Atrial arrhythmias
Right ventricular failure
Bicuspid aortic valve Bacterial endocarditis
Pulmonary hypertension Hypotension with decreased cardiac output
if systemic vascular resistance is lowered
Tetralogy of Fallot
Unrepaired Decreases in systemic vascular resistance
increase right-to-left shunting
Increases in systemic vascular resistance
decrease cardiac output
Bacterial endocarditis
Rhythm and conduction abnormalities
Repaired Rhythm and conduction abnormalities

Adapted from Webb G, Burrows F: The risks of noncardiac surgery. J Am

Coll Cardiol 18:323-325, 1991.

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240 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease


Perioperative continuation of patients’ long-term cardiac
medications is often challenging. Many oral medications
have no parenteral substitutes. The stress of surgery may
render patients’ long-term cardiac medical regimens inade-
quate during the perioperative period. Finally, few controlled
studies have evaluated the use of cardiac medications during
and after noncardiac surgical procedures. Several guidelines
are helpful in attempting to maintain patients’ long-term
medical therapeutic regimens in the perioperative period.
␤-Adrenergic blockers are used in the treatment of myocar-
dial ischemia, arrhythmias, hypertension, and left ventricular
systolic dysfunction. Patients who receive ␤-blockers on a long-
term basis should be given oral doses on the morning of their
surgical procedure. Long-acting agents such as atenolol and
sustained-release metoprolol provide ␤-blockade for as long as
24 hours. Patients’ long-term ␤-blocker regimens are then re-
started 24 hours postoperatively if oral intake has resumed. For
patients whose gastrointestinal tracts are not functional at that
time, the administration of intravenous ␤-blockers (e.g., pro-
pranolol, 0.5 to 2 mg every 4 to 6 hours) is begun and is con-
tinued for as long as the usual long-term oral ␤-blocker is toler-
ated. This regimen is often effective for patients who are
receiving ␤-blockers for coronary artery disease or cardiac ar-
rhythmias but may require alteration in patients who take these
drugs for hypertension or CHF. For the patient with hyperten-
sion, labetalol may be given intravenously by either of two
methods: repeated intravenous injection with an initial 20-mg
infusion over a 2-minute period, with additional infusions of
20 to 80 mg given at 10-minute intervals until desired
blood pressure is achieved or a total of 300 mg is given. The
other approach—slow, continuous infusion—is achieved by
continuous infusion at 2 mg/minute. The short-acting intrave-
nous ␤-blocker esmolol (at a loading infusion of 500 ␮g/kg/

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 241

minute for 1 minute followed by a continuous infusion of

50 to 300 ␮g/kg/minute) may also be used to control blood
pressure in the postoperative period. Patients whose blood
pressure is not controlled with these agents may require sup-
plemental antihypertensive agents in addition to intravenous
␤-blockers until oral medications are resumed. For the patient
receiving ␤-blockers for treatment of chronic CHF, I try to
avoid discontinuation of ␤-blockers in the perioperative period
unless the patient’s clinical status deteriorates, as manifested by
hypoperfusion, or the patient requires intravenous positive
inotropic agents. In these cases, I temporarily discontinue the
␤-blocker but reinstitute it as soon as the patient is stabilized in
an effort to reduce the risk of significant deterioration.
Nitrates are commonly used by patients with ischemic
heart disease. Patients who are stable while receiving nitrates
on a long-term basis typically are given their oral nitrate
preparations on the morning of the surgical procedure.
Topical nitroglycerin ointment (0.5 to 2 inches) is then ap-
plied every 8 hours until oral nitrates are resumed. This ap-
proach helps to maintain a nitrate-free period to decrease the
risk of development of nitrate vasotolerance. Nitrates may
cause excessive preload reduction and hypotension, which
may be exacerbated by intravascular volume depletion and
the simultaneous use of other vasodilator medications or
anesthetic agents. In some patients, hypotension may occur
unpredictably with the initial administration of nitrates. For
this reason, I recommend that nitrates, given to decrease the
likelihood of perioperative myocardial ischemia, be initiated
well before the surgical procedure. Intravenous nitroglycerin
should be considered when nitrates are used to treat periop-
erative myocardial ischemia.
Intravenous nitroprusside is effective in controlling periop-
erative hypertension, but the need for continuous blood pres-
sure monitoring and the risk of cyanate toxicity render its use
impractical for more than a few days. Intravenous methyldopa
and enalaprilat, given three to four times daily, are effective in

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242 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

controlling postoperative hypertension, are well tolerated, and

may be used without continuous blood pressure monitoring in
stable patients. These drugs are useful adjuncts for controlling
hypertension in the perioperative period.
Intravascular volume depletion may occur in patients
receiving long-term diuretic therapy, and the condition
places them at risk for hypotension when anesthetic agents
that produce vasodilation are administered. Intravascular
volume depletion is suggested by the presence of orthostatic
changes in the blood pressure and heart rate and should be
corrected with fluid administration, preoperatively if possi-
ble. Patients who take diuretics may also have hypokalemia
or hyperkalemia resulting from potassium-sparing agents.
Serum potassium levels should be checked in these patients
before the surgical procedure. Investigators have suggested
that a chronic serum potassium level of 3 mmol/L or higher
is acceptable for anesthesia and surgery, and chronic asymp-
tomatic hypokalemia as low as 2.5 mmol/L may be adequate
in patients who are at low risk for cardiac complications.
Hypokalemia has been shown to increase the incidence
of cardiac arrhythmias in patients taking digoxin; therefore,
perioperative hypokalemia should be corrected in this
patient group.
Calcium channel antagonists are used to treat angina,
hypertension, and arrhythmias. Sustained-release prepara-
tions of calcium channel antagonists that patients have
been using may be given on the morning of the surgical
procedure, in an effort to achieve effective drug levels for
the next 24 hours. Patients who are capable of oral intake
the day after the surgical procedure may resume oral cal-
cium channel antagonists. Problems exist, however, in
substituting appropriate parenteral formulations for pa-
tients who cannot resume oral calcium channel antagonists
at this time. The few calcium channel antagonists that are
available for parenteral administration often have their
primary effect on the cardiac conduction system, rather

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7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 243

than on hypertension or angina. Intravenous verapamil has

potent negative chronotropic effects and can induce heart
block. Intravenous diltiazem is indicated primarily to con-
trol the ventricular response in patients with atrial fibrilla-
tion and to convert PSVT to sinus rhythm in patients who
have AVNRT. No parenteral preparations of nifedipine or
amlodipine exist.
In patients who receive calcium channel antagonists for
their antianginal effects, topical or intravenous nitrates may
be substituted until oral intake resumes. In patients who take
calcium channel antagonists for hypertension, intravenous
␣-methyldopa or enalaprilat is often effective until oral
medications are resumed.
Digitalis glycosides may be given orally on the morning of
the surgical procedure and then intravenously on a daily
basis until patients’ long-term oral regimens are resumed.
The intravenous administration of these agents increases
their bioavailability as much as 20%, and the maintenance
parenteral dose may have to be reduced appropriately.
ACE inhibitors are used to treat hypertension and left
ventricular systolic dysfunction. Enalaprilat is the only agent
of this class available for parenteral administration and is
given intravenously every 6 hours.
The abrupt withdrawal of centrally acting antihyperten-
sive agents, as occurs in the perioperative period, may result
in a discontinuation syndrome characterized by sympathetic
overactivity and rebound hypertension. Symptoms may re-
semble those of pheochromocytoma. Clonidine is the proto-
type drug of this class. The discontinuation syndrome may
occur 18 to 72 hours after clonidine is withdrawn, but it is
rare in patients who receive less than 1.2 mg of clonidine
daily. This syndrome may be aggravated by the simultaneous
use of ␤-blockers, which may block peripheral vasodilatory
␤-receptors and leave vasoconstrictor ␣-receptors unop-
posed. The syndrome may be terminated by resumption
of clonidine therapy. If that is not possible because patients

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244 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

cannot resume oral intake, rebound hypertension may be

controlled with intravenous nitroprusside or labetalol. Cloni-
dine withdrawal syndrome may be prevented by slow taper-
ing of clonidine preoperatively. When this is not feasible,
transdermal clonidine may be given in the perioperative pe-
riod. Transdermal clonidine requires approximately 48 hours
to achieve therapeutic drug levels. Therefore, it should be
given well in advance of the surgical procedure and should
first be administered simultaneously with oral clonidine for
approximately 48 hours. The transdermal preparation main-
tains therapeutic clonidine levels for as long as 7 days.
Clopidogrel is a thienopyridine antiplatelet agent admin-
istered along with aspirin typically for a minimum of 4 weeks
to patients who have had coronary stenting with a bare metal
stent. Evidence indicates a possible beneficial effect on
the reduction of stent thrombosis in this group with up to
9 months of post–stent placement clopidogrel use. For the
patient who has received a drug-coated stent, clopidogrel,
along with aspirin, is administered for at least 1 year.
This drug is also used in the treatment of patients with acute
coronary syndromes. Clopidogrel may increase the risk of
bleeding during or immediately following major surgical
procedures. Because its effect on platelets and bleeding may
last for 5 days, many surgeons request at least a 5-day period
between the discontinuation of clopidogrel and subsequent
major surgery.
Statins are often used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Be-
cause of evidence that suggests their use in the perioperative
period may be associated with a reduction in perioperative
cardiac complications, I typically attempt to continue statins
in the perioperative period. For patients who meet the Na-
tional Cholesterol Education Program guidelines for statin
use but are not receiving a statin at the time of preoperative
evaluation, I use the preoperative evaluation as an opportu-
nity to consider adding a statin to their medical regimen. At
this time, there is no prospective data from randomized trials

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 244 12/20/07 7:42:19 PM

7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 245

to support the use of perioperative statins to lower periop-

erative risk in the patient who otherwise does not meet the
criteria for long-term statin therapy.

Selected Readings
2005 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resusci-
tation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: Part 7.3: Management of
symptomatic bradycardia and tachycardia. Circulation 112(24 Suppl):
IV1-203, 2005. Epub 2005 Nov 28. Available at http://circ.ahajournals.
Auerbach A, Goldman L: Assessing and reducing the cardiac risk of noncar-
diac surgery. Circulation 113:1361-1376, 2006.
Ballantyne JC, Kupelnick B, McPeek B, Lau J: Does the evidence support the
use of spinal and epidural anesthesia for surgery? J Clin Anesth 17:
382-391, 2005. A
Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Chatterjee K, et al: ACC/AHA 2006 guidelines for
the management of patients with valvular heart disease: A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the
Management of Patients with Valvular Heart Disease). Available at http:// C
Charlson ME, MacKenzie CR, Gold JP, et al: Risk for postoperative conges-
tive heart failure. Surg Gynecol Obstet 172:95-104, 1991.
Cooperman LH, Price HL: Pulmonary edema in the operative and postop-
erative period. Am Surg 172:883-891, 1970
Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Wilson W, et al: Prevention of bacterial endocarditis:
Recommendations by the American Heart Association. Circulation
96:358-366, 1997.
Eagle K, Berger PB, Calkins H, et al: ACC/AHA guideline update for periop-
erative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1996 Guidelines on
Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery). 2002.
American College of Cardiology Web site. Available at http:/www.acc.
index.htm. C
Eagle KA, Guyton RA, Davidoff R, et al: ACC/AHA 2004 guideline update
for coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A report of the American Col-
lege of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
Guidelines (Committee to Update the 1999 Guidelines for Coronary

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 245 12/20/07 7:42:19 PM

246 7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

Artery Bypass Graft Surgery). Circulation 110:e340-437, 2004. Erratum

in Circulation 111:2014, 2005. Available at
Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines on periop-
erative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: A re-
port of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
Task Force on Practice Guidelines [Writing Committee to Revise the
2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncar-
diac Surgery]. J Am Coll Cardiol 50:e159-241, 2007.
Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA 2006 guideline update
on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: Fo-
cused update on perioperative beta-blocker therapy. A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Update the 2002 Guide-
lines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Sur-
gery). J Am Coll Cardiol 47:2343-2355, 2006. Available at http://www. C
Fuster V, Ryden LE, Cannom DS, et al: ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines
for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task
Force on Practice Guidelines and the European Society of Cardiology
Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise
the 2001 Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Atrial
Fibrillation). J Am Coll Cardiol 48:e149-e246, 2006. Available at C
Goldman L, Caldera DL, Nussbaum SR, et al: Multifactorial index of cardiac
risk in noncardiac surgical procedures. N Engl J Med 297:845-850,
1978. A
Grines CL, Bonow RO, Casey DE Jr, et al: Prevention of premature discon-
tinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery
stents: A science advisory from the American Heart Association, American
College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Inter-
ventions, American College of Surgeons, and American Dental Associa-
tion, with representation from the American College of Physicians. J Am
Dent Assoc 138:652-655, 2007.
Hernandez A, Whellan D, Stroud S, et al: Outcomes in heart failure patients
after major noncardiac surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol 44:1446-1453, 2004.
Howell SJ, Sear JW, Foex P: Hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, and
perioperative cardiac risk. Br J Anaesth 92:570-583, 2004. C
Kertai M, Bountioukos M, Boersma E, et al: Aortic stenosis: An understated
risk factor for perioperative complications in patients undergoing non-
cardiac surgery. Am J Med 116:8-13, 2004. B

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 246 12/20/07 7:42:20 PM

7 • Noncardiac Surgery in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease 247

L’Italien GJ, Cambria RP, Cutler BS, et al: Comparative early and late cardiac
morbidity among patients requiring different vascular surgery proce-
dures. J Vasc Surg 21:935-944, 1995. B
Lee TH, Marcantonio ER, Mangione CM, et al: Derivation and prospective
validation of a simple index for prediction of cardiac risk of major non-
cardiac surgery. Circulation 100:1043-1049, 1999.
Mangano DT, Browner WS, Hollenberg M, et al: The Study of Perioperative
Ischemia Research Group: Association of perioperative myocardial ischemia
with cardiac morbidity and mortality in men undergoing noncardiac sur-
gery. N Engl J Med 323:1781-1788, 1990.
McFalls EO, Ward HB, Moritz TE, et al: Reduction of postoperative mortal-
ity and morbidity with epidural or spinal anesthesia: Results from over-
view of randomised trials. BMJ 321:1493, 2000.
McFalls EO, Ward HB, Moritz TE, et al: Coronary-artery revascularization
before elective major vascular surgery. N Engl J Med 351:2795-2804,
2004. A
Paul SD, Eagle KA, Kuntz K, et al: Concordance of preoperative clinical risk
with angiographic severity of coronary artery disease in patients under-
going vascular surgery. Circulation 94:1561-1566, 1996. B
Polanczyk CA, Goldman L, Marcantonio E, et al: Supraventricular arrhyth-
mia in patients having noncardiac surgery: Clinical correlates and effect
on length of stay. Ann Intern Med 129:279-285, 1998.
Rodgers A, Walker N, Schug S, et al: Reduction of postoperative mortality
and morbidity with epidural or spinal anaesthesia: Results from over-
view of randomised trials. BMJ 321:1493, 2000.
Sandham JD, Hull RD, Brant RF, et al: A randomized, controlled trial of the
use of pulmonary-artery catheters in high-risk surgical patients. N Engl
J Med 348:5-14, 2004. A
Uretsky BF, Young JB, Shahidi F, et al: Randomized study assessing the effect of
digoxin withdrawal in patients with mild to moderate chronic congestive
heart failure: Results of the PROVED trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 22:955-962,
Warner M, Lunn R, O’Leary P, Schroeder D: Outcomes of noncardiac surgi-
cal procedures in children and adults with congenital heart disease.
Mayo Clin Proc 73:728-734, 1998. C
Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, et al: Prevention of infective endocarditis:
Guidelines from the American Heart Association: A guideline from the
American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis and Kawasaki
Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, and
the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascular Surgery
and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdis-
ciplinary Working Group. J Am Dent Assoc 138:739-745, 747-760, 2007.
Published online April 19, 2007. Available at

Ch07-X2385_157_248.indd 247 12/20/07 7:42:20 PM

8 Perioperative Assessment
and Management of Patients
with Pulmonary Diseases

The goal of the preoperative assessment for patients with

pulmonary disease is to prevent morbidity and mortality
among these patients as they undergo surgical procedures,
to perform risk stratification in those patients who appear
likely to experience complications, and to prepare the pa-
tient and surgical team for potential pulmonary problems in
the postoperative period. On occasion, the preoperative as-
sessment may indicate an unacceptable degree of risk for an
elective surgical procedure. The assessment can be achieved
by a thorough medical evaluation in concert with specific
testing to assess cardiopulmonary function. The purpose of
this chapter is to review the approach to the preoperative
evaluation and thus allow the practitioner to maximize out-
comes, to identify and minimize risks, and to prepare for
postoperative challenges.

The function of the respiratory system is invariably affected
during and after surgical procedures [ B Tisi, 1979; B Breslin,
1981; B Jackson, 1988]. Despite a better understanding of the

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retrospec-
tive studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice, opinion.


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250 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

pathophysiologic changes that occur during anesthesia and

surgery, bronchoaspiration, atelectasis, pneumonia, pulmo-
nary edema, exacerbation of underlying chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory failure, and pulmo-
nary embolism remain the most frequent causes of postop-
erative morbidity and important reasons for mortality in this
population [ B Bartlett et al, 1973; B Pontoppidan, 1980]. This
chapter is devoted to the understanding of how respiratory
function is altered by nonthoracic surgery, how to identify
the patient at risk for complications, and what to do to pre-
vent complications.


The true definition and incidence of postoperative pulmo-
nary complications depend on the diagnostic threshold of
the investigator observing for such complications and the
criteria used to define them. Using a constellation of clinical
symptoms or signs (fever, cough, change in sputum, or leu-
kocytosis), roentgenographic changes, and arterial blood gas
determinations, the incidence has been reported to be as low
as 9% to as high as 76% [ B Hall et al, 1991; B Pontoppidan,
1980]. All series agree that the incidence of pulmonary com-
plications is much higher for procedures that are close to the
diaphragm (upper abdominal), in which it ranges from 30%
to 80%, than for procedures of the lower abdomen and the
extremities [ B Hall et al, 1991; B Pontoppidan, 1980]. It is still
customary to assess patients undergoing a major abdominal
procedure by way of a thorough cardiovascular evaluation,
with relatively little attention given to the respiratory system.
More recent publications have addressed respiratory compli-
cations in such patients. A simple pulmonary evaluation
easily detects patients at high risk for postoperative pulmo-
nary complications. This is important because available
interventions can reduce the incidence of postoperative

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 251

pulmonary complications in high-risk groups and can also

shorten hospital stays and cut costs.


With the administration of general anesthesia, there is a small
but significant drop in functional residual capacity (FRC) that
is not related to the sedatives used as premedication
[ B Laws, 1968]. In nonabdominal or nonthoracic surgical
procedures, these changes return to normal in the postopera-
tive period, whereas they persist and may worsen after ab-
dominal (especially upper abdominal) and thoracic proce-
dures. Studies have documented the development of decreased
diaphragmatic contractility that is not caused by alterations in
the muscle itself, but most likely results from reflex inhibition
of the respiratory drive arising from sympathetic vagal or
splanchnic abdominal receptors [ B Dureuil et al, 1986; B Ford
et al, 1983; B Rovina et al, 1996]. This alteration in diaphrag-
matic function is not influenced by pain because its control
by epidural anesthesia does not influence diaphragmatic ex-
cursion measured by ultrasonography. Diaphragmatic dys-
function can persist for days postoperatively and can contrib-
ute to decreased lung volumes [ B Simmoneau et al, 1983].
The mechanical consequences of the alterations induced
by anesthesia and diaphragmatic paresis are decreases in FRC,
expiratory reserve volume, inspiratory capacity, vital capacity,
and expiratory flows. These decreases, which range from 20%
to 50% of preoperative values, may last for up to 2 weeks.
Postoperatively, the pattern of breathing is modified, with an
increase in respiratory rate and a decrease in tidal volume
without a real change in minute ventilation. As a result of the
drop in FRC, the shallow rapid breaths, and a decrease in
sighs, the patient breathes with the end-tidal point at less than
the closing volume. This situation is especially problematic in

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252 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

elderly patients or those with COPD, in whom the closing

volume is already close to the resting FRC. In other words,
many of the dependent areas of the lung close during tidal
breathing. As the air in these unventilated areas is absorbed
and the alveoli collapse, more dramatic atelectasis may result
[ B Ford and Guenter, 1984]. Because there is a decrease in
mucus clearance and an increase in bacterial colonization, the
risk of infection is elevated.
Immediately postoperatively and paralleling the change in
mechanics is a 10% to 30% drop in arterial oxygen tension
(PaO2) believed to result from a ventilation/perfusion mismatch.
The best explanation is that the atelectatic areas continue to be
perfused but not ventilated. Because some small areas of atelec-
tasis are not easily seen on chest roentgenograms, the concept
of microatelectasis has emerged. In the absence of previous com-
promise in gas exchange, there is no alteration in the concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide. As expected, these events remain silent
in the patient at low risk, but they may result in significant
pulmonary complications in patients at high risk. In these latter
patients, the increased work of breathing needed to maintain
adequate blood gases places further strain on the respiratory
muscles. When the energy demand is greater than the supply,
respiratory failure may result.


The effect of anesthetic choice on the incidence of postop-
erative complications has been an area of debate, but studies
have contributed to a growing consensus. A review of these
studies suggested a lower rate of pulmonary complications
such as pneumonia (39% reduction) and respiratory de-
pression (59% reduction) for patients who receive neur-
axial blockade (e.g., spinal or epidural anesthesia), as op-
posed to general anesthesia [ B Rodgers et al, 2000]. This risk
reduction does not appear to apply to all patients (unselected)

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 253

undergoing general surgical procedures because a randomized

trial did not confirm an improved outcome for patients with
obesity, diabetes, or coronary artery disease [ A Rigg, 2002].


Risk factors may roughly be divided into respiratory condi-
tions and nonpulmonary conditions (Fig. 8-1).
Respiratory Factors
Because the respiratory system is invariably affected during
abdominal surgery, the possibility of postoperative pulmo-
nary complications is higher in patients with clinical or sub-
clinical pulmonary disease. The easiest and still the best way
to detect underlying pulmonary disease is a careful medical
history, with a review of the patient’s smoking history. The
most important entities associated with increased postopera-
tive pulmonary complications are COPD (emphysema and
chronic bronchitis) and asthma.

Anesthesia Decreased respiratory drive Handling of viscera

and respiratory muscle

Decreased cough Drop in lung volume Pain


V/Q mismatch Hypoxemia Infection

Respiratory failure
Figure 8-1 • Pathophysiology of the events leading to postoperative pulmo-
nary complications. V/Q, ventilation/perfusion.

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254 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

Investigators have shown an association between the amount
of cigarette smoking and related bronchial epithelial abnor-
malities and the incidence of postoperative pulmonary com-
plications in asymptomatic smokers [ B Chalon et al, 1975;
B McAlister et al, 2003; B Warner et al, 1984]. Cigarette smok-

ing is the single most important factor in the genesis of airflow

obstruction. A history of 20 pack-years seems to be the cutting
point at which the risk of postoperative pulmonary complica-
tions increases when compared with nonsmokers [ B Chalon
et al, 1975], although the risk seems to increase further with
the number of pack-years [ B McAlister et al, 2003]. When this
history is coupled with airflow obstruction seen during pul-
monary function testing and with cough associated with spu-
tum production, the risk for postoperative pulmonary compli-
cations is even higher, and intervention to reduce the risk
becomes necessary. Cessation of smoking for only a few days
before the procedure is inadequate to decrease risk. Available
data indicate that 6 to 8 weeks of abstinence are needed before
pulmonary epithelial changes become evident. The length of
time that smokers may need to discontinue their habit to
maximize the postsurgical outcome has been further exam-
ined. In a prospective study of 200 patients, the complication
rate for persons who had quit for more than 6 months com-
pared with those who had quit for only 2 months was further
reduced (11.1% versus 14.5%) [ A Warner et al, 1989]. Perhaps
difficult to explain, the rate was exceedingly high (57%) for
patients who had quit for less than 8 weeks. Patients who
continued to smoke had a 33% complication rate. This finding
may be a consequence of a temporary increase in sputum pro-
duction and cough that often occurs during the first 2 months
of smoking cessation. Perhaps some of the patients who
continued to smoke believed that they were in good health
and at low risk for complications. A longer time quitting
(⬎6 months) seems to be associated with the lowest rate of
complications [ A Warner et al, 1989].

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 255

Not well studied but potentially important is the role of

elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels in heavy smokers. This
level can oscillate between 3% and 10% in chronic smokers.
Levels such as this have been shown to impair exercise per-
formance and oxygen delivery. Smoking cessation, even if it
occurs hours before surgery, could have potential benefits
through this mechanism.
Also in need of further investigation are the findings of a
European trial designed to evaluate an intensive smoking ces-
sation program versus usual care on outcome after orthopedic
procedures. The intensive smoking cessation program in-
cluded sophisticated counseling, pharmacologic therapy, and
careful follow-up. Patients were either enrolled in the inten-
sive smoking cessation program or received usual care with
simple advice to quit smoking. Investigators found a remark-
ably lower rate of any postoperative complication in the pa-
tients enrolled in the intensive program (18% versus 52%), as
well as a much lower rate of wound complications (5% versus
31%) [ A Moller et al, 2002]. The study used an intention-to-
treat analysis. To avoid one wound-related complication, only
four patients would need to be enrolled in such a program,
regardless of actual smoking cessation. These data indicate a
dramatic opportunity to reduce the rate of wound complica-
tions for patients undergoing orthopedic procedures. The
significance of these complications can be dramatic when
prosthetic devices are involved. Based on these data, elective
orthopedic procedures should be considered only after an
intensive trial of smoking cessation. The application in other
surgical populations remains to be determined.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Patients with COPD are at increased risk for postoperative
pulmonary complications [ B Chalon et al, 1975; B Warner et
al, 1984]. This concept was confirmed in a retrospective
analysis of 107 patients with severe airflow obstruction who
were undergoing several types of surgical procedures. The

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256 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

overall incidence of complications was 32%, with 5% mor-

tality [ B Kroenke et al, 1992]. In contrast, patients with re-
strictive pulmonary diseases in whom flows and cough are
preserved have a lower risk. A history of cigarette smoking,
chronic cough, phlegm production, pulmonary infections, or
previous surgical experience provides useful information.
The physical examination can also help to detect hyperinfla-
tion, with the presence of increased posteroanterior diameter
and use of accessory muscles providing clues to severe ob-
struction and lung overinflation. In 2003, McAlister and co-
workers observed that when the simple distance between the
top of the thyroid cartilage to the suprasternal notch at the
end of expiration was 4 cm or less, patients had an odds ratio
of 2 for the development of postoperative pulmonary com-
plications. Decreased breath sounds, pulmonary crackles,
wheezes, rhonchi, and prolongation of the expiratory
phase of respiration have been shown to be indicators of
increased pulmonary risk [ B Lawrence et al, 1996]. A useful
bedside test to assess the risk of perioperative pulmo-
nary complications is the cough test, in which the patient
is asked to inspire deeply and to cough. Development of
recurrent coughing suggests an increased risk of postop-
erative pulmonary complications [ B McAlister et al, 2005].
For the patient with COPD, spirometry is a valuable test
before lung resection operations. For nonpulmonary surgi-
cal procedures, the role or benefit of preoperative spi-
rometry is unproven [ B Smetana et al, 2006]. Despite a lack
of prospective randomized data, some physicians find spi-
rometry useful in evaluating patients with COPD to identify
those at the highest risk for postoperative pulmonary com-
plications. Spirometric studies performed include forced vital
capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1),
and possibly arterial blood gas determinations. An FVC
lower than 70% of predicted and an FEV1/FVC ratio lower
than 50% of predicted have been associated with an in-
creased risk for the development of postoperative pulmonary

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 257

complications [ A Gracey et al, 1979; A Stein and Cassara,

1970]. Another test shown to be useful is the maximal volun-
tary ventilation. If the result obtained is lower than 50%
of the predicted value, the possibility of postoperative pul-
monary complications developing is significantly increased
[ A Stein and Cassara, 1970]. Perhaps the maximal voluntary
ventilation test is valuable because it assesses the endurance
of the respiratory system and the motivation of the patient,
not just muscle strength or airflow. Finally, if the FVC is
abnormal, arterial blood gas measurements help to deter-
mine the adequacy of the system to maintain normal PaO2
and arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2). Three reports
[ B Cain et al, 1979; B McAlister et al, 2003; A Stein and
Cassara, 1970] indicated that a PaCO2 higher than 45 mm Hg
is a predictor of important postoperative pulmonary compli-
cations. In our opinion, a high PaCO2 does not absolutely
contraindicate surgery, but rather points to the need to pro-
vide perioperative care with intense and careful postopera-
tive support. Most hypercapnic patients tolerate surgery if
the appropriate steps are taken.

It is accepted that patients with poorly controlled asthma are
at increased risk for postoperative pulmonary complications
[ B Gold and Helrich, 1963]. Nevertheless, even patients with
severe, steroid-dependent asthma may undergo needed surgi-
cal procedures if an adequate plan is prepared and followed.
The known risks for asthmatic patients who are undergoing
anesthesia and abdominal surgery are bronchospasm, atelec-
tasis, and cough. Cough may become an important factor in
incisional pain and possible wound dehiscence. Although
investigators have argued about avoidance of endotracheal
intubation through the use of spinal anesthesia, “high” spinal
anesthesia (above T6) may result in enhanced bronchospasm
through blockade of sympathetic efferents that leave the vagal
innervation of the bronchi unopposed. The risk in patients

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258 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

with poorly controlled asthma is more clearly related to the

site of operation and to the duration of anesthesia than to the
clinical severity of the asthma [ B Gold and Helrich, 1963].
Well-controlled asthma is not a risk factor for postoperative
pulmonary complications.
The best preparation for patients with poorly controlled
asthma is to treat them until the clinical examination shows an
absence of wheezing and their pulmonary function tests are
optimized. Generally, these outcomes can be achieved with
optimal inhaled therapy using an inhaled glucocorticoid alone
or in combination with a long-acting ␤-agonist. Any asthmatic
patient who is to undergo general anesthesia and who has re-
quired oral or systemic steroids during the last 6 months
should receive parenteral steroids to prevent adrenal insuffi-
ciency [National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute Expert Panel,
1997]. Hydrocortisone, 100 mg intravenously every 8 hours
starting 12 hours preoperatively, is often recommended and
should suffice. The need for stress-dose steroids in asthmatic
patients who are maintained on the highest dose of high-
potency inhaled steroid formulations is controversial. Some
studies suggested suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal axis in patients receiving high doses of fluticasone or
budesonide (⬎750 ␮g inhaled steroid of these formulations
daily) [ B Lipworth, 1999].

Nonpulmonary Risk Factors

Nonpulmonary risk factors include those that affect respira-
tory function independent of the presence of previous pul-
monary problems.
Site of Surgery
Surgical procedures associated with increased risk of pulmo-
nary complications include aortic aneurysm repair, thoracic
surgery, head and neck surgery, vascular surgery, esophageal
resection, and abdominal surgery. The risk for the develop-
ment of postoperative pulmonary complications increases

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 259

with proximity to the diaphragm [ A Celli et al, 1984]. Upper

abdominal surgical procedures, such as those on the gallblad-
der, liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine, and pancreas,
carry the highest risk, whereas procedures involving the lower
abdomen and the extremities have a low risk. Besides the site,
some evidence indicates that the type of incision may influ-
ence the frequency of postoperative pulmonary complica-
tions. In general, vertical laparotomies seem to carry a higher
incidence of atelectasis and hypoxemia than do horizontal
laparotomies [Halasz, 1964]. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
repair (open) and upper abdominal procedures carry a
higher relative risk than other vascular or neurosurgical
procedures [ B Arozullah et al, 2001].
Type of Surgery
The advent of laparoscopic surgery led to a reduction in peri-
operative pulmonary complications when compared with
open cholecystectomy. This finding seems to result from less
compromise of the respiratory muscles, with consequent
higher vital capacity and PaO2. In spite of these encouraging
results, care must be taken not to extrapolate results from
relatively low-risk patients to patients with severe airflow
obstruction. The reason is that during laparoscopic surgery,
significant amounts of carbon dioxide are used to distend the
peritoneal cavity. The carbon dioxide is easily absorbed and
exhaled in physiologically normal individuals, but the CO2
load could become overwhelming to patients with poor gas
exchange because of COPD. Until data are provided, it seems
prudent to avoid this type of surgical procedure in patients
with severe COPD, especially patients with carbon dioxide
Duration and Type of Anesthesia
Emergency and lengthy surgical procedures (lasting ⬎3 hours)
are associated with increased pulmonary risk. In one study,
the duration of the procedure was second to the site of opera-
tion as a risk factor for postoperative pulmonary complications

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260 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

[ A Celli et al, 1984]. It may be that the actual development of

postoperative pulmonary complications does not depend on
anesthesia time but rather on the procedure itself, which may
be longer in those complicated cases that require more intra-
operative manipulation of viscera.
Age has been demonstrated to be an independent risk factor
for postoperative pulmonary complications. The risk increases
in relation to increasing age; the odds ratio for pulmonary
complications is 2.09 for ages 60 to 69 years and 3.04 for ages
70 to 79 years. This increased risk is not a result of age-related
comorbidities. With increasing age, some reflex activity of the
upper airways may diminish, with a decrease in inspiratory and
expiratory muscle forces [ B Rochester and Arora, 1983], which
may reduce the capacity to clear secretions. Furthermore,
elderly individuals suffer from changes in lung mechanics, so
that airway closure may occur even during tidal breathing.
These changes are worsened in the supine position. Because
FRC decreases during and after surgical procedures, older pa-
tients may experience significant closure of airways and alveoli
with atelectasis, worsening of gas exchange, and possible respi-
ratory failure.
Although the obese patient may have reduced lung volumes
and a spirometric pattern resembling restriction, obesity
has surprisingly not been definitively demonstrated to be
a risk factor for perioperative pulmonary complications
[ B Smetana, 1999].
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Although evidence-based data are limited, obstructive
sleep apnea is suspected to be associated with a
trend toward increased postoperative pulmonary risk
[ B Gupta et al, 2001]. These complications include those
related to airway management, the need for postoperative

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 261

reintubation, and the risk of respiratory failure. In these

patients, close postoperative observation and early institu-
tion of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
may prevent the immediate postoperative complications of
sleep apnea [ B Rennotte et al, 1995]. Given the high and
increasing prevalence of this disorder in the general popula-
tion and the effects of anesthetic drugs on upper airway
function, clinicians need to be vigilant in monitoring
for postoperative problems in patients with sleep apnea
[ B Robinson and Zwillich, 1985].
When possible, the patient should be encouraged to lose
weight preoperatively, but this is often not possible. In these
patients, and more so in obese patients with sleep apnea or
obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, postoperative analgesics
and narcotics may exacerbate the underlying instability and
may lead to hypercapnic respiratory failure.
Serum Albumin
A low serum albumin concentration has been shown to
be a significant predictor of postoperative pulmonary
complications [ A Gibbs et al, 1999]. Although the studies
that led to that finding varied in their definition of “low,” the
National Veterans Affairs Surgical Risk Study reported that a
serum albumin less than 35 g/L was an important predictor
of morbidity and mortality during the 30 days after the surgi-
cal procedure.


Investigators have attempted to develop simple bedside assess-
ment tools to help identify the patient at risk for postoperative
pulmonary complications. The first study was conducted on a
large group of patients (n ⫽ 1000) undergoing abdominal
surgery [ B Hall et al, 1991]. In that study, multivariate analysis
showed that the best predictors of postoperative pulmonary
complications were the classification of the American Society

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262 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

of Anesthesiologists (Table 8-1) and age older than 59 years.

Unfortunately, the positive predictive value of 0.49 and the
negative predictive value of 0.86 are too poor for clinical util-
ity. Epstein and colleagues developed another cardiopulmo-
nary risk index [ B Epstein et al, 1993]. This index incorporates
a modified version of the criteria first developed in 1977 by
Goldman and associates with the respiratory factors believed
to play a role in the genesis of postoperative pulmonary com-
plications. Using a threshold value of 4, this index had a high
positive (0.79) and negative (0.86) predictive value for postop-
erative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing tho-
racic surgery. Its validity in patients undergoing abdominal
surgery remains to be determined.
Arozullah and colleagues developed a clinically useful risk
assessment tool to predict the occurrence of postoperative
pneumonia [ B Arozullah et al, 2001]. The importance of this
model must be emphasized because the study included data
from 160,000 surgical procedures, and the prediction model
was validated with a follow-up study. The prediction of
pneumonia is important, given that 20% of patients who
developed pneumonia died in the hospital. Table 8-2 shows
the prediction model point system. Table 8-3 shows how the
prediction model’s rates for pneumonia correlated with the
rates identified in the validation cohort.
One other study also attempted to identify factors associated
with pulmonary complications after nonthoracic surgery.

American Society of Anesthesiologists

Classification of Anesthetic Risk
Class Characteristics
I Healthy
II Mild to moderate systemic disease
III Severe systemic disease
IV Life-threatening systemic disease
V Moribund

From New classification of physical status. American Society of Anesthesiolo-

gists. Anesthesiology 24:111, 1963.

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 263

Preoperative History–Predicted
Postoperative Pneumonia Point System
Category Risk Factor Point Value
Type of surgical procedure Abdominal aortic aneurysm 15
Thoracic 14
Upper abdominal 10
Neck/neurosurgical 8
Vascular other than AAA/ 3
GET/transfusion ⬎4 U 4/3
Age ⬎80 yr/⬎70 yr/⬎60 yr/⬎50 yr 17/13/9/4
General health Dependent/partially dependent 10/6
Weight loss ⬎10% 7
Current smoker/drinker (⬎2/day) 3/2
History Chronic obstructive pulmonary 5/4
disease/stroke/altered MS
Long-term steroid use 3

GET, General endotracheal anesthesia; MS, mental status.

Adapted from Arozullah A, Khuri SF, Henderson WG, Daley J: Development
and validation of a multifactorial risk index. Ann Intern Med 135:847-857, 2001.

Preoperative History–Predicted
Postoperative Pneumonia Rate Correlation
Rate of Pneumonia: Rate of Pneumonia:
Risk Class (Points) Development Cohort Validation Cohort
1 (0–15) 0.24 0.24
2 (15–25) 1.19 1.18
3 (26–40) 4.0 4.6
4 (41–55) 9.4 10.8
5 (⬎55) 15.8 15.9

From Arozullah A, Khuri SF, Henderson WG, Daley J: Development and vali-
dation of a multifactorial risk index. Ann Intern Med 135:847-857, 2001.

McAlister and colleagues set out to determine the accuracy of

preoperative assessment in predicting the occurrence of pneu-
monia, atelectasis, or mechanical ventilation before discharge.
Although the study was prospective, patients underwent only
selective preoperative studies, and the cohort was relatively
small (272 patients). This feature is highlighted when the

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264 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

reader considers that only 22 patients (8%) developed postop-

erative complications. After multiple regression analysis, only
three independent variables were associated with pulmonary
complications. These were age greater than 65 years (odds ratio
reported as 1.8), smoking history of at least 40 pack-years
(odds ratio, 1.9), and maximum laryngeal height of 4 cm or less
(odds ratio, 2.0). The small sample size and the lack of com-
plete data on all patients make the conclusions of this study less
compelling. Nonetheless, older smokers, whose respiratory
mechanics are altered by advanced airflow obstruction and re-
sultant hyperinflation, are at greatest risk for postoperative
complications [ B McAlister et al, 2003].
For the individual patient, the basic tool continues to be a
good clinical examination. As stated before, the pulmonary his-
tory must be reviewed, with emphasis on those features that
help to determine the presence of COPD or asthma. The pa-
tient’s age, weight, and height help to determine whether these
nonpulmonary risk factors are also present. The physician car-
ing for the patient must know the site and organs to be handled
during the surgical procedure and should discuss with the sur-
geon and anesthesiologist the possible duration of the proce-
dure. For certain procedures, laparoscopic surgery may be the
operation of choice. If these easily obtainable data suggest a
high-risk patient, the evaluation should be complemented with
a chest roentgenogram and spirometry. If the results of any of
these tests are abnormal, arterial blood gas determinations are
indicated. If the PaCO2 is higher than 45 mm Hg, the incidence
of surgical complications will be high, and the surgical proce-
dure may be reconsidered unless it is really necessary.
Decreased exercise capacity has been shown to predict post-
operative pulmonary complications after nonthoracic surgery. A
simple way to determine exercise capacity is the ability to climb
stairs. In a prospective study, Girish and co-workers determined
an inverse correlation between the number of steps climbed
and the development and severity of postoperative complica-
tions [ B Girish et al, 2001]. In addition, the relationship also held

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 265

true for hospital length of stay. Thus, an easy test to complete in

anyone who is thought to be at risk from the history and the
physical examination is to complete a stair climb. Less than two
flights of stairs climbed should lead to a better evaluation of the
patient and a consideration of intense interventions to prevent
complications. If it is determined that the risk is high, measures
must be taken that are known to decrease risk, including preop-
erative, intraoperative, and postoperative interventions that
must be planned before the procedure.


It is beneficial to discuss with the patient the type of proce-
dure and its possible consequences. This has to be done in
the context of the risk group into which the patient falls. If
the patient smokes, he or she should stop as early as possible
before the operation. Evidence indicates that the longer the
patient stops before the surgical procedure, the more likely
he or she is to benefit [ B Chalon et al, 1975; B Warner et al,
1984]. Six to 8 weeks may be the minimum needed to
reverse some of the epithelial changes and some of the pul-
monary functions such as closing volumes, small airway
size, and tracheobronchial clearance of particles. Conversely,
smoking cessation may lead to a decrease in the carboxyhe-
moglobin level, with the possible benefits described earlier.
If the time between when the patient quits smoking and the
surgical procedure is not long enough (⬍6 to 8 weeks), other
steps can be taken to decrease the risk preoperatively. In pa-
tients with cough and phlegm in whom infected sputum is
present, a course of antibiotics is indicated. Either ampicillin,
at a dose of 250 mg orally four times daily, or doxycycline,
100 mg orally twice daily for 10 to 14 days, is a simple,
narrow-spectrum selection with good efficacy.
Lung expansion techniques have been demonstrated
to be beneficial in decreasing pulmonary complications

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266 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

in the perioperative period, particularly for patients

who undergo abdominal surgery [ B Lawrence et al, 2006].
Modalities include incentive spirometry, cough, chest physi-
cal therapy, postural drainage, chest percussion, intermittent
positive pressure breathing, and CPAP. No evidence favors
one technique over another. It is our recommendation that
the lung expansion technique selected be tailored to the pa-
tient’s needs as well as the patient’s ability to participate.
There is also no evidence that combining lung expansion
techniques offers any increased benefit.
Use of Bronchodilators in the Perioperative Period
In the patient with COPD, the bronchodilator regimen must
be maintained until the day of the surgical procedure, preop-
eratively, and postoperatively. In asthmatic patients, broncho-
dilators should be administered as needed, and controller
therapy (inhaled steroids or inhaled steroids in combination
with long-acting dilators) should be maintained throughout
the perioperative period.
Beta-Adrenergic Agonists
This group of drugs consists of the most effective bronchodila-
tors that have the unique advantage of nebulization administra-
tion directly to the respiratory tract. An agent such as albuterol
is administered as a standard solution at a dose of 2.5 mg di-
luted in 1.5 mL saline. This can be repeated every 4 hours
throughout the procedure. In occasional cases of acute bron-
chospasm, either terbutaline, in a dose of 0.25 mL, or epineph-
rine, 0.3 mL of a 1:1000 solution administered subcutaneously,
may be lifesaving. The latter medications should be avoided in
patients with hypertension, a history of heart disease, narrow-
angle glaucoma, or prostatic hypertrophy.
Although theophylline is not as effective a bronchodilator as
the ␤-adrenergic agents, it also seems to improve diaphrag-
matic contractility [ B Aubier et al, 1981; B Siafakas et al, 1993].

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 267

If the patient is already receiving this therapy, a theophylline

level should be determined. If the level is therapeutic (serum
level between 5 and 15 ␮g/dL), an intravenous infusion of
aminophylline can be started hours before the surgical proce-
dure at a dose of 0.4 to 0.6 mg/kg/hour. The drug should be
maintained until the patient can tolerate feedings, at which
time it may be switched to the oral route. Care must be taken
to monitor levels in patients with congestive heart failure,
pneumonia, or liver dysfunction and patients receiving ci-
metidine or erythromycin. Besides nausea, patients with toxic
levels may experience arrhythmias and seizures that seem to
carry a poor prognosis.
In patients considered for emergency procedures (e.g., patients
admitted for appendectomy) who manifest clinical evidence
of bronchospasm (wheezes or labored breathing, or both)
or whose pulmonary function tests show important airflow
limitations with bronchodilator response, corticosteroids
are indicated. Because it may take longer than 6 hours to
achieve the initial effect, corticosteroids should be started at
least 12 hours preoperatively. Either hydrocortisone, 2 mg/kg,
or methylprednisolone, 20 to 60 mg every 6 hours, is an effec-
tive dose to be given intravenously in the perioperative period.
These doses are not to be given indefinitely because they are
high and should be tapered postoperatively to reach the 20- to
40-mg range of oral prednisone once the patient is eating again.
We favor quick tapering (5 to 7 days) to avoid interference with
wound healing.

Once the surgical procedure is completed, the patient enters
a critical period in which he or she should be observed
closely. During this time, good suctioning and lateral turning
of the head help to prevent any possible aspiration. The

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268 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

airway needs to be patent, and adequate oxygenation and

ventilation must be guaranteed. If the patient is at high risk,
it may be more appropriate to maintain intubation until it
has been clearly determined that he or she is able to maintain
spontaneous ventilation and the degree of consciousness is
such that bronchial aspiration becomes unlikely. The capac-
ity to maintain spontaneous ventilation can be determined
by using the following parameters:
• Vital capacity of at least 15 mL/kg body weight
• Inspiratory and expiratory forces greater than ⫺20 and
25 cm H2O, respectively
• Capacity to respond to and obey commands
• Arterial blood gases with normal PaCO2 (⬍45 mm Hg) and
pH while breathing spontaneously
• Low alveolar-arterial oxygen difference
Evidence indicates that postoperative pain manage-
ment with epidural analgesia is associated with a
reduced incidence of postoperative pulmonary compli-
cations [ B Rodgers et al, 2000]. The patient should receive a
judicious regimen of analgesics, enough to control pain but
not at a dose at which the respiratory centers may be inhib-
ited. Similarly, bandages that restrict thoracic and abdomi-
nal excursions should be avoided.
For the patient who has undergone abdominal surgery
and has postoperative nausea or vomiting, inability to
tolerate oral intake, or symptomatic abdominal disten-
tion, evidence indicates that decompression of the stom-
ach with a nasogastric tube results in a decreased
incidence of perioperative atelectasis and pneumonia
[ B } Nelson et al, 2005]. For the patient without such trigger-
ing conditions, routine use of a nasogastric tube is not
As soon as possible, the patient should be moved out of
bed because the upright position alone increases FRC by
10% to 20%. At the same time, the respiratory program
begun preoperatively should be resumed. In the high-risk

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8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 269

patient, we employ incentive spirometry at one third to one

half the preoperative vital capacity and deep breathing exer-
cises as outlined. The maneuvers should be used intensely
(every hour) throughout the first 72 hours after the proce-
dure. Classic studies have demonstrated that, in patients
with upper abdominal procedures, either form of therapy
begun and continued postoperatively was effective in de-
creasing the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complica-
tions when compared with untreated controls. Furthermore,
intervention is justified because the lower incidence of post-
operative pulmonary complications in the treated patients
resulted in a shortening in length of stay [ A Celli et al, 1984].
The use of intermittent positive pressure breathing was
evaluated. The results indicated that intermittent positive
pressure breathing was effective in preventing postoperative
pulmonary complications, but its higher cost and the rela-
tively high incidence of abdominal distention made this the
least preferred form of therapy. Currently, the use of this
therapy has fallen out of practice in most medical centers.
The use of CPAP may increase as more studies document its
effectiveness. Unfortunately, the possible risk of bronchial
aspiration and bloating still needs to be evaluated before the
widespread use of CPAP is advocated. If the patient was re-
ceiving inhaled bronchodilators, their use should be contin-
ued. Intravenous theophylline may be switched to oral
preparations as soon as the patient is tolerating oral intake.
Pulmonary complications are a major cause of periopera-
tive morbidity. Risk factors for complications include age
greater than 60 years, the presence of COPD, and a history of
congestive heart failure. The surgical categories associated with
the greatest risk include thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery,
neurosurgery, head and neck surgery, vascular surgery, aortic
surgery, emergency surgical procedures, and surgical proce-
dures that last longer than 3 hours. Evidence-based interven-
tions demonstrated to decrease perioperative pulmonary com-
plications include the following: lung expansion maneuvers;

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270 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

nasogastric decompression of the stomach with a nasogastric

tube in the patient with nausea, vomiting, inability to tolerate
oral intake, or symptomatic abdominal distention (referred to
as selective nasogastric decompression); and postoperative
pain management.

Selected Readings
Arozullah A, Khuri SF, Henderson WG, Daley J: Development and validation of
a multifactorial risk index. Ann Intern Med 135:847-857, 2001. B
Aubier M, DeTroyer A, Sampson M, et al: Aminophylline improves dia-
phragmatic contractility. N Engl J Med 305:249–252, 1981. B
Bartlett RH, Brennan ML, Gazzaniga AB, Hanson EL: Studies on the patho-
genesis and prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. Surg
Gynecol Obstet 1367:925–933, 1973. B
Bermudez M, Rodriguez K, Celli B: Is weight an independent risk factor in
the development of postoperative pulmonary complications after ab-
dominal surgery? Am Rev Respir Dis 135:A211, 1987.
Breslin EH: Prevention and treatment of pulmonary complications in patients
after surgery of the upper abdomen. Heart Lung 10:511–519, 1981. B
Buchwald H, Avidor Y, Braunwald E, et al: Bariatric surgery: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. JAMA 292:1724-1737, 2004.
Cain HD, Stevens PM, Adanija R: Preoperative pulmonary function and
complications after cardiovascular surgery. Chest 76:130–135, 1979. B
Celli BR, Rodriguez K, Snider GL: A controlled trial of intermittent positive
pressure breathing, incentive spirometry, and deep breathing exercise
in preventing pulmonary complications after abdominal surgery.
Am Rev Respir Dis 130:12-15, 1984. A
Chalon J, Tayae MA, Ramanathan S: Cytology of respiratory epithelium as a
predictor of respiratory complications after operation. Chest 67:32–35,
1975. B
Dureuil B, Viires N, Contineau JP, et al: Diaphragmatic contractility after
upper abdominal surgery. J Appl Physiol 61:1775–1780, 1986. B
Epstein SK, Faling LJ, Daly BD, Celli BR: Predicting complications after
pulmonary resection: Preoperative exercise testing vs. a multifactorial
cardiopulmonary risk index. Chest 104:694-700, 1993. B
Ford GT, Whitelaw W, Rosenal TW, et al: Diaphragmatic function after up-
per abdominal surgery in humans. Am Rev Respir Dis 127:431–436,
1983. B
Ford GT, Guenter CA: Toward prevention of postoperative pulmonary com-
plications. Am Rev Respir Dis 130:4–5, 1984. B

Ch08-X2385_249_274.indd 270 12/19/07 2:41:51 PM

8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 271

Gibbs J, Cull W, Henderson W, et al: Preoperative serum albumin level as a

predictor of operative mortality and morbidity: Results from the Na-
tional VA Surgical Risk Study. Arch Surg 134:36-42, 1999. A
Girish M, Trayner E, Dammann O, et al: Symptom-limited stair climbing as
a predictor of post-operative cardiopulmonary complications after high-
risk surgery. Chest 120:1147-1151, 2001. B
Gold MI, Helrich M: A study of the complications related to anesthesia in
asthmatic patients. Anesth Analg 42:283–293, 1963. B
Gracey DR, Divertie MB, Didier EP: Preoperative pulmonary preparation of
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 76:123–129,
1979. A
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Expert Panel Report
3. 2007. Available at C
Gupta RM, Parvizzi J, Hanssen AD, Gay PC: Postoperative complications in
patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome undergoing hip or knee
replacement: A case controlled study. Mayo Clin Proc 76:897-905,
2001. B
Hall JC, Tarala RA, Hall J, Mander J: A multivariate analysis of the risk
of pulmonary complications after laparotomy. Chest 99:923-927,
1991. B
Jackson C: Preoperative pulmonary evaluation. Arch Intern Med 148:2120–
2127, 1988. B
Kroenke K, Lawrence VA, Theroux JF, Tuley MR: Operative risk in patients
with severe obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 152:
967-971, 1992. B
Lawrence VA, Dhanda R, Hilsenbeck SG, Page CP: Risk of pulmonary com-
plications after elective abdominal surgery. Chest 110:744-750, 1996. B
Lawrence VA, Cornell JE, Smetana G: Strategies to reduce postoperative
pulmonary complications after noncardiothoracic surgery: Systematic
review for the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 144:
596-608, 2006. B
Laws AK: Effects of induction of anesthesia and muscle paralysis on func-
tional residual capacity of the lungs. Can Anesth Soc J 15:325–331,
1968. B
Lipworth BJ: Systemic adverse effects of inhaled corticosteroid therapy: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 159:941-955,
1999. B
McAlister FA, Bertsch K, Man J, et al: Incidence of and risk factors for pul-
monary complications after nonthoracic surgery. Am J Respir Crit Care
Med 171:514-517, 2005. B
McAlister FA, Khan NA, Strauss SE, et al: Preoperative factors identified
patients at risk for pulmonary complications after non-thoracic surgery.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 167:741-744, 2003. B

Ch08-X2385_249_274.indd 271 12/19/07 2:41:51 PM

272 8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases

Moller AM, Villebro N, Pederson T, Tonnesor H: Effect of preoperative

smoking intervention on postoperative complications: A randomized
clinical trial. Lancet 359:114-117, 2002. A
National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute Expert Panel, National Institutes
of Health: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma.
Expert panel report 2. NIH publication no. 97-4051. Bethesda, MD,
National Institutes of Health, 1997.
Nelson R, Tse B, Edwards S: Systematic review of prophylactic nasogastric
decompression after abdominal operations. Br J Surg 92:673-680,
2005. B
Pasulka PS, Bistrian BR, Benotti PN, Blackburn GL: The risks of surgery in
obese patients. Ann Intern Med 104:540-546, 1986.
Pontoppidan H: Mechanical aids to lung expansion in non-intubated surgi-
cal patients. Am Rev Respir Dis 122:109–119, 1980. B
Putensen-Himmer G, Putensen C, Lammer H, et al: Comparison of postop-
erative respiratory function after laparoscopy or open laparotomy for
cholecystectomy. Anesthesiology 77:675-680, 1992.
Qaseem A, Snow V, Fitterman N, et al: Risk assessment for and strategies to
reduce perioperative pulmonary complications for patients undergoing
noncardiothoracic surgery: A guideline from the American College of
Physicians. Ann Intern Med 144:575-580, 2006.
Ramsey-Stewart G: The perioperative management of morbidly obese pa-
tients (a surgeon’s perspective). Anaesth Intensive Care 13:399-406,
Rennotte MT, Baele P, Aubert G, Rodenstein DO: Nasal continuous positive
airway pressure in the perioperative management of patients with ob-
structive sleep apnea submitted to surgery. Chest 107:367-374, 1995. B
Rigg JR, Jamrozik K, Myles PS, et al: Epidural anesthesia and analgesia and
outcome of major surgery: a randomized trial. Lancet 359:
1276-1282, 2002. A
Robinson RW, Zwillich CW. The effect of drugs on breathing during sleep.
Clin Chest Med 6:603-614, 1985. B
Rochester DR, Arora N: Respiratory muscle failure. Med Clin North Am
67:573–597, 1983. B
Rodgers A, Walker N, Schug S, et al: Reduction of postoperative mortality
and morbidity with epidural or spinal anesthesia: Results from overview
of randomized trials. BMJ 321:1493, 2000. B
Rovina N, Bouros D, Tzanakis N, et al: Effects of laparoscopic cholecystec-
tomy on global respiratory muscle strength. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
153:458-461, 1996. B
Siafakas NM, Stobou A, Stathopolou M, et al: Effect of aminophylline on
respiratory muscle strength after upper abdominal surgery; a double
blind study. Thorax 48:693–697, 1993. B

Ch08-X2385_249_274.indd 272 12/19/07 2:41:51 PM

8 • Perioperative Assessment of Patients with Pulmonary Diseases 273

Simmoneau G, Vivien A, Sartene R, et al: Diaphragm dysfunction induced by

upper abdominal surgery. Am Rev Respir Dis 128:899–903, 1983. B
Smetana G: Preoperative pulmonary evaluation. N Engl J Med 340:937-944,
1999. B
Smetana G, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE: Preoperative pulmonary risk stratifica-
tion for noncardiothoracic surgery: Systematic review for the American
College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 144:581-595, 2006. B
Stein M, Cassara E: Preoperative pulmonary evaluation and therapy for
surgery patients. JAMA 211:787–790, 1970. A
Tisi GM: Preoperative evaluation of pulmonary function: Validity, indica-
tions and benefits. Am Rev Respir Dis 119:293–310, 1979. B
Warner MA, Divertie MB, Tinrer JH: Preoperative cessation of smoking and
pulmonary complications in coronary artery bypass patients. Anesthesi-
ology 60:380–383, 1984. B
Warner MA, Offord KP, Warner ME, et al: Role of preoperative cessation
of smoking and other factors in postoperative pulmonary complica-
tions: A blinded prospective study of coronary artery bypass patients.
Mayo Clin Proc 64:609-616, 1989. A

Ch08-X2385_249_274.indd 273 12/19/07 2:41:51 PM

9 Gastrointestinal
Complications in the
Postoperative Period

Many patients who undergo general surgery experience gas-

trointestinal problems in the postoperative period. Procedures
in which the peritoneal cavity is entered have a profound ef-
fect on gastrointestinal function. Moreover, patients with
preexisting or quiescent gastrointestinal disease may be at risk
for a recurrence or exacerbation of the underlying disease.
The first section of this chapter deals with perioperative man-
agement of patients with acute and chronic gastrointestinal
diseases, the second section reviews common gastrointestinal
problems that may occur in any patient undergoing a surgical
procedure, and the third section discusses specific complica-
tions of surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal reflux is common in the general population
and is a frequent cause of esophagitis in the perioperative
period. The pathogenesis involves an increased frequency of

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical tri-
als, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retro-
spective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


Ch09-X2385_275_348.indd 275 12/19/07 2:44:57 PM

276 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

transient relaxations of the lower esophageal sphincter or, to

a lesser extent, incompetence of the lower esophageal sphinc-
ter. The latter mechanism appears to account for gastroesoph-
ageal reflux in critically ill ventilated patients. Contributing
factors in the perioperative period include prolonged recum-
bency, abdominal surgery, and possibly the use of a nasogas-
tric tube and percutaneous gastrostomy. Complications of
severe and long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease in-
clude the following: ulceration and bleeding; strictures in the
distal esophagus (peptic stricture); Barrett’s metaplasia of the
esophageal mucosa with an associated increased risk of ade-
nocarcinoma; pulmonary aspiration of refluxed gastric con-
tents; and other extraesophageal complications such as laryn-
gitis, asthma, and dental erosions.
The clinical presentation of gastroesophageal reflux disease
consists of pyrosis (heartburn), water brash (salivary secre-
tion of salty fluid), and regurgitation. Regurgitation and aspi-
ration may lead to asthma, morning hoarseness, and noctur-
nal choking.
The diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux generally can be
made on the basis of a careful history. If necessary, the follow-
ing studies may be helpful, depending on the clinical prob-
lem: barium swallow, upper endoscopy, 24-hour esophageal
pH monitoring, and esophageal manometry.
Patients with known or suspected gastroesophageal reflux
and esophagitis preoperatively should be maintained on
standard antireflux therapy throughout the perioperative
period. This includes elevation of the head of the bed, a
low-fat diet, avoidance of meals before bedtime, and avoid-
ance of caffeine, peppermint, chocolate, citrus juices, alcohol,
and cigarettes. The patient should be instructed to avoid large
meals, especially before and during recumbency. Drugs that
decrease the lower esophageal sphincter pressure, such as

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 277

calcium antagonists, sedatives, anticholinergic agents, and

theophylline, should be avoided if possible.
Proton pump inhibitors are the most effective agents for
raising gastric fluid pH and act by blocking the sodium-
potassium/adenosine triphosphatase channel on gastric pari-
etal cells (Table 9-1). Proton pump inhibitors are also the
most effective agents for eliminating reflux symptoms and for
healing esophagitis. Intravenous formulations of pantoprazole
and lansoprazole are available in the United States. Clinical
RCTs have demonstrated the efficacy of intravenous proton
pump inhibitors in reducing gastric volume and in raising
gastric pH. In the perioperative period, such therapy reduces
the risk of aspiration. Of the five available oral proton pump
inhibitors, esomeprazole, the S-isomer of omeprazole, may
provide the greatest duration of gastric acid reduction.
Whether this advantage translates into improved outcomes in
the perioperative period is uncertain. In patients with severe
gastroesophageal reflux and erosive esophagitis, therapy with
proton pump inhibitors is preferred. In the absence of
esophagitis, intravenous H2-receptor antagonists may be ade-
quate. Antacids (⬍30 mg orally 1 and 3 hours after meals and
at bedtime) and sucralfate also are of benefit in protecting
esophageal mucosa against peptic injury but are less conve-
nient in postoperative patients. In randomized studies, sucral-
fate has been shown to be less effective in terms of the rate of
complete healing and time to complete healing than both H2-
receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors in patients
with moderate to severe reflux esophagitis.
If symptoms cannot be controlled with acid-reducing
agents alone, the addition of a prokinetic drug such as meto-
clopramide (5 to 20 mg orally or intravenously) before meals
and at bedtime may help by increasing lower esophageal
sphincter pressure and enhancing gastric emptying. Unfortu-
nately, metoclopramide has a high frequency of side effects
(e.g., drowsiness, confusion, muscle spasm, and galactorrhea).
Use of cisapride, a 5-hydroxytryptamine4 (5-HT4) agonist that

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278 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Drugs Used in the Treatment of Peptic

Ulcer Disease
Drug Oral Dose Dose Side Effects
Sodium-Potassium/Adenosine Triphosphatase Inhibitors
Omeprazole 20–40 mg qd/bid Not available Few reported (e.g.,
drug interactions)
Esomeprazole 20–40 mg qd/bid 20–40 mg qd As for omeprazole
Pantoprazole 20–40 mg qd/bid 40 mg qd As for omeprazole
Rabeprazole 20–40 mg qd/bid Not available As for omeprazole
Lansoprazole 15–30 mg qd/bid 30 mg qd As for omeprazole
H2-Receptor Antagonists
Cimetidine 300 mg qid or 300 mg q6h Mental confusion, drug
400 mg bid interactions (pheny-
toin, theophylline)
Ranitidine 150 mg bid or 50 mg q8h Few reported (rare
300 mg qhs hepatitis)
Famotidine 20 mg bid or 20 mg q12h Few reported
40 mg qhs
Nizatidine 150 mg bid or Not available Few reported
300 mg qhs
Defense-Enhancing Agents
Sucralfate 1 g qid Not available Constipation and bind-
ing of other oral
Aluminum 15 to 30 mL four Not available Inconvenience and
hydroxide to eight times diarrhea
per day
Magnesium Several times per Not available Constipation
hydroxide day
Prostaglandin Analogue
Misoprostol 200 ␮g qid Not available Diarrhea, abdominal
Triple Therapy for Helicobacter pylori (10–14 days)
Omeprazole 20 mg bid PO only Few
Two of the following:
Metronidazole 500 mg bid PO only Diarrhea, pseudomem-
Clarithromycin 500 mg bid branous colitis
Amoxicillin 1 g bid

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 279

Drugs Used in the Treatment of Peptic

Ulcer Disease (Continued)
Drug Oral Dose Dose Side Effects
Quadruple Therapy for Helicobacter pylori (2 wk)
Bismuth subsalicylate 2 tablets qid PO only Diarrhea, pseudomem-
branous colitis
Metronidazole 250 mg tid PO only Nausea, indigestion,
neuropathy, disulfi-
ram effect
Tetracycline 500 mg qid PO only Diarrhea, pseudomem-
branous colitis
Proton pump Twice daily PO only Few
Alternative Regimen for Relapse or Persistent Infection
Levofloxacin 500 mg qd PO only Diarrhea, pseudomem-
⫹ branous colitis
Proton pump Twice daily PO only Few reported

One of the following:
Amoxicillin 1 g bid PO only Diarrhea, pseudomem-
Clarithromycin 500 mg bid PO only branous colitis

bid, twice a day; qd, every day; qhs, at bedtime; qid, four times a day; PO,
by mouth; tid, three times a day.

acts as a gastric prokinetic agent, is restricted because of the

risk of cardiac dysrhythmias. Preliminary evidence suggests
that tegaserod (6 mg orally twice daily), a 5-HT4 receptor par-
tial agonist, also has prokinetic properties that may be useful
in decreasing acid reflux.

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer disease is common, occurring in up to 10% of
the U.S. adult population. The classic history in a patient
with a duodenal ulcer is of epigastric pain between meals or
at night that is temporarily relieved by food or antacids. In
contrast, the pain of gastric ulcer is more likely to be exacer-
bated by food. In addition, gastric ulcer is more likely than
duodenal ulcer to be associated with anorexia and weight
loss. However, it is difficult to differentiate a duodenal from

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280 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

a gastric ulcer on the basis of symptoms alone. Ulcer pain is

often intermittent, and many individuals with peptic ulcer
disease may have atypical symptoms or none at all.
Peptic ulcer disease is generally caused by either
Helicobacter pylori or the long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and is curable by eradication
of H. pylori or discontinuation of the NSAID. In patients with
a history of peptic ulcer disease, certain conditions that are
common in the perioperative period may favor an acute re-
currence (exacerbation) of an ulcer or may retard ulcer heal-
ing. For example, central nervous system trauma or surgery
may be associated with gastric acid hypersecretion, and hy-
potension or anoxia may impair gastric mucosal defenses.
Indeed, such factors are known to be risk factors for the de-
velopment of stress ulcerations in any critically ill patient
(see later). Whether patients with a previous peptic ulcer in
whom H. pylori has not been eradicated are at increased risk
of an exacerbation of their ulcer disease in the perioperative
period is uncertain. However, in patients with an active
ulcer, perioperative stresses may lead to an increased risk
of complications of ulcer disease, including hemorrhage
and perforation [ B Pollard et al, 1996]. Therefore, in a pa-
tient with previous ulcer disease, it seems prudent to test for
and, if present, eradicate H. pylori preoperatively.
Perioperative Management
Ulcer disease should be suspected in patients with a history of
peptic ulcer disease, ulcer-like pain, anemia, a positive test
result for fecal occult blood, or overt gastrointestinal bleeding.
The diagnosis of ulcer disease may be confirmed by either a
barium radiograph or upper endoscopy. Endoscopy is more
sensitive and specific than double-contrast upper gastrointes-
tinal radiography, especially in patients with severe duodenal
deformity resulting from chronic peptic ulcer disease. In addi-
tion, a rapid urease test or histologic evaluation with an im-
munostain can be performed on an antral biopsy specimen

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 281

obtained at endoscopy to detect H. pylori. Additional measures

to detect H. pylori include serologic testing (to detect immuno-
globulin G antibody to H. pylori), radiolabeled urea breath
testing, and an H. pylori fecal antigen enzyme-linked immuno-
sorbent assay. Each of these assays has some limitations. The
serologic test cannot distinguish active infection from remote
exposure and clearance. The breath test is cumbersome and is
not widely available. As the newest assay, the fecal antigen test
is limited somewhat by a lack of data with regard to timing
of antigen clearance following pharmacologic eradication of
H. pylori. However, the fecal antigen test is convenient.
Ulcer-like pain in the absence of a demonstrable ulcer or
other defined gastrointestinal disorder (e.g., cholelithiasis,
gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome) is
referred to as functional or nonulcer dyspepsia and is more
common than peptic ulcer disease. The causes of functional
dyspepsia are unclear but may include subtle gastroduodenal
motility disturbances and reduced gastric accommodation.
Patients with functional dyspepsia are not thought to be at
increased risk of ulcer disease, perioperatively or otherwise,
and the role of H. pylori in functional dyspepsia is uncertain.
Meta-analyses have demonstrated a small but significant
symptomatic benefit following H. pylori eradication in pa-
tients with functional dyspepsia.
Because gastric ulcers, even those that appear benign, may
actually be malignant, it is important to perform endoscopic
biopsies of these lesions to exclude malignancy. At least six
biopsies are taken from the ulcer edge and one from the cra-
ter; a specimen for cytology also should be obtained. Repeat
endoscopy, generally after 8 weeks of therapy, should be per-
formed to ensure that a gastric ulcer has healed completely
following therapy.
In general, elective surgery should be postponed in
patients with an active, untreated ulcer. Because ulcers
can heal significantly in 2 to 4 weeks, it is preferable to wait
for at least partial healing with standard therapy before pro-
ceeding with surgery.

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282 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

With available drug therapy for ulcer disease, rigid dietary
guidelines are no longer considered necessary. The single
controllable nondrug determinant of ulcer healing is ciga-
rette smoking, which should be restricted. Most available
ulcer drugs result in 6- to 8-week healing rates of 80% to
90%. The main differences in the drugs relate to cost and
side effect profiles (see Table 9-1).
Because of the role of H. pylori in the pathogenesis of pep-
tic ulcer disease and ulcer recurrence, therapy to eradicate
H. pylori from the stomach should be employed routinely
when the organism is detected in a patient with an ulcer.
Currently, the most commonly used triple-drug therapy for
H. pylori consists of a proton pump inhibitor twice daily,
amoxicillin 1000 mg twice daily, and clarithromycin 500 mg
twice daily. Eradication rates in excess of 90% can be achieved
with a 10- to 14-day course of therapy. Seven-day courses of
antibiotics also appear to be cost effective but do not lead to
eradication rates as high as with 10-day or 14-day regimens.
For patients with persistent H. pylori infection after treatment,
a quadruple-drug regimen consisting of bismuth subsalicylate
two tablets four times daily, metronidazole 250 mg three
times daily, tetracycline 500 mg four times daily, and a proton
pump inhibitor twice daily is recommended. Recent data
suggest that a 10-day course of levofloxacin 500 mg daily
with a proton pump inhibitor twice daily and amoxicillin or
clarithromycin also may be effective. Potential drawbacks to
the use of multiple drugs to cure H. pylori infection and to
heal ulcers include poor compliance, adverse reactions, and
resistance to metronidazole and clarithromycin. In addition,
patients must be cautioned not to take metronidazole
with alcohol because of a disulfiram-like reaction. Never-
theless, in practice, side effects have not been a frequent
Ulcers caused by NSAIDs are treated by discontinuation
of the NSAID and use of a proton pump inhibitor for 4 to

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 283

8 weeks. If an NSAID must be continued, a proton pump

inhibitor should also be taken twice daily. Alternatively, a
selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor may be considered.
Complications and Their Management
Several serious complications of peptic ulcer disease may oc-
cur and may, in fact, themselves be indications for surgical
More than one half of all hospital admissions for gastrointes-
tinal bleeding result from peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer
bleeding usually manifests as melena or hematemesis. Most
bleeding ulcers are treated successfully with endoscopic
therapy (e.g., electrocoagulation, injection of epinephrine, or
placement of hemostatic clips). Treatment with a proton
pump inhibitor reduces the risk of recurrent bleeding and the
need for surgery but does not decrease the risk of mortality.
(Diagnosis and management are discussed in the later section
“Evaluation and Management of the Patient with Postopera-
tive Gastrointestinal Bleeding.”) It is difficult to apply a rigid
set of indications for emergency surgery because the age of the
patient and the presence of comorbid conditions play a large
role in determining the outcome. Approximate indications for
surgery include transfusion of 4 to 8 U of blood in the first
24 hours after admission and recurrent bleeding despite en-
doscopic interventions (see following sections). When bleed-
ing is controlled successfully by conservative (nonoperative)
measures and H. pylori is detected, therapy to eradicate
H. pylori should be initiated and has been shown to decrease
the risk of recurrent ulcer bleeding.
The clinical presentation of a perforated peptic ulcer is with
the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain that quickly gener-
alizes to the entire abdomen and is followed by hypotension
and fever. Acute peritonitis typically is accompanied by a rigid,
boardlike abdomen, absent bowel sounds, and leukocytosis.

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284 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Free air under the diaphragm may be seen on an erect chest

Treatment of a perforated ulcer is usually surgical and
consists of closure of the perforation, possibly combined
with a proximal gastric vagotomy. Rarely, a nonoperative ap-
proach may be considered if an upper gastrointestinal con-
trast series with meglumine diatrizoate (Gastrografin) shows
no free leakage into the peritoneal cavity.
Ulcers may also penetrate posteriorly into the pancreas,
resulting in acute pancreatitis with severe back pain and hy-
peramylasemia. Posterior penetration may respond to medi-
cal therapy with nasogastric decompression and gastric acid
suppression with a proton pump inhibitor.
Severe or recurrent ulcer disease may lead to gastric outlet
obstruction, with a clinical presentation of vomiting, epigas-
tric pain, weight loss, and early satiety. The diagnosis may be
made by an upper gastrointestinal barium radiograph or up-
per endoscopy. A malignant cause of obstruction must be
Medical therapy, which is successful in no more than one
fourth of patients with gastric outlet obstruction, consists of
nasogastric suction, nutritional support, and aggressive anti-
ulcer therapy. Endoscopic balloon dilation of the stenotic
pylorus and placement of a stent may be considered. Many
patients ultimately require surgical procedures for relief of
the obstruction and for treatment of the ulcer diathesis.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Intestinal inflammation may result from a variety of infectious
agents, ischemia, and radiation. The two main disease entities
that constitute idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease are ul-
cerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The peak age of onset is
in the second to third decades, although the disorders may
occur at any age. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease
may require surgical treatment for specific complications of

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 285

their intestinal disease (e.g., intestinal obstruction, fistula, or

cancer), for extraintestinal complications (e.g., cholelithiasis
or nephrolithiasis), or for an unrelated condition.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is characterized by chronic inflammation of
the colonic mucosa. The clinical presentation is typically
with diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and rectal urgency. Involve-
ment of the rectum is almost universal, and inflammation
may extend proximally without interruption to a variable
extent to involve the descending colon or occasionally the
entire colon (pancolitis). The natural history is one of waxing
and waning disease activity. Rarely, severe acute exacerba-
tions of ulcerative pancolitis may be complicated by toxic
megacolon or colonic perforation. Factors that account for
flares in disease activity are poorly understood; in particular,
whether surgical stress will lead to an acute exacerbation of
ulcerative colitis is unpredictable.
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is characterized by intestinal inflammation
that is transmural (through all layers of the bowel wall), dis-
continuous, and in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract,
most commonly the terminal ileum, colon, or both. Small
intestinal involvement in particular is often complicated by
the formation of strictures and fistulas, and colonic disease is
often associated with perineal inflammation including fistu-
las and sinus tracts. Rectal involvement is less common in
colonic Crohn’s disease than in ulcerative colitis. The clinical
presentation of Crohn’s disease is often characterized by ab-
dominal pain, diarrhea that may be nonbloody or bloody,
fever, an inflammatory abdominal mass, and weight loss.
Complications resulting from small intestinal inflammation
include gallstones and kidney stones from bile salt malab-
sorption and malignancy. As in ulcerative colitis, the course
is marked by exacerbations and remissions, and the effect of
surgery on disease activity is unpredictable.

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286 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Perioperative Management
It is important for the medical consultant to confirm a diag-
nosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease and to determine
the extent and severity of the disease at the time surgical
treatment is planned. If necessary, diagnostic studies may
include upper and lower barium radiographs and colonos-
copy with biopsy. In about 10% of cases of chronic colitis, a
distinction between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s colitis may
not be possible, and the designation indeterminate colitis may
apply. Serologic tests (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
in ulcerative colitis and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibod-
ies in Crohn’s disease) may help to classify some such pa-
tients. In a patient with a recent flare in disease activity, stool
cultures and examination for ova and parasites and Clostrid-
ium difficile toxin may be indicated to exclude superimposed
infectious colitis. It is important to ask about systemic symp-
toms, including fever, arthritis, rash, ocular symptoms, jaun-
dice, and weight loss, which may require further evaluation
and treatment. Objective indicators of disease activity such as
the hemoglobin level, hematocrit value, erythrocyte sedi-
mentation rate, C-reactive protein, and serum albumin level
should be obtained. In general, unless a surgical procedure is
being performed for medically intractable inflammatory
bowel disease, every effort should be made to control disease
activity before elective surgery is undertaken. It is important
to consider the potential for perioperative NSAIDs to
exacerbate disease activity in patients with inflammatory
bowel disease [ B Bonner et al, 2004].

Drug Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis

Sulfasalazine, up to 4 to 6 g/day orally in three or four di-
vided doses, or a related 5-aminosalicylate is the drug of
choice for mild to moderately active ulcerative colitis. The
major limitation of sulfasalazine is a high rate of side effects,
which are most commonly dose related, including headache
and indigestion, and less frequently idiosyncratic, such as

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 287

fever, rash, pneumonitis, hepatitis, and pancreatitis. Alterna-

tive oral 5-aminosalicylate (mesalamine) compounds are as
effective as sulfasalazine and cause fewer side effects, but
they are more costly. Sulfasalazine or another aminosalicylate
is often used to maintain remission in ulcerative colitis.
Corticosteroids (e.g., oral prednisone, intravenous hydro-
cortisone, or methylprednisolone sodium succinate [Solu-
Medrol]) may be added in acute exacerbations to obtain
more rapid control of symptoms, although there is no role for
corticosteroids in the maintenance therapy of ulcerative
colitis. Corticosteroids are the drugs of choice for severe and
fulminant attacks of ulcerative colitis. In patients with severe
colitis unresponsive to high-dose intravenous corticoster-
oids, intravenous cyclosporine may be tried; clinical response
to this agent is usually rapid (within 1 week). Patients who
do not respond to cyclosporine require colectomy.
For patients with disease limited to the rectum or recto-
sigmoid colon, mesalamine or hydrocortisone retention en-
emas may be effective both in treatment of acute attacks and
in maintenance of remission. Mesalamine is also available in
a suppository formulation for use in limited rectal disease.
For patients with ulcerative colitis who receive mainte-
nance therapy with sulfasalazine or mesalamine, there is no
reason to add corticosteroids perioperatively. Oral sulfasala-
zine or mesalamine may be discontinued for several days and
reinstituted when the patient is able to resume oral intake. If
the patient is not able to take a drug orally, intravenous cor-
ticosteroids (e.g., hydrocortisone, 100 mg every 8 hours)
may be necessary in the immediate postoperative period if
the colitis appears to be flaring.
In all patients who have received oral prednisone preop-
eratively, appropriate “stress” doses of corticosteroids (e.g.,
hydrocortisone, 100 mg intravenously every 8 hours) must be
administered perioperatively to prevent adrenal insufficiency.
In patients with quiescent ulcerative colitis who have received
no maintenance therapy preoperatively, it is generally not

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288 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

necessary to institute anti-inflammatory therapy in the peri-

operative period unless the disease flares.

Drug Therapy for Crohn’s Disease

Drug therapy for active Crohn’s disease is similar to that for
ulcerative colitis. In general, sulfasalazine and mesalamine are
the drugs of choice for mildly to moderately severe Crohn’s
colitis, but sulfasalazine is less effective than corticosteroids in
the treatment of small intestinal Crohn’s disease. Corticoster-
oids are indicated for severe Crohn’s disease, regardless of the
site of involvement. Budesonide is an alternative to oral pred-
nisone for the treatment of moderately active Crohn’s ileoco-
litis. This agent is administered orally, undergoes extensive
first-pass metabolism by the liver, and thus results in fewer
corticosteroid-associated side effects. Budesonide and high-
dose oral mesalamine therapy (e.g., 3 g/day) may have a role
in maintaining remission. Because budesonide can suppress
the adrenal axis in 60% of patients, patients receiving long-
term budesonide therapy should be given stress doses of
corticosteroids perioperatively.
Patients who have been taking prednisone preoperatively
must continue to receive corticosteroids before, during, and
after the procedure, in appropriate doses. Antibiotics (metro-
nidazole and fluoroquinolones), which are often used to treat
Crohn’s colitis or perineal disease, and immunosuppressants
(e.g., azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, and methotrexate),
which may be used in disease refractory to corticosteroids
alone, may be discontinued during the time the patient is
unable to take medications orally. Patients with Crohn’s dis-
ease who have been receiving corticosteroids and immuno-
suppressants may be immunocompromised and at risk for
infectious complications in the perioperative period.
Some patients with Crohn’s disease, particularly those
with severe corticosteroid-dependent or corticosteroid-
refractory Crohn’s disease, and those patients with nonheal-
ing enterocutaneous and perianal fistulas, may be treated

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 289

with biologic therapy, specifically infliximab, a chimeric tu-

mor necrosis factor-␣ antibody. Limited data suggest that
perioperative use of infliximab may be safe, but the
increased risk of serious infections associated with use of
this agent requires that patients undergoing both elective
and nonelective surgical procedures be monitored closely
[ B Bibbo and Goldberg, 2004].
Systemic Disease
About 4% of patients with ulcerative colitis and occasional
patients with Crohn’s colitis may have primary sclerosing
cholangitis or, rarely, chronic hepatitis, which may occasion-
ally lead to cirrhosis with portal hypertension and esopha-
geal varices. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a fibrosing in-
flammatory disorder of bile ducts. Affected patients may have
hypoprothrombinemia resulting from malnutrition or liver
disease and thrombocytopenia secondary to hypersplenism.
Crohn’s disease in particular may also be associated with re-
nal disease and amyloidosis. Patients with inflammatory
bowel diseases have a threefold increased risk of devel-
oping venous thromboembolism and should routinely
receive perioperative prophylaxis with pneumatic com-
pression stockings and subcutaneous injection of a low-
molecular-weight heparin [ B Bernstein et al, 2001] (see
Chapter 6).
Intraoperative Considerations
Vigorous bowel preparation for abdominal surgery in pa-
tients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease may occa-
sionally lead to toxic megacolon and should be avoided.
Elective bowel resection for inflammatory bowel disease
should not be combined with other intra-abdominal proce-
dures because of increased morbidity and mortality. How-
ever, intraoperative assessment of the status of inflammatory
bowel disease during laparotomy for another reason is
worthwhile; consideration should be given to intraoperative
liver biopsy if liver biochemical test abnormalities have been

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290 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

noted. In all patients with chronic diarrhea, careful attention

should be paid to intravascular volume, renal function, and
electrolyte abnormalities. In addition, blood transfusions
may be required in the patient with anemia caused by
chronic blood loss. In patients with inflammatory bowel dis-
ease and chronic liver disease, it may be best to avoid naso-
gastric tubes, if possible, because of the presence of large
esophageal varices. Such patients also require careful intrave-
nous fluid replacement, because fluid overload may increase
portal hypertension and may lead to variceal bleeding.
Complications and Their Management
One of the most serious complications of severe inflammatory
bowel disease in the postoperative period is toxic megacolon.
The clinical presentation is with fever, tachycardia, and ab-
dominal distention, with dilation of the colon to more than
6 cm. In the postoperative period, the clinical picture may be
particularly confusing because postoperative ileus is com-
mon. Anesthetics, immobilization, use of sedatives and nar-
cotics, hypokalemia, and intestinal surgery itself may predis-
pose the patient with inflammatory bowel disease to toxic
megacolon. Supportive treatment includes high-dose intrave-
nous corticosteroids, broad-spectrum antibiotics, nasogastric
suction, and correction of electrolyte abnormalities. In some
patients, a trial of intravenous cyclosporine may be worth-
while. If the patient does not improve within 48 to 72 hours,
emergency subtotal colectomy should be considered because
of a high risk of colonic perforation and peritonitis in the
unoperated patient.
Patients with severe inflammatory bowel disease are at parti-
cular risk for malnutrition because of decreased caloric intake,
malabsorption, maldigestion, enteric protein loss, and chronic
inflammation. In the severely malnourished patient, elective
surgical procedures should be postponed until profound

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 291

nutritional deficiencies are corrected. In less severely malnour-

ished patients, it may be appropriate to administer nutritional
support in the perioperative period without postponing elec-
tive surgery, although the value of nutritional support in this
setting is uncertain. Perioperative nutritional support may be
administered by oral infusion of an elemental diet through a
small-bore feeding tube or, if necessary, by total parenteral
nutrition through a central venous line. Total bowel rest is of-
ten beneficial in controlling a flare of inflammatory bowel
disease, and nutritional repletion is important for wound heal-
ing in the postoperative patient (see also Chapter 4).

Corticosteroid Use
Concern is often raised about an adverse effect of intravenous
corticosteroids on wound healing and predisposition to post-
operative infection, although the magnitude of the latter risk
is uncertain. In addition, the clinician needs to be alert to
other effects of corticosteroid use, including hyperglycemia,
hypokalemia, fluid retention, and hypertension. The patient
who has received long-term corticosteroid therapy is also at
risk of osteoporosis, glaucoma, and cataracts.
Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is associated with a mortality rate as high
as 10% and should lead to postponement of all but emer-
gency surgery. The more common causes of acute pancreatitis
include gallstones, alcohol, certain drugs, hyperlipidemia,
and trauma (Box 9-1). (Postoperative pancreatitis is discussed
The clinical presentation of acute pancreatitis is with bor-
ing epigastric abdominal pain, localized abdominal tender-
ness with signs of peritoneal irritation, nausea and vomiting,
fever, hyperamylasemia, and, occasionally, hypotension or
shock. Severe acute pancreatitis, which occurs in only a mi-
nority of patients, may affect multiple organs and may lead

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292 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period


Abdominal surgery
Toxins (e.g., organophosphorus)
Drugs: Furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, sulfonamides, tetra-
cyclines, valproic acid, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine,
L-asparaginase, estrogens
Pancreas divisum
Ischemic (hypoperfusion, vasculitis)
Viral infections
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Pancreatic or ampullary neoplasm
Hereditary pancreatitis
Penetrating peptic ulcer disease
End-stage renal disease
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
Postoperative status

to acute respiratory distress syndrome, hypocalcemia, dis-

seminated intravascular coagulation, acute tubular necrosis,
and fat necrosis. Several clinical and biochemical parameters
early in the course may be used to provide a rough estima-
tion of prognosis (Box 9-2).
Radiologic evaluation of acute pancreatitis should include
plain radiographs of the abdomen to look for evidence of in-
testinal ileus and pancreatic calcifications resulting from
chronic pancreatitis. Chest radiographs should be obtained to
look for pleural effusions and interstitial lung edema. Com-
puted tomography following administration of intravenous

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 293



Age ⬎55 yr
White blood cells ⬎16,000/mm3
Glucose ⬎200 mg/dL
Lactate dehydrogenase ⬎350 U/L
Aspartate aminotransferase ⬎250 U/L
Hematocrit decrease of ⬎10 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen increase of ⬎5 mg/dL
Calcium ⬍8 mg/dL
Partial pressure of arterial oxygen ⬍60 mm Hg
Base deficit ⬎4 mEq/L
Fluid sequestration ⬎6 L

contrast material (generally after the first week of illness) may

be used to assess the severity of pancreatitis; look for evidence
of pancreatic necrosis, pseudocyst, and abscess; and guide
needle aspiration in cases of pancreatic necrosis to determine
whether infection, an absolute indication for surgical débride-
ment, is present.
Treatment of acute pancreatitis is largely supportive and in-
cludes volume resuscitation, parenteral analgesics and anti-
emetics, avoidance of oral intake, nasogastric suction in pa-
tients with vomiting or ileus, intravenous administration of a
proton pump inhibitor or H2-receptor antagonist, and careful
monitoring of hemodynamics and renal function. Most pa-
tients recover uneventfully. In severe cases, monitoring of
arterial oxygenation and the pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure is desirable. Early use of endoscopic retrograde

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294 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

cholangiopancreatography with sphincterotomy is beneficial

in patients with acute gallstone pancreatitis with evidence of
biliary obstruction (dilated ducts or jaundice) and when
cholangitis is also present. In patients with prolonged cases
of acute pancreatitis, enteral nutrition should be adminis-
tered. Serial computed tomographic scans should be ob-
tained to monitor for the development of a pseudocyst or
abscess, which may require percutaneous, endoscopic, or
surgical drainage. Surgical débridement may be necessary in
cases of pancreatic necrosis but should be delayed until the
third to fourth week of illness if possible.
Chronic Pancreatitis
Surgery may be required in a patient with chronic pancreati-
tis as part of the treatment of the underlying disease, for a
complication, or for an unrelated condition. Complications
of chronic pancreatitis include the following: malnutrition;
pseudocysts, which can rupture, bleed, become infected, or
cause intestinal obstruction; obstruction of the intrapancre-
atic portion of the common bile duct; and thrombosis of the
splenic or portal vein, with resulting gastroesophageal vari-
ces. Pancreatic ascites may best be managed by endoscopic
placement of a stent across the disrupted pancreatic duct.
Pancreatic enzyme replacement (e.g., pancrelipase, two to
three tablets orally three times a day with meals and one or
two with snacks) may improve the maldigestion and malnu-
trition that often accompany chronic pancreatitis. Frequently,
chronic pancreatitis may lead to narcotic addiction because
of a large requirement for analgesic medications to control
chronic pain. Medication doses required for induction of
anesthesia may be increased in such patients. When there is
evidence of pancreatic duct obstruction with proximal dila-
tion, the chronic pain of pancreatitis may respond to a drain-
age operation such as a longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy,
sometimes with resection of the pancreatic head. Similarly,

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 295

endoscopic or surgical decompression of a large pseudocyst

may result in pain relief. Pancreatic enzyme supplementation
with an uncoated formulation to suppress pancreatic secre-
tion, often given with oral bicarbonate, an H2-receptor an-
tagonist, or a proton pump inhibitor, may lead to pain relief
in some patients. Total or subtotal pancreatectomy as a
means of pain control is associated with unpredictable re-
sults. Neurolysis of the celiac ganglion is less effective in re-
lieving the pain of chronic pancreatitis than the pain of
pancreatic cancer.

Constipation is common in bedridden postoperative pa-
tients; it is usually mild and self-limited and often multifacto-
rial in origin. Many drugs used in the perioperative period
may contribute to constipation (Box 9-3). Several common
metabolic disorders that may occur postoperatively may con-
tribute to constipation, including hypokalemia, hypercalce-
mia, acidosis, and uremia. Diabetes mellitus and hypothy-
roidism are additional metabolic causes of constipation. In
some cases, mechanical disorders that may lead to constipa-
tion should be considered, including fecal impaction, intes-
tinal tumors, volvulus, hernias, and strictures from ischemia,
radiation, diverticulitis, or surgical procedures. Anorectal
disorders that may lead to constipation include painful
hemorrhoids, fissures, perirectal abscess, ulcerative proctitis,
and rectal prolapse. Intestinal ileus and colonic pseudo-
obstruction are common following gastrointestinal surgery
(see later) and may account for constipation. Occasionally,
extraperitoneal causes such as acute pancreatitis and retro-
peritoneal hemorrhage must be considered.

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296 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period


Opiates (e.g., morphine, codeine)
Opioids (e.g., fentanyl, pethidine, tramadol)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., diclofenac,
Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline, doxepin)
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (e.g., phenelzine)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine, parox-
Anxiolytics (e.g., trazodone, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide)
Antipsychotics (e.g., thioridazine, prochlorperazine, thiothixene)
Calcium supplements
Pamidronate, alendronate
Proton pump inhibitors
Others (5-acetylsalicylate agents, octreotide)
Calcium antagonists (e.g., nifedipine)

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 297


Iron supplements
Anticholinergic agents (e.g., trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, aman-

Adapted from Lamparelli MJ, Kumar D: Investigation and management of con-

stipation. Clin Med 2:415-420, 2002. Copyright 2002, Royal College of Physicians.
Adapted by permission.

Postoperative Management
The management of constipation in the postoperative patient
begins with discontinuation of predisposing medications
when possible, especially opiate analgesics, and correction of
any metabolic abnormalities that may be present. Resump-
tion of normal physical activity and dietary intake, including
adequate fluids and bulk, often helps. Various laxatives are
available for the short-term treatment of constipation, as long
as mechanical obstruction has been excluded. Bulk agents
such as psyllium (e.g., Metamucil, 1 tbsp orally twice a day)
and cellulose derivatives are generally the first line of ther-
apy; it is important that they be accompanied by adequate
fluid intake. Emollient agents such as docusate sodium (e.g.,
docusate, 100 mg twice a day) and lubricants such as mineral
oil (15 to 45 mL orally twice a day) can be used to soften
hard stool in the colon. Occasionally, saline cathartics such as
magnesium citrate (200 mL orally every day), stimulant laxa-
tives such as senna derivatives, osmotic agents such as lactu-
lose (30 mL orally twice a day) or polyethylene glycol (Mira-
Lax, 1 tsp/8 ounces of fluid/day), or a secretory agent such as
lubiprostone (24 ␮g orally twice daily) may be needed.

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298 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction and Obstruction

Postoperative Ileus and Intestinal Obstruction
Abdominal surgery has a profound inhibitory effect on gastro-
intestinal motility as a result of sympathetic hyperactivity and
inhibition of normal intestinal migrating myoelectric com-
plexes; the resulting adynamic ileus often involves both the
small and large bowel. In the immediate postoperative period,
nasogastric suction traditionally has been used to prevent
bowel distention and abdominal discomfort until intestinal
function returns. However, the need for routine nasogastric
intubation in all patients undergoing abdominal surgical
procedures has been questioned [ B Nelson et al, 2005]. Care
should be taken to avoid hypokalemic alkalosis from the con-
tinuous suctioning of acidic gastric contents. Occasionally,
postoperative ileus may be markedly prolonged, especially in
the seriously ill patient who has undergone extensive surgical
procedures. Nonmechanical causes of prolonged ileus are
listed in Box 9-4. In the patient with an apparently prolonged
postoperative ileus, it is necessary to exclude mechanical
intestinal obstruction caused by adhesions, gut herniation,
anastomotic stricture, or volvulus. An upright, plain abdomi-
nal radiograph is likely to demonstrate air-fluid levels in
patients with either an ileus or mechanical intestinal obstruc-
tion; only mechanical obstruction is associated with dilated
bowel above the level of obstruction and absent bowel gas
below this level. Barium radiographs of the gastrointestinal
tract may be necessary to determine the level of obstruction.
A barium enema should be performed before an upper gastro-
intestinal series and small bowel follow-through to avoid in-
spissation of barium in the colon if there is an obstructing
colonic lesion. Treatment of persistent mechanical intestinal
obstruction is usually surgical.
Colonic Pseudo-obstruction
Colonic pseudo-obstruction, often referred to as Ogilvie’s
syndrome, is a particular form of intestinal pseudo-obstruction
characterized by colonic ileus and dilation without obstruction,

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 299


Box 9-4


Collagen vascular diseases
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid disease
Ischemic bowel disease
Electrolyte disturbances (e.g., hypokalemia)
Open surgical procedure
Type of anesthesia
DRUGS (see Box 9-3)

most commonly involving the cecum and ascending colon.

The clinical presentation is with abdominal distention,
usually with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Bowel
sounds may be normal or high pitched, and rebound tender-
ness may be present. The pathogenic factors are much
the same as those for postoperative constipation
(Box 9-5); drugs that inhibit gut motility (see Box 9-3) are
frequently implicated. The exact cause of Ogilvie’s syndrome
is unclear, although an imbalance in sympathetic and para-
sympathetic tone is thought to be at the root of the problem.
Patients undergoing spinal surgery or procedures during
which the retroperitoneum is entered are at increased risk.
The differential diagnosis of colonic pseudo-obstruction in-
cludes colonic volvulus, fecal impaction, ischemic colitis,
typhlitis (neutropenic colitis), and mechanical obstruction.
Management of intestinal or colonic pseudo-obstruction con-
sists of nasogastric suction, rectal tube insertion, discontinu-
ation of narcotic and anticholinergic medications, treatment

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300 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period


Box 9-5

Metabolic causes
Electrolyte imbalance
Acid-base disturbances
Diabetes mellitus
Inflammatory processes (e.g., pancreatitis and cholecystitis)
Nonoperative trauma
Radiation therapy
Respiratory failure
Cardiovascular disease
Respiratory disease

From Vanek VW, Al-Salti M: Acute pseudo-obstruction of the colon (Ogilvie’s

syndrome): An analysis of 400 cases. Dis Colon Rectum 29:203-210, 1986. With
kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media.

of infection, and correction of any metabolic abnormalities.

The parasympathomimetic agent neostigmine, 2 mg given
intravenously over 1 to 3 minutes, has been shown to
be effective in reversing acute colonic pseudo-obstruction
[ A Paran et al, 2000; Ponec et al, 1999; Stephenson et al, 1993].
Evidence for the usefulness of prokinetic agents such as

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 301

metoclopramide, erythromycin, bethanechol, and serotonin

receptor agonists, such as tegaserod, is limited. Clinical re-
sponse is determined by following serial abdominal examina-
tions and radiographs.
Postsurgical pseudo-obstruction usually resolves with medical
management within 3 to 6 days. The most feared complication
of Ogilvie’s syndrome is progressive dilation, leading to mu-
cosal ischemia and colonic perforation with peritonitis. The
risk of perforation increases greatly when the cecal diameter is
more than 12 cm and when the duration of dilation exceeds
6 days. If colonic dilation does not resolve with conservative
measures including neostigmine within 48 to 72 hours, con-
sideration should be given to colonoscopic decompression
with placement of a colonic tube; rarely, surgical decompres-
sion may be necessary.
Postoperative gastroparesis is seen particularly after vagotomy,
in diabetic or uremic patients, or in patients with peptic ulcer
disease and gastric outlet obstruction. Risk factors also in-
clude malnutrition and a Whipple procedure (pancreatico-
duodenectomy) for malignancy [McCallum and George,
2001]. The clinical presentation is with abdominal distention
and bloating. A succussion splash on physical examination
and an enlarged gastric bubble on an abdominal radiograph
are characteristic. When necessary, gastric outlet obstruction
can be confirmed by an upper gastrointestinal series or upper
endoscopy, whereas gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying
in the absence of mechanical obstruction can be demon-
strated by a gastric emptying scintiscan after a meal contain-
ing a radiolabeled marker. Management of acute postsurgical
gastric dilation includes nasogastric suction, an intravenous
H2-receptor antagonist or proton pump inhibitor, and a trial
of intravenous metoclopramide or possibly erythromycin
when mechanical obstruction has been excluded. Cisapride

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302 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

has been linked to cardiac toxicity and is no longer generally

available. Gastric electrical stimulation techniques to improve
gastroparesis are under investigation. Underlying causes
should be sought and treated.

Nausea and Vomiting

Contributing Factors
Nausea and vomiting are common in the postoperative pe-
riod and may represent an important sign of an underlying
pathologic condition or a nonspecific, self-limited occur-
rence. Postoperative nausea and vomiting has numerous
causes (Box 9-6). Drugs that may cause nausea and vomiting
include general anesthetics, opiate analgesics, and digitalis,
all of which act directly on the chemoreceptor trigger zone in
the brain. The occurrence of postoperative vomiting is re-
lated to the duration of anesthesia, the amount of anesthetic
used, and the types of anesthetics and associated drugs used
(e.g., use of neostigmine to reverse the effects of nondepolar-
izing muscle relaxants). Postanesthetic nausea and vomiting
are most likely to occur and tend to be most severe in
women, obese patients, and those with a history of motion
sickness. Nausea and vomiting are particularly associated
with abdominal, gynecologic, urologic, ophthalmologic, and
middle ear surgical procedures. Other contributory factors
include postoperative ileus, gastroparesis, and mechanical
intestinal obstruction. Other intra-abdominal processes as-
sociated with nausea and vomiting include peritonitis, acute
pancreatitis, and acute cholecystitis. Nausea and vomiting
may also result from food intolerance on resumption of oral
feedings after prolonged total parenteral nutrition.
The temporal relationship between vomiting and oral intake
may be helpful in the differential diagnosis. Vomiting immedi-
ately after a meal may result from pyloric channel edema and
spasm caused by ulcer disease. Vomiting that occurs several
hours after a meal may result from gastric outlet obstruction or

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 303

a gastric motility disorder. The content of the emesis may also

provide diagnostic clues: vomiting undigested food suggests
achalasia or an esophageal diverticulum, whereas vomiting old
digested food usually results from gastroparesis or gastric outlet
obstruction. The presence of bile in the emesis implies a patent
In most cases, nausea and vomiting in the postoperative
period are self-limited. When symptoms are prolonged and
severe, diagnostic studies, including an upper gastrointestinal


Box 9-6

Length of anesthesia
Type of surgery (abdominal, gynecologic, urologic, ophthal-
mologic, middle ear)
Female gender
History of motion sickness
Postoperative ileus or pain
Refeeding after prolonged disuse of gastrointestinal tract
Metabolic factors
Electrolyte disturbances
General anesthetics
Opiate analgesics
Mechanical causes
Intestinal obstruction
Gastric outlet obstruction (e.g., pyloric channel ulcer)
Inflammatory processes
Acute pancreatitis
Acute cholecystitis

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304 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

series, upper endoscopy, gastric emptying scan, and ultraso-

nography, may be necessary.

Perioperative Management
The cornerstone of treatment for postoperative nausea and
vomiting is the elimination of precipitating causes, including
contributing drugs. Intestinal obstruction and infection
should be sought and treated. Intravenous hydration is criti-
cal, and nasogastric suction may be useful. Antiemetic drugs
and proton pump inhibitors may be of benefit, but gastric
prokinetic agents must be avoided if intestinal obstruction is
present. The prokinetic agent metoclopramide (5 to 20 mg
intravenously or orally four times a day 30 minutes before
meals and at bedtime if the patient is eating) promotes gastro-
intestinal motility. The patient receiving metoclopramide
must be monitored closely for side effects, including dystonic
reactions, tremor, and mental confusion. When administered
toward the end of a surgical procedure, ondansetron (4 mg
intravenously), droperidol (1.25 mg intravenously), and
dexamethasone (4 mg intravenously) have each been shown
to decrease the frequency of postoperative nausea and vomit-
ing. Combination therapy may be required in some patients.
The 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonists (5-HT3) with
activity similar to that of ondansetron include granisetron,
tropisetron, and dolasetron. A newer class of antiemetics,
neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists such as aprepitant, show
promise for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomit-
ing. Droperidol has been associated with cardiac arrhythmias.
Phenothiazines such as prochlorperazine are no longer rou-
tinely recommended.

Complications and Their Management

Vomiting in the postoperative period may lead to a variety of
complications. Metabolic consequences of vomiting include
hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and sodium depletion.

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 305

Mechanical injury to the esophagus can result from retching

or vomiting, including Mallory-Weiss (mucosal) tears at the
gastroesophageal junction and, rarely, esophageal perforation
with mediastinitis (Boerhaave’s syndrome). Vomiting can lead
to wound dehiscence and delayed healing of suture lines.
The recumbent, often sedated postoperative patient is at par-
ticular risk of aspiration of the vomitus, with resulting pneu-
monia. Some evidence indicates that the risk of aspiration
is increased further in patients receiving intravenous H2-
receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, or oral antac-
ids because of increased gastric pH and proliferation of intra-
gastric bacteria (see later).

Diarrhea is common in the postoperative period and may be
caused by numerous factors.
Drugs are a frequent cause of postoperative diarrhea
(Table 9-2). Common pharmacologic causes of diarrhea in
the postoperative period include magnesium-containing ant-
acids, antibiotics, digitalis, quinidine, theophylline, and laxa-
tives. Frequently, diarrhea can result from nutritional addi-
tives such as sorbitol. Oral caloric supplements may also
cause diarrhea. Diarrhea can be expected to resolve when the
offending drug is discontinued or when a caloric supplement
is diluted or administered at a slower rate.
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is a major cause of diarrhea in
postsurgical patients. The mild diarrhea that frequently oc-
curs in postsurgical patients receiving antibiotics is thought to
be caused by alteration of colonic bacterial flora and usually
resolves promptly with discontinuation of the antibiotic. Of
all patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, 15% to 25%
have a positive stool assay for C. difficile toxin, which may

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306 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

TABLE 9-2 Drugs That May Cause Diarrhea

Antineoplastic Nervous System Cardiovascular Other
Cytarabine Alprazolam Angiotensin-converting Antibiotics
Dactinomycin Ethosuximide enzyme inhibitors Bumetanide
Doxorubicin Fluoxetine (e.g., enalapril, Cimetidine
Estramustine Lithium captopril) Clofibrate
Etoposide Meprobamate ␤-Blockers (e.g., Colchicine
Floxuridine Valproic acid propranolol) Furosemide
(FUDR) Bretylium Gemfibrozil
Fluorouracil Chlorpropamide Glipizide
Interferon Digitalis Lovastatin
Methotrexate Ergot derivatives Magnesium
Procarbazine Guanethidine Misoprostol
Hydralazine Olsalazine
L-Dopa Phosphorus
Methyldopa Probucol
Procainamide Sulfasalazine
Quinidine Thyroxine

result in pseudomembranous colitis. The diarrhea of pseudo-

membranous colitis usually begins within a few days of the
start of antibiotic therapy but may occur up to 6 weeks after
completion of a course of either oral or intravenous antibiot-
ics. The diarrhea is often profusely watery and may occasion-
ally be grossly bloody. Patients with diabetes, sepsis, or cancer
or those who have received preoperative bowel preparation or
gastric acid suppressive therapy, especially a proton pump
inhibitor, are at increased risk of pseudomembranous colitis.
Any antibiotic except vancomycin may lead to pseudomem-
branous colitis; cephalosporins, ampicillin, clindamycin, and
aminoglycosides were implicated most commonly in the past.
In more recent outbreaks of C. difficile–associated diarrhea,
administration of fluoroquinolones has been the most impor-
tant risk factor. The diarrhea is usually positive for occult
blood and is accompanied by fever, leukocytosis, and cramp-
ing abdominal pain. Less commonly, hematochezia, abdomi-
nal tenderness, and volume depletion occur; toxic megacolon

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 307

may ensue. In elderly patients, C. difficile infection has been

associated with subclinical protein-losing enteropathy in the
absence of overt diarrhea. More recent outbreaks have been
associated with a virulent form of C. difficile that produces
high levels of toxin and with high morbidity and mortality
rates (Loo et al, 2005).
The diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis is often made
in the appropriate setting by the detection of a C. difficile
toxin in the stool. Two toxins (A and B) are involved in the
pathogenesis of C. difficile. An assay for C. difficile toxin is
positive in 90% to 95% of cases of pseudomembranous coli-
tis when up to three stool specimens are tested. The standard
tissue culture assay detects both toxins A and B and is
slightly more sensitive than immunoassays, but the latter are
much faster and are preferred. The diagnosis can also be
confirmed on sigmoidoscopy by the demonstration of char-
acteristic yellow-white plaquelike membranes on a boggy,
erythematous base. In some cases, the rectum and even sig-
moid colon are spared, and only right-sided pseudomembra-
nous colitis is detectable on colonoscopy. Occasional patients
with antibiotic-associated diarrhea and a negative C. difficile
assay have pseudomembranous colitis caused by other toxi-
genic bacteria, such as Clostridium perfringens.
Management of Pseudomembranous Colitis. Treatment
consists of withdrawing the offending antibiotic and
starting oral metronidazole, 250 mg every 8 hours for 10
to 14 days [ C Bartlett, 2002]. Alternatively, oral vancomycin,
125 mg every 6 hours, may be used, but it is more expensive
than metronidazole and has been associated with the emer-
gence of resistant Enterococcus faecium in some hospitals. Con-
versely, reports of resistance to metronidazole have begun to
appear, with rates higher than 20% in some outbreaks. Anti-
motility agents such as diphenoxylate and atropine (Lomotil)
or loperamide should be avoided. The relapse rate after ther-
apy is about 20%; relapses usually respond to a second course
of therapy. In the occasional patient with multiple relapses, it

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308 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

is necessary to treat with prolonged and tapering courses of

oral vancomycin or novel therapies such as capsules contain-
ing the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. A C. difficile toxoid vac-
cine for patients with recurrent C. difficile–associated diarrhea
is under study. Severe cases of pseudomembranous colitis with
intestinal ileus precluding oral drug administration may
be treated with metronidazole, 500 mg intravenously every
8 hours. Occasionally, toxic megacolon develops and requires
surgical treatment; an increased risk of toxic megacolon is as-
sociated with the use of corticosteroids, laxatives, or antimo-
tility agents, total parenteral nutrition, immunosuppression,
and prolonged hospitalization.
Fecal Impaction
In the immobile, medicated postoperative patient who has
frequent, small, liquid stools or continuous oozing of liquid
stool, the diagnosis of paradoxical diarrhea caused by a fecal
impaction must be considered. The passage of liquid stool
results from overflow around a large obstructing fecal mass,
often in the rectum. The diagnosis usually can be made by
rectal examination and a plain abdominal radiograph. Treat-
ment is by manual disimpaction and tap water enemas. Oc-
casionally, mineral oil given orally or rectally is helpful to
loosen hard stools. After disimpaction, the patient should be
given stool softeners and bulk laxatives.
Ischemic Colitis
Postoperative diarrhea may be caused by ischemic colitis,
often resulting from ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery
after aortoiliac reconstruction, abdominal aneurysmectomy,
or abdominoperineal resection. Ischemic colitis caused by
nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia may also occur in the set-
ting of diminished cardiac output caused by congestive heart
failure, cardiac arrhythmias, intravascular volume depletion,
or cardiac surgery. Most patients are more than 50 years of
age and have underlying atherosclerosis. The clinical presen-
tation is with acute diarrhea, often containing gross blood,
and abdominal pain, usually in the left lower quadrant and

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 309

accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and leukocy-

tosis. Peritoneal signs may not be clinically evident initially,
and careful and repeated abdominal examination is necessary
to monitor for the development of colonic infarction. Occa-
sionally, the onset of ischemic colitis is subacute, with lesser
degrees of abdominal pain and bleeding over days to weeks
and sparing of the rectum because of collateral blood flow;
resolution usually occurs within 2 to 4 weeks, occasionally
with formation of a postischemic stricture.
Sigmoidoscopic or colonoscopic examination characteris-
tically shows submucosal hemorrhage, mucosal bleeding, and
ulceration. Abdominal radiographs may show colonic dilation
and “thumbprinting” resulting from submucosal hemorrhage
and edema. Barium enema is generally avoided because of the
risk of perforation but classically shows sawtooth ulcerations
and narrowing of the colonic lumen in the affected area, most
commonly the sigmoid colon or splenic flexure. Angiography
is generally not necessary for diagnosis.
Treatment of ischemic colitis consists of bowel rest, nasogastric
suction, intravenous fluids, optimization of the cardiac status,
and intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics. Digitalis prepara-
tions must be used with caution in patients with ischemic
colitis because they may cause mesenteric vasoconstriction.
Ischemic colitis is usually self-limited but occasionally pro-
gresses to colonic infarction with peritonitis. Surgical interven-
tion may be required in cases of suspected infarction or perfo-
ration. Healing may lead to stricture formation, which may
require endoscopic therapy or surgical treatment to relieve
The usual infectious causes of diarrhea (e.g., Escherichia coli,
Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, and Yersinia) are encoun-
tered rarely when diarrhea develops in the postoperative
period. Giardiasis, amebiasis, and opportunistic infections
may also be seen. In immunocompromised hosts, such as

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310 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,

organisms such as Mycobacterium avium complex, Crypto-
sporidium, and Isospora belli should also be considered.
Consequences of Surgical Procedures
Diarrhea may be an expected, usually temporary, occurrence
after certain types of gastrointestinal operations. It is often
the first sign of the resumption of bowel activity. In some
cases, diarrhea may represent a complication of a gastroin-
testinal operation and may require specific treatment, even
Diarrhea is a well-described complication of truncal vagot-
omy, usually for peptic ulcer disease. The pathogenesis is
unknown. Increased gastric emptying and decreased intesti-
nal transit times may contribute to postvagotomy diarrhea.
Therapy with octreotide, oral cholestyramine, which binds
bile acids, or verapamil may be helpful.
Large ileal resections (⬎100 cm) can lead to luminal bile salt
deficiency resulting in fat malabsorption and colonic secre-
tion caused by hydroxy fatty acids, which are released by the
action of colonic bacteria on unabsorbed dietary triglycer-
ides. Steatorrhea and malabsorption resulting from ileal re-
section are managed by limiting dietary fat intake and sup-
plementing the diet with medium-chain triglycerides and
fat-soluble vitamins. Shorter ileal resections (⬍100 cm) may
cause diarrhea as a result of stimulation of colonic secretion
by unabsorbed bile salts (choleraic diarrhea). By binding in-
testinal bile salts, oral cholestyramine (4 g four times a day)
may control choleraic diarrhea (see also “Complications of
Small Intestine Resection and Bypass”).
Cholecystectomy can also lead to choleraic diarrhea as a result
of loss of the gallbladder reservoir for bile and continuous
delivery of bile to the intestine. Other mechanisms appear to

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 311

be involved as well, and this explains the inconsistent re-

sponse to therapy with cholestyramine.
Some degree of pancreatic insufficiency, with resulting diar-
rhea and steatorrhea, is frequent after Whipple’s procedure
(pancreaticoduodenectomy) and is invariable after major
pancreatic resections. Treatment with pancreatic enzyme
supplements usually results in symptomatic improvement
and decreased steatorrhea.
A blind loop syndrome with overgrowth of intestinal bacteria
and malabsorption may occur after partial gastrectomy with
a Billroth II anastomosis or after intestinal bypass proce-
dures. The blind loop syndrome is treated with intermittent
courses of a broad-spectrum oral antibiotic.
Surgery may cause diarrhea by leading to expression of a
previously latent underlying gastrointestinal disease. For ex-
ample, gastric resection may unmask celiac disease or intes-
tinal lactase deficiency. As discussed earlier, nongastrointesti-
nal surgical procedures may be associated with a flare of
underlying inflammatory bowel disease.
Evaluation of the Patient with Postoperative Diarrhea
The evaluation of the patient with postoperative diarrhea
should begin with a review of medications and other factors
(e.g., radiation history, recent antibiotic use, nature of sur-
gery) that may provide clues to the cause of diarrhea. Often,
unnecessary diarrhea-inducing medications can be stopped.
Rectal examination should be performed to exclude the pos-
sibility of overflow diarrhea around a fecal impaction. The
stool should be examined for blood and fecal leukocytes and
assayed for C. difficile toxin. Conversely, routine stool cultures
for enteric pathogens have a low yield in nosocomial cases of
acute diarrhea and are not routinely indicated. If these studies
are unrevealing, sigmoidoscopy can be performed to look for

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312 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

evidence of colitis. Further testing can be pursued as appro-

priate to the clinical setting and may include colonoscopy,
barium radiography, video capsule endoscopy, and tests for
malabsorption (see earlier for specific therapy).
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious postsurgical problem
with a mortality rate of up to 10%; in some subgroups, the
mortality rate is 50% to 90% [ C Hiramoto et al, 2003]. As in the
nonsurgical patient, the first priority of management is to
resuscitate the patient hemodynamically. When the patient is
stable, an orderly search for the cause of bleeding can be un-
dertaken, and in some cases specific therapy directed toward
the underlying lesion can be administered. Common causes of
gastrointestinal bleeding in the postoperative period are con-
sidered individually, and a general approach to the manage-
ment of postoperative gastrointestinal bleeding follows.
Stress Gastropathy and Ulceration
In the past, stress ulcers were a common cause of postop-
erative gastrointestinal hemorrhage; they are still nearly
universal in critically ill patients. In contrast to chronic pep-
tic ulcers, stress ulcers are likely to be asymptomatic, mul-
tiple, superficial (with a low risk of perforation), and located
in acid-producing areas of the stomach (fundus and body).
Bleeding from stress ulcers occurs 3 to 7 days postopera-
tively in a minority of patients, generally arises from super-
ficial capillaries, and is thus rarely exsanguinating. However,
the occurrence of significant bleeding increases the mortality
rate considerably in critically ill patients. Risk factors for
bleeding from stress ulcers include central nervous system
injury (Cushing’s ulcer), extensive burns involving more
than 35% of the body surface area (Curling’s ulcer), hypo-
tension, uremia, sepsis, coagulopathy, and respiratory failure
with the need for mechanical ventilation. With improvements

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 313

in intensive care, the risk of serious bleeding from stress

ulcers in patients in a medical intensive care unit has de-
creased since the early 1990s from approximately 20% to
only 3.5%. However, patients with risk factors for stress
ulceration should still receive prophylactic treatment,
which has been shown to decrease the bleeding risk by
50% [ C Hiramoto et al, 2003].
Prophylactic therapy against stress ulceration is more effec-
tive than treatment of actively bleeding ulcers, because mor-
tality from acute bleeding may be as high as 80%. The stan-
dard approach to prophylaxis has been neutralization of the
gastric luminal pH, most commonly by intravenous admin-
istration of an H2-receptor antagonist or oral or intravenous
administration of a proton pump inhibitor. Proton pump
inhibitors are preferred because they are more potent and
reliable acid suppressors than H2-receptor antagonists. Su-
cralfate and antacids are no longer used routinely for stress
ulcer prevention in the postoperative setting, although in the
past, sucralfate was thought to be associated with lower rate
of late-onset (after 4 days) pneumonia than were H2-receptor
antagonists. H2-receptor antagonists are more effective in
maintaining a steady gastric pH when they are given as a
continuous infusion after an initial priming dose than when
given as intermittent boluses, but both approaches are
equally effective in preventing bleeding.
Oral proton pump inhibitors are well tolerated, have few
side effects, and, when administered in a single daily dose,
may reduce the frequency of clinically significant gastrointes-
tinal bleeding by as much as 25% when compared with ra-
nitidine, probably because of improved gastric acid suppres-
sion. Proton pump inhibitors can interfere with the
metabolism of some orally administered medications.
Intravenous proton pump inhibitors act rapidly to
suppress gastric acid production. Use of an intravenous

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314 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

formulation is attractive, particularly in postoperative pa-

tients who require prolonged mechanical ventilation. Intra-
venous proton pump inhibitors reduce the risk of recurrent
gastrointestinal bleeding compared with placebo but have
not been compared rigorously with oral proton pump in-
hibitors. Currently, the three intravenous proton pump in-
hibitors available in the United States are lansoprazole, pan-
toprazole, and esomeprazole.
Occasionally, angiographic, endoscopic, or surgical inter-
vention is required to control bleeding from stress ulceration.
In some cases, oversewing of bleeding sites may be accompa-
nied by an acid-reducing operation.
It is likely that surgical procedures promote exacerbation of
chronic peptic ulcer disease (see also the earlier discussion of
peptic ulcer disease). Reactivated peptic ulcer disease may
easily be confused with stress ulceration in the postoperative
period. Investigators have hypothesized that surgery may
alter the balance between aggressive and defensive factors
and may lead to reactivation of chronic ulcer disease. The
role of H. pylori in this setting is unclear. Risk factors for ulcer
bleeding include older age, use of NSAIDs, anticoagulation,
and long-term corticosteroid use. Recurrent peptic ulcers in
the postoperative period are often painless, and bleeding
may occur in the absence of typical pain. As discussed earlier
in the section on peptic ulcer disease, perioperative prophy-
laxis with a proton pump inhibitor is recommended for pa-
tients with a history of the disease, although the efficacy of
such prophylaxis is unproved. When present, H. pylori
should be eradicated with appropriate therapy. In patients
who have bled from an ulcer, every effort should be made to
avoid NSAIDs. If an NSAID is necessary, a proton pump
inhibitor twice daily should be prescribed, or a selective
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor should be considered, in combi-
nation with a proton pump inhibitor, in high-risk patients.

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 315

Mallory-Weiss Tears
Factors that predispose to Mallory-Weiss tears in the postop-
erative period include retching, vomiting, and coughing,
with resulting high intra-abdominal pressures and large pres-
sure gradients across the gastroesophageal junction. Mallory-
Weiss tears account for fewer than 5% of cases of postop-
erative bleeding, are generally self-limited, and respond to
control of nausea and vomiting with the use of nasogastric
suction, antiemetics, and gastric acid suppression. Endo-
scopic intervention may occasionally be required.
Esophagitis resulting from gastroesophageal reflux disease is
discussed earlier in the section on gastroesophageal reflux
disease. Postoperative patients are also at risk for the develop-
ment of infectious esophagitis caused by Candida albicans,
herpesvirus, and cytomegalovirus, which may cause bleed-
ing. Predisposing factors include antibiotics, immunosup-
pression (including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),
diabetes, debility, and malnutrition. Symptoms of esophagitis
such as substernal burning, dysphagia, and odynophagia
may be minimal or absent. Moreover, oral thrush is absent in
half of all persons with Candida esophagitis. The diagnosis of
infectious esophagitis may be confirmed by endoscopy with
brush cytologic studies, potassium hydroxide stain, biopsy,
and culture. Treatment of Candida esophagitis consists of oral
nystatin (500,000 U orally four times daily) or fluconazole
(100 to 200 mg orally daily), which is preferred over itracon-
azole or ketoconazole. In refractory cases, low-dose (500 mg
total) intravenous amphotericin can be used. For herpes
esophagitis, intravenous acyclovir (250 mg/m2 intravenously
every 8 hours, then 200 to 400 mg orally five times daily)
should be prescribed. For cytomegalovirus, ganciclovir
(5 mg/kg intravenously every 12 hours) is given; foscarnet is
an alternative. Nystatin and fluconazole are generally well
tolerated; ketoconazole may cause hepatitis, nausea, and

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316 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

vomiting and interferes with the metabolism of some

drugs; amphotericin may cause shaking chills, fever, arthral-
gias, phlebitis, hypokalemia, and abnormal renal function;
and acyclovir may cause renal failure and mental status
Moribund postoperative patients with long-standing na-
sogastric tubes are at risk for esophageal ulcerations caused
by pressure necrosis. Treatment includes removal of the tube
if possible and therapy to suppress gastric acid secretion.
Anticoagulant-Induced Small Intestinal Hemorrhage
Patients who bleed from the gastrointestinal tract while re-
ceiving anticoagulants and who have a normal endoscopic
evaluation of the upper gastrointestinal tract and colon may
be found to have an anticoagulant-induced small bowel hem-
orrhage. A characteristic “stacked-coin” appearance of the
intestine may be seen on a plain radiograph of the abdomen
or on a small bowel barium radiograph. Enteroscopy, video
capsule endoscopy, or arteriography may be helpful in local-
izing the bleeding site. Identification of a specific underlying
structural lesion (e.g., arteriovenous malformation) is more
likely if the degree of anticoagulation is not excessive than if
the patient is overly anticoagulated.
Ischemic Colitis
See “Ischemic Colitis” in the earlier section on diarrhea.
Pseudomembranous Colitis
See “Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea” in the earlier section on
Mesenteric Ischemia and Infarction
See “Ischemic Colitis” in the earlier section on diarrhea.
Colonic Diverticulosis and Angiodysplasia
Colonic diverticulosis and angiodysplasia are frequent causes
of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in older persons, although
the risk of bleeding is not particularly increased in the

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 317

perioperative period, except perhaps in renal transplant re-

cipients. Although controversial, patients with aortic stenosis
appear to be at increased risk of bleeding from colonic angio-
dysplasia. The pathogenesis is thought to relate to the com-
bination of acquired von Willebrand syndrome and colonic
mucosal ischemia from low cardiac output.
Intra-abdominal Hemorrhage
Postoperative bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract may result
from breakdown of a surgical anastomosis with erosion into
an adjacent blood vessel. Insufficient surgical hemostasis,
failure to ligate a major vessel or cauterize smaller vessels, and
unrecognized surgical injury to other organs can all lead to
bleeding in the postoperative period. Severe postoperative
hemorrhagic pancreatitis may also cause retroperitoneal and
intra-abdominal hemorrhage (see also “Acute Pancreatitis”
Evaluation and Management of the Patient
with Postoperative Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding in the postoperative period may
manifest as hematemesis, melena, hematochezia, a fall in the
hemoglobin level, or hypotension and shock. In the bleeding
postoperative patient, it is first necessary to assess the mag-
nitude of blood loss and hemodynamic instability. Ortho-
static hypotension greater than 10 mm Hg indicates a 20%
or greater reduction in blood volume and may be associated
with syncope, lightheadedness, nausea, and sweating. Pallor
and cool, clammy skin are signs of shock that correspond to
a 30 to 40% or greater reduction in blood volume.
Intravascular volume should be restored initially with in-
travenous isotonic solutions, such as normal saline or Ring-
er’s lactate solution. Peripheral intravenous or central access
must be adequate to allow infusions of large volumes. Vol-
ume management is aided by central venous pressure or,
when appropriate, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
monitoring, especially in massively bleeding patients and

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318 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

those with multiorgan failure. Vital signs and urine output

must be monitored closely in all patients.
Patients with signs of shock or those at risk for complica-
tions of hypoxemia, including angina, mesenteric ischemia,
or respiratory compromise, should receive transfusions of
red blood cells as soon as possible. Those who are actively
bleeding or are likely to bleed again should also receive red
blood cell transfusions early in resuscitation. Whole blood
can be used for massive bleeding. In general, an attempt
should be made to sustain a systolic blood pressure of at least
100 mm Hg and a hemoglobin level of 9 to 10 mg/dL. Fresh
frozen plasma should be used to correct coagulopathy when
associated with active bleeding. Transfusion of platelets
should be considered if the platelet counts drop to less than
30,000/mm3. Calcium supplementation may be necessary if
the serum calcium level falls because banked blood is antico-
agulated with calcium-binding agents.
An initial evaluation during the resuscitative phase can be
made to locate the probable site of bleeding. Hematemesis
usually indicates upper gastrointestinal bleeding proximal to
the ligament of Treitz. Melena also usually signifies an upper
gastrointestinal tract source, but a small intestinal or even an
ascending colonic source is also possible. Hematochezia usu-
ally signifies lower gastrointestinal bleeding, but in about
10% of cases, hematochezia may be the result of massive up-
per tract bleeding.
Most gastrointestinal bleeding stops spontaneously. In upper
tract bleeding, the efficacy of gastric lavage with iced saline is
unproven, but it allows assessment of the rapidity of bleeding
and clears the stomach before endoscopy. Room temperature
tap water may be preferable to cold saline, which may impair
H2-Receptor Antagonists and Proton Pump Inhibitors. The
rationale for drug therapy to stop upper gastrointestinal tract
bleeding is that gastric acidity may inhibit platelet aggregation

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 319

as well as ulcer healing. Antacids are of no apparent benefit as

sole therapy for active bleeding. H2-receptor antagonists also
have not been shown to be of benefit in several controlled
studies of active gastrointestinal bleeding. Intravenous and
high-dose oral proton pump inhibitors are beneficial for the
prevention of recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding caused
by peptic ulcer disease. These agents also appear to play a role
in arresting acute ulcer bleeding, reducing transfusion re-
quirements, decreasing the risk of rebleeding, and reducing
the need for surgical treatment, although they may not affect
mortality. However, administration of a proton pump inhibi-
tor is not a substitute for endoscopic therapy of a bleeding
ulcer (see later). Use of these drugs may also be indicated for
treatment of gastropathy or esophagitis.
Octreotide. For upper gastrointestinal bleeding caused by
gastroesophageal varices, therapy to reduce splanchnic
blood flow should be considered. The somatostatin ana-
logue octreotide acts by inhibiting the release of glucagon
and causing splanchnic arteriolar constriction, which, in
turn, reduces portal venous pressure. Octreotide may be
administered by intravenous bolus in a dose of 50 µg/hour
followed by a 5-day infusion of 50-250 µg/hour.
As discussed earlier, empirical therapy with an H2-receptor
antagonist or proton pump inhibitor to prevent recurrent
bleeding is indicated in patients with bleeding from stress
ulcers and peptic ulcers. In patients with chronic peptic ulcer
disease associated with H. pylori, eradication of H. pylori has
been associated with a decreased rate of recurrent bleeding.
Diagnosis and Therapy
Endoscopy is the most reliable means of establishing the
source of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. This procedure can
be performed in most patients in the postoperative period,
even soon after surgery, once the patient is hemodynamically

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320 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

stable. Barium radiography may be contraindicated in the

postsurgical patient with an intestinal ileus.
The most common causes of postoperative upper gastroin-
testinal bleeding are duodenal and gastric ulcer, gastric stress
ulcers, and Mallory-Weiss tears. Making a specific diagnosis is
useful prognostically and for the selection of appropriate
therapy. Early randomized trials to investigate whether urgent
endoscopy had any effect on transfusion requirements, length
of hospital stay, need for surgery, or morbidity and mortality
showed no benefit to diagnostic endoscopy. However, none of
these studies stratified patients on the basis of lesions at high
risk for recurrent bleeding, nor did they evaluate the possible
benefit of the numerous therapeutic endoscopic interventions
now available. Studies have shown that endoscopic therapy
with bipolar electrocautery, thermal coagulation (heater
probe), injection of vasoconstricting agents, or hemoclip
placement in patients with a visible or spurting vessel in a
peptic ulcer base improves patient survival and decreases the
transfusion requirement and need for surgery. Similarly, band
ligation is an effective method for stopping bleeding from
esophageal varices, and when repeated at regular intervals to
the point of variceal obliteration, it leads to a decrease in re-
bleeding rates and probably an improved long-term survival
rate. Long-term administration of a nonselective ␤-blocker
such as propranolol or nadolol also reduces the risk of recur-
rent variceal bleeding.
Angiography may be useful for persistent or severe upper gas-
trointestinal bleeding undiagnosed by endoscopy. Angiography
may be preceded by a technetium-99m–sulfur colloid–labeled
red blood cell scan to confirm that the bleeding rate is rapid
enough for angiographic detection and to provide a guide to
the localization of the bleeding site. A bleeding rate of at least
0.5 mL/minute is required for angiographic visualization of a
bleeding site. Angiography is especially useful in the evalua-
tion of arterial bleeding, bleeding from Mallory-Weiss tears,

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 321

and bleeding from erosive gastropathy. Angiography may fur-

ther allow therapeutic interventions, such as embolization of
the left gastric artery with autologous clot, polyvinyl alcohol,
coils, or gelatin sponge particles when massive bleeding is
caused by stress gastropathy.
The most common causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding
are diverticular disease, angiodysplasia, polyps, carcinoma,
and inflammatory bowel disease. Diagnostic evaluation of
lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding should begin with place-
ment of a nasogastric tube to exclude an upper gastrointesti-
nal source. If there is any suspicion of an upper gastrointes-
tinal tract source, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy should
be performed. Once an upper source is excluded, consider-
ation can be given to colonoscopy. In cases of massive bleed-
ing, colonoscopy may be difficult or impossible, but it has
become the test of choice in less severe bleeding after peroral
(or nasogastric tube) administration of a colonic lavage solu-
tion. Colonoscopic techniques to control bleeding can be
used, including electrocoagulation, thermal coagulation,
polypectomy, and hemoclip placement.
When colonoscopy is not possible or diagnostic, mesen-
teric arteriography, possibly after a radiocolloid-labeled blood
cell scan (as previously described), may be useful in identify-
ing bleeding from diverticula or angiodysplasia. Intra-arterial
infusion of vasopressin may control the bleeding in some
If evaluation of both the upper and lower gastrointestinal
tract produces normal results, consideration must be given to
a small intestine source of bleeding, including arteriovenous
malformations, a small intestine ulcer, a Meckel diverticu-
lum, or a vascular neoplasm. Diagnostic studies may include
a small intestine enteroclysis examination, which is a careful
barium contrast study through peroral intubation of the

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322 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

small intestine, or peroral enteroscopy. In younger patients, a

Meckel (technetium-99m pertechnetate) scan can be ob-
tained. Video capsule endoscopy is a relatively new imaging
modality that involves the ingestion of a pill-sized camera to
visualize the entire small bowel. The ability of video capsule
endoscopy to detect disease in the small intestines compares
favorably to that of enteroscopy. However, its use in postop-
erative patients should be undertaken with care. A standard
bleeding scan followed by angiography also may be helpful
in patients with small intestinal bleeding. As a last resort,
exploratory laparotomy with intraoperative enteroscopy may
be necessary.

Jaundice is common in the postoperative period. The cause
is usually multifactorial, but the pathophysiologic mecha-
nisms may be grouped into four major categories (Table 9-3):
(1) increased bilirubin load to the liver; (2) intrahepatic dis-
ease; (3) preexisting liver disease; and (4) extrahepatic ob-
structive disease.
In the postoperative period, hemolysis of transfused
blood and resorption of hematomas account for the major
portion of the increased load of bilirubin delivered to the
liver. Similarly, medications administered in the postopera-
tive period may induce hemolysis. Jaundice is particularly
common in patients who have undergone extensive surgical
procedures and have received multiple transfusions; the
hyperbilirubinemia is primarily indirect, occasionally as high
as 20 mg/dL. In patients undergoing cardiac surgical proce-
dures, risk factors for postoperative jaundice include preop-
erative serum bilirubin elevation, elevated right atrial pres-
sure, cardiac valve replacement, and the use of intra-aortic
balloon counterpulsation.
Ischemic liver injury is a common cause of postoperative
jaundice. The origin is multifactorial, likely related to a

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 323

TABLE 9-3 Causes of Postoperative Jaundice

Increased Hepatic Bilirubin
Load Intrahepatic Parenchymal Disease
Hemolysis after Transfusions Anesthetics
Hematoma Enflurane Desflurane (rarely)
Underlying hemolytic anemia Halothane Sevoflurane (rarely)
Preexisting Liver Disease Antibiotics
Gilbert’s syndrome* Amoxicillin-clavulanic Penicillins
acid Rifampin

Dubin-Johnson syndrome Chloramphenicol Sulfonamides
Erythromycins Tetracycline
Extrahepatic Obstruction Other Drugs
Common bile duct stone Androgens Phenothiazines
Cholecystitis Estrogens Phenytoin
Pancreatitis Fluconazole Sulindac
Biliary stricture, leak, or tumor Methyldopa
Other Causes
Parenteral nutrition
Viral hepatitis
Ischemic hepatitis

*Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia resulting from a congenital defect in the

hepatic uptake of bilirubin.

Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia resulting from a congenital defect in secretion
of bilirubin from hepatocytes.
From Faust TW, Reddy KR: Postoperative jaundice. Clin Liver Dis 8:151-
166, 2004.

reduction in splanchnic, portal venous, and hepatic artery

blood flow during anesthesia. Ischemic hepatitis, or shock
liver, may occur in the setting of shock, massive trauma, or
hyperthermia. Persons with chronic passive congestion caused
by right-sided heart failure are at particular risk. Ischemic
hepatitis is characterized by greatly elevated aminotransferase
levels (often ⬎5000 units/L), bilirubin levels as high as
20 mg/dL or more within 2 to 10 days of surgical procedures,
and a rapid return of aminotransferase levels toward normal

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324 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

within 5 to 7 days. Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels are

characteristically high, in contrast to viral hepatitis.
Because of the routine screening of donated blood, acute
hepatitis C is rarely seen now. The frequency of hepatitis C
following blood transfusions, once as high as 12%, is now
1 per 2,000,000 units transfused. When it occurs, acute hepa-
titis C is frequently subclinical or indolent but is associated
with up to an 85% risk of chronic hepatitis, with the potential
to progress to cirrhosis. Since the development of sensitive
serologic screening tests of donor blood, hepatitis B also has
become an uncommon cause of transfusion-associated hepati-
tis. Even rarer are cases of transfusion-associated hepatitis D
(Delta), Epstein-Barr viral infection, and cytomegalovirus dis-
ease (except in transplant recipients).
Hepatic parenchymal disease may be caused by certain
general anesthetics (e.g., halothane), as well as several other
drugs (see Table 9-3). Halothane is rarely used these days,
and halothane-induced hepatitis is rare, with a frequency of
1 in 10,000 individuals, but it is potentially fatal.
Parenteral nutrition is a common cause of hyperbiliru-
binemia and elevated aminotransferase levels in postopera-
tive patients. Fatty infiltration may result from intravenous
infusions of concentrated glucose solutions and choline or
carnitine deficiency, and intrahepatic cholestasis may result
from intravenous infusions of amino acids and fat emulsions.
Cholestasis, if prolonged, may lead to the development of
cirrhosis, an indication for consideration of small intestinal
and liver transplantation in patients with short bowel
syndrome (see later). Sepsis may also induce intrahepatic
Extrahepatic biliary obstruction is a relatively uncommon
cause of postoperative jaundice and may result from surgical
injury to the biliary tree, retained common bile duct stones
in patients who have undergone cholecystectomy, or acalcu-
lous cholecystitis (see the later discussion of cholecystitis).
Occasionally, surgical procedures may unmask inherited

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 325

disorders of bilirubin metabolism such as Gilbert’s syndrome

or Dubin-Johnson syndrome.

Investigation of postoperative jaundice should include the
following: an ultrasonographic examination to exclude evi-
dence of extrahepatic obstruction (a dilated common bile
duct, common hepatic ducts, or intrahepatic ducts); serologic
studies for hepatitis A, B, and C; evaluation for hemolysis
(reticulocyte count and examination of the peripheral blood
smear); a review of the patient’s medications for potential
hepatotoxic agents; and exclusion of sepsis. As noted earlier,
it is often not possible to attribute postoperative jaundice to a
single cause, and several factors may be implicated. Fatty liver
from total parenteral nutrition may be reversed with lecithin
or choline supplementation, and cholestasis may be reversed
with ursodeoxycholic acid or metronidazole.
Clinical Features
Acute cholecystitis is an uncommon but often overlooked
complication after nonbiliary surgical procedures. Cholecys-
titis is classified as calculous (associated with stones in the
biliary tree) or acalculous (no evidence of stones). Choleli-
thiasis may be common in patients undergoing renal trans-
plantation, whereas patients who undergo cardiac trans-
plantation and have cholelithiasis are at high risk of
posttransplantation cholecystitis and should undergo pre-
transplant cholecystectomy. More than half the patients with
postoperative cholecystitis have acalculous cholecystitis.
Mortality rates of patients with acalculous cholecystitis range
from 12% to 65%. Acute acalculous cholecystitis may follow
abdominal or nonabdominal surgical procedures (especially
orthopedic procedures), spinal cord injury, or bone marrow
transplantation. Trauma and burns are also important risk

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326 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Postoperative acalculous cholecystitis usually manifests
within 2 to 4 weeks of the surgical procedure. Patients are
usually elderly, and in contrast to calculous cholecystitis,
there is a male predominance. The clinical presentation is
with fever, anorexia, epigastric and right upper quadrant
pain and tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and a palpable ab-
dominal mass. Patients may have leukocytosis and slight el-
evations in liver biochemical tests. Not infrequently, however,
symptoms and signs may be masked, especially in comatose
or obtunded patients. The diagnosis should be considered in
any postoperative patient, even children, with unexplained
fever. In postoperative acalculous cholecystitis, bile cultures
are frequently positive for E. coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, and
Staphylococcus aureus. There is a high frequency of gangrene
and perforation of the gallbladder, with mortality rates as
high as 50%.
The pathogenesis of postoperative cholecystitis is unknown.
Gallbladder stasis and local ischemia are important precipi-
tating factors. Increased viscosity of bile may result from fe-
ver, fasting, and dehydration and may contribute to biliary
stasis and cystic duct obstruction. Narcotic-induced ampul-
lary contraction may also cause bile stasis, and positive pres-
sure ventilation can increase common bile duct pressure.
Hemolysis from multiple blood transfusions administered in
the perioperative period may alter bile flow. Mucosal is-
chemia and necrosis can result from decreased vascular per-
fusion of the gallbladder as a result of hypotension or heart
failure. Ischemia may also lead to cystic duct stenosis. Finally,
activation of factor XII in the circulation can cause acute
vasculitis of the gallbladder serosa and muscularis. In heart
transplant recipients, a high rate of bile duct stones is
thought to be the result of reduced bile flow and changes in
serum lipids caused by cyclosporine, postoperative gallblad-
der stasis, rapid weight change, and hemolysis.

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 327

A high index of suspicion is needed for early diagnosis. In
some patients, typical findings of acute cholecystitis are evi-
dent on physical examination. In others, greater reliance must
be placed on imaging studies. Abdominal ultrasound is usu-
ally the initial diagnostic test and may show a thickened
gallbladder wall, an enlarged tender gallbladder, a perichole-
cystic fluid collection, or evidence of air within the gallblad-
der wall (emphysematous cholecystitis). Computed tomogra-
phy may also show a thickened gallbladder wall with
surrounding fluid. A gallbladder wall thicker than 3.5 mm
is virtually diagnostic of acute cholecystitis. Hepatobiliary
scintigraphy shows nonvisualization of the gallbladder in
more than 90% of cases, although it has a higher rate of false-
positive results than ultrasonography.
Management of postoperative cholecystitis consists of fluid
and electrolyte replacement, administration of broad-spectrum
antibiotics, and urgent cholecystectomy, if possible, once the
diagnosis is confirmed. In patients who are poor surgical risks,
percutaneous cholecystostomy is preferable to cholecystec-
tomy. In patients with ascites or coagulopathy, endoscopic
decompression with a stent placed in the cystic duct may be

Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis may occur as a complication of both ab-
dominal and nonabdominal surgical procedures. Postopera-
tive pancreatitis has been recognized increasingly after heart
surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass and is thought to result
from ischemic injury to the pancreas secondary to hypoperfu-
sion, which is more common with nonpulsatile bypass sys-
tems than with pulsatile systems. Other possible contributory
factors include hypothermia, atheromatous or cholesterol em-
boli broken off during cannulation and cross-clamping of the
aorta, venous sludging, and angiotensin-mediated selective
blockade of pancreatic perfusion [ B Perez et al, 2005]. Risk

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328 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

factors include a history of alcohol abuse, preoperative renal

insufficiency, cardiac valve surgery, postoperative hyperten-
sion, and perioperative administration of calcium chloride.
A wide spectrum of pancreatic injury may result, ranging
from minimal injury that is detectable only by biochemical
testing to lethal necrotizing pancreatitis in less than 1% of
patients. Clinical recognition may be difficult because ab-
dominal pain, tenderness, and hyperamylasemia may be ab-
sent. The clinical course may be mild until a complication
such as pancreatic necrosis or infection develops. The diag-
nosis must be considered in any postoperative patient with
otherwise unexplained fever, leukocytosis, prolonged ileus,
or multiorgan failure. In patients with suspected or con-
firmed acute pancreatitis, serial contrast-enhanced computed
tomographic scans of the abdomen should be obtained to
look for pancreatic necrosis or abscess.
The prognosis is poor in postoperative patients with overt
pancreatitis; mortality rates have been as high as 50%. Risk
factors for a poor outcome after acute pancreatitis in nonop-
erative settings are probably those applicable to the postop-
erative patient with acute pancreatitis (see Box 9-2) and
multiorgan failure. Treatment of acute pancreatitis includes
eliminating oral intake and instituting nasogastric suction,
intravenous fluids, analgesics as necessary, and enteral or
parenteral nutrition in patients who are malnourished. Pa-
tients should be monitored closely for the development of a
broad range of complications (see Box 9-2). Computed to-
mography may be particularly useful for identifying pancre-
atic necrosis, pseudocyst, or abscess. In patients with severe
necrotizing pancreatitis, especially if infected, laparotomy
with pancreatic débridement and drainage may need to be
considered. Needle aspiration under endoscopic or radio-
logic guidance should be considered in clinically unstable

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 329

Intestinal Ischemia and Infarction

A variety of factors in the perioperative period may contrib-
ute to an increased risk of intestinal ischemia and infarction.
Intestinal ischemia may result from occlusive or nonocclu-
sive processes involving the mesenteric circulation. Occlu-
sive mesenteric vascular disease may be secondary to arterial
thrombosis caused by advanced atherosclerosis. An embolus
resulting from atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease, a
prosthetic heart valve, or angiography may also cause occlu-
sive mesenteric vascular disease. Cholesterol crystal emboli-
zation may follow angiography or initiation of oral antico-
agulation therapy. Mesenteric venous thrombosis, which may
also lead to intestinal ischemia or infarction, may occur post-
operatively or as a result of portal hypertension, peritonitis,
abdominal abscess, trauma, neoplasms, antiphospholipid
antibodies (lupus anticoagulant), antithrombin III deficiency,
protein S or C deficiency, factor V Leiden mutation, pro-
thrombin gene mutations, and oral contraceptive use. A final
category of occlusive mesenteric vascular disease is vasculitis
associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis
nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, and Henoch-Schönlein pur-
pura. Nonocclusive mesenteric vascular disease may result
from low-flow states induced by hypotension, cardiac ar-
rhythmias, heart failure, dehydration, administration of vaso-
pressor agents, splanchnic vasoconstriction by digoxin, and

Acute Mesenteric Ischemia

The clinical presentation of acute mesenteric ischemia is with
severe, periumbilical, colicky pain that is often out of pro-
portion to abdominal tenderness. In patients with intestinal
infarction, the pain may become more localized and asso-
ciated with abdominal distention and decreased or absent
bowel sounds. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or

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330 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

constipation, tachycardia, hemoconcentration, and mild gas-

trointestinal bleeding often accompany the pain of intestinal
ischemia. The progression may be slow, occurring over sev-
eral weeks, as in mesenteric venous thrombosis, or acute and
rapid, as after arterial embolization. Findings may include
the following: leukocytosis; elevated blood phosphate, amy-
lase, creatine kinase, and aspartate aminotransferase levels;
and metabolic acidosis.
Abdominal radiographs often show air-fluid levels, bowel
distention, and thick mucosal folds resulting from submuco-
sal edema or blood (thumbprinting). Air in the bowel wall
may be seen with intestinal infarction. Computed tomogra-
phy may also show a thickened bowel wall.
The outcome of acute mesenteric ischemia varies from
resolution to bowel infarction with intestinal gangrene and
death. Progression of ischemia to bowel infarction is faster (as
short as 6 hours) in patients in whom no collateral blood flow
has been established. A high index of suspicion of progression
to infarction must be maintained so that surgical treatment can
be undertaken before completed infarction occurs. Mortality
rates in patients with intestinal infarction approach 65%.
Management of acute mesenteric ischemia consists of close
observation of the patient and frequent assessment for intes-
tinal infarction by serial abdominal examinations looking for
signs of peritonitis. Supportive measures include intravenous
hydration, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and adminis-
tration of oxygen and broad-spectrum antibiotics, with care-
ful attention to renal function. Avoidance of potentially harm-
ful vasoconstricting drugs (e.g., digoxin and pressor agents) is
also important. The decision to operate is often complicated
by the patient’s poor overall condition and the difficulty of
distinguishing reversible ischemia from infarction.
When arterial embolus is suspected, immediate celiac and
mesenteric arteriography and surgery with embolectomy are
indicated. Surgical treatment should include resection of

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 331

infarcted bowel, with a “second-look” operation in 24 to

48 hours to remove additionally infarcted bowel. Arterial or
venous thrombosis may also require resection of infarcted
bowel. In nonocclusive ischemia, intra-arterial infusion of a
vasodilator such as papaverine, at a dose of 30 to 60 mg/hour,
is recommended, although the efficacy of such an approach
has not been established through controlled clinical trials.
Ischemic Colitis
See “Ischemic Colitis” in the earlier section on diarrhea.
Postoperative Abdominal Pain and Fever
The postoperative patient may present with acute abdominal
pain and fever from a variety of causes, many of which are
reviewed elsewhere in this chapter. Causes of abdominal
pain and fever in the postoperative period include intra-
abdominal abscess from anastomotic leakage, fistula formation
with abscess, peritonitis from peritoneal soiling during surgery
or wound dehiscence, acute pancreatitis, cholangitis from in-
advertent bile duct injury, perforated peptic ulcer, acute acal-
culous cholecystitis, colonic volvulus (especially sigmoid and
cecal) with a closed loop syndrome, pseudomembranous en-
terocolitis, acute appendicitis, diverticulitis, and acute intesti-
nal ischemia or infarction. Intra-abdominal sepsis in the post-
operative patient may be accompanied by hemoconcentration
and even shock if there is third spacing of fluid, as is typical of
severe pancreatitis, a closed loop such as volvulus, or severe
pseudomembranous colitis with toxic megacolon.
Other medical disorders that may mimic an acute abdo-
men in the postoperative period include myocardial infarc-
tion, pneumonia, diabetic ketoacidosis, urinary tract sepsis,
and acute fatty liver. Imaging studies such as computed to-
mography, ultrasonography, and hepatobiliary scintigraphy
may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of postoperative
abdominal pain and fever. Persistent abdominal pain, fever,
and leukocytosis may require laparoscopy or laparotomy for
definitive diagnosis.

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332 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Complications of Peptic Ulcer Surgery
Traditionally, the goal of peptic ulcer surgery has been to re-
duce gastric acid production, usually by removing the
gastrin-producing cells of the antrum (antrectomy) and
interrupting cholinergic stimulation to the parietal cells of
the fundus (vagotomy). The gastric remnant is usually anas-
tomosed from end to side to a loop of jejunum, with forma-
tion of a gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II) or, less often, a gas-
troduodenostomy (Billroth I). Because a complete vagotomy
impairs gastric motility, highly selective (proximal) vagotomy
(without antrectomy) was introduced. With the discovery of
H. pylori and the recognition that its eradication cures peptic
ulcer disease, the need for peptic ulcer surgery has decreased
dramatically. Postgastrectomy syndromes may still be seen in
patients who underwent ulcer surgery in the past or in the
occasional patient who undergoes surgical treatment for a
complication of ulcer disease (Table 9-4).
Ulcer Recurrence
Recurrence of peptic ulcer disease postoperatively occurs in
approximately 5% of cases. Recurrence is more likely when
the original operation was performed for duodenal ulcer

TABLE 9-4 Complications of Gastric Surgery

Early Late
Wound infection Ulcer recurrence
Anastomotic leak Recurrent bleeding from ulcer
Bile duct injury Gastric outlet obstruction
Delayed gastric emptying Afferent loop syndrome
Anastomotic bleeding Dumping syndrome
Anemia Malabsorption
Bile reflux gastritis
Postvagotomy diarrhea
Osteomalacia and osteoporosis
Postgastrectomy carcinoma

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 333

(3% to 10%) than for gastric ulcer (2%) and is less likely
after antrectomy and vagotomy (1% to 4%) than after va-
gotomy alone (ⱕ25%). Recurrent (stomal) ulcers occur most
commonly at or just distal to the anastomosis.
Causes of ulcer recurrence include use of ulcerogenic
drugs (e.g., aspirin, NSAIDs), inadequate vagotomy, inade-
quate gastric resection, retained gastric antrum, a long jeju-
nal afferent loop, inadvertent gastroileal or gastrocolic anas-
tomosis, poor gastric emptying, gastric neoplasm (mistaken
preoperatively as a benign ulcer or newly occurring), undiag-
nosed Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, and persistent H. pylori
infection. Most recurrent ulcers are attributable to the use of
aspirin and other NSAIDs.
It is more common for patients with recurrent ulcers to pre-
sent with hemorrhage than with pain; the bleeding is more
often chronic than acute. A stomal ulcer may also cause
symptoms of obstruction. Because upper gastrointestinal
barium radiographs of the postoperative stomach are difficult
to interpret, the diagnosis of a recurrent ulcer is best made
by endoscopy. Surreptitious use of aspirin may be detected
by a low platelet cyclooxygenase level. Fasting serum gastrin
and calcium levels should be checked before any planned
ulcer operation to screen for evidence of Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome and a multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome.
Recurrent peptic ulcer disease has traditionally been treated
with proton pump inhibitors, in some cases with continua-
tion of full-dose therapy for life. Ulcerogenic drugs (aspirin
and other NSAIDs) should be withheld. Treatment should
include diagnosis and eradication of H. pylori. Surgical treat-
ment, usually further resection and repeat vagotomy, may be
indicated for complications (e.g., massive bleeding, obstruc-
tion) and should be considered carefully in patients with a
refractory ulcer, because ulcers caused by aspirin and other
NSAIDs tend to recur.

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334 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Afferent Loop Syndrome

The afferent loop syndrome appears to result from rapid
gastric emptying and distention (by food-stimulated pancre-
atic and biliary secretions) of an incompletely draining, par-
tially obstructed Billroth II afferent loop. Hypertonic meals or
large volumes of orally ingested liquids may worsen the
The disorder is characterized clinically by postprandial
abdominal pain, early satiety, and bloating, which are re-
lieved by vomiting that is bilious. The amount of vomitus is
usually small. The symptoms are similar to those caused by
distention of the proximal jejunum, which is another cause
of postprandial abdominal pain and vomiting after peptic
surgical procedures. The serum amylase level may be ele-
vated. The diagnosis may be established by a barium radio-
graph or endoscopy. Therapy consists of surgical correction
of the partially obstructed afferent loop.
Bile (Alkaline) Reflux Gastritis
Bile reflux gastritis is a poorly defined entity associated with
early satiety, abdominal discomfort, and vomiting; it is
thought to be caused by reflux of duodenal contents into the
stomach after ulcer surgery. Endoscopic biopsies of the gas-
tric mucosa often show histologic evidence of gastritis. It is
not clear whether patients with bile reflux have abnormal
bile or whether the stomach is abnormally sensitive to bile.
Medical therapy with agents such as sucralfate or chole-
styramine is often unsatisfactory. Anecdotal evidence indicates
that oral administration of ursodeoxycholic acid, a relatively
nontoxic bile acid, may lead to symptomatic relief. A trial
of a gastric prokinetic agent such as metoclopramide (10 to
20 mg with meals) may be attempted, although little evidence
supports this intervention (grade D). In severe, refractory
cases, surgical treatment may be necessary for correction of
this disorder, with creation of a Roux-en-Y anastomosis,
which diverts duodenal contents away from the stomach.

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 335

Dumping Syndrome
The dumping syndrome is characterized by postprandial
vasomotor symptoms such as tachycardia, flushing, and
palpitations in association with dyspeptic symptoms. The
dumping syndrome is often divided arbitrarily into early and
late phases.
Early dumping syndrome, occurring within 30 minutes of
eating, is characterized by palpitations, tachycardia, diapho-
resis, flushing, and dizziness with nausea, vomiting, and
bloating. It is thought to result from rapid emptying of hy-
perosmolar gastric contents into the small intestine and con-
sequent large fluid shifts that lead to contraction of plasma
volume, release of vasoactive hormones, and triggering of
autonomic reflexes by jejunal distention. Late dumping syn-
drome, occurring 90 minutes to 3 hours after eating, is char-
acterized by similar symptoms and is thought to result from
the rapid gastric emptying of carbohydrates into the proxi-
mal small intestine, followed by the sudden release of insulin
in response to rapid increases in blood glucose, with subse-
quent hypoglycemia.
The dumping syndrome is generally managed by en-
couraging the patient to eat small, frequent meals and to avoid
drinking liquids with solid food. The diet should be low in
carbohydrates and lactose and high in protein and fat. In some
cases, the somatostatin analogue octreotide, 25 to 100 ␮g sub-
cutaneously three times a day, may be helpful. There are some
case reports describing use of long-acting octreotide (monthly
intramuscular depot injections) for this indication. Rarely, sur-
gical revision to a Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy is necessary.
Postvagotomy Diarrhea
Chronic diarrhea may follow any ulcer operation; it is not
clear whether the frequency is actually higher in patients
who have had a vagotomy. The exact mechanism is unclear,
but rapid gastric emptying and decreased intestinal transit
time have been postulated, as have extragastric mechanisms

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336 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

such as increased intestinal bile acid concentrations. Symp-

toms are usually mild and may be controlled by antimotility
medications or may resolve with time. Occasional patients
respond to oral cholestyramine.
Late Complications
Late complications of ulcer surgery include the following:
• Hematologic complications, including iron deficiency ane-
mia and vitamin B12 malabsorption
• Osteomalacia and osteoporosis
• Malabsorption and maldigestion
• Postgastrectomy carcinoma

Complications of Gastric Bypass

Bariatric surgery is discussed in Chapter 11.

Complications of Small Intestine Resection and Bypass

Volume Depletion and Electrolyte Abnormalities
Morbidity after small bowel resection is proportional to the
length of bowel resected; it is especially high if less than
50 cm of jejunum or ileum remains. Combined ileal and
colonic resection predisposes to greater volume and electro-
lyte depletion than does ileal resection alone, because of the
loss of colonic compensation. Distal small intestinal resection
is tolerated less well than proximal small intestinal resection
because of the remarkable ability of the ileum to assume the
absorptive function of the proximal small intestine (but not
the reverse); 50% to 60% of the midjejunum can be resected
with few long-term metabolic consequences, but resection of
more than 30% of the ileum is poorly tolerated. A small
bowel length of less than 200 cm is commonly used as an
anatomic definition of short bowel syndrome. A more practi-
cal definition is loss of absorption resulting in the inability to
maintain protein-energy, fluid, electrolyte, or micronutrient
balances on a conventionally accepted normal diet. Volumi-
nous diarrhea with electrolyte losses may result from the loss

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 337

of the intestinal absorptive surface, shortened intestinal tran-

sit time, and acquired intestinal lactase deficiency. Resection
of the distal ileum can lead to choleraic diarrhea, in which
impaired bile salt absorption leads to stimulation of the co-
lonic secretion of water and electrolytes. More extensive ileal
resections may eventually result in steatorrhea caused by bile
salt deficiency (see the following section). Other causes of
diarrhea following intestinal resection include gastric acid
hypersecretion (see the following section) and bacterial over-
growth resulting from loss of the ileocecal valve.
Other Metabolic Complications
Patients who have undergone small bowel resection are at
increased risk of developing cholesterol gallstones, oxalate
nephrolithiasis, and D-lactic acidosis. Gallstone disease ap-
pears to be related to supersaturation of hepatic bile in the
setting of impaired small bowel enterohepatic recirculation of
nonlithogenic bile acids. Cholecystectomy is necessary in
symptomatic patients. Hyperoxaluria may develop with small
bowel resection resulting from fat malabsorption. Oxalate is
usually chelated by calcium in the colon. In patients with fat
malabsorption, luminal calcium binds with long-chain fatty
acids, thereby making oxalate available to be absorbed read-
ily by the colon and excreted in the urine, where it may
precipitate. Limiting oxalate-rich foods (tea, chocolate, cola
beverages) and supplemental oral calcium may reduce the
frequency of this complication. D-Lactic acidosis occurs in
the setting of carbohydrate malabsorption and subsequent
fermentation of carbohydrates by colonic bacteria to short-
chain fatty acids and lactate. Patients may be treated with
sodium bicarbonate. The efficacy of antibiotics in this setting
is controversial.
Treatment of volume depletion consists of replacement of fluid
and electrolytes. Early implementation of total parenteral
nutrition is essential in patients with short bowel syndrome,

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338 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

especially in the immediate postoperative period after massive

resections, when fecal fluid losses may exceed 5 L/day. Proton
pump inhibitors are used to reduce gastric acid and gastric
fluid production. Diphenoxylate and atropine (Lomotil) (one
to two tablets orally four times a day), loperamide (2 mg orally
three to four times a day), or codeine (15 to 30 mg orally every
6 hours) can be used to prolong intestinal transit time and
reduce diarrhea. Occasionally, deodorized tincture of opium
(0.3 to 1 mL orally four times a day) may be necessary. The
medications may be withdrawn gradually as the remaining
intestine adapts to the resection. Octreotide (50 to 250 ␮g
subcutaneously three times a day) may help to control massive
diarrhea resulting from short bowel syndrome. Restriction of
oral fat intake, especially long-chain fats, to less than 30 g/day
and elimination of dietary lactose also may help. If bacterial
overgrowth is suspected, a trial of broad-spectrum oral antibi-
otics may be instituted. Finally, cholestyramine in doses of
8 to 16 g/day orally may be effective in the treatment of bile
salt–induced diarrhea resulting from limited ileal resection.
As suggested previously, numerous mechanisms may be im-
plicated in the pathogenesis of malabsorption after small
bowel resection. The most obvious is loss of intestinal ab-
sorptive area. Although relatively long resections of the mid-
jejunum are well tolerated, resection of even short segments
of the specialized absorptive surfaces of the proximal or dis-
tal small bowel may lead to compromise of intestinal func-
tion. Decreased intestinal production of secretin and chole-
cystokinin, which stimulate exocrine pancreatic and biliary
secretion, may contribute to malabsorption, as may poor
mixing of gastric contents with pancreatic and biliary secre-
tions as a result of altered anatomy. Other pathogenic factors
include gastric hypersecretion, loss of the absorptive site of
vitamin B12 resulting from terminal ileal resection, and bacte-
rial overgrowth.

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 339

The result of these pathophysiologic processes may be a

reduction in the absorption of electrolytes, minerals, vita-
mins, protein, carbohydrates, and fat, leading to malnutri-
tion, immunocompromise, and infection. Diagnostic evalua-
tion may include fecal fat quantitation, D-xylose absorption
test, pancreatic function tests (e.g., secretin test), vitamin B12
levels, and breath tests or quantitative small intestinal cul-
tures for bacterial overgrowth. In practice, however, thera-
peutic trials are often initiated empirically.
Treatment consists of restriction of oral fat intake and replace-
ment of long-chain fats with medium-chain triglycerides,
supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements,
vitamin B12 injections in patients who have undergone ileal
resection, oral broad-spectrum antibiotics if small bowel over-
growth is suspected (e.g., a rotation of one or more for the
following: tetracycline 250 mg four times a day; metronidazole
250 mg three times a day, or ciprofloxacin 500 mg three times
a day; rifaximin 400 mg three times a day 1 week out of 4),
and, in the postoperative period, enteral hyperalimentation or
total parenteral nutrition. Depending on the extent of the re-
section and adaptation of the remaining intestine, some pa-
tients may require long-term (home) enteral or parenteral ali-
mentation. Cyclic (nocturnal) parenteral alimentation is
preferable to continual administration. Small bowel transplan-
tation may be considered in selected patients. Novel treatment
strategies including the use of growth factors and glutamine
are of uncertain benefit and are under investigation.
Gastric Acid Hypersecretion
The mechanism of gastric acid hypersecretion after small
bowel resection is unclear. Probable mechanisms include
elevated serum gastrin levels, resulting from decreased clear-
ance of circulating gastrin or loss of a hormonal inhibitor,
and reduced levels of intestinally produced inhibitors of
gastric acid secretion, such as secretin, cholecystokinin,

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340 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

glucagon, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and gastric in-

hibitory peptide.
Ulceration may result from gastric acid hypersecretion.
Other possible effects are intestinal mucosal damage, pre-
cipitation of bile salts, and deactivation of pancreatic en-
zymes with resulting diarrhea and malabsorption. Gastric
acid hypersecretion is usually a transient phenomenon that
occurs after extensive small bowel resection and is managed
with a proton pump inhibitor.
Complications of Colectomy and Ostomies
With sigmoid colostomy, bowel function is often well pre-
served and stool is formed. The patient may be able to wear
a small gauze pad instead of a pouch and to evacuate through
irrigation enemas. Anal sphincter-saving surgical procedures
should be performed in patients with low rectal carcinoma
when feasible.
With a colostomy proximal to the splenic flexure, the
discharge is often loose, even liquid, and malodorous be-
cause of the action of colonic bacteria. An appliance may be
difficult to wear if the ostomy is above the belt line, and an
ileostomy may in fact be preferable in some patients.
Conventional ileostomy requires the use of an appliance to
control the frequent discharge of ileal effluent. Various prob-
lems may complicate the use of an ileostomy. Because of the
loss of the resorptive surface of the colon, water and salt
depletion may occur. Resulting changes in the composition
of urine can lead to nephrolithiasis. Skin breakdown may
result from sensitivity to adhesives or fungal infection. Treat-
ment with a cortisone spray or an antifungal powder may be
helpful. Odor may be a problem, particularly after the inges-
tion of certain types of foods. The odor can be treated by

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 341

dietary modification or the use of special deodorants such as

chlorine or sodium benzoate in the pouch. Leakage is rarely
a problem with modern appliances and preoperative mark-
ing of proper stomal placement by an enterostomal therapist.
Stomal obstruction, prolapse, or retraction may occur and
may require surgical correction. Sexual dysfunction may
result from neurologic impairment, depression, embarrass-
ment, or rejection by a spouse or partner. Impotence is more
common after colostomy, especially for rectal cancer, than
after ileostomy. Problems of psychologic adjustment relate to
the loss of self-esteem, a diminished sense of physical attrac-
tiveness, and rejection by a spouse or partner. Referral to a
local ostomy chapter is important.
With an ileal pouch–anal anastomosis, fecal elimination
through the anus is preserved, and most patients ultimately
have as few as five bowel movements per day. This operation
cannot be used in patients with Crohn’s disease. “Pouchitis,”
characterized by inflammation and bacterial overgrowth, is a
frequent complication. This procedure should be performed
only by experienced surgeons who are familiar with the tech-
nical intricacies of the procedure and the advantages and
disadvantages of the various alternatives.
Diversion Colitis
Diversion colitis is an iatrogenic form of inflammatory bowel
disease in which a bypassed or excluded segment of colon
becomes inflamed. Diversion colitis may manifest with the
passage of blood or mucus per rectum, although some pa-
tients are asymptomatic. It may be discovered within a few
weeks of the colostomy procedure or years later and may in-
volve the entire bypassed segment. Diffuse mild inflammation
is seen on sigmoidoscopy. Histologically, one sees nonspecific
mucosal and submucosal inflammation with surface ulcer-
ation and crypt abscesses. Biopsy may be helpful to distin-
guish diversion colitis from underlying Crohn’s disease.

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342 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Treatment with the anti-inflammatory agents used to treat

inflammatory bowel disease may, in fact, be helpful, although
many patients show no improvement unless bowel continu-
ity is restored surgically. Short-chain fatty acids, normally
present in the fecal stream, are needed to maintain a healthy
colonic mucosa, and enemas of short-chain fatty acids in the
concentrations found in feces may lead to resolution of the
Gastrointestinal Fistulas
Fistula formation is an important complication of gastroin-
testinal surgery. Anastomotic leakage can lead to communi-
cation between the gastrointestinal tract and other intestinal
segments, other intra-abdominal structures such as the blad-
der, and the skin. Fistulas are commonly associated with
abscesses along the fistulous tract. Enterocutaneous fistulas
may develop as a consequence of surgical intervention but
are more commonly related to malignant processes and may
lead to large fluid, electrolyte, and protein losses, with con-
sequent dehydration and malnutrition.
Clinical Presentation
Gastrointestinal fistulas commonly manifest with fever, leu-
kocytosis, pain, and wound breakdown. The anatomy of the
fistula may be defined by radiographs performed with
meglumine diatrizoate (Gastrografin); barium can be used if
there is no risk of leakage into the peritoneal cavity. Intestinal
obstruction distal to the origin of the fistula should be ex-
cluded. Ultrasonography and computed tomography may be
useful for localizing abscesses.
Initial therapy for a gastrointestinal fistula consists of bowel
rest, nasogastric suction, and correction of fluid and electro-
lyte abnormalities. Abscesses should be drained percuta-
neously or surgically. Intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotic
therapy should be started pending culture results. Total

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9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 343

parenteral nutrition should be started and advanced over

3 to 5 days. Nutritional support should be continued for 4 to
6 weeks before operative closure of a fistula is appropriate.
Octreotide, 50 to 100 ␮g or more subcutaneously twice a
day, may aid fistula healing by inhibiting exocrine secretions
from the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. Surgical
therapy consists of resection of the fistula and involved seg-
ment of intestine; in patients with carcinoma or irradiated
intestine, bypass of the involved segment may be all that is
feasible. A trial of conservative management is especially
important in patients with Crohn’s disease in whom resection
of a fistula is frequently complicated by recurrence. Sponta-
neous closure of a fistula is unlikely in the presence of epi-
thelialization of the fistulous tract, intra-abdominal infection
or abscess, neoplasia in the fistulous tract, active inflam-
matory disease of the bowel, a fistula output greater than
500 mL/24 hours, a fistulous tract diameter greater than
2 cm, intestinal obstruction beyond the origin of the fistula,
or impaired blood supply to the involved segment of intes-
tine. There is growing experience with fibrin glue to manage
postoperative gastrointestinal-cutaneous fistulas.
Postcholecystectomy Syndrome
Postcholecystectomy syndrome is a term used to describe a
wide variety of disorders and symptoms that may occur after
cholecystectomy. Up to 15% of patients who undergo chole-
cystectomy continue to have or acquire distressing symp-
toms postoperatively. Such symptoms are more likely to de-
velop when surgical procedures are performed for dyspepsia
than for classic biliary pain. Persistence of symptoms postop-
eratively is also more likely when an uninflamed gallbladder
is found at operation.
Nonbiliary causes of abdominal pain after cholecystectomy
include irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux
disease, diffuse esophageal spasm, gastritis, peptic ulcer dis-
ease, and pancreatitis. A high rate of psychiatric disturbances

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344 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

has been described in patients who complain of persistent

pain but have no demonstrable organic disease or anatomic
abnormality. Pain related to disease in the biliary tract after
cholecystectomy may be caused by retained or recurrent com-
mon bile duct stones, bile duct strictures, bile stasis and re-
current stone formation in a long cystic duct remnant, and
sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.
Exclusion of nonbiliary tract disease in patients with the
postcholecystectomy syndrome may require upper gastroin-
testinal endoscopy, esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH
monitoring, abdominal computed tomography, and other ap-
propriate investigations as dictated by the nature of the symp-
toms. Magnetic or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-
tography and endoscopic ultrasonography may be indicated
to investigate the possibility of common bile duct and cystic
duct stones, biliary strictures, and pancreatic abnormalities.
Biliary scintigraphy may be used as a screening test to dem-
onstrate partial or complete common bile duct obstruction.
Sphincter of Oddi manometry may be performed to look for
evidence of abnormal bile duct peristalsis and sphincter of
Oddi dysfunction. Endoscopic sphincterotomy may provide
relief of symptoms in carefully selected patients.

Selected Readings
Anonymous: NIH state-of-the-science statement on endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for diagnosis and therapy. NIH Con-
sens State Sci State 19:1-26, 2002.
Apfel CC, Korttila K, Abdalla M, et al: A factorial trial of six interventions for
the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. N Engl J Med
350:2441-2451, 2004.
Apfel CC, Roewer N: Risk assessment of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Int Anesthesiol Clin 41:13-32, 2003.
Bardou M, Youbouti Y, Benhaberou-Brun, et al: Meta-analysis: Proton-pump
inhibition in high-risk patients with acute peptic ulcer bleeding. Aliment
Pharmacol Ther 21:677-686, 2005.

Ch09-X2385_275_348.indd 344 12/19/07 2:45:07 PM

9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 345

Bartlett J: Antibiotic associated diarrhea. N Engl J Med 346:334-339,

2002. C
Behm B, Stollman N: Postoperative ileus: Etiologies and interventions.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 1:71-80, 2003.
Bernstein CN, Blanchard JF, Houston DS, Wajda A: The incidence of deep
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism among patients with in-
flammatory bowel disease: A population-based cohort study. Thromb
Haemost 85:430-434, 2001. B
Bibbo C, Goldberg JW: Infectious and healing complications after elective
orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery during tumor necrosis factor-alpha
inhibition therapy. Foot Ankle Int 25:331-335, 2004. B
Bonner GF, Fakhri A, Vennamaneni SR: A long-term cohort study of non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and disease activity in outpatients
with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 10:751-757,
2004. B
Buchman AL, Iyer K, Fryer J: Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease
and the role for isolated intestine and intestine/liver transplantation.
Hepatology 43:9-19, 2006.
DiBaise JK, Young RJ, Vanderhoff JA: Enteric microbial flora, bacterial over-
growth, and short-bowel syndrome. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 4:11-20,
Dudnick RS, Martin P, Friedman LS: Management of bleeding ulcers.
Med Clin North Am 75:947-965, 1991.
Faust TW, Reddy KR: Postoperative jaundice. Clin Liver Dis 8:151-166,
Fazel A, Verne G: New solutions to an old problem. J Clin Gastroenterol
39:17-20, 2005.
Gan SI, Beck PL: A new look at toxic megacolon: An update and review of
incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, and management. Am J Gastroenterol
98:2363-2371, 2003.
Hanauer SB: Medical therapy for ulcerative colitis 2004. Gastroenterology
126:1582-1592, 2004.
Hiramoto JS, Terdiman JP, Norton JA: Evidence-based analysis: Postopera-
tive gastric bleeding: Etiology and prevention. Surg Oncol 12:9-19,
2003. C
Kao LS, Flowers C, Flum DR: Prophylactic cholecystectomy in transplant
patients: A decision analysis. J Gastrointest Surg 9:965-972, 2005.
Kovac A: Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Drugs 59:213-243, 2000.
Leontiadis GI, Sharma VK, Howden CW: Systematic review and meta-analysis:
Proton pump inhibitor treatment for ulcer bleeding reduces transfusion
requirements and hospital stay—results from the Cochrane Collaboration.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 22:169-174, 2005.

Ch09-X2385_275_348.indd 345 12/19/07 2:45:07 PM

346 9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period

Loo VG, Poirier L, Miller MA, et al: A predominantly clonal multi-

institutional outbreak of Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea with
high morbidity and mortality. N Engl J Med 353:2442-2449, 2005.
McCallum RW, George SJ: Review: Gastroparesis. Clin Perspect Gastroenterol
4:147-154, 2001.
Musher DM, Aslam S, Logan N, et al: Relativity poor outcome after treat-
ment of Clostridium difficile colitis with metronidazole. Clin Infect Dis
40:1586-1590, 2005.
Nelson R, Tse B, Edwards S: Systematic review of prophylactic nasogastric de-
compression after abdominal operations. Br J Surg 92:673-680, 2005. B
O’Keeffe SJD, Buchman AL, Fishbein TM, et al: Short bowel syndrome and
intestinal failure: Consensus definitions and overview. Clin Gastroenterol
Hepatol 4:6-10, 2006.
Paran H, Silverberg D, Mayo A, et al: Treatment of acute colonic pseudo-
obstruction with neostigmine. J Am Coll Surg 190:315-318, 2000. A
Pennazio M, Santucci R, Rondonotti E, et al: Outcome of patients with ob-
scure gastrointestinal bleeding after capsule endoscopy: Report of 100
consecutive cases. Gastroenterology 126:643-653, 2004.
Perez A, Ito H, Farivar RS, et al: Risk factors and outcomes of pancreatitis
after open heart surgery. Am J Surg 190:401-405, 2005. B
Pisegna JR, Martindale RG: Acid suppression in the perioperative period.
J Clin Gastroenterol 39:10-16, 2005.
Pollard TR, Schwesinger WH, Page CP, et al: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
following major surgical procedures: Prevalence, etiology, and outcome.
J Surg Res 64:75-78, 1996. B
Ponec RJ, Saunders MD, Kimmey MB: Neostigmine for the treatment of acute
colonic pseudo-obstruction. N Engl J Med 15:1137-1141, 1999. A
Prajapati DN, Hogan WJ: Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and other func-
tional biliary disorders: Evaluation and treatment. Gastroenterol
Clin North Am 32:601-618, 2003.
Ramsey PS, Podratz KC: Acute pancreatitis after gynecologic and obstetric
surgery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 18:542-546, 1999.
Saunders MD, Kimmey MB: Systematic review: Acute colonic pseudo-
obstruction. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 22:917-925, 2005.
Scharff JR, Longo WE, Vartanian SM, et al: Ischemic colitis: Spectrum of
disease and outcome. Surgery 134:624-629, 2003.
Soll A: Consensus conference: Medical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
Practice guidelines: Practice Parameters Committee of the American Col-
lege of Gastroenterology. JAMA 275:622-629, 1996.
Stephenson BM, Morgan AR, Drake N, et al: Parasympathomimetic decom-
pression of acute colonic pseudo-obstruction. Lancet 342:1181-1182,
1993. A

Ch09-X2385_275_348.indd 346 12/19/07 2:45:07 PM

9 • Gastrointestinal Complications in the Postoperative Period 347

Tenner S: Initial management of acute pancreatitis: Critical issues during the

first 72 hours. Am J Gastroenterol 99:2489-2494, 2004.
Velayos FS, Williamson A, Sousa KH: Early predictors of severe lower gas-
trointestinal bleeding and adverse outcomes: A prospective study.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2:485-490, 2004.

Ch09-X2385_275_348.indd 347 12/19/07 2:45:07 PM

10 Management of the Surgical
Patient with Liver Disease

Patients with liver disease who undergo surgical procedures

have significantly increased morbidity and mortality, particu-
larly if liver disease is overt preoperatively. Because patients
with liver disease are frequently asymptomatic, the preopera-
tive assessment must include a carefully performed history
and physical examination to search for risk factors and evi-
dence of a liver disorder. If signs of liver disease are present,
further investigation into the cause and severity of the condi-
tion is indicated. Elective surgical procedures should be de-
ferred in patients with acute necroinflammatory liver disease
until the condition has resolved. Predicting how an individ-
ual patient will respond to the stresses of anesthesia and
surgery is difficult. The liver is uniquely involved in numer-
ous metabolic and synthetic processes, and management of
perioperative problems in the patient with liver disease re-
quires an understanding of both the multiple functions of the
liver and the pathophysiologic processes that underlie the
complications that may arise.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed syste-
matic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized
controlled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional
studies, retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual
practice, opinion.


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350 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease


Changes in Liver Biochemical Test Levels
Most surgical procedures, whether performed using
general or conduction (spinal or epidural) anesthetic
techniques, are followed by elevations in serum liver bio-
chemical test levels [ C Friedman, 1999; Gholson et al, 1990;
Keegan and Plevak, 2005]. In most cases, postoperative eleva-
tions of serum aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, or
bilirubin levels are minor, transient, and of questionable sig-
nificance. However, in patients with underlying liver disease,
and especially those with compromised hepatic function,
surgery can precipitate hepatic decompensation, which may
result in increased morbidity and mortality. The role of anes-
thetic agents in causing minor postoperative hepatic dysfunc-
tion is unclear; none of the currently used anesthetic agents is
a direct hepatotoxin.
The nature and extent of the surgical procedure may be
more important contributors to postoperative hepatic dys-
function than the administration of anesthesia. The risk of
hepatic dysfunction is greatest with biliary tract and upper
abdominal surgery.

Hemodynamic Effects
Cirrhosis causes a hyperdynamic circulation with increased
cardiac output, decreased systemic vascular resistance, and,
in some patients, increased extravascular volume, increased
or decreased intravascular volume, arteriovenous shunting,
and decreased renal blood flow. At baseline, hepatic arterial
and venous perfusion of the cirrhotic liver may be decreased:
portal blood flow is reduced in patients with portal hyperten-
sion, and arterial blood flow can be decreased because of
impaired autoregulation. The decreased hepatic perfusion
makes the cirrhotic liver more susceptible to hypoxemia and
hypotension. Decreased oxygen delivery to the liver during

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 351

surgery is the single most important threat to hepatic func-

tion. All anesthetic agents, including those administered by
the spinal or epidural route, reduce hepatic blood flow by
30% to 50% following induction. In fact, the type of anesthe-
sia has never been correlated with outcome.
Additional factors that may contribute to decreased hepatic
blood flow intraoperatively include hypotension, hemorrhage,
hypoxemia, hypercarbia, congestive heart failure, vasoactive
drugs, and intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Traction
on abdominal viscera may cause reflex dilation of splanchnic
capacitance vessels and may thereby lower hepatic blood flow.
Intravascular volume must be maintained to ensure he-
patic and renal perfusion. However, excess crystalloid will
extravasate and can lead intraoperatively to acute hepatic
congestion, increased venous oozing during hepatic resec-
tions, and pulmonary edema and postoperatively to ascites,
peripheral edema, and wound dehiscence.

Risk factors for intraoperative hypoxemia in patients with cir-
rhosis include ascites, hepatic hydrothorax, hepatopulmonary
syndrome (the triad of liver disease, an increased alveolar-
arterial gradient, and intrapulmonary shunting), hypoalbu-
minemia, and pulmonary hypertension. Hypoxemia also can
be caused by aspiration. Ascites, encephalopathy, and anes-
thetic agents increase the risk of aspiration in patients with
Hepatic Metabolism of Anesthetic Agents
Metabolism of anesthetic agents by the liver may result in the
formation of toxic metabolites, especially in the presence of
reduced hepatic blood flow and hypoxia. Occasional episodes
of acute hepatitis associated with the administration of halo-
thane, now rarely used in adults, are thought to be caused by
immune sensitization to trifluoroacetylated liver proteins
formed by oxidative metabolism of halothane by cytochrome

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352 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

P-450 2E1 in genetically predisposed persons; such metabo-

lism can be blocked experimentally by disulfiram. Hepatitis
caused by isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane, which un-
dergo little hepatic metabolism, is rare. These anesthetic agents
are good choices in patients with liver disease.
In many cirrhotic patients, the volume of distribution of
drugs is increased. The action of anesthetic agents may be
prolonged in patients with liver disease not only because of
impaired metabolism, but also because of hypoalbuminemia
(resulting in decreased drug binding), leading to impaired
biliary clearance. Propofol is an excellent anesthetic choice in
patients with liver disease, because it remains relatively short
acting even in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.

Use of Other Perioperative Medications

in Liver Disease
Sedatives, narcotics, intravenous induction agents, and neuro-
muscular blocking agents are generally tolerated in patients
with compensated liver disease but must be used with caution
in patients with hepatic dysfunction. Blood levels of narcotics
that undergo high first-pass extraction by the liver increase as
hepatic blood flow decreases. The sedative effects of benzodi-
azepines that undergo low first-pass extraction by the liver
may be altered in liver disease, depending largely on their
method of elimination. The elimination of drugs that undergo
glucuronidation (e.g., oxazepam, lorazepam) usually is not
affected by liver disease, whereas the elimination of those that
do not undergo glucuronidation (e.g., diazepam, chlordiaz-
epoxide) is prolonged in liver disease. In patients with decom-
pensated liver disease, sedatives such as diazepam, narcotics
such as meperidine, or induction agents such as phenobarbital
may cause prolonged depression of consciousness and may
precipitate hepatic encephalopathy even if they are used in
standard doses; very small doses may be sufficient to achieve
a therapeutic effect. In general, narcotics and benzodiazepines
should be avoided in these patients; however, when necessary,

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 353

remifentanil and oxazepam are the preferred narcotic and

sedative, respectively, because the metabolism of these agents
is unaffected by liver disease.
The volume of distribution of nondepolarizing muscle re-
laxants (e.g., pancuronium, atracurium, doxacurium, and ve-
curonium) is increased in patients with liver disease, and larger
doses may therefore be required to achieve a given level of
neuromuscular blockade. In addition, many of these agents are
metabolized by the liver and excreted in bile, and their effect is
prolonged in patients with liver disease. Atracurium and cis-
atracurium are considered the preferred muscle relaxants in
patients with liver disease because neither the liver nor the
kidney is required for their elimination. Further, the duration
of neuromuscular blockade produced by atracurium is not af-
fected by decreased levels of plasma cholinesterase, which is
synthesized by the liver. In contrast, hydrolysis of succinylcho-
line and mivacurium by plasma cholinesterase, which is nor-
mally rapid, is slightly prolonged in hepatic disease. Doxacu-
rium, which is eliminated primarily by the kidney, is preferred
for prolonged procedures such as liver transplantation.


Problems in Estimating Surgical Risk
In a patient with liver disease, surgical risk depends on the
type and severity of liver disease, the presence of comorbid
conditions, and the nature of the surgical procedure. Certain
conditions are associated with unacceptable surgical mortal-
ity and usually are considered contraindications to elective
surgery (Box 10-1). When these contraindications are absent,
the patient should undergo a thorough preoperative evalua-
tion, and the patient’s condition should be optimized before
an elective surgical procedure is performed. Mortality and
morbidity may increase when liver disease is present but
unsuspected preoperatively, and therefore an assessment for

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354 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease


Fulminant hepatic failure

Acute viral hepatitis
Acute alcoholic hepatitis
Severe chronic hepatitis
Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C cirrhosis
Severe coagulopathy (prolongation of the prothrombin time by
⬎3 seconds despite treatment with vitamin K: platelet count
Severe extrahepatic complications
Acute renal failure

possible liver disease should be part of every preoperative

evaluation. Patients found to have advanced liver disease
may benefit from alternative nonsurgical therapies when
available and appropriate.
Estimating operative risk in patients with liver disease is
difficult not only because of the problems inherent in assess-
ing the severity of liver disease, but also because of the lack
of large, prospective studies to guide the assessment of these
patients. Most studies that have examined the risk of surgery
in patients with liver disease have focused on patients with
cirrhosis. Much less information has been published on the
risk of surgery in patients with other forms of liver disease
such as hepatitis. The available evidence is derived mostly
from small, retrospective studies, many of which were pub-
lished before the identification of the hepatitis C virus
(HCV), recognition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD), and the advent of modern hepatobiliary imaging.
There is relatively little information on how the risk of
surgery varies with the type of liver disease.

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 355
Preoperative Screening
Whether healthy, asymptomatic patients should undergo
routine preoperative liver biochemical testing has been de-
bated. When such screening has been undertaken, cases of
subclinical hepatitis and even cirrhosis occasionally have
been detected. Elevated serum aminotransferase levels have
been found in 0.5% of asymptomatic U.S. Air Force basic
trainees and as many as 9.8% of adults in the United States.
Reliance on routine liver biochemical tests alone may be
misleading, because patients with cirrhosis may have normal
serum test results. In some cases, cirrhosis may be discovered
after evaluation for characteristic symptoms such as fatigue
or pruritus or on the basis of physical examination findings
such as palmar erythema, cutaneous spider telangiectasias,
hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, splenomegaly, testicular at-
rophy, or gynecomastia. Therefore, the importance of a thor-
ough preoperative history and physical examination cannot
be overemphasized. The evaluation should include careful
history taking to identify risk factors for liver disease, includ-
ing previous blood transfusions, tattoos, illicit drug use,
sexual promiscuity, a family history of jaundice or liver dis-
ease, a personal history of jaundice or fever with anesthesia,
quantitation of alcohol use, and a complete review of current
medications (including over-the-counter medications and
herbal preparations). Patients with a history of hepatitis
should have testing for serum aminotransferase, alkaline
phosphatase, bilirubin, and albumin levels, as well as pro-
thrombin time and screening for hepatitis B surface antigen
(HBsAg) and antibody to HCV (anti-HCV). If these studies
are unrevealing, elective surgery should pose no increased
risk. However, any patient found to have clinical or bio-
chemical evidence of liver disease should undergo thorough
investigation before having an elective surgical procedure.
A small proportion of patients discovered to have elevated
serum aminotransferase levels will turn out to have viral
hepatitis. If the hepatitis is acute, the patient may ultimately

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356 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

become symptomatic with jaundice. If these patients

undergo surgical procedures and the liver disease becomes
apparent postoperatively, hepatitis may be attributed errone-
ously to the anesthetic agent or the surgical procedure.
Therefore, in asymptomatic, preoperative patients with sig-
nificant liver biochemical abnormalities, elective surgical
procedures should be postponed until the liver disease is
evaluated and the course of the disease is observed. The ex-
tent to which liver biochemical test abnormalities should be
evaluated depends on their nature and severity. Minor devia-
tions from normal are not uncommon in asymptomatic pa-
tients but rarely lead to the detection of serious liver disease.
When serum aminotransferase levels are at least 1.5 times the
upper limit of normal on repeated occasions, diagnostic pos-
sibilities include NAFLD, metabolic liver disease (e.g., hemo-
chromatosis or Wilson’s disease), autoimmune liver disease,
and celiac sprue, and appropriate biochemical and serologic
testing may be needed. Liver biopsy may be necessary in
patients with elevated serum aminotransferase levels, whereas
abdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography, cholan-
giography (magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography,
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, or percu-
taneous cholangiography), and liver biopsy may be necessary
in patients with a cholestatic pattern of liver test abnormali-
ties. The possibility of drug-induced liver dysfunction must
be considered in all cases.

Acute Hepatitis and Fulminant Hepatic Failure

Acute hepatitis may be caused by drugs and toxins, viruses,
autoimmune diseases, and genetic disorders and may be
mimicked by vascular disease and acute biliary obstruction
(Table 10-1). Patients with acute hepatitis of any cause are
thought to have an increased operative risk and peri-
operative mortality rate, and elective surgery during acute
hepatitis is contraindicated, except in cases of biliary
obstruction [ C Gholson et al, 1990]. This conclusion is based

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 357

in large part on older studies, in which operative mortality

rates of 10% to 13% were reported among patients who un-
derwent laparotomy to distinguish intrahepatic from extrahe-
patic causes of jaundice. Today, such a distinction can almost
always be made with a combination of serologic tests, imaging
tests, and percutaneous liver biopsy. Nonetheless, it is appro-
priate to avoid all elective surgical procedures in patients with
acute, even mild, viral hepatitis until the acute illness has re-
solved and, in most cases, the liver biochemical test levels
have returned to normal.
Patients with fulminant hepatic failure, defined as the de-
velopment of severe coagulopathy and hepatic encephalopa-
thy within 8 weeks of the onset of acute hepatitis, are gravely

TABLE 10-1 Causes of Acute Hepatitis

Cause Initial Diagnostic Test
Drugs and Toxins Drug-induced History
Toxin-induced (in- History
cluding alcohol)
Viruses HAV IgM anti-HAV
HCV anti-HCV
HDV anti-HDV
HEV anti-HEV
CMV CMV antigenemia
EBV Monospot
HSV Culture
Autoimmune Autoimmune ANA, ASMA, IgG level
Disorders hepatitis
Genetic Disorders Wilson’s disease Serum ceruloplasmin level
Other Causes Vascular disease Abdominal ultrasonogra-
phy with Doppler or
magnetic resonance
Acute biliary Abdominal ultrasonography

ANA, antinuclear antibody; anti-HCV, antibody to hepatitis C virus; anti-HDV,

antibody to hepatitis D virus; anti-HEV, antibody to hepatitis E virus; ASMA, anti–
smooth muscle antibody; CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HAV,
hepatitis A virus; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV,
hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus; HEV, hepatitis E virus; HSV, herpes sim-
plex virus; IgM anti-HAV, IgM antibody to hepatitis A virus.

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358 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

ill and are unlikely to survive surgery other than liver

Chronic Hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis refers to a group of disorders characterized
by inflammation of the liver persisting for more than
6 months, although some patients have an acute clinical pre-
sentation. Numerous viral, genetic, autoimmune, metabolic,
and drug-induced causes of chronic hepatitis have been identi-
fied (Table 10-2). Regardless of the cause, the histopathologic
findings are classified by the grade of necroinflammatory activ-
ity and the stage of fibrosis according to one of various
scoring systems; the METAVIR scoring system is shown in
Table 10-3. If a patient is found preoperatively to have chronic
hepatitis, treatment of the underlying disease can often reduce

TABLE 10-2 Causes of Chronic Hepatitis

Cause Initial Diagnostic Test
Drugs Examples include nitro- History
furantoin, isoniazid
Viruses HBV HBsAg
HCV anti-HCV
HDV anti-HDV
Autoimmune Disorders* Autoimmune hepatitis ANA, ASMA, IgG level
Metabolic Disorders Nonalcoholic steatohep- History
Genetic Disorders Hemochromatosis Iron saturation, serum
ferritin level
Wilson’s disease Serum ceruloplasmin level
␣1-Antitrypsin Serum ␣1-antitrypsin level
Other Celiac sprue Serum transglutaminase

*Primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are in the differ-
ential diagnosis of chronic hepatitis but generally manifest as cholestatic liver
ANA, antinuclear antibodies; anti-HCV, antibody to hepatitis C virus; anti-HDV, anti-
body to hepatitis D virus; ASMA, anti–smooth muscle antibody; HBsAg, hepatitis B
surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus.

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Ch10-X2385_349_392.indd 359
TABLE 10-3 METAVIR Histologic Grading and Staging Classification of Chronic Hepatitis

Grade Portal Lobular Stage Fibrosis

0 None or minimal None
1 Portal inflammation Inflammation, no necrosis 1 No fibrosis or limited to expanded portal
2 Mild limiting plate Focal necrosis 2 Periportal fibrosis or portal-to-portal septa
necrosis with intact architecture
3 Moderate limiting plate Severe focal cell damage 3 Septal fibrosis with architectural distortion
4 Severe limiting plate Bridging necrosis 4 Cirrhosis

Data from Bedossa P, Poynard T: An algorithm for the grading of activity in chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 24:289-293, 1996.
10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

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360 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

necroinflammatory activity and, in some cases, reverse fibrosis.

Therefore, depending on the urgency of the surgical procedure,
preoperative treatment of the underlying liver disease may re-
duce a patient’s perioperative risk.
Operative Risk
Surgical risk in patients with chronic hepatitis correlates with
the clinical, biochemical, and histologic severity of the disease.
A patient’s perioperative risk may be linked to the grade of
inflammation, although little is known about the predictive
value of hepatic inflammation alone. Most data about risk
stratification relate to the fibrosis stage. The few published
studies of the risk of surgery in patients with mild to mod-
erate chronic hepatitis without cirrhosis suggest that such
patients are at low risk for complications [ B Cheung et al,
2003; Runyon, 1986]. However, medical therapy should be
optimized preoperatively. Patients with biochemically and
histologically severe chronic hepatitis have an increased surgi-
cal risk, particularly when hepatic synthetic or excretory func-
tion is impaired, portal hypertension is present, or bridging or
multilobular necrosis is found on a liver biopsy specimen
Cirrhosis is characterized by parenchymal necrosis, nodular
regeneration of remaining hepatocytes, and fibrosis with result-
ing disorganization of the hepatic lobular architecture and dis-
tortion of the vasculature. The most important complication of
cirrhosis is portal hypertension, which results from functional
obstruction of sinusoidal blood flow and may lead to bleeding
from esophageal varices, splenomegaly with pancytopenia (hy-
persplenism), ascites, and hepatic encephalopathy. Ultimately,
decompensated cirrhosis, which may manifest as worsening
portal hypertension, deteriorating hepatic synthetic function,
renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome), hypoxia (hepatopulmo-
nary syndrome), and nutritional wasting, may ensue. Although
the results of conventional liver biochemical tests (serum ami-
notransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels) correlate poorly

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 361

with the degree of liver impairment in cirrhotic patients, he-

patic dysfunction may be quantified somewhat by a low serum
albumin level and prolongation of the prothrombin time, re-
sulting from decreased synthesis of hepatic proteins, and eleva-
tion of the serum bilirubin level. Hepatic metabolism of drugs
may be altered. In addition, the risk of infection is increased
because of depressed activity of the reticuloendothelial system.
Operative Risk
Surgical risk is increased in patients with cirrhosis, but the risk
is often difficult to estimate precisely. Perioperative mortality
in cirrhotic patients correlates with the severity of cirrhosis,
that is, with the degree of hepatic decompensation. Although
the optimal measure of hepatic decompensation remains
unclear, some retrospective studies demonstrated that
perioperative mortality and morbidity in patients with cir-
rhosis correlated well with the Child-Turcotte-Pugh class
of cirrhosis and the model for end–stage liver disease
(MELD) score (Table 10-4) [ B Ziser et al, 1999; Malinchoc et
al, 2000]. The Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system, originally

TABLE 10-4 Child-Turcotte-Pugh Scoring System

Points 1 2 3
Encephalopathy* None 1–2 3–4
Ascites None Easily controlled Poorly controlled
INR ⬍1.7 1.7–2.3 ⬎2.3
Albumin (g/dL) ⬎3.5 3–3.5 ⬍3
Bilirubin (mg/dL) ⬍2 2–3 ⬎3
Score 5–6: Class A
Score 7–9: Class B
Score 10–15: Class C

*According to Trey C, Burns DG, Saunders SJ: Treatment of hepatic coma by

exchange blood transfusion. N Engl J Med 274:473–481, 1966.
INR, International normalized ratio.
From Shah VH, Kamath PS: Portal hypertension and gastrointestinal bleed-
ing. In Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ (eds): Gastrointestinal and Liver Dis-
ease Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Saunders
Elsevier, 2006, p 1918.

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362 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

designed to predict mortality following portosystemic shunt

operations, divides cirrhotic patients into three classes of
severity on the basis of five easily assessed parameters. Several
studies found a strong correlation between the Child-
Turcotte-Pugh class and operative mortality in patients under-
going non-portosystemic shunt operations. In patients with
cirrhosis who have undergone surgical procedures, the Child-
Turcotte-Pugh class has been shown to predict perioperative
mortality, with respective perioperative mortality rates of ap-
proximately 10%, 30%, 80% in patients with class A, B, and C
cirrhosis. In addition to predicting perioperative mortality, the
Child-Turcotte-Pugh class correlates with the frequency of
postoperative complications, which include liver failure with
worsening encephalopathy, bleeding, infection and sepsis, re-
nal failure, hypoxia, and intractable ascites; in many cases,
multiple complications develop. Ascites is also associated with
an increased risk of abdominal wall herniation and wound
In patients with cirrhosis who undergo surgical proce-
dures, other variables shown to predict complications are
liver disease other than primary biliary cirrhosis, ele-
vated serum creatinine level, chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease, preoperative infection, preoperative upper
gastrointestinal bleeding, high American Society of Anes-
thesiologists (ASA) class, intraoperative hypotension,
and complicated operations [ B Ziser and Plevak, 1999].
Although there are no prospective studies showing im-
proved surgical outcome after preoperative interventions to
improve hepatic function, a widely accepted guideline is that
elective surgical procedures are well tolerated in patients with
Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A cirrhosis, permissible with pre-
operative preparation in patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh
class B cirrhosis (except those undergoing extensive hepatic
resection or cardiac surgery), and contraindicated in patients
with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C cirrhosis. However, even in
patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A cirrhosis, the risk of

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 363

perioperative morbidity is increased when they have asso-

ciated portal hypertension, as assessed by measurement of the
hepatic venous pressure gradient. Preliminary observations
suggest that postoperative morbidity may be reduced by pre-
operative placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosys-
temic shunt (TIPS), but a TIPS can result in other complica-
tions, such as encephalopathy, and is not a routine preoperative
measure. Surgery in patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class
B or C cirrhosis is a major endeavor that requires careful con-
sideration and preparation. Because the prognosis is thought
to relate to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh class at the time of op-
eration, meticulous preoperative preparation of the patient
may reduce surgical risk.
In addition to correlating with the Child-Turcotte-Pugh
classification, the risk of surgery is substantially greater for
emergency procedures than for elective surgery, and for ab-
dominal surgery (particularly biliary tract procedures), car-
diac surgery, and hepatic resection than for other types of
surgery (Table 10-5) (see later). Some studies have not con-
firmed the predictive value of the Child-Turcotte-Pugh clas-
sification, in part because few Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C
patients were included, nor has any study validated the
predictive value of the Child-Turcotte-Pugh class prospec-
tively. Common causes of death following abdominal surgical
procedures in patients with cirrhosis include hemorrhage,
sepsis, and hepatorenal syndrome.
Respiratory compromise in patients with liver disease may
result from hepatopulmonary syndrome, restrictive lung
disease (caused by ascites or pleural effusions), pulmonary
hypertension (which can be associated with cirrhosis), or im-
mune-mediated lung disease (which can be associated with
autoimmune liver diseases). The hepatopulmonary syndrome
often manifests with orthodeoxia (a decline in oxygen satura-
tion with standing). Severe hypoxemia (partial pressure of
oxygen ⬍60 mm Hg) associated with liver disease generally
is considered a relative contraindication to surgery (except for

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364 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Risk Factors for Surgery in Patients

TABLE 10-5
with Chronic Liver Disease

Type of Surgery Emergency surgery

Abdominal surgery (especially cholecystec-
tomy, gastric resection, or colectomy)
Cardiac surgery
Hepatic resection
Patient Characteristics Child-Turcotte-Pugh class (see Table 10-4)
Elevated serum bilirubin level
Portal hypertension
Prolonged prothrombin time (⬎2.5 seconds)
that does not correct with vitamin K
Abnormal quantitative liver function tests
(e.g., galactose elimination capacity)
Higher model for end-stage liver disease
(MELD) score

liver transplantation, which may correct hepatopulmonary

syndrome or restrictive lung disease from ascites). In a multi-
variate analysis, a diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung dis-
ease and surgical procedures of the respiratory tract were
identified as risk factors for mortality in patients with cirrho-
sis who underwent operation. Administration of a higher than
usual concentration of oxygen during anesthesia is recom-
mended in all patients with cirrhosis.
A growing body of data has shown that the MELD score,
based on the serum bilirubin level, serum creatinine level,
and international normalized ratio (INR), is as accurate as the
Child-Turcotte-Pugh class in predicting surgical mortality in
patients with cirrhosis [ B Teh et al, 2007] There is a linear in-
crease in the postoperative 90-day mortality for each addi-
tional MELD point. The MELD score allows finer callibration
of surgical risk than the Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification.

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 365


Chronic Hepatitis B
An estimated 400 million people worldwide and 1.25 million
people in the United States are chronically infected with
hepatitis B virus (HBV). Inactive carriers of HBV, who have
normal serum aminotransferase levels and no hepatic inflam-
mation, are not at increased risk for postoperative complica-
tions, but patients with chronic hepatitis B, with or without
cirrhosis, may be at increased risk of operative morbidity,
depending on the severity of hepatic inflammation and
degree of hepatic dysfunction, as discussed previously.
There is a risk that exposure to blood, saliva, semen, or
vaginal secretions of HBsAg-positive patients, especially those
who are also hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive or have
high serum HBV DNA levels, will infect medical and surgical
personnel. This risk may be minimized by strict adherence to
proper operating room protocol, use of disposable equipment,
and appropriate decontamination and sterilization procedures.
Moreover, all medical workers should receive a full course of
recombinant hepatitis B vaccine (10 or 20 ␮g intramuscularly,
depending on the specific preparation, at 0, 1, and 6 months).
Because the vaccine failure rate is 5% to 10%, seroconversion
should be confirmed by testing for the presence of antibody to
HBsAg (anti-HBs) in serum 1 month after the third vaccine
injection. For the rare unvaccinated medical worker who sus-
tains an accidental needlestick exposure to HBV, the risk of in-
fection ranges from 6% to 30%, depending on the infectivity of
the source. For these exposed persons, hepatitis B immune
globulin (0.06 mL/kg, or 5 mL, intramuscularly) should be
administered immediately, and the vaccine series should be
initiated. In previously vaccinated persons who sustain an ac-
cidental needlestick exposure to HBV, anti-HBs titers should be
measured in serum, and, if the titer is less than 10 mIU/mL, a

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366 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

booster dose of the vaccine should be given. Although levels of

anti-HBs following HBV vaccination decline over time and may
fall to less than the seroprotective threshold, reexposure to HBV
usually leads to an anamnestic response, or, in rare instances,
subclinical infection. As a result, routine booster immunization
of previously vaccinated persons who initially seroconverted to
anti-HBs has not been recommended, except in immunocom-
promised persons.

Hepatitis C
One hundred seventy million people are infected with
HCV worldwide, and in the United States 1.8% of the
population is infected. Acute HCV infection is often asymp-
tomatic, and serum aminotransferase elevations may be
mild (100 to 300 U/L). Following acute HCV infection, up
to 85% of patients progress to chronic infection. Patients
with chronic HCV infection typically have elevated amino-
transferase levels ranging from 1.3 to 3 times the upper
limit of normal, although the serum aminotransferase lev-
els may be within normal limits. The 15% of patients with
acute HCV infection who clear the virus spontaneously
and those with chronic HCV infection who achieve a sus-
tained virologic response following treatment with PEG-
interferon and ribavirin continue to have detectable anti-
body to HCV (anti-HCV) for life. Approximately 20% of
patients with chronic hepatitis C progress to cirrhosis over
20 years; normal serum aminotransferase levels do not
preclude the possibility of advanced fibrosis on a liver bi-
opsy specimen. Of patients with cirrhosis caused by HCV,
decompensated liver disease develops in 30% within
10 years. Host factors that favor progression to cirrhosis
include male gender, alcohol use, age greater than 40 years
at the time of acquisition of HCV infection, and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection; other possible
risk factors include increased hepatic iron concentrations
and steatosis.

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 367

The impact of anti-HCV status on surgical outcome

was studied retrospectively in U.S. veterans. Evidence
suggests that anti-HCV positivity does not increase the
risk of surgery [ B Cheung et al, 2003]. Although mortality
is likely unaffected, anti-HCV–positive patients may have
higher peak serum aminotransferase levels postopera-
tively than do anti-HCV–negative patients [ B Murakami
et al, 2004].
A needlestick injury from an HCV-positive source can lead
to HCV infection in a health care worker; the risk of trans-
mission is approximately 4%. If symptomatic acute hepatitis
C develops in the exposed worker, it usually occurs 4 to
12 weeks after exposure. Patients in whom jaundice develops
are more likely to clear HCV spontaneously than are those
who remain anicteric. Currently, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention recommend serum alanine amino-
transferase and anti-HCV testing at the time of and 4 to
6 months after the exposure. For earlier detection of HCV
infection, testing with a sensitive assay for HCV RNA can be
performed at 4 to 6 weeks after exposure. To date, a vaccine
or alternative approach to postexposure prophylaxis of HCV
infection has not been available outside clinical trials. Treat-
ment with interferon-alfa for 4 weeks has been used after a
needlestick injury, but the benefit of this approach is uncer-
tain because the risk of HCV transmission by needlestick is
low; studies of postexposure treatment of acute hepatitis C
with PEG-interferon and ribavirin are ongoing.

Alcoholic Liver Disease

The spectrum of alcoholic liver disease includes fatty liver,
acute alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Even brief periods of
heavy alcohol consumption may produce fatty liver, which
usually is a mild, asymptomatic illness characterized by
hepatomegaly and slight elevations of the serum aminotrans-
ferase, alkaline phosphatase, and ␥-glutamyl transpeptidase
levels. The diagnosis of fatty liver can be suspected on liver

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368 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

ultrasound study; however, ultrasonography is incapable of

distinguishing fatty liver from alcoholic hepatitis reliably, and
confirmation of the diagnosis of fatty liver requires liver bi-
opsy. Alcohol-induced fatty liver without fibrosis usually re-
solves quickly with abstinence. Because liver function is
preserved, elective surgical procedures are not contraindi-
cated in patients with fatty liver; however, a period of absti-
nence from alcohol preoperatively is advisable for all patients
with a histologic appearance of steatohepatitis or those who
are suspected of recent excessive alcohol consumption. Alco-
holic patients are at increased risk of perioperative alcohol
withdrawal and hepatotoxicity with therapeutic doses of ace-
taminophen, even if they do not have liver disease. Surgery
also should be postponed to allow correction of associated
alcohol-induced nutritional deficiencies.
Alcoholic hepatitis is a serious necroinflammatory liver
disease characterized histologically by hepatocyte swelling,
infiltration of the liver with polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes, hepatocyte necrosis and, in many patients, Mallory’s
hyaline in hepatocytes. The broad range of clinical
manifestations may include jaundice, fever, tender hepato-
megaly, ascites, encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding,
and hepatorenal syndrome; the correlation between the
clinical presentation and the histologic severity of inflam-
mation and fibrosis is poor. Clinical and laboratory
variables can be used to gauge prognosis in alcoholic
hepatitis. A discriminant function (DF) can be calculated
as follows:
4.6 ⫻ (prothrombin time ⫺ control prothrombin time) ⫹
serum bilirubin level
A DF value greater than 32 is an indicator of severe disease,
with a 30-day mortality rate of approximately 50%. The pres-
ence of hepatic encephalopathy is an additional important
predictor of early death. Glucocorticoid or pentoxifylline

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 369

therapy for patients with a DF value greater than 32 de-

creases short-term mortality [ A Ramond et al, 1992].
Elective surgery in patients with alcoholic hepatitis is con-
traindicated. Patients with alcoholic hepatitis occasionally may
be diagnosed incorrectly as having acute cholecystitis, a mis-
take that can have grave consequences if a laparotomy is per-
formed. Mortality rates as high as 55% to 100% have been
observed in patients with acute alcoholic hepatitis who have
undergone open liver biopsy, portosystemic shunt surgery, or
exploratory laparotomy. However, the studies that reported
these results took place in the 1960s and 1970s, and advances
in surgical technique and postoperative care since then may
have improved the outcome in such patients. This possibility is
illustrated by a report from 1984, in which operative liver bi-
opsy findings were reviewed in 164 patients with alcoholic
cirrhosis and bleeding varices who underwent emergency por-
tacaval shunt surgery. Of these patients, 49 (30%) had histo-
logic evidence of acute alcoholic hepatitis but had survival rates
similar to those of the patients without alcoholic hepatitis.
Abstinence from alcohol, usually for 6 to 12 weeks, and
clinical resolution of alcoholic hepatitis with return of the
serum bilirubin level to normal are recommended before elec-
tive surgery is considered. However, severe alcoholic hepatitis
may persist for many months, despite abstinence. We recom-
mend that elective surgical procedures be delayed for at least
12 weeks before elective surgical procedures are performed.
The severity of the underlying liver disease should be reas-
sessed before a final recommendation for surgery is made.

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Patients with NAFLD but without significant hepatic fibrosis
do not appear to have excessive mortality following elective
surgical procedures. However, a trend toward increased mor-
tality following hepatic resection has been observed in patients
with moderate to severe steatosis (⬎30% of hepatocytes

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370 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

containing fat). Whether patients with steatohepatitis are at

greater operative risk than those with simple steatosis is
NAFLD may be associated with a wide variety of condi-
tions, most commonly diabetes, obesity, and hypertriglyceri-
demia (insulin resistance syndrome). NAFLD is relatively
common in patients with morbid obesity who undergo gas-
tric bypass surgery. Unexpected cirrhosis presumably re-
lated to NAFLD may be discovered intraoperatively in up
to 6% of patients who undergo a gastric bypass operation
and is not thought to be a contraindication to the proce-
dure [ B Brolin et al, 1998].
Wilson’s Disease
Patients with Wilson’s disease who have neuropsychiatric
involvement may not be able to provide informed consent.
Furthermore, surgical procedures can precipitate or aggra-
vate neurologic symptoms. D-Penicillamine (a copper chela-
tor commonly used for treatment) interferes with the cross-
linking of collagen and may impair wound healing. As a
result, the dose of D-penicillamine should be decreased pre-
operatively and during the first 1 to 2 postoperative weeks.
Patients with hemochromatosis should be evaluated for com-
plications, such as diabetes and cardiomyopathy, that could
influence perioperative care. In the past, decreased survival
following liver transplantation in patients with hemochro-
matosis as compared with other types of liver disease was
attributed to underlying cardiomyopathy in many patients
with hemochromatosis, but recent survival rates have im-
proved because of better patient selection.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Elective surgery is usually well tolerated in patients with
autoimmune hepatitis in remission when liver disease
is compensated. However, patients receiving long-term

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 371

glucocorticoid therapy for autoimmune hepatitis should be

given appropriate “stress” doses during the perioperative
period (e.g., hydrocortisone sodium hemisuccinate, 100 mg
intravenously every 8 hours beginning the night before the
surgical procedure).


Biliary Tract Surgery and Obstructive Jaundice
Obstructive jaundice results from a stone, stricture, or tumor
involving the extrahepatic bile ducts. Patients with cirrhosis
are at increased risk of gallstone formation and associated
complications as compared with noncirrhotic patients.
Operative Risk
Biliary tract surgery, including cholecystectomy, presents a
particular problem in patients with cirrhosis, in part be-
cause of the increased vascularity of the gallbladder bed in
patients with cirrhotic portal hypertension and the massive
bleeding that may result from dissection of the gallbladder,
even in the absence of overt coagulopathy. Coagulopathy
and portal hypertension are relative contraindications to
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Evidence indicates that lapa-
roscopic cholecystectomy can be performed safely in pa-
tients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A cirrhosis or a MELD
score of 8 or less without portal hypertension. In contrast,
open cholecystectomy in patients with cirrhosis carries a
mortality rate of up to 25%. In an emergency, cholecys-
tostomy, rather than cholecystectomy, is recommended in
patients with poorly compensated cirrhosis and portal
In patients with obstructive jaundice (generally without cir-
rhosis), perioperative mortality ranges from 8% to 28% and has
not changed since the 1970s, although endoscopic has re-
placed surgical decompression as the preferred approach to

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372 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

urgent treatment. In this patient group, predictors of postop-

erative mortality include a hematocrit value less than 30%, an
initial serum bilirubin level greater than 11 mg/dL (200 µmol/
L), and a malignant cause of obstruction (Box 10-2). When all
three factors are present, the mortality rate approaches
60%; when no factors are present, the mortality rate is only
5% [ B Dixon et al, 1983]. Other predictors of poor surgical
outcome include serum bilirubin level higher than 3 mg/dL
(reflecting a malignant cause), elevated serum creatinine, hypo-
albuminemia, and cholangitis.
Patients with obstructive jaundice are at increased risk of
several perioperative complications, including infections
(which result in part from bacterial colonization of the biliary
tree, impaired Kupffer cell function, defective neutrophil
function, and a high rate of endotoxemia), gastrointestinal
bleeding caused by stress-related gastric mucosal disease,
disseminated intravascular coagulation, delayed wound heal-
ing, wound dehiscence, incisional hernias, and renal failure.
In addition, obstructive jaundice is thought to predispose to
hypotension as a result of systemic vasodilation.
An increased frequency of postoperative renal failure has
been recognized in patients with obstructive jaundice. The



Hematocrit value ⬍30%

Serum bilirubin level ⬎11 mg/dL
Malignant cause of biliary obstruction

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 373

high frequency of renal failure may relate to increased ab-

sorption of endotoxin from the gut. In patients without liver
or biliary disease, endotoxin absorption is limited by the
detergent effect of bile salts on lipopolysaccharide (endo-
toxin); this protection is lost in patients with obstructive
jaundice, in whom bile salt secretion is reduced. Renal vaso-
constriction may be exaggerated in this setting by vasoactive
mediators released as a result of renal oxidative stress in-
duced by increased intravascular levels of bile salts.
Perioperative Volume Management
The risk of postoperative renal dysfunction appears to be
reduced if intravascular volume and urine output are main-
tained during surgery. The use of preoperative blood transfu-
sion should be considered in the patient with a hematocrit
value lower than 30%. Close monitoring of intraoperative
and postoperative fluid status is essential. If intravascular
volume expansion is needed in patients with a low serum
albumin level and a normal hematocrit value, 25% salt-poor
albumin may be used. Aminoglycoside antibiotics and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a greatly increased
potential for nephrotoxicity in jaundiced patients and should
be avoided.
Prevention of Endotoxemia
Limited evidence suggests that the administration of bile salts
or lactulose (30 mL orally every 6 hours for 3 days preopera-
tively) to patients with obstructive jaundice can prevent both
endotoxemia and exaggerated renal vasoconstriction. Pro-
phylactic administration of oral antibiotics also has been
recommended in an effort to reduce the adverse effects of
endotoxemia, although direct proof of the efficacy of this ap-
proach is lacking. Destruction of intestinal gram-negative
organisms could actually prove detrimental, owing to sys-
temic absorption of increased amounts of released endo-
toxin. Conversely, intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics
should be administered perioperatively to reduce the

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374 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

frequency of postoperative infections. Unfortunately, this ap-

proach does not affect mortality.
Biliary Decompression
No evidence indicates that preoperative transhepatic decom-
pression of an obstructed biliary tree leads to a decrease in
perioperative morbidity or mortality. Therefore, routine pre-
operative transhepatic decompression of an obstructed bili-
ary system is not recommended. Endoscopic biliary drainage
has the advantage of restoring enterohepatic circulation of
bile acids while avoiding the complications of percutaneous
puncture. Patients with cholangitis and choledocholithiasis
who receive broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics and un-
dergo endoscopic drainage have lower mortality and morbid-
ity rates than do patients who undergo immediate surgical
decompression. However, for patients with a malignant
cause of biliary obstruction, preoperative endoscopic drain-
age (e.g., external biliary drainage) has not been shown to
improve subsequent surgical mortality.
Although endoscopic sphincterotomy is associated with
an increased rate of complications in patients with cirrhosis,
morbidity and mortality rates for this procedure are low even
in patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C cirrhosis when
biliary decompression can be achieved. The main complica-
tion of endoscopic sphincterotomy in patients with Child-
Turcotte-Pugh class C cirrhosis is bleeding. Endoscopic
papillary balloon dilation is associated with a lower risk of
bleeding than standard sphincterotomy and is preferred in
patients with cirrhosis and coagulopathy; however, balloon
dilation has been associated with a higher risk of pancreatitis
in some studies.
Alternatives to Surgery
For patients who are poor surgical candidates or who have a
limited life expectancy because of malignant disease, endo-
scopic biliary decompression and endoprosthesis (stent) in-
sertion may be an excellent, albeit palliative, alternative to

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 375

surgery. Percutaneous biliary decompression appears to be

associated with higher rates of procedural morbidity
and mortality than endoscopic decompression but may be
required for proximal bile duct lesions or when an endo-
scopic approach is unsuccessful. A combined percutaneous-
endoscopic approach to biliary stent placement may be effec-
tive if endoscopic stenting is unsuccessful.
Choledocholithiasis can be treated successfully by retro-
grade extraction after endoscopic sphincterotomy in up to
90% of cases. Of the remaining cases, approximately 80%
can be managed successfully with endoscopic mechanical,
laser, or electrohydraulic lithotripsy. Endoscopic stents also
may be used as palliative treatment for large bile duct calculi
that cannot be removed by nonoperative methods. In pa-
tients with an intact gallbladder, the risk of acute cholecysti-
tis after endoscopic sphincterotomy for choledocholithiasis is
only approximately 10% in the subsequent 5 years.
Patients with cholangitis caused by choledocholithiasis
frequently improve with parenteral antibiotics, thereby al-
lowing time to prepare for definitive therapy of the bile duct
stones. Persons with severe cholangitis and those who do not
respond promptly to intravenous antibiotics should undergo
urgent endoscopic decompression. Endoscopic biliary de-
compression is highly effective therapy and is associated with
significantly less morbidity and mortality than open surgical
approaches. Ciprofloxacin is the drug of choice for severe
cholangitis, based on its superior ability to penetrate an ob-
structed biliary system and its broad spectrum of activity
against common biliary pathogens. In some patients, ampi-
cillin, metronidazole, or both drugs should be added.
Cardiac Surgery
In patients with cirrhosis, the mortality associated with car-
diac surgery is greater than with most other surgical proce-
dures. A Child-Turcotte-Pugh score of 7 or less or a
MELD score of 8 or less suggests that cardiopulmonary

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376 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

bypass can be accomplished safely in cirrhotic patients

[ B Suman et al, 2004].
Risk factors for hepatic decompensation following cardiac
surgery include the total time of cardiopulmonary bypass, use
of nonpulsatile as opposed to pulsatile cardiopulmonary by-
pass, and need for perioperative pressor support. Cardiopul-
monary bypass can exacerbate underlying coagulopathy by
inducing platelet dysfunction, fibrinolysis, and hypocalcemia.
In general, the least invasive options, such as angioplasty
or minimally invasive revascularization techniques, should
be considered in patients with advanced cirrhosis who
require invasive intervention for cardiac disease.

Hepatic Resection
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a well-established com-
plication of liver disease. Chronic hepatitis B is thought to
lead to HCC as a result of chronic necroinflammatory activity
in the liver as well as integration of HBV DNA into the host
genome. In endemic areas where HBV infection is acquired
at or near birth, the 5-year cumulative frequency of HCC in
cirrhotic patients is as high as 15%. Chronic hepatitis C can
lead to HCC primarily by causing cirrhosis. After cirrhosis
occurs, the risk of HCC is 1.4% to 6.9% per year. Like hepa-
titis C, most other forms of liver disease put patients at in-
creased risk of HCC only after cirrhosis has occurred. Of all
causes of liver disease, patients with hemochromatosis and
cirrhosis have the highest risk of HCC. Screening for
HCC with ultrasound and with serum ␣-fetoprotein testing
every 6 months is recommended for all patients with cirrho-
sis and for noncirrhotic patients with chronic (replicative)
hepatitis B as well as inactive HBV carriers who are more
than 40 years old.
Patients with cirrhosis who undergo hepatic resection for
HCC or other liver tumors are at increased risk of hepatic
decompensation as compared with cirrhotic patients who
undergo other types of surgical procedures. In addition to

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 377

having severe underlying liver disease, these patients lose a

substantial portion of functional hepatocellular mass as a
result of hepatic resection at a time when their hepatic re-
serve is already compromised. In the past, cirrhosis was
considered to be a contraindication to resection of hepatic
tumors because mortality rates exceeded 50%. More recently,
the perioperative mortality rate for hepatic resection has de-
creased to 0% to 8.7%. The improvement in outcomes has
been attributed to better patient selection (including earlier
detection of tumors), meticulous preoperative preparation,
intensive intraoperative and postoperative monitoring, and
improved surgical techniques. Despite better outcomes,
5-year recurrence rates are as high as 100%, and 5-year sur-
vival rates are no higher than 50%. The Child-Turcotte-Pugh
classification is still the most widely used measure of opera-
bility, but studies have failed to confirm its value in predict-
ing morbidity and mortality, in part because of selection bias
and the small number of patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh
class B and C cirrhosis studied.
Although patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A cirrho-
sis generally tolerate hepatic resection well, risk factors for
postoperative morbidity include portal hypertension, thora-
cotomy, pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, malignancy,
longer surgical time, the presence of active hepatitis, male sex,
larger tumor size, and complex intrahepatic inflammatory dis-
ease. Increasingly, liver transplantation has been preferred over
resection in patients with Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A cirrhosis
and HCC, either one small (⬍5 cm) or up to 3 smaller (⬍3 cm
each) tumors. However, the shortage of donor livers often pre-
cludes timely liver transplantation in these patients. Nonsurgi-
cal options for treating HCC include radiofrequency ablation,
microwave ablation, ethanol injection, and chemoemboliza-
tion. Radiofrequency ablation is utilized for tumors smaller
than 5 cm in patients who are awaiting liver transplantation or
who are not surgical candidates. To date, not enough evidence
is available to recommend this technique for tumors larger

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378 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

than 5 cm in diameter, and a tumor adjacent to a blood vessel

is not amenable to radiofrequency ablation. Chemoemboliza-
tion is reserved for large HCCs that are not amenable to any
other modality of therapy.
Other Types of Surgery
Repair of umbilical and groin hernias in patients with cirrhosis
and ascites often can be accomplished at relatively low risk.
Preoperative control of ascites is recommended. Although
undertaken infrequently, peptic ulcer surgery is associated
with increased postoperative complication and mortality rates
in patients with cirrhosis, as compared with surgical treatment
in noncirrhotic patients, and should be limited to the treat-
ment of uncontrollable bleeding and perforation. Table 10-6
lists representative mortality and, when available, morbidity
rates for various operations in patients with cirrhosis.


The liver synthesizes most of the factors (all except factor
VIII) and inhibitors of the coagulation and fibrinolytic sys-
tems. In patients with liver disease, impaired hemostasis
may result from a reduction in the levels of vitamin
K–dependent clotting factors, caused by malnutrition and
decreased hepatic protein synthesis, and an increase in
plasma proteolytic activity, possibly caused by decreased
hepatic clearance of proteases. Increased fibrinolytic activ-
ity and laboratory features of mild disseminated intravas-
cular coagulation are common. The resulting pattern of
hemostatic abnormalities consists of prolonged prothrom-
bin time, low plasma fibrinogen level, normal or increased
partial thromboplastin time, and prolonged thrombin time.

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 379

Mortality Rates Associated with Surgery

TABLE 10-6
in Patients with Cirrhosis
Type of Surgery of Patients Mortality (%) Morbidity (%)
Laparotomy for 17 44% 71%
Esophagectomy 18 16.7% 83.3%
Appendectomy 69 9% NA
Transurethral 30 6.7% NA
resection of the
Treatment of he- 18 27.8% 57.1%
patic hydrotho-
rax with talc
Surgery on the 14 57% NA
small intestine
Surgery on the 82 51% NA
Colorectal cancer 72 13% NA
Total knee arthro- 51 0% 39%

NA, not available. Data from Wahlstrom K, Ney AL, Jacobson S, et al: Trauma
in cirrhotics: Survival and hospital sequelae in patients requiring abdominal ex-
ploration. Am Surg 66:1071-1076, 2000; Tachibana M, Kotoh T, Kinugasa S, et al:
Esophageal cancer with cirrhosis of the liver: Results of esophagectomy in 18 con-
secutive patients. Ann Surg Oncol 7:758-763, 2000; Poulsen TL, Thulstrup AM,
Sorensen HT, et al: Appendectomy and perioperative mortality in patients with
liver cirrhosis. Br J Surg 87:1664-1665, 2000; Nielsen SS, Thulstrup AM, Lund L,
et al: Postoperative mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis undergoing transure-
thral resection of the prostate: A Danish nationwide cohort study. BJU Int 87:
183-186, 2001; Milanez de Campos JR, Filho LO, de Campos Werebe E, et al:
Thoracoscopy and talc poudrage in the management of hepatic hydrothorax.
Chest 118:13-17, 2000; Wong R, Rappaport W, Witte C, et al: Risk of nonshunt
abdominal operation in the patient with cirrhosis. J Am Coll Surg 179:412–416,
1994; Lehnert T, Herfarth C: Peptic ulcer surgery in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Ann Surg 217:338–346, 1993; Gervaz P, Pak-art R, Nivatvongs S, et al: Colorectal
adenocarcinoma in cirrhotic patients. J Am Coll Surg 196:874-879, 2003; and
Shih LY, Cheng CY, Chang CH, et al: Total knee arthroplasty in patients with liver
cirrhosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:335-341, 2004.

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380 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Thrombocytopenia is common as a result of hypersplen-

ism, folate deficiency, or alcohol-induced suppression of
the bone marrow. Platelet function may also be abnormal.

Preoperative Preparation
The hemostatic stress of surgery requires that the patient un-
dergo careful preoperative preparation as well as intraopera-
tive monitoring of hemostatic parameters. Vitamin K, 10 mg
given intramuscularly, usually corrects hypoprothrombinemia
related to malnutrition or intestinal bile salt deficiency as a
result of obstructive jaundice but not hypoprothrombinemia
related to hepatocellular disease. Although an injection of vi-
tamin K on 3 consecutive days is often recommended, one
dose may be sufficient, and the effect is often evident within
6 to 12 hours.
When vitamin K repletion does not correct the coagu-
lopathy, considerable hepatocellular dysfunction exists. In
such patients, fresh frozen plasma (typically 6 to 8 U for se-
vere coagulopathy) is the cornerstone of therapy. Correction
of the prothrombin time to within 3 seconds of the normal
control value is recommended. Unfortunately, the large
quantities of fresh frozen plasma required to shorten a pro-
longed prothrombin time and the transient nature of the re-
sponse limit the effectiveness of this therapy. A prolonged
bleeding time also can be treated with diamino-8-D-arginine
vasopressin (DDAVP). DDAVP shortens the bleeding time in
patients with cirrhosis by releasing endogenous stores of von
Willebrand multimers. Because cryoprecipitate contains large
quantities of these multimers and is also rich in fibrinogen,
intravenous infusion of 10 U of cryoprecipitate should be
considered when hemorrhage cannot be controlled by other
means. Recombinant activated factor VIIa is another option.
Preoperative platelet transfusions are indicated when the
platelet count is less than 100,000/mm3; 8 to 10 U are given
initially and are repeated postoperatively until the patient
is hemodynamically stable. Hyperfibrinolysis may develop

Ch10-X2385_349_392.indd 380 12/19/07 2:48:11 PM

10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 381

intraoperatively, especially during liver transplantation, or

spontaneously in patients with advanced cirrhosis. Antifibri-
nolytic agents (⑀-aminocaproic acid or aprotinin) are effec-
tive in decreasing transfusion requirements during liver
transplantation, but their role in other surgical procedures
remains unclear. The potential for thrombotic complications
with these drugs is a concern.
Preoperative assessment of fluid status and serum electrolyte
levels is essential in the cirrhotic patient. Ascites in a patient
with cirrhosis results from several factors: portal hyperten-
sion, decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure owing to
impaired hepatic synthesis of albumin and other serum pro-
teins, leakage of protein-rich hepatic lymph caused by block-
age of hepatic sinusoids and lymphatics, and hyperaldo-
steronism in part resulting from impaired hepatic metabolism
of aldosterone. In addition, peripheral vasodilation, mediated
by nitric oxide, leads to stimulation of the renin-angiotensin
system with resultant renal vasoconstriction and avid sodium
retention. Associated electrolyte abnormalities include hypo-
natremia, as a result of impaired free water clearance, and
hypokalemic alkalosis, as a result of diuretic therapy and in-
creased urinary or gastrointestinal losses of potassium.

Preoperative evaluation in a patient with new or worsening
ascites should include diagnostic paracentesis to exclude in-
fection or malignancy and to differentiate spontaneous from
secondary bacterial peritonitis (Table 10-7). Routine admis-
sion paracentesis should be strongly considered for all
patients with cirrhotic ascites because up to 20% of these
patients are found to have spontaneous bacterial perito-
nitis [ C Gines et al, 2004]. The classic symptoms and signs
of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are abdominal pain,

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382 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Laboratory Findings in Spontaneous

TABLE 10-7
and Secondary Bacterial Peritonitis
Peritoneal Fluid Spontaneous Secondary
PMN count ⬎250 cells/mm3 ⬎250 cells/mm3
PMNs ⬎48 hr after Decrease May increase
Lactate dehydrogenase Normal ⬎ Upper limit of
normal of serum
Glucose Equal to serum glucose ⬍50 mg/dL
Total protein Often ⬍1 g/dL ⬎1 g/dL
Gram stain (% positive) Usually negative Positive in 40%
Culture Monomicrobial aerobes Often polymicrobial aer-
obes, anaerobes, fungi

PMN, polymorphonuclear neutrophil. Data from Akriviadis EA, Runyon BA:

Utility of an algorithm in differentiating spontaneous from secondary bacterial
peritonitis. Gastroenterology 98:127–133, 1990.

fever, and increasing ascites, but up to 20% of patients with

spontaneous bacterial peritonitis will have none of these
findings. More subtle clues to the presence of ascitic fluid
infection are worsening encephalopathy, renal function, or
jaundice. Secondary bacterial peritonitis, typically resulting
from gut perforation, in a patient with preexisting ascites can
be present in the absence of physical findings characteristic
of a surgical abdomen.
Because cultures of the ascites may be negative in a patient
with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, the diagnosis is
based on an ascitic fluid neutrophil count greater than
250 cells/mm3. When this criterion is met, empiric treatment
with a third-generation cephalosporin provides effective
coverage for nearly all the usual pathogens. Spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis typically responds promptly to antibi-
otics, whereas secondary peritonitis requires definitive surgi-
cal therapy or abscess drainage.
Control of Ascites
To reduce the risk of postoperative wound dehiscence or
abdominal wall herniation, it is advisable to control ascites
medically before performing abdominal surgical procedures;

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 383

if necessary, the ascites can be drained at the time of laparos-

copy or laparotomy. In patients with associated peripheral
edema, rapid diuresis with higher doses of diuretics may be
well tolerated, but in patients without peripheral edema,
more gradual diuresis needs to be employed preoperatively
to avoid precipitating renal insufficiency or encephalopathy.
In patients with tense ascites, large-volume paracentesis of
5 L or more is generally well tolerated, irrespective of the
presence of peripheral edema. Compared with diuretic ther-
apy, large-volume paracentesis is faster and more effective. It
also is associated with fewer renal and electrolyte abnormali-
ties and less encephalopathy than is seen with diuretic ther-
apy. Renal impairment following paracentesis may be pre-
vented by the administration of intravenous 25% salt-poor
albumin (10 g/L of fluid removed).
Medical therapy of ascites includes salt restriction to
2000 mg/day, spironolactone (beginning with 100 mg/day),
and a loop diuretic such as furosemide (beginning with
40 mg/day). Combination therapy with furosemide and spi-
ronolactone may accelerate the onset of diuresis and reduces
the frequency of hyperkalemia or hypokalemia. Fluid re-
striction is difficult to enforce and is generally unnecessary
except when hyponatremia becomes severe (serum sodium
⬍125 mEq/L). Chronic hyponatremia is generally well tol-
erated in cirrhotic patients and is not associated with
seizures, except during alcohol withdrawal or when the de-
cline in serum sodium is rapid. Ascites that is refractory to
standard medical therapy often responds to placement of

Fluid and Electrolyte Replacement

If preoperative volume replacement is necessary, excessive
salt administration should be avoided, and 25% salt-poor
albumin, glucose solutions, and fresh frozen plasma should
be used instead. Deficits in potassium and (especially in the
alcoholic patient) phosphate and magnesium should be

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384 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

corrected. Careful monitoring of the patient’s weight, intake

and output, and urinary sodium concentration is essential,
and, in some cases, the central venous pressure should be
Renal Dysfunction
Renal function should be monitored closely in surgical pa-
tients with cirrhosis and ascites. Serum creatinine, blood
urea nitrogen, and creatinine clearance determinations may
markedly overestimate the actual glomerular filtration rate in
patients with cirrhosis because of muscle wasting and de-
creased urea synthesis. Furthermore, lean muscle mass may
be difficult to estimate, particularly in edematous patients,
thereby making calculation of drug doses challenging.
Patients with advanced liver disease have increased levels of
endogenous vasodilators (e.g., nitric oxide and prostacyclin),
which lead to peripheral vasodilation and a chronic hyperdy-
namic circulation. Among the clinical consequences of the
hyperdynamic circulation is activation of the sympathetic
nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. Dur-
ing the compensated stage of cirrhosis, elevated levels of renal
vasodilatory prostaglandins compensate for the vasoconstric-
tive influence of angiotensin. Inhibition of renal prostaglandin
synthesis by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is associ-
ated with decreased urinary sodium excretion and nephrotox-
icity in some cirrhotic patients; therefore, these drugs should
be avoided. Low urinary sodium excretion is the best predic-
tor of susceptibility to the deleterious effects of nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs.
Loss of vasodilatory compensation and a decrease in re-
nal cortical blood flow are distinctive features of the hepa-
torenal syndrome, a frequent terminal event in patients with
decompensated cirrhosis. This syndrome is characterized by
oliguria, a very low rate of sodium excretion, hyponatremia,

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 385

a progressive rise in the plasma creatinine concentration,

and hypotension (unresponsive to volume expansion). The
onset of renal failure is typically insidious but can be pre-
cipitated by an acute insult such as gastrointestinal bleeding
or infection (e.g., spontaneous bacterial peritonitis).
It is important to distinguish the hepatorenal syndrome
from other causes of renal failure (e.g., acute tubular necrosis
and prerenal azotemia) because the treatment varies with the
cause. Therapy of the hepatorenal syndrome can be attempted
with the oral ␣-agonist midodrine (titrated to increase mean
arterial blood pressure by 15 mm Hg), subcutaneous octreo-
tide (100 ␮g three times daily), and intravenous 25% salt-
poor albumin (50 to 100 g/day). Intravenous norepinephrine
(titrated to increase mean arterial blood pressure by 10 mm
Hg) in combination with intravenous albumin also has
been used with success. In patients who fail to respond to
medical treatment, a TIPS can be attempted as therapy for the
hepatorenal syndrome. For many patients, the hepatorenal
syndrome is a terminal event, and surgical procedures other
than liver transplantation are unlikely to be performed in this
Perioperative Management
Any potentially nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided in cir-
rhotic patients whenever possible. The use of aminoglycoside
antibiotics in patients with liver disease is associated with an
increased risk of nephrotoxicity; these drugs should be
avoided in the perioperative period, when numerous other
risk factors for renal dysfunction occur. The availability of
newer antibiotics, including imipenem and aztreonam (1 to
2 g intravenously every 6 to 8 hours), provides effective non-
nephrotoxic alternatives to aminoglycosides for the treat-
ment of gram-negative infection. Third-generation cephalo-
sporins are considered the drugs of choice for treating
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Moxalactam should be
avoided because of its association with serious bleeding

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386 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

disorders. As noted earlier, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

drugs should be avoided.
Hepatic encephalopathy is a state of disordered central ner-
vous system function characterized by disturbances in con-
sciousness, behavior, and personality. The pathogenesis in-
volves the shunting of portal venous blood into the systemic
circulation, usually in the setting of hepatocellular dysfunc-
tion, and the entry into the central nervous system of poten-
tially noxious agents, most notably ammonia, that escape
normal hepatic detoxification.
The diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy may be obvious in
the patient with confusion or stupor, hyperreflexia, asterixis,
and an elevated serum arterial or venous ammonia level, but
early or mild encephalopathy may escape detection unless a
careful history (e.g., subtle personality changes, agitation,
and “day-night reversal”) or even psychometric testing and
an electroencephalogram are obtained.
The importance of recognizing the presence of hepatic en-
cephalopathy preoperatively is that many factors known
to precipitate or exacerbate encephalopathy are likely to
occur with increased frequency in the perioperative period
(Box 10-3). The treatment of encephalopathy preoperatively
and the avoidance of precipitating factors intraoperatively
and postoperatively should decrease the risk of worsening
postoperative encephalopathy. Unless clinically overt en-
cephalopathy can be controlled, all but emergency surgical
procedures should be deferred. Treatment includes the fol-
lowing: removal of precipitating factors; mild restriction of
protein to 60 to 80 g/day; and use of the oral, unabsorbable
disaccharide lactulose (15 to 60 mL orally two to four times

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 387


Box 10-3

Gastrointestinal bleeding
High protein intake
Hypokalemic alkalosis
Infection (especially spontaneous bacterial peritonitis)
Central nervous system depressant drugs (e.g., narcotics and
Portosystemic shunt (TIPS or surgical shunt)
Progressive hepatocellular dysfunction

TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.

a day, titrated to two to three soft stools daily) or, in some

cases, oral neomycin (1 g orally twice a day) or rifaximin
(200-400 mg orally three times daily). For patients unable
to take medications by mouth, lactulose may be given by
enema (300 mL lactulose with 700 mL tap water two to
three times a day). Prophylactic treatment to prevent post-
operative encephalopathy in non-encephalopathic patients
with cirrhosis has been suggested but has not been evalu-
ated prospectively. Bowel cleansing is performed routinely
before abdominal operations and may help to prevent en-
Gastroesophageal Varices
It is unknown whether surgery is a risk factor for variceal bleed-
ing. For the patient with known moderately large or large vari-
ces, primary prophylaxis with either a nonselective oral ␤-
adrenergic antagonist (e.g., propranolol, nadolol) or endoscopic
band ligation should be instituted. In patients with grade
4 (largest) varices, primary prophylaxis with band ligation may

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388 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

be superior to ␤-blockade; however, for grade 3 varices and

lower, the two approaches appear to be equivalent. Either
method of primary prophylaxis reduces the risk of initial vari-
ceal hemorrhage and the mortality rate associated with variceal
bleeding significantly. ␤-Blockade virtually eliminates the risk
of variceal bleeding when the hepatic venous pressure gradient
is reduced to less than 12 mm Hg. Because measurement of the
hepatic venous pressure gradient is an invasive test, a decrease
in heart rate is used as a surrogate marker of ␤-blockade. The
dose of the ␤-blocker is titrated to reduce the resting pulse by
25% or to 55 beats/minute.
Any patient with actively bleeding varices must be treated
and stabilized before an elective surgical procedure for an
unrelated condition can be performed. Following such a
bleeding episode, definitive treatment to reduce the risk of
recurrent hemorrhage must be instituted. Effective therapies
include variceal eradication by band ligation (usually in com-
bination with a nonselective ␤-blocker), placement of a TIPS,
or portosystemic shunt surgery.

Many patients with chronic liver disease experience severe
protein-energy malnutrition, which may contribute to the
development of complications and may adversely affect sur-
vival. In malnourished patients unable to tolerate enteral
feeding, a period of preoperative parenteral nutrition may be
beneficial. Parenteral nutrition is not without potentially seri-
ous hazards, such as those related to the central venous cath-
eter itself (i.e., pneumothorax and catheter-related sepsis).
Enteral nutritional supplementation appears to improve im-
munocompetence and short-term prognosis in patients with
cirrhosis. Limited evidence shows that perioperative nutritional
support may reduce short-term operative mortality and morbid-
ity, but the effect of this support on long-term survival is uncer-
tain. Although oral supplementation is preferred, placement of
a small-bore feeding tube may be necessary in patients with

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10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 389

anorexia. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is contraindi-

cated in patients with ascites and should usually be avoided in
patients with any signs of portal hypertension because of the
possibility of lacerating an abdominal wall varix.
The recommended nutritional supplement should pro-
vide total calories equal to 1.2 times the estimated resting
energy expenditure and 1 g/kg/day of protein. Approximately
30% to 35% of total energy should be given as fat and the
remainder as carbohydrate (usually 50% to 55%). In addi-
tion to vitamin K, supplementation of other fat-soluble
vitamins (A, D, and E) may be necessary.

In the postoperative period, patients with liver disease need
to be observed closely for signs of hepatic decompensation,
including encephalopathy, coagulopathy, ascites, and wors-
ening jaundice. The prothrombin time and serum bilirubin
level are probably the best measures of hepatic function to
follow. However, an elevated serum bilirubin without wors-
ening coagulopathy can be expected in the immediate post-
operative period, especially after complicated surgical proce-
dures, multiple blood transfusions, bleeding, hemodynamic
instability, or infection. Renal function must be monitored as
well because of the risk of hepatorenal syndrome.
Hypoglycemia may occur in patients with end-stage cir-
rhosis or fulminant hepatic failure as a result of depleted he-
patic glycogen stores. Serum glucose levels should be moni-
tored closely when postoperative liver failure is suspected.

Selected Readings
Aranha GV, Sontag SI, Greenlee HB: Cholecystectomy in cirrhotic patients:
A formidable operation. Am J Surg 143:55-60, 1982.
Bizouarn P, Ausseur A, Desseigne P, et al: Early and late outcome after
elective cardiac surgery in patients with cirrhosis. Ann Thorac Surg 67:
1334-1338, 1999.

Ch10-X2385_349_392.indd 389 12/19/07 2:48:12 PM

390 10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease

Brolin RE, Bradley LJ, Taliwal RV: Unsuspected cirrhosis discovered during
elective obesity operations. Arch Surg 133:84-88, 1998. B
Capussotti L, Polastri R: Operative risks of major hepatic resections. Hepa-
togastroenterology 45:184-190, 1998.
Cheung RC, Hsieh F, Wang Y, et al: The impact of hepatitis C status on
postoperative outcome. Anesth Analg 97:550-554, 2003. B
Dixon JM, Armstrong CP, Duffy SW, et al: Factors affecting morbidity and
mortality after surgery for obstructive jaundice: A review of 373 patients.
Gut 24:845-852, 1983. B
Friedman LS: The risk of surgery in patients with liver disease. Hepatology
29:1617-1623, 1999. C
Garrison RN, Cryer HM, Howard DA, et al: Clarification of risk factors for
abdominal operations in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Ann Surg
199:648-655, 1984.
Gholson CF, Provenza JM, Bacon BR: Hepatologic considerations in patients
with parenchymal liver disease undergoing surgery. Am J Gastroenterol
85:487-496, 1990. C
Gines P, Cardenas A, Arroyo V, et al: Management of cirrhosis and ascites.
N Engl J Med 350:1646-1654, 2004. C
Keegan MT, Plevak DJ: Preoperative assessment of the patient with liver
disease. Am J Gastroenterol 100:2116-2127, 2005. C
Levitsky J, Mailliard ME: Diagnosis and therapy of alcoholic liver disease.
Semin Liver Dis 24:233-247, 2004.
MacIntosh EL, Minuk GY: Hepatic resection in patients with cirrhosis and
hepatocellular carcinoma. Surg Gynecol Obstet 174:245-254, 1992.
Malinchoc M, Kamath PS, Gordon FD, et al: A model to predict poor sur-
vival in patients undergoing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
shunts. Hepatology 31:864-871, 2000. B
Mansour A, Watson W, Shayani V, et al: Abdominal operations in patients
with cirrhosis: Still a major surgical challenge. Surgery 122:730-735,
Murakami S, Okubo K, Tsuji Y, et al: Changes in liver enzymes after surgery
in anti-hepatitis C virus–positive patients. World J Surg 28:671-674,
2004. B
Nompleggi DJ, Bonkovsky HL: Nutritional supplementation in chronic liver
disease: An analytical review. Hepatology 19:518-533, 1994.
Northrup PG, Wanamaker RC, Lee VD, et al: Model for End-Stage Liver
Disease (MELD) predicts nontransplant surgical mortality in patients
with cirrhosis. Ann Surg 242:244-251, 2005.
Ochs A, Rössle M, Haag K, et al: The transjugular intrahepatic portosys-
temic stent-shunt procedure for refractory ascites. N Engl J Med 332:
1192-1197, 1995.

Ch10-X2385_349_392.indd 390 12/19/07 2:48:12 PM

10 • Management of the Surgical Patient with Liver Disease 391

Perkins L, Jeffries M, Patel T: Utility of preoperative scores for predicting mor-

bidity after cholecystectomy in patients with cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol
Hepatol 2:1123-1128, 2004.
Ramond MJ, Poynard T, Rueff B, et al: A randomized trial of prednisolone in
patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis. N Engl J Med 326:507-512,
1992. A
Runyon BA: Surgical procedures are well tolerated by patients with asymp-
tomatic chronic hepatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 8:542-544, 1986. B
Sarin SK, Lamba GS, Kumar M, et al: Comparison of endoscopic ligation
and propranolol for the primary prevention of variceal bleeding. N Engl
J Med 340:988-993, 1999.
Schepke M, Kleber G, Nurnberg D, et al: Ligation versus propranolol for the
primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis. Hepatology
40:65-72, 2004.
Soper N: Effect of nonbiliary problems on laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Am J Surg 165:522-526, 1993.
Suman A, Barnes DS, Zein NN, et al: Predicting outcome after cardiac sur-
gery in patients with cirrhosis: A comparison of Child-Pugh and MELD
scores. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2:719-723, 2004. B
Teh SH, Nagorney DM, Stevens SR, et al: Risk factors for mortality after
surgery in patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 132:1261-1269,
2007. B
Ziser A, Plevak DJ, Russell H, et al: Morbidity and mortality in cirrhotic patients
undergoing anesthesia and surgery. Anesthesiology 90:42-53, 1999.

Ch10-X2385_349_392.indd 391 12/19/07 2:48:12 PM

11 Bariatric Surgery:
Preoperative Evaluation
and Postoperative Care

The latest statistics from the National Institutes of Health indi-

cate that more than 50% of the U.S. population is overweight,
more than 20% is obese, and 5% is classified as morbidly
obese. Worldwide obesity includes about 1.7 billion persons,
and the fastest growing subgroup are those with a Body Mass
Index (BMI) greater than 35.


The most accurate means for deciding on an individual’s de-
gree of obesity is by calculating the BMI (weight in kilograms
divided by height in meters squared). A normal BMI ranges
from 18.5 to 25 kg/m2. A BMI of 25 to 30 kg/m2 is consid-
ered overweight, a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 is consid-
ered obese, a BMI of 40 to 50 kg/m2 is considered mor-
bidly obese, and a BMI greater than 50 kg/m2 is considered
superobese (Table 11-1) [ C Presutti et al, 2004].
Obesity is associated with a host of comorbid conditions.
Many of these conditions increase the complexity of weight
loss surgery and also contribute to the risk of complications
in the perioperative period (Box 11-1).

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retro-
spective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


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394 11 • Bariatric Surgery

TABLE 11-1 Definition and Classification of Obesity

Definition Body Mass Index (kg/m2)
Normal 18.5–25
Overweight 25–30
Obese ⬎30
Morbidly obese 40–50
Superobese ⬎50

Adapted from Presutti RJ, Gorman RS, Swain JM: Primary care perspective
on bariatric surgery. Mayo Clin Proc 79:1158-1166, 2004.


Coronary artery disease
Obstructive sleep apnea
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Pulmonary insufficiency
Chronic venous stasis
Gallbladder disease
Skin infections

Dieting, exercise, and medications have been the mainstays
of treatment for obesity; however, there is little evidence in
support of these methods. The 5-year failure rate approaches
100% for persons who diet to control weight. The reason is
that few people can sustain a high dietary adherence level,
and most do not exercise the recommended 150 minutes/
week. Medications such as sibutramine (Meridia) and orlistat
(Xenical) have afforded some weight loss. However, side

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 395

effects such as insomnia, constipation, and increases in blood

pressure, as well as steatorrhea and fecal incontinence, make
these medications unattractive or contraindicated for certain
patients. In addition, patients generally regain the lost weight
on discontinuing these medications. A recent systematic
review further showed that little evidence exists to sup-
port the use of major commercial and self-help weight
loss programs [ B Tsai and Wadden, 2005].


Surgical options for controlling obesity have been available
since the 1960s. Bariatric surgery developed out of the
observation that patients who had undergone partial
gastrectomy for peptic ulcer disease remained underweight
or had difficulty gaining weight. With this concept in
mind, early attempts at weight loss surgery included the
jejunoileal and jejunocolic bypass procedures. With these
procedures, the majority of the small intestine was by-
passed, leaving approximately 18 inches of absorptive
small intestine intact. Unfortunately, patients who under-
went these procedures experienced serious complications
including intractable diarrhea and multiple nutritional
deficiencies, as well as nephrolithiasis resulting from in-
creased calcium oxalate absorption. Approximately 30% of
patients developed liver abnormalities caused by steatosis
that progressed to cirrhosis in 7% of patients following the
jejunoileal procedure.
Since the early 1990s, the number of bariatric operations
has been steadily growing. Today, more than 100,000 bariat-
ric surgical procedures are performed annually in the United
States. With the increasing prevalence of obesity, the im-
provements in safety and efficacy of current bariatric proce-
dures, and evidence showing the benefits of weight loss on
obesity-related comorbidities, these procedures qualify as
more than just a passing fad.

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396 11 • Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric surgical procedures can be classified as restrictive or
malabsorptive, or both (Figs. 11-1 to 11-6; Table 11-2).
Today’s bariatric procedures are safer, with more predictable
short- and long-term complications, and most can be per-
formed either as open operations or laparoscopically.
Restrictive Procedures
Vertical-banded gastroplasty and adjustable silicone banding
are both strictly restrictive procedures. Both these procedures
create a small proximal pouch 10 to 20 mL (⬇1 ounce) in size.
The smaller stomach pouch is distended with a lesser amount

Band and staples are

used to create a
small stomach pouch


Figure 11-1 • A band and staples are used to create a small stomach pouch.

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 397
Stomach opening can
be tightened or loosened
over time to change the
size of the passage

To subcutaneous reservoir


Figure 11-2 • The stomach opening can be tightened or loosened over time
to change the size of the passage.

TABLE 11-2 Current Surgical Approaches to Weight Loss

Bariatric Surgery Restrictive Malabsorptive
Vertical-banded gastroplasty Yes No
Adjustable silicone gastric banding Yes No
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Yes Yes (mild)
Biliopancreatic bypass with duodenal switch Yes Yes
Jejunoileal bypass* No Yes

*No longer a recommended bariatric surgical procedure.

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398 11 • Bariatric Surgery

Pancreatobiliary limb Roux limb

Digestive juices only Food only

Common limb

To colon
Figure 11-3 • Schematic view of Roux-en-Y stomach bypass. (Adapted from
Choban PS: Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity: Why, who, when, how, where, and then
what? Cleve Clin J Med 69:897-903, 2002.)

of food, to produce satiety. This restriction of caloric intake

leads to weight loss. The pouch for vertical-banded gastroplasty
is created using both a silicone ring or mesh band, to restrict
the proximal stomach pouch outlet, and stapling. Adjustable
gastric banding uses a silicone band placed around the proxi-
mal stomach and attached to a subcutaneous reservoir. Infusion
of saline allows changes in the size and outlet of the proximal
pouch. Weight loss with the adjustable silicone gastric banding
appears to be more gradual than with vertical-banded gastro-
plasty; this finding may be related to the potential for less
aggressive inflation of the band. In addition, function of this
inflatable band may deteriorate over time.
Restrictive and Malabsorptive Procedures
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most commonly performed
bariatric procedure in the United States. This technique com-
bines both a gastric restriction procedure, to create a small

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 399


Small Roux-en-Y
intestines stomach bypass:
large portion of
stomach and
duodenum are


“Y” connection
Figure 11-4 • Roux-en-Y stomach bypass. Large portions of the stomach
and duodenum are bypassed.

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400 11 • Bariatric Surgery

proximal stomach pouch, and a bypass procedure, to promote

malabsorption. The Roux-en-Y anastomosis allows food from
the proximal stomach pouch to drain directly into the jejunum
and thus bypasses the distal stomach, duodenum, and proxi-
mal portion of the jejunum. The small intestine is usually tran-
sected 10 to 15 cm beyond the ligament of Treitz. The distal
segment becomes the “Roux” limb. This Roux limb varies from
75 to 200 cm in length, depending on the degree of malabsorp-
tion and weight loss desired. The longer the Roux limb, the
shorter will be the common channel, and vice versa. The degree
of malabsorption is related to the length of the common
channel. The Roux-en-Y procedure produces more weight loss
than do strictly restrictive procedures.

diversion (BPD)

Figure 11-5 • Biliopancreatic diversion.

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 401

diversion with
duodenal switch


Figure 11-6 • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.

The biliopancreatic bypass and biliopancreatic bypass with

duodenal switch are similar to the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in
that they use both restriction and malabsorption to create
weight loss. The biliopancreatic bypass procedures create a
pouch by transecting the stomach; this pouch is larger than the
10- to 20-mL pouches seen with the other procedures. The
malabsorptive component for these procedures is greater than
in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The ileum is anastomosed to the
remaining stomach or, in the case of the duodenal switch, is
connected directly to a small segment of duodenum just distal
to the pylorus (see Figs. 11-5 and 11-6). The duodenal switch
is performed to decrease the incidence of stomal ulcer, and, by

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402 11 • Bariatric Surgery

preserving the pylorus, it also helps to regulate the release of

stomach contents into the intestine. The remainder of the duo-
denum and jejunum is then attached to the ileum just proximal
(50 to 100 cm) to the ileocecal valve, to allow the pancreatic
and biliary secretions to mix with the ileal contents before
entering the colon.

Although preoperative requirements for bariatric surgical
procedures vary, the medical consultant is certainly a
key link in coordinating the preoperative screening and
assessments for patients who are interested in these proce-
dures. The current indications for bariatric surgery are a BMI
of at least 40 or a BMI of 35 or greater in patients with co-
morbid conditions (Box 11-2). In addition to these standard
criteria, the medical consultant and patient will need to ver-
ify attempts at weight loss using diet, exercise, and medica-
tions for approximately 6 months during the last 2 years. The
medical consultant may also have some insight into which
patients would be at risk for maladaptive eating disorders or
would be poor follow-up candidates. Additional assistance
includes counseling and providing medical therapies as
needed for cessation of tobacco use, a requirement for bariat-
ric procedures. Depending on the patient’s medical condi-
tions and comorbidities, evaluation by subspecialists, includ-
ing those in the fields of cardiology, pulmonology, and
endocrinology, may also be requested before proceeding. The
reasons for referral may include stress testing and evaluation
of pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary function testing, and
maximizing control of diabetes. Some surgical candidates are
required to undergo a right upper quadrant ultrasound ex-
amination to identify possible cholelithiasis. Patients who
have evidence of cholelithiasis are generally given a prophy-
lactic cholecystectomy during the bariatric procedure.
A psychiatric assessment is required and is usually performed

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 403

Box 11-2

BMI ⬎40, or BMI ⬎35 with obesity-related comorbidities

Documented attempts at weight loss: diet, exercise, medications
Evaluation by cardiology, pulmonology, and endocrinology spe-
Tobacco cessation (must be ⱖ8 weeks before the procedure)
Right upper quadrant ultrasound to evaluate for cholelithiasis
Psychiatric assessment: specialists in eating disorders
Full disclosure of risks, benefits, expectations

BMI, body mass index.

by psychiatrists who specialize in eating disorders. Finally,

before proceeding with the operation, patients must have a
complete understanding of the risks and benefits, along with
the preoperative and postoperative expectations, evaluations,
and requirements.
Most weight loss surgical procedures are performed using
a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach. Opinion sug-
gests that for the obese patient, this method results in less
depression of lung function and less postoperative pain than
the laparotomy approach.

Although the selection of anesthetic agents and their admin-
istration is the responsibility of the anesthesiologist, the
medical consultant must know several important concepts.
Anesthesia for these procedures has the potential to be haz-
ardous because of the increased risk of difficult intubation
and the potential for aspiration of gastric contents. Neck
circumference in the obese patient is an excellent predic-
tor of problematic intubation; the reported incidence of
difficult intubation in patients with a 40-cm neck circum-
ference is 5%, and the probability of difficult intubation

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404 11 • Bariatric Surgery

in patients with a neck circumference of 60 cm is 35%

[ A Brodsky et al, 2002].
The obese patient may have undiagnosed pulmonary hy-
pertension because of chronic hypoxia. Obstructive sleep
apnea occurs in more than 70% of patients who undergo
gastric bypass surgery. In addition to contributing to
problems of pulmonary ventilation, obstructive sleep apnea
may result in increased sensitivity to opioid and sedative
Pharmacodynamic data regarding drug kinetics in the
obese patient are not available for many medications utilized
in the perioperative period. Use of total body weight may
overestimate medication doses for those agents that are not
lipophilic (e.g., vecuronium). Highly lipophilic substances
(e.g., barbiturates, benzodiazepines, succinylcholine)
show significant increases in the volume of distribution
compared with normal weight patients, and for these
medications, weight-based medication dosing is often
predicated on total body weight. Agents that are less
lipophilic (e.g., vecuronium) are typically dosed based on
ideal body weight [ C Ogunnaike et al, 2002].

Expected hospital stay following a bariatric surgical proce-
dure is between 2 to 5 days. Two to 3 days following the
procedure, before the initiation of enteral feeding, patients
usually undergo an upper gastrointestinal radiographic series
with contrast to evaluate for any leaks. If no leaks are identi-
fied, patients remain on a pureed diet for 4 weeks. Additional
instructions may vary, but patients are often advised to re-
frain from lifting and from heavy work. They must not drive
for 2 weeks following the procedure and should abstain from
sexual intercourse for the first month postoperatively. Follow-
up occurs at approximate intervals of 2 weeks, 1 month,
6 weeks, 3 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 2 years, with
annual visits thereafter.

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 405

Twenty percent of patients may require admission to an in-

tensive care unit or prolonged hospitalization. Intubation, vas-
cular access, blood pressure monitoring, and potential difficulty
in moving or turning these patients must be kept in mind.
Morbid obesity is a significant risk factor for deep vein throm-
bosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus (PE). The combined in-
cidence of DVT and PE is 2%. Evidence indicates that when
low-molecular-weight heparin is used for DVT prophylaxis,
the incidence of DVT is less when the dose of enoxaparin
is 40 mg twice daily compared with 30 mg twice daily
[ B Scholten et al, 2002]. When unfractionated heparin is
used, evidence indicates that weight-based dosing designed
to keep factor anti-Xa levels at 0.11 to 0.25 U/mL is
an effective approach to decrease the risk of perioperative
DVT and PE in patients who undergo laparoscopic
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass [ B Shepherd et al, 2003].


Weight loss generally occurs at a rate of 10 pounds/month. A
stable weight is usually achieved by 18 to 24 months after
the procedure.
A meta-analysis evaluated the effectiveness of current bariat-
ric procedures on weight loss and improving obesity-related
comorbidities for up to 2 years postoperatively. Overall excess
weight loss across all types of surgical procedures was approxi-
mately 61% at 2 years. The percentage of excess weight loss
ranged from 47.5% for gastric banding to 70.1% for biliopan-
creatic diversions with duodenal switch. This percentage of
excess weight lost is equivalent to approximately 30% to
40% of total body weight (excess weight ⫽ total preoperative
weight ⫺ ideal weight). This analysis looked specifically at four
obesity-related comorbid conditions: diabetes, lipid profile,
hypertension, and obstructive sleep apnea. Of these patients,
85% had an improvement or resolution of their diabetes, and
70% had improved lipid profiles. The mean decreases in total
cholesterol level, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides

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406 11 • Bariatric Surgery

were 33, 29, and 79 mg/dL, respectively. Hypertension resolved

or improved in 78% of patients, whereas 84% of patients with
obstructive sleep apnea showed improvement or resolution of
this condition.
The Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study compared patients
at 2 years and 10 years after bariatric surgery. This study found
that weight loss was significantly better for the bariatric surgery
group as compared with controls at both 2 and 10 years. Pa-
tients who had undergone surgical procedures were able to
keep their weight off, although the percentage of weight loss for
these patients decreased from a maximum at 2 years, 23.4%, to
that seen at 10 years, 16.1%. Overall, energy intake (kcal/day)
was lower and physical activity was higher in the surgical
group, and comorbidities, including diabetes, hypertriglyceri-
demia, low high-density lipoprotein, and hypertension, all re-
mained improved through 10 years.

Operative mortality rates evaluated in different studies vary
anywhere from 0.1% for restrictive procedures alone, to 0.5%
for gastric bypass procedures, to 1% for biliopancreatic diver-
sion with or without duodenal switch. Immediate postopera-
tive complications include wound problems (infections, dehis-
cence, hernias, and seromas) in approximately 15% of patients.
After upper abdominal operations, obese patients have a 45%
incidence of atelectasis, which may prompt anesthesiologists or
pulmonologists to use continuous positive airway pressure or
bilevel positive airway pressure postoperatively. Laparoscopic
bariatric surgery decreases these wound problems and reduces
atelectasis and postoperative pain. Laparoscopic procedures are
increasingly used more frequently for patients who weigh less
than 350 lb (ⱕ160 kg). DVT and PE affect 1% and 0.2% of
these patients, respectively, despite preventive measures. All
patients should receive prophylaxis for DVT and PE according
to the 2004 American College of Chest Physicians guidelines

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 407

with subcutaneous heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin

and lower extremity compression devices. Dysphagia and vom-
iting occur in nearly 33% of patients who have a restrictive
component to their procedure. Anastomotic leaks, band mal-
function, and stomal and small bowel obstruction are also pos-
sible short-term complications.

The dumping syndrome consists of postprandial sweating,
weakness, hypoglycemia, and malaise and occurs in the ma-
jority of patients who have undergone a malabsorptive pro-
cedure. This syndrome most commonly occurs after eating
foods high in sugar or fat and is believed to be related to fluid
shifts from the intravascular space to the intestine. For this
reason, these foods should be avoided by persons who have
undergone gastric bypass. The condition is severe in ap-
proximately 1% of patients, but it generally disappears over
time as the body adjusts to the malabsorption. Most bariatric
surgeons believe that this is a favorable side effect that
teaches patients to avoid maladaptive eating behaviors.
Nutritional deficiencies are a concern with all types of
bariatric surgical procedures because of both decreased in-
take and absorption. Procedures that have a malabsorptive
component and those with a shorter common channel are
much more commonly associated with these deficiencies.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are particularly common
because absorption of these substances occurs in the proximal
small intestine, which is bypassed with these procedures. Fat-
soluble (A, D, E, K) vitamin deficiencies are particularly com-
mon after biliopancreatic bypass procedures. Vitamin B12 and
folate deficiencies have been implicated in hyperhomocystein-
emia, seen in approximately 66% of patients who undergo
bariatric surgical procedures. Iron deficiency is most com-
monly seen in menstruating women, with a prevalence rang-
ing from 20% to 50%. The deficiency of iron is caused by two

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408 11 • Bariatric Surgery

mechanisms: first, restrictive procedures limit the conversion

of nonabsorbable ferric iron to absorbable ferrous iron that
occurs when ferric iron is exposed to stomach acids and oxida-
tion occurs; second, most iron absorption occurs in the duo-
denum and proximal jejunum, which is often bypassed with
malabsorptive procedures. The duodenum and proximal jeju-
num are also the sites of most calcium absorption, a deficiency
of that makes these patients susceptible to decreased bone
mineral density. Protein malnutrition is also a potential com-
plication of bariatric procedures.
Bariatric surgical patients have a 15% to 30% chance of
needing a cholecystectomy within 3 years of the operation
because of the increased formation of gallstones that results
from weight loss. Although it is not well understood, the
increased incidence of gallstones as a result of these proce-
dures is thought to be related to increased concentrations of
mucin, cholesterol, and calcium within the bile caused by a
decrease in the enterohepatic circulation. Possible treatments
for this complication include prophylactic cholecystectomy
at the time of the original bariatric procedure or the use of
ursodiol (300 mg twice daily) for the first 6 months postop-
eratively to reduce stone formation to approximately 2%.
Ulcers are a potential complication, particularly with use
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Strictures are also
possible long-term complications and may require endos-
copy with balloon dilation. Function of the inflatable gastric
bands may deteriorate over time. Finally, the removal of ex-
cess skin, which remains after the weight loss occurs, may be
considered cosmetic, and surgical correction of this condi-
tion may not be covered by insurance.

Postoperative Maintenance
Prevention and treatment of these long-term complications are
accomplished by taking daily multivitamins and minerals. In-
gesting 60 g/day of protein is recommended for malabsorptive
procedures. Laboratory testing should be done every 3 months

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11 • Bariatric Surgery 409

through the first year and at least annually thereafter. Included

in the laboratory analysis should be complete blood count,
electrolytes, liver function tests (particularly albumin), ferritin
and iron studies, and vitamin B12 and folate determinations.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated in
patients who have undergone a bariatric procedure because of
the potentially catastrophic consequences of ulcers. Female
patients should not become pregnant in the first year following
the procedure because nutritional deficiencies and adjustments
will put their fetus at risk, and carrying a baby may compro-
mise their surgical anatomy and incisions. In these patients, the
medical consultant is instrumental in providing appropriate
counseling and information on the use of contraception.

Bariatric surgery is proving to be a safe, effective, and increas-
ingly popular method for combating obesity and its related
comorbid conditions. The medical consultant will play an
important role preoperatively in deciding which patients
may be appropriate candidates for these procedures, by help-
ing to document weight loss attempts, and in coordinating
surgical clearance. Postoperatively, the medical consultant
should be aware of possible short- and long-term complica-
tions and can provide support and knowledge for patients
who have undergone these procedures.

Selected Readings
Berke EM, Morden NE: Medical management of obesity. Am Fam Physician
62:419-426, 2000.
Brodsky JB, Lemmens HJM, Brock-Utne JG, et al: Morbid obesity and tra-
cheal intubation. Anesth Analg 94:732-736, 2002. A
Brolin RE: Bariatric surgery and long-term control of morbid obesity. JAMA
288:2793-2796, 2002.
Buchwald H, Avidor Y, Braunwald E, et al: Bariatric surgery: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. JAMA 292:1724-1737, 2004.

Ch11-X2385_393_410.indd 409 12/19/07 2:57:26 PM

410 11 • Bariatric Surgery

Choban PS: Bariatric surgery for morbid obesity: Why, who when, how,
where, and then what? Cleve Clin J Med 69:897-903, 2002.
Dansinger ML, Gleason JA, Griffith JL, et al: Comparison of the Atkins,
Ornish, Weight Watchers and Zone Diets for weight loss and heart dis-
ease risk reduction: A randomized trial. JAMA 293:43-53, 2005.
Hocking MP, Duerson MC, O’Leary JP, Woodward ER: Jejunoileal bypass
for morbid obesity: Late follow-up in 100 cases. N Engl J Med 308:
995-999, 1983.
MacGregor A: The story of surgery for obesity. American Society of Bariatric
Surgery. Available at
Mokdad AH: The spread of the obesity epidemic in the United States, 1991-
1998. JAMA 282:1519-1522, 1999.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and North American Association
for the Study of Obesity: The Practical Guide to the Identification,
Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Bethesda,
MD, National Institutes of Health, 2000.
Ogunnaike BO, Jones SB, Jones DB, et al: Anesthetic considerations for
bariatric surgery. Anesth Analg 95:1793-1805, 2002. C
Presutti RJ, Gorman RS, Swain JM: Primary care perspective on bariatric
surgery. Mayo Clin Proc 79:1158-1166, 2004. C
Scholten DJ, Hoedema RM, Scholten SE: A comparison of two different
prophylactic dose regimens of low molecular weight heparin in bariatric
surgery. Obes Surg 12:19-24, 2002. B
Schumann R, Jones S, Ortiz V, et al: Best practice recommendations for an-
esthetic perioperative care and pain management in weight loss surgery.
Obes Res 13:254-266, 2005.
Shepherd MF, Rosborough TK, Schwartz M: Heparin thromboprophylaxis in
gastric bypass surgery. Obes Surg 13:249-253, 2003. B
Sjöström L: Lifestyle, diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors 10 years after
bariatric surgery. N Engl J Med 351:2683-2693, 2004.
Steinbrook R: Surgery for severe obesity. N Engl J Med 350:1075-1079,
Tsai AG, Wadden TA: Systematic review: An evaluation of major commercial
weight loss programs in the United States. Ann Intern Med 142:56-66,

Ch11-X2385_393_410.indd 410 12/19/07 2:57:26 PM

12 Perioperative Management
of Endocrine Disorders


Diabetes mellitus is not uncommon in the surgical patient. It
is estimated that 50% of diabetic patients will require some
type of surgical procedure during their lifetime. Many surgi-
cal procedures, particularly cardiac and vascular, are neces-
sitated by the complications of diabetes. An enlarging body
of data reports that the aggressive management of diabetes
and hyperglycemia results in improved outcomes. Studies
have emerged showing the beneficial effects of improved
glycemic control in patients who undergo surgery.
Investigators have shown that in general surgical patients
with a blood glucose level greater than 220 mg/dL, infection
rates were 2.7 times higher than the rates for similar patients
with glucose levels lower than 220 mg/dL. In a study of sur-
gical patients who required mechanical ventilation in the
perioperative period, those treated with an intensive insulin
regimen (continuous insulin to maintain glucose 80 to
110 mg/dL) had a 34% reduction in overall in-hospital mor-
tality compared with a conventionally treated group (insulin
administration only if glucose ⬎215 mg/dL; target glucose,
180 to 200 mg/dL).

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical tri-
als, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retro-
spective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 411 12/19/07 3:00:35 PM

412 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Intensive insulin therapy has also been shown to reduce

the need for prolonged ventilatory support, the duration of
intensive care stay, the number of blood transfusions, the
incidence of bloodstream infections, the need for dialysis,
and the incidence of critical illness polyneuropathy. The
benefit of intensive insulin therapy with continuous infu-
sion insulin has been particularly evident in the patient
who undergoes coronary artery bypass surgery. In this situ-
ation, implementation of intensive insulin therapy has
been shown to decrease the risk of sternal wound infec-
tion, atrial fibrillation, recurrent myocardial ischemia, and
death. For the patient without a prior history of diabetes
who develops postoperative hyperglycemia, intensive con-
trol of serum glucose to achieve a mean concentration of
125 mg/dL has also been associated with a reduced rate of
infection. The available data clearly show that improved
glycemic control in the hospitalized surgical patient
leads to improvements in outcomes, even in those pa-
tients without previously diagnosed diabetes [ A Van den
Berghe et al, 2001].

Preoperative Evaluation
Diabetic patients undergoing surgical procedures fall into a
higher risk category than comparable patients without diabe-
tes. Diabetic patients in general have a higher prevalence of
cardiovascular, renal, and neurologic diseases, all of which
can lead to increased perioperative morbidity and mortality.
The prevalence and incidence of and mortality from all forms
of cardiovascular disease are two- to eightfold higher in per-
sons with diabetes than in persons without diabetes. More-
over, patients with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiac
events once the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease has been
established. Therefore, the American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association guideline for risk stratification
before noncardiac surgery designates diabetes as a coronary
risk equivalent, which means that patients with diabetes

Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 412 12/19/07 3:00:36 PM

12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 413

belong in the same risk category as patients with known

cardiovascular disease. Diabetes is also the leading cause
of end-stage renal disease in the United States. Renal insuf-
ficiency can lead to fluid balance difficulties, electrolyte ab-
normalities, increased insulin sensitivity, and an increased
perioperative cardiovascular risk.
Furthermore, many diabetic patients suffer from periph-
eral or autonomic neuropathy, or both, which can lead to
impaired angina recognition, increased risk of intraopera-
tive hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias, and increased
risk of decubitus ulcers with prolonged bed rest. These
patients are also at increased risk of gastroparesis, which
can make glycemic control difficult and can compromise a
patient’s nutritional status. Therefore, it is of utmost impor-
tance that all diabetic patients undergoing surgical proce-
dures have a thorough preoperative evaluation by their
internist or cardiologist.

Targets of Glycemic Control

The American College of Endocrinology and the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, together with key
investigators of the major interventional studies, reviewed the
available literature on inpatient diabetes management and
outcomes. Based on their review, these organizations devel-
oped evidence-based glycemic targets for hospitalized pa-
tients with diabetes and hyperglycemia. These targets are in
agreement with evidence-based targets set by the American
Diabetes Association (ADA) and are as follows:
• For patients in the intensive care unit setting, results of a
larger prospective study support an upper limit serum glu-
cose of 110 mg/dL.
• In noncritical care units, observational data recommend a
preprandial blood glucose of 110 mg/dL or less and a
maximal blood glucose of 180 mg/dL.
• In pregnancy, it is recommended that preprandial blood glu-
cose be 100 mg/dL or lower; 1-hour postprandial glucose

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414 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

concentrations should be 120 mg/dL or lower; and during

labor and delivery, blood glucose should be 100 mg/dL or
Agents for Diabetic and Hyperglycemic Management
Although they are the mainstay of therapy for diabetes, oral
diabetes agents are not well studied in the inpatient setting.
Therefore, no specific evidence-based guidelines exist re-
garding their use in the hospitalized surgical patient. How-
ever, an understanding of their mechanism of action, side
effects, and contraindications can lead to their appropriate
and safe use in specific circumstances.
Metformin is the only approved biguanide in the United
States. It decreases endogenous hepatic glucose production
(main action), decreases intestinal glucose absorption, and
increases peripheral glucose uptake and utilization. It gener-
ally does not produce hypoglycemia when it is used alone;
however, episodes have occurred during caloric restriction,
vigorous exercise, and concomitant use of other hypoglycemic
agents. The drug is eliminated from the body by the renal
The drug’s most worrisome potential side effect, albeit rare,
is lactic acidosis. When this disorder occurs, it is fatal in 50%
of cases. The risk of lactic acidosis increases with the level of
kidney impairment and with hypoxic states, both of which
occur more frequently in the inpatient setting. Radiologic
studies involving the use of intravascular iodinated contrast
materials can lead to acute deterioration of renal function and
increase the risk of lactic acidosis. Therefore, metformin
should be discontinued just before the procedure and with-
held for 48 hours. It should be restarted only when renal
function has been reevaluated and found to be normal.
Metformin should be temporarily discontinued before any
surgical procedure and should be restarted when the patient’s
oral intake is resumed, renal function is normalized, and risk

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 415

of hypoxia is no longer present. Metformin can also be prob-

lematic in the postoperative patient because of its propensity
to cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomit-
ing, gas, and diarrhea.
Sulfonylureas work by stimulating the pancreatic ␤ cells to
produce insulin. Various agents are available, all with differ-
ent pharmacokinetic profiles. These drugs are all metabo-
lized primarily by the liver, and their major side effect is
hypoglycemia. Surgical patients often have variable oral in-
take, which increases the risk of hypoglycemia from these
drugs. Therefore, we recommend that these agents be with-
held the day of surgery and not restarted until the patient has
resumed stable oral intake.
Meglitinides work in a fashion similar to that of the sulfonyl-
ureas by stimulating the pancreatic ␤ cells to release insulin.
As with the sulfonylureas, the major side effect is hypoglyce-
mia, although less severe and less common because of the
shorter duration of action of the meglitinides. We recom-
mend that these drugs be held starting on the day of surgery
and resumed when the patient’s oral intake is reestablished.
The thiazolidinediones work by decreasing insulin resistance
in the periphery and in the liver. The results are increased
glucose uptake by the muscle and decreased hepatic glucose
output. These agents have limited utility for obtaining glyce-
mic control in the hospitalized surgical patient because their
mechanism of action is mediated by nuclear transcription,
and their onset of action is quite slow (weeks). They can also
cause fluid retention, which may precipitate exacerbations of
congestive heart failure. These drugs should be avoided in
patients with New York Heart Association class III and IV
heart failure. They should also be avoided in hepatic insuf-
ficiency. The thiazolidinediones can lead to hypoglycemia

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416 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

when they are used with insulin or other agents that increase
endogenous insulin secretion. These drugs should be with-
held starting on the day of surgery and resumed when the
patient’s oral intake is reestablished.
5-␣-Glucosidase Inhibitors
␣-Glucosidase inhibitors work by delaying glucose absorp-
tion and therefore lowering postprandial hyperglycemia.
They tend to have minimal effects on glycemic control and
are not well suited to postoperative patients with variable
oral intake. Furthermore, they cause abdominal pain, diar-
rhea, and flatulence in a large percentage of patients. These
agents should be held starting on the day of surgery and
resumed when the patient reestablishes oral intake.
In conclusion, each of these major classes of oral diabetes
agents has significant limitations for use in the hospitalized
surgical patient. These drugs offer little flexibility and may
produce untoward side effects. A summary of these agents is
provided in Table 12-1.
Subcutaneous Insulin
Insulin is the agent of choice to obtain glycemic control in the
hospitalized surgical patient (Table 12-2). The components of
the daily insulin requirement are classified as basal, nutri-
tional or prandial, correction or supplemental, and illness or
stress related. Basal insulin is defined as the amount of exog-
enous insulin per unit of time necessary to prevent hepatic
gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. Therefore, it is always re-
quired in patients with type 1 diabetes and in patients who
lack endogenous insulin production. It may not be required
in patients with type 2 diabetes or in those with only stress-
induced hyperglycemia because these patients maintain some
endogenous insulin production. In general, basal insulin ac-
counts for approximately 40% to 50% of the total daily insu-
lin requirement, and it can be provided by any one of several
strategies such as continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
(i.e., insulin pump), once-daily injection of a long-acting

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 417

Oral Agents Used in the Treatment

TABLE 12-1
of Type 2 Diabetes
Drug Class Mechanism Contraindications
and Agents of Action and Cautions
Sulfonylureas Increase the secre- Use with caution in patients with
Chlorpropamide tion of insulin hepatic or renal insufficiency
Tolbutamide from ␤ cells and in those with hypersensitiv-
Tolazamide ity to sulfonamides; most com-
Glipizide mon side effect is hypoglycemia
Meglitinides Increase the secre- Use with caution in patients with
Repaglinide tion of insulin hepatic or renal insufficiency
Nateglinide from ␤ cells
Thiazolidinedi- Improve insulin Not indicated in NYHA class III
ones action in the and IV heart failure; use with
Pioglitazone periphery and in caution in class I and II; use
Rosiglitazone the liver with caution if impaired hepatic
function (ALT ⬎2.5 times nor-
mal); avoid in fluid overloaded
Biguanides Decrease endogenous Do not use in patients at risk for
Metformin hepatic glucose lactic acidosis; do not use in
production and female patients with serum cre-
increase peripheral atinine ⬎1.4 mg/dL and male
glucose uptake patients with serum creatinine
⬎1.5 mg/dL
␣-Glucosidase Inhibit intestinal Contraindicated in inflammatory
inhibitors ␣-glucosidase, bowel disease, colonic ulcera-
Acarbose thereby delaying tion, and intestinal obstruction
Miglitol glucose absorption

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; NYHA, New York Heart Association.

insulin (glargine), or multiple injections of an intermediate-

acting insulin (NPH).
The nutritional insulin requirement is the amount of exog-
enous insulin necessary to prevent hyperglycemia associated
with nutritional supplementation in any form (i.e., intrave-
nous dextrose, total parenteral nutrition [TPN], partial par-
enteral nutrition, enteral feedings, and discrete meals). When
the patient eats discrete meals without any other nutritional
supplementation, the nutritional insulin requirement is re-
ferred to as the prandial insulin requirement. Its main effect is

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Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 418
TABLE 12-2 Insulin Formulations Used in the Treatment of Diabetes
Name: Generic
Type of Insulin (Proprietary) Onset Peak Duration
Rapid-acting analogues Lispro (Humalog) 5-15 min 1-2 hr 3-4 hr
Aspart (NovoLog)
Glulisine (Apidra)

Short-acting Regular (Humulin R) 30-60 min 2-4 hr 6-8 hr

(Novolin R)
Intermediate-acting NPH 1-2 hr 4-8 hr 10-20 hr
(Humulin N)
(Novolin N)
Lente (Humulin L)
Long-acting Ultralente (Humulin U) 2-4 hr Unpredictable 16-28 hr
Long-acting (true basal and 24-hr insulin) Glargine analog (Lantus) 4-6 hr Peakless 24-48 hr
Mixed insulin: 70% intermediate-acting insulin isophane Humulin 70/30 30-60 min 2-8 hr 10-20 hr
suspension and 30% short-acting regular insulin Novolin 70/30
Mixed insulin: 75% intermediate-acting insulin lispro Humalog Mix 75/25 5-15 min 1-4 hr 10-20 hr
protamine suspension and 25% rapid-acting lispro insulin
12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Mixed insulin: 70% intermediate-acting insulin aspart Novolog Mix 70/30 5-15 min 1-4 hr 15-18 hr
protamine suspension and 30% rapid-acting aspart insulin

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 419

on peripheral glucose disposal into muscle after a carbohy-

drate load. Prandial insulin is best provided by using the
rapid-acting insulin analogues, which are lispro, aspart, and
glulisine. These insulin analogues have a very rapid onset of
action and can physiologically match the normal insulin re-
sponse to carbohydrate loads. Ideally, the dose should be
given 0 to 15 minutes before meals. However, if it is uncer-
tain how much the patient will eat, the dose can be given
immediately after the completion of the meal. If regular insu-
lin is used for prandial coverage, it should be given 30 to
45 minutes before the meal is consumed. It carries an in-
creased risk of hypoglycemia when compared with the rapid-
acting analogues because of its slower onset of action and
longer duration of action.
Correction or supplemental insulin is insulin used to cor-
rect unexpected hyperglycemia that occurs before or be-
tween meals. The term may also refer to the insulin used
to correct hyperglycemia in the patient who is allowed
nothing by mouth (NPO). It is useful as a dose-finding
strategy because appropriate changes can be made to the
scheduled basal or nutritional insulin doses based on the
amount of supplemental insulin used. Correction or sup-
plemental insulin should not be confused with the concept
of insulin titration and administration by a sliding scale.
Sliding scales are used to treat hyperglycemia only after it
has occurred and do nothing to prevent hyperglycemia.
More important, these scales have been shown to be inef-
fective and possibly dangerous. Illness- or stress-related
insulin is the amount of exogenous insulin necessary to
prevent hyperglycemia from stress-induced counterregula-
tory hormones, glucocorticoids, pressors, or diabetogenic
drugs. This amount varies among individuals and changes
with the changing level of stress or illness. It is recom-
mended that this stress- or illness-related insulin require-
ment be apportioned among the basal, nutritional, and
correction dose insulin requirements.

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420 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Continuous Intravenous Infusion Therapy

Intravenous insulin infusion has many advantages over the
subcutaneous route in the surgical patient. Its rapid onset of
action and ease of titration allow for rapid control of hyper-
glycemia. This makes it the method of choice in patients with
rapidly changing insulin requirements. This approach is also
beneficial in patients with significant subcutaneous edema or
impaired perfusion of subcutaneous sites. The medical litera-
ture supports the use of continuous intravenous insulin infu-
sions for many clinical indications. Indications that have a
high level of evidence include diabetic ketoacidosis and non-
ketotic hyperosmolar state, critical illness, myocardial infarc-
tion or cardiogenic shock, and the postoperative period after
cardiac surgical procedures. Indications that have a weaker
level of evidence with respect to outcome data include
patients with type 1 diabetes who are NPO, general periop-
erative care including organ transplantation, TPN, hypergly-
cemia during high-dose corticosteroid therapy, stroke, and
use as a dose-finding strategy anticipatory to initiation of
subcutaneous insulin therapy in type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
In their consensus conference, the American College of
Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists recommended evidence-based glycemic
thresholds for initiating intravenous insulin infusion
therapy [ A Bode et al, 2004]. These organizations recom-
mended that for the surgical patient who is not critically ill,
intravenous insulin infusion be initiated when serum glucose
is greater than 180 mg/dL, with a target goal serum glucose
of 90 to 140 mg/dL. For the critically ill surgical patient, it is
recommended that intravenous insulin therapy be used
when serum glucose exceeds 110 mg/dL, with a target glu-
cose of 80 to 110 mg/dL.
Many different intravenous insulin administration proto-
cols are available. Furthermore, glycemic targets may differ
based on pragmatic considerations such as patient-to-nursing
ratios and staff education. In general, regular insulin is typi-

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 421

cally mixed in a 1:1 ratio with 0.9% saline solution, and the
infusion is given as a piggy back with other intravenous flu-
ids. Frequent blood glucose monitoring is performed, and
adjustments to the insulin infusion rate are made according
to the hospital protocol.
Conversion from intravenous insulin infusion to subcuta-
neous insulin therapy should be attempted only after the
patient’s clinical status has stabilized; more specifically, the
patient is no longer critically ill, is not receiving volume re-
suscitation and pressors, and has stabilized nutritional re-
quirements. The patient’s 24-hour insulin requirement can
be estimated by extrapolating the average hourly rate neces-
sary to achieve the goal serum glucose in the most recent
6- to 8-hour period. Eighty percent of the 24-hour require-
ment is then divided equally into basal and nutritional insu-
lin. For example, suppose a patient has been maintained in
the target glycemic range for the past 6 hours on an average
of 2 U/hour. The total 24-hour requirement for that patient
is 2 U/hour ⫻ 24 hours ⫽ 48 U of insulin. One then multi-
plies this number by 80%, which equals 38 U when round-
ing to the nearest unit. Therefore, 19 U would be given as
basal insulin, and 19 U would be given throughout the day
as nutritional or prandial doses.
When transitioning from continuous intravenous insulin
infusion to subcutaneous insulin therapy, the first dose of
subcutaneous insulin must be given before the intravenous
insulin is stopped. If administering rapid-acting or short-
acting insulin, one should wait 15 to 30 minutes before dis-
continuing the infusion. If intermediate-acting or long-acting
insulin is given, one should wait 2 to 3 hours before discon-
tinuing the insulin infusion.
A minority of patients receiving insulin infusions will not
require standing subcutaneous doses of insulin on discon-
tinuing the infusion. These patients typically have type
2 diabetes or stress-induced hyperglycemia and tend to
require less than 0.5 U/hour of insulin.

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422 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Strategies to Achieve Glycemic Targets

In general, patients with diabetes should undergo surgical
procedures in the early morning, to minimize the length of
time that they are without oral intake. This approach helps
to reduce wide glycemic excursions and the risk of hypogly-
cemia. Additionally, the patient’s usual oral agents or insulin
therapy doses are given the day before the surgical proce-
dure, to ensure adequate glycemic control on the morning of
the operation. Continuous intravenous insulin infusions can
be used perioperatively to obtain glycemic targets. This is the
preferred method of glycemic control when a prolonged
postoperative NPO period is anticipated.
The specific strategy chosen by the clinician to achieve
glycemic targets depends on the patient’s metabolic and gly-
cemic status at the time of surgery and the type of procedure
planned. In general, patients can be categorized into those
with endogenous insulin deficiency and those without it.
Characteristics of patients who have or may have endogenous
insulin deficiency include a history of any of the following:
type 1 diabetes mellitus, pancreatectomy or pancreatic dys-
function, wide fluctuations in blood glucose levels, diabetic
ketoacidosis, and insulin use for more than 5 years or a his-
tory of diabetes for longer than 10 years or both. Withhold-
ing basal insulin from these patients results in a rapid rise in
blood glucose by 45 mg/dL/hour until ketoacidosis occurs.
Therefore, these patients always need insulin. Patients with-
out any of the aforementioned characteristics are assumed to
have some degree of endogenous insulin reserve and may not
require insulin in their perioperative management.
The nature and the duration of the surgical procedure also
affect perioperative management. Patients undergoing minor
surgical procedures of short duration and who require lim-
ited general, local, epidural, or spinal anesthesia may need
only minimal changes in their diabetic regimen. These pa-
tients tend to have fewer glycemic excursions than patients

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 423

undergoing longer procedures (⬎2 hours) under general

anesthesia. Specific strategies to achieve glycemic targets are
largely based on expert consensus opinion. There is a paucity
of large RCTs comparing various strategies with respect to
glycemic control and outcomes.
Patients with type 1 diabetes or those patients with
endogenous insulin deficiency must always receive basal in-
sulin to prevent iatrogenic ketoacidosis. If the surgical proce-
dure is short and the patient will start eating after the proce-
dure, he or she can receive 50% to 100% of the outpatient
basal insulin dose (100% of glargine dose; 50% to 75% of
intermediate-acting insulin dose the morning of the proce-
dure because the intermediate-acting insulin formulations
have a peak and can lead to hypoglycemia if given at full
dose). Prandial doses of insulin should be omitted until the
patient resumes eating. Blood glucose should be monitored
frequently, and correction doses of regular insulin can be used
to maintain glycemic targets. If blood glucose is not main-
tained within the target range despite correction doses, a
continuous insulin infusion should be started. For longer,
major surgical procedures or procedures associated with a
prolonged postoperative NPO interval, a continuous intrave-
nous insulin infusion should be used. In a patient treated with
an insulin pump on a long-term basis, it is reasonable to
continue the pump at the outpatient basal rate for short
procedures in which the patient will be eating postoperatively.
If the patient’s blood glucose exceeds glycemic targets despite
correction doses of insulin, a continuous intravenous insulin
infusion should be started and the pump should be discon-
nected. We recommend consulting an endocrinologist for the
perioperative management of patients with insulin pumps.
Patients with type 2 diabetes are a much more heteroge-
neous group than those with type 1 diabetes. Patients with
type 2 disease have varying levels of insulin resistance and
endogenous insulin reserve. As a result, the management
strategy must be carefully tailored to match the patient’s

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424 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

metabolic state and clinical condition. Patients with diet-

controlled type 2 diabetes must be monitored for hypergly-
cemia perioperatively. These patients usually have sufficient
endogenous insulin to prevent hyperglycemia while they
are NPO.
When the patient is receiving oral diabetic medications, a
general approach is to withhold the medication on the day of
the surgical procedure. The medication should not be re-
started until the patient’s clinical situation stabilizes, oral in-
take has resumed at stable levels, and there are no contrain-
dications to the specific agent. Insulin can be used in the
interim to maintain glycemic targets. For patients with type
2 diabetes who are being treated with long-acting insulin
(glargine), the ADA recommends that they receive 50%
to 100% of the total scheduled dose [ C Clement et al, 2004].
Because these patients may have adequate endogenous
insulin reserve when they are NPO, we usually recommend
50% of the dose, to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. Patients
taking an intermediate-acting insulin should receive 50% to
75% of their normal morning dose on the day of the surgical
procedure, and any short-acting prandial insulin should be
withheld. Finally, patients who take mixed insulin on a long-
term basis should receive 50% to 75% of the intermediate-
acting component in the form of NPH insulin. For example,
a patient taking 20 U of 70/30 insulin is receiving the
equivalent of 14 U of NPH and 6 U of regular insulin. On the
morning of the surgical procedure, this patient should
receive 50% to 75% of the 14 U or 7 to 10 U of NPH. Cor-
rection doses of insulin can be used to maintain glycemic
Postoperatively, patients can resume their preoperative
insulin regimen if they have resumed stable oral intake. Fur-
ther adjustment of insulin doses requires close monitoring of
blood glucose levels and assessment of the patient’s clinical
circumstance. A summary of our recommendations can be
found in Tables 12-3 and 12-4.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 425

TABLE 12-3 Perioperative Management of Type 2 Diabetes*

Outpatient Regimen Preoperative Postoperative
Diet controlled Monitor BG Monitor BG
May need correc- Use correction dose insulin
tion dose insulin initially if higher than gly-
or insulin infu- cemic targets; may need a
sion to obtain PO agent to control blood
glycemic targets glucose at discharge
Metformin Start holding the Restart when PO intake sta-
day of surgery bilizes, renal function is
normal, and patient no
longer at risk for hypoxia
and lactic acidosis
Thiazolidinedione Start holding the Restart after PO is estab-
day of surgery lished; do not restart if
fluid overload is an issue;
do not use in CHF or he-
patic insufficiency
Sulfonylureas and Start holding the Restart after patient stabilized
meglitinides day of surgery and PO intake resumed in
stable amounts
Long-acting insulin Give 50%–100% Continue insulin glargine;
of normal basal adjust dose based on BG
dose the day of
Intermediate-acting Give 50%–75% of Can resume basal doses
insulin dose the morn- postoperatively if
ing of surgery necessary
Mixed insulins Give 50%–75% of Do not resume mixed insu-
the long-acting lins until patient’s condi-
component the tion has stabilized and PO
morning of intake is stable
Short-acting insulin No doses the day Restart when patient is eat-
of surgery if ing; adjust doses based on
NPO results of BG monitoring
and the amount of carbo-
hydrate consumed
Rapid-acting insulin No doses the day Restart when patient is eat-
of surgery if ing; adjust doses based on
NPO results of BG monitoring
and the amount of carbo-
hydrate consumed

*Intravenous insulin infusion is preferred for patients with wide glycemic

excursions or a prolonged postoperative NPO period.
BG, blood gas; CHF, congestive heart failure; NPO, nothing by mouth; PO, oral.

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426 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Perioperative Management of Patients

TABLE 12-4 with Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes
with Intensive Insulin Management
Day of Surgical
Outpatient Regimen Procedure Postoperative
Insulin pump SP: Can continue pump at Continue insulin drip un-
(Recommend consult- basal rate with frequent til patient has stabi-
ing an endocrinolo- blood gas monitoring; lized; can then convert
gist to assist in man- can utilize correction bo- back to insulin pump
agement) luses for hyperglycemia at basal rate; restart
or stop the pump and prandial boluses when
start IV insulin infusion patient resumes eating
LP: IV insulin infusion
LA insulin with SA or SP: Give full dose of the Continue insulin drip un-
RA insulin LA insulin in type 1 til patient has stabi-
diabetes and 50% in lized; convert back to
type 2 diabetes; hold all SQ LA at previous dose
SA and RA insulin if insulin requirement
while patient is NPO unchanged; if not, cal-
or utilize IV insulin culate new dose based
infusion on insulin drip require-
LP: IV insulin infusion ment as stated in text;
restart SA or RA when
patient is eating
IA with SA or RA SP: Give 50%–75% of Continue insulin drip un-
insulin normal dose of IA the til patient has stabi-
morning of surgery; lized; convert back to
hold all SA and RA in- SQ IA at previous dose
sulin when NPO or uti- if insulin requirement
lize IV insulin infusion is unchanged; if not,
LP: IV insulin infusion calculate new dose re-
quirement based on in-
sulin drip rate as stated
in text; restart SA or RA
when patient is eating
Mixed insulins SP: Give 50%–75% of Continue insulin drip
(Most type 1 diabetic normal dose of morn- until patient has stabi-
patients do not take ing IA component as lized; convert back to
these insulins) separate injection of SQ mixed insulin at
NPH previous dose if insulin
LP: IV insulin infusion requirement unchanged;
if not, calculate new
dose requirement based
on insulin drip rate as
stated in text

IA, intermediate-acting; IV, intravenous; LA, long-acting; LP, long procedure

(e.g., major procedure, typically using general anesthesia with duration of anesthe-
sia longer than 2 hours); NPO, nothing by mouth; RA, rapid-acting; SA, short-
acting; SP, short procedure (e.g., minor procedure of short duration utilizing
limited general, local, epidural, or spinal anesthesia); SQ, subcutaneous.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 427

One of the complications of diabetes management in the

inpatient setting is hypoglycemia. This may be a result of
decreased oral intake, interruption of tube feedings or paren-
teral nutrition, and the use of secretagogues or insulin. The
correction of hypoglycemia is based on the cause. Adjust-
ments should be made to the diabetic regimen to prevent
further episodes of hypoglycemia.

Special Situations
Enteral Tube Feeding
Management of glycemic control for the patient requiring
enteral tube feeding is dictated by the manner in which the
tube feeding is administered. Continuous 24-hour tube feed-
ing infusions provide the patient with a steady supply of car-
bohydrate; therefore, insulin needs to be present in a more
continuous fashion to prevent hyperglycemia. Several options
are available, none of which has been studied in large clinical
trials. Basal insulin can be provided by a once-daily injection
of long-acting insulin or twice-daily injections of an interme-
diate-acting insulin. Correction doses of a rapid-acting ana-
logue are used to correct unexpected hyperglycemia. The
major concern with this approach is the high risk of hypogly-
cemia if the tube feeding is interrupted; therefore, the basal
insulin should be kept at no more than 40% of the total daily
insulin requirement, and the blood glucose should be main-
tained at the high end of the target range. We prefer to use
regular insulin every 6 hours with the addition of correction
doses to correct for unexpected hyperglycemia. This offers
flexibility and reduces the risk of hypoglycemia if the tube
feeding is inadvertently discontinued. If the tube feeding is
given during only a portion of the day, an intermediate-acting
insulin should be given approximately 1 to 2 hours before the
tube feeding is started. For example, if the tube feeding is
given from 8 PM to 6 AM the patient would receive a dose of
intermediate-acting insulin such as NPH at 6 or 7 PM.

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428 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Bolus tube feedings provide the patient with a discrete

carbohydrate load; therefore, insulin needs to be provided
in manner that optimally prevents postbolus hyperglyce-
mia. The patient should receive rapid-acting insulin 0 to
15 minutes before or short-acting insulin 30 to 45 minutes
before each bolus is given. The American College of En-
docrinology recommends checking blood glucose 2 hours
after giving an insulin bolus to determine the insulin
effect. Dose adjustments should be made to keep postbolus
blood glucose less than 180 mg/dL. Basal insulin can still
be provided with once-daily long-acting or twice-daily
intermediate-acting insulin.

Total Parenteral Nutrition

It is not uncommon for surgical patients to receive TPN dur-
ing the postoperative period. TPN may increase the difficulty
of achieving glycemic control. TPN has been shown to cause
hyperglycemia in patients without a history of diabetes, and
it worsens glycemic control in those with established diabe-
tes. In one study of patients with type 2 diabetes, TPN neces-
sitated the use of insulin in 77% of the patients who previ-
ously did not need insulin.
Glycemic targets for patients receiving TPN may be
achieved most rapidly by using a separate continuous intrave-
nous insulin infusion. Once glycemic control is obtained, the
new total 24-hour insulin requirement can be calculated;
60% to 80% of this dose can be added to the next day’s TPN,
and the separate insulin infusion can be discontinued after
the TPN is started. An alternative strategy for those with less
dramatic hyperglycemia is to take 60% to 80% of the total
subcutaneous insulin dose from the previous day and add
that to the TPN bag in the form of regular insulin. Supple-
mental doses of insulin to correct for hyperglycemia should
be continued every 4 to 6 hours. If frequent supplemental
doses are used, the total supplemental dose should be added
to the next day’s TPN bag.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 429

The Patient Receiving High-Dose Glucocorticoids

High-dose glucocorticoids can be problematic in the hospi-
talized patient because they affect carbohydrate metabolism
and can lead to hyperglycemia. This effect worsens glycemic
control in diabetic patients and can cause glucocorticoid-
induced diabetes in patients without previously diagnosed
diabetes. If the patient experiences wide glycemic excursions
after high-dose steroids are instituted, a continuous insulin
infusion should be used to obtain glycemic control. Once
control is achieved, a new total daily insulin requirement can
be calculated and apportioned among the basal, nutritional,
and supplemental doses of subcutaneous insulin. Insulin
requirements will be reduced as the steroid dose is tapered.
Glucocorticoids often cause a blood glucose peak 4 to
12 hours after the dose is given. This delayed peak can be
counteracted by giving intermediate-acting insulin with the
steroid dose. Finally, alternate-day dosing of glucocorticoids
may require only supplemental insulin on the days that they
are given.


Glucocorticoids play a vital role in the maintenance and regula-
tion of immune and circulatory functions. The hypothalamic-
pituitary axis (HPA) regulates adrenal release of glucocorticoids.
Hypothalamic release of corticotropin-releasing hormone
stimulates the pituitary to produce adrenocorticotropin hor-
mone (corticotropin [ACTH]). ACTH, in turn, acts on the ad-
renal cortex to stimulate the synthesis and release of cortisol,
which completes the cycle by exerting a negative feedback on
corticotropin-releasing hormone and ACTH release. Most re-
cent studies estimate glucocorticoid secretion to be approxi-
mately 8 to 12 mg/m2/day of cortisol (the equivalent of
20 mg/day of hydrocortisone or 5 mg/day of oral prednisone),
which is less than previously reported. Glucocorticoid levels

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430 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

exhibit diurnal variation, with a peak level occurring between

4 and 8 AM and minimal production during the evening.
Synthesis of cortisol can increase five- to tenfold under
conditions of severe stress, to a maximal level of approximately
100 mg/m2/day [ Jabbour, 2001]. Surgery is a well-studied
physiologic stress that activates the HPA axis and results in in-
creased ACTH and cortisol.
The most common cause of suppressed adrenal function
is the use of exogenous steroids for a prolonged period of
time. These agents can suppress the HPA axis; therefore, the
patient who takes these drugs may not produce sufficient
levels of ACTH and cortisol during physical or psychologic
stress. If unrecognized or untreated, this condition can
manifest as hypotension and shock with fatal consequences.
To prevent this life-threatening complication, stress-dose
steroids are given perioperatively to patients with documen-
ted or presumed HPA axis suppression.

Who Needs Stress-Dose Steroids?

Before initiating stress-dose glucocorticoid therapy in pa-
tients undergoing surgical procedures, physicians should
screen patients who are suspected to have adrenal insuffi-
ciency. These patients can often be identified by taking a
thorough history and physical examination, especially focus-
ing on their medication history and the presence of other
chronic illnesses. Illnesses associated with the long-term use
of steroids include asthma, chronic bronchitis, rheumatoid
arthritis, collagen vascular diseases, and inflammatory bowel
disease; organ transplant recipients and patients who have
had brain or spinal surgery are also at risk. Rarely, patients
may also develop adrenal suppression from the use of topical
corticosteroids for dermatologic disorders. This is more
likely when the glucocorticoids are of higher potency, ap-
plied to large skin surface areas, and covered with occlusive
dressings. Adrenal suppression may also occasionally occur
with the use of potent inhaled glucocorticoids.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 431

No well-established relationship exists among dose, dura-

tion of exogenous steroids, and suppression of the HPA axis.
In general, oral glucocorticoids equivalent to 5 mg of predni-
sone or less given in a single morning dose for any duration
of time, and any dose of glucocorticoids given for less than
3 weeks, do not cause clinically significant suppression of the
HPA axis. Alternate-day glucocorticoids given in a morning
dose produce less suppression of the HPA axis. Conversely,
multiple daily doses or doses given in the evening tend to
cause more HPA suppression. Table 12-5 shows the different
available glucocorticoid preparations and their equivalencies.
Conversely, any patient who has taken more than 20 mg/
day of prednisone or its equivalent for more than 3 weeks or
who is clinically cushingoid should be assumed to have sup-
pression of the HPA axis. Such patients do not need testing to
evaluate the HPA axis and should be treated with stress doses
of steroids perioperatively. Postoperatively, the patient will
need to remain on replacement-dose steroids because it may
take as long as 9 to 18 months for adrenal function to recover.
Therefore, the response to provocative testing (i.e., cosyntro-
pin stimulation test) generally normalizes 9 months or more
after withdrawal from glucocorticoid therapy.
Patients receiving intermediate doses of steroids (between
5 and 20 mg of prednisone daily), or patients who are not

TABLE 12-5 Glucocorticoid Equivalencies

Glucocorticoids Equivalent Dose (mg) Biologic Half-Life (hr)
Hydrocortisone (Cortef, 20 8–12
Cortisone (Cortone) 25 8–12
Prednisone (Deltasone) 5 18–36
Methylprednisolone 4 18–36
(Medrol, Solu-
Dexamethasone 0.5 36–54

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432 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

good historians about their glucocorticoid dose or duration

of treatment, can be assessed by dynamic HPA axis testing.
Cosyntropin (synthetic ACTH) stimulation testing assesses
the ability of the adrenal gland to accelerate production of
cortisol in response to a surge in ACTH levels. The test is
performed as follows: Baseline cortisol levels are drawn, and
then 0.25 mg of cosyntropin is administered intramuscularly
or intravenously. Cortisol levels are repeated at 30 minutes
and again at 60 minutes interval after the dose. Cortisol lev-
els are expected to increase to more than 18 to 20 µg/dL after
the stimulation test in nonstressed individuals [Oelkas,
1996]. Critically ill patients are expected to have higher cor-
tisol levels (⬎25 µg/dL). Many experts believe that 0.25 mg
of cosyntropin results in a supraphysiologic response of
the adrenal and may miss subclinical or partial adrenal
insufficiency. They favor using 1 ␮g of cosyntropin instead of
0.25 mg to assess the HPA axis. This recommendation has
not gained widespread acceptance because it is cumbersome
to make such a concentration from the original vial provided
by the manufacturer. In the interpretation of either test, one
should be aware of the cross-reactivity between all glucocor-
ticoids (except dexamethasone) and the cortisol assay that
may result in falsely high cortisol values. These agents should
be held for at least 24 hours before the cosyntropin stimula-
tion test is performed. Glucocorticoid coverage can continue
during this time period by using dexamethasone.

Which Dose and Steroid Regimen to Use?

If a patient has documented or presumed HPA axis suppres-
sion, stress-dose steroids should be given before the surgical
procedure. Clinicians should replace glucocorticoids only
in amounts equivalent to the normal physiologic re-
sponse to the anticipated surgical procedure [ C Salem
et al, 1994]. Normally, the increase in ACTH and cortisol re-
lease starts with induction of anesthesia. Cortisol production
remains elevated for approximately 2 days postoperatively

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 433

and loses its normal diurnal variation. Thereafter, cortisol

levels generally decline to the normal range and resume a
diurnal pattern. Investigators have reported that up to 200 to
500 mg/day of cortisol can be secreted by the human body,
depending on the severity of stress [Jabbour, 2001], although
rates exceeding more than 200 mg are rare in the 24 hours
after a surgical procedure. The following recommendations
may serve as a guideline to estimate the patient’s need for
steroid coverage:
1. For minor surgical stress such as inguinal hernia repair,
hand surgery, or any minor outpatient procedures, 100 mg
of hydrocortisone is given intravenously with the induction
of anesthesia, followed by the usual maintenance dose.
2. For major surgical stress such as cardiac surgery and neu-
rosurgery, 100 mg of intravenous hydrocortisone is given
before the induction of anesthesia and is continued at the
same dose every 8 hours for at least the first 24 hours.
When the major stress of the postoperative period is re-
solved, and the patient is stable and free of complications
(fever, vomiting), hydrocortisone can be tapered during
3 to 5 days to the usual maintenance dose. Table 12-6
provides an example of a tapering schedule.

TABLE 12-6 Postoperative Steroid Tapering Regimen

Postoperative Day Recommendation
Day 1 Hydrocortisone, 100 mg IV q8h, starting
with induction of anesthesia
Day 2 If patient stable and major postoperative
stress resolved, lower dose of hydrocorti-
sone to 50 mg q8h
Day 3 Hydrocortisone, 25 mg q8h
Day 4 Hydrocortisone, 25 mg bid
Day 5 Maintenance dose (12–15 mg hydrocortisone/
m2/day): 15–20 mg AM and 5–10 mg PM
Switch to prednisone 5 mg every morning

bid, twice daily; IV, intravenously.

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434 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

In patients who have primary adrenal insufficiency (e.g.,

adrenal gland destruction by antibodies, infection, metasta-
sis, hemorrhage), a mineralocorticoid (e.g., fludrocortisone,
0.1 mg/day) should be added to the maintenance regimen.
There is no need to give patients fludrocortisone while they
are receiving stress doses of steroids because hydrocortisone
at doses more than 100 mg/day has a mineralocorticoid ef-
fect. In patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency, only
glucocorticoids are necessary because mineralocorticoid se-
cretion is normal.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United
States is chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thy-
roiditis), which causes destruction of the thyroid gland.
Other causes of primary hypothyroidism include surgical
removal, treatment with radioactive iodine, drugs, or infiltra-
tion and replacement of the gland by tumor. Secondary hy-
pothyroidism can be caused by pituitary and hypothalamic
diseases. Patients classically present with fatigue, weight
gain, constipation, cold intolerance, dyslipidemia, depres-
sion, and dry skin. Laboratory evaluation shows an elevated
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration in pri-
mary hypothyroidism.
Myxedema coma is an extreme expression of hypothy-
roidism. It is characterized by coma, loss of deep tendon re-
flexes, cardiovascular collapse, and even death. This clinical
presentation is frequently accompanied by hypothermia,
hypoxia, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia. It occurs mostly
during or after the sixth decade, and 80% of the cases occur
in women. More than 90% of cases have been reported to
occur during winter months and are frequently associated
with intercurrent illness or stressors such as burns, trauma,
and nonthyroid surgery. Other common precipitating factors
include pneumonia, other infections, and sedating drugs.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 435

Approximately 50% of patients with myxedema coma have

lapsed into coma after admission to the hospital, probably as
the result of stress caused by diagnostic and therapeutic in-
terventions encountered during hospitalization. Although
mortality can be high, these abnormalities are reversible with
thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
The impact of hypothyroidism on general surgery out-
comes is unclear. Although some reports indicate that
hypothyroidism increases the risk of perioperative compli-
cations and poor outcome, others do not. Because several
studies suggested that hypothyroidism may increase anes-
thesia risk, we recommend that the hypothyroid patient be
rendered euthyroid before an elective surgical procedure is

Perioperative Management
Hypothyroid patients undergoing nonthyroid surgery can be
broadly grouped into the following categories, based on their
clinical and biochemical profiles:
1. Most patients with hypothyroidism on replacement ther-
apy are euthyroid (clinically and biochemically) at the
time of surgery. Euthyroidism can be confirmed by a nor-
mal TSH level. In patients with central hypothyroidism
(reduced circulating thyroid hormone as a result of inad-
equate stimulation of a normal thyroid gland by TSH,
which may be secondary to pituitary disease or tertiary
resulting from hypothalamic dysfunction), TSH levels are
not representative of thyroid function, and free thyroxine
(T4) should be obtained. Such euthyroid patients do not
carry an increased risk of perioperative morbidity and do
not require special treatment other than continuation of
their usual thyroid hormone replacement. Most of these
patients can take their replacement dose on the day of the
operation, although it is optional because the half-life of
T4 is 6 to 7 days. During the postoperative period, pa-
tients can be given levothyroxine (LT4) treatment orally or

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436 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

intravenously on a regular basis. In the case of intrave-

nous administration, 80% of the oral dose is given be-
cause almost 80% of orally administered LT4 is absorbed
in the proximal small intestine. If the patient is NPO and
intravenous LT4 is not available, one can easily skip the
dose for several days because of the long half-life. Very
few indications exist today for the use of triiodothyronine
(T3) treatment (myxedema coma and patients with thy-
roid cancer in preparation for radioactive iodine treat-
ment). T3 has a very short half-life (1.5 days); therefore, it
may be necessary for patients to receive their usual dose
on the day of the surgical procedure. In contrast to T4,
almost 100% of an oral dose of T3 is absorbed.
2. Patients who are biochemically hypothyroid are at in-
creased risk of having complications during the periopera-
tive period [ C Mercado, 2003]. Perioperative morbidity in
these patients relates to cardiovascular depression refrac-
tory to catecholamine administration, hypothermia, air-
way difficulties from generalized edema, aspiration from
delayed gastric emptying, and depressed mental status.
Elective surgery in these patients should be postponed
until patients are rendered euthyroid. Urgent surgery
should not be postponed, but the patient should be man-
aged expectantly for the complications described earlier.
3. The most challenging area involves the role of preopera-
tive thyroid hormone replacement in patients undergoing
coronary artery revascularization surgery. Investigators
have reported that thyroid replacement therapy has in-
duced myocardial ischemia. Therefore, it is prudent to
operate before replacement therapy is started or after only
partial replacement has begun. The dose can be slowly
titrated upward after coronary artery blood flow has
4. Patients with myxedema coma may be treated with either
200 to 400 ␮g of intravenous LT4, followed by 50 to 100 ␮g
daily. Concomitantly, 10 ␮g of intravenous T3 every 8 hours

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 437

can be given to speed recovery. Coexisting adrenal insuf-

ficiency in patients with severe hypothyroidism should
be an important consideration because treatment of
hypothyroidism without providing steroid replacement
may precipitate adrenal crisis [ C Mercado, 2003]. There-
fore, stress-dose steroids should be provided to these
patients until adrenal insufficiency has been excluded.
Other treatment points include rewarming with a warming
blanket and correction of hyponatremia, hypovolemia, and

Hyperthyroidism has many causes, the most common be-
ing Graves’ disease. This is an autoimmune disorder in
which TSH receptor antibodies abnormally stimulate the
thyroid gland to produce excessive thyroid hormone.
Other causes of hyperthyroidism include toxic multinodu-
lar goiters, toxic nodules, thyroiditis, and exogenous inges-
tion of LT4.
Hyperthyroidism may be clinically overt, and patients
may present with classic symptoms such as tachycardia,
tremor, weight loss, heat intolerance, goiter, and ophthal-
mopathy. However, patients may also present in an atypical
fashion. This presentation is known as apathetic or “masked”
hyperthyroidism and is more common in the geriatric popu-
lation. These patients may be asymptomatic, or they may
complain only of fatigue. Occasionally, they present in atrial
fibrillation without any other symptoms.
Laboratory investigation reveals a suppressed TSH with a
high free T4 or free T3 concentration. Patients may also have
subclinical hyperthyroidism, which is defined by a sup-
pressed TSH but normal free T4 and free T3. Subclinical hy-
perthyroidism can manifest by increased nocturnal pulse
rates, frequent atrial premature beats, or the onset of atrial
fibrillation in elderly patients.

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438 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

The greatest risk to undiagnosed or inadequately treated

hyperthyroid patients undergoing surgery is thyroid storm, a
rare but life-threatening complication. Thyroid storm is rec-
ognized by the onset of fever, tachycardia, delirium, and
gastrointestinal disturbances that may progress to cardiovas-
cular collapse and death. It is advisable to treat the patient
based on clinical suspicion alone while waiting for confirma-
tory thyroid function tests. The laboratory value itself does
not distinguish between usual hyperthyroidism and thyroid
Patients with untreated or inadequately treated hyperthy-
roidism who are undergoing a major surgical procedure are
at increased risk of perioperative complications, the most
concerning being thyroid storm (fever, tachycardia, cardio-
vascular collapse). Excess T4 and T3 can cause extra heat
production that leads to a slight rise in body temperature,
which, in turn, activates heat-dissipating mechanisms. Peri-
operative tachycardia is common, and atrial fibrillation is
present in 10% to 20% of patients. Hyperthyroid patients
should be clinically and biochemically euthyroid before they
undergo surgical procedures.

Perioperative Management
1. For an elective surgical procedure, patients with medi-
cally treated and adequately controlled hyperthyroidism
should take their antithyroid medications on the morning
of surgery. It is common for TSH values to remain sup-
pressed as a result of prolonged hyperthyroidism in pa-
tients who have otherwise normalized their free T4 and T3
values on therapy. The TSH level in such cases will even-
tually increase (within few months) and should not be
considered a contraindication to surgery.
2. If possible, patients with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
should have their surgical procedure postponed until they
receive adequate medical therapy to reduce the risk of
thyroid storm.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 439

3. If a patient needs emergency surgery, therapy to block

the systemic effect of excess thyroid hormone as well as
agents to decrease thyroid hormone production may be
started by administering ␤-blockers, antithyroid medi-
cation (thionamides) such as propylthiouracil (PTU) or
methimazole (Tapazole), and iodine. Thionamides block
thyroid hormone synthesis but do not affect the release
of the preformed hormone. Iodine is the earliest effec-
tive agent used in the preoperative preparation of thy-
rotoxic patients. In supraphysiologic doses, iodine acts
to decrease the synthesis of new thyroid hormone (the
Wolff-Chaikoff effect) and to decrease the release of
preformed hormones from the thyroid. This effect can
be seen within 24 hours of iodine treatment and is
maximal at approximately 10 days of treatment. Iodine
should not be administered first, because supplemental
iodine provides more substrate for thyroid hormone
synthesis. This can result in an increased amount of
thyroid hormone released from the thyroid gland and
can potentially precipitate thyroid storm (the jod-
basedow effect). This effect is mainly seen in patients
with toxic nodules. One should wait at least 1 hour af-
ter administering the thionamide before initiating io-
dine therapy. Propylthiouracil may be administered as a
loading dose of 1 g orally or by nasogastric tube and
later followed by a dose of 150 to 200 mg orally or by
nasogastric tube every 6 to 8 hours. Saturated solution
of potassium iodide (SSKI) is the iodine most com-
monly used. It is given as oral drops in a dose of 4 to
8 drops every 6 to 8 hours. Patients with thyrotoxicosis
are also at risk for adrenal insufficiency (coexistent
Graves’ disease and Addison’s disease) and should re-
ceive stress doses of glucocorticoids. Moreover, gluco-
corticoids decrease the peripheral conversion of T4 to
T3. For symptomatic treatment, propranolol has been
the ␤-blocker of choice at doses of 10 to 40 mg four

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440 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

times a day. However, cardioselective ␤-blockers can be

used, especially in patients with asthma. Preoperative
use of long-acting ␤-blockers such as atenolol confers a
better heart rate control in the postoperative period.
4. Treatment of thyroid storm includes the administration of
thionamides, iodines, steroids, ␤-blockers, antipyretics,
nutritional support with dextrose and vitamins, and treat-
ment of cardiac complications such as atrial fibrillation
and high-output heart failure. This therapy should occur
in a setting where continuous cardiac monitoring is avail-
able. Aspirin should not be used as an antipyretic agent in
patients with thyroid storm, because it interferes with the
protein binding of T4 and T3 and can increase free thyroid
hormone concentrations. Methods to enhance thyroid
hormone clearance may also be used, including cholesty-
ramine to bind the hormone and clear it through the
gastrointestinal tract. Rarely, charcoal hemoperfusion, he-
modialysis, or plasmapheresis may be needed to increase
thyroid hormone clearance.


Thyroid function tests are notoriously difficult to interpret in
patients who are chronically or critically ill. Many of these
patients are receiving medications that may interfere with the
results of thyroid function tests. For example, dopamine,
dobutamine, and high-dose corticosteroids can suppress
TSH. One of the more common thyroid function abnormali-
ties encountered in critically ill patients is termed the euthy-
roid sick syndrome (low T4, T3, and TSH). These patients are
thought to be euthyroid; however, some studies suggest that
they may have acquired, transient central hypothyroidism.
Treatment with LT4 in these patients is of little benefit and in
fact may be harmful. It is thought that these thyroid function
changes may be protective by preventing excessive tissue

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 441

Characteristic thyroid function alterations in the euthy-

roid sick syndrome are as follows:
• Low serum total T3 resulting from decreased conversion of
T4 to T3 by circulating inhibitors (e.g., free fatty acids, cy-
tokines) or decreased binding of T3 to thyroid binding
globulin (TBG) or both
• Elevated reverse T3 (rT3) because conversion of T4 to T3 is
reduced, leading to more conversion of T4 to rT3
• Low serum total T4, because of decreased binding to TBG
and reduction in the serum concentration of TBG and
other binding proteins
• High uptake of T3-resin and low to normal free T4 index
(calculated free T4)
• Normal or low free T4 as measured by most laboratories,
but normal free T4 measured by dialysis equilibrium
• Normal or low TSH, depending on the severity of sickness
• During recovery from sickness, transient rise in TSH
(up to 20 mU/L) before TSH, T4, and T3 return to normal

Pheochromocytoma is an uncommon neuroendocrine tumor
of the chromaffin cells that occurs in less than 0.2% of
patients with hypertension. In approximately 10% of pa-
tients, the tumor is discovered incidentally during com-
puted tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the
abdomen for unrelated symptoms. The classic triad of
symptoms in patients with pheochromocytoma consists of
episodic headache, sweating, and tachycardia, accompa-
nied by paroxysmal hypertension. The presence of this
triad has a sensitivity and specificity of more than 90%,
although not all patients have the three classic symptoms,
and patients with essential hypertension may present with
similar symptoms. The diagnosis is made by detecting sig-
nificantly elevated urinary metanephrines or catechol-
amines (24-hour urine collection). Alternatively, plasma

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442 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

free metanephrines can be measured, although false-

positive results are common. Testing should always
be done after interfering medications (tricyclic antide-
pressants, benzodiazepines, labetalol, sotalol) have been
discontinued. When urine or serum metanephrine or
catecholamine levels suggest the presence of pheochro-
mocytoma, the diagnosis is further established by
magnetic resonance imaging of the adrenal glands, to
localize the tumor [ C Pacak et al, 2001].

Perioperative Management
Patients with pheochromocytoma have excessive circulat-
ing catecholamines causing vasoconstriction that leads to
both hypertension and hypovolemia. These patients may
experience severe hypertensive crisis or hypotension.
Removal of a pheochromocytoma can result in acute hypo-
tension as a result of a sudden decrease in catecholamines.
Therefore, the perioperative management of pheochromo-
cytoma requires vital cooperation of multispecialty teams
to avoid any preoperative, intraoperative, or postoperative
complications. The goal of perioperative management is to
minimize the risk of clinically significant hypertension or
hypotension in the perioperative period. ␣-Adrenergic
blockers are initiated 10 to 14 days preoperatively to
inhibit the peripheral vasoconstriction produced by
pheochromocytoma-released catecholamines. Another
approach is to treat the patient preoperatively with
calcium channel antagonists to control hypertension
and to use intraoperative nitroprusside for treatment of
significant hypertension [ C Ulchaker et al, 1999]. Periop-
eratively, intravenous hydration with 0.9% saline is also
essential to prevent hypovolemic shock and hypotension
(mainly after removal of the tumor).

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 443

The perioperative management of patients with pituitary
disease is complex and varies depending on the underlying
disease. Therefore, an endocrinologist with expertise in pitu-
itary disorders should be involved in the perioperative man-
agement of these patients. Key management concepts include
the following:
• Patients who have a macroadenoma (⬎1 cm) can suffer
from mass effect by tumor compression of adjacent struc-
tures, such as the optic chiasm; therefore, formal visual
field testing should be performed preoperatively.
• Patients with macroadenomas should be screened for hy-
popituitarism, particularly central hypothyroidism (low
free T4 with low to normal TSH) and central adrenal insuf-
ficiency (low cortisol, either random morning value or af-
ter cosyntropin stimulation testing with low to normal
ACTH). Replacement therapy with glucocorticoids and LT4
should be initiated while waiting for the surgical procedure
to be performed. Glucocorticoids should always be started
before LT4 therapy to prevent the onset of adrenal crisis.
• For pituitary surgery, glucocorticoids should be given peri-
operatively because normal ACTH-secreting cells can be
damaged perioperatively, thus leading to adrenal insuffi-
ciency. Glucocorticoids are then tapered over a few days to a
maintenance dose (e.g., prednisone, 5 mg/day), and the HPA
axis is reassessed in 3 months by performing a cosyntropin
stimulation test. The reason we wait 3 months is that it takes
a few weeks to a few months for the adrenals to atrophy and
therefore to lose their response to cosyntropin.
• Transient or permanent diabetes insipidus may occur peri-
operatively. Moreover, during the second postoperative
week, a transient phase of syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone can result from release of stored an-
tidiuretic hormone. This syndrome may cause clinically

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444 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

significant hyponatremia. Careful assessment of the pa-

tient’s volume status and frequent monitoring of serum
electrolytes are essential.
• Patients with panhypopituitarism of whatever cause should
always continue glucocorticoid therapy. Stress doses may
need to be administered based on the level of expected
stress and the patient’s clinical condition. These patients
should also continue to receive LT4 therapy. TSH is useless
for monitoring therapy in patients with central hypothy-
roidism; therefore, free T4 should be followed to monitor
adequacy of replacement.

Calcium is essential to homeostasis and the function of mul-
tiple organ systems. It should be strictly maintained in the
normal range before, during, and after surgical procedures.
Abnormalities in calcium metabolism are mostly secondary
to parathyroid disease, but they may be a harbinger of other
underlying conditions, such as neoplasia or granulomatous
diseases. Management strategies depend on the severity of
clinical symptoms and the urgency of the underlying medical
conditions. Patients who require urgent surgery can be taken
to the operating room with careful intraoperative and post-
operative monitoring, and calcium concentrations can be
maintained with medical management. Elective surgery can
be deferred until workup of the calcium derangement is
complete. Rarely, patients require intensive care management
secondary to cardiac arrhythmias.

The most common causes of hypercalcemia are hyperpara-
thyroidism and malignancy. In malignant disease, mecha-
nisms of hypercalcemia include parathyroid hormone (PTH)-
related peptide-secreting neoplasms, 1,25(OH)2D-secreting

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 445

lymphomas, and local osteolysis from bone metastasis. Other

causes of hypercalcemia include milk-alkali syndrome, gran-
ulomatous diseases, and medications such as thiazide diuret-
ics, lithium, and vitamins D and A.
Hypercalcemia affects multiple organ systems and leads to
myriad clinical signs and symptoms. Most patients with
hypercalcemia become symptomatic at the level of 12 mg/
mL, and almost all patients at the level of 14 mg/mL or
higher. Gastrointestinal symptoms result from smooth mus-
cle relaxation and include constipation, anorexia, nausea,
and vomiting. Increased calcium concentrations also have
been shown to cause pancreatitis. Neurologically, patients
with hypercalcemia can be lethargic, hypotonic, confused, or
even comatose. Effects on the kidneys include polyuria, de-
hydration, and nephrolithiasis. Dehydration leads to proxi-
mal tubule resorption of sodium and calcium in an effort to
expand the extracellular volume, but this paradoxically
worsens hypercalcemia.
Hypercalcemia also affects cardiac conduction. Patients
with elevated calcium concentrations have electrocardio-
graphic changes marked by shortened QTc intervals. Cardiac
arrhythmias and conduction problems generally are not as-
sociated with this phenomenon.

Establishing the correct diagnosis is the essential first step in the
treatment of hypercalcemia. A careful history and physical ex-
amination will often help to identify the underlying cause.
Measurement of calcium and intracellular PTH will differentiate
all causes of hypercalcemia into two main categories, PTH me-
diated and non–PTH mediated (malignancy and other causes).
The presence of elevated calcium and PTH invariably estab-
lishes the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. Plasma
1,25(OH)2D should be measured when sarcoidosis, other
granulomatous disorders, and 1,25(OH)2D-secreting lympho-
mas are considered in the differential diagnosis.

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446 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Perioperative Management
Any management of hypercalcemia should be directed at the
underlying pathophysiologic mechanism. The goal is to lower
the serum calcium to a safe level. An assessment of the severity
of the hypercalcemia is needed to guide therapy. Although
there are no formal guidelines, a serum calcium level of 10.5
to 11.9 mg/dL (2.6 to 2.9 mmol/L) is regarded as mild hyper-
calcemia, a level of 12.0 to 13.9 mg/dL (3.0 to 3.4 mmol/L) is
moderate, and severe hypercalcemia is a level of 14.0 mg/dL
(3.5 mmol/L) or greater [Stewart, 2005].
Intravenous Fluids
Patients with moderate to severe hypercalcemia may be
substantially dehydrated as a result of a renal water-
concentrating defect (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus) in-
duced by hypercalcemia and by decreased oral hydration
resulting from anorexia, nausea, or vomiting. The dehydra-
tion leads to a reduction in the glomerular filtration rate that
further reduces the ability of the kidney to excrete the excess
serum calcium. Therefore, volume expansion should be the
first goal of treatment. Although no randomized clinical trials
have been conducted to guide this therapy, in general prac-
tice normal saline is administered at a rate of 200 to 500 mL/
hour, depending on the baseline level of dehydration and
renal function, the patient’s cardiovascular status, the degree
of mental impairment, and the severity of the hypercalcemia.
Patients should have careful clinical monitoring for physical
findings that are consistent with fluid overload.
1. Loop diuretics are used to increase the renal excretion of
calcium. They should not be administered until after full
hydration has been achieved because they can cause
or worsen dehydration. Dehydration, in turn, leads to a
decline in the glomerular filtration rate and the filtered
load of calcium.

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 447

2. Intravenous bisphosphonates are by far the best stud-

ied, safest, and most effective agents for use in patients
with hypercalcemia of any cause, especially for hyper-
calcemia of malignancy. These drugs work by blocking
osteoclastic bone resorption. Bisphosphonate therapy
should be initiated as soon as hypercalcemia is diag-
nosed, because a response requires 2 to 4 days, and the
nadir in serum calcium generally occurs within 4 to 7
days after therapy is initiated. Approximately 60% to
90% of patients have normal serum calcium levels
within 4 to 7 days, and responses last for 1 to 3 weeks.
As compared with pamidronate, zoledronate has the
advantage of rapid and simpler administration, whereas
pamidronate is less expensive.
3. Glucocorticoids [Binstock and Mundy, 1980] have a role
in the treatment of some patients, such as those with
lymphomas resulting in elevated levels of 1,25(OH)2
vitamin D.
4. Calcitonin may result in a more rapid reduction in se-
rum calcium levels than do other agents (the maximal
response occurs ⱕ12 to 24 hours), but its value is ques-
tionable because the reductions are small (ⱕ1.0 mg/dL
[0.25 mmol/L]) and transient.
A review of the commonly used treatments is provided in
Table 12-7.

In patients who have acute or chronic renal failure, aggres-
sive saline infusion is not possible, and other therapies such
as bisphosphonates should be used with caution, if at all. In
these circumstances, dialysis against a dialysate containing
little or no calcium is a reasonable and highly effective option
for selected patients.

Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 447 12/19/07 3:00:40 PM


Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 448
TABLE 12-7 Commonly Used Treatments for Hypercalcemia
Intervention Dose Onset of Action Calcium Response Cautions
Intravenous fluids 200–500 mL/hr Hours Decreases by 1–3 mg/dL Watch for fluid overload
Loop diuretics 20–40 mg Hours Decreases by 1–3 mg/dL Give only after patient has been
adequately hydrated.
Zoledronic acid 4 mg IV 1–3 days Normalizes in 90% of patients Can cause renal failure and flulike
Pamidronate 60–90 mg IV 1–3 days Normalizes in 70% of patients Can cause renal failure and flulike
Calcitonin 4–8 IU SQ or IM q12h 12–24 hr Decreases by 1–2 mg/dL May cause flushing and nausea

IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; SQ, subcutaneously.

12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

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12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 449

Hypocalcemia is common in older patients with multiple
chronic illnesses. Common causes include idiopathic or auto-
immune hypoparathyroidism, hypomagnesemia, vitamin D
deficiency, acute pancreatitis, hyperventilation, and hypo-
parathyroidism from previous surgery or radiation to the
neck. Before instituting any treatment for hypocalcemia, the
diagnosis should always be verified, because many cases of
hypocalcemia are the artifact of hypoalbuminemia. Manage-
ment aimed at correcting calcium concentrations depends on
the severity of the patient’s symptoms. If symptoms are mild,
oral calcium supplementation can be given; otherwise, intra-
venous calcium should be administered.
Patients with long-standing hypocalcemia may be asymp-
tomatic. In acute hypocalcemia, the patient may present with
perioral numbness, paresthesias, muscle cramps, and mild
mental status changes such as irritability. As hypocalcemia
becomes more severe, there can be neuromuscular and car-
diac findings, including Chvostek’s sign (elicited by tapping
the facial nerve anterior to the ear, which produces spasm of
the muscles of the face; it has been shown to be positive in
10% to 30% of people with normal calcium concentrations)
and Trousseau’s sign (positive when pressure on the wrist in-
duced by inflation of a blood pressure cuff for 3 to 5 minutes
or tapping on the median nerve induces carpal spasm), as
well as mental status changes, seizures, tetany, hypotension,
and acute heart failure.
Acute hypocalcemia decreases cardiac function by length-
ening phase 2 of the cardiac action potential, which results
in prolongation of the ST segment and the QT interval on the
electrocardiogram. This finding is an independent risk factor
for arrhythmias and cardiac death. Patients who present to
the hospital in cardiac arrest often are severely hypocalcemic.
Hypocalcemia can rarely lead to cardiac failure, and this can
be reversed with administration of calcium.

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450 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Perioperative Management
Treatment should be given to every symptomatic patient and
to patients with serum calcium of less than 7.6 mg/dL who
may be at risk of developing complications. In general,
symptomatic patients should be given parenteral calcium,
whereas asymptomatic patients can be managed with oral
calcium supplementation as follows:
1. Intravenous calcium: Calcium gluconate, 10 mL
10% weight/volume (90 mg of calcium) diluted in 50 mL
of 5% dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride can be given
intravenously by slow injection (5 to 10 minutes) and
can be repeated as necessary until symptoms disappear.
If deemed necessary, a continuous infusion can be started
by diluting 10 ampules of calcium gluconate in 1 L of 5%
dextrose or normal saline at a rate of 50 mL/hour. The
goal is to keep serum calcium in the low normal range.
In the setting of hypocalcemia, one should always antici-
pate simultaneous abnormalities in magnesium concen-
trations because intravenous magnesium administration
may be necessary to achieve normalization of calcium
2. Oral calcium: Different calcium supplements are available
on the market. The patient can be given 400 to 800 mg of
elemental calcium every 8 to 12 hours. The goal is to keep
the patient asymptomatic and to avoid any complications
associated with hypercalciuria, especially in the absence of
PTH or its function.
3. Vitamin D: In the setting of severe 25-hydroxyvitamin D
deficiency, ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) 50,000 U (every
week for 8 weeks) can be given without any risk of toxicity.
Patients with mild or moderate deficiency should receive
800 to 1200 IU/day of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Serum
calcium and urine calcium should be initially checked on a
weekly basis and then at least every 6 months to ensure

Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 450 12/19/07 3:00:41 PM

12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders 451

4. Use of thiazide diuretics in therapeutic doses is helpful

especially when the hypocalcemia is secondary to hypo-
parathyroidism because thiazides enhance reabsorption of
calcium from the kidney.

Selected Readings
American College of Endocrinology: Position statement on inpatient diabe-
tes and metabolic control. Endocr Pract 10:5-9, 2004.
American Diabetes Association: Clinical practice recommendations 2005.
Diabetes Care 28(Suppl 1):S24-S28, 2005.
Axelrod L: Perioperative management of patients treated with glucocorti-
coids. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 32:367-383, 2003.
Binstock ML, Mundy GR: Effect of calcitonin and glutocorticoids in combi-
nation on the hypercalcemia of malignancy. Ann Intern Med 93:269-
272, 1980.
Bode BW, Braithwaite SS, Steed RD, et al: Intravenous insulin infusion
therapy: Indications, methods, and transition to subcutaneous insulin
therapy. Endocr Pract 10(Suppl 2):71-80, 2004. A
Clement S, Braithwaite S, Magee MF, et al: Management of diabetes and
hyperglycemia in hospitals. Diabetes Care 27:553-591, 2004. C
Connery LE, Coursin DB: Assessment and therapy of selected endocrine
disorders. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 22:93-123, 2004.
Furnary AP, Wu Y, Bookin SO: Effect of hyperglycemia and continuous in-
travenous insulin infusions on outcomes of cardiac surgical procedures:
The Portland Diabetes Project. Endocr Pract 10(Suppl 2):21-33, 2004.
Glister B, Vigersky R: Perioperative management of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 32:411-436, 2003.
Jabbour SA: Steroids and surgical patients. Med Clin North Am 85:
1140-1147, 2001.
Krinsley JS: Effect of an intensive glucose management protocol on the mor-
tality of critically ill adult patients. Mayo Clin Proc 79:992-1000, 2004.
Mercado DL: Perioperative medication management. Med Clin North Am
87:41-57, 2003. C
Oelkas W: Adrenal insufficiency. N Engl J Med 335:1206-1212, 1996.
Pacak K, Linehan WM, Eisenhofer G, et al: Recent advances in genetics,
diagnosis, localization, and treatment of pheochromocytoma. Ann In-
tern Med 134:315-329, 2001. C
Salem M, Tainsh RE, Bromberg J, et al: Perioperative glucocorticoid cover-
age: A reassessment 42 years after emergence of a problem. Ann Surg
219:416-425, 1994. C

Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 451 12/19/07 3:00:41 PM

452 12 • Perioperative Management of Endocrine Disorders

Schiff RL, Welsh GA: Perioperative evaluation and management of the patient
with endocrine dysfunction. Med Clin North Am 87:175-192, 2003.
Sherman SI, Ladenson PW: Complications of surgery in hypothyroid pa-
tients. Am J Med 90:367-370, 1991.
Stewart AF: Hypercalcemia associated with cancer. N Engl J Med 352:373-
379, 2005.
Ulchaker JC, Goldfarb DA, Bravo EL, et al: Successful outcomes in pheochro-
mocytoma surgery in the modern era. J Urol 161:764-767, 1999. C
Umpierrez GE, Isaacs SD, Bazargan N, et al: Hyperglycemia: An indepen-
dent marker of in-hospital mortality in patients with undiagnosed diabe-
tes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:978-982, 2002.
Van den Berghe G, Wouters P, Weekers F, et al: Intensive insulin therapy in
critically ill patients. N Engl J Med 345:1359-1367, 2001. A
Van den Berghe G: How does blood glucose control with insulin save lives
in intensive care? J Clin Invest 114:1187-1195, 2004.
Vance ML: Perioperative management of patients undergoing pituitary sur-
gery. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 32:355-365, 2003.

Ch12-X2385_411_452.indd 452 12/19/07 3:00:41 PM

13 Perioperative Management
of the Ophthalmologic Patient

Ophthalmic surgery is safer than general surgery. Early stud-

ies estimated ophthalmic surgery mortality anywhere from
0.06% to 0.18%, with the variations resulting from the type
of ophthalmic surgical procedure and the anesthetic regimen.
More recent surveys continued to reinforce that ophthalmic
surgery is safe. Unstable medical disorders remain a principal
cause of postoperative complications. Today, most ophthalmic
procedures are performed in physicians’ offices, outpatient
surgical centers, and, less commonly, in-hospital settings.
When postoperative complications occur following oph-
thalmic surgical procedures, medical conditions are com-
monly at fault, whether from system medications in anesthe-
sia, intubation, fluid load, or stresses caused by unresolved
postoperative pain. Rarely, complications result from the
systemic effects of topical eye drop medications or from sys-
temic issues related to the globe.
This chapter focuses on two points: (1) perioperative con-
sultations that establish a patient’s suitability for surgery by
identifying preexisting and new diseases, defining risk fac-
tors, and offering advice concerning risk reduction methods;
and (2) postoperative care of the patient’s chronic medical
problems as well as any systemic complications occurring
during or after the surgical procedure.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies,
retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual prac-
tice, opinion.


Ch13-X2385_453_464.indd 453 12/19/07 3:02:06 PM

454 13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient


Petruscak and associates evaluated the risk associated with
more than 3000 ophthalmic procedures performed in the
late 1960s and early 1970s. The most important risk factor
contributing to the deaths of patients undergoing ophthalmic
surgical procedures was the patient’s preexisting medical
condition [ B Petruscak et al, 1973]. Mortality was found to
correlate well with the American Society of Anesthesiologists
risk classification. Quigley evaluated postoperative morbidity
among 47,000 cases and found that the type of surgical pro-
cedure was related to a risk of untoward complications.
Retinal detachment repair was associated with a small but
significantly higher risk of mortality (0.23%) than cataract
(0.1%) or muscle (0.01%) operations [ B Quigley, 1974]. More
recent studies continued to reinforce the general safety of
various ophthalmic procedures relative to general surgery
to within similar percentages [ C Adler and Kountz, 1990;
B Katz et al, 2001].

Cardiovascular Risk Stratification
Patients should be evaluated in the same manner as general
surgical patients, and all medical conditions should be opti-
mally controlled. Perioperative cardiovascular risk is esti-
mated by using criteria developed by the American Society of
Anesthesiologists or the American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association.
Unless specified, ophthalmic procedures are often per-
formed in the outpatient setting, in which advanced medical
services are sparse or unavailable. Patients at moderate car-
diovascular risk should preferably have procedures per-
formed in facilities with advanced medical support, whereas

Ch13-X2385_453_464.indd 454 12/19/07 3:02:07 PM

13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient 455

patients at high cardiovascular risk should be considered for

overnight inpatient hospitalization.
It is the consultant’s job to estimate and recommend inter-
vention for medical conditions that could complicate surgical
procedures. With a patient’s medical risks in mind, it is the
anesthesiologist’s or surgeon’s role to decide whether to pro-
ceed with a procedure, but it is the patient who lives with the
outcome. Rarely is ophthalmic surgery lifesaving, but opti-
mal vision may weigh heavily on a patient’s reason for being.
Some procedures such as those of the retina or glaucoma are
sight saving within a limited time frame, whereas cataract
surgery can be postponed without disability. Therefore, in
patients with optimally managed but high-risk medical dis-
ease, it is important to convey the possible outcomes to pa-
tients and to coordinate the patients’ wishes with the objec-
tives of the surgical team.

Preoperative Laboratory Testing

Cataract surgery remains the most common ophthalmic op-
eration. No evidence indicates that routine medical test-
ing before cataract surgery increases the safety of the
procedure [ A Schein et al, 2000]. For the patient with specific
medical conditions, laboratory tests may be indicated, based
on the patient’s medical condition and its surgical impact.
For example, patients with diabetes mellitus should have
perioperative serum glucose monitoring by finger stick glu-
cometer until they are allowed to eat postoperatively. Specific
protocols for patients with diabetes mellitus can be followed,
as discussed later.
For all other ophthalmic procedures, the need for pre-
operative laboratory testing is proportionate to coexisting
medical disease, the likelihood of receiving general anesthe-
sia, and intravenous or systemic medications. As a rule, the
same evaluations may be ordered as for general surgical

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456 13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient

Patients undergoing cataract surgery do not need to dis-
continue antiplatelet agents or reverse therapeutic anti-
coagulation [ B Dunn and Turpie, 2003]. In general, antiplate-
let agents and therapeutic anticoagulation need not be
discontinued for most ophthalmic procedures. However,
small amounts of bleeding can reduce surgical outcome con-
siderably. Antiplatelet agents are preferably discontinued if
the patient has no coexisting diseases requiring antiplatelet
therapy, such as in the healthy geriatric patient taking daily
aspirin. Warfarin is safely discontinued only in patients re-
ceiving prophylactic anticoagulation, such as in atrial fibril-
lation with no history of embolic stroke; otherwise, these
patients should be therapeutically anticoagulated preopera-
tively. Surgeons will then make specific requests, on a case-
by-case basis, to hold anticoagulation based on the type of
procedure or a prior history of bleeding [ C Parkin and Man-
ners, 2000]. Patients who require that therapeutic anticoagu-
lation be reversed may need intravenous unfractionated
heparin or subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin to
maintain anticoagulation while warfarin is discontinued.

A review of the topical ocular medications received by pa-
tients is part of the differential diagnosis when postoperative
complications are evaluated. Eye drops may enter the naso-
lacrimal duct and may be systemically absorbed through the
nasal mucosa or the gastrointestinal tract. ␤-Blockers can
cause bradycardia (especially in the patient with cardiac con-
duction disease), bronchospasm, or congestive heart failure.
Sympathomimetic agents and atropine cause tachycardia and
aggravate underlying coronary artery disease. Summaries of
the most common ophthalmic medications and their compli-
cations are given in Tables 13-1 and 13-2. The consultant

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13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient 457

TABLE 13-1 Common Ophthalmic Drugs

Trade Drug Class Name Generic Name
Eye Drops
Nonselective ␤-blockers Timoptic Timolol
␤1-Specific ␤-blockers Betoptic Betaxolol
Betagan Levobunolol
Sympathomimetic agents Propine Dipivefrin
Parasympathomimetic Pilocarpine
agents Carbachol
Anticholinergic agents Mydriacyl Tropicamide
Cyclogyl Cyclopentolate
Diuretics Used for Ophthalmic Treatment
Carbonic anhydrase Diamox Acetazolamide
inhibitors Methazolamide
Osmotic diuretics Intravenous mannitol 20% solution

TABLE 13-2 Systemic Complications of Eye Drops

Common Systemic
Complications Implicated Drugs
Congestive heart failure ␤-Blockers, osmotic diuretics
Bradycardia ␤-Blockers
Tachycardia Sympathomimetic agents, anticholinergic agents
Hypotension ␤-Blockers
Bronchospasm ␤-Blockers (less with ␤1-selective ␤-blockers
and parasympathomimetic agents)
Skin flushing Atropine
Depression, confusion Anticholinergic agents, ␤-blockers, CAIs
Paresthesias CAIs
Nausea, vomiting CAIs, parasympathomimetic agents
Hyperglycemia Glycerol
Metabolic acidosis CAIs
Hypokalemia CAIs
Urinary retention Anticholinergic agents, osmotic diuretics
CAIs, carbonic anhy- Metabolic acidosis, electrolyte imbalance
drase inhibitors.

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458 13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient

should consider withholding diuretics in patients taking car-

bonic anhydrase inhibitors.
Sodium fluorescein is used in diagnostic fluorescein angi-
ography of the fundus. This imaging study is as common an
ophthalmic procedure as cataract surgery. Patients may expe-
rience allergic reactions similar to contrast dye reactions seen
with conventional radiologic procedures. Common symp-
toms include nausea (occurring in 7% of patients) and urti-
caria (0.5% of patients). Severe reactions include wheezing,
anaphylaxis, and arrhythmias.

The final decision regarding the use of general or local anes-
thesia resides with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon. From
a technical standpoint, general anesthesia offers greater im-
mobilization of the patient and better surgical control. Gen-
eral anesthesia may offer benefits to patients who are unduly
anxious, restless, or suffering from specific conditions (e.g.,
osteoarthritis) that prohibit lying comfortably in a supine
position. Although data suggest that local anesthesia is equiv-
alent to general anesthesia in terms of the risk of complica-
tions, the design of this research may have been flawed be-
cause sicker patients may have been selected to receive local
anesthesia. No large-scale series have been repeated. A com-
monly held belief is that local anesthesia is safer for patients
with borderline pulmonary status or those who have heart,
liver, or kidney disease and who are susceptible to problems
related to mechanical ventilation or anesthetics. In addition,
blood pressure shifts are more likely with general anesthesia.

The use of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis for patients at
risk for endocarditis remains undefined. The eye is a sterile
organ, and manipulation is unlikely to cause bacteremia. In

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13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient 459

severe ocular infections such as endophthalmitis, proce-

dures performed in infected or contaminated operative
fields or ruptured globes, or cases requiring general anesthe-
sia, the possibility of bacteremia is plausible. In these cases,
I generally follow the recommendations of the American
Heart Association for patients at risk for endocarditis. Endo-
carditis prophylaxis typically is not required for cataract


In my more than 18 years of evaluating patients for ophthal-
mic procedures, I estimate that approximately 70% of patients
have had one or more of the following diseases: diabetes mel-
litus, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Thus, most
common postoperative complications include severe hyper-
glycemia, diabetic ketosis, hypertension requiring urgent care
or emergency treatment, and unstable angina to myocardial
infarction. Mortality within 4 weeks postoperatively is rare.
The likelihood of morbidity is proportionate to the severity of
coexisting medical disease, however, and morbidity often oc-
curs within the first 24 hours postoperatively.


Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are common postoperatively, but these
problems are multifactorial and may be caused by, in order of
frequency: anesthesia, rising intraocular pressure, and, rarely,
in diabetic patients, impending ketoacidosis.
Postoperative Confusion
The evaluation of postoperative confusion should proceed as
in any patient with mental status changes. Especially among
geriatric patients, common causes are, in order of frequency:

Ch13-X2385_453_464.indd 459 12/19/07 3:02:08 PM

460 13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient

anesthetic medication, systemic effects of anticholinergic eye

drops, and cerebrovascular events.

Postoperative Bradycardia
Postoperative bradycardia is a physiologic reflex that produces
a decrease in heart rate secondary to the vagotonic effects of
traction on the extraocular muscles or pressure on the eye.
This arrhythmia is more common in children. The oculocar-
diac reflex can result in asystole or arrhythmias, and this reflex
should be kept in mind if a patient experiences intraoperative
bradycardia. The consultant should evaluate the possibility of
other reversible causes (such as ␤-blocker eye drops) while
observing the patient. The effects of the reflex should resolve
within several hours if the bradycardia has no other cause.
Other arrhythmias may be triggered by perioperative drugs or
undiagnosed coronary artery disease and should be managed
and evaluated similarly to any new-onset arrhythmia.

Dehydration or Electrolyte Imbalance

Dehydration or electrolyte imbalance may be caused by the
use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors or osmotic diuretics in
concert with a patient’s existing diuretic regimen. When di-
uretics cannot be discontinued, close attention to electrolytes
is warranted.

Metabolic Acidosis
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors produce non–anion gap aci-
dosis that is usually marked after the first few days of starting
one of these drugs. This condition is often compensated and
of little clinical concern.

Urinary Retention
Male patients who experience symptomatic urinary retention
following ophthalmic surgical procedures often have some
form of prostate disease. In patients with prostate disease,
diuretics of all types should be used with caution.

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13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient 461

High-Dose Corticosteroids
Patients who receive high-dose corticosteroids are at risk for
steroid-related complications, most commonly glucose intol-
erance, gastritis, hypertension, and mental status changes.
Patients receiving corticosteroids for more than 3 to 4 weeks
should be considered for preoperative stress doses.
I recommend that patients receiving high-dose cortico-
steroids be evaluated with daily serum finger glucose checks

TABLE 13-3 Diabetes Mellitus

Hold all insulin and oral agents* on operative day
Check fasting serum glucose level with electrolyte panel
Sliding scale insulin as follows:
Initial Fasting
Serum Glucose Intravenous Fluid
Levels Notes Administration
⬎400 mg/dL Defer surgery until serum glu- None until ⬃⬍300 mg/dL
cose is controlled
⬎350 mg/dL Give full AM long-acting insulin D5W to run 50 mL/hr or
dose preoperatively; repeat q1h keep vein open
glucose checks and fast-acting
insulin: 10 U Humulin Regular
or Humalog insulin SC, until
serum glucose ⬍300 mg/dL
200-350 mg/dL Give two thirds of AM long- D5W to run 100 mL/hr
acting insulin dose preopera- preoperatively
tively and 4 U Humulin
Regular or Humalog insulin
100-200 mg/dL Give two thirds of AM long- D5W to run 100 mL/hr
acting insulin dose preopera- preoperatively
⬎80 mg/dL Give one half of AM long-acting D5W to run 100 mL/hr
insulin dose preoperatively preoperatively
⬍80 mg/dL Hold all forms of insulin; if se- D10W to run 100 mL/hr
rum glucose does not rise preoperatively
within 1 hr, consider defer-
ring surgery

*Most oral hypoglycemic agents have half-lives in excess of 24 hours. Patients

taking oral agents follow the same protocol for insulin coverage and intravenous
fluids but do not receive long-acting insulin. Check all postoperative serum glucose
levels. Check serum glucose levels every 4 hours until the time of operation.
D5W, 5% dextrose in water; D10W, 10% dextrose in water; SC, subcutaneously.

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462 13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient

and alternate-day electrolyte determinations. Histamine (H2)-

blocker protection is started as prophylaxis against steroid-
induced gastritis. In rare patients at risk for tuberculosis, a
baseline chest radiograph should be obtained before steroids
are initiated. If hyperglycemia accompanies corticosteroid
use, appropriate diabetes management should be under-
taken. Hyperglycemia frequently resolves as the cortico-
steroid doses are tapered.
Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Management
The brief duration of most ophthalmic surgical procedures
usually prevents severe derangement of diabetic glycemic
control. For more than 10 years, I have used the simple pro-
tocol outlined in Table 13-3. In practice, Humulin Regular or
Humalog administration or equivalent sliding scale insulin
may be substituted for a patient’s particular sensitivity for a
sliding scale.

Selected Readings
Adler AG, Kountz DS: Eye surgery in the elderly. Clin Geriatr Med 6:
659-667, 1990. C
Bass EB, Steinberg EP, Luthra R, et al: Do ophthalmologists, anesthesiologists,
and internists agree about preoperative testing in healthy patients under-
going cataract surgery? Arch Ophthalmol 113:1248-1256, 1995. C
Britman NA: Cardiac effects of topical timolol. N Engl J Med 300:562,
1979. C
Cavallini GM, Saccarola P, D’Amico R, et al: Impact of preoperative testing
on ophthalmologic and systemic outcomes in cataract surgery.
Eur J Ophthalmol 14:369-374, 2004. A
Dunn AS, Turpie AG: Perioperative management of patients receiving oral
anticoagulants: A systematic review. Arch Intern Med 163:901-908,
2003. B
Hall DL, Steen WH, Drummond JW: Anticoagulants and eye surgery.
Ann Ophthalmol 12:759, 1980. C
Katz J, Feldman MA, Bass EB, et al: Study of Medical Testing for Cataract
Surgery Study Team: Adverse intraoperative medical events and their
association with anesthesia management strategies in cataract surgery.
Ophthalmology 108:1721-1726, 2001. B

Ch13-X2385_453_464.indd 462 12/19/07 3:02:08 PM

13 • Perioperative Management of the Ophthalmologic Patient 463

Lama PJ: Systemic adverse effects of beta-adrenergic blockers: An evidence-

based assessment. Am J Ophthalmol 134:749-760, 2002. B
Norregaard JC, Bernth-Petersen P, Bellan L, et al: Intraoperative clinical
practice and risk of early complications after cataract extraction in the
United States, Canada, Denmark, and Spain. Ophthalmology 106:
42-48, 1999. B
Parkin B, Manners R: Aspirin and warfarin therapy in oculoplastic surgery.
Br J Ophthalmol 84:1426-1427, 2000. C
Petruscak J, Smith RB, Breslin P: Mortality related to ophthalmological sur-
gery. Arch Ophthalmol 89:106,1973. B
Quigley HA: Mortailty associated with ophthalmic surgery: A twenty year
experience at the Wilmer Institute. Am J Ophthalmol 77:517-524,
1974. B
Saitoh AK, Saitoh A, Taniguchi H, Amemiya T: Anticoagulation therapy and
ocular surgery. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:909-915, 1998. B
Schein OD, Katz J, Bass EB, et al: The value of routine preoperative medical
testing before cataract surgery: Study of Medical Testing for Cataract
Surgery. N Engl J Med 342:168-175, 2000. A
Vander Zanden JA, Valuck RJ, Bunch CL, et al: Systemic adverse effects of
ophthalmic beta-blockers. Ann Pharmacother 35:1633-1637, 2001. B
Yannuzzi L, Rohrer K, Tindel L, et al: Fluorescein angiography complication
survey. Ophthalmology 93:611-617, 1986. C

Ch13-X2385_453_464.indd 463 12/19/07 3:02:08 PM

14 Nonobstetric Surgery
in the Pregnant Patient

Up to 2% of pregnancies are complicated by the need for

nonobstetric surgical procedures, and more than 75,000
pregnant patients in the United States require surgery during
their pregnancy each year. Most of these surgical procedures
are performed to treat conditions that commonly occur in this
age group such as traumatic injuries, appendicitis, cholecysti-
tis, and breast masses. However, even major procedures such
as craniotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass, and liver transplan-
tation are occasionally indicated in the pregnant patient and
usually result in good outcomes for mother and fetus. Newer
and more efficient imaging can decrease the number of un-
necessary surgical procedures; however, safer and more ad-
vanced techniques such as minimally invasive surgery can
also increase the number of lower-risk procedures.
Clinicians caring for the pregnant patient must take several
additional variables into account in the perioperative period.
It is important to consider the perioperative needs of two
patients, both the mother and the fetus. Evidence has indi-
cated that exposure to anesthesia may lead to lower-birth-
weight babies. The adaptive anatomy and physiology in the
mother may alter the presentation of common surgical condi-
tions and may cause considerable difficulty in the diagnosis of

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled
trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, ret-
rospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


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466 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

disorders requiring surgical intervention. There is often reluc-

tance to obtain radiographs and to perform other diagnostic
tests during pregnancy because of the potential risks to the
fetus. This unwillingness may lead to delays in diagnosis and
treatment of the underlying disease. Although pregnancy it-
self does not increase surgical maternal mortality, the often
delayed interventions associated with pregnancy may lead to
more complex surgical procedures, as well as intraoperative
and postoperative problems for both mother and fetus.


An understanding of the physiologic and anatomic changes
that occur during pregnancy is essential for the medical con-
sultant. Much of the difficulty in diagnosing intra-abdominal
disorders during pregnancy stems from changes in abdomi-
nal landmarks as the pregnancy progresses, as well as from
the physiologic and laboratory changes normally seen during
pregnancy (Tables 14-1 and 14-2). This section describes the
major changes in pregnancy by system.
Hematologic Changes
Beginning in the first trimester and reaching a plateau at
34 weeks, blood volume significantly increases in the preg-
nant patient. The average increase in blood volume is 40% to
50%, with a range of a 20% to 100% increase based on the
patient’s size and parity. Because of the significant increase in
blood volume, the pregnant patient can sustain substantial
blood loss before manifesting the physical findings of tachy-
cardia and hypotension. The rise in blood volume is a result
of increases in plasma volume and red blood cell mass.
Plasma volume increases more than red blood cell mass, and
this situation causes physiologic anemia of pregnancy, which
results in a decrease of hematocrit by 3% to 4% (but not
below 30).

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 467

Cardiac Changes in Normal Pregnancy

TABLE 14-1
That May Mimic Heart Disease
Reduced exercise tolerance
Peripheral edema
Distended neck veins
Point of maximal impulse displaced laterally
Increased splitting of first and second heart sounds
Third heart sound (S3 gallop)
Systolic ejection murmur along left sternal border
Chest Radiography
Straightening of left heart border
Heart position more horizontal
Increased cardiothoracic ratio
Increased pulmonary vascular markings
15-beat elevation in heart rate
Flat or inverted T wave in leads III, V1, and V2
Q waves in leads III and aVF
15-degree left axis deviation (without hypertrophy)

Leukocyte counts also increase during pregnancy (see

Table 14-2). Normal white blood cell counts in pregnancy
range from 5000 to 12,000/mm3, with counts up to 16,000
in the third trimester. White blood cell counts as high as
25,000 to 30,000/mm3 can occur during labor. This finding
can pose a problem when evaluating the patient for infection
or inflammation.
Discrepancy exists over the effects of pregnancy on plate-
let counts. Although early studies suggested an increase in
platelet counts, more recent studies demonstrated a slight
decrease in platelet counts resulting from increased platelet
Clotting factors I (fibrinogen), VII, VIII, IX, and X are all
increased during pregnancy and elevate the risk of thrombo-
embolic disease (see Table 14-6). Although prothrombin

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468 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Summary of Laboratory Changes

TABLE 14-2
in Pregnancy
Laboratory Normal Gestational
Test Range Pregnancy Effect Timing
Sodium 135–145 mEq/L Lowered 2–4 mEq/L By midpregnancy
Potassium 3.5–4.5 mEq/L Lowered 0.2–0.3 mEq/L By midpregnancy
Creatinine 0.6–1.1 mg/dL Lowered 0.3 mg/dL By midpregnancy
Creatinine 26–140 U/L Raised two- to fourfold After labor (MB
phosphokinase bands also)
Glucose (fasting) 65–105 mg/dL Lowered 10% Gradual fall
Fibrinogen 200–400 mg/dL Raised 600 mg/dL By term
Urea nitrogen 12–30 mg/dL Lowered 50% First trimester
Hematocrit 36%–46% Lowered 4%–7% Nadir at 30–34 wk
Hemoglobin 12–16 g/dL Lowered 1.4–2.0 g/dL Nadir at 30–34 wk
Leukocyte count 4000–10,000/ Raised 3500/mm3 Gradual increase to
mm3 term (ⱕ25,000/
mm3 in labor)
Platelets 150,000/mm3 400,000/mm3 Slight decrease

Adapted from Barclay ML: Critical physiologic alterations in pregnancy. In

Pearlman MD, Tintinalli JE (eds): Emergency Care of the Woman. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1998, pp 303-312.1

time and partial thromboplastin time values decrease slightly,

they remain within the normal prepregnancy range.

Cardiovascular Changes
Because the diaphragm is elevated, the heart is displaced to
the left and upward. This change results in apparent enlarge-
ment of the cardiac silhouette on chest radiography and
straightening of the left heart border. Electrocardiographic
changes can also occur with a left axis shift, positional
Q waves in leads III and aVF, and nonspecific ST segment/
T-wave abnormalities.
Cardiac output increases 30% to 50% over nonpregnant
levels as a result of increased stroke volume and heart rate.
Systemic vascular resistance decreases, thus reducing dia-
stolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure by 5 to
10 mm Hg, and reaches a nadir at 16 to 20 weeks. Cardiac
output is affected by maternal position. In the supine posi-
tion, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the vena cava and

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 469

the aorta. Compression of the vena cava can lead to a 10% to

30% decrease in cardiac output. Therefore, whenever possi-
ble, the supine position should be avoided in the periopera-
tive period. Beyond the first trimester, maternal hypotension
and subsequent decreased uteroplacental perfusion can be
avoided by placing a wedge under the right hip or tilting the
operating table 15 degrees to the left.
Many of the normal cardiovascular changes in pregnancy
can be mistaken for primary cardiovascular disease or con-
gestive heart failure including mild tachycardia, jugular ve-
nous distention, peripheral edema, and a laterally displaced
point of maximal impulse (see Table 14-1). As many as 80%
to 90% of pregnant women have a third heart sound. Systolic
ejection murmurs (⬍grade III) are heard in 96% of pregnan-
cies, and diastolic murmurs, although much less common,
can be heard in 18% of normal pregnancies (Fig. 14-1).

Pulmonary Changes
As pregnancy progresses and the uterus enlarges, the dia-
phragm is elevated by as much as 4 cm, and the ribs flare
outward. This change causes a slight decrease in total lung
capacity, although vital capacity is unchanged, and a 20%
reduction in functional residual capacity. These anatomic al-
terations increase the risk of postoperative atelectasis, and the
patient should be instructed on deep breathing exercises.
Minute ventilation increases by as much as 50% during
pregnancy as a result of elevated tidal volume. The increase
in minute ventilation leads to the hyperventilation (or dysp-
nea) of pregnancy, which produces mild respiratory alkalosis
with compensatory metabolic acidosis. Normal blood gas
values in pregnancy are a pH of 7.4 to 7.47, a partial pressure
of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) of 30 to 32 mm Hg, and a
normal to slightly elevated partial pressure of arterial
oxygen (PaO2). Serum bicarbonate values remain between
18 and 21 mEq/L. Therefore, a PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg can
represent hypoventilation in the pregnant patient and a risk

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 469 12/20/07 6:46:31 PM


Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 470
loud split 1 88%
M.C. T.C. A2 P2

Diastolic “flow”
murmur 18%

occasional 3rd
loud 84%
14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Figure 14-1 • Findings on auscultation of the heart in pregnancy. A2 and P2, aortic and pulmonary elements of
the second heart sound; M.C., mitral closure; T.C., tricuspid closure. (From Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL [eds]:
Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 4th ed. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 2001.)

12/20/07 6:46:31 PM
14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 471

of fetal hypoxia. The hyperventilation of pregnancy causes

the pregnant patient to complain frequently of shortness of
breath, dyspnea on exertion, or “air hunger.”

Gastrointestinal Changes
Much of the problem in diagnosing intra-abdominal disor-
ders in pregnant women stems from changes in abdominal
landmarks as the pregnancy progresses, as well as from the
physiologic changes normally seen in pregnancy. By the sec-
ond trimester, the intestines and omentum are displaced su-
periorly and laterally by the expanding uterus, thereby mak-
ing the gastrointestinal tract more vulnerable to penetrating
injuries and the omentum less able to contain areas of peri-
tonitis. The anterior abdominal wall is also elevated so that
underlying inflammation is less likely to manifest with usual
symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
Smooth muscle relaxing effects of elevated levels of pro-
gesterone and decreased levels of motilin cause delayed gas-
tric emptying and decreased intestinal transit times. Delayed
gastric emptying and relaxation of the lower esophageal
sphincter lead to an increased risk of acid reflux and aspira-
tion. Aspiration can be associated with chemical pneumoni-
tis and superimposed bacterial pneumonia; therefore, pa-
tients should be given nonparticulate antacids (e.g., 30 mL
sodium citrate) before induction of general anesthesia. If the
surgical procedure is elective, adequate time should be given
to allow for gastric emptying. Liver function tests remain
normal, with the exception of elevated levels of alkaline
phosphatase to two to four times normal values during the
third trimester.

Renal Changes
The glomerular filtration rate increases during pregnancy by
50%, and the serum concentration of creatinine and blood urea
nitrogen are proportionally decreased. Plasma levels of creati-
nine greater than 0.8 mg/100 mL and blood urea nitrogen

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472 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

greater than 14 mg/100 mL may indicate renal impairment.

The increased glomerular filtration rate may cause medications
to be excreted more rapidly, thus necessitating close monitoring
of serum drug levels.
Dilation of the collecting system begins as early as the first
trimester and causes hydronephrosis and hydroureter. This
dilatation results in urinary stasis and asymptomatic bacteri-
uria, which increases the risk of urinary tract infections dur-
ing pregnancy. Unnecessary urinary catheterization and the
placement of Foley catheters should be avoided, to prevent
the introduction of bacteria into the bladder.
Proteinuria does not change during pregnancy; 200 to
300 mg/24 hours are normally excreted. Urinary protein
losses greater than 300 mg/24 hours suggest a disease pro-
cess. Glucosuria is normal during pregnancy in more than
50% of women, but the patient should be monitored closely
for signs and symptoms of diabetes.

Timing of Surgery
Timing of nonurgent surgical procedures is an important
consideration in the pregnant patient to minimize the risk of
complications. Common complications of surgery in this
population include bleeding, aortocaval compression syn-
drome, delayed healing, infection, dehiscence, spontaneous
abortion, preterm labor, and fetal morbidity. Because the
most active phase of organogenesis occurs between 6 and
13 weeks’ gestation, the fetus is most susceptible to terato-
genic effects or spontaneous abortion at this time. Anesthesia
is generally avoided during this trimester if at all possible.
Furthermore, although no anesthetic agent has been linked
specifically to premature labor, uterine manipulation,
intra-abdominal infection, and decreased uteroplacental
blood flow and oxygen delivery are predisposing factors to

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 473

premature labor and delivery, especially in the advanced

stages of gestation. Most surgeons try to avoid third trimester
procedures. For these reasons, surgery and anesthesia
are thought to be safest during the second trimester
[ C Goodman, 2002].

There is always concern about the use of radiologic studies dur-
ing pregnancy, and this is the source of great anxiety to the
pregnant patient. Used properly, diagnostic imaging is usually
harmless to the fetus, and knowledge about the risks of
exposure will help to allay fears and to ensure proper use
(Table 14-3). Most single diagnostic radiologic procedures have
shown no measurable increased risk for fetal harm. However,
cumulative doses or exposure to therapeutic or prolonged fluo-
roscopic examinations may cause significant risk for miscar-
riage, fetal malformation, or mental impairment. Care should

Fetal Radiation Dose from Common

TABLE 14-3
Diagnostic Radiologic Examinations
Mean (mGy) Maximum (mGy)
Examination Dose Dose
Abdomen CT* 8.0 49
Abdomen radiograph 1.4 4.2
Barium enema 6.8 24
Barium swallow 1.1 5.8
Chest CT scan* 0.06 1.0
Chest radiograph ⬍0.01 ⬍0.01
Head CT scan* ⬍0.005 ⬍0.005
Intravenous urogram; lumbar 1.7 10
spine radiograph
Pelvis CT scan* 25 80
Pelvis radiograph 1.1 4
Skull/thoracic spine radiograph ⬍0.01 ⬍0.01

*Doses are higher in newer spiral or multicut CT scans.

CT, computed tomography.
Data from the International Commission on Radiological Protection, United
Kingdom, 1998. Publication 84. Copyright 1999, 2000, 2003, Annals of the
International Commission on Radiological Protection.

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474 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

be taken to establish the pregnancy status of all childbearing

women before any radiologic procedure is performed. It is im-
portant to consult the radiologist to determine the most appro-
priate diagnostic test to minimize unnecessary exposure. It is
often possible to find similar information using magnetic reso-
nance imaging or ultrasound.
The risk of radiation injury depends on the stage of preg-
nancy and the dose of exposure. During organogenesis from
weeks 3 through 8, the risk of malformation is increased, and
from weeks 8 to 15 and later, the risk of cognitive impair-
ment and mental retardation is increased (Table 14-4). The
International Commission on Radiological Protection recom-
mends, if medically prudent, confining radiologic procedures
to women of childbearing age to the first 10 days after the
beginning of menstruation, to avoid accidental radiation ex-
posure. The unit of measure for the actual absorbed radiation
dose is called a Gray (Gy; 100 mGy ⫽ 100 mrad). It is esti-
mated that doses higher than 100 mGy can cause a decreased
intelligence quotient (IQ), and doses greater than 1000 mGy
may result in severe mental retardation and microcephaly.
Exposure can be minimized with proper shielding and re-
stricting examination to specific body parts.
In 1977, the National Council on Radiation Protection
and Measurements recommended maintaining a total cumu-
lative dose at a maximum of 50 mGy because the potential
for fetal harm is negligible at this dose when compared with
other risks of pregnancy. The Council also reported that the
risk of malformations is substantially increased above control
levels only at doses higher than 150 mGy. Table 14-5 gives
risk estimates for cancer from prenatal radiation exposure.

Anesthesia remains a significant cause of maternal mortality.
Failed intubation and pulmonary aspiration of gastric con-
tents remain the two leading causes of maternal mortality
associated with anesthesia [ C Goodman, 2002]. Pregnant

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 474 12/20/07 6:46:32 PM

TABLE 14-4 Potential Health Effects (Other Than Cancer) of Prenatal Radiation Exposure

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 475

Radiation Dose to Blastogenesis Organogenesis Fetogenesis

the Embryo/Fetus (ⱕ2 wk) (2–7 wk) (8–15 wk) (16–25 wk) (26–38 wk)
⬍50 mGy Noncancer health ef-
fects NOT detectable
50–500 mGy Incidence of failure to Incidence of major Growth retardation possible Noncancer health effects
implant may increase malformations may Reduction in IQ possible unlikely
slightly, but surviving increase slightly (ⱕ15 points, depending
embryos will proba- Growth retardation on dose)
bly have no signifi- possible Incidence of severe mental
cant (noncancer) retardation ⱕ20%,
health effects depending on dose
⬎500 mGy High risk of failure to Increased risk of mis- Depending on dose, Depending on dose, in- Incidence of
implant but surviving carriage increased risk of: creased risk of: miscarriage
embryos will proba- Substantial risk of Miscarriage Miscarriage and neonatal
bly have no signifi- major malforma- Growth retardation Growth retardation death will
cant (noncancer) tions such as neu- Reduction in IQ Reduction in IQ probably
health effects rologic and motor (⬎15 points) (⬎15 points) increase
deficiencies Incidence of severe mental Incidence of severe mental depending
Growth retardation retardation ⬎20% retardation ⬎20% on dose
likely Incidence of major Incidence of major
malformations malformations

Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prenatal Radiation Exposure: A Fact Sheet for Physicians by the CDC. Available at http://www

12/20/07 6:46:32 PM
476 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Estimated Risk for Cancer from Prenatal

TABLE 14-5
Radiation Exposure
Estimated Lifetime‡
Estimated Childhood Cancer Incidence§
Radiation Dose Cancer Incidence*† (exposure at age 10 yr)
Background radia- 0.3% 38%
tion exposure only
⬍50 mGy 0.3%–1% 38%–40%
50–500 mGy 1%–6% 40%–55%
⬎500 mGy ⬎6% ⬎55%

*Data published by the International Commission on Radiation Protection.

Childhood cancer mortality is roughly half of childhood cancer incidence.

The lifetime cancer risks from prenatal radiation exposure are not yet known.
The lifetime risk estimates given are for Japanese men who were exposed at age
10 years, from models published by the United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
Lifetime cancer mortality is roughly one third of lifetime cancer incidence.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prenatal Radiation Expo-
sure: A Fact Sheet for Physicians by the CDC. Available at

women are at increased risk for failed intubation when com-

pared with nonpregnant patients because of the normal weight
gain of pregnancy as well as airway mucosal edema and breast
enlargement. The most important safeguard against aspiration
is skillful intubation while cricoid pressure is applied. Without
doubt, the major risks of anesthesia for the fetus are intraop-
erative maternal hypoxia, hypotension, and acidosis. There is
little support for the use of one anesthetic agent over an-
other with regard to the risk of abortion, prematurity, or
congenital malformations, as long as maternal hypoxia,
hypotension, and acidosis are avoided [ C Mazze and Kallen,
1989]. Spinal and epidural anesthetic techniques are not with-
out risk during pregnancy and may produce vasodilation with
a subsequent decrease in uteroplacental blood flow that leads
to fetal hypoxia.
Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents is a major cause
of morbidity in the pregnant patient undergoing general an-
esthesia because of the decreased competence of the lower

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 476 12/20/07 6:46:32 PM

14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 477

esophageal sphincter. Beyond midpregnancy, all pregnant

women should be considered to be at risk for a “full stom-
ach,” regardless of the interval since the last meal. The use of
oral clear liquid antacids (Bicitra) or sodium citrate, admin-
istered 10 minutes before the induction of anesthesia, can be
useful in buffering stomach acid and attenuating the risk of
pulmonary irritation if aspiration occurs.

Risk of Thromboembolism
It is well established that pregnancy alone increases the risk
of thromboembolic disease (Fig. 14-2 and Table 14-6). This
factor further predisposes the pregnant patient to thrombo-
embolism in addition to the already known perioperative

Suspected DVT


Positive Negative*

Treat Serial CUS

on days 3
and 7

Positive Negative

Treat Follow patient


Figure 14-2 • Diagnosis of suspected deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

during pregnancy. *, Consider contrast leg venography, computed tomography,
or magnetic resonance imaging if isolated iliac vein thrombosis is suspected;
CUS, compression ultrasound. (From Chan WS, Ginsberg JS: Diagnosis of deep vein
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in pregnancy. Thromb Res 107:85-91, 2002.)

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 477 12/20/07 6:46:32 PM

478 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

TABLE 14-6 Changes in Clotting Factors with Pregnancy

Factor Change with Pregnancy
I ↑150%
II ↔/ ↑
V ↔
VII ↑ 120%–200%
VIII ↑ 100%–300%
IX Slight ↑
X ↑ 120%
XI Slight ↓
XIII Slight ↓
Plasminogen ↓
Fibrinopeptide A ↑
Fibrin monomers ↑

↓ decreased; ↑ increased; ↔ no change.

From Mercer BM, Garner P: Thrombophlebitis. In Gleicher N (ed): Principles
and Practice of Medical Therapy in Pregnancy. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange,
1992, pp 1284-1296.

risks. Therefore, during the perioperative period, thrombo-

embolism prophylaxis is indicated for patients undergoing
surgical procedures. Heparin, 5000 U every 12 hours, is
considered effective in average-risk patients [ C Jilma et al,
2003]. The clinical diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis
(DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) is difficult during
pregnancy because leg edema and dyspnea are common
throughout the gestational period. Because the history and
physical examination are at best 50% reliable, noninvasive or
invasive testing is indicated when patients have acute onset
of lower extremity swelling and tenderness. Duplex ultraso-
nography is a sensitive and specific test for proximal DVT
involving the femoral and popliteal veins. If the test is ini-
tially negative, it may be repeated serially. Although venogra-
phy remains the gold standard for assessing lower extremity
thrombotic disease, it is infrequently performed. The use of
limited venography excluding the iliac system, with lead
apron shielding of the abdomen, lessens the radiation expo-
sure to the fetus [Mercer and Garner, 1992]. The estimated

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 478 12/20/07 6:46:33 PM

14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 479

radiation exposure for the fetus is 0.021 cGy, well within ac-
cepted radiation dose levels of less than 0.05 Gy.
PE is a major cause of maternal death. It may be difficult
to diagnose, given the changes in physiology, which can
cause tachycardia and dyspnea. A careful history and physi-
cal examination are essential to make a decision for further
testing. A lower extremity ultrasound scan may reveal a
thrombus, and no further study is required to begin antico-
agulation. If suspicion remains high, most institutions
now use helical computed tomography (CT) or CT angi-
ography to diagnose PE [ C Schuster et al, 2003].
Investigators have shown that helical CT delivers an
estimated mean fetal dose ranging from 3.3 to 130.8 mGy,
depending on the trimester; the highest exposure occurs late
in pregnancy when the fetus is larger and cannot be shielded
as easily. Radiation exposure during the third trimester, how-
ever, poses the least risk of fetal harm. The dose of exposure
during a ventilation/perfusion scan can be as high as
370 mGy; it exposes the fetus to a higher risk of radiation
effects, and the study may not be adequate for diagnosis.
Patients with acute DVT or PE during pregnancy are treated
with a continuous heparin infusion or low-molecular-weight
heparin. After acute management with heparin, long-term an-
ticoagulation is required. Because of the risk of teratogenesis
with oral warfarin, subcutaneous heparin is the drug of choice
for the continuation of anticoagulation. For patients with a
previous history of DVT or PE, the recommended regimens for
prophylaxis remain controversial because of the lack of con-
trolled trials for this population. The American College of Chest
Physicians conference guidelines recommend the use of subcu-
taneous heparin, 5000 U every 12 hours, as a method of pre-
venting peripartum DVT in patients with a previous history of
thromboembolism. A large, systematic review of the use of
low-molecular-weight heparin in pregnancy confirmed that
this agent is safe and effective for treating and preventing
thrombosis in pregnancy [ B Greer and Nelson-Piercy, 2005].

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 479 12/20/07 6:46:33 PM

480 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Pregnancy and lactation present obvious concerns over the ef-
fects of drugs on the developing fetus and newborn. The U.S.
Food and Drug Administration created a classification system
for drugs based on the analysis of risk data (Tables 14-7 and
14-8). Acetaminophen appears to be safe to use during preg-
nancy and lactation in therapeutic doses. Aspirin consumption
during pregnancy may produce adverse effects in the mother,
including anemia, antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage,
prolonged gestation, and prolonged labor. High doses of aspi-
rin may be related to increased perinatal mortality, intrauterine
growth retardation, and teratogenic effects. Regarding the use
of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
there is a theoretic risk of premature closure of the ductus
arteriosus in utero that would result in persistent pulmonary

Current Categories for Drug Use

TABLE 14-7
in Pregnancy
Category Description
A Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have
not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities.
B Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the
fetus; however, there are no adequate and well-controlled
studies in pregnant women.
Animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate
and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed
to demonstrate a risk to the fetus.
C Animal studies have shown an adverse effect, and there are no
adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
No animal studies have been conducted, and there are no
adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
D Studies, adequate well-controlled or observational, in pregnant
women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus. However, the
benefits of therapy may outweigh the potential risk.
X Studies, adequate well-controlled or observational, in animals
or pregnant women have demonstrated positive evidence of
fetal abnormalities. The use of the product is contraindi-
cated in women who are or may become pregnant.

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 481

TABLE 14-8 Antiemetics and Analgesics in Pregnancy

Antiemetic Pregnancy Category
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) C
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) B
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) B
Droperidol (Inapsine) C
Meclizine (Antivert) B
Metoclopramide (Reglan) B
Ondansetron (Zofran) B
Prochlorperazine (Compazine) C
Promethazine (Phenergan) C
Trimethobenzamide (Tigan) C
Common Trade
Narcotic Analgesic Names Pregnancy Category
Butorphanol Stadol C
Codeine C
Hydrocodone Dilaudid C
Hydromorphone Vicodin C
Meperidine Demerol C
Methadone Dolophine, Methadose C
Morphine MS Contin, Kadian C
Oxycodone OxyContin, OxyIR B
Note that Percocet (oxyco-
done plus acetaminophen)
is class C
Pentazocine Talwin C
Propoxyphene Darvon, Darvocet C
Common Trade
Non-Narcotic Analgesic Names Pregnancy Category
Acetaminophen Tylenol B
Aspirin Bayer, St. Joseph’s D
Celecoxib Celebrex C, contraindicated in
third trimester
Diclofenac Voltaren C, contraindicated in
third trimester
Ibuprofen Advil, Motrin, Nuprin B, contraindicated in
third trimester
Ketoprofen Oruvail B, contraindicated in
third trimester
Meloxicam Mobic C, contraindicated in
third trimester
Naproxen Naprosyn, Aleve C, contraindicated in
third trimester
Piroxicam Feldene C, contraindicated in
third trimester
Sulindac Clinoril B, contraindicated in
third trimester

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482 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

hypertension in the newborn if the drug were used during the

third trimester. Furthermore, the use of aspirin near term may
affect hemostasis in the newborn and increase the risk of intra-
cranial hemorrhage.
Morphine and meperidine are acceptable to use in the
perioperative period. As with all narcotics, maternal and
neonatal addiction is a possible consequence of inappropri-
ate use. Respiratory depression in the newborn after the use
of narcotic drugs in labor is time and dose dependent; how-
ever, some studies confirmed that meperidine causes less
respiratory depression than morphine. Codeine derivatives
have been associated with an increased risk of congenital

Nausea and Vomiting

The pregnant patient is susceptible to postoperative nausea
and vomiting (see Table 14-8). Adequate fluid and electrolyte
balance may help symptoms and should be the first action.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has been documented to have some
efficacy in the treatment of nausea. In pharmacologic doses
(25 mg three times daily) it is not known to be associated
with a risk of birth defects. Antiemetics deemed safe in preg-
nancy are meclizine, diphenhydramine, metoclopramide,
and ondansetron.

Fluid and Electrolytes

Because of increased circulating volume during pregnancy,
careful attention should be paid to adequate hydration and
proper electrolyte management perioperatively. Prevention of
supine hypotension syndrome is well documented in many
sources. The pregnant patient should be tilted 15 degrees on
her left side to keep the pregnant uterus away from the vena
cava to prevent this syndrome. Exacerbation of type 2 diabe-
tes may occur at times of stress, including exposure to sur-
gery, infection, and steroids. When these conditions cause
significant hyperglycemia, insulin is most appropriate.

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 483


Laparoscopy, which was once thought to be contraindicated
during pregnancy, has been increasingly used since the 1990s.
It is used most commonly for cholecystectomy, appendectomy,
and adnexal mass assessment and exploration. The major ad-
vantages of laparoscopy are decreased postoperative morbidity
including lower risk of wound complications, diminished
postoperative maternal hypoventilation, less pain (and thus
less fetal exposure to narcotics), and a shorter postoperative
recovery time.
Possible disadvantages include injury to the pregnant uterus,
decreased uterine blood flow resulting from excessive intra-
abdominal pressures, and increased carbon dioxide absorption.
A study from the Swedish Health Registry evaluated 2233
laparoscopic and 2491 open laparotomy cases from 2 million
deliveries in Sweden from 1973 to 1993. No statistically signi-
ficant differences between laparoscopy and open laparotomy
were identified when the investigators compared birth weights,
gestational duration, intrauterine growth retardation, congeni-
tal malformations, stillbirths, and neonatal death.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Sur-
geons (SAGES) has recommendations concerning laparoscopic
surgery during pregnancy. Highlights include minimizing
pneumoperitoneum to 8 to 12 mm Hg, using an open tech-
nique to gain pneumoperitoneum, and monitoring maternal
end-tidal carbon dioxide [SAGES, 2000]. As the pregnancy
progresses, however, the size of the uterus often interferes with
laparoscopic views and approaches. Therefore, after 28 weeks,
open laparotomy may be indicated.

Acute Appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is the most common nonobstetric surgical
problem in the pregnant patient. The incidence of appendi-
citis during pregnancy has been estimated to range from

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484 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

0.06% to 0.1% of deliveries. The incidence of appendicitis is

not increased in pregnancy, and the likelihood of its occur-
rence is equal in all three trimesters.
The diagnosis of appendicitis may be difficult because signs
and symptoms may mimic other conditions commonly seen in a
normal pregnancy. The most common presenting symptom is
vague right lower quadrant abdominal pain. A long-held belief
was that as pregnancy progressed, the location of the abdominal
pain would migrate upward during gestation as the gravid uterus
displaces the appendix. A retrospective review demonstrated
that, for all trimesters, the most common location for
abdominal pain of acute appendicitis is the right lower quad-
rant [ B Mourad et al, 2000]. Muscle guarding and rebound
tenderness may be elicited but are not specific to appendicitis.
Symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and anorexia are also not reliable
symptoms because they also occur commonly in normal preg-
nancy. In addition, fever and elevated white blood cell count are
not reliable findings because leukocytosis is normal during preg-
nancy, although a leftward shift in the white blood cell count is
more commonly seen in appendicitis. Following serial white
blood cell counts may be of some benefit; an increasing count
may be an indicator of acute appendicitis. Ultrasound has been
used to aid in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The sensitivity
of ultrasound in the pregnant patient is about the same as in the
nonpregnant patient. CT is used in nonpregnant female patients
to aid in the diagnosis of appendicitis, but currently there are no
published studies on its use in pregnant patients.
The treatment of suspected acute appendicitis in the preg-
nant patient is emergency appendectomy. Because of the diffi-
culty in diagnosis and the increased morbidity to the patient
and fetus in the event of appendiceal perforation or rupture, a
higher negative laparotomy rate of 30% to 33% is acceptable.
Both laparotomy and laparoscopy are used during preg-
nancy. Laparoscopic procedures are used more commonly in
acute appendicitis because of the quicker recovery time,
shorter hospital stay, and decreased pain. Laparoscopy is

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 485

often performed at less than 20 weeks of gestation, when

there is less chance of penetrating the uterus with the trochar
(see the earlier discussion of laparoscopy). Laparotomy is still
commonly performed in all trimesters for this indication.

Cholecystectomy for gallbladder disease represents the sec-
ond most common surgical procedure performed in the preg-
nant patient. Its occurrence is estimated to be approximately
0.2 to 0.5 cases per 1000 pregnancies. It is estimated that
between 3.5% and 10% of pregnant patients have asymptom-
atic gallstones. The rate of gallstone formation is increased in
the pregnant patient secondary to decreased gallbladder con-
tractility, higher residual gallbladder bile volume, increased
viscosity of bile, and increased numbers of micelles in which
cholesterol crystals precipitate. The risk of cholelithiasis in-
creases with age and multiparity. Cholelithiasis is the most
common cause of cholecystitis in the pregnant patient.
Presenting signs and symptoms of acute cholecystitis are
similar to those in the nonpregnant patient. Common symp-
toms include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia, intoler-
ance to fatty foods, and colicky right upper quadrant or epi-
gastric pain that may radiate to the flank or the scapula. Biliary
colic attacks are often characterized as acute in onset, triggered
by fatty meals, and episodic. Physical examination may reveal
a low-grade fever, right upper quadrant pain, and Murphy’s
sign (tenderness under the liver with deep inspiration).
Laboratory findings of acute cholecystitis are also similar to
those in the nonpregnant patient. An increased white blood cell
count with a left shift is commonly seen in cholecystitis, as well
as elevated liver enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase,
alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin.
Ultrasound is the diagnostic test of choice for evaluating
biliary disease. It is 95% sensitive in detecting gallstones in
pregnancy and also can show signs of inflammation such
as distention of the gallbladder, pericholecystic fluid, and

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486 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

gallbladder wall thickening while exposing the fetus to no

Initial treatment of acute cholecystitis is typically medical.
This includes nothing-by-mouth (NPO) status, intravenous
hydration, intravenous antibiotics, correction of electrolyte
imbalances, and pain management. Most patients respond to
supportive care. Surgical intervention is reserved for patients
who do not respond to medical management, have repeated
bouts of biliary colic, or have complications such as obstruc-
tive jaundice, choledocholithiasis, or gallstone pancreatitis.
Surgical interventions, when indicated, include open and
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The timing and choice of pro-
cedure depend on gestational age and severity of symptoms.
The spontaneous abortion rate with open cholecystectomy is
12% during the first trimester, 5.6% during the second tri-
mester, and 0% in the third trimester [McKellar et al, 1990].
The risk of preterm labor in the second trimester is nearly 0%,
and it is 40% during the third trimester. The optimal time for
cholecystectomy is in the second trimester, when the risk of
spontaneous abortion and preterm labor is the least [Curet
et al, 1996]. Compared with open cholecystectomy, laparo-
scopic cholecystectomy is associated with shorter recovery
time, less uterine manipulation, earlier ambulation, and a
possibly lower incidence of preterm labor.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is an
alternative to surgical intervention. This procedure can be
done to remove small biliary stones and for stent placement,
techniques that may delay or obviate the need for cholecys-
tectomy. The optimal time for this procedure is also the sec-
ond trimester because the fetus is most sensitive to radiation
in the first trimester.

Acute Intestinal Obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is the third most common reason for
surgical laparotomy in the pregnant patient. Its is estimated to
occur in approximately 1 to 3 in 10,000 pregnancies, similar to
the incidence in the general population. The most common

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 487

cause of intestinal obstruction is adhesion, which occurs in ap-

proximately 60% of cases. Patients with previous abdominal or
pelvic surgical procedures, including cesarian delivery, and
pelvic inflammatory disease are at increased risk of intestinal
obstruction secondary to adhesions. Intestinal obstruction oc-
curs most commonly in the third trimester. Volvulus occurs in
approximately 25% of cases. Less common causes of bowel
obstruction include intussusception, hernia, and neoplasm.
The signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction are the
same as in the nonpregnant patient. The classic triad of ab-
dominal pain, vomiting, and obstipation is noted, although
these symptoms may occur in normal pregnancy. As the dis-
ease progresses, patients may display signs of more severe
sequelae such as perforation or ischemia. These signs include
fever, tachycardia, localized abdominal pain, guarding or re-
bound tenderness, and leukocytosis.
Imaging includes upright and supine plain abdominal
films. The sensitivity increases as serial films are performed.
Serial films should reveal progressive changes that confirm
the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
The initial treatment of intestinal obstruction in preg-
nancy is essentially the same as in the nonpregnant patient.
Treatment includes nasogastric decompression, aggressive
intravenous hydration, intravenous antibiotics, and timely
surgical intervention when warranted. A low threshold for
exploratory laparotomy is appropriate before perforation or
necrosis occurs. If after 6 to 8 hours of medical therapy, there
is no response, laparotomy should be performed. Aggressive
therapy is appropriate because fetal loss rates following intes-
tinal obstruction are between 20% and 26%, and maternal
mortality can range from 6% to 20%.

Breast Mass or Breast Cancer

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is defined as breast cancer
that is diagnosed during pregnancy or within 1 year follow-
ing pregnancy. The occurrence of pregnancy-associated breast
cancer is approximately 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 3000 pregnancies.

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488 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

It is becoming more common because more women are de-

laying childbearing until their late 30s or 40s. The typical
presentation is a painless, palpable mass, with or without
nipple discharge. As in the nonpregnant patient, ductal car-
cinoma is the most common tumor type.
Initial management of a breast mass is essentially no dif-
ferent from that in a nonpregnant patient. Low-dose mam-
mography with fetal shielding can be performed, although
this is typically avoided during the first trimester. Mammog-
raphy may be of limited value because it has a high false-
negative rate related to the increased density of the fibroglan-
dular breast tissue during pregnancy. Ultrasound may be
used and is helpful in differentiating between solid and cystic
masses. Magnetic resonance imaging has been used to evalu-
ate breast masses in the nonpregnant patient, but currently it
is not recommended for use in pregnancy. Cystic lesions
should be aspirated and evaluated for cytology. Tissue diag-
nosis is essential by core needle biopsy, open biopsy, or fine
needle aspiration. These procedures can be done using local
anesthesia to limit the risk to the fetus.
The mainstay of therapy for pregnancy-associated breast
cancer is still surgical resection. Studies suggest that local
control and adjuvant therapy can be tailored to the patient
according to the stage of pregnancy and the stage of cancer. It
is beyond the scope of this chapter to delineate possible treat-
ment options. Needless to say, a combined approach with the
patient, surgeon, oncologist, and maternal-fetal medicine
specialist should ensure optimal treatment while minimizing
the risk to the mother and fetus. Elective termination of the
pregnancy is no longer routinely recommended because no
improvement in survival has been demonstrated.

Ovarian Disease
Increased use of ultrasonography has led to the increased find-
ing of adnexal masses during pregnancy. Most adnexal masses
are incidental findings on ultrasound and spontaneously

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 489

resolve as pregnancy progresses. In fact, more than 90% of first

trimester, unilateral masses that are smaller than 5 cm resolve
on their own.
As stated previously, the patient is usually asymptomatic
when the diagnosis of adnexal mass is made. The exception
is when rupture or torsion of the mass occurs. Rupture of the
adnexal mass is rare and occurs in approximately 2% of
cases. Torsion is much more common, especially during
pregnancy, and it has a frequency of approximately 28%.
Treatment of an ovarian mass depends on the size of the
mass, the gestational age, and complicating factors. Most
simple ovarian cysts smaller than 6 cm in pregnant women
spontaneously resolve. Serial ultrasound studies are war-
ranted to follow the mass to resolution (most commonly) or
progression. Asymptomatic adnexal masses discovered in the
third trimester may be followed expectantly until delivery.
Surgical intervention is indicated if the adnexal mass is en-
larging as noted on serial ultrasound, contains solid and
complex components or internal vegetations, is surrounded
by abdominal ascites, or is fixed or if the patient has
symptoms or ultrasonic findings of torsion or rupture. The
second trimester is preferred for elective surgical treatment of
ovarian masses in the pregnant patient.

The incidence of trauma during pregnancy is approximately
7%. The most common cause of trauma is motor vehicle ac-
cidents, which account for 40% of all traumas in pregnancy.
This is followed by falls (30%), direct assault on maternal
abdomen (20%), and other causes (10%). Domestic violence
is an increasingly recognized cause of trauma to the mother
and fetus. The most common cause of fetal demise is death
of the mother. The second most common cause of fetal death
is abruptio placentae.
Primary treatment in pregnant patients who experience
trauma consists of resuscitation and stabilization of the

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490 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

mother. Pregnancy should not alter evaluation and treatment

of the mother. In 1998, the American College of Obstetri-
cians and Gynecologists made the following recommenda-
tions for surgical exploration after trauma:

1. Penetrating abdominal injury

2. Clinical evidence of intraperitoneal hemorrhage
3. Suspected bowel perforation
4. Suspected injury to the uterus or fetus

In addition, cesarean delivery is indicated if the clinician

notes nonreassuring fetal test results in a viable fetus that fails
to respond to maternal resuscitative efforts.

Uncommon Disorders
Splenic Artery Aneurysm
Splenic artery aneurysm occurs in approximately 0.1% of
all adults. It is estimated that 6% to 10% of splenic artery
aneurysms will rupture, and 25% to 40% of those ruptures
will occur during pregnancy, especially during the third
trimester. Risk factors for rupture include portal hyperten-
sion and pregnancy. Maternal mortality for ruptured splenic
artery aneurysm is 75%, and fetal mortality is up to 95%.
Patients with a splenic artery aneurysm before rupture are
fairly asymptomatic; vague epigastric pain, left upper
quadrant pain, and left shoulder pain are among the most
common complaints.
Radiologic studies for the diagnosis of splenic artery aneu-
rysm include plain abdominal film, ultrasound, and angiog-
raphy. On plain abdominal film, an oval calcification with a
central lucent area is a very specific sign for aneurysm. In
pregnancy, ultrasound evaluation with Doppler study is pre-
ferred to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus. Angiogra-
phy is the gold standard when the patient is stable, but this
procedure increases radiation exposure to the fetus.

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 491

Because of the high morbidity and mortality associated

with ruptured aneurysm, treatment for pregnant women and
women of childbearing age consists of elective splenic artery
ligation and resection of the aneurysm with or without sple-
nectomy. Treatment of suspected ruptured aneurysm is im-
mediate laparotomy. Pneumococcal vaccine should be given
2 weeks before elective splenectomy and immediately follow-
ing emergency splenectomy.
Hepatic Adenoma
Hepatic adenoma is a benign lesion that is associated with
glycogen storage disease, diabetes, steroid uses, oral contra-
ceptive use, and pregnancy. The exact incidence of hepatic
adenomas in pregnancy is unknown.
The major complication of hepatic adenomas during
pregnancy is spontaneous rupture. Ruptured adenoma car-
ries a maternal and fetal mortality of approximately 60%.
Symptoms include severe right upper quadrant pain with
pain referred to the right shoulder. Laboratory findings in-
clude anemia, thrombocytopenia, and low fibrinogen levels.
Treatment of suspected ruptured hepatic adenoma is im-
mediate laparotomy, control of hemorrhage, and resection of
adenoma if possible. Because of the high mortality associated
with ruptured hepatic adenoma, elective resection should be
considered if the lesion is discovered during pregnancy. If elec-
tive resection is performed, the second trimester is optimal.
The incidence of pheochromocytoma is rare in pregnancy.
Maternal and fetal mortality in undiagnosed pheochromocy-
toma is greater than 50%, and the greatest risk is from the
onset of labor to 48 hours after delivery.
The typical signs and symptoms of pheochromocytoma
include labile blood pressure, anxiety, diaphoresis, fever,
headache, and palpitations. The diagnosis is made by mea-
suring 24-hour urine for catecholamine, metanephrines, and
vanillylmandelic acid.

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492 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Treatment depends on gestational age at diagnosis. When

the diagnosis is made early in pregnancy, elective surgery with
tumor removal is recommended and has shown a significant
reduction in fetal mortality. Again, the second trimester is the
optimal time for surgery. If the diagnosis is made in the latter
part of pregnancy, cesarean delivery with simultaneous exci-
sion of tumor should be performed when fetal maturity is
achieved. Blood pressure and cardiovascular condition should
be optimized preoperatively.

In pregnant patients requiring nonobstetric surgical proce-
dures, maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality do increase
with a delay in diagnosis and treatment. In 2003, the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reissued an opinion
statement that recommended the following: “Although there
are no data to support specific recommendations regarding
nonobstetric surgery and anesthesia in pregnancy, it is impor-
tant for nonobstetric physicians to obtain obstetric consultation
before performing nonobstetric surgery.” The decision to use
fetal monitoring should be individualized, and each case
warrants a team approach for optimal safety of the woman
and her baby. Indeed, close communication among all special-
ists involved in the care of the pregnant patient—the internist,
the obstetrician, the surgeon, and the anesthesiologist—
ensures that both the mother and the fetus will have the best
possible outcome.

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14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient 493

Selected Readings
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Obstet-
ric Practice: ACOG Committee Opinion Number 284: Nonobstetric
Surgery in Pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 102:431, 2003.
Andersen B, Nielsen TF: Appendicitis in pregnancy: Diagnosis, management
and complications. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 78:758-762, 1999.
Angelini DJ: Obstetric triage revisited: Update on non-obstetric surgical condi-
tions in pregnancy. J Midwifery Womens Health 48:111-118, 2003.
Chesnutt AN: Physiology of normal pregnancy. Crit Care Clin 20:609-615,
Coleman MT, Trianfo VA, Rund DA: Nonobstetric emergencies in pregnancy:
Trauma and surgical conditions. Am J Obstet Gynecol 177:497-502,
Curet MJ, Allen D, Josloff RK, et al: Laparoscopy during pregnancy. Arch Surg
131:546-551, 1996.
Czeizel AE, Pataki T, Rockenbaue M: Reproductive outcome after exposure
to surgery under anesthesia during pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet
261:193-199, 1998.
Faure EA: Anesthesia for the Pregnant Patient, Department of Anesthesia and
Critical Care, University of Chicago. Available at http://acc-www.uchicago
Goodman S: Anesthesia for nonobstetric surgery in the pregnant patient.
Semin Perinatol 26:136-145, 2002. C
Graham G, Baxi L, Tharakan T: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy during preg-
nancy: A case series and review of the literature. Obstet Gynecol Surv
53:566-574, 1998.
Greer IA, Nelson-Piercy C: Low-molecular-weight heparins for thrombopro-
phylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy: A sys-
tematic review of safety and efficacy. Blood 106:401-407, 2005. B
Holschneider CH: Surgical diseases and disorders in pregnancy. Curr Obstet
Gynecol Diagn Treat 451-465, 2003.
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP): Pregnancy and
medical radiation. Annals of the International Commission on Radiological
Protection. Publication 84. 30/1 December 2000.
Jilma B, Kamath S, Lip G: Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances.
I. Pregnancy and cancer. BMJ 326:37-40, 2003. C
Mazze RI, Kallen B: Reproductive outcome after anesthesia and operation
during pregnancy: A registry study of 5405 cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol
161:1178-1185, 1989. C
McKellar DP, Anderson CT, Boynton CJ, Peoples JB: Cholecystectomy during
pregnancy without fetal loss. Surg Clin North Am 70:1249-1262, 1990.

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 493 12/20/07 6:46:35 PM

494 14 • Nonobstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Mercer BM, Garner P: Thrombophlebitis. In Gleicher N (ed): Principles and

Practice of Medical Therapy in Pregnancy. Norwalk, CT, Appleton &
Lange, 1992, pp 1284-1296.
Mhuireachtaigh RN, Gorman DA: Anesthesia in pregnant patients for non-
obstetrical surgery. J Clin Anesth 18:60-66, 2006.
Mourad J, Elliott JP, Erickson L, Lisboa L: Appendicitis in pregnancy: New in-
formation that contradicts long-held clinical beliefs. Am J Obstet Gynecol
182:1027-1029, 2000. B
Pearlman MD, Tintinalli JE, Lorenz RP: Blunt trauma during pregnancy.
N Engl J Med 323:1609-1613, 1990.
Schuster ME, Fishman JE, Copeland JF, et al: Pulmonary embolism in preg-
nant patients: A survey of practices and policies for CT pulmonary angi-
ography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 181:1495-1498, 2003. C
Sharp HT: Gastrointestinal surgical conditions during pregnancy. Clin Obstet
Gynecol 37:306-315, 1994.
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Committee
on Standards of Practice: SAGES guidelines for laparoscopic surgery during
pregnancy. October 2000. Available at

Ch14-X2385_465_494.indd 494 12/20/07 6:46:35 PM

15 The Patient with Substance
Abuse Going to Surgery

Substance abuse is widespread in our society, and it is there-

fore crucial for the physician to be able to diagnose, prevent,
and manage its many complications. The physician caring for
these patients in the perioperative period may be asked to
risk stratify, medically optimize, identify, and treat acute sub-
stance intoxication and withdrawal and help to manage
complications related to abuse. Because some patients who
require surgery may be unable or unwilling to admit to de-
pendence, the medical consultant needs to be vigilant, espe-
cially in patients with unexplained cardiac, pulmonary, or
mental status changes that may be a result of substance
abuse. Substance abuse may be defined by the criteria given
in the revised fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (Box 15-1). This chapter discusses
surgical patients who are dependent on alcohol, cocaine,
opioids, benzodiazepines, tobacco, and marijuana.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized con-
trolled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional
studies, retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual
practice, opinion.


Ch15-X2385_495_534.indd 495 12/19/07 9:45:12 PM

496 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Box 15-1

A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically

significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one
(or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. Recurrent substance abuse resulting in a failure to fulfill
major role obligations at work, school, or home.
2. Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physi-
cally hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile when im-
paired by substance use).
3. Recurrent substance-related legal problems.
4. Continued substance use despite having persistent social or
interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects
of the substance.

From American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-

tal Disorders, 4th ed, text rev. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association,
2000. Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, copyright 2000. American Psychiatric Association.

Alcohol is a major public health problem in the United
States. Alcohol abuse is usually defined as the consumption of
60 g/day or more of alcohol, although smaller quantities can
certainly be physically and psychologically harmful. Patients
with alcoholism are frequent users of the health care system,
particularly of surgical and trauma services. Alcoholic pa-
tients also have two to three times more postoperative com-
plications than nonalcoholic patients. The most commonly
encountered problems are infections, bleeding, alcohol with-
drawal syndrome, and cardiac and respiratory dysfunction.
Chronic abusers of alcohol are also noted to have diminished
cellular immunity and exaggerated responses to surgical
stress. Some studies suggest that 1 month of abstinence

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 497

before surgical procedures is recommended to improve

preoperative organ function and to decrease postopera-
tive morbidity [ B Tonnesen and Kehlet, 1999].

Diagnosis of Alcohol Abuse

Physicians frequently fail to identify alcohol abuse. Of several
screening tests for alcoholism, the CAGE questions are still
the easiest and most widely used [ A Ewing, 1984]. CAGE
is a mnemonic for the following questions:
1. Have you tried to Cut down on your drinking?
2. Are you Angry or annoyed when others criticize your
3. Do you ever feel Guilty about your drinking?
4. Do you ever take an “Eye opener?”
Two or more “yes” answers have an approximate 75% sensi-
tivity and 95% specificity for alcohol dependence, although
this may vary according to the prevalence of alcoholism in
the population examined. Elevations of certain laboratory
test results (e.g., ␥-glutamyltransferase and aspartate amino-
transferase levels and mean corpuscular volume) are sensi-
tive for alcoholism but, unfortunately, are not very specific.
Elevations of these markers may, however, raise the suspicion
for alcoholism. A perioperative medical workup for sus-
pected alcohol abuse should include a complete blood count
with differential, a complete metabolic panel, prothrombin
time, a fasting lipid panel, vitamin B12 and folate levels, uri-
nalysis, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and chest radiograph,
and a urine toxicology screen if additional substance abuse is
suspected. Other tests, such as stool occult blood (Hemoc-
cult), computed tomography of the brain, and ultrasound of
the liver, should be ordered based on the clinical situation.

Medical Complications and Treatment

Patients who abuse alcohol are at an increased risk for various
medical problems, including but not limited to: hepatitis, cir-
rhosis, portal hypertension, gastritis, pancreatitis, esophageal

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498 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

and gastric varices, peptic ulcer disease, cardiomyopathy,

arrhythmias, hypertension, stroke, neuropathy, anemia, throm-
bocytopenia, carcinoma, and psychosis. They are also at in-
creased risk for medical complications in the perioperative
period [ B Tonnesen et al, 1992].

Symptoms of Withdrawal
One of the most common complications that occurs when
the alcoholic patient enters the hospital is withdrawal. It can
be divided into four stages in ascending severity: autonomic
hyperactivity, hallucinations, seizures, and delirium tremens.
Mild to moderate signs and symptoms related to autonomic
hyperactivity (e.g., tremulousness, irritability and sleep dis-
turbance, nystagmus, hyperreflexia, nausea and vomiting,
tachycardia, diaphoresis, and fever) start within hours, peak
24 to 48 hours after the last drink, and generally resolve
within 24 to 36 hours.
The hallucinations that characterize the second stage are
usually visual, but they may be tactile or auditory as well. They
develop about 12 to 24 hours after cessation of alcohol use and
usually resolve within 24 hours, but may persist up to 6 days.
Approximately 10% of patients progress from the second
to the third stage and develop seizures. The seizures are usu-
ally generalized, tonic-clonic, single, and of short duration.
Although seizures typically do not occur until after 12 to
48 hours of abstinence, they have been reported as early as
2 hours after the last use of alcohol.
Delirium tremens (also known as DTs) is the fourth and
most severe stage of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It peaks
about 5 days after the last drink and consists of symptoms from
any or all of the preceding categories in addition to delirium. A
typical patient may present with confusion, prominent auto-
nomic symptoms (e.g., temperature ⬎101°F, blood pressure
⬎140/90 mm Hg, pulse ⬎100), and visual and auditory hal-
lucinations. The normal duration is several days, but like the
other complications, delirium tremens has been reported to last

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 499

much longer in some people. The mortality may be as high as

15% in untreated patients. It is usually heavy, long-time drink-
ers who develop hallucinosis, seizures, and delirium tremens,
although patients with concurrent acute medical illnesses are
five times more likely to experience delirium tremens than are
those without acute illnesses.
The signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may begin
within hours after the last drink, and they may not be fully re-
solved until after a week of abstinence. In the postoperative
patient, the onset of withdrawal may be delayed for as long as
14 days because of the effects of anesthesia and narcotics. Agi-
tated, critically ill patients with unknown alcohol histories
must also be evaluated for other common causes of delirium in
this setting, such as infection, bleeding, hypoxemia, hypoten-
sion, metabolic disturbances, or primary neurologic causes.
Patients with suspected or presumed alcohol withdrawal should
be placed in a setting where symptoms can be closely moni-
tored, a minimum of every 4 hours while awake. Scales, such
as the 19-item Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment
(CIWA) that uses a calculated point score for various clinical
features, have been developed to help medical providers objec-
tively monitor the withdrawal state. The CIWA-Ar is a short-
ened, revised version that is probably the most commonly used
alcohol withdrawal monitoring scale (Fig. 15-1). Although this
assessment tool has been validated, care must be taken during
the assessment because certain medical and psychiatric condi-
tions may mimic alcohol withdrawal and may result in a false-
positive alcohol withdrawal assessment. In addition, the use of
certain medications (e.g., ␤-blockers) may blunt the symptoms
and signs of alcohol withdrawal and may lead to underestima-
tion of the severity of withdrawal.

Treatment of Withdrawal
All patients with symptoms of alcohol withdrawal should re-
ceive thiamine, folate, and multivitamins either orally or paren-
terally (Table 15-1). Benzodiazepines, preferably those with

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500 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Nausea and vomiting. Ask “Do you feel sick to your stomach?
Have you vomited?”
0–No nausea and no vomiting
1–Mild nausea with no vomiting
4–Intermittent nausea with dry heaves
7–Constant nausea, frequent dry heaves, and vomiting
Tremor. Ask patient to extend arms and spread fingers apart.
0–No tremor
1–Tremor not visible but can be felt, fingertip to fingertip
4–Moderate tremor with arms extended
7–Severe tremor, even with arms not extended
Paroxysmal sweats
0–No sweat visible
1–Barely perceptible sweating; palms moist
4–Beads of sweat obvious on forehead
7–Drenching sweats
Anxiety. Ask “Do you feel nervous?”
0–No anxiety (at ease)
1–Mildly anxious
4–Moderately anxious or guarded, so anxiety is inferred
7–Equivalent to acute panic states as occur in severe delirium or acute
schizophrenic reactions
0–Normal activity
1–Somewhat more than normal activity
4–Moderately fidgety and restless
7–Paces back and forth during most of the interview or constantly
thrashes about
Tactile disturbances. Ask “Do you have any itching, pins-and-needles
sensations, burning, or numbness, or do you feel like bugs are crawling
on or under your skin?”

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 501
1–Very mild itching, pins-and-needles sensation, burning, or numbness
2–Mild itching, pins-and-needles sensation, burning, or numbness
3–Moderate itching, pins-and-needles sensation, burning, or numbness
4–Moderately severe hallucinations
5–Severe hallucinations
6–Extremely severe hallucinations
7–Continuous hallucinations
Auditory disturbances. Ask “Are you more aware of sounds around
you? Are they harsh? Do they frighten you? Are you hearing anything
that is disturbing to you? Are you hearing things you know are not there?”
0–Not present
1–Very mild harshness or ability to frighten
2–Mild harshness or ability to frighten
3–Moderate harshness or ability to frighten
4–Moderately severe hallucinations
5–Severe hallucinations
6–Extremely severe hallucinations
7–Continuous hallucinations
Visual disturbances. Ask “Does the light appear to be too bright?
Is its color different? Does it hurt your eyes? Are you seeing
anything that is disturbing to you? Are you seeing things you know
are not there?”
0–Not present
1–Very mild sensitivity
2–Mild sensitivity
3–Moderate sensitivity
4–Moderately severe hallucinations
5–Severe hallucinations
6–Extremely severe hallucinations
7–Continuous hallucinations
Headache, fullness in head. Ask “Does your head feel different?
Does it feel like there is a band around your head?”
Do not rate for dizziness or lightheadedness; otherwise, rate severity.
0–Not present
1–Very mild
4–Moderately severe
6–Very severe
7–Extremely severe
Orientation and clouding of sensorium. Ask “What day is this?
Where are you? Who am I?”
0–Oriented and can do serial additions
1–Cannot do serial additions or is uncertain about date
2–Date disorientation by no more than two calendar days
3–Date disorientation by more than two calendar days
4–Disoriented for place and/or person
Total score:_______(maximum = 67) Rater’s initials____
For legend, see next page

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502 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Figure 15-1 • Revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol

Scale. (Adapted from Sullivan J, Sykora K, Schneiderman J, et al: Assessment of alcohol
withdrawal: The revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale
[CIWA-Ar]. Br J Addict 84:1853-1857, 1989.)

TABLE 15-1 Drug Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal

Loading Doses (q2-4h Maximum
Medication Dose Route as Needed) Doses
Chlordiazepoxide 25–100 mg PO or IV 25–50 mg 400 mg/24 hr
Long t½
Diazepam (Valium) 5–20 mg PO or IV 5–10 mg 100 mg/24 hr
Long t½
Lorazepam (Ativan)* 1–2 mg PO, IV, 1 mg
Intermediate t½ or IM
Oxazepam (Serax)* 15–30 mg† PO 15–30 mg
Intermediate t½

*May need to be administered more frequently because of shorter half-lives.

Other sources suggest using 60 mg of oral oxazepam every 2 hours.
IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, by mouth; q, every; t½ half-life.

a long half-life, such as diazepam or chlordiazepoxide, are

the first-line agents for treatment of withdrawal symptoms
[ C Mayo-Smith et al, 2004]. An agent with a shorter half-life,
such as lorazepam or oxazepam, may be considered for use
in patients with respiratory insufficiency, decreased mental sta-
tus, or significant hepatic synthetic dysfunction, as evidenced by
hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and coagulopathy, but
not isolated transaminase elevations. Although it was used in the
past, oral ethanol is not recommended to treat alcohol with-
drawal syndrome or to prevent alcohol withdrawal seizures.
Approach to Treatment Options
• Symptom-triggered approach: From 2 to 4 hours after initial
loading doses are given, reassess the patient, and give ad-
ditional doses only as needed. The goal of treatment is a
comfortable patient who is easily awakened.

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 503

• Front-loading approach: Give high-dose benzodiazepines

initially, to quickly achieve adequate sedation. Example:
diazepam, 5 to 10 mg every 5 to 10 minutes intravenously,
not to exceed 250 mg in 8 hours, or chlordiazepoxide,
200 to 400 mg orally once, then additional doses of 25 to
50 mg as needed. Doses should be held if the patient de-
velops symptoms of sedation or respiratory depression.
• Fixed-dosing schedule approach: The option of giving benzo-
diazepines at specific intervals around the clock, with
supplemental doses as needed, is no longer routinely recom-
mended. Symptom-triggered therapy, as described earlier,
has been shown to shorten the duration of detoxification
and avoids unnecessary overmedication.
• Tapering options
• Calculate the total dose required to suppress the with-
drawal symptoms over the first 24 hours, then give that
amount in four divided doses the following day.
• In general, total duration of treatment should not exceed
10 days. Higher doses and longer courses of treatment (see
Table 15-1) may be required in severe withdrawal states.
• An aggressive (3-day) regimen, which reduces the total
dose by 25% to 50% each day, will suffice as prophylaxis
against alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
• A more conservative (5- to 7-day) regimen, which is
generally better psychologically tolerated by the patient,
tapers the initial calculated 24-hour dose by a total of
25% over the first 3 days, then 25% to 50% per day on
subsequent days.

Adjunctive and Alternative Therapy

• ␤-Blockers and ␣-adrenergic agonists: Medications such as
propranolol, given 10 mg orally every 6 hours as needed,
and clonidine, 0.5 mg orally two to three times per day as
needed, may be helpful for autonomic hyperactivity symp-
toms. Because no data have shown that these drugs help to
prevent delirium tremens or seizures, they should not be

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504 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

used as monotherapy, and patients need close monitoring

for hypotension with both these agents. However, these
drugs may be particularly useful as an adjunct to benzodi-
azepines in patients with baseline hypertension, tachycar-
dia, or persistent anxiety.
• Barbiturates: Although barbiturates are still used, there are
no controlled studies demonstrating the effectiveness of
barbiturates over benzodiazepines for alcohol withdrawal
• Antipsychotics: Haloperidol, given 0.5 mg intramuscularly,
every 2 hours, may control agitation, but it should be used
cautiously, and only in combination with benzodiazepines,
because it can lower the seizure threshold.
• Anticonvulsants: Carbamazepine, used extensively in Europe,
has been shown to reduce withdrawal symptoms and sei-
zures in some studies. Its efficacy is not adequately estab-
lished, however, and it is not currently recommended as a
first-line treatment agent in the United States. Phenytoin
alone is ineffective in preventing alcohol withdrawal sei-
zures, but it can be added for patients who have a known
underlying seizure disorder. Gabapentin, valproic acid, or
magnesium in addition to benzodiazepines may be empiri-
cally given to a high-risk patient, such as someone with
known previous alcohol withdrawal seizure or previous epi-
sodes of severely symptomatic alcohol withdrawal.
• Anesthetics: In severe refractory agitation despite adequate
benzodiazepine treatment, a patient can be intubated for
airway protection and started on continuous intravenous

Medical Complications of Alcohol Abuse

Korsakoff’s syndrome is a memory disorder with antegrade
and retrograde amnesia characterized by confabulation. The
classic triad of Wernicke’s encephalopathy is confusion,

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 505

ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia. The ophthalmoplegia usually

presents as nystagmus or gaze palsies. Wernicke’s encepha-
lopathy is caused by a systemic thiamine deficiency that
disrupts normal cerebral glucose utilization. Only about one
third of patients present with the classic triad defined earlier.
Other findings may include pupillary meiosis, orthostatic
hypotension, syncope, and hypothermia, and approximately
80% of patients have varying degrees of Korsakoff’s psycho-
sis. The clinical diagnosis can be supported by characteristic
brain findings on magnetic resonance imaging.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a medical emergency and
has a 10% to 20% mortality rate if it is not treated with in-
travenous thiamine. Just 2 to 3 g thiamine will reverse the
ophthalmologic findings, and the other symptoms usually
resolve within 1 to 6 hours after treatment with parenteral
thiamine is initiated. To prevent Wernicke’s encephalopathy
and Korsakoff’s syndrome in high-risk patients, 100 mg of
parenteral thiamine should be given during the first 24 hours
of admission and before any carbohydrate-containing infu-
sions or food. The concern is that administration of glucose
to a thiamine-deficient patient may further deplete the body’s
limited reserve of thiamine and precipitate acute Wernicke’s
encephalopathy. Oral thiamine should be avoided while the
patient is still intoxicated because of its decreased absorption
in the presence of alcohol. After the serum alcohol levels
decrease, the patient can be started on 50 mg of daily oral
thiamine, which is continued for a minimum of several
weeks. Longer courses are required if neurologic symptoms
are present. Patients can also develop cognitive dysfunction
that does not meet criteria for Korsakoff’s syndrome, and is
potentially reversible if alcohol use is stopped.
Patients with severe underlying liver disease also can de-
velop hepatic encephalopathy. This is a broad category defined
as reversible neurologic deficits associated with impaired liver
function. Symptoms can range from minor agitation, difficulty
with memory and concentration, nystagmus, asterixis, and

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506 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

clonus, to progressive lethargy, stupor, and coma. This diagno-

sis is mostly based on clinical suspicion. It can be supported
by an elevated serum ammonia level, which is not very sensi-
tive or specific, and confirmed by characteristic findings on an
EEG. Only approximately 60% to 80% of patients with hepatic
encephalopathy have elevated ammonia levels, and not all of
them show a clinical response that parallels the normalization
of the laboratory value.
The management of hepatic encephalopathy includes
first identifying and correcting any common precipitating
causes such as gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, overseda-
tion with benzodiazepines, and electrolyte abnormalities.
The objective of medical treatment is to decrease systemic
ammonia levels. Approaches that can facilitate clearance or
reduce production of ammonia include reversal of hypoka-
lemia, restriction of dietary protein to 70 g/day, and institu-
tion of a bowel regimen for constipation. Lactulose, which is
the first-line medication for hepatic encephalopathy, can be
administered orally or rectally, depending on the severity of
the symptoms, and should be titrated to about three soft
bowel movements per day. Antibiotics such as neomycin,
rifaximin, vancomycin, or metronidazole can decrease gas-
trointestinal ammonia absorption; however, their use is
somewhat limited by side effects. Other options for treat-
ment include acarbose, sodium benzoate, and ornithine as-
partate, all of which interfere with enzymes involved in
ammonia production.

The peak period of risk for an alcohol withdrawal seizure is
between 1 and 2 days after the last drink. Unless a patient
has a known underlying seizure disorder, prophylactic anti-
convulsants are not routinely used. Alcohol withdrawal sei-
zures are typically grand mal, nonfocal, and one or two in
number. When a seizure occurs more than 48 hours after the
last drink or when the patient has a history of head trauma,

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 507

a focal finding on the neurologic examination, or a focal sei-

zure, the physician should consider other possible causes
besides alcohol. Regardless, computed tomography or mag-
netic resonance imaging scan of the brain should be done in
any patient who presents with new onset of seizures. As pre-
viously discussed, benzodiazepines are believed to be suffi-
cient and effective prevention of alcohol-related seizures. A
patient who has had a seizure should be observed in the
hospital for at least 24 hours afterward. Long-term anticon-
vulsant therapy is not initiated for a seizure that is believed
to be purely alcohol related.

Disorders Related to Volume Status,

Electrolytes, and Vitamins
Patients suffering from alcohol withdrawal frequently develop
metabolic derangements, which can complicate and prolong
the withdrawal syndrome. Dehydration can be caused by fe-
ver, tachypnea, or diaphoresis. Depleted electrolytes can sig-
nificantly increase morbidity. At baseline, levels of potassium,
magnesium, and phosphorus may all be low secondary to
poor nutrition. Potassium and magnesium are also lost through
vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorption, and electrolyte shifts. Pro-
found potassium depletion can cause life-threatening ventri-
cular arrhythmias. Patients with significant hypomagnesemia
are also at risk for arrhythmias, but these are related to prolon-
gation of the Q-T or P-R interval. Very low serum phosphate
levels can cause seizures, coma, and rhabdomyolysis. Hypo-
glycemia develops in advanced liver disease when ethanol
disrupts gluconeogenesis. Once hepatic glycogen stores be-
come depleted, the body is forced to break down fatty acids,
and the result is systemic alcoholic ketoacidosis. Treatment of
all these complications is supportive, with appropriate replace-
ment of electrolytes, intravenous fluids, and glucose. Thiamine
depletion is discussed earlier. The alcohol-dependent patient
should also routinely receive a multivitamin secondary to
malabsorption of folate and fat-soluble vitamins, such as

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508 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

vitamin K. Oral, subcutaneous, or intravenous vitamin K

supplementation may be required to reverse alcohol-related
Cardiovascular Complications
Cardiac complications of chronic alcohol use can include
hypertension, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and angina. Ap-
proximately one third of alcoholic patients have decreased
ejection fractions, usually secondary to nonischemic dilated
cardiomyopathy. This alcoholic cardiomyopathy generally
occurs in people who consume more than 90 g/day of alco-
hol for more than 5 years. Congestive heart failure caused by
alcohol abuse is essentially treated in the same way as heart
failure of other causes. Atrial arrhythmias, including prema-
ture contractions, tachycardia, atrial flutter, and atrial fibril-
lation, commonly seen during an active binge, are referred to
as the holiday heart syndrome. Although the patient should be
closely monitored with telemetry, antiarrhythmic treatment
is not indicated unless the atrial flutter or fibrillation persists
or the patient develops hemodynamic compromise. Epide-
miologic studies have shown that the long-term consump-
tion of alcohol is associated with an increase in blood pres-
sure. As mentioned earlier, treatment with a ␤-blocker or
clonidine may be effective, especially if the patient is having
active withdrawal symptoms. Patients with a history of alco-
hol abuse are also more likely to complain of angina. The
mechanism is postulated to be either a result of increased
coronary demand from a reduced ejection fraction or coro-
nary vasospasm as a direct toxic effect of ethanol.
Pulmonary Complications
Alcoholic patients are more likely to develop postoperative
pneumonia with higher mortality rates and longer admissions
than in the general population. The specific contributing fac-
tors are thought to be poor dentition, malnutrition, aspiration,
immune suppression, and frequent concurrent abuse of other
substances such as tobacco. The isolated organisms and the

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 509

treatments are generally the same as in community-acquired

pneumonia, but alcoholic patients have an increased risk of
developing anaerobic pneumonias and tuberculosis and are
predisposed to complications of pneumonia such as empyema
and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Hepatic Complications
It is thought that only approximately 10% to 20% of patients
with chronic alcoholism develop significant liver disease. The
broad spectrum of disease includes fatty liver, alcoholic hepa-
titis, portal hypertension, and cirrhosis (see Chapter 10). An
individual patient may be affected by more than one problem.
Patients who have alcohol-related liver disease have been
shown in multiple studies to have more perioperative compli-
cations. In fact, older studies from the 1970s reported mortal-
ity rates as high as 55% for patients undergoing open liver
biopsy. Patients should be carefully questioned and examined
for suggestive physical findings of advanced hepatic dysfunc-
tion such as jaundice, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, ascites,
edema, gynecomastia, varices, and abnormalities on laboratory
tests and studies, as previously outlined. Individual patient
risk for perioperative complications is multifactorial and is
generally determined by the number and severity of comorbid
medical conditions, the extent of liver disease, and the risk
of the procedure. Various scoring systems, such as the
MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) score and the
Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification, have been developed and
validated as preoperative risk assessment tools in patients with
cirrhosis. Anesthesiologists should be notified of suspected
or known alcohol abuse, so they can select less hepatotoxic
anesthetics, sedatives, and analgesics to use in the operating
room. Acute alcoholic hepatitis is a relative contraindication to
surgery, and patients with this condition should have elective
procedures postponed until they can be medically optimized
and, if possible, encouraged to undergo preoperative detoxifi-
cation programs.

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510 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Gastrointestinal Complications
Alcoholic patients with advanced liver disease are prone to
developing esophageal and gastric varices and subsequent
life-threatening bleeding (see Chapter 9). Alcohol is also the
most common cause of acute pancreatitis in the United States;
this disease usually occurs only after 4 to 7 years of heavy
ethanol abuse. Twenty to 30% of these patients develop acute
necrotizing pancreatitis, which has been reported to have a
mortality rate as high as 30%. Alcohol also increases gastric
acid secretion, and patients are prone to developing gastritis,
ulceration, and bleeding complications. Perioperative acid
suppression therapy should be initiated for patients with epi-
gastric pain or suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Pa-
tients with chronic alcohol use have also been found to have
increased risk for gastrointestinal malignancies as compared
with the general population.

Hematologic Complications
Anemias of various causes have been found in 10% to 60% of
hospitalized patients with alcoholism (see Chapter 6). Micro-
cytic anemia can be caused by gastritis, peptic ulcer disease,
or malignancy and exacerbated by alcohol-related coagulopa-
thy. Hemolytic anemia is usually the result of alcohol-related
splenomegaly and sequestration. Nutritional folate deficiency
can cause megaloblastic anemia. By an unknown mechanism,
alcohol can also independently cause macrocytosis, with or
without anemia, in the presence of normal folate levels. The
increased risk for infection with chronic alcohol use and fre-
quent comorbid conditions predispose patients with long-
term alcoholism to anemia of chronic disease.
Thrombocytopenia, defined as a platelet count of less than
150,000/µL from direct bone marrow toxicity, is also com-
mon in alcoholic patients. A hospitalized patient with a forced
period of abstinence from alcohol may subsequently develop
rebound thrombocytosis. The platelet count usually rises after

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 511

the fifth hospital day and may exceed 1 million/µL. Despite

the level of elevation, there does not appear to be any associa-
tion with thrombosis. In addition to quantitative platelet de-
ficiencies, patients with chronic alcoholism tend to have ab-
normal platelet function because of decreased thromboxane
A2 release from platelets. Platelet number and function gener-
ally return to normal within 2 weeks of abstinence. (Indica-
tions for platelet transfusion are discussed in Chapter 6.)
Miscellaneous Complications
Possible alcohol-related endocrinopathies include hyperlip-
idemia, hypogonadism, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia in
men, amenorrhea, sexual dysfunction, and premature meno-
pause. Alcohol has been known to cause painful peripheral
neuropathies and myopathies, characterized by elevated cre-
atine phosphokinases and myoglobinuria. Women who con-
sume more than 30 to 60 g/day of alcohol have an increased
relative risk of breast cancer.
Drug Interactions
Chronic alcohol use causes an induction in the cytochrome
P-450 system. As a result, these patients have an induced
tolerance to other drugs also metabolized by this system,
such as benzodiazepines and narcotics. In the perioperative
period, these patients are likely to require higher doses
of anesthetics, analgesics, and sedatives. As dysfunction
progresses, the metabolism of these drugs slows down,
and patients begin to become increasingly sensitive to
equivalent doses. Very close monitoring is required postop-
eratively in a patient with chronic alcoholism to balance
optimal pain management with oversedation and respira-
tory depression. Alternatively, if a patient is acutely intoxi-
cated just prior to the operation, alcohol will competitively
inhibit other compounds that rely on the microsomal
system, and increased serum levels of these medications
will result.

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512 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery


Based on reports from the National Institutes of Health, the
number of cocaine users in the United States is increasing at a
rate of about 1 million people per year. In 2004, 34.2 million
Americans older than 12 years reported using cocaine at least
once, and 7.8 million reported using “freebase” or “crack,” an
extremely addictive, smokeable form of cocaine that produces
almost instantaneous effects through rapid absorption into the
pulmonary circulation. Cocaine can also be injected, snorted
(nasally insufflated), or ingested. In terms of its mechanism of
action, cocaine is an indirect sympathomimetic that increases
circulating catecholamine levels. In the central nervous sys-
tem, cocaine inhibits reabsorption of dopamine into sympa-
thetic nerve terminals. The elevated levels of dopamine cause
persistent neuronal stimulation and are believed to account for
cocaine’s addictive properties.
Long-term users of cocaine are also known to develop
physiologic tolerance that requires escalating doses of the drug
and increased frequency of use to achieve equivalent effects. To
prevent withdrawal symptoms or unpleasant side effects of
high doses of cocaine, many cocaine abusers self-medicate
with other substances. The addition of cannabis increases
plasma cocaine levels. Combining cocaine with heroin, called
“speedballing,” is reported to enhance the effects of both
drugs. Of people who admit to cocaine abuse, 92% also report
using alcohol. The concomitant use of cocaine and alcohol
creates a potentially lethal metabolite known as cocaethylene.
Its toxicity is greater than either parent drug, it has a longer
half-life, and according to the National Institutes of Health
reports, it has been linked to more deaths than any other
two-drug combination. Cocaine is quickly metabolized and is
detectable in the urine anywhere from several days to 2 weeks
later, depending on extent of use. Because of individual

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differences in metabolism, serum cocaine levels are not helpful

in predicting the severity of intoxication or morbidity, and
people have been known to experience sudden cardiac death
on their first use of the drug.

Symptoms of Cocaine Intoxication and Withdrawal

Patients who use cocaine report that it produces a sense of
euphoria, increased energy and productivity, decreased ap-
petite, and a decreased need for sleep. The higher the dose
and the faster the route of absorption, the more intense the
pleasurable effects are. An acutely intoxicated patient may
present with dilated pupils, sinus tachycardia, fever, and el-
evated blood pressure. At higher doses, symptoms escalate to
paranoia, violent behavior, auditory hallucinations, and
tremor. Overdoses can be characterized by seizures, acidosis,
pulmonary edema, and cardiac or respiratory arrest. As with
alcohol, early withdrawal symptoms from cocaine may be
masked by anesthesia and narcotic pain medications. In a
postoperative patient with an unknown or inaccurate medi-
cal history, the initial signs of cocaine withdrawal can be
subtle and nonspecific. A patient may complain only of de-
pressed mood, fatigue, difficulty sleeping or increased need
for sleep, anxiety, or myalgias. In time, these symptoms in-
tensify, and the patient can develop extrapyramidal symp-
toms or acute psychosis, with characteristic features of severe
paranoia, bizarre delusions, and tactile hallucinations, par-
ticularly of “bugs crawling under the skin,” a phenomenon
known as formication. At this time, the patient will also be
experiencing strong cravings for the drug and may be anx-
ious to leave the hospital, frequently against medical advice.
Withdrawal from cocaine, although uncomfortable, is char-
acterized mostly by these psychiatric symptoms and is gener-
ally not life-threatening. Moreover, because cocaine has a
half-life of only approximately 30 to 90 minutes, most surgi-
cal procedures can be delayed until the acute intoxication
period has passed.

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514 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Treatment of Cocaine Withdrawal

If possible, the actively withdrawing patient should be placed
in quiet surroundings and be allowed to sleep and eat at will.
Benzodiazepines may be required to control severe agitation
and psychosis. If psychosis does not respond to a benzodiaz-
epine, an antipsychotic with minimal anticholinergic side
effects can be tried next. Multiple agents such as bromocrip-
tine, amantadine, desipramine, fluoxetine, bupropion, and
carbamazepine have all been tested in clinical trials, but un-
fortunately, to date, no medication has been proven effective
for either the withdrawal symptoms or the treatment of co-
caine addiction. As with other suspected substances of abuse,
differential causes of acute mental status changes should be
investigated in an acutely ill patient with an unknown or
unreliable history. Cocaine withdrawal usually does not last
longer than several days, so if symptoms of psychosis or agi-
tation persist beyond that period, another diagnosis should
be pursued.
Cardiovascular Complications
The most frequent presenting complaint in a patient addicted
to cocaine is likely to be cocaine-related chest pain (Box 15-2).
Cocaine can actually cause numerous cardiovascular problems
by various mechanisms, and the nature and severity of the
complications are affected by the dose, the chronicity of use,
the individual’s level of tolerance or sensitivity to the drug, and
the presence of underlying heart disease. Cocaine’s mechanisms
of action in the cardiovascular system include inhibition of cel-
lular sodium transport and an increase in catecholamine levels
with resulting sympathetic activation. Rapid, appropriate diag-
nosis and treatment by the physician may be compromised by
a patient’s reluctance to admit to recent use of the drug, as well
as by “atypical” presenting signs and symptoms. It is particu-
larly important to suspect cocaine as a cause of myocardial
ischemia in the young patient who presents with an acute coro-
nary syndrome. A laboratory and radiologic evaluation of a

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Box 15-2

• Cardiac: Arrhythmias (tachycardia, sinus bradycardia,

premature ventricular conduction, ventricular tachycardia,
ventricular fibrillation), malignant hypertension, myocardial
infarction, myocardial ischemia, congestive heart failure,
hypertension, aortic rupture, pneumopericardium, sudden
death, dilated cardiomyopathy, ventricular hypertrophy
myocardial fibrosis, myocarditis
• Respiratory: Chronic rhinitis, osteolytic sinusitis, nasoseptal
perforation, pneumonia, pulmonary barotrauma, hemoptysis,
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, asthma, interstitial pneumonitis,
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchiolitis obliterans-
organizing pneumonia, “crack-lung,” recurrent pulmonary
infiltrates with eosinophilia, noncardiogenic pulmonary
edema, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax
• Neurologic: Seizures, intracranial hemorrhage, ischemic
stroke headache, tics, ataxia, movement disorders
• Gastrointestinal (generally from cocaine ingestion): Delayed
gastric emptying, ulcers, intestinal ischemia, colitis, hepatic
• Psychiatric: Insomnia, psychosis, weight loss, hallucination,
anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia
• Renal: Acute rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, renal
infarction, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
• Miscellaneous: Fever, thrombocytopenia, sexual dysfunc-
tion, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and hepati-
tis B or C infection in injection drug users

patient suspected to have cocaine-related chest pain should

include a urine drug screen, complete blood count, a basic
metabolic panel (with special attention to glucose, electrolytes,
and creatinine), arterial blood gas, urinalysis, creatinine kinase,
troponin I, an ECG, and a chest radiograph.
It is generally accepted that cocaine-induced acute coro-
nary syndromes are more likely to occur in persons with

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516 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

preexisting coronary artery disease, and the risk for cocaine-

related myocardial infarction is higher in otherwise healthy
cocaine users than in matched controls. Cocaine-related chest
pain is believed to be caused by coronary vasoconstriction.
Vasospasm can be diffuse or local and can occur in both dis-
eased and normal coronary arteries, although it is usually more
pronounced in the atherosclerotic vessels. Cardiac ischemia
may develop anywhere from several minutes up to as long as
15 hours after last use of the drug. The major physiologically
active metabolites (e.g., such as ethyl methyl ecgonine and
benzoylecgonine [the compound detected by the standard
urine drug screen]) are thought to account for prolonged, de-
layed, or recurrent episodes of chest pain that occur after the
parent compound is fully hydrolyzed. Only approximately
50% of patients with cocaine-related cardiac ischemia present
with typical anginal pain; therefore, the lack of a classic history
of “unstable angina” should not be relied on as an effective
method for triage of patients. Findings on the ECG in patients
who are having acute coronary syndromes are frequently non-
specific or nondiagnostic; only approximately 8% of patients
present with an acute injury pattern. Elevated levels of cardiac
troponins have been found to have better correlation with
myocardial injury than abnormalities on the ECG.
Despite their known benefit in acute myocardial infarc-
tion, as well as symptomatic relief of hypertension and tachy-
cardia, ␤-blockers have traditionally been avoided out of
concerns about unopposed ␣-adrenergic effects with subse-
quent coronary artery vasoconstriction. Because no large
RCTs have been conducted in humans to determine
whether the more selective ␤-blockers should truly be pro-
hibited in the care of the patient with cocaine-induced myo-
cardial ischemia, no evidence-based recommendations are
currently available. Although some authors question the con-
traindication to ␤-blockade in patients who present with
cocaine-related chest pain, most physicians would continue

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 517

to withhold these medications in patients with a known his-

tory of cocaine abuse.
For management of cocaine-induced hypertension, ni-
trates and other direct acting vasodilators such as hydrala-
zine or nitroprusside can be used. If arrhythmias develop
following cocaine use, they are generally short lived and
should resolve without any medical intervention. However, if
the patient develops signs of associated hemodynamic com-
promise, he or she should be treated according to Advanced
Cardiac Life Support Protocols (see Cardiology section). Co-
caine addiction has been associated with accelerated coro-
nary atherosclerosis, and the development of a hypercoagu-
lable state. One hypothesis is that cocaine decreases levels of
antithrombin III and protein C in chronic users. Other theo-
ries suggest increased platelet activation and aggregation, and
increased production of thromboxane, and plasminogen ac-
tivator inhibitor. Another less common cardiovascular com-
plication of cocaine use is associated with the sudden and
wide fluctuations in blood pressure from catecholamine ex-
cess. These dramatic escalations and precipitous drops are
similar to those seen in pheochromocytoma, and can lead to
aortic dissection and valvular damage. This in turn, increases
the risk for aortic and mitral valve endocarditis, especially in
patients who concurrently abuse injection drugs. Congestive
heart failure will develop in some long-term cocaine users.
The mechanisms include drug related interstitial myocardial
fibrosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, systolic dysfunction, or
a dilated cardiomyopathy. Arrhythmias such as sinus tachy-
cardia, sinus bradycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, and
ventricular fibrillation are commonly seen just after cocaine
is systemically absorbed. The etiology is likely cocaine’s
similarity to the Class I antiarrhythmic drugs.
Patients who present for surgical procedures with active
cocaine intoxication or very recent use should be monitored
closely with telemetry. Surprisingly, studies have demonstrated

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518 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

a relatively low overall “rule-in” rate of about 6% for acute

MI and a mortality rate for all cocaine-induced chest pain of
less than 1%, despite documentation of coronary artery
disease by subsequent cardiac catheterization in some of these
patients. These studies also determined that of the patients
who do suffer a myocardial infarction, only 36% develop com-
plications such as CHF and arrhythmias, and 90% of these
episodes developed within the first 12 hours after use. Life-
threatening arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation or
tachycardia were generally not seen, and therefore were pre-
sumed to have occurred prior to arrival to the Emergency
Department. An explanation for the overall low mortality rate
suggested by one author is that cocaine-related deaths tend to
occur mainly in those abusers with severe underlying struc-
tural or electrophysiologic heart disease, a massive overdose,
or a very prolonged history of cocaine abuse.
Pulmonary Complications
Smoking crack cocaine may lead to numerous pulmonary
complications (Box 15-3). Acutely, cocaine can cause broncho-
spasm and can precipitate or worsen asthma exacerbations.


Box 15-3


• Oxygen
• Aspirin (acutely, to reduce thrombus formation, and long
term if evidence of coronary artery disease is present)
• Benzodiazepines (given in sedative doses, to reduce myocar-
dial oxygen demand and to decrease anxiety)
• Nitrates (to relieve symptoms of chest pain)
• Morphine (to relieve pain and to decrease myocardial
oxygen demand)
• Primary angioplasty, if available (treatment of choice in
ongoing ischemia over fibrinolytics)

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 519


• Calcium channel blockers (theoretically to relieve vaso-
spasm, but variable results seen in clinical trials)
• Intravenous heparin (risks and benefits need to be weighed
in light of increased risk for intracranial hemorrhage and
aortic dissection)
• Phentolamine (pure ␣-antagonist, no good studies, but rec-
ommended by the International Guidelines for Emergency
Cardiovascular Care for cocaine-induced ischemia)
• Thrombolytics (as above, cautious use in patients with
cocaine-induced ST segment elevation myocardial infarction,
when angioplasty is not available)
• Bicarbonate “suggested” for use with wide complex tachy-
cardia (for myocardial electrical stability with cocaine’s
sodium channel blocking properties)
• Lidocaine and magnesium (cautious use for arrhythmias, no
evidence-based information about other antiarrhythmics
such as lidocaine)
• Epinephrine use for asystole (controversial, owing to pres-
ence of already elevated catecholamine levels)
• General anesthesia (because of anesthesia’s cardiac effects,
regional anesthesia preferred if possible)
• Class Ia antiarrhythmics (owing to similar effects)
• ␤-Blockers (as above, generally avoided, but no good evi-
dence; labetalol, with weak ␣-effects would theoretically be
preferable, but in practice does not offer any advantage over
propranolol because of high ratio of ␤-blocker to ␣-blocker

Data from Ghuran A, Nolan J: Recreational drug misuse: Issues for the cardiologist.
Heart 83:627-633, 2000; Hollander J, Henry T: Evaluation and management of the pa-
tient who has cocaine-associated chest pain. Cardiol Clin 24:103-114, 2006; Jones J,
Weir W: Cocaine-associated chest pain. Med Clin North Am 89:1323-1342, 2005;
Stouffer G, Sheahan R, Lenihan D, et al: Cocaine associated chest pain. Am J Med Sci
324:37-44, 2002.

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520 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

Other symptoms reported by heavy users that do not usually

require immediate medical attention include melanoptysis,
hemoptysis, cough, and shortness of breath. Chronic cocaine
use may lead to recurrent pneumonia, pulmonary barotrauma,
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, and “crack lung,” an acute lung
injury syndrome with pulmonary infiltrates, eosinophilia, fe-
ver, and characteristic histologic findings.
Neurologic Complications
Cocaine abusers have also been known to develop seizures,
usually within 90 minutes of use and rarely also during the
withdrawal phase. Diazepam or lorazepam is usually effec-
tive in terminating the seizure. Patients are also at higher risk
for hemorrhagic stroke. Although these strokes typically oc-
cur in patients with ruptured berry aneurysms or arteriove-
nous malformations, the blood pressure fluctuations them-
selves are sufficient to cause cerebral hemorrhage, and no
underlying vascular defect is necessary. Ischemic strokes as-
sociated with recent cocaine use are thought to be related to
cerebral vasospasm.

Opioids are synthetic and natural substances derived from
the opium poppy that all have effects similar to those of mor-
phine. Heroin, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, meperidine,
and fentanyl are the most commonly abused drugs in this
class. Opioid dependence, from either illicit or increasingly
prevalent prescription drug abuse, may result in many seri-
ous medical complications (Box 15-4). Up to 2% of opioid-
dependent individuals die annually of complications from
the drug, and 53% of individuals who ever try heroin be-
come addicted to it. In certain areas of the United States,
rates of infection with human immunodeficiency virus have
been reported to be as high as 60% in patients who are

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Box 15-4

• Infections: Generally related to infectious drug use, includ-

ing human immunodeficiency virus, endocarditis (usually
right sided), septic thrombophlebitis, cellulites, abscess,
necrotizing fasciitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis,
septic arthritis, viral hepatitis, methicillin-resistant Staphylo-
coccus aureus infections, sepsis, pneumonia, septic emboli
• Cardiac: Drug-induced bradycardia, atrial and ventricular
arrhythmias,* hypotension†
• Pulmonary: Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, talcosis, se-
vere or fatal asthma exacerbations
• Neurologic: Sedation, seizures, transverse myelitis, poly-
• Gastrointestinal: Nausea, ileus, constipation
• Pregnancy-related complications: Preeclampsia, miscarriage,
infection, neonatal complications
• Urinary tract: Urinary retention, glomerulonephritis

*Rapid metabolism should render most cardiac arrhythmias short-lived. If they

persist, conventional treatment is recommended with no special precautions. However,
a patient who develops an arrhythmia should remain in a monitored environment for
at least 24 hours.

Although blood pressure may commonly be reduced during toxicity, hypotension
leading to end-organ damage is rare.

addicted to intravenous heroin. Heroin can be injected, na-

sally insufflated, or smoked. The intravenous route is the
most rapid and produces the highest drug concentrations.
Predictable physiologic tolerance (in which progressively
larger doses are required to achieve effects and to avoid with-
drawal) and physical dependence (when cessation or signifi-
cant dose reduction precipitates withdrawal) develop after
only 1 to 2 weeks of daily use. Patients appear to develop tol-
erance to most of the effects of opioids except constipation,
which continues to worsen with increased use. In general,
opioid metabolites can be detected in urine for 48 hours to
several days, with the longer durations noted in more chronic

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522 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

users. The presence of 6-MAM, a specific metabolite of heroin,

distinguishes its use. False-negative results on drug testing can
occur because not all metabolites of all opioids are detected in
routine urine drug screens. False-positive drug screens may
occur in patients who are taking fluoroquinolones or rifampin
or who consume large quantities of poppy seeds.
As with cocaine, preoperative opioid use generally does
not complicate nonemergency operations because of the rela-
tively short half-life of commonly abused opioids, and most
procedures can be delayed until the patient is stabilized.
However, with the increasing prevalence of use, especially
the nonmedical use of prescription narcotics, the periopera-
tive consultant should not only be able to recognize and treat
opioid toxicity or withdrawal, but should also assist with
acute pain management in patients addicted to opioids, or
those enrolled in maintenance programs.

Opioid Toxicity
The major physiologic effects of opioids are on the central ner-
vous system and the cardiovascular system. The characteristic
signs of acute opioid intoxication or overdose may be analgesia,
euphoria, varying degrees of lethargy (including coma), respi-
ratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, and
miosis. An opioid antagonist such as naloxone should be given
to any patient exhibiting signs of hemodynamic instability such
as respiratory depression, bradycardia, or hypotension. An
initial dose of 0.4 mg of naloxone may be sufficient to reverse
the respiratory depression. This same dose may be repeated
two or three times in the first few minutes if there is no impro-
vement in symptoms, especially if the diagnosis is in doubt.
Because naloxone is a short-acting antagonist, if a clinical res-
ponse is seen, a continuous infusion of two thirds of the initial
bolus dose each hour should be started promptly. The adult
dose is typically 0.25 mg/hr to 6.25 mg/hr. The infusion should
be continued for at least 12 hours and titrated according to the
patient’s medical status. If a patient is hemodynamically stable,

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it is preferable to avoid treatment with naloxone. Although rare,

noncardiogenic pulmonary edema resulting from heroin toxi-
city can occur up to 24 hours after drug use. It can be severe
and may require positive pressure ventilation or intubation.
The exact cause is unknown, but administration of naloxone
can acutely precipitate this complication. Of course, if the over-
dose was intentional, the patient should be evaluated by psy-
chiatry before discharge.
Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal
Withdrawal usually develops within 4 to 6 hours of the last
injection, peaks at 24 to 48 hours, and lasts about a week.
The time frames vary depending on the half-life of the indi-
vidual drug. For heroin, withdrawal is typically evident 36 to
42 hours after discontinuation. Symptoms can include rest-
lessness, difficulty sleeping, myalgias, abdominal cramping,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, yawning, increased dia-
phoresis, pupillary dilation, and increased lacrimation. The
onset of withdrawal may occur shortly after admission or may
be delayed until the postoperative analgesics are metabolized.
A patient can be physically detoxified from opioids in as little
as 1 week in an inpatient setting; without proper motivation
and follow-up, however, the relapse rates are high.
Treatment of Opioid Withdrawal
Methadone Therapy
• Methadone is a common and effective treatment for narcotic
withdrawal. It is a synthetic long-acting opioid, which is clas-
sified by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as
a schedule II drug, carrying the highest potentials for depen-
dence and abuse. As a pain medication, any physician with
an active DEA license can prescribe methadone. However, its
use for the treatment of addiction is highly restricted and
requires special licensing in the United States. These regula-
tions are waived for inpatients, because these patients fre-
quently require methadone to improve compliance during

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524 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

hospitalization. Methadone is metabolized by the cytochrome

P-450 system; therefore, it has many significant medication
interactions, which must be carefully monitored throughout
the admission.
• In the United States, methadone is approved for oral (liquid
or pill), subcutaneous, or intramuscular use. Common side
effects of methadone are increased sweating, constipation,
and sexual dysfunction. Methadone has a biphasic pattern
of elimination. The first phase lasts a total of about 6 to
8 hours and corresponds to the duration of its analgesic
effects. The second phase, which lasts 30 to 60 hours, is
sufficient to prevent withdrawal symptoms, but it does not
provide any additional analgesia. For withdrawal preven-
tion, it is usually administered at 20 to 40 mg divided into
two doses per day. The initial dose can be estimated by
standardized conversion tables of other narcotics to metha-
done; however, methadone is known to be highly variable
among individuals, and some patients require doses greater
than 100 mg/day. Although these recommended starting
doses should be sufficient to prevent physical withdrawal
symptoms, larger doses are frequently requested by the
patient to control opioid craving. A patient started on
methadone during a hospital admission should be able to
tolerate a total dose reduction by 5 to 10 mg/day.
• Additional short-acting opioids will likely be required for
acute pain management, especially in the postoperative
setting, and are described in more detail later.

Other Opioid Replacement Options

• Sublingual buprenorphine (Subutex) is a mixed opioid
agonist-antagonist that has been used with some success in
patients with mild to moderate physical dependence. It has a
longer half-life than methadone and can therefore be admin-
istered every 2 to 3 days. Although it is not as effective
as methadone, buprenorphine is generally safer, it is more
readily available on an outpatient basis, it has a low risk of

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 525

illegal use, and an overdose with sublingual buprenorphine

(Buprenex) carries less risk of respiratory depression. The
dose range is 4 to 24 mg/day with a target dose of 16 mg/day.
Adverse effects such as liver function test abnormalities are
generally mild, but there have been case reports of lethal
overdose of intravenous buprenorphine (a route of admi-
nistration not commonly used in the United States) when
the drug was simultaneously injected with intravenous
• Naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, is used in outpatient
treatment programs. It is not feasible for the actively ad-
dicted hospitalized patient, however, because it can pre-
cipitate acute opioid withdrawal syndrome.
• In some countries such Switzerland and the Netherlands,
heroin withdrawal is being treated with heroin mainte-
nance programs. This is generally reserved for individuals
who have failed other more conventional modalities. The
literature from these centers reports some success in main-
taining these patients in treatment programs and away
from criminal activities.

Symptomatic Treatment–Only Options

Referral to a methadone program may be needed for patients
who cannot be weaned from methadone and who were not
in a program preoperatively. If methadone therapy is not
feasible or desirable, detoxification can be accomplished with
a combination of medications that help to suppress the
physical discomfort associated with withdrawal. Unfortu-
nately, these medications do little to prevent the associated
psychological symptoms of opioid craving and therefore are
less well tolerated than methadone.
Although clonidine is not approved by the Food and Drug
Administration for this indication in the United States, this
drug has been used to help with gastrointestinal and autonomic
symptoms of opioid withdrawal, and it may be especially
valuable in the surgical patient who has hypertension. The

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526 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

recommended initial doses are 2 ␮g/kg three times per day for
7 to 10 days, then taper over 3 days. The transdermal patch
(Catapres-TTS) may also be used, although it should be over-
lapped with oral clonidine, because it takes several days to be
fully effective. Patients need to be carefully monitored for hy-
potension and bradycardia. For short-acting opioids such as
heroin, clonidine-assisted withdrawal can be completed in 4 to
6 days. In noncompliant patients, clonidine is a poor choice for
continued outpatient therapy in light of its potential life-threat-
ening toxicities as well as a risk of rebound malignant hyper-
tension if the drug is abruptly discontinued. Withdrawal can
also be treated symptomatically with antidiarrheals, antiemet-
ics, antispasmodics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medi-
cations. Anxiolytics may also be required, but they must be
used with caution because of their high risk of dependence.

Acute Pain Management for Methadone

Maintenance Patients
• Opioid-dependent patients may report being enrolled in a
methadone maintenance program preoperatively. This his-
tory should be confirmed before initiating “maintenance”
inpatient therapy.
• Once the dose is established, methadone should be contin-
ued preoperatively at the outpatient dose, including the
morning of surgery.
• As stated earlier, patients taking high doses should receive a
preoperative ECG to assess for Q-T interval prolongation.
• To prevent withdrawal, other opioid analgesics should be
used parenterally as a substitute for methadone while the
patient is taking nothing by mouth (NPO). In patients who
take very high doses of methadone, patient-controlled anal-
gesia should be considered, with a constant basal rate to
prevent withdrawal. Oral methadone should be restarted at
home doses as soon as the patient is adequately tolerating

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• Postoperatively, patients require treatment with additional

short-acting opioids to control pain. Methadone should
not be titrated upward for analgesic purposes in these pa-
tients, because its very long elimination half-life compared
with its short analgesic half-life predisposes to toxicity
from dose accumulation. Advice from the outpatient meth-
adone treatment center should be requested if the metha-
done is to be restarted after more than 5 days.
For the patient who is receiving opioids for chronic pain
management, the perioperative period is an inappropriate time
to attempt a reduction in the dosage. In general, physicians
tend to underdose with narcotic medications for the following
reasons: concern for neurologic, respiratory, or cardiac depres-
sion; fear of creating iatrogenic drug abuse or causing a relapse
in a former addict; “giving-in” to drug-seeking behavior; or the
presumption that the current maintenance doses are sufficient
for analgesia. All these fears are exacerbated in patients with a
known history of substance abuse, or who are receiving
chronic outpatient therapy, resulting in overall inadequate
pain management. Investigators have observed for many years
that opioid-addicted patients also appear to have decreased
pain thresholds or hyperalgesia, and even higher than usual
doses may be required because of opioid cross-tolerance. Pa-
tients taking methadone on a long-term basis should not be
treated with mixed agonist-antagonist analgesics for pain, be-
cause these drugs provide no benefit over the traditional nar-
cotic medications, and they may precipitate acute opioid

Benzodiazepines, one of the most prescribed classes of drugs in
the United States, have a significant abuse potential and may
cause physiologic dependence and withdrawal. Substance

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528 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

abusers add benzodiazepines to enhance the “high” or to

self-medicate for withdrawal symptoms of other illicit sub-
stances. Patients with benzodiazepine toxicity may present with
lethargy, ataxia, and dysarthria. Fortunately, when benzodiaze-
pines alone are abused, significant respiratory depression is
The antidote for benzodiazepine overdose is flumazenil, a
partial benzodiazepine agonist. The initial dose is 0.2 mg
IV bolus, repeated at 0.3 to 0.5 mg doses until a clinical
response is noted or the maximal dose of 3 mg is reached.
Very cautious use of flumazenil is recommended, because
chronic users who are physically dependent can develop
withdrawal seizures. In these patients, any abrupt disconti-
nuation of benzodiazepines can also precipitate withdrawal
symptoms. These symptoms may include anxiety, irritability,
depressed mood, insomnia, and sensitivity to light and sound,
as well as fatigue, tremor, muscle cramps, myoclonic jerking,
and, rarely, seizures or nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Pa-
tients can also experience severe rebound anxiety or insomnia
if the medication was originally prescribed for these symp-
toms. Withdrawal reactions usually do not occur unless the
patient has been taking benzodiazepines continuously for at
least 3 months and may continue for several months after ces-
sation. Both the dose and the duration of use affect the sever-
ity of withdrawal, so a patient taking a stable low dose on a
long-term basis may be as symptomatic as someone who had
recently started abusing high doses of the medication. More-
over, a patient who has been taking a benzodiazepine with a
long half-life may not exhibit signs of withdrawal for up to a
week after discontinuation of the drug. The anesthesiologist
should be notified of known or suspected long-term benzodi-
azepine use, because these patients typically require less seda-
tion during anesthesia, and they may require higher doses of
opioid pain medications postoperatively.
There is also a syndrome of “pseudowithdrawal,” which is
difficult to distinguish from true benzodiazepine withdrawal.

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 529

This condition usually occurs in a patient who is psycho-

logically unprepared for the medication to be tapered and
who develops psychologically rather than physiologically
mediated withdrawal symptoms.
If a benzodiazepine is being initiated in the hospital, ei-
ther for anxiety or withdrawal from another substance such
as alcohol, it should be titrated very cautiously in elderly
patients, because they metabolize benzodiazepines more
slowly and are at increased risk of toxicity related to drug
accumulation. Withdrawal symptoms, especially seizures,
tend to be worse with the shorter-acting agents: lorazepam,
alprazolam, and oxazepam. If possible, patients should be
switched to a benzodiazepine with a longer half-life such as
diazepam or chlordiazepoxide. These longer-acting benzo-
diazepines can then be very slowly (not more than one fourth
of the total daily dose/week) tapered over 6 to 12 weeks in
the outpatient setting. Propranolol, at 20 mg every 6 hours,
can be added to reduce the hypertension, tachycardia, and
anxiety that may occur during benzodiazepine withdrawal. If
the physician is reluctant to proceed with a long-term ben-
zodiazepine taper in an addicted patient, another option is to
use phenobarbital. Although it does help to reduce rebound
anxiety, it is physically less well tolerated as a primary taper-
ing agent.


Tobacco use clearly increases postoperative pulmonary com-
plications. Patients with known chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease, significant respiratory symptoms, or radiographic
abnormalities should have appropriate preoperative evalua-
tion. Smokers are also more likely than nonsmokers to de-
velop perioperative cardiac events, infectious complications,
and difficulty with bone and soft tissue healing. Although
the optimal duration of preoperative abstinence is unknown,

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530 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

observational and physiologic studies have suggested that at

least 2 to 3 months are required for full benefit.
Smoking cessation is frequently impeded by physical and
psychological withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal may mani-
fest with symptoms of depressed mood, difficulty sleeping, ir-
ritability, restlessness, bradycardia, and increased appetite.
These symptoms can begin as soon as several hours after the
last cigarette, peak at about 24 to 48 hours, and on average,
persist for about a month. It is also known that psychological
dependence, manifested by cigarette craving, can continue
much longer in people with a high level of nicotine depen-
dence. Fortunately, many methods are currently available to
help patients facilitate quitting, such as referrals to commercial
clinics, various nicotine replacement therapy options, bupro-
pion hydrochloride (Zyban), varenidine (Chantix, a partial
nicotine agonist), and alternative therapies such as hypnosis
and acupuncture. Unfortunately, most patients are not suc-
cessful in quitting and then maintaining abstinence for 2 to
3 months before a scheduled surgical procedure. Some physi-
cians recommend no less than a full 2-month period of preop-
erative abstinence from cigarettes. This recommendation is
supported by some observational studies in which discontin-
ued cigarette use within several weeks of surgery actually in-
creased the risk of perioperative pulmonary complications.
Regardless, the quality of the evidence in the current medical
literature is not sufficient to discourage any smoker from trying
to cut down or quit before a scheduled procedure. If this is not
possible, the patient should be advised at least to abstain from
any cigarette use in the 12 hours before the surgical procedure.
The rationale is to allow time for dissipation of systemic carbon
monoxide before induction of anesthesia. It is also suggested
that the patient not resume smoking until 1 week after the
surgical procedure, to improve postoperative wound heal-
ing outcomes [ C Warner, 2005].
Studies have shown that smoking cessation efforts in in-
patients may be more effective than in outpatients. At home,

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15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 531

the urge to smoke is commonly triggered by environmental

cues that are strongly associated with cigarette use, and some
patients have reported less intense withdrawal symptoms
when they are hospitalized in a smoke-free environment.
After experiencing a tobacco-related medical complication, a
patient may be more receptive to learning about tobacco ces-
sation programs. Abstinence rates have been shown to dou-
ble for patients wearing a nicotine patch when compared
with those receiving a placebo. Therefore, a nicotine patch
should be considered for all smokers in the perioperative
period, to reduce acute withdrawal symptoms and to help
the motivated patient quit smoking. The dose may then be
slowly tapered in the outpatient setting. Several studies have
shown that nicotine replacement therapy is safe for use in
patients with coronary artery disease, and at least one RCT
supports the idea that nicotine replacement therapy does
not negate the beneficial effects of abstinence from ciga-
rettes postoperatively [ A Sorensen et al, 2003].


Marijuana, of the cannabis class, is the most commonly abused
illicit drug in the United States. The fastest absorption occurs
when it is smoked, but marijuana can be mixed into food and
eaten as well. Peak intoxications occur within 10 to 30 minutes,
and the effect lasts approximately 3 hours. The drug’s plasma
half-life is 20 to 30 hours, and the time course for urine drug
screen detection varies greatly, depending on the individual
extent of use. Manifestations range widely from euphoria to
severe paranoia. Acute intoxication usually does not come to
medical attention and does not warrant any specific pharmaco-
logic treatment, but evidence of significant adverse events has
been appearing in the medical literature.
Typical cardiovascular effects consist of a brief period of
relative tachycardia and hypertension, followed by a longer

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532 15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery

period of relative bradycardia and hypotension. Patients may

also present with nonspecific ECG changes, premature ven-
tricular contractions, increased severity of anginal symptoms,
myocardial infarctions, ischemic and thrombotic cerebrovas-
cular accidents, and peripheral thromboembolic events.
Heavy marijuana users may complain of asthma-like
symptoms, such as increased sputum production, wheezing,
and bronchitis, as well as symptoms of exertional dyspnea
that are equivalent to the effects of smoking one half-pack of
cigarettes per day. There have been isolated case reports of
spontaneous pneumothorax and lung bullae associated with
marijuana abuse. Endocrinopathies and permanent neuro-
logic changes have also been identified in some long-term
users. Although it has not been proven in humans, teratoge-
nicity has been reported in animals, and marijuana is known
to impair the immune system’s ability to recover from herpes-
virus infections and genital warts.
In combination with other drugs, especially stimulants
such as cocaine, marijuana can act synergistically to potenti-
ate their toxic effects. Therefore, if a physician is evaluating
an otherwise healthy, chronic user of marijuana for a surgical
procedure and elicits unusual symptoms such as chest pain
and episodes consistent with stroke or transient ischemic at-
tacks, or notes physical findings suggestive of a hypercoagu-
lable state, an elective procedure should be postponed until
the patient can be further evaluated with appropriate diag-
nostic testing.

Selected Readings
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: Smoking cessation clinical
practice guideline. JAMA 275:1270-1280, 1996.
Al-Sanouri I, Dikin M, Soubani A: Critical care aspects of alcohol abuse.
South Med J 98:372-381, 2005.
American Psychiatric Association: Practice Guidelines. Practice Guideline
for the Treatment of Patients with Substance Abuse Disorders, 2nd ed,
part A. Available at

Ch15-X2385_495_534.indd 532 12/19/07 9:45:18 PM

15 • The Patient with Substance Abuse Going to Surgery 533

Busto U, Sellers EM, Naranjo CA, et al: Withdrawal reactions after long-term
therapeutic use of benzodiazepines. N Engl J Med 315:854-859, 1986.
Ewing JA: Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA 252:
1905-1907, 1984. A
Ferguson JA, Suelzer CJ, Eckert GJ, et al: Risk factors for delirium tremens
development. J Gen Intern Med 11:410-414, 1996.
Ghuran A, Nolan J: Recreational drug misuse: Issues for the cardiologist.
Heart 83:627-633, 2000.
Gordon R, Lowy F: Current concepts: Bacterial infections in drug users.
N Engl J Med 353:1945-1954, 2005.
Hollander JE: The management of cocaine associated myocardial ischemia.
N Engl J Med 333:1267-1272, 1995.
Hollander J, Henry T: Evaluation and management of the patient who has
cocaine-associated chest pain. Cardiol Clin 24:103-114, 2006.
Kitchens JM: Does this patient have an alcohol problem? JAMA 272:
1782-1787, 1994.
Mayo-Smith MF, Beecher LH, Fischer TL, et al: Management of alcohol
withdrawal delirium: An evidence based practice guideline [published
correction appears in Arch Intern Med 164:2068, 2004]. Arch Intern
Med 164:1405-1412, 2004. C
Mendelson JH, Mello NK: Management of cocaine abuse and dependence.
N Engl J Med 334:965-972, 1996.
Mouhaffel AH, Madu EC, Satmary WA, Fraker TD: Cardiovascular compli-
cations of cocaine. Chest 107:1426-1434, 1995.
Sorensen LT, Karlsmark T, Gottrup F: Abstinence from smoking reduces
incisional wound infection: A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg
238:1-5, 2003. A
Sullivan JT, Sykora K, Schneiderman J, et al: Assessment of alcohol with-
drawal: The revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alco-
hol Scale (CIWA-Ar). Br J Addict 84:1353-1357, 1989.
Tonnesen H: Alcohol abuse and postoperative morbidity. Dan Med Bull
50:139-160, 2003. B
Tonnesen H, Kehlet H: Preoperative alcoholism and postoperative morbid-
ity. Br J Surg 86:869-874, 1999. B
Tonnesen H, Peterson KR, Hojgaard L: Postoperative morbidity among
symptom-free alcohol misusers. Lancet 340:334-337, 1992. B
Warner D: Preoperative smoking cessation: The role of the primary care
provider. Mayo Clin Proc 80:252-258, 2005. C
Weber JE, Chudnofsky CR, Boczar M, et al: Cocaine-associated chest pain:
How common is myocardial infarction? Acad Emerg Med 7:873-877,
West LJ, Maxwell DS, Nobel EP, et al: Alcoholism. Ann Intern Med 100:
445-446, 1984.

Ch15-X2385_495_534.indd 533 12/19/07 9:45:18 PM

16 Perioperative Assessment
and Management of the
Surgical Patient with
Neurologic Problems

Patients with underlying neurologic disease who undergo sur-

gical procedures present unique problems because all anes-
thetic agents affect neurologic function by altering muscle
strength, ability to move, consciousness, or sensation. Because
patients with neurologic disease already have at least one of
these modalities affected, special understanding and optimiza-
tion of medical parameters are necessary so that surgery may
be carried out safely and with minimal complications.

Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an uncommon disorder; the estimated
prevalence is 0.05 to 5 per 100,000 population, and the in-
cidence is 0.4 per 100,000 population. Women are affected
more frequently than men (2 to 3:1), and there are no racial
or geographic predilections. The average age of onset is
26 years in women and 31 years in men. Two separate groups
of patients are recognized, one with an early onset of disease
and another with a peak incidence at 70 years. Myasthenia

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized clinical tri-
als, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retro-
spective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


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536 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

gravis is an autoimmune disorder caused by antibodies di-

rected against acetylcholine receptors.
Other autoimmune disorders have been associated with
myasthenia gravis, such as pernicious anemia, rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, idiopathic thrombo-
cytopenic purpura, pemphigus, autoimmune hemolytic ane-
mia, and thyroid disease (hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, thy-
roiditis). Thyroid disease (most often hyperthyroidism) occurs
in approximately 10% of patients. Thymomas occur in ap-
proximately 10% of patients and can usually be detected by
chest computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). Although only 30% of patients with myasthe-
nia gravis have antibodies to skeletal muscle, 90% of patients
with thymoma and myasthenia have antiskeletal antibodies.
Ten to 15% of patients with generalized myasthenia gravis do
not have antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor.
The disease is characterized by fluctuating weakness and
fatigue with exercise. The weakness generally is worse at the
end of the day or after a period of exertion. However,
strength may vary from hour to hour in the absence of any
physical activity. Isolated ocular myasthenia occurs in 20% of
patients. The most common presentations of generalized
myasthenia gravis are fatigable weakness, eye movement
abnormalities (40% to 50%), bulbar findings (e.g., difficulty
swallowing, 20%), extremity weakness (30%), and neck
flexion weakness.
The diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is made on the clinical
history, the characteristic response of repetitive nerve stimula-
tion at 3 to 5 Hz with a decremental pattern, the presence of
acetylcholine receptor antibodies, and the characteristic re-
sponse to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, either edrophonium
(Tensilon, 10 mg, with a 1- to 2-mg test dose intravenously)
or neostigmine (Prostigmin, 0.04 mg/kg intramuscularly).
Myasthenic crisis develops when muscular weakness be-
gins to worsen, leading to paralysis of respiratory muscles
and respiratory failure. Systemic infection is a frequent cause

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 537

of myasthenic crisis, but the condition can result from mal-

absorption of the anticholinesterase medication or from
progression of the disease. Cholinergic crisis occurs with an
excess of anticholinesterase medication, which can occupy
the same receptor as acetylcholine and thus reduces neuro-
muscular transmission. Generally, other cholinergic effects
are present, such as the following: nicotinic effects of muscle
cramps; fasciculations; and increased weakness or musca-
rinic effects, such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, palpita-
tions, sweating, increased secretions, salivation, tearing,
bradycardia, and increased urination.
Thymectomy is now advocated for myasthenic patients
less than 60 years of age who have generalized disease, be-
cause of the greater 5- to 10-year survival, greater time in
remission, and the 10% incidence of thymoma. Anticholin-
esterases, steroids, immunosuppression, and plasmapheresis
are all used to manage myasthenia gravis. The major respon-
sibilities of the medical consultant are to be knowledgeable
about treatment modalities and their adverse effects and to
be able to recognize myasthenic and cholinergic crises.

Despite the use of immunotherapy, anticholinesterase medi-
cation is still the mainstay of therapy for many myasthenic
patients. Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) is the most frequently used
anticholinesterase for the management of myasthenia gravis.
This medication is available in oral formulations (60-mg tablet
and syrup, 12 mg/mL). Pyridostigmine is absorbed from the
gut, although inactivation occurs, and the dosage required is
greater than with other agents. The onset of action is 30 to
60 minutes, and the peak effect is at 2 hours. There is little
effect after 4 hours. A sustained-action capsule is available,
but release and absorption are erratic, and this mode of delivery
is generally used only at bedtime. The usual starting dose of
pyridostigmine is 15 to 60 mg every 4 to 6 hours and can be
increased in 15- to 60-mg increments.

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538 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

The side effects of the anticholinesterases can be divided

into excess activity at nicotinic receptors (e.g., muscle cramps,
fasciculations, and increased weakness) and muscarinic side
effects (e.g., abdominal cramps, diarrhea, palpitations, sweat-
ing, increased nasal and bronchial secretions, increased
urination, bradycardia, salivation, and tearing). The musca-
rinic side effects can frequently be controlled by oral atro-
pine, 0.4 to 0.6 mg. The atropine is usually given with the
pyridostigmine but can be given half an hour before pyr-
idostigmine. Other medications used in the treatment of
myasthenia gravis are listed in Table 16-1.
Corticosteroids are used extensively in the treatment
of myasthenia gravis. Many patients experience complete
reversal of their weakness with this treatment alone.
Approximately 8% (44% of those patients treated with an
initial high dose) of patients with myasthenia gravis who
use steroids for the first time experience weakness. This
effect can be reduced by initiating therapy with a low dose
and gradually titrating the amount of steroid to achieve the
desired effect on the patient’s condition. An alternate-day
dosing schedule is preferable to daily dosing. If patients are
receiving long-term corticosteroids, appropriate preopera-
tive and postoperative supplementation to avoid adrenal
crisis will be necessary.
Azathioprine, at a dose of 2 to 3 mg/kg/day, has been used
in the treatment of myasthenia gravis. Improvement in strength
begins after 2 to 8 months, but the effect may not be maximal

TABLE 16-1 Anticholinesterase Drugs: Myasthenia Gravis

Drug and Dose Route Schedule
Pyridostigmine (Mestinon)* 60 mg PO, IV, IM q4–6h
Pyridostigmine (Timespan), 180 mg PO q8–10h
Neostigmine (Prostigmin), 15 mg PO, IV, IM q4–6h
Ambenonium (Mytelase), 30 mg PO q4–6h

*IV dose 1/30 the total oral dose, q4–6h; IM dose 1/60 the total oral dose, q4–6h.
IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, by mouth; q, every.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 539

until 12 to 24 months. The therapeutic effect is reported to oc-

cur only after the mean corpuscular volume increases by 10 U
above the baseline value. Cyclophosphamide, at 3 to 5 mg/kg/
day, preceded by 200 mg intravenously for 5 days, has been
used in patients who are refractory to other forms of treatment.
If cytotoxic agents are employed, patients should be assessed
preoperatively for the known effects of these drugs (e.g., leuko-
penia, hemorrhagic cystitis, and hepatotoxicity). Cyclosporine
and mycophenolate mofetil are immunosuppressants and
steroid-sparing agents that have been shown to be beneficial in
severe generalized, treatment-resistant myasthenia gravis.
Plasmapheresis is an effective short-term therapy for pa-
tients with severe weakness. It is particularly useful in the set-
ting of recent exacerbation and in preparation for surgical
procedures, and it can be used to offset the exacerbation of
weakness seen with initiation of corticosteroid therapy. Plasma-
pheresis is believed to remove acetylcholine receptor antibodies
and immune complexes. However, even patients who are sero-
negative for acetylcholine receptor antibodies may improve
with plasmapheresis. The goal is removal of 2 to 4 L of plasma
over 90 to 120 minutes three times a week, with 5% albumin
replacement on alternate days. This should be completed until
improvement in strength reaches a plateau. The onset of im-
provement is usually rapid, often beginning after the third ex-
change. Improvement usually lasts from 4 to 8 weeks. Plasma-
pheresis is being used increasingly with corticosteroids and
azathioprine. The complications of plasmapheresis in the peri-
operative period are electrolyte imbalance, thrombosis, removal
of clotting factors, and plasma-bound drugs.
Patients have been reported to improve with high doses
of intravenous human immunoglobulin (Ig). The mechanism
of action is poorly understood. Doses of 0.4g/kg/day over 2 to
5 days are associated with an improvement during the first
week that lasts for weeks to months. Transient leukopenia is
usually found in the first 24 to 48 hours. Aseptic meningitis
and renal failure are seen uncommonly. Before administration
of intravenous Ig, patients should be screened for selective IgA

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540 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

deficiency because an anaphylactic reaction to the IgA in IgG

preparations can occur. The effect of intravenous Ig has a rela-
tively short duration, and this agent can be used in the periop-
erative period in a manner similar to plasmapheresis.
Thymectomy is now widely used for myasthenic patients
less than 60 years of age. The best results have been obtained
with the transcervical-transsternal surgical approach. In a
series of patients without thymoma, 96% benefited from the
surgical procedure, 79% were symptom free, 46% were in
remission, and 33% were symptom free when receiving
minimal doses of pyridostigmine. No clear-cut relationship
exists between the presence or titer of acetylcholine receptor
antibodies and the patient’s response to surgical procedures.

Perioperative Considerations
Numerous medications affect the myoneural junction and
may exacerbate myasthenia gravis (Table 16-2). Local anes-
thetics of the ester group (cocaine, procaine, amethocaine)
should be avoided because they are hydrolyzed by cholines-
terase. Alternatively, anesthetics of the amide group (ligno-
caine, prilocaine, mepivacaine, bupivacaine) can be used
because they are metabolized in the liver. Aminoglycoside
antibiotics (gentamicin, tobramycin, neomycin, kanamycin,
streptomycin) reduce the amount of acetylcholine released at
the neuromuscular junction and can cause exacerbation of

Perioperative Drugs That Exacerbate

TABLE 16-2
Myasthenia Gravis
Local Cardiac
Anesthetics Antibiotics Medications Analgesics
Cocaine Gentamicin Quinidine Morphine
Procaine Tobramycin Procainamide Meperidine
Amethocaine Neomycin Propranolol Barbiturates
Lidocaine Kanamycin

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 541

the patient’s weakness and refractoriness to anticholinester-

ase medications. Other drugs such as morphine, quinidine,
procainamide, and -adrenergic blockers can worsen the
neuromuscular transmission defect and exacerbate myasthe-
nia gravis. If the preceding drugs are required in the periop-
erative period, they should be used with caution, with close
monitoring of the patient’s respiratory status.
Patients with myasthenia gravis can experience myas-
thenic crisis or cholinergic crisis with pulmonary impair-
ment in the perioperative period. Myasthenic crisis is a
worsening of the disease that may be a result of the sur-
gery, an alteration of medication, postoperative infection,
or part of the natural history of the disease. A cholinergic
crisis may occur when the patient receives an excess of
anticholinesterase medication. This excess leads to satu-
ration of the same receptors as acetylcholine uses and
decreases neuromuscular transmission. Both types of
crisis may result in respiratory depression and failure.
Crisis is treated by securing the airway and ventilating
the patient [ C Younger et al, 1997].
Postoperatively, the pulmonary care of the patient is most
important. A prediction scale for the likelihood of need
for mechanical ventilation has been shown to have a pre-
dictive accuracy of 91% (Table 16-3). Reinstitution of
medication, incentive spirometry, and early mobilization

Myathenia Gravis: Risk Factors

TABLE 16-3
for Mechanical Ventilation
Preoperative Factors Points
Duration of myasthenia gravis 6 yr 12
History of chronic respiratory disease 10
Pyridostigmine dose 750 mg/day 8
Vital capacity 2.9 L 4
Risk Factor Prediction
10: Tracheal intubation
10–34: Requires ventilator

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542 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

are all part of postoperative pulmonary care [ C Leventhal

et al, 1980].

Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetically deter-
mined progressive myopathies. Each type of muscular dystro-
phy has specific genetic inheritance, medical problems, and
long-term prognostic factors. The most frequently encoun-
tered myopathies are reviewed in this section.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is inherited as an X-linked
recessive trait and is the most common and severe of the
myopathies. The onset is in early childhood, and the disease
follows a progressive downhill course, with patients confined
to a wheelchair at a mean age of 9.5 years. Survival after the
age of 25 years is rare. Seventy percent of deaths among pa-
tients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy are from respira-
tory failure alone. Approximately 12% of deaths may be at-
tributable to cardiac causes, but it is often difficult to
distinguish between primary involvement of the cardiac
muscle and cardiac decompensation caused by nocturnal
hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension.
Becker’s dystrophy is a milder, less common allelic form of
Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The muscle weakness is a
slowly progressive process, with survival into the fourth and
fifth decades of life. Pulmonary insufficiency is the major
long-term problem.
Myotonic dystrophy is manifested as an autosomal domi-
nant trait (chromosome 19) with variable expression, with an
age of onset in the teens or 20s. It is probably the most fre-
quently encountered muscular dystrophy in a general hospi-
tal. This disorder appears most commonly in the second and
third decades of life, but a congenital form has been observed.
The myopathy is slowly progressive, involving proximal and
distal muscle groups; death occurs in the fifth and sixth
decades of life. Myotonia is manifested clinically by an im-
paired ability to relax skeletal muscle. This can be seen by the

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 543

inability to release a handshake or by percussion of the thenar

muscles. Cardiac conduction abnormalities and respiratory
insufficiency are the most frequent causes of death. Systemic
weakness occurs with other associated findings, such as the
following: frontal balding; high, arched palate; subcapsular
cataracts; testicular atrophy; esophageal dysfunction; and
glucose intolerance. The electromyogram has a characteristic
spontaneous discharge that varies in amplitude and frequency
and sounds like a “dive bomber.”
The pulmonary deficit seen in chronic neuromuscular
disease is somewhat different from that seen with acute neu-
romuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis in which mus-
cular weakness itself is the main problem. In the chronic
muscular dystrophies, the long-standing weakness pro-
duces other problems, including the following: scoliosis,
which can compromise respiratory function; widespread
microatelectasis with reduced lung compliance; recurrent
sleep-related hypoxemia; thoracic mechanical abnormali-
ties; a weak cough with retained secretions and repeated
infections; and ventilation/perfusion imbalance. All these
problems may be further complicated by a central disor-
der of ventilatory control [ C Oliveira et al, 2004].
The role of the consultant in preparing these patients for
surgical procedures is to assess the degree of respiratory impair-
ment and cardiac status with regard to myocardial function and
arrhythmias and to assist with ventilatory management in the
postoperative period.

Perioperative Considerations
Pulmonary assessment is directed to the degree of restrictive
disease and the oxygenation status of the patient. Pulmonary
function tests, with and without bronchodilators, and arterial
blood gas determinations are performed preoperatively. The
respiratory disability in patients with muscular dystrophy is
a product of reduced muscle strength and decreased pulmo-
nary and chest wall compliance. This is especially apparent

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544 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

when the respiratory system is stressed by ventilatory load-

ing. The vital capacity closely reflects the degree of general
disability from the time patients become confined to a wheel-
chair and appears to offer an accurate prognostic index. Pa-
tients with myotonic dystrophy may exhibit intercostal myo-
tonia, which may interfere with regular breathing and result
in respiratory complications. These patients also have
oropharyngeal dysfunction and are at risk for aspiration
pneumonia. The myotonia may be improved by use of the
medications listed in Table 16-4.
Special attention should be given to the adverse affects of
anesthetic agents used in patients with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. Acute hyperkalemia has been reported in these
patients following administration of succinylcholine. Malig-
nant hyperthermia (MH) has been reported following the
administration of succinylcholine. These potential problems
can be minimized by using narcotics instead of potent volatile
anesthetics and nondepolarizing muscle relaxants instead of
succinylcholine. Temperature should be monitored, and dan-
trolene should always be available for immediate use in case
MH occurs. Local and regional anesthesia may be adequate
for many of the surgical procedures these patients require.
Weaning from mechanical ventilation can be a problem in
patients with chronic neuromuscular disease. In some cases,
the imbalance between respiratory workload and respiratory
muscle endurance is so severe and unremitting that standard
weaning techniques are unsuccessful. Inspiratory muscle re-
sistive training has been used successfully in some patients.

TABLE 16-4 Treatment of Myotonia

Drug Route Dose
Phenytoin PO, IV 5 mg/kg/day (q6h)
Procainamide PO, IV 50 mg/kg/day (q6h)
Quinidine PO 5–10 mg/kg/day (q6h)

IV, intravenously; PO, by mouth; q, every.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 545

The high frequency of cardiac abnormalities in myotonic

muscular dystrophy results mainly from electrocardiographic
conduction problems or atrial arrhythmias. The most com-
mon electrocardiographic abnormalities are a prolonged
P-R interval, QRS widening, and atrial arrhythmias.
Cases of complete heart block have been reported. In
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, cardiomyopathy with car-
diac failure is common [ C Bertorini, 2004].
Preoperative assessment includes an electrocardiogram
and an echocardiogram. Cardiac consultation may be re-
quired, depending on the degree of the patient’s cardiac
impairment and the need for intensive care unit management

Malignant Hyperthermia
MH is a rare, fatal complication of general anesthesia caused
by an inherited myopathy. After exposure to inhaled anes-
thetics or depolarizing muscle relaxants, susceptible indi-
viduals experience a hypermetabolic state characterized by
tachycardia, hyperpyrexia, fluctuation in blood pressure,
metabolic and respiratory acidosis, cyanosis, and muscle ri-
gidity. Multiple organ failure and death may result if the
entity is not recognized and treated promptly.
The incidence of MH reactions in North America and
Europe is approximately 1 in 15,000 anesthesia procedures
in children and ranges from 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 150,000
anesthesia procedures in middle-aged adults. Clinical mani-
festations can occur with the presence of one autosomal
dominant gene or two autosomal recessive genes.
The detection of susceptible individuals before anesthesia
and surgery is of primary concern. Frequently, nothing in the
clinical history or physical examination suggests that the
patient may acquire MH. However, the following should alert
the clinician to the possibility. Patients with a family history
of unusual reactions or death from anesthesia are at risk for
the development of MH. A history of unexplained muscle

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546 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

cramps or weakness, or both, with unexplained febrile re-

sponses or any difficulties in temperature control can mean
potential susceptibility. The muscles in susceptible individu-
als are frequently round and bulky, with subclinical muscle
weakness. Other associated clinical findings include strabis-
mus, ptosis, kyphoscoliosis, hernia, club foot, and joint dis-
locations. Creatine kinase may be elevated in some, but not
all, susceptible patients. The most definitive test is the in vi-
tro contracture response of muscle to halothane and caffeine.
This is an invasive test requiring a muscle biopsy and is not
practical for general screening.
The pathophysiology of MH is not fully known. The most
likely mechanism is a rise in concentration of myoplasmic cal-
cium. Possible mechanisms that have been implicated include
the following: excessive release of calcium from or decreased
reuptake of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, or both;
decreased reuptake by the mitochondria; excessively fragile
sarcolemma with passive diffusion of calcium into the myo-
plasm from the extracellular fluid; and exaggeration of adre-
nergic innervation, with resulting multiple indirect effects.
Skeletal muscle rigidity and difficulty with endotracheal
intubation, instead of the flaccid paralysis normally expected
with anesthesia induction with succinylcholine, characterize
an acute reaction. This reaction frequently begins in the mas-
seter muscles. The most consistent early feature of an MH
crisis is persistent sinus tachycardia. This occurs in 90% of
patients within 30 minutes of anesthesia induction. Ventricu-
lar tachycardia may also occur. Instability of the systolic blood
pressure secondary to increased cardiac output and arteriolar
spasm results in hypertension. Hypotension occurs before
cardiac arrest. The hypercatabolic state produces rapid, deep
respirations (for the excretion of carbon dioxide) and exces-
sive body temperature. A rise in the carbon dioxide tension is
the first parameter that may be noticed. The patient has con-
comitant respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis (lactic
acidosis). Frequently, there is a transient dilation of the

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 547

vascular smooth muscle, resulting in a flush on the anterior

chest. This is followed by vascular spasm and cyanosis. This
process is not reversible with 100% oxygen. The rise in tem-
perature is the result of both an increase in heat production
and a decrease in heat loss from the peripheral vasospasm.
Factors known to induce MH are shown in Table 16-5.

The mainstay of treatment in MH is dantrolene sodium (Dan-
trium). Dantrolene is a phenytoin derivative that attenuates
calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. An initial
intravenous dose of 2.5 mg/kg is given and repeated every 5 to
10 minutes until a maximal dose of 10 mg/kg is given or until
the episode is controlled. Control of MH is marked by decreas-
ing temperature, decreasing muscle rigidity, and improving
acid-base balance. Dantrolene has a half-life of 5 hours and
should be continued for 24 hours at 1 to 2 mg/kg in four
divided doses following control of the MH episode. Dantrolene
should be reinstituted immediately if signs of increased me-
tabolism or acidosis develop.
Symptomatic treatment of MH includes the administra-
tion of sodium bicarbonate at 1 to 4 mg/kg in accordance
with blood gas pH measurements, maintenance of adequate
urine output with intravenous fluids, and cooling of body
temperature with a cooling blanket. The patient should be
monitored in the intensive care unit with blood gas determi-
nations, complete blood count, electrolyte determinations
(especially potassium), and creatine kinase. Patients thought
to have MH can be pretreated with dantrolene, 2.5 mg/kg
1 hour preoperatively and then 4 to 7 mg/kg/day in
divided intravenous doses [ C Larach et al, 1987].

Critical Care Neuropathy and Myopathy

Myoclonus is the most common movement disorder seen in
the postoperative period, and myoclonic shivering is ob-
served routinely as patients awaken from general anesthesia.

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Ch16-X2385_535_580.indd 548
TABLE 16-5 Medications and Their Relationship to Malignant Hyperthermia

Triggering Agents Potential Triggering Agents Safe Agents

Inhalational Anesthetics Calcium, potassium salts Nitrous oxide
Halothane Ketamine Barbiturates
Enflurane Catecholamines Local anesthetics
Isoflurane Phenothiazines Narcotics
Desflurane Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Nondepolarizing relaxants
Sevoflurane Antibiotics

Depolarizing Blockers Propranolol

Succinylcholine Propofol
Decamethonium Benzodiazepines

From Kaus SJ, Rocko MA: Malignant hyperthermia. Pediatr Clin North Am 41:233, 1994.
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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 549

Many drugs can induce myoclonus, some of which may be

administered in the operating room or recovery room. The
anesthetic agents etomidate and enflurane, penicillins, imi-
penem, quinolones, intravenous contrast media, dopamine-
receptor blockers, and the opioids fentanyl and meperidine
may cause myoclonus in the postoperative period.
Extensive evidence has accumulated that a type of axonal
sensorimotor polyneuropathy, termed critical illness polyneu-
ropathy, frequently occurs in patients who have multiorgan
failure or who have received treatment, lasting a week or more,
for sepsis. The acute myopathy of intensive care is associated
with the use of intravenous corticosteroids and nondepolariz-
ing neuromuscular junction blocking agents. Affected patients
experience acute, diffuse, flaccid weakness often associated
with failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. Creatine ki-
nase elevations occur in many of these patients. With treat-
ment of the underlying disorder and discontinuation of corti-
costeroids, the myopathy improves over weeks to months.
Histopathologic evaluation shows predominantly a loss of
thick (myosin) filaments. The medical consultant should rec-
ognize these entities so that appropriate supportive care can be
given to the patient and should also be aware that it may take
more time to wean the patient from the ventilator. Manage-
ment consists of treating the underlying disease, discontinuing
steroids, and adding physical therapy.

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurologic
disorders the medical consultant will encounter in preopera-
tive evaluation. This slowly progressive, degenerative disease is
characterized pathophysiologically by a depletion of dopamine
in the striatonigral pathways. Most cases are idiopathic, but
atherosclerosis, infection, trauma, and medications can pro-
duce a parkinsonian syndrome. Tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia,
and impaired postural reflexes are cardinal manifestations of
the syndrome. Another important clinical manifestation is

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550 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

autonomic dysfunction manifested by orthostatic hypoten-

sion, inability to control temperature, abnormal sweating, and
Several types of swallowing abnormalities have been iden-
tified in parkinsonian patients, such as the following: abnor-
mal lingual control of swallowing; lingual festination, in
which the elevated tongue prevents passage of the bolus of
food into the pharynx; delayed swallowing reflex, with re-
duced pharyngeal peristalsis and aspiration; repetitive and
involuntary reflux from the vallecula and piriform sinuses
into the oral cavity; and difficulty in swallowing pills, with
retention in the vallecula for long periods. Most patients with
moderate to severe Parkinson’s disease have one or more of
these abnormalities. These abnormalities may or may not
respond to antiparkinsonian medication. Patients with mod-
erate to severe Parkinson’s disease and patients who com-
plain of swallowing difficulties should have their swallowing
evaluated by a video barium swallow preoperatively. If an
abnormality exists, patients can be taught preoperatively the
voluntary airway protection technique, in which they are
instructed to hold the breath, tilt the chin to the chest, swal-
low, cough, and then swallow again.
The medical consultant’s major concern is the periop-
erative effect of impaired motor dysfunction resulting
from withdrawal of parkinsonian medication [ C Galvez-
Jimenez and Lang, 2004]. The expected worsening of par-
kinsonian rigidity and bradykinesia coupled with swallow-
ing difficulties and the inability to clear oral and pulmonary
secretions make these patients prone to postoperative com-
plications such as aspiration pneumonia and deep vein

Parkinsonian Medications
The cardiovascular system is affected by antiparkinsonian
therapy. The metabolite of levodopa and levodopa-
carbidopa therapy, dopamine, acts on three receptors in the
cardiovascular system. Dopamine acts directly on myocardial

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 551

-adrenergic receptors, and the result is release of norepine-

phrine, which can be arrhythmogenic. To avoid this compli-
cation, at least 100 mg of carbidopa, the peripheral decar-
boxylase inhibitor, is recommended. Dopamine affects
-adrenergic receptors and thus causes vasoconstriction and
elevation in blood pressure. Vasodilation of renal and mesen-
teric vessels results from stimulation of the dopaminergic
receptor, which can cause hypotension. Levodopa-carbidopa
has a duration of action of 3 to 4 hours. Because of the short
duration of action, these drugs can be given the night before
the surgical procedure, to avoid arrhythmias in the periop-
erative period.
Bromocriptine and pergolide are dopamine agonists that
are classified as ergots. These agents have been linked to cases
of valvulopathy and pulmonary fibrosis. Because of these
risks, these drugs are no longer used for the management of
Parkinson’s disease. Nonergot drugs, which include ropinirole
and pramipexole, are currently used for treatment.
Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel) is an anti-influenza
drug. It acts in Parkinson’s disease by releasing endogenous
dopamine. It is generally used as adjunct therapy.
Selegiline hydrochloride (Eldepryl) is a monoamine oxi-
dase (MAO) inhibitor. One of the pathways of metabolism of
dopamine is through the MAO system. Inhibition of this
system decreases the amount of dopamine broken down and
increases the amount of dopamine in the nigrostriatal path-
ways. Selegiline is used as an adjunct with levodopa-
carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. The most
common side effects are dizziness, nausea, and fainting.
Antiparkinsonian medications are shown in Tables 16-6
and 16-7. Rasagiline (Azilect) is a second-generation MAO-B
inhibitor structurally related to selegiline, but it is more
potent and more selective for MAO-B, and it does not have
the amphetamine metabolite that selegiline possesses. This
newer agent can be used in monotherapy or adjunct therapy.
Its main side effects are nausea, hypotension, dizziness, ab-
dominal pain, and confusion.

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552 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

Antiparkinsonian Medications
TABLE 16-6
(Dopaminergic Action)*
Drug Dose Schedule
Carbidopa/levodopa 10 mg/100 mg, 0.5–1 g/day up to 8 g/day
(Parcopa) 25 mg/100 mg,
25 mg/250 mg Tablets/capsules
Carbidopa/levodopa 10/100 mg, 25/100 mg, 1 tablet, tid; titrate up-
(Sinemet)† 25/250 mg ward based on clinical
Monoamine Oxidase-B Inhibitors
Selegiline (Eldepryl) 5 mg 5–10 mg bid
Rasagiline (Azilect) 0.5 mg, 1 mg 0.5 mg adjunct therapy
Dopamine Agonists (Nonergot)
Ropinirole 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, Titrate to maximum dose
(Requip) 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg, 3 mg tid
5 mg
Pramipexole 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, Titrate to maximum dose
(Mirapex) 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg 1.5 mg tid
Entacapone (Comtan) 200 mg 200 mg tid
Entacapone  12.5 mg/50 mg/200 mg tid dosing
carbidopa/ 25 mg/100 mg/200 mg tid dosing
levodopa 37.5 mg/150 mg/200 mg tid dosing

*Bromocriptine and pergolide no longer used because of valvulopathy and

pulmonary fibrosis. Individual patients may require more than one medication and
more than one dosage regimen in any 24-hour period.

Sinemet CR no longer used because of erratic absorption.
bid, twice daily; tid, three times daily.

Perioperative Considerations
Pulmonary care in the perioperative period is directed
toward the restrictive lung impairment secondary to the
rigidity and bradykinesia of the respiratory muscles. This
problem is exacerbated by the postoperative withdrawal
of antiparkinsonian medication. In addition, kyphosis,
pharyngeal dysfunction, and sialorrhea compound the
restrictive dysfunction [ C Frucht, 2004].

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 553

Antiparkinsonian Medications
TABLE 16-7
(Anticholinergic Action)
Drug Dose Schedule
(Artane) 2 mg 5 mg tid
(Cogentin) 2 mg; 1-mg ampule 2 mg tid or 0.5–1 mg IM, up
to 1–7 mg/day
Procyclidine 10 mg 10 mg qid
Diphenhydramine 50-mg ampule 10–50 mg IM/IV, up to 150 mg/day

IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; qid, four times daily; tid, three times

These mechanisms collectively result in respiratory com-

promise. Preoperatively, pulmonary function tests and arte-
rial blood gas determinations are obtained to assess the de-
gree of impairment. Postoperatively, management includes
incentive spirometry, postural drainage, percussion, and rein-
stitution of antiparkinsonian medications. In an uncontrolled
trial, levodopa was shown to improve minute ventilation and
vital capacity in patients with parkinsonism.
If the patient is unable to take oral medication, parenteral
anticholinergic drugs (e.g., biperiden, benztropine, or diphen-
hydramine) can be used (see Table 16-7). These drugs can be
given parenterally (intravenously or intramuscularly) for the
management of rigidity and bradykinesia. They should be used
in as low a dose as possible because they may precipitate an
acute confusional state in the postoperative period. Diphenhy-
dramine, an H1-receptor blocking antihistamine that has cen-
tral anticholinergic activity, has been used as the sole agent in
ophthalmic surgery. Diphenhydramine administered in 25-mg
increments produces a well-sedated patient with minimal
tremor. With this regimen, oversedation or delirium is rare.
The need for postoperative intensive care depends on the
degree of pulmonary disease, hypotension necessitating

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554 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

volume replacement, and concomitant medical problems.

The major perioperative management of a patient with Par-
kinson’s disease involves assessment of pulmonary function,
correct application of antiparkinsonian medications, and
maintenance of volume status.
All antiparkinsonian medications are active in the central
nervous system and can cause an alteration in mental status.
Carbidopa-levodopa, amantadine, and anticholinergic agents
can produce side effects such as dyskinesias, dizziness, hal-
lucinations, dystonia, confusion, somnolence, and insomnia.
It is important to recognize this possibility in the postopera-
tive elderly patient, in whom reinstituting medication or
altering the dosage can produce significant neurologic side

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurologic disorders
encountered in clinical practice, affecting an estimated 2 to
4 million people in the United States, approximately 1 in
50 children and 1 in 100 adults. Seizures are classified into
(1) partial seizures with elementary symptoms (these may
occur without an alteration in consciousness, e.g., focal mo-
tor seizures), (2) partial seizures with complex symptoms
(temporal lobe or psychomotor seizures), and (3) generalized
seizures (petit mal, grand mal, tonic-clonic seizures). The
complete classification of seizures is complex and is not dis-
cussed here; however, the problem facing the consultant is
not the diagnosis or classification of the seizure disorder but
management of the antiepileptic drugs and prevention of
recurrent seizure activity preoperatively and postoperatively.
Stage I (excitation) and stage II (delirium) of anesthesia are
the periods of risk for seizure activity. Knowledge of the phar-
macokinetics and toxicity of antiepileptic drugs is important
for the prevention of seizures and for understanding the
possible adverse reactions in the patient undergoing surgery.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 555

Categorization of Patients
Preoperative patients with seizure disorders who are to un-
dergo elective or emergency surgical procedures can be clas-
sified as having well-controlled or poorly controlled disor-
ders. Contributing factors are sought for the patient with a
poorly controlled seizure disorder such as noncompliance,
alcohol ingestion, or concurrent illness.
Treatment Modalities
Phenytoin is the most frequently used parenteral antiepileptic
drug. To avoid the risks of hypotension and asystole, this drug
must be administered in saline solution or lactated Ringer’s
solution at a rate no faster than 50 mg/minute. An oral load-
ing schedule of an initial 400 mg, followed by 300 mg every
2 hours for a total of 1 g, will achieve a therapeutic range of
phenytoin. Phenytoin should not be given intramuscularly or
rectally because of erratic absorption. Phenytoin is given in an
intravenous loading dose of 15 to 18 mg/kg and a mainte-
nance dose of 4 to 8 mg/kg/day. When given intravenously,
phenytoin should be given in divided doses.
Fosphenytoin sodium is a water-soluble prodrug of
phenytoin that can be administered intravenously and intra-
muscularly. It has the advantages of being better tolerated at
the injection site, and a loading dose of 15 to 20 mg/kg can be
given at a rate of 150 mg/minute. Fosphenytoin may be given
intramuscularly when intravenous access is not available.
Phenobarbital is the second most frequently used paren-
teral antiepileptic medication. It is given in a loading dose of
2 to 6 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 1 to 5 mg/kg/day. It
can be given intramuscularly or intravenously if the oral
route is not available. If administered parenterally, phenobar-
bital should be given in divided doses.
Many newer antiepileptic drugs are available (Table 16-8).
These agents are all formulated as oral preparations, except for
valproate sodium and levetiracetam, which are available in
parenteral form. Valproate sodium is given at 10 to 15 mg/kg/

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TABLE 16-8 Anticonvulsant Medication (Adult Dosing)
Drug Route Half Life Range (mg/L) Dose
Phenytoin (Dilantin) PO, IV 2412 10–20 mg/L 200–600 mg/day
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) PO 9–15 8–12 mg/mL 400–2000 mg/day divided dose
Oxcarbazepine PO 9 10–35 mg/mL 300–2400 mg/day divided dose
Valproic acid (Depakene) PO 5–20 50–100 mg/L 1000–3000 mg/day divided dose
Valproate sodium IV 5–20 50–100 mg/L 10–15 mg/kg/day
administered over 1 hr (20 mg/min)
Divalproex sodium (Depakote) PO 6–16 hr 50–100 mg/L 750–3000 mg
Phenobarbital (Luminal) PO, IV, IM 24–110 hr 10–40 mg/L 60–240 mg/day
Primidone PO 12–36 hr 6–12 mg/L 500–2000 mg/day
Clonazepam (Klonopin) PO 18–50 hr 20–80 g/mL 0.5–20 mg/kg; divided doses
Diazepam IV, PO, IM, IV, 0.5–4 100–1000 mg/L 0.3 mg/kg, maximum 20 mg
PO 24
Lorazepam IV, PO, IM, IV 1-4 10–30 mg/L 2 mg IV followed by another 2 mg; can repeat up to 6-8 mg
Ethosuximide (Zarontin) PO 30–60 hr 40–80 mg/L 20–40 mg/kg/day divided dose
Topiramate (Topamax) PO 20 hr 15 mg 200–400 mg/day
Levetiracetam (Keppra) PO 6–8 hr N/A 1000–3000 mg/day
Felbamate (Felbatol) PO 14–20 hr N/A 1200–3600 mg/day
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) PO 11–60 hr N/A 300–500 mg/day; 100–150 mg/day with other medications
Zonisamide (Zonegran) PO 60 hr N/A 400–600 mg/day
Gabapentin (Neurontin) PO 5–7 hr N/A 900–1800 mg/day
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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 557

day in divided doses. It should be administered over 1 hour at

faster than 20 mg/minute. In patients who develop multifocal
myoclonus secondary to a hypoxic event (e.g., following car-
diac arrest), benzodiazepines and valproic acid are the drugs
of choice.

Perioperative Considerations
Seizures can occur following withdrawal from any sedative-
hypnotic medication, but patients in withdrawal from alcohol
or barbiturates are particularly prone to generalized convul-
sions. Acute ingestion of alcohol can also cause alcoholic ke-
toacidosis and hypoglycemia. If the patient has no history of
a previous seizure disorder, a toxicology screen should be
obtained. Seizures associated with enflurane administration
may occur during inhalation induction, on emergence, or
during the postoperative period. Local anesthetic overdose
(excessive dose of local anesthetic, intravascular injection, or
rapid uptake) can cause generalized convulsions. Meperidine
in large doses, or administered to patients receiving MAO
inhibitors, may cause seizures. Seizures may also be seen after
injection of retrobulbar block for ophthalmic surgery.
Most nonepileptic patients with perioperative seizures
have a metabolic derangement. Hyponatremia is common
after subarachnoid hemorrhage, and hypercalcemia may be
seen after thyroid or parathyroid surgical procedures. Patients
with seizures postoperatively should be screened for electrolyte
abnormalities guided by the operative procedure and the
preoperative electrolyte balance. Acute organ failure from any
cause may produce seizures. Sepsis can cause seizures and
should be considered in any trauma patient with an obvious
source of infection or with spillage of bowel contents. Rapidly
developing MH may manifest with seizures. Although alcohol
withdrawal may cause generalized seizures, many alcoholic
patients have a predisposing cause for the development of a
chronic seizure disorder, such as head trauma. If the seizure is
clearly a generalized withdrawal seizure, no chronic anticon-
vulsant medication is generally required. The convulsion can

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558 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

be aborted with either diazepam or lorazepam. If the seizure is

focal, it generally implies an underlying structural brain patho-
logic condition, and the patient should receive long-term anti-
convulsant medication. In situations that are not clearly with-
drawal seizures, an electroencephalogram (EEG) can be helpful.
In withdrawal seizures, the EEG is normal. If the EEG shows a
potential epileptic focus, the patient should receive long-term
anticonvulsant therapy. Commonly used anticonvulsants are
shown in Table 16-8.
The use of prophylactic anticonvulsants in neurologically
injured patients is controversial. Patients with head injuries
have a 5% risk of having a seizure in the first week, and an-
other 5% of patients will have a seizure some time after the
first week. In patients with trauma, risk factors known to pre-
dispose to epilepsy are linear skull fracture (6%), age
less than 5 years (9%), depressed skull fracture (10%), post-
traumatic amnesia exceeding 24 hours (12%), focal neurologic
deficit (13%), and intracranial hematoma (27%). Twenty-five
percent of early epilepsy occurs within 1 hour of the injury,
and 25% occurs within 24 hours of the injury. Approximately
two thirds of patients who have a single seizure will have a
second episode, and 25% will have late seizures. Late epilepsy
is more likely to develop in patients with an acute hematoma
(31%), early epilepsy (25%), or depressed skull fractures
(15%). Fifty percent of late seizures occur within the first year,
with a progressive decrease in each subsequent year. The risk
after 5 years is equal to that of the general population. Fifty
percent of late seizures are focal, 35% of patients have frequent
seizures, and 25% have long-term remissions.
The incidence of seizures following intracranial surgery de-
pends on the underlying pathologic condition, the location, and
the degree of brain retraction required to perform the proce-
dure. In surgical procedures requiring extensive retraction, the
incidence of postoperative seizures is approximately 25% (e.g.,
intracranial versus carotid ligation for aneurysmal surgery). In
patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, seizures occur with the

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 559

initial bleeding and at the time of rebleeding. Late seizures occur

in approximately 10% of survivors. The incidence seems to be
highest with middle cerebral artery aneurysms.
Patients with brain tumors are at risk for the development
of seizures inversely related to the malignancy of the tumor,
that is, oligodendroglioma (81%), astrocytoma (66%), epen-
dymoma (50%), glioblastoma (42%), meningioma (40%),
and metastases (19%). The location of the tumor is also im-
portant; seizures are more frequent in tumors around the
motor cortex and are less common in tumors involving the
occipital cortex. Approximately 50% of patients with subdu-
ral empyema and 36% to 79% of patients with intracerebral
abscesses experience seizures.
Phenytoin and phenobarbital are the most common anti-
convulsants used for seizure prophylaxis. Approximately
10% of patients have toxic side effects that cause the medica-
tion to be changed or altered. Based on this information,
many consultants recommend prophylaxis in those patients
who are at a 15% risk of development of seizures. Included
in this risk category are the following: patients with intracra-
nial abscess or subdural empyema; postoperative trauma in
patients with intracranial hematoma, early posttraumatic
seizures, penetrating head wounds, and depressed skull frac-
tures; patients with tumors located near the motor strip; and
surgical procedures in which a seizure would produce cata-
strophic results, for example, a rapid rise in intracranial pres-
sure. The length of time that patients should receive prophy-
laxis is unknown, but most continue for 1 to 3 years.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States,
after myocardial infarction and cancer. Stroke also accounts for
half of all patients hospitalized for acute neurologic disease.

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560 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

The major risk factors for stroke are age, hypertension, coinci-
dent coronary heart disease, diabetes, and smoking. Stroke is
a syndrome and includes hemodynamic obstruction, artery-
to-artery emboli, occlusion of small penetrating arteries pro-
ducing a lacunar infarction, cardiogenic emboli, ruptured in-
tracranial aneurysms, and intracranial hemorrhages.
Large multicenter clinical trials have provided the clini-
cian with information regarding the management of the pa-
tient with cerebrovascular disease:
1. Prevention of Cerebral Ischemic Events in Patients with
Noncardioembolic Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or
Stroke: Acceptable options for initial therapy are as follows:
aspirin, at a dose of 50 to 325 mg once daily; or the
combination of aspirin, 25 mg, and extended-release di-
pyridamole, 200 mg, twice daily; or clopidogrel, 75 mg,
once daily.
2. Prevention of Cardioembolic Cerebral Ischemic Events:
Atrial fibrillation is a risk factor for stroke, and that risk can
be reduced by anticoagulation with warfarin with an inter-
national normalized ratio (INR) of 2 to 3. Patients may re-
ceive aspirin for management if warfarin is contraindicated.
3. In patients with recent TIA or ischemic stroke within the last
6 months and ipsilateral severe carotid artery stenosis (70%
to 99%), carotid endarterectomy by a surgeon with a record
of perioperative morbidity and mortality of less than 6% is
recommended. When the degree of stenosis is less than
50%, there is no indication for carotid endarterectomy.
4. Among patients with symptomatic severe stenosis (70%)
in whom the stenosis is difficult to access surgically, who
have medical conditions that greatly increase the risk of
surgery, or when other specific circumstances exist such
as radiation-induced stenosis or restenosis after carotid
endarterectomy, carotid artery stenting is not inferior to
endarterectomy and may be considered.
5. Acute ischemic stroke: For eligible patients, tissue plas-
minogen activator is given within 3 hours of the clearly
defined symptom onset at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg (maximum,

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 561

90 mg), with 10% of the total dose administered as an

initial bolus and the remainder infused over 60 minutes.
Asymptomatic Carotid Bruit
A relatively common problem for the medical consultant is the
discovery of an asymptomatic carotid bruit on a preoperative
physical examination. Asymptomatic carotid bruits occur in
approximately 4% of patients who are more than 40 years old.
Ropper and associates found that 14% of all surgical patients
who were more than 55 years old had carotid bruits. The cor-
relation between the presence of a bruit and significant carotid
disease was found to be 21% by oculoplethysmography. In
contrast, 47% of the patients with cervical bruits had hemody-
namically significant stenosis by arteriography [Ropper et al,
1982]. One can conclude from these data that anywhere be-
tween 40% and 60% of asymptomatic patients with audible
cervical bruits will not have hemodynamically significant in-
ternal carotid lesions by noninvasive studies or arteriography.
The cervical bruit is more highly correlated with diffuse
arteriosclerosis and coronary artery disease than it is with he-
modynamically significant carotid disease. The annual risk for
stroke with an asymptomatic carotid bruit is approximately
2%. Longitudinal studies in patients with asymptomatic carotid
bruits have shown a higher incidence of cerebral ischemic
events when correlated with the degree and progression of the
stenosis. An increase in preoperative stroke has not been dem-
onstrated in patients with asymptomatic carotid bruits who are
undergoing general or vascular surgical procedures. In contrast,
the risk of stroke or TIA is increased 3.9-fold in the patient with
a carotid bruit who undergoes coronary artery bypass surgery.
This risk approaches the risk of stroke from carotid endarterec-
tomies of approximately 2.9% (Table 16-9).
Perioperative Considerations
Perioperative stroke is uncommon, occurring in 0.2% to
0.5% of patients undergoing general surgical procedures.
Patients undergoing aortoiliac surgery who are at additional
risk because of generalized atherosclerosis and intraoperative

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562 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

Suggested Limits of Surgical Morbidity

TABLE 16-9
and Mortality for Carotid Endarterectomy
Indication Limit
Absence of symptoms 3%
Transient ischemic attacks 5%
Ischemic strokes 7%
Recurrent carotid disease in same artery postendarterectomy 10%

hypotension have a perioperative stroke rate of 1%. Strokes,

if they occur, tend to take place in the postoperative period.
Hart found that 83% of strokes occurred postoperatively,
and 17% occurred during the operative period. Presumed
cardiogenic embolism with atrial fibrillation is a common
finding (33%).
The presence of a carotid bruit without symptoms may raise
the risk of postoperative stroke 1%. Patients with ultrasound-
documented carotid stenosis have a perioperative stroke risk of
3.6%. Patients with a prior history of stroke have a 2.9% inci-
dence of postoperative stroke. One case-controlled study de-
fined adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for increasing the risk of
perioperative stroke as follows: prior stroke (AOR, 12.51),
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AOR, 7.51), and pe-
ripheral artery disease (AOR, 5.35).
A strong association exists between carotid artery disease
and coronary artery disease. Aggregate data show a consis-
tently higher percentage of cardiac deaths than stroke deaths
following TIA. Approximately 70% of all late deaths follow-
ing carotid endarterectomy have a cardiac cause.
Perioperative Considerations
In patients with a recent stroke or TIA who need surgery, the
following question arises: At what time is it appropriate to
proceed with a surgical procedure? Because it can take up to
2 weeks for cerebral autoregulation to return to baseline
after an ischemic stroke, deferring elective surgical proce-
dures for 2 weeks at minimum after a moderate or large

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 563

stroke seems reasonable to prevent hypotension-induced

enlargement of the ischemic penumbra [ C Whisnant et al,
1983]. If the patient is having recurrent TIAs with an appro-
priate carotid lesion, we recommend evaluation of the carotid
disease and urgent surgical repair.
A combined procedure is used only in patients with neuro-
logic symptoms in conjunction with unstable coronary artery
disease and who have a high-grade (80%) carotid stenosis.
Patients with embolic strokes related to valvular heart disease,
prosthetic valves, or dysrhythmia are frequently maintained on
long-term warfarin.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Rupture of an intracranial aneurysm is a catastrophic event.
Approximately 27,000 patients in the United States and
Canada suffer from a ruptured intracranial aneurysm every
year. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is more common in women
than in men (2:1). Of those 27,000 patients, approximately
10,000 die of the initial insult, 3000 die of a massive hemor-
rhage, and 7000 die as a result of misdiagnosis or a delay in
surgery. Of the 17,000 patients who reach neurosurgical care,
approximately 50% of them die or become disabled.
Rebleeding is one of the major causes of death and dis-
ability after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Two to 4% of patients
hemorrhage again within the first 24 hours after the initial
episode, and approximately 15% to 20% bleed a second time
within the first 2 weeks. The recent emphasis has been on
early clipping or coiling of the aneurysm to prevent the
bleeding. Patients who have grade III or greater in the Hunt
modified system (Table 16-10) are generally submitted to
early angiography and immediate surgical clipping or coiling
of the aneurysm. This approach prevents recurrent bleeding
and allows for the treatment of vasospasm.
Angiographic evidence of vasospasm following subarach-
noid hemorrhage occurs in approximately 60% of patients.
The angiographic appearance of vasospasm is correlated with

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564 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

Hunt and Hess Classification

TABLE 16-10
of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Grade Clinical Symptoms
I Asymptomatic bleeding or minimal headache and slight nuchal
Ia Fixed neurologic deficit with no acute meningeal or brain
II Moderate to severe headache and nuchal rigidity; no neuro-
logic deficit other than cranial nerve palsy
III Drowsiness, confusion, or mild focal deficit
IV Stupor, moderate to severe hemiparesis, possibly early decere-
brate rigidity or vegetative disturbances
V Deep coma, decerebrate rigidity, moribund status

the appearance of delayed cerebral ischemia, which is some-

times referred to as vasospasm. Nimodipine, a calcium chan-
nel blocker, is indicated for the improvement of neurologic
outcome by reducing the incidence and severity of ischemic
deficits in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. The dose
of nimodipine is 60 mg every 4 hours for 21 days. If hypo-
tension occurs, 30 mg of nimodepine is given every 2 hours.
Clinical signs of vasospasm occur in approximately 30% of
patients, with the peak of spasm beginning 7 days after the
subarachnoid hemorrhage. This may last for 2 to 3 weeks.
The principal options for treating delayed cerebral ischemia
are hemodynamic augmentation and endovascular therapy. The
concept of hemodynamic augmentation consists of hyper-
tension, hypervolemia, and hemodilution, known as triple-
H therapy. The fundamental idea is to expand the blood
volume and to raise the blood pressure to open arteries that
are in spasm while improving the rheologic characteristics
of the blood cells with hyperosmolar therapy [ C Naval et al,
2006]. These patients should be cared for in the intensive care
unit with hemodynamic monitoring. The hematocrit is main-
tained between 35% and 40% by transfusion of packed red
blood cells. Mannitol and albumin may be given to improve
red blood cell rheologic characteristics. Pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure is maintained between 15 and 18 mm Hg by

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 565

administering fluids, either normal saline or colloid. The usual

requirement for individuals with normal cardiac function is
from 150 to 400 mL/hour. In a patient whose condition contin-
ues to deteriorate or is rapidly deteriorating, the mean arterial
pressure (MAP) can be elevated. The choice of pressors varies.
Frequently, phenylephrine, in a concentration of 10 to 40 g/
minute, is administered to elevate the MAP to 12510 mm Hg.
This drug can be rapidly titrated under constant observation.
Bradycardia often follows administration of phenylephrine,
with the consequent buffering of the initial rise in MAP. This is
best treated by increasing the heart rate and cardiac contractility
simultaneously with dopamine in concentrations that provide
between 5 and 15 g/kg/minute.
The combination of phenylephrine and dopamine allows
rapid MAP elevation without excessive reliance on elevating
cardiac output or altering systemic vascular resistance. The
cardiac output is generally kept in the range of 5 to 10 L/
minute, and systemic vascular resistance is maintained at
1200 to 1700 resistance units. If the neurologic deficits do
not reverse in the first 30 minutes, the MAP and pulmonary
wedge pressure can be elevated to a pulmonary wedge pres-
sure of 182 mm Hg and an MAP of 13510 mm Hg. If no
improvement of neurologic status occurs, these parameters
are generally maintained for at least 24 hours. This situation
is maintained until the patient is stable for 12 to 24 hours
before the pressors and volume expanders are tapered.
Stable neurologic function is defined as the patient’s per-
formance capabilities before aneurysm rupture. Tapering of
hypervolemic hypertensive therapy can usually be accom-
plished within 3 to 4 days after the initiation of treatment.
Treatment is not continued if the patient’s deficits do not re-
spond within 24 hours or a completed cerebral infarction can
be demonstrated by CT. For patients showing improvement,
dopamine or phenylephrine is tapered to decrease the
MAP 5 mm Hg in 4- to 5-hour increments. Patients may
require 7 to 10 days of hypervolemic hypertensive therapy.

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566 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

They may require support of intravascular volume for an ad-

ditional 4 to 7 days after discontinuation of pressor therapy.
Endovascular treatments of cerebral vasospasm include
transluminal balloon angioplasty and the intra-arterial deliv-
ery of vasodilating compounds. These techniques are most
commonly used in patients with symptomatic vasospasm
that has been resistant to triple-H therapy. Complications of
transluminal balloon angioplasty include trauma to the arte-
rial wall leading to dissection, rupture, and thrombosis, with
consequent cerebral infarction or hemorrhage. Verapamil
and nicardipine have been used as vasodilator agents, but
their safety and efficacy are largely anecdotal.


The medical consultant is frequently asked to see a postop-
erative patient for a change in mental status. The two major
considerations are the presence of structural central nervous
system disease and metabolic derangement causing the al-
teration of mental status.
The neurologic examination generally can demonstrate focal
structural disease. This disorder may be manifested by cra-
nial nerve findings, subtle motor weakness, or even abnor-
mal postures. Ancillary evidence from imaging techniques,
such as CT or MRI, is helpful in the diagnosis of structural
disease, especially in the frontal and temporal lobes, which
may be relatively silent areas on physical examination. Peri-
operative stroke is an infrequent complication in general
surgical patients and occurs at a rate of 0.3% to 3.5%, de-
pending on the age of the patient and other complicating
factors, such as the possibility of cardiogenic emboli during
cardiovascular surgery. These strokes generally produce a fo-
cal examination, but there are silent areas in which a con-
fused patient’s focalization may not be easily discernible.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 567

More difficult to address are the metabolic derangements

that can produce a change in mental state or a confusional state.
The term confusional state implies an alteration in attentiveness
in which the patient is unable to maintain a cohesive train of
thought. This is part of a broader clinical spectrum that ranges
from lack of attention, to agitation, to lethargy proceeding to
coma. These patients are frequently disoriented about person,
place, date, and time. Confused patients are also unable to
remember four objects in 3 minutes and are unable to perform
serial subtractions. Perceptual changes with illusions and visual
hallucinations can also occur, particularly with the toxic meta-
bolic encephalopathies or encephalopathies related to drug
intoxication or drug withdrawal.
Toxic metabolic encephalopathy has several signatures,
including tremors, asterixis, and multifocal myoclonus. The
characteristic tremor and asterixis seen in metabolic enceph-
alopathies occur after a latent period of 20 to 36 seconds
after postural fixation, with the tremor appearing first. The
tremor has two separate components. The first component is
a varying oscillation of the fingers, usually in the anteropos-
terior direction, but with a rotary component at the wrist.
The second component is a tiny, but clearly defined, random
motion of the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joint once
or twice per second. Usually, the tremor increases in ampli-
tude while the hands remain dorsiflexed. The oscillation
becomes wider and more variable, and the tiny finger mo-
tions become more rapid than propulsive, followed by the
hand with the fingers leading, last being forward 2 to 5 cm,
only to be jerked to the hands’ original position. This situa-
tion produces the characteristic asterixis (flap). Patients have
no control over these movements and have no warning of
their occurrence. The flaps may be either synchronous or
asynchronous. Commonly, one flap of asterixis is followed in
quick succession by two to three others, with a return to the
original fixed posture on amelioration of the tremor. This
pattern then repeats over and over. Asterixis with tremor is

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568 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

seen in a variety of metabolic encephalopathies, including

uremia, hypokalemia, polycythemia, congestive heart failure,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with carbon dioxide
narcosis, hepatic failure, idiopathic steatorrhea, Whipple’s
disease and other malabsorption syndromes, magnesium
deficiency, and intoxication with bromide and other poten-
tially toxic compounds, including acetazolamide, chlorothia-
zide, and methionine. Rarely, asterixis can be seen in struc-
tural nervous system disease involving the thalamus or
parietal lobe. In these patients, asterixis is associated with a
severe loss of position sense.
Multifocal myoclonus is a sudden nonrhythmic, nonpat-
terned, and gross twitching of various muscle groups in the
body. Myoclonus may occur in a single fascicle of muscle
without displacement of a joint, in a muscle in its entirety, or
in a group of muscles with gross movement of the attached
structures or limb. It may be either a single muscle contrac-
tion or a series of contractions, the latter being an irregular
pattern of movement in a rhythmic sequence or a rhythmic
unpatterned succession of contractions with each muscle act-
ing in disorderly relation to the others. Multifocal myoclonus
can be prominent in uremic and hypoxic encephalopathies
and is frequently more pronounced in the face muscles and
the tongue. Myoclonus indicates a severe metabolic distur-
bance that may or may not be reflected in the EEG. Occasion-
ally, the myoclonus can be brought on by a startle response
such as is elicited with a sudden clap or loud noise. The my-
oclonus frequently disappears with appropriate treatment of
the encephalopathy.
The pupillary light response to bright light is generally
preserved in metabolic encephalopathies, even in patients in
profound coma, with certain exceptions. Glutethimide, meth-
aqualone, and atropine poisoning and amphetamine over-
doses are notorious for producing large pupils. Large, fixed
pupils can also occur with high doses of dopamine. Opiates
and pilocarpine drops produce a constricted or pinpoint

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 569

pupil. Preserved pupillary responsiveness to bright lights de-

spite respiratory depression, caloric unresponsiveness, and
decerebrate posture still points to a metabolic cause for the
altered state of consciousness.
Almost all types of eye positioning or movement can be
observed in metabolic encephalopathy. Downward conjugate
gaze and random roving eye movements are frequently seen.
Persistent conjugate lateral deviation suggests structural
brain or brainstem disease. Ice water calorics (oculovestibu-
lar reflex) are of value in the evaluation of the comatose or
obtunded patient. Ice water placed in the ear after examina-
tion, to ensure the absence of structural abnormalities in the
ear canal, produces tonic conjugate deviation toward the ear
containing the ice water in patients with an intact brainstem.
The oculovestibular reflex can be lost in hypothermia and as
a result of massive sedative hypnotic overdoses.
Changes in tone, focal weakness, and decerebrate and
decorticate posturing can all occur with diffuse toxic meta-
bolic encephalopathy. Frequently, one can elicit frontal re-
lease signs: paratonia, grasp, rooting, suck.
Focal or generalized convulsions can result from all meta-
bolic derangements. Although the convulsions are most of-
ten generalized, focal seizures do occur and may appear to be
migratory. These seizures may be extremely difficult to con-
trol, particularly until the metabolic derangement is cor-
rected, or if the patient has underlying hypoxia.

Perioperative Considerations
Delirium or a confusional state may develop in the immedi-
ate postoperative period as the patient emerges from anesthe-
sia, or it may follow lucid intervals for several days. Although
the typical course runs 1 or 2 days, it may be longer, espe-
cially in patients with underlying structural brain disease,
and occasionally it lasts for weeks. The three possible out-
comes in a delirious patient are recovery, progression to de-
mentia, or progression to death.

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570 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

Caring for these types of patients is extremely difficult.

Patients may have difficulty communicating their symptoms
and may have totally unpredictable behavior. They may be
agitated, hypervigilant, fearful, and paranoid, or alternatively
sluggish, lethargic, and obtunded. Alterations between these
two extremes are common. Night is the most common time
for the symptoms to worsen, hence the common reference to
“sundowning.” The incidence of an agitative delirium varies
with the surgical procedure but is said to approach 100%
after cardiotomy.
Patients with organic brain disease are known to become
more confused postoperatively because of their baseline
limitations in coping mechanisms. They already have deficits
in perception and processing of information; therefore, it is
common for these patients to have delusions, hallucinations,
and paranoia after a surgical procedure.
Patients with seizure disorders whose anticonvulsants
have been withdrawn may become confused, particularly if
they are having nonconvulsive seizures. Patients who have an
addiction to drugs or alcohol are also at risk. It is not uncom-
mon to see delirium tremens precipitated by a cessation of
alcohol during or following the surgical procedure. Certain
diseases can result in postoperative deterioration, particu-
larly porphyria, hypothyroidism, and cancer.
The type of operation, in some instances, must be consid-
ered a risk factor for confusion. The most widely recognized
example is postcardiotomy delirium. Black patch delirium
following ophthalmologic surgery has been recognized since
the 19th century. The incidence of delirium when the eye is
patched approaches 16%. The figure rises in patients with
preexisting organic brain syndrome. In a group of 100 el-
derly patients who were more than 80 years old and who
were undergoing total hip replacement, infection was the
most common postoperative complication, followed in fre-
quency by confusional states and adverse drug reactions.
Burn victims, women having abortion or hysterectomy,

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 571

transplant recipients, and patients with chronic pain are also

at high risk for delirium.
Numerous metabolic derangements are associated with
sepsis, including hyperdynamic circulation, hypercatabolic
states, and altered hormonal patterns with elevated catechol-
amine levels. When sepsis is associated with multiorgan
system failure, the mortality is 95%. The encephalopathy of
sepsis may include hyperventilation, fever, seizures, focal or
nonfocal examination, and a diffusely slow EEG. Nonconvul-
sive status epilepticus may occur in an intensive care setting.
If the patient is unresponsive without an explanation, con-
tinuous EEG monitoring is warranted.

Approach to the Patient

The approach to the patient with a postoperative change in
mental status is based on the knowledge of the patient’s pre-
operative baseline. If the patient has an underlying organic or
psychiatric disease, confusion and disorientation postopera-
tively can be anticipated, and the patient can be supported
More commonly, the change in mental status is an acute
event in the postoperative period. The basic approach to
the patient is with physical examination, imaging tech-
niques, and metabolic screening. The physical examination
can help one to assess ongoing underlying changes. Changes
in vital signs and asterixis, tremor, and myoclonus are all
physical signs of underlying metabolic problems. Arterial
blood gas, electrolyte, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
determinations, a complete blood count, and liver function
tests are valuable in defining the cause of the change in
mental status. In addition, attention should be given to the
patient’s calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels,
abnormalities of which can alter mental status and produce
a confusional state.
One of the first tasks in evaluating these patients is the
assessment of concurrent medications. Probably the most

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572 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

common cause of a change in mental status, other than sepsis

and electrolyte abnormalities, is the medication given for
Anticholinergic medications have long been implicated as
causes of confusional states. Not only atropine but also phe-
nothiazines, antihistamines, hypnotics, barbiturates, and an-
algesics may induce anticholinergic effects. Other examples of
drugs that can cause confusional states include corticosteroids
and cimetidine. They do so either by a direct central nervous
system effect or by impairing the metabolism of other medica-
tions by inhibiting the hepatic microsomal system. Ketamine
can produce hallucinations, particularly in younger patients.
Narcotics, particularly meperidine (Demerol), can induce
seizures and changes in mental status. The first approach to
these patients is to stop all the sedative hypnotics and analge-
sics, at least to the point of pain tolerance. The suggested
approach to these patients is given in Table 16-11.


Peripheral nerve injuries associated with surgery may be
caused by a variety of factors, including improper operative
positioning, regional anesthesia, and surgical misadventures.
These injuries may be either permanent or temporary. Exter-
nal pressure may cause an interruption of the blood supply
to a peripheral nerve that results in the sensation of numb-
ness or tingling, or both. This is termed neurapraxia and is a
transient phenomenon. During surgical procedures, patients
are not able to move, and prolonged pressure on a nerve may
result in ischemia and axonal damage. This condition is
called axonotmesis. Recovery after both of these types of in-
juries is usually complete.
Neurapraxia is a transient phenomenon, and recovery oc-
curs in a space of hours. With axonotmesis, recovery is also
complete, but axonal regeneration progresses at a slower rate.
The most severe injuries involve cutting or stretching a nerve.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 573

Change in Mental Status:

TABLE 16-11
What Is the Patient’s Baseline?
Focal Examination Nonfocal Examination
Hemiparesis Confusion-delirium tremor
Abnormal posture Asterixis
Cranial nerve abnormalities Myoclonus
Imaging Laboratory Examination
Computed tomography Arterial blood gas determinations
Magnetic resonance imaging SMA7–SMA12
Blood cultures
Cortisol, phosphorus levels; hemo-
globin, hematocrit, platelet
count, partial thromboplastin
time, prothrombin time
Lumbar puncture
S Stop all sedative hypnotics or central
nervous system–active drugs
T Treat sepsis if present
O Optimize metabolic status
P Patience: Patients with altered mental
status at baseline are going to take
longer to return to baseline

SMA7–SMA12, chemistry screens including electrolytes, renal function, liver


This is called neurotmesis and implies that both the axon and
the Schwann cells are interrupted. The prognosis for this type
of injury is poor despite surgical intervention. The patient
may have only a partial return of nerve function.
Specific Nerve Injuries
Optic Nerve
The retina is supplied by the central retinal artery that enters
the optic nerve just distal to the point at which the artery
branches from the ophthalmic artery. If external pressure is
applied to the eye, the intraocular pressure can be increased
to the point at which it exceeds the pressure in the central
retinal artery. Blood flow through the artery then ceases, and

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574 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

retinal ischemia results. Approximately 4 minutes of ischemia

to the retina can result in retinal blindness from ischemic
necrosis of the light-sensing cells.
Branches of the Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve V)
The supraorbital, infraorbital, and supratrochlear and in-
fratrochlear nerves supply sensory fibers to the face and the
vicinity of the eyes and nose. Pressure from the anesthesia
mask can produce neurapraxia or even axonotmesis in one
or more of these nerves. This may result in loss of sensation
in selected areas of the face.
Facial Nerve
Peripheral branches of the facial nerve pass beneath the lower
ramus of the mandible to the muscles of the face. When a face
mask is used for the administration of anesthesia, a retainer is
also frequently employed to assist in holding the mask in place.
If pressure is placed on the facial nerve at this point, facial nerve
palsy may result. This condition is usually transient.
Brachial Plexus
The brachial plexus involves nerve roots C5 to T1. The
plexus usually also receives small branches from the four
cervical and second thoracic spinal nerves. The plexus
passes from the inferolateral aspect of the neck behind the
cervical triangle and enters the axilla. In the axilla, the
plexus is initially located on the lateral aspect of the axillary
artery. It then completely surrounds the artery with one
cord laterally, one medially, and one posteriorly. In the infe-
rior axillary space, the plexus breaks into three terminal
branches, forming the radial, median, and ulnar nerves
supplying the upper extremity. The plexus may be injured
by the placement of a brace or other devices in the back of
the neck before the plexus descends behind and beneath
the clavicle. If the braces are in the posterior triangle, the
roots of the plexus may be injured by exerting pressure
directly on them.

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 575

The plexus may also be injured by excessive depression of

the shoulder girdle during anesthesia with the patient in the
Trendelenburg position. This occurs if the patient is sup-
ported solely by wrist straps or shoulder braces during steep
Trendelenburg positioning. The upper roots of the brachial
plexus may be stretched in such a situation.
The brachial plexus may also be injured if the arm is ab-
ducted 90 degrees or more from the body and allowed to
remain in that position for some time. As the arm is ab-
ducted, the head of the humerus tends to descend into the
axilla. The brachial plexus, in passing from the supraclavicu-
lar area into the axilla, goes caudad to the head of the hu-
merus. Stretch and compression may occur in this location.
The lower brachial plexus may also be injured in patients
undergoing open heart surgery. This usually involves the
lower roots of C8 and T1. The brachial plexus may also be
injured during thoracic outlet surgery with transaxillary rib
resection. The radial, median, and ulnar nerves are all de-
rived from the brachial plexus. These nerves can be injured
anywhere along their course.
The median nerve is not subject to positional injury. It can
be injured during a venipuncture attempt in the antecubital
space. This can occur particularly when the patient is receiv-
ing general anesthesia.
Radial Nerve
The radial nerve spirals around the lateral aspect of the hu-
merus about the midposition of the forearm. Perioperative
compression from a tourniquet or improper padding of the
dependent arm of the patient placed in the lateral decubitus
position can produce radial nerve palsy. This disorder is
manifested by a wrist drop and sensory anesthesia of the skin
of the dorsum of the radial two thirds of the hand.
Ulnar Nerve
The ulnar nerve is supplied by the C8 and T1 nerves. It passes
across the elbow in the olecranon groove, between the medial

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576 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

condyle of the humerus and the olecranon process of the ulna.

It then passes into the forearm between the heads of the flexor
carpi ulnaris and extends onto the posteromedial aspect of the
arm. This nerve may be injured anywhere along its course. The
ulnar groove injury usually occurs when the arm is adducted
along the side of the body and the hand is supinated. In this
position, the elbow may gravitate downward to the edge of the
operating table, coming into contact with the ulnar groove.
This situation may be avoided by pronating the patient’s hand
before placing the forearm within draw sheets. The ulnar
nerve may also be injured at the point just below the elbow.
This generally occurs with the hand abducted and pronated, a
position that subjects the ulnar nerve to external pressure.
When the ulnar nerve is injured, paresthesias of the fifth
finger, the ulnar half of the ring finger, and the ulnar third of
the hand occur. A claw hand may develop. Because the
proximal phalanges cannot be flexed, they are hyperextended
by the unopposed long extensors. The middle and distal
phalanges cannot be extended, and those of the index and
middle finger are hyperflexed by the unopposed long flexors.
Atrophy of the interosseous muscles can also occur.
Sciatic Nerve
Injuries to the sciatic nerve have resulted from injections to the
buttocks, secondary to failure to give the injection appropri-
ately in the upper outer quadrant of the patient’s buttock. This
can cause foot drop, impaired extension at the hip, flexion of
the knee, and anesthesia of the skin, leg, and foot.
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh may receive
excessive pressure if the patient is placed in a prone jackknife
position during surgical procedures. The nerve enters the
thigh beneath the inguinal ligament near the anterosuperior
iliac spine. Inadequate padding between the operating table
and the anterior thigh, just distal to the inguinal ligament,
can result in compression of the nerve. Alternatively, exces-

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16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 577

sive flexion of the leg at the hip may compress the nerve.
Sensory loss with paresthesias over the anterolateral portion
of the thigh may result. This condition is also sometimes re-
ferred to as meralgia paresthetica. It has been reported with
groin flap procedures.

Common Peroneal Nerve

The common peroneal nerve, which is a branch of the sciatic
nerve, passes across the lateral aspect of the popliteal fossa to
the head of the fibula close to the medial margin of the ten-
don of the biceps femoris muscle. It then passes in close
proximity to the neck of the fibula. At this point, the nerve
may be injured by excessive external pressure. Improper
padding along the lateral aspect of the knee with the patient
in the lateral decubitus position, or in stirrups, may result in
injury to this nerve. This injury causes a sensory loss over the
lateral aspect of the leg distal to the knee and dorsum of the
foot. Foot drop is a common finding.

Special Considerations
Total hip arthroplasty can result in injury to the sciatic femo-
ral nerve or obturator nerve. This can occur with direct sur-
gical trauma, bleeding, or stretching of the nerve itself.
The femoral nerve may be damaged during renal trans-
plantation. This injury is frequently caused by a hematoma.
This nerve may also be injured during delivery of a baby and
may be unilateral or bilateral. A good outcome is generally
expected. Meralgia paresthetica can also occur from injury to
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve during bone procure-
ment from the iliac crest for purposes of grafting.
Lower abdominal surgery for hernia repair or gynecologic
surgery may cause damage to local nerves traversing the ab-
dominal wall. The ilioinguinal nerve may be damaged during
surgical hernia repair. This nerve originates from T12 to L1
nerve roots, crosses retroperineally, and becomes extraperito-
neal just after passing the medial to the anterior iliac crest. It

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578 16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems

then runs along the inguinal canal with its spermatic cord.
When this nerve is damaged during surgery, the patient com-
plains of pain and may have sensory loss in a strip of skin
extending along the inguinal canal to the base of the penis
and scrotum or to the labia. The iliohypogastric nerve is
slightly caudal to the ilioinguinal nerve. Damage to this nerve
causes sensory loss to the region of the skin over the greater
trochanter into the lower abdominal wall just above the
pubis. The genital femoral nerve supplies the femoral triangle
and a small area of skin on the medial thigh with most of the
scrotum, penis, or labia. Damage to this nerve in the retro-
peritoneal area can produce loss of sensation in those areas.

Selected Readings
Albers GW, Amarenco P, Easton JD, et al: Antithrombotic and thrombolytic
therapy for ischemic stroke. Chest 126:483S-512S, 2004.
Aldrieh TK, Uhrlass RM: Weaning from mechanical ventilation: Successful
use of modified inspiratory resistive training in muscular dystrophy.
Crit Care Med 15:247-249, 1987.
Alvine FG, Schurrer ME: Postoperative ulnar nerve palsy: Are there predis-
posing factors? J Bone Joint Surg Am 69:255-259, 1987.
Albin RL: Parkinson’s disease: Background, diagnosis, and initial manage-
ment. Clin Geriatr Med 22:735-751, 2006.
Bell RD: Perioperative seizures in decision making. In Bready LL, Smith RB
(eds): Anesthesiology. Toronto, BC Decker, 1987, pp 224-225.
Bell RD, Lastimosa AC: Metabolic encephalopathies. In Rosenberg RN (ed):
Neurology. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1980, pp 115-164.
Bernstein RA: Risks of stroke from general surgical procedures in stroke
patients. Neurol Clin 24:777-782, 2006.
Bertorini TE: Perisurgical management of patients with neuromuscular dis-
orders. Neurol Clin 22:293-313, 2004. C
Blacker DJ, Flemming KD, Wijdicks EF: Risk of ischemic stroke in patients
with symptomatic vertebrobasilar stenosis undergoing surgical proce-
dures. Stroke 34:2659-2663, 2003.
Brisman JL, Song JK, Newell DW: Medical progress: Cerebral aneurysms.
N Engl J Med 355:928-939, 2006.
Cooper DE, Jenkins RS, Bready L, Rockwood CA: The prevention of injuries
of the brachial plexus secondary to malposition of the patient during
surgery. Clin Orthop 228:33-41, 1988.

Ch16-X2385_535_580.indd 578 12/20/07 6:47:35 PM

16 • Perioperative Assessment/Management of Neurologic Problems 579

Dawson DM, Krarup C: Perioperative nerve lesions. Arch Neurol 46:1355-

1360, 1989.
Deutschman CS, Haines SJ: Anticonvulsant prophylaxis in neurologic sur-
gery. Neurosurgery 17:510-517, 1985.
Dorenette WH: Compression neuropathies: Medical aspects and legal impli-
cations. Int Anesth Clin 24:201-229, 1986.
Frucht SJ: Movement disorder emergencies in the perioperative period.
Neurol Clin 22:379-387, 2004. C
Galvez-Jimenez N, Lang AE: The perioperative management of Parkinson’s
disease revisited. Neurol Clin 22:367-377, 2004. C
Goudreau JL: Medical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease.
Clin Geriatr Med 22:753-772, 2006.
Hasselgreen PO, Fischer JE: Septic encephalopathy. Intensive Care Med
12:13-16, 1986.
Jackson AC, Gilbert JJ, Young GB, Bolton CF: The encephalopathy of sepsis.
Can J Neurol Sci 12:303-307, 1985.
Larach MG, Rosenberg H, Broennle AM: Prediction of malignant hyperthermia
susceptibility by clinical signs. Anesthesiology 66:547-550, 1987. C
Leventhal SR, Orkin FK, Hirsch RA: Prediction of the need for postoperative
mechanical ventilation in myasthenia gravis. Anesthesiology 53:26-30,
1980. C
Limburg M, Wijdicks EF, Li H: Ischemic stroke after surgical procedures:
Clinical features, neuroimaging, and risk factors. Neurology 50:895-
901, 1998.
Naval NS, Stevens RD, Mirski MA, Bhardwaj A: Controversies in the man-
agement of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Crit Care Med
34:511-524, 2006. C
Oliveira E, Michel A, Smolley L: The pulmonary consultation in the periop-
erative management of patients with neurologic diseases. Neurol Clin
22:277-291, 2004. C
Ropper AH, Wechsler LR, Wilson LS: Carotid bruit and risk of stroke in
elective surgery. N Engl J Med 307:1388-1390, 1982.
Wackym PA, Dabrow TJ, Abdul-Rasool IH, Peacock WJ: Neurosurgery in the
malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patient. Neurosurgery 22:1032-
1036, 1988.
Whisnant JP, Sandok PA, Sundt TM: Carotid endarterectomy for unilateral
carotid system transient cerebral ischemia. Mayo Clin Proc 58:171-175,
1983. C
Younger D, Worral B, Pen A: Myasthenia gravis: Historical perspectives and
overview. Neurology 48(Suppl 5):1-7, 1997. C

Ch16-X2385_535_580.indd 579 12/20/07 6:47:35 PM

17 Perioperative Care
of the Elderly Patient

Currently, approximately one third of the surgical procedures

in the United States are performed on patients more than
65 years old. This percentage will certainly increase over the
next decades because elderly persons will make up more
than 20% of the population by early in the next century. The
group of patients older than 85 years of age constitutes the
fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.
Elderly patients, as a whole, are at greater surgical risk
than their younger counterparts, for two reasons: (1) elderly
patients have an increased likelihood of underlying chronic
disease (e.g., heart or lung disease), which increases surgical
risk; and (2) elderly persons have decreased physiologic re-
serve; these make them less able to withstand the stress of
surgery and the perioperative period. Despite these chal-
lenges, healthy elderly patients often tolerate surgery well,
with resultant improvement in quality and length of life.
This chapter reviews the following:
• The physiologic changes associated with aging that affect
the patient’s ability to undergo surgery successfully
• The preoperative assessment and perioperative manage-
ment of elderly patients
• Common postoperative problems and their management
• Special surgical issues in the geriatric age group

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled tri-
als, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retrospec-
tive studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice, opinion.


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582 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient


It has not always been possible to separate clearly the effects
of aging from the effects of diseases, such as atherosclerosis,
which are more common in older patients. Many elderly
patients have decrements in physiologic function that
are caused by both aging and the added effects of chronic
disease. Even in the healthy elderly patient, however, age-
related changes affect vital organs and decrease the ability
of the patient to respond to stresses such as surgery or
The following sections summarize the overall effects of ag-
ing. There is great heterogeneity within the geriatric age group,
however, so each patient must be assessed individually.

Cardiovascular Effects
Cardiac output at rest may not decrease with age, but the
maximal heart rate and maximal cardiac output decline. The
ventricular filling rate decreases, ventricular compliance de-
creases, and atrial contraction becomes more important in
maintaining cardiac output. Peripheral resistance increases as
aortic stiffness increases, and the vascular bed cross-sectional
area decreases. Responsiveness to catecholamine stimulation
decreases. The net result is that the elderly heart is likely to
be less able to withstand severe stress such as volume over-
load or hypotension.
In addition to changes related to aging, underlying car-
diovascular disease becomes more prevalent; up to 50% of
patients who are more than 65 years old have some sort of
heart disease. Up to 50% of patients more than 70 years
old have hypertension, and up to 20% have coronary ar-
tery disease. More than half of elderly patients have sys-
tolic murmurs, which usually represent valvular sclerosis
rather than stenosis. The identification of aortic stenosis is
important, however, because this condition increases the
surgical risk.

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 583

Pulmonary Effects
Physiologic changes in lung function begin at the age of
30 years and accelerate with advancing age. Lung elasticity
decreases, the chest wall becomes stiffer, and the respiratory
muscles weaken. The consequences of these changes are de-
creased vital capacity and increased residual volume. Expira-
tory flow rates and maximal minute ventilation decrease, as
does closing volume. In elderly persons, closing capacity may
exceed residual functional capacity. Thus, closure of small air-
ways occurs during normal breathing. This predisposes the
individual to lower lobe atelectasis postoperatively. Ventilation/
perfusion mismatches occur with resultant decreases in oxygen
tension. Many of these changes are exacerbated by smoking, a
history of which is quite common in older patients.

Renal Effects
Renal mass decreases by 25% to 30% between the ages of
30 and 90 years. Creatinine clearance and renal blood flow
diminish with age in most individuals. By 80 years of age, the
glomerular filtration rate is only one half to two thirds of
what it was at 30 years of age. However, serum creatinine
levels may remain normal, because lean body mass also de-
creases. Thus, a normal serum creatinine level may mask
significant renal dysfunction. Creatinine clearance in men
may be estimated by the Cockroft-Gault equation:
Creatinine clearance  (140  age)  weight (kg) /
(72  serum creatinine)
For an estimate in women, 0.85 of this value is used.
Tubular function is also affected by age. Changes include
an impaired ability to concentrate and dilute urine maxi-
mally. Because thirst in response to volume depletion is
decreased, elderly persons are more prone to dehydration.
Elderly persons also show decreased excretion of sodium,
potassium, and acid loads.

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584 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

Drug Metabolism
An understanding of how drug metabolism differs in the el-
derly is important, because these patients frequently have
adverse drug reactions. Some of these reactions may be pre-
vented with a good understanding of the changes that com-
monly occur in aging (Box 17-1 and Table 17-1).
Drug Distribution
Lean body mass and total body water decrease with age,
whereas total body fat increases. Thus, drugs that are water
soluble may have higher concentrations in elderly patients
than in young patients. Drugs that are fat soluble may have
prolonged half-lives.
Renal Excretion
Creatinine clearance declines with age, and drugs excreted
by the kidney must be given in decreased doses based on
measured drug levels or measured or estimated creatinine

Box 17-1

1. Pharmacokinetics are often different (e.g., decreased renal

clearance and decreased distribution secondary to lower
lean body mass).
2. Homeostatic functions are impaired and susceptible to
effects of drugs (e.g., orthostatic hypotension is more
3. Certain conditions that increase the likelihood of adverse
drug reactions are more prevalent (e.g., renal impairment
and prostatic hypertrophy).
4. Some conditions are caused or exacerbated by drug therapy.
5. Polypharmacy is common and may increase the likelihood
of adverse drug reactions.

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 585

Examples of Common Drugs Used

TABLE 17-1 Perioperatively with Pharmacokinetic
Changes in the Elderly
Drug Change Cause
Benzodiazepines Increased half-life Higher body fat
(long acting)
Lower hepatic metabolism
Nonsteroidal anti- More frequent renal toxicity Lower renal blood flow (?)
inflammatory drugs
Aminoglycosides Decreased maintenance dose Lower renal excretion
-blockers Diminished responsiveness Lower -adrenergic recep-
tor responsiveness

Hepatic Excretion
Although some decrease in oxidative metabolism occurs,
overall hepatic metabolism and excretion are less affected by
age than is renal excretion. These changes vary considerably
among elderly persons.
Drug absorption changes little with age.
Other Considerations
Elderly persons, especially those with dementia, often suffer
further cognitive decline as a result of drugs. Sedatives, anti-
hypertensive agents, and analgesic agents can all lead directly
or indirectly to cognitive decline. This age group is also more
subject to drug-induced delirium.

General Principles
There is a modest increase in surgical risk associated with age,
but age alone should not be a reason to forgo necessary surgery
if the benefit outweighs the risk. The life expectancy of the
average 75-year-old man is approximately 9 years; for a
woman, it is 11 years. Population studies of patients under-
going surgical procedures in their 90s demonstrated that

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586 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

the long-term age-matched survival of these patients was

similar to that of controls [ C Hosking et al, 1989]. Reports on
surgery in the elderly have demonstrated that the overall peri-
operative mortality rates for major elective surgery are in the
5% to 10% range, whereas many procedures performed on
elderly patients have mortality rates lower than 5%. The 2007
revision of the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular
Evaluation and Care for Noncardiac Surgery no longer consid-
ers advanced age (older than 70 years) to be an independent
risk factor for cardiac complications in noncardiac surgery.
Emergency surgery, in contrast, is poorly tolerated by el-
derly patients and is associated with a much higher morbid-
ity and mortality, usually three or more times higher. Thus,
earlier identification of surgically correctable problems may
decrease mortality.
The goals of preoperative assessment are no different in el-
derly patients than in the young. They include the following:
• Identification of all medical conditions that affect surgi-
cal risk
• Management of medical problems perioperatively to reduce
risk, if possible
• Identification of patients in whom surgical risk is excessive

The history should address all medical problems, especially
those concerning the heart and lungs. Most elderly patients
undergoing surgical procedures have underlying medical prob-
lems in addition to the surgical indication. For example, Vaz
and Seymour found that only 20% of general surgical patients
who were more than 65 years old had no preoperative medical
problems [ C Vaz and Seymour, 1989]. Each of those underlying
medical problems must be identified so that its impact on sur-
gical risk can be assessed and managed perioperatively.
History taking may be difficult in this population. Elderly
patients often have poor recollection of their medical history

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 587

and may have impaired memory, factors that often make the
information they give inaccurate. These patients frequently
minimize symptoms because they believe the symptoms to
be part of the aging process.
A careful cardiac history is necessary. As in all patients, a
history of recent myocardial infarction or angina should be
sought. The degree of exercise tolerance is exceedingly impor-
tant; many studies have shown a clear correlation between an
ability to exercise and a decrease in mortality. If a patient has a
history of ischemic heart disease and no recent chest pain, this
may indicate either a good prognosis (i.e., no angina) or lack
of enough exertion to induce angina. The clinician should ask
specifically about the patient’s activity level. Can the patient
climb stairs without stopping? Can he or she go to the grocery
store and carry groceries home? In a younger individual, one
may take these things for granted, but many elderly patients
have significant limitations in their exercise tolerance.
The elderly patient with ischemic heart disease and poor
exercise tolerance of noncardiac origin (e.g., arthritis) poses
a problem for the consultant, because the degree of angina is
not ascertainable. Poor functional capacity, even if it does not
have a cardiac cause, is a risk factor for cardiac complication
associated with noncardiac surgical procedures. Gerson and
associates demonstrated that these patients are at higher risk
overall [ B Gerson et al, 1990]. The physician should ask about
exertional shortness of breath, because this sign may be an
anginal equivalent or may represent underlying lung disease.
Elderly patients are somewhat less likely to have typical
anginal chest pain, so exertional dyspnea may be the only
clue to underlying coronary artery disease. A history of
smoking, chronic cough, and dyspnea are all important in
identifying the patient with lung disease.
A formal evaluation for dementia should be performed,
especially in patients more than 75 years of age. Dementia
increases surgical risk, affects the ability of the patient to
cooperate postoperatively, and lowers the likelihood that the

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588 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

patient will be able to return home after the surgical proce-

dure. In addition, dementia is a clear risk factor for postop-
erative delirium, which also increases morbidity and mortal-
ity. A short mental status assessment such as the Mini-Mental
Status Examination (Table 17-2) should be routine. A low

TABLE 17-2 Mini-Mental State Examination

Maximum Score Patient Score
5 ______ What is the (year) (season) (date)
(day) (month)?
5 ______ Where are we (state) (county) (town)
(hospital) (floor)?
3 ______ Name three objects—one second to
say each—then ask the patient all three
after you have said them. Give one point
for each correct answer. Then repeat them
until patient learns all three.
Count trials and record.
Number of trials ______
Attention and Calculation
5 ______ Serial sevens. One point for each cor-
rect answer. Stop after five answers. If sub-
ject refuses, ask to spell “World” backwards.
3 ______ Ask for three objects repeated above.
Give one point for each correct.
9 ______ Name a pencil and watch (2 points).
Repeat the following: “No ifs, ands, or buts”
(1 point).
Follow a three-stage command: “Take a paper
in your right hand, fold it in half, and put
it on the floor” (3 points).
Read and obey the following: “Close your
eyes” (1 point).
Write a sentence (1 point).
Copy a design (1 point).
30 ______
Maximum_____ Patient Score______ Total___
Assess Level of Consciousness Along a Continuum
Alert—Drowsy Stupor—Coma
A score 24 is considered abnormal.

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 589

score does not distinguish among dementia, delirium, and

low education, but it is useful as a baseline. Significant num-
bers of elderly patients, even in the absence of dementia,
suffer postoperative delirium.
It is important to identify all drugs taken by the patient,
because their use must be managed in the perioperative pe-
riod. Many elderly patients receive medications from multi-
ple doctors, use many over-the-counter drugs, and often take
alternative herbs and supplements that can interact with
standard medications. Drugs with anticholinergic effects may
increase the chance of postoperative delirium.
Physical Examination
A standard physical examination should be performed, with
particular attention to the presence of heart or lung disease.
A baseline weight should be obtained. The state of hydration
in elderly patients may be difficult to assess occasionally.
Neck vein distention and skin turgor over the forehead (not
on arms or other areas of decreased subcutaneous support)
are helpful indications of the state of hydration.
Although an asymptomatic carotid bruit is a marker for
underlying vascular disease, it is not associated with an
increased risk of perioperative stroke [ C Ropper et al, 1982].
Evidence of active congestive heart failure, especially an S3 gal-
lop, is important to identify because it is an important risk
factor in perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Many elderly patients have systolic murmurs, which may
suggest aortic stenosis, a well-documented risk factor for
cardiac complications. Physical examination may be mislead-
ing in elderly patients. In the elderly patient with significant
aortic stenosis, the typical signs may be absent. Hypertension
may be present (rather than hypotension), and the slowed
and delayed carotid upstroke may be absent. In a patient
whose history and physical examination suggest aortic steno-
sis, an echocardiogram with Doppler imaging should be
performed, because it is important to identify significant

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590 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

aortic stenosis preoperatively given that it increases surgical

risk. I also consider echocardiography for the patient whose
preoperative physical examination suggests the presence of
previously unidentified significant valvular heart disease.

Laboratory Studies
Currently, no uniform standardized approach to preoperative
laboratory testing in the elderly patient exists. A complete
blood count, serum electrolytes, and creatinine determina-
tions are usually performed. Age alone does not cause anemia,
but significant numbers of older patients are found to have
anemia, the cause of which should be investigated (although
this may not be necessary in all cases before important surgi-
cal procedures). As noted previously, a normal creatinine level
in an elderly person is often not indicative of normal creati-
nine clearance. Lean body mass decreases with age, and body
fat increases. The Cockcroft-Gault equation mentioned earlier
should be used to estimate clearance so that this can be taken
into account for drug dosing and other uses. Even if only
minimally elevated, a raised creatinine level indicates signifi-
cant renal impairment in the geriatric age group. An electro-
cardiogram and chest radiograph should be obtained as
baseline studies; many older people have abnormalities on
their electrocardiographic tracings and chest films that would
not be expected from the history. The presence of abnormali-
ties on these tests may be needed postoperatively for accurate
evaluation of complications or symptoms.
Beyond these basic tests, the necessity of routinely ordering
more involved and invasive tests is controversial. Pulmonary
function tests have been recommended by some authors for all
elderly patients. No good evidence indicates that these tests are
useful for surgical decision making for most patients. This pa-
tient population undergoes few minor elective surgical proce-
dures; thus, most surgery is necessary and important. As in
younger patients, pulmonary function tests should generally be
limited to patients who are having lung resection procedures.

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 591

Local anesthesia is associated with low risk in elderly pa-
tients. If local anesthesia is not feasible, the choice between
spinal and general anesthesia is the surgeon’s and anesthesi-
ologist’s, based on the patient’s medical condition and prefer-
ence. There is no significant difference in mortality between
the two routes. Although general anesthesia is often followed
by a short-term cognitive decline, in some studies spinal
anesthesia had a similar effect.

General Complications
Older patients face the same postoperative complications as
younger patients. However, older patients have less physio-
logic reserve. There are significant decreases in function of
important physiologic systems, as discussed earlier; the older
patient is less able to compensate for these changes, and
complications are more likely to ensue. The older patient is
also more likely to have underlying chronic disease that pre-
disposes to complications. The most serious complications in
elderly patients, as in younger patients, are cardiac and pul-
monary problems; in addition, neurologic complications
such as delirium are more likely to occur in this patient

Cardiac Complications
Congestive heart failure may manifest postoperatively even
in patients who never had a history of heart disease. This
finding was noted in Goldman’s initial study in which many
of the cases of congestive heart failure were found in patients
older than 60 years and without a history of heart disease. It
is important to ask about shortness of breath, orthopnea, and
paroxysmal dyspnea. Physical findings of elevated neck veins
or S3 gallop are useful, whereas rales are a nonspecific finding

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592 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

with a variety of causes. If congestive heart failure occurs, a

cause should be sought. Postoperative myocardial infarction
is not accompanied by chest pain in more than half of pa-
tients and may manifest as congestive heart failure, hypoten-
sion, arrhythmias, or, especially in the elderly, as a change in
mental status.

Pulmonary Complications
Pulmonary complications are probably the most common
postoperative problems. As many as 40% of elderly patients
suffer postoperative pulmonary problems, which often con-
tribute to the cause of death. Atelectasis is extremely com-
mon and, if allowed to go unchecked, may lead to collapse
of major lung segments or pneumonia.
The prevention of these complications is possible with
good preoperative planning. Ideally, patients should stop
smoking at least 6 weeks preoperatively. Inspiratory maneu-
vers such as inspiratory incentive spirometry appear to be
effective deterrents to atelectasis and pneumonia, and these
techniques should be taught preoperatively. In patients with
known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma,
maximization of preoperative pulmonary status with bron-
chodilators should be considered. The use of chest physio-
therapy has not been well studied, but it should probably be
used in patients at high risk of pulmonary complications.

Deep Venous Thrombosis

Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are im-
portant causes of postoperative complications. Despite con-
cerns about using anticoagulation in elderly patients, the
benefit clearly outweighs the risk.

Delirium, also known as acute confusional state, is often seen
postoperatively in elderly patients. It is associated with in-
creased hospital morbidity, mortality, and a longer length of

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 593

stay. Although delirium is more common in demented pa-

tients, it can be seen in elderly patients with no prior demen-
tia and must be distinguished from dementia by the examin-
ing physician. Box 17-2 shows the DSM-IV criteria for
delirium established in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Like dementia, delirium is associated with a decrease in
cognition, which may include disorientation about time.
Unlike in dementia, however, the patient’s level of con-
sciousness is sometimes reduced, and the patient frequently
has difficulty attending to stimuli. The delirious patient may
have an increased or reduced activity level. Delirium, in


Box 17-2

1. Disturbance of consciousness (e.g., reduced clarity of aware-

ness of the environment) in conjunction with reduced ability
to focus, sustain, or shift attention
2. A change in cognition (such as memory deficit, disorienta-
tion, or language disturbance) or the development of a
perceptual disturbance that is not better accounted for by
a preexisting, established, or evolving dementia
3. Development of the disturbance during a brief period
(usually hours to days) and a tendency for fluctuation
during the course of the day
4. Evidence from the history, physical examination, or labo-
ratory findings that the disturbance is caused by
a. A general medical condition
b. A substance intoxication or side effect
c. Substance withdrawal
d. Multiple factors

Based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed (DSM-IV).

Modified from the American Psychiatric Association. Copyright 1994 American Psychi-
atric Association. Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders, copyright 2000. American Psychiatric Association.

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594 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

contrast to dementia, is usually of acute onset and com-

monly fluctuates during the day, often worsening at night
(“sundowning”). Table 17-3 contrasts dementia with delir-
ium. The significance of postoperative delirium is its fre-
quent association with either worsening medical illness or
drug toxicity, the latter of which is preventable and both are
reversible. These causes must be carefully sought. Infec-
tions, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure,
metabolic disturbances, and dehydration and many other
medical complications can all manifest with prominent de-
lirium in elderly patients. Similarly, alcohol and sedative-
hypnotic withdrawal can appear postoperatively. Drugs,
especially those agents with anticholinergic effects, are often
implicated in delirium in elderly patients. Box 17-3 lists
some of the drugs associated with delirium.
Thus, in an elderly patient with postoperative delirium, a
thorough medical evaluation should be performed. Several
conditions may precipitate delirium: infections, especially

TABLE 17-3 Clinical Features of Delirium and Dementia

Characteristic Delirium Dementia
Onset Acute Insidious
Course over 24 hours Fluctuating, often worse at night Stable
Consciousness May be reduced Clear
Attention Globally disordered Normal, except in
severe cases
Cognition Globally disordered Globally impaired
Hallucinations Usually visual or visual and auditory Usually absent
Delusions Fleeting, poorly systematized Often absent
Orientation Usually impaired at least for a time Often impaired
Psychomotor activity Increased, reduced, or shifting Often normal
Speech Often incoherent, slow, or rapid Difficulty finding
Involuntary Often asterixis or coarse tremor Often absent

From Lipowski ZJ: Delirium in the elderly patient. N Engl J Med 320:578-582,

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 595


Box 17-3


• Anticholinergic drugs
• Tricyclic antidepressants or trazodone
• Phenothiazines
• Antipsychotic drugs
• Antihistamine agents
• Benzodiazepines
• Opiate analgesics
• Disopyramide
• Phenobarbital
• Alcohol
• Amantadine
• -Blockers
• Bromocriptine
• Cimetidine
• Corticosteroids
• Digoxin
• Diuretics
• Levodopa
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Penicillin
• Phenytoin, primidone
• Quinidine

those of the respiratory tract; acute myocardial infarction or

congestive heart failure; electrolyte abnormalities or meta-
bolic problems, such as hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia or
hypernatremia or hyponatremia; renal or liver failure; and
hypoxia. A central nervous system cause such as stroke is
possible but uncommon in the absence of localizing signs.
All nonessential drugs should be stopped, especially those
listed in Box 17-3. In elderly patients, the cause often turns

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596 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

out to be multifactorial, and it may be impossible to pinpoint

only one or two etiologic factors.
Management should be directed at identifying the under-
lying causes and correcting them, if possible. General sup-
portive measures, including good nursing care with a quiet
and well-lit room, and reassurance, and reorientation of the
patient, are recommended.
If restlessness is severe, pharmacologic intervention may be
required. The newer atypical antipsychotic drugs such as ris-
peridone and quetiapine have been used effectively. Doses
should start at low levels and be increased if needed. Haloperi-
dol was used in the recent past because of its sedating potential
and relatively limited anticholinergic effects; although this drug
is effective, its side effects are more common than those of the
newer medications. If alcohol or sedative-hypnotic withdrawal
is suspected, benzodiazepines are the drugs of choice. Sedation,
however, should not be a substitute for careful evaluation of the
delirious patient. If true sedation is needed, low doses of short-
acting benzodiazepines are used by some experts.
Studies have shown that delirium is preventable with
careful preoperative assessment and planning. Attention to a
variety of precipitating causes before the surgical procedure
can prevent many cases. Marcantonio and colleagues showed
that attention to 10 major areas, including multiple meta-
bolic factors, treatment of pain, medications, and mobiliza-
tion, for example, decreased the incidence significantly
[ C Marcantonio et al, 2001].

Another important but lesser known problem is postopera-
tive hypothermia. Most operating rooms and recovery suites
are kept at low ambient temperatures, and many patients
have been found to have temperatures lower than 36ºC. Al-
though this temperature does not cause problems for most
patients, in some it may contribute to hypoxia, hypotension,
and altered mental status.

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 597


Nonspecific Presentations
Illness in elderly patients, especially the frail elderly, often
presents atypically. Nonspecific presentations include weak-
ness, falling, incontinence, failure to eat, and change in men-
tal status (i.e., delirium). These symptoms and signs may be
the earliest presentations of serious problems such as respira-
tory or urinary tract infections, congestive heart failure, or
metabolic derangements. The elderly patient may have little
or no fever despite serious infection. Thus, in evaluating the
perioperative elderly patient who has a change in status, the
clinician must keep in mind that these nonspecific presenta-
tions may be the only clues to many serious underlying ill-
nesses, and a thorough evaluation must be performed to
identify and treat these disorders.

Different Presentations
Certain surgical diseases may manifest differently in elderly
patients. Appendicitis, although more common in younger
age groups, has a higher mortality in elderly patients
(6% to 10%). Two reasons are generally cited for this phe-
nomenon: (1) delay in diagnosis and (2) increased rate of
The delay in diagnosis is attributed to both a delay on the
part of the elderly person in seeking medical attention and a
failure by the physician to make the correct diagnosis preop-
eratively. Symptoms in elderly patients may be less severe, be-
cause fever is less common and abdominal pain is usually
milder. Right lower quadrant tenderness is present in 80% to
90% of patients, however. Rebound tenderness is less common
in elderly patients. Abscess formation may result in a right
lower quadrant mass that may be mistakenly diagnosed as cecal
carcinoma. Perforation is common, occurring in up to 70% in
elderly individuals versus 20% in young patients, probably
because the appendix atrophies with age and the blood supply

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598 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

may be compromised by atherosclerosis. Thus, with infection

and increased pressure in the appendix, the blood supply is
quickly impeded, and the thinned wall easily perforates.
Cholecystitis may likewise present in a different fashion in
elderly patients. Peritoneal signs are seen in only one half of
cases, fever is frequently low grade, and up to one fourth of
patients may have no abdominal tenderness. Nonetheless,
elderly patients are more likely to have gangrene and empy-
ema by the time they present for treatment. Acute cholecys-
titis, which requires emergency surgery, thus has a high
mortality rate in this age group (8% to 17%).
Finally, peptic ulcer disease more often manifests without
pain in elderly patients. Occult gastrointestinal bleeding occurs
frequently, whereas perforation may be manifested by shock,
hemorrhage, or abdominal distention rather than by pain.
Cardiac Surgery
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is routinely per-
formed in elderly patients. Many studies have been con-
ducted and have shown good results with low mortality. One
study demonstrated a mortality rate of 2.6% in patients who
were more than 75 years old; good results were assessed by
angina relief and quality of life improvement. Off-pump
coronary artery surgery has been suggested to be associated
with lower morbidity and mortality in elderly patients.
Surgery for valvular disease, however, has higher mortal-
ity in the elderly. One study of patients who were more than
80 years old showed a mortality rate of 2.9% for CABG but
a rate of 16% for those having valve replacement surgery or
CABG with valve surgery. Studies have shown that minimally
invasive aortic valve surgery can be done in elderly patients
with good results.
Vascular Surgery
Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair can be performed elec-
tively in elderly patients with reasonable morbidity and
mortality rates. Investigators have shown that endovascular

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 599

procedures can also be performed in patients who are more

than 80 years old, with good results. One study showed
mortality rates of 2.2% in endovascular elective surgery and
3.3% in open elective surgery. Mortality rates for ruptured or
symptomatic aneurysms were substantially higher.
Carotid endarterectomy is a common operation in el-
derly patients. One study of octogenarians demonstrated a
mortality rate of 1.4% and an ipsilateral stroke rate of 1.7%.
Overall survival was 86% at 6 years, with a stroke-free
survival of 76%.
Abdominal Surgery
Abdominal surgery in elderly patients is not benign; how-
ever, results of elective abdominal surgery are rather good.
In a study of major abdominal surgery in patients who
were more than 80 years old, the mortality rate for elective
surgery was 7.5%; results for emergency surgery were
much worse, with a mortality rate of 29%. Numerous stud-
ies have investigated laparoscopic procedures. Elderly pa-
tients can undergo these types of procedures with good
results and very favorable morbidity and mortality rates.
Excellent results have been shown for cholecystectomy and
colonic surgery.

General Considerations
Because the risk of most cancers increases with age, elderly
patients have a disproportionate number of malignant tu-
mors, and surgery is the primary treatment for many of
them. The decision to perform cancer surgery in the elderly
patient, however, rests on certain factors. The first is the
combination of the life expectancy of the patient without
surgical intervention and the natural history of the underly-
ing cancer. Radical surgery for prostate cancer in an ill
90-year-old man is not indicated, whereas resection of
bowel carcinoma in a vigorous 70-year-old patient certainly

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600 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

is. The second factor is the availability of nonsurgical ther-

apy and its relative toxicity. The final factor is the risk of the
proposed surgical procedure in relation to the chance of
cure or prolongation of life.
Lung Cancer
Half of all lung cancer occurs in patients older than 65 years
of age. Surgical resection is a potentially curative form of
treatment. One study retrospectively reviewed morbidity
and mortality following thoracotomy in a group of patients
who were more than 70 years old. The elderly group had a
mortality of 12.8% versus 4.7% for a group of controls
younger than 70 years of age. Complication rates and actu-
arial survival were similar between the two groups, with a
5-year survival of 29.8% in the group older than 70 years of
age versus 33% in the younger group [Thomas et al, 1993].
Other studies have shown similar results, with a small in-
crease in short-term mortality in elderly patients reported as
3% to 14%. A more recent study of patients more than
80 years old showed a perioperative death rate of only 1.6%
and a rate of major complications of 13%. Overall 5-year
survival was 38%, and it was 82% for patients with stage IA
disease. In addition, studies have shown that video-assisted
thoracic surgery is feasible for lung cancer treatment in el-
derly patients. Age alone therefore should not be a contrain-
dication to potentially curative therapy if the patient has
reasonable cardiopulmonary function.
Colon Cancer
Two thirds of colon cancer cases present in persons older
than 65 years of age. There is no nonsurgical therapy. Some
studies have looked at morbidity, mortality, and long-term
survival in elderly patients undergoing colon resection. For
elective surgery with curative intent, mortality rates have
been reported to be between 3% and 11%. One study of
hospitals found a mortality rate of only 2.9% in patients
who were more than 65 years old and 6.9% in those older

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17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 601

than 80 years [Dimick et al, 2003]. Studies of laparoscopic

procedures for bowel cancer have demonstrated good re-
sults with lower morbidity and mortality rates.
In one study, emergency surgery carried a much higher
mortality rate (38%) in patients who were more than
80 years of age. Operations for palliation rather than for cure
also had a higher surgical mortality. Thus, elective surgery
carries a reasonable prognosis, even in those older than
80 years of age, but emergency surgery is poorly tolerated,
especially in very old patients.
Gastric Carcinoma
Similar results have been found in gastric cancer. In one
report of a small number of patients but with young
controls, the mortality rate was slightly higher in the
elderly patients than in the younger control patients
(8% versus 4%) but with similar 5-year survival rates (16%
versus 20%).
Overall, the results of these and other studies suggest that
elective surgery can be performed with acceptable mortality
rates, especially in younger elderly patients (80 years of
age) and in older patients without multiple medical prob-
lems. Emergency surgery is poorly tolerated, especially in
patients who are more than 80 years old. Newer, less invasive
procedures such as laparoscopic surgery, video-assisted tho-
racic surgery, and other minimally invasive surgical proce-
dures have shown excellent results with lower morbidity and
mortality rates that have rendered even more patients eligible
for surgery and have given them a chance for longer lives
with better quality of life.

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602 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

Key Points

• Surgical procedures in elderly patients, in appropriately

selected cases, can be performed with reasonable morbidity
and mortality rates.
• Many elderly patients can enjoy longer lives with improved
quality and more productivity after appropriate surgical
• Emergency surgery has very much higher morbidity and
mortality than elective surgery. Elective surgery should be
performed before an emergency procedure must be done.
• Elderly patients have less physiologic reserve than younger
patients and should be in optimal condition before surgical
procedures are undertaken, if possible.
• Older patients often have significant numbers of underlying
disease processes that put them at additional risk for surgery.
• Many older patients are taking many medications that put
them at risk for surgical complications.
• Elderly patients are at much higher risk for postoperative
delirium because of age and medications; delirium increases
the risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality.
• Improvements in surgical techniques such as endoscopic
procedures make many operations available to older
patients, with much improved outcomes (e.g., laparoscopic

Selected Readings
Abbas S, Booth M: Major abdominal surgery in octogenarians. N Z Med J
116:1-8, 2003.
Beck LH: Perioperative renal fluid, and electrolyte management. Clin Geriatr
Med 6:557-569, 1990.
Berggren D, Gustafson Y, Eriksson B, et al: Postoperative confusion after
anesthesia in elderly patients with femoral neck fractures. Anesth Analg
66:497-504, 1987.
Bridget P, Bellows W, Leung JM: The prevalence of preoperative diastolic
filling abnormalities in geriatric surgical patients. Anesth Analg 97:
1214-1221, 2003.

Ch17-X2385_581_604.indd 602 12/19/07 3:04:26 PM

17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 603

Conaway DG, House J, Bandt K et al: The elderly: Health status benefits and
recovery of function one year after coronary artery bypass surgery. J Am
Coll Cardiol 42:1421-1426, 2003.
Dimick JB, Cowan KA, Upchurch GR, et al: Hospital volume and surgical
outcomes for elderly patients with colorectal cancer in the United States.
J Surg Res 114:50-56, 2003.
Gerrah R, Izhar U, Elami A, et al: Cardiac surgery in octogenarians: A better
prognosis in coronary artery disease. Isr Med Assoc J 5:713-716, 2003.
Gerson MC, Hurst JM, Hertzberg VS, et al: Prediction of cardiac and pulmo-
nary complications related to elective abdominal and noncardiac thoracic
surgery in geriatric patients. Ann Intern Med 88:101-107, 1990. B
Hamel MB, Henderson WG, Khuri SF, et al: Surgical outcomes for patients
aged 89 and older: Morbidity and mortality from major noncardiac sur-
gery. J Am Geriatr Soc 53:424-429, 2005.
Hosking MP, Warner MA, Lobdell CM, et al: Outcomes of surgery in patients
90 years of age and older. JAMA 161:1909-1915, 1989. C
Lewis AAM, Khourg GA: Resection for colorectal cancer in the very old: Are
the risks too high? BMJ 296:459-461, 1988.
Lien CA: Regional versus general anesthesia for hip surgery in older patients:
Does the choice affect patient outcome? J Am Geriatr Soc 50:191-194,
Lipowski ZJ: Delirium in the elderly patient. N Engl J Med 320:578-582,
Marcantonio ER, Flacker JM, Wright RJ, et al: Reducing delirium after hip
fracture: A randomized trial. J Am Geriatr Soc 49:516-522, 2001. C
McCallion J, Canning GP, Knight PV, et al: Acute appendicitis in the elderly:
A 5-year retrospective study. Age Ageing 16:256-260, 1987.
Morrow DJ, Thompson J, Wilson SE: Acute cholecystitis in the elderly: A
surgical emergency. Arch Surg 113:1149-1152, 1978.
Patel AP, Langan EM, Taylor SM, et al: An analysis of standard open and
endovascular surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in octoge-
narians. Am Surg 69:744-748, 2003.
Port JL, Kent M, Korst RJ, et al: Surgical resection for lung cancer in the
octogenarian. Chest 126:733-738, 2004.
Pruner G, Castellano R, Jannello AM, et al: Carotid endarterectomy in the
octogenarian: Outcomes of 345 procedures performed from 1995-2000.
Cardiovasc Surg 11:105-112, 2003.
Ropper AH, Wechsler LR, Wilson LS: Carotid bruit and the risk of stroke in
elective surgery. N Engl J Med 307:1388-1390, 1982. C
Saidi RF, Bell JL, Cucrick PS: Surgical resection for gastric cancer in elderly
patients: Is there a difference in outcome? J Surg Res 118:15-20, 2004.
Seymour DG, Vaz FG: Prospective study of elderly general surgical patients.
II. Postoperative complications. Age Ageing 18:316-326, 1989.

Ch17-X2385_581_604.indd 603 12/19/07 3:04:26 PM

604 17 • Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient

Sherman S, Guidot CE: The feasibility of thoracotomy for lung cancer in the
elderly. JAMA 258:927-930, 1987.
Thomas P, Sielezneff I, Ragni J, et al: Is lung cancer resection justified in
patients aged over 70 years? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 7:246-251, 1993.
Vaz FG, Seymour DG: A prospective study of elderly general surgical patients.
I. Preoperative medical problems. Age Ageing 18:309-315, 1989. C
Weber DM: Laparoscopic surgery: An excellent approach in elderly patients.
Arch Surg 138:1083-1088, 2003.
Weitz HH: Noncardiac surgery in the elderly patient with cardiovascular
disease. Clin Geriatr Med 6:511-529, 1990.

Ch17-X2385_581_604.indd 604 12/19/07 3:04:27 PM

18 Surgery in the Patient
with Kidney Disease

• An estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the surgi-

cal patient with an elevated serum creatinine concentration
will provide the practitioner with an accurate assessment of
the stage of renal failure and will facilitate the appropriate
perioperative medical management of that patient.
• Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of mortality
in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Dipyridamole
thallium scanning and dobutamine echocardiography are the
preferred noninvasive tests for preoperative cardiac risk
assessment in the patient population with CKD.
• Poorly controlled hypertension is prevalent in patients
with CKD and is usually aggravated by hypervolemia. Pa-
tients undergoing dialysis should be well dialyzed and near
their dry weight at the time of surgery.
• Hyperkalemia and acidemia should be corrected medically
or with dialysis before proceeding with surgery.
• Bleeding times are not helpful in identifying patients with
CKD who are at risk for uremic bleeding, and these tests
should not be routinely ordered preoperatively. Bleeding
risk can be decreased with correction of anemia and ade-
quate dialysis. Active bleeding can be treated specifically
with desmopressin acetate (DDAVP), cryoprecipitate, and
conjugated estrogens.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized
controlled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional
studies, retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual
practice, opinion.


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606 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

• Care must be taken to administer all drugs at doses appro-

priate to the level of GFR in patients with CKD in the
perioperative period.
• Postoperative renal failure is associated with high mortality
and is usually caused by prerenal failure or acute tubular
necrosis (ATN).
• The treatment of postoperative renal failure is largely sup-
portive and should focus on normalization of volume
status, optimization of hemodynamics, avoidance of neph-
rotoxins, and the timely provision of renal replacement
therapy (RRT) if necessary.
The need for both elective and emergency surgery in pa-
tients with acute renal failure (ARF) and CKD is not uncom-
mon and has resulted in the development of a specialized
surgical approach to their care. These patients undergo
operations for surgical problems, such as those encoun-
tered in the general population, as well as for problems
that arise specifically as a result of renal failure, such as
vascular access surgery. Regardless of the surgical proce-
dure, these patients present unique management chal-
lenges. Recognition of the potential sequelae of kidney
disease and their appropriate management by the medical
consultant will result in optimal perioperative care of these


The most frequently used screening tool for identifying a
patient with impaired renal function is the serum creatinine
concentration. In the hospitalized patient, an elevated serum
creatinine may represent either acute kidney disease or CKD.
Therefore, when evaluating a patient with an elevated serum
creatinine for a possible surgical procedure, it is first impor-
tant to determine whether this condition is acute or chronic.
A careful history and review of the patient’s records should
provide insight into whether the current elevation in creati-
nine is new or old.

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 607


ARF, as indicated by a sudden rise in creatinine, is common
in the hospitalized patient. The causes are grouped into three
categories: prerenal (hypoperfusion of the kidneys), intrinsic
renal damage, and postrenal (obstruction). If ARF is sus-
pected in a patient who needs a surgical procedure, prompt
consultation with a nephrologist is recommended to deter-
mine what interventions are available to restore the patient’s
renal function to baseline. In general, it is best to wait for the
resolution of ARF before proceeding to surgery, if at all pos-
sible, both to minimize surgical risk and to promote full renal
recovery. If it is necessary for a patient with ARF to have an
operation, care should be taken to prevent intraoperative
hypotension because any decrease in renal blood flow could
prolong the duration of the renal failure and perhaps aggra-
vate the extent of irreversible kidney damage.


In contrast to ARF, CKD is reflected by a stable elevation in
serum creatinine. Serum creatinine is merely a screening test to
identify patients who may have impaired renal function. To
characterize true renal filtration function accurately, one needs
to measure GFR. This measurement requires injection of inulin
or a radiolabeled substance such as iothalamate and the collec-
tion of both timed blood and urine samples to calculate clear-
ance. This approach provides an accurate assessment of the
GFR, but it is time consuming, costly, and inconvenient for the
patient. Measurement of a 24-hour creatinine clearance (ClCr)
is a good estimate of GFR but still requires both a blood sample
and a timed urine collection. To estimate GFR quickly from an
easily obtained serum creatinine measurement simply requires
employing any of several equations that have been validated to
estimate GFR. Two frequently used equations are the
simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
Group (MDRD) formula:

Ch18-X2385_605_632.indd 607 12/19/07 3:07:57 PM

608 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

GFR, in mL/minute/1.73 m2 186.3 

Serum creatinine[-1.154]  Age[-0.203] (0.742 if female) 
(1.21 if African American) [Stevens et al, 2006]
and the simpler formula of Cockcroft and Gault:
ClCr, in mL/minute  (140age)  Lean body weight [kg] 
(PCr [mg/dL]  72)  (0.85 if female)
Where PCr is plasma creatine [ C Stevens et al, 2006].
By applying one of these equations, the clinician may es-
timate the patient’s true level of filtration function. To under-
stand the implications of different levels of GFR more clearly,
the National Kidney Foundation established a classification
of the stages of CKD [National Kidney Foundation, 2002]
(Table 18-1). Patients in stages 1 and 2 CKD have fairly well-
preserved GFR and typically have no special perioperative
considerations based on their renal function. Patients in
stages 3, 4, and 5 need special consideration in the preop-
erative and postoperative period.
General Considerations
Diabetes mellitus (50%) and hypertension (33%) are the two
primary causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the
United States; the remaining cases result from glomerulone-
phritides and a variety of other causes. However, although
only one third of patients have hypertension as the cause of

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

TABLE 18-1
by Glomerular Filtration Rate
Stage Description GFR (mL/min)
1 CKD with normal or ↑ GFR 90
2 Mild ↓ GFR 60–89
3 Moderate ↓ GFR 30–59
4 Severe ↓ GFR 15–29
5 Kidney failure, ESRD 15 or dialysis

CKD, chronic kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 609

their CKD, almost 100% of patients develop hypertension as

a result of CKD by the time they need RRT (either dialysis or
kidney transplantation). Moreover, these patients often re-
quire two or more drugs to achieve adequate blood pressure
control. Uncontrolled blood glucose levels and blood pres-
sure must be managed before these patients can safely pro-
ceed to surgery.
Regardless of the cause, patients with advanced stages of
CKD have impairment of the kidneys’ excretory function, as
evidenced by the accumulation of urea nitrogen and creati-
nine. Similarly, drug excretion is impaired for drugs that de-
pend on the kidney as their route of elimination. Therefore,
dose adjustment of renally eliminated drugs based on the
patient’s GFR is imperative to avoid toxicity. Other com-
pounds that can accumulate in patients with CKD include
the following: potassium, which leads to hyperkalemia and
possible cardiac arrhythmias; phosphorus, which contributes
to hyperparathyroidism; acids leading to metabolic acidosis,
which weakens bones and muscles; and sodium and water,
which result in edema and possibly congestive heart failure.
Uremia may lead to malnutrition that can affect wound heal-
ing, to pericarditis, and possibly to pericardial tamponade, as
well as predisposing patients to increased bleeding by inhib-
iting normal platelet aggregation.
In CKD, the kidneys’ synthetic function is also impaired,
resulting in decreased production of erythropoietin with con-
sequent anemia, as well as decreased conversion of vitamin D
to its active form, a process that causes hypocalcemia, second-
ary hyperparathyroidism, and renal osteodystrophy. Impaired
kidney function can lead to decreased metabolism of sub-
stances such as insulin; the results are an increased sensitivity
to the effects of endogenous insulin and a decreased need
for both exogenous insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents as
renal failure progresses. Profound hypoglycemia may therefore
occur in the diabetic patient with CKD in whom food is with-
held preoperatively.

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610 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

All the foregoing conditions associated with CKD must be

considered when evaluating and managing patients with
impaired renal function in the perioperative period. Renal
insufficiency (creatinine 2.0) is an independent risk fac-
tor for cardiac complications in the patient who under-
goes noncardiac surgical procedures [ C Eagle et al, 2002].
Patients with CKD have a higher incidence of vascular dis-
ease, coronary artery disease, and peripheral vascular dis-
ease, as well as greater myocardial dysfunction, than the
general population. In addition to an increased prevalence of
traditional risk factors for coronary artery disease such as
diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, these patients
have other, less traditional risk factors such as abnormal cal-
cium and phosphorus balance and uremia itself.

History and Physical Examination

The history of the patient with CKD should focus on prior
surgical procedures, bleeding tendencies, and cardiac history,
including a thorough review of systems with attention to a his-
tory of angina, pulmonary symptoms, and arrhythmias. A
complete list of medications needs to be ascertained, especially
potentially nephrotoxic drugs, medications that need thera-
peutic drug monitoring, and medications whose abrupt with-
drawal can lead to rebound hypertension (i.e., -blockers and
clonidine). The physical examination should emphasize evi-
dence of volume overload (i.e. signs of peripheral or pulmo-
nary edema or elevated jugular venous pressure) and evidence
of both cardiac disease (e.g., murmurs, rubs, or gallops) and
peripheral vascular disease, (i.e., bruits or decreased or absent
peripheral pulses).

Laboratory Tests and Other Diagnostic Studies

Appropriate laboratory tests and other studies include a chem-
istry panel to look for abnormalities in electrolytes, including
sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. A complete
blood count should be ordered to assess for anemia. If anemia

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 611

is present, iron studies should be checked. A baseline electro-

cardiogram (ECG) should be performed and compared with
previous ECGs if available. Drug levels should be measured for
appropriate medications such as digoxin and calcineurin in-
hibitors (CNIs) in patients with renal transplants. If there is any
question of pulmonary compromise from either the history or
physical examination, a chest radiograph should be obtained.
Finally, as part of the preoperative evaluation, one must pay
special attention to cardiovascular risk assessment, blood pres-
sure control and volume status, electrolyte and acid-base bal-
ance, and optimization of hematologic parameters.
Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk
Cardiovascular disease is extremely common in patients with
CKD stages 3 to 5 and is the primary cause of death in this
population. In ESRD, mortality from cardiovascular disease
is reported to be at least 10 times higher than in the general
population and is even greater when the underlying cause of
renal failure is diabetes. Overall risk assessment must take
into account both the patient’s clinical risk profile and the
specific risk of the surgical procedure itself. The American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association preopera-
tive evaluation guideline should be utilized to estimate peri-
operative risk (see Chapter 7).
For the patient with CKD in whom evaluation suggests
that cardiac stress testing should be performed, it is impor-
tant to consider the patient’s functional and exercise capacity.
Patients with CKD have been shown to have a lower func-
tional capacity and may be less likely to achieve a target heart
rate on a conventional treadmill stress test. This situation
limits the sensitivity of treadmill stress testing. Although
stress testing in conjunction with nuclear perfusion imaging
is more applicable in patients with known coronary disease
or baseline abnormalities on the ECG, these tests are simi-
larly limited in patients who are unable to achieve target
heart rates and have been shown to have a poorer positive

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612 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

predictive value in patients undergoing dialysis. Therefore,

studies of dialyzed patients lead us to suggest that patients
undergoing high-risk procedures and those who are unable
to exercise should undergo either dipyridamole thallium-201
imaging or dobutamine stress echocardiography. In the fore-
going studies, the dipyridamole thallium and dobutamine
echocardiographic tests had sensitivities, at best, of 92% and
95% and specificities of 89% and 86%, respectively.
Patients with CKD not only have an increased incidence
of coronary artery disease but also have a very high incidence
of left ventricular wall motion abnormalities. The incidence of
left ventricular hypertrophy is approximately 30% when the
GFR is in the range of 50 to 75 mL/minute and increases to
almost 80% by the time the patient is in need of RRT.

Management of Blood Pressure and Volume Status

Volume overload in the patient with CKD is a common cause
of hypertension that is difficult to control. A careful physical
examination for signs of intravascular or peripheral volume
excess is critical. In dialysis-dependent patients, volume con-
trol is achieved by ultrafiltrating fluid to take the patient to
his or her appropriate dry weight. Overly aggressive fluid
removal must be avoided because patients below their dry
weight can develop profound hypotension during the induc-
tion of anesthesia that can lead to complications such as
thrombosis of the dialysis access site.
Most patients have hemodialysis with ultrafiltration per-
formed the day before the surgical procedure to ensure that
they are as near to their dry weight as possible for the operat-
ing room. Patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis should con-
tinue exchanges until the time of surgery, at which point their
peritoneal cavity should be drained. For patients not receiving
RRT who have signs of volume overload, diuretics should be
used to achieve euvolemia. Typically, loop diuretics are used
for this purpose. However, if a patient develops diuretic resis-
tance, a combination of diuretics may be necessary.

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 613

In cases of severe volume overload, especially when pul-

monary edema is present in a patient who needs to go to
the operating room and there is not sufficient time to
optimize volume status with medical therapy, a temporary
dialysis catheter should be placed, and the patient should be
ultrafiltrated. This catheter can be removed postoperatively if
the patient’s renal function is sufficient to maintain the vol-
ume status or changed to a more permanent access if pro-
longed dialysis is anticipated.
In the patient with CKD and hypertension in the absence
of volume overload, parenteral antihypertensive medications
should be used in the perioperative period while the patient
is unable to take oral medications. Parenteral antihyperten-
sive agents that may be used include labetalol (a combined
-and -adrenergic blocker), -methyldopa (a centrally act-
ing agent), and hydralazine (a direct arteriolar vasodilator
that should be given with a -blocker to minimize reflex
sympathetic stimulation). Nicardipine is a dihydropyridine
calcium channel blocker that can be given as an intravenous
infusion. Its major limitation is a long half-life, which limits
the ability for rapid titration. Fenoldopam is a peripheral
dopamine-1 receptor agonist, which has the added advan-
tage of maintaining or increasing renal perfusion while it
lowers blood pressure, thus making it an attractive choice for
patients with CKD. Unlike many other parenteral antihyper-
tensives, fenoldopam does not lead to rebound hypertension
when it is discontinued. Finally, enalaprilat is an intravenous
form of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor enala-
pril. The response to enalaprilat depends heavily on the
plasma volume and plasma renin activity. This drug should
be used with caution in patients with advanced CKD and
should be avoided in new kidney transplant recipients and in
patients with ARF. Nitroglycerin can be administered intrave-
nously, but the more potent nitroprusside should be avoided
in patients with renal insufficiency because it is metabolized
to cyanide, and accumulation can be toxic.

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614 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

Hypotension, albeit less common, can occur in patients

with CKD. In dialyzed patients, low blood pressure is usually
the result of too much volume removal. In this case, fluid
replacement with isotonic saline is appropriate. Once oral
intake is stopped preoperatively (NPO status), it is appropri-
ate to give 500 mL/day of maintenance fluids in addition to
replacing any ongoing fluid losses, which include increased
insensible losses from factors such as mechanical ventilation
and fever. In the euvolemic patient, hypotension can be
caused by autonomic neuropathy, particularly in patients
with diabetes, severe left ventricular dysfunction, pericardial
tamponade (possibly from uremia), oversedation, or adrenal
insufficiency (in patients who received kidney transplants in
the days before steroid-sparing regimens were routinely em-
ployed). In patients with an abnormal response to cosyntro-
pin stimulation testing, stress-dose steroids should be con-
sidered in the perioperative period.

Hyperkalemia is common as the GFR falls and is secondary to
impaired renal excretion of hydrogen and potassium. Ordi-
narily, hyperkalemia in patients with CKD but with some
residual renal function is managed by dietary potassium re-
striction and diuretics. However, even in these patients, dialy-
sis may be necessary in catabolic states, during which potas-
sium release can be immense. Blood in the gastrointestinal
tract or the administration of units of packed red blood cells,
especially cells with an older shelf life, can also result in a
heavy potassium load caused by the lysis of red blood cells.
Hyperkalemia in CKD can be treated in several ways, de-
pending on its severity. As a general rule, potassium levels less
than 6 mEq/L rarely result in changes in the ECG and do not
require emergency therapy. Potassium levels greater than
6 mEq/L require an ECG to interpret the effects of hyperkale-
mia on the cardiac conduction system. Tall, peaked T waves
are an early sign of hyperkalemia. As potassium levels

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 615

increase in the toxic range, the cardiac conduction system is

further depressed and exhibits loss of P waves and widening
of the QRS complex. Ultimately, ventricular fibrillation with
cardiac arrest may occur.
Ion-exchange resins, such as sodium polystyrene sulfo-
nate (Kayexalate, 15 to 60 g), lower serum potassium levels
by causing potassium losses in the gut. Both glucose-insulin
therapy, (10 U of insulin in addition to 50 mL of a 50% glu-
cose solution, followed by continuous infusions of both
glucose and insulin titrated to maintain normal blood glu-
cose values) and sodium bicarbonate (50 to 100 mEq) lower
serum levels by shifting potassium intracellularly. Their effect
is only temporary. Intravenous calcium infusions do not
lower potassium levels but directly antagonize the effects
of potassium on the cell membrane. Mild hyperkalemia
(6 mEq/L) can be treated with sodium polystyrene sulfo-
nate alone (by enema or orally). More severe cases are treated
with glucose and insulin or intravenous bicarbonate therapy,
to lower serum potassium levels acutely, coupled with
sodium polystyrene sulfonate to lower potassium stores.
The infusion of calcium salts is reserved for patients who
have severe changes on the ECG related to hyperkalemia, such
as widening of the QRS complex or cardiac arrest. Calcium
therapy must be combined with glucose-insulin or bicarbon-
ate therapy, which lowers potassium levels acutely, followed by
either sodium polystyrene sulfonate or dialysis to lower potas-
sium stores. -agonists, such as inhaled albuterol, can be use-
ful in lowering serum potassium levels. These agents are best
used in conjunction with glucose and insulin. Care must be
taken, however, because the doses are higher than in conven-
tional use, and cardiovascular complications can occur, espe-
cially arrhythmias in conjunction with anesthesia.
Dialysis-dependent patients should be routinely dialyzed
24 hours before a surgical procedure. If necessary, patients
can undergo urgent dialysis to treat hyperkalemia acutely.
With the removal of approximately 25 to 50 mEq/hour of

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616 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

potassium, most patients can be stabilized for surgery with a

2-hour dialysis treatment. Immediate postdialysis potassium
levels may not reflect the true equilibrium potassium level
reached several hours later.

Patients with renal failure can have either normal anion gap
or elevated anion gap acidosis. The former occurs when renal
failure is mild to moderate (ClCr 20 mL/minute), and the
latter occurs in more severe renal dysfunction. When a pa-
tient with CKD is acidemic and dialysis is not feasible or in-
dicated, correction to a minimum pH of 7.25 is indicated
preoperatively. Bicarbonate deficit can be calculated by the
following formula:
(Desired HCO3  observed HCO3) 
50% body weight (kg)
where HCO3 is bicarbonate.
The patient with CKD may have acidemia for reasons
other than CKD alone, especially when it is high anion gap
metabolic acidosis. High anion gap can be caused by ketoac-
ids, lactic acid, and poisoning with ethylene glycol, aspirin,
or methanol.

Hematologic Considerations
Progressive anemia is common as the GFR falls to less than
60 mL/minute. Moreover, as renal function declines, the degree
of anemia worsens. Anemia of CKD is normochromic and nor-
mocytic. The principal cause of the anemia relates to relative
underproduction of erythropoietin, although the uremic milieu
causes suppression of erythroid progenitor cells. Recombinant
human erythropoietin is the mainstay of treatment for ure-
mic anemia in all stages of CKD [ A Eschbach et al, 1987]. In
dialysis for ESRD, the removal of uremic toxins may also
help to stimulate erythropoiesis. However, both dialysis and
erythropoietin therapy are slow to correct anemia and thus

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 617

are of little practical benefit in the perioperative period. Al-

though younger patients without coronary disease may tolerate
major surgical procedures with hemoglobin levels of 6 to 7 g/
dL, it is prudent to transfuse packed red blood cells in an
amount sufficient to provide a hemoglobin of approxi-
mately 9 to 10 g/dL in older patients with concomitant
cardiac or pulmonary disease [ B Livio et al, 1982].
Correction of anemia to a hematocrit of 26% to 30% is a
mainstay of treatment for the increased bleeding tendency ex-
perienced by some patients with CKD. Uremic bleeding relates
to disorders of platelet function because most patients have
normal platelet counts as well as normal coagulation studies. In
addition, not all uremic patients have bleeding diatheses. Con-
versely, some patients are hypercoagulable. The pathophysiol-
ogy underlying uremic platelet disorders is incompletely un-
derstood. Anemia can contribute to prolonged bleeding times
through rheologic mechanisms. Other abnormalities that may
affect bleeding time include abnormal arachidonate metabo-
lism, acquired platelet storage pool deficiency, disturbed regu-
lation of platelet calcium content, and qualitative or quantita-
tive abnormalities of von Willebrand factor.
There are several approaches to correcting the bleeding time
of a uremic patient. Dialysis alone improves bleeding time in
about half the patients and can be instituted if other indicators
for its use are present. Specific therapy is indicated for bleeding
time abnormalities in the uremic patient who is actively bleed-
ing, either postoperatively or, for example, from the gastrointes-
tinal tract. The indication for attempting to correct bleeding
time before an elective procedure, however, is less clear. Al-
though it is true that uremic patients are more prone to bleed-
ing and that some patients have a demonstrably abnormal
bleeding time, the correlation between which patients will
bleed and the actual bleeding time is poor. For this reason, we
no longer measure bleeding time routinely before procedures
such as percutaneous renal biopsy or surgery. Patients with a
bleeding diathesis are treated as outlined later.

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618 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

Cryoprecipitate (10 U intravenously every 12 to 24 hours)

can correct bleeding time, likely by providing von Wille-
brand factor. Its onset of action is rapid, and thus it is useful
when immediate correction of bleeding time is desired. The
principal risk of cryoprecipitate use is infection, similar
to other blood products. Arginine vasopressin, or DDAVP
(0.3 µg/kg intravenously), also has a rapid effect on bleeding
time and is well tolerated. The effect may relate to release of
stored von Willebrand factor. Its principal drawback relates
to a relatively short duration of effect; tachyphylaxis tends to
develop after only two doses, probably resulting from deple-
tion of factor VIII-von Willebrand factor stores.
Conjugated estrogens can also shorten bleeding time. The
onset of action is relatively slow. Some effect occurs in 6 hours,
but the peak effect occurs between 5 and 7 days. However, the
duration of effect of conjugated estrogens may be as long as
14 days, thus making estrogen therapy a promising approach
when a prolonged effect on bleeding time may be desirable
(e.g., in difficult to control gastrointestinal bleeding).
Finally, it is important to avoid the use of heparin during
dialysis if the patient is to undergo a surgical procedure im-
mediately after treatment. Typically, the coagulation profile
returns to normal within 4 hours after hemodialysis. If sur-
gery is urgent, the effects of heparin can be reversed by the
administration of protamine.

Intraoperative Considerations
CKD can affect the disposition of commonly used anesthetic
drugs by changes in the renal excretion of drug and active
metabolites and by changes in protein binding. The benzodi-
azepines diazepam, lorazepam, and midazolam are highly
protein bound agents. In renal failure, displacement of ben-
zodiazepines from protein by other molecules results in
an increased free fraction of these agents. This process, in

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 619

addition to the accumulation of active metabolites with re-

petitive administration, makes renal patients very sensitive to
the sedative effects of these agents.
Propofol, which is primarily metabolized by the liver, is usu-
ally well tolerated in patients with renal disease. The depolar-
izing neuromuscular blocker succinylcholine may cause an in-
crease in serum potassium level of approximately 0.5 to
1.0 mEq/L and should not be used in patients with CKD unless
serum potassium is normal. The long-acting muscle relaxant
pancuronium is excreted primarily by the kidneys and can re-
sult in prolonged paralysis after a single dose in patients with
CKD. Atracurium undergoes spontaneous Hofmann elimina-
tion in the plasma and tissues and can be safely used in patients
with CKD. In general, recovery from neuromuscular blockade
is variable in patients with CKD and needs to be monitored
carefully. Fluoride ions can accumulate with the use of the in-
halational agents enflurane, sevoflurane, and methoxyflurane
and can lead to renal toxicity. The use of these agents should be
avoided in patients with preexisting renal failure.
Perioperative pain relief may be provided by a variety of
agents. Fentanyl may be used safely in patients with CKD,
but large or prolonged doses of meperidine should be
avoided. Normeperidine is an active metabolite of meperi-
dine that accumulates in kidney failure and can cause myo-
clonic jerks, seizures, and respiratory depression. Morphine-
6-glucuronide, the active metabolite of morphine, can also
accumulate in CKD and cause prolonged opioid effects when
morphine is given in repeated doses or infusion.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Many patients with CKD receive prophylactic antibiotics for
surgical procedures. In general, perioperative antibiotics
should be administered in accordance with general surgical
principles as long as appropriate dose adjustments are made
for the level of renal function. Empirical vancomycin should
be avoided, if possible, because of the increased incidence of

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620 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

resistant bacteria. Antibiotic prophylaxis using standard bac-

terial endocarditis regimens is recommended for dialyzed
patients with synthetic vascular access grafts or catheters.

Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid

and Electrolyte Management
Special care must be taken to avoid intraoperative hypoten-
sion, decreased renal perfusion, and further worsening renal
function. Adequate venous access should be established.
Arterial and central venous lines may aid in the assessment
of volume status. The use of pulmonary artery catheters may
be required in patients with CKD who have severe coronary
artery disease, valvular heart disease, or decreased systolic
function. Volume replacement fluids should be given in the
form of isotonic saline or blood products. The intraoperative
infusion of potassium-containing (4 mEq/L) lactated Ringer’s
solution should be avoided.
As previously mentioned, patients undergoing dialysis
should ideally be dialyzed within 24 hours before going for
elective surgical procedures, to prevent volume overload,
hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis. Aggressive volume
replacement intraoperatively may result in pulmonary edema
and the need for emergency dialysis in the postoperative
period. A small study conducted in dialyzed patients under-
going cardiac surgery suggested that intraoperative hemodi-
alysis may allow a delay in performing postoperative dialysis,
but no data suggest that overall outcome is improved with
the performance of intraoperative dialysis. In general, intra-
operative hemodialysis can be logistically difficult and can
lead to further hemodynamic instability. In certain circum-
stances, such as during liver transplantation, continuous di-
alysis (continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration or continu-
ous venovenous hemofiltration) may be performed in the
operating room to prevent massive fluid overload.
Serum potassium should be closely monitored by the an-
esthesia team during long procedures, especially in the event

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 621

of tissue ischemia and necrosis or the transfusion of blood.

Severe hyperkalemia that occurs intraoperatively can best be
treated with intravenous calcium to stabilize membranes and
with glucose and insulin to drive potassium intracellularly.
Worsening acidosis may be treated with sodium bicarbonate,
but this can lead to volume overload. The hyperkalemic or
acidemic patient will most likely need to be dialyzed soon
after the surgical procedure.

Vascular Access
During surgical procedures, the anesthesia team must take
special measures to protect the dialyzed patient’s vascular ac-
cess. The limb should be properly positioned without re-
straints to prevent prolonged occlusive pressure and possible
thrombosis of the access site. Needle sticks and blood pres-
sure measurements should also be avoided in the access-
related limb. Central lines should be avoided on the same side
as the vascular access if at all possible. Internal jugular lines
are preferred over subclavian lines to prevent venous stenosis
and loss of potential access sites. Intraoperative hypotension
can also lead to thrombosis of the access. The anesthesiologist
should auscultate the access frequently during the surgical
procedure to verify patency. In the event of thrombosis,
prompt thrombectomy should be arranged. Special care must
be taken in patients with CKD who are not yet receiving di-
alysis to protect potential vascular access sites. The forearm
and upper arm veins of the nondominant arm should be pro-
tected from needle sticks. Displaying a sign at the patient’s
bedside to save the designated arm may be helpful.
In kidney transplant recipients, femoral access, such as
arterial or venous catheters or intra-aortic balloon pumps,
should generally be avoided on the side ipsilateral to the re-
nal allograft. In the event of cross-clamping of the abdominal
aorta, a temporary bypass, usually from the ipsilateral axil-
lary artery to the femoral artery, must be performed to main-
tain the arterial blood supply to the transplanted kidney.

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622 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

Patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis should have their

peritoneal cavity drained of dialysate preoperatively. The
peritoneal catheter can remain in place unless the peritoneal
cavity becomes contaminated intraoperatively with intestinal
contents. In the event of abdominal surgical procedures, a
central venous hemodialysis catheter will need to be placed
for performance of temporary hemodialysis until the incision
is adequately healed to permit resumption of peritoneal di-
alysis (usually 2 to 3 weeks).

Postoperative Management
Care must be taken to administer all postoperative medica-
tions at doses appropriate to the patient’s level of renal func-
tion. The use of prewritten postoperative order templates can
create increased potential for inappropriate dosing of medi-
cations in patients with CKD and should be avoided. ClCr
should be calculated or estimated for all patients, and doses
of medications should be adjusted accordingly. Special care
must be taken with those drugs that are excreted primarily
by the kidney and that have narrow toxic-therapeutic win-
dows such as digoxin and aminoglycoside antibiotics. In
these situations, drug levels must be monitored frequently.
The use of magnesium- or phosphate-containing antacids
and cathartics in the postoperative setting can lead to danger-
ous hypermagnesemia and hyperphosphatemia in patients
with advanced CKD and should generally be avoided.
Options for postoperative analgesia include acetamino-
phen, fentanyl, and oxycodone. As mentioned earlier, me-
peridine should not be used in patients with CKD because of
the accumulation of its neurotoxic metabolite, and morphine
should be used cautiously because of prolongation of its
sedative effects. Other drugs that should be used with cau-
tion include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, an-
giotensin II receptor blockers, and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory agents (NSAIDs). These agents can decrease

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 623

renal blood flow and GFR and can lead to further decrement
in kidney function, especially during periods of effective
circulating volume depletion that can occur postoperatively.
The low-molecular-weight heparin enoxaparin is eliminated
primarily by the kidney, and administration at fixed doses
without monitoring has an unpredictable anticoagulant effect
in patients with CKD. If this agent is used, doses should be
reduced and anti–factor Xa activity frequently monitored. To
date, enoxaparin has not been approved by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration for use in dialyzed patients.
Drug dosing in the renal transplant recipient can create
unique challenges in the perioperative setting. Immunosup-
pressant medications must be continued in renal transplant
recipients perioperatively to prevent organ rejection. The use
of stress-dose steroids is not indicated for routine, elective
surgical procedures unless the patient has documented adre-
nal insufficiency. The CNIs cyclosporine and tacrolimus can
be given intravenously at one third the usual dose for those
patients who cannot yet take oral medications. Trough drug
levels must be monitored very closely to verify appropriate
perioperative dosing. Moreover, CNIs are metabolized by the
cytochrome P-450 system, and numerous drug interactions
can occur. Some of the more frequently prescribed drugs
metabolized by this system include diltiazem, verapamil,
fluconazole, ketoconazole, and erythromycin, which increase
CNI levels, as well as rifampin, barbiturates, phenytoin, and
carbamazepine, which decrease CNI levels. The immunosup-
pressant agent sirolimus may have a negative effect on
fibrosis, and some evidence suggests a higher incidence of
surgical wound complications, such as infection and hernia,
with this agent.

Careful attention must be paid to the postoperative nutri-
tional needs of patients with CKD. There is an overall high
prevalence of protein-calorie malnutrition in these patients

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624 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

that must be taken into account when prescribing postop-

erative nutritional support. Caloric intake should be high,
and protein intake should be adequate to minimize tissue
catabolism and to promote wound healing. A caloric intake
of 30 to 35 kcal/kg with a protein intake of 1.2 to 1.5 g/kg
is usually optimal for patients with CKD. Formulas with
high caloric density may be needed in dialyzed patients to
limit the amount of fluid administered. Electrolyte-free for-
mulas of parenteral nutritional solutions may need to be
used to prevent hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and
hypermagnesemia. If enteral supplements can be used,
then renal specific formulas that are lower in potassium
should be used.

Fluid-Electrolyte Management
Patients with renal failure are prone to electrolyte abnor-
malities in the postoperative period. Hyperkalemia should be
treated as outlined earlier. Enemas containing the cation-
exchange resin Kayexalate and sorbitol should be used with
extreme caution to treat hyperkalemia in patients after
surgical procedures because of the increased incidence of
intestinal necrosis. This usually occurs in the setting of
decreased colonic motility and may be precipitated by hyper-
osmotic sorbitol-induced tissue damage. Dialysis should
be performed in patients with CKD who have persistent
hyperkalemia despite medical therapy. Dialysis treatments
performed in the first 24 to 48 postoperative hours should
be done without the use of heparin to prevent bleeding.
Care must be taken not to administer large amounts of
hypotonic fluids to patients with advanced renal failure be-
cause this may lead to severe hyponatremia. Fluid repla-
cement should generally be given with isotonic saline. Hy-
potonic saline should be reserved for those patients
who have increased free water losses, such as patients with
osmotic diarrhea or diuresis or patients who are already

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 625


Incidence and Impact

Postoperative ARF (acute or acute superimposed on chronic)
is a common complication of major vascular, cardiac, and
abdominal surgical procedures. Identifying the exact inci-
dence is made difficult mainly because of the lack of a con-
sistent definition of ARF and the lack of uniformity in the
surgical populations studied. The best-studied population
represents patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Estimates of
postoperative ARF in this population range from 1% to 15%.
Despite the many advances in the care of surgical patients,
ARF that develops postoperatively remains a serious compli-
cation that is associated with high mortality and resource
utilization. Over the last decade, mortality has been shown to
still be as high as 50% in some series of patients who have
developed ARF postoperatively. One study performed in
cardiac surgical patients showed that in-hospital mortality
was 14.5% in those patients who developed postoperative
ARF compared with 1.1% in those patients without ARF
[Loef et al, 2005]. Long-term (5-year) mortality risk re-
mained elevated in these patients even when renal function
had recovered at the time of discharge. Patient-specific risk
factors shown to be predictive of developing postoperative
renal failure include preoperative renal dysfunction, perio-
perative cardiac dysfunction, sepsis, hepatic failure, obstruc-
tive jaundice, hypovolemia, and advanced age. Higher-risk
surgical procedures include cardiac surgery requiring
cardiopulmonary bypass, vascular procedures requiring
aortic cross-clamping, liver transplantation, and, for ob-
vious reasons, renal transplantation [ C Sadovnikoff, 2001].

Differential Diagnosis
Although the surgical setting creates unique conditions that can
lead to ARF, the general approach to the patient and the gen-
eration of the differential diagnosis are the same in all patients

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626 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

with ARF. In the postoperative setting, ARF may have prerenal,

intrinsic renal, or postrenal (obstructive) causes.
Prerenal failure results from decreased renal perfusion and is
very common in the postoperative setting, in which hypovole-
mia from blood loss, third spacing of fluid, and gastrointestinal
fluid loss is common. Decreased renal perfusion resulting from
impaired cardiac contractility occurs frequently in the cardiac
surgical patient. Cross-clamping of the abdominal aorta during
aneurysm repair also results in decreased renal perfusion and
can lead to ARF. The abdominal compartment syndrome is an
unusual cause of decreased renal perfusion associated with
increased intra-abdominal pressure. This syndrome is most
commonly seen in trauma patients who require massive vol-
ume resuscitation, but it also can be seen with tight surgical
closures and scarring after burn injuries.
Potential intrinsic renal causes of postoperative ARF are
many. The most common cause of renal failure in this cate-
gory is ATN. Because ATN can be seen with severe renal
ischemia, any prerenal insult discussed earlier may lead to
ATN if it is severe or prolonged or both. ATN may also be
seen with exposure to various toxins. Common toxins en-
countered in the perioperative setting include aminoglyco-
side antibiotics, amphotericin, and intravenous contrast
agents. Myoglobin, an endogenous toxin, can lead to ATN
during rhabdomyolysis that occurs with muscle trauma or
ischemia. Rhabdomyolysis can also be seen with prolonged
perioperative immobilization of morbidly obese patients.
Other common intrinsic causes of ARF include release of
atheroemboli during vascular manipulation and acute inter-
stitial nephritis resulting from a hypersensitivity response to
various medications such as NSAIDs.
Postrenal failure can occur anytime there is obstruction to
urinary flow, and potential causes in the surgical setting are
many. An important cause is bladder outlet obstruction re-
sulting from prostatic hypertrophy that is often aggravated by
impaired bladder motility in the postanesthesia setting.

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 627

Other causes include obstruction related to gross hematuria

and blood clots, formation of retroperitoneal hematoma, and
actual damage to the ureters during surgical procedures.

Most cases of postoperative ARF are the result of prerenal
failure or ATN usually related to prolonged renal ischemia.
Differentiating between these two disorders can sometimes
be difficult, because they often exist on a continuum. Proper
diagnosis is important, however, in that management of the
patient differs depending on the cause.
A thorough history should focus on episodes of volume loss
such as vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhage, and aggressive diure-
sis. Third spacing of fluid can be tremendous in pancreatitis,
and insensible losses of fluid can be high with fever, mechani-
cal ventilation, and severe burns. The intraoperative flow
sheets must be reviewed for episodes of hypotension. The
medical record must be thoroughly reviewed to ascertain any
exposure of the patient to nephrotoxins such as intravenous
contrast agents, aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, or myoglobin.
The physical examination should focus on accurate as-
sessment of volume status and cardiac function and the pres-
ence of rash, livedo reticularis, or embolic stigmata. Diagnos-
tic studies that can assist in making the proper diagnosis
include urine electrolytes and urinalysis with examination of
spun urinary sediment. Low urine sodium (10 mEq/L)
with a fractional excretion of sodium less than 1% and a
bland urinary sediment suggests a diagnosis of prerenal
failure. In an oliguric patient, high urine sodium
(20 mEq/L) with fractional excretion of sodium greater
than 1% and the presence of renal tubular epithelial cells
and granular casts in the urine is indicative of ATN
[ A Miller et al, 1978]. A renal ultrasound scan should always
be performed in postoperative ARF to rule out hydrone-
phrosis and urinary obstruction quickly. Urine eosinophils
may be present in interstitial nephritis and atheroemboli

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628 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

syndrome. The serum creatine phosphokinase level should

be checked, and it usually exceeds 10,000 mg/dL when as-
sociated with ATN resulting from rhabdomyolysis.

The management of postoperative ARF is mainly supportive
and initially involves the treatment of intravascular volume
depletion with isotonic fluids or blood products. Renal blood
flow should be maximized by optimizing cardiac output. This
may require controlling rhythm disturbances if present, reduc-
ing afterload, and possibly using inotropic agents. The use of
diuretic therapy may be necessary for oliguria that persists de-
spite the repletion of intravascular volume and the optimization
of hemodynamic status. Emphasis and energy are often placed
on the conversion of oliguric to nonoliguric renal failure. Al-
though the ability of a patient to respond to diuretics does
generally imply less severe disease and can facilitate manage-
ment, the successful ability to convert a patient from oliguric to
nonoliguric renal failure has not been shown to improve the
clinical outcome. In fact, some evidence suggests that the use
of diuretics in ARF may be associated with poorer renal
functional outcome [ C Mehta et al, 2002]. High doses of loop
diuretics are needed to induce natriuresis in patients with renal
failure. Continuous infusion of loop diuretics may produce a
greater percentage of increase in sodium excretion compared
with large-bolus dosing. RRT is indicated for patients with
hypervolemia resistant to diuretics, hyperkalemia or metabolic
acidosis that does not respond to medical therapy, and uremic
manifestations such as pericarditis, increased bleeding, or de-
creased mental status.
The use of agents to reverse renal failure or potentially to
hasten the recovery of renal function has generated much
interest. Dopamine, at “renal doses,” has been one such agent
that continues to be used frequently in the surgical setting.
The theoretical benefit of lower-dose dopamine is based on
the ability of this agent to increase renal blood flow, increase

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18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 629

GFR, and induce natriuresis in experimental situations.

However, no convincing evidence has been provided that
dopamine prevents postoperative renal failure, decreases
the need for RRT, or changes clinical outcomes [ C Holmes
and Walley, 2003]. This lack of evidence, along with the po-
tential risks of therapy such as increased myocardial oxygen
demand, increased frequency of arrhythmias, decreased
splanchnic circulation, and blunted immune response,
should argue against the routine use of renal-dose dopamine
in patients with postoperative renal failure.
Mannitol is another agent that has been used to treat post-
operative renal failure. Mannitol has been proven to be of
benefit in the prevention of ATN in renal transplant recipi-
ents if the drug is administered before the release of the renal
artery cross-clamp, and it is also still frequently used in the
prime solution during cardiopulmonary bypass. However,
no controlled trails have been conducted to show the benefit
of mannitol in established renal failure.

Given the lack of current therapy to treat postoperative renal
failure, emphasis should focus on its prevention. Strategies to
prevent postoperative renal failure include the early identifi-
cation of at-risk surgical patients, the maintenance of effec-
tive intravascular volume status and the optimization of
cardiovascular performance, the avoidance of nephrotoxins,
and the proper spacing of procedures. Many pharmacologic
agents have been investigated for benefit in preventing ARF.
Agents that have been studied but so far have not shown to
be of benefit include renal-dose dopamine, loop diuretics,
calcium channel blockers, atrial natriuretic peptide, and
various growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor and
fibroblast growth factor.
Two agents that have shown some promise in the preven-
tion of ARF resulting from intravenous contrast agents are
N-acetylcysteine and the dopamine analogue fenoldopam.

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630 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

Whether there is some benefit in the use of these agents for the
prevention of postoperative renal failure remains to be eluci-
dated. One review of evidence-based strategies to lower the
risk of contrast-induced nephropathy suggested that pa-
tients at increased risk for contrast-induced nephropathy
be considered to receive N-acetylcysteine, 600 to 1200 mg
orally twice daily for two doses before the contrast-related
procedure and two doses after the procedure, OR ascorbic
acid, 3 g orally 2 hours before the procedure and 2 g orally
twice daily after the procedure. These patients should also
receive intravenous hydration before the procedure (intra-
venous normal saline, 1 mL/kg/hour for 6 to 12 before the
procedure, OR intravenous 5% dextrose and water AND
sodium bicarbonate, 3 mL/kg for 1 hour before the proce-
dure, with monitoring for metabolic alkalosis) and intrave-
nous hydration following the procedure (intravenous
normal saline, 1 mL/kg/hour for 6 to 12 hours, OR intrave-
nous 5% dextrose and water AND sodium bicarbonate,
154 mEq/L, 1 mL/kg for 6 hours, with monitoring for
metabolic alkalosis). Because these preprocedure and
postprocedure hydration regimens use a significant vol-
ume load, it is essential to monitor the patient carefully for
volume overload. It is also recommended that the mini-
mum possible volume of iso-osmolar or low-osmolar con-
trast agent be used [ C Pannu et al, 2006].

Selected Readings
Brown K, Rimmer J, Haisch C: Non-invasive cardiac risk stratification of
diabetic and non-diabetic uremic renal allograft candidates using
dipyridamole-thallium-201 imaging and radionuclide ventriculography.
Am J Cardiol 64:1017-1021, 1989.
Burke JF, Francos GC: Surgery in the patient with acute or chronic renal
failure. In Merli GJ, Weitz HH (eds): Medical Management of the Surgi-
cal Patient, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1998, pp 326-337.
Camp A, Garvin P, Hoff J: Prognostic valve of intravenous dipyridamole thal-
lium imaging in patients with diabetes mellitus considered for renal
transplantation. Am J Cardiol 65:1459-1463, 1990.

Ch18-X2385_605_632.indd 630 12/19/07 3:08:00 PM

18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease 631

Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, et al: The seventh report of the Joint
National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treat-
ment of High Blood Pressure. JAMA 289:2560-2572, 2003.
Cockcroft D, Gault M: Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creati-
nine. Nephron 16:31-41, 1976.
Conger J: Interventions in clinical acute renal failure: What are the data? Am
J Kidney Dis 26:565-576, 1995.
Dahan M, Viron B, Faraggi M, et al: Diagnostic accuracy and prognostic
value of combined dipyridamole-exercise thallium imaging in hemodi-
alysis patients. Kid Int 54:255-262, 1998.
Dean M: Opioids in renal failure and dialysis patients. J Pain Symptom Man-
age 28:497-504, 2004.
Eagle K, Berger P, Calkins H: ACC/AHA guideline update for perioperative
cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery—executive summary:
A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-
tion Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:542-553,
2002. C
Eschbach J, Egrie J, Downing M: Correction of the anemia of end-stage renal
disease with recombinant human erythropoietin: Results of a combined
phase I and phase II clinical trial. N Engl J Med 316:73-78, 1987. A
Holley J, Fenton R, Arthur R: Thallium stress testing does not predict car-
diovascular risk in diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease under-
going cadaveric renal transplantation. Am J Med 90:563-570, 1991.
Holmes C, Walley K: Bad medicine: Low-dose dopamine in the ICU. Chest
123:1266-1275, 2003. C
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI): K/DOQI clinical
practice guidelines on hypertension and antihypertensive agents in chronic
kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 43(Suppl):S1-S290, 2004.
Lemmens H: Kidney transplantation: Recent developments and recommen-
dations for anesthetic management. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 22:
651-662, 2004.
Lind S: The bleeding time does not predict surgical bleeding. Blood
77:2547-2552, 1991.
Livio M, Gotti E, Marchesi D: Uraemic bleeding: Role of anaemia and benefi-
cial effect of red cell transfusions. Lancet 2:1013-1015, 1982. B
Loef BG, Epema AH, Smilde TD, et al: Immediate postoperative renal func-
tion deterioration in cardiac surgical patients predicts in-hospital mortal-
ity and long-term survival. J Am Soc Nephrol 16:195-200, 2005.
Mazze R: Anesthesia for patients with abnormal renal function and genito-
urinary problems. In Miller RD (ed): Anesthesia, 2nd ed. Philadelphia,
JB Lippincott, 1986.
Mehta RL, Pascual MT, Soroko S, et al: Diuretics, mortality, and nonrecovery of
renal function in acute renal failure. JAMA 288:2547-2553, 2002. C

Ch18-X2385_605_632.indd 631 12/19/07 3:08:00 PM

632 18 • Surgery in the Patient with Kidney Disease

Miller TR, Anderson RJ, Linas SL, et al: Urinary diagnostic indices in
acute renal failure: A prospective study. Ann Intern Med 89:47-50,
1978. A
National Kidney Foundation: K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic
kidney disease: Evaluation, classification and stratification. Am J Kidney
Dis 39(Suppl):S1-S266, 2002.
Pannu N, Wiebe N, Tonelli M: Prophylaxis strategies for contrast-induced
nephropathy. JAMA 295:2765-2779, 2006. C
Pannu N, Manns B, Lee H, Tonelli M: Systematic review of the impact of
N-acetylcysteine on contrast nephropathy. Kidney Int 65:1366-1374,
Reddy V: Prevention of postoperative acute renal failure. J Postgrad Med
48:64-70, 2002.
Remuzzi G: Bleeding disorders in uremia: Pathophysiology and treatment.
Adv Nephrol Necker Hosp 19:171-186, 1989.
Sadovnikoff N: Perioperative acute renal failure. Int Anesthesiol Clin 39:
95-109, 2001. C
Schillaci G, Reboldi G, Verdecchia P: High-normal serum creatinine concen-
tration is a predictor of cardiovascular risk in essential hypertension.
Arch Intern Med 161:886-891, 2001.
Singri N, Ahya S, Levin M: Acute renal failure. JAMA 289:747-751, 2003.
Stevens LA, Coresh J, Greene T, Levey AS: Assessing kidney function:
Measured and estimated glomerular filtration rate. N Engl J Med 354:
2473-2483, 2006. C
Stone G, McCullough PA, Tumlin JA, et al: Fenoldopam mesylate for the
prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: A randomized controlled
trial. JAMA 290:2284-2291, 2003.
Tepel M, van der Giet M, Schwarzfeld C, et al: Prevention of radiographic-
contrast-agent–induced reductions in renal function by acetylcysteine.
N Engl J Med 343:180-184, 2000.

Ch18-X2385_605_632.indd 632 12/19/07 3:08:01 PM

19 Perioperative Management
of the Patient with Arthritis
or Systemic Autoimmune

The systemic autoimmune diseases encompass a heterogeneous

group of disorders that provide the patient, surgeon, and medi-
cal consultant with unique concerns in the perioperative setting.
Because perioperative assessment and management depend on
the specific disorder, the medical consultant should try to con-
firm the diagnosis by discussion with the patient’s rheumatolo-
gist or review of prior records. Details regarding rheumatologist-
prescribed medications (e.g., cyclophosphamide, intravenous
immune globulin, azathioprine, anti-tumor necrosis factor [anti-
TNF] therapy) may give insight into the severity and course of
the disease. An assessment of current disease activity that in-
cludes the degree of end-organ damage and could influence the
patient’s perioperative course should be a component of the
preoperative evaluation. The consultant should not assume that
baseline laboratory tests will be normal, even in young, appar-
ently healthy patients with systemic autoimmune disease.
Patients with these disorders are frequently ingesting
many prescribed and alternative medications. The patient
should be particularly asked regarding the use of nonpre-
scription medications taken for pain relief, to “boost their
immune system,” or to increase energy.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized con-
trolled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies,
retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,


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634 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

Issues that may affect successful postoperative rehabilitation

should be considered preoperatively. Recommendations re-
garding pain and anti-inflammatory medications are likely to
affect the postoperative course. This is particularly important in
patients with inflammatory arthritis. Preoperative withdrawal
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and with-
holding of methotrexate in the perioperative period may result
in significant exacerbation of inflammatory joint pain postop-
eratively. This complication may be blunted or prevented if
perioperative “stress-dose” corticosteroids are required or by
the judicious use of low-dose postoperative prednisone. Nar-
cotics are often surprisingly ineffective at relieving the pain and
stiffness of active inflammatory joint disease.


Rheumatoid Arthritis
Disease Characteristics
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory
arthritis affecting women. More than 1% of the population
may have the disease. RA is characterized by chronic sym-
metrical, often destructive, polyarticular synovitis. RA involves
the small and large joints while sparing the distal finger joints
and noncervical spine. It is a systemic disease, frequently with
extra–articular manifestations (Table 19-1). The advent of
more effective therapies, employed in a more aggressive fash-
ion, has probably made these complications less common.
RA-associated surgery includes arthroplasty, tendon re-
construction, carpal tunnel decompression, subcutaneous
nodule removal, and intrathoracic nodule biopsy. Carpal
tunnel surgery in RA is often more extensive than idiopathic
or diabetes-associated carpal tunnel decompression. In RA,
the surgical procedure often requires exploration and syno-
vectomy. For the patient with RA who requires joint replace-
ment, the risk of prosthetic joint infection is slightly higher

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 635

TABLE 19-1 Complications of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Complication Comments
Fatigue Multifactorial, associated with inflammation,
disordered sleep, anemia
Anemia Usually mild, not iron responsive; ferritin level
⬎60 suggests anemia of inflammatory disease,
not iron deficiency
Felty’s syndrome Splenomegaly and neutropenia, often with leg
ulcers; thrombocytopenia can occur
Interstitial lung disease;
pleural effusions
Neuropathies Compressive (median nerve at wrist; ulnar at
elbow); cervical myelopathy; mononeuritis
multiplex (vasculitic), polyneuropathy
(vasculitic, amyloidosis)
Coronary artery disease Independent of usual risk factors
Pericarditis Usually mild and asymptomatic
Adenopathy Common, but risk of lymphoma is also higher
than normal population
Sjögren’s syndrome
Cricoarytenoid arthritis Hoarseness; ear, nose, and throat evaluation before

than in the patient whose joint replacement is necessitated by

osteoarthritis (OA). The question whether a lung nodule in a
patient with severe RA is a rheumatoid nodule can be an-
swered only by tissue biopsy. In a series of 64 pulmonary
nodules, only 6% were rheumatoid nodules, and 38% were
malignant. This finding should be considered if a lung lesion
is discovered on a preoperative chest radiograph.
Rheumatoid involvement of the cervical spine affects
the ease and safety of endotracheal intubation [ C Nguyen
et al, 2004]. Preoperative assessment includes evaluation
of articular structures that may influence the outcome of in-
tubation, as well as a focused baseline neurologic exami-
nation. Involvement of the temporomandibular joint affects
the ease of endotracheal intubation, and this joint should be
assessed. Hoarseness or any history of voice change, odyno-
phagia, or stridor should raise concern regarding cricoary-
tenoid arthritis. The possibility of cricoarytenoid joint

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636 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

dysfunction should prompt preoperative ear, nose, and

throat evaluation, to avoid a potential postextubation
airway catastrophe resulting from vocal cord closure
caused by joint dysfunction [ C Kolman and Morris, 2002].
An otolaryngologist can inject the inflamed joints with corti-
costeroids preoperatively if necessary. RA does not affect the
lower spine; hence epidural catheter insertion is not usually
The patient with severe RA is more likely to require arthro-
plasty subsequently. In this patient group, radiographic cervi-
cal instability has been demonstrated in approximately 60%.
Up to 80% of patients with radiologic changes of cervical in-
stability have no clinical symptoms (jumping legs, Lhermitte’s
sign, clumsiness, incontinence) or findings (hyperreflexia) of
spinal cord compression. The neurologic examination in pa-
tients with RA may be difficult because of peripheral joint
destruction or peripheral compressive neuropathies. None-
theless, a focused baseline neurologic examination should be
performed and recorded. Patients with recent-onset disease
are less likely to have significant cervical spine instability,
which results from ligamentous laxity usually subsequent to
more than 3 years of inflammatory disease. Cervical instabil-
ity is most common at the atlantoaxial level. Subaxial instabil-
ity is less frequent, and cranial settling is least common. Pan-
nus extending from the articular joints of the spine may also
compress the spinal cord. Pannus can be documented only
by magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.
Postoperative neurologic complications are rare, even in
patients with cervical involvement. To assess the risk of peri-
operative cervical spinal cord compression, preoperative lat-
eral cervical spine radiographs should be obtained in the
neutral position as well as with flexion and extension views.
Several methods are used to analyze the extent of radio-
graphic instability and canal narrowing, but none is ideal at
predicting complications. Radiographic findings suggestive
of spinal cord impingement are much less common than

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 637

demonstration of laxity. If the patient has any neurologic

symptoms or findings suggestive of myelopathy, neurosurgi-
cal consultation should be obtained before elective surgery.
Cervical stabilization procedures have associated morbidity
and mortality and are not routinely considered prophylacti-
cally before other surgical procedures. The indications for
surgery, outside of overt myelopathy in the setting of spinal
cord compression, are controversial. For patients with severe
RA, wearing a soft cervical collar encourages more gentle
transfers during movement around the hospital, but it does
not afford complete protection of the cervical spinal cord.
Patients with RA have an increased burden of cardio-
vascular disease compared with their age- and risk-matched
counterparts without RA [ C Maradit-Kremers et al, 2005].
The reason for the increased cardiovascular morbidity in RA is
not known. In addition, because of deconditioning or the di-
rect effects of RA, patients may be unable to exert themselves
sufficiently to note symptoms of physiologically significant
coronary artery disease, thereby masking the presence of coro-
nary artery disease. Patients with severe articular involvement
are also likely to be deconditioned. Sjögren’s syndrome is com-
mon in patients with RA. Before extensive surgical procedures,
long-acting lubricating eye ointment (not drops) should be
applied. Patients with severe RA may have unrecognized inter-
stitial lung disease or pleural effusions.
Spondylitis, Including Ankylosing Spondylitis
Disease Characteristics
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is the prototypic human leuko-
cyte antigen (HLA)-B27-associated spondyloarthropathy.
Spinal involvement tends to be symmetrical, whereas it is
more asymmetrical in other seronegative spondyloarthropa-
thies (psoriatic, enteropathic). The arthritis may involve all
levels of the spine from the sacrum through neck, as well as
the peripheral joints. Unlike in RA, spinal involvement in AS
is characterized more by fusion and reduced mobility than

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638 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

by instability. This reduced mobility may compromise the

patient’s ability to be intubated or positioned. This involve-
ment should be evaluated by physical examination preopera-
tively. The peripheral arthritis is also asymmetrical. Enthesitis
and dactylitis are common. This situation may be relevant in
the case of a postoperative flare, when the extremely inflam-
matory, asymmetrical synovitis may resemble joint space
Patients with spondylitis, or with the HLAB27 gene with-
out recognized spine disease, are at risk for aortitis. This
disorder may be accompanied by aortic valve insufficiency,
conduction disease, and atrial fibrillation. The valvular dis-
ease is rarely acute, but it may predispose the patient to
bacterial endocarditis.
Heterotopic ossification (HO) complicates total hip replace-
ment in up to 50% of cases (all diagnoses), and it is severe in
up to 19%. Male patients with spondylitis are especially predis-
posed to develop HO around the prosthetic joint. The highest
risk is in those patients who had HO associated with a prior
joint operation. HO may be prevented with the preoperative
use of single-dose radiation or postoperative NSAIDs (selective
or nonselective). Thus, recognition of the diagnosis of spondy-
litis warrants review of the patient’s tissue response to prior
orthopedic surgery and discussion with the surgeon.

Medication Management in Systemic Autoimmune

Medications used in systemic arthritis in the perioperative
period are shown in Table 19-1.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

The traditional nonselective NSAIDs inhibit platelet function,
and preoperative use of NSAIDs has been associated with in-
creased surgical bleeding. Thus, NSAIDs are generally discon-
tinued preoperatively. Because platelet function is reversibly
inhibited, stopping the drug four to five half-lives before a

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 639

surgical procedure should be sufficient to permit return of ad-

equate platelet function and hemostasis. Rather than looking
up the individual NSAID’s half-life, discontinuing any NSAID 5
days preoperatively is a reasonable guideline. The exception is
a drug with a longer half-life, such as piroxicam, which should
be stopped 10 days preoperatively. Aspirin, unlike other
NSAIDs, is an irreversible inhibitor of platelet cyclooxygenase;
it, too, should be stopped 10 days or more before surgical pro-
cedures. The nonacetylated salicylates do not affect platelet
function. Although NSAIDs have been associated with in-
creased surgical bleeding, they are ineffective agents for the
prevention of perioperative deep venous thrombosis.
The cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective NSAIDs (e.g., cele-
coxib) do not affect platelet function. In short-term, small trials,
they have not adversely affected wound healing or bleeding.
They can provide sufficient analgesia when given preopera-
tively to reduce the need for postoperative narcotics.
All NSAIDs are associated with increased risk for (usually
reversible) acute renal insufficiency, particularly in the setting
of decreased renal blood flow. Parenteral administration of
NSAIDs offers no gastric or renal safety advantage over orally
administered drugs. All NSAIDs may increase the risk of
gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Methotrexate (MTX) is usually prescribed once weekly, along
with daily folic acid (1 mg) to reduce side effects. MTX is
normally cleared very rapidly from the circulation following
each administration; but because the kidney excretes metho-
trexate, the drug should not be given immediately before any
procedure likely to be associated with significant renal insuf-
ficiency. No data have strongly shown that the use of metho-
trexate within the week before surgery adversely affects sur-
gical outcome. Several small, controlled studies demonstrated
the safety of providing the drug a week before a surgical
procedure. Preoperative withdrawal of the drug has been

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640 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

associated with flare of the underlying disease that adversely

affects rehabilitation. Thus, there is no demonstrated need to
withhold the drug for 1 week or longer before a procedure.
Leflunomide is an antimetabolite used in the treatment of RA
and occasionally other inflammatory disorders. It has an ex-
tremely prolonged tissue half-life. Preoperative withdrawal of
the drug is not likely to affect tissue or plasma levels signifi-
cantly. Although data are insufficient to make strong recom-
mendations, it is reasonable to withhold the drug several
days before and after the surgical procedure to avoid the pos-
sibility of acutely elevated serum drug levels should acute
renal failure complicate surgery. Missing a few doses is not
likely to provoke a flare in arthritis.
Patients with RA or spondyloarthropathy may be taking daily
low-dose or intermittent prednisone as therapy for their ar-
thritis. Physiologic studies have repeatedly shown that patients
taking supraphysiologic doses of prednisone for more than
2 weeks have a submaximal cortisol release response to chal-
lenge with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). However,
this blunting of the stress response has not been shown to have
any clinically significant effect on the outcome of surgery.
For the patient who has been receiving supraphysiologic
doses of corticosteroids for more than 2 weeks during the
year before a surgical procedure, it has become routine prac-
tice to administer 50 to 100 mg of intravenous hydrocorti-
sone before induction of anesthesia and every 8 hours until
the patient is stable. In many hospitals, all patients with de-
monstrably or assumed blunted adrenal responses receive
this regimen. Nonetheless, several small studies demon-
strated that steroid-treated patients who receive only their
baseline corticosteroid dose, without supplementation, do
not suffer adverse effects. Evidence does not mandate the
prolonged use of stress-dose corticosteroids during the

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 641

perioperative period in patients receiving long-term cor-

ticosteroid therapy [ C Salem et al, 1994].
If perioperative stress-dose corticosteroids are provided, a
return to the patient’s baseline dosing (even if zero) should be
anticipated as soon as the patient is stable. Investigators have
proposed that the perioperative intravenous coverage should
be linked to the severity of the surgical procedure: minor pro-
cedures warrant 25 mg every 8 hours until the patient is stable,
and patients undergoing procedures with greater hemody-
namic stress should receive 50 mg intravenously every 8 hours
until they are stable. There is no need for prolonged (days) ta-
pering regimens. Long-term corticosteroid therapy may ad-
versely affect wound healing, although supportive data from
controlled studies are limited. Administration of corticosteroids
elicits neutrophilia by increasing the demargination of neutro-
phils and slightly accelerating release of young neutrophils
from the bone marrow. This situation may cause diagnostic
confusion because the elevated white blood cell count may sug-
gest the presence of infection. Corticosteroids may mask the
presence of infection by blunting the fever response and reduc-
ing inflammatory pain. They may also cause hyperglycemia.
The recommendations listed above do not relate to the patient
with adrenal insufficiency for reasons other than suppression
by exogenous long-term corticosteroid administration.

Anti–Tumor Necrosis Therapies

Limited data exist regarding anti-TNF agents (adalimumab,
etanercept, infliximab) and the risk of postoperative infec-
tion. In patients with inflammatory bowel disease, there is
no suggestion of an increased wound infection rate from
retrospective studies. However, these studies suffered from
heterogeneity in timing between the last dose of medication
and the surgical procedure. Many rheumatologists suggest
holding these therapies for several half-lives of the drug
before significant surgical procedures and restarting them
when the patient’s wound is healing satisfactorily. A single

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642 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

retrospective review of 91 patients with RA who underwent

orthopedic procedures demonstrated a greater risk of
postoperative infections (adjusted odds ratio, 5.3) in pa-
tients taking anti-TNF therapy [Giles et al, 2006], although
smaller studies did not demonstrate a similar risk. Other
recent studies, presented in abstract form, also suggest that
the agents should be “held” for at least several weeks before

Postoperative Complications
Postoperative flares of disease are usually the result of with-
holding medications. Anti-inflammatory medications should
be reinstituted as soon as possible. Low-dose corticosteroids
(ⱕ7.5 mg prednisone daily) may be helpful, as may NSAIDs.
Postoperative fever is not likely the result of a flare in RA or
spondylitis. A monoarticular “flare” should be assumed to be
an infection until proven otherwise by arthrocentesis, even in
the absence of leukocytosis or fever. Postoperative neurologic
complications can be caused by myelopathy, but they are
more commonly the result of compressive neuropathies.

Disease Characteristics
It is useful to try to document the validity of the prior diag-
nosis of gout or pseudogout. Frequently, the diagnosis
of gout has been unreliably based solely on the presence of
hyperuricemia or an episode of foot pain. The frequency of
attacks and the need for aggressive prophylaxis should be
ascertained from the patient and prior medical records.
Previous episodes of postoperative attacks of arthritis are
noteworthy. Hyperuricemia is strongly associated with
coronary artery disease and the metabolic syndrome; thus,
an especially careful cardiac risk assessment should be

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 643

Postoperative flares are particularly common and may prolong
hospitalization. It is therefore important to consider periopera-
tive prophylaxis. For the patient who takes allopurinol or
colchicine on a long-term basis, we recommend that these
medications be continued up to the time of surgery and re-
started immediately thereafter. Given orally, colchicine can
cause dose-related diarrhea or nausea, but it is not ulcerogenic.
We generally avoid low-dose intravenous prophylaxis or treat-
ment with intravenous colchicine because of the reported fatal
complications with the intravenous form of this medication.
For the patient who has a history of frequent or recent attacks
of gout but who comes to surgery not taking allopurinol or
colchicine, prophylactic oral low-dose (0.6 mg once to twice
daily) colchicine can be considered if renal function and bili-
ary function are normal. However, the possibility of diarrhea
exists, even with low doses. NSAIDs or corticosteroids can be
used as prophylactic therapy, but because of their myriad of
side effects in this setting, these drugs are generally used as
therapy if an attack should occur.

Postoperative Flares
Flares (attacks) of gout are common and are frequently associ-
ated with fever. Patients have usually experienced previous gout
attacks, although that history may not have been elicited at the
time of surgical admission. Acute arthritis in the postoperative
setting warrants arthrocentesis not only to diagnose crystalline
arthritis definitively, but also to exclude infection. Indirect
evaluation (presence or absence of fever, leukocytosis, or eryth-
rocyte sedimentation rate elevation) is inadequate to distinguish
infection from crystalline arthritis. There is no diagnostic value
in obtaining radiographs or nuclear imaging studies to distin-
guish between acute septic and crystalline arthritis. Unrecog-
nized crystal-induced arthritis is a cause of unexplained fever,
particularly in intubated or uncommunicative patients.

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644 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

Treatment options for acute crystalline arthritis include

NSAIDs, selective or nonselective, based on the clinical concern
for suppression of platelet function (nonselective), cardiovas-
cular risk (especially with the COX-2-selective NSAIDs), and
induction of gastric injury (nonselective). All NSAIDs can ad-
versely affect renal function. Corticosteroids and ACTH in high
doses are also effective therapies for acute gout. Oral or intrave-
nous colchicine is effective, but the intravenous route is fraught
with potentially life-threatening complications, especially if an
inappropriate dose is used. Hence many clinicians avoid this
route of administration other than in unusual circumstances.
Oral colchicine regimens (i.e., 0.6 mg orally every hour until
resolution of pain or onset of diarrhea) are often inadvisable
perioperatively because diarrhea is almost inevitable, and it
usually occurs before resolution of the gouty attack.
Hypouricemic therapy should generally not be initiated or
significantly altered in the setting of an acute flare of gout. This
recommendation is based on the observation that acute hypou-
ricemia can provoke an attack and the clinical belief that abrupt
changes in the serum urate level may prolong the attack. Our
approach to the patient with a gout flare in the perioperative
period is to treat with oral NSAIDs (i.e., indomethacin 50 mg
orally three times daily, naproxen 500 twice daily, or celecoxib
200 to 300 twice daily, which does not interfere with platelet
function) if the patient is able to tolerate oral medications and
is without relative contraindications to NSAID therapy (gastro-
intestinal risk, renal risk, bleeding risk). The NSAID dose is not
reduced until after complete improvement is documented. We
attempt to taper the NSAID within 10 to 14 days. Parenteral
NSAIDs have no safety advantage over oral therapy. For the
patient who has a history of tolerating colchicine, low-dose
therapy (0.6 mg once to twice daily) can be added for several
weeks to prevent another attack. Corticosteroids are a valid al-
ternative to NSAID therapy. We generally prescribe 40 mg
prednisone or its equivalent daily; after complete response is
documented, the steroid is tapered to discontinuation over ap-
proximately 10 days. Using too low a dose or too short a course

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 645

frequently results in inadequate resolution or a rebound flare.

Intra-articular corticosteroid injections can be used if the attack
is limited to one or a few joints if infection can be excluded.


Disease Characteristics
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis are associated with car-
diomyopathy, cardiac conduction disease, interstitial lung
disease, and respiratory muscle dysfunction. Consideration
should be given to the preoperative need to assess these pa-
rameters on an individual basis. Patients, particularly those
with active disease, should be assessed in advance for poten-
tial difficulty in weaning from a ventilator.
The transaminases, the myocardial band enzymes of cre-
atine phosphokinase (CPK-MB), and rarely troponin may be
elevated in patients with peripheral myositis (without cardiac
involvement). Baseline measurements may be of value in
patients at risk for myocardial events.
Initiation of swallowing may be compromised in patients
with acute or severe disease. The ability to swallow pills
should be inquired about in advance. Adult patients with
dermatomyositis, particularly those more than 40 years old,
are at increased risk of malignant disease. The preoperative
consultation should take this into consideration, especially in
the setting of (1) high-risk elective surgery in patients with
recently diagnosed dermatomyositis if a malignant disease
has not been excluded or (2) recently diagnosed dermato-
myositis and “exploratory surgery” (e.g., an abdominal surgi-
cal procedure for unexplained obstruction).

Treatment of myositis usually requires a prolonged course of
high-dose corticosteroids. Methotrexate, calcineurin antago-
nists, and azathioprine are also frequently utilized in relatively

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646 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

high doses to maintain remission and to permit tapering of

steroids. The myositis is not likely to flare with short-term
holding of these latter medications; thus, it is reasonable not to
give these drugs within a few days of the surgical procedure,
given the theoretical risk of infection and the adverse effects of
the calcineurin antagonists on renal blood flow. No data exist
to support this suggestion. If held, medications should be re-
sumed postoperatively as soon as the patient is stable. Steroid
myopathy does not increase CPK levels and usually does not
affect respiratory muscle function.
Hydroxychloroquine is often used to suppress the rash of
dermatomyositis, and it is also used in systemic lupus erythe-
matosus (SLE) and RA. It has a prolonged tissue half-life.
Long-term use has been associated with the rare occurrence
of vacuolar cardiomyopathy. Hydroxychloroquine has a weak
antithrombotic effect but seems unlikely to cause bleeding. It
can be continued in the perioperative period.
Intravenous Immune Globulin
Some patients with myositis receive intravenous immune
globulin (IVIg; ␥-globulin) in high doses on a monthly basis
to induce or maintain remission. If possible, IVIg should not
be given in temporal proximity to any potential renal insult,
because administration can cause acute intrarenal hypoper-
fusion and renal failure.

Postoperative Complications
Weaning from the ventilator may be difficult in patients with
respiratory muscle involvement, and having the patient in a
seated position may provide significant advantage. There is also
an increased risk for aspiration because of dysphagia as well as
ineffective cough resulting from muscle weakness. The diagno-
sis of myocardial infarction may be difficult as a result of in-
flammatory muscle disease that causes an elevation in serum
enzymes traditionally linked to acute myocardial infarction.
Although CPK-MB is classically a marker of myocardial injury

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 647

or infarction, elevated levels may be detected in the patient with

inflammatory skeletal muscle disease as a result of skeletal
muscle injury and regeneration. Cardiac troponin T may also
be elevated in patients with polymyositis or dermatomyositis.
Troponin I is much less likely to be elevated as a direct result of
skeletal muscle inflammation, although it has been reported in
rare instances. It is the cardiac biomarker of choice in patients
with inflammatory skeletal muscle disease in whom myocardial
infarction is suspected.


Disease Characteristics
Patients with SLE, like those with RA, are at an increased risk for
coronary artery disease unexplained by traditional risk factors.
Pulmonary hypertension may be present yet unrecognized. In-
terstitial lung disease occurs less frequently. Cytopenias are com-
mon. A baseline complete blood count should be obtained.
Thrombocytopenia should prompt questioning regarding fea-
tures that could suggest antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
(APLAS), such as miscarriage or thrombosis, because there is an
association of thrombocytopenia with this syndrome. It is our
practice to test for lupus anticoagulant and antiphospholipid
antibodies (APLAs) when thrombocytopenia is noted in the
patient with SLE. APLAs or lupus anticoagulant may be present
in more than 30% of patients with SLE. This situation predis-
poses at least some of these patients to thrombosis. Other than
by a history of prior thrombosis, this subset of patients cannot
be readily recognized. A prolonged partial thromboplastin time
must not be assumed to reflect a lupus anticoagulant without
completing a full coagulation laboratory evaluation. Factor defi-
ciency and antifactor antibodies must be excluded because these
are associated with significant hemorrhage.
Glomerulonephritis is usually asymptomatic and may be
accompanied by a normal serum creatinine concentration. If
the urine dipstick detects leukocytes or blood, microscopic

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648 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

evaluation of a fresh urine sample, not one that has required

time to be transported to the laboratory, is mandatory in the
evaluation of possible glomerulonephritis. Pyuria may be
present as a result of glomerulonephritis, not infection.

Drugs, other than corticosteroids, used to maintain remission
may be held during the immediate perioperative period as
noted earlier and in Table 19-2. Corticosteroids taken on a
long-term basis should be continued during the perioperative
period, given intravenously until enteral absorption is en-
sured. Some clinicians recommend a slight elevation in corti-
costeroid dose to prevent a flare induced by the stress of
surgery. Data are inadequate to support or refute this practice.
The need for aggressive antithrombotic prophylaxis should be
considered at the time of preoperative assessment in patients
who have APLAs and especially lupus anticoagulant.

Postoperative Complications
Flares in disease may occur in the perioperative setting and
may be difficult to distinguish from infection, corticosteroid
withdrawal syndromes, drug reactions, or a surgical compli-
cation. Fever may be a manifestation of disease activity,
thrombosis, infection, or drug reaction. Acute leukopenia or
thrombocytopenia favors the diagnosis of lupus flare instead
of infection. The presence of rigors favors infection. Acute-
phase reactants may be elevated in the postoperative period
in the absence of an SLE flare. They are of minimal clinical
utility during that period.

Disease Characteristics
Severe disease may produce facial tightening with decreased
ability to open the mouth wide enough to permit easy intu-
bation. Dental health may be poor. Vascular and soft tissue

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 649

Immunosuppressive and Rheumatic Disease

TABLE 19-2
Medications in the Perioperative Period
Drug Recommendations Comments
NSAID Stop four to five half-lives Reversibly inhibits platelet
(nonselective) before surgical procedure function, demonstrated
increased postoperative
bleeding; risk of gastric
ulceration; can decrease
renal function, decrease
drug excretion
Aspirin Unless used as antith- Irreversible platelet inhibi-
rombotic drug, stop tion; increased postopera-
⬃10 days preoperatively tive bleeding
COX-2 selective Can continue through No antiplatelet effects; may
NSAIDs surgery unless renal be prothrombotic; can
concerns decrease renal function;
effective as analgesic: nar-
cotic sparing
Prednisone Continue; consider SHORT- Concern with wound heal-
TERM hydrocortisone, ing and infection with
25–100 IV q8h long-term use; cause leu-
kocytosis, hyperglycemia;
NO NEED for protracted
tapering if stress doses
are prescribed; study
shows baseline dosing is
sufficient to avoid hypo-
tension; pick dose based
on hemodynamic stress
of specific procedure
Hydroxychloroquine Can continue Some antithrombotic effect
(has been used as pro-
phylactic antithrombotic
in orthopedic surgery)
Methotrexate Can continue Avoid administration within
24–48 hours of possible
acute renal insufficiency;
preoperative discontinua-
tion associated with flares
in rheumatoid arthritis
Azathioprine Can continue
Leflunomide Can continue or hold few Limited data
days preoperatively
Cyclophosphamide Can continue Acute renal failure could
cause buildup of metabo-
Sulfasalazine Can continue
IV immune globulin Can continue Avoid within few days of
potential acute renal in-
jury (i.e., hypoperfusion)
Table continued on following page

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650 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

Immunosuppressive and Rheumatic Disease

TABLE 19-2
Medications in the Perioperative Period (Continued)
Drug Recommendations Comments
Anti-TNF agents Stop four to five half-lives Limited but growing amount
preoperatively of data
Colchicine Can continue in baseline IV bioavailability higher
chronic dose; adjust if than oral; use IV route
renal failure occurs only with extreme care, if
at all; renal insufficiency
or administration of some
medications (macrolides)
can increase drug levels
Allopurinol Can continue Resume as soon as possible
postoperatively; do not
initiate therapy in acute
perioperative period

COX, cyclooxygenase; IV, intravenous; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

drug; q, every; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

involvement may make vascular access extremely difficult, and

the need for central venous access should be considered in ad-
vance. The requirement for placement of arterial lines should be
carefully considered because ulnar artery occlusion is common
and digital circulation is often tenuous. Radial artery line place-
ment can occasionally produce severe tissue damage. Brachial
artery lines should be avoided. Digital ischemia resulting from
Raynaud’s phenomenon may make digital oximetry unreliable.
Pulmonary hypertension may be severe, yet clinically un-
recognized. The symptoms may be incorrectly attributed to
pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary hypertension may make the
patient significantly dependent on preload, and modest hy-
povolemia, with associated preload reduction, can elicit se-
vere hypotension in the presence of pulmonary hyperten-
sion. Patients receiving continuous epoprostenol (Flolan)
infusion for pulmonary artery hypertension must not have
their infusion interrupted. The baseline electrocardiogram
may reveal conduction disease or a pseudoinfarction pattern.
Interstitial lung disease is common.

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 651

Bowel pseudo-obstruction occurs and may result in surgical

procedures for what is believed to be true structural obstruc-
tion. Hematologic abnormalities are not typical of uncompli-
cated, even severe, scleroderma. Fever is not characteristically
part of the disease.

Medications that the patient takes on a long-term basis for
Raynaud’s phenomenon, pulmonary hypertension, and gas-
troesophageal reflux should be continued in the periop-
erative period.

Postoperative Complications
Fever is not expected from a disease flare, so alternative
causes of fever must be sought. Scleroderma involvement of
the gut may make oral drug absorption slow and unreliable.
Bacterial overgrowth is common. Postoperative ileus may be
particularly problematic. Reflux and esophageal dysmotility
are often severe and place patients at high risk for aspiration
when they are supine. The patient should be positioned in
bed to limit the likelihood of aspiration.
Even mild hypothermia or vasoconstrictive medications
may cause peripheral, renal, or central vasoconstriction. Se-
vere vasospastic peripheral ischemia may necessitate acute
vasodilator therapy.


Disease Characteristics and Postoperative Complications
APLAS includes both venous and arterial thrombosis. Pa-
tients with a history of thrombotic events and persistent
APLAS or the lupus anticoagulant are at extremely high risk
for perioperative thrombosis. Patients with a history of
thrombosis are likely at particularly high risk for throm-
bosis at the time of warfarin withdrawal accompanied by

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652 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

the additional thrombotic risk of surgery [ C Erkan et al,

2002]. We typically continue the patient’s long-term warfarin
therapy as close to the time of the surgical procedure as pos-
sible and use bridge anticoagulation therapy with either full-
dose continuous unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-
weight heparin. Heparin anticoagulation is withheld
preoperatively to allow for appropriate hemostasis and is
then restarted along with the patient’s warfarin as soon as
hemostasis is stable in the postoperative period.
Patients with APLAS are statistically predisposed to cardiac
valve disease, particularly thickening of the mitral or aortic
valve leaflets, nonbacterial valve leaflet vegetations, and in
some cases valve regurgitation. Routine echocardiography is
not necessary, but careful examination is warranted. At pres-
ent, data are insufficient to implicate APLAS with an increased
risk of postoperative thrombosis in the absence of prior throm-
bosis. Cardiovascular findings of the APLAS include peripheral
vascular disease and premature stenosis of coronary artery
bypass grafts. Patients with APLAS, even without a history
of thrombosis, who undergo valve replacement surgery pre-
sent many difficult management problems. These include in-
creased surgical complications, difficulty in the choice of valve
type, and potential problems in monitoring anticoagulation
The presence of thrombocytopenia is not protective
against thrombosis in the setting of APLAS. Severe thrombo-
cytopenia may increase the risk for anticoagulant-associated
bleeding. In this setting, corticosteroid or IVIg therapy may
be used (in conjunction with anticoagulation) to increase the
platelet count while protecting the patient from thrombosis.
Immunosuppressive therapy is unlikely to be of benefit in
preventing thrombosis. Women with a history of otherwise
unexplained miscarriages and APLAS may also be at high
risk for thrombosis.
In the presence of a lupus anticoagulant, routine monitor-
ing of the partial thromboplastin time may be unreliable

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19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 653

[Bartholomew and Kottke-Marchant, 1998]. Low-molecular-

weight heparin can be dosed by weight. Alternatively, factor
Xa activity or thrombin time may be monitored. Monitoring
of heparin effect during bypass may be unreliable if the acti-
vated coagulation time is used. Monitoring of heparin levels
should be considered.
In addition to the increased risk of thrombosis, these pa-
tients may be at higher risk for development of heparin-
associated thrombocytopenia. The medicine consultant
should have special vigilance for the development of the
HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets)
syndrome in the third trimester of pregnancy, fat embolism
syndrome (after arthroplasty), and heparin-induced throm-
bocytopenia with thrombosis in patients with APLAS because
these distinctive diagnoses may be extremely difficult to
make in this setting.

Disease Characteristics and Postoperative Complications
OA is the most common underlying disease warranting arthro-
plasty. Although frequently a multifocal process involving car-
tilage and periarticular bone, OA has no systemic manifesta-
tions affecting the perioperative course. OA is not characterized
by inflammatory joint flares. Patients with acute joint swelling,
particularly with swelling or warmth, should be evaluated by
arthrocentesis for crystal disease or infection. Because the joint
pain is not primarily the result of inflammation in the usual
sense, postoperative joint pain can generally be managed with
pure analgesics. Fever immediately following hip or knee ar-
throplasty (done for any indication) is common and is usually
not related to infection. However, persistent fever for several
days or fever developing a few days postoperatively warrants
detailed evaluation for infection, thrombosis, drug allergy, or
crystalline arthritis.

Ch19-X2385_633_656.indd 653 12/19/07 3:09:33 PM

654 19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis

Selected Readings
Aberra FN, Lewis JD, Hass D, et al: Corticosteroids and immunomodulators:
Postoperative infectious complication risk in inflammatory bowel dis-
ease patients. Gastroenterology 125:320-327, 2003.
Bartholomew JR, Kottke-Marchant K: Monitoring anticoagulation therapy in
patients with the lupus anticoagulant. J Clin Rheumatol 4:307-311, 1998.
Caples SM, Utz JP, Allen MS, Ryu JH: Thoracic surgical procedures in pa-
tients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 31:2136-41, 2004.
Collins DN, Barnes CL, Fitzrandolph RL: Cervical spine instability in rheu-
matoid patients having total hip or knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat
Res 272:127-35, 1991.
Craig MH, Poole GV, Hower CJ: Postsurgical gout. Am Surg 61:56-59,
Erkan D, Leibowitz E, Berman J, Lockshin MD: Perioperative medical man-
agement of antiphospholipid syndrome: Hospital for special surgery
experience, review of literature, and recommendations. J Rheumatol
29:843-849, 2002. C
Giles JT, Bartlett SJ, Gelbert AC, et al: Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor ther-
apy and risk of serious postoperative orthopedic infection in rheumatoid
arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 55:333-337, 2006.
Grauer JN, Tingstad EM, Rand N, et al: Predictors of paralysis in the rheu-
matoid cervical spine in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 86:1420-1424, 2004.
Grennan DM, Gray J, Loudon J, Fear S: Methotrexate and early postopera-
tive complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing
elective orthopaedic surgery. Ann Rheum Dis 60:214-217, 2001.
Hogan WJ, McBane RD, Santrach PJ, et al: Antiphospholipid syndrome
and perioperative hemostatic management of cardiac valvular surgery.
Mayo Clin Proc 75:971-976, 2000.
Kolman J, Morris I: Cricoarytenoid arthritis: A cause of acute upper air-
way obstruction in rheumatoid arthritis. Can J Anaesth 49:729-732,
2002. C
Maradit-Kremers H, Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, et al: Increased unrecognized
coronary heart disease and sudden deaths in rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthritis Rheum 52:402-411, 2005. C
Neal B, Gray H, MacMahon S, Dunn L: Incidence of heterotopic bone forma-
tion after major hip surgery. Aust N Z J Surg 72:808-21, 2002.
Nguyen HV, Ludwig SC, Silber J, et al: Rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical
spine. Spine J 4:329-334, 2004. C
Pioro M, Mandell BF: Septic arthritis. In Mandell BF (ed): Life-threatening
complications of autoimmune disease. Rheum Dis Clin North Am
23:239-258, 1997.

Ch19-X2385_633_656.indd 654 12/19/07 3:09:33 PM

19 • Perioperative Management of the Patient with Arthritis 655

Reynolds LW, Hoo RK, Brill RJ, et al: The COX-2 specific inhibitor, valde-
coxib, is an effective, opioid-sparing analgesic in patients undergoing
total knee arthroplasty. J Pain Symptom Manage 25:133-41, 2003.
Robinson CM, Christi J, Malcom-Smith N: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, perioperative blood loss, and transfusion requirements in elective
hip arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 8:607, 1993.
Romano CL, Duci D, Romano D, et al: Celecoxib versus indomethacin in
the prevention of heterotopic ossification after total hip arthroplasty.
J Arthroplasty 19:14-18, 2004.
Salem M, Tainsh RE, Bromberg J, et al: Perioperative glucocorticoid cover-
age: A reassessment 42 years after emergence of a problem. Ann Surg
219:416-425, 1994. C
Shaw JA, Chung R: Febrile response after knee and hip arthroplasty.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 367:181-189, 1999.
Shaw M, Mandell BF: Perioperative management of selected problems
in patients with rheumatic diseases. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 25:
623-637, 1999.
Slappendel R, Weber EWG, Benraad B, et al: Does ibuprofen increase
perioperative blood loss during hip arthroplasty? Eur J Anaesthesiol
19:829-831, 2002.

Ch19-X2385_633_656.indd 655 12/19/07 3:09:34 PM

20 Perioperative Care
of the Patient with
Psychiatric Illness

This chapter covers the various psychiatric medications, their

side effects, and general recommendations for these agents in
the perioperative period. It also discusses the evaluation of
patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and re-
views the risks of cardiac and cerebrovascular complications
associated with ECT. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome
(NMS) and its possible relation to malignant hyperthermia are
also discussed.

The major classes of psychiatric medications include benzodi-
azepines, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reup-
take inhibitors (SSRIs), neuroleptic agents, monoamine oxi-
dase (MAO) inhibitors, and lithium. The only agents that are
contraindicated during the perioperative period are the MAO
inhibitors; however, knowledge of the side effect profiles, drug
interactions, and withdrawal syndromes may be helpful in
interpreting clinical problems of patients undergoing surgery.
Perioperative recommendations for different psychiatric medi-
cation classes are summarized in Table 20-1.

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed system-
atic reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized con-
trolled trials, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies,
retrospective studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice,

Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 657 12/19/07 3:10:27 PM


Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 658
TABLE 20-1 Psychiatric Drugs and Perioperative Management
Drug Category Perioperative Concerns Recommendations for Management
Benzodiazepines Abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal Continue perioperatively to avoid withdrawal, using intravenous
symptoms forms if NPO
Mild: insomnia, dysphoria Postoperatively, reduce benzodiazepine doses gradually if concur-
Moderate: agitation, delirium, tremors, abdominal rent narcotics lead to increased side effects
cramps, diaphoresis, seizures
Concurrent narcotics may lead to excessive sedation,
confusion, hypotension, or respiratory depression
Tricyclic Hypotension may be more prevalent with other drugs Consider holding TCA a few days preoperatively and restarting
Antidepressants that also cause hypotension, including some them a few days postoperatively, particularly in patients who
anesthetics (atropine, pancuronium) are at higher risk for falls, hypotension, confusion or arrhyth-
Interactions with sympathomimetics can cause mias or in patients who are taking lower doses of TCAs who
hypertension have less risk of withdrawal symptoms
Interactions with some volatile anesthetics can increase Watch for mild withdrawal symptoms (gastrointestinal symptoms,
potential for arrhythmias dizziness)
Can lead to slowed cardiac conduction No IV form available
Watch for slowed cardiac conduction including P-R and Q-T pro-
longation and bundle branch block, especially with concurrent
atrioventricular node blockers, such as ␤-blockers and calcium
channel blockers
20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

Selective Serotonin May interact with warfarin, digoxin, phenytoin Continue SSRI perioperatively; no IV form available
Reuptake Stopping SSRIs suddenly may exacerbate mood disorders In patients on warfarin and SSRI, monitor INR closely
Inhibitors Concurrent use with MAO inhibitors can lead to sero- Monitor for phenytoin toxicity in patients on SSRI
tonin syndrome

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MAO Inhibitors Hypertensive crisis with sympathomimetics, caffeine Stop MAO inhibitors at least 2 wk before elective surgery to allow
Interaction with meperidine, dextromethorphan, leading complete elimination

Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 659
to autonomic instability, agitation, cyanosis (potentially For emergency surgery, or if psychiatrist believes it unsafe to stop
fatal) the MAO inhibitor, anesthesiologist should be notified to avoid
Interaction with SSRIs, leading to autonomic instability, sympathomimetics and to monitor blood pressure closely
rigidity, myoclonus, confusion, coma If MAO inhibitor is continued perioperatively, avoid foods
containing higher amounts of tyramine
Avoid meperidine (Demerol) and dextromethorphan within 2 wk
of using an MAO inhibitor
Avoid SSRIs within 2 wk of using an MAO inhibitor (5 wk with
Neuroleptics At high doses, some antipsychotics can prolong the Q-T Continue therapy perioperatively; IV haloperidol available for
interval, leading to risk of torsades de points patients who are NPO
Follow ECG in patients on other agents that can prolong the Q-T
interval and for patients on high doses of antipsychotics
Lithium Narrow safety margin Stop lithium 1–2 days preoperatively and restart when taking
Possible perioperative side effects: nausea, nephrogenic dia- oral medications; no parenteral form available
betes insipidus, delirium, coma, ventricular arrhythmias If continued, follow lithium levels and check baseline ECG
May prolong the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents preoperatively
and anesthetics
May cause T-wave flattening or inversion

ECG, electrocardiogram; INR, international normalized ratio; IV, intravenous; MAO, monoamine oxidase; NPO, nothing by mouth: SSRI, selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant.
20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

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660 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

Benzodiazepines are used as antianxiety agents and for insom-
nia. They are generally divided into long-acting agents with a
half-life of more than 24 hours (diazepam, chlordiazepoxide,
and flurazepam), intermediate-acting agents with a half-life of
6 to 24 hours (lorazepam, temazepam, and oxazepam), and
short-acting agents with a half-life less than 6 hours (estazolam
and triazolam). These half-lives are determined not only by the
parent compound, but also by the presence and half-life of any
active metabolites. Side effects of benzodiazepines at therapeu-
tic doses may include sedation, dizziness, and confusion.
Perioperatively, the major adverse effect of these agents is the
potential for acute withdrawal if they are discontinued abruptly.
Mild withdrawal symptoms can present as insomnia and dys-
phoria. More severe symptoms include tremors, abdominal
cramps, diaphoresis, agitation, delirium, and seizures. If a pa-
tient taking benzodiazepines requires a surgical procedure, the
drugs should be continued postoperatively to prevent with-
drawal. If the patient is receiving nothing by mouth (NPO) and
is taking a benzodiazepine without a parenteral formulation,
lorazepam, diazepam, and chlordiazepoxide can be used intra-
venously. Postoperatively, benzodiazepine doses may need
to be reduced if concurrently administered narcotics lead to
excessive sedation, confusion, or hypotension.
Tricyclic and Related Antidepressants
The tricyclic antidepressants are used for a variety of prob-
lems, including depression, panic disorder, anxiety, and
neuropathic pain (Table 20-2). These drugs have a 70% re-
sponse rate for depression when therapeutic blood levels are
achieved. Their mechanism of action is by potentiating the
effects of both serotonin and norepinephrine. Unfortunately,
they have many side effects, especially cardiovascular.
Side effects of the tricyclic antidepressants include ortho-
stasis, anticholinergic effects (dry eyes, blurry vision, dry
mouth, urinary hesitancy, constipation), conduction delays, and

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Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 661
TABLE 20-2 Tricyclic Antidepressants
Anticholinergic Conduction
Medication Orthostasis Effect Delay Sedation Major Drug Interaction
First-Generation Agents
Amitriptyline (Elavil) High Very high High High Volatile anesthetics: tachycardia and hypotension
Nortriptyline (Pamelor) Moderate Moderate High Moderate Antiarrhythmic agents: arrhythmia
Desipramine (Norpramin) High Moderate High Mild Warfarin: prolonged INR
Doxepin (Sinequan) High High High High Sympathomimetics: hypertension
Imipramine (Tofranil) High High High High Thyroid hormones: arrhythmia
Protriptyline (Vivactil) Moderate High High Mild Atropine: increased anticholinergic effect
Trimipramine (Surmontil) High High High High ␤-Blockers: bradyarrhythmias, hypotension
Newer Agents
Amoxapine (Asendin) Moderate Moderate High High Same as first-generation tricyclics
Maprotiline (Ludiomil) Moderate Moderate High High Same as first-generation tricyclics
Trazodone (Desyrel) Moderate Low Moderate High Phenytoin, digoxin: increased levels of toxicity

INR, international normalized ratio.

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662 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

sedation. Orthostasis occurs in up to 24% of patients receiving

tricyclic drugs. In addition, tricyclic antidepressants have multi-
ple interactions with other drugs. Specific comparisons of side
effects and drug interactions for the various tricyclic antidepres-
sants are listed in Table 20-2. In general, second-generation
tricyclic antidepressants cause less orthostasis, anticholinergic
effect, and sedation, but they tend to be very sedating.
Clinicians have long known that tricyclic agents can result
in significant ventricular arrhythmia when they are taken in
overdose. As a result, tricyclic antidepressants were believed
to be arrhythmogenic. More recent studies have not substan-
tiated this belief. Tricyclic drugs at therapeutic levels have
been shown to suppress ventricular premature contractions.
Electrophysiologic studies have supported this finding by
demonstrating that tricyclic agents have properties similar to
those of the class 1A antiarrhythmic agents.
Tricyclic agents were also believed initially to depress left
ventricular function. Several studies using radionucleotide
angiography, however, demonstrated that several tricyclic
drugs have no adverse effect on left ventricular function.
The observation that atrioventricular block was a frequent
complication of tricyclic antidepressant overdose led to con-
cern regarding the use of these medications in patients with
preexisting cardiac conduction disease. Patients with preex-
isting bundle branch block are at increased risk for the devel-
opment of significant conduction complications when they
are treated with a tricyclic drug. For patients with preexisting
bundle branch block, tricyclic agents should probably be
avoided unless a pacemaker is in place. If tricyclic medica-
tions are used, the patient should be followed with
serial electrocardiograms (ECGs) as therapeutic levels are
achieved. The optimal frequency for obtaining these ECGs is
unknown and probably depends on the kinetics of the drug
and how fast it achieves therapeutic levels. Twice weekly
seems reasonable. For patients with other conduction abnor-
malities, care should be taken when initiating therapy with
tricyclic agents, and a follow-up ECG should be obtained to

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20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness 663

look for widening of the QRS complexes or increased P-R or

Q-T intervals.
Perioperatively, these side effects, particularly the potential
for impairment of cardiac conduction, hypotension, and seda-
tion, should be considered before starting tricyclic antidepres-
sants. This concern is especially important for the patient at risk
for falls. Potential drug interactions can also be problematic
during the perioperative period. Tricyclic medications have
varying degrees of anticholinergic properties. In the periopera-
tive period, the anticholinergic and ␣-adrenergic blocking
properties of tricyclic drugs may potentiate similar effects
caused by anesthetic agents, including atropine and pancuro-
nium. Additional drug interactions result from the concomitant
use of tricyclic agents with sympathomimetic agents, which can
cause either hypertension or paradoxical hypotension with
epinephrine. The mechanism is the additive vasodilatory effect
of ␤2-adrenergic stimulation by epinephrine in addition to
␣-blockade by the tricyclic drug. The tricyclic agents may in-
teract with warfarin and increase the prothrombin time and
cause bleeding. Cimetidine has been shown to alter steady-state
concentrations of tricyclic agents significantly and to result in
side effects from overdose. As a result of the high potential for
drug interaction, it may be preferable to withhold tricyclic
medications for several days preoperatively and resume them
several days postoperatively, particularly in patients at risk for
falls, hypotension, confusion, and arrhythmias. This approach
rarely causes a depressive episode. The medical consultant
should be aware that withdrawal of tricyclic antidepressants
can cause mild symptoms, including nausea, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, and dizziness. Patients taking lower doses of tricyclic
antidepressants may be at less risk for withdrawal symptoms.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

and Related Agents
SSRIs are the fastest growing class of antidepressant medica-
tions. They are used in depression, premenstrual dysphoric
disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety,

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664 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

phobias, and eating disorders. At this time, they include fluox-

etine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluvox-
amine (Luvox), venlafaxine (Effexor), citalopram (Celexa), and
escitalopram (Lexapro). These drugs have the same clinical ef-
ficacy (70%) as conventional antidepressants. Unlike the tricy-
clic antidepressants, they cause no associated orthostatic hypo-
tension or anticholinergic effects. SSRIs are associated only
rarely with conduction abnormalities and tend to be stimulat-
ing rather than sedating. They may cause nausea and insomnia.
The foregoing SSRIs are listed in the order of those with the
most to the least cytochrome P-450 2D6–inhibiting properties.
Those with more cytochrome P-450 activity are more likely to
interact with warfarin, thus leading to an increased bleeding
risk. These also may increase phenytoin levels and, conse-
quently, the risk of toxicity. Venlafaxine inhibits the reuptake
of both norepinephrine (like a tricyclic agent) and serotonin.
Its side effects are more similar to those of other SSRIs, with
transient nausea and vomiting. Cardiac conduction is not af-
fected. Venlafaxine may also cause an increase in systolic blood
Other agents with some effects on the serotonin pathway
are bupropion (Wellbutrin), buspirone (BuSpar), nefazodone,
and mirtazapine (Remeron). Bupropion works primarily on
the dopamine system and is used in depression with excessive
somnolence and psychomotor slowing. It is also used in
smoking cessation. Although the drug it is generally well tol-
erated, there is a risk of seizures with bupropion, particularly
in the patient with a history of seizures or epileptogenic focus,
in those patients taking large doses of bupropion (⬎450 mg/
day), or in patients withdrawing from alcohol or sedative-
hypnotics. Bupropion should be used with caution with other
dopaminergic agents. Buspirone has effects on serotonin, do-
pamine, and ␣2- receptors. It is used primarily for generalized
anxiety disorder. This drug tends to cause a moderate
degree of sedation, unlike the other SSRIs. Nefazodone works
on the serotonin and norepinephrine pathways and blocks

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20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness 665

␣1-receptors. It is used to treat depression. Unlike most other

antidepressants, it does not tend to affect sleep patterns.
Nefazodone is structurally similar to trazodone and can be
accompanied by anticholinergic effects, orthostasis, agitation,
bradycardia, and idiosyncratic liver toxicity. It increases levels
of benzodiazepines, digoxin, haloperidol, and carbamaze-
pine. Mirtazapine works by blocking ␣2-receptors, with ef-
fects on serotonin and norepinephrine levels. It is used in
depression and is associated with sedation but is less likely to
cause sexual side effects than other antidepressants. It may
reduce the effectiveness of clonidine.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

The MAO antidepressants include phenelzine (Nardil) and
tranylcypromine (Parnate). These drugs are infrequently
used because of the potential for severe reactions with many
classes of drugs, both psychiatric and nonpsychiatric. MAO
inhibitors can interact with sympathomimetic agents such as
epinephrine, amphetamines, decongestants, and even exces-
sive amounts of caffeine and can result in hypertensive
crisis. MAO inhibitors should be stopped at least 2 weeks
before elective surgical procedures to allow complete elimi-
nation. If emergency surgery is necessary, the anesthesiolo-
gist should be notified so that sympathomimetic agents can
be avoided and careful monitoring can be performed. A
poorly understood and potentially fatal interaction can oc-
cur between MAO inhibitors and meperidine (Demerol).
Patients become agitated, disoriented, cyanotic, hyperther-
mic, hypertensive, and tachycardic. The MAO inhibitors
may also interact with the SSRIs, leading to autonomic in-
stability, hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, confusion, and
coma. There should be at least a 2-week interval between
using MAO inhibitors and agents of these classes. Because
long-term use of fluoxetine (Prozac) can saturate the tissues,
the interval between long-term fluoxetine and MAO inhibi-
tors should be 5 weeks.

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666 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

Neuroleptic Agents (Antipsychotics)

This class of agents can be divided into first-generation anti-
psychotics and second-generation, or atypical, antipsychotics
(Table 20-3). First-generation antipsychotics generally are less
expensive than second-generation agents, but they have more
side effects, including anticholinergic effects, sedation, and
orthostasis. The neuroleptic agents can also cause extrapyrami-
dal syndromes of parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia,
and dystonia. At high doses, they may cause repolarization
changes with Q-T prolongation and T-wave changes. Thio-
ridazine (Mellaril), in particular, may produce a dose-related
prolongation of the Q-T interval and may lead to torsades de
Second-generation neuroleptics are generally much better
tolerated and have fewer side effects. Clozapine (Clozaril) has
minimal extrapyramidal symptoms but has a 1% to 2% risk of
agranulocytosis. Fatalities have been reported even with close
monitoring of the complete blood count. For this reason, this
drug is primarily used in patients who are not responding to
other treatments. Risperidone (Risperdal) and olanzapine

TABLE 20-3 Neuroleptic Agents

First-Generation Agents
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Thioridazine (Mellaril)
Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
Mesoridazine (Serentil)
Perphenazine (Trilafon)
Trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
Loxapine (Loxitane)
Haloperidol (Haldol)
Second-Generation Agents
Clozapine (Clozaril)
Olanzapine (Zyprexa, Zyprexa Zydis)
Risperidone (Risperdal, Risperdal M-Tab, Risperdal Consta)
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Ziprasidone (Geodon)
Aripiprazole (Abilify)

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20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness 667

(Zyprexa) are other second-generation neuroleptics, with min-

imal extrapyramidal side effects but without agranulocytosis.
They both come in formulations that are orally disintegrating
(Zyprexa Zydis, Risperdal M-tab). Risperidone also comes as a
depot form given intramuscularly every 2 weeks. Olanzapine
is more likely to cause weight gain and to affect diabetes and
lipids. Risperidone may have more dopaminergic side effects.
Quetiapine (Seroquel), ziprasidone (Geodon), and aripipra-
zole (Abilify) are newer agents that are well tolerated.
In general, it is not necessary to discontinue neuroleptics
perioperatively. While a patient is NPO, intravenous halo-
peridol, orally disintegrating tablets of either risperidone or
olanzapine, or intramuscular injections of haloperidol, flu-
phenazine, or risperidone can be used. If high doses of neu-
roleptics are used, serial ECGs should be monitored to watch
for Q-T prolongation.

Lithium is used to treat mania. It has a narrow margin of
safety and is dangerous when overdosed. Minor side effects
occur even at therapeutic levels (0.8 to 1.5 mEq/L). These
side effects include nausea, anorexia, and nephrogenic diabe-
tes insipidus with polyuria and polydipsia. These last two
symptoms occur in 50% of new patients but in only 5% of
patients taking lithium on a long-term basis. Lithium can also
affect thyroid function. Many drugs can raise lithium levels,
including thiazides, NSAIDs, and metronidazole (Flagyl).
Major side effects may occur at blood levels greater than
2 mEq/L. They consist of progressive delirium, coma, sei-
zures, and ventricular arrhythmias. Unlike many other psy-
chiatric drugs, lithium does not cause sedation at therapeutic
levels. Lithium may also prolong the effects of neuromuscular
blocking and anesthetic agents. Therefore, these agents should
be used with caution in patients receiving lithium. In
addition, lithium may cause changes on the ECG, including
T-wave flattening or inversion, which may provoke confusion

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668 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

in the perioperative period with ischemic changes. A baseline

ECG may be helpful. Except in unusual circumstances, lith-
ium should be stopped 1 to 2 days preoperatively and re-
started when the patient resumes full oral intake. Lithium is
not available in a parenteral formulation.

ECT is one of the most successful methods of treating de-
pression, with up to an 80% response rate. It is also effective
in mania and in some psychoses. In general, ECT is often
used when rapid antidepressant response is necessary or in
refractory psychiatric conditions. The procedure consists of
electrical stimulation lasting approximately 5 seconds, fol-
lowed by a convulsion lasting approximately 30 seconds.
ECT is performed using general anesthesia with cardiac and
blood pressure monitoring. Patients receive mask ventilation
and are given a bite block.
ECT is capable of causing profound changes in hemody-
namics. These include acute hypertension, hypotension, and
arrhythmias, with resultant alterations in cardiac output.
These disturbances result from changes in parasympathetic
and sympathetic tone. Initially, these alterations are mani-
fested by a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. The
blood pressure may decrease by 10% with the induction of
anesthesia and then increase by up to 80% during the convul-
sion. These hemodynamic changes increase myocardial oxy-
gen consumption and cause ischemia. As a result, hyperten-
sion should be well controlled before ECT. The noncardiac
surgery guideline of the American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association classifies ECT as a low-risk pro-
cedure. Because ECT is generally an elective procedure, pa-
tients with recent myocardial infarction (ⱕ30 days) should
probably not undergo ECT. The American Psychiatric As-
sociation has suggested that patients with unstable or se-
vere cardiac disease are at increased risk for morbidity

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20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness 669

with ECT [ C American Psychiatric Association, 2001]. In the

pre-ECT medical evaluation, cardiac history, including risks
for arrhythmia, ischemia, and congestive heart failure, should
be reviewed. In patients with a higher risk for arrhythmias,
electrolytes should be checked and optimized. In patients
with a higher ischemic risk, cardiology consultation should
be obtained, and ␤-blockers should be considered, although
these drugs may increase the risk of asystole during ECT.
Patients at higher risk for congestive heart failure either from
cardiomyopathy or from severe valvular disease should also
have cardiac consultation before ECT.
ECT also causes fluctuations in cerebrovascular blood flow.
Initial cerebrovascular constriction is followed by a significant
increase in blood flow of up to seven times baseline. This
change results in increased intracranial pressure. Intraocular
pressure also increases. Glaucoma should be controlled before
ECT. The American Psychiatric Association has suggested that
patients with space-occupying intracranial lesions with evi-
dence of elevated intracranial pressure, recent stroke or cerebral
hemorrhage, or unstable aneurysms are at increased risk for
morbidity with ECT. These patients should receive neurologic
or neurosurgical consultation before considering ECT.
Current anesthetic practices to control blood pressure and
heart rate and to minimize skeletal muscle contraction have
certainly improved the safety of ECT. Even high-risk patients
with one of the absolute contraindications have undergone
ECT successfully. In addition, considering that ECT can lower
the mortality rate of depressed patients back to normal levels,
one author has suggested that ECT should be considered
potentially lifesaving and has no absolute contraindications.


NMS occurs in approximately 1.5% of all patients taking
neuroleptic drugs and has a 20% morality rate. NMS is an
idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic agents that consists of

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670 20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness

fever, mental status changes, muscle rigidity, autonomic dys-

function, respiratory distress, and rhabdomyolysis. The syn-
drome is treated with the dopamine agonist bromocriptine
and supportive measures such as a cooling blanket and intra-
venous fluids, as well as with discontinuation of the neuro-
leptic agent. Dantrolene sodium has also been used.
The issue of NMS in the perioperative period relates to its
similarity to malignant hyperthermia. The latter is a rare state
triggered by anesthetic agents and the muscle relaxant suc-
cinylcholine. NMS is inherited in an autosomal dominant
mode, and it has been suggested that patients with a history
of NMS may be at greater risk for the development of malig-
nant hyperthermia during procedures requiring anesthesia.
This would include ECT.
Selected Readings
American Psychiatric Association: Practice guideline for the treatment of
patients with major depressive disorder (revision). Am J Psychiatry
157:1-45, 2000.
American Psychiatric Association: The Practice of Electroconvulsive Ther-
apy: Recommendations for Treatment, Training, and Privileging, 2nd ed.
Washington, DC, 2001. C
Boehnert MT, Lovejoy FH Jr: Value of the QRS duration versus the serum
drug level in predicting seizures and ventricular arrhythmias after an
acute overdose of tricyclic antidepressants. N Engl J Med 313:474-479,
Burke WJ, Rubin EH, Zerumski CF, Wetzel RD: The safety of ECT in geriat-
ric psychiatry. J Am Geriatr Soc 35:516-521, 1987.
Cohen BM, Baldessarini RJ, Pope MG, et al: Neuroleptic malignant syn-
drome. N Engl J Med 313:1293, 1985.
Fink M: Contraindications to electroconvulsive therapy. Anesth Analg
66:913-922, 1987.
Gerry JP, Shields HM: The identification and management of patients with a
high risk for cardiac arrhythmias during modified ECT. J Clin Psychiatry
42:1403-1406, 1982.
Moore DP, Jefferson JW: Handbook of Medical Psychiatry, 2nd ed. St. Louis,
MO, Mosby, 2004.
Paroxetine. Med Lett 35:24-25, 1993.
Richelson E: Treatment of acute depression. Psychiatr Clin North Am
16:461-478, 1993.

Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 670 12/19/07 3:10:29 PM

20 • Perioperative Care of the Patient with Psychiatric Illness 671

Roose SP, Glassman AH, Dalack GW: Depression, heart disease and tricyclic
antidepressants. J Clin Psychiatry 50(Suppl):12-16, 1989.
Roose SP, Glassman AH, Giardiner EG, et al: Tricyclic antidepressants in
depressed patients with conductive disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry 44:
273-275, 1987.
Wells DG, Davies GG: Hemodynamic changes associated with electrocon-
vulsive therapy. Anesth Analg 66:1193-1195, 1987.
Williams RB Jr, Sherter C: Cardiac complications of tricyclic antidepressant
therapy. Ann Intern Med 74:395-398, 1971.
Yacoub OF, Morrow DM: Malignant hyperthermia and ECT. Am J Psychiatry
143:1027-1029, 1986.

Ch20-X2385_657_672.indd 671 12/19/07 3:10:29 PM

21 Managing Medication
in the Perioperative Period


The medical consultant plays a critical role in preventing
drug-related adverse events, in managing disease-specific
complications associated with surgery, and in providing guid-
ance for control of concomitant medical conditions. The risk
of medication-related adverse events is elevated in the periop-
erative period as a result of physiologic changes related to
surgery and the cessation of oral medications. Patients taking
medications on a regular basis have a higher incidence of
postoperative complications than those not taking daily med-
ications. When one is caring for surgical patients seen initially
in the inpatient setting, all attempts should be made to ascer-
tain the patient’s outpatient drug regimen, as well as the level
of adherence to this regimen. Existing medications should be
examined to ensure that no interaction with drugs added for
surgical purposes will occur. The preoperative evaluation
should include a detailed plan regarding administration of the
patient’s long-term medications in the perioperative period.
This is especially important for patients administered multiple
medications, because polypharmacy itself is a risk for adverse
drug reactions. Specific attention should be given to dose and

Levels of Evidence:
A —Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses, well-designed systematic
reviews of RCTs. B —Case-control or cohort studies, nonrandomized controlled tri-
als, systematic reviews of studies other than RCTs, cross-sectional studies, retrospec-
tive studies. C —Consensus statements, expert guidelines, usual practice, opinion.


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674 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

route of administration, with contingencies provided for pa-

tients who will be unable to resume oral medications imme-
diately after the surgical procedure. As part of continuing in-
patient care through the perioperative period, the medical
consultant can optimize therapeutics by daily review of
medication lists.
Specific recommendations could include the following:
(1) removal of unnecessary or potentially harmful medica-
tions, (2) switch from parenteral to oral forms of medication
as tolerated by the patient, (3) dosage adjustment for changes
in renal or hepatic function, (4) management strategies for
unrecognized withdrawal syndromes or drug interactions,
(5) identification and management of delirium, (6) postdis-
charge medication regimen review and reconciliation,
and (7) communication with primary care physician for
treatment-related changes in existing care.


The stomach is primarily an organ of maceration and acid
production and not one of absorption. In the postsurgical
state, as under normal conditions, a key determinant of the
rate of drug absorption is the rate of gastric emptying. Ma-
nipulation of abdominal organs, anesthesia, pain, opioid
analgesics, anticholinergic drugs, and electrolyte disturbances
all contribute to gastric stasis associated with postoperative
ileus. Additionally, decreased splanchnic flow, edema, and
villous atrophy contribute to decreases in rate and extent of
drug absorption in the postoperative period. Common man-
agement of patients with ileus is the use a nasogastric (NG)
tube to decompress the stomach. If there is delay in the re-
sumption of enteral function, intravenous administration of
important or essential medications is preferred.
Essential medications that are not available in intravenous
form are often administered through an NG tube, followed
by clamping for 30 minutes and subsequent resumption of

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 675

intermittent suction. However, the oral bioavailability of

medications administered in this manner in the postopera-
tive period is decreased relative the presurgical state [ B
Elfant et al, 1995]. The degree to which absorption is impaired
is unpredictable, owing to variability of interpatient and intra-
patient gut motility with incomplete evacuation of drug to the
duodenum and dissolution and absorptive kinetics specific to
individual drugs. Although it is difficult to predict the extent of
drug absorption through the NG route, absorption can be ex-
pected to be less than in the normal physiologic state. A general
principle is to use parenteral forms of critical medications until
gastric motility and absorption are established by the toleration
of enteral nutrition. Additionally, although the efficacy of a
multimodality approach to shortening the duration of postoper-
ative ileus has not been established, the dose of opioids should
be minimized as much as possible while maintaining control of
pain. Uncomplicated surgery is not associated with significant
changes in volume of distribution or elimination of drugs, and
oral drug doses generally do not need to be altered.


Numerous medications that are administered on a long-term
basis are associated with withdrawal syndromes (Table 21-1).
These syndromes are typically class specific and not drug spe-
cific, although members of the class with a longer half-life are
associated with milder withdrawal syndromes. For procedures
with a limited period of discontinued oral intake (nothing by
mouth [NPO] status), withdrawal syndromes are uncommon,
because oral administration can quickly be resumed. Onset of
withdrawal, if it occurs, is usually within the first 24 hours of
missing a dose. Symptoms, such as irritability, hypertension,
tachycardia, and even delirium, are often nonspecific. Because
many of these symptoms could have multiple causes unrelated
to drugs in the postsurgical period, patients are often not
recognized as suffering from a withdrawal syndrome. The best

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676 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Drugs and Substances Associated

TABLE 21-1 with Withdrawal Syndrome
on Sudden Cessation
Drugs and
Substances Symptoms Potential Severity
␤-Blockers Hypertension, tachycardia Increased risk of cardiovascu-
lar mortality and morbidity
Clonidine Hypertension, tachycardia Increased risk of cardiovascu-
lar mortality and morbidity
Benzodiazepines Agitation, tachycardia, Potentially severe and
hallucinosis life-threatening
Alcohol Agitation, tachycardia, Potentially severe and
hallucinosis life-threatening
Opioids Gastrointestinal distress, Unpleasant but not
diaphoresis, irritability, sleep life-threatening
disturbance, rhinorrhea
Antipsychotics Insomnia, nausea, vomiting, Generally self-limited
anxiety, agitation
Selective sero- Dizziness, light-headedness, Generally self-limited
tonin vertigo or feeling faint,
reuptake paresthesia, anxiety,
inhibitors diarrhea, fatigue, gait insta-
bility, headache, insomnia,
irritability, nausea or emesis,
tremor, visual disturbance
Tricyclic antide- Agitation, irritability, insomnia Generally self-limited
Caffeine Irritability, sleepiness, Self-limited
dysphoria, delirium, nau-
sea, vomiting, rhinorrhea,
nervousness, restlessness,
anxiety, muscle tension,
muscle pains, flushed face

management strategy is to plan for potential withdrawal syn-

dromes preoperatively. This approach includes use of paren-
teral forms where available or the tapering of a medication in
the immediate preoperative period. Table 21-2 gives general
recommendations for the preoperative management of com-
monly prescribed medications.
The medical consultant must also recognize withdrawal in
the postoperative period. The importance of an accurate,
first-person account of outpatient medications and of
ongoing substance abuse cannot be overemphasized. The
treatment of withdrawal generally depends on the specific

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 677

drug identified or suspected. Replacement of the responsible

drug is generally the first goal.
␤-Adrenergic Receptor Blockers
Initiation of ␤-Blockers to Decrease the Perioperative
Risk of Cardiac Complications
Data from small clinical trials suggest that ␤-blockers de-
crease the risk of cardiac complications (e.g., myocardial in-
farction) in the perioperative period. An observational study
found that perioperative ␤-blockers have their greatest ben-
efit in patients at increased risk of cardiac complications, that
is, patients with three or more of the following clinical fea-
tures: (1) ischemic heart disease, (2) cerebrovascular disease,
(3) renal insufficiency, (4) diabetes mellitus, or (5) high-risk
surgical procedure.
The American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association 2006 Update on Perioperative Beta Blocker
Therapy recommended that ␤-blockers be continued in
patients already receiving ␤-blockers and initiated in pa-
tients undergoing vascular surgery who are estimated to be
at high cardiac risk as determined by the presence of ischemia
on preoperative testing [ C Fleisher et al, 2006]. This guideline
states that ␤-blockers are probably recommended for patients
undergoing vascular surgery who have a history of coronary
artery disease or who have multiple coronary artery disease
risk factors and for patients with multiple cardiac risk factors
who undergo intermediate-risk or high-risk surgical proce-
dures. ␤-Blockers may be considered for patients who undergo
intermediate-risk or high-risk surgical procedures who have a
single clinical cardiac risk factor and may also be considered
for patients who undergo vascular surgery who have no car-
diac risk factors. Ideally, ␤-blocker therapy should be initiated
2 weeks preoperatively, but in practice that is not always
achievable. Not uncommonly, the clinician is faced with set-
tings in which ␤-blocker therapy is initiated the day before
or even the day of surgery. In all cases, a key point is that
␤-blocker therapy should be titrated to achieve a heart rate of

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TABLE 21-2 Management of Commonly Prescribed Medications
Medication Preoperative Management
␤-Blockers Continue through procedure with
parenteral dosage
ACE inhibitors Hold day of surgery

Angiotensin II receptor blockers Hold day of surgery

Calcium channel blockers Hold day of surgery

␣2-Agonists Continue through procedure with

parenteral dosage
Antiarrhythmics Administer the morning of surgery

Nitrates Hold oral nitrates the day of surgery

Diuretics Hold day of surgery
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) Administer through the perioperative period
Nonstatin lipid-lowering agents Discontinue preoperatively

Low-molecular-weight heparin Hold 12 hr before procedure

Unfractionated heparin drip Hold 6 hr before procedure

Warfarin Hold 4-5 days before surgery with or with-

out heparin bridge, depending on indica-
tion for anticoagulation
Aspirin Hold 5-7 days before procedures with high
bleeding risk

Clopidogrel Hold 5-7 days before procedures with high

bleeding risk
NSAIDs Hold 1-2 days before procedure

␤2-Agonists Continue the morning of surgery through

postoperative period
Inhaled anticholinergics Continue the morning of surgery through
postoperative period
Leukotriene modifiers Administer the morning of surgery through
postoperative period
Hormone replacement therapy Discontinue 4-6 wk before procedures with
high risk of venous thromboembolism
Selective estrogen receptor modifiers Discontinue 4-6 wk before procedures with
high risk of venous thromboembolism
Oral contraceptives Administer the morning of surgery through
postoperative period
Antiretroviral agents Continue if anticipate patient will be able to
take PO; if NPO status anticipated, stop
all simultaneously, except: hold efavirenz
4 days and nevirapine 2 days before
stopping other antiretrovirals

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Parenteral Equivalents Comments
IV metoprolol, labetalol,
IV enalaprilat Has been associated with intraoperative hypotension
with ACE inhibitors responsive only to vasopressin;
could administer day of surgery for minor procedures
or with anticipated hypertension or dysrhythmia
Similar profile as ACE inhibitors; IV enalaprilat reasonable
parenteral substitution for PO ARB; could administer
day of surgery for minor procedures or with antici-
pated hypertension or dysrhythmia
IV diltiazem, verapamil, Could administer day of surgery for minor procedures or
nicardipine with anticipated hypertension or dysrhythmia
Clonidine transdermal patch Use in high-cardiovascular risk patients who have con-
traindications to ␤-blockers
IV amiodarone Amiodarone generally not required during NPO period
owing to long half-life of drug
IV nitroglycerin Benefit established only in patients with active ischemia
IV furosemide, bumetanide Avoid preoperative overdiuresis
Restart as soon enteral function returns
Restart when renal and gastrointestinal function stability
For once-daily administration, hold 24 hr before
On restarting postoperatively, use the previous therapeu-
tic dose without a loading bolus
IV unfractionated heparin drip Patients restarting warfarin after an extended period of
or low-molecular-weight NPO status may be more sensitive to warfarin
heparin subcutaneously
Aspirin should be continued during vascular and cardiac
surgery, and possibly in for those at high cardiovascu-
lar risk, depending on bleeding risk of planned surgery
Clopidogrel should not be discontinued within the first
6 wk following cardiac stent placement
Ketorolac COX-2 inhibitors do not inhibit platelet aggregation but do
influence renal hemodynamics and are associated with
poorer outcomes in cardiac surgical patients
Avoid oral preparations

For lower-risk procedures, continue through surgery

using DVT prophylaxis
For lower-risk procedures, continue through surgery
using DVT prophylaxis
If patient is NPO and misses any doses, counsel for the
need for alternate contraception through the next cycle
All agents should be restarted simultaneously

Table continued on following page

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680 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Management of Commonly
TABLE 21-2
Prescribed Medications (Continued)
Medication Preoperative Management
Transplantation antirejection medications Continue through surgery

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Administer half dose for 3 days preopera-
tively if NPO period is anticipated post-
Tricyclic antidepressants Continue through surgery with precautions
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Consult with anesthesiologist regarding use
of MAO inhibitor–safe anesthesia
Lithium Administer the morning of surgery through
postoperative period
Antipsychotics Administer the morning of surgery through
postoperative period

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker;

COX, cyclooxygenase; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; HMG-CoA, hepatic 3-
methylglutaryl–coenzyme A; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MAO, monoamine
oxidase; NPO, nothing by mouth; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
PO, oral.

60 to 70 beats/ minute in the perioperative period. For the

patient who requires perioperative ␤-blocker therapy but does
not have indications for the long-term use of ␤-blockers, we
typically continue the ␤-blocker for 30 days postoperatively
and then rapidly taper it.
Adverse Events with Perioperative Initiation
of ␤-Blockers
In the perioperative period, risks specifically associated with
initiation of ␤-blockers include worsening of severe obstruc-
tive lung disease or congestive heart failure and bradycardia.
Adverse Events with Cessation of Long-Term
␤-Blocker Use
For patients who take ␤-blockers on a long-term basis, sudden
cessation of these agents may be associated with adverse
cardiovascular events. The most dramatic manifestation is the

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 681

Parenteral Equivalents Comments

Steroids, tacrolimus, cyclo- Monitor drug levels
sporine, mycophenolate
Watch for serotonin syndrome induced by meperidine
and antiemetics in patients with long-term fluoxetine

Monitor drug levels

Multiple IV/IM forms available Long-acting decanoate forms can be administered if a long
period of NPO status is anticipated

well-known hyperadrenergic withdrawal syndrome, characterized

by increased blood pressure and heart rate. However, even
in the absence of symptomatic or overt signs of increased sym-
pathetic drive, postoperative withdrawal of ␤-blockers in-
creases the rate of subsequent myocardial infarctions in vascu-
lar surgical patients [Hoeks et al, 2007]. Withdrawal syndromes
are less severe with longer-acting agents such as atenolol. For
patients unable to take oral medications postoperatively, ad-
verse events related to withdrawal can be prevented through
the use of intravenous preparations, with transition back to oral
administration when oral medications are tolerated.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Only modest amounts of research have specifically examined
the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in
the perioperative period. What is established is that ACE

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682 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

inhibitors are not associated with increased perioperative

mortality and do not potentiate or attenuate the level of anes-
thesia, although long-term treatment with ACE inhibitors may
increase the frequency of hypotension during induction of
anesthesia. This effect does not appear to be present during
spinal anesthesia. ACE inhibitor-associated intraoperative hy-
potension can be made worse by hypovolemia and is some-
times refractory to vasopressors. Although long-term ACE in-
hibitor use has been linked to postoperative renal dysfunction,
other investigators have postulated renoprotective effects in
patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.
No hypertensive withdrawal syndrome or immediate de-
compensation of otherwise stable congestive heart failure has
been reported following cessation of ACE inhibitors. Therefore,
in an effort to avoid ACE inhibitor-related perioperative hypo-
tension or renal dysfunction, we recommend that ACE inhibitors
be withheld the day of surgery and resumed as soon as possible
in the postoperative period. For minor surgical procedures,
particularly in patients with blood pressure that is difficult to
control, administration of a usual dose of an ACE inhibitor with
a sip of water on the morning of surgery may be warranted.
Postoperatively, patients who are receiving ACE inhibitors on a
long-term basis and who have left ventricular dysfunction or
postoperative hypertension with indications for ACE inhibition
(i.e., diabetes) should be administered an intravenous ACE in-
hibitor (enalaprilat) if they are unable to resume oral intake.
Anesthesiologists should be made aware of the patients’ long-
term use of inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system, because intraoperative hypotension may be refractory
to standard pressors and may require the use of vasopressin.

Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers

Like the ACE inhibitors, the angiotensin II receptor blockers
(ARBs) derive their efficacy from inhibition of signals down-
stream from the angiotensinogen II receptor. In contrast to the
ACE inhibitors, the ARBs do not potentiate the effects of the

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 683

vasodilatory bradykinin system. The clinical implication of

this differential inhibition remains unclear. ACE inhibitors and
ARBs have comparable efficacy and safety in the treatment of
chronic heart failure and high-risk myocardial infarction, al-
though ARBs have a modestly decreased frequency and severity
of side effects. Although some investigators have suggested
that candesartan may protect against mesenteric ischemia
in the setting of hypovolemia, the hemodynamic influences of
the ARBs in the perioperative period are probably similar to
those seen with the ACE inhibitors. Similarly, although ARBs
theoretically cause less intraoperative hypotension than ACE
inhibitors, treatment-resistant intraoperative hypotension has
been noted with the ARBs. Given a lack of convincing data
suggesting an advantage of the use of ARBs over ACE inhibi-
tors in the perioperative period, the management of these two
classes of medications should be similar. In the absence of
known hypersensitivity to ACE inhibitors, intravenous enala-
prilat should be used as an intravenous alternative to an ARB.

Calcium Channel Antagonists

Common practice has been to continue calcium channel
blockers on the day of surgery and postoperatively, for hemo-
dynamic stability and control. Most observational studies
have not demonstrated a cardiac protective effect of calcium
channel antagonists when these drugs are administered in
the perioperative period. Calcium channel blockers do not
appear to increase perioperative mortality, interact with anes-
thesia, or cause a significant withdrawal syndrome. There-
fore, they may be continued through the perioperative pe-
riod. For patients dependent on the rate-control properties of
diltiazem or verapamil, these agents should be administered
the morning of surgery. Use of these drugs on the morning of
surgery is also warranted in patients who have a history of
poorly controlled hypertension or in those undergoing minor
procedures. Intravenous preparations are available for pa-
tients with extended periods of NPO status.

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684 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

␣2-Adrenergic Agonists
Clonidine is the most commonly used agent of this class. The
hypotensive effect of clonidine is mediated primarily by ago-
nism of central nervous system ␣2-receptors, which leads to
increased parasympathetic tone and decreased circulating cat-
echolamines. This global reduction in sympathetic output has
made the drug a useful adjunct in the treatment of opiate with-
drawal. Similarly, in a mechanism likely analogous to that seen
with perioperative ␤-adrenergic blockade, clonidine use is as-
sociated with decreased mortality following vascular surgery
and decreased ischemia and likely decreased mortality follow-
ing cardiac surgery. This appears to be a class effect, because
mivazerol (not available in the United States) has been shown
to improve hemodynamic stability intraoperatively, to reduce
cardiac ischemia during emergence from anesthesia, and to
decrease late postoperative tachycardia and hypertension in
patients at risk for or with coronary artery disease. On the basis
of these findings, the American College of Cardiology sug-
gested that some evidence (level IIB) indicates that ␣2-adrenergic
agonists may be cardioprotective in the perioperative period.
Clonidine should be used for cardioprotective prophylaxis in
patients with a contraindication to ␤-blockers.
Aside from cardiovascular indications, ␣2-agonists are oc-
casionally used de novo perioperatively, because they are
known to have sedative, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties.
Intrathecal clonidine has been used as part of an anesthesia
regimen for postoperative pain control, whereas preoperative
oral clonidine has been associated with decreased postopera-
tive pain. Anesthesia induction with clonidine helps to pre-
vent postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Particular care must be exercised for patients who take
clonidine on a regular basis in the perioperative period.
Cessation of clonidine can be associated with a hyperadren-
ergic withdrawal syndrome characterized by hypertension,
tremor, and agitation. Given the benefits of sympatholysis
in the surgical period and the risks associated with

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 685

clonidine withdrawal, patients who have been taking

this drug should have it administered orally the day surgery
and resumed as soon as possible postoperatively. If a
delay in the resumption of oral intake is anticipated,
the patient should be transitioned to the clonidine transder-
mal patch preoperatively until enteral status allows oral
administration of the medication. Although other
␣2-agonists such as methyldopa have less of a propensity to
cause a withdrawal syndrome, it is prudent to continue
these agents during the perioperative period or transition to
a clonidine patch.
The most effective treatment of postoperative clonidine
withdrawal is resumption of clonidine. If this cannot be ac-
complished, labetalol (combined ␣- and ␤-blocker) may be
used. Standard ␤-blockers should not be used to treat the
patient with clonidine withdrawal syndrome because they
block the peripheral ␤-receptors that facilitate peripheral
vasodilation. Therefore, ␤-blockers could exacerbate cloni-
dine withdrawal-related hypertension by preventing periph-
eral vasodilation in the setting of excessive ␣-stimulation.

Given the proarrhythmic effects of many traditional agents, the
most commonly encountered antiarrhythmic drugs aside from
the ␤-blockers and calcium channel blockers are amiodarone
and sotalol. Amiodarone appears safe in operative patients,
and the drug should be continued until the day before surgery.
The drug has a half-life of 40 to 55 days, with pharmacody-
namic effects lasting up to 50 days after the last dose. In light
of this pharmacokinetic profile, pharmacologic efficacy is
minimally influenced by missed doses. Unless there are ex-
tended periods of NPO status or serious arrhythmia, use of the
intravenous formulation of amiodarone is not indicated. Intra-
venous formulations of flecainide, propafenone, or sotalol are
not available. Patients who take these agents on a long-term
basis should take them with a sip of water on the day of

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686 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

surgery. Patients who develop recurrent atrial fibrillation in the

postoperative period should have their atrial rate controlled
with intravenous diltiazem or a ␤-blocker, and oral agents can
be resumed with the return of enteral motility.

For the treatment of intraoperative myocardial ischemia, vaso-
spasm, or hypertension, intravenous nitroglycerin is preferable
to transdermal preparations because of more reliable drug
delivery. Unfortunately, nitrates can be associated with intraop-
erative hypotension, especially when these drugs are used in
conjunction with anesthesia in a hypovolemic patient. The
use of prophylactic intravenous nitroglycerin is not associ-
ated with a reduction in ischemia in patients undergoing
noncardiac surgical procedures [ B Dodds et al, 1993].
On the basis of available evidence, the American College of
Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines en-
dorsed the use of intravenous intraoperative nitroglycerin in
patients with clear signs of myocardial ischemia (level A). In
contrast, even for high-risk patients, the use of intraoperative
nitroglycerin as a prophylactic against ischemia is not well
supported by the evidence (level IIB) and should be reserved
for carefully screened patients. In all cases, nitroglycerin
should be avoided in hypovolemic or hypotense patients.
In long-term users of these agents, a nitrate withdrawal syn-
drome of increased angina and myocardial ischemia has been
suggested, but clinical studies of this possible effect yielded
divergent results. Given inconsistent clinical observations,
when nitrate withdrawal does cause an increase in arterial reacti-
vity, the effect is likely modest. Because of the lack of demonstr-
ated benefit in most patients, the risk of intraoperative hypoten-
sion, and the lack of well-characterized withdrawal syndrome,
oral and transdermal nitrates should be held on the morning of
surgery for patients without active ischemia. These prepara-
tions should be restarted in the postoperative period only when
the patient has demonstrated hemodynamic stability.

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 687

Little evidence exists to guide the management of diuretic
therapy in the perioperative period. Decompensated congestive
heart failure is associated with poor surgical outcomes, so in
patients with clinical volume overload, diuretics should be
used until euvolemia is reached. In the more common case of
a stable patient receiving diuretic maintenance therapy, man-
agement is ideally guided by clinical volume status. Hypovole-
mia places patients at risk for intraoperative hypotension and
associated cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.
Additionally, hypovolemia and associated hypotension are risk
factors for postoperative renal failure, with diabetic and elderly
patients at particularly high risk. Unfortunately, clinical esti-
mation of volume status and of the risk of postoperative
hypovolemic hypotension in hospitalized and preoperative
patients is often difficult [ C McGee et al, 1999]. For near-
euvolemic patients, diuretics should be discontinued the day
before the surgical procedure. Although diuretic-associated
hypokalemia is well tolerated by patients in the perioperative
period, attention should be paid to this phenomenon in pa-
tients taking digoxin or requiring large doses of ␤2-agonists.

Hepatic 3-Methylglutaryl–Coenzyme A Reductase

Inhibitors and Other Lipid-Lowering Agents
Hepatic 3-Methylglutaryl–Coenzyme A
Reductase Inhibitors
The hepatic 3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reduc-
tase inhibitors (“statins”) have demonstrated efficacy in primary
and secondary reduction of cardiovascular mortality and mor-
bidity. Several lines of evidence support the continued use of
statins in the perioperative period, especially in patients with
established cardiovascular disease. Retrospective studies in
noncardiac vascular surgical patients suggest an independent
survival benefit associated with statin use in the perioperative
period. The use of these drugs in thoracic surgical patients has

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688 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

been associated with preservation of renal function, decreased

incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation, and improved
overall mortality. A mechanistic basis for beneficial effects of the
statins is not explained entirely by reductions in low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol and may be related to alterations of the
release of endothelial nitric oxide. Evidence indicates that, in
patients with acute coronary syndrome, withdrawal of statins
may lead to worse outcome. Although no prospective random-
ized studies have been conducted to guide the use of statins in
the perioperative period, the lack of interaction with anesthesia,
coupled with the possibility of harm associated with with-
drawal, lead us to recommend that statins be continued
through the perioperative period. A rule of thumb is that if
there are good clinical indications for statin use, they should be
started for patients not previously administered these agents.

Fibrates, Ezetimibe, and Bile Acid Sequestrants

No evidence exists to indicate a rebound in cardiovascular
events associated with the cessation of nonstatin lipid medi-
cations. The risk reduction in cardiovascular events is the
result of long-term control of lipids with these agents, with
generally little effect of short-term cessation. Because niacin
and gemfibrozil have the potential to interact with statins to
cause myopathy and rhabdomyolysis, these agents should
not be restarted with statins until stable postoperative renal
function is established. Fenofibrate appears less likely to
have this interaction. Ezetimibe can cause diarrhea, whereas
the bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine, colestipol) can
cause constipation and interfere with drug absorption. These
agents can be resumed when the patient has documented
stability of enteral function.

Decisions regarding the management of anticoagulants are
based primarily on the risk of hemorrhage if anticoagulation is
continued in the perioperative period as opposed to the risk and
consequences of thrombosis if anticoagulation is withdrawn

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 689

preoperatively. No prospective RCTs exist to offer definitive

guidance to this problem. Our clinical approach has been
to attempt to weigh the risks and benefits of discontinuing
versus continuing anticoagulants on a case-by-case basis.
For patients receiving long-term warfarin therapy, most
ophthalmologic procedures, dental extractions, joint injec-
tions, and many dermatologic procedures can be safely per-
formed without interruption of anticoagulation or with an
international normalized ratio (INR) at or slightly lower than
the therapeutic range. Bleeding with dental procedures can
be managed with tranexamic acid or ε-aminocaproic acid
mouthwash. Gastrointestinal procedures not requiring
cessation of long-term anticoagulation include endos-
copy or colonoscopy with or without biopsy, endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography, enteroscopy, and
biliary stent placement [ C Eisen et al, 2002]. Whether to
perform a biopsy during esophagogastroduodenoscopy or
colonoscopy while a patient is receiving anticoagulant or
antithrombotic therapy is controversial and should be de-
cided on a case-by-case basis.
For the patient with atrial fibrillation who is receiving long-
term warfarin anticoagulation, we attempt to estimate the risk
of systemic embolic phenomena without anticoagulation. If
that risk is high, we use bridging anticoagulant therapy to
minimize the amount of time the patient is not systemically
anticoagulated. The CHADS2 score is helpful in estimating
thromboembolic risk [ B Gage et al, 2001]. In this scoring
system, the patient with atrial fibrillation is assigned 1 risk
point for the presence of each factor (C, congestive heart fail-
ure; H, history of hypertension; A, age ⬎75 years; and D, dia-
betes mellitus) and 2 points if he or she has had a stroke or
transient ischemic attack (S2). The patient with 0 points is at
low risk for systemic thromboembolic phenomena, the patient
with 1 to 2 points is at intermediate risk, and the patient with
3 or more points is at high risk. For the patient who is estimated
to be at low risk of thromboembolic phenomena and who is
to undergo a surgical procedure, we typically discontinue

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690 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

warfarin 4 days preoperatively and then restart it as soon as

possible following surgery. For the patient at high risk, we dis-
continue the warfarin 4 days preoperatively and then initiate
either a continuous infusion of unfractionated heparin (UFH)
or low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) once the INR de-
creases to less than 2.0. Heparin is discontinued approximately
12 hours preoperatively and is then resumed as soon as possi-
ble following the surgical procedure. Warfarin is restarted when
oral intake resumes. Heparin is discontinued when the INR is
therapeutic. For the patient at intermediate risk of thromboem-
bolic phenomena, we decide on a case-by-case basis whether to
use the low-risk or the high-risk approach to treatment.
For the patient who is receiving warfarin anticoagulation
for treatment of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), we consider
the duration of their DVT treatment as well as ongoing DVT
risk factors in determining perioperative anticoagulation
management. For most patients with a cause of DVT that has
been resolved and no ongoing DVT risk factors, the duration
of anticoagulation is usually 3 months. For the patient with
idiopathic DVT or DVT, the duration of therapy is 6 to
12 months. For the patient with DVT and antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome or the presence of two thrombophilic
conditions (e.g., factor V Leiden, prothrombin 20210 gene
mutation), indefinite anticoagulation therapy is recom-
mended. It has been estimated that stopping anticoagulation
in the first month after the onset of acute DVT is associated
with a 1% per day absolute increase in risk of recurrent ve-
nous thromboembolism. Stopping anticoagulation during
the second or third month after an acute episode of
DVT may be associated with a 0.2% per day increase
in the absolute risk of recurrent thromboembolism. After
3 months of anticoagulant therapy, this risk decreases mark-
edly. If the patient is nearing completion of the anticoagula-
tion therapy, we often recommend that surgery be delayed
until the completion of anticoagulant therapy. If that cannot
be done or if the patient is receiving anticoagulant therapy

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 691

indefinitely, we use a bridging anticoagulation strategy

in a manner similar to the high-risk patient with atrial fibril-
Patients with prosthetic heart valves and atrial fibrillation
and mechanical heart valves in the mitral position are at high
risk of systemic thromboembolism if not anticoagulated. Our
approach to their perioperative anticoagulation management
has been to use a bridging approach similar to the high-risk
patient with atrial fibrillation. An exception is the pregnant
patient who has a mechanical heart valve. We advise particu-
lar caution in the case of the pregnant patient who has a
mechanical heart valve that requires long-term anticoagula-
tion [ C Bates et al, 2004]. Currently available studies are inad-
equate to make definitive recommendations regarding antico-
agulation management. The difficulties relate to the risk of fetal
embryopathy resulting from warfarin and the inadequacy of
efficacy data of LMWH and subcutaneous heparin in prevent-
ing mechanical valve thrombosis. The American College of
Chest Physicians recommended one of the following ap-
proaches to anticoagulant management for the pregnant patient
with a mechanical heart valve:
1. Adjusted dose twice-daily LMWH throughout pregnancy,
either to keep a 4-hour postinjection anti–factor Xa level
at 1.0 to 1.2 U/mL or according to weight.
2. Aggressive adjusted-dose UFH throughout pregnancy
(generally 17,500 to 20,000 U subcutaneously) every
12 hours, to keep a midinterval partial thromboplastin time
at least twice control or to attain an anti–factor Xa heparin
level at 0.35 to 0.50 U/mL.
3. LMWH or UFH as per options 1 or 2 until the 13th week
of pregnancy, then change to warfarin until the middle of
the third trimester, and finally return to LMWH or UFH.
Small case series have shown that LMWH is not effective in
minimizing thromboembolic risk in patients with me-
chanical heart valves. Until more robust data are available,

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692 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

we use continuous UFH to bridge anticoagulation during

the period of warfarin withdrawal. The patient who has an
aortic valve mechanical prosthesis and is in sinus rhythm is
at a lower short-term risk of valve thrombosis or thrombo-
embolic phenomena. If it is anticipated that anticoagulation
will be resumed promptly following the surgical procedure,
we typically discontinue warfarin 4 days preoperatively and
then restart warfarin as soon as possible postoperatively. If
anticoagulation is not expected to resume promptly after
the surgical procedure, we not infrequently initiate therapy
with UFH heparin or LMWH once the INR falls to less than
2.0 following the cessation of warfarin preoperatively. The
heparin preparation is discontinued 12 to 24 hours before
the surgical procedure and is then restarted as soon as pos-
sible postoperatively. We believe that this approach mini-
mizes the time during which anticoagulation is discontin-
ued in this group.

Anticoagulation Use in Neuraxial Anesthesia (Spinal

Anesthesia and Epidural Anesthesia)
Bleeding associated with an epidural catheter has been linked to
potentially devastating hematomas as a result of mass effect
within the closed space of the spinal cord. If an epidural catheter
is already in place, initiation of UFH for DVT prophylaxis (5000
U subcutaneously every 12 hours) is considered safe. Similarly,
intravenous UFH is considered safe as long as it is started more
than 1 hour following epidural needle placement. The epidural
catheter should not be removed until 2 to 4 hours after cessation
of heparin. Postoperatively, if LMWH is to be administered at
prophylactic doses, the first dose should be held until 6 to
8 hours postoperatively, and the catheter should be removed at
least 10 to 12 hours after the previous dose. Full-dose LMWH
anticoagulation should not be used while an epidural catheter is
in place. In all cases, LMWH should not be administered within
2 hours after removal of an epidural catheter. Fondaparinux
should not be used in patients receiving neuraxial anesthesia.

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 693

For patients receiving postoperative warfarin, an epidural cath-

eter should be removed before the INR is greater than 1.5.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) do not appear
to increase the risk of epidural hematoma formation.

Aspirin, Other Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory

Drugs, and Antiplatelet Agents
Aspirin’s antiplatelet effect preferentially protects against high
shear conditions seen in the arterial vascular bed. This effect
accounts for the key role of aspirin in the prevention of arte-
rial thrombosis in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass
grafting or vascular surgical procedures and, to a much lesser
degree, in the reduction in postoperative venous thrombosis.
Aspirin is routinely administered in the perioperative period
to patients who undergo coronary artery bypass grafting.
Similarly, patients undergoing infrainguinal vascular bypass
or carotid endarterectomy should have aspirin therapy initi-
ated in, or continued through, the preoperative period.
The incidence of surgical bleeding complications in aspirin
users is increased by a factor of 1.5, although with the exception
of neurosurgery, the severity of the complications is not in-
creased. Withdrawal of aspirin is associated with an increase in
cardiovascular events. For patients undergoing nonvascular
surgical procedures, the decision to discontinue long-term pre-
operative aspirin administration should be driven primarily by
bleeding risk and the indication for which aspirin was prescribed
(primary or secondary cardiac prevention). Ocular surgery is
associated with low risks of bleeding, and aspirin should not be
discontinued. Patients undergoing higher-risk procedures such
as neurosurgery or spinal surgery should have aspirin held 5 to
7 days preoperatively. It is not unreasonable to hold aspirin
3 to 5 days preoperatively with an intermediate risk of bleeding
and then restart aspirin therapy 24 hours postoperatively in
patients taking the drug for secondary prevention.

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694 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Thienopyridines and Dipyridamole

Clopidogrel has supplanted ticlopidine as the preferred adeno-
sine diphosphate-mediated inhibitor of platelet function. Clo-
pidogrel irreversibly inhibits platelets and has the same rate of
hemorrhagic events as aspirin. Thus, patients who are receiving
these agents on a long-term basis as an adjunct to antianginal
therapy and are at low risk of acute cardiovascular events
should have this medication held for 5 to 7 days before surgical
procedures with higher risks of bleeding and then restarted
24 hours postoperatively if hemostasis is ensured. One of the
most frequent uses of clopidogrel is in conjunction with aspirin
to prevent acute and subacute stent thrombosis following im-
plantation of a drug-eluting stent. For the patient who under-
goes implantation of a sirolimus-coated coronary stent or a
paclitaxel-coated stent, the minimum course of postim-
plant aspirin and clopidogrel is 6 months. The time course
of this mandatory antiplatelet regimen must be considered
when planning noncardiac surgery [ C Grines et al, 2007].
For the patient who requires urgent or emergency surgery
before completion of the mandatory aspirin-clopidogrel thera-
peutic regimen, we typically continue aspirin and clopidogrel
in the perioperative period and use platelet transfusions if life-
threatening hemorrhage occurs. One exception is the patient
who requires neurosurgery. Because even a small amount of
bleeding can be catastrophic in these patients, we review the
management of antithrombotic therapy with a focus on the
risks versus the benefits of antithrombotic discontinuation on a
case-by-case basis.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Like aspirin, the non–cyclooxygenase-2 (non–COX-2)–
selective NSAIDs exert an antiplatelet effect mediated by in-
hibition of the thromboxane pathway. In contrast to aspirin,
this inhibition is reversible and will abate if the drug is
eliminated. Platelet function returns to baseline 24 hours af-
ter cessation of long-term ibuprofen use, so NSAIDs should

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 695

be held 1 to 2 days preoperatively. The propensity of NSAIDs

to increase bleeding when they are administered postopera-
tively is unclear. In addition to their effects on platelets, the
actions of NSAIDs on prostaglandins place the postoperative
patient at a higher risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and
renal failure. NSAIDs should therefore be used sparingly in
patients at risk for these conditions, especially if pain can be
managed by other modalities. NSAIDS have limited ability to
cause postoperative renal dysfunction in patients without
underlying kidney disease.
COX-2–specific agents do not inhibit platelet aggregation
and may provide modest protection from gastric bleeding
relative to nonselective agents. However, these agents have
effects on renal hemodynamics that are similar to the effects
of nonspecific agents. COX-2–specific drugs are additionally
associated with an increase in postoperative cardiovascular
events when they are used in cardiac surgical patients and
thus should be avoided in favor of alternate means of pain
control, such as opiates or acetaminophen.

Pulmonary Medications and Antihistamines

Most pulmonary medications administered on a long-term
basis are those used in the treatment of the obstructive lung
diseases. The inhaled anticholinergics have minimal systemic
absorption or cardiovascular effects and should be continued
through the perioperative period. Similarly, continuing the
administration of regularly used inhaled ␤2-specific agonists
has been associated with a decrease in perioperative compli-
cations in patients with an obstructive lung process. Patients
taking oral ␤2-agonists are more at risk for dose-dependent
side effects and should have these replaced with inhaled
preparations, especially patients with concomitant cardiovas-
cular disease. Similarly, no evidence indicates that parenteral
␤2-agonists are more effective than inhaled formulations,
although the parenteral agents carry increased cardiovascular
risks of arrhythmias and myocardial ischemia. Inhaled

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696 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

bronchodilators are best delivered in mechanically ventilated

patients by way of an in-line, spacer-equipped metered dose
inhaler with actuation during the inhalation phase.
Stable patients who are managed with inhaled corticoste-
roids are not at higher risk of postoperative infection or ad-
renal insufficiency, and these medications should be admin-
istered throughout the perioperative period. Nebulized
budesonide is available for patients with severe disease
who are unable to use a metered dose inhaler. The few pa-
tients who require systemic corticosteroids should have these
continued in the perioperative period, with potential use of
stress doses, depending on the patient’s standing dose and
the extent of the surgical procedure.
The leukotriene modifiers are generally adjuncts to in-
haled corticosteroids. They have excellent safety profiles,
although no intravenous preparations are commercially avail-
able. These agents should be administered the morning of
surgery and then resumed following the recovery of enteral
function. Theophylline provides modest efficacy in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, although it is associated with
significant side effects, even within the therapeutic range.
Given the narrow therapeutic index of theophylline, oral
forms can be given until 1 or 2 days before the surgical pro-
cedure, and intravenous preparations should not be used.
First-generation antihistamines such as diphenhydramine,
promethazine, and meclizine are effective in reducing postop-
erative nausea and vomiting. Antihistamines have been demon-
strated to reduce intraoperative histamine-mediated adverse
reactions. Thus, patients who take these agents on a long-term
basis should continue taking them until the day before the
surgical procedure. Routine use of intravenous postoperative
antihistamines for allergic indications is not recommended,
owing to the potential for sedation or urinary retention. Sec-
ond-generation antihistamines such as fexofenadine, deslo-
ratadine, and cetirizine are very well tolerated and can be re-
sumed in the immediate postoperative period. If first-generation

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 697

agents are used, clinicians should be aware of the potential

anticholinergic effects of urinary retention and decreased
gastric motility.

Oral Contraceptives and Hormone

Replacement Therapy
Both combination oral contraceptive pills and postmeno-
pausal hormone replacement therapy have been associated
with an increased risk of venous thromboembolic disease.
Some concern exists that the higher risk associated with
surgery can cause additional events in patients who con-
tinue these medications through the operative and postop-
erative periods. In one prospective study, the risk of postop-
erative thromboembolism in oral contraceptive users was
found to be 0.96% versus 0.5% in nonusers. Simply stop-
ping oral contraceptives just before a surgical procedure
does not lower the risk of thromboembolism. The hyperco-
agulable state associated with combination oral contracep-
tive pills does not resolve until 4 to 6 weeks after discon-
tinuation. Unplanned pregnancy also carries health risks.
Given these concerns and the small absolute increase in
risk of venous thromboembolism, oral contraceptives
should not be discontinued before elective surgery. In-
stead, patients should be managed with aggressive DVT
and pulmonary embolism prophylaxis. This approach is
supported by the evidence-based clinical management
guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists. Oral contraceptives should be administered
on the day of surgery. Particular attention should be paid to
alternate forms of contraception in the subsequent month if
the patient misses a contraceptive dose in the perioperative
As with oral contraceptive preparations, oral estrogen hor-
mone replacement is associated with an increased risk of ve-
nous thromboembolism. Although older patients who take
these medications are at higher risk of venous thromboembolism

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698 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

than are patients taking oral contraceptives, no good studies

have evaluated the preoperative discontinuance of hormone
replacement therapy. The guidelines of the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggest that these medications
be continued during the perioperative period, with the use of
appropriate DVT prophylaxis. For the patient who will un-
dergo a procedure associated with a high risk of thrombosis,
such as orthopedic surgery, hormone replacement should be
discontinued 4 to 6 weeks preoperatively. A similar approach is
indicated for the selective estrogen receptor modifiers, because
they are also associated with an increased risk of venous throm-
bosis. If a selective estrogen receptor modifier is used for breast
cancer treatment, consultation regarding optimal management
should be made with the patient’s medical oncologist.

Antiretroviral Medications
Special attention is required for the patient receiving anti-
retroviral medications whose surgical procedure necessi-
tates cessation of oral intake in the perioperative period.
Zidovudine is the only antiretroviral medication that is
available in intravenous formulation. Because even short
periods of monotherapy can generate resistance to antiret-
rovirals, all antiretroviral drugs should be stopped and re-
sumed at the same time. Exceptions to this rule are the
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors nevirapine
and efavirenz, because of their extended half lives (20 to
30 hours and 40 to 55 hours, respectively) and the rapidity
with which human immunodeficiency virus develops resis-
tance to this class of medications. Nevirapine should be
held 2 days and efavirenz 4 days before the cessation of
other antiretrovirals. Patients who receive maintenance
therapy with the subcutaneously administered fusion in-
hibitor enfuvirtide should have this medication held with
other antiretrovirals. Administration of antiretrovirals sensi-
tive to food effects should be resumed when oral intake has
been firmly established. For minor procedures and those

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 699

with no anticipated interruption in oral intake, antiretrovi-

rals can be taken with a sip of water on the morning of
surgery. Orally administered antibiotics taken for prophy-
laxis of opportunistic infections can be taken until the day
of surgery and can generally be restarted when the patient
has resumed enteral feeding.
Immunosuppressants Used in Organ Transplantation
Patients with transplanted organs are generally treated with
numerous immunosuppressant mediations. Most antirejec-
tion medications have parenteral forms that are continued
through the perioperative period. Sirolimus is available only
as an oral form, but it has an extended half-life and can be
administered through the NG route. Although no clear con-
sensus guidelines exist for perioperative patients, most of
these patients can safely miss a few doses of antirejection
drugs, especially patients with a lower rejection risk (e.g., no
prior rejection, ⬎1 year from transplant, white race). Judi-
cious use of therapeutic drug monitoring will aid in dosage
adjustments. Patients with active infectious processes or dif-
ficulty healing may benefit from medication adjustment to
decrease the degree of immunosuppression. Decisions about
stopping and starting immunosuppressive medications in the
perioperative period should be made in advance of surgery
in collaboration with the patient’s transplant physician or, if
that is not possible, in consultation with a physician skilled
in the use of immunosuppressives and the care of patients
who have undergone organ transplantation.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Serotonin amplifies platelet aggregation in the presence of
agonists such as collagen and epinephrine. The selective
serotonin reuptake (SSRIs) inhibitors decrease intraplatelet
serotonin levels by 80%, and this leads to a decreased
thrombogenic potential to normal or pathologic stimuli.

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700 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Mild attenuation of platelet activity by this and other mech-

anisms may be partly responsible for both the improved
cardiovascular outcomes in patients taking SSRIs who have
concomitant coronary arthrosclerotic disease, as well as
the increased risks of gastrointestinal bleeding. A retrospec-
tive study noted a 3.7-fold increase in the need for transfu-
sion in orthopedic surgery in patients who took SSRIs, but
not in patients taking other classes of antidepressants.
Although a relationship between dose and risk of bleeding
has not been established, the degree of platelet inhibition
is considerably less than that produced by aspirin or
The bleeding risk from SSRIs in the preoperative period
must be balanced with the risk of a withdrawal syndrome
associated with sudden cessation of SSRIs. Dizziness, leth-
argy, paresthesia, nausea, vivid dreams, irritability, and low-
ered mood are the most common manifestations of dis-
continuation of these drugs. As with all discontinuation
syndromes, symptoms are more common and severe with
shorter-acting agents, such as paroxetine. Symptoms are not
life-threatening and resolve within 24 hours of resumption of
treatment. The return of depressive symptoms following dis-
continuation of SSRIs is much more gradual and only of
concern after a week of cessation. Little good evidence is
available to guide an approach to management of this drug
class in the perioperative period. One approach that balances
risks of bleeding with discontinuation symptoms is to ad-
minister half the dose of shorter-acting agents 3 days preop-
eratively and hold the day of surgery if NPO status is antici-
pated postoperatively. These medications should be resumed
as soon as possible following surgery. Fluoxetine has a pro-
longed half-life and, if held, should be stopped 1 week pre-
operatively. For patients undergoing neurosurgical or other
procedures with a high risk of operative bleeding and
who have a lower risk of severe mood disorders, consider-
ation should be given to earlier (⬇1 week preoperatively)

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 701

discontinuation of SSRIs. This duration would need to be

approximately 1 month in the case of fluoxetine.
Physicians caring for postoperative patients taking SSRIs,
and especially fluoxetine, should also be aware of the poten-
tial for drug interactions causing the serotonin syndrome.
This syndrome is characterized by agitation, hyperreflexia,
hyperactive bowel sounds, and increased neuromuscular
tone, often with hyperthermia. It can occur even if the pa-
tient is no longer taking fluoxetine because of the prolonged
half-life of this particular SSRI. Drugs that could cause this
interaction include other SSRIs or other antidepressants,
tramadol, meperidine, fentanyl, and antiemetics. Treatment
of the serotonin syndrome is with a benzodiazepine and the
serotonin agonist cyproheptadine.

Tricyclic Antidepressants
The clinician should be aware of several risks if patients con-
tinue taking tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) into the periop-
erative period. These drugs inhibit the reuptake of biogenic
amines in the central and peripheral nervous system. This ac-
tion can predispose patients to cardiac arrhythmias, and the
effect may be increased with the use of pancuronium and
volatile anesthetics such as enflurane. There have also been
case reports of decreased seizure threshold in patients taking
TCAs on a long-term basis who undergo anesthesia with en-
flurane. Agents with sympathomimetic properties may have
exaggerated effects in the presence of TCA, and the dose of
these medications may need to be reduced.
Discontinuation syndromes have been described that
include agitation, irritability, and insomnia. When TCAs are
used to treat depression, these agents should be tapered,
when possible, over a week and held the day before surgery.
For patients taking TCAs for pain, a prudent course is to
allow preoperative withdrawal for a period of three to four
drug half-lives, with control of pain provided by other,
non-TCA agents.

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702 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

With the advent of SSRIs, the use of monoamine oxidase
(MAO) inhibitors became less common. MAO inhibitors
have been shown to have adverse drug interactions with
meperidine and dextromethorphan and have the potential
to cause hypertensive crisis if indirectly acting sympatho-
mimetics are used concurrently. Although many clinicians
recommend holding these agents 2 weeks preoperatively if
possible, this approach raises the possibility of aggravating
the patient’s depression and the complications that could
arise thereafter. It is best in these cases to work closely
with an anesthesiologist who can follow MAO inhibitor-safe
anesthetic protocols, with the avoidance of offending agents
and the use regional nerve blocks for pain control when

Lithium is used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. It is likely
that lithium can potentiate the duration of neuromuscular
blocking agents (e.g., succinylcholine and decamethonium)
that are used during induction of anesthesia and may prolong
the effects of muscle relaxants, but lithium may safely be con-
tinued through the perioperative period with attention paid
to monitoring levels. There is no intravenous preparation of
lithium. Lithium is eliminated entirely by the kidneys, so we
monitor postoperative renal function before restarting this
drug. Additionally, because long-term lithium use can cause
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus resulting in hypernatremia,
the medical consultant should be aware of sodium and free
water balance, especially when patients are not taking oral

The typical antipsychotics such as haloperidol and chlorpro-
mazine are generally considered safe for use in surgery, and
some of these agents have been used as anesthetic adjuncts for

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21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 703

the treatment of emesis. Aside from the potential for Q-T pro-
longation and some mild anticholinergic effects, the newer
atypical agents such as olanzapine and quetiapine are also con-
sidered safe in the perioperative period. A mild withdrawal
syndrome of insomnia and agitation has been noted. This
would be expected to be more common with the short-acting
agents quetiapine and ziprasidone. Patients unable to take oral
agents who require treatment for psychosis or agitation can be
given parenteral forms of these drugs (e.g., haloperidol). Pa-
tients undergoing procedures with extended anticipated peri-
ods of NPO status can be administered long-acting decanoate
forms (e.g., risperidone or haloperidol).
Herbal Medications
The use of herbal remedies and supplements is common and
has been reported in up to 22% of preoperative patients.
Most patients do not consider these substances “medica-
tions” and do not list them with their medications unless
they are specifically asked about them. Management of pa-
tients taking these products is difficult for a variety of rea-
sons. Preparations often vary in amount of herbal product
present, as well as other ingredients. Neither a mechanism of
purported action nor a dose response has been identified for
most products, and very few have efficacy demonstrated by
well-performed clinical trials. Adverse reactions to some
products have been identified, such as induction of cyto-
chrome P-450 3A4 by St. John’s wort and adverse cardiovas-
cular events from ephedra (ma huang). A proposed manage-
ment approach is outlined in Table 21-3.

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Ch21-X2385_673_706.indd 704
TABLE 21-3 Herbal Medicines in the Perioperative Period
Herb Purported Indications Potential Drug Interactions Possible Side Effects Discontinuation
Ephedra Increase energy, weight loss, Antidepressants, CNS stimu- Increases in blood pressure, ⱖ24 hr preoperatively
(ma huang) asthma/bronchitis lants, halothane heart rate, arrhythmias
Garlic Hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerotic Aspirin, antiplatelet agents, and Bleeding ⱖ7 days preoperatively
disorders, hypertension anticoagulants
Ginkgo Cognitive disorders, peripheral vascu- Aspirin, antiplatelet agents, anti- Bleeding, decreased seizure ⱖ36 hr preoperatively
lar disease, macular degeneration, coagulants, anticonvulsants, threshold
erectile dysfunction TCAs
Ginseng Protection of the body against stress Corticosteroids, MAO inhibitors, Hypoglycemia, decreased INR ⱖ7 days preoperatively
St. John’s wort Depression and dysthymia Antidepressants, piroxicam, tet- Increased photosensitivity, sero- ⱖ5 days preoperatively
racyclines, CNS stimulants, tonin syndrome, induction of
theophylline, cyclosporine, cytochrome P-450 3A4
indinavir, ethinyl estradiol, (reduced INR, cyclosporine
midazolam, lidocaine, calcium levels), possible withdrawal
channel blockers, warfarin syndrome similar to SSRIs
21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

CNS, central nervous system; INR, international normalized ratio; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; MAO, monoamine oxidase; TCA,
tricyclic antidepressant.

12/20/07 6:49:16 PM
21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period 705

Selected Readings
Ang-Lee M, Moss J, Yuan C: Herbal medicines and perioperative care. JAMA
286:208-216, 2001.
Bates S, Greer I, Hirsh J, Ginsberg J: Use of antithrombotic agents during
pregnancy: Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Throm-
bolytic Therapy. Chest 126:627-644, 2004. C
Bertrand M, Godet G, Meersschaert K, et al: Should the angiotensin II an-
tagonists be discontinued before surgery? Anesth Analg 92:26-30,
Burger W, Chemnitius JM, Kneissl GD, Rucker G: Low-dose aspirin for
secondary cardiovascular prevention—cardiovascular risks after its peri-
operative withdrawal versus bleeding risks with its continuation: Review
and meta-analysis. J Intern Med 257:399-414, 2005.
Comfere T, Sprung J, Kumar MM, et al: Angiotensin system inhibitors in a
general surgical population. Anesth Analg 100:636-644, 2005.
Coriat P, Richner C, Douraki T, et al: Influence of chronic angiotensin con-
verting enzyme inhibition on anesthetic induction. Anesthesiology
81:299-307, 1994.
Dodds TM, Stone JG, Coromilas J: Prophylactic nitroglycerine infusion
during noncardiac surgery does not reduce perioperative ischemia.
Anesth Analg 76:705-713, 1993. B
Eisen GM, Baron TH, Dominitz JA, et al: Guideline on the management of
anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy for endoscopic procedures.
Gastrointest Endosc 55:775-779, 2002. C
Elfant AB, Levine SM, Peikin SR, et al: Bioavailability of medication deliv-
ered via nasogastric tube is decreased in the immediate postoperative
period. Am J Surg 169:430-432, 1995. B
Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al: ACC/AHA 2006 guideline update
on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncardiac surgery: Fo-
cused update on perioperative beta-blocker therapy. A report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 47:2343-2355, 2006. C
Gage BF, Waterman AD, Shannon W, et al: Validation of clinical classification
schemes for predicting stroke: Results from the National Registry of
Atrial Fibrillation. JAMA 285:2864-2870, 2001. B
Grines CL, Bonow RO, Casey DE Jr, et al: Prevention of premature discon-
tinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary artery
stents: A science advisory from the American Heart Association, American
College of Cardiology, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Inter-
ventions, American College of Surgeons, and American Dental Associa-
tion, with representation from the American College of Physicians.
Catheter Cardiovascular Interv 69:334-340, 2007. C

Ch21-X2385_673_706.indd 705 12/20/07 6:49:16 PM

706 21 • Managing Medication in the Perioperative Period

Hoeks SE, Scholte OP, Reimer WJ, et al: Increase of 1-year mortality after
perioperative beta-blocker withdrawal in endovascular and vascular
surgery patients. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 33:13-19, 2007.
Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al: Regional anesthesia in the antico-
agulated patient: Defining the risks. The second ASRA Consensus Con-
ference on Neuraxial Anesthesia and Anticoagulation. Reg Anesth Pain
Med 28:172-197, 2003. C
Kearon C, Hirsh J: Management of anticoagulation before and after elective
surgery. N Engl J Med 336:1506-1511, 1997.
Lindenauer PK, Pekow P, Wang K, et al: Lipid-lowering therapy and
in-hospital mortality following major noncardiac surgery. JAMA 291:
2092-2099, 2004.
McGee S, Abernethy WB, Simel DL: The rational clinical examination: Is this
patient hypovolemic? JAMA 281:1022-1029, 1999. C
Wijeysundera DN, Naik JS, Beattie WS: Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists to prevent
perioperative cardiovascular complications: A meta-analysis. Am J Med
114:742-752, 2003.

Ch21-X2385_673_706.indd 706 12/20/07 6:49:16 PM

Appendix A

The indications for video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) are

rapidly increasing, obviating the need for open thoracoto-
mies. This appendix is limited to laparoscopic surgical proce-
dures of the thorax.
I. Diagnostic Pleural Biopsy
A. Definition: fiberoptic scope–guided biopsy of pleural tis-
sue through intercostal approach
B. Indications
1. Pleural effusion of unknown origin (20% nondiagnos-
tic rate after thoracentesis, 70% of these diagnosed
with thorascopic biopsy)
2. Primary pleural disease (mesothelioma, asbestosis-
related changes, rheumatoid disease, pleural tuber-
3. Lung cancer (to identify the small percentage of pa-
tients with effusions who would benefit from lobec-
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: conscious sedation
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hemothorax


AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 707 12/18/07 10:06:51 PM

708 Appendix A • Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery

H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis

1. Aggressive early mobilization
2. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk
factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism),
choose one of the following:
a. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously
every 12 hours
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
i. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
ii. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
c. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

II. Diagnostic Lung Biopsy

A. Definition: fiberoptic scope–guided biopsy of lung tissue
through intercostal approach
B. Indications: failure of less invasive techniques to yield
diagnosis of
1. Peripheral lung lesions
2. Diffuse pulmonary disease (e.g., infection, pneumoco-
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: conscious sedation or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hemothorax
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Aggressive early mobilization
2. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk fac-
tors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for deep
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), choose
one of the following:

AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 708 12/18/07 10:06:52 PM

Appendix A • Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery 709

a. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously

every 12 hours
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
i. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
ii. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

III. Diagnostic Mediastinal Biopsy

A. Definition: fiberoptic scope–guided biopsy of mediastinal
B. Indication: to obtain tissue diagnosis of anterosuperior
mediastinal masses, thus obviating the need for open
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: conscious sedation or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hemothorax
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Aggressive early mobilization
2. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk fac-
tors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for deep
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), choose
one of the following:
a. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously
every 12 hours
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
i. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
ii. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
c. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 709 12/18/07 10:06:52 PM

710 Appendix A • Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery

IV. Therapeutic Evacuation of Pleural Space

A. Definition: fiberoptic scope–guided procedure to remove
loculated fluid or adhesions from the pleural space and
fiberoptic scope–guided application of sclerosing agents
into the pleural space
B. Indications
1. Multiple adhesions preventing drainage of pleural
space (e.g., empyema, malignant effusions)
2. Need to prevent reaccumulation of pleural effusions
(malignant effusions)
3. Prevention of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: conscious sedation or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Persistent loculations with fluid
2. Pneumothorax
3. Hemothorax
4. Inflammatory reaction to sclerosing agent
5. Respiratory failure due to talc poudrage
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Aggressive early mobilization
2. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk fac-
tors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for deep
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), choose
one of the following:
a. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously
every 12 hours
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
i. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
ii. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
c. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 710 12/18/07 10:06:52 PM

Appendix A • Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery 711

V. Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery (VATS)

A. Definition: introduction of fiberoptic scope into the pleu-
ral space to assist the surgeon with thoracic surgical pro-
cedures (as listed here)
B. Indications
1. Stapled lung biopsy
2. Lobectomy/pneumonectomy
3. Peripheral lung nodule resection
4. Transthoracic vagotomy
5. Creation of pericardial window
6. Sympathetic trunk ablation
7. Bronchopleural fistuloplasty
C. Duration of surgery: 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hemothorax
3. Infection
4. Horner’s syndrome
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Aggressive early mobilization
2. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk fac-
tors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for deep
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), choose
one of the following:
a. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously
every 12 hours
b. Low-molecular-weight heparin
i. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
ii. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
c. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 711 12/18/07 10:06:53 PM

712 Appendix A • Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thorascopic Surgery

Selected Readings
Ballanleyne GH, Leahy PF, Modlin IM: Laparoscopic Surgery. Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1994.
Boutin C, Viallat PR, Cargnino P, Farisse P: Thoracoscopy in malignant pleu-
ral effusions. Am Rev Respir Dis 124:588-592, 1981.
Davis RD, Oldham HN Jr, Sabiston DC Jr: Primary cysts and neoplasms of the
mediastinum: Recent changes in clinical presentation, methods of diagno-
sis, management and results. Ann Thorac Surg 44:229-237, 1987.
Frantzider CT: Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery. St. Louis, Mosby-
Yearbook, 1994.
Hamed H, Fentiman IS, Chaudary MA, Rubens RD: Comparison of intra-
cavitary bleomycin and talc for control of pleural effusion secondary to
carcinoma of the breast. Br J Surg 78:12661267, 1989.
Lewis RJ: Thoracoscopy. In Grillo HG, Austin GW, Wilkins EW, et al (eds):
Current Therapy in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Philadelphia, BC Decker,
1989, p 31.
Light RW: Pleural Diseases. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1990.
Loddenkemper R: Thoracoscopy: Result in cancerous and idiopathic pleural
effusion. Poumon Coeur 37:261-264, 1981.
Menzies R, Charbonneau M: Thoracoscopy for the diagnosis of pleural dis-
ease. Ann Intern Med 114:271-276, 1991.
Pepper JR: Thoracoscopy in the diagnosis of pleural effusions and tumors.
Br J Dis Chest 72:74-75, 1978.

AppA-X2385_707_712.indd 712 12/18/07 10:06:53 PM

Appendix B

I. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
A. Definition: endoscopic removal of the gallbladder
B. Indications: cholelithiasis or cholecystitis, or both, with-
out common duct stenosis
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general endotracheal anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Mortality: less than 1%
G. Complications
1. Major bleeding: less than 2%
2. Wound infection: less than 1%
3. Biliary injury: less than 1%
4. Bowel injury: less than 1%
5. Need to convert to open procedure: 5% to 10%
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Aggressive early mobilization
b. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk
factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embo-
lism), choose one of the following:
i. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutane-
ously every 12 hours
ii. Low-molecular-weight heparin
(a) Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
(d) Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 713 12/18/07 10:08:48 PM

714 Appendix B • Laparoscopic Surgeries

2. Prophylactic antibiotics
a. High risk: ampicillin, 2 g intravenously, and genta-
micin, 1.5 mg/kg, 30 minutes before the proce-
dure, followed by amoxicillin, 1 g orally, intramus-
cularly or intravenously, 8 hours after the procedure;
for penicillin-allergic patients, delete ampicillin
and amoxicillin and add vancomycin, 1 g intrave-
nously, 1 to 2 hours before the procedure
b. Moderate risk: amoxicillin, 2 g orally, or ampicil-
lin, 2 g intravenously, 30 minutes before the proce-
dure; for penicillin-allergic patients, substitute
with vancomycin, 1 g intravenously, 1 to 2 hours
before the procedure
c. Low risk: none suggested
I. Advantages over open procedure
1. Less morbidity
2. Preoperative diagnosis unclear (gallbladder versus ap-
pendix versus gynecologic problem)

II. Laparoscopic Appendectomy

A. Definition: removal of appendix by laparoscope
B. Indications: acute or chronic appendicitis
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Hemorrhage
2. Local infection
3. Peritonitis
4. Sepsis
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Aggressive early mobilization
b. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk
factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 714 12/18/07 10:08:49 PM

Appendix B • Laparoscopic Surgeries 715

deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism),

choose one of the following:
i. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutane-
ously every 12 hours
ii. Low-molecular-weight heparin
(a) Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
(b) Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves
2. Prophylactic antibiotics: same as earlier
I. Advantages over open procedure
1. Less morbidity
2. Preoperative diagnosis unclear

III. Laparoscopic Fundoplasty/Fundoplication

A. Definitions
1. Fundoplasty: repair of lax lower esophageal sphincter
for gastroesophageal reflux
2. Fundoplication: reduction of gastric volume by placa-
tion of gastric fundus (a form of bariatric surgery)
B. Indications
1. Fundoplasty: intractable gastroesophageal reflux dis-
2. Fundoplication: morbid obesity
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Surgical mortality: 0.5% to 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Bowel perforation
2. Surgical failure
3. Herniation at trochar site
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Aggressive early mobilization

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 715 12/18/07 10:08:49 PM

716 Appendix B • Laparoscopic Surgeries

b. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk

factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embo-
lism), choose one of the following:
i. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutane-
ously every 12 hours
ii. Low-molecular-weight heparin
(a) Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
(b) Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves
2. Antibiotic prophylaxis unnecessary

IV. Laparoscopic Highly Selective Vagotomy

A. Definition: interruption of selective vagus nerve fibers
B. Indication: duodenal ulcer disease refractory to medical
C. Duration of surgery: 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: usually none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Dumping syndrome
2. Diarrhea
3. Recurrent ulcer disease
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Aggressive early mobilization
b. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk
factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embo-
lism), choose one of the following:
i. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutane-
ously every 12 hours
ii. Low-molecular-weight heparin

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 716 12/18/07 10:08:49 PM

Appendix B • Laparoscopic Surgeries 717

(a) Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every

24 hours
(b) Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves
2. Antibiotic prophylaxis unnecessary

V. Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
A. Definition: removal of a kidney by laparoscopy
B. Indication: diseased kidney
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: usually none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Vascular injury: 7%
2. Other (e.g., small bowel obstruction): 17%
3. Two to three times more complications when com-
pared with open nephrectomy
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Aggressive early mobilization
b. For patients with additional thromboembolic risk
factors (see Chapter 5, Table 5-1, on risk factors for
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embo-
lism), choose one of the following:
i. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutane-
ously every 12 hours
ii. Low-molecular-weight heparin
(a) Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every
24 hours
(b) Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
24 hours
iii. Intermittent pneumatic compression sleeves
2. Antibiotic prophylaxis: unnecessary

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 717 12/18/07 10:08:49 PM

718 Appendix B • Laparoscopic Surgeries

Selected Readings
Ballanleyne GH, Leahy PF, Modlin IM: Laparoscopic Surgery. Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1994.
Buchwald H, Avidor Y, Braunwald E, et al: Bariatric surgery: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. JAMA 292:1724-1737, 2004.
Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Wilson W, et al: Prevention of bacterial endocarditis:
Recommendations by the American Heart Association. JAMA 277:1794-
1801, 1997.
Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembo-
lism: The Seventh ACCP Conference of Antithrombotic and Thrombo-
lytic Therapy. Chest 126:338S-400S, 2004.
Jacobs SC, Cho E, Foster C, Liao P: Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: The
University of Maryland 6-year experience. J Urol 171:47-51, 2004.
Matas AJ, Bartlett ST, Leichtman AB, Delmonico FL: Morbidity and mortality
after living kidney donation, 1999-2001: Survey of United States trans-
plant centers. Am J Transplant 3:830-834, 2003.
Strasberg SM, Soper NJ: An analysis of the problem of biliary injury during
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Am Coll Surg 180:101-125, 1995.

AppB-X2385_713_718.indd 718 12/18/07 10:08:49 PM

Appendix C

I. Vaginal Hysterectomy
A. Definition: removal of the uterus through the vaginal
B. Indications
1. Uterine prolapse
2. Carcinoma in situ of the cervix
3. Obesity with pelvic relaxation
4. Small leiomyomata with some relaxation
C. Duration of surgery: approximately1 hour, longer if lapa-
roscopically assisted
D. Anesthesia: general (usually), spinal, or epidural anes-
E. Transfusion requirements: infrequent
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Ureteral injury (rare for vaginal approach) may occur
during clamping or ligation of the uterine artery, with
resulting flank pain with fever and ileus.
2. Sciatic and peroneal injury (1 in 500) is more com-
mon than in abdominal hysterectomy.
3. Vaginal cuff or adnexal infections are more common
than in abdominal hysterectomy.
4. Postoperative hemorrhage is more common than in
abdominal hysterectomy.
5. Deep venous thrombosis
6. Vesicovaginal fistula

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 719 12/18/07 10:10:21 PM

720 Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis for wound infection
a. Cefazolin, 1 to 2 g intravenously, cefoxitin, 2 g, or
metronidazole, 1 g as a single dose 30 minutes
before the incision
b. Bacterial vaginosis is a known risk factor for vagi-
nal cuff infection. Metronidazole, 500 mg twice
daily, should be given for 1 week, ideally starting
at least 4 days preoperatively.
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
a. Heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously given 2 hours be-
fore surgery and every 8 to 12 hours until the patient
is ambulatory or discharged.

II. Abdominal Hysterectomy

A. Definition: removal of the uterus and cervix through an
abdominal incision
B. Indications
1. Malignant disease of cervix, endometrium, fallopian
tubes, or ovaries
2. Benign diseases: leiomyoma, endometriosis, or pelvic
inflammatory disease
3. Menorrhagia refractory to other medical or surgical
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general (usually), epidural, or spinal anes-
E. Transfusion requirements: usually not necessary, depen-
dent on degree of dissection performed or size of
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Ureteral injury during clamping or ligating the vascu-
lar bundle occurs in less than 1%. This may result in
decreased urine output, flank pain, ileus, or unex-
plained fever.

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 720 12/18/07 10:10:21 PM

Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery 721

2. Bladder injury occurs in 1.8%.

3. Sciatic and peroneal nerve damage is less common
than in vaginal hysterectomies. Femoral neuropathy
secondary to use of self-retaining retractors is a rare
4. Ileus may last 3 to 4 days postoperatively.
5. Wound infections may manifest on postoperative days
4 to 5.
6. Deep venous thrombosis occurs in 12% to 15% of
surgical procedures for benign disease but in 12% to
35% of hysterectomies performed for malignancy if
patients are not given prophylaxis.
7. Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis may occur with unex-
plained high spiking fevers.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis for wound infection: same as
for vaginal hysterectomy
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis: same as for
vaginal hysterectomy

III. Radical Hysterectomy

A. Definition: extended abdominal hysterectomy with bilat-
eral deep pelvic lymphadenectomy, removal of parame-
trial tissue lateral to cervix and vagina, and removal of
upper third of vagina with mobilization of ureters
B. Indications: stage IB and IIA carcinoma of the cervix
C. Duration of surgery: longer than 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general (usually) or spinal anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: usually necessary, approxi-
mately 2 U of packed red blood cells
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: same as those in abdominal
hysterectomy plus the following:
1. Deep venous thrombosis occurs in up to 40%.
2. Urinary fistulas may occur secondary to ureteral dis-
section and hypogastric artery ligation.

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 721 12/18/07 10:10:21 PM

722 Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

3. Atonic bladder may result from interruption of para-

sympathetic innervation in up to 30%.
4. Ureteral injury from mobilization occurs in 2%.
H. Specific recommendations: same as those for abdominal

IV. Uterine Dilatation and Curettage

A. Definition: evacuation of endometrial tissue with curette
following cervical dilatation
B. Indications: incomplete abortion; dysfunctional uterine
bleeding, and postmenopausal bleeding if office endome-
trial biopsy is inadequate or difficult
C. Duration of surgery: less than 15 minutes
D. Anesthesia: usually general but also regional anes-
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Overall surgical mortality rate: rare, less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Uterine perforation occurs in 0.6% and is usually ini-
tially asymptomatic. Occult retroperitoneal or intra-
abdominal hemorrhage may present with postopera-
tive hypotension.
2. Uterine artery damage can produce hemorrhage.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended for un-
complicated dilatation and curettage.
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is usually not
necessary if the patient will be ambulatory on the day
of surgery.
V. Abortion
A. Definition: removal of products of conception during the
first trimester, usually accomplished by dilatation and suc-
tion curettage, rarely sharp curettage; during the second
trimester, by suction, amniotomy, instillation, or curettage

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 722 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery 723

B. Indications: termination of pregnancy

C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general or regional anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Overall surgical mortality: rare, less than 1 in 50,000 by
one account
G. Postoperative complications
1. Uterine perforation
2. Endometritis and parametritis with pain, fever, and
vaginal discharge
3. Amniotic fluid embolism rarely, with resultant dis-
seminated intravascular coagulation
4. Hypernatremia rarely if instilled hyperosmolar solu-
tion reaches the intravascular space
5. Hyponatremia rarely with high-dose oxytocin infusions
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis
a. Doxycycline, 100 mg orally 1 hour before the pro-
cedure, then 200 mg orally after the procedure
2. Endometritis should be treated with clindamycin,
600 mg intravenously every 8 hours, and gentamicin
or tobramycin, dosed according to weight and renal
VI. Cesarean Section
A. Definition: delivery of fetus transabdominally
B. Indications: dystocia, breech or other abnormal presenta-
tions, placenta previa, abruptio placentae, failure of labor
to progress or nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing, ma-
ternal medical indications (cardiac, pulmonary)
C. Duration: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general or epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: required in only 1% to 2%
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 723 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

724 Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

G. Postoperative complications
1. Postoperative ileus
2. Hemorrhage from injury to uterine arteries or veins,
uterine atony, or placenta accreta
3. Injury to bladder or bowel occur in less than 1%
4. Risk of endomyometritis is increased with increased
length of labor and duration of ruptured membranes.
It may present with fever, uterine tenderness, and foul
lochia. Endometritis may progress to pelvic cellulitis
and septic pelvic thrombophlebitis.
5. Wound infections as per previous abdominal surgical
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis can decrease the incidence of
endomyometritis, wound infection, and urinary tract
infections. Ampicillin, 2 g intravenously, or cefazolin
1 g intravenously, is administered immediately after
cord clamping. Penicillin-allergic patients may receive
metronidazole, 500 mg intravenously, after the cord is
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is indicated for
women at high risk.
a. Heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously 12 hours before
surgery and then 5000 U every 8 to 12 hours until
patient is ambulatory or discharged.
b. Pneumatic compression sleeves should be worn
during surgery and then postoperatively until
patient is ambulatory. They may be removed for
out-of-bed activities or bathroom use.
VII. Laparoscopy
A. Definition: insertion of a fiberoptic scope into the abdominal
cavity following needle insertion through abdominal wall
into the peritoneal cavity with carbon dioxide insufflation
B. Indications: surgery for tubal occlusion, biopsy, aspira-
tion of fluid, myomectomy, oophorectomy, ovarian

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 724 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery 725

cystectomy, lysis of pelvic adhesions, pelvic pain, and

recovery of ova for in vitro fertilization
C. Duration of surgery: dependent on indication but gener-
ally less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general or local anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Overall surgical mortality: rare, less than 8 in 100,000
G. Postoperative complications
1. Uncontrolled hemorrhage may occur if the epigastric
or mesenteric vessels are perforated.
2. Abdominal wall injuries occur in 0.6%.
3. Perforated viscus may occur.
H. Specific recommendations
1. No indication for antibiotic prophylaxis
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis only if the pa-
tient is not ambulatory
VIII. Pelvic Exenteration
A. Definition: radical hysterectomy, vaginectomy, total cys-
tectomy, resection of rectosigmoid with formation of a
colostomy and urinary conduit
B. Indications: locally recurrent or persistent cervical cancer
after radiation therapy
C. Duration of surgery: 4 to 8 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia or combined general and
epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: often needed, may require
2 to 6 U of packed red blood cells
F. Overall surgical mortality: 3% to 5%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Severe persistent ileus with third spacing of fluid is
common. Extensive fluid shifts in volume similar to
those in burn victims may occur.
2. Hemorrhage
3. Ureteral injury or obstruction may produce oliguria,
acute renal failure, and fistulas.

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 725 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

726 Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery

4. Wound infections become apparent on postoperative

day 3 or 4.
5. Deep venous thrombosis occurs in up to 45%.
H. Specific recommendations: same as for abdominal hyster-
IX. Correction of Female Urinary Incontinence
A. Definition: procedures in the form of retropubic suspen-
sions or suburethral (midurethral) slings to address pel-
vic support or urethral sphincter deficiency
1. Retropubic urethropexies: suspension of urethrovesical
angle by suturing endopelvic fascia to the pectineal
ligaments on the posterior surface of the pubic ramus
2. Sling procedures: attachment of strips of rectus fascia,
fascia lata, or cadaveric, allograft, xenograft, or syn-
thetic material through an abdominal or combined
vaginal-abdominal approach; newer categories of
midurethral slings made of synthetic material done
through a vaginal approach
B. Indications: stress incontinence from loss of support of
the urethrovesical junction or urethral sphincter defi-
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general, spinal, or epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: infrequently required
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Urethral occlusion from overaggressive surgery or
edema may produce postoperative urinary retention.
2. Ureteral kinking or ligation may occur with any pro-
cedure. Obstruction of the urethra causing urinary
retention occurs in 13% to 20% of traditional slings
and in less than 2% of midurethral slings and retropu-
bic suspensions.
3. Urinary tract infections may occur with urinary reten-

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 726 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

Appendix C • Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgery 727

4. Bladder or ureteral injury may occur.

5. Hemorrhage is rarely a serious postoperative compli-
6. De novo detrusor overactivity occurs in 15% to 20%.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis for wound infection: same as
for vaginal hysterectomy
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis: same as for
vaginal hysterectomy

Selected Readings
ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins: ACOG Practice Bulletin 74: Antibi-
otic prophylaxis for gynecologic procedures. Obstet Gynecol 108:225-
234, 2006.
Capeless E, Damron DP: Caesarian delivery. Available at http://www
Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Wilson W, et al: Prevention of bacterial endocarditis:
Recommendations by the American Heart Association. Circulation
96:358-366, 1997.
Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembo-
lism: The Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombo-
lytic Therapy. Chest 126(Suppl):338S-400S, 2004.
Mann WJ Jr: Preoperative evaluation and preparation of women for gynae-
cologic surgery. Available at

AppC-X2385_719_728.indd 727 12/18/07 10:10:22 PM

Appendix D

I. Transurethral Prostate Resection (TURP)

A. Definition: circumferential excision of prostatic tissue by
resectoscope to the depth of the pseudocapsule
B. Indications: enlargement of prostatic tissue causing se-
vere obstruction to urination
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1.5 hours
D. Anesthesia: general, spinal, or epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rarely needed; transfusions
possibly required for large adenoma
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1% (2% if patient
older than 80 years or with azotemia)
G. Postoperative complications
1. Transurethral resection syndrome occurs from absorp-
tion of hyposmolar, nonelectrolyte irrigating fluid
through the periprostatic veins with dilutional hypo-
natremia and hypervolemia. Clinical signs include
hypertension, restlessness, confusion, tachycardia or
bradycardia, muscle twitches, seizures, and eventually
vascular collapse.
2. Hemorrhage from arterial or venous sinus sources
may be severe.
3. Fibrinolysis may occur if excessive amounts of fibri-
nolysin are liberated into the blood from prostatic
tissues, thus producing a fall in fibrinogen levels and
bleeding diathesis.
4. Postobstructive diuresis may occur.
5. Disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur in
patients with prostate cancer from release of thrombo-
plastin from prostate cells.

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730 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

6. If distilled water is used as an irrigating solution, he-

molysis may occur.
7. Large fluid shifts may occur from absorption of irrigat-
ing solution, thus producing a transient expansion of
circulating volume with hypertension, after which
hypotension may occur from the shift into the extra-
vascular space.
8. Deep venous thrombosis occurs rarely.
9. Septic shock may occur if infected urine is not treated
H. Specific recommendations
1. Limit resection time to less than 1.5 hours.
2. Transurethral resection syndrome requires supportive
measures, and mild cases correct themselves within
the first day. Hypertonic saline and furosemide may be
necessary for sodium levels less than 110 mmol/L or
for seizures.
3. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is not recom-
4. No prophylactic antibiotics are recommended if the
urine is sterile. Infected urine should be sterilized
with appropriate antibiotics preoperatively. Prophy-
laxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis should be
given for patients with enterococcal urinary tract in-
5. Preoperative coagulation studies should be checked in
a patient with suspected or known prostate cancer or
with symptoms of bleeding diathesis.

II. Open Prostatectomy

A. Definition: Simple prostatectomy is the enucleation of the
prostate from within the prostatic pseudocapsule. Radical
prostatectomy involves removal of the prostate, its cap-
sule, and the seminal vesicles.

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Appendix D • Urologic Surgery 731

B. Indications
1. Radical prostatectomies are performed for prostate
2. Open simple prostatectomies are performed for urinary
outlet obstruction and are preferred over transurethral
prostate resection if the prostate is larger than 50 to 60 g
or there is a concomitant bladder pathologic condition.
C. Duration of surgery: 2 to 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia is preferred; epidural and
spinal anesthesia are alternatives.
E. Transfusion requirements: often less than 2 U of packed
red blood cells
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Simple: Hemorrhage from the prostatic arteries and
venous sinuses may be profuse. Radical: Dorsal ve-
nous plexus bleeding may be profuse.
2. Postobstructive diuresis may result, producing hypo-
volemia and hyponatremia if fluid and electrolytes are
not replaced. This is a rare complication and must be
kept in mind.
3. Deep venous thrombosis occurs in 30% to 50% of
patients with open prostatectomies if no prophylaxis
is used.
4. Epididymitis occurs in 3% to 6% of patients.
5. Urosepsis is common if infected urine is not sterilized
before surgery.
6. Urethrocutaneous fistula, persistent leakage of urine
through the anastomosis, may occur. Prolonged drain-
age almost universally treats this condition.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotics: No prophylactic antibiotics are required
unless the urine is infected. Infected urine should be
sterilized 24 to 48 hours before surgery. Prophylaxis
for subacute bacterial endocarditis is given to patients
with enterococcal UTIs.

AppD-X2385_729_740.indd 731 12/18/07 10:11:16 PM

732 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis (see Chapter 5)

III. Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion

A. Definition: removal of the bladder and lymph nodes. In
men, the prostate and seminal vesicles are removed. In
women, the uterus, cervix, and one third of the vagina
are removed.
1. Ileal loop incontinent diversion: short segment of il-
eum interposed between the ureters and skin with
creation of an external stoma to the loop of intestine
2. Continent urinary diversions: ureters anastomosed to
reconstructed bowel, typically ileum, and right colon,
with continent stoma allowing intermittent catheter-
3. Ureterosigmoidostomy: ureters ligated at ureterovesi-
cal junction and anastomosed to the sigmoid colon
B. Indications: malignancy or malfunction of lower urinary
tract or other malignant diseases (e.g., cervical or rectal)
requiring cystectomy
C. Duration of surgery: 4 hours or more; if performed with
continent diversion, 6 hours or more
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia preferred but also epidural
or spinal anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: 2 U or more of packed red
blood cells often required.
F. Overall surgical mortality: up to 4%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Prolonged postoperative paralytic ileus is expected.
2. Postoperative oliguria or anuria is often related to edema
at the ureterointestinal anastomosis. This usually re-
solves in 12 to 24 hours as the edema subsides. Ureteral
catheters are placed to prevent this complication.
3. Deep venous thrombosis occurs in 5% to 10% of pa-
tients not given prophylaxis.
4. Pyelonephritis occurs in 6% (⬎50% in ureterosig-

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Appendix D • Urologic Surgery 733

5. Fecal or urinary leakage may occur immediately post-

operatively or may be delayed because of necrosis at
the bowel or ureteral anastomotic sites.
6. Electrolyte disturbances may follow ureterosigmoid-
ostomy in 50% of patients, with hypokalemia, hyper-
chloremia, and acidosis.
7. Obturator nerve injury, manifested as diminished ad-
duction of the leg, may occur.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Infected urine should be treated before surgery.
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is the same as
for prostatectomy.

IV. Cystoscopy
A. Definition: insertion of fiberoptic scope into the bladder
through the urethra
B. Indications: evaluation of hematuria; abnormalities of the
urethra, bladder, or prostate; and difficult micturition
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour. Simple diagnostic
cystoscopy may only take 10 minutes.
D. Anesthesia: topical anesthesia if flexible cystoscope is
used; otherwise, general or local anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: very rare
F. Overall surgical mortality: very rare, less than 0.01%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Urethral or bladder perforation may occur.
2. Mild hematuria is common.
3. Urinary retention may occur.
4. If urethral dilatation is performed, bacteremia may
H. Specific recommendations: No prophylactic antibiotics
are necessary, except for prophylaxis against subacute
bacterial endocarditis, in patients with enterococcal
UTIs. Infected urine should be sterilized before the

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734 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

V. Nephrectomy
A. Definition
1. Simple nephrectomy: removal of kidney, usually
through incision or laparoscopy
2. Radical nephrectomy: removal of kidney, Gerota fas-
cia, ipsilateral adrenal gland, and retroperitoneal
lymph nodes, usually by a transabdominal, flank, or
thoracoabdominal approach or by laparoscope for
tumors up to 10 cm in size
B. Indications: neoplasm (radical nephrectomy), severe
trauma, chronic infection, renovascular hypertension, or
renal donation (simple nephrectomy)
C. Duration of surgery: 2 hours for uncomplicated simple
nephrectomy, 3 hours or more for difficult radical ne-
phrectomy or laparoscopic procedures
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: uncommon for straightfor-
ward cases; 2 to 3 U for radical nephrectomies or
nephrectomies complicated by adhesions or abscesses.
Transfusion for laparoscopic nephrectomy is infre-
F. Overall surgical mortality: 2% for radical nephrectomy;
1% for simple nephrectomy
G. Postoperative complications
1. Hemorrhage requiring multiple units of packed
red blood cells may occur, especially with radical
2. Pneumothorax may occur if the pleural cavity is
3. Postoperative atelectasis is common, even if the pleu-
ral cavity is not entered. The intraoperative flank posi-
tion decreases vital capacity by 15%.
4. Pancreatic injury may occur intraoperatively with
typical postoperative signs and symptoms of

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Appendix D • Urologic Surgery 735

5. Tumor thrombus extends into the inferior vena cava in

4% to 10% of renal cell carcinomas, thereby increas-
ing the risk of pulmonary embolism. Deep venous
thrombosis is a complication of simple or radical
H. Specific recommendations
1. Prophylactic antibiotics are not necessary unless the
kidney is infected. Pyelonephritis should be ade-
quately treated preoperatively.
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is the same as
for prostatectomy.
3. Incentive spirometry should be taught preoperatively
and continued postoperatively every waking hour.

VI. Renal Vascular Surgery and Percutaneous

Transluminal Angioplasty
A. Definition: correction of renal artery lesions surgically or
through intra-arterial balloon catheter
B. Indications: renovascular hypertension, renal failure from
vascular disease, or structural lesions of renal artery (e.g.,
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour for percutaneous
transluminal angioplasty (PTA); 1 to 2 hours for renal
vascular surgery
D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia for PTA; general (usually),
epidural, or spinal anesthesia for surgery
E. Transfusion requirements: rare in PTA, usually none with
vascular surgery
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%, up to 2% with
severe atherosclerosis
G. Postoperative complications
1. Renovascular surgery
a. Postoperative hypertension may be severe and may
be caused by intraoperative renal ischemia, pain,
or hypervolemia.

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736 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

b. Hemorrhage may occur, especially with hyperten-

sion or unrecognized coagulopathy.
c. Renal artery thrombosis occurs in less than 5%,
usually within the first few days postoperatively.
Embolism of atheroma from aorta may also pro-
duce occlusion of the renal artery. Symptoms in-
clude sudden hypertension and elevated creatinine
levels. Nuclear medicine scans or arteriography
may be necessary.
d. Acute renal failure induced by ischemia may occur
if the renal artery is occluded for more than
30 minutes intraoperatively.
2. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
a. Thrombosis or intramural dissection of the renal
artery and perforation of the renal artery with ret-
roperitoneal hemorrhage are possible.
b. Acute renal failure from ischemia or contrast dye
may occur.
c. Cholesterol emboli from the aorta or renal artery
may cause renal infarction or failure, or embolism
from the aorta to the mesentery or lower extremi-
ties may occur.
H. Specific recommendations
1. The patient should be well hydrated to minimize the
risk of postoperative acute renal failure.
2. Severe hypertension immediately postoperatively
should be managed in a monitored setting, by main-
taining diastolic pressure at 90 to 100 mm Hg to en-
sure renal perfusion.
3. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is the same as
for prostatectomy
4. Prophylactic antibiotics are not necessary. Infected
urine should be sterilized preoperatively.

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Appendix D • Urologic Surgery 737

VII. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

A. Definition: High-energy shock waves are used to break
upper urinary tract stones into fragments small enough
for spontaneous discharge.
B. Indications: upper urinary tract stones causing infection,
obstruction, refractory pain, or significant bleeding
C. Duration of surgery: 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general, spinal, or epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: very rare
F. Overall surgical mortality: 0.01%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Gross hematuria occurs in most patients.
2. Sepsis can occur if the urine is infected at the time of
the procedure.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Patients with pacemakers may receive ESWL, but
precautions should be undertaken to minimize the
likelihood of inhibition of the pacemaker by the
ESWL shock. Those precautions include program-
ming the pacemaker to the VVI or VOO mode, syn-
chronizing the ESWL shock wave to the electrocar-
diogram R wave, and monitoring the patient’s
electrocardiogram during the procedure. The pace-
maker should be interrogated and reprogrammed
following ESWL.
2. Incentive spirometry should be taught before the pro-
cedure and continued thereafter.
3. Urine output and serum electrolytes should be moni-
tored and replaced as necessary.
4. Prophylactic antibiotics are not needed unless the
urine is infected. If the urine or kidney is infected,
appropriate intravenous antibiotics should be started
24 to 48 hours before the procedure.

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738 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

5. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is not needed if

the patient is discharged the same day. Otherwise,
pneumatic compression sleeves should be worn on
call to the operating room and continuously until the
patient is ambulatory.

VIII. Percutaneous Stone Removal

A. Definition: nephrostomy tube insertion under fluoros-
copy, urinary tract dilatation, and removal of upper uri-
nary tract stone
B. Indications: upper urinary tract stones causing infection,
obstruction, pain, or bleeding; favored over ESWL for large
(⬎2 cm) or complex calculi, cystine stones, anatomic ab-
normalities, and stones within caliceal diverticula
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: usually general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: rare
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Hemorrhage with hematoma occurs in 5% to 13% but
is usually self-limited. Macroscopic hematuria is com-
mon for the first 1 to 2 days.
2. Arteriovenous fistula or pseudoaneurysm formation
occurs in 0.5%, manifesting with brisk bleeding from
the nephrostomy tube.
3. Sepsis may occur with infected stones or urine.
4. Rarely, guidewire perforation of the kidney, liver,
pleura, spleen, duodenum, or colon may occur.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Prophylactic antibiotics are not required. Infected
stones or urine should be treated with appropriate
intravenous antibiotics 24 to 48 hours preoperatively.
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is usually not
required. Pneumatic compression sleeves may be used
if the patient remains hospitalized.

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Appendix D • Urologic Surgery 739

IX. Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection

A. Definition: dissection of lymph nodes from renal vessels
to iliac vessels by an extensive midline approach
B. Indications: testicular cancer as well as renal, adrenal,
prostate, and bladder cancer
C. Duration of surgery: more than 3 hours for extensive
retroperitoneal dissection
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: unusual unless a major vessel
is injured
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%.
G. Postoperative complications
1. Sequestration of fluid into the retroperitoneum can
produce hypotension. Rarely, damage to the cisterna
chyli can produce chylous ascites.
2. Vascular injury may produce hemorrhage and hypo-
3. Ureteral, splenic, pancreatic, and diaphragmatic inju-
ries are possible.
4. The risk of deep venous thrombosis is increased with
the length of surgery.
5. Sympathetic trunk injury may result in an ejaculation.
6. Postoperative ileus is expected.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is the same as
for prostatectomy.
2. Prophylactic antibiotics are advocated by some
authors, such as cefazolin, 1 g intramuscularly or
intravenously 1 hour preoperatively and then every
8 hours postoperatively for 3 days.

AppD-X2385_729_740.indd 739 12/18/07 10:11:17 PM

740 Appendix D • Urologic Surgery

Selected Readings
Geerts WH, Heit JA, Clagett GP, et al: Prevention of venous thromboembo-
lism: The Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombo-
lytic Therapy. Chest 126(3 suppl):338S-400S, 2004.
Taneja SS, et al: Complications of Urologic Surgery: Prevention and Manage-
ment. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001.
Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, et al: Prevention of infective endocarditis:
Guidelines from the American Heart Association: A guideline from the
American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawa-
saki Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the
Young, and the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on Cardiovascu-
lar Surgery and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and Outcomes Re-
search Interdisciplinary Working Group. Circulation 116:1736-1754,
2007. Epub 2007 Apr 19.

AppD-X2385_729_740.indd 740 12/18/07 10:11:17 PM

Appendix E

Note 1: Prophylactic antibiotics are indicated for some oto-

rhinolaryngologic procedures that produce bacteremia in
patients at high risk for infective endocarditis. Where indi-
cated, the American Heart Association recommendations are
as follows: (1) standard: amoxicillin, 2 g orally 1 hour before
procedure; and (2) alternative: substitute amoxicillin with
clindamycin, 600 mg, or cephalexin, 2 g, or cefadroxil, 2 g,
or azithromycin 500 mg.
Note 2: Recommendations for VTE prohylaxis are based on
the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrobotic and Throm-
bolytic Therapy, section on General Surgery recommenda-
tions. Evidence for VTE prophylaxis for minor procedures in
VTE risk-free patients suggests the recommendation of early
mobilization alone (Grade 1C⫹); evidence for those undergo-
ing moderate-risk surgeries or patients with VTE risk factors
undergoing minor surgeries suggests the use of either unfrac-
tionated heparin, 5000 bid, or LMWH, up to 3400 units/day
(Grade 1A); evidence for those undergoing high-risk surger-
ies or patients with multiple VTE risk factors suggests the
recommendation of either unfractionated heparin, 5000 tid,
or LMWH of at least 3400 units/day (Grade 1C⫹). Grade 1A
refers to randomized control trials (RCTs) without significant
limitations; Grade 1C⫹ refers to no RCTs, but strong results
can be unequivocally extrapolated, or overwhelming evi-
dence from observational studies.


AppE-X2385_741_750.indd 741 12/18/07 10:12:37 PM

742 Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery

I. Otoplasty/Pinnaplasty
A. Definition: Plastic surgery of the auricle
B. Indications: correction of structural abnormalities of the
C. Duration of surgery: variable, approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia in adults, general anesthesia
in children
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Hematoma
2. Perichondritis
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization
II. Foreign Body Removal from the External Ear
A. Definition: foreign body removal from the external ear
B. Indications: foreign body in ear
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Local infection
2. Hematoma
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization
III. Myringotomy
A. Definition: puncture of the tympanic membrane
B. Indications: serous otitis media
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%

AppE-X2385_741_750.indd 742 12/18/07 10:12:38 PM

Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery 743

G. Postoperative complications
1. Persistent perforation
2. Scarring of tympanic membrane
3. Disruption of ossicular chain
4. Perforation of jugular bulb with bleeding
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

IV. Exploratory Tympanotomy

A. Definition: exposure of the tympanic cavity for diagnostic
B. Indications: to clarify diagnosis of middle ear disorder
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Disruption of ossicular chain
2. Perforation of tympanic membrane
3. Injury to chorda tympani nerve
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

V. Stapes Surgery
A. Definition: removal of stapes, replacement with prosthesis
B. Indications: otosclerosis
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Vertigo
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Acute otitis media

AppE-X2385_741_750.indd 743 12/18/07 10:12:38 PM

744 Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery

5. Facial nerve paralysis

6. Sensorineural deafness
H. Specific recommendations
1. Vertigo prophylaxis with meclizine, 25 mg orally
twice daily
2. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis: early mobili-

VI. Facial Nerve Decompression

A. Definition: decompression of facial nerve in or near the
bony canal
B. Indications: facial nerve paralysis resulting from temporal
bone fracture
C. Duration of surgery: 4 to 5 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

VII. Acoustic Neuroma Surgery

A. Definition: resection of the neuroma through craniotomy
or the translabyrinthine route
B. Indications: symptomatic neuroma of the eighth cranial
C. Duration of surgery
1. First stage: 5 to 7 hours
2. Second stage, 1 to 2 weeks later: 6 to 8 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: variable
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Anteroinferior cerebellar artery thrombosis
2. Local bleeding/hematoma

AppE-X2385_741_750.indd 744 12/18/07 10:12:38 PM

Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery 745

3. Edema
4. Cerebrospinal fluid leak
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Intermittent pneumatic compression

VIII. Glomus Jugulare Tumor Excision

A. Definition: resection of a glomus jugulare tumor
B. Indications: presence of a glomus jugulare tumor
C. Duration of surgery: 4 to 5 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: variable
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Bleeding
2. Air embolism
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Intermittent pneumatic compression

IX. Tympanoplasty
A. Definition: repair of injured tympanic membrane
B. Indications: tympanic membrane injury
C. Duration of surgery: 3 to 5 hours
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: bleeding
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Intermittent pneumatic compression

X. Nasal Fracture Reduction

A. Definition: reduction of nasal bone fractures
B. Indications: nasal bone fracture with disfigurement or
airway obstruction
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia

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746 Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery

E. Transfusion requirements: none

F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XI. Nasal Polypectomy

A. Definition: removal of a nasal polyp
B. Indications: nasal polyp
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XII. Rhinoplasty
A. Definition: plastic surgery on the nose
B. Indications: cosmetic
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization
XIII. Caldwell-Luc Sinusotomy
A. Definition: access to the maxillary sinus by creating a
window through the canine fossa
B. Indications
1. Sinusitis refractory to medial or endoscopic surgery
2. Sinus tumors
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia

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Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery 747

E. Transfusion requirements: none

F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: bleeding
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XIV. Ethmoidectomy
A. Definition: conversion of multichannel ethmoid labyrinth
into a single large cell, thus providing effective drainage
B. Indications: chronic ethmoid sinusitis
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Bleeding
2. Cerebrospinal fluid leak
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XV. Frontal Sinus Trephination

A. Definition: external incision to expose the floor of sinus
with creation of a conduit for drainage
B. Indication: chronic frontal sinusitis
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: bleeding
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XVI. Sphenoid Sinus Surgery

A. Definition: enlargement of sphenoid sinus ostium, pro-
viding effective drainage
B. Indications: sphenoidal sinusitis

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748 Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery

C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour

D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia in adults, general anesthesia
in children
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: bleeding
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
1. Early mobilization

XVII. Laryngectomy
A. Definition: removal of larynx
B. Indication: malignant laryngeal tumors
C. Duration of surgery: 6 to 7 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: 0.5 to 1.5 U
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Pneumothorax
2. Pneumomediastinum
3. Hypotension, bradycardia, apnea resulting from ca-
rotid sinus reflex
4. Laryngospasm
5. Bronchospasm
6. Venous air embolism
7. Pharyngeal fistula
8. Hematoma
9. Chylofistula
H. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis (one of the follo-
1. Unfractionated heparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every
8 hours
2. Low-molecular-weight heparin
a. Enoxaparin, 40 mg subcutaneously every 24 hours
b. Dalteparin, 5000 U subcutaneously every 24 hours
3. Intermittent pneumatic compression

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Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery 749

XVIII. Tracheostomy
A. Definition: creation of a tracheocutaneous fistula
B. Indications
1. Tracheal stenosis
2. Need for prolonged mechanical ventilation
C. Duration of surgery: approximately 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: none
G. Postoperative complications
1. Early: bleeding, tube displacement, aspiration pneu-
monia, recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, subcutane-
ous emphysema, mediastinal emphysema, esophageal
2. Late: ostomy site infection, cannula occlusion, tracheal
stenosis, tracheoesophageal fistula
H. Specific recommendations: none

XIX. Hemimandibulectomy/Radical Neck Dissection

A. Definition: excision of part of the floor of the tongue,
mouth, palate, lip, and cheek
B. Indications: malignant oropharyngeal disease
C. Duration of surgery: 3 to 5 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: variable
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Loss of airway
2. Bleeding
H. Specific recommendations: deep venous thrombosis pro-
phylaxis (see Note 2)
XX. Mandibular Fracture Repair
A. Definition: mandibular fracture repair
B. Indications: fracture of mandible

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750 Appendix E • Otolaryngologic Surgery

C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours

D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Specific recommendations: deep venous thrombosis pro-
phylaxis (see Note 2)
XXI. LeFort Maxillary Fracture Repair
A. Definition: repair of fractures of maxilla
B. Indications: fractures of maxilla
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications: none
H. Specific recommendations: deep venous thrombosis pro-
phylaxis (see Note 2)

Selected Readings
Ballenger J, Snow J: Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 15th ed.
Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
Cummings CW: Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 3rd ed. St Louis,
Mosby–Year Book, 1998.
Dajani AS, Taubert KA Wilson W, et al: Prevention of bacterial endocarditis:
Recommendations of the American Heart Association. JAMA 277:
1794-1801, 1997.
Dickens JR: Comparative study of otologic surgery in outpatient and hos-
pital settings. Laryngoscope 96:774-785, 1986.
Gates GA: Current Therapy in Otolaryngology: Head and Neck, 5th ed.
St. Louis, MO, Mosby, 1994.
Lee K: Essential Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 6th ed. Norwalk,
CT, Appleton & Lange, 1995.
Levine SB, Kimmelman CP, Zwillenberg S, Silberstein L: Blood transfusions
in surgery of the larynx and neck. Laryngoscope 96:1095-1098, 1986.

AppE-X2385_741_750.indd 750 12/18/07 10:12:39 PM

Appendix F

I. Extracapsular Cataract Extraction

A. Definition: procedure to remove cataractous lens that
leaves the posterior capsule of the lens intact; this allows
an intraocular lens to be placed in the posterior chamber.
In patients with severe glaucoma, this procedure may be
combined with trabeculectomy.
B. Indications
1. Decreased visual acuity interfering with activities of
daily living
2. Enlarged cataractous lens causing shift of the lens-iris
diaphragm and secondary glaucoma
3. Morgagnian cataract: an advanced cataract in which
the lens protein liquefies and produces uveitis
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations
1. Early ambulation is encouraged.
2. Resumption of preoperative medications is encouraged.
II. Intracapsular Cataract Extraction
A. Definition: cataract extraction that removes the entire
lens, including the posterior capsule
B. Indications
1. Marfan’s syndrome or homocystinuria (both syn-
dromes produce subluxation of the lens)
2. Traumatic subluxation of the lens
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia


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752 Appendix F • Ophthalmologic Surgery

E. Specific recommendations
1. Early ambulation is encouraged.
2. Resumption of preoperative medications is encouraged.

III. Trabeculectomy
A. Definition: a partial-thickness scleral flap is created so
that a portion of the sclera and trabecular meshwork can
be removed to create an alternative pathway for the
egress of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of
the eye. In patients with visually significant cataracts, this
procedure may be combined with cataract extraction.
B. Indications: primary open-angle glaucoma not respon-
sive to medical therapy
C. Duration of surgery: less than 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations
1. Patient may require 1 to 2 days postoperatively in the
2. Patients’ carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are typically
stopped postoperatively to encourage the production
and flow of aqueous humor through the surgically
created fistula.
3. Patients often need frequent atropine and phenyleph-
rine drops, which may produce central nervous side

IV. Cyclocryotherapy
A. Definition: A freezing probe is applied to the bulbar con-
junctiva above the ciliary body to destroy the ciliary body
and thereby to decrease the amount of aqueous humor
B. Indications: treatment of glaucoma that has not responded
to medical therapy
C. Duration of surgery: less than half an hour
D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: none

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Appendix F • Ophthalmologic Surgery 753

V. Peripheral Iridectomy
A. Definition: an intraocular procedure to create an opening
in the iris (as compared with peripheral iridotomy [see
later], which is a closed procedure using a laser)
B. Indications
1. Angle-closure glaucoma refractory to medical man-
agement in which the cornea is too clouded to per-
form laser iridotomy
2. Peripheral iridectomy is also often performed as a part
of other intraocular procedures (e.g., cataract extrac-
tion), when there is a concern about a possible ele-
ment of angle closure or pupillary block glaucoma.
C. Duration of surgery: less than half an hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: none
VI. Laser Trabeculoplasty (Argon Laser
A. Definition: production of argon laser burns in the tra-
becular meshwork of the eye to improve aqueous humor
outflow from the anterior chamber
B. Indications: primary open-angle glaucoma refractory to
medical management
C. Duration of surgery: less than 15 minutes
D. Anesthesia: topical anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: Patients typically need to
have their intraocular pressures checked 1 hour after this
procedure because there can be a significant elevation of
intraocular pressure after laser treatment; the pressure
elevation can be marked enough to necessitate an emer-
gency trabeculectomy.
VII. Temporal Artery Biopsy
A. Definition: removal of a small portion of the temporal
artery for histopathologic examination
B. Indications: suspected cases of temporal arteritis

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754 Appendix F • Ophthalmologic Surgery

C. Duration of surgery: less than 15 minutes

D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: If the clinical suspicion of ar-
teritis is extremely high, the patient is often given steroids
before biopsy to avoid any delay in treatment. If the biopsy
result is abnormal, the corticosteroids are continued.

VIII. Extraocular Muscle Surgery

A. Definition: reattachment of the extraocular muscles to the
globe either to increase (resection) or to reduce (reces-
sion) their mechanical effect on eye movements
B. Indications: ocular misalignment producing either diplopia
or a cosmetically unacceptable appearance to the patient
C. Duration of surgery: less than 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: none

IX. Scleral Buckle

A. Definition: An encircling silicon ring is placed around the
globe to indent the sclera and “buckle” it so that a retinal
detachment will lie flat against the choroid.
B. Indications: retinal detachment
C. Duration of surgery: 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations
1. Patients typically require 1 postoperative day in the
2. Patients may be required to remain at bed rest if an
intraocular gas bubble was used to help tamponade a
retinal break.

X. Pars Plana Vitrectomy

A. Definition: removal of the vitreous humor from the eye
by placing special suction, cutting, and irrigation instru-
ments through the pars plana

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Appendix F • Ophthalmologic Surgery 755

B. Indications
1. Vitreous hemorrhages that do not clear
2. Often must be performed in cases of neovascularization
or proliferative vitreoretinopathy with retinal tears and
detachments associated with vitreal hemorrhages
C. Duration of surgery: 1 hour
D. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: same as those for scleral

XI. Enucleation
A. Definition and indications: removal of an eye; performed
for either a blind, painful eye or an eye with an intraocu-
lar malignant tumor
B. Duration of surgery: 1 hour
C. Anesthesia: local or general anesthesia
D. Specific recommendations: Patients typically spend a
postoperative day in the hospital. Note: Vasovagal re-
sponse to ocular pressure may result in bradycardia.

XII. Evisceration
A. Definition and indications: removal of the intraocular con-
tents, leaving the sclera and extraocular muscles intact. It is
performed when inflammation has destroyed the eye irre-
versibly or when severe panophthalmitis has created an
abscess within the eye; its advantage over enucleation (see
earlier) is that the prosthesis will have some mobility; it has
the disadvantage that because the uveal tract is violated,
there is a risk of sympathetic ophthalmia.

XIII. Orbitotomy
A. Definition: an exploratory procedure of the orbit behind
the globe
B. Indications
1. Mass lesions within the orbit

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756 Appendix F • Ophthalmologic Surgery

2. Infectious processes within the orbit

3. To decompress the enlarged extraocular muscles in
thyroid eye disease
C. Duration of surgery: less than 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Specific recommendations: Patients typically spend
1 to 2 postoperative days in the hospital.
Selected Readings
Fraunfelder F, Roy F, Randall J: Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadel-
phia, WB Saunders, 2000.
Kanski J: Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 6th ed.
London, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
Riordan-Eva P, Whitcher J: Vaughan and Asbury: General Ophthalmology,
16th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2004.

AppF-X2385_751_756.indd 756 12/18/07 10:13:30 PM

Appendix G

I. Cervical Fusion
A. Definition: immobilization of a joint to create a bony
continuity between two or more adjacent vertebrae (may
be performed by anterior or posterior approach)
B. Indications: intractable pain, instability, or neurologic
deficit (from fracture or dislocation, degenerative disease,
inflammatory lesion, neoplasm, subluxation or impac-
tion, destabilizing procedure) that is not responsive to
nonoperative treatment
C. Duration of surgery: 3 to 4 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia with nasotracheal or endo-
tracheal intubation
E. Transfusion requirements
1. Usually not required
2. Approximate blood loss commonly 200 to 300 mL
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Bleeding
a. The amount depends on the anatomic level, the
number of segments to be fused, and the surgical
b. Arterial or venous bleeding is most common.
c. Vertebral artery laceration is uncommon and is
usually related to fusions near C1.
d. Hematoma after anterior approach must be evacu-
ated immediately because of the risk of airway


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758 Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery

2. Wound infection
a. Infection usually occurs after the third postopera-
tive day.
b. Presentation may include wound erythema, indu-
ration, drainage, pain, and elevated white blood
cell count.
c. Incidence is correlated with the type of surgery, the
use of antibiotics, and the length of the procedure.
d. Treatment is determined by culture, early wound
débridement, and pulsed irrigation.
3. Extension of fusion mass (very common)
4. Damage to laryngeal nerve from laceration, edema,
or contusion (may result in temporary or even per-
manent hoarseness)
5. Paresthesias may be associated with passage of wires
into the spinal canal.
6. Damage to or perforation of the esophagus or trachea
7. Graft extrusion with collapse and nonunion of fusion
8. Dural laceration
9. Damage to sympathetic chain (Horner’s syndrome)
10. Pain, bleeding, or infection at the bone graft site
11. Air embolism
a. This can occur intraoperatively during the poste-
rior approach owing to the development of a
gravitational gradient between an open vessel and
the dependent right atrium.
d. Presentation may include sudden hypotension,
alterations in respiratory patterns, electrocardio-
graphic changes, and cardiac arrest.
c. Air embolism can be detected by end-expiratory
carbon dioxide concentration monitoring.
12. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
(see Chapter 5)
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously within 60 minutes
preoperatively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or

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Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery 759

cefuroxime, 1.5 g intravenously within 60 minutes

preoperatively and every 12 hours for 24 hours
b. ␤-Lactam allergy: vancomycin, 1 g 120 minutes
before surgery and then every 12 hours for
24 hours, or clindamycin, 600 mg intravenously
60 minutes before surgery and then every 6 hours
for 24 hours

II. Surgery for Hip Fracture

A. Definition: repair of fracture of the proximal femur by
reduction and then fixation using one of a variety of me-
tallic devices
B. Indications
1. Relief of pain from fracture
2. To increase ambulation to return the patient to previ-
ous functional status
C. Anesthesia: general or regional anesthesia
D. Duration of surgery: 1 to 2 1/2 hours
E. Transfusion requirements
1. Blood loss of 50 to 500 mL may occur from the frac-
ture itself before surgery.
2. Operative blood loss may vary from 250 mL to more
than 1 L depending on the extent of surgery.
F. Overall surgical mortality
1. Operative: less than 1%
2. Postoperative in hospital: 10% to 20%
3. Within 6 months: 20% to 30%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
(see Chapter 5)
2. Infection
a. Wound infection
i. Superficial drainage (incidence of 5%)
ii. Deep infection: Incidence is increased in el-
derly patients, in patients with decubitus ul-
cers, in bladder infections, when the wound
is in close proximity to the perineum, and

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760 Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery

with prolonged operative time. Symptoms in-

clude fever, hip pain, and decreased range of
b. Urinary tract infection
i. Incidence: up to 30%
ii. Increased incidence with bladder catheteri-
3. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head
a. Occasional complication of femoral neck fractures
that can occur after intracapsular, and especially
displaced, fractures. Disruption of the major blood
supply to the femoral head is believed to result in
b. Osteonecrosis may be followed by late segmental
collapse (collapse of the subchondral bone and
articular cartilage that overlies the infarcted area).
c. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head may be an indi-
cation for total hip replacement.
4. Nonunion
a. This is diagnosed by lack of radiographic evidence
of healing 6 months after fracture.
b. Incidence is related to fracture type, vascularity,
and type of fixation.
5. Fat embolism
a. This may occur 6 to 24 hours after surgery.
b. Signs include tachycardia, dyspnea, confusion, pe-
techial hemorrhage (of axillae, chest, and conjunc-
tivae), and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
c. Hypoxia is uniformly present.
d. Anemia and thrombocytopenia may be present.
e. Diagnosis is by exclusion of other causes.
f. It may be self-limited if adequate ventilatory sup-
port and oxygenation are provided.
6. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis
7. Heterotopic ossification
8. Acute cholecystitis

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Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery 761

H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously 60 minutes preopera-
tively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or cefurox-
ime, 1.5 g intravenously 60 minutes preoperatively
and every 12 hours for 24 hours.
b. ␤-Lactam allergy: vancomycin, 1 g 120 minutes
before surgery and then every 12 hours for
24 hours, or clindamycin, 600 mg intravenously,
60 minutes before surgery and then every 6 hours
for 24 hours
2. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
prophylaxis (see Chapter 5)

III. Total Knee Replacement

A. Definition: replacement of the three components of the
knee joint (femoral, tibial, and patellar) with prosthetic
B. Indications
1. Severe pain, instability, or functional limitations not
responsive to conservative management
a. Osteoarthritis (primary or secondary to trauma)
b. Inflammatory polyarthritis (rheumatoid arthritis,
systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritis)
2. Failed previous knee surgery
C. Duration of surgery: 2 to 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general or regional anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: usually not required
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 0.1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Infection
a. Infection may be caused by hematogenous spread
or by spread from a contiguous site such as in-
fected hematoma, cellulitis, or a suture abscess.
b. Approximately 50% of infections are caused by
Staphylococcus aureus or S. epidermidis; 25% are

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762 Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery

caused by streptococci; and 25% are caused by

gram-negative bacilli.
c. The most frequent symptom of infection is pain.
Other symptoms, including fever, erythema, swell-
ing, and drainage, are variable. Wound drainage
that persists for more than 10 days should be
d. Diagnosis of infection is made by serology, knee
aspiration, blood culture, or open arthrotomy.
e. Treatment consists of incision and drainage, dé-
bridement or removal of prosthetic components,
and antibiotic administration.
2. Bleeding: Oozing from the wound may account for
blood loss of 200 to 300 mL.
3. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
4. Component loosening
a. Loosening may be septic or aseptic
b. Aseptic loosening is a major long-term complica-
tion of total knee replacement.
5. Periprosthetic fracture
a. The incidence approximates 0.5%.
b. Fracture may be associated with rheumatoid ar-
thritis, steroid use, osteopenia, neurologic disor-
ders, and poor surgical technique.
c. Signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, and
inability to bear weight.
6. Dislocation or subluxation of components
7. Local wound complications
a. May be secondary to beginning motion or physical
therapy too early
b. Delayed wound healing (wound separation, skin
necrosis) or wound drainage, or both, may be seen.
8. Nerve injury
a. Peroneal nerve injury occurs in up to 0.8% of
b. Symptoms occur from a few hours to 5 to 6 days

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Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery 763

c. Injury may be related to traction, local trauma,

pressure from a dressing, splint, or cast, or distur-
bance of the vascular supply.
d. Recovery may be incomplete in up to 50% of pa-
9. Vascular injury
10. Urinary retention and urinary tract infection occur in
up to 20% of patients.
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously within 60 minutes
preoperatively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or
cefuroxime, 1.5 g intravenously 60 minutes preop-
eratively and every 12 hours for 24 hours.
b. ␤-Lactam allergy: vancomycin, 1 g 120 minutes
before surgery and then every 12 hours for
24 hours, or clindamycin, 600 mg intravenously,
60 minutes before antibiotic prophylaxis with either
cefazolin, 1 g, or vancomycin, 1 g intravenously
2. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
prophylaxis (see Chapter 5)

IV. Total Hip Replacement

A. Definition: replacement of both sides of the hip joint by
excision of the native femoral head and part of the neck
and enlargement of the native acetabulum, followed by
insertion of a femoral prosthesis into the femoral medul-
lary canal and an acetabular component into the enlarged
acetabular space. The components may be fixed either
with cement or inserted press fit.
B. Indications
1. Disabling pain or severe functional limitation, or both,
not responsive to nonsurgical management
a. Osteoarthritis (primary or secondary to trauma)
b. Inflammatory polyarticular arthritis (rheumatoid
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)

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764 Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery

c. Other conditions such as developmental dysplasia,

Paget’s disease, benign neoplasm, and avascular
2. Reconstruction of previously unsuccessful hip surgery
(osteotomy, prosthesis, cup arthroplasty)
3. Fracture, dislocation
C. Duration of surgery: 1 1/2 to 2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general, spinal, or epidural anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: 2 U of packed red blood cells
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Infection
a. Sterile drainage (incidence: ≈8%)
i. Clear serous drainage in benign-appearing
wound without fever, pain, or change in ap-
pearance of wound margins
ii. Not infected, but rather delayed wound healing
iii. More common in obesity as a result of trauma
of subcutaneous tissues
b. Suprafascial
i. Usually about suture or drain site
ii. Localized swelling and redness with or without
purulent drainage
iii. No pain or temperature elevation
iv. No progression to late deep infection
v. Treatment with local care and intravenous
c. Deep (subfascial)
i. Single most serious complication
ii. Incidence: less than 1% (early postoperative
period, 40%; 2 to 24 months, 45%; 2 to
5 years after surgery, 15%)
iii. Cause: contamination during surgery, draining
hematoma, or hematogenous spread from dis-
tant focus (dental infection, pneumonia, or
urinary infection)

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Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery 765

iv. Causative agents: 55% staphylococci, 20%

streptococci, 25% gram-negative species (Pseu-
domonas, Escherichia coli)
v. Diagnosis: persistent and increasing pain, ele-
vated sedimentation rate, positive aspiration,
and culture results. Fever, drainage, wound in-
flammation, and swelling may not be present
vi. Treatment: early aggressive débridement and
intravenous antibiotics
d. Urinary retention and infection occur with an inci-
dence of 15% to 30%.
2. Bleeding
a. Occurs in approximately 1%
b. Develops on the 5th to the 12th postoperative day
c. Presents with sudden onset of pain and fullness in
the wound area
d. May be implicated as a cause of late deep infection
or sepsis, or both
e. Nonoperative management: cessation of anticoag-
ulants with reversal of anticoagulation if necessary,
cold packs, and bed rest
f. May drain in 24 to 48 hours
g. Indications for surgery: impending necrosis of skin
margins, uncontrollable pain, continued expansion
of hematoma, neurologic signs, or symptoms
3. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
(see Chapter 5)
4. Mechanical complications
a. Occur after initial good result
b. May present as abrupt onset of pain made worse
with activity
c. Periprosthetic loosening
i. Process may be septic or aseptic (incidence of
aseptic loosening: 1.2% to 2.4%)
ii. Can often be demonstrated by plain radio-

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766 Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery

d. Periprosthetic fracture
i. Rare after primary total hip arthroplasty (0.1%)
but may be higher in revision arthroplasty
ii. May be secondary to trauma or to abnormal
stresses placed on the native bone by the pros-
5. Hip dislocation
a. Most common in first few months after surgery but
can occur several years later
b. Incidence: 0.8% to 2.4%
c. Presents as acute pain in hip with extreme position
as well as inability to stand on hip or return hip to
functional position
6. Heterotopic ossification
a. May occur to some extent in 20% to 50% of pa-
tients undergoing total hip replacement but causes
symptoms in less than 4%
b. Patients at risk include those with previous het-
erotopic ossification, diffuse idiopathic skeletal
hyperostosis, Paget’s disease, or ankylosing spon-
7. Neuropathy
a. Incidence: less than 1%
b. Prognosis for recovery is good.
c. May involve sciatic, femoral, obturator, or gluteal
d. May be caused by bleeding, surgical trauma, disloca-
tion, stretching of nerve secondary to leg lengthen-
ing, entrapment by wire, or damage from cement
8. Fat embolism
a. This occurs 12 to 72 hours postoperatively.
b. It manifests with sudden tachycardia, respiratory
distress, petechial rash on upper body, fat in retinal
vessels, delirium, and coma
c. Diagnosis is by exclusion of other causes.

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Appendix G • Orthopedic Surgery 767

d. Treatment with corticosteroids, heparin, or ethanol

has been proposed, but none has proved effective.
Treatment remains supportive.
e. The mortality rate is high.
9. Cholecystitis
H. Specific recommendations
1. Antibiotic prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously 60 minutes preopera-
tively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or cefurox-
ime, 1.5 g intravenously 60 minutes preoperatively
and every 12 hours for 24 hours
b. ␤-Lactam allergy: vancomycin, 1 g 120 minutes
before surgery and then every 12 hours for
24 hours, or clindamycin, 600 mg intravenously,
60 minutes before
2. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
prophylaxis (see Chapter 5).

Selected Readings
Bratzler D, Houck P: Antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery: An advisory
statement from the National Surgical Infection Prevention Project. Am J
Surg 189:394-404, 2005.
Greenfield LJ (ed): Complications in Surgery and Trauma. Philadelphia, JB
Lippincott, 1990.
Lawrence VA, Hilsenbeck SG, Noveck H, et al: Medical complications and
outcomes after hip fracture repair. Arch Intern Med 162:2053-2057,
Quinlet RJ, Winters EG: Total joint replacement of the hip and knee. Med
Clin North Am 76:1235-1251, 1992.

AppG-X2385_757_768.indd 767 12/18/07 10:14:34 PM

Appendix H

I. Craniotomy
A. Definition: opening of a portion of the skull to obtain ac-
cess for surgical intervention
B. Indications
1. Establishment of histologic diagnosis for optimal ad-
juvant treatment and estimation of prognosis
2. Provision of immediate palliation of increased intra-
cranial pressure
C. Duration of surgery: variable, depending on the reason
for procedure
D. Anesthesia
1. General anesthesia
2. Sedation with local anesthesia (to monitor patient’s
language function)
E. Transfusion requirement: minimal
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 3%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Postoperative intracranial hemorrhage is most fre-
quently seen in the first 24 to 48 hours postopera-
tively. The cardinal sign is a change in mental status.
2. Cerebral edema
a. Most frequently seen in the first 48 to 72 hours
postoperatively and manifested by a change in
mental status
b. Most frequently seen in central nervous system
neoplastic disease
3. Infection: In clean craniotomies, 2% to 5% will expe-
rience postoperative infections. This rate is decreased

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 769 12/20/07 6:37:28 PM

770 Appendix H • Neurosurgery

by the use of antibiotics. Reoperation increases the

incidence to 3% to 5% for each reexploration.
4. Seizures
a. They occur in fewer than 5% of patients.
b. Other systemic causes should always be considered.
5. Fluid and electrolytes
a. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
i. Hypo-osmolality of serum
ii. Hyperosmolality of urine: increased urinary
b. Diabetes insipidus
i. Urine output 16 to 24 L/day
ii. Urine specific gravity less than 1.01
iii. Urine osmolality less than 290 mOsm/kg
6. Cardiac disorders
a. Supraventricular tachycardia is the most common
b. Ventricular and atrial premature contractions can
be seen but are not treated unless the patient is
hemodynamically compromised.
7. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism:
incidence of 18% to 43% in patients not receiving
H. Specific recommendations
1. Wound prophylaxis: cefazolin, 2 g intravenously
2. Steroid prophylaxis depends on the reason for per-
forming the craniotomy. Dexamethasone is begun be-
fore surgery and is continued postoperatively in the
following manner:
a. Administer a 20-mg intravenous loading dose fol-
lowed by 4 mg intravenously every 6 hours.
b. Taper over 7 to 10 days postoperatively.
c. Maintain for patients receiving radiation therapy.
3. Seizure prophylaxis with phenytoin
a. Loading dose of 15 to 18 mg/kg intravenously, then
a maintenance dose of 4 to 8 mg/kg intravenously
(divided dose)

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 770 12/20/07 6:37:29 PM

Appendix H • Neurosurgery 771

b. Loading 300 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg orally every

2 hours, then 300 mg every 12 hours
4. Fluid and electrolytes
a. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
i. Restrict fluids to 500 to 800 mL/day
ii. Intravenous hypertonic saline if serum sodium
level less than 115 mEq/L
iii. Demeclocycline, 300 to 600 mg orally twice
a day
b. Cerebral salt wasting
i. Avoid fluid restriction
ii. Salt replacement
c. Diabetes insipidus
i. Vasopressin, 5 to 10 U (0.25 to 0.5 mL) subcu-
taneously or intramuscularly; repeat two or three
times daily as needed.
ii. Desmopressin, 10 to 40 ␮g/day (0.1 to 0.4 mL)
intranasally either as a single dose or two to
three divided doses.
5. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
prophylaxis: External pneumatic compression sleeves
should be used intraoperatively and postoperatively
until the patient is ambulatory.

II. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring

A. Definition: direct monitoring of intracranial pressure by
intraventricular cannulation, intracerebral bolt, intrapa-
renchymal probe, or epidural transducer
B. Indications: severe central nervous system trauma and
postoperative intracranial tumor resections (postopera-
tively when intracranial pressures are a concern)
C. Duration of surgery: 30 minutes
D. Anesthesia: monitoring system is placed intraoperatively
or under local anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 771 12/20/07 6:37:29 PM

772 Appendix H • Neurosurgery

F. Overall surgical mortality: none

G. Postoperative complications: 4% to 5% risk of infection,
with increased risk for wound infection
H. Specific recommendations: infection prophylaxis (vari-
able) with vancomycin, 1 g intravenously every 12 hours
while the catheter is in place
III. Lumbar Disk Surgery
A. Definition: disk herniation or rupture resulting in nerve
root or spinal cord compression
B. Indications
1. Neurologic signs (weakness, atrophy, sensory deficit,
absent or asymmetric reflex, bowel or bladder dys-
2. Mechanical signs not responsive to conservative man-
3. Intolerable or increasing pain
C. Duration of surgery: 2 to 2 1/2 hours
D. Anesthesia: general or epidural anesthesia
E. Blood loss: 100 to 1000 mL, depending on procedure
F. Overall surgical mortality: 0.2% to 0.4%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Infection
a. Incidence: overall 4% to 5% risk of infection, with
increased risk of local wound infection
b. May include local wound infection, osteomyelitis,
diskitis, meningitis, empyema, or abscess
2. Hemorrhage (risk is small)
3. Persistent pain may occur in 10% to 15% of cases.
4. Dural tear with possible cerebrospinal fluid leak,
which may result from excessive manipulation of the
dura and must be repaired before closure
5. Colonic ileus is seen 24 to 72 hours postoperatively.
6. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
incidence: 40% to 50%

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 772 12/20/07 6:37:29 PM

Appendix H • Neurosurgery 773

H. Specific recommendations: Antibiotic prophylaxis with

vancomycin, 1 g intravenously every 12 hours while the
catheter is in place, is controversial.
1. Wound infection prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously 60 minutes preopera-
tively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or cefurox-
ime, 1.5 g intravenously 60 minutes preoperatively
and every 12 hours for 24 hours
b. ␤-Lactam or penicillin allergy: vancomycin, 1 g
120 minutes before surgery and then every
12 hours for 24 hours, or clindamycin, 600 mg
intravenously 60 minutes before surgery and then
every 6 hours for 24 hours
2. Prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis and pulmo-
nary embolism (see Chapter 5)

IV. Transsphenoidal Surgery

A. Definition: an approach to the sella turcica through the sphe-
noid sinus with or without the assistance of an endoscope
B. Indications: ablative hypophysectomy; management of
tumors of the area of the pituitary, such as pituitary ade-
noma, craniopharyngiomas, chordomas, and cholesteato-
mas; diseases of the sphenoid sinuses such as mucoceles,
carcinomas, or cysts
C. Duration of surgery: 1 to 3 hours
D. Anesthesia: general anesthesia
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Overall surgical mortality: less than 1%
G. Postoperative complications
1. Diabetes insipidus
a. Usually does not appear before 12 to 24 hours
b. Criteria for diagnosis
i. Urine output 16 to 24 L/day
ii. Urine specific gravity less than 1.01
iii. Urine osmolality less than 290 mOsm/kg

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 773 12/20/07 6:37:29 PM

774 Appendix H • Neurosurgery

2. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea

a. Cerebrospinal fluid assessment
i. Cerebrospinal glucose concentration is 50% of
the serum concentration.
ii. Nasal glucose concentration is 10 mg/100 mL
or less.
iii. A spinal drain may need to be placed to treat
the leak.
iv. If the leak does not resolve in 10 days, a sec-
ond surgical procedure will be necessary.
3. Sinusitis
4. Hypopituitarism requiring hormone replacement
H. Specific recommendations
1. Wound prophylaxis
a. Cefazolin, 1 g intravenously 60 minutes preopera-
tively and every 8 hours for 24 hours, or cefurox-
ime, 1.5 g intravenously 60 minutes preoperatively
and every 12 hours for 24 hours
b. ␤-Lactam allergy: vancomycin, 1 g 120 minutes be-
fore surgery and then every 12 hours for 24 hours, or
clindamycin, 600 mg intravenously 60 minutes be-
fore surgery then every 6 hours for 24 hours
2. Hypopituitarism treatment with hydrocortisone
a. 100 mg intravenously every 6 hours before surgery
and then tapered postoperatively
b. Patients are discharged on physiologic mainte-
nance doses, and their pituitary-adrenal axis is as-
sessed on an outpatient basis.
3. Diabetes insipidus
a. Aqueous vasopressin, 5 to 10 U (0.25 to 0.5 mL)
subcutaneously, two to three times daily
b. Desmopressin, 10 to 40 ␮g/day (0.1 to 0.4 mL)
intranasally as a single dose or two to three divided
doses or 2 to 4 ␮g/day intravenously or subcutane-
ously in two divided doses

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 774 12/20/07 6:37:29 PM

Appendix H • Neurosurgery 775

4. Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embo-

lism prophylaxis (see Chapter 5)

V. Carpal Tunnel Release

A. Definition: complete division of the transverse carpal
ligament to free the median nerve and its branches; can
be accomplished through a traditional longitudinal pal-
mar incision, “mini-incision,” or endoscopically through
single-portal or two-portal techniques
B. Indications: signs or symptoms (pain, paresthesias, mus-
cle atrophy) of median nerve compression that do not
respond to conservative measures (nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, splinting, local steroid injection)
C. Duration of surgery: 20 to 40 minutes
D. Anesthesia: local anesthesia under pneumatic tourniquet
control or general anesthesia or regional anesthesia by
axillary or brachial block
E. Transfusion requirements: none
F. Overall surgical mortality: negligible
G. Postoperative complications
1. Persistence or recurrence of symptoms for the follow-
ing reasons:
a. Incorrect initial diagnosis
b. Incomplete section of transverse carpal ligament
c. Injury to or laceration of the median nerve or its
d. Flexor tenosynovitis
e. Scar tissue, fibrosis, or adhesions
f. Neuroma (of the median palmar sensory branch)
2. Temporary nerve dysfunction resulting from tourni-
quet use
3. Grip weakness from “bowstringing” of the flexor ten-
dons (may result from inadequate immobilization)
4. Damage to or laceration of the superficial palmar arch

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 775 12/20/07 6:37:30 PM

776 Appendix H • Neurosurgery

5. Postoperative wound infection (incidence 艐0.5%;

may be increased risk with prolonged operative time
or use of a surgical chain)
6. Hematoma
7. Hypertrophic scar
8. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

Selected Readings
Berger RA: Endoscopic tunnel release: A current perspective. Hand Clin
10:625-636, 1994.
Lang EW, Chestnut RM: Intracranial pressure: Monitoring and management.
Neurosurg Clin North Am 5:573-605, 1994.
Rosner M: Complications of craniotomy and trauma. In Greenfield L (ed):
Complications of Craniotomy and Trauma. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott,
1990, pp 677-713.
Young H: Complications of spine surgery and trauma. In Greenfield L (ed):
Complications of Surgery and Trauma. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott,
1990, pp 713-746.

AppH-X2385_769_776.indd 776 12/20/07 6:37:30 PM


Note: Page numbers followed by the letter b refer to boxes, those followed by the
letter f refer to figures, and those followed by the letter t refer to tables.

A Acetaminophen (Continued)
toxicity cautions, in liver disease, 368
use during pregnancy, 480, 481t
distention of
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, myasthenia
anesthesia risks with, 82, 83t, 84
gravis response to, 536
as pulmonary complication factor, 82,
N-Acetylcysteine, for acute renal failure
268, 270
prevention, 629-630
penetrating trauma to
Acid aspiration syndrome, 82-84
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 45-46
Acidemia, chronic kidney disease and, 605, 609
during pregnancy, 489-490
management of, 616
Abdominal aorta, resection of, antimicrobial
prophylaxis for, 43t, 48
anion gap, in chronic kidney disease, 616
Abdominal compartment syndrome, 626
diabetic ketoacidosis, 420, 423
Abdominal hysterectomy, 720-721
lactic, as small bowel resection complication,
Abdominal pain, postoperative
fever with, 331
with cholecystectomy, 332t, 343-344
in ophthalmologic patient, 460
Abdominal surgery
in pregnant patient, 469, 476
gastrointestinal motility and, 298
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
in elderly patient, 599
for arrhythmia management, 217, 219
liver disease and, 364t
for hemodynamic compromise, 517
mortality associated with, 378, 379t
Acoustic neuroma, resection of, 744
preoperative evaluation for, 250, 330
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), feedback
upper, as pulmonary complication factor,
regulation of, 429-430
ACTH stimulation test, of HPA function,
management of, 268, 269
Abdominal wall
Action potential, cardiac, hypocalcemia impact
herniation of, cirrhotic ascites associated
on, 449
with, 382-383
Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
nerves traversing, injuries to, 577-578
in hemostasis, 140
pregnancy effect on, 471
in heparin prophylaxis, 110
Ablation techniques, for hepatocellular carci-
preoperative assessment of, 25-26, 25b
noma, 377-378
Active cardiac conditions, in noncardiac surgery,
Abortion, 723
159-160, 160t
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 46, 723
evaluation algorithm for, 164, 165f, 166
spontaneous, 148
Activity scales, of functional status
fetal susceptibility to, 472
in healthy patient, 16, 17f
preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f, 166
gastrointestinal fistula causing, 342
Acute confusional state. See Delirium.
intra-abdominal, postoperative, 331
Acute renal failure (ARF)
Abstinence, from alcohol use, 496-497, 499
categories of, 607
ACC. See American College of Cardiology (ACC).
in liver disease, operative risk associated
ACCP (American College of Chest Physicians),
with, 354b
on pulmonary embolism prophylaxis, 91,
postoperative, 625-630
94t, 99, 106, 406
diagnosis of, 627-628
ACE inhibitors. See Angiotensin-converting en-
differential diagnosis of, 625-627
zyme (ACE) inhibitors.
incidence and impact of, 625
management of, 628-629
postoperative, for chronic kidney disease
prevention of, 629-630
patient, 622
risk factors for, 625


Index-X2385_777_840.indd 777 1/3/08 1:23:46 PM

778 Index
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN), renal failure ␤-Adrenergic blockers (Continued)
related to, 606, 626 perioperative indication(s) for
diagnosis of, 627-628 arrhythmias as, 212-213, 217
Acyclovir, for esophagitis, 315, 316 congestive heart failure as, 236-237, 238
ADA (American Diabetes Association), glycemic hypertension as, 184
control targets of, 413-414 in noncardiac surgery, 240-241, 243
Adaptive rate system, in cardiac pacemaker, ischemic heart disease as, 167, 173-175,
227-228 175b, 176
Adenoidectomy, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, chronic, 178
42t, 48, 202 long QT syndrome as, 223-224
Adenoma myocardial infarction as, 180
of liver, in pregnant patient, 491 perioperative initiation of, 677, 678t-679t
of pituitary gland, 443 adverse events with, 680
Adenosine pharmacokinetics of, in elderly patient, 585t
cardiac transplantation and, 225 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, feedback regulation of, 429-430
217 HPA stimulation testing with, 432
Adipose tissue Adult respiratory distress syndrome, amioda-
anesthesia and, 60, 62-63 rone causing, 211
excessive. See also Obesity. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
Adrenal gland, in pheochromocytoma, 441-442 for arrhythmia management, 217, 219
Adrenal insufficiency for hemodynamic compromise, 517
asthma management and, 258 Aerobes, antimicrobial prophylaxis for,
corticosteroids and, 429-434 41t-43t, 45
primary, 434 Afferent loop syndrome, as peptic ulcer surgery
secondary, 429-433, 431t, 433t complication, 332t, 334
hypothyroidism coexisting with, 437 AFP (␣-fetoprotein) testing, for hepatocellular
screening for, 430, 432 carcinoma, 376
thyrotoxicosis and, 439 Afterload, obesity impact on, 61t, 62
␣-Adrenergic agonists Age/aging
for alcohol withdrawal, 503-504 advanced. See also Elderly patient.
for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 noncardiac surgery and, 161, 163b, 581
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, as pulmonary complication factor, 259, 262,
684-685 269
␤-Adrenergic agonists smoking and, 264
for hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney disease, as spinal headache factor, 54, 55f, 57
615 drug metabolism and, 584-585, 584b, 585t
for perioperative ischemic heart disease, 175 physiologic effects of, 582-585
inhaled, for pulmonary complications, 258, cardiovascular, 582
266 pulmonary, 583
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, renal, 583
695-696 AHA. See American Heart Association (AHA).
␣-Adrenergic blockers AICDs. See Automatic implantable cardioverter
for hypertension, in chronic kidney disease, defibrillators (AICDs).
613 Air embolism, in orthopedic surgery, 758
for variceal bleeding, 320 Airway management
SSRIs as, 664-665 cervical spine rheumatoid arthritis and,
tricyclic antidepressants as, 663 635-636
␤-Adrenergic blockers for anesthesia
cessation of long-term therapy with, adverse bariatric surgery and, 403-404, 406
events with, 680-681 in pregnant patient, 474, 476
cocaine abuse and, 516-517, 519b obesity impact on, 61t, 63-64, 66, 68t
endoscopic, for gastroesophageal varices, bariatric surgery and, 403-404
387-388 pulmonary aspiration and, 82
for alcohol withdrawal, 499, 503-504 for myasthenia crisis, 541-542
for hypertension, in chronic kidney disease, for pulmonary complication prevention,
613 267-268
for hyperthyroidism, 439-440 Akathisia, neuroleptics causing, 666, 669-670
for vascular surgery, 175b Albumin
for vasoconstriction, in pheochromocytoma, for anemia, 122
442 for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564
ophthalmic use of, 456, 457t salt-poor

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 778 1/3/08 1:23:48 PM

Index 779
Albumin (Continued) Alveolar-arterial gradient, liver disease and,
for cirrhotic ascites, 383 350-351
following paracentesis, 383 Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel), for
for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 parkinsonism, 551, 552t, 554
serum Ambulatory surgery, cardiac risk stratification
as pulmonary complication factor, 261 for, 163b, 164
liver disease and, 351, 352, 355, 361 American College of Cardiology (ACC), cardiac
obstructive, 372b, 373 risk assessment guidelines of, 16, 17f,
preoperative assessment of, 27, 28, 29 158-164, 164t
Albuterol noncardiac surgery classification in, 16, 18
for hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney disease, American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP),
615 on pulmonary embolism prophylaxis, 91,
for pulmonary complications, 266 94t, 99, 106, 406
Alcohol abuse American College of Endocrinology, insulin
acute pancreatitis related to, 291, 292b therapy protocols of, 420, 428
background on, 496-497 American Diabetes Association (ADA), glycemic
cocaine use and, 512 control targets of, 413-414
diagnosis of, CAGE questionnaire for, 497 American Heart Association (AHA)
drug interactions and, 511 cardiac risk assessment guidelines of, 16,
drug treatment for, 499, 500f-502f, 502t 17f, 158-164, 164t
adjunctive and alternative, 503-504 noncardiac surgery classification in, 16, 18
approach options in, 502-503 endocarditis prophylaxis recommendations
hepatitis associated with, 357t, 358t of, 201-203, 202b, 204t
medical complication(s) of, 497-499 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
cardiovascular, 508 postoperative neurologic deficit study by,
encephalopathy as, 504-506 75-76
gastrointestinal, 510 preoperative fasting guidelines of, 83t, 85-87
hematologic, 121, 510-511 pulmonary complication risk classification
hepatic, 509 of, 261-262, 262t
metabolic disorders as, 507-508 ⑀-Aminocaproic acid (Amicar), for hemophilias,
miscellaneous, 291, 511 149-150
pulmonary, 508-509 Aminoglycosides
seizures as, 506-507 myasthenia gravis exacerbated by, 540-541,
treatment of, 499, 500f-502f, 502-504, 540t
502t nephrotoxicity of, 373, 385
perioperative management of, 496-511 pharmacokinetics of, in elderly patient, 585t
Alcohol withdrawal 5-Aminosalicylates, for ulcerative colitis,
seizures related to, 557 286-287
symptoms of, 498-499 Aminotransferase, serum, preoperative
CIWA-Ar scale for, 499, 500f-502f assessment of, 27, 28
treatment of, 499, 502-504, 502t in liver disease, 350, 355-356
Alcohol-dependent patient. See Alcohol abuse. Amiodarone
Alcoholic hepatitis, 497, 509 for atrial fibrillation, 215
acute versus chronic, 357t, 358t, 367 for ventricular arrhythmias, 211
operative risk associated with, 354b for wide-complex tachycardia, 220
Alcoholic liver disease, 355, 497, 509-510 perioperative management of, 685-686
Alcoholic pancreatitis, 291, 292b, 497 Amitriptyline (Elavil), for psychiatric illness,
Alcoholism. See Alcohol abuse. 661t
Alkaline phosphatase, serum Amoxapine (Asendin), for psychiatric illness,
liver disease and, 350, 355 661t
preoperative assessment of, 27, 28 Amoxicillin
Alkalosis for H. pylori infection, 278t-279t, 282
hypokalemic, from gastric suctioning, 298 prophylactic
metabolic, in contrast-induced nephropathy, for endocarditis prevention, 204t
630 in laparoscopic surgery, 714
respiratory, in pregnant patient, 469 in urologic surgery, 730
Allergy history, in preoperative assessment, 15 Amphotericin, for esophagitis, 315
Allopurinol, for crystalline arthritis, 642-643, Ampicillin, prophylactic
650t for cesarean section, 724
Alprazolam withdrawal, symptoms of, 529 for endocarditis prevention, 19b, 203, 204t
Aluminum hydroxide, for peptic ulcer disease, in laparoscopic surgery, 714
278t in urologic surgery, 730

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 779 1/3/08 1:23:48 PM

780 Index
Amputation(s), lower extremity, antimicrobial Anesthesia (Continued)
prophylaxis for, 42t, 48 for ophthalmologic patient, 458
Amyloidosis, Crohn’s disease risk for, 289 for pregnant patient, 471, 472, 473, 474,
Anaerobes, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 476-477
41t-43t, 45 general. See General anesthesia.
Analgesia induction of, hypertension related to, 182,
chronic kidney disease and 184
intraoperative, 619 liver disease and, 350, 351-353
postoperative, 622-623 local. See Local anesthesia.
confusion related to, 572 long QT syndrome related to, 224
epidural, for pulmonary complication pre- medical consultant role in, 8
vention, 268 neuraxial, needles used for, 56-57, 56f
epilepsy risks with, 554 obesity and, 59-68
for perioperative hypertension, 184 postoperative complication(s) related to
for pregnant patient, 480, 480t, 481t, 482 jaundice as, 323t, 324
myasthenia gravis exacerbated by, 540t, 541 malignant hyperthermia as, 545-547, 548t
opioid. See Opioid entries. nausea and vomiting as, 302, 303b
Anastomoses neurologic impairment, 68-77, 71t, 72t, 73t
gastrointestinal, 311, 332 pulmonary system, 251, 252-253, 253f,
complications of, 332t, 341, 342 259-260
in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 334, 398, asthma and, 257-258
398f-399f, 405 preoperative fasting and, changing consensus
leaks in, 404, 407 in, 81-87, 83t, 86t
Anemia(s), 117-126 regional. See Regional anesthesia.
alcohol abuse and, 121, 510 risk reduction for, 51
aplastic, 141t seizures associated with, 557
chronic kidney disease and, 123, 609, selection of. See specific procedure or surgery.
610-611 spinal. See Spinal anesthesia (SA).
management of, 616-617 spinal headache due to, 52-59, 53t, 55f-56f
management of Anesthetic agents
bone marrow dysfunction and, 119, 121, cardiovascular disease and, 171-172, 185
123 chronic kidney disease and, 619
chronic renal failure and, 123 for alcohol withdrawal, 504
immune hemolytic, 125-126 hepatic metabolism of, 351-352
nutritional deficiencies and, 123 hypertension related to, 182, 184
sickle cell, 124-125 malignant hyperthermia induced by, 548t
thalassemia and, 121, 124 Aneurysm(s)
therapeutic considerations for, 121-123 aortic. See Aortic aneurysm.
physiologic, of pregnancy, 466 intracranial, rupture of, 563-566
postoperative outcomes of, 117-118, 118t splenic artery, in pregnant patient, 490-491
preoperative assessment of, 19, 23-24, 24b, Angina
118-121, 120f alcohol abuse and, 508
in elderly patient, 590 cocaine-induced, 514-516, 515b
transfusions for treatment of, 518b-519b
autologous donation of, 123 in noncardiac surgery
complications of, 122 management of, 159-160, 160t
preoperative considerations of, 121-122 preoperative cardiac testing and, 167
recommendations for, 118, 119t perioperative management of, 173-178,
types of, 121, 124-126, 141t, 616 175b
Anesthesia, 51-87 chronic, 178
arrhythmias associated with, 205, 207, 208 Angiodysplasia, of colon, bleeding caused by,
cardiovascular disease and, 171-173, 185, 316-317, 321
199 Angiography
chronic kidney disease and, 618-619 cerebral, for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 563-
deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92 564
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy cautions fluorescein, of fundus, 458
with, 544 in gastrointestinal bleeding, diagnostic versus
epidural. See Spinal anesthesia (SA). therapeutic, 320-321
for bariatric surgery, 403 Angioplasty
for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b balloon transluminal, for cerebral vasospasm,
for ECT, 669 566
for elderly patient, 591 coronary artery. See Coronary angioplasty.

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 780 1/3/08 1:23:49 PM

Index 781
Angioplasty (Continued) Anticholinergic agents (Continued)
percutaneous transluminal ophthalmic use of, 456, 457t
of coronary arteries, 177-178 tricyclic antidepressants as, 660, 662, 663
of urologic system, 736-737 Anticholinesterases, bradycardia associated
peripheral, risk stratification for, 6-7 with, 207
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) Anticoagulant mechanisms, in hemostasis,
chronic kidney disease and, 622-623 136-137, 137b, 137f
for congestive heart failure, 235-236, 238 Anticoagulation/anticoagulants
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, for cerebral ischemic events, 560
682-683 for thromboembolism prevention
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) bridge approach to, 108, 109b
inhibitors in cardiovascular disease, 190
chronic kidney disease and, 622-623 mechanical heart valves and, 691-692
perioperative indication(s) for CHADS2 score in, 689
congestive heart failure as, 235-236, 238 indications for. See Deep vein thrombosis
in noncardiac surgery, 243 (DVT); Pulmonary embolism (PE).
myocardial infarction as, 176, 181 problems in, 108-114
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, specific agents for, 95-97, 95b, 96b, 98b
681-682 neuraxial anesthesia and, 692-693
Anion gap, in chronic kidney disease, 616 perioperative management of, 678t-679t,
Anklyosing spondylitis (AS), perioperative 688-693
management of, 637-638, 642 antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and,
Antiarrhythmics, perioperative management of, 652-653
678t-679t, 685-686 for atrial fibrillation, 206, 209-210, 215,
Antibiotic(s) 689-690
diarrhea associated with, 305-308, 306t for bariatric surgery, 405, 406-407
gastrointestinal bleeding caused by, 316 for cardiovascular disease, 189-190
for bacterial overgrowth, in small bowel for prosthetic heart valves, 200-201
resection, 339 in ophthalmologic patient, 456
for cirrhotic patients, 385-386 in pregnant patient, 479
for Crohn’s disease, 288 preoperative laboratory testing for, 31t
for esophagitis, 315-316 small intestinal hemorrhage induced by, 316
for gastrointestinal fistula, 342 Anticonvulsants
for H. pylori infection, 278t-279t, 282 for alcohol withdrawal, 504
for hepatic encephalopathy, 506 for epilepsy, 555, 556t, 557
for ischemic colitis, 309 postoperative confusion and, 570
for obstructive jaundice prophylactic, for head injury patients, 558
endotoxemia indications, 373-374 Anti-D globulin, for idiopathic immune
surgical indications, 374, 375 thrombocytopenic purpura, 143
for pseudomembranous colitis, 307 Antidepressants, perioperative management of,
for pulmonary complications, 265 680t-681t, 699-702
myasthenia gravis exacerbated by, 540-541, monoamine oxidase inhibitors as, 657, 659t,
540t 665
postoperative jaundice related to, 322, 323t selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as,
prophylaxis with. See Antimicrobial prophy- 657, 658t, 663-665
laxis. tricyclic, 657, 658t, 660, 661t, 662-663
recent oral use of, supplemental preoperative Antiemetics
testing for, 30t, 31t for nausea and vomiting, 304
resistance to, 39, 40 for pregnant patient, 481t, 482
Antibody(ies) Antifibrinolytic agents, for coagulopathy, in
in anemia, 125-126 liver disease, 381
in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 144 Antihistamines, perioperative management of,
in hepatitis diagnosis, 357t, 358t, 365 678t-679t, 696-697
in inflammatory bowel disease, 286 Anti-hyperglycemic agents
to clotting factors, 148 insulin as. See Insulin therapy.
Anticholinergic agents oral, 414-416, 417t
cognitive dysfunction related to, 589, 594, perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t,
595b 426t, 427
confusion related to, 572 Antihypertensive therapy, perioperative
for parkinsonism, 553, 553t, 554 for chronic kidney disease, 613
inhaled, perioperative management of, 678t- for hypertension, 183-185
679t, 695-696 in noncardiac surgery, 241-242, 243-244

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782 Index
Anti-inflammatory drugs Antithyroid medications, for hyperthyroidism,
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 634 439, 440
nonsteroidal. See Nonsteroidal anti- Anti-tumor necrosis agents, for systemic
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). autoimmune arthritis, 641-642
Antimicrobial prophylaxis, 35-48 Antiviral agents, for esophagitis, 315-316
chronic kidney disease and, 619-620 Antrectomy, for peptic ulcer disease, 332
for cardiothoracic surgery, 40, 41t, 43 Antrum, biopsy of, for peptic ulcer disease,
for endocarditis prevention, 201-203, 202b, 280-281
204t Aorta, abdominal, resection of, antimicrobial
for gastrointestinal surgery, 38-39, 41t, 43t, prophylaxis for, 43t, 48
44-45 Aortic aneurysm, abdominal, repair of
for genitourinary tract surgery, 39, 41t, 43t, 46 endovascular, 169
for gynecologic surgery, 41t-42t, 46-47. See in elderly patient, 598-599
also specific procedure, e.g., Hysterec- pulmonary complications with, 259
tomy. risks of, 259
for laparoscopic surgery, 714, 715, 716, 717 Aortic regurgitation
for neurosurgery, 42t, 47, 770, 771-772, 774 clinical aspects of, 194-195
for obstetric surgery, 722, 723, 724 perioperative management and risks of,
for ophthalmologic surgery, 42t, 47, 458-459 195-196
for orthopedic surgery, 42t, 47-48, 758-759, Aortic stenosis
761, 763, 767 clinical aspects of, 196-197, 199
for otolaryngologic surgery, 42t, 48 perioperative management and risks of,
for peripheral vascular surgery, 43t, 48 197-200
for urologic surgery, 39, 730-731, 732, 733, in elderly patient, 582, 589-590
734, 735, 737, 738, 739-740 Aortic surgery
general principles of, 38-40 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 43t, 48
indications for, 35-38, 36b, 37t, 38b cardiac risk with, 169, 259
Antimotility agents, for pseudomembranous stratification of, 163, 163b
colitis, 307 cross-clamping during, acute renal failure
Antineoplastic agents, diarrhea caused by, 306t risk with, 625, 626
Antiphospholipid antibodies (APLAs), in Aortic valve, bicuspid, perioperative complica-
systemic lupus erythematosus, 647 tions with, 239t
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APLAS) APLAS. See Antiphospholipid antibody
deep vein thrombosis risks with, 113-114, syndrome (APLAS).
651-653 APLAs (antiphospholipid antibodies), in
disease characteristics of, 647, 651-652 systemic lupus erythematosus, 647
mitral regurgitation related to, 190 Aplastic anemia, 141t
Antiplatelet therapy Appendectomy
for cerebral ischemic events, 560 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 45
for coronary stents, 168-169, 177-178, 244, in pregnant patient, 484-485
694 laparoscopic, 714-715
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, Appendicitis
693-695 acute, in pregnant patient, 483-485
for myocardial infarction, 179, 180 in elderly patient, 597-598
in ophthalmologic patient, 456 aPTT. See Activated partial thromboplastin time
qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 145-146 (aPTT).
Antipsychotics Aqueous humor, in ophthalmologic surgery,
for alcohol withdrawal, 504 752
for cocaine withdrawal, 514 Aqueous penicillin G, prophylactic, for surgical
for confusion, in elderly patient, 596 site infections, 41t
for psychiatric illness, 657, 659t, 666-667 Arachnoid matter, in spinal headache, 52
perioperative management of, 680t-681t, ARBs. See Angiotensin II receptor blockers
702-703 (ARBs).
Antipyretics, for thyroid storm, 440 ARF. See Acute renal failure (ARF).
Antirejection agents, for transplantations, 680t- Argatroban, for heparin-induced thrombocyto-
681t, 699 penia, 144-145
Antiretroviral agents, perioperative manage- Arginine vasopressin. See Desmopressin acetate
ment of, 678t-679t, 698-699 (DDAVP).
Antithrombin III Argon laser trabeculoplasty, 753
deficiency of, prophylaxis for, 110-111 Aripiprazole (Abilify), for psychiatric illness,
in hemostasis, 136, 137f 666t, 667
prophylactic, for deep vein thrombosis, 111 Arozullah cardiopulmonary risk index, 262

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Index 783
Arrhythmia(s) Artery(ies) (Continued)
alcohol abuse and, 507, 508 splenic, aneurysm of, in pregnant patient,
calcium disorders causing, 444, 445, 449 490-491
cocaine-induced, 515b, 517 surgery on, antimicrobial prophylaxis for,
hyperthyroidism associated with, 437, 438, 43t, 48
440 temporal, biopsy of, 753-754
in diabetic patients, 413 Arthritis, perioperative management of
malignant hyperthermia and, 546 crystalline, 642-644
obesity-related, anesthesia and, 61t, 62 osteoarthritis, 653
ophthalmic drugs causing, 456, 457t rheumatoid, 634-642
postoperative versus, 460 Arthroplasty
perioperative of cervical spine, for rheumatoid arthritis,
AICDs for, 228-229 636
atrial fibrillation as, 209-210 of joints. See Joint arthroplasty; specific
cardiac pacemakers for, 221, 222b, 226 joint.
causes of, 212 Arthroscopic surgery, on joints, antimicrobial
conduction abnormalities as, 220-221 prophylaxis for, 48
in cardiac transplant patient, 225 AS (anklyosing spondylitis), perioperative
fast rate. See Tachycardia(s). management of, 637-638, 642
following spinal cord injury, 225-226 ASA. See American Society of Anesthesiologists
identification and treatment of specific, (ASA).
212-220 Ascites
in neurosurgery, 770 hepatic
incidence of, 204-206 fluid and electrolyte replacement for,
long QT syndrome as, 221-225, 223b 383-384
medications for, 678t-679t, 685-686 operative risks associated with, 351, 362,
preoperative cardiac testing and, 164, 378, 389
166-167 pathophysiology of, 381
risk factors for, 160-161, 160t, 235, perioperative control of, 382-383
243 preoperative evaluation of, 381-382, 382t
multifactorial indices of, 205-206 pancreatic, 294
slow rate. See Bradycardia(s). Ascorbic acid, for contrast-induced nephropathy,
ventricular, 208, 210-212 630
preoperative Aspiration, of gastric contents. See Pulmonary
evaluation of, 164, 166, 209-212 aspiration.
significance of, 205-206 Aspirin
renal disease and, 611, 614-615, 628, 629 for cerebral ischemic events, 560
valvular heart disease causing for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b
aortic disorders, 196 for coronary stents, 177-178, 244
mitral disorders, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193, for systemic autoimmune diseases, 649t
194 for thrombocytosis, 135
Arterial blood gases perioperative indication(s) for
anesthesia impact on, 252 in ophthalmologic patient, 456
in pulmonary complications, 250, 252, 253f, myocardial infarction as, 179
257, 264 perioperative management of, 678t-679t,
COPD and, 256, 257 693
laparoscopic surgery and, 259 qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 145-146
muscular dystrophy effect on, 543 recurrent peptic ulcers caused by, 333
pregnancy effect on, 469, 471 thyroid storm contraindications for, 440
Arterial catheters use during pregnancy, 480, 481t, 482
for chronic kidney disease patient, 621 Asterixis, in metabolic encephalopathy, 567
pulmonary tremors with, 567-568
pacemaker lead cautions with, 228 Asthma
perioperative use of, 229-230, 620 cocaine abuse and, 520
Arteriovenous fistula, in kidney stone removal, postoperative exacerbation of, 253, 257-258
738 in elderly patient, 592
Arteriovenous (A-V) Impulse System, for deep prediction of, 264
vein thrombosis prophylaxis, 99 Atelectasis, postoperative, 250, 252, 259, 263,
Artery(ies) 268
carotid, stenosis of, 560, 562t, 563 in bariatric surgery, 406
coronary. See Coronary artery entries. in elderly patient, 592
renal, lesions of, 735-737 Atenolol, for hyperthyroidism symptoms, 440

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784 Index
ATN (acute tubular necrosis), renal failure A-V (arteriovenous) Impulse System, for deep
related to, 606, 626 vein thrombosis prophylaxis, 99
diagnosis of, 627-628 AV nodal blocking agents, 209, 225
Atracurium AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT),
chronic kidney disease and, 619 perioperative management of, 216-217
liver disease and, 353 AV reentrant tachycardia (AVRT), perioperative
Atrial fibrillation management of, 216-217
alcohol abuse and, 508 Axonotmesis, 572
aortic stenosis causing, 199 Azathioprine
hyperthyroidism associated with, 437, 438, for myasthenia gravis, 538-539
440 for systemic autoimmune diseases, 645,
mitral stenosis causing, 187, 188, 189 649t
obesity-related, anesthesia and, 61t, 62 Azithromycin, prophylactic, for endocarditis
perioperative management of, 206, 207, prevention, 204t
208, 213, 243 Aztreonam
postoperative management of, 213-215 prophylactic, for surgical site infections, 43t
preoperative evaluation of, 209-210 safety with liver disease, 385
stroke risk with, 560, 562
thromboembolic risk with
anticoagulation therapy for, 689-690, B
691-692 Bacterial endocarditis
CHADS2 score for, 689 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 201-203,
Atrial flutter, perioperative management of, 202b, 204t, 459
213-215, 243 cardiovascular disease indications for, 199,
Atrial pacemaker, wandering, perioperative 200
management of, 205 cocaine abuse and, 517
Atrial premature contractions, perioperative valvular heart disease risks for, 199, 202b
management of, 206, 213 Bacterial overgrowth, in small bowel resection,
Atrial septal defect, perioperative complications 338-339
with, 239t Bacterial peritonitis, cirrhotic ascites associated
Atrial tachycardia, multifocal, perioperative with, 381-382, 382t, 385
management of, 218 Balloon angioplasty, transluminal, for cerebral
Atrioventricular (AV) node. See AV entries. vasospasm, 566
Atropine, confusion related to, 572 Balloon valvuloplasty/valvotomy, percutaneous
Auscultation, of heart. See Heart sounds. for aortic stenosis, 198, 199-200
Autoimmune diseases for mitral stenosis, 188
myasthenia gravis associated with, 536 Band ligation, endoscopic
systemic, perioperative management of, for gastroesophageal varices, 387-388
633-653. See also Systemic autoimmune for gastrointestinal bleeding, 320
disease(s). Banding procedure, adjustable silicone gastric,
Autoimmune hepatitis 396-397, 396f-397f, 402t, 405
acute versus chronic, 356, 357t, 358, 358t, Barbiturates
363 for alcohol withdrawal, 504
operative risk associated with, 370-371 pharmacodynamics of, in obese patient,
Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators 404
(AICDs) Bariatric surgery, for obesity, 395-409
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40 cirrhosis and, 370
for long QT syndrome, 223-224 complications of, 332t, 336, 406-409
for ventricular arrhythmias, 211 long-term, 407-409
perioperative management of, 228-229 short-term, 406-407
Autonomic nervous system history of, 395
alcohol withdrawal and, 498, 500f-502f medical consultant role in, 402-403, 403b,
cardiac transplantation and, 225 409
spinal cord injury and, 225 outcomes of, 405-406
Autonomic neuropathy, in diabetic patients, 413 overview of, 396, 402t, 409
AV block perioperative management of, 403-404
perioperative postoperative management of, 404-405
in noncardiac surgery, 160, 213 preoperative assessment for, 401-403, 403b
management of, 220-221, 222b restrictive procedures, 396-397, 396f-397f,
tricyclic antidepressants causing, 662-663 402t
AV dissociation, perioperative management of, malabsorptive procedures combined with,
205, 219-220 396, 398, 398f-401f, 400-401, 402t

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Index 785
Barium radiography Bilirubin, serum
in gastroesophageal reflux disease, 276 increased, postoperative causes of, 322, 323t
in gastrointestinal bleeding, 320, 321-322 liver disease and, 350, 355, 361, 364, 368,
in gastrointestinal fistula, 342 389
in intestinal obstruction, 298 preoperative assessment of, 27, 28
in peptic ulcer disease, 280, 333 Billroth I anastomosis, 332
Becker’s muscular dystrophy, 542 Billroth II anastomosis, 311, 332, 334
Benzodiazepines Biochemical profiles, preoperative
chronic kidney disease and, 618-619 in healthy patient, 27-28
dependency on, perioperative management liver disease and, 350, 355-356
of, 527-529 Biologic therapy, for Crohn’s disease, 289
for alcohol withdrawal, 499, 502-503, 502t Biopsy(ies)
for cocaine withdrawal, 514 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 46
for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b antral, for peptic ulcer disease, 280-281
for epilepsy, 556t, 557, 558 intestinal, for colitis, 341
for psychiatric illness, 657, 658t, 660 liver, biochemical indications for, 356, 357,
liver disease and, 352-353 360
overdose of, antidote for, 528 long-term anticoagulation therapy and, 689
pharmacodynamics of, in obese patient, 404 lung
pharmacokinetics of, in elderly patient, 585t for rheumatoid nodules, 635
Benztropine (Cogentin), for parkinsonism, 553, thoracoscopy for, 708-709
553t mediastinal, thoracoscopy for, 709
␤-Hemolytic streptococci, antimicrobial muscle, for malignant hyperthermia, 546
prophylaxis for, 41t, 203 pleural, thoracoscopy for, 707-708
Beveled needle, for neuraxial anesthesia, 54-57, prostate, transrectal, 46
56f temporal artery, 753-754
Bicarbonate Bipolar electrocautery, endoscopic, for gastro-
deficit calculation, in chronic kidney disease, intestinal bleeding, 320
616 Bismuth subsalicylate, for H. pylori infection,
for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b 279t, 282
Bifascicular block, perioperative management Bisphosphonates, intravenous, for hypercalcemia,
of, 221, 222b 446, 448t
Biguanides, for diabetes management, 414-415, Black patch delirium, 569
417t Bladder. See Urinary bladder.
Bile acid sequestrants, 688 Blastogenesis, radiation exposure risks and,
Bile reflux gastritis, as peptic ulcer surgery 474, 475t
complication, 332t, 334 Bleeding
Bile salts control of, in chronic kidney disease, 605,
in choleraic diarrhea, 310, 337 609, 617-618
in obstructive jaundice, 372-373 disorders of. See also Coagulopathy(ies).
in steatorrhea, 337, 338 preoperative assessment for, 30t, 138-139
Biliary decompression, for obstructive jaundice, epidural catheter causing, 692-693
endoscopic versus percutaneous, 374-375 gastrointestinal. See Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Biliary stents, placement of in peptic ulcer disease, 283
for acalculous cholecystitis, 327 postoperative, 152-155, 153b
for obstructive jaundice, 374-375 causes of, 152-153
long-term anticoagulation therapy and, 689 evaluation of, 153-154, 153b
Biliary tract in orthopedic surgery, 757, 759, 762, 765
obstructions of management of, 154-155
hepatitis associated with, 356, 357t prolonged, 153
in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344 risks for. See specific procedure or surgery.
postoperative jaundice related to, 323t, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and,
324-325 699-700
pancreatitis involvement of, 294 spontaneous, platelet count and, 140-141
stasis in, postoperative cholecystitis related Bleeding times
to, 325-327 chronic kidney disease and, 605
surgery on approaches to correcting, 617-618
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 44-45 hemostasis and
liver disease risks with, 371-375, 372b evaluation of, 138, 139, 140
Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), 400, 400f, 402t liver disease and, 152
with duodenal switch, 400-401, 401f, 402t, prolongation of, 146-147, 147b
405 serial testing of, 151

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786 Index
Bleeding times (Continued) Body temperature
in qualitative platelet dysfunction, 145-146 elevated. See Hyperthermia.
platelet count and, 141 in immune hemolytic anemia, 125, 126
preoperative assessment of, 138, 139, 140 perioperative management of
in healthy patient, 25, 25b for ischemic heart disease prevention, 176
Blind loop syndrome, diarrhea in, 311 in elderly patient, 596
Blood donation, autologous, for anemia, 123 Body weight
Blood glucose ideal, obesity and, 59, 60t, 62
decreased. See Hypoglycemia. in volume overload management, for chronic
elevated. See Hyperglycemia. kidney disease, 612
perioperative control of. See Glycemic control, overweight. See Obesity.
perioperative. Boerhaave’s syndrome, nausea and vomiting
preoperative assessment of, 26, 27b causing, 305
Blood loss Bone marrow suppression
anemia and, 117-118, 120, 121 anemia related to, 119, 121, 123
anticipated large, cardiac risk with, 163-164, leukopenia related to, 131, 131t
163b thrombocytopenia related to, 141-142, 141t
anticipated low, preoperative laboratory Bone metastasis, osteolysis from, hypercalcemia
testing for, 29-30, 30t related to, 445
hypotension associated with, 317 Bowel cleansing, for hepatic encephalopathy, 387
pharmacologic reduction of, for anemia, Bowel infarction, mesenteric ischemia progress-
122 ing to, 330, 331
thrombocytosis associated with, 134 Bowel resection
Blood pressure complications of, 332t, 336-340
decreased. See Hypotension. for inflammatory bowel disease, 289
diastolic in pelvic exenteration, 725-726
perioperative elevation of, 182 Bowel rest
pregnancy effect on, 468-469 for ischemic colitis, 309
elevated. See Hypertension. total, for inflammatory bowel disease,
systolic, perioperative cardiac complications 290-291
and, 182 BPD. See Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD).
Blood salvage, intraoperative, for anemia, 122 Brachial plexus, injuries to, 574-575
Blood smear, peripheral, for anemia, 120-121 Bradycardia(s)
Blood transfusions etiology of, 207-208
for acute renal failure, 628 heart block and, 220-221, 222b
for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318 in ophthalmologic patients
hepatitis associated with, 323t, 324 drugs causing, 456, 457t
postoperative jaundice related to, 322, 323t postoperative, 460
red blood cell. See Red blood cell transfusions. perioperative management of, 205
requirements for. See specific procedure or reflex, 207-208, 208t
surgery. spinal cord injury and, 225-226
white blood cell, for leukopenia, 132 Bradykinesia, parkinsonism and, 549, 552
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) Brain
in kidney disease, 609 organic disease of, postoperative confusion
pregnancy effect on, 468t, 471-472 and, 570, 571
preoperative assessment of, 26, 27b tumors of, seizure risk with, 559
Blood viscosity, in erythrocytosis, 127 Breast cancer
Blood volume alcohol abuse and, 511
in erythrocytosis, 126-127, 128f, 129 pregnancy-associated, 487-488
in pregnant patient, 466, 482 Breast mass, in pregnant patient, 487-488
postoperative bleeding and, 152, 317 Breast milk, preoperative guidelines for, 85, 86t
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, preoperative laboratory Breast surgery, cardiac risk stratification for,
test study by, 19 162b, 164
Body fat Breathing. See also Diaphragmatic function.
anesthesia and, 60, 62-63 anesthesia impact on, 251
excessive. See Obesity. deep, for pregnant patient, 469
Body mass index (BMI), obesity and, 59, 60t, Breathing exercises, for pulmonary complica-
62, 393, 394t tion prevention, 269
bariatric surgery indications based on, 402, “Bridge anticoagulation,” perioperative ap-
403b proach to, 108, 109b
Body movements, signature, in metabolic in cardiovascular disease, 190
encephalopathy, 567-568 mechanical heart valves and, 691-692

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Index 787
Bromocriptine Calcium disorder(s), 444-451
for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 670 bariatric surgery causing, 408
for parkinsonism, 551, 552t, 554 homeostasis versus, 444
Bronchitis, chronic, exacerbation of, postopera- hypercalcemia as, 444-448
tive, 253, 255-257 seizures related to, 557
Bronchoaspiration. See Pulmonary aspiration. hypocalcemia as, 449-451
Bronchodilators, inhaled Calcium gluconate, for hypocalcemia, 450
for pulmonary complications, 266-267, 592 Calcium salts, for hyperkalemia, in chronic
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, kidney disease, 615, 621
695-696 Calcium supplementation
Bronchospasm for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318
cocaine abuse and, 520 for hypocalcemia, 450
in pulmonary complications, 257, 266 Calculi
ophthalmic drugs causing, 456, 457t gallbladder. See Gallstones.
Bruit, carotid urinary. See Kidney stones.
asymptomatic, 561, 562, 562t Caldwell-Luc sinusotomy, 746
perioperative stroke risk with, 562-563, 589 Caloric intake
Budesonide for chronic kidney disease, 624
for Crohn’s disease, 288 for chronic liver disease, 389
nebulized, 696 Caloric supplements, diarrhea caused by, 305
for asthma, 258 Cancer(s). See also Malignancy(ies).
Bulk agents, for constipation, 297 breast
BUN. See Blood urea nitrogen (BUN). alcohol abuse and, 511
Buprenorphine (Subutex), for opioid with- in pregnant patient, 487-488
drawal, 524-525 colon, in elderly patient, 600-601
Bupropion (Wellbutrin), for psychiatric illness, gastric, in elderly patient, 599, 601
664 hepatocellular, resection of, operative risk
Buspirone (BuSpar), for psychiatric illness, 664 associated with, 364t, 376-378
Bypass grafts, vascular, antimicrobial prophylaxis lung, in elderly patient, 600
for, 48 prenatal radiation exposure risks for, 474,
Bypass surgery 476t
coronary. See Coronary artery bypass surgery prostate, 599, 729
(CABG). Candida albicans, in esophagitis, bleeding
gastric. See Gastric bypass surgery. caused by, 315-316
intestinal, 311 Cannabis, perioperative management of,
complications of, 332t, 336-340 531-532
cocaine use and, 512
Carbamazepine, for alcohol withdrawal, 504
C Carbapenems, prophylactic, for surgical site
CABG. See Coronary artery bypass surgery infections, 39
(CABG). Carbidopa/L-dopa, for parkinsonism, 550-551,
Caffeine test, for malignant hyperthermia, 546 552t, 554
CAGE questionnaire, for alcohol abuse Carbon dioxide, peritoneal cavity distention
screening, 497 with, in laparoscopic surgery, 259
Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) Carbon dioxide tension, arterial (PaCO2)
chronic renal disease and, 611, 623 anesthesia impact on, 252
for myositis, 645-646 in pulmonary complications, 257, 264
Calcitonin, for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t Carbon monoxide, in smokers, 530
Calcitriol, for hypocalcemia, 450 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, ophthalmic use
Calcium channel blockers of, 456, 457t, 460
for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b Carboxyhemoglobin, cigarette smoking and,
for hypertension 255, 265
in chronic kidney disease, 613 Cardiac arrest
in pheochromocytoma, 442 hypocalcemia causing, 449
for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564 postoperative, 158
perioperative indication(s) for Cardiac catheterization. See Coronary angio-
congestive heart failure as, 238 graphy.
in noncardiac surgery, 242-243 Cardiac conditions, active, in noncardiac surgery,
ischemic heart disease as, 176 159-160, 160t
chronic, 178 evaluation algorithm for, 164, 165f, 166
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, Cardiac devices, placement of, antimicrobial
683 prophylaxis for, 40, 41t

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788 Index
Cardiac medications Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
diarrhea caused by, 305, 306t acute pancreatitis risk with, 327-328
myasthenia gravis exacerbated by, 540t, 541 acute renal failure risk with, 625
noncardiac surgery and liver disease risks with, 375-376
congestive heart failure and, 234-237 prolonged bleeding due to, 153
perioperative management of, 240-245 Cardiopulmonary disease, erythrocytosis
Cardiac output (CO) related to, 128, 128f, 129b
aging impact on, 582 Cardiopulmonary risk index, 21-22, 262
anesthesia impact on, 171, 172 Cardiothoracic surgery, antimicrobial prophylaxis
in congestive heart failure, 230-231, 237 for, 40, 41t, 43
in subarachnoid hemorrhage management, Cardiovascular disease
565 aging impact on, 582, 587
obesity impact on, anesthesia and, 61t, 62 antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and,
pregnancy effect on, 467t, 468-469 652
valvular heart disease and chronic kidney disease and, 605, 609-610
aortic disorders, 195-196, 197, 199 assessment of, 611-612
mitral disorders, 189, 191-190 ECT therapy and, 668-669
Cardiac risk noncardiac surgery in patients with, 157-245
chronic kidney disease and, 605, 609-610 active conditions and, 159-160, 160t
assessment of, 611-612 AICD management during, 228-229
congestive heart failure as, 231-232 anesthesia for, 171-173, 185, 199
crystalline arthritis and, 643 arrhythmias and
multifactorial index for. See Multifactorial following acute spinal cord injury,
Risk Index. 225-226
postoperative myocardial infarction and, 181 identification and treatment of specific,
predictors of 212-220
active cardiac conditions as, 159-160, 160t perioperative, 204-208, 208t
evaluation algorithm for, 164, 165f, 166 preoperative, 209-212
clinical, 158, 159, 160-161, 161b before transplant surgery, 169-170, 225
functional capacity as, 159, 161, 162f before vascular surgery, 163, 165f, 167
prior coronary disease as, 159, 160, 160t, cardiac medication management during,
161b 240-245
surgery specific, 159, 163, 166-168 cardiac risk assessment in, 160, 165f, 170
preoperative assessment of, 6 ACC/AHA guidelines for, 17f, 18
ACC/AHA guidelines for, 16, 17f, 158- highest factors in, 21-22, 31
164, 164t multifactorial factors of. See Multifactorial
algorithm for, 164, 165f Risk Index.
for noncardiac surgery, 157-169, 611-612 conduction abnormalities and
in elderly patient, 587 long QT syndrome, 221-225, 223b
stratification of perioperative, 220-221, 222b
in abdominal surgery, 250 risk factors for, 206-208, 225
in diabetic patients, 232, 412-413 congenital heart disease and, 202, 202b,
in noncardiac surgery, 157-158 239, 239t
surgery-specific, 163-164, 163b, 166-168 congestive heart failure and, 230-238
Cardiac surgery. See also Cardiopulmonary by- endocarditis prophylaxis for, 200, 201-203,
pass surgery. 202b, 204t
liver disease risks with, 364t, 375-376 hypertension and, 181-185
revascularization. See Coronary artery bypass hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and, 203
surgery (CABG). hypotension and, 185
Cardiac testing, preoperative indications for, invasive hemodynamic monitoring during,
noninvasive 229-230
algorithm for, 164, 165f ischemic heart disease and, 173-181,
for cardiovascular disease, 166-168, 168t, 170 175b
for chronic kidney disease, 611-612 permanent cardiac pacemaker management
for perioperative myocardial infarction, 181 during, 226-228
Cardiomyopathy preoperative laboratory testing for, 30t
alcohol abuse and, 508 vavular heart disease and, 185-201
hypertrophic, perioperative management of, pregnancy signs/symptoms versus, 469
203 rheumatoid arthritis associated with, 637
in liver disease, operative risk associated Cardiovascular system
with, 350-351, 354b aging effects on, 582
of obesity, 61t, 62 postoperative complications related to,
ventricular arrhythmias associated with, 211 591-592

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 788 1/3/08 1:23:53 PM

Index 789
Cardiovascular system (Continued) CC (closing capacity), in obesity-related hypox-
preoperative assessment of, 587 emia, anesthesia and, 61t, 65
alcohol abuse impact on, 508 Cefalexin, prophylactic, for endocarditis
cocaine abuse impact on, 514-518, 515b prevention, 204t
treatment of, 518b-519b Cefazolin, prophylactic
ephedra effect on, 703, 704t for endocarditis prevention, 204t
marijuana impact on, 531-532 for surgical site infections, 38, 39, 46
obesity-related derangements of procedure-specific, 41t-42t, 46, 48
general anesthesia and, 61t, 62 in cesarean section, 724
regional anesthesia and, 67-68, 68t in hysterectomy, 720
postoperative complications of. See Cardiac in neurosurgery, 772
risk. in orthopedic surgery, 758, 761, 763, 767
Cardioversion, for perioperative arrhythmias in urologic surgery, 739-740
electrical. See Direct current (DC) cardio- Cefotetan, 39
version. Cefoxitin (Mefoxin), prophylactic
pharmacologic, 215 for surgical site infections, 38, 39, 47
Cardioverter defibrillator, implantable. See in hysterectomy, 720
Automatic implantable cardioverter in urologic surgery, 733
defibrillators (AICDs). Ceftriaxone, prophylactic, for endocarditis
Carotid artery, stenosis of, 560, 562t, 563 prevention, 204t
Carotid bruit Cefuroxime, prophylactic
asymptomatic, 561, 562, 562t for surgical site infections, 41t-42t
perioperative stroke risk with, 562-563, 589 in neurosurgery, 772
Carotid endarterectomy, 560, 562t in orthopedic surgery, 759, 761, 767
cardiac risk with, stratification of, 163b, 164 Celiac disease, 311
in elderly patient, 599 Celiac sprue, hepatitis associated with, 356, 358t
Carotid pulse pressure, aortic stenois impact Central nervous system (CNS), general anesthe-
on, 197 sia impact on, 68-69
Carotid sinus massage, for paroxysmal supra- postoperative impairments related to, 69-77
ventricular tachycardia, 217 Central venous catheters
Carpal tunnel decompression, 774-775 for chronic kidney disease patient, 621-622
rheumatoid arthritis and, 634-635 pacemaker lead cautions with, 228
Cataract surgery Cephalosporins
cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164 for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 382, 385
extracapsular extraction as, 751 prophylactic. See also specific agent, e.g.,
intracapsular extraction as, 751-752 Cefazolin.
preoperative assessment for, 18, 455 for endocarditis prevention, 204t
risks of, 454 for surgical site infections, 38-39
Catecholamines procedure-specific, 41t-43t
confusion related to, 571 Cerebral angiography, for subarachnoid hemor-
in pheochromocytoma, 184, 441-442 rhage, 563-564
increased production of, during surgery, Cerebral edema, in craniotomy, 769
cardiac risks with, 170, 203 Cerebral ischemia
Catechol-O-methyltransferases, for parkinsonism, elective surgery timing and, 562-563
551, 552t management of, 560-561
Catheters/catheterization stroke risk with, 561-563, 562t
arterial Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
for chronic kidney disease patient, 621 loss of, spinal headache related to, 52, 54-56
pulmonary. See Pulmonary artery catheter. rhinorrhea, in transsphenoidal surgery,
cardiac. See Coronary angiography. 773-774
central venous Cerebrospinal fluid shunt, placement of, anti-
for chronic kidney disease patient, 621-622 microbial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47
pacemaker lead cautions with, 228 Cerebrovascular blood flow
epidural ECT impact on, 669
anticoagulation therapy and, 692-693 vasospasm and, 563-564, 566
cervical spine rheumatoid arthritis and, Cerebrovascular disease
636 anesthesia risks with, 74-75
for hemodynamic monitoring, perioperative ECT cautions with, 669
management of, 228, 229-230 management of, 560-561
pulmonary artery noncardiac surgery and, 158, 160, 161b
pacemaker lead cautions with, 228 perioperative management of, 559-566
perioperative use of, 229-230, 620 stroke as, 559-563. See also Stroke.
urinary, in pregnant patient, 472 subarachnoid hemorrhage as, 563-566, 564t

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790 Index
Cervical spine Choledocholithiasis, endoscopic sphincterotomy
fusion of, 757-759 for, 375
rheumatoid arthritis involvement of, 635-636 Cholelithiasis. See Gallstones.
perioperative management of, 636-637 Choleraic diarrhea, postoperative, 310, 337
Cesarean section, 723-724 Cholestasis, postoperative jaundice related to,
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 46 323t, 324, 325
surgical conditions as indications for, Cholesterol gallstones, as small bowel resection
489-490, 492 complication, 337
CHADS2 score, for thromboembolic risk, in Cholestyramine
atrial fibrillation, 689 for bile reflux gastritis, 334
Chemicals, malignant hyperthermia induced for diarrhea, 310, 311
by, 548t postvagotomy, 336
Chemoembolization, for hepatocellular Cholinergic crisis, in myasthenia gravis, 536-
carcinoma, 377-378 537, 541
Chemotherapy Chromaffin cells, tumors of, 441-442
anemia related to, 123 Chronic kidney disease (CKD), 607-624
cytotoxic acidemia management in, 616
for erythrocytosis, 130 acute renal failure versus, 607
for thrombocytosis, 134, 135 anemia related to, 123
leukopenia associated with, 130-131, 131t conditions associated with, 123, 608-610
thrombocytopenia related to, 141, 142, 142t creatinine clearance in, 607, 608
Chest pain, cardiac. See Angina. glomerular filtration rate in, 606, 607-608
Chest physical therapy, for pulmonary compli- stages based on, 608, 608t
cations, 266, 592 hematologic disorders related to, 123, 605,
Chest radiography 609, 610-611
in preoperative assessment, 6b, 19-21 management of, 616-618
recommendations for, 21 hyperkalemia management in, 614-616
pregnancy effect on, 467t hypertension management in, 613
CHF. See Congestive heart failure (CHF). intraoperative considerations of, 618-622
Child risk classification, of liver disease, 28 anesthesia and, 618-619
Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system, for antibiotic prophylaxis and, 619-620
cirrhosis, 361-362, 361t fluid and electrolyte management, 620-621
biliary tract surgery and, 371, 374 hemodynamic monitoring and, 620-621
hepatic resection and, 377 vascular access and, 621-622
operative risk associated with, 354b, perioperative considerations of, 605-606
361-363 postoperative management of, 622-624
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) fluid-electrolyte abnormalities and, 624
for alcohol withdrawal, 502t, 503 nutrition and, 623-624
for psychiatric illness, 660 pharmacotherapy and, 622-623
liver disease and, 352 preoperative assessment of
perioperative indications for, 529 cardiovascular risk in, 611-612
Chloride, serum, preoperative assessment of, history and physical examination in, 610
26, 27b laboratory testing for, 610-611
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) volume status management in, 612-610, 614
for psychiatric illness, 666t Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
perioperative management of, 702-703 (COPD), postoperative exacerbation of,
Cholangitis, 374, 375 250, 253, 255-257
Cholecalciferol, for hypocalcemia, 450 in elderly patient, 592
Cholecystectomy prediction of, 264, 269
bariatric surgery indications for, 408 Chvostek’s sign, 449
complications of, 332t, 343-344 Cigarettes. See Smoking.
diarrhea resulting from, 310-311 Cimetidine
in pregnant patient, 486 confusion related to, 572
laparoscopic, 713-714 for peptic ulcer disease, 278t
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 44 for tricyclic antidepressant overdose, 663
liver disease risks with, 371, 372b Ciprofloxacin
Cholecystitis for bacterial overgrowth, in small bowel
acalculous, postoperative, 325-326 resection, 339
management of, 327 for cholangitis, 375
in elderly patient, 598, 599 prophylactic, for surgical site infections,
in pregnant patient, 485-486 39, 46
Cholecystostomy, liver disease indication for, 371 procedure-specific, 41t, 43t

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Index 791
Cirrhosis Clopidogrel
alcoholic, 367, 509 for cerebral ischemic events, 560
Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system for, 361- for coronary stents, 177-178, 244
362, 361t, 371, 377 perioperative management of, 678t-679t,
clinical characteristics of, 360-361 694
hemodynamic effects of, 350-351 qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146
hepatocellular carcinoma associated with, Closing capacity (CC), in obesity-related
376 hypoxemia, anesthesia and, 61t, 65
inflammatory bowel disease cautions with, Clostridium difficile, colitis caused by, 286
290 antibiotics associated with, 305-308
MELD score for, 364, 371, 375 Clostridium spp.
operative risk associated with, 361-364, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t
362-363 colitis caused by, 307-308
Child-Turcotte-Pugh score correlation to, Clotting factors. See also specific factor.
354b, 361-363 in hemostasis, 136-137, 137b, 137f
predictive variables of, 362-363 liver disease and, 152, 378
risk factors for, 363-364, 364t partial thromboplastin time prolongation
surgery-specific, 371, 374, 377 and, 147b, 148
preoperative screening for, 355 postoperative bleeding and, 152
Cisapride pregnancy effect on, 467-468, 468t
for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 277, 279 prothrombin time prolongation and,
for gastroparesis, 301-302 147-148, 147b
Cisatracurium, liver disease and, 353 Clozapine (Clozaril), for psychiatric illness,
Citalopram (Celexa), for psychiatric illness, 666, 666t
664 CMV. See Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
CIWA-Ar (Clinical Institute Withdrawal CNIs. See Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs).
Assessment), for alcohol withdrawal, CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS).
499, 500f-502f CO. See Cardiac output (CO).
CKD. See Chronic kidney disease (CKD). Coagulation
Clarithromycin acquired inhibitors of, 147-148
for H. pylori infection, 278t-279t, 282 in hemostasis, stages of, 136-137, 137b,
prophylactic, for endocarditis prevention, 137f
204t preoperative studies of
ClCr. See Creatinine clearance (ClCr). for hemostasis, 137-140, 139t
“Clear for surgery,” 4 in healthy patient, 24-26, 25b
Clear liquids, preoperative guidelines for, 85, Coagulopathy(ies)
86t cocaine abuse and, 517
Clindamycin deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92
for endometritis, 723 in hemostasis
prophylactic acquired, 151-155
for endocarditis prevention, 204t congenital, 149-151
for surgical site infections, 39 differential diagnosis of, 146-148, 147b
procedure-specific, 42t-43t, 48 preoperative evaluation of, 139-140, 139t
in neurosurgery, 773 in liver disease, 357, 361, 364
in orthopedic surgery, 759, 761, 763, 767 operative risk associated with, 354b, 355,
Clinical assessment 357, 371
for pulmonary complication prediction, 264 perioperative management of, 378,
in preoperative assessment, 15, 18, 29 380-381
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment treatment of, 151-152, 389
(CIWA-Ar), for alcohol withdrawal, 499, preoperative assessment for, 30t
500f-502f hemostatic challenge in, 139-140, 139t,
Clinical predictors, of perioperative cardiovas- 152
cular risk, 158, 159-161, 161b systemic lupus erythematosus and, 647, 648
preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f, 165f, Coagulum, in spinal headache management, 58
166-167 Cocaine dependence
vascular surgery and, 163, 165f, 167 background on, 512-513
Clonidine medical complications of, 513-520, 515b
for alcohol withdrawal, 503 cardiovascular, 514-518, 518b-519b
for opioid withdrawal, 525-526 neurologic, 520
perioperative management of, 684-685 pulmonary, 518, 520
Clonidine withdrawal syndrome, 183, 243-244 perioperative management of, 512-520
perioperative management of, 684-685 Cocaine intoxication, 513

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792 Index
Cocaine withdrawal, 513, 514 Comorbidities (Continued)
Cockroft-Gault equation, for creatinine of liver disease, 353-354
clearance, 583, 590, 608 abdominal surgery and, 378, 379t
Codeine of obesity, 60, 61t, 393, 394b, 402
for short bowel syndrome, 338 weight loss surgery and, 405-406
use during pregnancy, 481t, 482 of ophthalmic surgery, 454, 459
Cognitive dysfunction of pulmonary complications, 269-270
in elderly patient Complete blood count, preoperative assessment
delirium as, 592-596, 593b, 594t, 595b of, 23-24, 24b
drugs causing, 585, 589, 591, 594, 595b Complete heart block, perioperative management
preoperative evaluation of, 587-589, 588t of, 220-221, 222b
postoperative Complex consultation, 10
aging impact on, 592-596, 593b, 594t, 595b Comprehensive consultation, 9-10
anesthesia-related, 69-74. See also Postop- Computed tomography (CT)
erative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). helical, fetal radiation exposure with, 479
Colchicine, for crystalline arthritis, 643, 644, in acalculous cholecystitis, 327
650t in acute pancreatitis, 328
Colectomy of pulmonary embolism, in pregnant patient,
complications of, 332t, 340 479
for ulcerative colitis, 287 Computed tomography angiography, for
Colitis pulmonary embolism, in pregnant
bleeding caused by, 316 patient, 479
diversion, as colostomy complication, 332t, Conduction disturbances, cardiac. See Heart
341-342 block.
infectious, 286 Confusion/confusional state, 567
ischemic acute. See Delirium.
bleeding caused by, 316 postoperative
diarrhea caused by, 308-309 in elderly patient, 585, 589, 591, 594,
management of, 309 595b
pseudomembranous, C. difficile associated drug-related, 594-595, 595b
with, 305-308 in ophthalmologic patient, 459-460, 461
Collagen, growth stimulation of, for spinal perioperative considerations of, 569-571
headache, 58 Congenital heart disease
Colon erythrocytosis related to, 128
angiodysplasia of, bleeding caused by, perioperative cardiac risks with, 239, 239t
316-317, 321 repair of, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 202,
dilatation of 202b
ischemic colitis causing, 309 Congenital malformations, fetal radiation expo-
postsurgical pseudo-obstructions causing, sure and, 474, 475t
301 Congestive heart failure (CHF)
diverticulosis of, bleeding caused by, 316- acute, treatment of, 237-238
317, 321 alcohol abuse and, 508
inflammation of, mucosal versus transmural, aortic stenosis causing, 197, 198
285 as postoperative complication factor
pseudo-obstruction of in elderly patient, 591-592
complications of, 301 pulmonary causes, 269
factors contributing to, 298-299, 300b cocaine abuse and, 517, 518
management of, 299-301 compensated chronic, approach to, 233-234
Colon cancer, in elderly patient, 600-601 ECT and, 669
Colonoscopy, for gastrointestinal bleeding, 321 epidemiology of, 230
Colorectal surgery in congenital heart disease, perioperative
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-39, 41t, 45 complications with, 239, 239t
in elderly patient, 599 ophthalmic drugs causing, 456, 457t
for cancer, 600-601 pathophysiology of, 230-231
Colostomy perioperative in noncardiac surgery, 158,
complications of, 332t, 340 160, 160t, 161b
in pelvic exenteration, 725-726 diagnosis of, 233
Coma, general anesthesia creation of, 68 management of, 233-234, 237-238
Comorbidities long-term medications in, 234-237
of anemia, 118 preoperative cardiac testing and, 166-167
of cardiovascular disease, 159, 160-161, risk for development of, 171, 231-232
161b timing of occurrence, 232-233
of endocrine disorders, 411-412, 436 pregnancy signs/symptoms versus, 469

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Index 793
Conjunctiva, in ophthalmologic surgery, 752 Coronary artery disease (Continued)
Consciousness, altered chronic, 178
general anesthesia causing, 68 preoperative cardiac testing and
in metabolic encephalopathy, 569 algorithm for, 164, 165f, 167, 168, 170
Conservative treatment. See also Supportive before vascular surgery, 163, 165f, 167
therapy. stroke risk with, 560, 561, 562
of gastrointestinal fistula, 343 Coronary stents/stenting
of spinal headache, 57-58 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40, 41t
Constipation, postoperative antiplatelet therapy for, 168-169, 177-178,
causes of, 295, 296b-297b 244, 694
management of, 297 drug-eluting, 169, 177-178
Consultation report, guidelines for, 2-3, 11 perioperative management of
Consultations for ischemic heart disease, 177-178
medical. See Medical consultation. in noncardiac surgery, 168, 244
specialty. See Specialist consultation. Coronary syndromes
Contamination, of surgical wound cocaine-induced, 515-516, 515b
prevention of treatment of, 518b-519b
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-48, 203 unstable, preoperative cardiac testing and,
nonantimicrobial interventions for, 164, 165f, 167
36-37, 38b Corticosteroids
procedure-related rates of, 36, 37t adrenal insufficiency and, 429-434
risk factors for, 35-36, 36b confusion related to, 572
Continent urinary diversions, cystectomy and, for Crohn’s disease, 288
732-733 for idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic
Continuous dialysis, intraoperative indications purpura, 143
for, 620 for immune hemolytic anemia, 125-126
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for myasthenia gravis, 538-539
for pulmonary complications, 266, 269 for myositis, 645-646
in bariatric surgery, 406 for ophthalmologic patient, postoperative
nasal, for sleep apnea, 261 problems with, 461-462
Contrast-induced nephropathy, 629-630 for pulmonary complications, 267
Convulsions. See Seizures. for systemic autoimmune diseases, 640-641,
Coombs test, preoperative, for anemia, 120 642, 643, 644, 649t
COPD. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary for ulcerative colitis, 287
disease (COPD). gastrointestinal complications of, 291
Coronary angiography high-dose, glycemic control and, 419, 429
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40, 41t stress-dose. See Stress-dose steroids.
preoperative cardiac testing and, 164 Cortisol
Coronary angioplasty diurnal variation of, 430, 433
for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b in ACTH stimulation testing, 432
percutaneous transluminal, for perioperative physiologic stress impact on, 429-430
ischemic heart disease, 177-178 Cortisone (Cortone), glucocorticoid equivalen-
preoperative cardiac testing and, 164, 167, cies of, 431t
168 Cosyntropin stimulation test
thyroid hormone replacement therapy and, chronic kidney disease and, 614
436 of HPA axis function, 443
Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) Cough, in pulmonary complications, 250,
carotid endarterectomy combined with, 561, 253f
563 asthma and, 257
for perioperative ischemic heart disease, COPD and, 256
176-177 management of, 265-267
in elderly patient, 598 smoking and, 254
preoperative cardiac testing and, 164, 165f, Cough test, 256
166, 167 COX-2. See Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) entries.
thyroid hormone replacement therapy and, CPAP. See Continuous positive airway pressure
436 (CPAP).
Coronary artery disease CPK. See Creatine phosphokinase (CPK).
chronic kidney disease and, 610, 612 “Crack lung,” 520
nicotine replacement therapy and, 531 Cranial nerve V, injuries to, 574
noncardiac surgery and, 158, 159, 160, Craniotomy, 769-771
160t, 161b antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47
perioperative management of, 173, 175b, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for,
176 102-104, 104t

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794 Index
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
muscle, in myositis, 645, 646 in esophagitis, bleeding caused by, 315-316
serum, in acute renal failure, 628 liver disease and, 357t
Creatinine, serum
in kidney disease, 605, 606, 607, 609
pregnancy effect on, 468t, 471-472 D
preoperative assessment of Dalteparin, prophylactic, for deep vein throm-
in elderly patient, 583, 590 bosis, 96-97, 96b
in healthy patient, 26-27, 27b Dantrolene, for malignant hyperthermia, 547
Creatinine clearance (ClCr) DC cardioversion. See Direct current (DC)
aging impact on, 583, 590 cardioversion.
in chronic kidney disease, 607-608 DDAVP. See Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP).
Cricoarytenoid joint dysfunction, rheumatoid Débridement, of acute pancreatitis necrosis,
arthritis causing, 635-636 293, 294, 328
Critical care myopathy, 547, 549 Decompression
Critical care neuropathy, 547, 549 colonic, for postsurgical dilatation, 301
Critical illness polyneuropathy, 549 nasogastric
Crohn’s disease, 285-291 for ileus, 674
clinical characteristics of, 285, 289, 341 in pregnant patient, 487
complications of, 286-291 for pulmonary complication prevention,
drug therapy for, 288-289 268, 270
intraoperative considerations of, 289-290 surgical
perioperative management of, 286, 341 of facial nerve, 743
Cryoprecipitate, for bleeding disorders of pancreatic pseudocyst, 295
in chronic kidney disease, 605, 618 Decubitus ulcers, in diabetic patients, 413
in hemophilia A, 150 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 91-114
in liver disease, 380 acute, 109-110
qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146 anticoagulation for
von Willebrand factor deficiency and, 151 bridge approach to, 108, 109b
Crystalline arthritis, perioperative management in pregnant patient, 479
of, 642-644 perioperative management of, 690-691
CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). problems in, 108-114
CT. See Computed tomography (CT). calf, risk categories for, 92-95, 94t, 110
Culture(s) etiology of, 91-92
ascitic fluid, 382, 382t in pregnant patient, diagnosis of, 477f, 478
urine, positive preoperative, antimicrobials perioperative approach to, 6, 108-109, 109b
for, 41t, 46 postoperative
Cyanosis, in congenital heart disease, perioper- classification of, 92-95, 94t
ative complications with, 239, 239t in elderly patient, 592
Cyclocryotherapy, in ophthalmologic surgery, prophylaxis for, 95-114
752 activated protein C resistance in, 112
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) agents antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in,
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 639, 649t 113-114
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, antithrombin III deficiency in, 110-111
695 extended, 106-107, 108t
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor, for peptic external pneumatic compression in, 98-99
ulcer disease, 314 factor V Leiden in, 112
Cyclophosphamide gradient elastic stockings in, 99
for myasthenia gravis, 539 heparin in, 95-97, 95b, 96b
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 649t bridge approach to, 109, 109b
Cyclosporine heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in, 113
chronic kidney disease and, 623 in bariatric surgery, 405, 406-407
for myasthenia gravis, 539 in general surgery, 106, 107t
for ulcerative colitis, 287 high-risk, 108t
Cyst(s), ovarian, in pregnant patient, 489 in gynecologic surgery, 104, 105t
Cystectomy in hysterectomy, 104, 105t, 720
total, in pelvic exenteration, 725-726 in laparoscopic surgery, 713, 714-717
urinary diversion and, 732-733 in malignant diseases, 108t
Cystoscopy, 733-734 in neurosurgery, 102-104, 104t, 770, 771
Cytochrome P-450 in obstetric surgery, 722, 724, 727
chronic alcohol use induction of, 511 in orthopedic surgery, 99-102, 101t, 108t
SSRI effect on, 664 in pregnant patient, 478-479
St. John’s wort effect on, 703, 704t in thoracoscopy, 708-709, 710, 711

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Index 795
Deep vein thrombosis (Continued) Diabetes mellitus
in urologic surgery, 102, 103t, 731 end-stage renal disease associated with,
protein C deficiency in, 111, 112 608-609
protein S deficiency in, 111 glycemic control for
prothrombin gene mutation in, 112-113 postoperative strategies for, 16t, 422-424,
warfarin in, 97, 98b 425t, 427
bridge approach to, 108-109, 109b targets of, 413-414
proximal, risk categories for, 92-95, 94t, 110 noncardiac surgery and, 158, 160, 161b,
risk factors for, 92, 93b 232
in noncardiac surgery, 6 preoperative cardiac testing and, 167
preoperative assessment of, 92-95, 93b perioperative management of
Defense-enhancing agents, for peptic ulcer dis- for wound infection prevention, 37, 38b
ease, 278t glycemic control targets for, 413-414
Defibrillator, implantable. See Automatic im- in ophthalmologic patient, 461t, 462
plantable cardioverter defibrillators insulin in, 416-417, 418t, 419-421
(AICDs). nutritional supplementation and, 416-417,
Dehydration 420, 427-428
hypercalcemia causing, 445, 446-447 oral agents in, 414-416, 417t
postoperative, in ophthalmologic patient, postoperative complications related to, blood
460 sugar level and, 411-412, 427
Delirium preoperative evaluation of, 412-413
dementia versus, 593-594, 594t laboratory testing for, 30t
emergence, 68, 569 surgical procedures incidence with, 411
postoperative, 70-71 Diabetic ketoacidosis, 420
delayed, 71-74, 71t, 73t iatrogenic, 423
in elderly patient, 592-596, 593b, 594t, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
595b Disorders (DSM-IV)
management of, 569-570 delirium criteria in, 593, 593b
outcomes of, 569 substance abuse criteria in, 495, 496b
surgical risk factors for, 570-571 Dialysis
Delirium tremens (DTs), alcohol withdrawal continuous, intraoperative indications for,
causing, 498-499 620
Dementia intermittent. See Hemodialysis; Peritoneal
delirium versus, 593-594, 594t dialysis.
preoperative evaluation of, in elderly patient, Dialysis patient. See Renal failure.
587-589, 588t Diaphragmatic function
Dental procedures in pulmonary complications
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 48 anesthesia impact on, 251
endocarditis risk and, 201, 202, 204t management of, 266-267
long-term anticoagulation therapy and, 689 surgery site impact on, 258-259
Deodorants, for ostomies, 340-341 pregnancy effect on, 468, 469
Dermatomyositis, perioperative management Diarrhea
of, 645-647 antibiotic-associated
Desipramine (Norpramin), for psychiatric ill- gastrointestinal bleeding caused by,
ness, 661t 316
Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) postoperative, 305-308, 306t
for bleeding disorders postoperative, 305-312, 306t, 332t,
in chronic kidney disease, 605, 618 335-336
in hemophilia A, 150 blind loop syndrome and, 311
in liver disease, 380 cholecystectomy and, 310-311
qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146 drugs causing, 305-308, 306t
von Willebrand factor deficiency and, 151 evaluation of patient with, 311-312
for diabetes insipidus, 771, 774 fecal impaction and, 308
Detoxification ileal resection and, 310, 338
for alcohol abuse, 499, 502-504, 502t infectious, 309-310
for opioid withdrawal, 525 C. difficile colitis and, 305-308
Dexamethasone (Decadron) ischemic colitis and, 308-309
glucocorticoid equivalencies of, 431t, 432 pancreatic surgery and, 311
prophylactic, in craniotomy, 770 postvagotomy, 310, 332t, 335-336
DF (discriminant function), in alcoholic liver underlying diseases and, 311
disease, 368 Diastolic blood pressure
Diabetes insipidus, postoperative, in neurosur- perioperative elevation of, 182
gery, 770, 771, 773, 774 pregnancy effect on, 468-469

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796 Index
Diazepam (Valium) Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC)
for alcohol withdrawal, 502t, 503 liver disease and, 148, 152, 378
for epilepsy, 556t, 558 platelet destruction in, 142
for psychiatric illness, 660 postoperative
liver disease and, 352 prostate cancer and, 729
perioperative indications for, 529 treatment of, 152-155
DIC. See Disseminated intravascular coagulopa- Diuretics
thy (DIC). aggressive use of, acute renal failure related
Diet to, 627
holding of. See Fasting; NPO entries. for cirrhotic ascites, 383
modification of for congestive heart failure, 234, 235, 237
for chronic liver disease, 388-389 intravascular volume depletion with, 234,
for diabetes management, 425t 242
for dumping syndrome, 335 loop
for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 276 for acute renal failure, 628, 629
for obesity management, 394, 402, 403b for cirrhotic ascites, 383
for small bowel resection, 337, 338, 339 for hypercalcemia, 446-447, 448t
peptic ulcer pain and, 279-280, 282 osmotic, for ophthalmic conditions, 456,
solid, preoperative guidelines for, 85, 86t 457t, 458, 460
supplementation of. See Nutritional supple- perioperative management of, 678t-679t, 687
mentation. preoperative, for volume overload in kidney
Differential awakening, 75 disease, 612
Digitalis glycosides (Digoxin) preoperative laboratory testing for, 31t
for congestive heart failure, 235, 237-238 thiazide, for hypocalcemia, 451
ischemic colitis cautions for, 309 Diversion colitis, as colostomy complication,
perioperative 332t, 341-342
indications in noncardiac surgery, 215, Diverticulosis, of colon, bleeding caused by,
218, 219, 243 316-317, 321
pharmacokinetics in elderly patient, 585t Dobutamine stress echocardiography
preoperative laboratory testing for, 31t before transplant surgery, 170
Dilatation and curettage, uterine, 42t, 722 for cardiac risk, in chronic kidney disease, 612
Diltiazem, in noncardiac surgery, 214, 217, Dopamine
243 for acute renal failure, 628-629
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), for parkinsonism, preventive analogues of, 629-630
553, 553t for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 565
Diphenoxylate and atropine (Lomotil), for Dopamine agonists (Nonergot), for parkinson-
short bowel syndrome, 338 ism, 550-551, 552t
Dipyridamole Dopamine-1 receptor agonists, for hyperten-
for cerebral ischemic events, 560 sion, in chronic kidney disease, 613
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, Doppler echocardiography, for mitral regurgita-
694 tion, 192
qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146 Doxacurium, liver disease and, 353
Dipyridamole thallium imaging Doxepin (Sinequan), for psychiatric illness,
before transplant surgery, 169-170 661t
for cardiac risk, in chronic kidney disease, Doxycycline, prophylactic
612 for surgical site infections, 41t, 46
Direct current (DC) cardioversion, for periopera- in abortion, 723
tive arrhythmias Drainage, wound, in orthopedic surgery, 759,
atrial origin, 209, 212, 213, 214-215 762, 764
synchronized, 216, 219 Drainage procedures
ventricular origin, 218, 219 for chronic pancreatitis, 294-295
Discontinuation syndrome for cirrhotic ascites, 382-383
antihypertensives and, 243 postural, for pulmonary complications, 266
clonidine and, 183, 243-244 Droperidol, for nausea and vomiting, 304
Discriminant function (DF), in alcoholic liver Drug(s). See Medication(s).
disease, 368 Drug absorption
Disk surgery, lumbar, 772-773 in elderly patient, 585
Dislocation, of hip, postoperative total surgery impact on, 674-675
replacement, 766 Drug distribution, in elderly patient, 584
Dissection(s) Drug dosing, in chronic kidney disease, 606,
of retroperitoneal lymph nodes, 739-740 609, 610
radical neck, 748-749 postoperative, 622-623

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Index 797
Drug excretion, chronic kidney disease and, 609 Echocardiography
Drug interactions dobutamine stress
chronic alcohol use and, 511 before transplant surgery, 170
with fluoxetine, 701 in chronic kidney disease, 612
Drug kinetics, in obese patient, bariatric sur- Doppler, for mitral regurgitation, 192
gery and, 404 for valvular heart disease
Drug metabolism in elderly patient, 590
hepatic mitral regurgitation, 192
of anesthetic agents, 351-352 stenotic, 187, 188, 197
of perioperative medications, 352-353, transesophageal, for atrial fibrillation, 209
361 transthoracic, for valvular stenosis, 187-188,
in elderly patient, 584-585, 584b, 585t 197
Drug monitoring, therapeutic, for chronic ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), for psychiatric
kidney disease, 610, 611, 622, 623 illness, 668-669
Drug-eluting coronary stents, 169, 177-178 Edema
DSM-IV. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of cerebral, in craniotomy, 769
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). pulmonary. See Pulmonary edema.
DTs (delirium tremens), alcohol withdrawal Edrophonium (Tensilon), myasthenia gravis re-
causing, 498-499 sponse to, 536
Dubin-Johnson syndrome, postoperative jaun- EEG (electroencephalogram), indications for,
dice related to, 323t, 325 558, 571
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, 542, 544 Efavirenz, 678t-679t, 698
Duke Activity Status Index, of functional status Elastic stockings, gradient, for deep vein
in healthy patient, 16, 17f thrombosis prophylaxis, 99
preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f, 166 Elderly patient, 581-602
Dumping syndrome drug metabolism in, 584-585, 584b, 585t
as peptic ulcer surgery complication, 332t, illness presentations in, 597-601
335 cancer and, 599-601
bariatric surgery causing, 407 nonspecific, 597
Duodenal switch, biliopancreatic diversion surgery-specific, 597-599
with, 400-401, 401f, 402t, 405 physiologic effects in, 582-585
Duodenal ulcers, 279-280 postoperative complication(s) in, 591-596
Duodenum, in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 334, cardiac, 591-592
398, 399f deep venous thrombosis as, 592
Dura delirium as, 592-596, 593b, 594t, 595b
puncture of, spinal headache related to, 52, general, 591
54-56 hypothermia as, 596
epidural blood patch for, 58-59 pulmonary, 592
tear of, in lumbar disk surgery, 772 preoperative assessment of, 585-590
DVT. See Deep vein thrombosis (DVT). dementia evaluation in, 587-589, 588t
Dyspepsia general principles of, 585-586
functional/nonulcer, 281 history taking in, 586-589
ulcer. See Peptic ulcer disease. laboratory studies in, 19, 590
Dysphagia physical examination in, 589-590
myositis associated with, 645, 646 surgery in
parkinsonism and, 550 abdominal, 599
Dysplasia anesthesia for, 591
colonic vascular, bleeding caused by, cardiac, 598
316-317, 321 elective versus emergency, 157, 601-602
of gastrointestinal system, aortic stenosis malignancies and, 599-601
causing, 200 mortality rates of, 586, 601-602
Dyspnea, of pregnancy, 469, 471 risks of, 161, 163b, 581, 601-602
Dystonia, neuroleptics causing, 666, 669-670 special issues in, 597-602
vascular, 598-599
Elective surgery
E hyperthyroidism and, 439
Ears, external, foreign body removal from, in elderly patient, 157, 586, 601-602
741-742 liver disease and, 349, 353-354, 354b, 355,
EBP (epidural blood patch), for spinal head- 357
ache, 58-59 preoperative cardiac risk testing and, 163b,
EBV (Epstein-Barr virus), liver disease and, 164
357t timing of

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798 Index
Elective surgery (Continued) Embryo, radiation exposure risks and, 473-474,
after ischemic stroke, 562-563 475t
in peptic ulcer disease, 281 Emergence delirium, 68, 569
in pregnant patient, 472-473 Emergent surgery
Electrical stimulation, gastric, for gastroparesis, cardiac risk with
302 preoperative assessment of, 163b, 164,
Electrocardiogram 165f, 170
calcium disorders effect on, 445 stratification of, 163-164, 163b
chronic renal disease effect on, 611, 614-615 hyperthyroidism and, 439
cocaine abuse effect on, 515-516 in elderly patient, 157, 586, 601-602
in preoperative assessment in pregnant patient, 484-485
of arrhythmias, 212, 216, 218, 219-220 liver disease and, 364t, 371
of healthy patient, 8b, 21-23 preoperative fasting and, 87
recommendations for, 22-23, 31 EMI. See Electrocautery-induced electromag-
muscular dystrophy effect on, 545 netic interference (EMI).
neuroleptic effect on, 666, 667 Emollient agents, for constipation, 297
pregnancy effect on, 467t, 468 Emphysema, exacerbation of, postoperative,
tricyclic antidepressant indications for, 253, 255-257
662-663 Enalaprilat
Electrocautery, bipolar, endoscopic, for gastro- for congestive heart failure, 238, 243
intestinal bleeding, 320 intravenous administration of, 682
Electrocautery-induced electromagnetic inter- for hypertension, in chronic kidney disease,
ference (EMI) 613
in AICDs, 229 Encephalopathy
in pacemakers, 227, 228, 229 hepatic, 351, 357, 368, 389, 505-506
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), for psychi- perioperative management of, 386-387,
atric illness, 668-669 387b
Electroencephalogram (EEG), indications for, toxic metabolic, 567-568, 571
558, 571 Wernicke’s, 504-505
Electrolyte balance/imbalance Endocarditis, infective. See Bacterial
alcohol abuse causing, 507 endocarditis.
ascites and, 381 Endocrine disorder(s)
correction of, 383-384 alcohol abuse and, 511
chronic kidney disease and, 605, 609, 610 perioperative management of, 411-451
management of, 614-616, 624 adrenal insufficiency and corticosteroids
congestive heart failure and, 234, 235 as, 429-434
inflammatory bowel disease and, 290 calcium imbalances as, 444-451
postoperative diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia as,
in neurosurgery, 770, 771 411-429
in ophthalmologic patient, 460 pheochromocytoma as, 441-442
small bowel resection and, 332t, 336-338 pituitary diseases as, 443-444
pregnancy causing, 468t, 482 thyroid imbalances as, 434-441
preoperative assessment of, 26-27, 27b Endometritis, abortion-related, 723
urine, in acute renal failure, 627 Endomyometritis, cesarean section risk for,
Electromagnetic interference, electrocautery- 724
induced End-organ damage. See Target organ damage/
in AICDs, 229 dysfunction.
in pacemakers, 227, 228, 229 Endoscopic procedures
Electrophoresis, hemoglobin, for anemia, cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164
120-121 for obstructive jaundice, 374
Embolism(s) for postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344
air, in orthopedic surgery, 758 gastrointestinal
fat, 653 for bleeding, 319-320, 321, 322
in orthopedic surgery, 760, 766-767 in pregnant patient, 486
mesenteric ischemia caused by, 329 long-term anticoagulation therapy and,
immediate management of, 330-331 689
pulmonary, 91-114. See also Pulmonary lower gastrointestinal
embolism (PE). for diarrhea, 311-312
systemic. See Thromboses/thromboembolism. for ischemic colitis, 309
Embolization upper gastrointestinal, for peptic ulcer
angiographic, for gastrointestinal bleeding, 321 disease, 280-281, 333
chemical, for hepatocellular carcinoma, video capsule, for gastrointestinal bleeding,
377-378 322

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Index 799
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Epilepsy
anticoagulation therapy and, 689 drug therapy for, 555, 556t, 557
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 45 prophylactic use of, 558-559
for acute pancreatitis, 293-294 incidence of, 554
in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344 patient categorization in, 555
in pregnant patient, 486 perioperative considerations of, 554,
Endotoxemia, in obstructive jaundice, 373 557-559
prevention of, 373-374 seizure classification in, 554
Endotracheal intubation Epinephrine, for cocaine-related chest pain,
cervical spine rheumatoid arthritis and, 519b
635-636 Epoetin alfa, for anemia, 122, 123
failed, in pregnant patient, 474, 476 Epoprostenol (Flolan), for autoimmune disease,
obesity impact on, 61t, 63-64, 66, 68t 650
bariatric surgery and, 403-404 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), liver disease and,
Endovascular treatment 357t
of aortic and thoracic aneurysms, 169 Ertapenem (Invanz), 38
of subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564, 566 Erythrocytosis, 126-130
End-stage liver disease, 364, 389, 509 absolute versus relative, 126-127, 129b
End-stage renal disease. See also Renal trans- in thrombocytosis, 134, 135
plantation. physiologic consequences of, 126-128
cardiovascular risk in, 611 preoperative evaluation of, 128, 128f
diabetes mellitus associated with, 608-609 stress, 127, 129, 129b
Energy expenditure/requirement therapeutic considerations of, 129-130,
chronic liver disease and, 389 129b
for various activities, 16, 17f Erythromycin, prophylactic, for surgical site
in cardiovascular risk evaluation, 16, 17f, infections, 41t, 45
161, 162f Erythropoietin
preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f, in chronic kidney disease
165f, 166 for anemia, 616-617
obesity impact on, 61t, 62 production of, 609
Enfuvirtide, 698-699 in erythrocytosis, 127
Enoxaparin recombinant, for anemia, 123
chronic kidney disease and, 623 Escitalopram (Lexapro), for psychiatric illness,
prophylactic, for deep vein thrombosis, 664
96-97, 96b Esomeprazole, for gastroesophageal reflux
Enteral tube feedings disease, 277, 278t
for acute pancreatitis, 294 Esophageal disease
for liver disease, 388-389 gastric regurgitation risk with, 82,
insulin therapy for, 416-417, 420, 427-428 83t, 84
Enteroclysis examination, for small intestine in gastroesophageal reflux, 275-276. See
bleeding, 321-322 also Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Enterococci in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38 Esophageal surgery, antimicrobial prophylaxis
procedure-specific, 41t-43t for, 41t, 43
bacterial endocarditis associated with, 203 Esophageal ulcers, bleeding caused by, 316
Enterostomal therapist, 341 Esophageal varices
Enucleation, of eye, 754-755 alcohol abuse and, 510
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, fecal bleeding risk factors of, 290
antigen, for H. pylori, 281 endoscopic management of, 320
Eosinophils, urine, in acute renal failure, perioperative management of, 387-388
627-628 Esophagitis, bleeding caused by, 315-316
Ephedra (ma huang), 703, 704t Esophagus, perforation of, nausea and vomiting
Epidural analgesia causing, 305
cardiovascular disease and, 185, 199 Estazolam, for psychiatric illness, 660
for elderly patient, 591 Estrogen receptor modifiers, selective,
for pulmonary complication prevention, 268 678t-679t, 698
Epidural anesthesia. See Spinal anesthesia Estrogen therapy, conjugated, in chronic kidney
(SA). disease, 605, 618
Epidural blood patch (EBP), for spinal head- ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy),
ache, 58-59 737-738
Epidural catheter Ethanol, oral, for alcohol withdrawal, 502
anticoagulation therapy and, 692-693 Ethmoidectomy, 746
cervical spine rheumatoid arthritis and, 636 Euthyroid sick syndrome, 440-441

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800 Index
Evidence-based medicine Factor XI, for hemophilia C, 151
in cardiac risk assessment, 157-159 Factor XII, partial thromboplastin time prolon-
in hyperglycemia control, 413-414, 420 gation and, 147b, 148
in postoperative infection prevention, 35-36, Family history, in preoperative assessment, 16
38b Famotidine, for peptic ulcer disease, 278t
in preoperative laboratory testing, 19 Fasting
in pulmonary complications prevention, postoperative
269-270 glycemic control for, 422-427
Evisceration, of eye, 755 insulin therapy for, 422, 423, 424, 425t,
Exenteration, pelvic, 725-726 426t
Exercise, for obesity management, 394, 402, preoperative. See Preoperative fasting.
403b Fasting serum glucose
Exercise capacity perioperative control of, in ophthalmologic
as postoperative complication predictor patient, 461-462, 461t
cardiac, 161 pregnancy effect on, 468t
pulmonary, 264-265 Fat, body
in cardiovascular risk evaluation, 16, 17f, 161 anesthesia and, 60, 62-63
chronic kidney disease and, 611-612 excessive. See Obesity.
of elderly patient, 587 Fat embolism, 653
preoperative, 162f, 165f, 166, 168t, 170 in orthopedic surgery, 760, 766-767
Expiratory flow, anesthesia impact on, 251 Fat intake, restriction of, for small bowel resec-
Expiratory reserve volume, anesthesia impact tion, 337, 338, 339
on, 251 Fat-soluble vitamins
Extended consultation, 9 deficiencies of, bariatric surgery causing, 407
External ear, foreign body removal from, 741-742 for liver disease, 389
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), Fatty acids, short-chain, for diversion colitis,
737-738 342
Extraocular muscle surgery, 754 Fatty liver disease, postoperative jaundice re-
Extrapyramidal syndromes lated to, 323t, 324, 325
cocaine withdrawal and, 513 Fecal antigen test, for H. pylori, 281
neuroleptics causing, 666-667, 669-670 Fecal impaction, diarrhea caused by, 308
Eye drops Femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, lateral,
antimicrobial, in ophthalmologic surgery, injuries to, 576-577
42t, 47 Femoral head, osteonecrosis of, in hip fracture,
arrhythmias associated with, 208 760
perioperative management of, 456, 457t Femoral nerve, injuries to, 577
systemic complications of, 456, 457t, 458 genital, 578
Eye movement/position, in metabolic encepha- Fenoldopam
lopathy, 569 for acute renal failure prevention, 629-630
Eye surgery. See Ophthalmologic surgery. for hypertension, in chronic kidney disease,
Ezetimibe, 688 613
Fentanyl, chronic kidney disease and, 619, 622
Ferritin, in anemia, 121
F Fetogenesis, radiation exposure risks and, 474,
Facial nerve 475t
decompression of, 743 ␣-Fetoprotein (AFP) testing, for hepatocellular
injuries to, 574 carcinoma, 376
Factor IX Fetus
for hemophilia B, 150 surgical risk(s) for
partial thromboplastin time prolongation hypoxia as, 471, 476
and, 147b, 148 radiation exposure as, 473-474, 473t,
Factor V Leiden, deep vein thrombosis and, 475t, 476t
112 teratogens at 13 weeks gestation, 472
Factor VII, prothrombin time prolongation trauma to, 489-490
and, 147, 147b FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second),
Factor VIIa, recombinant activated preoperative assessment of, for COPD,
for bleeding, 155 256
for coagulopathy, in liver disease, 380 Fever, postoperative
Factor VIII abdominal pain with, 331
for hemophilia A, 149 in pulmonary complications, 250
partial thromboplastin time prolongation in systemic autoimmune diseases, 642, 643,
and, 147b, 148 648, 651, 653

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Index 801
Fiberoptic scope–guided procedures, of thorax. Fluvoxamine (Luvox), for psychiatric illness, 664
See Thoracoscopy. Folate deficiency
Fibrates, perioperative management of, 688 alcohol abuse and, 499, 510
Fibrin formation, in hemostasis, 136, 137b, 137f anemia related to, 121, 123, 124
Fibrin spit products (FSP) Follow-up care
in hemostasis, 136, 137b, 137f, 138 for bariatric surgery, 404-405, 408-409
postoperative bleeding and, 153 medical consultant role in, 4, 5
Fibrinogen Fondaparinux, prophylactic, for deep vein
liver disease impact on, 378 thrombosis, 96-97, 96b
pregnancy effect on, 467, 468t Food. See Diet; Nutrition entries.
Fibrinolysis, in transurethral prostate resection, Foot pump, for deep vein thrombosis prophy-
729 laxis, 99
Fibrinolytic system, in hemostasis, 137, 137b, Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1),
137f, 138 preoperative assessment of, for COPD, 256
liver disease impact on, 378, 380-381 Forced vital capacity (FVC), preoperative
First-degree AV block, perioperative manage- assessment of, for COPD, 256, 257
ment of, 220, 222b Foreign body, in external ear, 741-742
Fistula(s) Formication, 513
arteriovenous, in kidney stone removal, 738 Fosphenytoin sodium, for epilepsy, 554
as gastrointestinal surgery complication, Fracture(s)
342-343 hip
Crohn’s disease risk for, 288 deep vein thrombosis in
intra-abdominal, postoperative, 331 postoperative risk of, 94t, 95
urethrocutaneous, in open prostatectomy, 732 prophylaxis for, 100-102, 101t
urinary, in hysterectomy, 722 surgery for, 759-761
Flares, postoperative, of systemic autoimmune LeFort maxillary, repair of, 749
disease, 642, 643, 648 mandibular, repair of, 749
Fluconazole, for esophagitis, 315-316 nasal, reduction of, 745
Fludrocortisone, stress-dose regimen for, 434 periprosthetic, in total joint replacements,
Fluid imbalance. See Volume status. 762, 766
Fluid shifts Framingham study, cardiac risk predictors in,
acute renal failure related to, 626, 627 22, 31
extravascular, hypertension related to, FRC. See Functional residual capacity (FRC).
182-183 Fresh frozen plasma
in ascites, 381 for cirrhotic ascites, 383-384
correction of, 383-384 for coagulopathy
in prolonged surgery, cardiac risk with, 163, in hemophilia C, 151
163b in liver disease, 152, 380
perioperative, valvular heart disease manage- in postoperative bleeding, 154-155
ment and, 189 for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318
postoperative, prostate cancer and, 730 Frontal release signs, in metabolic encephalop-
Fluid therapy athy, 569
for cirrhotic ascites, 383-384 Frontal sinus, trephination of, 746-747
for contrast-induced nephropathy, 630 FSP. See Fibrin spit products (FSP).
for gastrointestinal bleeding, 317-318 Functional assays, in heparin-induced throm-
for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t bocytopenia, 144
for kidney disease Functional capacity/status
acute, 628 as cardiovascular risk predictor, 159, 161, 162f
chronic, 614, 620, 624 in chronic kidney disease, 611
for surgical infection prevention, 37, 38b preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f,
intraoperative, hypertension related to, 182 165f, 166
Flumazenil, for benzodiazepine overdose, 528 in preoperative assessment
Fluoroquinolone, prophylactic, for surgical site of elderly patient, 587
infections, 42t-43t of healthy patient, 16, 17f
Fluoxetine (Prozac) Functional dyspepsia, 281
drug interactions with, 701 Functional residual capacity (FRC)
for psychiatric illness, 664, 665 anesthesia impact on, 251-252
perioperative management of, 700-701 obesity-related hypoxemia and, 61t,
Fluphenazine (Prolixin), for psychiatric illness, 65-66, 66f
666t, 667 postoperative care for increasing, 268-269
Flurazepam, for psychiatric illness, 660 Fundoplasty, laparoscopic, 715-716
Fluticasone, for asthma, 258 Fundoplication, laparoscopic, 715-716

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802 Index
Fundus, fluorescein angiography of, 458 Gastric varices
Fusion, cervical, 757-759 alcohol abuse and, 510
FVC (forced vital capacity), preoperative perioperative management of, 387-388
assessment of, for COPD, 256, 257 Gastrin
in peptic ulcer disease, 332, 333
small bowel resection and, 339
G Gastritis, steroid-induced, in ophthalmologic
G20210A, deep vein thrombosis and, 112-113 patient, 461-462
Gabapentin, for alcohol withdrawal, 504 Gastroduodenal surgery, antimicrobial prophy-
Gallstones laxis for, 41t, 44
acute pancreatitis related to, 291, 292b, 294 Gastroduodenostomy, 332
bariatric surgery and, 402, 403b, 408 Gastroesophageal reflux disease, 275-279
cholesterol, as small bowel resection compli- anesthesia and
cation, 337 obesity-related, 61t, 64-65
Gangrene, intestinal, mesenteric ischemia pulmonary aspiration and, 82, 83t
progressing to, 330 bleeding caused by, 315-316
Garlic, 704t clinical aspects of, 275-276
Gas exchange. See also Pulmonary entries. complications of, 276
anesthesia impact on, 252 in pregnant patient, 471
Gastrectomy, partial, 311 perioperative management of
Gastric acid drug therapy for, 277, 278t, 279
buffers for, in pregnant patient, 477 supportive measures for, 276-277
gastroesophageal reflux disease and, 276, scleroderma and, 651
278t Gastroesophageal varices. See Esophageal varices;
hypersecretion of, as small bowel resection Gastric varices.
complication, 332t, 337, 338, 339-340 Gastrointestinal bleeding
peptic ulcer disease associated with, 280 alcohol abuse causing, 510
Gastric banding, adjustable silicone, 396-397, aortic stenosis causing, 200
396f-397f, 402t, 405 cocaine-induced, 515b
Gastric bypass surgery postoperative, 312-322
biliopancreatic, 400, 400f, 402t angiographic diagnosis of, 320-321
with duodenal switch, 400-401, 401f, colitis causing, 316
402t colonic diverticulosis and angiodysplasia
cirrhosis and, 370 causing, 316-317, 321
complications of, 332t, 336 endoscopic diagnosis of, 319-320
jejunoileal, 402t esophagitis causing, 315-316
outcomes of, 405-406 evaluation of patient with, 317, 318
Roux-en-Y, 334, 398, 398f-399f, 402t, 405 intra-abdominal hemorrhage in, 317
Gastric cancer, in elderly patient, 599, 601 lower tract, 316-317, 321
Gastric contents Mallory-Weiss tears causing, 315
aspiration of. See Pulmonary aspiration. management of, 317-319
clearance of mesenteric ischemia and infarction in, 316
for hepatic encephalopathy, 387 mortality rate of, 312
for surgery, 81, 84, 86. See also Preopera- small intestinal, 316, 321-322
tive fasting. stress gastropathy and ulceration causing,
Gastric distention 312-314
anesthesia and, pulmonary aspiration and, upper tract, 315-316, 321-322
82, 83t, 84 Gastrointestinal complication(s), postoperative,
as pulmonary complication factor, 268, 270 295-331
Gastric emptying abdominal pain and fever as, 331
anesthesia and, 84 acute pancreatitis as, 327-328
pulmonary aspiration associated with, 82, bleeding as, 312-322
83t cholecystitis as, 325-327
drug absorption and, 674 constipation as, 295, 296b-297b, 297
in afferent loop syndrome, 334 corticosteroid use and, 291
pregnancy effect on, 471 diarrhea as, 305-312, 306t
Gastric lavage, for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318 gastroparesis as, 301-302
Gastric outlet obstruction, peptic ulcer in gastrointestinal surgery, 332-344, 332t
perforation causing, 284 intestinal ischemia and infarction as, 329-331
Gastric ulcers, 279-280 intestinal pseudo-obstruction and obstruction
bariatric surgery causing, 408, 409 as, 298-301, 299b, 300b
malignancies versus, 281 jaundice as, 322-325, 323t
stress, bleeding caused by, 312-314, 319 nausea and vomiting as, 302-305, 303b

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Index 803
Gastrointestinal disease(s) Gentamicin
gastroesophageal reflux as, 275-279 for endometritis, 723
inflammatory bowel disease as, 284-291 prophylactic
pancreatitis as, 291-295 for surgical site infections, 41t-43t, 48
peptic ulcer disease as, 279-284 in laparoscopic surgery, 714
drug therapy for, 278t-279t in urologic surgery, 730, 733
perioperative management of, 275-295 GFR. See Glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Gastrointestinal tract Gilbert’s syndrome, postoperative jaundice re-
lower, postoperative bleeding in, 316-317, 321 lated to, 323t, 325
pregnancy effect on, 471 Ginkgo, 704t
upper, postoperative bleeding in, 315-316, Ginseng, 704t
321-322 Glaucoma, 455, 752
Gastrointestinal tract surgery Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-39, 41t, estimation of, 605
43-45 in chronic kidney disease, 606, 607-608
endocarditis risk and, 201, 202-203 stages based on, 608, 608t
complication(s) of, 332-344, 332t pregnancy effect on, 471-472
afferent loop syndrome as, 334 Glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythema-
anastomosis-related, 341 tosus and, 647-648
bile reflux gastritis as, 334 Glomus jugulare tumor, excision of, 744
diversion colitis as, 341-342 Glucocorticoids
dumping syndrome as, 335 diurnal variation of, 430, 433
electrolyte abnormalities as, 336-338 equivalencies of preparations of, 431, 431t
fistulas as, 342-343 for alcoholic liver disease, 368-369
gastric acid hypersecretion as, 339-340 for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t
malabsorption as, 338-339 for pituitary surgery, 443-444
metabolic, 336-337 high-dose, glycemic control and, 419, 429
ostomy appliances and, 340-341 inhaled, for asthma, 258
postcholecystectomy syndrome as, 343-344 physiologic role of, 429
postvagotomy diarrhea as, 335-336 stress-dose therapy with, 430-434
ulcer recurrence as, 332-333 dose and regimen selection for, 432-434,
volume depletion as, 336-338 433t
long-term anticoagulation therapy and, 689 indications for, 430-432
Gastrojejunostomy, 311, 332, 334 Glucose
Gastroparesis blood. See Blood glucose.
in diabetic patients, 413 urine
postoperative, 301-302 in pregnant patient, 472
Gastroplasty, vertical-banded, 396-397, preoperative assessment of, 28
396f-397f, 402t Glucose intolerance, postoperative, in ophthal-
Gastrostomy, percutaneous endoscopic, ascites mologic patient, 460
and, 389 Glucose-insulin therapy, for hyperkalemia,
Gemfibrozil, 688 in chronic kidney disease, 615, 621
Gender, as spinal headache factor, 54, 55f, 57 ␣-Glucosidase inhibitors, for diabetes manage-
Gene mutation(s), prothrombin, deep vein ment, 416, 417t
thrombosis and, 112-113 Glycemic control, perioperative
General anesthesia in diabetic patient, 411-412
cardiovascular disease and, 172-173 in ophthalmologic patient, 461-462, 461t
for elderly patient, 591 insulin for, 416-417, 418t, 419-421
pulmonary complications with, 251-253 thresholds for intravenous, 420
asthma and, 257-258 nutritional supplementation and, 416-417,
regional anesthesia versus, 52, 78-80, 80t 420, 427-428
obesity and, 67-68, 68t oral agents for, 414-416, 417t
General surgery, deep vein thrombosis prophy- surgical site infections and, 37, 38b
laxis for, 106, 107t targets for, 413-414
high-risk, 108t strategies to achieve, 16t, 422-424, 425t,
Genetic disorders, hepatitis associated with, 427
357t, 358, 358t Glycogen stores
Genitourinary tract surgery. See also Urologic alcohol abuse impact on, 507
surgery. liver disease impact on, 389
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 39, 41t, 43t, Goldman cardiac risk index, 21-22, 262
44-45 aortic stenosis in, 198-199
endocarditis risk and, 201, 203 of congestive heart failure, 231-232
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 102, 103t stratification classes of, 157-158

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 803 1/3/08 1:24:00 PM

804 Index
Gout, perioperative management of, 642-644 Head and neck surgery
Grafts/grafting, vascular, antimicrobial prophy- antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 48
laxis for, 48 endocarditis risk and, 202, 741
Gramicidin, prophylactic, for surgical site cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164
infections, 42t specific procedures in, 741-749
Gram-negative bacilli Head trauma, prophylactic anticonvulsants for,
enteric, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 558
41t-43t, 45 Headache
in orthopedic wound infections, 762, 765 spinal, 52-59. See also Spinal headache.
Gram-positive cocci, antimicrobial prophylaxis vascular, 53
for, 41t Health Technology Assessment program, 19
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, for Healthy patient, preoperative assessment for,
leukopenia, 131 15-31. See also Preoperative assessment.
Graves’ disease, 437, 439 Heart block
Group B streptococci, antimicrobial prophy- muscular dystrophy causing, 543, 545
laxis for, 41t, 203 perioperative
Growth factors in cardiac transplant patient, 225
for acute renal failure prevention, 629 in noncardiac surgery, 160
recombinant hematopoietic, for leukopenia, management of, 220-221, 222b
131 postoperative, 158
Growth failure, fetal radiation exposure and, tricyclic antidepressants causing, 662-663
474, 475t Heart disease
Gynecologic surgery, 719-727. See also Ob- congenital. See Congenital heart disease.
stetric surgery. ischemic. See Ischemic heart disease.
abortion as, 723 valvular. See Valvular heart disease.
infection prevention for, 42t, 46, 723 Heart failure
spontaneous, 148 congestive. See Congestive heart failure
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t-42t, (CHF).
46-47 decompensated, preoperative evaluation of,
endocarditis risk and, 203 166, 168
hysterectomy as, 719-722 fulminant, mitral regurgitation causing, 191
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, high-output, in thyroid storm, 440
104, 105t hypocalcemia causing, 449
infection prevention for, 41t, 47, 203 intractable, aortic regurgitation progression
laparoscopy as, 725 to, 195
pelvic exenteration as, 725-726 NYHA classes of, thiazolidinediones contra-
urinary incontinence correction as, 726-727 indication with, 415-416
uterine dilatation and curettage as, 722 obesity-related, 61t, 62
Heart murmurs
in aortic valve disorders, 197
H in mitral valve disorders, 187, 191, 194
H2-receptor antagonists. See Histamine pregnancy signs/symptoms versus, 467t, 469,
H2-receptor antagonists. 470f
Hallucinations, substance withdrawal causing, Heart rate
498, 513 anesthesia impact on, 170, 172
Haloperidol (Haldol) pregnancy effect on, 468
for alcohol withdrawal, 504 Heart sounds
for confusion, in elderly patient, 596 in congestive heart failure, 233
for psychiatric illness, 666t, 667 in pregnant patient, 467t, 468, 470
perioperative management of, 702-703 in valvular disease. See Heart murmurs.
Halothane, acute hepatitis caused by, 351-352 Heart valves
Halothane test, for malignant hyperthermia, diseases of. See Valvular heart disease.
546 prosthetic. See Prosthetic heart valves.
HAV (hepatitis A virus), preoperative screening Helicobacter pylori infection
for, 357t functional dyspepsia with, 281
HBeAg (hepatitis B e antigen), 365 peptic ulcer disease caused by, 280, 332
HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen), 355, 365 postoperative, 314, 319
HBV. See Hepatitis B virus (HBV). treatment of, 282-283
HCC. See Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). alternative therapies for, 279t, 282
HCV. See Hepatitis C virus (HCV). persistent, 279t
HDV (hepatitis D virus), preoperative screening quadruple therapy for, 279t, 282
for, 357t, 358t triple therapy for, 278t, 282

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Index 805
HELLP syndrome, 653 Hemodynamics
Hematemesis, postoperative, 318 alcohol abuse impact on, 508
Hematochezia, postoperative, 318 cirrhosis impact on, 350-351, 384
Hematocrit cocaine abuse impact on, 517
in erythrocytosis, 126, 128 ECT impact on, 668-669
treatment goals for, 129-130, 129b intraoperative, hypotension related to, 185
in obstructive jaundice, 372b, 373 obesity-related derangements of, anesthesia
Hematologic disorder(s) and, 61t, 62
alcohol abuse and, 510-511 perioperative
chronic kidney disease and, 123, 605, 609, congestive heart failure management and,
610-611 233-238
management of, 616-618 surgery-specific stress on, 163, 163b
cocaine-induced, 515b valvular heart disease management and
perioperative evaluation of, 117-155 aortic disorders, 195-196, 197-199,
anemia as, 117-126 199-200
erythrocytosis as, 126-130 mitral disorders, 186-187, 188, 189,
hemostasis as, 136-155. See also Hemostasis. 191-193
leukocytosis as, 132 pregnancy effect on, 467t, 468-469
leukopenia as, 130-132 renal failure impact on, 606, 607, 610
thrombocytosis as, 132-135 management of, 612-614, 620, 628
systemic lupus diseases and, 647, 648, 651, Hemoglobin, preoperative assessment of
652-653 in healthy patient, 23-24, 24b
Hematomas, epidural catheter causing, postoperative outcomes based on, 117-118,
692-693 118t
Hematopoietic growth factors, recombinant, for Hemoglobin A2, in anemia, 121
leukopenia, 131 Hemoglobin S, in sickle cell anemia, 124-125
Hemimandibulectomy, 748-749 Hemoglobinopathy. See Hematologic
Hemochromatosis, liver disease associated disorder(s).
with, 356, 358t, 370, 376 Hemolysis, after transfusions, postoperative
Hemoclips, endoscopic placement of, for gas- jaundice related to, 322, 323t, 325
trointestinal bleeding, 320 Hemolytic anemia
Hemodialysis alcohol abuse and, 510
access grafts for, antimicrobial prophylaxis immune, management of, 125-126
for, 48 ␤-Hemolytic streptococci, antimicrobial pro-
for chronic kidney disease phylaxis for, 41t, 203
anemia correction, 617 Hemophilia(s), hemostasis and, 139
hyperkalemia correction, 615, 624 therapeutic considerations of, 149-151
intraoperative indications for, 620 Hemophilia A, treatment of, 149-150
postoperative indications for, 624 Hemophilia B, treatment of, 150
preoperative indications for, 612-613, Hemophilia C, treatment of, 151
615-616 Hemorrhage
for hypercalcemia, 446 gastrointestinal
mitral regurgitation related to, 190 anticoagulant-induced, 316
preoperative assessment for, 30t intra-abdominal, 317
preoperative ultrafiltration stress ulcers causing, 280
for hyperkalemia, 615-616 postoperative. See Bleeding.
for volume overload, 612-613 subarachnoid, 563-566, 564t
Hemodilution thrombotic. See Thrombohemorrhagic
normovolemic, for anemia, 122 events.
therapeutic, for subarachnoid hemorrhage, trauma-related, in pregnant patient, 490
564-566 Hemostasis, 136-155
Hemodynamic augmentation therapy bleeding time prolongation in, 146-147,
for acute renal failure, 628, 629-630 147b
for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564-566 coagulation process in
Hemodynamic monitoring, invasive differential diagnosis of abnormalities of,
for chronic kidney disease management, 146-148, 147b
621-622 stages of, 136-137, 137b, 137f
for cirrhotic ascites management, 384 fibrinolytic system in, 137, 137b, 137f, 138
for gastrointestinal bleeding management, liver disease impact on, 378, 380-381
317-318 importance in surgery, 136
perioperative use of, 227, 228, 229-230, partial thromboplastin time prolongation in,
233-234, 620 147b, 148, 152

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806 Index
Hemostasis (Continued) Hepatic excretion, of drugs, in elderly patient,
preoperative evaluation of, 137-140, 139t 585
prothrombin time prolongation in, 147-148, Hepatic failure, fulminant, 357
147b, 152 operative risk associated with, 354b, 358
therapeutic considerations for, 140-155 Hepatic metabolism
acquired coagulopathies and, 151-155 of anesthetic agents, 351-352
coagulation abnormalities and, 146-148, of perioperative medications, 352-353, 361
147b Hepatic resection, liver disease risks with, 364t,
congenital coagulopathies and, 149-151 376-378
qualitative platelet disorders and, 145-146 Hepatitis
thrombocytopenia and, 140-145, 141t acute
Heparin anesthesia causing, 351-352
chronic kidney disease and, 618, 623 causes of, 356, 357t
for coagulopathy, in postoperative bleeding, operative risk associated with, 354b,
155 356-357
for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b alcoholic, 497, 509
low-molecular-weight (LMWH), 678t-679t, acute versus chronic, 357t, 358t, 367
691-692 operative risk associated with, 354b
for atrial fibrillation, 210 autoimmune
obesity and, 405, 407 acute versus chronic, 356, 357t, 358,
postoperative bleeding related to, 154 358t, 363
partial thromboplastin time prolongation operative risk associated with, 370-371
and, 147b, 148 chronic
perioperative indication(s)/management of, causes of, 358, 358t
678t-679t, 691-692 inflammatory bowel disease associated
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and, with, 289
652-653 METAVIR histologic scoring system for,
atrial fibrillation as, 210 358, 359t
cardiovascular disease as, 189-190 operative risk associated with, 354b, 359,
during pregnancy, 479, 691 360, 365-367
in ophthalmologic patient, 456 ischemic, postoperative jaundice related to,
myocardial infarction as, 179-180 322-324, 323t
prosthetic heart valves as, 201 preoperative assessment for, biochemical
in pregnant patient, 691-692 profiles in, 27-28
thrombocytopenia induced by, 113, 144-145 preoperative screening for, 355
unfractionated, 678t-679t, 691-692 transfusion-associated, 323t, 324
use during dialysis, 618 Hepatitis A virus (HAV), preoperative screening
Heparin prophylaxis, for deep vein thrombosis, for, 357t
95-97, 95b, 96b Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), 365
bridge approach to, 109, 109b Hepatitis B immune globulin, 365
extended, 106-108, 108t Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), 355, 365
fixed-dose, 95-96 Hepatitis B vaccine, recombinant, 365
in hysterectomy, 104, 105t, 720 Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
in laparoscopic surgery, 713, 714-717 hepatocellular carcinoma associated with,
in obese patients, 405, 406-407 376
in obstetric surgery, 722, 724, 727 operative risk associated with, 365-367
in pregnant patient, 478-479 preoperative screening for, 355, 357t, 358t
in thoracoscopy, 708-709, 710, 711 Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
low-molecular-weight, 96-97, 96b, 289 hepatocellular carcinoma associated with, 376
procedure-specific, 99-107 operative risk associated with, 366-367
subcutaneous, 98 preoperative screening for, 354, 355, 357t,
Hepatic 3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme 358t
A (HMG–CoA) reductase inhibitors, Hepatitis D virus (HDV), preoperative screen-
678t-679t, 687-688 ing for, 357t, 358t
Hepatic adenoma, in pregnant patient, 491 Hepatitis E virus (HEV), preoperative screening
Hepatic disease. See Liver disease. for, 357t
Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatobiliary imaging, in liver disease, 354,
diagnosis of, 386 356, 357t
factors precipitating, 386, 387b Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
pathophysiology of, 351, 357, 368, 386, resection of, operative risk associated with,
389, 505-506 364t, 376-378
perioperative management of, 386-387 screening tests for, 376

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Index 807
Hepatocellular disease, coagulopathy associated HMG–CoA (hepatic 3-methylglutaryl–
with, 152 coenzyme A) reductase inhibitors,
Hepatopulmonary syndrome, 351, 360, 678t-679t, 687-688
363-364 HO (heterotopic ossification), postoperative, in
Hepatorenal syndrome, 360, 384-385, 389 total hip replacement, 638, 766
Herbal remedies/supplements, perioperative Holiday heart syndrome, 508
management of, 703, 704t Homeostasis
Hernia repair, liver disease risks with, 378 calcium disorders versus, 444
Herniation, of abdominal wall, cirrhotic ascites decompensation of, with cardiac disease,
associated with, 382-383 170-171
Heroin maintenance programs, for opioid with- physiologic preservation of, during anesthesia
drawal, 525 and surgery, 171
Heroin use, cocaine use with, 512 Hormone replacement therapy, 678t-679t,
Herpesvirus 697-698
in esophagitis, bleeding caused by, 315-316 HPA. See Hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA).
liver disease and, 357t Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
Heterotopic ossification (HO), postoperative, in hepatitis C coinfection with, 366
total hip replacement, 638, 766 infectious diarrhea and, 309-310
HEV (hepatitis E virus), preoperative screening Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27-
for, 357t associated spondylarthropathy, 637-638
Heyde’s syndrome, 200 Hunt and Hess classification, of subarachnoid
High-risk surgery hemorrhage, 563, 564t
anesthesia for, general versus regional, 79-80, Hydralazine
80t for congestive heart failure, 236
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 108t for hypertension
Hip dislocation, postoperative, 766 cocaine-induced, 517
Hip fracture in chronic kidney disease, 613
deep vein thrombosis in Hydration. See Fluid therapy.
postoperative risk of, 94t, 95 Hydrocortisone (Cortef, Solu-Cortef)
prophylaxis for, 100-102, 101t for asthma, 258
surgery for, 170, 759-761 for hypopituitarism, in transsphenoidal
Hip replacement, total, 763-767 surgery, 774
deep vein thrombosis in for ulcerative colitis, 287
extended, 108t glucocorticoid equivalencies of, 431t
postoperative risk of, 94t, 95 stress-dose regimen for, 433, 433t
prophylaxis for, 100-102, 101t Hydronephrosis, in pregnant patient, 472
nerve injury with, 577 Hydroureter, in pregnant patient, 472
Histamine H2-receptor antagonists Hydroxychloroquine, for systemic autoimmune
for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318-319 diseases, 646, 649t
for peptic ulcer disease, 277, 278t 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonists
for steroid-induced gastritis, in ophthalmo- (5-HT3), for nausea and vomiting, 304
logic patient, 462 5-Hydroxytryptamine4 (5-HT4) agonists, for
for stress ulcer prophylaxis, 313 gastroesophageal reflux disease, 277, 279
Histologic evaluation Hydroxyurea, for thrombocytosis, 134, 135
of chronic hepatitis, METAVIR scoring system Hyperadrenergic withdrawal syndrome, 681,
for, 358, 359t 684-685
of peptic ulcer disease, 280-281 Hypercalcemia, 444-448
History taking causes of, 444-445
for pulmonary complication prediction, clinical signs of, 445
253-255, 264 diagnosis of, 445
in preoperative assessment perioperative management of, 446-447,
for anemia, 118-119, 120, 120f 448t
for chronic kidney disease, 610 seizures related to, 557
for hemostasis, 138, 153, 153b Hypercoagulability
for liver disease, 355 cocaine abuse and, 517
of elderly patient, 586-589, 588t deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92
of healthy patient, 15-16, 18, 29 Hyperdynamic circulation, in liver disease,
HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 350-351, 384
infection. Hyperglycemia
HLA (human leukocyte antigen)-B27–associated control targets for, 413-414
spondylarthropathy, 637-638 high-dose glucocorticoid therapy impact
HLAB27 gene, in spondylitis, 637-638 on, 419, 429

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808 Index
Hyperglycemia (Continued) Hypoglycemia
nutritional supplementation and, 416-417, alcohol abuse and, 507
420, 427-428 in end-stage cirrhosis, 389
strategies to achieve, 16t, 422-424, 425t, perioperative management of, in diabetic
427 patient, 427
perioperative management of Hypokalemia
insulin for, 416-417, 418t, 419-421 cardiac disease and, 235, 242
oral agents for, 414-416, 417t diuretic-associated, 687
postoperative complications related to, insulin gastric suctioning causing, 298
therapy impact on, 411-412 in ascites, 381, 383, 384
stress-induced, 421 Hypomagnesemia, congestive heart failure and,
Hyperkalemia 235
ascites and, 381, 383 Hyponatremia
cardiac disease and, 235, 242 in ascites, 381, 383
chronic kidney disease and, 605, 609 seizures related to, 557
management of, 614-616, 624 Hypopituitarism, 443-444
Hyperlipidemia, acute pancreatitis related to, in transsphenoidal surgery, 774
291, 292b Hypotension
Hyperosmolar therapy, for subarachnoid anesthesia causing, 170, 171, 172
hemorrhage, 564-565 following spinal cord injury, 225
Hyperparathyroidism, 444-451 hypovolemic, diuretics and, 687
Hypersplenism. See Splenomegaly. intraoperative
Hypertension stroke risk with, 562, 563
alcohol abuse and, 508 vascular access thrombosis with, 621
chronic kidney disease associated with, 605, orthostatic, 317
608-609 perioperative management of, 185
management of, 612-613 pheochromocytoma causing, 442
cocaine-induced, 517 pregnancy risks for, 468-469, 476
obesity impact on, anesthesia and, 61t, 62 renal failure related to, 607, 614, 620, 627
perioperative, 181-185 tricyclic antidepressants causing, 660, 662,
clinical aspects of, 181-183 663
clonidine withdrawal causing, 183 Hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA),
treatment of, 183-185 glucocorticoids, regulation by, 429-431
portal, 290 dynamic testing of, 432, 443
pulmonary. See Pulmonary hypertension. Hypothermia, postoperative, in elderly patient,
uncontrolled, perioperative in noncardiac 596
surgery, 161 Hypothyroidism, 434-437
Hypertensive crisis/emergency adrenal insufficiency coexisting with, 437
perioperative management of, 188-189 causes of, 434
pheochromocytoma causing, 442 myxedema coma in, 434-435, 436-437
Hypertensive therapy, hypervolemic, for perioperative management of, 435-437
subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564-566 surgical impact of, 435
Hyperthermia, malignant, 545-546 Hypouricemic therapy, for crystalline arthritis,
management of, 547, 557 642-644, 650t
precipitating agents in, 544, 547, 548t Hypoventilation
Hyperthyroidism, 437-440 obesity-related, 261
clinical manifestations of, 437-438 anesthesia and, 61t, 63, 66
perioperative management of, 438-440 pregnancy and, 469
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Hypoxemia
in obesity, anesthesia and, 61t, 62 as pulmonary complication, 253f, 259
perioperative management of, 203 hematologic disorders associated with, 117,
Hyperuricemia, in crystalline arthritis, 126
642-644 intraoperative, cirrhosis and, 351, 354b,
Hyperventilation, of pregnancy, 469, 471 363-364
Hypervolemic hypertensive therapy, for obesity associated with, anesthesia and, 61t,
subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564-566 63, 65-67, 66f
Hypoalbuminemia, liver disease and, 351, 352, Hypoxia
372b, 373 bariatric surgery and, 402, 404
Hypocalcemia, 449-451 fetal, risks for, 471, 476
causes of, 449 maternal, risks for, 476
clinical signs of, 449 Hysterectomy, 719-722
perioperative management of, 450-451 abdominal, 720-721

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Index 809
Hysterectomy (Continued) Immune hemolytic anemia, 125-126
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 47, 203 Immunocompromised hosts
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 104, coinfections in, 366
105t, 720 infectious diarrhea in, 309-310
in pelvic exenteration, 725-726 Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
radical, 721-722 for myasthenia gravis, 537, 539-540
vaginal, 719-720 in anemia, 125
in peptic ulcer disease, 281
Immunoglobulin M (IgM), in anemia, 125
I Immunologic disorders, thrombocytopenia
Ibutilide, for atrial flutter, 214 related to, 141t, 142-143
ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator). Immunologic tests
See Automatic implantable cardioverter for Crohn’s disease, 286
defibrillators (AICDs). for peptic ulcer disease, 281
Ice water calorics, in metabolic encephalopathy, Immunosuppressants
569 for organ transplantation
Idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic purpura perioperative management of, 680t-681t,
(ITP), 141t, 142-143 699
IgG. See Immunoglobulin G (IgG). renal, 614, 623
IgM (immunoglobulin M), in anemia, 125 for systemic autoimmune diseases, 633,
Ileal loop incontinent diversion, cystectomy 649t-650t, 652
and, 732-733 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).
Ileostomy, complications of, 332t, 340-342 See Automatic implantable cardioverter
Ileum defibrillators (AICDs).
in biliopancreatic bypass, 400, 400f, 402t Incontinence, female urinary, surgical correction
resection of of, 726-727
diarrhea related to, 310, 338 Induction agents
metabolic complications of, 336-340 for alcohol withdrawal, 504
Ileus hypertension related to, 182, 184
nasogastric decompression for, 674 liver disease and, 352
pancreatitis causing, 291, 293, 294 Infarction
postoperative, 298, 299-301 bowel, mesenteric ischemia progressing to,
prolonged factors of, 298, 299b 330, 331
Iliohypogastric nerve, injuries to, 578 cardiac. See Myocardial infarction (MI).
Ilioinguinal nerve, injuries to, 577-578 intestinal
Illness presentations, in elderly patient, 597-601 clinical aspects of, 329-330
cancer and, 599-601 management of, 330-331
nonspecific, 597 mesenteric
surgery-specific, 597-599 gastrointestinal bleeding caused by, 316
Imaging postoperative, 329-301
computed tomography as. See Computed Infection(s)
tomography (CT). anemia related to, 121, 125
during pregnancy colitis associated with, 286
fetal risks with, 473-474, 475t, 476t C. difficile, 305-308
radiation doses in, 473, 473t, 479 Crohn’s disease risk for, 288-289
hepatobiliary, in liver disease, 354, 356, 357t deep, in orthopedic surgery, 759-760, 764-
magnetic resonance, of adrenal gland, in 765
pheochromocytoma, 442 diarrhea associated with, 309-310
radiography for. See Radiography. C. difficile, 305-308
Imipenem, safety with liver disease, 385 encephalopathy related to, 571
Imipramine (Tofranil), for psychiatric illness, endocarditis related to. See Bacterial endo-
661t carditis.
Immobility, postoperative gastroesophageal reflux disease associated
anesthesia-related, 74 with, 278t-279t
pulmonary complications related to, 268-269 in esophagitis, bleeding caused by, 315-316
Immune globulin leukocytosis related to, 132
for anemia, 122 leukopenia related to, 131-132, 131t
intravenous musculoskeletal, endocarditis prophylaxis
for idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic for, 203
purpura, 143 opportunistic, diarrhea caused by, 309-310
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 646, peritonitis as, cirrhotic ascites associated
649t with, 381-382, 382t, 385

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810 Index
Infection(s) (Continued) Insulin therapy (Continued)
postoperative. See Postoperative infections. in ophthalmologic patient, 461t, 462
seizures related to, 557 subcutaneous, 416-417, 418t, 419
skin or skin structures, endocarditis prophy- subcutaneous
laxis for, 203 continuous, 416
thrombocytopenia associated with, 142 conversion of intravenous to, 421
thrombocytosis associated with, 134 perioperative management of, 416-417,
urinary tract, 472, 760, 765 418t, 419
vaginal cuff, 719, 720 Insurance, medical, consultant responsibility
viral descriptions and, 9-10
in esophagitis, 315-316 Intermediate consultation, 9
transfusion-associated hepatitis and, 323t, Intermittent positive pressure breathing, for
324, 325 pulmonary complications, 266, 269
wound. See Surgical site infections (SSIs). International normalized ratio (INR), in warfarin
Inflammatory bowel disease, 284-291 prophylaxis, 97, 98b, 689
clinical aspects of, 284-285, 311 for cardiovascular disease, 189-190, 200-201,
Crohn’s disease as, 285-291 209
iatrogenic, 341-342 Interstitial lung disease
ulcerative colitis as, 285, 286-288, 289-290 rheumatoid arthritis associated with, 634-635,
Inflammatory disease(s) 637
anemia related to, 121 systemic autoimmune diseases and, 645,
leukocytosis related to, 132 647, 650
of skeletal muscles, 645-647 Intestinal bypass surgery, 311. See also Gastric
rheumatoid arthritis as, 634 bypass surgery.
thrombocytosis associated with, 134 complications of, 332t, 336-340
Infliximab, for Crohn’s disease, 289 Intestinal obstruction
Inotropic agents acute, in pregnant patient, 486-487
for acute renal failure nasogastric decompression for, 674
as prevention, 629-630 pancreatitis causing, 291, 293, 294
as treatment, 628-629 Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, postoperative,
for congestive heart failure, 237 298-301, 299b, 300b
INR. See International normalized ratio (INR). Intestines. See also Bowel entries.
Inspiratory capacity, anesthesia impact on, 251 biopsy of, for colitis, 341
Insulin production, in chronic kidney disease, gangrene of, mesenteric ischemia progressing
609 to, 330
Insulin pump, 416, 426t inflammation of, 285, 341. See also Crohn’s
Insulin requirement(s) disease.
basal, 416-417, 422-423, 427, 429 large. See also Colon.
correction, 416, 419, 427 antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery on,
illness, 416, 419 38-39, 41t, 45
nutritional, 416-417, 429 postoperative bleeding in, 316-317, 321
prandial, 416, 417, 419, 423 mucosal ischemia in
stress-related, 416, 419 bleeding caused by, 316
supplemental, 416, 419, 429 postoperative, 329-331
Insulin therapy pseudo-obstruction causing, 301
continuous intravenous pregnancy effect on, 471
advantages of, 420 small. See Small intestines.
conversion to subcutaneous, 421 Intimal injury
diabetes mellitus complications and, deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92
411-412 in hemostasis, 136-137, 137f
surgical site infections and, 37, 38b Intra-aortic balloon pumps, for chronic kidney
thresholds for, 420-421 disease patient, 621
for hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney disease, Intracranial aneurysm, rupture of, 563-566
615, 621 Intracranial hemorrhage, postoperative, in
formulations of, 416, 418t craniotomy, 769
glucocorticoid impact on, high-dose, 419, Intracranial lesions, ECT and, 669
429 Intracranial pressure
perioperative management of ECT and, 669
continuous intravenous, 37, 411-412, monitoring of, 771
420-421 Intracranial surgery, seizures following, 558-559
for type 1 diabetes, 422-423, 426t, 427 Intraocular pressure
for type 2 diabetes, 423-424, 425t, 426t, ECT impact on, 669
427 in ophthalmologic surgery, 753

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Index 811
Intraocular procedure, for iris opening, 753 J
Intrathoracic surgery
cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164
obstructive, operative risk associated with,
for rheumatoid nodules, 634-635
371-375, 372b
Intravenous fluids. See Fluid therapy.
postoperative, 322-325
Intravenous immune globulin
intrahepatic versus extrahepatic causes of,
for idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic
357, 389
purpura, 143
management of, 325
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 646, 649t
pathophysiologic causes of, 322-325, 323t
Intravenous insulin, continuous
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 118
advantages of, 420
Jejunoileal bypass, for obesity, 402t
conversion of, to subcutaneous form, 421
Jejunum, in gastric bypasses, 398, 399f, 408
diabetes mellitus complications and, 411-412
Joint arthroplasty
surgical site infections and, 37, 38b
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47-48
thresholds for, 420-421
deep vein thrombosis in
extended, 108t
airway. See Endotracheal intubation; Tracheal
postoperative risk of, 94t, 95
prophylaxis for, 100-102, 101t
gastric. See Nasogastric (NG) tube.
for osteoarthritis, 653
Iodine, for hyperthyroidism, 439
for rheumatoid arthritis, 634-635
Ion-exchange resins, for hyperkalemia, in
total hip, 577, 763-767
chronic kidney disease, 615, 624
total knee, 761-763
Iridectomy, peripheral, 753
Iron deficiency
anemia related to, 121, 123 K
bariatric surgery causing, 407-408
thrombocytosis associated with, 134 Ketamine, confusion related to, 572
Iron supplements, for anemia, 122, 123 Ketoacidosis, diabetic, 420
Ischemia iatrogenic, 423
cerebral Ketoconazole, for esophagitis, 315
elective surgery timing and, 562-563 Kidney disease/function. See Renal entries.
management of, 560-561 Kidney stones
stroke risk with, 561-563, 562t oxalate, as small bowel resection complica-
intestinal mucosal tion, 337
bleeding caused by, 316 percutaneous removal of, 738-739
postoperative, 329-331 Kidney transplantation. See Renal transplanta-
pseudo-obstruction causing, 301 tion.
mesenteric. See Mesenteric ischemia. Knee replacement, total, 761-763
myocardial. See Myocardial ischemia. deep vein thrombosis in
renal, acute renal failure related to, 627 extended, 108t
Ischemic colitis postoperative risk of, 94t, 95
bleeding caused by, 316 prophylaxis for, 100-102, 101t
diarrhea caused by, 308-309 Korsakoff’s syndrome, 504, 505
management of, 309
Ischemic heart disease
alcohol abuse and, 508
anesthesia causing, 170, 171-173 Labetalol, for hypertension, in chronic kidney
cocaine-induced, 514-516, 515b disease, 613
treatment of, 518b-519b Labor and delivery, premature, surgical risks
noncardiac surgery and, 158, 160, 160t, 161b for, 472-473
perioperative Laboratory testing
chronic, management of, 178 for bariatric surgery, 408-409
elderly patient and, 587 for liver disease, 350, 355-356
prevention of, 173-181, 175b for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 381,
preoperative cardiac testing and, algorithm 382t
for, 164, 165f, 167 for thyroid disorders, 434, 435, 437
thyroid hormone replacement therapy and, 436 preoperative
Ischemic hepatitis, postoperative jaundice for alcoholism, 497
related to, 322-324, 323t for anemia, 119-121, 120f
Isoproterenol, for long QT syndrome, 224 for coagulopathy, 139-140, 139t
ITP (idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic for ophthalmologic surgery, 455
purpura), 141t, 142-143 of elderly patient, 19, 590
Itraconazole, for esophagitis, 315 of healthy patient, 18-19

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812 Index
Laboratory testing (Continued) Length of stay, hospital, for bariatric surgery,
evidence-based value of, 19 404
for anticipated low blood loss, 29-30, 30t Lepirudin, for heparin-induced thrombocyto-
previous results versus, 30-31 penia, 144
specific tests for, 16, 18-19, 23-29, 24b, Leukemia
25b, 27b chronic lymphatic, leukocytosis related to, 132
supplemental chronic myeloid, thrombocytosis associated
for specific conditions, 30, 30t with, 133, 133b, 134
for specific medications, 30, 31t Leukocytes, pregnancy effect on, 467, 468t
for specific surgical cases, 30, 31t Leukocytosis, 132
Lactase deficiency, intestinal, 311 in pulmonary complications, 250
Lactation, drug use safety during, 480, 480t, in thrombocytosis, 134, 135
481t, 482 Leukopenia, 130-132
D-Lactic acidosis, as small bowel resection common causes of, 130, 131t
complication, 337 infection risks with, 130, 131-132
Lactulose preoperative evaluation of, 130-131
for hepatic encephalopathy, 386-387, 506 systemic lupus erythematosus and, 647, 648
for obstructive jaundice, 373 therapeutic considerations for, 131-132, 142
Lansoprazole, for gastroesophageal reflux disease, Leukotriene modifiers, perioperative manage-
277, 278t ment of, 678t-679t, 696
Laparoscopic surgery(ies), 713-717 Levetiracetam (Keppra), for epilepsy, 554, 556t
appendectomy as, 714-715 Levodopa-carbidopa, for parkinsonism, 550-551,
cholecystectomy as, 371, 713-714 552t, 554
for gastric bypass, 403, 405, 406 Levofloxacin
for obstetric and gynecologic disorders, 725 for H. pylori infection, 279t
fundoplasty/fundoplication as, 715-716 prophylactic, for surgical site infections, 39,
in elderly patient, 599, 602 43t
in pregnant patient, 483 Levothyroxine (LT4)
nephrectomy as, 717 for hypothyroidism, 435-436
pulmonary complication risk reduction with, for myxedema coma, 436-437
259, 264 for pituitary disease, 443-444
thoracic, 707-711 Liability, medical-legal, of medical consultant,
vagotomy as, highly selective, 716-717 10-11
Laparotomy Lidocaine, for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b
for bariatric surgery, 403 Life expectancies, of men versus women, 585-586
for inflammatory bowel disease, 289-290 Limited consultation, 9
in pregnant patient, 485, 486, 487 Lipid-lowering agents, perioperative manage-
Large intestines. See also Colon. ment of, 678t-679t, 688
antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery on, for ischemic heart disease, 175-176
38-39, 41t, 45 Lipophilic substances
postoperative bleeding in, 316-317, 321 perioperative management of, 678t-679t, 688
Laryngectomy, 747-748 pharmacodynamics of, in obese patient, 404
Laser trabeculoplasty, 753 Lithium
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, for psychiatric illness, 657, 659t, 667-668
injuries to, 576-577 perioperative management of, 680t-681t,
Laxatives, for constipation, 297 702
Leflunomide, for systemic autoimmune diseases, Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave, 737-738
640, 649t Liver biopsy, biochemical indications for, 356,
LeFort maxillary fracture, repair of, 749 357, 360
Left ventricle (LV) function/dysfunction Liver disease, 349-389
aortic regurgitation effect on, 196 alcoholic, 355, 497, 509-510
aortic stenosis effect on, 198, 199 operative risk associated with, 367-369
chronic kidney disease and, 612 anemia related to, 121, 124
in congestive heart failure, 231, 233 anesthesia effects and, 350, 351-353
perioperative management of, 233-238 chronic
perioperative monitoring of, 228, 230 inflammatory bowel disease cautions with,
tricyclic antidepressants effect on, 662 290
ventricular arrhythmias associated with, 211 MELD score for, 364, 371, 375
Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) cirrhosis as. See Cirrhosis.
aortic valve replacement based on, 196, 198 coagulopathies associated with, 357, 361, 364
decreased, ACE inhibitors for, 181 operative risk associated with, 354b, 355,
in mitral regurgitation, 191-193 357, 371

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Index 813
Liver disease (Continued) Lower extremity surgery, antimicrobial prophy-
perioperative management of, 378, 380-381 laxis for, 43t, 48
treatment of, 151-152, 389 Loxapine (Loxitane), for psychiatric illness,
end-stage, 389, 509 666t
fatty, 367-368 LT4. See Levothyroxine (LT4).
postoperative jaundice related to, 323t, Lumbar disk surgery, 772-773
324, 325 Lumbar puncture, spinal headache related to,
fulminant hepatic failure as, 357 54
operative risk associated with, 354b, 358 Lung biopsy
hepatitis as. See Hepatitis. for rheumatoid nodules, 635
hepatocellular tumor resection and, 364t, thoracoscopy for, 708-709
376-378 Lung cancer, in elderly patient, 600
lesion-related, during pregnancy, 491 Lung expansion techniques, for pulmonary
mortality and morbidity of, 353-354 complications, 265-266, 267
abdominal surgery and, 378, 379t Lung function. See Pulmonary function tests.
nonalcoholic fatty, operative risk associated Lung resection, antimicrobial prophylaxis
with, 354, 356, 369-370 for, 40
operative risk associated with, 353-378 Lung volumes. See also specific volume, e.g.,
estimation problems of, 353-354, 354b Tidal volume.
screening indications in, 353, 355-356 anesthesia impact on, 251, 265
specific diseases in, 356-371 Lupus anticoagulant, 148, 652
specific surgeries in, 371-378, 379t in systemic lupus erythematosus, 647, 648
perioperative care in, 378-389 LV. See Left ventricle (LV) function/dysfunction.
ascites and, 381-384, 382t LVEF. See Left ventricular ejection fraction
coagulopathy and, 378, 380-381 (LVEF).
encephalopathy and, 386-387, 387b Lymph nodes, retroperitoneal, dissection of,
gastroesophageal varices and, 387-388 739-740
medications and, 350-353, 373, 384, 385- Lymphatic leukemia, chronic, leukocytosis
386 related to, 132
nutrition and, 388-389 Lymphomas, hypercalcemia related to, 444-445,
renal dysfunction and, 384-386 447
postoperative jaundice related to preexisting, Lymphopenia, in leukopenia, 130, 131t
322-323, 323t Lymphoproliferative disorders
postoperative monitoring for, 389 anemia related to, 125
preoperative assessment for, 30t thrombocytopenia related to, 141t, 142, 143
biochemical profiles in, 27-28
screening tests in, 353, 355-356
protein needs in, 388-389 M
Liver function tests Ma huang (ephedra), 703, 704t
in pregnant patient, 471 Macrocytic anemia, 121
surgery effects on, 350, 355 Magnesium, serum
Liver transplantation alcohol abuse and, 507
acute renal failure risk with, 625 congestive heart failure and, 235
cardiac risk assessment before, 170 hypocalcemia impact on, 450
for hepatocellular carcinoma, 377 Magnesium hydroxide, for peptic ulcer disease,
for hepatopulmonary syndrome, 364 278t
medications for, 353, 381 Magnesium sulfate
Local anesthesia, 52, 591 for alcohol withdrawal, 504
malignant hyperthermia induced by, 548t for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b
myasthenia gravis exacerbated by, 540, for long QT syndrome, 224
540t for multifocal atrial tachycardia, 218
seizures associated with, 557 Magnesium-containing agents, diarrhea caused
Long QT syndrome, 221-225, 223b by, 305, 306t
Loperamide, for short bowel syndrome, 338 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of adrenal
Lorazepam (Ativan) gland, in pheochromocytoma, 442
for alcohol withdrawal, 502, 502t Magnet(s)
for epilepsy, 556t, 558 in AICD management, 229
for psychiatric illness, 660 in cardiac pacemaker management, 227, 228
liver disease and, 352 Malabsorption
withdrawal symptoms of, 529 as small bowel resection complication, 332t,
Lower esophageal sphincter, in gastroesophageal 337, 338-339
reflux disease, 276 as ulcer surgery complication, 336

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814 Index
Malabsorptive procedures Meckel scan, in gastrointestinal bleeding, 322
combined with restrictive procedures, in Mediastinal biopsy, thoracoscopy for, 709
bariatric surgery, 396, 398, 398f-401f, Mediastinitis, nausea and vomiting causing,
400-401, 402t 305
complications of, 407-409 Medical consultant
diarrhea related to, 310, 311 conduct of, 1-5, 2b
Malignancy(ies). See also Cancer(s). medical-legal liability of, 10-11
alcohol abuse and, 511 role and responsibility of, 1-11
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 108t in bariatric surgery, 402-403, 403b, 409
extended, 106-107, 108t medical insurance descriptions for, 9-10
gynecologic conditions and, 104, 105t, 107 Medical consultation
gastric ulcers versus, 281 effective attributes of, 11b
hypercalcemia related to, 444-445 levels of, 9-10
of brain, seizure risk with, 559 operative risk assessment in, 5-7
preoperative laboratory tests for, 23, 24, 28, perioperative medication management in, 7-
30t 8, 673-674, 676-677
thrombocytosis associated with, 133-134, postoperative complications assessment in, 8
133b ten commandments of, 1-5, 2b
Malignant hyperthermia (MH), 545-546 written report guidelines for, 2-3, 11
management of, 547, 557 Medical insurance, consultant responsibility
precipitating agents in, 544, 547, 548t descriptions and, 9-10
Mallory-Weiss tears, 305, 315 Medical Necessity Project, 19
Malnutrition. See also Nutritional deficiencies. Medical-legal liability, of medical consultant,
bariatric surgery causing, 407, 408 10-11
coagulopathy related to, 152, 153 Medication(s)
inflammatory bowel disease causing, 290-291 absorption of
liver disease and, 360, 388 in elderly patient, 585
protein-calorie/energy surgery impact on, 674-675
in chronic kidney disease, 623-624 acute pancreatitis related to, 291, 292b
in chronic liver disease, 388-389 bradycardia associated with, 207, 208
reversing, for wound infection prevention, cardiac, in noncardiac surgery
37, 38b congestive heart failure and, 234-237
Mandibular fracture, repair of, 749 perioperative management of, 240-245
Mannitol, for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564 cognitive dysfunction related to, 585, 589,
Manometry, in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 591, 594, 595b
344 constipation related to, 295, 296b-297b, 297
MAO inhibitors. See Monoamine oxidase diarrhea caused by, 305-308, 306t
(MAO) inhibitors. distribution of, in elderly patient, 584
MAP (mean arterial pressure), in subarachnoid dosing of, in chronic kidney disease, 606,
hemorrhage management, 565 609, 610
Maprotiline (Ludiomil), for psychiatric illness, postoperative, 622-623
661t for obesity management, 394-395, 402,
Marijuana use/abuse, perioperative manage- 403b
ment of, 531-532 bariatric surgery and, 404
cocaine use and, 512 hepatitis associated with, 355, 357t, 358t
Mass(es), breast, in pregnant patient, 487-488 interactions of
MAT (multifocal atrial tachycardia), periopera- chronic alcohol use and, 511
tive management of, 218 with fluoxetine, 701
Maxillary fracture, LeFort, repair of, 749 intestinal obstruction caused by, 296b-297b,
Maximal voluntary ventilation, preoperative as- 298, 299b
sessment of, for COPD, 257 intravenous administration of, perioperative
MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease indications for, 674-675, 676
Study Group), GFR formula of, 607-608 leukopenia associated with, 130-131, 131t
Mean arterial pressure (MAP), in subarachnoid malignant hyperthermia induced by, 544,
hemorrhage management, 565 547, 548t
Mean corpuscular volume, in anemia, 121 metabolism of
Mechanical complications, in orthopedic sur- hepatic
gery, 762, 765-766 of anesthetic agents, 351-352
Mechanical ventilation, postoperative of perioperative medications, 352-353,
diabetes mellitus and, 411-412 361
for muscular dystrophy, 544 in elderly patient, 584-585, 584b, 585t
for myasthenia gravis, 541-542, 541t perioperative management of, 673-704
myositis and, 646 ␣-adrenergic agonists, 678t-679t, 684-685

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Index 815
Medication(s) (Continued) Medium-chain triglycerides, postoperative, for
␤-adrenergic agonists, 678t-679t, 695-696 small bowel resection, 339
␤-adrenergic blockers, 677, 678t-679t, Megacolon, toxic
680-681 in inflammatory bowel disease, 289, 290
angiotensin II receptor blockers, 678t- pseudomembranous colitis and, 307, 308
679t, 682-683 Meglitinides, for diabetes management, 415,
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 417t
678t-679t, 681-682 perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t, 427
antiarrhythmics, 678t-679t, 685-686 Meglumine diatrizoate (Gastrografin) contrast
anticoagulants, 678t-679t, 688-693 series
antidepressants, 680t-681t, 699-702 in gastrointestinal fistula, 342
antihistamines, 678t-679t, 696-697 in peptic ulcer disease, 284
antiplatelet agents, 678t-679t, 693-695 MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease)
antipsychotics, 680t-681t, 702-703 score, 364, 371, 375
antiretroviral agents, 678t-679t, 698-699 Melena, postoperative, 318
calcium channel blockers, 678t-679t, 683 Mental retardation, fetal radiation exposure
commonly prescribed, 676, 678t-681t and, 474, 475t
diuretics, 678t-679t, 687 Mental status
hepatic 3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A alcohol withdrawal and, 498, 500f-502f
reductase inhibitors, 678t-679t, encephalopathy in, 504-506
687-688 cocaine withdrawal and, 513, 515b
herbal remedies/supplements, 703, 704t perioperative change in, management of,
hormone replacement therapy, 678t-679t, 566-572
697-698 postoperative changes of, 566-572
immunosuppressants for organ transplants, approach to, 571-572, 573t
680t-681t, 699 assessment of, 566-569
inhaled anticholinergics, 678t-679t, in ophthalmologic patient, 459-460, 461
695-696 perioperative considerations for, 569-571
leukotriene modifiers, 678t-679t, 696 Meperidine (Demerol)
lipid-lowering agents, 678t-679t, 688 chronic kidney disease and, 619, 622
lithium, 680t-681t, 702 liver disease and, 352
liver disease and, 350-353, 361, 373, 384, MAO inhibitor interaction with, 665
385-386 seizures related to, 557, 572, 619
medical consultant role in, 673-674, use of, during pregnancy, 481t, 482
676-677 Mesalamine, for inflammatory bowel disease,
nitrates, 678t-679t, 686 287, 288
ocular agents, 456-458, 457t Mesenteric infarction, gastrointestinal bleeding
oral contraceptives, 678t-679t, 697-698 caused by, 316
oral versus intravenous, 674-675 Mesenteric ischemia
selective estrogen receptor modifiers, clinical aspects of, 329-330
678t-679t, 698 diarrhea caused by, 308-309
postoperative jaundice related to, 322, 323t gastrointestinal bleeding caused by, 316
pregnancy cautions with management of, 330-331
current safety categories, 480, 480t, 481t, Mesoridazine (Serentil), for psychiatric illness,
482 666t
fetal susceptibility to, 472 Metabolic acidosis
preoperative assessment of in pregnant patient, 469
in healthy patient, 15 postoperative, in ophthalmologic patient,
medical consultant role in, 7-8 460
supplemental, for specific uses, 30, 30t, Metabolic alkalosis, in contrast-induced ne-
31t phropathy, 630
qualitative platelet dysfunction induced by, Metabolic encephalopathy, toxic, 567-568, 571
145-146 Metabolic equivalents (METs), in cardiovascu-
sudden cessation of, adverse events associ- lar risk evaluation, 16, 17f, 161
ated with, 675-703, 676t preoperative cardiac testing and, 162f, 165f,
thrombocytopenia related to, 141t, 142, 166
143-144 Metabolism, disorder(s) of
postoperative bleeding with, 152, 154 alcohol abuse causing, 507-508
Medication history as small bowel resection complication, 332t,
in chronic kidney disease, 610 336-337
in liver disease, 355, 356 calcium-related, 444
in mental status assessment, 571-572 chronic kidney disease and, 609
in preoperative assessment, 15 hepatitis associated with, 356, 358, 358t

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816 Index
Metabolism, disorder(s) of (Continued) Misoprostol, for peptic ulcer disease, 278t
mental status changes associated with, Mitral regurgitation
567-568 clinical aspects of, 190-192
nausea and vomiting associated with, 303b, perioperative management and risks of,
304 192-193
seizures related to, 557-558 Mitral stenosis
Metanephrine, in pheochromocytoma, 441-442 clinical aspects of, 185-188
Metaplasia, myeloid, thrombocytosis associated perioperative management and risks of,
with, 133, 133b 188-190
Metastasis, bone osteolysis from, hypercalcemia Mitral valve prolapse (MVP), perioperative
related to, 445 management and risks of, 193-194
METAVIR histologic scoring system, for chronic Mobilization, for pulmonary complication
hepatitis, 358, 359t prevention, 268-269
Metformin, for diabetes management, 414-415, Mobitz I AV block, perioperative management
417t of, 220, 222b
perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t, 427 Mobitz II AV block, perioperative management
Methadone maintenance programs, for opioid- of, 220, 222b
dependent patients, 526 Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)
Methadone therapy, for opioid withdrawal, score, 364, 371, 375
523-524 Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Group (MDRD), GFR formula of, 607-608
(MRSA), 39, 43t Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors
Methimazole (Tapazole), for hyperthyroidism, for parkinsonism, 551, 552t
439 for psychiatric illness, 657, 659t, 665
Methotrexate, for systemic autoimmune dis- perioperative management of, 557, 680t-
eases, 634, 639-640, 645, 649t 681t, 702
Methyldopa, for hypertension, in chronic kid- Monocytopenia, in leukopenia, 130, 131t
ney disease, 613 Morbidity rates. See Comorbidities.
Methylprednisolone (Medrol, Solu-Medrol), Morphine sulfate
glucocorticoid equivalencies of, 431t chronic kidney disease and, 619, 622
Methylxanthine derivatives, for spinal head- for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b
ache, 58 use during pregnancy, 481t, 482
Metoclopramide Mortality/mortality rates
for nausea and vomiting, 304 anesthesia-related, 51, 81-82
for reflux disease, 277, 334 in elderly surgical patients, 586, 601-602
Metronidazole in ophthalmologic patient, 453, 454, 459
for bacterial overgrowth, in small bowel in patients with anemia, 118, 118t
resection, 339 in patients with cardiovascular disease, 158,
for H. pylori infection, 278t-279t, 282 182, 197, 198-199
for hepatic encephalopathy, 387 in patients with endocrine disorders, 412, 434
for pseudomembranous colitis, 307, 308 in patients with obstructive jaundice,
prophylactic 371-372, 372b, 374
for surgical site infections, 41t, 45 in pregnant patients, 474, 479
in cesarean section, 724 of acalculous cholecystitis, 325
in hysterectomy, 720 of acute pancreatitis, 291, 292, 293b
METs. See Metabolic equivalents (METs). postoperative, 328
MH. See Malignant hyperthermia (MH). of bariatric surgery, 406
MI. See Myocardial infarction (MI). of deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism,
Microatelectasis, 252 93, 95
Microcytic anemia, 121, 510 of gastrointestinal bleeding, 312
Midodrine, for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 of hypertension, odds ratio of, 182
Mineral(s), deficiencies of, bariatric surgery of kidney disease
causing, 407-408 acute, 625
Mineralocorticoids, stress-dose regimen for, 434 chronic, 605, 606, 611
Mini-Mental State Examination, 588-589, 588t of liver disease, 353-354
Minute ventilation abdominal surgery and, 378, 379t
aging impact on, 583 of subarachnoid hemorrhage, 563
anesthesia impact on, 251 procedure-specific. See specific surgery.
pregnancy effect on, 469 Moxalactam, bleeding associated with,
Mirtazapine (Remeron), for psychiatric illness, 385-386
664, 665 MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), of adrenal
Miscarriage, unexplained, 475t, 652 gland, in pheochromocytoma, 442

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Index 817
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Myeloproliferative disorders
aureus), 39, 43t erythrocytosis related to, 127
Multifactorial Risk Index, of cardiovascular thrombocytosis associated with, 133, 133b,
disease, 157-158, 198-199 135
arrhythmias and, 205-206 Myocardial infarction (MI)
highest factors in, 21-22, 31 cocaine abuse and, 516, 518
modification of, 158, 160 ECT and, 668-669
noncardiac surgery assessment and, 6-7, 16, myositis versus, 645, 646-647
18, 164, 166-169 pacemaker indications with, 222b
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT), periopera- perioperative
tive management of, 218 prevention of, 173, 175b, 176-181
Multifocal myoclonus, in metabolic encepha- treatment of, 178-181, 185
lopathy, 567, 568 postoperative, 158, 178
Multivitamins in elderly patient, 592
for alcohol withdrawal, 499 preoperative risk assessment of, 21-22, 199
postoperative, for bariatric surgery, 408 cardiac testing and, 167
Murmur(s), cardiac. See Heart murmurs. for noncardiac surgery, 160, 160t
Muscle(s) Myocardial ischemia
biopsy of, for malignant hyperthermia, 546 anesthesia causing, 170, 171-173
extraocular, surgery on, 754 arrhythmias related to, 211, 212
respiratory congestive heart failure management and,
anesthesia impact on, 251-252, 253f 237, 239
laparoscopic surgery and, 259 noncardiac surgery and, 158, 160, 160t, 161b
parkinsonism impact on, 550, 552, 553 preoperative cardiac testing and, algorithm
rigidity of, in parkinsonism, 549, 552 for, 164, 167, 168
skeletal, inflammatory diseases of, thyroid hormone replacement therapy and,
645-647 436
tone of, in metabolic encephalopathy, 569 Myocardium
Muscle relaxants hypertrophy of
chronic kidney disease and, 619 in obesity, 61t, 62
liver disease and, 352, 353 perioperative management of, 203
skeletal perfusion imaging of, before transplant
in general anesthesia, 63, 65 surgery, 169-170
malignant hyperthermia induced by, 544, Myoclonus
548t multifocal, in metabolic encephalopathy,
Muscular dystrophy(ies), 542-545 567, 568
perioperative considerations of, 543-545, postoperative, 547, 549
544t Myopathy(ies)
types of, 542-543 alcohol abuse and, 511
Musculoskeletal infections, endocarditis critical care, 547, 549
prophylaxis for, 203 Myositis, perioperative management of, 645-
MVP (mitral valve prolapse), perioperative 647
management and risks of, 193-194 Myotonia, 542-543
Myasthenia crisis, 536-537, 541 intercostal, 544
Myasthenia gravis, 535-542 treatment of, 544, 544t
autoimmune attack in, 535-536 Myotonic dystrophy, 542-543
cholinergic crisis with, 536-537, 541 Myringotomy, 742
diagnosis of, 536 Myxedema coma, 434-435
drug therapy for, 537-539, 538t perioperative management of, 436-437
drugs exacerbating, 540-541, 540t
epidemiology of, 535-536
immunoglobulin G for, 539-540 N
mechanical ventilation for, postoperative, NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease), oper-
541-542, 541t ative risk associated with, 354, 356, 369-
plasmapheresis for, 537, 539 370
thymectomy for, 537, 540 Naltrexone, for opioid withdrawal, 525
Mycophenolate mofetil, for myasthenia gravis, Narcotics
539 confusion related to, 572
Myeloid leukemia, chronic, thrombocytosis liver disease and, 352-353
associated with, 133, 133b, 134 use during pregnancy, 481t, 482
Myeloid metaplasia, thrombocytosis associated Nasal fracture, reduction of, 745
with, 133, 133b Nasal polypectomy, removal of, 745

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818 Index
Nasogastric (NG) tube Nerve(s)
esophageal ulcer risk with, 316 acoustic, tumors of, 744
for decompression carpal tunnel release and, 774-775
in pregnant patient, 487 facial, decompression of, 743
of ileus, 674 injuries to
pulmonary complication prevention and, cranial, 573-574
268, 270 in hysterectomy, 719, 721
routine, in abdominal surgery, 298 in orthopedic surgery, 758, 762-763, 766
for drug administration, 674-675 peripheral, 572-578
inflammatory bowel disease cautions with, regional anesthesia–related injuries of,
290 neuropathy associated with, 75-77
Nausea Nerve lesions, peripheral, perioperative
alcohol withdrawal causing, 498, 500f traumatic, 572-578
perioperative management of, 304 mechanisms of, 572-573
postoperative special considerations for, 577-578
complications of, 304-305 specific injuries, 573-577
factors contributing to, 302-304, 303b Nerve roots, injuries to
in ophthalmologic patient, 459 brachial, 574-575
in pregnant patients, 481t, 482 regional anesthesia–related, 75-77
with pulmonary disease, 268, 270 Nerve stimulators, peripheral, for anesthesia
Neck circumference, intubation problems monitoring, 74
related to, 403-404 Nervous system(s)
Neck dissection, radical, 748-749 alcohol withdrawal impact on, 498,
Necrosis 500f-502f, 506-507
acute tubular, renal failure related to, 606, benzodiazepine withdrawal impact on,
626 528-529
diagnosis of, 627-628 cardiac transplantation and, 225-226
femoral head, in hip fracture, 760 cocaine abuse impact on, 515b, 520
pancreatic, 293, 294 ECT impact on, 668
Necrosis agents, anti-tumor, for systemic auto- general anesthesia impact on, 68-69
immune arthritis, 641-642 postoperative impairments related to, 69-77
Needle bevel, as spinal headache factor, spinal cord injury and, 225-226
54-57 stimulation of, hypertension related to, 182,
Needle size, as spinal headache factor, 54-57, 184
55f, 59 Neurapraxia, 572
Needlestick injury, hepatitis C infection from, Neuraxial anesthesia. See Spinal anesthesia (SA).
367 Neuroendocrine tumors, 441-442
Nefazodone, for psychiatric illness, Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists, for nausea
664-665 and vomiting, 304
Neomycin Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), peri-
for hepatic encephalopathy, 387 operative management of, 669-670
prophylactic, for surgical site infections, Neuroleptics, for psychiatric illness, 657, 659t,
41t-42t 666-667
Neoplasm(s) Neurologic disease
anemia related to, 121 perioperative management of, 535-578
leukocytosis related to, 132 cerebrovascular disease and, 559-566
occult, erythrocytosis related to, 128, epilepsy and, 554-559
128f mental status change and, 566-572
Neostigmine (Prostigmin) neuromuscular diseases and, 535-554
for colonic pseudo-obstruction, 300 peripheral nerve lesions and, 572-578
myasthenia gravis response to, 536 preoperative stratification of, in diabetic
Nephrectomy patients, 412, 413
laparoscopic, 717 Neurologic examination, for mental status
simple versus radical, 734-735 change, 566, 573t
Nephrolithiasis. See Kidney stones. Neurologic impairment
Nephropathy, contrast-induced, 629-630 postoperative
Nephrostomy tube, complications of, 738 anesthesia-related, 68-77, 71t, 72t, 73t
Nephrotoxic agents, 373, 384, 385-386 cognitive, 69-74
Nephrotoxins immobility as, 74
acute renal failure related to, 626, 627 peripheral, 74-75
chronic kidney disease and, 606, 609, 610, persistent, 75-77
613, 622 visual loss as, 77

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Index 819
Neurologic impairment (Continued) Nitrates (Continued)
cervical rheumatoid arthritis and, 636-637 perioperative management of, 678t-679t, 686
in elderly patient, 592-596, 593b, 594t, Nitroglycerin
595b for hypertension, in chronic kidney disease,
preoperative evaluation of 613
for rheumatoid arthritis, 636 for perioperative myocardial infarction,
in elderly patient, 587-589, 588t 180-181
Neuroma, acoustic, resection of, 744 perioperative management of, 686
Neuromuscular blocking agents Nitroprusside
chronic kidney disease and, 619 for congestive heart failure, 236, 238
liver disease and, 352, 353 for hypertension
skeletal, in general anesthesia, 63, 65 cocaine-induced, 517
Neuromuscular disease(s) in chronic kidney disease, 613
calcium disorders causing, 444, 445, 449 in pheochromocytoma, 442
critical care neuropathy and myopathy as, perioperative, 184, 241-242
547, 549 Nizatidine, for peptic ulcer disease, 278t
malignant hyperthermia as, 545-547, 548t NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome), peri-
muscular dystrophy as, 542-545 operative management of, 669-670
myasthenia gravis as, 535-542 Nodal rhythm. See also AV entries.
parkinsonism as, 549-554 perioperative management of, 205
perioperative management of, 535-554 Nodules, rheumatoid arthritis associated with,
Neuropathy(ies) 634-635, 637
alcohol abuse and, 511 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),
critical care, 547, 549 operative risk associated with, 354, 356,
in diabetic patients, 413 369-370
postoperative peripheral sensorimotor, 75-77 Noncardiac surgery
systemic autoimmune arthritis causing, 634, categories of, 16, 18
635t, 636, 642 in patients with cardiovascular disease,
spinal cord compression in, 636-637 157-245. See also Cardiovascular
Neurosurgery disease.
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47 Nonclear liquids, preoperative guidelines for,
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 85, 86t
102-104, 104t Non-ketotic hyperosmolar state, 420
specific procedures in, 769-775 Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors,
Neurotmesis, 572-573 678t-679t, 698
Neutropenia, in leukopenia, 130-131, 131t Nonobstetric surgery, in pregnant patient,
Neutrophil count, in ascitic fluid, 382, 382t 465-492. See also Pregnancy/pregnant
Nevirapine, 678t-679t, 698 patient.
New York Heart Association (NYHA), heart Non-portosystemic shunts, for chronic liver
failure classes of disease, 362
long-term medications and, 235, 236 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
thiazolidinedione contraindication with, (NSAIDs)
415-416 chronic kidney disease and, 622-623
valvular heart disease and, 188 for systemic autoimmune diseases, 638-639,
NG tube. See Nasogastric (NG) tube. 642, 643, 644, 649t
Niacin, 688 inflammatory bowel disease exacerbated by,
Nicardipine, for hypertension, in chronic 286
kidney disease, 613 nephrotoxicity of, 373, 384, 386
Nicotine. See Smoking entries. peptic ulcer disease caused by, 280, 282-283
Nicotine patch, 531 postoperative reactivation of, 314
Nimodipine, for subarachnoid hemorrhage, 564 recurrent, 333
Nitrate withdrawal syndrome, 686 perioperative management of, 634,
Nitrates 678t-679t, 694-695
for cocaine-induced hypertension, 517 pharmacokinetics of, in elderly patient, 585t
for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b postoperative indications for, in bariatric
perioperative indication(s) for surgery, 408, 409
congestive heart failure as preoperative laboratory testing for, 31t
acute, 238 qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146
compensated chronic, 236 use of, during pregnancy, 480, 481t
in noncardiac surgery, 241-242, 243 Non–ST-segment elevation myocardial
ischemic heart disease as, 176 infarction (NSTEMI), postoperative,
myocardial infarction as, 180-181 178-179

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820 Index
Nonulcer dyspepsia, 281 Obesity (Continued)
Nonunion, of hip fracture, 760 technical difficulties with, 60-61, 68t
Norepinephrine as pulmonary complication factor, 260, 261
for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 BMI classification of, 59, 60t, 62, 393, 394t
SSRI effect on, 664-665 bariatric surgery indications based on,
Normal saline infusion 402, 403b
for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t cardiomyopathy of, 61t, 62
for kidney disease central versus peripheral, 60
acute, 628 comorbid conditions of, 60, 61t, 393, 394b,
chronic, 614, 624 402
Normochromic anemia, 616 weight loss surgery and, 405-406
Normocytic anemia, 121, 616 nonsurgical management of, 394-395
Nortriptyline (Pamelor), for psychiatric illness, prevalence of, 59, 393
661t reversing, for wound infection prevention,
Nose. See also Nasal entries. 37, 38b
plastic surgery on, 745-746 surgical approaches to, 395-409
“NPO after midnight,” 81, 84, 86. See also complications of, 406-409
Preoperative fasting. long-term, 407-409
NPO status short-term, 406-407
drug withdrawal syndromes and, 675-676, history of, 395
676t medical consultant role in, 402-403,
for cholecystitis, in pregnant patient, 486 403b, 409
insulin therapy for, 419, 420 outcomes of, 405-406
postoperative, 422, 423, 424 overview of, 396, 402t, 409
psychiatric medications and, 660 perioperative management in, 403-404
NSAIDs. See Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory postoperative management in, 404-405
drugs (NSAIDs). preoperative assessment for, 401-403,
NSTEMI (non–ST-segment elevation 403b
myocardial infarction), postoperative, restrictive procedures, 396-397, 396f-397f,
178-179 402t
Nutrition. See Diet. malabsorptive procedures combined
Nutritional deficiencies. See also Malnutrition. with, 396, 398, 398f-401f,
anemia related to, 121, 123 400-401, 402t
bariatric surgery causing, 407 complications of, 407-409
coagulopathy related to, 147, 147b, 148, Obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, 261
152, 153 anesthesia and, 61t, 63, 66
in diabetic patients, 413 Obstetric surgery, 719-727. See also
thrombocytopenia related to, 141, 142t Gynecologic surgery.
Nutritional supplementation abortion as, 723
enteral. See Enteral tube feedings. antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 46, 723
for chronic kidney disease patient, 623-624 spontaneous, 148
for inflammatory bowel disease, 290-291 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t-42t, 46-47
for liver disease, 388-389 endocarditis risk and, 203
for thyroid storm, 440 cesarean section as, 723-724
insulin therapy for antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 46
indications for, 416-417, 420 laparoscopic, 725
recommendations for, 427-428 Obstruction(s). See also Pseudo-obstruction,
parenteral. See Total parenteral nutrition postoperative.
(TPN). biliary tract
NYHA. See New York Heart Association in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344
(NYHA). jaundice related to, 323t, 324-325, 374
Nystatin, for esophagitis, 315-316 intestinal
in pregnant patient, 486-487
nasogastric decompression for, 674
O pancreatitis causing, 291, 293, 294
OA (osteoarthritis), 653 postoperative, 298, 299-301, 299b
Obesity pancreatic duct, 294-295
anesthesia and, 59-68 Obstructive jaundice
assessment parameters for, 59-60, 60t biliary decompression for, 374
cardiovascular derangements associated biliary surgery for
with, 61t, 62 alternatives to, 374-375
pulmonary derangements associated with, operative risk associated with, 371-372,
61t, 62-67, 66f 372b

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Index 821
Obstructive jaundice (Continued) Opioid dependence
perioperative complications of, 372-373 background on, 520-522
postoperative, 323t, 324-325 medical complications of, 520, 521b
Obstructive sleep apnea perioperative management of, 520-527
as pulmonary complication factor, Opioid toxicity, 522-523
260-261 Opioid withdrawal, 523-526
syndrome of, 63, 65 symptoms of, 523
Obturator nerve, injuries to, 577 treatment of, 523-526
Occupational exposure, to hepatitis C methadone therapy in, 523-524
infection, 367 other replacement options in, 524-525
Octreotide symptomatic, only options for, 525-526
for dumping syndrome, 335 Optic nerve, injuries to, 573-574
for gastrointestinal bleeding, 319 Oral antihyperglycemic agents, for diabetes
for gastrointestinal fistula, 343 mellitus, 414-416, 417t
for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t, 426t,
for short bowel syndrome, 338 427
Oculocardiac reflex, 460 Oral contraceptives, 678t-679t, 697-698
Oculovestibular reflex, in metabolic encepha- Oral intake
lopathy, 569 inability for. See also NPO status.
Ogilvie’s syndrome, 298-301, 300b as pulmonary complication factor, 268,
Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 270
for psychiatric illness, 666-667, 666t drug administration alternatives with,
perioperative management of, 703 674-675, 676
Omentum, pregnancy effect on, 471 postoperative vomiting and, 302-303
Omeprazole Oral surgery
for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 277, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 48
278t endocarditis risk and, 201-202, 203,
for H. pylori, 278t 204t
1,25(OH)2D, plasma, in hypercalcemia, 444, hemostasis and, 150
445, 447 Orbitotomy, 755-756
Operative risk, medical consultant assessment Organic brain disease, postoperative confusion
of, 5-7 and, 570, 571
Ophthalmic medications Organogenesis
arrhythmias associated with, 208 radiation exposure risks and, 474, 475t
common, 456-458, 457t teratogen susceptibility and, 472
Ophthalmologic patient, 453-462 Orlistat (Xenical), for obesity, 394-395
anticoagulants and, perioperative manage- Oropharyngeal surgery, antimicrobial
ment of, 456 prophylaxis for, 42t, 48
medical disorders in, common, 454, 459 endocarditis risk and, 202, 203, 204t
medications for, 456, 457t, 458 Orthopedic surgery
postoperative problem(s) in antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47-48
confusion as, 459-460 cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164
corticosteroid-related, 461-462 deep vein thrombosis in
dehydration and electrolyte imbalance as, postoperative risk of, 94t, 95
460 prophylaxis for, 99-102, 101t, 108t
diabetes mellitus and glucose management extended, 106-107, 108t
as, 455, 461t, 462 postoperative infections in, 758, 759-760,
metabolic acidosis as, 460 761-762, 764-765
nausea and vomiting as, 459 subfascial, 759-760, 764-765
urinary retention as, 460 suprafascial, 764
preoperative evaluation of, 454-456 specific procedures in, 757-767
risk modification for, 453, 454 Orthostasis. See also Hypotension.
Ophthalmologic surgery tricyclic antidepressants causing, 660, 662,
anesthesia for, 458 663
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47, Orthostatic hypotension, 317
458-459 Osmotic agents, for constipation, 297
mortality and morbidity rates of, 453, 454, Ossification, heterotopic, in total hip
459 replacement, 638, 766
specific procedures in, 751-756 Osteoarthritis (OA), 653
Opioid analgesics Osteolysis, from bone metastasis, hypercalce-
for opioid withdrawal, 524 mia related to, 445
for pain management, in opioid-dependent Osteonecrosis, of femoral head, in hip fracture,
patients, 526-527 760

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822 Index
Ostomies, complications of, 332t, 340-342 Pain management
Ostomy appliances acute, for methadone maintenance patients,
ileostomy, 340-341 526-527
sigmoid colostomy, 340 chronic kidney disease and
Otolaryngologic surgery intraoperative, 619
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 48 postoperative, 622-623
endocarditis risk and, 202, 741 for chronic pancreatitis, 294-295
cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164 for pregnant patient, 480, 480t, 481t, 482
specific procedures in, 741-749 for pulmonary complication prevention,
Otoplasty, 741 268, 270
Ova and parasite test, of stool, for Crohn’s for systemic autoimmune diseases, 633-634,
disease, 286 653
Ovarian disease, in pregnant patient, 488-489 Pamidronate, for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t
Overdose Pancreas transplantation, cardiac risk assess-
of benzodiazepines, antidote for, 528 ment before, 169
of tricyclic antidepressants, 663 Pancreatic enzyme replacement, 294-295,
Overweight patients. See Obesity. 311
Oxazepam (Serax) Pancreatic surgery, diarrhea related to, 311
for alcohol withdrawal, 502, 502t Pancreatitis, 291-295
for psychiatric illness, 660 acute, 291-294
liver disease and, 352 clinical aspects of, 291-292, 292b
withdrawal symptoms of, 529 management of, 293-294
Oxycodone, postoperative, for chronic kidney mortality factors of, 291, 292, 293b
disease patient, 622 postoperative, 327-328
Oxygen consumption, obesity-related hypoxemia chronic, 294-295
and, 61t, 65-66 Pancreatoduodenectomy, 294, 301
Oxygen supplementation diarrhea related to, 311
for cocaine-related chest pain, 518b Pancuronium
for pulmonary complication prevention, chronic kidney disease and, 619
268, 364 liver disease and, 353
for surgical site infection prevention, 37, 38b Panhypopituitarism, 444
Oxygen tension, arterial (PaO2), in pulmonary Pannus, rheumatoid arthritis causing, 636
complications, 252, 253f Pantoprazole, for gastroesophageal reflux
COPD and, 257 disease, 277, 278t
laparoscopic surgery and, 259 Papaverine, for mesenteric ischemia, 331
Oxygenation Paracentesis, for spontaneous bacterial
decreased. See Hypoxemia. peritonitis, 381-382, 382t
hemoglobin level and, 117-118, 118t Parasympathic nervous system
inadequate ECT impact on, 668
of liver, during surgery, 350-351 spinal cord injury and, 225-226
tachycardia associated with, 207 Parasympathomimetic agents, ophthalmic use
muscular dystrophy and, 543 of, 456, 457t
physiologic factors of, 117 Parathyroid disease, calcium disorders associated
with, 444-451
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), in hypercalcemia,
P 444, 445
P wave, hyperkalemia effect on, 615 Parenchymal disease, intrahepatic, postoperative
Pacemakers causes of, 322, 323t
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy impact Parenteral drug administration, perioperative
on, 737 indications for, 674-675, 676
perioperative management of, 226-228 Parenteral nutrition. See Total parenteral
placement of nutrition (TPN).
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40, 41t Parkinsonism, 549-554
indications for, 221, 222b, 224, 226 medications for, 550-551, 552t, 553t
programming of, 226 withdrawal concerns of, 550
Pain neuroleptics causing, 666, 669-670
abdominal. See Abdominal pain, postoperative. perioperative considerations of, 552-554
as pulmonary complication factor, 253f, 257, preoperative evaluation of, 549-550
268 Paroxetine (Paxil), 664, 700
intraoperative, hypertension related to, 182, Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
184 (PSVT), perioperative management of,
peptic ulcers and, 279-280 216-217
spinal headache and, 53-54, 53t, 57-58 Pars plana vitrectomy, 754-755

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 822 1/3/08 1:24:09 PM

Index 823
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) Perioperative management (Continued)
activated of cardiovascular disease, 157-245. See also
in hemostasis, 140 Cardiovascular disease.
in heparin prophylaxis, 110 of elderly patient, 581-597
preoperative assessment of, 25-26, 25b of endocrine disorders, 411-451. See also
in hemostasis specific disorder, e.g., Hypothyroidism.
preoperative evaluation of, 137f, 138, 140 of gastrointestinal diseases, 275-295
prolongation of, 147b, 148, 152 of hematologic disorders, 117-155
liver disease impact on, 378 of liver disease, 378-389
postoperative bleeding and, 153 ascites and, 381-384, 382t
Patient positioning, for pulmonary complication coagulopathy and, 378, 380-381
prevention, 268-269 encephalopathy and, 386-387, 387b
PDPH (postdural puncture headache), 52. See gastroesophageal varices and, 387-388
also Spinal headache. medications and, 350-353
PE. See Pulmonary embolism (PE). nutrition and, 388-389
PEG-interferon, for hepatitis C, 366, 367 renal dysfunction and, 384-386
Pelvic exenteration, 725-726 of medications, 673-704. See also
Pelvic inflammatory disease, antimicrobial Medication(s); specific medication or
prophylaxis for, 41t, 46 surgery.
Pelvic support, deficiency of, surgical correction medical consultant role in, 7-8,
of, 726-727 673-674
“Pencil point” needle, for neuraxial anesthesia, of neurologic problems, 535-578
56-57, 56f of obstructive jaundice, 372-375
D-Penicillamine, Wilson’s disease and, 370 of ophthalmologic patient, 456-462,
Penicillins, prophylactic 457t
for endocarditis prevention, 203 of pregnant patient, 465-492
for surgical site infections, 39 of psychiatric illness, 657-670, 658t-659t,
procedure-specific, 42t-43t, 46 661t, 667t
Pentoxifylline, for alcoholic liver disease, of pulmonary diseases, 265-267
368-369 of substance abuse patient, 495-509
Peptic ulcer disease, 279-284 of systemic autoimmune diseases, 633-653
clinical aspects of, 279-281 Peripheral angioplasty, risk stratification for,
complications of, 283-284 6-7
complications of surgery for, 332-336, 332t Peripheral blood smear, preoperative, for anemia,
in elderly patient, 598 120-121
perioperative management of, 280-284 Peripheral iridectomy, 753
postoperative reactivation of, 314, 319 Peripheral nerve lesions, perioperative trau-
recurrence of, postoperatively, 332-333, 332t matic, 572-578
treatment of mechanisms of, 572-573
diet modification as, 279-280, 282 special considerations for, 577-578
drug therapy for, 278t-279t, 282 specific injuries, 573-577
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty/valvotomy Peripheral nerve stimulators, for anesthesia
for aortic stenosis, 198, 199-200 monitoring, 74
for mitral stenosis, 188 Peripheral neuropathy
Percutaneous removal, of kidney stones, 738-739 alcohol abuse and, 511
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in diabetic patients, 413
of coronary arteries, 177-178 sensorimotor, postoperative, 75-77
of urologic system, 736-737 Peripheral revascularization procedures, risk
Perforation(s) stratification for, 6-7
of esophagus, nausea and vomiting causing, Peripheral vascular disease
305 chronic kidney disease and, 610
of intestinal pseudo-obstructions, 301 surgery considerations of, 6-7, 42t, 48,
of peptic ulcers, 283-284 610
of stress ulcerations, 280 Peripheral vascular surgery, antimicrobial
of uterus, with dilatation and curettage, 722 prophylaxis for, 43t, 48
Pergolide, for parkinsonism, 551, 552t, 554 Periprosthetic complications, in total joint
Perioperative management replacement, 762, 765-766
of bariatric surgery, 393-403, 403-404 Peritoneal cavity
of blood sugar level. See Diabetes mellitus; carbon dioxide distention of, in laparoscopic
Glycemic control, perioperative. surgery, 259
of cardiac arrhythmias, 209-212. See also surgery within, cardiac risk stratification for,
specific arrhythmia, e.g., Atrial fibrillation. 163b, 164

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 823 1/3/08 1:24:10 PM

824 Index
Peritoneal dialysis Pituitary gland (Continued)
for chronic kidney disease, 612, 622 glucocorticoid regulation by, 429-431
preoperative, for volume overload, 612 dynamic testing of, 432
Peritonitis Plasma exchange, for immune hemolytic
acute anemia, 126
peptic ulcer perforation causing, 283-284 Plasma volume
pseudo-obstruction causing, 301 in erythrocytosis, 126-127, 129
bacterial, cirrhotic ascites associated with, in pregnant patient, 466
381-382, 382t, 385 Plasmapheresis, for myasthenia gravis, 537, 539
postoperative, 331 Plastic surgery, on nose, 745-746
Peroneal nerve, injuries to Platelet plug, in hemostasis, 136, 137b
common, 577 Platelet transfusion
in hysterectomy, 719, 721 for coagulopathy
in orthopedic surgery, 762 in liver disease, 152, 380
Perphenazine (Trilafon), for psychiatric illness, in postoperative bleeding, 154-155
666t for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318
Pharmacodynamics, in obese patient, bariatric for thrombocytopenia, 142, 143
surgery and, 404 Platelet-pheresis, for thrombocytosis, 135
Pharmacokinetics, in elderly patient, drug Platelets/platelet count
metabolism in, 584-585, 584b, 585t adequate for surgery, 140
Pharmacologic agents. See Medication(s). in hemostasis, 138, 140
Phenelzine (Nardil), for psychiatric illness, 665 qualitative considerations of, 145-146, 151
Phenobarbital (Luminal) in thrombocytopenia, pathophysiologic
for epilepsy, 554, 556t mechanisms of, 140-142, 141t
for seizure prophylaxis, 559 in thrombocytosis, 132
liver disease and, 352 therapeutic considerations of, 134-135
Phenothiazines, for nausea and vomiting, 304 postoperative bleeding and, 152, 153
Phentolamine, for cocaine-related chest pain, pregnancy effect on, 467, 468t
519b preoperative assessment of
Phenylephrine, for subarachnoid hemorrhage, for hemostasis, 138, 140
565 in healthy patient, 25
Phenytoin (Dilantin) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor impact
for alcohol withdrawal, 504 on, 699-700
for epilepsy, 554, 556t Pleural biopsy, thoracoscopy for, 707-708
for malignant hyperthermia, 547 Pleural space, evacuation of, thoracoscopy for,
for myotonia, 544t 710
prophylactic indications for, 559, 770 Pneumatic compression sleeves, for deep vein
Pheochromocytoma, 441-442 thrombosis prophylaxis, 98-99, 289
in pregnant patient, 491-492 surgical indications for. See specific procedure
Phlebotomy or type of surgery.
for anemia, limitation of, 122 Pneumococcal vaccine, 491
for congenital heart disease, preoperative, 239 Pneumonia
for erythrocytosis, 129, 129b, 130 aspiration, in pregnant patient, 471
Phosphorus, serum, alcohol abuse and, 507 postoperative, 250, 252, 263, 268
Physical examination alcohol abuse and, 508-509
for bleeding, 153, 153b in elderly patient, 592
for chronic kidney disease, 610 prediction model point system for, 262,
for mental status change, 571, 573t 263t
in preoperative assessment correlation of, with validation cohort,
for anemia, 119, 120, 120f 262, 263t
of elderly patient, 589-590 POCD. See Postoperative cognitive dysfunction
of healthy patient, 15, 18, 29 (POCD).
Physiology, changes in Polycythemia vera
in elderly patient, 582-585 erythrocytosis related to, 127, 128, 128f
in pregnant patient, 466-472, 468t treatment of, 129-130, 129b
Pinnaplasty, 741 thrombocytosis associated with, 133, 133b,
Piperacillin, prophylactic, for endocarditis 134
sprevention, 203 treatment of, 135
Pituitary gland Polymyositis, perioperative management of,
adenoma of, 443 645-647
diseases of, 443-444 Polymyxin B, prophylactic, for surgical site
in transsphenoidal surgery, 774 infections, 42t

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 824 1/3/08 1:24:10 PM

Index 825
Polyneuropathy, critical illness, 549 Postoperative complication(s) (Continued)
Polypectomy, nasal, 745 of urologic surgery, 729-730, 731-732, 733,
Portal blood flow 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739
cirrhosis impact on, 350-351, 386 pulmonary, 250
surgery effects on, 351 anesthesia-related, 251, 252-253, 259-260
Portal hypertension, 290 approaches to decrease risk of, 265-267
liver disease and, 350, 360, 371, 381, 389 definition of, 250
Portosystemic shunts, for chronic liver disease, identification of patient at high risk for,
369, 388 261-265, 262t, 263t
transjugular intrahepatic, 363, 385, 388 incidence of, 250-251
Positive pressure breathing, intermittent, for nonpulmonary risk factors for, 253f,
pulmonary complications, 266, 269 258-261
Postcardiotomy delirium, 569 pathogenesis of, 251-252
Postcholecystectomy syndrome, 332t, 343-344 postoperative care and, 267-270
Postdural puncture headache (PDPH), 52. See respiratory risk factors for, 253-258, 253f
also Spinal headache. Postoperative delirium
Postexposure prophylaxis, for hepatitis C delayed, 70-71
needlestick injury, 367 antidote reversal of, 72, 72t
Postoperative care differential diagnosis of, 72, 74
for pulmonary diseases/system, 267-270 etiology of, 72, 73t
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 634 predictors of, 71-72, 71t
medical consultant role in, assessment for in elderly patient, 592-596, 593b, 594t,
complications as, 8 595b
recommendations for. See specific procedure. management of, 569-570
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD), outcomes of, 569
69-74 surgical risk factors for, 570-571
anesthetic agents associated with, 69-70 Postoperative fasting
antidotes for, 72, 72t glycemic control for, 422-427
delayed, 71-74, 71t, 73t insulin therapy for, 422, 423, 424, 425t,
incidence of, 69 426t
Postoperative complication(s) Postoperative infections, 35
atrial fibrillation/flutter as, 213-215 in neurosurgery, 769-770, 771, 772-773
bleeding as, 152-155, 153b in orthopedic surgery, 758, 759-760,
cardiac, 158 761-762, 764-765
risk assessment for. See Cardiac risk. subfascial, 759-760, 764-765
deep vein thrombosis as. See Deep vein suprafascial, 764
thrombosis (DVT). intra-abdominal, 331
gastrointestinal, 295-331 prevention of
hypertension as, 182-183 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-48, 203
in alcoholic patient, 496-499, 504-511 nonantimicrobial interventions for, 36-37,
in elderly patient, 591-596 38b
in ophthalmologic patient, 459-462, 461t procedure-related rates of, 36, 37t
in pregnant patient, with nonobstetric pulmonary, 252, 253f
surgery, 472 risk factors for, 35-36, 36b
medical consultant assessment of, 8 Postoperative peripheral sensorimotor neu-
neurologic impairment as ropathy (PPSN), 75-77
anesthesia-related, 68-77, 71t, 72t, 73t Postoperative visual loss (POVL), 77
delirium as. See Postoperative delirium. Postural drainage, for pulmonary complications,
of bariatric surgery, 406-409 266
of gastrointestinal surgery, 332-344 Posture
of hysterectomy, 719, 721, 722 as spinal headache factor, 52
of laparoscopic surgery, 713, 714, 715, obesity-related hypoxemia and, 65-66
716, 717 Posturing, in metabolic encephalopathy, 569
of myositis, 646-647 Potassium, serum
of neurosurgery, 769-770, 771, 772, 773, 775 alcohol abuse impact on, 507
of obstetric surgery, 722, 723, 724, 725, decreased. See Hypokalemia.
726-727 elevated. See Hyperkalemia.
of orthopedic surgery, 757-758, 759-760, preoperative assessment of, 26, 27b
761-763, 764-767 Potassium supplementation, for cardiac condi-
of systemic autoimmune diseases, 642, 643, tions, 235, 242
648, 651 Pouchitis, 341
of thoracoscopy, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711 POVL (postoperative visual loss), 77

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 825 1/3/08 1:24:10 PM

826 Index
PPSN (postoperative peripheral sensorimotor Prenatal radiation exposure (Continued)
neuropathy), 75-77 common doses of, 473, 473t, 479
P-R interval health risk with, 473-474, 475t
in conduction abnormalities, 220 Preoperative assessment
muscular dystrophy impact on, 545 for bariatric surgery, 401-403, 403b
Prednisone (Deltasone) of atrial fibrillation, 209-210
for Crohn’s disease, 288 of cardiovascular disease, 157-245. See also
for immune hemolytic anemia, 125 Cardiovascular disease.
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 640, 642, of chronic kidney disease, 610-612
644, 649t of deep vein thrombosis, 92-95, 93b, 94t
for ulcerative colitis, 287-288 of diabetes mellitus, 30t, 412-413
glucocorticoid equivalencies of, 431t of elderly patient, 19, 585-590
stress-dose regimen for, 431, 433t of healthy patient, 15-31
Pregnancy/pregnant patient cardiac risk in, 16, 17f, 18
anatomic and physiologic changes during, chest radiography in, 19-21, 20b
466-472 recommendations for, 21
cardiovascular, 467t, 468-469, 470f clinical assessment in, 15
gastrointestinal, 471 electrocardiogram in, 21-23, 22b
hematologic, 466-468, 468t recommendations for, 22-23, 31
pulmonary, 469, 471 functional status in, 16, 17f
renal, 4t, 471-472 history review in, 15-16
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and, laboratory testing in
652-653 elderly patient and, 19, 590
glycemic control during, 413-414 evidence-based value of, 19
mechanical heart valves in, anticoagulation for anticipated low blood loss, 29-30, 30t
therapy for, 691-692 for specific conditions, 30, 30t
nonobstetric surgery in for specific medications, 30, 31t
analgesia for, 480, 480t, 481t, 482 for specific surgical cases, 30, 31t
anesthesia for, 471, 472, 473, 474, previous results versus, 30-31
476-477 specific tests for, 16, 18-19, 23-29, 24b,
bariatric, 409 25b, 27b
diagnostic imaging for, 473-474, 473t, pregnancy testing in, 16, 29
475t, 476t of hematologic disorder(s)
for acute appendicitis, 483-485 anemia as, 19, 23-24, 24b, 118-121, 120f
for breast mass/cancer, 487-488 erythrocytosis as, 128, 128f
for cholecystitis, 485-486 hemostasis as, 137-140, 139t
for hepatic adenoma, 491 leukocytosis as, 132
for intestinal obstruction, 486-487 leukopenia as, 130-131
for ovarian disease, 488-489 thrombocytosis as, 134
for pheochromocytoma, 491-492 of ophthalmologic patient, 454-455
for splenic artery aneurysm, 490-491 of pulmonary disease, 249-250
for trauma, 489-490 identification of high-risk patient, 261-
incidence of, 465 265, 262t, 263t
laboratory tests for, 24, 467-468, 468t, laboratory tests for, 30t
469, 471-472 of pulmonary embolism risk, 92-95, 94t
laparoscopic, 483 of systemic autoimmune diseases, 633
perioperative issues of, 465-466, 492 of ventricular arrhythmias, 210-212
postoperative complications of, 472 Preoperative fasting, 81-82
thromboembolism risks with, 467, anesthetic technique and, 87
477-479, 477f changing consensus in, 81
timing of, 472-473 clinical data on, 84-85
preoperative assessment of, 24, 652 contemporary guidelines for, 85-87, 86t
radiologic studies of emergent surgery and, 87
cancer risks with, 474, 476t gastric contents clearance in, 84
health risks with, 473-474, 475t insulin therapy for, 419, 420
radiation doses in, 473, 473t, 479 pulmonary aspiration and
Pregnancy testing, preoperative, 16, 29 incidence trends for, 81-82
Pregnancy-associated breast cancer, 487-488 reexamination of risk for, 82-84, 83t
Preload, obesity impact on, 61t, 62 Primary sclerosing cholangitis, inflammatory
Premature labor, surgical risks for, 472-473 bowel disease associated with, 289
Prenatal radiation exposure Procainamide, for myotonia, 544t
cancer risk with, 474, 476t Procyclidine (Kemadrin), for parkinsonism, 553t

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Index 827
Prokinetic agents Prothrombin time (PT) (Continued)
for bile reflux gastritis, 334 in liver disease, 355, 361, 378, 389
for colonic pseudo-obstruction, 300-301 alcoholic, 368
for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 277, 279 in warfarin prophylaxis, 97
for nausea and vomiting, 304 postoperative bleeding and, 153
Propofol preoperative assessment of, 25-26, 25b
chronic kidney disease and, 619 for hemostasis, 137f, 138, 139, 140
for alcohol withdrawal, 504 Proton pump inhibitors
hepatic metabolism of, 352 for gastric acid hypersecretion, 340
Propranolol for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 277, 278t
for alcohol withdrawal, 503 for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318-319
for benzodiazepine-dependency, 529 for H. pylori infection, 279t, 282-283
for hyperthyroidism symptoms, 439-440 for peptic ulcer disease, 278t, 282-283
Propylthiouracil (PTU), for hyperthyroidism, postoperative, 314
439 recurrent, 333
Prostaglandin analogues, for peptic ulcer disease, for short bowel syndrome, 338
278t for stress ulcer prophylaxis, 313-314
Prostate, biopsy of, 46 Protriptyline (Vivactil), for psychiatric illness,
Prostate cancer, 599, 729 661t
Prostate surgery Pseudocysts, pancreatitis causing, 293, 294, 295
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 46 Pseudomembranous colitis
cardiac risk stratification for, 163b, 164 bleeding caused by, 316
Prostatectomy C. difficile associated with, 305-308
open, simple versus radical, 731-732 Pseudo-obstruction, postoperative
transurethral colonic, 298-301, 300b
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 46 intestinal, 298, 299-301, 299b
deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, scleroderma and, 651
102, 103t Pseudo-withdrawal syndrome, of benzodiaze-
Prosthetic devices, placement of, antimicrobial pine dependency, 528-529
prophylaxis for PSVT (paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia),
cardiac, 202b perioperative management of, 216-217
genitourinary, 41t, 46 Psychiatric assessment, for bariatric surgery,
orthopedic, 42t, 47-48 402-403, 403b
vascular, 42t, 48 Psychiatric illness, perioperative management
Prosthetic heart valves of, 657-670
anticoagulation therapy for, 691-692 antidepressants in
for elderly patient, 598 monoamine oxidase inhibitors as, 657,
indications for 659t, 665
aortic, 195-196, 197-198 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as,
mitral, 188, 192 657, 658t, 663-665
noncardiac surgery risks with, 200-201, 210 tricyclic, 657, 658t, 660, 661t, 662-663
Protamine, for bleeding, 154 benzodiazepines in, 657, 658t, 660
Protein C cocaine withdrawal and, 513-514
deep vein thrombosis and, 111, 112 electroconvulsive therapy for, 668-669
in hemostasis, 136, 137f lithium in, 657, 659t, 667-668
Protein malnutrition neuroleptic malignant syndrome and, 669-670
bariatric surgery causing, 408 neuroleptics (antipsychotics) in, 657, 659t,
in chronic kidney disease, 623-624 666-667
in chronic liver disease, 388-389 Psychologic adjustment, to ostomies, 341
Protein restriction, for hepatic encephalopathy, PT. See Prothrombin time (PT).
386 PTA. See Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
Protein S (PTA).
deep vein thrombosis and, 111 PTH (parathyroid hormone), in hypercalcemia,
in hemostasis, 136, 137f 444, 445
Proteinuria, in pregnant patient, 472 PTT. See Partial thromboplastin time (PTT).
Prothrombin gene mutation, deep vein throm- PTU (propylthiouracil), for hyperthyroidism,
bosis and, 112-113 439
Prothrombin time (PT) Pugh scoring system. See Child-Turcotte-Pugh
in hemostasis scoring system.
preoperative evaluation of, 137f, 138, Pulmonary artery catheter
139, 140 pacemaker lead cautions with, 228
prolongation of, 147-148, 147b, 152 perioperative use of, 229-230, 620

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828 Index
Pulmonary aspiration Pulmonary embolism (PE) (Continued)
anesthesia and bridge approach to, 108-109, 109b
contemporary guidelines for preventing, in pregnant patient, 479
85-87, 86t problems in, 108-114
obesity-related, 61t, 64-65 etiology of, 91-92
preoperative fasting in, 81-82 fatal, 94t, 95
reexamination of risk of, 82-84, 83t, 351 in pregnant patient, diagnosis of, 478, 479
in pregnant patient, 471 perioperative approach to, 6, 108-109, 109b
anesthesia risks for, 474, 476-477 postoperative, 250
nausea and vomiting risks for, 305 risk classification for, 92-95, 94t
postoperative, 250, 267-268 prophylaxis for, 95-114
Pulmonary complications activated protein C resistance in, 112
of liver disease, 351, 360, 363-364 antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in,
postoperative 113-114
anesthesia-related, 251, 252-253, 259-260 antithrombin III deficiency in, 110-111
asthma and, 257-258 extended, 106-107, 108t
approaches to decrease, 265-267 external pneumatic compression in, 98-99
definition of, 250 factor V Leiden in, 112
identification of patient at high-risk for, gradient elastic stockings in, 99
261-265, 262t, 263t heparin in, 95-97, 95b, 96b
in elderly patient, 592 bridge approach to, 109, 109b
incidence of, 250-251 heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in,
myasthenia gravis and, 541-542, 541t 113
nonpulmonary risk factors for, 253f, in bariatric surgery, 405, 406-407
258-261 in general surgery, 106, 107t
pathogenesis of, 251-252 high-risk, 108t
pathophysiology of, 249-250, 253f in gynecologic surgery, 104, 105t
postoperative care and, 267-270 in malignant diseases, 108t
respiratory risk factors for, 253-258, 253f in neurosurgery, 102-104, 104t
Pulmonary deficits in orthopedic surgery, 99-102, 101t, 108t
amiodarone causing, 211-212 in urologic surgery, 102, 103t
neuromuscular diseases causing protein C deficiency in, 111, 112
acute, 541-542, 541t protein S deficiency in, 111
chronic, 543-545 prothrombin gene mutation in, 112-113
postoperative, 250, 252, 261 warfarin in, 97, 98b
parkinsonism associated with, 552-554 bridge approach to, 108-109, 109b
Pulmonary diseases risk factors for, 92, 93b
interstitial in noncardiac surgery, 6
rheumatoid arthritis associated with, postoperative classification of, 92-95, 94t
634-635, 637 preoperative assessment of, 92-95
systemic autoimmune diseases and, 645, Pulmonary function tests
647, 650 aging impact on, 583, 590
obstructive. See Asthma; Chronic obstructive for bariatric surgery, 402
pulmonary disease (COPD). for parkinsonism, 553, 554
perioperative management of, 265-267 postoperative care for increasing, 268-269
postoperative complications with, 250-270. pregnancy effect on, 469
See also Pulmonary system. preoperative
preoperative assessment of, 249-250 for asthma assessment, 258
identification of patient at high-risk for, for COPD assessment, 256-257
261-265, 262t, 263t for muscular dystrophy, 543-544
laboratory tests for, 30t smoking cessation impact on, 265
restrictive Pulmonary hypertension
neuromuscular diseases causing, 543-545 bariatric surgery and, 402, 404
parkinsonism associated with, 552-554 in congenital heart disease, 239, 239t
Pulmonary edema mitral stenosis causing, 186-187, 188
in chronic kidney disease, 613 systemic autoimmune diseases and, 645,
in congestive heart failure, 233 647, 650, 651
mitral regurgitation causing, 191 Pulmonary system
postoperative, 158, 250 aging effects on, 583, 592
Pulmonary embolism (PE), 91-114 alcohol abuse impact on, 508-509
acute, 109-110 anesthesia impact on, 252
anticoagulation for cocaine abuse impact on, 515b, 518, 520

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Index 829
Pulmonary system (Continued) Radiation (Continued)
effects of surgery on, 249-250 health risk with, 473-474, 475t
marijuana impact on, 532 thrombocytopenia related to, 141, 142, 142t
obesity-related derangements of Radical hysterectomy, 721-722
general anesthesia and, 61t, 62-67, 66f Radical neck dissection, 748-749
regional anesthesia and, 67-68, 68t Radical nephrectomy, 734-735
pregnancy effect on, 469, 471 Radiofrequency ablation, of hepatocellular
preoperative evaluation of, 249-250. See also carcinoma, 377-378
Pulmonary function tests. Radiography
for abdominal surgery, 250 abdominal, in mesenteric ischemia, 330
identification of high-risk patient in, chest. See Chest radiography.
261-265, 262t, 263t contrast
laboratory tests for, 30t for gastrointestinal disorders, 276, 280, 284
smoking impact on, 253-255, 264, 529 nephropathy related to, 629-630
Pulmonary venous pressure, in congestive heart during pregnancy
failure, 231, 233 cancer risks with, 474, 476t
Pulse pressure, carotid, aortic stenois impact health risks with, 473-474, 475t
on, 197 radiation doses in, 473, 473t, 479
Pulsus parvus, 197 in acute pancreatitis, 292-293
Pulsus tardus, 197 in intestinal obstruction, 298, 301
Pupillary light response, in metabolic encepha- in ischemic colitis, 309
lopathy, 568-569 in pulmonary complication prediction,
Pylorus, in biliopancreatic bypass, 400-401, 250, 264
400f-401f, 402t preoperative indications for
Pyridostigmine (Mestinon), for myasthenia in elderly patient, 590
gravis, 537, 538t in healthy patient, 6b, 19-21
Pyridoxine, for nausea, in pregnant patients, 482 upper gastrointestinal, for bariatric surgery,
Ranitidine, for peptic ulcer disease, 278t
Q Rapid urease test, for peptic ulcer disease, 280
QRS complex Rasagiline (Azilect), for parkinsonism, 551, 552t
hyperkalemia effect on, 615 Raynaud’s phenomenon, 650, 651
in atrial arrhythmias, 212 Recombinant activated factor VIIa
in conduction abnormalities, 220 for bleeding, 155
in supraventricular arrhythmias, 216, 219-220 for coagulopathy, in liver disease, 380
muscular dystrophy effect on, 545 Recombinant erythropoietin, for anemia, 123
QT interval Recombinant hematopoietic growth factors, for
calcium disorder impact on, 445, 449 leukopenia, 131
neuroleptic effect on, 666, 667 Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, 365
QT syndrome, long, 221-225, 223b Recombinant human erythropoietin, for uremic
Quadruple therapy, for H. pylori infection, anemia, 616-617
279t, 282 Rectal examination, for diarrhea, 311
Quetiapine (Seroquel) Rectosigmoid resection, in pelvic exenteration,
for confusion, in elderly patient, 596 725-726
for psychiatric illness, 666t, 667 Rectum, inflammation of, mucosal versus trans-
perioperative management of, 703 mural, 285, 287
Quinidine, for myotonia, 544t Red blood cell mass, in pregnant patient, 466
Quinolones, prophylactic, for surgical site Red blood cell scan, in gastrointestinal bleed-
infections, 42t ing, 320, 322
Red blood cell transfusions
for anemia
R autologous donation of, 123
RA. See Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). complications of, 122
Rabeprazole, for gastroesophageal reflux dis- immune hemolytic, 125-126
ease, 277, 278t preoperative considerations of, 121-122
Radial nerve, injuries to, 575 recommendations for, 118, 119t
Radiation sickle cell, 124-125
anemia related to, 121 uremic, 617
leukopenia associated with, 130, 131, 131t for bleeding, 154
prenatal exposure to Red blood cells, major function of, 117
cancer risk with, 474, 476t Reduction procedure, for nasal fracture, 745
common doses of, 473, 473t, 479 Referrals. See Specialist consultation.

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830 Index
Reflex(es) Renal transplantation
in metabolic encephalopathy, 568-569 acute renal failure risk with, 625
oculocardiac, 460 cardiac risk and, 169, 611
postoperative deficits in, anesthesia-related, 75 immunosuppressants for, 614, 623
Reflex bradycardia, during surgery, 207-208, Renal vascular surgery, 735-736
208t Replacement therapy(ies)
Reflex tachycardia, in cardiac transplant pa- fluid. See Fluid therapy.
tient, 225 heart valve. See Prosthetic heart valves.
Regional anesthesia hormone, perioperative management of,
cardiovascular disease and, 172-173 678t-679t, 697-698
general anesthesia versus, 52, 78-80, 80t joint. See Joint arthroplasty; specific joint.
obesity and, 67-68, 68t Resection(s)
neuropathy associated with, 75-77 intestinal. See Bowel resection.
Regurgitation of abdominal aorta, antimicrobial prophy-
gastric, obesity-related, anesthesia and, 61t, laxis for, 43t, 48
64-65 of acoustic neuroma, 744
mitral valve of hepatocellular cancer, operative risk asso-
clinical aspects of, 190-192 ciated with, 364t, 376-378
perioperative management and risks of, pulmonary, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40
192-193 rectosigmoid, in pelvic exenteration,
Reimbursement. See Medical insurance. 725-726
Renal artery, lesions of, 735-737 transurethral prostate, 729, 730
Renal disease fibrinolysis in, 729
acute. See Acute renal failure (ARF). Respiratory alkalosis, in pregnant patient, 469
chronic. See Chronic kidney disease (CKD). Respiratory failure
Crohn’s disease risk for, 289 amiodarone causing, 211-212
end-stage, 608-609, 611. See also Renal neuromuscular diseases causing
transplantation. acute, 541-542, 541t
in surgical patient, 605-630 chronic, 543-545
acute versus chronic, 607-630 postoperative, 250, 252, 261
assessment of function in, 606 parkinsonism associated with, 552-554
perioperative considerations of, 605-606 Respiratory muscles
preoperative assessment for, 30t anesthesia impact on, 251-252, 253f
preoperative stratification of, in diabetic laparoscopic surgery and, 259
patients, 412, 413 parkinsonism impact on, 550, 552, 553
Renal excretion, of drugs, in elderly patient, 584 Respiratory rate, anesthesia impact on, 251
Renal failure Respiratory system. See Pulmonary system.
acute, 607 Respiratory tract procedures, endocarditis pro-
postoperative, 625-630 phylaxis for, 202, 203
chronic, 607-624 Restrictive procedures, in bariatric surgery,
anemia related to, 123 396-397, 396f-397f, 402t
hepatorenal syndrome versus, 385 complications of, 406-407
intrinsic, 607, 626 malabsorptive procedures combined with,
postoperative, 606 396, 398, 398f-401f, 400-401, 402t
obstructive jaundice and, 372-373 complications of, 407-409
postrenal, 607, 626 Retention enemas, for ulcerative colitis, 287
prerenal, 606, 607, 626 Reticulocyte count, in anemia
Renal function management based on, 123
aging effects on, 583 preoperative evaluation of, 119-121, 120f
assessment of, 606 Retinal detachment, repair of, 454, 455
hypercalcemia impact on, 445, 446-447 Retroperitoneal lymph nodes, dissection of,
liver disease impact on, 360, 389 739-740
pathophysiology of, 384-385 Retropubic suspensions, 726-727
perioperative management of, 385-386 Revascularization procedures
pregnancy effect on, 468t, 471-472 carotid. See Carotid endarterectomy.
systemic autoimmune diseases and, 643-644, coronary artery. See Coronary artery bypass
647-648 surgery (CABG).
Renal insufficiency, noncardiac surgery and, peripheral, risk stratification for, 6-7
158, 160, 161b, 610 Review of systems, in preoperative assessment,
preoperative cardiac testing and, 167 16
Renal replacement therapy (RRT), for renal Rhabdomyolysis, renal failure related to, 626,
failure, 606, 609, 612, 628 628

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Index 831
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 634-642 Screening tests (Continued)
disease characteristics of, 634-637, 635t for hepatitis viruses, 354, 355, 357t,
extra-articular manifestations of, 634, 635t 358t
medication management of, 638-642, 646, for hepatocellular carcinoma, 376
649t-650t for liver disease, 353, 355-356
postoperative complications of, 642 Secondary bacterial peritonitis, cirrhotic ascites
spondylitis versus, 637-638 associated with, 381-382, 382t
Rhinoplasty, 745-746 Second-degree AV block, perioperative
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t management of, 220, 222b
Rhinorrhea, cerebrospinal fluid, in transsphe- Sedation/sedatives
noidal surgery, 773-774 confusion related to, 572
Rh-positive patients, idiopathic immune for confusion, in elderly patient, 596
thrombocytopenic purpura in, 143 liver disease and, 352-353
Ribavirin, for hepatitis C, 366, 367 tricyclic antidepressants causing, 662, 663
Rifaximin, for bacterial overgrowth, in small Seizures
bowel resection, 339 alcohol withdrawal causing, 498, 506-507
Risk management, hospital department for, 11 anticonvulsants for, 555, 556t, 557
Risk stratification prophylactic use of, 558-559
for bleeding, 139-140, 139t benzodiazepine withdrawal causing, 528-529
for cardiovascular disease. See Cardiac risk. cocaine abuse and, 520
for elderly surgical patients, 581, 601-602 epilepsy classification of, 554
for liver disease, 28 metabolic encephalopathy causing, 569
for peripheral revascularization procedures, postoperative
6-7 confusion and, 570
for pulmonary complications, 261-265, in neurosurgery, 770
262t, 263t Selective estrogen receptor modifiers, 678t-679t,
Risperidone (Risperdal) 698
for confusion, in elderly patient, 596 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
for psychiatric illness, 666-667, 666t for psychiatric illness, 657, 658t, 663-665
Ristocetin cofactor activity, 147 MAO inhibitor interaction with, 665
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 398, 398f-399f, perioperative management of, 680t-681t,
402t, 405 699-701
for bile reflux gastritis, 334 Selegiline hydrochloride (Eldepryl), for parkin-
RRT (renal replacement therapy), for renal sonism, 551, 552t
failure, 606, 609, 612, 628 Self-help programs, for weight loss, 395
Sensorimotor neuropathy, postoperative
peripheral, 75-77
S Sepsis
SA. See Spinal anesthesia (SA). encephalopathy related to, 571
St. John’s wort, 703, 704t intra-abdominal, postoperative, 331
Saline, isotonic. See Normal saline infusion. seizures related to, 557
Saline cathartics, for constipation, 297 Serologic tests
Saline gavage, for gastrointestinal bleeding, 318 for Crohn’s disease, 286
Salt restriction, for cirrhotic ascites, 383 for peptic ulcer disease, 281
Salt wasting, cerebral, craniotomy and, 771 Serotonin, SSRI effect on, 664-665
Salt-poor albumin Serotonin syndrome, 701
for cirrhotic ascites, 383 Sertraline (Zoloft), for psychiatric illness, 664
following paracentesis, 383 Sexual dysfunction, ostomies and, 341
for hepatorenal syndrome, 385 Shock, gastrointestinal bleeding causing, 318
Sciatic nerve, injuries to, 576, 577 Shock wave lithotripsy, extracorporeal, 737-738
in hysterectomy, 719, 721 Short bowel syndrome, 336
Scintigraphy metabolic complications of, 336-340
biliary, in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344 Shunts/shunting
in acalculous cholecystitis, 327 cerebrospinal fluid, placement of, anti-
in gastrointestinal bleeding, 320, 322 microbial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47
Scleral buckle, 754 for chronic liver disease, 362-363, 369,
Scleral flap, in trabeculectomy, 752 385, 388
Scleroderma, perioperative management of, intrapulmonary, liver disease and, 351
648, 650-651 SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
Screening tests hormone), 443-444, 771
for adrenal insufficiency, 430, 432 Sibutramine (Meridia), for obesity, 394-395
for alcoholism, 497 Sickle cell anemia, 124-125

Index-X2385_777_840.indd 831 1/3/08 1:24:13 PM

832 Index
Simple nephrectomy, 734-735 Sodium bicarbonate
Sinus(es) for contrast-induced nephropathy, 630
frontal, trephination of, 746-747 for hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney disease,
sphenoid, enlargement of, 747 615, 621
Sinus bradycardia, perioperative management for malignant hyperthermia symptoms, 547
of, 205 Sodium fluorescein, for fundus angiography, 458
Sinus tachycardia Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate), for
malignant hyperthermia and, 546 hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney disease,
perioperative management of, 207, 212-213 615, 624
Sinusotomy, Caldwell-Luc, 746 Sodium-potassium/adenosine triphosphatase
Sirolimus, 699 inhibitors, for gastroesophageal reflux dis-
Sjögren’s syndrome, 637 ease, 277, 278t
Skeletal muscle relaxants Solid foods, preoperative guidelines for, 85, 86t
in general anesthesia, 63, 65 Somatostatin analogue. See Octreotide.
malignant hyperthermia induced by, 544, 548t Sorbitol, for hyperkalemia, in chronic kidney
Skin care, for ostomies, 340-341 disease, 615, 624
Skin infections SOS (Swedish Obese Subjects) study, 406
at surgical site. See Surgical site infections Sotalol, for atrial fibrillation, 215
(SSIs). Specialist consultation
endocarditis prophylaxis for, 203 for acute renal failure, 607
SLE. See Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). for bariatric surgery, 402, 403b
Sleep apnea for cricoarytenoid joint dysfunction, 635-636
nasal CPAP for, 261 for ECT, 669
obstructive Sphenoid sinus, enlargement of, 747
as pulmonary complication factor, 260-261 Sphincterotomy, endoscopic, for obstructive
syndrome of, 63, 65 jaundice, 374, 375
Slings, suburethral, 726-727 Spinal anesthesia (SA), 52
Small intestines anticoagulation use in, 692-693
bypass surgery on, 311. See also Gastric by- antiplatelet therapy risks for, 145-146
pass surgery. cardiovascular disease and, 172, 173, 185, 199
complications of, 332t, 336-340 for pregnant patient, 476
malabsorptive procedures for, in bariatric headache due to, 52-59, 53t, 55f-56f
surgery, 396, 398, 398f-401f, 400-401, needles used for, 56-57, 56f
402t pulmonary complications with, 252, 257
complications of, 407-409 Spinal cord
postoperative bleeding in, 321-322 compression of, rheumatoid arthritis causing,
anticoagulant-induced, 316 636-637
resection of injuries
complications of, 332t, 336-340 bradyarrhythmias following, 225-226
for inflammatory bowel disease, 289 deep vein thrombosis risk with, 94t, 95
in pelvic exenteration, 725-726 Spinal headache, 52-59
Smoking cessation clinical features of, 53-54, 53t
for bariatric surgery, 402, 403b epidemiology of, 54, 55f, 57
methods for, 530 etiology of, 52
surgical benefits of, 254-255, 265, 530-531 needle factors of, 54-57, 56f, 59
in elderly patient, 592 prognosis for, 57
Smoking/smokers treatment of, 57-59
as pulmonary complication factor, 253-255, invasive, 57, 58-59
529 Spine
age and, 264 cervical, rheumatoid arthritis involvement of,
peptic ulcer disease and, 282 635-636
perioperative management of, 529-531 perioperative management of, 636-637
Social history, in preoperative assessment, 16 surgery on
Sodium antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 42t, 47
serum lumbar disk, 772-773
decreased Spirometry
in ascites, 381, 383 obesity impact on, 260
seizures related to, 557 postoperative, for pulmonary complications,
preoperative assessment of, 26, 27b 266
urine preoperative
in acute renal failure, 627 for asthma assessment, 258, 264
in hepatorenal syndrome, 384-385 for COPD assessment, 256-257, 264

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Index 833
Spironolactone, for cirrhotic ascites, 383 Steroids (Continued)
Splenectomy, thrombocytosis related to, 135 preoperative laboratory testing for, 31t
Splenic artery aneurysm, in pregnant patient, prophylactic, in craniotomy, 770
490-491 stress-dose therapy with, 430-434. See also
Splenomegaly Stress-dose steroids.
thrombocytopenia related to, 142, 142t Stomach
thrombocytosis related to, 134 opening to, in bariatric surgery, 396-397,
Spondylarthropathy, human leukocyte antigen- 396f-397f
B27–associated, 637-638 restrictive procedures for, in bariatric surgery,
Spondylitis 396-397, 396f-397f, 402t
disease characteristics of, 637-638, 642 complications of, 406-407
medication management of, 638-642 malabsorptive procedures combined with,
Spontaneous abortion, 148 396, 398, 398f-401f, 400-401, 402t
fetal susceptibility to, 472 complications of, 407-409
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, cirrhotic Stomach pouch, in bariatric surgery, 396-397,
ascites associated with, 381-382, 382t, 385 396f-397f
Sputum, in pulmonary complications, 250, 252 Stool tests
COPD and, 256 for Crohn’s disease, 286
management of, 265-267 for diarrhea, 311
smoking and, 254 for pseudomembranous colitis, 308
SSIs. See Surgical site infections (SSIs). Stools/stooling
SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- bloody postoperative, 318
tors (SSRIs). ostomies and, 332t, 340-342
Stair climbing test uncontrolled. See Diarrhea.
as postoperative complication predictor Streptococcus spp.
cardiac, 161 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38
pulmonary, 264-265 group B, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t,
in cardiovascular risk evaluation, 16, 17f, 161 203
of elderly patient, 587 in orthopedic wound infections, 762, 765
preoperative, 162f viridans, bacterial endocarditis associated
Stapes surgery, 743 with, 203, 204t
Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant, Stress test, cardiac
39, 43t for chronic kidney disease, 611-612
Staphylococcus spp. for perioperative myocardial infarction, 181
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-39 preoperative cardiac testing and, 166, 168t, 170
procedure-specific, 40, 41t-43t, 203 Stress ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding caused
in orthopedic wound infections, 761, 765 by, 312-314, 319
Stasis, deep vein thrombosis related to, 91-92 Stress-dose steroids, 430-434
Statins, for perioperative ischemic heart disease, dose and regimen selection for, 432-434, 433t
175-176 for asthmatic patients, 258
Steatorrhea, 310, 311, 337, 338 for chronic kidney disease, 614, 623
Stenosis, of carotid artery, 560, 562t, 563 for panhypopituitarism, 444
Stents/stenting for systemic autoimmune arthritis, 640-641
biliary, long-term anticoagulation therapy for systemic autoimmune diseases, 634
and, 689 for ulcerative colitis, 287-288
carotid artery, 560 indications for, 430-432
coronary Stroke, 559-563
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40, 41t acute ischemic, 560-561, 562t
antiplatelet therapy for, 168-169, 177-178, elective surgery timing after, 562-563
244, 694 management of, 560-561
drug-eluting, 169, 177-178 noncardiac surgery and, 158, 160, 161b
perioperative management of perioperative considerations of, 561-563, 562t
for ischemic heart disease, 177-178 in elderly patient, 589, 599
in noncardiac surgery, 168, 244 postoperative, anesthesia-related, 74-75
pancreatic, 294 risk factors for, 559-560
Sternotomy, median, antimicrobial prophylaxis Subarachnoid hemorrhage, 563-566
for, 40 classification of, 563, 564t
Steroids endovascular treatment of, 564, 566
for asthma, adrenal insufficiency and, 258 hemodynamic augmentation therapy for,
for hypopituitarism, in transsphenoidal 564-566
surgery, 774 mortality with, 563
inhaled, for pulmonary complications, 266 vasospasm correlation with, 563-564, 566

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834 Index
Subclinical hyperthyroidism, 437 Surgical procedure(s). (Continued)
Subcutaneous insulin site of, as pulmonary complication factor,
continuous, 416 258-259
conversion of intravenous to, 421 specific
perioperative management of, 416-417, as pulmonary complication factor, 259, 264
418t, 419 cardiac risk related to, 159, 163-164,
Substance abuse, surgical patient and, 163b
495-532 postoperative confusion and, 570-571
DSM-IV TR criteria for, 495, 496b Surgical site infections (SSIs), 35
of alcohol, 496-511 in orthopedic surgery, 758, 759-760,
of benzodiazepines, 527-529 761-762, 764-765
of cocaine, 512-520 prevention of
of marijuana, 531-532 antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 38-48, 203
of opioids, 520-527 nonantimicrobial interventions for, 36-37,
of tobacco, 529-531 38b
perioperative care of, 496-532, 676t, 677 procedure-related rates of, 36, 37t, 43
Suburethral slings, 726-727 risk factors for, 35-36, 36b
Succinylcholine Swallowing, difficulty in
liver disease and, 353 myositis associated with, 645, 646
malignant hyperthermia induced by, 544, 548t parkinsonism and, 550
pharmacodynamics of, in obese patient, 404 Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study, 406
Sucralfate Sympathetic nervous system
for bile reflux gastritis, 334 ECT impact on, 668
for peptic ulcer disease, 278t spinal cord injury and, 225-226
for stress ulcer prophylaxis, 313 stimulation of, hypertension related to, 182,
Sudden death, risk factors for, 196-197, 198 184
Sulfasalazine Sympathomimetic agents, ophthalmic use of,
for Crohn’s disease, 288 456, 457t
for systemic autoimmune diseases, 649t Synchronized cardioversion, for perioperative
for ulcerative colitis, 286-287 arrhythmias, 216, 220
Sulfonylureas, for diabetes management, 415, Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hor-
417t mone (SIADH), 443-444, 771
perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t, 427 Systemic autoimmune arthritis, 634-642
Sumatriptan, for spinal headache, 58 medication management of, 638-642
“Sundowning,” 570, 594 postoperative complications of, 642
Superficial procedures, cardiac risk stratification rheumatoid characteristics of, 634-637,
for, 163b, 164 635t
Supportive therapy spondylitis characteristics of, 637-638
for acute pancreatitis, 293-294 Systemic autoimmune disease(s)
for confusion, in elderly patient, 596 perioperative management of, 633-653
for gastroesophageal reflux disease, 276-277 antiphospholipid antibody syndrome as,
for mesenteric ischemia, 330 113-114, 651-653
for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 670 arthritis as
for transurethral resection syndrome, 730 crystalline, 642-644
Supraventricular arrhythmias, perioperative osteoarthritis, 653
management of, 205-206, 208 rheumatoid, 634-642
wide-complex, 219-220 lupus erythematosus as, 30t, 647-648
Surgery-specific cardiac risk, 159 medications in, 633, 649t-650t
stratification of, 163-164, 163b, 166-168 myositis as, 645-647
Surgical history, in preoperative assessment, 15 scleroderma as, 648, 650-651
Surgical procedure(s). See also specific surgery, postoperative management of, 634
e.g., Cholecystectomy. preoperative assessment of, 633
classification by degree of contamination, 36, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
37t disease characteristics of, 647-648
liver disease and, 364t medications for, 646, 648
noncardiac postoperative complications of, 648
categories of, 16, 18 preoperative assessment for, 30t
in patients with cardiovascular disease, Systemic vascular resistance, in subarachnoid
157-245. See also Cardiovascular hemorrhage management, 565
disease. Systolic blood pressure, perioperative cardiac
nonobstetric, in pregnant patient, 465-492. complications and, 182
See also Pregnancy/pregnant patient.

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Index 835
T Thoracic aneurysm, endovascular repair of,
T wave, hyperkalemia effect on, 614
Thoracic surgery
T3. See Triiodothyronine (T3).
antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 40, 42t, 43
T4. See Thyroxine (T4).
atrial fibrillation incidence in, 215
fiberoptic scope–guided. See Thoracoscopy.
etiology of, 207, 208, 219
for rheumatoid nodules, 634-635
perioperative management of, 205-206,
Thoracoscopy, 707-711
212-213, 216-218
diagnostic, for biopsies, 707-709
reflex, in cardiac transplant patient, 225
wide-complex, of unknown type, 219-220
for pleural space evacuation, 710
Tacrolimus, chronic kidney disease and, 623
video-assisted, 707, 711
Tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptics causing, 666,
Thoracostomy, closed-tube, antimicrobial pro-
phylaxis for, 43
Target organ damage/dysfunction
Thoracotomy, decreasing need for, 707
in hypertensive emergencies, 184-185
Thrombin, in hemostasis, 136, 137b, 137f, 138
in systemic autoimmune disease, 633
Thrombocythemia, essential, 133b, 134, 135
Thrombocytopenia, 140-145
dura, in lumbar disk surgery, 772
alcohol abuse and, 510-511
Mallory-Weiss, 305, 315
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and,
Technetium-99m pertechnetate scan, in gastro-
intestinal bleeding, 322
definition of, 140
Technetium-99m sulfur colloid–labeled RBC
drug-induced, 141t, 142, 143-144
scan, in gastrointestinal bleeding, 320, 322
postoperative bleeding related to, 152, 154
Tegaserod, for gastroesophageal reflux disease,
heparin-induced, 144-145, 653
in deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, 113
Temazepam, for psychiatric illness, 660
idiopathic immune, 142-143
Temperature, core. See Body temperature.
platelet count in, 140-141
Temperature regulation, perioperative
principal diagnostic mechanisms of, 141-142,
for ischemic heart disease prevention, 176
in elderly patient, 596
systemic lupus erythematosus and, 647, 648
Temporal artery, biopsy of, 753-754
Thrombocytosis, 132-135
complication risks with, 132-133, 133b
current safety categories, 480, 480t, 481t, 482
preoperative evaluation of, 134
fetal susceptibility to, 472
primary versus secondary, 133-134, 133b
Terbutaline, for pulmonary complications, 266
rebound, in alcoholic patient, 510-511
therapeutic considerations for, 134-135
for bacterial overgrowth, in small bowel re-
Thrombohemorrhagic events
section, 339
erythrocytosis associated with, 127, 130
for H. pylori infection, 279t, 282
thrombocytosis associated with, 132, 133,
Tetralogy of Fallot, perioperative complications
133b, 134
with, 239t
Thrombolytic therapy
Thalassemia, anemia related to, 121, 124
for cocaine-related chest pain, 519b
Thallium imaging. See Dipyridamole thallium
for perioperative myocardial infarction, 179,
for pulmonary complications, 266-267
deep vein. See Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
perioperative management of, 696
long-term anticoagulation therapy and, 689
Thermal coagulation, endoscopic, for gastroin-
lupus anticoagulant and, 148
testinal bleeding, 320
mesenteric ischemia caused by, 329, 331
Thiamine, for alcohol withdrawal, 499, 505
of vascular access, with intraoperative hypo-
Thiazolidinediones, for diabetes management,
tension, 621
415-416, 417t
pregnancy risks for, 467, 477-479, 477f
perioperative strategies for, 424, 425t, 427
risk(s) of
Thienopyridines, perioperative management of,
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome as,
678t-679t, 694
113-114, 651-653
Thionamides, for hyperthyroidism, 439, 440
atrial fibrillation as, 209-210, 214
Thioridazine (Mellaril), for psychiatric illness,
in urologic surgery, 735, 736
666, 666t
preoperative assessment of, 23, 25
Third-degree AV block, perioperative manage-
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and,
ment of, 220-221, 222b
Third-party payers. See Medical insurance.
valvular heart disease causing

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836 Index
Thromboses/thromboembolism (Continued) tPA. See Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA).
mitral stenosis, 187, 188, 189-190 TPN. See Total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
prosthetic valves and, 200-201, 691-692 Trabeculectomy, 752
venous, inflammatory bowel disease associ- Trabeculoplasty, laser, 753
ated with, 289 Tracheal intubation, for anesthesia, obesity
Thymoma, myasthenia gravis associated with, impact on, 61t, 63-64, 66, 68t
536 Tracheostomy, 748
Thyroid disorders Tranquilizers, malignant hyperthermia induced
euthyroid sick syndrome as, 440-441 by, 548t
hyperthyroidism as, 437-440 Transfusions. See Blood transfusions; specific
hypothyroidism as, 434-437 type, e.g., Red blood cell transfusions.
myasthenia gravis associated with, 536 Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
preoperative assessment for, 30t cardioembolic versus noncardioembolic, 560,
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy, 435-437 563
Thyroid storm, perioperative management of, stroke risk with, 561, 562, 562t
438, 440 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (TIPS), for chronic liver disease, 363, 385,
in euthyroid sick syndrome, 440-441 388
in hyperthyroidism management, 437-440 Transplantation surgery. See also specific organ,
in hypothyroidism management, 434, 435 e.g., Liver transplantation.
medications suppressing, 440 antirejection agents for, 680t-681t, 699
pituitary disease, 443-444 risk assessment before, 169-170
Thyrotoxicosis, perioperative management of, Transsphenoidal surgery, 773-774
439 Transurethral prostate resection (TURP),
Thyroxine (T4), free 729-731
in euthyroid sick syndrome, 440-441 Transurethral resection syndrome, 729, 730
in hyperthyroidism management, 437-440 Tranylcypromine (Parnate), for psychiatric
in hypothyroidism management, 435 illness, 665
pituitary disease, 443-444 Trauma
TIA. See Transient ischemic attack (TIA). abdominal, penetrating
Tidal volume antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 41t, 45-46
anesthesia impact on, 251 in pregnant patient, 490
pregnancy effect on, 469 acute pancreatitis related to, 291, 292b
TIPS (transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic deep vein thrombosis risk with, postopera-
shunt), for chronic liver disease, 363, 385, tive classification of, 94t, 95
388 during pregnancy, 489-490
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) head, prophylactic anticonvulsants for, 558
for acute ischemic stroke, 560-561 peripheral nerve, perioperative, 572-578
in hemostasis, 137f spinal cord
Tobacco use. See Smoking entries. bradyarrhythmias following, 225-226
Tobramycin deep vein thrombosis risk with, 94t, 95
for endometritis, 723 vessel wall
prophylactic deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92
for surgical site infections, 42t in hemostasis, 136-137, 137f
in urologic surgery, 733 Trazodone (Desyrel), for psychiatric illness, 661t
Tonsillectomy, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, Treadmill testing. See Stress test.
42t, 48, 202 Tremors, in metabolic encephalopathy, 567
Torsades de pointes, 222 asterixis with, 567-568
Total hip replacement. See Hip replacement, Trephination, of frontal sinus, 746-747
total. Triazolam, for psychiatric illness, 660
Total knee replacement. See Knee replacement, Tricyclic antidepressants
total. for psychiatric illness, 657, 658t, 660, 661t,
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) 662-663
chronic kidney disease and, 624 perioperative management of, 680t-681t, 701
for gastrointestinal fistula, 342-343 Trifluoperazine (Stelazine), for psychiatric
for liver disease, 388 illness, 666t
for short bowel syndrome, 337-338, 339 Trigeminal nerve, injuries to, 574
insulin therapy for, 416-417, 420, 427-428 Trihexyphenidyl (Artane), for parkinsonism, 553t
postoperative jaundice related to, 323t, 324, Triiodothyronine (T3)
325 for hypothyroidism, 436
Toxic megacolon in euthyroid sick syndrome, 440-441
in inflammatory bowel disease, 289, 290 in hyperthyroidism management, 437-440
pseudomembranous colitis and, 307, 308 in pituitary disease, 443-444

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Index 837
Trimipramine (Surmontil), for psychiatric Upper extremity surgery, antimicrobial prophy-
illness, 661t laxis for, 48
Triple therapy, for H. pylori infection, 278t, 282 Upper gastrointestinal series, for bariatric
Triple-H therapy, for subarachnoid hemor- surgery, 404
rhage, 564-566 Urea breath test, for H. pylori infection, 281
Troponin, in myositis, 645, 646-647 Uremia
Trousseau’s sign, 449 anemia related to, 121
TSH. See Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). qualitative platelet dysfunction and, 146
Tube feedings. See Enteral tube feedings. Ureterosigmoidostomy, cystectomy and, 732-733
Tumor(s) Ureters, injury to, in gynecologic surgeries,
brain, seizure risk with, 559 719, 721, 722, 726-727
glomus jugulare, excision of, 744 Urethral sphincter, deficiency of, surgical
hepatic, resection of, operative risk associ- correction of, 726-727
ated with, 364t, 376-378 Urethrocutaneous fistula, in open prostatec-
neuroendocrine, 441-442 tomy, 732
pituitary gland, 443 Urinalysis
Tumor necrosis factor-␣ antibody, for Crohn’s in acute renal failure, 627-628
disease, 289 preoperative assessment of, 28-29
Turcotte scoring system. See Child-Turcotte- Urinary bladder
Pugh scoring system. atonic, in hysterectomy, 722
TURP (transurethral prostate resection), outlet obstruction of, acute renal failure re-
729-731 lated to, 626
Tympanoplasty, 744-745 Urinary catheterization, in pregnant patient,
Tympanotomy, exploratory, 742-743 472
Tympanotomy tubes, placement of, antimicro- Urinary conduit, in pelvic exenteration,
bial prophylaxis for, 42t, 48 725-726
Type 1 diabetes mellitus, glycemic control strat- Urinary diversion, cystectomy and, 732-733
egies for, postoperative, 422-423, 426t, Urinary fistulas, in hysterectomy, 722
427 Urinary incontinence, female, surgical correction
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, glycemic control strat- of, 726-727
egies for, postoperative, 423-424, 425t, Urinary retention, postoperative, in ophthalmo-
426t, 427 logic patient, 460
Urinary tract
calculi in. See Kidney stones.
U obstruction of, acute renal failure related to,
Ulcer(s) 626-627
decubitus, in diabetic patients, 413 pregnancy effect on, 472
duodenal, 279-280 Urinary tract infection
esophageal, bleeding caused by, 316 in pregnant patient, 472
gastric, 279-280 postoperative, in orthopedic surgery, 760,
bariatric surgery causing, 408, 409 765
malignancies versus, 281 Urine culture, positive preoperative, antimicro-
postoperative, 312-314, 319 bials for, 41t, 46
peptic, 279-284. See also Peptic ulcer dis- Urologic surgery
ease. antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 39, 41t, 43t, 46
stress, gastrointestinal bleeding caused by, endocarditis risk and, 201, 203
312-314, 319 deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for, 102,
Ulcerative colitis 103t
clinical aspects of, 285, 286, 289 specific procedures in, 729-740
complications of, 286-291 Ursodeoxycholic acid, for bile reflux gastritis,
drug therapy for, 286-288 334
intraoperative considerations of, 289-290 Ursodiol, for cholelithiasis prevention, in
perioperative management of, 286 bariatric surgery, 408
Ulnar nerve, injuries to, 575-576 Uterus, dilatation and curettage of, 722
abdominal, in acalculous cholecystitis, 327
in hepatocellular carcinoma screening, 376 V
in liver disease, 354, 356, 357t, 367-368 Vaccine(s), pneumococcal, 491
in postcholecystectomy syndrome, 344 Vagal maneuvers, for paroxysmal supraventric-
in pulmonary embolism, during pregnancy, ular tachycardia, 216-217
479 Vagal tone, heart block related to, 220
Upper airway obstruction, obesity-related, Vaginal delivery, endocarditis prophylaxis for,
anesthesia and, 61t, 63 203

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838 Index
Vaginal hysterectomy, 719-720 Vascular surgery. See also Revascularization
Vaginectomy, in pelvic exenteration, 725-726 procedures.
Vaginosis, bacterial, hysterectomy and, 719, acute renal failure risk with, 625
720 cardiac risk with
Vagotomy perioperative management of, 174, 175b,
for peptic ulcer disease, 332, 333 176-177
diarrhea related to, 332t, 335-336 preoperative assessment of, 163, 165f, 167
truncal, 310 stratification of, 163-164, 163b
gastroparesis related to, 301 in elderly patient, 598-599
highly selective, 332 peripheral, antimicrobial prophylaxis for,
laparoscopic, 716-717 43t, 48
Valproate sodium, for epilepsy, 554, 556t, renal, 735-736
557 Vasculitis, mesenteric ischemia caused by, 329
Valproic acid (Depakene) Vasoconstriction
for alcohol withdrawal, 504 cerebrovascular, ECT causing, 669
for epilepsy, 556t, 557 endoscopic, for gastrointestinal bleeding, 320
Valsalva maneuver, for paroxysmal supraven- intraoperative, hypertension related to, 182
tricular tachycardia, 217 mesenteric ischemia and, 330
Valvular heart disease pheochromocytoma causing, 442
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and, primary, in hemostasis, 136, 137b
652 scleroderma and, 650, 651
cocaine abuse and, 517 Vasodilation
endocarditis prophylaxis for, 199, 202b anesthesia causing, 171, 172
in elderly patient, 582, 589-590 deep vein thrombosis related to, 92
noncardiac surgery and, 160, 160t, 166 intraoperative, hypotension related to, 185
perioperative management of, 185-202 liver disease and, 360, 384-385, 389
preoperative cardiac testing and, 164, 166 Vasodilator therapy
prostheses for. See Prosthetic heart valves. for congestive heart failure, 236, 238
Valvuloplasty/valvotomy, percutaneous balloon for mesenteric ischemia, 331
for aortic stenosis, 198, 199-200 intra-arterial, for cerebral vasospasm, 566
for mitral stenosis, 188 Vasopressin, for diabetes insipidus, 771, 774
Vancomycin Vasospasm, cerebral, 563-564, 566
for pseudomembranous colitis, 307, 308 VATS (video-assisted thorascopic surgery), 707,
prophylactic 711
for endocarditis prevention, 203 Vecuronium
for surgical site infections, 40 liver disease and, 353
procedure-specific, 41t-43t pharmacodynamics of, in obese patient, 404
in laparoscopic surgery, 714 Venlafaxine (Effexor), for psychiatric illness,
in neurosurgery, 771, 773 664
in orthopedic surgery, 759, 761, 763, 767 Venography, for DVT diagnosis, in pregnant
in urologic surgery, 730-731 patient, 478
Varices Ventilation
alcohol abuse causing, 510 inadequate, tachycardia associated with,
gastroesophageal. See Esophageal varices; 207
Gastric varices. maximal voluntary, in COPD, 257
Vascular access mechanical. See Ventilatory support, post-
for gastrointestinal bleeding management, operative.
317-318 spontaneous, capacity parameters for, 268
grafts, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, 48 Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q)
intraoperative, for chronic kidney disease mismatch
patient, 620, 621-622 aging impact on, 583
scleroderma and, 650 postoperative, 252, 253f
Vascular disease obesity-related hypoxemia and, 61t, 65-66
chronic kidney disease and, 610, 612 Ventilation-perfusion scan, for pulmonary
coronary. See Coronary artery disease. embolism, in pregnant patient, 479
hepatitis associated with, 356, 357t Ventilatory support, postoperative
mesenteric, occlusive versus nonocclusive, diabetes mellitus and, 411-412
329 for muscular dystrophy, 544
peripheral for myasthenia gravis, 541-542, 541t
chronic kidney disease and, 610 for pulmonary complication prevention, 268
surgery considerations of, 6-7, 42t, 48, myositis and, 646
610 Ventricular fibrillation, postoperative, 158

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Index 839
Ventricular premature contractions Vitamin K (Continued)
long QT syndrome related to, 223, 224 prothrombin time prolongation and, 147,
perioperative management of, 205-206, 147b
218-219 Vitamin K–dependent zymogens, in deep vein
preoperative evaluation of, 210-211 thrombosis, 111
tricyclic antidepressants causing, 662 Vitrectomy, pars plana, 754-755
Ventricular tachycardia Volume status
perioperative management of, 205, 208 alcohol abuse impact on, 507
nonsustained, 218-219 cirrhosis impact on, 350-351
sustained, 219 ascites and, 381
preoperative evaluation of, 210-211 correction of, 383-384
torsades de pointes, 222 in cardiac patients, 234, 237, 242
Verapamil, in noncardiac surgery, 243 in neurosurgery, postoperative, 770, 771
Vessel wall injuries in pregnant patients, 466, 482
deep vein thrombosis related to, 91, 92 inflammatory bowel disease and, 289-290
in hemostasis, 136-137, 137f intestinal resection and bypass impact on,
Veterans Administration study 332t, 336-338
preoperative laboratory tests in, 24-25, 29 intraoperative
surgical risk findings of, 261 diuretics and, 687
Video capsule endoscopy, for gastrointestinal hypotension related to, 185
bleeding, 322 obstructive jaundice and, 373
Video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS), of blood. See Blood volume.
707, 711 of plasma. See Plasma volume.
Viral hepatitis renal failure related to
acute acute, 626, 627
causes of, 356, 357t chronic, 606, 607, 610
operative risk associated with, 354b intraoperative management of, 620, 621
chronic, causes of, 358, 358t postoperative management of, 624
transfusion-associated, 323t, 324, 325 preoperative management of, 612-614
Viral infections, in esophagitis, bleeding caused subarachnoid hemorrhage management and,
by, 315-316 564-566
Viscus, ruptured, antimicrobial prophylaxis for, tachycardia associated with, 207
41t, 44 valvular heart disease and
Visual loss, postoperative, 77 aortic disorders, 196, 199
Vital capacity mitral disorders, 189, 191-193
aging impact on, 583 Vomiting
anesthesia impact on, 251 alcohol withdrawal causing, 498, 500f
laparoscopic surgery and, 259 postoperative
muscular dystrophy and, 544 bloody, 318
postoperative care for increasing, 269 complications of, 304-305
pregnancy effect on, 469 factors contributing to, 302-304, 303b
Vitamin(s) in ophthalmologic patient, 459
deficiencies of in pregnant patients, 481t, 482
alcohol abuse and, 507-508 perioperative management of, 304
bariatric surgery causing, 407, 408 pulmonary disease and, 268, 270
supplements of, for liver disease, 389 von Willebrand disease, 146-147, 147b, 148
Vitamin A, deficiency of, bariatric surgery von Willebrand factor/protein, in hemostasis,
causing, 407 136, 137b
Vitamin B6, for nausea, in pregnant patients, 482 abnormalities of, 146-147, 147b, 151, 153
Vitamin B12, deficiency of preoperative evaluation of, 138, 139
anemia related to, 121, 123 V/Q. See Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q).
in small bowel resection, 338, 339
Vitamin D
deficiency of, bariatric surgery causing, 407 W
for hypocalcemia, 450 Warfarin
Vitamin E, deficiency of, bariatric surgery for cerebral ischemic events, 560
causing, 407 for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, 145
Vitamin K perioperative indication(s) for
deficiency of, bariatric surgery causing, 407 atrial fibrillation as, 209, 210
for alcoholic patients, 507-508 cardiovascular disease as, 189-190
for coagulopathy, in liver disease, 152, 380, in ophthalmologic patient, 456
389 prosthetic heart valve as, 200-201, 652

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840 Index
Warfarin (Continued) Withdrawal symptoms (Continued)
perioperative management of, 678t-679t, postoperative confusion related to, in elderly
689-691 patient, 594, 596
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and, seizures as, 557
651-652 Withdrawal syndrome(s)
prothrombin time prolongation and, 147, alcohol, prophylaxis for, 499, 502-504, 502t
147b antipsychotics and, 703
Warfarin prophylaxis, for deep vein thrombo- clonidine, 183, 243-244
sis, 97, 98b perioperative management of, 684-685
bridge approach to, 108-109, 109b nitrate, 686
extended, 106-108, 108t SSRIs, 700-701
procedure-specific, 99-107 sudden cessation of drugs/substances associ-
Weight. See Body weight. ated with, 675-677, 676t, 680-703
Weight loss Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 216
nonsurgical programs for, 394-395 Work of breathing, anesthesia impact on, 252
surgical procedures for. See Gastric bypass Wound drainage, in orthopedic surgery, 759,
surgery. 762, 764
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, 504-505 Wound healing/complications
Whipple procedure, complications of, 301, 311 cirrhotic ascites associated with, 382-383
White blood cell transfusions, for leukopenia, in smokers, 530
132 local, with knee replacement, 762
White blood cells, pregnancy effect on, 467, smoking impact on, 255
468t Wound infections. See Surgical site infections
Wide-complex tachycardia, of unknown type, (SSIs).
Wilson’s disease, liver disease associated with,
357t, 358t, 370 Z
Withdrawal symptoms Zidovudine, 698
in alcohol abuse, 498-499, 500f-502f Ziprasidone (Geodon)
in benzodiazepine dependency, 528-529 for psychiatric illness, 666t, 667
in cocaine dependency, 513 perioperative management of, 703
in opioid dependency, 523 Zoledronate, for hypercalcemia, 446, 448t
in smoking cessation, 530 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 333

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